#Play Chess And Earn Money
squares-64 · 2 years
Steps To Become A Champion Of Online Chess Games
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Online chess is a very difficult game and to master it you need years of practice, experience, and failures. For starters mastering the basics is complex itself forget about all the advanced moves and strategies. You need to practice a lot on an online chess platform against real players and probably need to lose hundreds of matches before you finally crack the code of the game. 
It also depends on your natural intellectual abilities. But natural talent is not the only thing that counts because no matter how strong and talented you are, it’s still important to improve regularly in order to win contests and championships. An online chess game requires a player to have combinations of skills such as analyzing, planning, strategizing, knowing the game inside out, etc.
The following strategies will help you in your journey of mastering the game and also lead you to become a champion of an online chess game:
Hard Work Is The Key
An individual can’t bypass this process in any area of life. Chess is no different. In order to improve skills and get better, a player needs to work hard and practice every single day before playing a chess real money game. The more you do something, the better you get at it. 
If you play chess online against strong opponents on a regular basis then you are likely to notice and analyze their style of play. Playing against new players will never make you improve your  gameplay. Playing against the most skilled and experienced players will challenge your skills and hence force you to improve in order to compete.
Be Passionate 
It’s impossible to get better at something if you lack passion for it. You need to ask yourself if you really love the game or not. If the answer is yes then it’s likely that you can improve and master the game on any online chess platform. 
On the other hand, if your answer is no then no matter how hard you try you’ll never reach the top. The online chess game is hard and to become a champion you must have dedication and an attitude of never giving up which is impossible to apply to something you’re not passionate about.
Start Young 
Because the game is so complex and requires years to master, it’s crucial that you start as young as possible. Children who play an online chess game on a regular basis not only have the opportunity to become competitive players in the future but also become creative and learn important life skills.
The mind of a child can learn lessons quickly and remember them for a lifetime. They are able to absorb all the new information very fast which is why if they play chess online, they can become a champion and also role models for the next generations.
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Chess is tough but dedicated individuals can become masters of the game if they practice for long enough. They can also earn money through a chess real money game with their skills. It’s important to start young to know more about the game and benefit your future self. 
Squares64 is a top gaming platform for chess players to play chess and win amazing prizes. Download the app now. For any queries related to our app, feel free to contact us at [email protected] 
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biko33 · 1 year
Play chess and earn mony
Play domino
Play lido
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squares64games · 2 years
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lenaellsi · 11 months
“Crowley is still an angel deep down” “Crowley is more of an angel than any of the archangels” “Crowley was only cast out because he needed to play his part in Armageddon, he's not a real demon” “Aziraphale wants to rebuild Heaven to be more like Crowley because he’s what an angel should be” no. Stop it. This is exactly where Aziraphale went wrong.
Crowley is 100% a demon. He's not actually a bit of an angel, and he's not cosmically better than any of the other demons we see in the series. He's much less vicious than most of them, yeah, but he's also much less vicious than most of the angels, because how “nice” a celestial being is has nothing to do with which side they're technically on. Crowley's kindness comes from him doing his best to help people despite the hurt he's suffered himself, not any sort of inherent residual or earned holiness. He was cast out just like the rest of the demons, and that's an important part of his history that shouldn't be minimized, excused, or, critically, 'corrected.'
Being angelic is not a positive or negative trait in the Good Omens universe. It's a species descriptor. Saying that Crowley is still an angel deep down because he helps people is an in-character thing for Aziraphale to think, certainly--Job and the final fifteen showed that in the worst possible way--but it's not something Crowley would ever react well to, and it's the main source of conflict in the entire "appoint you to be an angel" fiasco.
We know that Aziraphale thinks Crowley's fall was an injustice, but why? Well, because Crowley is actually Good, which means his fall was a mistake, or a test, or a regrettable error in judgment, or…something. Ineffable. Etc. The point is, he’s special, much better than those other demons, and if they can fix him and make him an angel again, everything will be fine! (So once Job's trials are over, everything will be restored to him? Praise be!) Aziraphale has to believe that Crowley's better traits come from traces of the angel he used to know and not the demon he's known for 6,000 years, because that’s how he can rationalize his incorrect view of Heaven as The Source Of Truth And Light And Good with his complicated feelings about Crowley's fall.
But Crowley's fall was not an injustice because he's actually a Good Person who didn't deserve it. Crowley's fall was an injustice because the entire system of dividing people into Good (obedient) and Bad (rebellious) is bullshit. Crowley is not an unfortunate exception to God's benevolence, he is a particularly sympathetic example of God's cruelty.
And really, Crowley doesn't behave at all like an angel, especially when he's at his best. All of the things that he's done that we as the audience consider Good are things that Heaven has directly opposed. (See: saving the goats and children in defiance of God in S2E2, convincing Aziraphale to give money to Elspeth despite Heaven's views on the "virtues of poverty" in S2E3, speaking out against the flood and the crucifixion in S1E3, tempting Aziraphale to enjoy earthly pleasures because he thinks they'll make him happy, stopping Armageddon.)
Heaven as an institution has never been about helping humanity. And that's not an issue of leadership, as Aziraphale seems to think--it's by design. Aziraphale's first official act as an angel toward humanity was to literally throw them to the lions. Giving them the sword wasn't him acting like an angel, it was just him being himself. Heaven doesn't care about humans. It's not supposed to. It's supposed to win the war against Hell, with humans as chess pieces at best and collateral damage at worst.
Yes, it's easier to think that there are forces that are supposed to be fundamentally good. It's easier to think that Aziraphale is going to show those mean archangels and the Metatron what’s coming to them and reform Heaven into what it "should" be, and that God is actually super chill and watching all of this while shipping ineffable husbands and cheering for them the whole way. And of course it's easier to take Crowley, who Aziraphale (and the audience) adores, and say that he deserves to be on the Good team much more than all those angels and demons that we don’t like. But that's not how it works. People are more complicated than that, even celestial beings.
Crowley is a demon, and the tragedy of his character is not that he's secretly a good guy who is being forced to be evil; the tragedy is that he's lived his whole life stuck between two institutional forces that are both equally hostile to the love he feels for the universe and the beings in it. There are no good and bad guys. There are no "right people." Every angel, demon, and human is capable of hurting or helping others based on their choices. That is, in fact, the entire fucking point.
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I honestly love reading unhinged posts about Armand being a mastermind because to me I just am like, yeah he’s manipulative but in a maladaptive coping mechanism way and he’s not even that good at it? Like his primary response is trying to mask and he’s bad at it? When I read devils minion, it really does feel like he’s high key autistic with trauma and has masked his entire existence filling different projected roles until Daniel where he has his guard down because Daniel is not a god like figure to him as a human. Daniel’s interesting enough and connected enough to humanity and things he cares about and doesn’t mind Armand being a weird little blender obsessed gremlin and tagging along as his sugar baby. Daniel chills with this weird pretty boy monster in a way vampires don’t?
I don’t know I haven’t read all the books and he’s fucked up for sure, I just think there are not enough brain cells or the attention span in that beautiful head for like the long game. It’s constant putting out fires and putting off consequences. His way to earn money is literally ridiculous “it’s always sunny”-style schemes (I think I will be obsessed with pirate vampire Armand until the day I die). Like this man is not playing 4D chess, he is just doing anything to not be lonely, to not break internalized rules informed by his making/existence that he projects on everybody, and to not die. All fear based!
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ginevrapng · 9 months
one of your favourite times of the year now that you're together with george is christmas. you thought when you were younger that christmas at hogwarts was amazing but christmas at the weasleys? well that's perfection.
christmas feasts at hogwarts may have been good but it doesn't compare to molly's christmas dinner. baking gingerbread with ginny and trying to convince percy to relax for a while and stop thinking about work because it's the holidays. getting competitive with ron while playing wizards chess and becoming smug whenever you win. sitting by the fire drinking hot chocolate with hermione and watching as fred and george prank percy for the tenth time in a week.
spending time with george is the best part though, like falling asleep in your boyfriends lap while he plays with your hair and how he wraps his arms around you at all times because you're cold and he also needs to be touching you at all times, if not he misses you but he won't tell you that, you'll just have to figure that out by his facial expression. of course you know that whenever you leave the comfort and warmth of george's arms that he misses you and you miss it to but you sometimes do it on purpose just to see his face making you giggle before practically flinging yourself against him.
you don't buy anything big for each other, even now that he earns enough money with the shop you still buy each other small things. neither of you like the idea of buying something big because you want to buy something intimate for each other. sometimes you'll spend hours make something yourself to give to him and write him a loving christmas card to go with it. one year george wrapped up a singular firework and it came with a note saying it's custom made. when lit both your names appeared in the sky with a heart, underneath saying together forever.
every year george comes up to you holding mistletoe on christmas day asking for a kiss. on occasion late at night when you're both half asleep george will talk to you about all the plans and ideas he has for the new year with you. when he thinks you're completely asleep he'll kiss the top of your head and talk about all future christmases and how he can't wait to spend every winter for the rest of his life with you. he'll talk about how next year his present to you is going to be an engagement ring.
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blueberryarchive · 11 months
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The Evergreen Game
The white pawn moves to E4.
"Pawn. E4." Jungkook swallows, sweat pooling on his temples and Cupid's bow.
"Pawn to E5." You murmur in a hiss, your legs trying to move, but Jungkook leans forward to move your chess piece. Your nails grab the hair at the back of his neck as you reposition yourself in his lap.
Jeon grabs your waist with his forearm so you won't fall, although he also feels that his body is going to betray him at any moment.
"Knight F3." Jungkook played after taking a breath, his cock feeling hot and completely covered in the viscous, milky liquid. He hadn't taken his cock out in an hour, and his dress pants, boots, and the floor were covered in his cum. Nasty, cold, and drying with the fall breeze. The scene was indecent.
"Knight to C6." You responded, holding your boyfriend's sweaty head so you could stand up.
"No, I'm not done yet. I have to win."
"It hurts, Kook. I can't anymore." As you moved further the liquid fell thickly onto the floor, making an obscene sound as you moaned. Your puffy lips were swollen from fucking too much, your insides reddened. But every time you moved ever-so-lightly it felt like scratching an itch, painful pleasure. "Let's play again later-"
"Bishop to C4." He interrupted, lifting your listless and tired body. You put your feet on tiptoe and moved on top of him again, the hair on his thighs sweating under your ass and your nipples gnawing at Jungkook's cashmere sweater.
You thought about your next move while he used you as a simple glove or toy.
"Hurry up or I'll go harder."
"You don't need to win."
"I do. Hurry up or I'll go harder." He repeated firmly.
Jungkook's mind wanted to focus on this round, he had an important game tomorrow; he could earn good money to pay for the apartment. But you offered him some gummies to which he just opened his mouth to chew them without thinking much.
Bad decision. In the first fifteen minutes, he felt his body warm up. Fifteen minutes later, you appeared completely naked in front of him.
An hour and a half and you no longer know how to count the times he has filled you until you were dripping wet and overflowing.
Half an hour ago, you asked for mercy, like a hypocrite. The fact that you thought it was going to end without your pussy being abused was just foolish.
"Bishop to C4?"
Jungkook left his painted hand on your right asscheek. You purred, biting your lips with delight, and curling your toes. 
"Think, pet. I need you to concentrate."
"C5, I- C5" You begged, moving with a little more energy, the cum lubricating your pain, pure bliss.
"Mhm. Keep moving like that. I'll let you go after this round.." Liar, you said to yourself while you hugged his neck. He held you tighter while he moved your black bishop.
"Pawn B4."
This game sounded familiar.
"Bishop to B4." You said, lifting your body even higher. The white pawn out.
"Pawn C3."
Jungkook didn't resist and kissed your neck for the umpteenth time that autumn afternoon. Your sweaty back under his hand moved, trembled, rose, and fell in short moans.
"Bishop A5."
"Bishop D4."
"Pawn to D4." Jungkook's index finger pushes the pawn to its new position, with that, you begin to groan as you shake the pieces with your hand on the table.
"Are we playing the Evergreen game?" You laughed breathlessly when you noticed how fast the game was going.
"Looks like we are." He smiled, revealing his dark eyes beneath the wet strands of his forehead. "You know what that means."
"You win at the end."
Jungkook growled before lifting you up and completely destroying the board until he placed your body on the table. Your breasts bounced with every hit and crash of him inside you.
"Koo, please, slow down. It hurts."
But he just couldn't. God, he wished he could because it hurt him too. But those pretty little cries that came out of your drooled and swollen lips didn't want him to stop filling you up.
"One more time."
"It'll burst out."
"I don't care, love. My floor and boots are already a fucking mess because of you."
You laughed through your tears. You loved seeing him so desperate.
Jungkook grabbed the queen and bishop between his fists before feeling how he filled you to abounding again.
And yet, after feeling himself almost faint and his legs spasming, he felt like he could win another round.
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qierxing · 2 years
okay but what NRC had an exchange program? (and even more dramatic, from RSA?)
Heartslabyul is welcoming to you as the dorm tasked with making sure you are comfortable with them for the duration of the program. And even if it means memorizing the hefty long list of the Queen's rules, you have to say that each day in the dorm is never a boring one. Ace and Deuce challenged you to a duel the second you stepped through the doorway; which you accepted, not because you were actually goaded into it, but rather it was rather cute to see them so worked up about 'showing how they're better than some prissy RSA kid'. They lost, much to their mortification and to their upperclassman's amusement. Cater recorded the whole fight and while Ace is begging for him to delete the video, Trey praises you for your magical ability. It certainly takes getting used to, but gradually Ace doesn't try to rat you out all time to Riddle in hopes of getting you kicked out. Riddle may have been someone who religiously upheld his dorm's rules, but you saw him for what he was: a young prodigy who had been pushed to the limit. Besides, you can't take him seriously when he makes that cute pout! It's a ball everyday with them, whether it be studying together, having a merry Unbirthday party, or playing a casual game of croquet with the flamingos and hedgehogs. Though, as the end of the program draws closer, there's a strange tension in their eyes and when you thank them for the time spent together they frown rather than smile. It's getting to be a little discomforting, but you don't know that they're planning to make your stay permanent.
you had your doubts about Savannaclaw, but after some time passed, Leona warms up to you and somehow the nickname "herbivore" has a fond tinge when he demands you do something for him. Even if Ruggie says otherwise, he's also begun to slip you treats when you're struggling with your homework, saying the sugar helps and he expects help with Leona's laundry later. Jack is a friend you befriend all too easily, his honest and eager personality endearing himself to you well. You have to hold yourself from laughing when his tail wags at your compliments, how could he be so adorable? Lately, though, they've been high strung. It's getting to the point where Leona snaps at Ruggie for taking you from your shared chess game, while Ruggie barks back that he needs someone to help him with the laundry list of chores the prince saddled him with, all while Jack scoffs from the sidelines and herds you off to a private study session. You've heard about pack solidarity being common among beastmen, but this is the first time you're feeling it this strongly, and personally, at that. But it's not comforting at all to see them finally band together under Leona's leadership. not when you're left staring at the poor bloke who's bleeding out from a multitude of lacerations, just for the crime of throwing playground insults at you.
your fellow classmates give you a pitying look when Headmaster Crowley announces that you will be under the care of Octavinelle's dorm. at first, you're not sure why, because Azul greets you with a gentlemanly smile and bow, but as you spend more time with Jade and Floyd in the Mostro Lounge, you see why. although his one track mind on profits is a bit off-putting, you would be lying if you weren't impressed with his work ethic. He's true to his dorm's spirit of benevolence, but you've seen the glint in his eye when he tells you that you're free to ask him for any help...at the correct price. You aren't keen on getting into trouble during your stay so you smile politely and say you'll keep it in mind. It troubles him greatly though: you so easily cover Floyd's shifts without complaining when he goes off on his moods, not because of the possible money earned, but rather just to help him and Floyd out. What an absurd thought. But it comes to dawn on him that you're just naturally helpful, to the point where even Jade has commented he worries for how easily you will drop something to help someone. It's now common to be flanked by the twins, and if not them, then their infamous housewarden is enough to ward off unwanted ruffians. While you're unsure of why you've suddenly become a VIP in Azul's eyes, you're not willing to pry further, not arguing when Floyd cackles and drags you along to do something fun or Jade asks you to taste test his drinks for him. You won't like the constraints put on you, he knows, but you don't know what's good for you. being nice to others has never lent itself to anyone in NRC, and if he has to snare you in his own contract under his care to show you, then he has no qualms doing so.
most likely, you heard of Scarabia before, because Kalim being heir to the Asim clan is already very well known in RSA, and you've heard his cousin talk about him in passing between classes. What you weren't expecting was the very enthusiastic greeting he gives you as his vice housewarden sighs with a weary face that seemed quite used to this scenario. You're a bit overwhelmed, to be honest. Kalim's prepared a whole banquet to welcome you to the dorm, and you're not sure if you can keep up with his unlimited energy in the upcoming weeks. Poor Jamil, you often try to make his side a bit easier, whether it be collecting everyone's dishes for him at the end of the meal or helping tidy the place after the numerous banquets Kalim impulsively holds. That's not to say you dislike Kalim per say, but you cannot deny Jamil's knowing glance when the two of you were struggling to hold Kalim back from his next impulsive move. It's not all bad. You've learned how to cook Scalding Sands cuisine courtesy of Jamil and Kalim is really fun when it comes to show you new kinds of dances at parties. This exchange program has really broadened your horizons just as you hoped when you applied! Then Kalim drops a bomb on you out of nowhere—mentioning something about how he asked for Crowley for permission to get you actually transferred to NRC just like he did. What? Why are you so surprised? You liked spending time with them, right? Then you should just transfer! Kalim's intentions may have been good, but you catch a glimpse of Jamil's smirk behind him, not even changing when he sees your desperate gaze.
same with Pomefiore, as there is no one in Twisted Wonderland who hasn't heard of Vil Schoenheit (unless they've been living under a rock). You're a bit intimidated under his cool gaze, but he beckons you closer and a small breath of relief leaves you when he merely adjusts your uniform and starts showing you around. In time, you learn to live with the big shadow that Vil casts in Pomefiore, now accustomed to seeing the star's face in real life rather than on television. Besides, you've discovered he's rather down to earth more than you expected, often giving you advice on how to treat your skin when it acts up as usual or diets that are tailored to help you. It makes it easier to see Vil for, well, a dorm housewarden and regular third year, rather than Vil, the untouchable star. Epel rolls his eyes when you try to gently defend Vil whenever he complains about his strict routines of deep cleaning the lounge and skincare for the whole dorm. Rook smiles at you mysteriously at his side, proclaiming 'how wonderful that someone from RSA understands the pursuit of beauty!', whatever that meant. Flattered as you are that Vil has now warmed up to you, you don't like how his gaze has become suffocating to be under, always by his side like some accessory piece to his look. Epel helps you escape his eyes several times now, but you're starting to believe that it's no longer as innocent as just helping a fellow student get a breath of air from Vil's unmoving thumb. Besides, there's been a feeling of being watched on these excursions...as if someone was tracking your every movement, and it's unnerving to the point of glancing behind you every so often. Hopefully things will return back to normal now that you're about to head back to RSA. Perhaps you should forgo the farewell dinner and toast that the three offer you before you leave.
you were very confused on who was supposed to be helping you in Ignihyde. Ortho insisted he wasn't the housewarden, but you haven't seen the housewarden for a week now. Are you missing something here? Idia almost screams your ears off when you bump into him in the communal kitchen when you were trying to get water (who the hell makes instant noodles at two in the morning??). Wasn't the most pleasant first meeting, but Ortho tries his best to get his older brother to show himself outside his tablet, and sometimes he succeeds, even if there's mostly awkward silences between you two. He's getting better and you realize when you sit down to play a game with Ortho that more often than not, Idia will come slinking out of his room like a feral cat to join you. You begin to actually exchange more conversations over his inventions, both your technical skills a mutual connection. You're good with your hands and combined with Idia's technological prowess, the two of you come to make some seriously impressive artful masterpieces. He gets very flustered with all the new, genuinely awed attention from the others, and when you tell him it's a good thing, he mutters something under his breath and hides behind his hair. You suppose it takes time, being under the spotlight could be unnerving for someone who has debilitating social anxiety. But it seems like Idia is regressing into old habits that Ortho pushed him out of, staying in his room hours on end, and when you try to see what the problem is, he breaks down and starts going off about ungrateful people and how you deserve someone better than a loser than him. When you end up staying to console, you miss the smirk he hides under your arms as he clicks the door locks shut with a press of a button.
before you even got to process being in Diasomnia, Sebek gave you a whole lecture to "demonstrate proper manners before his master!" before he was held back by Silver and Lilia with several apologies. The so called 'master' doesn't even blink an eye as he observes you before turning around, effectively a full dismissive snub. You're a bit offended, but you don't dare say anything, what with Sebek glaring at you and also Malleus being known for being a powerful mage which you were not willing to test. So you resign yourself to having not so pleasant stay at the dorm, but perhaps you're a bit too harsh. Silver is rather kind and even if he falls asleep over your shared study sessions, he was still much preferable to his adoptive father, who has no idea how to cook something edible. Or his underclassman, who often sneers down at your nose for being human for the weirdest of reasons. Things only start to change ever so slightly when you help Malleus with printing out his homework for Trein's class. Since then, he insists on going to you for tech issues constantly, like some middle aged mother asking her child to fix her phone that has a thousand browser tabs open. Sebek starts to lighten up somewhat when he sees that you're not hostile to his lord and grumpily acknowledges that you've been helpful, but only just a little bit! Don't delude yourself that you were on par with him, an actual retainer! You've begun to realize that this is just how Sebek acts and over time begun to get used to his loud and blunt remarks just as you got used to Silver falling asleep in your study sessions. Lilia, for how esteemed he is hailed as, profoundly changes your perspective when he presents to you a burnt crisp of chicken legs, meant to be a snack for you to thank you for socializing his 'little ducklings'. He merely cackles when you take his dish and tell him that his food tastes absolutely terrible. He just pats your head and floats off to who knows where, leaving you with an indescribable taste in your mouth. You'd think it's just a tasteless prank between students but when you're bedridden from the food and the four of them are the only ones that are taking care of you, it's become a bit unsettling. Silver may have stopped his 'old man' to not feed you his concoctions again, but why is it that you're not getting any better from this food poisoning? Strange...if this keeps up, you won't be able to head back to RSA on time. When you worriedly ask Lilia and Malleus about this, they merely tilt their heads and smile with fanged teeth. "Don't worry your pretty little head about that." is the last thing they leave you with, before you're left alone in your bedroom, too sick to even move.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
avery as a boy mom head canons
@smalina requested this in the comment section under one of my posts so here it is! i literally had to remake this post bc it glitched just like my averyjameson one and i had to type everything again (cause i write everything directly on tumblr and not on google docs so i didn't have another copy of my work). not proof read bc im done with this. hope you like it!
she'd send toby postcards with updates on her son (or kids in general) like her mom used to do with him.
the pregnancy would be really hard on her. morning sickness, unbearable back pain, braxton hicks contractions (or however that's spelled)
he used to love picking flowers for her. he found out her favorites were orchids (also her moms) and started planting them in their garden. he surprised her with them one day and she literally cried
he always kisses her cheek before he heads to school bc, according to him, it'll be a bad day if he doesn't.
loves asking for fashion advice from her bc over the years, she's learned a lot.
they have a cookbook together with all of their favorite recipes.
she makes sure to include him in all of the family's decision making. like at some point, they were looking for a condo to sometimes live in when they wanted to escape hawthorne house, and they made him choose his favorite so that he knew his opinion was important to them.
he learned how to play chess at six like his mom.
they go on missions stealing pens from grayson's pencil collection together.
i head canon that he learned how to paint (thanks to grayson) and sometimes paints these beautiful landscapes for her to hang in their house.
she's literally his #1 biggest supporter. he'd learn all of his colors and she'll swing him around kissing his cheek. it makes him feel loved
speaking of her being supportive, he loves hearing her approval so much that when he learns something new, he'll hop on her bed at night and tell her all about it bc he loves hearing her congratulate him.
she pinches his nose when he isn't listening or gets distracted (really lightly but still)
he does his hmk with her a lot bc it helps him concentrate. they'll talk about each other's days and stuff and it makes him feel loved.
he used to make homemade cards and write messages in them for avery. he'd look up youtube videos to make them look special and stuff.
he once convinced her to get him a shirt that says 'i have the best mom ever' written on it.
he loves playing with barbie dolls with her. he especially likes going out to buy new ones with her bc they have a lot of fun judging and rating them
he used to do chores a lot to earn money (which he obviously doesn't have to do cause they have a lot of it but he likes feeling like he earned it) and he'd use that money to buy avery flowers or sweaters
she sometimes gets sad bc he asks her about his grandmother and she never knows what to respond.
he loves braiding her hair (just like i hc jamie does). he loves playing with hair in general (grayson's especially). he likes burying his nose in it and stuff.
she's super protective (but not in a toxic way). he once got punished at school for defending a kid getting bullied. she said such draw dropping things to the principal he revoked the punishment and made him class president (moral of the story, don't mess with avery)
she usually knows when jamie and him are pranking her, but she knows it means a lot to her son so she acts surprised.
they love looking at picture books together of jamie and her on trips when they were younger. he asks tons of questions and it makes him feel like he knew them when they were younger (they sit on the floor with tons of pictures around them laughing)
avery made him this board he can hang stuff on so that, whenever they go on trips and he gets a new souvenir (keychain or charm), he can hang it up there. he wants to travel the world when he's older.
when they go on trips together, avery puts him on her shoulders so that he can see everything. he's really curious and hates feeling excluded.
he loves reading and talking to avery about all of his favorite books. he's super into thrillers and murder mysteries.
she loves buying him sweaters because she finds them super cute on him and he loves them too cause they’re soft. she tends to buy them in green so that it matches his eyes (he has jamie’s eyes)
when he was really young (like newborn), she used to love playing with his hair. he didn’t have much of it, but what he did have was really soft and she found playing with it to be comforting
when he’d have nightmares, she’d cradle him in her arms and sing him to sleep. he found her voice super comforting and thought it chased away the ‘bad guys trying to scare him’
avery always had to change his clothes when he was younger. he used to undress himself and walk around naked all of the time forcing avery to put his clothes back on or he’d be spilling stuff on his shirt which avery would then have to replace.
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sarahowritesostucky · 6 months
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📖"Runnin' Roughshod"
Pairing: Bucky x black female Reader
Rated: Explicit
Tags: civil war, westward expansion, homesteader Bucky, Black!Fem!Reader, slavery, historic AU, forbidden romance, interracial relationship, racism, period typical attitudes, brothel, prostitution
A Bucky x Black!fem!Reader historical AU fic that I decided to bullet point for funsies, and then wound up writing half of the damn thing that way 🙄
You're a slave living in 1860 Missouri, just outside of St. Louis.
You're the property of (and half-sister to) Master Lewis. Lucky for you, Master Lewis Senior is dead, and Lewis Jr.'s young bride Darcilla is kind and agreeable, with progressive notions that she brought along with her trousseau when she came from Maryland to wed Master Lewis.
Life is very good for you, compared to some others. You work in the house, as lady's maid to the new Mrs. Lewis (who insists you call her Ms. Darcy), and sometimes help in the shop in town.
The Lewis's own a handful of other slaves who help run their household and dressmaker's shop, but since the death of your mother you've had no family (well, except for Master Lewis, though nobody counts that). You do your work and keep to yourself. Sometimes you make a little money at the dress shop, which Mistress Darcilla lets you keep behind her husband's back.
You save up every penny, but buying your own freedom is a far off dream. Your whole life, you've never seriously contemplated running away. It isn't worth the risk.
But when tensions in the county begin to rise and you hear rumors of secession, you grow worried. You begin to squirrel away what valuables you can, gain the trust of your mistress, and bide your time.
With the uncertainty of war brewing, Master Lewis announces his plans to move the family deeper south. You can no longer afford to wait. You have to get out now, before your one and only chance is lost forever.
Your money gets you as far as Topeka, where you're forced to stop until you can earn enough to join a wagon train out West. You find work at a saloon, serving drinks and making flirty conversation with the men who come in for a good time.
In the mornings, you begin to learn the piano from "Old Freddie," and during the occasional slow afternoon, Madame Lapierre, the French woman who governs the "upstairs" girls, will play a game of chess with you whilst she tries to make headway in convincing you to "expand your employment opportunities."
Topeka is Free-Soiler territory, but there's always the fear that Master Lewis might find you. And, on the verge of statehood, the Kansas territory has tipped into increasingly violent conflict between anti- and pro-slavery settlers. With conditions worsening and all out war looming on the horizon, you have no guarantee of safety there anymore.
Desperate to raise the funds to go West more quickly, you tell Madame that you're ready to start selling more than drinks and conversation. You become her newest "poppet" prepared to do whatever it takes to get out of town before your luck - and your freedom - run out.
You've never been with a man, but you know the rudimentary facts of life, and with a little help from the other girls and Madame, you prepare to become just another "sporting girl."
Your first afternoon on the job, a roughshod rider comes into town, seeking lodging, drink, and the sort of "company" that you're there to provide.
The white girls get first dibs on clients, but the roughshod asks for you to be sent up to his room. You wish he wouldn't have. Not because you want to put off the inevitable, but because now the other girls will be nasty to you. The man is handsome, and the girls were all eager to get their hands in his pockets.
You're shaking in your boots, but Madame gives you a shot of whiskey, a spritz of her genuine French perfume, and a tiny pewter snuff case for "wetting the way," (whatever that means). She tells you to put it in your bosom and use it "when the time is right."
Terrified but determined to see it through, you head upstairs to the roughshod's room.
It does not go as you expect. First, he demands to know if you're working there of your own free will. You admit that he is your very first client - which you regret doing, because his face goes even stonier when you do. He barks out orders at you, insisting that you leave the room at once and fetch him the house's tub.
He wants a bath - a hot one! - and with soap, and a towel!! You're very happy about that, because it costs a whole sixty-five cents more, and it will also mean extra time spent with you, which leaves you with even more money in your pocket at the end of the day. You're still nervous, but elated at the luck you're having on your very first client!
The other girls are stewing in the hall with jealously and make snide comments about your race and the man's preference for you. They refuse to help you prepare the bath, but you don't care one lick. That's just more time the roughshod will be paying to spend with you, while you haul bucket after bucket of boiled water up the stairs.
Madame catches you in the hallway and tells you not to mind the other girls. She's a bit drunk on sherry, and she jokes that at this rate, you'll probably only have to spread your legs for two or three minutes! (God, you hope so).
The man is filthy, and he's hurt - as though he's been in a fight or fallen from his horse. He asks you to help bathe him, and you get started with your heart in your throat. His manners are as rough as he is, but he isn't mean to you, and he doesn't try to grab you, which is a relief. With shaking hands, you proceed to wash him.
This is your first time touching a naked man's body, and you try not to look down into the bathwater as you wash him. You're embarrassed, but it's not just nerves; seeing and touching such a handsome man has you warming as though you've downed another three shots of whiskey.
You squirm and fight not to let the roughshod see your flusterment, as your belly tightens with the familiar, but never indulged, feelings of lust.
The roughshod stays in the bath until the water's gone gray and cold. You kneel beside the tub and wring out the cloth, but squeak when, all at once, the man heaves himself up to standing, the water streaming down his body and his ... his Johnson right at the level of your face!
He grunts and swings his leg out of the tub - exposing all of his manhood jostling around not even two feet from your face as he does so! You blush and look away, but you can feel him staring at you as he grabs up the towel and dries himself off.
Surely, you think, now he will ask you to take off your clothes and join him on the bed. You know only the basics of what goes where for the act, having witnessed clandestine coitus a time or two in your life. You wait, unable to look up at him, as you expect to hear his gruff voice order you about. And it does.
"Get up."
You stand, trembling. But what he says next isn't what you're expecting: "You know how to rub a man's muscles?"
You look up at him. He's got the towel in hand, making no effort to use it to cover himself. Then again, you think, why should he? You're just another painted poppet (or, soon to be). "R-rub what?" you stammer - quite idiotically. Of course, you know what muscles are. ... You're just not sure if he's using the word as a ... a euphemism.
He rolls his eyes and brings the towel up to dry his hair. "Knew I should'a asked for the China girl," he mutters.
You clear your throat and look steadfastly at his face. "You're hurt," you say, because you've seen every part of his body now, despite your efforts to keep your eyes trained North. And you know he's got bruises all on his legs and back and sides.
The roughshod nods and abandons the towel to the floor. "Yeah." He's not a talker, but you get the impression he's waiting to hear something from you.
You struggle to think of what that might be. "I ... have ... rubbed my mother's shoulders, when they hurt her. Um. And her feet?"
If you're not mistaken, the man's mouth twitches up the barest bit, beneath his beard. "Eh," he says, then turns around, presenting you with his - very manly - ass. "How bad can ya be?" He walks towards the bed, waving you along without looking back. "Well c'mere then."
He climbs up onto the room's bed and lies down, face in his arms. "What're you doing?" he grumps. "I said get over here."
Swallowing thickly, you hurry across the room. With his back turned, you have less trouble letting your eyes rove over his naked body. His back is broad and muscled, going from impossibly wide and tanned shoulders, tapering all the way down to his slim hips and his pale ass. His thighs are hairy and---no. You force your eyes true north again, looking at the bruises that you're increasingly starting to suspect came from a beating. "What happened to you?" you ask.
His head stays pillowed in the crooks of his arms. "Get up on the bed," he grunts. "Sit on my ass and I'll tell 'ya what to do."
Your eyes all but bug out of your head, when he tells you to straddle him. You do, your skirt rustling as you move and get up on him. You're hesitant to put your weight down, but he huffs and tells you to sit.
"Speck like you ain't gonna feel any more'n a feather. Sit."
He talks you through giving him - what he deems a "goddamn lousy" - massage. He grunts whenever you press on his bruises, pained, but once you get the hang of it, he at least goes quiet and doesn't complain anymore, so maybe you're not so horrible at it after all.
You rub his shoulders, his neck and back; your belly coiling tight once again, filling with a swooping feeling at having his warm skin and hard muscles underhand, at the feeling of his body held between your legs. You worry that he somehow knows how you're reacting, but you don't speak and neither does he.
When he eventually groans from pained-pleasure rather than pain, you can't help but smirk triumphantly. You keep expecting him to roll over and declare the massage over and demand for you to touch his Johnson, but that keeps not happening (though he does groan a little more).
You check the clock and see that it's now early evening. The light outside is almost gone. You worry that he's lost track of time and might refuse to pay for the hours he's spent with you, which will get your wages garnished.
So, tentatively, you slide your hands down to his thick waist, the swooping feeling intensifying at watching all the muscles in his back tense and shift underneath the skin.
"Why'd you stop?" he grunts.
"Are ... are you sure ..." You hesitate, not knowing how to seduce a man.
"Spit it out," he says, annoyed.
You lick your lips. "Well I just ... it's been awhile now and ... Are you sure this is all you want?"
"It feels good," he snaps, voice muffled in his arms. "That's what I'm payin' you for, ain't it?"
His uncharitable response should make you relieved, but instead it just leaves you worried and confused. Are you not seductive enough? Is he going to complain to Madame once he leaves here?
You need to speak up, take action, or else you may be in trouble. "Mister," you say, "I--"
"James," he grunts. "S'my name."
You pause, surprised that he wants you to use it, since he doesn't seem to like you very much. "James," you try again. "I want to make sure you're ... um ... getting your money's worth?"
He's silent and still, then drawls, "You don't sound too sure about that."
He has you lie down on the bed, and he regards you tenderly and seems like he's going to finally do it, but his face goes sour when you nervously reach your hand for his Johnson, and he tells you he doesn't need anything else.
"That's enough." He rolls away, comes back with a dollar bill, hands it over and gruffly tells you to go over to the mercantile and buy him a fresh shirt.
Relieved and yet somehow also terribly disappointed, you do so. When you return, his hair is tied back and he's got his pants on again.
You expect him to dismiss you, but he tells you he wants your company in the downstairs, too. He takes you down and the two of you eat and drink together at his behest. As it's now evening, the other poppets work on men nearby, shooting you jealous looks every so often.
James slowly opens up to you, engaging you in conversation over his dinner. You can't help but talk back, the conversation coming naturally and your shoulders relaxing. James is much more likeable after a whiskey or two, and the two of you even laugh and joke together. He decides to teach you a dice game, and the two of you have fun well into the evening, until he goes back up to bed -- alone.
Madame is drunk and very proud--because the roughshod actually pays for the entire time! In one fell swoop, you've made a handsome sum! You begin to hope that soon you'll be able to buy your way onto a wagon train and go West!
But the next day, your fortunes change.
A lawman shows up with none other than Mr. Brooks--Master Lewis' most trusted slave. Brooks tells the lawman that you are the one he's looking for. He has your papers to prove Mr. Lewis' ownership!
Being only tenuously free territory, the lawman has the say so on what happens to you. Just when it looks like he's going to hand you over to Brooks, the roughshod comes downstairs. He claims you're his property and that your name is Pearl. He has no proof, but says that's because he bought you from a 'chief down in Indian country' (the Oklahoma territory).
One of the white girls calls out that that's not true: you work there.
It seems that the lie won't work, but when the lawman asks Madame if that's true, Madame says your name is Pearl and you showed up with the roughshod the other day.
The marshal decides to trust the word of a white man over Mr. Brooks (who looks very angry indeed). He brandishes the papers and promises to come back with Master Lewis.
With no time to spare, you make haste. You have to leave town now, no matter the fact that you don't have the money to make it out West. You stuff your things in your bag and leave with the wages you've earned.
Outside, the roughshod grabs your arm and pulls you in. He demands you tell him the truth, since he stuck his neck out for you.
You confess everything--running away, your plan to set out West for San Francisco. You fear that he's had a change of heart and will take you to the lawman, but he gets stern-faced again and gruffly tells you to come with him back to his home with him.
You're confused, but he is bossy and all but forces you back to his homestead with him. There, he informs you that, after getting into a "scrape" with some locals himself, he has to leave. He offers to take you out West with him, and part ways in California.
You agree.
Sometime, months later, in California:
The country is at war, but it feels far away from where you are now, as do Master Lewis' chances of ever finding you again. James has hope that the North will win and slavery will be done away with, when the two of you arrive in San Francisco. You make him breakfast, and ask: "What now?"
He gets quiet for awhile. "Woman like you?" He says, chewing the last bite of a biscuit. "Sews, can play chess, hard worker, beautiful, and you cook like this?" He sticks his tongue in his cheek and looks away for a moment. When he looks back, there's false cheer in his eyes. "You're gonna make some man a fine wife someday."
You inhale deeply, fighting to keep the sting of that comment from getting to your eyes. "But not you?" you finally say, once you've gathered the breath - and the courage - to do so.
The false cheer bleeds to sadness, fond and regretful, and he shakes his head softly. "No Darlin'. Not me."
(spoiler alert: you wind up together with a happy ending anyway)
(Will def be writing (more of) this fic in the future though!)
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squares-64 · 2 years
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sundove88 · 7 months
Can ya headcanon info dump the all of the Choco Cookies?
Dark Choco:
Considering that he was nearly starved to death by Dark Enchantress (He and the other Cookies of Darkness were only given small amounts of food a day), he earned the right to be chonky and full of food.
When he was a small cookie, he always dreamed of having his own horse to ride on. Fast forward to the present and now he has his own therapy horse named Heaven!
He was banished to The Cookie Kingdom as punishment for his actions, but grew to actually like his banishment and decided to serve the rest of it doing community service.
Pink Choco:
She’s good friends with Astronaut, Milky Way, Space Doughnut, Stardust, and even Xylitol Nova! She often spends a lot of time in space.
She is part of an astral organization dedicated to protecting Earthbread from beyond the planet.
Some of her favorite hobbies are making chocolates for her friends and going on adventures across the Galaxy.
Mint Choco:
He often teaches others how to play instruments alongside Creme Brûlée. He taught Cocoa to play the piano one time!
Speaking of which, he also makes for an excellent dance partner whenever he’s not playing music- he knows how to waltz and to boogie down.
He often stops by Herb’s greenhouse to look for new inspiration for his songs, as well as to decorate his new venues with.
White Choco:
She’s one of a handful of cookies who are of mixed heritage- She is of Hollyberrian and Dark Cacaoan origin!
She is good friends with Raspberry, Raspberry Mousse, Rose, Blueberry, Bumbleberry, and Cranberry- she even owns a Chantilly Shiba Inu!
Her favorite treat has to be Bingsu with a mixed berry syrup- which is a culinary fusion of her heritages!
Chess Choco:
They often finish their sentences- just like every twin does, considering that they are!
They often make macarons together and share them with the Cookies of Darkness, because they really do have hearts of gold.
They have an entire closet dedicated to dress up costumes, and this often ensures that they don’t get bored on rainy days.
Buttercream Choco:
He is the father of Cheesecake, which makes her of Golden Cheesian and Dark Cacaoan origin, just like Butter Pretzel Cookie.
He is super supportive of his daughter’s endeavors, especially when it comes to planning parties for the masses.
He’s incredibly wealthy and always uses his money for the greater good; such as donating to The Creme Republic’s sea cookies.
Chocolate BonBon:
One of her most treasured works is a beautiful ballgown (It was a Hanbok but purple and with Dark Cacaoan elements) she designed for Queen ChocoPearl so she could attend a prestigious event.
Her favorite part of making dresses has to be the last stitch, when everything leading up to that moment all comes together.
She carries around an emergency sewing kit in case anyone’s clothes get ripped or torn.
Choco Ball:
He always carries around a pack of gummies to share with his teammates whenever things get heated.
He’s starred in a LOT of energy drink commercials, some of which date back to when he was new to the team!
He always gets invited to his sister’s movie premieres. And that’s saying something!
Choco Bar:
She’s the big sis of Choco Ball, and loves to go to his soccer games whenever she has free time.
She always gives constructive criticism and ensures that the cast she works alongside can have a great time filming.
One of her premiere dresses was made by Chocolate BonBon! And she keeps it in a very special area of her wardrobe.
Dark Cacao:
After Episodes 13-14, he often goes around to each village disguised as an old man so he can learn about their cultures more.
Some of his favorite telenovelas and K-Dramas happen to be ones based on olden day legends and famous folktales.
Considering that he has nightmares (This is due to The Dream Express event), one of the more common ones is losing his entire family to the darkness. Again.
During Episode 13, she had a gut feeling that she HAD to return to her people and be there for them- She ended up being right, as The Cookies of Darkness were trying to take over The Black Citadel.
She slapped Pomegranate without remorse for “Corrupting The Love of my Life” and “Corrupting My Son”, aka her husband and Dark Choco. Think of that scene from Coco.
She knows which herbs are suitable for medical treatment, and the ones which are not safe to consume. And she keeps a small satchel of them under her skirt at all times.
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half-an-hour-hence · 9 months
Some random headcanons for the ghosts if they were alive today (part 2)
Is a self-published, fairly unsuccessful author, so he also works in a supermarket. Never ask him how he is when he’s on the checkout. He will go on for several minutes and will have a breakdown if you try to leave before he’s finished talking.
Thomas very proudly runs a Lord Byron hate account on Twitter, which has two followers (one is Pat because he felt sorry for him, and the other is his own personal account).
He is addicted to collecting vinyls. He spends the majority of the money he earns on records at both independent stores and HMV. It gets so bad sometimes that his younger sister has to lend him money to pay his bills.
Despite him having (almost) every dating app ever made on his phone, he’s remained painfully single for the vast majority of his life. However, he met a woman called Isabelle about a week ago and he’s convinced that she’s the one (they’ve spoken once)
He’s still an MP, and he DID have a heart attack, however the paramedics were able to resuscitate him. Now he’s slightly more bearable, and has been spending a lot more time with his wife and child. He still has the occasional fling and he isn’t exactly a saint in parliament, but Julian’ll tell you that improvement is a slow process.
He and Robin have a weekly chess competition on Sundays, during which they play as many games as possible before the football starts at 4:30pm (Julian loses every week).
He’s permanently banned from both Disneyland AND his local Waitrose (don’t ask)
Julian will prank anyone he associates with. He’ll turn up at the museum the Captain works at just to touch the things behind the ��don’t touch’ signs. He changes the directions on Pat’s satnav when he’s taking the scouts out of town. He’ll write a sweary speech about the Opposition on Mary’s drawing (she’ll sell it anyway). He swears he’ll stop but he never will.
Although she doesn’t need to work because she inherited a LOT of money from her parents, she works at the same university as Robin as a professor of mathematics. Her lectures are fairly boring and most students aren’t overly fond of her, however she’s very proud of herself for doing something she actually enjoys and proving her father wrong.
She likes to go on walks in the country with the Captain and her dog, Dante. James and Fanny are the most unlikely of friends, but they both find it easy to be their authentic selves around each other.
Fanny owns a kindle, on which she reads smutty novels without any sort of plot whatsoever. She enjoys reading them before bed, while snacking on a cheeky chocolate bar.
One of her hobbies is doing the family tree. After she discovered she had a distant relative called Alison, she hesitantly got in contact with her. Now she comes over frequently with her husband Mike. They have tea and make small talk. Although Fanny finds it hard to understand Alison’s generation, she is slowly warming up to her and is beginning to think of her as family.
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mewmeomei · 1 year
streamer!twst : savanaclaw (platonic ver.) edition !!
romantic ver here!
heartslabyul , savanaclaw , octavinelle , scarabia , pomefiore , ignihyde , diasomnia + bonus
a/n: sorry in advance for literally this whole fic i don't even know what im writing anymore after the second sentence of leonas
desc: what if they stream? and what if you're their friend??
characters: leona kingscholar, ruggie bucchi, jack howl
(gn! reader)
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
leona kingscholar !
tbh.. i cant really see him streaming
so he wouldn't stream
but without him really knowing he's a pretty famous uh
sleep streamer 😁
yeah so ruggie needs 💲💲💲
so he thought that secretly streaming leona sleeping will be a great income source
and yes it is
and now leona is even more famous than he already is
almost everyday there will be a stream on twsts streaming platform
of leona sleeping his life away in the botanical garden or in his room
he gets like plenty of donations each stream of people thirsting over him sleeping
well after a few days of getting secretly put on live he found out
well why wouldn't he 💀 clips of him sleeping are literally all over the internet at that point
he IMMEDIATELY knew who was secretly putting him on live
ruggie didn't have a good day that day
actually he felt kinda good about the fame he was getting so he didn't tell ruggie to stop streaming him.. sleeping
well now he occasionally glances at the small hidden camera
his chat goes feral and gives him even more money 💀
ofc all the money goes to ruggie
but in return for helping ruggie earn even more money he gives him more work than usual 🙈
fair enough ig
and ruggie informs him whenever he put him on live
he looks at the chat of his livestream whenever he's not sleeping on live
gets concerned
also he sometimes pulls out his chess board just to play with the viewers
he wins everytime ofc
gets even more donations
at this point ruggie is rich
he has over 2m followers 💀
honestly if leona sleep streams are real id actually watch every one of them.. haha
farena probably asked him why tf he's streaming himself sleeping
"aren't you already rich enough"
"it's for charity"
farena never brings it up again after asking
cheka sometimes crashes his stream
like barge in his room, screams, land himself on top of leona
he sometimes frown VERY hard when chekas here or he's like straight up rethinking his whole life
goes viral once again
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credits to org artist i jst added hair ❤️
with (name)!
actually came up with the idea for leona sleep streams
gets 30% of the money from the stream
also the mod for his streams
they also got confronted by leona when he found out the idea was originally theirs
now whenever he passes by (name) they get slapped by his tail
sometimes sneaks to wherever he's sleeping to adjust the camera
and then takes a close up pic of his sleeping face and shows it to chat
chat worships (name) just bc of that
^once they tried to get a even closer picture of his face
leona suddenly snores
(name) flinches and then the phone just cutely slipped out of their hands and then landed right on his face 🥰
he immediately woke up and started glaring at (name)
they ha ha'd then runs away with leona on their tail
ruggie was also there and he thought this was perfect content material so he grabbed the "hidden" camera and started chasing the two of them
leona caught them after a few seconds and put (name) into a temporary paralyzed state 💀
"first the whole stream idea and then this? heh, you're really brave, herbivore."
ruggie bucchi !
aside from managing the leona sleeping stream channel
he does his own streams too 🥰
i think he'd be a mukbang streamer that rants a lot
he only streams whenever he has like a table full of food
and its always around his dormates so there's constant fighting in the background
he streams with his crusty phone that somehow is still working
screen quality is probably always 144p 💀
and he streams with those cheap ass earphones
the mic quality is so crusty his streams are actually funny
"yea so leona isnt as- 🔇🔇🔇🔇🔇 -am nam nam nam nam"
his livestreams summarized
he still managed to get like 400k+ followers.. like
you almost cant see bro, you almost cant hear bro, and there's sweaty beastmen wrestling in the background
honestly you cant even tell whats going on
he sometimes films other beastmen and gives commentary after eating
it turns to national geographic real quick
im running out of ideas so heres a drawing
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with (name)!
(name) occasionally joins him in streaming
they eat together while talking shit about certain people
sometimes they steal each other's food when the other is distracted
chat always tells on them
it's usually ruggie stealing (name)s food
once they got so fed up they just took ruggie's whole plate and ate it
he was so upset :(
let's just say chat threatened (name) till they reluctantly gave their plate of food to ruggie
he immediately went from "sniff how could you you monster 😞" to "lmfao sucks to be you😹😹"
a food fight probably broke out once in savanaclaw while ruggie nd (name) were streaming
ruggie was holding onto his phone for dear life forgetting hes on live 💀
you could see him getting hit by food and even more blurry images because of him running away 💀
afterwards chat could see them both covered in food
ruggie just slowly eats the food off of his body while he and (name) side eyes each other
chat kept screaming at him to stop
someone donated 1k just to try and get him to stop 💀
"what? these are still edible. this stream was a major fail, tho."
jack howl !
fitness streamer
if he decides to stream he will do workouts inside his room
before starting to workout he'd literally scream "LETS GO!!" with a shit eating grin while doing that fist thing 😞
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^this grin
his camera quality is weirdly high
you can see his skin glistening and shit
he got fitness motivational quotes appearing on his stream every 5 minutes 💀
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finding these quotes took 30 years off of my life
he talks to himself while working out so you could hear "oh yeah i feel my abs" or something along the lines sometimes 💀 (when he said "oh yeah thats workin my abs" in the tsum tsum event i literally wanted to die)
his chat is serious & supportive of each other and um its well uh er uu nm
unsurprisingly he does have simps
they're his top donators
although he doesn't quite understand why they give him money jst because hes attractive 💀
sometimes drags his friends to workout with him and its funny seeing the guests struggling to keep up w him
chat could see jack being jack and then the guest dying behind him
"please let me go.." "im sure you can still move for a bit!" "I CANT MY LEGS ARE GONNA DIE" -probably ace
with (name)!
a victim too
jack is nicer to them for some reason
there's a bias here 🧍
but still (name) looks ready to ascend to heaven at the end of each stream
once they actually tried to crawl out his room
wowzers they did it
suddenly they gained their leg strength back and starts running full speed
that time jack has his camera on his head
he was doing a pov stream LMFAO
he found out immediately and he went up and chased after them
its like those parkour videos because of them running up and down with jack flipping over tables 😭
then it turned into hide and seek 💀
although it didn't last long cuz jack could literally smell (name)
he then lifted them up over his shoulders as they try to wiggle out of his grasp 💔 #save(name)
but after getting back he just let them sit there and watch him work it
(name) was so happy they donated like half their money to jack before getting refunded 💀
that stream made him go viral LMFAO
"yeah.. sorry 'bout today. wont force you to do it if you don't want to anymore. still, ill invite you to join me tho."
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