#Plateau the Sandwing
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nemesisthetoy · 13 days ago
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The First Encounter (story and close up below cut)
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Atop an ice cliff, near the border of the Sandwing and Icewing kingdoms sat an armory under siege by three dragons.
Those three being a Skywing with two Hivewing soldiers under his command.
For over 5 minutes they had been ramming the stone doors of the armory, using the smaller, green Hivewing as their battering ram.
On the inside, a Sandwing veteran from Blaze's army and his adopted Icewing daughter readied themselves for the inevitable breach.
The stone doors were barred shut by a stone beam, which had begun to crack from the repeated battering.
Everything had happened so quickly, first Blizzard had somehow found what could only be assumed to be a cursed bracelet, and barely a minute after he had bandaged her wound, three dragons arrived outside their home, killed the other Icewing guards, and demanded to be let in.
Or at least, that's what Plateau thought they were saying, most of the time the intruders seemed to talk to themselves in some other language.
This however wasn't the time to focus on what language they were speaking, who knows what they were planning on doing with all the armor, spears and bang-powder locked inside with them, but it was Plateau's duty as the last guard to keep them out of their talons.
But in all honesty, that was only the second priority in his mind, his first was to ensure his daughter's safety, and he just had an idea.
Atop the armory stood 2 chimneys for the fireplace, too small for a full-grown dragon to enter from, but maybe, just maybe, it would be wide enough for his daughter to squeeze out through.
All she needed was some cover and a distraction.
The stone beam barring the door began to form a major fracture through the center of itself, now it only had the strength to hold off a few more hits before it broke in half!
Plateau grabbed his daughter; her cold scales met his warm talons.
"Blizzard, I don't know how much time we have left, so I need you to listen very carefully to me, ok?"
His voice shuddered with genuine fear, but his daughter locked eyes with him and nodded in acknowledgement.
Her face testified to him the pain and fear gripping her at this moment, it was a sight he had only seen once before, on the very worst day of his life.
He handed her a torch and a sack of bang-powder, "I need you to set the fireplace, but you need to crawl up the chimney and be ready to fly as fast as you can before you light it."
Her face shifted to absolute horror; she felt like she knew what he was planning, but she continued to listen just in case she was wrong.
BANG..., BANG..., BANG...!
Plateau could hear the sound of stone cracking under the repeated battering as the beam began to bend into the vague shape of a 'V'.
"The moment that door breaks open, you need to drop your torch and afterwards that sack. The explosion should create enough smoke to mask your escape."
"But what about you?!?", her voice cracked as tears began to form in her eyes, she couldn't lose him too, not after everything that had happened to her!
"I need to stay and stop them, but you need to be safe, now go! GO!"
He shoved her away to the direction of the fireplace before grabbing a spear off the wall and running behind a shelf case full of spare spearheads, putting himself out of the immediate eyesight of anyone entering from the door.
The beam had completely cracked in half, both doors flung open with great speed, one even going so far as to fly completely off its hinges!
The small green Hivewing muttered a complaint in his unknown language while rubbing his head, his voice weak and pathetic.
The leading Skywing spat out in reply, "Because the Drive turned out to be in your assigned sector, and you completely missed it, you incompetent bug!"
His scales were a dark crimson with an almost purple second color running down his head and legs, with wings a bright orange that almost shimmered like gold.
Plateau was leaning flat against the back of the shelf case, waiting for his moment to strike, but the stray thought "What in three moons is a 'Drive'?" did pass through his mind.
As the three intruders began to enter, there was suddenly the unmistakable boom of a bang-powder explosion as smoke began to fill the room and the chimneys.
Blizzard had just left the building, now it was time to deal with these trespassers.
Not wasting a second, Plateau shoved over the large shelf case he was hiding behind and ended up crushing the green Hivewing beneath.
He then hurled his spear at the second, larger red Hivewing, while also unleashing his flame breath on the Skywing.
As a veteran, breath aim was precise and deadly, hitting the Skywing square on the left side of his neck and face, but his little victory wouldn't last long.
Turns out, the red Hivewing had somehow managed to dodge his spear, and almost instantly ran over to tackle the lone Sandwing.
The crimson Skywing writhed in agony at his massive burns, stumbling backwards out the door, pressing against them with his talons.
Sandwing couldn't even ponder how a Skywing could survive such a nasty burn to the face before the Hivewing had his claws over his throat.
"Fool, did you really think you could kill the Royalty that easily!?!?", shouted the red Hivewing in defiance, "Perhaps you need to learn a lesson in pain!"
Plateau grabbed the Hivewing's chest and with all the strength he could muster and threw the invader off him towards the back of the room, right into the bang-powder shelves.
The impact caused all the powder to spread out across the room in a black cloud, coating the entire floor of the armory.
Suddenly, the shelf case that had pinned the green one went flying over Plateau's head and crashed into the side wall full of spears, sending chunks of shelf case and spears flying everywhere.
The little Hivewing was looking worse for wear, with a dozen or so spearheads lodged in his back and a general look of exhaustion and dizziness flowing through his entire body.
Plateau, not wasting a moment, leapt forward, rolled in the air, and lodged his stinger into the small Hivewing's skull, a guaranteed kill for sure, and using the momentum from his roll, threw the pathetic runt out into the snow.
The little green dragon landed face first on his back, but simply rolled over and buried his head in the snow in a move that appeared to be a result of both pain and utter embarrassment.
Plateau froze in shock at the doorway, the Hivewing had a gaping hole in his forehead now, and yet he muttered about it like he just had a bad headache instead.
But there was no time to worry about that, as soon after he heard discharge of an Icewing's frost breath, the roar of a Skywing, and then the scream of a dragonet.
"Blizzard!," the father screamed.
He attempted to run out the door and fly to his daughter's aid, but the red Hivewing grabbed his tail by the midsection and just above the stinger and proceeded to yank so hard that it dislocated in the middle.
Plateau howled in pain, without his tail properly balanced he was now rendered flightless!
This crazed Hivewing had a sinister look of satisfaction upon hearing his opponent's agony, a quickly threw him back into the center of the armory.
Plateau landed hard on his stomach facing away from door, but he could still hear his daughter struggling to fight off the fully grown Skywing as he forced her to land right outside the armory.
He tried to get back on his feet, but soon he was met by the crushing force of the red Hivewing body-slamming him.
"AH HA HA HA HA HAAAA!!! You shall suffer for daring to harm the Royalty!"
The Hivewing then pinned Plateau to the ground by grabbing a couple of spears and planting them in an 'X' around his neck.
Very clearly taking a sick pleasure from this, he then proceeded to pin the Sandwing's arms, legs, and tail to the ground in the same fashion, laughing his head off while doing it.
Then the crazed Hivewing uttered an unnatural hissing sound, and soon a pillar of flame erupted from his throat.
He aimed it all throughout the room, igniting all the wooden shelves and bang-powder spread around them.
"You will burn, FOR THE GLORY OF THE QUEEN!", exclaimed the Hivewing as he left Plateau to his fate.
The Sandwing struggled against his restraints, desperately trying to at the very least break the spears before the fire spread towards him, but in his current position, he couldn't gather enough strength to break them nor the leverage to wedge them from the floor.
He was trapped, and utterly helpless to save anyone now.
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wuzhere75 · 2 years ago
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Here’s a tribal size comparison. It’s a measure of shoulder height with the dragons being around 20-25, my head canon for when a dragon’s growth starts to “plateau” out. Also a scavenger I stole of Google Images
From tallest shoulder height to shortest
-Large because there isn’t really a size limit on things that live in the water
-Size here isn’t completely accurate; pelagic subspecies can be massive; while inshore and fresh/brackish water subspecies are smaller
-Combination of crocodile and hippo
-I don’t have much else to say; they big
-Most people tend to make them medium to small; I said “fuck it, there big like tree”. Can’t get eaten by carnivorous plants if your bigger than them.
-The two or however many Pantalan tribes diverged from each other a lot more recently than most of the Pyreriah (however the fuck you spell that); therefore Bug and Leafwings have a lot more biological similarities than the other continents tribes.
-I originally was going to give the Pantalan tribes mandibles but that ended up being to hard to draw
-If the second pair of front legs looks a little weird it’s because I slapped them on last minute because I forgor.
-Big because from what I understand megafauna tends to get especially large in arctic climates
-Have varying amounts of fur; here is picture one with an average amount of fur
-Smack in the middle
-Pictured here with their wings because they walk on them and use them to climb while they are on the ground. Due to this, there front legs have grown pathetic and wimpy over time.
-Have a big fucked up cassowary claw on their back legs that they use to fight (a lot of Skywing fighting that isn’t breathing fire is kicking the shit out of each other)
-Having some sort of chicken comb/pterosaur or hornbill crest is pretty common; sometimes that manifests as a nose horn, sometimes, like here, it doesn’t
-Most people make them the smallest; I agree with that but I wanted to do something different
-Longest overall tail
-Small because there isn’t a lot of food out in the desert
-It’s considered polite to hold your stinger over your head like a scorpion in Sandwing culture as a way of saying “here it is; I’m not going to try to sneakily sting your with it”
-Pictured here is a post-volcano Nightwing; “old kingdom” Nightwings (not pictured here) are between Sky and Rainwings in terms of size.
-Got smaller due to recourses being limited on the island and form the sake of navigating tunnels
-On the same part of the family tree as Skywings; have the same big toe claw that helped them scramble around on the volcano.
Bugwing (aka Beetle/Hive/Silkwings as one tribe)
-The term “Hivewing” and “Silkwing” where terms that originated after the Tree Wars as a way of organizing several subspecies of “Bugwing”. It’s more of a cultural organizer than anything, with the only physical trait that typically unifies them being “Hivewings” going through metamorphosis at 6 month to 2 years and “Silkwings” going through metamorphosis at age 6-8 years (the entire “black scales” thing is bullshit).
-Pictured here is a generic Bugwing with both common “Hive” and “Silk” features; some have fur, some have longer tails with stingers
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axilarycobra · 2 years ago
Wings of Fire Lore I Made Up Because I Can't Stop Myself pt 2
Remember that old post I made of the continents and planets in Wings of Fire which is all just stuff I made up cause I thought it was cool? Well, I ended that post by saying that I need to create a ton of fantribes to inhabit all the continents I created and now I'm back to share those tribes with you guys.
Now, some of these fantribes have names that are most definitely the names of other fantribes due to how popular they are, but everything about these fantribes I either came up with myself or was inspired by characteristics that animals have in the environments where these tribes are based from (I create fantribes around the environment they live in rather than the other way around).
I'll include the environments the tribes all live in plus a short description but I won't go too in detail about each of them since there are so many.
Protaetia's Tribes
ToxicWings: live in a basin/badlands/dry, rocky desert; they're basically just really venomous/poisonous; have lots of large frills over their body that they use to warn other dragons along with bright, neon-like patterns (kind of similar in shape to a lionfish) over their body that light up (also used as a warning) MagicWings: live on a peninsula/forest/close to water; bright pastel colored and can do magic (kind of like animus magic but it's harder to use and has more restrictions; they're kind of like unicorns CloudWings: live in the savanna/mountains; soft, cloud-like scales; they just float around, sleep a lot, and maintain the weather; seen as lazy
Podalonia's Tribes
MindWings: live in an artificial city in a cleared plains area; their minds are all linked like one big network and they can manipulate the minds of other dragons; they took control of their continent and are the highest authority
MetalWings: live in artificial complexes in a forest; have especially hot fire used for melting and molting metal, used by the MindWings and are oppressed in their society
StarWings: live in the artificial complexes created by the MindWings; kind of like NightWings but more powerful; they are the second highest in their society but are still overpowered by the MindWings
ClingWings: some live in the complexes, some live in the badlands; kind of like a combination of SandWings and SilkWings; they're seen as troublemakers and are on the bottom of society but most don't care and just continue to disrespect the MindWings' authority
Phormia & Philornis's Tribes
BarkWings: live in the forest; can manipulate bark and are agile and such; super chill
GroundScales: live in the mountains; super strong and robust; don't have wings
DreamWings: live on the plateau; enter and interact with dragons through their dreams; divided into two factions, those who give dragons good dreams and those who give dragons nightmares, they're constantly at war with each other
SightWings: live in the water around the island and isthmus of the continent; have eyes all over their body and are aquatic; they're scary to other tribes
GlobeWings: also live in the water around the island and isthmus of the continent; covered in glowing globes and are also aquatic; they communicate more with the land tribes because they don't scare away dragons and easily as the SightWings do
SnakeWings: live in the rainforest; based on snakes 🤯; they have large hoods like a cobra and venom (like a RainWing); they're kind of like a RainWing but have green scales primarily and have longer, skinnier bodies
Prenolepis's Tribes
BreezeWings: live in a valley/on hills; I can't find any notes on them right now so I don't remember a lot about them but they're related to wind
MirrorWings: live in or around water; reflect and mirror light; they're an aquatic tribe
DigiWings: live in the prairie; robot-based, a consciousness inside a robotic body; technologically advanced
StoneWings: live in a mesa; have tough, rock-like scales
JungleWings: live in a jungle (no way!); I don't remember much about them right now but they're kind of like a more dangerous and extreme RainWing but with less focus on rain and more focus on the deep jungle
AlienWings: live in caves; they're not really aliens, everyone else just thinks they're weird, have lots of legs
Popa's Tribes
FrostWings: live in a tundra/on glaciers; they are similar to an IceWing but are more ice-based with tougher scales; closely related to the StoneWings for some reason
FeatherWings: live in the mountains; bird-based
QuillWings: live in canyons and the desert; porcupine-based, have venomous quills that they can shoot
FlowerWings: live in the forest; have colorful scale colors and petals all over their body that bloom
CaveWings: live in caves (omg); they are huge in size and don't usually leave their caves
Perdita's Tribes
ScentWings: live near or in the ocean; can give off a powerful scent, usually smell good
BogWings: live in bogs/swamps; kind of like a more extreme and spooky version of a MudWing
GammaWings: live in the rainforest/jungle; have high levels of gamma radiation in their body, radioactive
SteamScales: live in the mountains/fjords/volcanos; expels steam from vents over their body, no wings; darker colors on the outside, glowing red/orange/yellow on the inside
Those are all the tribes, I have a few headshot sketches of what some of them will look like so maybe I'll post those sometime. I don't plan to really write any kind of fanfiction about these tribes, they just exist as world-building stuff but I do like them and want to develop them as tribes rather than as specific characters.
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gamegem92 · 3 years ago
Don’t hug us, we’re dragonets (DHMIS x WOF au)
Jackrabbit (Doi/Manny/Yellow Guy) Tribe: Sandwing
Raptor (Roy) Tribe: Sandwing
Hessonite (Harry/Red Guy) Tribe: Skywing
Brine (Robin/Duck Guy) Tribe: Seawing
Paradise (Paige/Sketchbook) Tribe: Rainwing
Timeshifter (Tony the Talking Clock) Tribe: Animus Nightwing
Spicebush (Shrignold) Tribe: Silkwing
Celsius (Colin) Tribe: Icewing (possible animus)
Mahogany (Steak Guy/Matt) Tribe: Mudwing/Skywing hybrid
Foxglove (Spinach Can) Tribe: Leafwing
Beaver (Bread Boy) Tribe: Mudwing
Abyss (Larry) Tribe: Seawing/Nightwing hybrid
Plateau (Yellow Guy’s Mom) Tribe: Sandwing
Drought (Yellow Guy’s Brother/OC) Tribe: Animus Sandwing
It all started with Raptor and Plateau, two Sandwings destined for each other. They had 3 eggs in their own hatchery, 2 male, and 1 female. But, alas, nothing gold can stay. An onslaught of enemy Hivewings attacked them, and the female egg never got a chance to hatch. Fearing what would happen, they each took one of the male eggs and fled. While Plateau was captured and her egg raised by the Hivewings, Raptor was undetected and fled to the only two dragons he knew he could trust anymore: Hessonite, a Skywing who used to be his tribe’s most powerful warrior, and Brine, a Seawing who hatched missing part of his tail. They cared for Raptor’s hatchling, which they named Jackrabbit, and made a promise that they will find Plateau. Meanwhile, the egg Plateau took, now named Drought, is training with the enemy, and he vowed to find his brother so they could rule together.
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nemesisthetoy · 4 months ago
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New piece today, this time showing Blizzard and her adoptive Sandwing father, Plateau, on their way home to treat Blizzard's "wound".
I tried my hand at shading with this one, I need more practice as it turns out (no surprise there).
(And before you ask, yes, this is technically a digitized sketch of Blizzard's solo piece)
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wuzhere75 · 3 years ago
Sandwing lore breadcrumbs
-In terms of distribution for the war of succession, the Oasis Sandwings went assorted ways, mostly split even between Blister and Blaze with a select few going to Burn. The majority of Blaze’s army was Steppe, mostly gained through coercion by Glacier (the territory that Blaze was willing to gift Glacier if they won the war was the Steppe territory, so they initially where not chummy with the idea of being ruled by an Icewing, but perhaps if they got on her good graces they could get access to some sweet amunis magic). Scarlet and Burn managed to threaten some of the Canyon Sandwings to their side but most just chose to pack up and leave for the remote reaches of the south away from the Skywings.
-I have the most figured out about Canyon Sandwings so far, so I’m mostly going to talk about them.
-Live in small family groups along the sides of canyons or in caves. Maintain small crop farms like Mudwings.
-Sandwings are often wrongly recorded as having extravagantly spiced and complexly prepared meals. This misidentified tradition mostly originates from interactions with royalty and other nobles (this habit collapsed after the Rainwings, the primary source of the assorted spice, cut communication). The Canyon sub-population has the most complex food habits. They often at least in some way cook their food; the little seasoning they often use is most often dried chilies they might throw in a pot of beans (they also probably know how to make some form of primitive tortilla).
-Canyon Sandwings are similar to Mudwings in their death rituals; bodies are burned and scattered into the fields as fertilizer. Sometimes, during particularly fertile years, they will instead take the body up into the high plateaus for the vultures to eat as a way of thanking the desert for a bountiful harvest.
-Canyon Sandwings venerate blue and green tones as sacred colors, as they are the colors of water and a lush landscape. Individuals who display such colors are seen as lucky or “blessed by the desert”.
-Canyon Sandwings tend to not wear any kind of jewelry or value traditional “treasures” like gold or jewels. No point in risking accidental burns or other injury. Even though a lot of mining (mostly silver) occurs in Canyon territory, most think it’s funny that other tribes and sub populations think something so useless to them is so valuable they will pay them to get it out of the ground.
-Possibly gained from distant Rainwing ancestors, many enjoy lounging on sun-heated rocks in the evening before it gets cold
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spodimusarts · 5 days ago
Ahhh yes, Inferno the loyal nut job, and Waspinator the comic relief.
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The First Encounter (story and close up below cut)
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Atop an ice cliff, near the border of the Sandwing and Icewing kingdoms sat an armory under siege by three dragons.
Those three being a Skywing with two Hivewing soldiers under his command.
For over 5 minutes they had been ramming the stone doors of the armory, using the smaller, green Hivewing as their battering ram.
On the inside, a Sandwing veteran from Blaze's army and his adopted Icewing daughter readied themselves for the inevitable breach.
The stone doors were barred shut by a stone beam, which had begun to crack from the repeated battering.
Everything had happened so quickly, first Blizzard had somehow found what could only be assumed to be a cursed bracelet, and barely a minute after he had bandaged her wound, three dragons arrived outside their home, killed the other Icewing guards, and demanded to be let in.
Or at least, that's what Plateau thought they were saying, most of the time the intruders seemed to talk to themselves in some other language.
This however wasn't the time to focus on what language they were speaking, who knows what they were planning on doing with all the armor, spears and bang-powder locked inside with them, but it was Plateau's duty as the last guard to keep them out of their talons.
But in all honesty, that was only the second priority in his mind, his first was to ensure his daughter's safety, and he just had an idea.
Atop the armory stood 2 chimneys for the fireplace, too small for a full-grown dragon to enter from, but maybe, just maybe, it would be wide enough for his daughter to squeeze out through.
All she needed was some cover and a distraction.
The stone beam barring the door began to form a major fracture through the center of itself, now it only had the strength to hold off a few more hits before it broke in half!
Plateau grabbed his daughter; her cold scales met his warm talons.
"Blizzard, I don't know how much time we have left, so I need you to listen very carefully to me, ok?"
His voice shuddered with genuine fear, but his daughter locked eyes with him and nodded in acknowledgement.
Her face testified to him the pain and fear gripping her at this moment, it was a sight he had only seen once before, on the very worst day of his life.
He handed her a torch and a sack of bang-powder, "I need you to set the fireplace, but you need to crawl up the chimney and be ready to fly as fast as you can before you light it."
Her face shifted to absolute horror; she felt like she knew what he was planning, but she continued to listen just in case she was wrong.
BANG..., BANG..., BANG...!
Plateau could hear the sound of stone cracking under the repeated battering as the beam began to bend into the vague shape of a 'V'.
"The moment that door breaks open, you need to drop your torch and afterwards that sack. The explosion should create enough smoke to mask your escape."
"But what about you?!?", her voice cracked as tears began to form in her eyes, she couldn't lose him too, not after everything that had happened to her!
"I need to stay and stop them, but you need to be safe, now go! GO!"
He shoved her away to the direction of the fireplace before grabbing a spear off the wall and running behind a shelf case full of spare spearheads, putting himself out of the immediate eyesight of anyone entering from the door.
The beam had completely cracked in half, both doors flung open with great speed, one even going so far as to fly completely off its hinges!
The small green Hivewing muttered a complaint in his unknown language while rubbing his head, his voice weak and pathetic.
The leading Skywing spat out in reply, "Because the Drive turned out to be in your assigned sector, and you completely missed it, you incompetent bug!"
His scales were a dark crimson with an almost purple second color running down his head and legs, with wings a bright orange that almost shimmered like gold.
Plateau was leaning flat against the back of the shelf case, waiting for his moment to strike, but the stray thought "What in three moons is a 'Drive'?" did pass through his mind.
As the three intruders began to enter, there was suddenly the unmistakable boom of a bang-powder explosion as smoke began to fill the room and the chimneys.
Blizzard had just left the building, now it was time to deal with these trespassers.
Not wasting a second, Plateau shoved over the large shelf case he was hiding behind and ended up crushing the green Hivewing beneath.
He then hurled his spear at the second, larger red Hivewing, while also unleashing his flame breath on the Skywing.
As a veteran, breath aim was precise and deadly, hitting the Skywing square on the left side of his neck and face, but his little victory wouldn't last long.
Turns out, the red Hivewing had somehow managed to dodge his spear, and almost instantly ran over to tackle the lone Sandwing.
The crimson Skywing writhed in agony at his massive burns, stumbling backwards out the door, pressing against them with his talons.
Sandwing couldn't even ponder how a Skywing could survive such a nasty burn to the face before the Hivewing had his claws over his throat.
"Fool, did you really think you could kill the Royalty that easily!?!?", shouted the red Hivewing in defiance, "Perhaps you need to learn a lesson in pain!"
Plateau grabbed the Hivewing's chest and with all the strength he could muster and threw the invader off him towards the back of the room, right into the bang-powder shelves.
The impact caused all the powder to spread out across the room in a black cloud, coating the entire floor of the armory.
Suddenly, the shelf case that had pinned the green one went flying over Plateau's head and crashed into the side wall full of spears, sending chunks of shelf case and spears flying everywhere.
The little Hivewing was looking worse for wear, with a dozen or so spearheads lodged in his back and a general look of exhaustion and dizziness flowing through his entire body.
Plateau, not wasting a moment, leapt forward, rolled in the air, and lodged his stinger into the small Hivewing's skull, a guaranteed kill for sure, and using the momentum from his roll, threw the pathetic runt out into the snow.
The little green dragon landed face first on his back, but simply rolled over and buried his head in the snow in a move that appeared to be a result of both pain and utter embarrassment.
Plateau froze in shock at the doorway, the Hivewing had a gaping hole in his forehead now, and yet he muttered about it like he just had a bad headache instead.
But there was no time to worry about that, as soon after he heard discharge of an Icewing's frost breath, the roar of a Skywing, and then the scream of a dragonet.
"Blizzard!," the father screamed.
He attempted to run out the door and fly to his daughter's aid, but the red Hivewing grabbed his tail by the midsection and just above the stinger and proceeded to yank so hard that it dislocated in the middle.
Plateau howled in pain, without his tail properly balanced he was now rendered flightless!
This crazed Hivewing had a sinister look of satisfaction upon hearing his opponent's agony, a quickly threw him back into the center of the armory.
Plateau landed hard on his stomach facing away from door, but he could still hear his daughter struggling to fight off the fully grown Skywing as he forced her to land right outside the armory.
He tried to get back on his feet, but soon he was met by the crushing force of the red Hivewing body-slamming him.
"AH HA HA HA HA HAAAA!!! You shall suffer for daring to harm the Royalty!"
The Hivewing then pinned Plateau to the ground by grabbing a couple of spears and planting them in an 'X' around his neck.
Very clearly taking a sick pleasure from this, he then proceeded to pin the Sandwing's arms, legs, and tail to the ground in the same fashion, laughing his head off while doing it.
Then the crazed Hivewing uttered an unnatural hissing sound, and soon a pillar of flame erupted from his throat.
He aimed it all throughout the room, igniting all the wooden shelves and bang-powder spread around them.
"You will burn, FOR THE GLORY OF THE QUEEN!", exclaimed the Hivewing as he left Plateau to his fate.
The Sandwing struggled against his restraints, desperately trying to at the very least break the spears before the fire spread towards him, but in his current position, he couldn't gather enough strength to break them nor the leverage to wedge them from the floor.
He was trapped, and utterly helpless to save anyone now.
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