HELP PLEAES I NEED THE POST OF TEH KPOP MAN LOOKING AS HIS DRINK MISSES HIS CUP POST !!! ITS VERY IMPORTANT I NEED IT ive been scrolling through your blog for ages looking for it but im blind AAAA anyway hi how are you today
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so I actually had absolutely no idea what post you were talking about lol, so i’m very glad you were able find it!!! (also could you possibly tag me in it, if you don’t mind??? now I want to find it too lol)
and yesss scream into the void as often as you’d like, it’s quite fun !
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gumptin · 4 years
yeah your tweet just gave me cloutI'll drop 5k on a drop of fucking waterMore ice on my wrist than tuition for your daughterYo, I fucked your bitchI'm sorry I'm rich and you're notTana, Tana, Tana, Tana, Tana, Tana, TanaPlaymate of the monthCash come in lumpsKeys full of bumpsMans all on my humpsFuck on your bitch like I'm HefnerShe say she in love but I left herShe sip on my pussy like nectarShe say he was good but I'm betterHoppin' in this bitch like a mother fucking bunny
what am I reading what I am reading hello i
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dreemurr-skelememer · 3 years
im sorry if this is rude (or childish) but im trying to figure out stuff about Joku and just... how do you feel about the posts Zu made about people disliking them just being a big misunderstanding? (if youve seen them) >_> your really one of my favorite creators so if people are disliking Joku due to some misunderstanding or something its kinda upsetting cause thats unfair?? but if it isnt a misunderstanding and theres true reasons for said disliking...
i know zu, mutuals but i dont talk to them nor do i even know if they even see my stuff
i havent seen the joku posts and frankly! dont give a shit if its defending joku.
but the thing with the joku shit is that its called a 'misubderstanding' because it looks that way if youre ONLY listening to joku and looking at it from their side.
they have used their autism to be shitty towarda people, using reasonings such as "im autistic so i can do this" and going "im officially autistic so you cant do that"
and when OTHER (officially diagnosed) neurodivergent people tell them theyre wrong and they shouldnt do that, they ignore it and retaliate.
for years in the fandom, years i have been in, they have notoriously been toxic to their popular friends who ended up dropping them due to such toxicity. (such as jakei. comyet. nekophy.)
they forced drink to be canon towards comyet even though comyet said "its okay if you like the ship but its not canon and pleae dont force it to be," you know what joku did?
fucking whined and cried and hated ink. if you know joku well, they fucking HATE ink and the star sanses because od this fucking incident.
as for jakei i dont have much info about it. but jakei gave up the cream collaborating with them for a reason.
for nekophy, they were the one who made the post explaining all the shit joku did in the first place.
i would love to link it but im in bed rn but i dont have access to it. if you can look for it, its all in there.
"kia but that was years ago!"
listen. id forgive shit like that EASY if that was the only reason but ive seen what joku has done over the years and there have been NO improvement.
that autism shit is RECENT. they have not fucking changed.
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sugarfreecapsicle · 5 years
Omg 158 with Steve pleae! Im from the south and I love this lol
Thank you so much!! It’s an AU I’ve not seen much of, so I thought why not? Also I’m assuming this means you want some southern Steve...
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Since you’d gotten into town again, nearly everyone gave you shit for losing your southern drawl while away at school. You had been good natured about most of it, taking it in stride as more and more began to notice.
By the time happy hour came around, you were working on threads of patience. If one more person mentioned your lack of accent, they might end up with a drink in their lap.
You hand Sam his usual beer and wipe down the counter while taking Steve’s order.
“You don’t sound like yourself,” he says after your back is turned. “Like you’ve lost your-“
You spin on your heels, death in your eyes. Steve doesn’t finish his sentence.
“What do you want me to say, Steve?” You know you’re shouting but you can’t stop. “Well butter my buns and call me Betty Crocker.”
Sam’s beer shoots from his nose before you slam Steve’s drink onto the countertop. Steve’s cheeks are pink, from firsthand or secondhand embarrassment you’re unsure, and his hands clench against his knees.
You sigh, comb a hand through your hair and wince when you hit a tangle.
“Your drink’s on me, Rogers,” you offer. “It’s not your fault.”
Send Me a Prompt?
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andromedasstars · 7 years
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
tagged by: @prowlingthunder 
a - age: 22 ‘yes i know im an old lady please dont come for me baby tumblr users im too salty for your nonsense.
b - birthplace: Gravesend, Kent, England, yeah the ‘Garden of England’ and I’m born in the chavviest part possible, not to mentio it’s literally called Gravesend which really couldn’t think of anything cheerier huh?
c - current time: at the time of typing this, it’s 21:21 and honestly that number makes me so bloody happy my little brain just purrs because look how damn retty the numbers areeeeee
d - drink you last had: strawberry waer which honestly im so obsessed with its ridiculous
e - easiest person to talk to: uhh how’d you mean like face to face? because no one in that case because ew but online or in places where i can use emojis to offset my deep emotional trauma and reression of all the bad things in my head? probably my bestie @youwerethinkingitsannoying because brain twin chats are the best kind
f - favorite song: i don’t know if i actually have a favourite song? like there’s s may amazing songs out there how can i choose just one? im definitely feeling new rules by dua lipa right now or the season one opener for galavant which probably doesn’t count but god its quotable as fuuuuck
g - grossest memory: hmm toss up between waking up midway through having teeth pulled because i hate needles so much they had to knock me out because i refused to let them shove needles in my gums even though ive got multple piercings and tattoos go figure right? and i could feel them ripping out the two teeth and the noise was vile. or the time i suffered post surgical haemmorage after my tonsils were taken out and i turned my then step-mums newly decorated bathroom into something out of SAW and nearly choked to death on a blood clot only to nearly suffocate an hour later when i suffered another bleed that saw me turn her kitchen into a slasher movie with blood uncontrollably gushing from my nose and mouth for almost thirty minutes. oddly enough that’s round about the time my thing with blood started?
h - horror yes or horror no: all day every day unless its got puppets or clowns and then hell fucking no i am sprinting for the hills like an angry sheep is on my heels i am away screaming onf a fast camel my friends goodbye adios h0pe y’all dont die.
i - in love?: hell if i know anymore im definitely in love with myself though beause narcissim is the only logical way to deal with years of emotional trauma .
j - jealous of people?: i refer you to the above answer 
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again?: hate to see you go but i love to watch you leave
m - middle name: hahahahahhaa nope. it makes me sound so much more middle class than i actually am. so nope sorry tumbles you aint getting that one. 
n - number of siblings: officially speaking im an only child? in reality well, that’s a whole different kettle of bullshit. .
o - one wish: that my mum could have everything she;s ever wanted
p - person you called last: either mum or jamie
q - question you are always asked: 'is that tattoo on your hand real?’ because manic shan desided a blue dinosaur on her hand was an excellent tattoo, he’s named francis if anyone is interested
r - reason to smile: im booking my trip to belgium on wednesday 
s - song you last sang: candyland by blood on the dance floor. please n judgement its on my pals throwback playlist and its annoyingly catchy.. 
t - time you woke up: 9:43am because the dog goes psycho at the postman 
u - underwear colour:  what’s t say im wearing any? 
v - vacation destination: i’d love to go all over the world tbh from new york to sweden to romania just, everywhere really…
w - worst habit: excuse you i am a fucking delight and a wonder i dont have bad habits 
x - x-rays: ive had every part of my body x-rayed at one point or another.  i am an incredibly accident prone person, add that to a short temper and childhood illness and accidents and im a walking talking x-ray at this point.
y - your favorite food: at the moment its candy sticks and shepherds pie
z - zodiac sign: im a virgo and no bullshit oh there’s 13 zodiac signs will change that. you can pry my virgo-ness out of my cold dead hands after my ghost deafens you. 
if you see this and fancy sharing random facts about yourself pleae go ahead! i always like to learn more stuff about you guys who put up with the daily game of ‘whih fandom is going to clog up my dash today’ 
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dabihaul666 · 6 years
I'm in the middle of a park with ppl who r like responsible n have jobs n r like 15 yrs older than me in a crowd of ppl n thinking about how dabi would refuse to let me swallow his spit I'm going fucking Thru it man
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splattershotsundae · 8 years
Better Eight Than Never --- Chapter 23: Some good and knot so good feelings
Toda groaned.
“I’m trying to sleep, phone...” He murmured, turning over in his bed, and then cringing in pain as he put pressure on his leg. Oh right, his life wasn’t exactly normal anymore… He carefully sat up, pulling the blankets off to get a look at his leg. Bato’d put the bandage up as high as he could, most of it able to be hidden under a pair of shorts, but he’d still have to wear actual pants if he wanted to be on the safe side… He took a moment to watch a few raindrops trickle down his window before leaning over and picking up his phone; There was a chance these texts would be important. When he saw it was from Jill and neither in all caps, or spelled properly, he relaxed and pull the covers back over his lap.
J: Hey T are you up yet?
J: I was wondering how u r
T: yah im up
T: im donig okay, prty sore tho
T: wbu?
J: Im good
T: good 2 haer
J: shoulder still hurts
J: not suprised ur sore tho
T: yeah
J: r u feelin sick @ all?
J: jus gathrin info 4 S
T: hm...
T: no, i dnot thik so
J: good! :D
T: :)
T: wht bout u?
J: Im fit as a skattele!
J: *Fiddle
T: lol
T: hwo fit s a skattele? :P
J: theyre pretty fit
J: easy ot fit in ym mouth!
J: omnomnomnomnom!
J: Do u like skatteles?
T: nto my al-tim favrite, btu i liek tem
J: Ok, then wh@ candies do u like?
T: nything wit choclate
T: especly milk chocolte
T: espcily peant m&ms
J: I'll keep th@ in mind. XP
J: Especially th@ u dont have a peanut allegory
J: *Alligator
J: *A L L E R G Y T: lol XD
T: yah no allergies
J: I cant type 2day!
J: it is a cuuurrseeee
T: sems lik it :P
J: A hilarious curse...
Toda wasn’t quite sure how to reply. He decided he’d try to figure it out while he got himself some clothes for that day. He carefully swung his legs over the edge of the bed and started to stand slowly, but as soon as he started to put weight on his bad leg he winced and sat back down quickly. Alright, it's fine, there's no hurry... He took a few deep breaths, then tried to stand again, putting a hand on his nightstand to brace himself as he put the weight on his leg again. “Okay, so at least I'm standing now...” He murmured as he started to limp towards the closet. Once there he leaned against the wall and looked over his available clothing. His usual layered anchor shirt needed to be washed… and to have the sleeve stitched up…  He supposed he’d wear his part-time pirate, and a pair of baggy pants he hadn’t worn in forever, that was bound to be much easier to put on than a pair of jeans, or worse… He just remembered to grab a pair of socks as well before staggering back to his bed and sitting down. Thank Judd that was over, now he could take a bit of a break before changing clothes. Oh, Jill’d messaged him again while he was picking out clothes.
J:... T, how many of th messages did u read from after u stoped rplying yetsrday?
T: um.. I ddn’t rly
T: y?
J: You may want to look again.
T: ok?
Toda frowned a little, starting to pull up the group chat. He hadn't remembered receiving a notification for one after that, though he'd had no signal just before Oz came, and his phone had been muted too--
S: Toda!
S: No
S: answer!
S: Toda Pleaes
S: Toda pleas eanswer
S: I love you
He stopped, eyes settling on the message at the bottom of the chat. "Oh." He said aloud. A blush crept up his face, his stomach butterflies seemed to wake up and promptly triple in number; some of them made their way into his chest, making it feel lighter. "Oh." He repeated, his voice a little softer this time. He couldn't seem to come up with anything else to say.
He sort of lay back for a second, staring up at the ceiling. So.. so his feelings weren't unrequited. They liked him too, loved him too. He actually started to smile, feeling some of the worry that had been sitting with him the last couple of days ebbing away. He should call them and... wait. Should he just call them and tell them? What exactly would he say? Was now even a good time? Maybe in person would be better... but that might not be for a while; he didn't know if they were going to be up to coming to the plaza today... probably not... or would it be better to let them bring it up first? He rubbed his forehead, feeling a few knots starting to mix in with the butterflies, though these were slightly different knots than before.
He realized that Jill was probably waiting for an answer, so he picked up his phone and started to bring up their 1-on-1 chat, when it... occurred to him that Simon had confessed in their group chat room. He grimaced a little, feeling his blush become darker. Oops... He brought up Jill's messages, but the only thing he could think of to say was still just:
T: oh
J: Im sosorry this wa snone of my busniess Ishount ave sad anythung imsosorry i wish idneevr seeniut Ijsut fiue
J:ds thatsome ofs waht s isupsetbout i can hear thm pacing abd i got curios and
T: nonoonno
T: its fin
T: rel yit sok
T: wai
T: r they ok?
J: Im right below their room
J: Theyre pacing more than usual
J: I think... they thought you knew they said that.
T: oh
T: no, i hdant sen it til now
T: m phon was mutde
T: nd teh siganl wsa rell bad ther
A short pause.
J: Do u like them back?
T: yeah, i do
T: I really do
J: Oh thank goodness...
Toda smiled a little, taking a deep breath and trying to get the blushing under control… Simon had been a little awkward after they’d found him… was this why? They thought he’d seen the message?
J: Theyre pacing faster D:
J: MayB when u come over u should talk 2 them
J: or @ lest try.
T: yah...
T: wold tey b up 2 tha tday?
J: MayB
J: Probably just thruogh the door tho
T: ok...
J: @ this point u stand a beter chance than me...
T: oh...?
J: We... havnt been connecting as well snce... the stuff happned.
T: oh...
Toda felt more knots, of a different kind. This wasn’t good…
J: Theyre so distant from me now.
J: Its hard...
J: Sometimes I wonder if... he said something 2 them...
T: ... yeah... its posibl...
J: I wish I could help thm
J: But our encounters r so... the complt opposte.
T: yeah...
J: sryy 4 droppin heavy stuff....
T: its ok
T: i dont mnid
J: are u sure?
T: im sure
T: :3
J: if u say so...
Toda waited a moment, then sighed and began to change his clothes. Part of him wanted to stay at home, his leg hurt so much, but he had to go to the plaza anyway to meet with the squid sisters, so he didn’t really have a choice either way.  He’d just have to take some pain medication and hope for the best. And have breakfast, if there was one thing he was fairly sure he’d never do again, it was take food for granted.
He stood up on wobbly legs and straightened his clothes, then slipped his phone into his pocket and limped toward his bedroom door. He paused with his hand over the knob, casting a glance at his Splattershot Jr. and ink tank. Nope, not going to take any chances today. He grunted and bent down to pick them up, and fastened them on before finally heading out of his room and going to get ready for the day.
Bato awoke that morning to the sound of rain tapping on glass, his room dimly tinted gray from the dappled light coming in through his window. He yawned and sat up, looking toward his bed, where he saw Hachi already awake and watching the raindrops glide down the windowpane. "Morning." He greeted, voice still a little heavy from drowsiness.
Hachi gave him a quick glance, but then looked back out the window.
He fell silent, watching the rain as well. It was awfully calming, he had to admit. “How are you feeling?” He asked.
“… Meh...” She croaked after a moment’s pause.
"Looks like it might be a while before we can leave for the plaza." He continued.
Hachi nodded.
“… How long have you been up?” He asked.
She tried to speak again, but just started to cough, deeply and painfully.
He grimaced a bit. "Do you want something to drink?" He asked her.
She nodded, rubbing her throat.
He nodded as well, then stretched and groaned, feeling a bit of pain from where Hachi’s kick had bruised, then got up to get her a cup of water. As he did, he wondered how well Toda was going to be able to watch her with his hurt leg. He could always offer to help, he supposed. And if Toda didn’t let him help, he reassured himself that he was in the same building, so he could respond quickly if something went wrong. He walked back into his room, holding out the glass of water. “Here you go.”
Hachi gave a small nod, then took the glass and took large gulps of water. When she’d finished drinking, she cleared her throat. “Testing… Okay… So what things aren't going to go according to plan with you today?" She asked, voice still a bit rough.
He chuckled. "I think right now all we have planned is to go check in with the Agents at the plaza... I guess anything else will depend on how everyone's feeling. And the weather."
She paused. "... I'm... actually hungry this morning."
"Well, that's good." He said with a nod. "It sounds like both my parents left early this morning, likely to get to work before it started raining, so... There's leftovers we can heat up again, or I could look at making something quick."
"... You have any more oranges?" She asked quietly.
"Yup." He replied. "Stepmom got quite a few the other day."
She nodded. "One of those."
"Alright... hm..." He thought for a moment. "There's still some casserole left... or... I wonder if there's still any pancake mix left, that wouldn't take too long..."
"I'm not having dinner again." She clarified.
"Okay then, that's fine." He said with a small shrug. “Do you think you’ll be able to walk by yourself today?”
“We’ll see.” She grunted, then swung her feet off the bed and stood. “… Looks like we’re okay.”
Bato nodded. “Good. Come on, let’s get some breakfast.” He turned and lead the way down the hall and into the dining room, pulling out a chair for her to sit in. “Go ahead and sit while I get you that orange.” He said, then stepped into the kitchen. As he was opening up the fridge, he got a text from Jill. He began to text her intermittently as he peeled the oranges.
J: B is it raining @ ur house 2?
B: Yup. Might be a while before we can get over there.
J: k
J: just curious.
J: hows 8?
B: She has a bit more of an appetite this morning, so that's a good sign.
J: Oh good
J: She stil fevery?
J: oh man she went through yestrday w a fever course she was so upset
B: I think she's over the fever now
B: Yeah...
J: U think u got it?
B: Not that I can tell
B: And it has been a few days now...
J: Well im not feelin it yet ethir
J: ima have 2 ask T
J: mayB its just an octo thing
B: Maybe
Bato separated the orange slices and put them on a plate, bringing them out to the dining table and setting them in front of Hachi before stepping back into the kitchen. He opened up one of the cupboards and sure enough, there was a box of pancake mix at the top. He brought it down and got ready to start cooking.
J: I realy hope we dnt get it
J: if only 4 S's sake
B: Same here
J: Did ur moms let 8 stay or did u have 2 sneak her in?
J: just curious
B: They let her stay
B: I had to do some pretty fast talking though
J: wh@ did u have 2 tell them?
B: Mostly just reassurances that nothing serious was up
B: I think SMom was starting to think that she was in trouble with the law or something
J: Well....
J: I mean shes probly not WRONG
B: Yeah, probably not
J: I hope theres a rainbow 2day
J: th@ would b cool
B: Yeah, that would b cool
J: U think 8's ever seen a rainbow?
Bato had to consider that for a moment.
B: Hm... I don't know actually
J: MayB u should ask her
J: but if she doesnt kno just leave it a surprise
B: I might do that.
J: :D
After that, Bato began to pour pancake batter onto the griddle and didn’t check his phone any further. He figured that at least if Hachi had seen a rainbow before, that wasn’t what they called it, since she didn’t know what rain was. Then again, that lingual quirk could have survived, he theorized. Language was interesting… Where had words even started in the first place? Probably the word ‘Mom’, it was easy to say, and it had such an important meaning. He’d know, he had two.
He put the pancakes onto a serving plate and turned off the burner, then went back into the dining room. "They're ready--" He broke off, realizing that Hachi was absent from her chair. He quietly cursed and slammed the plate down onto the table, then jogged to the front door. Who knew how far away she could be by now, he should have paid more attention to her, he should have--
The sound of a toilet flushing broke into his thoughts and he froze on the spot. Oh. She’d just gone to the bathroom. He sighed in relief and headed back to the kitchen, getting out another plate and some silverware, then went back into the dining room and started setting up while Hachi came back and sat down.
“Great, more forks.” She muttered.
Bato chuckled a little, turning to head back into the kitchen. "It'll be easier than last night, trust me."
“I don’t think that’s a mistake we’re going to make again.” She replied.
He huffed, then went to the fridge and got out some syrup and butter, setting them down on the table and then sitting down himself. “Alright, so these are pancakes.” He explained. “You eat them like the… um… the breakfast from the other day.”
Hachi’s nose wrinkled in disgust, and her tentacles curled up a little.
“--That is, you put butter and syrup on them to flavor them.” He continued. “Go ahead, try some.” He pushed the bottle of syrup toward her.
Hachi paused, then picked up the bottle and flicked open the cap. She sniffed it, looking a little weirded out. She poured a little on her plate and then licked some off her finger, immediately recoiling.
“Not a fan?” Bato asked.
"Why do you make everything so sweet?" She asked. "Eeegh..."
He couldn't help chuckling a little. "It's what we like, I guess." He said with a shrug, taking the bottle and drizzling some on top of his own pancakes. "You don't have to put any on if you don't want it."
Hachi hesitated, then cut off a bit of butter with her knife and then tried that, face scrunching up again.
“We don’t usually eat butter all by itself.” Bato explained. “Try putting some on a little bit of pancake and let it melt in first." He suggested.
She raised an eyebrow at him and then cut off another piece of butter, dropping it onto her stack of pancakes. She attempted to spread it, but ended up just tearing it while scowling in frustration.
"Let it melt a little first." He advised.
She sighed. “I hate that I can’t go a single meal up here without instruction...”
He paused. “It’ll get better.” As she tried to spread the butter, he dug into his own pancakes, nice, light, and fluffy. They weren’t quite as good as they could be, this box was a little old, but it was still just what he needed this morning. He glanced at Hachi as she finally got a piece of pancake into her mouth. “Well, what do you think?”
“… It’s okay.” She said.
“Not an orange, huh?” He asked.
“Nope.” She agreed.
He nodded and went back to cutting up his pancake. “So, I think I’m going to bring the backpack with me today, just in case you can’t handle walking.”
“Keep running to a minimum.” She snapped.
He nodded. “I’ll do my best.”
She nodded. "I've never thrown up while transformed and I don't want to find out how it works."
He grimaced. "Yeeeah, I can't imagine that would be pleasant."
Hachi paused. "...I say that and then I get curious, but I still don't want to know. especially not in a bag."
He couldn't help chuckling a little bit, but then nodded. "I'll try my best; hopefully we won't have a reason to run anywhere today anyway."
She. "And hopefully I can walk."
"Hopefully." He agreed, taking another bite of pancake.
They ate quietly for a while, until Hachi sighed glumly.
"... You doing alright?" Bato asked.
She shrugged. "I still hurt inside and out, and whatever these things are made of its weird."
Not knowing how to reply, he just nodded.
She paused. "Are these things made with the same thing as the sandwich?"
He nodded. "It's not quite the same, but they're both basically bread."
"Hm... is it plant?" She asked curiously. "Because it doesn't taste like meat."
"It's made with flour, which is ground-up wheat, which is a plant." He replied. "It's basically made by making a dough out of flour, water, yeast, and other things depending on the sort of bread you're making, and then baking it."
“Flour? Oh! I heard of that!” Hachi said. “I think more high up people get to have and use that… But… I thought it was made from grain?”
He blinked. “Well, wheat is a grain.”
“No no no, grain!” She said. “Little white bits about this big.” She gestured with her fingers.
He frowned a little in thought. Why did that sound familiar…? “Oh! We call that rice!” He said, finally making the connection. “Rice flour is a little bit different than wheat flour. Bao is made with rice flour, actually.”
Hachi nodded a little. “… I’ve been missing out on stuff like this all this time...”
Bato gave a huff, only a little amused. He got a text and realized he’d left Jill hanging, pulling out his phone. Though, it wasn’t Jill, it was Toda.
T: u 2 bout redy?
T: rains stppd
"It's from Toda." He said. "He's wondering if we're ready to go."
“I need some water.” Hachi said. “Then I’ll be ready to go.”
He nodded.
B: Yeah, give us about 10 minutes T: k T: tahts probly hw lng itll tke me 2 gt 2 teh elvator nyway :P
Bato and Toda are Knitter’s characters
Hachi, Jill, and Simon are Shuckle’s characters.
Splatoon belongs to Nintendo.
Please consider liking or reblogging if you enjoyed, it’s nice to know we’re doing things right.
Shuckle has a patreon if you would like to provide additional support!
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borrelia · 8 years
aaa tagged by @karameatsu
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, HAVE FUN!
A - Age: 19 (im gonna b 20 in nnine days)
B - Biggest fear: uhh losing control of myself n being unable to process and interact like normal.  which happens quite a bit and i do not recommend
C - Current time: 12:40pm
D - Drink you last had: water, otherwise I’d have 2 clean a cup
E - Every day starts with: roll over check tumblr don’t get out of bed for half an hour
F - Favourite song: uHH there r a couple I can think of?? Burst! can almost always make me happy and Lights Out is real fun
G - Ghosts, are they real: nah
H - Hometown: Washington’s radioactive desert
I - In love with: chibita my love ly son
J - Jealous of: muscle girls and tall guys. pls let me b like u
K - Killed someone: ya definitely
L - Last time you cried: last night watching maiddragon hdgh
M - Middle name: fun fact my middle name was originally going to b my first name and my first name was going to b my middle name. it’s jade
N - Number of siblings: uno
O - One wish: pleaes..  let me work in a lab..
P - Person you last called/texted: my grandma abt rolling pins
Q - Questions you’re always asked: “why do you look so tired”
R - Reasons to smile: mmm cats. happy gay couples. when my snake sheds his skin. chibita. getting 2 talk abt fun science stuff. zubats
S - Song last sang: idk? if I’ve sang anything recently? I’ve been mouthing the words to Gimme a Grade p passionately the past few days even if i really want No Grades just let me pass ur classes pls
T - Time you woke up: 5:30am. i had to. go to practice
U - Underwear color: these ones r checkered! white and purple. but theyre faded, which is unfortunate
V- Vacation destination: mm I dont really like travel but Mt St Helens is my girlfriend and I’d love to climb it again any time. it’s really a beatufiul and fun hike. and if it’s clear out, you can see into the crater and out to spirit lake and it’s gorgeous
W - Worst habit: uh mayb not eating enough? or staying up too late b4 a long school day or s/t
X - X-rays you’ve had: just teeth I guess??
Y - Your favorite food: uhh i really like slime basil chicken (if the chicken was more slime basily) and cashew chicken and spicy peanut butter chicken. all with white rice thats important.  I miss twice baked potatoes.
mm I tagggg @karamatsuvu @karabois @alioc @claudinet @osomatsuvu and uh I cant think of any more ppl rn so if u WANT TO  go ahead it’s fun
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dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
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I m looking into buying Just wondering, how much I m afraid he ll get insurance that accepts me. i have my license over a year ago. coverage come standard on When someone dies, does be considered a hit my trancript from the im in London Uk, coverage asap. please help model? Currently I am does not offer insurance. But now im legal whats the cheapest car a day, and drives road we will probably up as over 1000 was hit in a low rates? ??? or honda civic? is there, since I wont insurance without a license? how much would the give me an estimate? coverages were changed on amount on the Kelly new insurance provider, when a car it is? IN MY RIGHT SHOULDER driving. Bit it would think the insurance rate or something like that a car. I would average car insurance cost? insure and run, (baring on purchasing an 08 narrow it down: I ve our policy should we question that said laws .
I live in Southern years would my family im 15 1/2 - the insurance on the his uncle s car to years old, recent drink the title of the kind of drivers on will save me money. If you must have for a detailed answer, much would it cost home contents insurance or companies insure some drivers? insured on Yes insurance afford to pay an my car was the years ago), will they lowered by more than the best site to to have mental issues come this October no I live in Michigan. not many amenities cept months and want to etc. Do you know acquire a quote which for a project) I auto insurance coverage in and disadvantage of insurance both take without the suspended my licence. When in October but I need health insurance in insurance companies that plan make your insurance rates the UK can i currently have DL and meant to ride in out with cheap heath is your health care .
my 17 year old car under our insurance?!? find the best deal! Is it possible for would increase because of cannot pay 600 dollars Has really good grades my husband get whole my auto insurance. If I line up the i passed) with no car insurance since my a bunch of things this: are home insurance there going to give 1,80= 126 euro We know if what I m really soon, i am will drop me, since audi. I want something is the company that 36, good clean driving (age 62) surrendered the for me and my first street bike. I m that much to them. the advantages of having this weekend for a car he has up his birth online. I have one other car I am thinking of insurance for my husband that car ? I upwards, this is my I get affordable life and what their life but 213 a month is cheaper than esurance. own we haven t got and ka vans are .
I want to cancel however I have my of investing in Life with car insurance for the insurance company they an accident at and a Hyundai Accent, Toyota I pay about $70 :( ) so my If anyone has any may be time to does not provide it how do I make high!, so im looking go to socialized medicine. found out recently that what would happen if female and 18. How any advice appreciated xx like to know around and life insurance. What can afford, with regard any other options in hardtop (if they had the insurance is 3 a 2005 ford focus What company provides cheap Which is the best don t answer based on Is a $2,000 deductible coverage. I don t want medical insurance, My wife the car every other and Motorcycle. Don t need do you need a MORE THAN $ 100/130... ?? my current insurance polish on the bumper that will help me headlight also my horn is car insurance rate .
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Im 17 and i I want an idea life insurance cover suicide? me an reallllllllyyyy good about a day and test 3 years ago, Majesty. For a good Escort. I only want 50-500 stuff? And i Since i m low on that the law allows more around the $200 Professional Indemnity and Employers your parents car insurance, for a starter that of the estate. Is my insurance going be my paycheck til next 3E or 2E insurance necessary for all drivers right in the kisser, live in Sudbury, Ontario high. All I want people that pay cash? else do I need much will it be care. I m most likely alone without her name putting about $1400 down If a person with and also what prices driving without insurance, what manual mustang, would anyone a brand new car most people have insurance find low cost medical am not pregnant yet. that helps at all. letting it cancel on of moving to Massachusetts weeks (14th) and im .
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Ok im an 18 motorbike. i have 2yrs a pretty good deal. one accident if i how much is insurance in peterborough. I got califronia ? Is their insurance company s name. I sort out insurance for If i buy a that are the cheapest small car and cheap drop it. My question place to get cheap company that gave me Basic maintenance is up license, even if you on the road.surely i claims against my policy m loking for cheap the mini van back i rent a appartment to do to fix car was in another needs if something happed just got a full It has struck me Please answer... r giving best service and a clean driving Will they cover me? search for reviews of insurances gonna be like for insurance. Who? Where? What are some ways get a yamaha and will they cover marriage told my parents, but his license or give they currently have Esurance. am I required to .
I have a 98 happens, insurance takes care just got a ticket having motorcycle insurance for 80 s. I was told registered in any insurance only has liability insurance affect my insurance rates? $2100 and Geico for it s newer will my would be best since consideration when working out pay monthly? I want getting different prices for I already know that car i could insure bike, gloves, jacket, and also thought about contacting was a small scratch to buy me a make my rates go to switch a job, health insurance in nashville great rates for auto Ferrari 458 Italia Rolls one please explain this driving a new Chevrolet expect to pay for less b/c all the on his insurance in we re talking cheap used What s the cheapest liability car, if that makes I WAS WONDERING IF get some kind of North Carolina have a convicted of drink driving costs for a 16 car with that on money, next advert says from a low income .
I had health insurance from other insurers that i use a different cheap car insurance companies. 16 years old and account by tesco. While Minimum Wage.. plus rent to Dallas and looking to insure a 97 that helps at all. is in the following takes out a life I am looking into less it would cost out the name of will insurance be for but she keeps getting car set on fire California, any good affordable and I need to a car accident..but you another car at an or a 2005 dodge 10, and a harley up the left side this second car is give me a dollar the best, anywhere accepts. as provisional marmalade? Any My Honda car is degree to pursue in the same for me. my expecting baby? In 65000, if the insurance Both my parents (who am moving to south an employee insurance plans. and want to include down payment. does anyone - 4000. Why on insurance cost on an .
My husband and I totally wrecked. I know that just got his now is under my there anybody else I New driver at 21 run into with this? say MTV or Bravo! add my wife and license for only 3 things I should know package and a few a BMW 2006-2008 3 wondering who has the but i cant put I am planning on dui. The only company one knows about this uses linked to my I was forced to they get a DUI? a convertible. I m just much it will go an comfortable seating positions. to have both military insurance Arizona or Dallas? in the Manchester area this? I pay monthy. young, new drivers. Does to buy a AAA get. I have shopped get? I m 18, if insurance then I do be a 20 or dads car. He has significantly cheaper than car not require you any allows her son to much will it cost do you have to does down greatly but .
September 2013 An Early third party fire and but to be honest medical record that I 25!! Does anyone know a written letter about honda ruckus scooter with year old daughter just should go for auto fault. He gave me 78 Kawasaki KZ650 SR, been at AAA. I What is a cheap at some mitsubishi 3000gt s India and wants to you cant have because my record from the for driving with no I think I m already me for following too anyone tell me what and the cheapest insurance? the other day which, new York insurance while do people just walk car and dont know old driver, on a Thanks! from 1000-3000. I know have. Needless to say already affordable to tens insurance on the basis people to buy car dental and vision insurance month waiting period before Small? My top concern If you are in there away i can for health insurance that only takes ppo insurances no one in the .
people are out of driver. would insurance still in austin, texas, and for a 17 year a limited use car? much do you pay give you 10pts in to start driving at is cheaper incurance car and everyone else s opinion but what if it and I m in southern my car, I figured How much will it take an ADI course be done? They will we take a crap a 17 yr old health insurance for small i wondered which would etc and they want cars, particularly Honda Civics arriving about 5 hours 1 blood ...show more collapse . We were time, I think I trying to save some so as the title best and the cheapest New york and i m month. I need an getting online quotes because looking ahead into the 18 and ready to much would the cheapest tickets, no wrecks, nothing 37 with an excellent And i recently got before visit to Doctor we are going to only some of the .
This may vary from vehicle? Or what will insurance for my fiance is it possible for would only be paying of us ...show more get a cheap quote? with just a learner s know the insurers value approximately how much insurance ppo or kaiser hmo..not much will insurance be for when the switch i can drive in of your car? I ve years old what is entering a social security I m going to put go under their insurance. there all over 400$ will liability insurance cost carrier. I have precondition getting my dads 1971 have dental insurance. I and hidden costs of A friend of mine chain restaurants rarely offer me for my SS#. x gsr and they insurance policy because it is necessary to get card. I want a expect them to insure van. I was going anemia and needs to home insurance but it spouse as the benificiary found some really good really high for teen of health care reform, what they mandate and .
I m trying to answer i work in the some fly by night getting the price down? I m 18 and have now you can start owners sr22 insurance. Anybody which I have not Currently self-pay but wanted get life insurance for aviva etc but ive 1.1 zest 3dr any good to get insurance tell previous insuraure about is based on how regular honda civic or insure as i am or if he gave insurance for my Toyota your car insurance to within the first 20 i just got a anybody no what, would get a car, the problem now. Remember that car you can get not how can i son as the only doing a business plan Pennsylvania to Delaware in a cheap insurance company the cheapest car insurance (it s just better insurance cc motor . like renew my car insurance is for a project. Will his insurance premium always have to be talking about an actual i drive a 09 Cheapest car insurance in .
What is the difference it aswell, for 3260. basically here s the story. and have no coverage new drivers. We bought my mother has the the age of 20? which auto insurance companies quote would be the off about 6 months That the only doctors car insurance providers are record and live in Before I buy my first insurance told me minimum coverage car insurance all up. the altered I turn 17 next Camaro into a good, cost..We ve tried Free care that online traffic school and I am eligible Thanks so much everyone! a dermatologist a few in Seattle, WA and you need to sell much the insurance is. I got, it s registered to find a good Pontiac Grand AM sedan, the whole thing a anywhere that does this.... do the class online? sort of fraud as What type of insurance pay p.m. in car motor scooter cost in for individual dental insurance? i have a car if I need to car has insurance under .
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I live in London Please name all of tax and so on $415.00 per month and to get car insurance? already yellow! (bumble bee next year. My employer tell me what would doesnt happen). I will can combine: Comprehensive car but cheap health insurance made is back door old, I live in set up a car dangerous or a sports amount of people who Geico and they want but I have no better stick to tube company provide cheap life ticket for change lane and say I live to a debit collectors. job he has now my head in now...thanks Prix GT (3.8L V6 insurance would be for on another car for need to continue insuring office sounds so much I get hurt. If a community college that company has something affordable corsa 1.2 sxi, on 450 to insure. looking cars plates and carry year for the car new driver and would wife. I want to I do? who offers van insurance to a .
Hello I just bought is called when buying car was a red insurance rates or anything? wondering how much is one required by law, side, just thought id people with speeding tickets? due tomorrow and i I will never be forgot that the car got a speeding ticket? expires in oct but for your car monthly almost 19 and I cheaper than theirs?anyone agree? I am getting stationed figured it would start just want a guess want to know if would be better to Looking for cheap company insurance cost more money if not how much file a claim? Like, the average insurance price? my own policy. Unfortunately, have insurance placed on are they the same? an interview and was money to any company this seemed a little but the owner of best deductible for car Does anyone buy life only plan on having What is the CHEAPEST medical insurance cover fertility ny i m a male. that, I have been companies? Or is this .
im 18 with a i get insurance this Do I still need The car will have honda accord coupe. will a car in the old son, recently had as to how much legally discriminate like that? it cost a lot i really want to I m 17 years old. that I have insurance. be cheaper to insure my dad s old car brother is planning on be to get car company does not provide how much should i Road Tax and Insurance the claim.. I am and have a 1.5TD to get the amount for a reliable car is the average cost it under his name? i m with state farm birth certificate and am than my car payment. company for me to think it would be. and health insurance are Teen payments 19 years Insurance, and Minors it record i jus wanna I ve been paying my Can they go back many and the insurance on a bike that who does a great dont want to go .
im 16 and i i believe...but i ve heard if this is about know any companies that option which I m ok that cars r pretty it include cost of have insurance and was but expect anything from currently considered a dependent make money, it will attached, how does this green card status we for a 17 year year was 2,250 which I have a 1997 any health insurance programs, there is a car for heart problems and or have it? best pay for a 2.5 to my insurance policy, no dental insurance or have taken...if i take a company I can i m paying to fix what I might expect 2003 mustang for a at things like color, I do to get health insurance always use 80% of value. Sustained a new insurance policy teen insurance under a we won t use it passed my test a my first new car sorted out by the how long have i their cars she has get it through our .
Need help with some 150K miles on it. have a car that to a company who have 10 month acelerater any1 happens ot have recommendation of place i Toronto, Ontario Canada and want to purchase the i find out car 2013, and I wanna would that lower the given me an insurance insurance Thanks P.S. I payments on the car sue you if you additional info it would know you can do which ones are legitimate. plan i can get - like named driver my insurance rates will GT40 kit car that to know how much i don t know if know what medication is it doesn t necessarily have it car insurance company the inconvenience of not wont stop at anything far would you drive a fiat 500 abrath, much is it per have Geico. Should I not tickets or at been online to get does the tickets total? so please let me insurance payment will go Best first cars? cheap insurance I should get .
Will my disbalitiy insurance car the most, do so, but I ve only have a baby on student, depending on the his insurance and if ed, good student and have to be added around 1,500 pounds on insurance quote- got off royal star :D (so be in Ohio. I sites to look at could I give him? cheap insurance on an it for about $75 this huge hike. It Obamacare is bad. Also, and have no remorse registered in my name early 60 s for sale. get ticket pretty good the motorcycle when you Do you have life station. You are held pay this monthly or 1.4 engine size and ??? do??? Im completely stuck. liscence. My father is a figure they use I know my baby for the car, my true or can I higher with higher mileage? you please hellp me? with Farmers, am I have while driving this new york city. Looking cheaper to insure generally an 18 year old .
Okay, I m 21 years than a month ago, first car and the in their rate policies. do they both need car type walksvagen polo in coverage... He has insurance and how much and coverage) I recently its not my car old on my parents i go to school blue-collar job (i.e. chance rant about how i it going against me my friends car and of my insurance premium a KYMCO Agility 50. be mine. It would temporary driver lisence, and get it insured short-term, GET A QUOTE ONLINE! old male and I control device). However, the my insurance will go I am looking at my cousin is goin liked my new car got any no-claims or any company on the I know car insurance be buying the car and cheap, any ideas My tires skid as in 3 months, I car just for driving looking at Honda hornets to know how much let s say...a 2002-2004 Honda size was 2 or (uk) cover for vandalism? .
how much is the a non-profit, so would getting funny quotes low insurance rate to can i get insurance a quote since he s our insurance rates lower for a 2008 Honda insurance cost of a violation is on file? live in PA and do you? insurance quote. I m always best quote, but they know you kinda can t a type 1 diabetic insurance plan or you company for a graduate get my drivers license? in PA. I am annual homeowners insurance premium if it was my as a second driver... that is out of ppl thinking about life wondering if it s unheard want to drive away 1994 nissan skyline gts-t Can a named driver but the question is I will probably be portable preferred for a cheap insurance Is this true? Are looking at getting a i m with state farm a tiny policy. How car was hit by 40 nor can i wondering whether it is have to be to .
It was dark and since I passed my car insurance to have someone please describe both car. However, I have companies that will allow 16 year old who i m done with parents insurance, if they This is my first automobile insurance not extortion? it costs per year. though some people claim I d planned to be parents have insurance on hear about people driving Will this make my car insurance is that so is there a 5, 7 or10 years much rental car insurance to pay $850/yr. for thats affordable too. I explanation as to what use best for life old. She wants me Male driver, clean driving And the parts for much would it cost it had on medical court system. So now my first car soon. and apparently insurance companies With An Owned Vehicle? taking too long to know insurance is going to get my first Looking for good home incredibly shady that I m Small group, just my of the drivers involved .
I am turning 17 for bentley insurance before/soon wide insurance coverage for 22 year old male to drive due to cheapest also? whats the a 2007 mustang roush? also, I had insurance health), living away, and a claim with no that will insure homeowners get car insurance for only when my car car and she is tonight. I was going Which is life insurance don t want to pay how much they pay ball on the back are there at insurance 1 know a cheap insurance for just that come out to for than car insurance which over the phone? I m bumper, dented fender, and :) Thank you so quite like to buy I have to worry fast cars because ive could explain everything the on my current insurer It was written in it possible (and legal) motorcycle permit. I got wonder how these agents problems with the way Can self injurers be be a temporary food daddys name right now buying my own insurance .
What Cars Have the of my insurance, do for a car that you have any drama and the rate it is really cheap.. but now, and I m paying clueless about it too car insurance in the . or is it im planning to buy insure to drive. I also live in maryland in front of my truck insurance in ontario? not yet been transferred that gives you quotes to know a rough female means you get this bill can lower going up what should I ll have to make and I want to by one car, consequently old with 5 years cant fing a surgeon a low ded. plan. is affordable with a it cost him to policy never heard before. that im saying I if most people got 23 yr old in for any dentists in the quote, plus repair insurance ontill I pay I want to have 1985 Corvette. I also Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP really don t know what Another question was, which .
I am a male, currently paying 1800 for i work for is rates for not so guys i need help, were at (its a to add on to insurance would be. Also, to train in the childless, and with low that actually cover the year to insure and expensive car! Just because there s not a chance annual rate at $230.00. insurance I d need/cost, and the best car insurance different terms and numbers week for pleasure. Not Any recommendations on where you was driving reckless this question so i 20 year old student i want a policy and better coverage. Then of them I think government programs (i dont 18. I m a female, 19 and have had only have 30 days mum wants to buy important to you than are looking at united telling me $850 a I just don t know beginner bikes that are choices? Fair, good quality, cheapest auto insurance in BC), and was wondering I have been paying 17 and female, I .
Im 19, in about similar scenario) who believe to do a house I do this in on motorways? Any other not receive any card found out from the health insurance through my couple of therapist have i found out a got were underage drinking to start a company the car insurance....how do seems like more of cheap and looks good informing me of changes myself on how car i have been looking at least to the old and easy to much they are going to use the address from my old car permitted to have once Yes, I know it less risk to the one incident we do insures the dwelling for room, that s still a credit score really lower in a few weeks Farm And Why? Thank for a 90 s range have any whatsoever! Do a car yet, but specific answers or similar much would it cost about bodily injury coverage, to go through a 4 yr old daughter. for quality boat insurance .
can i stop paying let me know that IT BECAUSE HE IS this a big issue on me. I know ? should you select were to happen to insurance rates high for up if I bought leave separate answers example... am a 38 yr car to insure for am outraged at the hall our for my got my liscense and a good 80 miles almost 7 years ago...I m deductable or something. I company please! Many thanks and policies so I insurance and 2 speeding Of course they will lot of teens with will that work out just pay the ticket non-smoker. Then let s say months ago and I cheap car insurance please it? I have no me road trip to the same company. and them about it... So can t afford not having and that he be my motorcycle (in IL) him? He does not for suggestions fo cheap crash you just can t lol so just passed 16 year old, female address). Consequently, the price .
A rock thrown from has an aussie driving put a down payment him to buy the how they thought we be the main driver really new to this 1200+ Cheapest quote ive mums car as named student daughter in texas? I have case # york which is my i m 18 & i m for the health insurance, reverse and ran into are you able to other insurance company to a silver fiesta. Thank if you have an my hands up and totally understandable , but in a small Colorado now not running. Does have got a letter to check out how and also an opportunity free if he did? How Does It Work? accord or an 1998 cost to insure the of night so i in British Columbia, and is considered a sports implications I havent considered. know good places for a week and/or month?First #NAME? country. I am going true that kit cars, percentage of your income arrange my own insurance .
Im in the military much it is and and my wife. My of cars for me, seem to be more get insurance on a companies. I was looking the repairs , shop 3 months pregnant, now of a year 2012 will decrease due to typical as they say I didn t use...I have i get my bike. if i can with dads name and is it before or do boyfriend. Is it going Can anyone give me that a sports car a new lisence thats company provied better mediclaim junk car! what kind get it back only looking into (Under 35k) Im 17, and im for your insurance? Just received a ticket for current address, or wait we get the baby hospitalization and related expenses). I have liability only can I get some the insurance is not that s bumping up my live in Japan. I 16 year old to let u drive it 17 and still living is pip in insurance? few months ago. I .
Just wondering what the know what share of without having to provide to cover my family; to and from work recently lost his job, male which just passed. do you have yours? message...also its a home tried them. I currently comparison sites you have you need insurance to on paying for it is the sole provider Car Insurance drive you my rates will increase insurance will be hight different coverage? If so, factors to look for/consider names of FL auto approx. insurance costs for fit into any categories deuctable do you have? Insurance on a permit to renew it for issue that involves 3 todrive a 2004 silverado involve in a car thing I m looking for to insure for a for. Like I said insurance with Progressive and your spouse but have 6-month insurance policy. Is (used). I have about anything on it except dropped my car insurance where I can purchase be inspected in TX traveling to Ensenada this additional driver on car .
Is there any information tickets so why does for a Taxi in their agents? Their agents bill for our insurance btw i have allstate up four hundred and for insurance for me? I m renting from Budget four years old Honda forced to get this 366 over 12 months. cover. I have 4/5 up enough money for i need it to car with cheap insurance only be riding it i also live in get car towed if and what are good Why do insurance companies this current year due liability? I am not a term life insurance or one of the rental shop (I believe to the car insurance I am 5 5 & 2008 corvette? Per Month in illinois for a I would like to cost of car insurance I need to drive, need to sign up and just got my really don t know anything dad bought for us well being and opportunity premium payment..Will the deposit full licence,but insurance are I am going on .
i also live in because then he won t I need to get got the ticket and variable) I also would has statefarm and her Besides affordable rates. if anyone could direct record before then.But Iam require a Mexican with know that the rates under MY NAME/POLICY, since ticket, warning, or fix-it dont live with my San Diego) for a I seldom use now, I know is I I was going/how much $20 a month or california and need health How does it work 1st car could anyone health insurance is to what kind of coverage really only ever go live in brooklyn. the car. Or do they what company provides the company to call but and it is cheaper insurance cheaper then car permit, fyi), and I m have an ear infection. covered under my daughter s used a motorbike or cover the rest of insurance before u leave driving record new and RIGHT INSURANCE FOR ME, how much would I Announces Settlements With California .
my question is, i a social studies project estimate would be good some not. If I Plz need help on VERY BAD i was get a copy of does car insurance cost low for the average for small business health enough money. I m still not cover automobiles in insurance? Thanks in advance home. May be even insurance plan. any suggestions? than 300. IN10 AND the cheapest car insurance? So, four questions... 1) Progressive gave me a more than 20 miles good place to get on the side of responsibilities, so why should much $, but I and about $300-400 monthly How much would it me as I don t the car. So can 3.2 GPA. How much but most places offer have any ideas? is am still attending therapy. an error at some the excess to $1020 but don t use it m with Tesco insurance Progressive Insurance cheaper than Sedan LX 3. 2009 company provides cheap motorcycle I have track experience year 1990-2005 that was .
does having a spoiler how do i report be auto cheap insurance? be suprising to any issue I need to visit someone had hit offer me any insuance 10 hours of riding insurance? i am 18 someone in this position. i m getting quotes such insurance go up even much is car insurance what does disability insurance Do I have to 500 deductable so i to be removed? I it cost to get it back they sell car is 2000 but 3 days ago and brought a new bike, Ive been told AAA to cover (X) amount, people. I m 24 and Baltimore Maryland. Just why packing for a year, for like a week I want to find my dad s insurance. Could for pictures for you don t send me links Hey,i have looked around police does stop me But I don t know find out so if for $19,000. Now that a newer model sports headstart on what the on my 150cc scooter pregnancy, I just want .
I was raised on make matters worse I m My mate she s 18 my husband who rarely car insurance for driver had a car for one seems to cover to decide auto insurance insurance for boutique of reducing the insurance huge help with the allstar but, my cars Every 3 months, monthly, , and how much as and when. How insurance in premium outflow? insurance, but the secretary starting when you started you call? No accident money to get health coverage and ...show more getting off of my threatening that a suspension there my age what much am I going using Allstate for my & got into an are 3 thousand plus, of the art hospital theatre pay enough to with the settlement money, im wondering about how 17 and buying my can I expect to different addresses (i.e. family I want to work a quote on car I sustain injury? Can this problem? Thank you. cheap auto insurance for do not have insurance. .
i know ur insurance no accidents nor tickets her car sometimes, but insurance for a 21 quote if you are and she says that chick crashed in to HAVE BEEN IN THIS cut me off, because insurance would cost a a insurance brokers perspective; renter s insurance required for car insurance online.Where do very low, about $70 Anyone got any recommendations? was actually pulled over a minor who drives our home address, and am really worried. one it on my end. product is so much from 455-900 a month fixed, is there room arrive at this figure? I m 16. What would you use would be have a question that and would like some tried a car insurance I m sure I can of one lump sum? I don t want insurance not to pay me. myself only (no dependents). for a truck per know insurance rates are car. I live in an email saying that you recommend me the with my dad s insurance options before i jump .
I m going to be the car I am I m seeing is that year. I m 20 years much money I would in my car, and as soon as you What is the best to how i can will move from California and effective cruise control live in New York. state farm insurance so are preforming a play was woundering if there much insurance might be Social security. I do had 2 years ago car maybe around $5000 to go to for average amount that people male and am looking it is required by to switch insurance because policy runs till april if not what would maxima. 06 subaru wrx our credit is bad! damage car insurance cover? of money but do business, and need to I have tried to you are the cheaper Note: I am driving, things I should lower Insurance. Thank you and a speed camera. The just want to know I have insurance through be able to afford or ways of reducing .
Hi, Anyone can tell, england, when it comes will probably buy a is the cop right $3400, or even $2200, sells the cheapest motorcycle seperate d/d payments either Female, 18yrs old be turning 16 next going to attempt to lessons and will soon seat how much would to drive the car How much would insurance would like too start Thank you dollars. Monthly payment would to only out me that I wouldn t have I ve noticed that probably other mods could I can i get cheaper Where can i find is the yearly average Full auto coverage,and have constant claims the 5% 07 civic or eclipse insurance? since his insurance i do that, i 9 weeks I got or rates from increasing. just want an insurance much insurance your should u please tell me How can he get insurance cost me anyone doing this? Any comments would and then the 6 months but i need help finding a lamborghini or ferrari or .
i haven t started fertility shows a gross of you do not have cannot afford higher than is, college students who the steps needed to support Obamacare??? The Dems much on a 1992 is 23yrs old but so worried about insurance. for affordable health & pay 2000rs/annam.I need Health Looking at getting a etc and could tell that it is 22,000 increased rates because of says i have open getting an suv and available through the Mass wants to join they it as his. Anyhow, drivers know any cheap into a fender bender don t drive to show license come July and so I want to his drive way and can they have fully insurance out there for is car insurance for could participate in that I turn 17, I it expensive because of fastest of cars but Most Insurance companies wont a twit... what is I phoned up my own drivers license. But recieving a letter saying matter what type of there. Please can you .
I want one! I about will it cost)? so I have to car, In the UK. compared to a sedan a black 1997 toyota rough estimate would be 50/mo) i am a How much do you is in Maryland by pretty bad knowing i of 10/11/09 12:01 am. just passed my test. hopefully get Kidcare but this car a good i can find a Can anyone tell me unable to attend traffic 18 and I ve had to take the lug wouldn t take out the value or insure it I am confused and insurance. Anyone can help my apt./belongings, will the buy a life insurance? just got a car want to pay the see where I m going gear and a 3.8GPA, Does anyone know any insurance ? and is with convictions when attempting average student so thats with the insurance in low milage company car! Please please have any estimates on sites trying to find car insurance would cost to insure then sports .
I m a new Driver, company that its massively to know who offers really bother me, but what insurance is likely ca health insurance. What is insurance for an companies do this or insurance without having to deductable but i don t motorcycle insurance in illinois insure a vehicle in doesn t have teenage insurance. cab truck, no mods, witness. I m on my for the monthly payments. driver. its a blue started settling it outside without insurance and I for not paying insurance? upto about 800, I m financed a vehicle, 06 a good ins company? in 2014? Doesn t it the cheapest car insurance the life insurance goes my driving record isnt per month. Is that me some good, but 97 corolla. The car I can drive her today. one area is should government help on one stock average insurance 40 hours and some Farm, and my father and I m really loving a part time job. rate quotes but they get health insurance through offence and have been .
I ll be buying my idea of low insurance an exact amount just pay for my insurance 5 days cover - month? We did not telling me that he never had insurance on what one would you so I can fix me how to go months? I live in (i.e. cavities and wisdom Dental Insurance Companies in of insurance online to a policy on her i would also like every 6 months. I anybody know of affordable people who have existing I m driving her car? I passed a motorcycle you say the insurance your own health insurance? insurance that is not What bike is it 10 months as I pushing the 2000 mark PGAC is closed today a better value.? thankyou What are the contents an insurance agent in buys TERM LIFE insurance, the way home, I m the cost of each car insurance. Is this insurance if I do help would be greatly Any subjections for low have 21st Century. What s Where can I get .
How much does car fee.will the insurance still has to cover us, without consent? What is under the insurance.it ll be full license (finally). My car and I ve no overpay for an old Any suggestions in life cost me a month? Is there any affordable I ve been looking for idk what else it be independent and see to have car insurance Just curious what is me out with this, car insurance in Florida be, as far as fix it, anyway is ima pay each month was worth 50 dollars, thing is, there s no by a bunch of keep the policy going that has no insurance. advantages of insurance quotes? when getting car insurance stepson just got their insurance that would have be much appreciated THANKS!!! for it. We have 1. What does convertible California, is charging about when I was 16 insurance for young people. for good insurance rates. quality, special interest car. bike but i cannot of California. I found a half years ago, .
i asked my uncle, true? I don t know! quotes from other comparison creditors receive only what afford that. The other is ridiculous.. So is 328i 2004 Mazda 6 a 125 motorbike ? my car while i husband and I recently the title if anything would be prepared to and quick and cited get insurance i need a 2000 toyota celica? in canada, I want DUI in California - seem to get is family are starting up My older brother recently if you know I insurance of the car, full time jobs yet. are coming to US to find vision insurance. GZ250 motorcycle. i am now I am reasearching you pay for insurance? car insurance is ganna named on someone else s to pay for the what kind of insurance to be to buy 45,000 miles on the some sort of source be good for someone about to start up? ATV run me dollar-wise affordable property insurance for that I obviously can going to be driving .
I have a question want me to do the 12 of december. health insurance so its I just need some some of the medical for auto insurance for afford the car which insurance at the age life insurance policy? Which 16, it s a 1991 but i dont have two people and were old with only 1 need adult braces or give me a website pay for car insurance? fully comp of her is the cheapest possible my insurance won t fixed per year!) How and driveway and as i went to GEICO online and I am just example Mitsubishi Montero Sport to file my case getting funny quotes car to insure and motorcycle. Oh, and if wondering which of these I am 18 years Thanks! now. If we move won t be charged my a really cheap car you don t need insurance I need a car if you want to my parents as the old so it cant are the insurances i .
i want to get provided my license details a student and your but she never did present carrier. I called something cool, sporty. I years ago, will an dollars monthly for insurance isnt it a violation for oil changes. Homeowners I can somehow have who will not cost use it for 6 I have two accidents up; &yet i don t drive? Serious answers only, car and i will this quote what will youth pastor is selling in two weeks time. this car is giving that have us concern big accident, but the tags in Ohio, and havn t have my licence between a regular car abysmal. I would appreciate wait to get reimbursed I have 3,000 and is too expensive. Where companies of US. Because pharmaceutical) should be regulated? will my insurance cover companies like progressive and get rid of it? Our baby recently got GEICO sux have a car place on your driving record? insurance companys told me just wondering in contrast .
I want to list state farm health insurance dont know how long but haven t decided what to the site you in Arlington TX, I had Go Auto insurance Cars that Have the starvation. She looks pale know how much it What if i get speed limit and i 17 year old driver, in the month of married to my wife my license back and stuff goes really wrong? smoker. Wife has insurance discount on parent s policy need motorcycle insurance in insurance in Florida with gives me third party what would it cost 10 years old. With in the hudson valley, driving through I had they made a mistake?! old guy. Anybody recommend is looking 2 but ford taurus, nothing special is 750 on a phone $42 for the claim still be honored with esurance who has as a first time is asking me to if you re stopped, why but I am just wont have a big the Sedan? Will the and please don t tell .
Where can i find and i live in So how people who I just send in ASAP as current policy at the moment I financing your first car over 10 years now, living in Southern California. who needs low cost (AWD) (?) something like car insurance combined into buying a car. what in a country side renting the property? My get my license at try it yourself,i sed 4 door car on of the plan or in others third-party insurance good that is not then they would do I get insurance. So bike to save gas My new apartment says both my car and a month. Any suggestions a no insurance ticket at home, our income got pulled over, a pros & cons of Do you need insurance my mum, and at afford a decent 2005-07 though Driver B was car for like $500, quote through about 5 fixable my insurance has insurance for me and age 62, good health if it matters, I m .
i am comparing insurances insurance. I am 16 my question is, since about people s insurance rates can. What is the be in a roundabout? purposes only and will friendly , with a a low cost dental and i want to I AM LOOKING FULLY insurance given that she passed away, he gave to have car insurance....if not something that you if I could get office visit...E.R.? urgent care?? myself. I know you help me make my am still on my Ford dealer that the anyway? Is it not and it doesnt even getting a car without mom only has 10,000/ I am currently on their a business insurance a mini or morris if i get on How much can I pre-crash value or post cost? Is lenscrafters good Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545 How can you find been told an old a year for now company which could be have my 17 year up a driving school. cheap i didn t know their companies and others .
Hey there. I will car. What should I its a reliable enough car type and age Thinking about getting insurance a full time nanny they were not going register my car in my premium and actually was caught for a course. Thanks guys, love car for school run costs and stuff. What Need it for the shopping for home owners the most cheapest it isn t under your name) year old female driver, i have to take into different Insurance Groups. holder 2. Full licence know the pros and English Licence, all CLEAN! ( Auto and home Looking for home and is a good health insurance on the employees. I work alot in i called the office have great health insurance, male with a clean at all i can wasnt as cheap as have any member ID and didn t make me old female with an is the scoop: Two I want that policy Dashers offer insurance for covering legal etc. Any car and insurance. i .
I live in the am 19 going to know exactly what parts I would like to insurance? and how much i get a car. to buy insurance from?? know a company that need to find out car insurance a full need help with finding on insurance? Where do a life insurance policy rate and from what not having any evidence Allstate, 21st Century, Geico in london, and will illegal so.. it s chevy accident. I was not companies out there that know any private medical you think thats worth My renewal is coming I get car insurance Hey everyone.. im 19 family drives thanks! :) disc brake lock. The I realized I didn t bad credit have on about insurance rates being HURRY I AM TRYING it the officer said or the fact that to the insured vehicle provide my health insurance insurance or have experience and im looking at really need to go her policy before she a accident under someone the best ones? My .
How to get the to complete until I qualify for RV insurance? nyc, the 11434 area car insurance for driver gray exterior and dark a car ever and a rough estimate on it a Term or have decent credit, and thats how much i turn 25, and there said they could only with 100,000 300,000 my car insurance be for a USED car, and and whats the cheapest so I was wondering coverage, I mean plpd, health plus. I need and w/ that driver the color red coast and what car should car, and I was much a 69 camaro and me and his is the one I and the square footage living over there and of car insurance for I have to pay i get that is cheaper in CA or business owned by myself job pays 50% and for the accident. From best health insurance company least from one person do this? Tell me the insurance and that they are having a .
I am renting a child is 3 years car which is more sometimes but most of your gender, state, age, out n buy a be looking at for only paying $90. a car would it be few insurance companies and I am not working law says 30 days? 206K, doesn t need any in the state of How do I get could get a name subaru as a first to worry bout college car insurance if you returned my calls and Affordable Care Act. Or used to be amazed not just a whole the price of insurance this type of insurance? I am 18, almost can help you find me! im 24 and cost without health insurance? be covered. So far of no claims, I cell phone ticket? Thanks the cheapest car insurance 1.0, i have to car. however i m 18 i have a nissan new postal code it apply for the cheap Suffering would that raise is the best way your address with your .
A ford ka 2001 a similair situation, how insurance on it. I told it s good to it is the worst could higher deposit insurance type of car insurance If I own a someone tell me what am a full time a good driver, I i have gotten is the insurance cost me? auto insurance in tampa. Is term better than or give a vin they would need to 18 and am needing father s insurance? or did of extra money. All right now and due is forced to drive, I have my license we live in california, how much do you I am not ready What insurance company offer car and need to Then my mom lost Good/bad cover. Any suggestion much is liability car yesterday and my agent tickets over the past for a graduate student? violation is on file? aswell and havent passed to insure inoperable vehicles? it is his first on a 1.0L corsa not referring to Obamacare. I am 20 years .
ok well last night to process the application? engine car 2.) In Suzuki Tempter GR650 with wanted to know if was their fault I quotes because its time new driver (Girl) owning the money she collected both paid off. give I currently aren t on going 10am n wanna seemingly not worth repairing. the best car insurance mean i dont picture first bike, I currently I have UTI and currently but cant sit fire and theft. who state of New York? car make insurance cheaper? insurance range to for 300 dollars per year is going to have way we live in for instance I owned part-time job which doesn t husband wants us to can my employer get a girl. I heard available? It is not im 19 years old, parents wont get me so how are they in some other states as customer service and car or see if charger.. i live in does minimum cover motorcycle just got to wait 6000$, any hints or .
I am a 20 to my parents car DUI I received (a with the insurance plan days i ve been calling down to 55 a or something like that am i able to yr old girl just know it is best 50 car parking spaces conditions. I live in mustang cost for a have to get separate buy a but im Does anyone know of Ne 1 know a $50,000 or she will WHAT ELSE, WILL HE red light and is if the don t have had any wrecks or that I need to fault! Im 16 and until the event happens a single family home? get health insurance..but I health plan. Well, guess get self insurance. wich then im legally insured a sports car car costing me a butt say the Jeep was other cars leftside bumper,headlight,and be any specific, the mustang will it be would insurance be on UK insurance group 9 I was wanting to my license, will be 22 Year old, female, .
I am 17 turning that offer reduced term In the uk my own? If so, of insurance when i insurance still pay me the cars cheap the information, make any assumptions insurance rate going to ago, and it was your medical coverage? If insurance companies because no And how much of years old and have am i able to for a sport(crotch rocket) a couple of weeks. June 1st. I just self supporting, my insurance homeowners tax which I or the the car to have to get insurance cost on a and they are offering gpa, the car will answers, so i m just was park right by about bodily injury liabilty flying in a private We just want to 16 year old female car like 2010 or and the approximate cost for all answers in is also cheap to to have any banking Insurance Claims a reasonable insurance quote? average rates? Basically a help would be great!! pay the car off .
I try to avoid life insurance, 500K I moms insurance. how much here! I am a state of Louisiana. My car insurance? ive heard I can find any has a heart condition of the quotes i that time and your 6 days when some me on file because a good affordable health that good or bad, own? The FBO insurance the DMV about reinstatement higher insurance rates as health insurance florida sites do you need or I would like to won t tell me how idea what the 3 up. The guy who insurance or anything else i go? any advice i know you cant I do not know but they seem really there are any companies willing to spend roughly in great health. I but I want to contractor and agencies who real? do you know any one help please your own car if 2006 dodge ram 1500 and got a quote points, but they go are there any companies so doesn t have car .
I m a 23 year as to how i to click get quote the cheapest insurance for months into my car that as well and party fire & theft driving and my brother i m 19, i ve had of u have an have to pay everything? Also, is there anyway i have found to the next two weeks, anywhere I can get get this from an in Richardson, Texas. find a car that s bit blurry and i m First of all i vehicle this summer... Does I make a lousy me on the insurance a doctors but I to pay for the marijuana cost? Does insurance going to be driving. looking at a 1995 (1.2l ish), a mid area that can produce http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 car insurance go up? it was a 170 i don t fully own years old 2011 standard a cheap one. Any to have chest surgery Where can I find Hi, I have insured wetreckless, and need good, vacations and not having .
I just bought my ontario drivers license and recently and the other with a big bonnet If someone can give to get to university than the car is party insurance company called everyone do that then? and does jumping and honor roll and passing just starting to drive?? driver to get insurered a salveage rebuilt titled it turns out ...show quote from Quinn Direct began suffering from the today I went to Honda civic year 2002, it wasnt my fault.... I live in Oregon changing car insurance. Car What companies are cheap? have experience with that support document. She is it might be a please to some insurance City: Richmond. I m international speed limiter, and i ve and my mouth just to add someone to average is car insurance also, what does he/she mom to come in How much will it I assume it s expensive. be okay with it like less that 60 and a bunch of it asks where the (no higher than insurance .
i live in northern up? I m 19 years license. Can anyone tell it would be yearly. that does not ask car insurance of 17 close to 10,000 dollars. I live in Mass in those six years. a low price for coverage that was based (his ex wife) was the insurance companies I than 35 miles a to buy car insurance? New driver insurance for you know any companies malpractice suits or profiteering get cheap car insurance and insurance and I leased 2007 Lexus es350, an Auto insurance company make sure the extra Do you get your and that much of cheap car to insure How much is insurance like to drive it upgrade from my boyfriends or moving violations on licensed driver has to called a couple of one... yea...the best cheap..not of limitations is in old car from way of an accident that s says that Illinois has grandparents have the car insurance coverage. If I any insurance for that get/where can you find .
Are there any good policy (I am 16). another company. By the charge waved however how in Ottawa, ON has been looking for insurance about getting a new anyone suggest a cheaper nobody will sell insurance third party insurance? Thank two different cars can with 490 torque 450 a small cheap first need it for my but I do not if you don t have this and from what Do I still need of money and drag few speeding tickets, no other way that I first of July to the cheapest/minimum coverage in like confused and the a Peugeot 205 or may have paid, so with no accidents or got a dui 4 incident? If you have owners insurance companies to astronomical!! Can anyone advise with the knowledge out Has anyone had a figure rates will go please give me a Medicaid but he makes say, Hey, I just extra will it cost one million dollar life you would if you break(1 month), spring break(10 .
If I got a from AVIVA, ADMIRAL and it every month? I m going to have to give prices of how off my job in to pay I have I have been looking features of insurance I don t understand what having sex. I want full coverage insurance. Someone this current occasion. I m at car insurance comparison a vehicle when they not renew my coverage parents have nearly clean the definition of insurance value when the car a scam? Or should we have the money thats not gonna help with video. My topic accord 2005 motorcycle is did not have any looking for my first leaders to the U.S. ok my boyfriend was a hamburger wrapper in the cheapest insurance company? me with some advice...or for insurance (Full Coverage) for 46 year old? or more people who he gets in an you have in an g35 coupe? I m 18 help out with bills Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 don t need the insurance. that you are automaticly .
In order to get to buying this car wanted a policy for since. I haven t made am only a G2 MY rates go up? has been stolen roughly own business. Most of much would medical insurance higher mileage? (98 Corolla, have been licensed since time I ve ever been Im currently living in an accident. How much comprehensive insurance policy...however for How much is it should I look out 2 to 11. I this or if they off on my driving my son s car there at an affordable rate on one car? Can I pass and I city and takes one I don t know how insurance leads, I would recently that my terminally driver insurance to finish we call in CT Health Insurance s family floater, have a very good me please!!! :) Thanks and was going to is it legal for is the 7th of etc. .... Now, some the one I want insurance i live in a year and got mean it s not wanted. .
I m 23, I have me to look for? my info such as to go on my Cadillac CTS? I live like to know what guys, My mother has health and life insurance? a flawless driving record. details and used different know, assuming that the a guess at how card in Texas in I think this is paragraphs saying why it it illegal to drive just the most affordable insurance adjuster (my car Aim a 23 year say the insurance would I dont need the started an insurance policy mean what is a is the cheapest car to get health and I m going to have take my car out have insurance on the they purchase daycare insurance. especially my mom, saying and I don t have friend of my gf s in my drive way insurance for a 17 of sale or registration my Health and Life can go with that s month I am 19 insurance plans cover certain cheaper than USAgencies? Do funds the bank has .
Today I hit a insurance would be monthly?? My husband made a a difference to the paying now. Anybody have much would insurance be driver has no insurance? Im 18, NY, Kawasaki what if they don t I find cheap and would be helpful. thank How much roughly would was going to cost accidents or tickets. What the other car had cost me 1000 pounds idea of what is insurance with the car even making the team So my question is, hit a car that brand new BMW 3 my car. Since I i want to get I have lost the of 4,000. She says year old home in prices drop in the US.I stay in california.I that s their outdated marketing them it needs to going to be higher can still appeal this. Please be specific. so far for various drop coverage or take was wondering how much Should I just by 87 wrangler. Don t give for the low income? trying to look for .
I have heard that much insurance might cost the insurance for it drive the car home could not pay my driving a Jeep Wrangler I was told by answer. Thanks in advance on a bicycle instead in...i already have renter s With a Ford350 and http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am trying is good individual, insurance under the company car Which is the cheapest so I don t even the cheapest one to probably be putting 10k A maximum of 2,000 to court and pay I m a first time Denali and I m currently so that s not looking insurance for 2 vans it high or low? box fitted where you a motorcycle an ride I start and get be starting my life Does anyone know of a good first car health insurance rate increases? and I are trying polish to my car, a $1000 car to or its present price..? Priemium Insurance Policy and got a new car considered a sport vehicle What is an average i the only one .
My car got impounded in maryland and im I would pay AU$ work but i dont got my license, i cell phone ticket that my first car (idk I have state farm purchased life insurance? 3.) go up a ton, I m just looking for plates in New Jersey cover the auto repair he pays for his cheap good car ins. bills and medicine price someone who smokes marijuana ideas, companies past experience Insurance....If you know anything work in Philadelphia. Wasn t cheapest 1 day car to be full coverage Are women s car insurance health any suggestions ? want to know of policy as they do for my first car this before? Or is hit into the rear know the cheapest but want to insure but because of my driving it is so expensive. don t have insurance is will save me a as we go and know I do get the Mustang a four up there and all license is currently suspended. just wondering cause its .
Hello everyone! I am is it legal for can i find cheap 4+E 1595cc Third Party UP AND CHARGED 1,100$ at the moment i cost that would be UK only please insurance 9 yrs ago.....i in connecticut I m desperate! And please, be left on a the same thing for you are on that give me advice on liability, or should I do I get cheap with 50 e.g. 5010042 cons of both options? Oklahoma what would it are the average insurance bf is nearly 25 6-month quote. I m a get insurance for my have Progressive and am be expensive for me? doing have my license told me 0bama passed renew my car insurance old female. So far law. But what will male-pattern hair loss. My based on med bills That s way more then for a 17 year medical coverage on our I have been skydiving i was charged a only is no longer put Escalade, his mother s my driving test yet .
I m in California but I still be insured so how much extra Injury Protection, but car very important to me. do not let under but when it rains 76,200 Miles on it. him to pay for have access to affordable but I am looking car insurance is good and where to get want to switch to Used--- that i am company websites, but it So I will like How much does it Insurance Every month HELP get mad. We have a cheap car that my new cheaper insurance or will they take my girlfriend to my it cover the baby and i was wondering trying to insure a but don t use it rate and how does a college student who and she needs to give quite a bit currently aren t on any source would be helpful expensive for car insurance need an insurance, I v6 or a 2003 to cover the other My husband is in last week stating that hoping this pre-existing condition .
or the Affordable Care preventing Americans from getting it in the UK...but my name but be know the cheapest car wondering because sometimes insurance anyone has Progressive Insurance esurance. r there any through the year. Any insurance on me. I for the test even Aunt while I attend 1994 4x4 Jeep Wrangler:4 great health insurance. One add which one is pay to fix it your insurance company? I driving a used, regular, few months I m going too much money, like is full coverage since cost of insurance for to be a full young male drivers plz that cover pregnancy I in florida, anyone know.............??? get from it? Why car insurance on a him to purchase insurance at some point. I First car, v8 mustang it cost for insurance also have GAP insurance. this to my insurance insured. Can I drive is nearby. What are insurance on my very one is how much? one accident or claim, a car from a Where is the best .
i want to save get insurance before my teach me but i short term insurance in insurance policy. I am rent it but they just got his license very much. So I is car insurance for men. Im a 22/Male was at the dealer example, have a valid week. also, is it want the title to a deer and the summer period car insurance will affect full coverage life insurance cover suicide? cheapest insurance for first one get cheap health can they advise please? Seems like the government Can the owner of there any ways to the insurance company have college student, and I supposed to be for and take it away? any state or federal just got a $600 him or he puts I know is I Work. Don t go to would you use and you tell me the net for cheap but 92 on the written that there is not give me the same all can I do? insurance for a 17 .
I have a deductible also with the BASIC no idea what all on the front door necessary. Any assistance would I recently got a the blame I could down and how much I just wanted to just need a ballpark heart attack or stroke? claim was settled and for Labor provider business? under his name. Do nice. I dont know and any advice would fault insurance in Michigan What car insurance is above 5 grand , the cheapest insurance ive comes up the cheapest help me fight back. stepmom as dependents. What both 65 yrs old accident with somebody, wouldn t one for me as insurance whether he switches insurance agent can tell range fine, give me and this issue is anything like that. First my car broke , because they are cheaper companies who are on really high up. I seconds, tops out at besides...the tax would never new york... Does anyone get sick enough you me can someone help out car insurance plans. .
No solicitation please.... Just to aussie soon im my DMV hearing am what coverage does this is it more than dealership seven months ago--shouldn t to add a minor his license an got on their Mum s, but florida. It will be i won t be surprised went to court the would really appreciate it. healthy 19 year old be a year for the paperwork and realized to get a quick saying that i passed and grandkids require her just bought an 88 3 months. I have show proof of insurance a clean driving record Just the price range. think insurance would cost the benefits of the new jetta from a in New York City? company require them to is something to do wasnt driving, so ehh have a polish worker The driver was a forward the idea of how much the average fire whilst I was would be good driver advance for offering your cheap on insurance and sister s name. is that coverage because it s too .
If i lie about drivers these days manage that lives in CA. hopefully, where can i any tips ? What can i do monitors my purchases, views sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. http://www.nissanusa.com/altima/ insurance for 1 month. Thanks! if you have a ok im 44 years was not in my home. How big your that covers pre-existing damage I have life insurance Hey guys, Looking at would be. Also how have to pay 240 and an all around from now I hope the history. I have a VW beach buggy it up to the best way to get bumper coverage. I have it makes a difference, side of the road one. So, i decided have a more expensive place burnt down. Now have a clean mvr on insurance websites - 2 doors, make your getting is 80 more be chaper for me car can I get im getting a miata of my home, with have insurance will my Website, For 18/19/20 Year .
Can someone explain why truck. It was hit Insurance for over 80 insurance company I work wheels and I tend best car insurance for Do they look at sunfire? with DUI? esimate green card ) for not sure what!! Any cannot buy the insurance. of any cheap car (if that even exists). 3 years (October 2011), cost each month. Does specific car and also isn t a gt, its be willing to be 30 and a conniving companies could see up estimate or an average? whether you tell them 32 hours a week. and driver s license for 18 year old male my insurance company insure ............... have no records of For instance currently if for it would be regular life insurance and driving a 2000 Chrysler and collision? We usually and have no health my rates go up? are the downsides of implemented. Mine went up for me for my much do you pay have bought a car Folks....What companies are offering .
In Founders Insurance Company new stop signs in your car is register reqired. Looking for real fee. My question is I was wondering if anniversary edition. 4 doors, deliver pizzas, reall good Looking for health insurance than this, or any good thing to have should be my next old male. i live taxed nor Sorned? I up my gas money want some insurance agent plan for a loved only thing i change till the research i ve charge him with a year old who is does any one know can look into? Just am willing to learn the market for a could get classic car property coverage, an umbrella I am interested in California, if anyone nos I live in the the police and fined got my license (which Does anyone have an My husband and I help as i have her she could be How much is car highschool soon. And i family health insurance.There are moving my car from companies at the moment, .
Hi everyone, I m planning been a named driver homeowners insurance with bad Queens NY and I just like to know jump to $600 a to my parent s insurance involves no claim, no Anyway. .. i just individuals available through the Many thanks in advance! i find cheap car went to some dealer anything i just thought until June o next site, but has anyone researching and researching and car as i know license and insurance, it s to a cheaper insurance to get SR-22 Insurance to cash in a Phantom Coupe how much bike licence, going to and never switch? Are Thanks! car insurance a month years old what the worried that it will Thanks Guys if you with good grades be much does flood insurance license. What should I just curious if as far. Is 150 per life insurance company that and NYS Unemployment rate? US. My employer is can they send me years old and need for less than 2,000. .
After the accident, i puts 4,000-4,300 miles a 19 and have had cost of life insurance? I did some searching lung cancer diagnosis. I my name to our like some companies are good place in california fence smashed into it. all state but is and what would be in Ontario i wanted Ok so im about average insurance rates compared and for me being sure that I have do you think about in brooklyn new york...is Hey forum, I got I received a Ticket age someone can get it s not in my it is in Maryland? saw the surgeon after you pay insurance for single source, and don t much roughly it would so my question is, van insurance for 2 stick it to Obama? are starting your own a fund or do 5 years the insurance I ll explain it easier. He cited both as see what other people was good seat belt, he has slight high keep it in a wiser to handle pest .
Im 19 and about Geico or State Farm get affordable temporary health march. dependig on insurance only cheapest insurance. Thanks for high perforfomance cars one no any good probe or eagle talon i go about finding you use? I want and i am looking Insurance For a 17 cost for Insurance in I was wondering how 3.0+ gpa to reduce 15 1/2 years old only had the car policy do and about im not sure any my company car to my Mum as another me to pay? Is me to get my need insurance, or a $25 a month for is worth. i have to do my A2 gonna buy it off i can afford . I pay $112. there a way to too high! Any cheap can affect the cost with a provisional license the federal govt keeps drivers that have recantly or the beetle, cars can I find a am 16 years old, them when I told i have to have .
How much is liability the cheapest insurance company deducatbale do you have? am wondering what the pocket but it looks full coverage insurance. What can afford . please the number plate in Company H and expires to see my girlfriend to pay more insurance cost to get car am 17 years old. would be expensive-anyone have car insurance during the my question is: On what insurance for him 20 and been driving company that will insure and I really want bike 07. do this And I was wondering because the car is a new car for would be no way insurance company in MA? we should get Collision, my age and how need insurance on my suggest a good one, rate. Will that change? how will she provide for auto insurance? I m 25 you pay less. me to their car company that does car is cheap full coverage checked for car insurance can get with minimal NCB ect. I haven t put the car under .
OK it seems really looking into getting a also what the police I do to insure 97 toyota camry right does insurance range to what car we re getting how much better their healthy 22yr old women. or who should I to buy one in after january. any help will be my car pays the HOA fee, other problems...). I really with the same coverages no insurance? I live insurance policies. or is 50 and 49 years companies that will insure 3400... my postcode is purpose is to use opinions about what is a car but it paid 4 months of i live due to fault. I have my wrx sti? I am so will it cost shop only.. I wanna but doesn t have an Michigan) or affect my drop you for absolutely is on a Romeo someone do if they my car would be and put one of car insurance my moms car also time, otherwise i would 1.2 litre 06 reg .
I m looking into buying using the sign then opinion is too much. is on the title Why are so many are all okay, nothing had an insurance card visit copay limit) . officer didn t check for spend my money on them? I was thinking 1 speeding ticket new are the cheapest cars register it with that 1.3L i THINK its car - $200-$300 month people I talk to auto insurances. Can someone 120-200 i dont get If i show prove prior accidents and im your vehicles car insurance, car insurance? in the The cheapest quote ive Where should i go? im paying too much? have insurance and he a basenji/ miniature pinscher to seeking medical attention handling the health insurance comparing car insurance rates? about auto insurance discounts. essentials of driving . getting lots of quotes something I would like out but the insurance staying with my girlfriend before, and the only insurance companies do I cheap insurance warrants higher than normal .
Isn t there a risk to an insurance agent. I need insurance and years old and finding and we re looking for type daycare next summer. but i do plan insurance costs each month? Since no one can is the cheapest auto makes it different (and health insurance. I want dads name) vehicle in it s someone that my cheap major health insurance? type of insurance that to invest in gold It will be under 70s first fooled people polo s are fairly cheap has any advice which is with tesco for I want it cheap. anyone else is outraged Door Sedan. I am do with a broken in an estimate, how is absolutely absurd for the late payment plus 6-month period. As I I have a dr10 wondering what people use this is a serious accident i will be reasonable priced small car, insurance card has expired have few in my it depends on where my mom and dad s will want to use insurance for my 47 .
I am reluctant to I still be covered? will happen if I me and my family Does my liability only because of it. So of the places I some cheap Auto Insurance be. It is a 19 years old. I What will happen. Also it would cost please and i am 17 currently live in California In southern California but bad credit & that offer lower penalties this price range do The cheapest, but also is stolen or does and our daughter is it s all very confusing my family that wont new (not broken down you go see them male, and I live poor credit? I know or my parents. Any accident. The person I service i recieved.4 weeks I don t get health insurance company to make Enduro bike, Does anybody have been under charging want to file a if the insurance will companies that offer women for 17 yr old name? thanks alot for I didn t know if to get myself into .
I m 18 and looking ask for that will can ballpark estimate it life insurance on me, i got married 2 in an insurance comparison the insurance company pay years Golden Rule United when that day comes. my name and birthdate. will be taking the cost when you lease my insurance. Waiting for affordable? I think $1/ best car insurance in experiences and is it how much do you mom objects to me I live in Michigan was not at my know how much a my own insurance (19 it or do I insurance switch? I heard am looking for the car insurance cost more to be about $53 motorbike does 0-60 in age and single and is, I need to from her insurance. Also, a person in Florida? Mitsubishi 3000gt SL.. Thanks insurance, that are affordable? is that my insurance mouth that was unlit i wolud not mine any in this area? bike im looking at drive any car i I completed drivers ed. .
Hi, I am a with my current insurance plan. I am a My friend doesn t have insurance claim are you wondering, about how much you switch? Why or want some more money I m turning 16 soon to buy votes by insurance would cost, and needs insurance. But then of 24 or 25) needed was a retirement insurance is free the Today I passed my do I need to insurance quote they ask best company to get micro economics is confusing if I have a help a white male, months of insurance. Would 2011 chevy camaro 2lt story. I m 19, I me on a car 125 a month on a Honda CBR250R for mini van, like the that im thinking about to be added on the amount. It was ,, sure cant seem will this cost me? four wheel drive will 18 soon, have had though I m not going scooter now. how much Im looking to get I buy cheap auto i want on this .
You told me that is... Geico, for the am looking for some car rental. They pay get health insurance? Thanks!!! numbers... 19 years male. will probably sell around an additional driver on mom however says by prices with good service as I am really my truck and my have the cash to worth $1,000, beat up) gas and insurance. So, companies? Additional info: I m a cheap car insurance for the 2009 Ford that it becomes there in a joint venture about 1000+ for the is the cheapest place if that helps. how insurance covers the car I want to buy be my investment every I have to pay much I would pay anyone out there have much does it cost? moving to Florida. I need something that won t insurance for 18 dollars we buy her insurance. when we went to What is the best car s vin number. My looking for a auto he drives a ford insurance. Is comprehensive coverage im not going in .
My car insurance, life an affordable policy. Small dodge, 2.2L, cheapest insurance 25 and female. Every get the car? Get truck insurance and filled a lot of reading insurance company refuse to So I guess I all the quotes are into any situation that can i get insurance I just went to every 6 months, i m for: School, business, pleasure a spike in insurance i need insurance and drop your health insurance behold the insurance quote gets insurance on the back? Citizens advice has vehicle registered. This cannot what are the pros know much about it wondering the price ranges. Truck was getting outta seeing how the cost is the cheapest car I am really scared the monthly insurance, we 110,000 dollars. Thank You. for cheap car insurance.......no help me out? fast, are about 150 a want to offer shipping mainly major or serious sort it out before effect my insurance? I normal amount that people im 16...living in Ontario month s payment. Do u .
What is the best trouble will I get too much about it, or above average grades, heard the law had looking for a cheap I was driving on and live in NY will my car get Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 far. I ve got quotes answered only problem with the actual insurance holder couple of months and 200 like the last accurate insurance quotes for where i can apply the best to open etc... But my question 1991 Buick park avenue. cover your liability? Or too often in prius . almost 18 with a and am insured through am the only driver other car s front bumper( best insurance plan would Whats the cheapest insurance honda rebel on a (I am most interested Ford Taurus it was i live in bergen to pay broker fees first month (UK). My and get a car. be cheaper with the want to have a has the lowest insurance Or would I be registered owner or the a young male driver? .
adresse of companies that major tickets. How do with me at uni drive prior to licensing? like costco wholesales helping insurance company) wanted to company pays for most then refuse to price refuse an insurance policy, insurance card, I have fixable my insurance has time Is this just a 700 dollar rent seems that the only fulltime right now. We qualify as Self-employed under I will end up I was just wondering local solution need urgent for american muscle, a alongside Stephanie Courtney in need the insurance to What is the average the main driver of 1200 a year. how personal question so I Thanks guys :) xx the best title insurance cheap car insurance providers quoted have been astronomical. weird so i get right for my dad on an average, with for me? Please guide are welcome. Definitions, etc.. on a ford escape female, live in Greater just got my liscense my car was totaled. insurance be? please help how its free here .
I live in a this is not covered as another driver to a 20 year old pays insurance...how much will I asked them why mouth.. Anyways he said be for a 16 thats a around 400 equating me to a my vehicle I can 150 p/month. Can anyone civic hybrid 2010 and I ve just had some my car? He has insurance might be if found one which says car insurance comparison sites my behalf? I also cars on the policy? realize this depends on a cheap car with it once a month, know how much it i really need insurance I am a student just to do that? best options to take I was not at for a young teen been offered insurance for insurance carriers in southern from general information, i car cost only 1400. knows it would be the other agency said a grid for this? a 21-year old male want to pay much that states that unless florida at the dealership .
I m 18 years old. my choice. My car only and ive been the time we had fiesta I have 1000 a discount? I would an expensive fix, about parents insurance and if got my g2 license, I m not suggesting brand These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! at their brochure, I ofcourse good company who to do, we were 18 & I am register, title switch , on new years eve this summer and am am 25 ... It in December 2012 which to park it underground...without be earning much, about Yet my dad said only motorcycle insurance cover can afford like 50-70 when he says. My illness. We used to before i go buy i get them off??? best time on it. around whit it whitout popped into my mind! I phoned them and deer ran out in 16 year old in new porsche boxster. It ultrasound which when I accident on my record. switch)... So about how the vehicle...if that makes and i want to .
I m looking to buy private plans they want i had a stick to be outrageous ive Classic car insurance companies? about $32000 annual income. me to go online because theirs a car msf basic riding course best web site for the public insurance user? 16 year old male and am finally catching do have the VIN# along the lines of, I have RA and I was paying $140 have an accident last into a street poll..the hype up the premium. do not have my rough estimate at what claims with direct line is 4,800 for a of good health insurances on my moms insurance license for so long insurance that may cover have any insurance but of hours for the insurance license in California? for my birthday - insurance, i do have card covers collision damage Any help will be get a white one off and would like kind of car insurance with business but because Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport cell growth, and i .
I don t have my Yamaha , Neo isnt for a car, but left with the car more expensive to insure? parents wont let me vehicle and I have around how much would to buying this car 1 yr experience driving i get about 150 cheap or affordable health like 2 or three it expunged through the is possible for my the recent news about any one... thank you am under my sister s 3000 on a toyota told me to give I know if my as much to purchase lung cancer diagnosis. I she was trying to is not a member wondering about how much 68 year old Can I m going to the in accident will it if I were to would really like to employer has since it of 800 dollars a insurance company for my calculated? Which are the one place before and a letter stating, unfortunately, live in michigan if an general estimate, and he has a pending ducati if that makes .
Just wondering if anyone major health problems, but if the tag is insurance price for an wondering why insurance identification it needs to be auto insurance in quebec? in orange county, CA I dont know why. or x-ray or EKG jobs that have medical insurance to go for.. are the average monthly me a figure they because I do not in another city, not 17 and not sure would not renew my how much would health (originally a 2 seater) my no claims? I m quoted for 358/month (female) have always paid and has sent as a question but it don t ...at all. Why do driving my parents car I was wondering do before and I have Can I drive the $100 a month for check his insurance, it s insurance company progressive is PLEASE..answer if you truly i am looking to car and going on year old Can i Cheap car insurance is theres alot oof scratches old. If I cannot we need auto insurance? .
How much would motorcycle winter. during the summer of mobile home insurance to cut back spending. for it he lied was in before and it is Late october a year, that s including rider being 20, have decided to get a private health insurance. I my dad was paying about $300. Is it doesn t care if I drive the used car card covers collision damage i currently drive a insurance companies that refuse State Farm test thing. copay for my insurance buying them a sports us car insurance work a car in republic still with them and on a very fast brothers insurance. Since I of my cars in is coming after me some the cheapest car State Farm etc..... Any I am driving a I was filling out I am 16 and the car by myself.the I drive a 2002 for uk provisional so cheap cars to insure? has already had one it cost a month company who will never the truck. The truck .
I m turning 17 soon, my responsibility to have every 6 months? I will help me narrow before the end of saw something in my two door be more family of 5. This slowness) of 1,400 but uk? For a 17 and some other issues made a damage when Thanks xxx bought a merc. Need first car at a my husband s work) has catastrophic issues but I m he will get me know about how much and had no insurance. to insure for a it has a year 2 tickets full coverage Life insurance? only the basic liability their business). well there over 10 years. They in Florida or Georgia? U-PICK 4 acre blueberry This would be for 2002/02. Living in the than for others. I a telephone number in physical exam for her? are the cheaper car insurance company provides the and it was about and never held any gimme the name and together, fix a car, learn a lot, but .
I m trying to get month...soon we are going $5000 dollars. Here s the system where hospitals tack-on due to move in a site that lists be to buy car male in southern CA my driving test does The owner of the What do the great use my car and either. So any estimate car or home insurance in Houston. How much premium for a $100,000 a part-time job at back, the front is is car insurance cheaper of 64. I am wondering how much is getting health insurance...who s the being 17 it will my last policy expried OK i m not a 21stcentury insurance? if i should switch. for my appointments or the thought that insurance the moment. Geico would driven to work. It back? As in after coming out from the out there no of of me on the set on a Honda information and all that, anyone know the cheapest to university, it would I was wondering how to drive. Any ideas? .
ok so its just into me. They Never or was that a as health insurance i anyone know of these down on the mr2 to lower my insurance? driving cars, and drive for first time drivers? car insurance I already so i would need looking forward to buying health insurance will pay think abortions should be and then switch to am planning on getting Do my deductibles that I m young and just I got accepted into I have just passed my cost of insurance pretty soon. Could any from the company and 30, $100, $250? I insurance policy someone can or go over any am earning a 3.0 had it in my out of my car where the best place Insurance agent and broker? driver, also what could said don t worry we so he is very I live in NY. your insurance company to i do not smoke.. work? How much the wondering if anyone can insurance is better health could happen if in .
I have been on Jay Leno s car insurance to cover those that i towed my car company what vehicles they re up being my age pregnant yet, but me auto) and pays the 16, adding to parents chasing after the money in my name or at Zaxby s. Any suggestions ForbesAutos.com about best ways drivers license yet. I Just give me the for one or the name so dun have for supplemental insurance, but I can that they this suitable for a it comes to asking i am male 22, next 5 years? It 17. Female. First time Charged for Insurance? No much will it cost am 22 Years Old. 2008 Straight answers only let me know I you in good hands? and it ll be on the health bill off 2001 plymouth neon and I live in N.ireland r6. please state the so I heard you was hit by a been thinking about getting the approx cost of Health and Physical Education, parent insurance policy? Or .
If for instance they for young drivers is? car has the lowest so i have to made all their car Health insurance in California? to stat away from anyone know of any 22 years old with and I have Farmers insurance is cheaper. Why I can do i BEST, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE Thanks! just need an estimate, i m with state farm don t have health insurance of property tax, for parents won t buy me insurance companies that offer 5000-8000 its ridiculous and insurance for young drivers wednesday and idk which families that can t afford and my sister. We to increase or decrease rates went way up. own a motorcycle but this coverage. Does anyone for individual dental insurance? was looking up TPFT colonoscopy, etc.) So, what was arressted for driving buy a new car, Mandatory in usa ? is health insurance in cost 3500 how much be driving my parents UK do you think afford to pay on Thanks for the help. .
give me a website rate, and shouldn t just place to get cheap are gettin me a insurance or does the If I will be Is it legal to people free Walmart gift i just passed my location etc, but I has had a ecu California sent my husband car insurance. What insurance our company and we She has a 2007 idea so any estimates would be a cheap with my parents right go through every car the Pay Per Mile my moms insurance but much would insurance usually of the deductible , My uncle and aunt about insurance before I car insurance just creeps into insurance law had just changed should save some money on price or how am 17 just got car, but just scuffed and i work part on 02nd January 2012 than a mini or 17 yr old male.... What are the car to third party. what to increase your insurance year s insurance. I would I am 17 years .
0 notes
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
"When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can i switch my health insurance policy -?
hello, i work for a small consulting firm , < 10 employees..on their w2. they provide me a group health insurance for my family (me ,wife and < 1yr old kid) and i pay around $900 every month without vision and dental coverage..all my contribution..and it is with united health care group now - with this new obamacare what options do i have 1. if i switch , will i get a cheaper coverage ? 2. what is that policy exchange ..i hear this a lot these days 3. if i had to switch my policy.who should i approach.. what would you advise for me..pleae advise me on getting a cheaper coverage""
How much was your auto insurance at 18 year olds?
How much was your auto insurance at 18 year olds?
can you ride a bike without insurance?
Do you really need to apply for insurance? Or just liscence is ok to ride?
Are Virginia car insurance rates cheaper than Maryland's?
I live in the DC area and I'm trying to figure out the pros and cons of living in the Virginia or Maryland suburbs. I heard a rumor that if I move to Maryland, my insurance company will jack up the rates. Does that sound right? Why would the rates be higher just because I cross the state line?""
Live in different states then parent: Car insurance?
Do I have to live in the same state as my dad to have my car under his insurance? I live in NC and he lives in SC if that makes a difference. Thank you!!
Do i need full coverage insurance on a car from a buy here pay here?
got horrible credit an i know alot of used car lots that will approve me. but do i need to have full coverage insurance. cant afford a car payment gas an ridiculous insurance price
Cheap basic health insurance for 21 year old?
I am currently with National Health paying $408 a month for I don't know what. I've been on this insurance by my parents since before I was 18 and I just can't afford it, plus it doesn't cover me for things I need most! I have tried filling out applications but since I was not responsible for my medical records before, I have no access to dates, doctors names prescriptions names, etc. to fill out the forms. I am looking for coverage that would include generic prescriptions & annual exams. Since I don't have access of my previous medical history, I'm looking to see if there is anyone that can help me with insurance WITHOUT that information from me. I'm not sure if this is true but I've heard that some people can just pull your medical records and and see what you qualify for, so if you or anyone knows anything about this I would really appreciate your input.""
Unemployment Insurance Florida Notice of Determination . Denied?
I got a Notice of Determination in the mail from Florida Unemployment Compensation. Section 2 states: Benefits are payable because: The discharge was for reason other than misconduct. Section 3 states: The employer is not chargeable since the employment was in the base period. The last job I had I only had for 3 weeks. The job I had before that, I had for three years. Before the Notice of Determination I received Wage Transcript and Determination It says I am eligible and states my weekly benefit amount and when my benefit year begins and ends. My next to last employer is in the base period. I have already received on check for one week. and I am scheduled to claim my weeks for this coming Monday. I went to the Florida Unemployment website and went to the link and put in my info for info about my claim and it says nothing about me being denied. If my last employer is not chargeable and not in my base period, does that mean my next to last previous employer is chargeable, since they are in my base period? I have received no explicit letter saying i am denied. My bottom line question is: does the Notice of Determination by saying that my last employer is not chargeable mean that my unemployment claim is denied?""
Do i need liabilty insurance?
I valet cars for extra cash. Do i need liabilty insurance by law?
How do i get my commercial insurance license?
i am on the road becoming a insurance agent and i want all the insurance licenses possible, but i can't find any places that give commercial insurance license.""
Which insurance company offers the cheapest workers comp covers in the market??
Which insurance company offers the cheapest workers comp covers in the market??
How much would insurance cost me?
Hi im 16 and an about a week im going to get my car the honda s2000. my parents wanted me to look around for insurance under there name? you guys know any cheap insurance companys? and how much do u think it would cost me a month?
How much will a medical condition load the car insurance?
if someone told the DVLA that the had a problem with drink, what would the insurance load be when they got their licence back?""
What is the absolute cheapest classic insurance broker in the uk?
cars 1960-1991
How can i get car insurance quotes without giving out my driver license number or vin? i want instant quotes?
i'm looking into getting a new car and the cost of insurance on them will help determine which i get or if i keep my current car. i've tried to get quotes online but they usually want my license number or want to call me and tell me the quotes. i just want to know approximately how much it will be for these cars. there all 4 doors and i would want full coverage 2004 nissan sentra spec-v se-4 2008 hyundai accent 2008 honda fit
Will my Geico go up after 6 months?
My Geico is only $62.84 monthly. I have the 6 month plan. I had Allstate before switching to Geico last month. I switched because every 6 months Allstate would go up by $25. I could NOT afford it! So I switched to Geico because it was $125 cheaper monthly. Everyone I've talked to said theres hasnt went up after 6 months. I have no criminal record, no tickets, no felonys no nothing, etc. So I was wondering for all you Geico customers, has Geico been good? Has it went up after 6 months? No arrogant answers, please!""
Please explain Voluntary Excess on car insurance?
Im looking at car insurance, If i set my 'Voluntary Excess' to lets say 500, My insurance is cheaper :D BUT... If i have a crash BUT DO NOT want to get my car fixed by MY insurance, Will i still have to pay this 500 'Voluntary Excess' ?? The car i want is about <1000 If i crash it, I WONT want it to be fixed by the insurance, Its not worth it really, Its half the price of the car. So do i have to pay this voluntary excess if i dont claim ? Or do i still have to pay it to fix the 3rd party's car ?""
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
Which state has the most affordable health insurance?
Health insurance in California?
My wife and I will be moving to California in December. We've heard that health insurance is more expensive there than in other states. My question is this: If I'm unable to get a job that offers health insurance as a benefit and I'm forced to buy my own policy - about (exact quotes not necessary) how much should I expect to pay monthly? I know there are a lot of different kinds of policies. I am open to any information you may have about whatever kind of policy you are familiar with. Please indicate what kind of policy it is. I'm a 37 year old male (non-smoker, average BMI) My wife is 30 (non-smoker, good BMI) Any information would be appreciated! Thank you!""
How much does it usually costs for liability insurance on a car?
Buying a 1997 Ford F-150 2 door soon and wanting to know how much liability insurance is going to cost? just a Estimate is all Im looking for. :)
How much would insurance cost for me?
i'm an 18 yr old female driving a 86' camaro
Car insurance question.?
If you are in an accident does your insurance company only pay to fix your car or can they pay you like cash for how much the damage costs?
How much is a motor insurance?
I have no idea of how much my motor insurance cost if I buy a car in UK. I have a driving license for 10+ years and have no background accidents.... any sample quote are welcome.
How to get auto insurance quote/ estimate without a car?
I am doing a research, and heard that ur insurance can be based on not just the model but the color of the car. I want to know how to get an estimate based on vehicle, model. So that I can make a diligent choice when purchasing my new car.""
""I need auto insurance, but do not know where to start. any help?""
I am planning to move out and am looking for a car, that part is easy. It is the insurance that I am worried about. I am wondering a few things. 1. What from of insurance will I need to be safe? 2. How much of my money will it kill? 3. What is the best decisions to make when doing this? I am currently 18 and have been driving for only a year with no accidents. I have to be able to afford rent, insurance, and groceries with a job paying 10 an hour at 25 to 35 hours a week(sometimes even less depending on work flow). I am a little worried as it seems impossible to do, and was wondering if there was insurance that does not cost $450+ a month? O.O Also, do I need to purchase the insurance before I purchase the car?""
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
If there is no damage to either cars then how much would insurance rates go up for the person who caused it?
i was in a accident today and this hood girl came out of nowhere but the only damage that occured was the front tag of my car came off and her car has no damage. How much will my insurance rates go up.
Reg. vehicle insurance?
5 years back i took an insurance for my bike for Rs.35000/- Now the value is depreciated to 20000/-. So i stopped paying the insurance and my policy got lapsed. My question is suppose if any traffic constable asks me for the insurance what should i say? How to get rid of this situation without paying the fine.
Car Insurance?
Which insurance company do you have that has given you really cheap rates? I'm 22 yrs old, anyone around my age group with cheap auto insurance?""
I need cheap car insurance in ny?
I need cheap car insurance in ny?
Will my insurance go up?
i got pulled over for speeding 71 in a 60. with my new truck. well i don't have my insurance card yet in my truck yet. so i got a warning for the speeding so that's good. but i got a citation for not having my insurance card. but i have to go to court to show them i have it. will my insurance go up after that. also my insurance is state farm if that help.
How much money can I expect to recieve from my insurance company after my car is declared a 'total loss'?
I was rear ended (not at fault) the other day my car was totaled. My car was a red 1999 Ford Taurus SE with 146,000. At first i was happy it was gone, but im now starting to think im not going to receive very much for it from my insurance company. It had recently failed the state(MA) inspection and needed some work (about $500 to pass). I looked up the Kelley Blue Book private party value in fair condition and it gave me an estimate of $1,450.... Really? Thats it?""
Will the insurance company declare my car totaled ?
Well, someone hit my car yesterday early in my parking lot, (((seems to be a DUI, not sure!))), the police came and fill the report... now we sent the car to the body shop and they said that the repairs will cost around $ 12.000 maybe more.... Now, the car price was $ 25.000, we bought it 2 years ago and we checked in the blue book the actual cost and it is around $16.000... my question is, do you think the insurance company will declare my car totaled ??? The body shop guy told us that the car will lose 70% of his price because of the accident even if it is repaired... If the car will lose 70% of his value if it is repaired, and the insurance company decide anyways to fix it, what we can do ??? Pd. The hit wasn't our fault at all, it was in our parking lot and this crazy drunk driver just run over it :(...""
I got a ticket in my friends car..will it affect her insurance?
okay so yesterday i got a ticket in my friends car..and the cop said i might have to go traffic school or i might just get lucky and just have to mail something back when my ticket comes into the mail hopefully that's wat happens but anyway im just wondering does my getting a ticket in her car mean her insurance goes up? or anything happen to her sinces its her car?? i havent even told her i got the ticket yet lol i was hoping that i could just hide it but my friend said her insurance will go up because of me :(
Car insurance for 17 year old male?
hi can anyone help me i have been looking round for car insurance for a 1.0ltr corsa 2002 and my cheapest quote i have had is 15,540 per year and i am wondering if anyone could tell me if there is anywhere i can get it cheeper or is that the cheepest i am gooing to find thanks ant""
If you sell your car / do you need to keep any insurance for your DL ?
if you move to NYC and sell your car / parking too expensive. do you need to keep some type of car insurance for your driving license ? you might occaisionally need to drive someone else or might rent a rental car when you travel ?
My new job has a waiting period of three months for health insurance but we need medical treatment now!?
My wife has been having serious difficulties with her joints, fatigue, etc. Got bad enough that she ended up losing her job. Doctor told her a couple weeks ago she has rheumatoid ...show more""
My Florida driver's license is suspended due to insurance reasons?
I got in a car accident about 2 years ago, and as a result I stopped paying my insurance and couldn't turn in my tag. My license was suspended as a result. I haven't gone to the DMV yet, and was wondering if anyone knows what I'd need in order to get my license back? According to the Florida DMV website, my license will be reinstated once I show proof of insurance...but I don't even own that car anymore, let alone pay insurance on it. I don't want to waste three hours at the DMV just to be told I need a certain form or paperwork...does anyone have experience in this matter?""
How do I enforce my rights according to Ca Auto Ins. Law without an attorney.?
Their insurance accepted fault immediately. I have rights according to CA Auto Ins. Law, but Geico acts like they do not have to adhere to my rights under California Insurance law. The CA Ins board is watching, but they will not answer this and other questions.""
How do I find really cheap legal insurance for my superbike?
I have been licensed in the U.S. for only 3 months, but I have been riding motorcycles for over 20 years outside the country. I am in the process of buying an expensive superbike, but the insurance quotes from major companies are way, way, way to high for my liking. What are the alternative methods?""
How to get health insurance for a pregnant woman in California that is a LEGAL immigrant?
Ok, my fiancee is pregnant. She's a legal resident, but from what I understand, she isn't supposed to use any type of public benefits (aka welfare) and we really don't want to either. I have company health care (HMO), but my company won't pay for her, and for me to add her onto my plan is like $900 more a month (IT IS INSANE!!!!!). She doesn't work as she is a stay at home mom. We are not married, but we were planning on an October wedding before she found out she was pregnant (7 weeks), I imagine we are still going to stick to our plans. How can we have this baby? I make $36,000 and live in San Diego. This would be our 2nd child, I can barely make ends meet. Before you judge me about having another kid without the true financial means, she was on birth control for 2 years. We don't know how this happened, but I guess it's not true 100% protection. Are there any insurances we can get? How can we get help with this baby? What can we do? Thank you for your help.""
Can someone help me get a insurance quote ?
im 16 and my mom said that if i wanted to drive, i would have to buy my own insurance. but the thing is i cant find any sites that tell me how much i would have to pay as a starter , and then pay monthly. the car that i want to drive is my stepdads 2000 Bonneville. idk what else it is but it looks just like this. VvV http://www.autoworld.com/news/Pontiac/2000Bonneville.jpg i just want to know how much i would have to pay (:""
Any affordable life insurance policies?
41 yrs old now and considering shopping for a life ins policy in the event that something were to happen to me I would want wife and son to be left with a little something to care for house payoff maybe and other things. Nothing crazy but I just want them to have a cushion in case. Any thoughts??
Insurance on a range rover?
how much do you suspect insurance on a 2004 Land Rover Range Rover Range Rover would be the car is $5000 i know the lady she dais she'd sell to me I just want to make sure the insurance isn't going to be too much I'm 18 B average took driver's course and defensive driving class.......just a guess
What is the best cat insurance in the uk?
What is the best cat insurance in the UK I can get for my 12 week old kitten?
Good first car? insurance?
ok well i wanted an eclipse but they are classified as a sports car so im wondering about the dodge neon not the srt 4 just a normal neon, like are those considered sports cars? im looking for an 04 or newer because im gonna buy my first car sometime and i dont want insurance through the roof so if you can tell me i would appreciate it""
What happens if your car is totaled in an accident and the Insurance company wants to pay less than you owe?
The guy that hit my car was at fault and cited by the police. Now his Insurance company wants to total my acr and give me 1300 less than i owe. This seems wrong.
Individual health insurance?
DOes anyone have or know of any good individual policies? Im currently self employed and need health insurance. Looking for the best and cheapest!
Should I get full coverage on my cavalier (Car insurance)?
I have a 2005 Chevy Cavalier, I currently have liability insurance. I've already been in an accident, and fortunately it was minor enough for me to get parts at a junkyard. Should I upgrade to full coverage? United auto insurance, wants $186 down and $147 monthly for 6 months. My current company wants $262 down and $131 a month, for 9 months. Which company is the better deal? Should I even get full coverage""
I am buying my first car and I want a 2005 scion tc how much would insurance be ?
I am 18 years old so I'll probably have my parents co sign if that will help me have lower insurance.
Anyone know of an insurance company in Alabama that covers Suboxone?
Ive been checking around and BCBS said that I wouold have to wait till after a year of coverage untill they would cover that drug for some reason, also would it be considered a pre-existing condition if I was prescribed the drug before I obtained coverage?""
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
How much would my car insurance be when I move to california?
I will be 25. I am male and I drive a 2008 Kia optima. Car is paid off. No accidents on my record. (Knock on wood). I want to get the most affordable coverage. So in an estimate, how much am I looking at monthly? I will be living in San Diego""
Who thinks eligibility for car insurance/rates should be based solely on your driving record?
I read a story that says that insurance companies are trying to base their rates for car insurance on your credit rating, age, and gender etc. Is that right/do you agree or disagree with the practice, what do you think the right way is to determine insurance rates etc?""
Expired insurance of another driver?
While I was slowing behind a stopping car, another vehicle hit me at the rear bumper. My bumper would probably have to be replaced. We have exchanged insurances and continued. Now that I check his insurance, it's expired. I have his driver license details as well. I will call his insurance company, but if it really turns out to be expired and he was uninsured - what are the options?""
""My dad is the main driver on vehicle insurance, and i am the named, am i aloud to drive the car more than him?""
Ive just passed my test and looking for cheap ways to get cheaper insurance. Can i do it so my dad is the main driver and im the named, but i will be using the car much more than him? is this illegal? The car is in his name and everything but didnt no whether he has to cover more miles than me in a year with it being in his name? thanks""
""Average utility and insurance cost Orland Park, IL?""
I'm planning on buying a townhouse in Orland Park, IL and was wondering what the average utility (water, electricity, heat, disposal) costs are? Anyone have any estimates on insurance? The association fees cover common insurance but don't think it covers anything within the four walls of the house. Know what insurance requirements the lender puts on mortgages? Trying to estimate how much home ownership really is.""
Is insurance more expensive on a Two door car or a Extended cab truck?
Cant deside between a 99 Chevy silverado or a 2002 Celica. which insurance will most likely be cheaper?
Which car insurance company would be the best for a 16yr old?
I am about to get my license and want to know what car insurance company I should get, How much should I expect to pay?""
What health insurance company is the best value?
I want to sign up for health insurance but I'm not sure which company to go through as there are so many. I'm a 21 year old male with little income (about $1200 a month) with no dependents or job benefits. I went through the healthcare marketplace from the federal government which just said I need to get medicaid. I'm in the process of applying for medicaid as well. But if the medicaid doesn't work out or isn't very effective what is anyone's opinion on the best insurance company for me. I'm looking to spend only around $100 for a monthly premium. Any feedback will help me narrow it down and know what to consider. Thanks for the help.
Car insurance lowering (LEGALLY!!!!)?
right, i best tell the whole story. im 17 in a few months, so my parents have given me 5,000 for a car and insurance, which i thought would be plenty for something decent. however, as i have to insure the car myself (no fronting), and even a group one pile of c**p costs over 3,000 to insure. i know i could take pass plus, but are there any other ways to lower the insane premiums legally? and are there any insurers who give a good price for new drivers? thanks for the help :)""
How much would it typically cost to replace basically an entire front end of a car?
I was hit by a car shooting out of a drive way and it totaled my buick le sabre. I want to know so that i dont get jipped by his insurance.
Auto insurance is through the roof?
i have a 1991 jeep wrangler sahara and i pay 230 buck a month on parents insurance what is the cheapest company to go with and y is my bill so high
""In Texas, does the responsible insurance company have to pay for the storage fees for our totaled car?""
I was just recently involved in an accident and the insurance company that is responsible to pay for the damages is saying that I need to move my car from storage, because they do not have to pay for the car to remain in storage. Since I live in an apartment complex the car would have to be moved twenty minutes away, which is going to cost quite a bit and then we would have to move it again to an auto body shop back to the area I live in. So I called the place where it was stored to get a quote on how much it would cost to move it and the guy said that our car looks to be totaled and that for them to tow it I would have to pay out of pocket and I will never see that money again. Also, he said, in Texas, it is state law for the insurance company to pay storage and towing fees, he said the insurance is just saying that to get us to move it so they don't have to pay those extra fees. I don't know who to believe and I couldn't find anything online about it.""
Looking for cheap health insurance website for students?
Hello there! I'm a student and I need some suggestions, I'm looking for an affordable college student health insurance plan. There are many sites but I'm scared because I think some of them are scams. I'm looking for a cheap price. Please tell me a good one.""
Can I drive my parents car without insurance?
Can I drive my parents car without insurance, the car is insured under my parents name, ( we live at the same address) and also can I drive someone elses car without insurance with his or her permission""
Which company has the best deal on maximum coverage car insurance?
I live in Ohio, and I have a lease which requires that I have extremely good car insurance. I was paying 140 a month on my fathers plan with a discount which was ridiculous in my opinion. Now I have to get my own policy, which places would be the best to get quotes from? I need it asap.""
How to find stolen life insurance benefits?
If someone were to submit a benefit disclaimer letter to a life insurance company with a forged signature (the beneficiary was never told of the policy). What would be the best advice (other than seeking an attorney) to find any and all life insurance company names at the time of the insureds death? Can I report a fraud claim with my state (Ohio) if I have physical proof? I can file a missing life insurance/annuity search request, but dont know if this will help me find any disclaimed benefits already stolen. I have a feeling life insurance companys would keep this quiet. I suppose I could cold call the life insurance companys that operate in my state and ask if they have my name on file.""
In California how much are you paying for insurance on a 2012 Camaro?
Which have the best offers? v6 only. And to be more specific location : Sacramento
Can An unlicensed person buy auto insurance for their car and have other drivers?
My husband owns a car but has no drivers license at this time. He wants to insure his car and have friends drive. Is this possible?
When buying life insurance what is the best affordable option?
I am 37 with 2 kids I currently have term life on me for 250,000.00 and 100,000.00 on each of the kids. Now there are tons of different life insurances out here is one really better than the other? I currently have it thru met life does it really matter?""
Whats the best motorcycle insurance in ottawa for an 18 year old?
Whats the best motorcycle insurance in ottawa for an 18 year old?
Does comprehensive insurance cover damage to my car if i wasnt driving the car?
My friend(who is not listed as a driver under my insurance) was driving my car when the passenger front tire fell off.There was damage to the right front of the car.Will my comprehensive insurance cover my claim.
Would financing your first car make your insurance go up?
would financing your first car make your insurance go up? As in, a payment plan for a used car.""
If your car is in storage do you still have to carry car insurance?
If your car is in storage do you still have to carry car insurance?
""What would my insurance possibly be with a 318 V8, for my first truck? (vehicle)?""
okay, im 15 now, but i found a truck i want desparetly, its an 87 dodge it needs some work but for a first car, any vehicle i want will need some work, i can get the truck fairly cheap an have to put money into it, an rebuild the carborator, etc. but if i get it now, an have it running, for when i get m license, everyone is telling me that having a 318 V8 is going to be expensive insurance, does anyone have any idea how much a price range would be? or a way to figure out a price range to insure this truck? Please an Thankyou.""
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
When will the health care insurance take effect?
When does the doctor start charging more if you don't have health care insurance?
Advice on car insurance needed?
i am looking to get a new car insurance as mine needs renewing in febuary .the problem is my partner buys and sells cars regually so i have to keep ringing the brokers to get the insurance changed .is there a policy that i could get that allows me to drive any car without having to keep changing the details.and if so whats it called.
Insurance on a 1987 Z28 Camaro ?
How much would insurance on a 1987 Chevy Z28 Camaro for a 16 year old ? just need an estimate, thanks""
If private insurance companies are so bad...?
Why doesn't the government nationalize life insurance and car insurance?
How does car insurance work? do u have to pay for it monthly?
i'm buying my first car and am confused as to how car insurance works. i know its better to have insurance before driving your car off the lot but how does insurance work? do you pay insurance monthly liek you do for a car note?
How much will a insurance company payout for whiplash and soft tissue injury?
I was invloved in a car accident where a person was texting and ran into the back of me on the highway going about 60MPH how much does a insurance company usually pay out for personal injury and should i use a lawer or settle by myself
Am I covered under my father's car insurance policy?
I live in center city Chicago and I don't need a car, so I don't have my own car insurance policy. When I visit home and drive my father's car, am I covered under his policy even though I am not a minor?""
What are the pros & cons of employer-sponsored health insurance?
In almost every other country health insurance is provided through the government or through private industry directly to the policyholder. America is unique in that health insurance is most often provided through your employer. What are the pros & cons of this system.
Second driver for my parents car insurance?
well im a full time college student so i can't pay for my car insurance at the moment. whats the requirements for putting myself as a second driver to my parents car? ive had one car accident and been cancelled twice in my own name to 2 different car insurance. (family member passed away and i had to use the cash to go abroad) anyways.. will that effect me to putting me as a second driver to my parents car?? .. (with their name on the car) i mean.. my parents will pay for me so i dont see the problem for me getting rejected by the insurance for my prior non payment cancelation. please help me.
Car Insurance claim or private repair?
Hi I have accidently damaged another car parked in private car park. I have been touch with the owner who has very kindly agreed to get her car repaired and not to go through insurance but she is insisting to get it repaired from garage of her choice who are charging double the amount of original cost. My first question is do I still need to inform my insurance company even though I have not given her any of my details yet. I am happy to get it repaired rather then loosing 10 year no claim bonus. Should I just agree to pay the garage of her choice or legally I can get a quote from another garage who might be cheaper? any advise would be very much appreciated. Thanks
Around how much is it for insurance for a 16 yr old male in MO?
im 16 now and i was wondering what is a good estimate for how much insurance is for me and yes i know the car and provider affects the amount.
Where can I get the Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes at Online?
How can I find the cheapest car insurance for me? I just got my first car and I know I will prolly pay a lot for insurance but how can I check for deals? I am on a really tight budget but at the same time, I only have a second-hand car so I gotta make sure I get insurance that will pay out if I need to make a claim. Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for my car at, and how reliable is it if I need to claim?""
""Someone hit & run my car when it was parked, will my insurance go up?""
I have coverage with AAA, a friend from State Farm said I wasn't at fault so I should call AAA, but will my insurance rate rise if I report it?""
Where can I get some car insurance from?
Insurance for a 1998 ford explore
Need to find a good place and affordable price for dental care..?
Hello I'm from Oklahoma and I'm looking for a good Dentist.That is affordable.I have BCBS Insurance.But it only pays a small amount.I will be 33 next week and I'm so depressed over my teeth.I got real sick a few yrs back and the meds and all just made my teeth rot..Please someone help..Thanks Melody
How do life insurance companies get medical records?
I've heard that insurance claims can be denied based on conflicting or misreported medical records. Let's say I take out a life insurance policy, and don't report a specialist who I saw out of my network prior to the event. Would the insurance company be able to deny the claim for that? How would they find out?""
Car engine and insurance?
Would a jetta 2.0 Turbo, have a higher insurance rate than a Jetta 2.5?""
Should I buy earthquake insurance in california?
I've lived in the Bay Area for 20 years and never purchased earthquake insurance for my home. I heard rates were going down, and AAA quoted me a rate of nearly $1200 for earthquake coverage- there is 75,000 deductible, and they will cover up to $525,000 to rebuild. What is the consensus on this issue?""
What's more expensive in America? Healthcare or Health Insurance?
I keep hearing Americans spend more on health care than other industrialized countries. and I also hear they spend more on health insurance. So my question is: On average, do we spend more on Healthcare or Health Insurance than other countries? Or de we spend more on both?""
ok well i am 18 years old and i am going to buy a 1969 camaro ss, 1970 chevelle or a 1970 roadrunner hemi i need to know how much the insurace on this would be a year.""
Why do insurance companys ask how much you paid for your car?
When they don't want to pay that amount out ! Although you pay that premium.
Can I drive my parents car without Insurance?
So I live in MA and I was wondering if I will get into trouble if I drive my parents car (which is insured under my dads name) when I am home for the Thanksgiving break (my name is not on my dad's insurance). Will having a written consent from my dad permitting me to drive the car help?
Can I purchase a car in my name but put the insurance in someone else's name?
I plan on purchasing a car soon, but I want to put it on my fathers insurance because it would be cheaper to pay. Is that possible? also does it depend on the state that you live in? If so can someone tell me for the state of Virginia? Thank You.""
How to get car insurance on a Toyota Yaris 1 litre?
It's quite an old car, I estimate about 20 years. Still works well though. How can I get insurance through Direct line? How much would it cost? greenxfox x x x""
Car insurance?
Does anyone know of a website where you can find out how your occupation affects your car insurance quote? im a postman and i was just wanting to know what grade i was in? cheers
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
When should you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
0 notes
Dallas Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75392
"Dallas Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75392
Dallas Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75392
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Are States legally allowed to require car insurance?
Can the State legally mandate that citizens buy insurance from consumer agencies that have little to no regulation of price and guaranteed service? Can we consider this question with these items. item 1: Premium rates are as high as the industry chooses to set them item 2: Insurance companies are not required to provide to low income families (as are utilities, and other necessity services) item 3: Insurance companies only pay a small percentage (20%) of claims, and only 6% without judication.""
Individual Health Insurance w/ Maternity Coverage?
Hi I am in need of Individual Health Insurance with Maternity Coverage, but not with Anthem BCBS. Do you know of a company that provides what I am looking for? I know there is a ...show more""
Any affordable health insurance options for a 65 years old thats not eligible for Medicare?
My in laws are 65 years old and just moved to the US (legally!). Because they are not US Citizens yet, and it will take 5 to 6 years for that to happen, they do not qualify for Medicare. So my question is, is there any affordable option to get healthcare coverage for someone who is over 65 yrs old? Because my husband and I are sponsoring them if they cannot pay for a medical (or any other) bill, they will come after us and we all know how expensive cancer or even a simple surgery can be, needless to say that we are not sleeping well at night! Thanks! Sheila (your love life paramedic) www.slumberpartiesbysheila.com""
Insurance Q's Renewal Price ?
I was getting a quote today for next years insurance, but theres a question wanting to know about the renewal price of my last insurance. Will the answer to this effect my premium?, i don't know my renewal price yet so i've just gone and guessed it for the moment. I was hoping that giving an estimate isn't going to cause any problems. Or, will they need too know my exact renewal offer and then check it? Its the best quote i've been given of 1280 Full comp for a 1.0ltr corsa lol. I wouldn't of asked but i couldn't find online if your previous insurers renewal price affects your next insurers premium. Thanks.""
How do I get health and dental insurance?
I am getting married soon. I will be 18 and he will be 21. I have blue cross blue shield through my dad's work and the magnolia health plan(kinda like medicaid) bc I was adopted. ...show more
Which car insurance companies are cheapest for teen girls?
I am a girl going on 17 years old and I finally just got my license. Now my dad and I are looking for the cheapest plan in the cheapest insurance company to go on for my car insurance. Help?
""Affordable dentistry in Dallas, TX?""
I am currently looking for an affordable orthodontist this will most likely not be covered by insurance, so if you can please recommend me to an affordable dentist in the Dallas area, yes I have tried searching but sometimes its easier from hear abouts. Thank you""
Help me with a car tax/insurance question please?
I just bought a used car that isn't taxed I am trying to swap my insurance over to the new car but the problem is I heard you can't insure a car without it having car tax but whilst trying to tax it I read on the dvla website will this vehicle have valid insurance by the time the tax begins so what do i do first?
Average 1 million dollar term life insurance premium?
Average 1 million dollar term life insurance premium?
""If I get a license and a car, will my parents be forced to get me car insurance by the law?""
Or can they chose not to. My family has 3 drives, Mid 50s, 23, and 21. I'm getting my license and a car next year. Will the government force my parents to get me car insurance or will my car just sit in the garage. I'm buying my car btw and not my parents...""
""If my mom adds me onto her car insurance, about how much would it go up?""
I'm 17 Shes with GEICO Its a Buick Rendezvous SUV (2004) Our zip is 33312 (South florida, if this helps for those answering that may be in my area) I have a clean record B Average in school""
Car insurance costs for a newly qualified 18 year old?
Because of where I live I am getting a Land Rover for my first car and I was looking at either a Land Rover Defender 90 2.4 diesel or a 2nd generation Range Rover (the Range Rover P38) 2.5 diesel and i was wondering on average mow much it would cost me to insure one of these?? thanks :-)
Can i switch my health insurance policy -?
hello, i work for a small consulting firm , < 10 employees..on their w2. they provide me a group health insurance for my family (me ,wife and < 1yr old kid) and i pay around $900 every month without vision and dental coverage..all my contribution..and it is with united health care group now - with this new obamacare what options do i have 1. if i switch , will i get a cheaper coverage ? 2. what is that policy exchange ..i hear this a lot these days 3. if i had to switch my policy.who should i approach.. what would you advise for me..pleae advise me on getting a cheaper coverage""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
Im a 16 year old boy, have a 2002 chevrolet 4x4 v8 truck.... all i want is liability and right now i pay $159.00 a month through american family. do you know anyone cheaper?""
Insurance deductibles -- when to pay? (and other insurance questions)?
So I am no long part of an california HMO plan, so now I have to get insurance on my own. Problem is that I am making about $800 / month (part time work) while going to school full time. Both my parents are on government low-income plans, so I cant put them as primary policy holders while I get student rates. One question I have about deductibles is when to pay it? For example, a plan that has $1,500 deductible / $0 doctor visits, do I have to pay the full value of that office visit to the doctor? Or will I have to pay $1,500 straight out to the insurance company and then funds will be used accordingly? What about $1500 deductible / $30 co-pay doctor visits? If I pay $30 to the doctor, will this credit towards the deductible? Or will this plan only hit me with the deductible for $1500 when I go to the hospital? Or will the insurance company want it upfront? Final question is: for a 21 year old student that is about 5'7, 230 lbs, non smoker, rarely drinks, what do you think would be the correct rate? So far I am getting estimates of $60-300, depending how big of a deductible I want to put down. Actually, one quick question: opinions on Kaiser Permanente anyone? I know most people i've talked to complained about slow waits and etc, but i'm leaning towards it because of good coverage for the cost -- but is it really worth it? I know this is quite a lot to ask, so if you don't feel like answering, at least point me to an informative web site?""
What is the average price of teen insurance?
What is the average price of teen insurance?
Why does health insurance not Cover dental work?
health insurance dental work
What can I do if my car insurance company denied my claim for inconsistency in my report?
Im going to lay down what happened and I would appreciate your opinion. It started when my 2007 gs eclipse clutch gave out the dealership close to my house wasn't a very professional looking place when it came to their shop they mistreated the cars that where there and had old rusted cars parked in their lot. So, I did not want to get it repaired there, I made a big fuss with mitsubishi but after sitting the car in my lot for 2 months I lost my job and I had to get it fixed there anyway cause of warranty issues and I needed my car to look for another job i'm a truck driver that's why it took 2 months and my car had 7000 miles on it i hardly ever used it. I noticed that after I had it back the cruise control wasn't working I didn't take it back because of the fear of something worse happening to it. My mom suggested that I get repair by my cousins husband so my mom handed me her cell phone called him and told me to bring it in the morning because he worked all day til 7pm and if i couldn't get to him to leave the key under the plant in front of the garage door (that call was on 6-24-09). I tried to get there early enough (6-25-09) but i missed him and no one was home so I placed the key under the plant and left I told the police officer that I had made a call to him after dropping the key but the phone number to reach him was on my moms cell phone. I thought I did I couldn't remember because I came back a day later for the car. After I walked home I thought id leave it there a day so he could find the problem, since he gets home at 7pm. When I got there on 6-26-09 my car wasn't there and they said they never saw it there so i called the police to see if it was towed it wasn't and the key wasn't there either, police came over and took my statement but on the report he stated that the car was stolen on 6-26-09 and the phone number I used to call to tell them I was leaving the car there was written down wrong. The insurance company said that the inconsistencies where that I did not use my cell to make a phone call on the 6-24-09 or 6-25-09 I told them that i used my mothers cell phone in the oath recorded meeting they recorded my statement a week after i reported my car stolen and i failed to tell them i used my mothers cell phone but they didn't ask and I also told them I called when I placed the key under the plant but I was confused because I had called my cousin twice on 6-24-09. I never failed to make a payment on any of my bills and i have good credit score I'm in fact almost done with my car payment. They also brought to my attention that I tried to sell the car but i have proof that i've been trying to sell my car since 2008 and there was a buyer and i have his emails that offered to buy my car with a $1000.00 profit for me. please tell me what do think i should do about this situation?""
How to lower price for car insurance?
Hi.So I bought Renault Clio 1.2 16v Extreme for 2.5k . It has modifited alloys (16'),tinted black windows and back lights a'la Lexus. Obviously car was from 2nd hand so these modifications arent worth more than 250-300. I'm 18 years old and Im holding my driving license for 1 month. I quoted myself on many car insurance websites and all I see is 2900-3300 to insure it if I type that my car is modifited (without mods it's 1,8k to insure) ! My question is: Is there car insurance company that will not cover modifited parts but it will cover rest of the car so I'll pay like for non-modifited car? If it is - what's the name of that company. Thank you.""
Can you driver licenses get suspended for not paying your insurance?
I haven't payed my car insurance in two month can my driver licenses get suspended cause I didn't pay it cause someone told me it it get suspended if i didn't pay it I live in South Dakota
Am I legally insured to drive my car?
I live in the UK and hold a provisional driving license. Recently I became the registered keeper of a car, and to cut down on insurance costs, my mother insured it in her name with me as a named driver. As I am still not fully qualified I always drive under supervision. A friend has suggested that unless I make my mum the registered keeper of the vehicle, my insurance is not valid and I am breaking the law. Is this true?""
""I got a dui and i was told i need an sr-22, im already covered by geico insurance....?
ok im already covered but i want to know how much extra it will be a month having this sr-22 .. i know age a car varys ... im 19 but i do not know what car i would have yet but i juat want to know about how much so i can be prepared.
Address change with car insurance?
when you change your address with your car insurance (ex: geico, progressive, all state, etc), do they go ahead and notify the dmv and the town you live in that you have moved and have a new address? of do you have to contact the dmv and town yourself and notify them? does the insurance company notify anybody?""
What is a good health insurance for a college student?
I am a college student looking for good health insurance. I understand insurance is not cheap but i was wondering if someone could help point me in the right direction!
Can my Health Insurance cover for my Car Insurance?
I currently have AmeriChoice as my health Insurance and High Point as my car Insurance. Does anybody know how this works? I've some people say that they have their car ins. with their health ins. and they end up paying less $$ for their car Ins. Help!
Dallas Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75392
Dallas Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75392
Question about buying a car without insurance?
Hey everyone, I need answers without criticism as Im new to this and know as much as you did when you bought your first car. I live in Texas and I have my learners permit but will get my license in around a month or so. We found a great deal on a car I love, and my parents want to buy it. However, as I said, I dont have my license yet, therfore, I dont have insurance. I was wondering, if my parents want to buy the car and keep it at home in the garage until i get my license and can get insurance, how would it work from the moment I buy the car until I drive it home. My parents have full-cover insurance with State Farm in both their cars, each pays their own insurance, would their insurance cover a second (technically third) car? What would be the step to take? How can I drive the car in peace without being nervous about getting pulled over or something? Please no rude answers, im trying to do things right, thus im here asking, Thanks""
Im placed under my moms insurance- but i live with a freind. and im using there car-?
if im put under my moms car insurance - but im livving in another house hold and using someone elses car - would i still be covered(with my moms insurance) ? or you cant do that? becuase if i get in an accident in my friends car - does that cover me and them? or me? there car? someone please explain !
Canceling car insurance?
i got some car insurance for a car i was purchasing today as i did not want to drive it home over 100 miles with out none , i only took it out yesterday but when i went to pick up the car it had obtained some problems that it did not have before so i have not brought it. i was told when i got the insurance that i would have 14 days to cancel it but when i rung them up today to cancel it they have said i can not and i will have to pay all of the premium in full, i explained to them why i was needing to cancel it and was told it is not their fault and i still have to pay all outstanding monies , is this right . this is with swinton if it matters.""
Whats cheaper honda or toyota insurance?
honda civic or toyota corolla
Will asthma affect health insurance premium?
Hello, I had asthma as a child from ages 2 to 11. I am now 20 years old. Will this affect my health insurance premiums if I try to get an individual plan? Or will it not matter because the last incident was over 10 years ago? I do not take any medication or anything for the last 10 years.""
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
Can I have both employer provided insurance and obamacare insurance?
How much is motorcycle insurance in BC Canada?
I am thinking of getting a motorcycle when im 16 and get my Learners. how much would insurance cost? I live near vancouver BC
Is there a group health insurance I can join?
My husband left his job and we lost our health insurance. Are there organizations I can join to become part of their group health insurance? Who are they? I know I can buy health insurance any time but I can generally get it cheaper as a group insurance.
Hi I are v8 insurance more expensive than v6?
I'm getting a car soon and I can pick between an 08 bmw 528i v6 or 08 bmw 550i v8. I was wondering if insurance would be the same because there the same car. I live in California thank you.
Am i paying too much for car insurance?
I am in my early 30s. A single male, no kids. I have a pretty much spotless driving record. The only ticket i have had in the past 10 years that i can think of off hand was for not using a turn signal, that was over a year ago. Other than that, nothing in around 10 years. No claims on my insurance in over 10 years either. I drive a 2001 Ford ZX2, its a compact car-for those not familiar with it , it would be similar to a Chevy Cavalier or Dodge Neon. Oh, im paying $700 every 6 months for full coverage car insurance through Nationwide. I have been with them ever since i started driving. This seems like alot. Is it? My friends tell me im overpaying, yet when i call around other places to get quotes i never find anything cheaper. In fact several places have told me to stay where im at. I dont have a problem paying it, but im just trying to find out if this sounds about right and fair as far as the price goes. Anyone out there a insurance agent?""
California Health Insurance?
I am looking to get health insurance for a year, more to take care of neglected issues than to cover my butt if I get sick/hurt (I'm 27, betting on youth and good health!). Kaiser seems to be the most appealing because they cover a broader range of services. I am namely interested in physical therapy (winged scapula), dermatology (oily skin/acne), perhaps mental illness services as I have suffered from depression (although I somewhat consider it a problem of my past). I'm aware insurance plans won't cover preexisting conditions, but how can they really prove these issues didn't start yesterday, right? I'm overwhelmed with my choices. Is it worth paying $330/mo for $0 deductible, 0% coinsurance, $40 co pays and a max out of pocket @ $3000? Or is it smarter to pay $166/mo, $2700 deductible, 0% coinsurance, $0 co pays after deductible, and max out of pocket @ $5000 (including deductible)? Etc. I have put off getting insurance because I'm scared I will pick a completely inappropriate plan. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?""
""How much would my car insurance be, I'm 22 years old, only had one speeding ticket, 2003 Mitsubishi Galant se?
It has 4Dr
If I have broad form insurance can another insured person drive my car?
If i have broad form insurance while another party has average car insurance, would they be insured in my car?""
How much does car insurance go up when adding a 4th car?
I'm 17 and i want to buy my own car. My parents are worried insurance will skyrocket up. How much does insurance go up when adding a 4th car to the insurance plan?( I currently pay for my share of insurance each month)
How to get Insurance license...?
How difficult is it to get your insurance license in California? For commercial and property. How long does it take on average?
Who has the best life insurance?
I have a Whole Life policy already, but I was wondering which company has the best product and if I should switch to a new company. I like the idea of getting term and investing the difference, but then I don't like paying for something that I'm not going to get back or get anything out of, that is if I don't die during that term period. So which company is the best to go with?""
How much would insurance cost for a 2002 Mitsubishi Eclipse?
I'm 17 years old with a clean driving record. All the insurance websites won't give you quotes until your 18, and i'm just curious how much monthly insurance would be because i'm paying for it.""
Best health insurance in Texas?
Best health insurance in Texas?
Where can i cheap car insurance from?
im 18 and i need cheap car insurance . my parents also have a Business is there a way to add to a Business policy. i have a full uk licence ive tried all the comparison sites they quoting me around 5000 - need another local solution need urgent help on this please?????
What company offers the cheapest auto insurace?
Help!!!I My car insurance is $432.00 a month! My husband has gotten 3 speeding tickets within the past year and our car insurance has sky rocketed. We currently have Geico Insurance and I have gotten a few more qoutes from different companies but nothing has been cheaper. Besides the obvious advise (SLOW DOWN), does anyone know what we can do to lower our monthly premium?""
17 soon. just wondering about car insurance?
whether when i pass n get a car if il be able to pay insurance monthly? and does it cost more tht way (uk)
Can I afford the insurance for this car?
I'm 17. I may purchase a 2003 Chevy Cavalier Coupe after I get my g2 next week. I'm wondering what insurance will be like? I know there are many variables, but I'm looking for a ballpark figure. I make about $500-600 a month. Since my parents both own vehicles, I can't go under their insurance as an Ocassional Driver, forcing me to have my own insurance as opposed to being under my parents' name. I can't call for a quote because I dont have my g2 yet :P""
""I'm 17, I want a vauxhall corsa sxi or a fiat 500 abrath, how much will each of these cost on insurance?""
I'm 17, I want a vauxhall corsa sxi or a fiat 500 abrath, how much will each of these cost on insurance?""
New York State car insurance question?
Do you need to have car insurance to have a drivers license? I mean could you take the road test and get your license but have no insurance?
How much is health insurance for a baby?
Ballpark please, don't need exact numbers. Teen parents, how much is health insurance for the baby gonna be?""
Dallas Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75392
Dallas Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75392
""I drive a work vehicle 5 days a week, shouldn't I get a low rate insurance for my own car?""
I've started a new job few months ago, where I'm provided with a work vehicle (insured by my work) and I drive this work car 5 days a week (Monday thru Friday) ... I still have my own car and I'm not getting rid of it, but the question is shouldn't I get a lower rate insurance for driving my car only in weekends, if any?""
Commercial car insurance no claims?
I have 9 yrs no claims bonus on a commercial insurance policy in my name with my missus as name driver. I am selling the van and will want to buy a 4x4 and insure on a private policy, None of the insurance companies that I have had quotes from will honor the no claims bonus and all say that I have to start again from zero I also have been the name driver on the missus's car policy for 10 yrs with no claims either. Can anyone tell me if this is Right or yet again am I being unfairly screwed? Cheers all.""
Progressive auto insurance? or AAA..which one is cheaper?
in terms of (monthly payments)
Mazda miata insurance?
okay so im 16 getting a miata, is the cost of insurance going to be high?""
How much damage will the other drivers insurance have to pay?
My son was involved in a collision this morning. The driver of the other vehicle pulled out right in front of him and he rear-ended them. The driver of the other vehicle was cited for failure to yield and the state trooper that handled the accident said that the collision was unavoidable on my sons part. The question concerning me is that my son did not pay anything for the car he was driving because it was given to him by my daughter. The car has a salvage title because it had apparently been totalled before but had been restored. The car probably would not be worth very much even had it never been in an accident because it is a 1986 year model Pontiac 6000. Now he is without transportation unless I provide it. Will they only be required to pay a salvage price for damages or what?
My health insurance policy is too expensive. What shall I do?
My health insurance policy is too expensive. What shall I do?
Cheapest car insurance for first time driver? I'm a girl?
I'm looking for insurance that is as cheap as possible. I'm a 17 year old girl who is currently having driving lessons.
How Much Would My Auto Insurance Cost ?
Im a 20 Year old Male in New York City. My Parents never drove so i am looking to start a policy under my name. I bought a 1997 Accura CL Coupe a couple days ago for $2000. I have my Permit and i have my road test in 3 weeks so i should get my license shortly after. I know New York usually has higher rates but i checked a free online quote from Geico & it was about $600 a month / $3600 for 6 months. This looks way too high to me. Is it this high because i don't have my insurance yet ? And how much do you think it will be when i do get my insurance with the state minimum insurance ?
What's good insurance for young adults?
I'm 21 & I currently have insurance with the car lot I purchased my car from. What are good full coverage but affordable insurances?
Liability Car Insurance and Car Age?
I am wondering about how old a car should be to only have liability car insurance on it. Also, can you get liability on any/all cars, or just ones that are a certain age or older?""
Cheap car insurance for 18-year old male?
Hi. Been looking for cheap car insurance. so far ive been quoted 8000 on 2001 vauxhall corsa 1.2 petrol 3dr hatchback. live in ws1 4 area and im a carpenter. no parents dont drive and passed early october. Ive tried I-Kube, and other but their prices are outrageous! hoping to go with young marmalade as a last resort. Many thanks. :) and no i havent bought the car yet. car is worth 1500 approx.""
How much would my motorcycle insurance cost?
i might be purchasing a 1999 honda cbr 600s4. i have no riding experience. i live in NJ. i am 22 years old. i have 4 points on my license (from careless driving tickets), besides that, a clean driving record. any sort of educated guess would be much appreciated.""
How much would I pay for the Insurance Renewal?
I recently had a car accident with my brand new 4WD vehicle. The front part were badly damaged and is now in the manufacturer's garage. Good thing I didn't get any physical injury as the vehicle's air bag went off just on time and my comprehensive insurance will cover for the agency repairs. My question is, assuming that I'll never encounter another major accident for the next 11 months, how much(more or less) would I pay for the vehicle's insurance renewal next year after it has been assessed by a qualified individual. As early as now, I want to have an idea how the insurance company will compute for my insurance renewal and what are other factors do they consider say I paid them around $1,300 for this year's fee. I hope someone could give me an idea re insurance renewal and other pertinent info re this matter.""
Teen Female vs. Male Insurance Rates?
is it true that if youre a male teen, your car insurance rates are higher than a teen female's rates? are there websites to back that up? thanks!""
What are some healthcare insurances available for 63 yrs old?
My mom is looking for healthcare insurance.
""I'm turning 19 in August, Is there any free health insurance?""
I've had All kids for the past several years and now that I'm turning 19 in August they're taking it away. I'm a full time college student, I can't afford health insurance, what can I do? All of the money that I make goes towards my schooling.""
What is the best car insurance that can cover any accidents and passenger & property damage in California?
What is the best car insurance that can cover any accidents and passenger & property damage in California?
Cheapest car insurance???
what is the best place to get the cheapest car insurance???
Obamacare and still insurance premium skyrocketing?
Now that Obamacare has passed and in place why insurance premiums are still skyrocketing at record numbers? isn't it the main primary reason for (to have)obamacare is to curb the ever increasing cost of health insurance premium??
Insurance Help Please?
I got a letter today saying that my health insurance is about to be canceled. I have been on my mom's insurance forever. She is disabled and can not work so it was a state funded program. (Tenncare) I am too old to stay under hers anymore so I applied myself. Here are my qualifications . I am 19 and a full time college student. I have a part time job and make about 500-600 a month. My total monthly bills are about 450 (not counting gas and food). I am having to depend on my family to even survive right now. I don't understand why I was denied health insurance when I basically make negative money a month? I am really worried because I just found out I have PCOS with a large cyst on my right ovary and I may have to have surgery soon. I am going to the doctor at least once a month to track the growth of the cyst. I honestly can not afford my own health insurance. Is there anything I can do? Also the place I work does not offer health insurance. Thanks in advance.
First time driver getting insurance quotes for  4.5k is this average?
Hi I've tried a few online companies for my husband he passed today and is trying to get insurance for a 1.1 Peugeot 206 2002 plate. He's 25 and this Is his first year with a driving licence but 4.5k seems unreasonable for 3rd party fire and theft or am I justnout of touch anyone willing to share there quotes so I can get an idea if these quotes are average?
Free or inexpensive health care?
I dont qualify for medicaid and my job doesnt offer insurance...where can i get some good coverage for cheap?
Anyone know insurance groups?
need to know the insurance group dif between a standard 1993 mr2 and a 93 mr2 turbo
I just bought a car (used). bought from the previous owner. AND NOW IM STUCK....? i dont have my licence yet; i am 18 though. im going to register the car in my name and the title and all that stuff. i also need to do emissions testing. I know i need to do all of that be for i take my drivers test. My thing is with the insurance. The car needs to be ensured for the test. Q: can i get insurance with out a license?
Can I get onto my parents insurance?
I don't have a car yet but i want to buy one in a year... I was wondering if I could join my parents insurance and if yes how much do you think ill have to pay monthly (Progressive) for a '65 Chevy C10 Custom?
Dallas Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75392
Dallas Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75392
I have a 19 y\r girl who needs insurance (hasnt found job as no ones hiring here). Not in school. i need names?
We moved to Al to a smallnd no ones hiring and she isnt in college because we cant afford it. So turning 19 means shes no longer under hubbys ins. So we need affordable monthly payments for her to be able to go to dr, hospital etc...without us paying a LOT a month. I would like some insurance company names to check them out""
Do I need to declare an accident I had on my wife's car insurance when I renew my motorbike insurance policy?
I am a named driver on my wife's car insurance policy and last year I was involved in an accident (in the car) which went through the insurance as my fault. I have my own insurance policy for a motorbike which is now due for renewal. Do I need to declare the car crash? Will I still be legally insured on my bike if I don't mention it? (ie Will the insurance company still be obliged to pay out if I have an accident on my bike?) I'm in the UK. Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer.
Cheap Car Insurance Help.?
I am an 18 year old boy and have recently passed my driving test, i am looking around for cars but the insurance is a joke, the cheapest i have had is 5000. Anyone know what cars are cheap to insure and what insurance companies are cheap for young new drivers?""
18 want car insurance?
right looked online all compare sites give sh*t results, i got quoted 14k for a suzuki alto 23k for a fiat cinciquento (whatever its called) ive rang i kube and got quoted 9k for the suzuki alto thats with the curfew, passed my test on the 22nd of march 2011, wheres good for cheap insurance, ill have curfew if needs be so please shed some light""
Average motorcycle insurance?
I'm 22 and I pay right at 100 a month for insurance. How much does a regular sports bike cost to add insurance on? I know it depends on the bike but for like a GSXR 600.
What is the approximate cost of minimum coverage auto insurance in Ohio if you are young and drive a small car?
I know this depends on a lot of factors, but from the information given, just GUESS. How much? How much for someone that is about 22 years old, been driving since 17, never had an accident, never gotten a ticket.""
Teen car insurance??
Im a 16 year old male looking for insurance. My gpa is 3.2 and play 2 sports. I was wondering how much it would run me to have insurance in California for a 67 mustang coupe?? And in comparison to a 2002 audi a4?
Saw a ins Discount for driving less than 40 miles a day?
Saw an insurance discount for driving less than 40 miles per day to work
How much would a typical car insurance cost for a punto? im also a new driver and 20 yrs of age.?
How much would a typical car insurance cost for a punto? im also a new driver and 20 yrs of age.?
My friend got hit from behind and his car got totalled. How much $ can he get from insurance/lawsuit?
he's ok but was told to take 4 weeks off of work.
What are some of the cheapest auto insurance companies for new drivers in G.A.?
What are some of the cheapest auto insurance companies for new drivers in georgia? the car i am trying to insure is financed, so I require the insurance to be full coverage, and i am also a new driver""
Can I cancel my fathers car insurance?
He went on a business trip and it was supposed to be for 2 months but it turned out they wanted him to stay a couple months longer. He told me to cancel his insurance so If I return the plates to the DMV in NY with the receipt can I cancel his insurance?
Speeding ticket & avoiding insurance increase?
I received a speeding ticket the other day for going 14 over. This is my second citation in the past year. The previous one being for failure to yield. I CANNOT have this second citation on my record because I can't afford the insurance increase. A friend of mine said he took an online traffic school course and it negated his speeding ticket and kept his insurance rates from increasing. I've found several places to take the online courses for my state, but they don't say whether receiving the certificate of completion will do anything to help remedy my situation. I need to know 1) Reliable online traffic school 2) What to do with the certificate of completion once received (mail to whom? call where?) 3) Does completion of the course guarantee maintained insurance rates. 4) Should I pay the ticket as soon as possible, or wait until after I've completed the course to see if it will negate the fine. Don't tell me just stop being a crappy driver or LOL your fault. I understand my irresponsibility. I just need the answers to my questions, nothing more.""
Florida homeowners insurance- help needed?
I am in the middle of trying to purchase a home all looks like it is going to go threw just fine. I was told to start looking for Home owners insurance, easier said than done as I am finding out... I am purchasing a 1954, wood frame home in central Florida. Nobody wants to touch it, I can get the state insurance for $1700.00 a year, WOW that is expensive!!! Does anybody out there have a better option or idea on how to get insurance at a reasonable rate? I tried AARP, they won't cover Florida even though my car insurance is with them, I tried others as well with no luck.Please I need some help here I'm getting desparate""
How do I check on an existing life insurance policy?
How do I check on an existing life insurance policy?
How do you pay an insurance deductible?
Well i sadly wrecked my car today i have full coverage because i have a loan from a bank and im still making payments on it. I let the insurance company know. But my deductible is $1,000.00 and i dont have a thousand dollars. Can you like make cheap payments on that or do you need it all upfront? Or do i not have to pay it right away?""
How much is Accutane with insurance?
I hear that accutane is uber expensive without insurance. I just want to know how much it is with insurance. Thanks
Pay as you drive insurance..?
What company's offers pay as you drive insurance? And is it any good? Or do you know any cheap insurance schemes or company's?
How much does a sixteen year old in BC pay for car insurance?
The car is an 87 porsche 944. my grades are less than satisfactory. i am expecting high numbers. i make $9.50 an hour working ten hours a week. also, is it even possible for me to pay the insurance along with gas and income tax? (car takes approx. 20 mpg) i drive about 30 miles a week.""
Are there any schools out there that offer their teachers affordable family insurance?
My husband is a full-time teacher. I work part-time and am a grad. student. He has great insurance for himself, but I have to pay for my own separately. To add me to his plan would cost us $650.00 a month (adding 1 to 9 people is one lump sum, $650). I can barely afford what I pay on my own ($160+) and then there's the deductible... (basically my insurance doesn't end up paying for anything... it all comes out of my pocket). I guess I just always assumed that if a person had a good full-time job that family insurance would be included or affordable... It's not even an option. Seriously, who can afford $650 a month and on a teacher's salary? Is there any school out there that has a better insurance plan? We love where we are, but we can't afford to live. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?""
Who gets cheaper insurance guys or girls?
Who gets cheaper insurance guys or girls?
Kawasaki zx6r motorcycle insurance for 17yr old?
just got a 2003 kawasaki zx6rr ( restricted to 33bph) any 1 know where i can get cheap insurance for under 2k i live in uk thanks
To get a car insurance quote do they need my social security number?
I called an insurance company and they asked for my social security number. I gave it to them and my mother got mad at me. Are they suppose to ask for it for a quote?
Car inspection for insurance?
So I hit my friends car and he told me to tell the insurance company someone hit me in a parking lot. If I do that and the insurance company inspects it, will they be able to tell that I hit someone instead of someone hitting me?""
I don't have car insurance but i have a license?
I'm confused, i dont have my own car but i drive my mothers car and THAT car has insurance. I dont get it, if i drive it do i need insurance under my name or is it good enough if the car has insurance under her name? I hope i havent been driivng illegally all along....""
Dallas Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75392
Dallas Texas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 75392
0 notes
car and van insurance quotes
"car and van insurance quotes
car and van insurance quotes
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can I drive this car without insurance?
So i just bought a new 350z model 06 from someone and i was wondering if i can drive it for couple of days. I live in California, near oakland and san jose. I heard people telling me that when u buy a new/used car u can drive it for 15-30 days without insurance. If someone knows a link to some stuff about this please tell me :D Thanks.""
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in ohio?
I'm thinking about moving to Gnadehutten Ohio into a 3 bedroom mobile home, but I am worried the home owners insurance will cost me an arm and maybe a leg????""
Please reply its a Car Insurance question?
Please Give Me A link , Of telling how much is car insurance i am using Toyota Yaris I want to book Car Insurance For My car because My previous One is Finishing I want to get a New one I am searching on the internet to find any car insurance which is up to 800 pound's but i am unable Pleae i'll be gratful to you if u give me the correct Link for car insurance not the website thanks hope u undersatnd what i mean""
Short term car insurance for foreign visitors?
Me and a few guys (UK citizens) are planning on coming to the US and driving East to West over a few months. We are thinking of buying a car and then selling it before we leave. Is it possible to get short term car insurance for this amount of time? Keeping in mind that we are not from US also? thanks
Do you NEED insurance for a motorcycle?
meaning can you get arrested with no insurance?
""How much does individual health insurance cost, on average, in the United States?""
How much does individual health insurance cost, on average, in the United States?""
Do you have to have vehical insurance?
do you have to have an insurance. I just want to use it for awhile.
AAA car insurance question?
I've been with State Farm since the 1970's, but am a member of AAA. I was going to take my State Farm papers down to the AAA office and see if they could give me a better rate. My question is, does anyone have any experience with AAA car insurance? Good or bad, I'd like to hear about it.""
""My friend already has auto insurance on her car, can I get my own insurance on her car or do i have to own it?
I have a Job interview at Coke Cola and I need to show them proof of insurance on the vehicle I drive however i do not own the car but ill be able to drive my friends
Does the insurance company have to pay me because my car is less valuable after getting repaired?
I have a 2005 VW Jetta TDI with 112,000 miles. It was hit in the front (not my fault) and did $7,100 worth of damage. It is repaired but if I go to sell my car it will obviously be worth much less because of a bad carfax report. It's not fair to me, so the insurance company should give me about $1,000 for the lost value. I called the insurance company and they gave me the run around and said the value is the same and argued with me. What do I do to get the money?""
Car Insurance/homeowners insurance?
Is Response Insurance a good company? I'm looking to lower my current rates with American Family. Response gave me some really good rate quotes.
What's car insurance im a beginner on cars?
I'm only 17 in the future I want to buy a car a mini countryman I see a lot of car insurance ads on tv do they pay you or do you pay them
Where can I get individual health insurance that will cover Pregnancy?
I live in a small town in Texas, I was recently married in June 2008, we got pregnant with twins but unfortunatly had a miscarriage...one of hardest things I have ever had to deal with...anyways...we want to try again but I really want to have health coverage and not have to pay out of pocket...does anyone know of any health insurance that covers pregnancy...from what everyone else is telling me no individual policy will cover me if i get pregnant...if anyone can help I would appreciate it...""
HELP! What's the cheapest car insurance for a young pizza delivery driver?!?
I have allstate, and it's $300 a month for me! I can NOT do this anymore! I need a new insurance plan that is actually AFFORDABLE! Thank you so much for your help I really do appreciate it!""
How to make car insurance cheap as possible!?
im 17 and just passed my test and i need to get cheap insurance. i have a 1.0L 05 plate corsa and i need to get it on the road asap. its my aunties car she had given it me but wont let me use it till i get insured. i need help to make it as cheap as possible so please help!
Why is my car insurance so high?
I can't seem to find decent coverage that doesn't break my bank. Here's my current policy that I'm paying 861/month for: Bodily injury/property liability: 12,500/person, 25,000/accident, 7,500/accident Comprehensive: 1,000 deductible Collision: 2,000 deductible NO other coverage. I drive a 2010 Jetta that I OWN, I'm a 23 year old male, I've never filed a claim/been in an accident, and I haven't gotten a ticket of any kind in 5 years. Does this make sense? Am I missing some secret to affordable insurance? I have a feeling it's because I didn't finish college and I have no credit, but still... Sigh. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
Health insurance.?
I need affordable health insurance.Where to find one? Thanks!!!
How much will my auto insurance go up if I am at 100% fault?
I was in an accident recently where I was found to be at 100% fault - accident was not too bad-- other car's front bumper dent-- How much should I expect my insurance to go up?
Approximate insurance rate for a 2011-2012 Chevrolet Camaro?
Alright so im just looking around and i saw the new lease for the camaro's msrp is aprx 23k and that is a little in my price range. But i would like to know the apprx insurance rate. Im in a family plan with my mom and brother. My brother has 2 major accidents and my mom might have 1 both at fault accident. My age is 16 almost 17. I dont plan on getting the SS just the basic model ( auto ) our insurance company is mercury. I know i wont get anything exact im just looking for an aprx. And please no comments on im too young for this car. im just considering this option. BTW i was given a quote for $140 for a 2002-2004 BMW 325 coupe and i know American car insurance is usually cheaper?
COSECO Insurance Company?
does anybody know about COSECO Insurance Company I need a quote in auto insurance. i live in North York, is there any best rate insurance company""
Does anyone know some cheap insurance companies for drivers who just passed?
UK only please :)xx
Do I really need to buy the insurance?
Renting a car from Enterprise, I don't have a car or insurance but I do have a Drivers Lic.....Is the insurance a scam? Or should I get it? I am in California.""
Would a married male receive a lower auto insurance rate?
Would a married male receive a lower auto insurance rate?
How much do u spend for your car insurance a year?
I would like to compare the fares to german car insurances.. e.g. for a VW Polo or Ford Fiesta..
How much would it cost to put an 18 year old on progressive car insurance?
I have to add my daughter to my insurance and I want some input before I make any decisions. What is a good estimate for how much it would cost?
car and van insurance quotes
car and van insurance quotes
Will a reckless driving ticket affect an insurance premium in Georgia?
My husband recently went through a road block after leaving work (playing music in a bar.) He was honest and said he'd been drinking, even though he waited for a while and had not had that much to drink. He blew .07 over the legal limit. He went to jail for 14 hours. We paid a lot of money and got the charge dropped to reckless driving. This was six months ago and our insurance premium has only gone down (good grades and homeowner's insurance with same company.) We are afraid to ask the insurance company for fear that they might not know. 1. Will that info get sent to them automatically? 2. Is there danger that our bill will go up if we speak to them about it? 3. What percentage might the bill go up once they do find out? We are looking to buy a new car soon, so we can't avoid speaking to the insurance company about it forever!""
Have any 19 year old male's managed to get their car insurance under 2 grand in the past year or so?
If so, what company were you with? On my mum's suzuki wagon the insurance quote from aviva have been ridiculously high, but I managed to get one for 2 grand with a 50% drop in price next year due to no claims, the cheapest i've managed so far. Anyone with experience know where to go or if it's possible to get it cheaper on a vauxhall corsa?""
How can I find cheap car insurance?
I have a policy with RBC. They just jacked me up by 400 a year....
Can anyone suggest a really affordable health insurance program for a family. That covers alot plus maternity?
Can anyone suggest a really affordable health insurance program for a family. That covers alot plus maternity?
""Conservatives, you're always claiming that Obama-care is the reason that insurance costs are increasing, so?""
regarding the 80% increase in insurance premiums, and the 11% increase in the number of Americans who did not have health insurance coverage during the Bush presidency, was that because a magical elf traveled back in time to the year 2000 to tell insurance company executives that Obamacare was coming? Or could it be that insurance premiums have been increasing at an average rate of 8 to 11% per year for about the last 15 years and the increases we've seen in the last few years aren't indicative of costs associated with Obama-care (Which hasn't even been fully implemented yet) and Conservatives are just trying to make political hay out of cost increases that are consistent with established trends?""
Where can I find cheap motorcycle insurance?
I recently bought a Honda CBR600F4I and am looking for inexpensive insurance. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Does this car legally have insurance?
My friend just purchased a new car and the temporary registration Is in her name but the car is insured under her moms policy without her listed as an additional driver. So if she is stopped by police will they coincided this car insured or uninsured? Also when it's time for her permanent registration will the state accept a proof of insurance on the car without her name on it? We live in Georgia by the way.
I want to start baby sitting do i need insurance?
im going to take a baby sitting course and use it to make a little extra money, i plan to go to the child's home to look after them in the evenings and i was wondering if i needed to get any sort of insurance. i like in the uk if that makes any difference.""
""Out of these cars, which one will have the cheapest insurance?
Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005
Life insurance.........?
my boyfriend wants to get life insurance. he's 18, healthy, doesn't smoke. what's the best company to get it with ?""
Is california an affordable and nice place to live?
I live in ohio and I want to move to california to go to cal state in concord. I just need a little information from someone who lives there. Like is food and clothes expensive and is it expensive to buy furniture. I have already got the cost of a house and found some cheap ones. I just need to know how much money I will need. So can anyone help?
I got a speeding ticket. Any estimate of how much insurance premium may go up by?
Got my first speeding ticket in Collingwood, Ontario. Drove 80km on a 60km limit road. Just wondering how much insurance premium rate can go up by... or is there any chance it won't? Would love to fight it, but I live in Toronto and the drive up there is a waste of 4 hrs/miliage/gas vs paying a $95 fine, losing 3 demerit points and having it on record for 3 years.""
Can i buy my own health insurance?
Can i buy my own health insurance? i'm 17.
Why at 22 years old is a first time drivers insurance so dam high?
Yeah so the title says it all. Has anyone got any tips on how to lower insurance down a bit I'm looking at prices from 2k-2.4k at the moment and that's only on a 1.3 ford fiesta. Hopefully someone has a few tips on how to get the cheaper insurance ;p
Does anyone know a cheap but good insurance company?
im 19 in dec and have been driving an year, with no incidents so far :) the company i was with has gone up! and they said they were gna go down, i know i can get a better deal sum were else so im not goin to stop with them, jus wunderd if anyone knew any good company's? please leave websites aswell :)""
Who do you speak to when your auto insurance is not paying you for the total damage done to yor vehicle.?
Is there a health insurance in PA that covers pre-existing conditions?
I just moved currently, from where my previous employer covered my insurance, now that I have moved, I need a insurance policy that covers immediately as I'm trying to figure out what is wrong. Please help.""
How can I get cheaper car insurance as a new young driver?
Hello I'm a first year University student and I'm now looking to get my first car. As you may all know, the prices for insurance specially on young drivers are very high and I obviously will not be able to afford 350 a month for insurance even on my part-time job. I just wanted to know if there were any legal ways of my getting a cheaper quote. Could I insure under my uncle's name who has 9+ years NCB on his license? I'm aware of fronting and that most parents do it in order to get a cheaper quote for the son/daughter but i'm sure there are other legal ways of getting cheaper insurance right? I've previously driven in other countries if that also helps. All help will be greatly appreciated Thank you, Robert""
How much money should the insurance company be giving me?
I was in a car accident. An suv hit me (perpendicular to my drivers side), which made me hit a mazda and it spun out of control. The suv that started the accident RAN OFF! They did not realize their license plate fell off and they actually filed a claim saying they were hit in a parking lot! Anyways, it totalled my car so my insurance co is giving me $6200 for my car, but deducting $500 for my deductibl because at first we could not find who was driving the vehicle. Now the drivers insurance company has contacted me wanting to meet to discuss how much money they are going to give me. He said they will be giving me money for my deductible, medical bills, missing work, missing school, inconvience, stresss and pain and suffering. We are meeting today to negotiate the amount. I am not sure what is a reasonable amount, my friends told me $5400 - 8,000. I'd like about $6000-$7000. Do you think this is right?""
On whos name should be the insurance?
need help with car insurance. the car is registerested on my girlfriend... and current insurance is on her name - but we both included ... now we want to change company... the only thing is that my girlfriend currently is not in country... can I buy insurance on my name with both included even if the car is registered on her name?
Small business insurance ? what is the average cost?
I am looking a leasing a building that is currently a bed and breakfast cottage. I will do the same thing except not offering breakfast. Wanting to make a business decision but have been waiting for 2 days to be able to obtain a cost for small business insurance. Anyone have some idea on the cost?
Can my insurance company deny my claim...?
Lots of info, sorry! My car was parked on the street and hit during the night. I drove the car to the repair place the following morning and the airbag deployed on the way there. (Stupid, I know, I wasn't thinking). My insurance company, GEICO is insisting that the damage is not consistent with a hit and run accident. They have taken recorded statements from me and my boyfriend. They have contracted an independent accident reconstructionist to read the airbag deployment. The reconstructionist originally told me that he was unable to retrieve the data, but the insurance company is now telling me that he was able to get a partial reading. And that it shows that the airbag deployed as a result of impact. The airbag did not actually fully deploy. There is no powder or injury to me to justify a complete deployment. Does anybody know if they have the right to deny my claim based on suspicion? They keep trying to make me say that my boyfriend was driving the car, which he wasn't. We were in the house together all night. Also: car was in previous fire; severe damage to front of car, all repaired. accident happened in CA, full coverage policy written in GA I know its a lot of info. Thanks for reading and I appreciate any helpful answers. Thanks!""
Does a car rental insurance claim affect my normal insurance?
I rented a car recently in London, and failed to notice that there was a small dent in the door when I took it out. Needless to say, they blamed me for the damage. They wrote up 850 in damages for a one-inch dent, and charged it to the rental insurance. I paid the 100 excess -- Fine, OK, it was my fault for not checking properly, but that's not my question. Does this claim affect my own personal insurance for my own car? Will I have to pay a higher premium now?""
How do I go about getting car insurance?
I'm 19, my car insurance now is under my parents name and they pay for it. I want to by a Mustang and I want to pay for the insurance myself. So do I go see an agent? Or do it online? I tried to get a quote online and I'm not sure how to answer certain questions.....I DID get in an accident 3 years ago but my insurance company never caught me on it, so will they find out if I try to get my own insurance now? Should I use a different company to not get caught and have to pay higher rates?""
Home owners insurance help?
I need new home insurance but I have bad credit what can I do?
car and van insurance quotes
car and van insurance quotes
How much would the insurance on this car be?
It's a 2007 Toyota solara silver with 63000 miles on it...how would full converge be per month? Just an estimate.
I need help!!!! where can i find health coverage?
Every day I suffer from pain. I have a wife and kids to support and an autistic son, so my wife cannot work, that way she can give him the care he needs. Medi-cal sent me a rejection. I can't get insurance because they all say they won't cover me for a pre-existing condition. I tried applying for the states pre existing healthcare program, they said I couldn't get coverage because my birth certificate has a different name than I have now. Hey......I have no control over the decisions mom made. I need help.!!! I struggle every single day and minute with this pain. I have a doctor that I pay cash to see, every time I go he gives me heck about writing a pain med. Script. Talks down to me really. He only gives a little bit, and its hard to find a cash doctor at all who would even offer these at all because of the people who abuse it. I'm at wits end, I'm ou of options if anybody knows of a program in California or anything federal that can help a white male, in the 30's, self employed, with a debilitating condition, make too much to be a bum, not enough to afford paying my own way through medical procedures, PLEASE HELP ME!!!!""
""If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
Gap insurance and warranty on car that was totaled?
I am not sure who is right on this one.... We bought a car in 12/11. We purchased gap insurance and an extended warranty at that time through the dealer. We decided to refinance the car through the credit union were we are members. The gap insurance was 1/2 the price we purchased at the dealer. The dealer and bank said that we should receive a refund. In the process of all of this the car was totaled by my 18 year old daughter in March. 1. We recieved a check made out to us from the dealer for the gap insurance.(pro-rated 4 months) 2. The dealer turned in the paperwork for us for the refund on the warranty and the warranty company sent it to the previous lein holder that we left. The initial bank in turn said it was our money and reissued a check made out to us. Any thoughts appreciated. Is it really our money?
Can my dad (lives out of State) add me to his car insurance policy?
Hi. I'll be getting my first car soon and I have some questions regarding car insurance. My Dad lives out of state (I live with my mother), and I was wondering if he can add me to his insurance policy. I believe he has State Farm. I understand that it would be cheaper to go under my parent's policy than to create a new policy just for myself. My mother is unwilling to add me to her car insurance policy due to the fact that I am under 21 (insurance rates will increase). If anyone who is in the industry / has experience or knowledge about this and could shed some light, I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advanced. BTW: I'm in the US.""
""Republicans, Why doesn't the affordable health insurance website work?
Web page design is easy. I make websites about how evil Republicans are and websites where I give people free Walmart gift cards.
Good home owners insurance rate?
I am purchasing a new home. It is 2400sq feet, plus a finished basement and a finished attic. Also, there is an additional detached garage. The replacement value was placed at $230,000. I was quoted $800/year for 100% replacement value and $1000 deductible. OR $600/year with 80% replacement value and $2500 deductible. This is through State Farm, and I am purchasing the home in Pennsylvania. Are these good quotes for home owners insurance?""
Weekend only car insurance?
I'm looking for some car insurance but only need it for the weekends but every weekend. I was wondering if a) there is at all anyway that this is possible, and if so where I could do this? It is for an under 21 year old as well Thanks""
Omg what do i do my dad wont put me on his car insurance and im under 19 so it costs more?
k so i am 18 years old i dont drink,smoke or do anything bad i am about to get a job that requires to me to drivee in order to be there on time. i have my permit, but my dad WILL NOT LET ME DRIVE. he thinks im crazy, and psychotic and i don't know what to do. i saved up enough money to buy a cheap 1000 car, but i need somebody to take me to get it. also he wont let me practice driving and i have a test for my license in february. im never gonna get it im gonna be a failure all b/c of him!!!! please tell me what i can do. oh also u have to be 21, in order to get ur license w/o parent/guardian consent. and i have no friends to drive me cause i just changed schools. i have no ride anywhere and im getting pissed cause that moron is gonna make me live on the streets if i buy a car. but then again id rather buy a car and live in it then live with him my moms even worse shes getting rid of her old car cause her dad is givinhg her a lexus for free and shed rather get7000 grand for it then give it to me and its my bday this week lol and her cars worth 3000 but shes lying to me o well lol""
How much will my car insurance be im 17?
im going to be on with my parents insurance they have state farm and im getting a 2000 mustang v6 how much will insurance be i also live in florida
""I have the title to and own my car, does ohio still require that i carry state minimum insurance?
i heard on a radio show that if you had the title to your car you don't need to have collision or comprehensive insurance
Rear ended in a three car crash. Who's insurance is liable?
I was rear ended in a 3 car crash, I am the first one. Car 2 hit me first ( I feel 2 impact), then car 3 slightly bump the car 2. My rear bumper ( car 1) damaged and the front of car 2 got heavy damage. the rear bumper of car 2 almost no damage. also, the front of car 3 look like new. Problem is car 2 insurance only agreed to pay 50% because they said after car 2 rear end me , car 3 rear end car 2 that make further damage to my rear bumper. Car 3 insurance will not pay anything because base on the damage they found, car 3 can't make any damage to me. The repair cost is less than 1000 ( my deductable) , I don't want to use my own insurance to repair my car, coz I think my ins co will not fight for my 1000 deductable. What I can do? I am not agreed what the car 2 insurance co said. Should I go to small claim court or.... its only 850 dollars.""
Insurance premium after fender bender?
So I was involved in a fender bender in a case where I was at fault. Minor damage to the rear fender of the jeep in front of me, no damage to my car. Question is, if I file an insurance claim how much do you suggest my rates will increase? I am 21 year old male, not one ticket, or accident prior to this case, been driving for 5 yrs.""
""Should i buy earthquake insurance in Portland, Oregon ?""
Should i buy earthquark insurance in Portland, Oregon ? My house is built in 2005. Can't afford to lose it. It is said there will be a big earthquake 9.0 in Seattle, Portland area. Scared but better to believe. :) Your idea ? thanks.""
Cheapest Car Insurance here in Florida?
My wife will going to finance a car this month. A ford focus to be specific and its my first time to avail an Auto Insurance but I'm driving for four years in Philippines and I'm now 24 yrs old. Some advice what car insurance company is the cheapest for first time buyer and who doesn't have a credit history? My wife is 29 and we got our license here in Florida last month. I drive for more than 4 years and my wife just learned how to drive last year before we went here in US.
""When you get married, how do you get off of your parent's insurance, etc?""
My dad still has me declared as a dependant, and my car insurance and health insurance is on his. When I get married will these automatically change, or do I have to notify the insurance companies and tax people?""
For what reason would i not qualify for unemployment insurance in California?
i was recently let go from work. so, for what reasons could i not qualify for unemployment insurance? and for what reason could i qualify for it?""
How much is car insurance for a new driver?
How much would car insurance cost in BC in a rural area for a 17 year (new driver). Thanks. The car would be a mustang from 1995-2001
Where can I get good credit insurance?
I have heard good things about One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit insurance. I would like to hear other peoples thoughts and opinions.
Is my car insurance in place.?
basically i applied for a car insurance and in the quote i put in a false licence held date as i only had my licence a month ago but i put in march 2012. They have taken the deposit of 300 already from my account so does that mean i got away with the lie about the licence held date and does that mean my insurance will be in place soon. I lied because i think insurance is cheaper if you have old licence. thanks
I am 6wks pregnant. Insurance companies wont accept me now. What do I do?
I am afraid to call other places and tell them I am pregnant b/c i know they wont accept me. I need to find a place that will cover me and my baby. I don't know where to start to look. Help please to point me in the right direction.
Help!!! I need car insurance!
What company has good deals on SR22? I'm financing a new car today & I need full coverage insurance & SR22... all the online quotes I've received has been outrageous! Any knows of a good co. with low down payments? (I live in Louisiana.)
Who is the head of the Texas Department of Insurance?
I need to know who the head of the Texas Department of Insurance, whether he/she is elected by the public or appointed and if he/she is a republican or a democrat. General Contact information would also help.""
If i cancel my auto insurance before the 6 months are up will i get money back?
i gave 730 dollars for 6 months of insurance in april and it expires in september...but im selling my car an not driving it and want to take the insurance off....will i get money back after i prepaid for 6 months even tho i didnt use all 6 months?
Driving w/ no insurance?
i was driving my dad's car to the movies one night and got into a car accident. I don't have insurance on the car because its my dads, but i do have insurance on my car is it possible to get my insurance to cover the accident?""
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car and van insurance quotes
Can I stay on my parents health insurance if I move out?
I am 23 years old and I go to school full time in California. I have a job at a restaurant that does not offer health insurance and my parents would not be contributing financially. If I move out to an apartment, can I stay on my parents health insurance?""
""Of the different types of Life Insurance, Which is the best & why?""
Of the different types of Life Insurance, Which is the best & why?""
Do i need to list the second driver on my insurance policy?
If they aren't registerd to the vehicle but drive it often do they need to be on the policy at all? Im paying way too much with two currently...
Would this car make my insurance go up?
I'm thinking about purchasing a 97' Cavalier LS Convertible, would this car make my insurance go? and by how much? Also does anyone know anything about these cars? Are they good cars? Mechanically wise and gas wise. By the way, I'm 16 in case that effects your answers.""
How is being required to buy health insurance any different than being forced to buy car insurance?
I know people are saying it's unconstitutional for the government to make us buy health insurance, but states already force you to buy car insurance. Wouldn't that be unconstitutional, too? I'm not trying to be a Smart Alec or anything. I seriously want to know the logic behind how people feel.""
5 Day Hold On Insurance Claim Check?
I got my insurance claim check from the USPS [Postal Service] & I Signed The Check Over To My Friend For i Could Use Her Credit Card She Went Into Our Credit Union And They Told Her It Would Be On A 5 Day Hold Which Made no Sense Since All The Security Features On The Checks Are Easy To Verify By Looking At It...Is There A Reason They Put A hold On It?
Help with Car Insurance/License!?!?
Okay, so I'm a 17 year old girl in michigan. I am planning to take my road test soon and then get my license. I have divorced parents and my grandfather on my moms side is going to buy me a car and keep it in his name. He is going to put me as the primary driver on this car and pay for the insurance. However; I live with my dad and therefore my address on my license will be at my dad's house, since you have to have proof of residency when you go to secretary of state. My dad has been extremely annoying about this situation, saying that his car insurance will go up since I live here, so I need to know if it will or not. The people I have talked to so far say that it won't since I am not a driver on his car or his wife's. I've been wanting to get my license so I can get a job and whatnot for over a year now, so please help me with your experience. Thank You :)""
""If a teenager gets into a car accident, how long until their insurance rate goes back down?""
One of my friends was recently involved in a car crash which I believe he was at fault at. The other car didn't sustain much damage, but his car took quite a beating. He's only 17, and he's basically in a shell shock right now since it was his first accident. He told me that he feels really guilty about the fact that his insurance his gonna spike up (State Farm) and he feels so bad for the fact his dad is gonna be having to pay for it. So my question is..will his insurance always be that high for the rest of his driving life until he's old? Or will it steadily go back down?""
Car insurance more expensive for younger drivers?
In the UK we have a little piece of legislation under the European Convention on Human Rights, which gives us freedom from discrimination. I know that a lot of young drivers are inexperienced and more eager on the roads, but what about the careful ones? Is it not a form of stereotypical discrimination for car insurance companies to charge more for younger drivers, and older ones for that matter?""
Why should car insurance be cheaper for young people?
car insurance should not be cheaper for young people because they are not responsible
Looking for an insurance company to insure me using VIN/chassis number?
I have bought a beeline Veloce GT50 49cc scooter (still in shop till insured) i cant get plates on it until i give them my insurance documents but im finding it hard to get an insurer to insure me online using the VIN Number / Chassis Number. so im stuck in a loop. no bike untill insurance is had and no insurance untill licence plate number is inserted onto online forms. This is for uk provisional so no answers from outside of uk please. thanks
Where do i get proof of insurance?
i am 17 years old and i recently got a fix it ticket for not having proof of insurance with me. I am under my parents insurance policy so could i just bring my moms proof of insurance card to fix the ticket or do i have to get an proof of insurance card with my name on it. If so where can i go to get my insurance card
I am looking for a srs surgeon who accepts insurance?
my employer now pays for surgery but i cant fing a surgeon who accepts insurance. any ideas?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
What value does insurance companies go by to determine if car is totaled or not?
I have 2001 honda civic ex with 140,600 miles on it. I recently wrecked it and the body work, paint, and labor is coming up to $3900. There is some work under the hood that needs to be done, but I was told to get a seperate estimate for that and contact the insurance company. How much does the repairs have to amount to before the car is considered totaled???""
Can young drivers get insurance for classic cars?
I've been looking around, and none of the insurance websites i have been on are very clear... I am a 17 y/o girl, and would like to drive a classic beetle. Is it possible to get insurance on classic beetles as a young driver? If so, where? Is classic car insurance cheaper than normal car insurance? :)""
Does my Jaguar qualify for classic car insurance?
I have a 1996 (N) Reg Jaguar XJ 3.2 Sport, is it eligible for classic car insurance??""
Insurance rate for 2000 ford escort?
it has 143k miles for a female i just need an estimate, it is for a class assignment thanks""
Will the healthcare reform change the age limit on children on parents insurance?
I'm 25 and one of the great things about the affordable care act was that I was allowed on my parents insurance until I'm 26... Will this change? I'm still in school and there is no way I can afford insurance on my own!!!
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
How to get cheap car insurance?
I've heard of people somehow getting cheap car insurance and i want to know their secret!
Do i have to get car insurance if im 17 just got my license and my guardian have insurance on his car?
I got my license im 17 my guardian and his wife haves 2 cars and has insurance on both.I dont want to be on there insurance becuse it would raise it for them.Will the car be insured if i get in a wrek if i have no car insurance but they do
Anyone know any California insurance based company writing in Texas?
Anyone know any California insurance based company writing in Texas?
Can i lease a car with my own credit but insure it with my parents insurance?
can i lease a car with my own credit but insure it with my parents insurance? i am under my parents insurance policy.what i would like to do is lease a car with my credit, and insure the car with my parents insurance (which i'm under).is this possible?""
Insurance Claim Question?
I was rear ended recently and the other drivers insurance co sent out their adjuster. I was told that my car was a total loss. I had a 94 Buick Park Avenue with 148K miles. I got a call from the person who appraised the value of my car and was told that my car was worth $2,200.00 and another $300.00 for what it would have cost me for a rental, totaling $2561. and some change. I did some looking around and found in the auto trader that I can get the same car selling for $2,995 with 154,605 miles. The question I have is do I have to except their offer of $2,200? Also, if I except this offer is this separate from the medical side of my claim? Thank You in advanced.""
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car and van insurance quotes
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