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axl0824 · 4 months ago
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stiriarges · 2 months ago
Grădina Zoologică Pitești – nou program de vizitare
ℹ️ Grădina Zoologică Pitești – nou program de vizitare Continue reading Grădina Zoologică Pitești – nou program de vizitare
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acumtv · 6 months ago
ACCIDENT TRAGIC PE A1 : TREI PERSOANE DECEDATE ȘI PATRU PERSOANE RĂNITE GRAV   În urmă cu puțin timp, un accident grav a avut loc pe autostrada A1 București-Pitești, la kilometrul 74, în apropierea localității Petrești din județul Dâmbovița. În urma coliziunii, trei persoane și-au pierdut viața, iar alte patru au fost grav rănite, potrivit Inspectoratului pentru Situații de Urgență (ISU)…
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nawariata · 1 year ago
R.I.P. Masza
Dziś dzień w trasie, bez zwiedzania, cała Rumunia płacze, deszcz leje od momentu, kiedy się spakowaliśmy, aż do mniej więcej 17-tej. O 16.30 dowiedzieliśmy się, że zginęła tragiczną śmiercią nasza psina, Masza, biega teraz za zajączkami na wielkiej łące wiecznych łowów. Straszna wiadomość. Okoliczności tragedii są takie, że kierujący samochodem roztrzaskał ją w drobiazgi koło piekarni, gdzie…
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makingqueerhistory · 2 years ago
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Alexandru Bogdan-Pitești
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katruna · 3 months ago
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semnebune · 11 months ago
De vorbă cu Victoria Baltag despre Experimentul Pitești și ultimul film cu Ion Caramitru
De vorbă cu Victoria Baltag despre Experimentul Pitești, ultimul film cu Ion Caramitru Voi începe prin a te întreba cine este, de fapt, Victoria Baltag. Cum te poziționezi în peisajul cultural? Sunt regizor și producător de film, organizator de evenimente (căci îmi organizez evenimentele singură), antreprenor (am patentat două produse), activist academic (iubesc educația), jurnalist și sociolog…
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weddinstory · 2 years ago
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eu: nu am fost niciodata in pitesti, dar sigur 🤷🏼‍♀️
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axl0824 · 4 months ago
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Grazie Benny…..sei il migliore, mi hai organizzato uno splendido compleanno
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stiriarges · 3 months ago
Dezbatere de Ziua Internațională
Dezbatere de Ziua Internațională a Profesorului la Casa Cărții din Pitești Continue reading Dezbatere de Ziua Internațională
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acumtv · 6 months ago
SITUAȚIA TRAFICULUI LA ORA 06:45   Centrul INFOTRAFIC din Inspectoratul General al Poliției Române informează că, la această oră, nu sunt semnalate drumuri naţionale sau autostrăzi cu circulaţia oprită ca urmare a vreunui eveniment rutier sau a condițiilor meteo nefavorabile. Pe arterele rutiere principale, respectiv autostrăzile A2 București-Constanța, A1 București-Pitești, A3 București-Brașov,…
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socmod · 2 years ago
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Dear friends , We are happy to announce that ”Socialist Modernism in Romania and the Republic of Moldova”, the first photo album/digital guide in the 2nd release of @_BA_CU ‘s planned series, is available in 800 copies. Those who are interested in #SocialistModernism are able to order the book on 👉🏻 @fdestribute @FUDEshopAmazon 👈🏻distributor page, (Link in our profile☝️) ; link: http://fdestribute.com/fdshop/ or AMAZON: https://www.amazon.de/dp/6069490975/ref=olp_aod_redir_impl1?_encoding=UTF8&aod= by selecting the Photo album from among the books listed. (DHL Express Shipping worldwide) #SocialistModernism #_BA_CU The photo album includes landmarks of socialist modernist architecture in Romania and the Republic of Moldova – from 1955 to 1989/91. B.A.C.U. Association introduces and explains socialist modernist tendencies, it presents – in color photographs – a functional image of the buildings and their often original elements that synthesize local culture and traditions, while bringing us up to date with their current state of conservation. ( available for order, shipping starting 1 November, 2020) Print run 800 Pages 194+1 Spread/ Romania and the Republic of Moldova – SOC MOD Map Romanian, English Size 26×28.5 cm Weight 1.25 kg Designed and published by @_BA_CU Association 1, 2, 3 pic: Livezeni Coal Mine ( Mina Livezeni - E.M. Livezeni) One of the largest underground mining exploitation in Romania located in Petroşani - one of six cities in the Jiu Valley mining exploitation region of Hunedoara County. It was built in 1980. (c) BACU 5 Mihai Flamaropol Skating Rink (Patinoarul Mihai Flamaropol), Bucharest, Romania, opened in 1952 and rebuilt in 1974. 7 Ventilation shaft, Pitesti Sports Hall (Sala Sporturilor), Pitesti, Romania, built between 1972-5, Architect I.Ionescu (IPCT Bucuresti) 9 Government parking garage, Chisinau, Moldova, built in 1978, Architect: S. Khoma et al. MoldGIPROstroy 10 Munplast building, Bucharest, Romania, built in the 70s. Proiect Bucuresti (c) BACU https://www.instagram.com/p/CjQOlU_swJj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pigpennoiseshow · 2 years ago
Some romanian bird on instagram was calling herself "ethnic" LMAO please shut up esti efectiv din pitesti sau pula mea stie de unde, nu te mai face de ras
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coffeeorsomething-irl · 5 days ago
Tagged by @mister-rad-boy
Last Song: Wells to be Right, by Mr. Moonfish, my husband ❤️
Favourite Color: brown
Last Book: The Gulag Archipelago, by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. It's about the author's experience as a political prisoner in the Soviet Union (he had criticized Stalin in a letter to a friend), and the experiences of all the political prisoners he met there and/or corresponded with later. Fascinating, disturbing, and poignant.
Last Movie: The Hogfather. A comedic Christmas fantasy movie based on the Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett, highly recommended.
Last TV Show: Farscape. A scifi show with Jim Henson creature effects, which inspired Guardians of the Galaxy. Also highly recommended.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Savory, then sweet, and almost never spicy. Not to be a nerd but technically that shit's not a flavor, spiciness is detected by pain receptors not taste receptors.
Relationship Status: Married af
Last Thing I Searched: 'dave the diver klaus'. You've caught me needing videogame help.
Current Obsessions: The Soviet Union, and my...fan novel (at 300 pages and counting, I guess novel is an appropriate appellation). As to the former, I can't believe how bad that shit really was and how badly they failed to teach us about it in school (!). Look up the Pitesti Experiment and the Holodomor if you want to be disturbed... I'm not too far into the Gulag Archipelago yet but one of the first chapters, on the sorts of things people were arrested as political prisoners for, was pretty shocking (including such crimes as, buying any good or service in a capitalist country, being a USSR soldier captured as a POW, failing to meet quota, being nearby when the secret police needed to meet their quota, being a peasant working on a collective farm and mentioning you wish you could get paid or fed, and being the first person in the room to stop clapping during a 10-minute standing ovation for Stalin). As to the latter obsession, I've been working on this shit for 3.5 years now and I'm not going to be done until it is.
Looking Forward To: Christmas! And to finishing the chapter I'm working on currently, which, as is typical, I've been struggling with for months, no joke.
Tag! You’re it!
@kaleidoscope1967eyes, @dailydragon08
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news247worldpressposts · 6 days ago
Curtea de Apel Pitești și #News247WorldPress - #educațiejuridică la Colegiul Național" Zinca Golescu" #Pitești
Educatia Juridica isi continua activitatile prin prezenta permanenta a initiatorului News247WorldPress impreuna cu partenerul Curtea de Apel Pitesti reprezentata de catre domnul judecator Rebeca Ion, astazi la Colegiul National “Zinca Golescu” din Pitesti. Dezbaterile cu elevii sunt intotdeauna un motiv de meditat si aprofundat datorita curiozitatii si nevoii de cunoastere a acestora privind…
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