#Please someone draw him in this it'd be amazing
endless-shelter · 1 month
Breaking my tumblr hiatus temporarily because I think it's important to say (/lh) as great as Elias in the orange prison jumpsuit is, such a thing is not international, and actually British prisoners are generally in a blue T shirt, grey sweater and sweatpants.
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Now this isn't all that bad right, (and after two weeks with good behaviour they can start to get their regular clothes back) but you see, Elias if I recall (?) would be deemed as a dangerous criminal and is in somewhere around maximum security (possibly with an escape risk), and do you know what those guys HAVE to wear?
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Although that mfer gets special treatment in the prisons he'd still be someone people need to be cautious and aware of, and idk it'd be funny to see him forced to wear it so this is my propaganda to you. Put Elias Bouchard in the UK dangerous criminal boilersuit.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
hello! your writing is really amazing!! can i please request robby keene with a sweet hyperfem gf that’s a cheerleader or a ballet dancer? maybe how his friends + dad would react to him being with someone pretty opposite him that doesn’t even do karate. thank you sm and once again your writing is awesome 💕
I love this, it's so cute! Thank you so much 🥰
Robby Keene x Cheerleader!Reader
This is a little hijinks and silly fun, so I hope that's okay.
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"What do you mean you can't come to training on Saturday? It's mandatory."
Robby stares at his father incredulously. Not for the fact that he's already told him this fact a handful of times, but for the reason that he's pulling shit out of his ass. He's ultimately unimpressed.
"It wasn't mandatory until you just said that," Robby tells him, rolling his eyes. He takes his drink from the fridge, where he'd been stopped, and walks by his oblivious father. "And I've told you this a hundred times now. This isn't new."
"Where do you have to be on Saturday that you can't come to training, huh?" Johnny asks, following after him.
They walk the short distance to the table, where Robby is trying to study for his GED. His father makes that infuriating difficult, however, he'd rather be struggling through that than answer his question. Though it's been long enough that he's been hiding this secret from his father and friends. It's bound to come out eventually, so why not now?
"My girlfriend has a thing," he tells him, intentionally leaving out what the 'thing' is. "I told her I'd go."
"Wait. Since when do you have a girlfriend?"
"Why does it matter?"
"Because my son has a girlfriend." Johnny smiles proudly as if this is some big accomplishment. "Is she hot?"
"I'm not feeding into this," Robby tells him, finding that question weird coming from his dad. He's not surprised by it, but that doesn't make it any less weird. "And that's not the point."
"Right, right," Johnny says, sitting back. He pops open a beer despite it only being four o'clock. "Well, just tell her you can't go. If you tell her something else came up, you won't have to go and she won't get upset at you."
"No," Robby sighs, shaking his head. "I told her I'd go and I want to go."
"Well, what is it?"
"What, like a pagent or something?"
"What? No. Just leave it alone."
Robby gathers up his things and takes them to his room, deciding it'd be best to leave the conversation there. Besides, he'd like to study in peace.
"Where's Robby?"
Johnny gives Daniel a look, his lips pressed thin. "He's not coming. He's going to something his girlfriend is competing in."
"Whoa, wait a minute," Hawk says, inserting himself into the conversation shamelessly. His voice as well as his next question draws in everyone else's attention. "Since when does Robby have a girlfriend?"
"Wait, you guys didn't know about this?" Johnny asks, eyeing Hawk and Miguel as they look back at him curiously. They shake their heads and his frown deepens. "Well, shit."
"So Robby is missing training for his girlfriend?" Demetri asks for clarification, though no one there doubts that he'd do the same if asked.
"Yeah, pretty much."
"And it's because of some sort of competition?" Miguel further inquires.
"That's what he said."
"Aw!" Sam let out with a smile. "That's so romantic. He wants to support her."
"Well, now I'm curious about this mystery girlfriend," Hawk grunts, smirking as he looks at his friends. "I wonder what kind of competition she's in and how much fun he's having there."
"Hold on a second," Daniel says, stopping the teens before they can get too ahead of themselves. "Hawk, whatever you're thinking, it's a no. Whatever reason Robby has for not telling anyone about this girl must be a good one. There's no need to overstep boundaries."
"Fuck boundaries, man. I wanna know who this girl is if she's so special to hide from everyone," Johnny huffs. Daniel glares at him and he glares back, then turns to Hawk and Demetri, the resident cool nerd and huge nerd. "Is there a way for you guys to find out where he's at right now without him knowing?"
"Well, we could check his snapmap and see his location," Demetri says, pulling out his phone.
Hawk watches Johnny's face turn confused and he can't hide his smirk.
"What the hell is a snapmap? Is that some sort of soundboard app or something?"
Everyone looks at him, then each other before Daniel lets out an exasperated sigh. This was not how any of them planned their day, but he seemed to be the only one complaining.
When they arrive at Robby's location, according to Snapchat of all things, they find themselves at some kind of arena. Johnny leads the pack of nosy teenagers inside but quickly finds himself lost as her tries to navigate the event signs that are posted around the place. Hawk takes the lead, deciding the best course of action is to follow the noise.
Daniel follows begrudging behind his nosy daughter, promising himself to keep them all out of trouble. He sounds like a parrot, repeating himself about how this is a bad idea and how Robby will never trust any of them again if they continue on. "Curiosity killed the cat, ya know."
It isn't long before a woman stops them. She wears a sticker on her shirt that says "Volunteer," but the stern look about her screams wannabe event planner or security, or some horrid mashup of both. "Excuse me, only family and school associates are allowed here."
Ever fast on his feet, Hawk said, "No worries. We're with one of the schools."
"And what school is that?"
Sam spies a board with a list of schools on it, happy to see a convenient option on the list. "West Valley."
The woman's attitude quickly changes. "Oh, are you with the yearbook? Your teacher said you'd be coming, but we never heard anything back from him."
"Yep, that's us," Hawk says, pulling on a photo-ready smile.
"Well, let me get you checked in," the woman says, walking them over to a table.
To keep up their little act, Hawk and Sam babble on about having "finally found the right place" and "getting their stuff out of the car soon." Everyone else stays quiet for the most.
The woman grabs a sheet of stickers and writes on them with a black marker, then passes them out to everyone. When she gets to Johnny and Daniel, she says, "You must be chaperones."
Daniel opens his mouth to say something, but Johnny cuts him off with a quick, "Sure we are." It gets them each a "parent" sticker slapped onto their shirts and they're permitted to keep going.
As they walk, Demetri scoffs. "I can't believe that worked."
They find the entrance to the arena and walk inside, hearing some sort of chant echoing off the walls. As they come out from between the seats, they finally see exactly what kind of competition Robby promised to attend.
A group of cheerleaders took center stage as they went through a routine on the mats. They wear bright smiles as they lift their pompoms into the airs and their pleated skirts swished around their legs. Off to the side, other teams sit as they watch with smiles of their own or talk among themselves, waiting for their turn to go up and show the crowd their moves. Upbeat music plays as the performing group does their thing, keeping the crowd in good spirits.
"Oh my god," Tory laughs. She grins wide, never imagining in her wildest of dreams that Robby Keene would ever date a cheerleader.
Miguel nods along slowly, still a little taken aback by the scene. "This wasn't what I was expecting."
Johnny smiles proudly. "Hell yeah. My son's dating a cheerleader."
"Your son's pissed off," a voice says from behind the group.
They all turn to find Robby standing with a small bucket of popcorn in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. True to his words, he wears a less-than-impressed look on his face. If looks could kill, they'd all be dead where they stand.
Johnny steps forward. "Look, Robby, you can't really be mad at us-"
"The hell I can," Robby cuts him on.
"I told you so," Daniel chimes in.
Sam slaps his arm. "Don't even go there. You came here with us."
"Enough," Robby cut in, gritting his teeth. "I can't believe you guys crashed my girlfriend's competition all because I didn't want to tell you-" he points at Johnny, "about her yet. And shit like this is the reason why, on top of the fact that you make everything that is in the slightest bit feminine into some kind of win to men."
"I don't do that," Johnny says nonchalantly.
"Yes, you do," Robby, and everyone else, responds.
He gives them all a look, but then turns back to Robby. He opens his mouth to speak, but Demetri cuts him off.
"The second you found out it's a cheerleading competition, you counted it as a personal win," he says.
"Shut up," Johnny huffs.
Suddenly, the music stops and the announcer comes on over the loudspeaker. "What a great performance! Give them a round of applause. We'll take a ten-minute break, so refresh your drinks and get ready for the great team from North Hills!"
People start to get up and move around, causing things to get a little chaotic and crowded. Robby takes the opportunity, with a major eye roll, to slip away. He walks back to his seat or rather stomps back once he steps onto the bleachers.
His eyes scan the arena but it doesn't take long for him to find the group of cheerleaders he's looking for. Not too far away, North Hills stands, going through some last-minute stretches before their performance. Among them, his girlfriend is drinking from her water bottle. Her hair is done perfectly, there isn't a single crease in her uniform, and she looks absolutely beautiful. Her uniform shows off all of her curves whilst keeping things modest, giving Robby an eyeful of her shapely legs.
As she caps her water off, their eyes meet and she smiles really big. She throws up her hand in a cute wave and he smiles back, momentarily forgetting his anger. He waves back and she blows him a kiss. Only for her, he pretends to catch it and press it to his lips, which makes her giggle.
On the lower levels of the bleachers, farther away from Robby but not too far that they can't see him, his father, friends, and Sensei watch. They're still equal parts curious as much as they are feeling guilty - at least most. Unapologetically, Hawk smirks as he watches the little interaction between the no-longer-secret-lovers.
"That's Robby's girlfriend?" Demetri asks, pointing out Reader among the group of North Hills cheerleaders.
Tory smirks. "She's cute."
Hawk chides, "More than cute."
"I just can't believe Robby would hide the fact that he has a girlfriend," Johnny huffs. He shakes his head, still in a state of semi-disbelief as he watches the group, studying the girl who looks to be his son's complete opposite. "A cheerleader at that."
"Gee, Johnny, I wonder why he'd do such a thing," Daniel deadpans.
Johnny goes to respond hotly, but the announcer comes on to bring everyone's attention back onto the competition. Soon, the North Hills team is coming onto the mats and getting into formation. They take their deep breaths, smiling big and pretty for everyone. Then the music started and they began their routine.
After all of the teams performed and the winner was announced, the room became chaos, but Robby could care less about the people around him. He makes his way down the bleachers to reach Reader, who is celebrating with her team by jumping with joy and talking over each other. They hold a big, shiny trophy as they squeal and congratulate themselves for working so hard to win.
She sees him as he's walking over and she lets out a giddy squeal of his name. She rushes to him and he catches her in a hug, holding her tight as she squeezes him.
"We won! We won!" she cheers happily.
He smiles and kisses her cheek. "I knew you would."
She pulls back, smiling at him. Her eyes shine as she looks at him. "Really?"
"Of course," he tells her. He has always believed in her. This is what she's passionate about, so how could she not win? "I got these for you."
He holds out the flowers for her and she takes them with so much care and admiration. "Aww, thank you! I love them!"
She throws her arms around him again, this time around his neck, and kisses him. He happily kisses back, holding her waist. He pulls her close, against him so that they can deepen the kiss and really share the moment. It's her day and nothing beats a hot kiss from your boyfriend after all the hard work paying off.
However, a whistle interrupts them followed by loud clapping. "Hell yeah!" someone yells and Robby pulls away annoyed.
He looks over to find his father and the others watching him. He glares at his dad, letting him know that he is not at all amused or happy with his presence there. In fact, the anger bubbles back up and his jaw clenches as he stares down his friends.
"I still can't believe you're here," he grumbles, cutting each of them a look.
Demetri and Miguel at least look a little guilty and remorseful, whilst Daniel practically chastises Johnny for encouraging all of this behavior and invasion of privacy. Tory looks amused as all Hell while Hawk takes the moment to shamelessly check out some of Reader's friends.
Sam smiles kindly. "Well, all of our meddling aside, I think it's sweet you skipped practice to be here."
Robby wants to roll his eyes, but Reader grabs onto his jacket and catches his attention. He looks at her and almost melts.
"You missed your practice for me?" she asked cutely.
He hums and gives a little shrug like it isn't a big deal. "I told you I'd be here."
"Aww," she lets out, smiling wide. She plants a big kiss on his cheek, leaving a little lipstick mark there.
He blushes as his friends watch, but he can't bring himself to care too much with her in his arms. She makes it impossible to be a grump when she's around, easily the best part of his days.
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joannasteez · 9 months
fall, for me
pairing: roman reigns x black reader
warnings: its smut written at two am, i was listening to pink floyd and was feeling a yearning vibe, sometimes you just want someone to be obsessed with you and vice versa yknow?
word count: 1k
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could it be that you were falling, this fast slipping separation, where the earth moves, your feet staggering, the ground cleaving till the drop takes you. and the air here pulls from the lungs, draws up quick and terrible. the heat of your skin building till the fire from the friction of the air leaves you to burn. no, falling is easier than this, falling is simple, falling is old theory come to life. gravity and mass and so on and so forth. but this thing, this sweet aching in your chest, that which you cannot see, but feel all the same, is something else entirely, and to say that you were falling for him... 
that you were crashing with abandon for him...
breathless and hot and desperate...
his tongue tasted like everything, well like you and nothing much else really, but the feel of him, the slip of it through your lips, wet and lingering, controlling. it was everything. like when the sun breaks from off the horizon, a slow, sure, rise, burning into that rolling in of the dawn a warming sort of majesty. and your fingers, slipping through his hair till they took to the roots, pain turned pleasure pulsing in his skin as you pulled and formed to him. roughing into him things already understood, that did not have to be explained with great words and phrasings. he could simply feel the scorching in your skin, and know that you were his. that the clinging to him was not in vain. 
but you'll say it anyways. speak softly in your delirium. as his hips make no rush to slip into yours, but steady and exacting all the same. cock hard and heavy as it takes to the softness of you. your mouth parting from his, hesitantly so, growing small beneath him, beneath the weight of the ache in your chest.  
"would it be too much to-", your lips chasing the curve of his, each breath wanting and scared and needy. "to much to say that i-..."
but then the air about your words breaks, flattening to nothing as his hips dig in, taking purchase deeper. and you pull to take him, wet and hot and ill-controlled, moaning desperate and mindless. 
"say what?" 
and your nails nearly split into his back, hissing in time with your own pleasures and your pains, thighs burning as they spread wide, the muscles pulling, tired but working still to please the build of him. and you try, even in your failures to speak, to muster feelings into words, for an expression, even if broken, to say the burdening things he already knows. but everything falters, shatters to bits as you tremble beneath him, whimpering pretty nonsense. pleasepleaseplease, before the inevitable gratitude, thankyouthankyouthankyou, light like a feather, so good and so reverential and so needy. so weak and willing. 
"say it", he urges. feens to feel the slight of the words beneath his skin. like a cutting into the veins. a rushing in his blood. as you pulse and shake and curse. 
"'m a little...", a gasp and then a beat. gathering slowly the words despite the rocking in his hips. the way his hard body grinds and slips at your soft tender skin, at the swollen throb of your clit. and he can taste you still on his tongue, feel the slow sweet drip of arousal, patient in the way it'd met him, as if he'd been graced with something both beautiful and rare, only meant for the one worthy enough to receive it. and he'd taken it well, pushed his tongue in wet till he couldn't anymore, his face buried as he sought hard to please you. lips suckling till they released, teeth hissing, appetite greedy. sofuckingpretty, he'd moaned, rushed, lavishing your slit, his thumb caressing the wet pearl of your clit again, dazed in his own amazements. and the memory forced him to take you harder, to maybe abandon his methods, his steadiness, his temperament. maybe he'd just break you, knock you loose to form you back together again. maybe he'd- "...'m a little obsessed with you", you laugh amidst a moan. amidst the wet stroke he takes to your pussy. "...i think". 
"you think?", like mocking. his lips curving amused. it seemed to be a challenge, a call to action. but he would settle it ruthlessly, so that there was neither doubt nor hesitation. he would make up your mind, if you, amidst the delirium, could not yourself. "just a little bit?"
"...Mhmm...", feeling the twist and the burden of the ache. the slow to subside burning that only leads to some unrestrained bliss. "...fuck...maybe-maybe a lot", your body shivering as he shifts, thick fingers pushing into the bend of your knees to fold you in half, his own knees screwing into the bed as your lower lips spread further, splitting wet and messy to stretch perfect for him. and here, vulnerable to him like this, he takes you to the hilt with less consideration. 
"it ain't no maybes for me sweetheart", his hips rutting as he goes about fucking you with the deftness of a brute. his tongue pulling to lick over his lips quick as his eyes bare down on the beauty of you, fingers combing against the fall of his hair, his chest rising and falling with every breath, damp and red with heat, with lust and the purity of other things. and he grunts, rushes to chase the soft pull of you, pussy a soaked mess as it disgraces the sheets, tight and greedy as it works to keep him close. throbbing crazily to feel the fullness of him till it seemed impossible. 
and of course sooner or later, you'd have him at his knees, again, whether literal or metaphorical it did not matter, but if need be, he'd be the proof, of old theory's come to life. of mass and of gravity. he'd allow again, over and over like he does now, that fast slipping separation, where the earth moves from beneath his feet. he'd fall for you. 
"i can't live without you". 
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grabowskibeepboop · 1 year
Can someone please make a punkflower fanart that is one of those "he looked easy to draw" memes? Like everything is easy to draw for Miles but it'd be funny to see him look at Hobie, get inspiration, scribble for half a minute and come out with an amazing sketch that Hobie fangirls over
Gwen and Pav attempting to do the same but failing miserably, with one of their drawings not even being recognisable as Hobie
Him giving them a thumbs-up for effort
Peter B, looking at Gwen and Pav's drawings because Hobie kept Miles': is that supposed to be Spiderpunk and Spidercat?
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kairiscorner · 1 year
guys i had this thought now it's driving me crazy
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
imagine watching howl's moving castle with noir.
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"a moving castle?" he'd ask himself with a head tilt as he'd adjust his glasses to see the title better. you nodded. "i promise you, it's an amazing film, peter." you'd beam. he'd shrug, and smile. "well, if you say so, love." he'd say as he sits back on the couch as you put the movie on. at first, peter believed this was another, probably childish and whimsical, children's movie that you somehow found nostalgic. he doubted that it was as amazing as you claimed it'd be, but he stood corrected. he was already in awe at the different kinds of colors there were on the screen--all kinds of blues, greens, reds, oranges, and yellows--they all blended beautifully and perfectly, in ways he had never thought would fit together.
he loved the witty dialogue from the characters, his most favorite character being calcifer. "poor little flame," he'd whisper as you two watched the scene where sophie was pressing the pan down on him to cook breakfast. he disliked howl at first, he seemed like quite the womanizer. "oh, if i were sophie's father, i'd never let her leave without me." he'd say as he'd lean forward in his trance as he watched. you giggled as you leaned against him on the couch, his arm wrapped around you as you rested your head against his shoulder. "and why not?" you asked with a smile. peter glanced at you and chuckled. "well... i'd never want my own daughter's heart to be eaten." he said as he adjusted his glasses again.
"you know he doesn't actually consume hearts, he just..." you trailed off as peter held you closer to him. "i know, i know; it's metaphorical. but no matter what..." he said as he placed his hand under your chin and slowly turned your head to look at him as the movie continued playing.
you looked so stunning all the time to peter, every little bit of you shone, literally and figuratively. but here, in the dimly lit living room you two shared--with you looking deep into his mesmerizing eyes--with the light of the film's ending playing out in the background as you two swam in the expanse of each other's eyes for a second or two, you looked breathtaking.
"now... it might just be a movie and all, but... i'd never let anyone eat your heart." he said with a slight chuckle as he took your hands in his, a blush coming on his face as the tips of his ears turned a bright red, along with the bright red and pink on his cheeks. "it sounds weird, i know, but i'd never live with myself if i knew someone else would be capable of stealing you away from me, much more a womanizer like that... howl pendragon. i know how you look at him." he teased as he nuzzled his nose into your cheek.
you chuckled. "he's a drawing, peter..." you responded. "yeah, but... i want to be the guy that makes you feel pretty even on a bad day, a guy who'd make you fall for him over and over and over again even if we've known each other from long ago. the guy who you'd... you know..." he said as he moved his face closer to yours. "...the kind you'd... wanna marry one day." he'd say as your eyelids fluttered, tickling his cheeks.
at that moment, you felt like you were sophie hatter; the humble love interest to the most perfect man in the world, peter parker, who was sort of like howl in the movie. he was witty, he was charming, he was emotional at times... and he loved the real, rawest version of you. even if you believed to yourself you were ugly, you were getting older, that nobody would look at you with such pure love that you didn't believe the world could ever give you--peter was always there to prove you wrong. he was there to prove you were perfect, stunning, and most of all: you were beautiful no matter how old you got, how bad your day was, or how tired you were. you were always, always beautiful to him, that much he knew, and that much would never change--ever.
"i love you, my dearest... you're so beautiful. you're too beautiful for my heart to handle, love..." he'd murmur as you planted a kiss on his soft lips that only wished to kiss and be kissed by your own. be it with lipstick or none, with tears coating them or dry and chapped, be it in the morning, noon, or night--your lips are the only ones he'll love kissing, over and over and over; even when an eternity would pass, he'd still remember and fall in love with the shape, the softness, and the loveliness of your lips--for they are the lips of the most beautiful person peter has ever met, and ever will meet.
"that's my girl." peter muttered as he pulled away, blushing fiercely after you kissed him. "you're red..." you pointed out as you pulled him in for another kiss, with him mumbling out some answer that was pretty much a compliment within a compliment for you. the movie had ended, but your night with peter had just begun.
a/n: gonna leave this here for y'all to be delulu about what you two do after <33
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @connors-cumslurper @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @fictarian
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
Hob owns a sex toy store and works there regularly.
Dream's old vibrator has died, and he goes to the store to get a new one. Sure, he could buy one online, but Desire forced him to go one time, thinking it'd embarrass him, and he saw the absolute sexiest guy he's ever seen before working there. He's not sure if he wants a new vibrator, or a wand, or something else. Maybe a sybian? Honestly, he just wanted an excuse to talk to the extremely hot guy working there, and he doesn't actually know much about the toys.
Hob is more than happy to educate the hot goth looking for a new toy on just how good his particular brands are. Maybe a demonstration is in order 😏
- 🐺
Hob would absolutely be an amazing sex toy store owner. He would simultaneously throw out creepy people AND be the nicest person ever to help you choose your first dildo. I love it!
And this isn't Dream’s first vibe by any means, but he is curious about the sheer variety the shop contains. He goes in on a slow day and it's just him browsing the shelves while Hob stands behind the counter, looking delicious and sexy.
Dream brings him three boxes. A vibrating egg toy designed for insertion, a handheld wand, and the sybian that he's had his eye on for a while. He asks which Hob recommend, and Hob hums in consideration.
"Well, it depends what you're looking for. For solo play, the wand is certainly the most accessible. It will get you off in no time. The egg is wonderful if you're looking to tease yourself and really draw out the evening. And the sybian, well, you'd assume that that one would be best enjoyed alone, right?" He leans in, and Dream is absolutely captivated. "But its much more fun if you've got someone to watch you."
Dream blushes. "What makes you assume I have no one to watch me at home?"
And Hob just smiles and leans on the counter. Dream can see the curve of his shapely arse pressing against his jeans.
"Because I can literally see you imagining what it would be like to put one of these toys inside me. And you don't strike me as the type to cheat. So..."
Dream blushes even harder. And clears his throat to speak.
"I will take all three of these, please. And your number. Then we can arrange for you to come over tonight and give me a proper demonstration."
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le-panda-chocovore · 5 months
What do you think are Gojo and Geto’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic?
Until now, have you found any couple (canon or non canon) from any media (books, tv series, movies, anime/manga, etc) that the dynamics remind you of Gojo/Geto?
Thanks if you want to answer....
(I forgot this ask in my drafts sorry)
Asking me to ramble about my hyperfixation when I'm too tired to write in correct English is cruelty actually /j
I think their strengths are mostly the same as their weaknesses. (It's only my take on them, everyone has a different opinion)
Geto's empathic, he understands people, he likes helping, giving advice, protecting, and caring ; he makes a point to ensure that everyone around him is fine and safe. He's strong so he can bear with painful tasks, he knows he can, so he doesn't complain about it. He has a great sense of morals and responsibilities. It's all amazing qualities, until it became too much. He was caring too much, worrying too much, enduring too much, and he drowned under the weight of everything he fought so hard for. His morals contradicted his will to help people and he had to make a choice. He loved people so much he couldn't bear to see his friends die, so he sacrificed the entire world to protect them. I think his greatest weakness is that he loved his close ones more than he loved himself, so he didn't even think about asking for help because he didn't believe people would care about him as much as he cared about them.
Geto, like everyone else, would say that Gojo is selfish, which is ironic because Geto is the one who kept everything to himself and didn't let people worry about him. He tried to fix himself alone, then decided he didn't need to be fixed.
Gojo's selfish, egocentric, forgetful, defiant, and is very much in love with his best friend. Those are weaknesses, to be clear. He's also kinda naive, because he believes things will be fine no matter what, but this is just another side of his arrogance. He hates authority figures but he needs to be told what to do because he is not able to regulate himself. He needs someone to draw a line for him, but he cannot express the importance that person has because he doesn't think it matters. Not that he doesn't believe they'd care but because he thinks they already know. (They don't- again, it's because of his arrogance). He doesn't realize nor understand how other people feel, but that doesn't stop him from reacting accordingly. Because he knows what it's like to suffer, to be lost, to be betrayed, to be lonely. He is not empathic, he doesn't feel what people are feeling, but he was so self-centered that he lost the person he loved the most, and now that he knows the pain he can project his own emotions on others. He's selfish and egocentric, so he saw people he could take care of and decided it'd be his responsibility to ensure they'd grow up happily. He doesn't care what the higher-ups think, he will do whatever pleases him. He also doesn't care what those people he takes care of are thinking, he forces himself into their lives because he truly believes he can make it better -and he does. (arrogance, the good side).
Gojo is arrogant and strong, he thinks he can change the world and deal with the consequences. He knows he can fight anything, so he doesn't actually worry about threats, even though it sometimes hurt his students. He proposes a status quo because he knows no one can fight him. He manages to keep Yuuta and Yuuji and Megumi safe by pure defiance.
Also it's canon that Gojo's mortal weakness is Geto himself.
What I love about them is perhaps the metaphors, the parallels, and the co-dependency. They're literally soulmates, they're a perfect match, they value each other so much it's overwhelming. They're also dumbasses and I love that kind of ship. They're handsome and pretty and gorgeous. They're smart and stupid at the same time. They're so in love that 9 years apart weren't enough to kill that. They're both little shit but one knows how to pretend to be nice. Literally EVERYTHING Gojo does as an adult is because of the influence Geto had in his life. They know each other so deeply that a simple glance is enough to recognize the other. Geto's body broke through Kenny's control because Gojo was in danger and it was the FIRST TIME it happened in CENTURIES. Hell, what is there NOT to love about them ??
Anyway. They make me think about Orpheus and Eurydice from the Greek mythology (He looked back. He knew she shouldn't, but he looked back because he loved him). I recently read a post that compared them to Achilles and Patroclus and I was like, oh, yeah, that could work. Also, they kinda have a vibe of Steve and Bucky from MARVEL. Like, childhood friends who liked messing around together until one got lost and followed a dark path while the other had to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders and was so praised and admired that he wasn't allowed to have a life by himself. Years and years later they met again and memories came back and the world fell apart. They're enemies know, opposite sides, there's only one way to stop the other. But. But they still love each other. (I'm going to make myself cry)
I could write so much more but I'm going to stop here because I have the feeling that I'm already annoying lmaooo
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iiotic · 4 months
Ink sans fluff headcanons
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ask: hi in my humble opinion YOU (someone who from an outside perspective seems pretty awesome) should write ink / GN reader fluff headcanons. i feel like you have a good grasp on his character from what i've seen! - anon
tags: Gn reader, really just wholesome Fluff?? Ink being a sweetheart, not proff read.
word count: 0.6k
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Okay let me start of with the fact that this guy cannot feel any emotions without his potions!! However I do not think that if he'd drink the pink bootle of paint he'd fall into the first person he sees. You would have to be chosen.
Ink would love a creative partner, who'd go with him on his lil' adventures!! You don't need to be as enthusiastic as he is just make sure to listen to his rambling.
This guy is completely new to this romance thing so you'll have to be patient with him. His love language is probably gift giving and quality time.
He'd ask a lot of question; what? Why? but as I said he's clueless. Of course, he had seen people dating in some of the aus but he never experienced it himself.
As I said if you're more of an artistic person, he'd support every move that you make. Constantly complementing your work. Would be extremely honoured if you'd draw him, paint him, make sculpture of him or give him a gift, like a braselet just for him!! Tears of joy, literally.
This silly would absolutely draw you so he'd sometimes ask if you'd pose for him. If you agree he's pleased, and if you don't? Well he'd draw you in secret. At one point you will find out, but who cares? However even if you'll agree posing for him he'd draw you in secret, just when you're doing normal things, being yourself.
Are you someone who dyes their hair? Amazing!! He'd ask you if he can help, he really wants to help. Don't expect for it to be perfect, though. He doesn't know much, nor anything.. Really. You'd have to teach him but I hope you don't mind? This skeleton would put a shit tone of rainbow in your hair so it that's not what you're into, you'd have to remind him that.
If you like to dye your hair yourself, he's perfectly fine with that too! He can help you with mixing the paint or give you some towels.
He has shit tone of sketchbooks dedicated just for you!!
Since he's really forgetful and has a short term memory he'd write important dates on his scarf. Like your anniversary or your birthday!! Forgive him if he'd forget, he's a bit scary in a silly way.
If you're away from eachothers for some times, he'd give you some little things that remind him of you. Nothing too big, though. Like something that you both only get, an inside joke between you or a really pretty flower.
If you're a cuddler then i must dissapoint you couse this guy can seat still for a long period of time!! The longest he will seat if he'd take a quick nap which is really really rare because I headcanon that he doesn't have to sleep??
The first kiss would be an incident or be really awkward. He's really really trying to be romantic, but can you blame him for ruining such an important moment? He's trying his best + it'd probably a great, funny and wholesome memory. That only you will remember
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(a/n) sorry if this is short!! I really need to get used to writing for ink. I KIN HIM A LOT TBH.
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
The sexual tension between Fox and PA is delicious~ 🥵 drag it on for as loooong as you want vod’ika 😘
Every time I get a reblog cursing the slow burn, ten years are added to my life, lol.
Also, the PA needs a nickname, so when people are talking about them, they're just Yuu. I think I'm clever
Fox looks up from a stack of reports when his office opens, and you walk in, a shiny hot on your heels. Literally, in this case, since he's pretty sure the shiny can smell your shampoo with as close as he's tailing you.
Fox hates him immediately.
"Commander, sir, Personal Assistant Yuu needs to speak with you." The Shiny announces.
You roll your eyes dramatically, and Fox smothers a grin.
"Yes, the Guard does report to them." He says lightly, "Thank you." You sit in your chair and cross your leg at the knee, drawing his attention to your legs.
They really are the most amazing legs-
Fox suddenly realizes that the shiny is still in his office, "What?"
"Policy says that none if the vod'e are allowed to be allow with...um...natborn politicians." The shiny replies.
Fox exhales slowly through his nose, "That rule applies to every who isn't me. Get out."
Yeah, Fox hates him.
"Get. Out."
The shiny scurries from his office like a spooked tooka, and Fox focuses his attention on you.
As soon as the door shuts, you're walked around his desk and sitting on the edge, an alluring smile on your lips.
"That wasn't nice," You tease, and there's a flash of pink as your tongue darts out to wet your lips.
He'd sell his damned soul to be able to taste your lips, to have your tongue sliding against his-
"I'm not a nice man." Fox replies as he leans back in his chair. He watches your gaze drop to his chest, and he's suddenly very pleased that he hasn't gotten around to putting the top parts of his armor back on.
You smile at him, all soft and delicate and pretty, and he can't stand it anymore-
He stands suddenly and sets his hands on either side of you, and your legs spread for him, and Fox is able to press fully against you.
You're as soft as he remembers from that night dancing in your apartment, and he's unable to stop himself from sliding a scarred, calloused hand down the column of your neck.
"I really like this top," Fox says, his voice low, and he's rewarded with a shiver. "It looks like if you were to tug on a piece it'd fall apart."
You tilt your head back to meet his gaze evenly, "maybe it will, you should give it a tug."
"Maybe I should." Fox agrees breathlessly, his hand sliding to the back of your neck as he leans in. His lips are hovering just over yours when there's a knock on the door.
And you both stop, but neither of you seem inclined to move away from the other.
"Commander?" The Shiny is back. Fox is going to assign him latrine duty for a year.
"Ignore him," your voice is soft, and your breath is warm, and Fox is so very tempted.
"Commander? I know you're busy, but there's someone here for you."
Slowly, Fox pulls away, but the look of sheer disappointment on your face has him rethinking his decision immediately.
A third knock on the door snaps him out of his thoughts, and he stalks across the room to throw open the door. "This had better be important. As in, the Senate's on fire, the end is nigh important."
The Shiny wordlessly points to the side, where Comander Wolffe is standing, "That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?"
Fox stares flatly at his twin, "Leave. I'm busy."
"To busy to spend time with your own twin?'
Fox glowers at him, and opens his mouth to say something only to pause when you duck under his arm, "Wait, you're leaving?"
You smile apologetically, "Sorry, I was only able to carve out a little time for this meeting. I have to get back to it."
Fox's heart sinks, "but-"
"I'll see you later, Commander." You reassure with a fond smile, "if not today, then definitely tomorrow." You favor him with one more soft look, and then you turn towards the elevator.
...he was so close to actually kissing them this time-
Fox exhales slowly, and presses his hands together in front of his mouth. "Wolffe."
"I'm going to beat you so bad that you're going to wish I was 17." Fox says, very calmly.
"...I didn't know I was interrupting a date." Wolffe mutters, "But I'd also like to see you try."
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py6oto · 1 year
more hlvrai x yume nikki au stuff!!!
this post is gonna have a lot more text than my usual posts. so sorry if you don't want that.
so people seemed to really like my idea (which is really unexpected !! i didn't expect it to gain any attention at all!!! but its also super awesome and im so glad they do!!) so ive been brainstorming a little bit.
heads up i know yume nikki is a very ambiguous game but im pretty new to it so if i happen to get any established information wrong please let me know !? ty !!
anyways. before we do the effects. please take some sprites.
(body horror ((multiple eyes, messed up limbs, gunshot sounds)) under the cut!!! pls stay safe !!! ) (also a huge lore dump. sorry!)
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id think this au takes place in a universe where the resonance cascade was real (aka not a game or simulation) and it'd be like, maybe a few months after it. gordon is traumatized as hell and it haunts his subconscious to the point he feels the need to isolate himself completely. he relives his trauma through eerily consistent dream worlds and then dies on a random tuesday. credits roll. audience cheers. wonderful story.
the vision for the sprites is that tommy functions as a "friendly" npc (like monoko and the other girl i forget the name of please forgive me) and benrey functions as poniko, uboa being "xenrey" or essentially messed up alien benrey (the weird...white...blood....world...room...uboa takes you to when you interact with it is simply replaced by xen. that's it. benreys house is a direct gateway to that time gordon fought god and won and isn't that amazing.)
i might remake the "uboa" sprite in the future because i don't really like it right now. im very new to pixel art and imitating YMNK's style is a little hard.
i like to think this imaginary game would have the teensiest tiny bit of dialogue, only when interacting with benrey. when you interact with his "regular" form, he says "you're not supposed to be here." and repeats it every time you interact, not saying anything else.
i know one of the biggest things that makes yume nikki stand out is its lack of dialogue, but listen, i think it would work well!!! seeing as this is the only time a character actually talks to gordon through understandable dialogue (unless i come up with something else!! haha) i think it would be confusing and throw players off because it breaks the pattern of being either ignored or silently acknowledged. someone talking directly to you after hours of isolation is confusing and unpredictable. which is what benrey is. confusing as hell!
im not sure what function tommy would offer, if any, i kinda want him to maybe give gordon an effect (soda effect could work?)
i dont think he'd bring any jumpscares or intentionally unsettling things to the table. seeing as he was the only one by gordon's side when the rest of the team proved itself to be a threat, i think it's logical he'd remember tommy in a warmer light than the others- which is reflected in how instead of unsettling or ignoring gordom, dream tommy simply smiles and gives him the ability to drink a soda any time. soda effect.
does this soda effect make you see faster like tommy said?
as much as i'd love to, no. probably not. because i have no idea what the hell seeing faster means.
maybe you can get a caffeine overdose. if you spam 1 enough times you will get very fast for as long as the soda effect is on. like the bycicle effect, but better, because you can taste it!
but no, it won't help you see faster. i don't know how to translate that sentence into understandable english.
now, coomer and bubby!!!! i apologize very deeply for i have not made sprites for them yet. i promise i will!!! it's just very late today and if i draw anything else i will actually just pass out.
im not very sure what i want for them yet. i think theyd be similar to tommy, but they'd have different functions. maybe they all give gordon different effects. or maybe they scare him! i dunno, i feel like there'd be a certain level of distrust from gordon to the old guys, like, of course he doesn't hate them but itd be hard to remember them super kindly and harmlessly when one of them ruthlessly tried to murder you with 300 clones of himself and the other tricked you into an ambush that cost you your arm, as much as you love them.
also!!! i completely forgot gordon lost an arm when i made his sprite. oops. it's okay its just a very realistic prosthetic
anyways. this post is getting too long so i think I'll save the boomer talk for when i actually post their sprites. its time for EFFECTS !!
i haven't been able to come up with many words yet. but i have some effects and a slight idea of how gordon would earn them.
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concept art is beautiful
from left to right (because my handwriting is absolutely hideous!)
SODA - earned by interacting with TOMMY. wherever tommy is??? i dunno! pressing 1 will make gordon drink the soda and earn a temporary speed boost.
CAR??? - part of me really wants to rename this one but it's so funny to me i want to keep it. it's just a car. he literally just whips out a car and starts driving. what a legend. this effect lets him get across water areas faster (even faster than the soda!)
LONG HAIR - literally just gives him long hair. there is no practical use for this. nothing will happen. it just gives him long hair. isnt he beautiful.
ARM - earned by interacting with a dismembered arm found... somewhere.... probably some dark room. you know that effect where madotsuki literally just becomes a head? yeah. this is that but it's an arm because of course it is. this is an opportunity and i will not give it up. there is no use for this either. it just makes him a slow sad lonely arm.
MINIGUN - found by interacting with a certain object in POTION !! WORLD !! YEAHHH!! DARNOLD REFERENCE !!! pressing 1 will let you shoot the hell out of your enemies and make them pay for their sins
SWEET VOICE - found by interacting with any of the orbs in COLOR WORLD. 1 will allow gordon to song a beautiful, colorful song that will soothe any npcs he might have angered and make them stop trying to murder him.
POWERLEGS - MAYBE given by coomer npc? idk! this is all brainstorming and a work in progress! 1 makes gordon jump real high, allowing him to reach otherwise unaccessible areas
GHOST - ghost. he's a ghost. he's transparent. he flies. 1 makes him do a little ooooo noise and all the npcs run away from him because the place is haunted. ghost.
GLASSES - literally just pick up some glasses from the floor. putting them on will uncover a few hidden details across the map that may be necessary for progress ... like a very small and specific set of stairs
SMALL - makes gordon very small. i thought the original effect was super fun so i just kept it unchanged. small gordon. he can clone himself and make a gordon army. small. im thinking he finds it thru a coomer clone that is abnormally small. he interacts. small effect. small!
SHORT HAIR - literally just short hair. gordon can't seem to pick a haircut!
UMBRELLA - ...umbrella. makes it rain. shelters gordon from the rain at the same time. can be used for the same purpose it has in yume nikki which is putting out fires or stopping pre-existing rain.
there's supposed to be more effects and i still need to plan all the worlds and hidden rooms but ........ maybe when the sun is out and i have slept and i can think better !!! let me know whatever suggestions or ideas you guys have. i love hearing them a lot ^_^ thank you if you read all of this!! i promise hlvrai animations are not over this is just an au that has temporarily taken over its okay my content is not changing to yume nikki hlvrai only
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gordon no
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xcalibxr · 1 year
Hello there! As far as I have seen, there's not a bunch of extremely popular ships out there for Drake which means there's so much potential for ships, but my OTPs for Drake are SmoDrake, LawDrake, ZoroDrake, and Drake with @akagamiko's Shanks (I LOVE DRANKS OK!!!!!! NEVER WOULDA THUNK BUT HERE WE ARE!!!) There's also a lot of ships I've never explored, so there may be a new OTP on the horizon!!
Okay, SO! If you're character is 18-19 and wants to ship with Drake who is 33, it's just not gonna happen. I'm sorry. That's a 15 year age gap, BUT that only bothers me if the character is 18 or 19 years old. 2 years ago they'd be 16-17 and Drake, 31. NO. Please. Just no. Once you hit 20, DO AS YOU PLEASE, but please don't throw your 18 or 19 year old over here and expect Drake to be wooed. I will block you without hesitation.
Once the clothes are off, I'm tagging it NOT SAFE FOR DINOS (nsfd as you may see in the future) !!! Touching, kissing, straight up making out feels pretty suggestive to me and I'll put like a suggestive tag on it, but that's pretty safe for dinos!!!
I enjoy the build up and everything that happens after. The slowburn is excellent. The yearning. Lingering glances--or touches--secretly when the person is distracted or SLEEPING OR faking it off as swatting a fly or getting something out of their hair---all of THAT.
Other characters who I think would be interesting to pair with Drake would be Killer, Kid, Katakuri, King--damn, that's alotta K's--Hina, O-Kiku (VERY RECENTLY DISCOVERED THIS might work), ROBIN, Nami (ginger couple), IKKAKU (learning of Fossil Fuels through RP). I can also try OCs--I used to write several tbh, and Drake has had a lovely relationship with @bucketfullofocs Aya before I was lured away to Pokemon Fandom and gave Drake a break cause we didn't see him for a long time. I've even dabbed a pinky into Drake and Corazon (a Still Lived Corazon AU I think) and the possibility was surprisingly nice. I guess I'm just a sucker for people bigger than Drake and much smaller than Drake PFFFFF.
I have no problems with people asking if they can ship with me, but once that happens, lets have a few interactions and see how they mesh! If I've chatted with you and I like you, I think it'd be a bit easier to do.
However if we've never interacted before and you wanna ship, we DEFINETELY have to see how our characters will mesh with each other.
I LOVE writing my OTPs because it makes me happy and I enjoy shipping AND considering Drake's backstory, he just honestly feels INCREDIBLY LUCKY that someone actually wants HIM like, this mans hit the jackpot!!!, but I wouldn't say I'm ship-obsessed.
LawDrake held the top spot then SmoDrake came for my neck, but now since I've seen this incredible artist draw ZoroDrake/DreZo/ZoDre on TWITTER, I have written at least 10 fanworks and it is KING. Seeing them interact on WANO WAS SO. GOOD. DAMNIT. They were just fighting / arguing tho HAHAHAA. Two himbos together is amazing, ok?
Memes or just send something into my inbox! Just get the ball rolling. Ask about it after some interacts! That's all ya need!
tagging: i dont remember who i grabbed this from BUT DO IT!! perhaps @videcoeur ?
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jakkenpoy · 1 year
URGRHEHAHH I LOVE YOUR ART SO MUCH!!!! Water 7 is such a dear arc to me, the side characters are just so nicely developed and I'm glad that you're giving them a lot of love :)!!!! Not only that but you always have such nice clean compositions with really pleasing colour palettes, amazing work :D
No pressure to answer but I thought it'd be fun to hear some of your one piece opinions :3 Feel free to answer only the ones u find interesting haha
Who are your top 3 strawhats in no order?
What were your first impressions on franky/iceburg/etc?
How did you get into one piece?
How long have you been into one piece?
Do you remember the first time one piece made you cry :0?
Do you have any particular one piece outfits that ur fond of :3?
Is there a character that you didn't really care for initially, but have warmed up to/like a lot now?
uhh FUCK/MARRY/KILL -> Perona, Pudding, Rebecca
Who would you add onto the crew as a strawhat member :3?
(i love asking this question LOL) favourite end of arc celebration?
Thanks again for providing such lovely water 7 artworks to the world, I love love love love iceburg and franky so much and I really am so glad that there are artists like you carrying the water 7 side of the fandom :DDD
🥹🥹 thank you so much!!
my top 3 strawhats are Sanji, Brook, and Franky!
i don't remember my actual first impressions of many OP characters all that well since i sped through the entire manga in under three weeks haha -- i don't think i even remembered Iceburg from my first read TT and as for Franky i just thought he was super cool from the start! i don't have many standout thoughts about him in water 7 the first time reading but i think i came to really like him in Thriller Bark (that docking gag fdsnfsndfs)
i got into One Piece by reading ZoSan doujinshi on a whim LOL and like. it wasn't even the setting nor the characters that intrigued me into reading it but rather the humor (that this one artist portrayed really well). my exact thoughts were: "are these the kinds of jokes that One Piece does? i gotta check it out!"
i've been into One Piece since november 2021!
the first time i cried was Drum Island arc... Chopper my beloved
oooff hard question since there's just so many! for the Strawhats i think my standout favorites are Franky's dressrosa outfit with the cannon-shaped hair and every Brook outfit to ever exist. outside of the strawhats it would have to be Iceburg and Paulie's entire wardrobes
MAYOR ICEBURG... i only came to know him after drawing him as a gift for a friend haha -- i enjoyed drawing him so much that he entered my regular roster of OP characters that i draw, but i did not really get to know the character until several months later when i came upon someone on twitter who rambled about him endlessly (we became friends after so thank u Mayor for making this connection possible). i love you Mayor Iceburg even if it took like 50 left turns to get to know you
i'd like to marry Mayor Iceburg if possible
it has to be Skypiea! the bonfire celebration is forever engraved in my memory TTTT
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i think i misunderstood your message and sent my matchup request to the wrong blog 🧍 so here it is again!
may i get a romantic overwatch matchup please? any gender is fine, but i prefer characters 25+
im 5'3 and nonbinary
I'm very shy and reserved at first but once i open up im very friendly and warm and a huge dork. im creative and i like to make things for people, whether its sewing or crocheting or drawing etc.
im easily flustered by anything flirty. im a good listener and i value communication greatly. i cry easily bc im sensitive and i struggle with emotional dysregulation. im a very caring person and can sometimes overdo it trying to be there for everyone. im also very stubborn, especially when someone either tries to make me do something i don't want to do, or says i can't do something. i have anxiety and often wake up at weird hours of the morning bc of it.
Hrmm...in my humble opinion, I match you with:
☆ Reinhardt! ~ ☆.。.:・°☆.。.:・°☆.
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[ Want one too? See here: (insert link to post ill make later) ]
(Warning: Long 'Keep Reading')
(Warning: Angst)
TLDR: He's anxious and caring too. You build each other up, and he especially nurtures you/ see last paragraph
It could go a number of ways. It was a bit of rummaging to find the right one, but if you like Rein I think it'd work out pretty good!
I can imagine you working in Overwatch when it got big in a teensy assistive position, occasionally bumping into the fabled heroes, usually for professional reasons.
And dear god, it was terrifying. That looming itching feeling of social pressure as you have to talk to them. At a work party Tracer had made an effort to try and talk to you, which kind of worked- you quietly babbled back and forth but the atmosphere with so many strangers was just kind of overwhelming. Cassidy had teased you, both simultaneously putting a blush on your face and a bubbling feeling of frustration. You wanted to prove his smug face wrong.
And you did. You were out of your shell, one way or another, and spiralled down this one-sided? Requited? God, who-knows - situation-ship with Cass that did you more harm than good. It was nice for a while, colourful, passionate, but fickle. The verbal equivalent of scraping at a smooth wall in your effort to help him as he slipped into Blackwatch. His ever-waning attention to your beautifully crafted gifts; his ignorance.
However, during that time you did meet the heroes personally. You caught Reinhardt's attention particularly. You were amazing! He'd look over your shoulder in awe in what you were making for Cassidy, spouting words of encouragement, saying something about how you should teach him so he could crochet for Ana and Fareeha. When someone dared you couldn't take your turn arm wrestling Rein, you did, and won! Crazy strength, right? Just kidding, he let you win. When you complained, you stayed up as everyone trickled out continually trying to beat him. It was very comical sight; opponents crouched over a table, one 2ft bigger than the other. When you were shy, he would offer a hand on your back as you entered the new thing together instead of alone. Reinhardt was always very clear with his emotions, which was quite grounding and you started to unintentionally imitate him a bit. You'd had your bubbly, loud conversations, but when Ana and Cass had left (and during Cass' stupid antics)- they sometimes became more quiet, and solemn. Seeing him awake too at ungodly hours of the night-morning, you had reached out to him in worry despite your state. The two of you had exchanged woes carefully and ending up in streaming tears in both sides, both of anguish and relief, ending in an all-encompassing hug underneath the cloudy night sky of Gibraltar. It was hard not to rely on him, because he wholeheartedly let you.
And that's it. Overwatch was...over? You remember that last day as your co-workers began to pack on to company helicraft to go back home from Gibraltar. Looking at Rein through the crowd, distraught. Ana was missing. You had sincerely guaranteed you would stay in touch until press had died down. With a tugging heartstring you returned home.
Looking at your comms device your stomach churned over Reinhardt's contact, finger hovering over the screen. What if he'd forgotten? Does he still want to speak? Is it saf- your thoughts cut off as the device lit up. A video call from Reinhardt. It was an initial image of a confused old man before he saw you, and his holographic face lit up. He corrected himself, asking of your safety, and if you are free to talk, etcetera. When you dizzily but enthusiastically agreed, he jumped back into over joyous questions, compliments and jokes. In this time apart, you would chat now and again. How Brigitte was; your latest projects; if you couldn't fall asleep or you woke up too early... It was nice during a time of ever-growing political tension.
Eventually, you were invited to visit for the holidays. As soon as you stepped off the hoverbus Reinhardt was there, asking you before scooping you up in a hearty hug and laugh. You'd missed that. As he gushed about his hometown you couldn't help but look over. He was overflowing with joviality- but weathered, more than before. An added sense of maturity and intelligence. You understood. And, it looked quite handsome on him. Not to mention the juxtaposition of his parental looking cardigan against his massive scar-strewn form.
This odd kind of new..adoration began to weasel its way into otherwise familiar interactions from back in Overwatch. Becoming more familiar with his bouts of depression, (Ana's death, all his friends disappearances...) consolations especially became more tender and intimate in the quiet hours of the Lindholm household or out on the green hills. Sometimes you'd wake up at a horribly early time, and going down the stairs you would find Reinhardt carefully cooking. Anxiety wake-ups didn't seem as bad anymore- actually, they became less frequent as you would just exist together into the night, sometimes even cuddle. Sometimes Torbjörn would shout and make you cry, leading to Brig and Rein to scold him and then comfort you, Reinhardt more calmly. You'd go grocery and material shopping (for Brig) together. Reinhardt would ever so subtly wince at loud metallic noises, and you would hold his hand. You'd take over for Brig in tending his wounds when he tried to 'stay in shape'. You weren't trying to be an opportunist, but god his body was pretty too. Maybe you paused a little too long, because in-between a pained grunt he chuckled. This confused you, as minute as it was, but it wasn't long before he began gently dropping more smart-mouthed compliments and half-jokes in a lower tone than normal. One night that you had stayed up late together he had pulled you aside. With the same sincerity and nervousness of when he had initially contacted you post-Overwatch; and the same cloudy night sky, he articulately confessed his growing romantic feelings for you.
If you reciprocate? He is overjoyed to a silent smile, forehead bumping against yours as he offers a calloused hand to rest on your cheek. He eventually looks through to you, a small smug smile as he articulates something cheesy but tender. Boundaries and expectations are shared, and it's pretty easy to trust each other. You have your own business to attend to, but when you do meet, it is loud and beautiful. Boisterous, passionate holidays and days together. He remembers what you taught him, and presents to you a bad crocheted..blanket (?) as big as his hand that he's proudly holding it with. You slam the table harder than him as you're so close to winning a stupid family board game against him. He princess carries you often just-cause. Quiet and meaningful talks as he holds on to your every word.
It's nice.
--------------------------------------------------BTS ↴
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ihassheepquake · 2 years
DC's Stargirl 3.05 "Chapter Five: The Theif" has aired on the CW and I'm here to talk about it.
I'm really not a fan of these random one or two week skips that the CW likes to throw into their shows. I refuse to believe there's a reason for it.
Flashback to the night of the Gambler murder!! We know he was killed by a stab wound, yeah? Rick & Yolanda think it was Cindy because stabbing bitches is kind of her thing. However, I want to draw your attention to the fact that her blade is clean. Completely spotless. It's literally shining. If she had just killed Gambler with it, then it'd have blood and shit on it. I think it's another reference to her being framed. I am confused as to why she picked up his gun though. That's an odd choice. This does also show us that the story she told the others was actually a lie, just not in the way they think it was.
Will this fandom let me joke about not wanting to see Camney kisses because ew, straight people, or not? Because, ew, straight people.
Good for Courtney finding a work/life balance?
I'm conflicted on whether or not Courtney should tell Pat that Cameron has started developing his powers. On the one hand, it's a) a huge breach of Cameron's trust/invasion of his privacy (and he hasn't done anything wrong or been dangerous enough to possibly forego having a secret ID yet), b) it would almost certainly expose Courtney's secret to him (and thus her involvement in his dad's death) and c) with Sylvester around, dude might try to kill Cameron. On the other hand, a) Pat has no inherent ill will toward the kids of former villains (or their families in general based on the good [if brief] relationship he had with Denise Zarick) the way Sylvester does, and b) Pat would likely be a valuable resource in terms of actually being able to teach Cameron how to use his powers. It's a tricky situation.
Cindy using the Gambler's own tech to hack his laptop? Iconic.
Sylvester really has some shit he needs to work through. This shit is not acceptable behaviour for someone who's supposed to be a hero. At least he can admit it. But seriously dude, go to therapy.
Dr. Fate and Wotan namedrop, aye. And the Crimson Avenger. Now that one I feel is a bit more of a deep cut.
Mike and Jakeem's subplot is fun. And fuck yeah Cindy, fuck these bullies up!
I'm sorry, did the Staff just use wind powers??
Paula looking so pleased with herself after "we tangled them off of tall buildings to get answers" only to immediately take it back when Barbara gives her a "girl wtf" look is genuinely so fucking cute.
"He's basically a nice guy" ajkshadkhas.
It really sounds like Mike and Jakeem are really awkwardly and badly trying to flirt with Cindy and it's amazing.
Rick's a little mean. And it's kind of attractive.
Cindy struck a nerve with the whole "all our dads suck" thing. But like, she's right. And Courtney's right about how it's now fair to judge Cameron because of his dad. And it is kinda true about Cindy too, but also Cindy was actively a villain so like, eh.
Was Beth's scene with her parents super emotional? Yes. And I could talk about it, but what I actually wanna talk about is why the fuck do all these kids have such massive bedrooms?? You're in high school, your bedroom doesn't need to be the size of a New York apartment.
Rick having his super strength 24/7? So hot.
Okay, I'll admit. It is really sweet that Courtney is trying to help Cameron find something other than this whole hero/villain thing to do with his powers. I said it last time and I'll say it again, I think it'd be a really interesting and unique choice to have forego either and become an artist with his powers or something.
And Yolanda has found the laptop. Excited to see that fight.
Looks like next week is going to have a showdown between Courtney and the rest of the JSA. And I think I'm gonna have to be with Courtney on this one. The episode title is concerning though. We'll just have to see what happens next week on DC's Stargirl 3.06 "Chapter Six: The Betrayal".
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sanzusbestie · 3 years
Hcs of Toman Mikey’s s/o bringing Emma back to life right after she died😭I just want him to be happy
♡ Mikey s/o bringing Emma back to life ♡
Pairing : Sano Manjiro x gn!reader
Genre : Fantasy, angst with happy ending
Warnings : Death, blood
A/n: Funny how I never thought I'd right any fantasy story but then someone asked for the black magic hcs and now here we are lmao. Also I feel you sweet anon, I want him to be happy too like Wakui give the boy a break ffs 😭 I had to re-read the chapters of her death and I cried lol. Thank you for requesting and have a nice day ♡
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You felt uneasy this day as Manjiro told you he was going to the cemetery
So you asked him if you could accompanied him and he agreed
"Takemitchy, take Emma and Y/n away," he had said
But something about it felt so wrong
"I'm staying. Takemitchy take good care of Emma, alright ?" you asked him
You were so wrong
And now you were regretting
How could you not have not seen this coming ?
You were having a hard time trying to breathe crying
How could you when one of your best friends died ?
You could try something but you didn't know if it'd actually work
You only had tried on dead animals, humans were different
And Manjiro also had no knowledge of your gift
You never told him, you were scared he'd think of you as an insane person
But what was the use of having these powers if you wouldn't help your friends ?
"Manjiro, please listen to me," you started in the morgue, "I can try something but I don't know if it'll work."
He didn't answer you
"Manjiro, please..."
"What the fuck are you talking about, Y/n ?!" Draken harshly shoved you away from Mikey
"Manjiro, please," you sobbed
"Ken-chin, let them go. Y/n, I don't know what you want to do but I have my assumptions. I trust you."
"But I don't know if it'll work though..." you were still sobbing
"Does it really matter ?"
That was true, Emma was already dead anyways
You slowly made your way to the room she was stretched out in
"Can I be alone ?" you asked
They went out of the room but didn't completely close the door by curiosity
You took from your bag a syringe and a small bowl inlaid with gemstones
You carefully took some of Emma's blood and then emptied the syring in the cup, you did it three times and repeated the action with your own blood
You mixed them together and dipped your index finger in it to draw a ritual magic circle on your forehead, helping you with a mirror
When you successfully did it, you started to recite an incantation in a language Mikey and Draken didn't know
After some time, you drank half of the liquid and made her drink the rest
You chanted the incantation again, joining yours and Emma's hands, for at least fifteen minutes without stoping once
You felt her fingers stir and you almost stopped
It surprised you : it was actually working
So you kept on reciting until she opened her eyes
"Y/n ?" she whispered
"Yes, Emma. It's me," you started to cry again
"What is going on ?" she asked as she sat down
You helped her cover herself with the sheet and explained everything to her, Mikey and Draken joined you, they had heard Emma's voice
"Did you see anything ?" you asked after
"I don't remember," she said, "I only remember hearing your voice."
You left soon after, enough time had passed to prove you that she was now alive and healthy and wasn't going to die again
However you kept on ignoring all of Manjiro's texts and calls
So he went to your house the next day
"Y/n, Manjiro-kun is here to see you !" your mom called you
Shit shit shit
"Hi, Manjiro..."
"Can we talk somewhere else ?" he simply asked
You nodded and you two went to a park nearby
He took your hands in his and said
"Y/n, why didn't you tell me about it sooner ?"
"Because I was afraid you'd think I was crazy and leave me," you truthfully answered, tearing up
"How could I ? You're amazing ! Also, I kinda knew already, you know ?"
"What do you mean ?" you chuckled
"Well when we're together you do things sometimes. Like with your eyes, I can see it. I don't know how to explain it but for example sometimes I catch you staring at someone and then boom something happen to them. So yeah I had my thoughts but I didn't dare to day anything because can you imagine the embarrassment if I were wrong ?"
You couldn't help the loud laugh coming out of your mouth
He joined you in your laugh and brought you closer to him to kiss you, both of you still smiling
That was how Manjiro was, he always knew how to make you feel better.
Taglist : @eriskaitto
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xiaoshng · 3 years
zhongli relationship hcs ┊͙ ୭̥⋆*。
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pairing : zhongli x gn!reader
warnings : none, just a little angst at the start :)( zhongli being a gentleman )
a/n : ive just been dragging the reader through-out this, love you guys ^^
word count : 547
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this man has been living for thousands of years
it would not be a surprise that you weren't the first person he'd ever been in a relationship with
now continuing
he had convinced himself and was sure, that you were definitely the one that he'd spend the rest of his life with, which would be an eternity
since he was a god of course
I could see him looking in the future worrying about when you'd leave him by death
( just like his first love )
whether you were powerful with a vision or just a mere civilian
he'd make sure that you'd never get severely hurt while you were out adventuring, either by yourself or with a companion
everytime you come home to him, he'd gestures you to take a seat while pouring you some fresh tea that he had brewed in advance
"please take a seat dear, tell me all about your day today, but if you're exhausted, I would be delighted to lay down with you."
I could extremely see this man taking your hand and leading you in the middle of the room, slow- dancing with you
( someone please draw that, that'd be amazing )
leaning his forehead on yours, while you're constantly stepping on his foot, due to you having no idea how to dance
but that's what he loves about you
"zhongli...don't your feet hurt? I've stepped on them far too many times, I don't want to hu-"
"nonsense, I think you're doing amazing, dear."
waking up to you and your messy hair in your beautiful drooling face was a moment that he'd always cherish
talking about mornings, he'd certainly almost always be up earlier than you
It'd be exceedingly early in the dawn
where you'd have to tug his hand and drag him back into bed with you to get a few additional minutes of rest
adores listening to your heartbeat beating slowly while your chest rises up and down as you're somnolent and sound asleep
not in a peculiar way of course, he just craved reassurance that you weren't inclined to leave him just yet
he moreover loves nestling your head against his chest while you both lay in bed together
not to mention how he'd also love laying his head on your chest, with your hands slowly raking through his long hair
though he had never been vulnerable with anyone through out the recent years
he knew you would never judge him and love him unconditionally
but that didn't mean he wouldn't occasionally be jealous or conscious of those that peeked at you while you both were walking down streets in liyue, hand in hand
but that would be saved for another time ( if you know what I mean )
zhongli was extremely pleased and satisfied as he finally found someone to call his own again
I don't think he'd ever let go of you, but of course if you ever felt uncomfortable
please let him know
he'd beat himself up over you not feeling welcomed or thrilled and would blame himself because he lived for the smile you always held on your face while you were around him
" please do not ever let go of my hand. I want you to stay by my side until the very end."
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