#Pitru Dosh Remedies
neuzboyx24net0 · 18 hours
Pitru Paksha 2024: Astrologer Shares Ways To Get Rid Of Pitru Dosh
During Pitru Paksha, you should worship Peepal and Banyan trees. According to religious beliefs, crows are considered a symbol of ancestors. It is said that feeding crows during Pitru Paksha makes the ancestors happy. Pitru Paksha, dedicated to honouring the deceased ancestors, started on September 17. It is generally observed for 15-16 days from Bhadrapada Purnima to Kartik Amavasya. During…
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jeevanjali · 4 months
Pitra Dosh: ज्योतिष शास्त्र में कालसर्प योग के बाद यदि कोई दोष शोध का कारण बना है तो वह है 'पितृ दोष', दरअसल यह कालसर्प दोष की तरह ही एक ऐसा दोष है जिसमें जातक को कमोबेश यही परिणाम भुगतने पड़ते हैं।
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astrorakesh1726 · 7 months
Is it possible for a person with Pitru Dosha to get married and have children?
Yes, it's possible for a person with Pitra Dosh in their birth chart to marry and have children. Here are some key points to consider:
Individual Circumstances: The ability to marry and have children is influenced by various factors beyond astrological considerations. Personal choices, circumstances, compatibility with a partner, and efforts towards these life goals all play significant roles.
Multiple Factors: Astrology is complex, and the birth chart consists of multiple planetary placements, aspects, and configurations. Pitra Dosh is just one aspect of the birth chart and does not solely determine a person's marital or parental prospects.
Astrological Remedies: In Vedic astrology, there are remedies prescribed to mitigate the effects of Pitra Dosh, such as performing rituals, charity, and other spiritual practices. These remedies are believed to appease ancestral energies and alleviate the negative effects associated with Pitra Dosh.
Individual Beliefs and Practices: Cultural and familial beliefs and practices related to Pitra Dosh vary widely. Some individuals may place great importance on astrological considerations, while others may prioritize other factors in their life choices and decisions.
Consultation with an Astrologer: Consulting with a qualified astrologer who specializes in Vedic astrology can provide personalized insights into the specific dynamics of Pitra Dosh in one's birth chart and its potential impacts on marriage and progeny. An astrologer can also offer guidance on suitable remedies and strategies.
Personal Efforts: Regardless of astrological considerations, individuals have agency and can take proactive steps towards their life goals, including marriage and starting a family. Building healthy relationships, addressing personal growth, and creating conducive environments for family life are all within one's control.
In short, while Pitra Dosh is a consideration in Vedic astrology, it does not necessarily prevent marriage and parenthood. Personal circumstances, efforts, beliefs and astrological remedies all contribute to the overall picture for which you can use Tonay Totke software. And also of Kundli Chakra 2022 Professional software. Who can help you and know this. Do you have Pitra Dosh in your horoscope or not? helps to go
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divyaastro-ashram · 4 months
Remedies for Unruly Behavior & Santan Dosh
In the intricate tapestry of Astrology, the concept of Santan Dosh holds profound significance, offering insights into potential challenges related to progeny and parenting. While unruly behaviour in children may not solely stem from Santan Dosh, it often intertwines with planetary imbalances, doshic disruptions, and karmic influences. Let's delve into the depths of this celestial wisdom and explore potent remedies to foster harmony and balance in familial dynamics.
What Is Santan Dosh?
Santan Dosh, a concept in astrology, refers to afflictions in the birth chart that may lead to challenges related to progeny, childbirth, or parenting. It suggests potential imbalances in planetary positions or karmic influences that could impact fertility, pregnancy complications, or the behaviour and well-being of children. Understanding Santan Dosh Ke Upay enables individuals to identify and address underlying astrological factors that may affect family dynamics and offspring, guiding them towards appropriate remedies and holistic solutions.
Understanding Unruly Behavior and Santan Dosh
Unruly behaviour in children manifests in multifaceted ways, reflecting underlying imbalances in their energetic composition. Planetary influences disrupt doshas, and unresolved ancestral karma intertwines to shape behavioural patterns. Understanding these complexities is crucial for devising effective remedies:
●  Planetary Imbalances: Malefic planetary positions, such as Mars, Rahu, or Ketu, can exacerbate behavioural challenges, triggering impulsiveness or aggression. Identifying these planetary influences enables targeted remedial measures to pacify their adverse effects.
●  Disrupted Doshas: Imbalances in Vata, Pitta, or Kapha doshas may manifest as hyperactivity, defiance, or difficulty in emotional regulation. Balancing these doshas through dietary modifications, lifestyle adjustments, and Ayurtherapies can mitigate behavioural issues.
● Pitru Dosha: Ancestral karma echoes through generations, potentially affecting familial dynamics and manifesting as challenges in parenting or child behaviour. By acknowledging and addressing ancestral imprints, families can resolve underlying conflicts and promote familial harmony.
Remedies to Promote Harmony
In the realm of wisdom, remedies serve as transformative tools to realign cosmic energies and mitigate disruptive influences. Here are potent remedies to navigate the intricate labyrinth of unruly behaviour and Santan Dosh Ke Upay:
● Jyotish Consultation: Seek guidance from seasoned astrologers to decipher planetary configurations and unveil personalized remedies tailored to your child's birth chart. Comprehensive astrological analysis enables targeted interventions to harmonize planetary energies and alleviate behavioural issues.
● Mantra Chanting: Immerse yourself in the transcendental vibrations of sacred mantras, invoking cosmic forces to instil peace and balance within your child's psyche. Regular chanting of specific mantras, such as the Gayatri mantra or Navagraha mantras, can pacify malefic planetary influences and promote mental equilibrium.
● Yantras and Gemstones: Harness the vibrational resonance of yantras and gemstones attuned to planetary frequencies, fostering harmony and equilibrium in your child's energetic field. Yantras like the Sri Yantra or gemstones like pearl, emerald, or red coral can mitigate negative planetary influences and enhance emotional stability.
● Puja and Offerings: Engage in devotional practices and rituals dedicated to deities like Ganesha or Durga, seeking divine intervention to alleviate familial discord and restore equilibrium. Performing Navagraha puja or Santan Gopal puja can appease malefic planets and invoke blessings for the well-being of children.
● Appeasement of Ancestors: Honor the legacy of your forebears through ancestral rituals, appeasing ancestral spirits to dissolve karmic knots and usher in familial harmony. Conducting Pitru Tarpana or performing Shraddha ceremonies can alleviate Pitru Dosha and facilitate ancestral blessings for progeny.
Additional Tips for Parents
Navigating the labyrinth of parenting requires patience, empathy, and a deep understanding of your child's unique constitution. Here are practical tips to complement remedies and cultivate a nurturing environment:
●  Develop a Strong Bond: Foster a nurturing and supportive relationship with your child, nurturing trust and mutual respect. Spend quality time together, engage in meaningful conversations, and create a safe space for emotional expression.
● Positive Discipline: Embrace positive reinforcement and compassionate discipline techniques, guiding your child with love and empathy. Set clear boundaries, communicate expectations calmly, and focus on constructive solutions rather than punitive measures.
● Understand the Dosha:* Delve into the nuances of Ayurdoshas, gaining insight into your child's constitution and tailoring parenting approaches accordingly. Incorporate Ayurprinciples into your child's lifestyle, such as balancing diet, sleep, and daily routines to promote physical and emotional well-being.
●  Seek Professional Help: In cases of severe behavioural challenges, enlist the support of qualified therapists or counsellors, integrating conventional and holistic approaches to promote your child's well-being. Collaborate with professionals who specialize in child psychology, behaviour therapy, or family counselling to address underlying issues and implement effective interventions.
The Bottom Line
In the sacred tapestry of wisdom, remedies serve as guiding stars, illuminating the path to familial harmony and spiritual growth. By weaving together the threads of planetary insights, ancestral reverence, and compassionate parenting, we can transcend the shadows of unruly behaviour and Santan Dosh, nurturing a sanctuary of love, understanding, and peace within our homes. Embrace these timeless remedies with unwavering faith and dedication, ushering in an era of profound transformation and holistic well-being for generations to come.
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vidyanand-guruji · 6 months
Types, Effects, and Remedies of Pitra Dosha or Pitru Dosh
In Vedic Astrology Pitra Dosh or Pitru Dosh is mentioned as negative karmic yoga from ancestors that will badly affect the horoscope of the descendants and bring several obstacles to their lives. The same phenomenon can be easily identified in the birth chart of the descendants. This Pitra Dosh brings several consequences for the descendants including financial constraints, career instability, obstructions in growth, health problems, family conflicts relationship problems etc. Now, depending on several astrological factors, there could be different types of Pitra Dosh. Let's learn more about the types, effects, and remedies of Pitra Dosha in detail. 
What is Pitra Dosha?
Pitra Dosha is a popular Vedic Astrology term, which happens when there is a negative influence on the ancestral karma and lineage that adversely impacts the life of the descendants. When the ancestors of a family or the departed souls have not received peace due to unfulfilled wishes, or duties, this could bring severe effects on the life of the descendants and this phenomenon is called Pitra Dosha or Pitru Dosh. The different types of Pitra Dosha and their effects can be resolved with Pitra Dosh Remedies. 
What are the Types of Pitra Dosha?
Now, depending on the unfulfilled duties and karmic imbalance of ancestors, there could be different Pitra Dosh types. It is been said that there could be 14 different types of Pitru Rin Dosha. 
Pitra Dosha due to Pitru Shrapa
Pitra Dosha due to Unfulfilled Desires
Pitra Dosha due to Curses
Pitra Dosha due to Early Death
Pitra Dosha due to Lack of Proper Rituals
Pitra Dosha due to Unnatural Deaths
Pitra Dosha due to Bad Karma
Pitra Dosha due to Disobedience
Pitra Dosha due to Theft
Pitra Dosha due to Ill-Treatment of Cows
Pitra Dosha due to Unlawful Sexual Relations
Pitra Dosha due to Abortion
Pitra Dosha due to Lack of Respect for Elders
Pitra Dosha due to Abandonment of One’s Family or Responsibilities
What are the Effects of Pitra Dosha?
Now, let's learn about Pitra Dosh's effects that can bring severe negativities into the lives of descendants.
Health Issues
People having Pitra Dosha in their Kundali might suffer from unnecessary health issues, psychological problems, etc.
Marriage Problems
There could be several marital problems in your life if you suffer from Pitra dosh. This might lead to delays in marriage, problems with your spouse, separation, legal issues related to marriage etc. 
Career Problems
Most of the people suffering from Pitra dosh tend to have career problems. Career setbacks, delay in receiving promotion, unstable job etc. could be the consequences. 
You might face issues like childlessness or problems in conceiving if you have Pitra dosh in your horoscope. 
Fear of Death
It has been said by astrologers that if you have Pitra Dosh Yog, you might feel fear of death too often. The symptoms might be severe to moderate. 
Financial Problems
If you have Pitra Dosha, financial problems will also follow you. Unnecessary losses, bad investments, suffering due to bad financial decisions, delays in financial growth etc. can affect your life too. 
Loss of Reputation
There could be a loss of reputation which Pitra dosh might bring to your life. You might suffer from legal obligations or unnecessary defamation.
What are the Remedies of Pitra Dosha?
If you follow Pitra Dosh Remedies properly, you can navigate the negatives associated with this dosh from your life. The following remedies might be of great help -
Pitra Puja or Pitra Tarpan
You must appease your ancestors by doing Pitra Tarpan which includes offering sacred water to our ancestors by chanting holy mantras. 
Chanting Mantras
You can also chant Vedic mantras that are dedicated to our ancestors to please them and can pacify the Pitra dosh effects. 
Charity and Donations
You can do charity and donations to the newest people to seek the blessings of your ancestors. 
Visiting Different Ancestral Places
You can also visit ancestral places or birthplaces of your ancestors. This will help you solve ancestral problems and also seek ancestral forgiveness.
Seeking Karmic Balance
You can engage yourself in self-improvement practices. For example, doing meditation, yoga, following a righteous lifestyle etc. will help you to have a karmic balance that might please your ancestors.
We have learned a few facts about Pitra dosh, its effects and remedies. There are a lot more than you can explore. If you are suffering from a dish kind of Yog, It is important that you immediately reach out for astrological help. This will surely help you find the correct path to amplify the issues associated with your life due to Pitra dosh.
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astrovastukosh · 9 months
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Paush Amavasya 2024: Paush Amavasya tomorrow, know the auspicious time, worship method and remedies
Paush Amavasya 2024: Paush Amavasya has special significance in Hindu religion. There is a tradition to worship Lord Shiva and Vishnu on this day. Along with this, performing Shraddha of ancestors is considered auspicious.
Paush Amavasya 2024: Paush Amavasya Muhurta, worship method and remedies
According to the Hindu calendar, Purnima and Amavasya occur once in every month. Amavasya date has special significance. Amavasya is considered to bring salvation to ancestors. On Amavasya Tithi, there is a tradition of river bathing, chanting, penance, worship, arghya and giving donations. On this day, it is considered auspicious to perform Shraddha and offer prayers to ancestors along with bathing and donations. Along with this, it is good to worship Lord Vishnu along with Sun God on this day. According to the Hindu calendar, the Amavasya date of Pausha month has special significance. On this day, by adopting some measures along with Tarpan and Shraddha, auspicious results are achieved. This time Paush Amavasya is falling on 11 January 2024.
About auspicious time, worship method and measures…
Paush Amavasya Snan, Daan Muhurat 2024: Auspicious time of bathing and donation of Paush Amavasya 2024
Start of Paush Amavasya Tithi – Starting from 8:01 pm on 10th January. Paush Amavasya date completion – 11th January till 5.26 pm
Snan-Daan Muhurat – 05:57 AM to 06:21 AM Abhijeet Muhurta- 12:08 pm to 12:50 pm
Paush Amavasya 2024 Puja Vidhi Paush Amavasya 2024 Puja Vidhi
On Paush Amavasya, wake up early in the morning, retire from all work and take a bath. If possible, take bath in the holy river on this day. If you cannot do this, then add some Ganga water to the bathing water. After bathing, offer Arghya to the Sun God. For this, put water, vermillion, red flowers and Akshat in a copper pot. Along with this, worship Lord Vishnu duly by lighting a lamp in the temple. Along with this, donate money, grains, clothes etc. as per your capacity.
Paush Amavasya 2024 Upay: Do these effective remedies on Paush Amavasya 2024.
If there is Pitrudosh in your horoscope, then you should offer tarpan for the peace of the souls of your ancestors. For this, put red flowers and red colored Roli in a copper pot and offer it to the Sun God.
Offer water to the Peepal tree on the day of Amavasya.
Recite Pitru Stotra and Pitru Kavach on Paush Amavasya. By doing this one gets the blessings of the ancestors. https://www.jyotishwithakshayg.com/2022/09/pitra-stotra-pitrstotra-markandey-puran-mein-varnit-chamatkari-pitra-stotra.html
Eating food for Brahmins on Paush Amavasya is considered auspicious. The ancestors are also pleased with this.
Those who take bath and worship on the banks of holy rivers and lakes on Amavasya day, they get sure results.
Donating on the day of Amavasya is considered very important, it gives salvation to the ancestors. Therefore, do not forget to donate to poor and helpless people on this day.
According to belief, a person suffering from Pitra Dosh should observe a fast and do charity on the new moon day of Paush month to attain the salvation of his ancestors.
On this day, offering sesame seeds after bathing in the river gives relief from Pitra Dosh.
After bathing, taking water in a copper vessel, adding red flowers and red sandalwood and offering Arghya to the Sun God is considered very auspicious.
Providing food to poor or helpless people on the day of Paush Amavasya brings good luck.
Performing religious activities and worship on the day of Amavasya is considered very auspicious.
On the day of Amavasya, there is special importance of performing Tarpan and Shraddha for the peace of the ancestors.
Shri Vishnu is pleased by worshiping the Peepal tree and circling the Tulsi plant on the day of Amavasya.
Apart from this, on the day of Amavasya, remedies and fasts are observed to get rid of Pitra Dosh and Kaal Sarp Dosh.
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reachlovenheal · 1 year
Pitru Dosha, also known as Pitra Dosh or Ancestral Dosha, is believed to be related to ancestral karma or the negative influence of departed ancestors. It can bring various challenges and obstacles into one's life. Remedies for Pitru Dosha are often performed to seek the blessings and forgiveness of one's ancestors and mitigate the negative effects. Here are some common remedies:
Pitra Tarpana: This is a ritual where water mixed with black sesame seeds, barley, or rice is offered to one's ancestors during specific auspicious days, such as Mahalaya Amavasya or during Pitru Paksha. It is performed by reciting prayers and mantras.
Shraddha Ceremony: Conducting the annual Shraddha ceremony in honor of deceased ancestors is essential. This ceremony involves offering food, water, and prayers to appease and honor the souls of the ancestors.
Pind Daan: Pind Daan is a ritual in which balls of rice and sesame seeds are offered to the ancestors. It is often performed in holy places like Gaya, Varanasi, and Rameswaram. Seek guidance from a priest or expert for this ritual.
Visit Holy Rivers: Taking a pilgrimage to holy rivers like the Ganges is considered auspicious for cleansing ancestral karma. Bathing in these sacred rivers and offering prayers can help alleviate the effects of Pitru Dosha.
Charity and Donations: Making charitable donations, especially to help the underprivileged, is believed to please one's ancestors. Donating food, clothing, or money to the needy on specific days can be beneficial.
Reciting Mantras: Regularly reciting mantras like the Gayatri Mantra, Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, or Vishnu Sahasranama can help alleviate the negative effects of Pitru Dosha.
Seeking Blessings: Seek the blessings of your living elders, such as parents and grandparents, and show them respect and care. This can help harmonize the energies of the living and deceased ancestors.
Consulting an Astrologer: Consult an experienced astrologer to analyze your birth chart and determine the severity of Pitru Dosha. They can provide specific remedies and rituals based on your unique situation.
Fasting: Observing a fast on particular days associated with Pitru Dosha, such as Amavasya or Ekadashi, can be beneficial. You may consume only simple, satvik (pure) food during these fasts.
Offering Tarpan: Regularly offer Tarpan (libations) to your ancestors by pouring water mixed with black sesame seeds and performing prayers. This can be done daily or on specific days.
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kalsarpujjain · 1 year
Kaal Sarp Puja Procedure and Effect
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Kaal Sarpa dosh is a circumstance when all seven planets come between Ketu and Rahu. Therefore, a native comes under the effect of Ketu and Rahu and believers believe it to be a very adverse Sarpa Dosha. To abolish this adverse effect, the believer must do the Kaal Sarpa dosh pooja.
Who should perform Kaal Sarp Dosh Pooja?
Native who has Kaala Sarp Dosh in their Kundli should do this Pooja. If a person wants to know about the Dosh, he/she can examine his horoscope through an Astroshastra expert. The expert will tell some remedies to the person relying upon the place of the planets.
When should a person do this Pooja?
The most favourable day to do this pooja is Amavasya. It can also take place at the time of the Lunar and Solar Eclipse. People should do Pooja on Naga Panchami, on Sunday and Tuesday. It is also advised to do the pooja twice a year to get good results.
Kaal Sarp Puja Procedure
● This Pooja is done on a single day.
● It takes 2 hours to finish this Vidhi or Pooja. It is necessary to give food to the needy.
● Put Ganapati, Matruka Pujan, 1 Gold Nag, 1 Siver Murti of Rahu, 1 silver Murti of Kaal and worship it.
● Later worship Navagraha.
● Then worship Shivji on the Kalash and do Havan with Kala Tila and Ghee.
● People need new clothes. Men are required to wear a Dhoti ad women are required to wear new Sarees.
● One should never do this Pooja in oiled hair and pregnant woman should not take part in this Pooja.
● Natives who are participating in the pooja should take a bath before this Pooja.
● One can also do Rudrabhishekam after the completion of this Pooja which makes the Pooja process as finished.
● The son of the person who has expired should do Pitru Paksha. Grandson cannot do it while his father is alive.
Aacharya Sagar Ji is an International Celebrity Astrologer. For all kinds of Dosh Nivaran Poojas contact Aacharya Sagar Ji. Aacharya Sagar Ji has been successfully conducting Dosh Nivaran Poojas for a long time. He prosperously brings joy, spirituality and harmony to their client's lives. For the last 17 years, he has been organizing Pujas. He also has a Big team of Specialized Pundits for different Poojas. Best astrologer on astrotalk.
We have a team of Pandits in Ujjain for both Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja Ujjain and Mangal Dosh Puja Ujjain.
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trimbakpujari · 1 year
Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja Rituals: Step-by-Step Guide for Remedy
Kaal Sarp Dosh can be understood as a flaw in the kundli of any individual regarding it as the karma of one's previous life actions. This is said to occur if someone has ever injured a snake or any living being in their current or previous life. As a result of the planets being wedged between Rahu and Ketu, this dosha is developed. Therefore, in order to reverse the effects of this dosha on one's life, kaal sarp dosh puja must be performed. So let's know some more information about the puja rituals before conducting one.
The Ritual of Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja - Find Out All About It 
Before you opt for the Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja, let's briefly understand the steps involved in this whole ritual. To know more about it, check below.
Providing Meals to Hungry People 
The Kaal Sarp Dosh puja is usually performed in one day. However, the Vidhi or pooja is completed in two hours. On the day of the pooja, you have to provide meals to hungry people.
Install and Worship Deities 
You need to install and worship Ganapati, Matrika Pujan and one gold nag, one silver rahu and one silver kaal murti. Apart from this, you need to worship the deity of Navagraha afterwards. 
Conduct Havan 
In this step, you need to conduct havan besides offering ghee and kala tila to Shiv Ji on the Kalash.
Wear New Clothes 
While performing this pooja, one must take a bath and wear fresh clothing. Men are required to wear dhotis whereas the women must wear brand new sarees. Also, the women must not perform the puja or attend it with oil in the hair. 
Conduct Rudrabhishekam 
Once the puja process is over, Rudrabhishekam must be conducted.
Carry Out Pitru Paksha 
One must carry out the Pitru Paksha. However, the son of the deceased individual or the ones whose father is still living and the grandchildren cannot carry it out.
It is important to know that pregnant women should not participate in this puja. Apart from this, chanting Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya, Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, and Gayatri Mantra is a must.
What Are the Benefits of Performing Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja by A Renowned and Trusted Pujari? 
If you have made up your mind to perform the Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja, you must know that there are multiple benefits to it. Some of these benefits include 
Transforming Harmful Consequences into Beneficial Ones
When you choose to perform the Kaal Sarp Puja, it would lessen and transform the harmful consequences of the Kaal sarp dosh into beneficial ones. 
Promotes Overall Lifestyle 
By conducting this puja, you can promote steadiness in both personal and professional life. This is because it helps in taking out any potential barriers and difficulties standing in the way of accomplishment.
Fosters Mental Calmness
This Kaal Sarp Dosh puja helps in fostering and aiding mental issues and promoting harmony in life. 
Fixes Marriage Issues 
It fixes issues caused by delayed marriages or any other marriage-related issues. 
Aids Academic Problems 
Choosing to conduct the Kaal Sarp Dosha Puja, removes obstacles in one's educational life. 
Solves Property and Money Issues 
The Kaal Sarp Dosh puja solves all problems related to money and property. 
Get the Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja Done At Your Convenience
As of now that you know the rituals, you can perform the Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja done by Trimbakeshwar Pujari. This is advised because the Trimbakeshwar Jyotirlinga which is an old temple is said to have the most experienced pujaris who can solve your problems entirely. 
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saptrishisastro · 1 year
Pitru Dosh and Jupiter - Lal Kitab | Lal Kitab Remedies for Pitru Rin
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seoexperts499 · 2 years
What is Kaal Sarp Dosh? Top 5 Pandits for Kaal Sarp Dosh puja in Ujjain
Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja
: Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja is performed to remove the harmful effects of Kaal Sarp dosh. It arises in a condition when all seven planets come between Ketu and Rahu. Hence, a person comes under the influence of Ketu and Rahu. And devotees believe it to be a very harmful Sarpa Dosha.
When one suffers misfortunes for a long and also finds little relief or no remedy from various measures, one shows the birth horoscope to an expert reader.
The horoscope experts also ask about the dreams the person may be having persistently and whether he or she sees ancestors and snakes as well as water bodies in the dreams. This is not a decisive criterion but does have a connection to the Kaal Sarpa Yoga. After seeing the horoscope, the expert says that it is all because of Kaal Sarp Yoga Dosh that you have not been able to reap the complete benefit of your efforts. Impediments could involve job loss, broken relationships, loss in business, illness, not being able to find a match in marriage, etc.Who should perform Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja?
Persons who have Kaal Sarp Dosh in their Kundli should perform this pooja.
If a person wants to know about the Kaal Sarp Dosh, he/she can analyze his horoscope through an Astroshastra expert.
The expert will suggest some remedies to the person depending upon the position of the planets.
Depending upon the remedies suggested by the expert one can perform Pooja, wear Rudraksha and Yantra as per the horoscope.
A person is affected by partial Kaal Sarp Yog if Mars and Saturn are on the opposite side of Rahu and Ketu.
If a very young child has Kaal Sarp Dosh then his parents can perform this pooja for him.
What are the benefits of doing Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja?
Performing Kaal Sarp Shanti Puja helps devotees in receiving blessings from the 9 species of snakes.
When the Rahu Ketu Pooja takes place along with the Kaal Sarp Dosh pooja then it gives immense peace and opens doors of success and peace.
One also gets blessings from Goddess Lakshmi by worshipping the gold idol of the snake.
The mind starts believing in a positive way and disappears any fear from the mind.
Also, it reduces the ill effects on the planet. It also leads to a successful professional life and the person gets respect in society.
It removes any obstacles and hindrances from one’s life and gives immense happiness.
Family relation grows strong and good which protects a person from any evil powers.
How to perform Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja?
Kaal Sarp Dosh Pooja takes place on a single day.
It takes 2 hours to complete this Vidhi or Pooja. It is important to offer food to the needy on this day.
Place Ganapati, Matrika Pujan, 1 Gold Nag, 1 Siver Murti of Rahu, 1 silver Murti of Kaal, and worship it.
Later worship Navagraha.
Then worship Shivji on the Kalash and perform Havan with Kala Tila and Ghee.
One needs new clothes for this puja. Men need to wear a Dhoti and women need to wear new Sarees.
One should never perform this pooja with oiled hair and pregnant women should not take part in this pooja.
People who are participating in the pooja should take a bath before this pooja.
One can also perform Rudrabhishekam after the completion of this pooja which makes the pooja process complete.
The Pitru Paksha has to be performed by the son of the person who has expired. Grandson cannot do it while his father is alive.
Where to perform Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja?
Mahakaleshwar Temple, Ujjain: Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja can be performed with any Shivling on the banks of Kshipra River in Ujjain. It is not necessary that one gets the benefit of getting Kalsarp Dosh Puja done in Mahakaleshwar temple itself. It is believed that Kalsarpa Dosha Puja can be performed in Shiva temples situated on the banks of holy rivers of India. Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga is a Hindu temple dedicated to Shiva and is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas, shrines that are said to be the most sacred abodes of Shiva. It is located in the ancient city of Ujjain in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. The temple is situated on the side of the holy river Shipra.
Best and Top 5 pandit in Ujjain for Kaal sarp dosh puja in Ujjain.
1. Pandit Arun Guru: Pt. Arun Guru Ji is based in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India. He has earned the name as a renowned astrologer not only in Madhya Pradesh, India but all over the world.
Pt. Arun Guru Ji provides various services like Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Ujjain, Mangal dosh puja, Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap, Surya Grahan Dosh Shanti, Angarak Dosh Shanti, Chandal Dosh Shanti, Guru Chandal Dosh Shanti, Shukra Chandal Dosh Shanti, Shani Chandal Dosh Shanti, Rahu Ketu Shanti, Vish Dosh Shanti, Arka Marriage, Kumbh marriage, Shani mantra chanting, Rahu mantra chanting, Ketu mantra chanting, dosh peace in centers, Utpat yoga, dual marriage yoga peace, Nakshatra/yoga peace, disease prevention peace, all obstacles peace, marriage related obstacles peace, Navagraha Shanti, Rudrapath/Rudrabhishek Puja in Ujjain. Contact Number: +91-9926691053 Website: https://www.kaalsarpdoshpujaninujjain.in/
2. Pandit Ashok Shastri: Pt. Ashok Shastri Ji is based in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India. He has earned the name as a renowned astrologer in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. Pandit Ashok Shastri Ji provides various services like Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Ujjain, Mangal dosh puja, Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap, Surya Grahan Dosh Shanti, Angarak Dosh Shanti, Chandal Dosh Shanti, Guru Chandal Dosh Shanti, Shukra Chandal Dosh Shanti, Shani Chandal Dosh Shanti, Rahu Ketu Shanti, Vish Dosh Shanti, Arka Marriage, Kumbh marriage, Shani mantra chanting, Rahu mantra chanting, Ketu mantra chanting, dosh peace in centers, Utpat yoga, dual marriage yoga peace, Nakshatra/yoga peace, disease prevention peace, all obstacles peace, marriage related obstacles peace, Navagraha Shanti, Rudrapath/Rudrabhishek Puja in Ujjain. Contact Number:  +917067136460 Website:  https://www.kaalsarpdoshpujaninujjain.com/
3. Pandit Devendra Guru: Pandit Devendra GuruJi provides various services like Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Ujjain, Mangal dosh puja, Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap, Surya Grahan Dosh Shanti, Angarak Dosh Shanti, Chandal Dosh Shanti, Guru Chandal Dosh Shanti, Shukra Chandal Dosh Shanti, Shani Chandal Dosh Shanti, Rahu Ketu Shanti, Vish Dosh Shanti, Arka Marriage, Kumbh marriage, Shani mantra chanting, Rahu mantra chanting, Ketu mantra chanting, dosh peace in centers, Utpat yoga, dual marriage yoga peace, Nakshatra/yoga peace, disease prevention peace, all obstacles peace, marriage related obstacles peace, Navagraha Shanti, Rudrapath/Rudrabhishek Puja in Ujjain. Contact Number: +917974401975 Website: https://kaalsarpmangaldoshpujainujjain.com/
4. Krishna Guru: Pt. Krishna GuruJi provides various services like Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Ujjain, Mangal dosh puja, Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap, Surya Grahan Dosh Shanti, Angarak Dosh Shanti, Chandal Dosh Shanti, Guru Chandal Dosh Shanti, Shukra Chandal Dosh Shanti, Shani Chandal Dosh Shanti, Rahu Ketu Shanti, Vish Dosh Shanti, Arka Marriage, Kumbh marriage, Shani mantra chanting, Rahu mantra chanting, Ketu mantra chanting, dosh peace in centers, Utpat yoga, dual marriage yoga peace, Nakshatra/yoga peace, disease prevention peace, all obstacles peace, marriage related obstacles peace, Navagraha Shanti, Rudrapath/Rudrabhishek Puja in Ujjain. Contact Number: +919340923200 Website:  https://www.kalsarpdoshpooja.in/
5. Pt Ankit Guru: Pt. Ankit Guru provides various services like Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Ujjain, Mangal dosh puja, Maha Mrityunjaya Jaap, Surya Grahan Dosh Shanti, Angarak Dosh Shanti, Chandal Dosh Shanti, Guru Chandal Dosh Shanti, Shukra Chandal Dosh Shanti, Shani Chandal Dosh Shanti, Rahu Ketu Shanti, Vish Dosh Shanti, Arka Marriage, Kumbh marriage, Shani mantra chanting, Rahu mantra chanting, Ketu mantra chanting, dosh peace in centers, Utpat yoga, dual marriage yoga peace, Nakshatra/yoga peace, disease prevention peace, all obstacles peace, marriage related obstacles peace, Navagraha Shanti, Rudrapath/Rudrabhishek Puja in Ujjain. Contact Number: +918461999796
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jeevanjali · 8 months
Chamatkari Ped: पितृ दोष से मुक्ति दिलाएगा चमत्कारी पेड़Chamatkari ped: नीम का पौधा औषधीय गुणों से भरपूर होता है। वहीं इसका उपयोग आध्यात्मिक रूप में भी किया जाता है। जहां इसकी पत्तियां हमारे शरीर और चेहरे के लिए फायदेमंद होती हैं
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divyaastro-ashram · 7 months
Santan Dosh Ke Upaay: Remedies and Guidance for a Joyful Family
In Indian culture, the desire for a happy and prosperous family life often includes the blessing of children. However, when couples face challenges in conceiving or having children, it can be distressing. Santan Dosh, or issues related to progeny, is a concern for which many individuals seek remedies. According to ancient wisdom, there are several remedies and guidance available in traditions to address Santan Dosh and pave the way for a joyful family life.
What Is Santan Dosh?
Santan Dosh refers to obstacles or challenges in conceiving or having children, as per astrology. It is believed to be caused by unfavourable planetary influences or karmic factors affecting one's ability to have progeny. Individuals or couples experiencing Santan Dosh may face difficulties in childbirth, miscarriages, or delays in starting a family despite their efforts, leading them to seek remedies and guidance from astrological sources.
Santan Dosh Ke Upay
Performing Pujas and Homams: Consulting with a knowledgeable priest and performing pujas (rituals) and homams (fire ceremonies) dedicated to deities associated with fertility can help alleviate Santan Dosh. For instance, worshipping Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, the divine couple symbolising creation and fertility is believed to be beneficial.
Observing Fasting and Vratas: Observing fasts and vratas (religious vows) on auspicious days associated with fertility, such as Mondays (dedicated to Lord Shiva) and Fridays (dedicated to Goddess Parvati), can be effective in appeasing planetary influences causing Santan Dosh. Fasting is considered a form of purification and devotion, which can positively impact one's karma.
Wearing Gemstones: Based on individual astrological charts, wearing specific gemstones associated with fertility can be recommended. For instance, wearing a pearl (moti) or moonstone (Chandrakant), which are linked to the Moon (Chandra) and fertility, can help balance planetary influences and enhance the chances of conception.
Reciting Mantras and Japa: Reciting specific mantras dedicated to fertility deities or chanting Santan Dosh alleviating mantras regularly can be highly beneficial. Mantras such as the Santana Gopala Mantra or the Garbha Raksha Mantra are believed to invoke divine blessings for a healthy progeny. The repetition of these mantras, known as japa, helps to focus the mind and align one's intentions with positive cosmic energies.
Donating to the Needy: Making donations to child welfare organisations or supporting orphanages is considered a powerful remedial measure for Santan Dosh. By extending support to those in need, individuals can accumulate positive karma and attract blessings for the fulfilment of their desire for children.
Seeking Astrological Remedies: Consulting with a qualified astrologer for personalised remedies based on one's birth chart is crucial for seeking santan dosh ke upay. An astrologer can analyse the planetary positions and influences affecting progeny and recommend specific rituals, gemstones, or other remedies to mitigate Santan Dosh and enhance fertility.
Purifying Ancestral Karma: Sometimes, Santan Dosh may be attributed to ancestral karma. Participating in rituals such as Pitru Paksha (ancestral worship) or performing tarpan (offerings to ancestors) can help pacify ancestral influences affecting progeny and pave the way for the birth of healthy children.
Benefits Of Solving Your Santan Dosh:
● Fulfilment of Parenthood Dreams: Addressing Santan Dosh can lead to the fulfilment of one's dreams of parenthood. By mitigating the obstacles and challenges hindering conception or childbirth, individuals or couples can experience the joy and fulfilment of welcoming a child into their lives, bringing immense happiness and satisfaction.
● Harmonious Family Life: Resolving Santan Dosh contributes to the overall harmony and happiness within the family. The arrival of a child not only strengthens the bond between partners but also enriches the family dynamics, fostering love, unity, and support among family members.
● Continuation of Family Lineage: Overcoming Santan Dosh ensures the continuation of the family lineage and traditions. Having children to carry forward the family name and legacy brings a sense of pride and continuity, preserving cultural values and ancestral heritage for future generations.
● Emotional and Psychological Well-being: Solving Santan Dosh alleviates the emotional and psychological stress associated with fertility challenges. It relieves individuals or couples from the anxiety, frustration, and sadness often experienced due to difficulties in conceiving or having children, promoting mental well-being and inner peace.
● Blessings and Prosperity: By resolving Santan Dosh, individuals or couples invite divine blessings and prosperity into their lives. The birth of a child is considered an auspicious and joyous occasion in many cultures, bringing blessings of abundance, happiness, and prosperity to the entire family.
The Bottom Line
In the journey towards building a joyful family, addressing Santan Dosh is a significant aspect that requires attention and remedial measures. By following the guidance of traditions and incorporating remedies such as pujas, fasting, wearing gemstones, reciting mantras, donating to the needy, seeking astrological advice, and purifying ancestral karma, individuals can align themselves with positive cosmic energies and increase the likelihood of experiencing the blessings of parenthood. Remember, while astrology offers insights and remedies, it's essential to complement these efforts with medical consultation and a positive mindset for holistic well-being.
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miraculousperson · 2 years
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…The day we accept and understand that we are born in a family that has a certain karmic pattern, we will realise that we too inherit the karma of our forefathers ! Simply called *pitru dosh* Coming across unnecessary obstacles regularly and that too without any reason even after putting in a lot of efforts is one of the signs that there is some planetary aspect in our horoscope / birth chart that needs to be sorted out ! #karma #dosh #Planets #pitrudosh #Horoscope #Astrology #RemovalOfObstacles #Memories #Tarot #TarotReading #Remedies #Solutions #NishaTarotReader #TarotReadersInDelhi #TarotReadersInIndia #InternationalTarotReader #Power #Prosperity #Abundance #Career #Joy #Security #Romance #Marriage #Family #peace (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjQRCDcv7Wz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vidyanand-guruji · 6 months
Kalsarp Dosh Nivaran Puja in Trimbakeshwar
Dosh is a planetary fault or misplacement in a native's horoscope or kundalini. There are many dosh in Astrology, but the most dangerous and feared is the Kalsarp dosh yog. If not treated in time, this dosha brings misfortune and negative effects only. 
This includes problems related to wealth, health, career, education, marriage, mental health, relationships and more. However, with kaal sarp dosh puja one gets rid of its bad effects. Wondering how this puja is done? Will it be beneficial? Well, here is everything in detail. 
What is Kalsarp Dosh Nivaran Puja? 
Kalsarp Dosh Nivaran Puja is a Hindu spiritual ritual performed to eliminate the malefic and ill effects caused by the dreadful dosh- kaal sarp dosha. This puja is performed in the sacred and holy place of Trimbakeshwar. The puja is effective here because its temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva to whom both Kaal and Sarp are slaves.
How is Kalsarp Dosh Nivaran Puja Performed at Trimbakeshwar? 
The kaal sarp dosh puja Trimbakeshwar is performed by priests and pandits who are authorized and experienced in this field. Talking about how the puja is performed, here are the procedures involved:
The puja is performed with a pair of sneaks that are made with copper and worshipped. 
Next Navagraha is worshiped along with other 5 deities. 
Once done chanting mantras and reciting Sarpa Sukta is done. 
Using materials like ghee, sesame, barley and others, offerings are made along with homa. 
The puja is concluded with Rudrabhishekam.
The puja is completed with Pitru Paksha which is done by the deceased person’s son. However, in the absence of the father, it can be done by the grandchildren. 
Once done, the Prasad is distributed among people along with charity and donations of food, money and clothes. 
Materials Required for Kalsarp Dosh Nivaran Puja at Trimbakeshwar
The materials or Samagri required for Kalsarp dosh Nivaran puja at Trimbakeshwar are:
Paan leaves 
Raw milk 
Betel nut
Panch sweets 
Ratu phal
5 flower garlands
Dhoop and agarbatti 
Black sesame seeds
Kamal Gatta
Red sandalwood
Desi ghee
Yellow mustard 
Yellow cloth
Bel patri
Wooden chowki 
Sesame oil 
Himalayan birch 
Dry Woodapple
Navgrah Samidha
Black pepper 
Dry coconut 
Mango leaves 
Whole rice 
Panch mewa
Sabut urad dal 
Mango wood
Restrictions for Kalsarp Dosh Nivaran Puja 
For positive results, one must keep in mind the restrictions while/before performing the Kalsarp dosh Nivaran puja, which include:
Always remember to book puja dates in advance. Always seek help or consult a professional pandit for the Muhurat and remedies. 
Make sure to arrive before the puja gets started. 
Before starting the puja, individuals must dip in the holy water at the Godavari River to take a bath and purify themselves. 
The natives and the participants must wear new clothes. For me, it is a white dhoti and women must wear a new saree.
On the day of puja, avoid eating foods that contain onion, and garlic. Also, avoid alcohol before and after puja for about 41 days. 
Women with menstrual periods cannot attend the puja.  
The person performing the puja must avoid eating non-veg both before and after. 
Make sure all your Samagri and puja materials are prepared beforehand. 
Is Kalsarp Dosh Nivaran Puja Effective? 
Wondering if kaal sarp dosh puja Trimbakeshwar is effective? The answer is simply yes and the benefits are as follows:
It removes the highly negative and ill effects from the native’s life with kaal sarp dosh in his/her horoscope. 
The puja helps in pacifying the effects of Rahu and Ketu. 
It removes all the hurdles and obstacles the native may be facing both in his/her professional and personal life. 
It brings good luck and more fortune to the native's life, thereby reversing the bad luck. 
The puja enhances the native's spirituality thereby offering a balanced and peaceful mental health. 
It boosts the confidence of the native and also helps him/her make the right decisions in life. 
It helps the native with recovery from all ailments, thereby providing better and improved health. 
It removes all business problems, thereby bringing more profits in the way. 
It brings peace and harmony to the family, thereby removing conflicts and strengthening relationships. 
It blesses individuals with a happy married life and also removes the difficulty of childbirth. 
It also saves the natives from evil eyes and betrayals from friends, families and enemies.
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rgyanindia · 5 years
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