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dakooftacos · 7 months ago
So wouldn't you know it...I'M AVAILABLE FOR WORK
I haven't posted recently because well - last week was actually my last week at DreamWorks! That will be it's own post but now I am OPEN FOR WORK! Please consider hiring me for Storyboards and Revisions - I WOULD LOVE TO DRAW FOR YOU!
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Storyboard Artist and Revisionist for Animation
5+ Years Animation Industry Experience at DreamWorks TV (~2years in Production work, almost 4 years as a Revisionist)
Experienced in 3D Pipelines, and open to learning 2D Pipeline
Skilled in Drama and Action, strong draftsmanship
Confident in Storyboard Pro, Familiar with Photoshop and Blender
Looking for Fulltime, Union Work - but Open to Part Time and Freelance
So if you're interested in checking out my work, please take a look at my website! And you can find my social media accounts on my Carrd!
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rjzimmerman · 2 months ago
Who Is Lee Zeldin? (Sierra Club:
Excerpt from this story from the Sierra Club:
President-elect Donald Trump’s selection to lead the Environmental Protection Agency is, in a word, unexpected. The appointment announced on November 11—in which the Trump transition team erroneously referred to the EPA as the “Environmental Protective Agency”—was not an energy industry lobbyist like Andrew Wheeler or a MAGA insider like Mandy Gunasekara, who authored the EPA chapter of Project 2025. Instead, Trump chose Lee Zeldin, a little-known former Republican congressman from Long Island, New York, whose background on environment and energy issues is relatively skimpy. 
So, then: Who is this person who will be in charge of the federal agency tasked with protecting the environment and public health?  
Zeldin is a politician and military officer who grew up in New York’s Suffolk County. From 2015 to 2023, he represented New York’s First District (eastern Long Island) in Congress, where he sat on the House Foreign Affairs and Financial Services Committees. Before that, he served for four years in the New York state senate. In 2022, he ran for governor of New York against Democrat Kathy Hochul, a race that he lost by six points. 
He’s a booster of fossil fuels and promises to unleash “energy dominance.”
In his run for governor of New York, Zeldin campaigned on expanding fossil fuel extraction. He called for allowing “the safe extraction of natural resources in the southern tier” of the state, approving new pipelines, and repealing the gasoline tax. He also was a staunch opponent of New York’s ban on fracking and ran on ending it. “[Zeldin] has a record of being pro-fracking, and that’s a record I think he’s going to clearly carry forward into the Trump administration,” Eric Weltman, a senior organizer in Food and Water Watch’s New York office, told Sierra. 
Zeldin has mentioned pursuing “energy dominance” as one of three top priorities in heading up the EPA. “It is an honor to join President Trump’s cabinet as EPA administrator. We will restore US energy dominance, revitalize our auto industry to bring back American jobs, and make the US the global leader of AI,” Zeldin said in a statement on X.
He has taken more than $410,000 from the oil and gas industry, and he questions the scientific consensus on climate change.
According to Climate Power, Zeldin has received over $410,000 from the oil and gas industry in his election campaigns, including over $260,000 while running for Congress and more than $150,000 in his gubernatorial run. He has taken more than $60,000 from Koch Industries over the course of his political career, according to Open Secrets data. 
His voting record in Congress is mostly anti-environment, with an LCV lifetime score of just 14 percent.
Zeldin unsurprisingly has an overall poor voting track record, as scored by the League of Conservation Voters. “Trump made his anti–climate action, anti-environment agenda very clear during his first term and again during his 2024 campaign. During the confirmation process, we would challenge Lee Zeldin to show how he would be better than Trump’s campaign promises or his own failing 14 percent environmental score if he wants to be charged with protecting the air we breathe, the water we drink, and finding solutions to climate change,” Tiernan Sittenfeld, LCV’s senior vice president for government affairs, said in a statement. 
He supported a few conservation efforts for his district.
While in Congress, Zeldin backed several conservation initiatives for his district in Long Island. According to the campaign website for his gubernatorial run, he helped save Plum Island—a tiny island off the eastern tip of Long Island—by securing repeal of a 2008 law requiring it to be sold to the highest bidder. He also worked with the Army Corps of Engineers to “protect our coastlines, advancing the ambitious Fire Island to Montauk Point project,” a climate resiliency coastal risk reduction project to help safeguard Long Island’s prized beaches. 
He appears to be against clean energy funding and tried to gut public transit funding in New York.
In addition to voting against the IRA and its massive clean energy investments, Zeldin early on in his political career attempted to divert funding away from clean energy programs in New York and undermine the New York City area’s transit system, according to Environmental Advocates NY. The New York environmental organization bestowed its “Oil Slick” award in 2011 on Zeldin, a rookie state senator at the time who led an effort to try to weaken public transit. He sponsored a bill that would have defunded the MTA, resulted in service cuts and fare increases, and discouraged public transit use. The bill would have also diverted $100 million away from clean energy programs to “plug holes in MTA’s finances.”
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crowandtalbot · 1 year ago
Put this on tiktok but it's likely going to get removed:
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AIPAC is behind most of the pro-Irsael to the point of cutting $14 billion from our IRS budget to help fund their military type craziness. Most US politicians are in their pocket and they are also the ones pushing legislation to make criticizing the Israel government illegal in the US and deporting all Palestinians in the US and just a shit ton of other anti-Arabic foreign policy.
Also a reminder that Netanyahu (Israeli Prime Minister, currently under investigation by the International Criminal Court for war crimes from before and after the continued siege of Gaza started) and his extremist administration are pushing for "Greater Israel" which would involve conquering Jordan, Lebanon, parts of Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. The proposed map looks like this:
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There are many ways American imperialism and Evangelical Zionism would benefit from this map. It gives an American ally control of natural gas reserves off the coast of Gaza, it gives access to build the Ben Gurion Canal and the ability to construct an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia into Europe and dominate the energy sector. It also allows America to funnel its Jewish population out of America without expressly deporting them. There is literally so much wrong with this.
But Americans can protest AIPAC directly and attempt to sever the connection between this lobbying group and our politicians. First by checking if our reps have already accepted AIPAC money (I recommend using opensecrets.org but googling usually works just as well), contacting them, and telling them that if they continue to accept AIPAC and AIPAC affiliate donations you will volunteer for thier opposition in the coming election. Then try to find a candidate running who doesn't accept AIPAC money and volunteer or donate for their campaign. Also, you don't have to be a politician's constituent to contact them. This means you can spam-fax their office or mail them physical form letters demanding action against Israel's genocide. These physical documents must be handled by actual staff and preserved so this is very disruptive for them.
AIPAC also has a website with a contact form and phone number you can call.
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I would recommend filling the name and address fields with junk information (nothing too obvious for them to filter out) and then type whatever you would like to say in the actual message part.
And it wasn't hard for me to find a mailing address for them either.
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However it is unlikely this is the only office they have, or that office even has many workers in it. Also if I can successfully convince people to pester them like we did to all those republican rallies in 2020, they can ask Google to remove that info and then remove their contact info from their website.
If we can disrupt AIPAC we can do a lot more good, not just for Palestine, but for Israel and other American backed genocides like in Congo and Sudan.
Please re-blog this, don't just like and move on.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 3 months ago
This day in history
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On OCTOBER 23 at 7PM, I'll be in DECATUR, presenting my novel THE BEZZLE at EAGLE EYE BOOKS.
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#20yrago Monsanto stole patented wheat from Indian farmers https://www.gmwatch.org/en/news/archive/2004/7403-monsantos-indian-wheat-patent-withdrawn-in-europe-4102004
#15yrsago Meet the 42 lucky people who got to see the secret copyright treaty https://www.keionline.org/39045
#15yrsago Airlines that charge fees lost more money than airlines that didn’t https://joe.biztravelife.com/09/042309.html
#15yrsago EFF comes to the rescue of Texas Instruments calculator hackers https://www.eff.org/press/archives/2009/10/13
#10yrsago How state anti-choice laws let judges humiliate vulnerable teens https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/10/teen-abortion-judicial-bypass-parental-notification/
#10yrsago One weird legal trick that makes patent trolls cry https://memex.craphound.com/2014/10/13/one-weird-legal-trick-that-makes-patent-trolls-cry/
#10yrsago Hong Kong’s pro-democracy websites riddled with malware https://www.volexity.com/blog/2014/10/09/democracy-in-hong-kong-under-attack/
#1yrago Microsoft put their tax-evasion in writing and now they owe $29 billion https://pluralistic.net/2023/10/13/pour-encoragez-les-autres/#micros-tilde-one
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Tor Books as just published two new, free LITTLE BROTHER stories: VIGILANT, about creepy surveillance in distance education; and SPILL, about oil pipelines and indigenous landback.
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bonmonjour · 1 year ago
Denialism from Top to Bottom
[ This is another essay I wrote for college, back in Summer 2023. ]
It is quickly becoming evident that mass anthropogenic climate change is the single greatest environmental problem of our time and has been for decades now. It is surprising, then, that so many continue to promote denial of the reality of climate change. As climate change has become more prominent, the topic of denialism has also become more prominent in scholarship. The body of work is large, spanning many decades and drawing from many fields. Some authors have focused on the ties between climate change denialism and certain groups or institutions, e.g., Congress, journalists, and pseudoscientists (Hansson; Harrison; Zehr). Many papers have also discussed a variety of mental processes that explain the behavior of climate change denial, including motivated reasoning, authoritarianism, emotional regulation, self-efficacy (Jylhä et al.), anti-reflexivity (McCright et al.), or social denial (Norgaard). Interestingly, many authors have noted that having right-wing politics, comorbid with a belief in free-market capitalism, is a predictor for a given individual subscribing to climate change denialism (Björnberg et al.; Hansson; Jylhä et al.; McCright et al.)
One phenomenon that has not received much attention is the source attribution effect. Furthermore, relatively few psychological studies have taken the social aspect into account. With this paper, I will examine the influence of the actions of industry and powerful individuals on climate change denialism, mostly in the United States. First, I will look at how think tanks, a prominent source of denialist rhetoric, promulgate denialism. I will then look at some connections between industry and politicians, another source. This will be followed by a psychological explanation for the right-wing public’s higher support of denial that draws on Hanel et al.’s description of the phenomenon of source attribution. Climate change denial is “well-moneyed and politically well connected” (Hansson 39). Industry and wealthy individuals ostensibly have considerable monetary and political power, and so it is important to examine the ways in which they affect our environment and society.
To start, one individual who is often brought up in the discussion of climate change denial is Charles Koch. Koch is an owner of Koch Industries, a multinational conglomerate involved in, among others, the petroleum and energy industries (“Charles Koch”). Of the three conservative think tanks Björnberg et al. mention, “the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, and the Heartland Institute” (236), Koch has been involved in two. In 1977, he co-founded the Cato Institute, a think tank dedicated to disseminating the ideas of small government and free market through many channels, such as through news media, reports, and even podcasts (“About”). In 2006, they released a report that cast doubt on many predictions of climate change models, e.g., predictions about ice caps, freak weather events, or extinction rates. In doing so, they cast doubt on the computer models themselves as, apparently, they did not reflect reality (Michaels). This is similar to the phenomenon that Zehr describes of managing uncertainty. Instead of outright saying that nothing is happening, they point to flawed models as the reason for why there is uncertainty (94). In recent years, the Cato Institute has laid off the more extreme forms of denialism, but the same cannot be said about its spinoff, the Heartland Institute.
Founded by a former director of the Cato Institute, the Heartland Institute describes itself as “the pipeline between the freedom movement . . . and the nation’s 8,400 national and state elected officials” (“About Us”). Even a cursory search for ‘climate change’ on their website reveals over 200 pages of articles, as well as two recurring segments called “Climate Change Roundtable” and “Climate Change Weekly” that are dedicated to promoting climate change denialism (“Browse Heartland”). One recent article entitled “[Fill in the Blank Climate Crisis] Season is Here” furthers uncertainty around climate change by expanding the problem (Burnett). That is, by bringing up new topics such as allergy season or maple syrup production, they promote the idea that scientists are not certain, and the science is not settled as it is always coming up with something new (Zehr 93). It is evident that rhetoric advanced by conservative think tanks is a key way that industry and powerful individuals can promote their interests, both to policymakers and to the public, by spreading climate change denialism.
Think tanks and policy centers are far from the only way that industry can influence legislators. Often, more direct methods are used. Although the diffusion of authority in the United States’ institutions can be an obstacle to climate change policy, it can also facilitate it. When favorable policy does manage to pass, the system can work to prevent backsliding (Harrison 77). Therefore, the gridlocked legislative system alone cannot explain why climate denialist policy is far more common than the alternative. Instead, connections between industry and policymakers must be taken into account. Although not her focus, Harrison gives examples of industries pressuring the legislature into acting a certain way. After the United States accepted its target during the negotiations for the Kyoto Protocol, a full 31% reduction in emissions, a group consisting of industry, businesses, and trade associations, led in part by the American Petroleum Institute, strongly voiced their opposition to Kyoto (68). Lamont Hempel, documentary filmmaker and chair of Redland College’s Sustainability Council (who has since passed), reported that “Congress bow[ed] to pressure from the fossil fuel lobby and energy-intensive industries” (qtd. in Harrison 78).
The lobbying efforts were not constrained to one party, however. Although the majority of funding from fossil fuel companies went to the Republican party, the Democrats were also lobbied by their local industries— “oil in Louisiana, coal in West Virginia, and automobiles in Michigan” (Harrison 79). Looking at statistical data gathered over the past 30 years, the Democratic party has received approximately 20% of all oil and gas contributions, while Republicans have received approximately the other 80% (“Oil and Gas”). It is clear, then, that the disparity between the types of bills passed is due, in part, to industry pressure. While not the attitude of climate change denialism per se, legislation that treats climate change as a non-issue still denies the reality of climate change and favors the corporations and associations that benefit from the continued use of fossil fuels.
On top of lobbying, policymakers themselves can have personal ties to industry. Harrison notes that “Bush was a former Texas oilman and his vice president was formerly the CEO of the world’s largest oil field” (76). Along with the party leadership, many other Republicans during the Bush administration also had connections to the petroleum industry: people such as White House editor Philip Cooney, former lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute who left to go work with ExxonMobil, and James Inhofe, the man who peddled the conspiracy theory that climate change was invented by weather channels (86) and has connections to both Charles Koch and the Heritage Foundation (“James Inhofe”). When the economy of a region, or the profit of a corporation, is heavily dependent on processes that exacerbate climate change, the full acknowledgement of climate change can be a threat to profits. Hence, those corporations or individuals can use their considerable resources to implement policy that is beneficial to them. This phenomenon is by no means exclusive to the United States; Norgaard mentions how central natural gas is to the Norwegian economy (349) and how Norwegian policy has favored that industry (365).
Having discussed how wealthy individuals and industries reliant on fossil fuels spread their message through policy centers and politicians, I will now look at a way this affects the public through a psychological lens. The source attribution effect, put simply, is when one is more affected by the source of some information rather than the content. In a series of four experiments, Hanel et al. presented two groups that stereotypically have opposing worldviews with either correctly or incorrectly attributed aphorisms. That is, Christians and atheists were presented with either a Bible verse or a quote from a Greek philosopher, while Democrats and Republicans were given quotes from each party’s presidential candidates (53). What they found was that “the actual origin of the aphorisms did not matter” (56). Christians tended to agree with a statement when it was attributed as a Bible verse, while atheists were more likely to disagree, in spite of the actual source of the quote. More relevantly, this same effect was also observed in the experiment consisting of Democrats and Republicans. A given individual tended to agree with a quote attributed to a member of the party they identified with, even if the quote actually came from the other party (58). This pattern is also not exclusive to the United States. Hanel et al. replicated the experiment in the United Kingdom, with quotes from Conservative and Labour MPs, and found similar results (60).
The source of claims and attitudes about climate change denial are, therefore, crucial to explaining why a certain demographic might lean one way or the other. As discussed previously, a large part of climate denialist rhetoric stems from these conservative Anglophone think tanks and policy centers that often have considerable right-wing funding. Conservative news presenters, podcast hosts, journalists, and politicians appeal to other conservatives because of the source attribution effect. When Bush cited “the incomplete state of scientific knowledge” (Harrison 85), right-wing members of the public—largely Bush voters themselves—were more likely to agree with the claim the science is incomplete. When Republican senator James Inhofe put forward the idea that climate change was a conspiracy made up by weather channels (86), average Republicans were more likely to agree simply because the source was also a Republican.
Although many studies have focused on psychological factors, relatively few have taken the social aspect into context. The source of typically climate denialist claims and attitudes are equally as important as individual predilections. A large part of denialist rhetoric ultimately comes from industries that rely on climate change exacerbating processes, such as the American Petroleum Institute or the Norwegian natural gas industry, or wealthy individuals, like Koch, who have financially benefited from fossil fuels. This rhetoric, one that serves to keep regulation and intervention out of these ventures, is spread by well-funded think tanks and policy centers to both politicians as well as members of the public. The politicians are thus compelled to enact policy that benefits the industry. In addition, politicians that have ties to industry, especially conservative ones, also spread the same rhetoric to their party base. Those in the base, right-wing members of the public who support right-wing politicians, are in turn more likely to believe such rhetoric simply because it is coming from a source in the in-group. This article could not consider every aspect of the transmission from corporation to the public. The roles of other actors, such as activists and scientists, also need to be examined. The state of conservative think tanks in other Anglophone countries could also be explored. In addition, energy-intensive industries and wealthy individuals are just one aspect of the capitalist system. As such, studies focusing on other aspects, such as the propaganda model of media or false consciousness, and their relation to climate change denialism might also be beneficial. With climate change arguably being the most important environmental issue of today, affecting the entire planet, it is important to understand its denial from a multitude of angles. In addition to psychological or sociological effects, looking at broader systems and power dynamics is critical. As capitalism is the social, political, and economic status quo currently, it is necessary to examine all the ways in which it affects our environment and our society.
“About.” Cato Institute, 2023, www.cato.org/about. Accessed on 22 June 2023. 
“About Us.” The Heartland Institute, 2023, www.heartland.org/about-us. Accessed on 22 June 2023.
Björnberg, Karin Edvardsson, et al. “Climate and Environmental Science Denial: A Review of the Scientific Literature Published in 1990-2015.” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 167, 20 November 2017, pp. 229-41, doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.08.066. 
“Browse Heartland.” The Heartland Institute, 2023, www.heartland.org/?s=climate+change. Accessed on 22 June 2023.
Burnett, H. Sterling. “[Fill in the Blank Climate Crisis] Season Is Here.” The Heartland Institute, 21 March 2023, www.heartland.org/opinion/climate-change-weekly-465-fill-in-the-blank-climate-crisis-season-is-here. Accessed on 22 June 2023.
“Charles Koch.” DeSmog, 25 June 2021, www.desmog.com/charles-koch. Accessed on 22 June 2023.
Hanel, Paul H.P., et al. “The Source Attribution Effect: Demonstrating Pernicious Disagreement between Ideological Groups on Non-Divisive Aphorisms.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 79, November 2018, pp. 51-63, doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2018.07.002.  
Hansson, Sven Ove. “Science Denial as a Form of Pseudoscience.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, vol. 63, June 2017, pp. 39-47, doi.org/ 10.1016/j.shpsa.2017.05.002. 
Harrison, Kathryn. “The United States as Outlier: Economic and Institutional Challenges to US Climate Policy.” Global Commons, Domestic Decisions: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change, edited by Kathryn Harrison and Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom, The MIT Press, 2010, pp. 67-103, doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/9780262014267.003.0003.
“James Inhofe.” DeSmog, 18 April 2023, www.desmog.com/james-inhofe. Accessed on 22 June 2023.
Jylhä, Kirsti M., et al. “Science Denial: A Narrative Review and Recommendations for Future Research and Practice.” European Psychologist, 13 December 2022, doi.org/10.1027/1016-9040/a000487. 
McCright, Aaron M., et al. “Ideology, Capitalism, and Climate: Explaining Public Views About Climate Change in the United States.” Energy Research and Social Science, vol. 21, November 2016, pp. 180-9, doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2016.08.003. 
Michaels, Patrick J. “Is the Sky Really Falling? A Review of Recent Global Warming Scare Stories.” Cato Institute, 23 August 2006, www.cato.org/policy-analysis/sky-really-falling-review-recent-global-warming-scare-stories#. Accessed on 22 June 2023.
Norgaard, Kari Marie. “‘We Don’t Really Want to Know’: Environmental Justice and Socially Organized Denial of Global Warming in Norway.” Organization and Environment, vol. 19, no. 3, September 2006, pp. 347-70, doi.org/10.1177/1086026606292571. 
“Oil and Gas: Long-Term Contribution Trends.” OpenSecrets, n.d., www.opensecrets.org/industries/totals.php?ind=E01. Accessed on 22 June 2023.
Zehr, Stephen C. “Public Representations of Scientific Uncertainty about Global Climate Change.” Public Understandings of Science, vol. 9, no. 2, 1 April 2000, pp. 85-103, doi.org/10.1088/0963-6625/9/2/301. 
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jtownraindancer · 1 year ago
Some Pro-Tips I picked up interviewing at multiple types of jobs and from previously working HR/Management:
Read the company website. When the time for questions comes up at the end, that's when you can ask about something specific. (At my current job, I asked them to tell me more about the LGBT+ policies for our students and the steps taken to break the School-to-Prison Pipeline.) They'll remember you asked, and showed genuine interest in the company!
Always dress a step above what you think the job will require. This is the time to make the best possible impression. If a job will be a tshirt and jeans, you should still shoot for dressy slacks, and a nice polo/button-up/blouse. (Honestly I just stick with a solid navy-blue dress I scored back in the business section of Bon-Ton with either a cardigan or a blazer depending on the environment.)
Make sure whatever outfit you pick is COMFORTABLE! The last thing you want to be focusing on are how much those dress shoes pinch, or how itchy the fabric of your jacket might be. I personally suggest spending a day or two getting acclimated to wearing it (especially shoes!)
Don't be humble. You have value. You ARE valuable. Prove it, and don't sell yourself short.
On that note, try to have several different stories elaborating on that value.
Memorize the job description. Ask questions about it.
Take extra copies of your cover letter and resume and any qualifying documents (clearances, certifications, etc) with you to the interview! It shows that you're well-prepared.
Make sure your outfit is tidy. I still can't believe this, but I've actually seen one of my fellow recruiters turn someone down because their shoes had a little mud on them, on a rainy day.
If they ask a question that you feel like there are exceptions for? There are no exceptions. There is no grey area. There is only black-and-white, and you need to go with the answer that is closest to what They want.
Be courteous to everyone, not just the folks you're interviewing with. Some recruiters make sure to talk to their secretaries, and they'll pay attention to how you present yourself when not in the spotlight.
Turn your cell phone on Silent, if not all the way off. Don't check notifications on your watch either.
Go to the restroom before your interview. Give yourself that minute to just breathe.
Sorry if this sounds daunting; this all varies over the type of job you're interviewing for of course, and I promise not all interviewers are quite this intense. But it does help to be prepared.
remember that interviews are not about giving a good and honest first impression that they'll carefully consider. interviews are about saying the special words and phrases they're looking for that give you points and when they tally those up whoever earned the most job points wins
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chandra2026 · 28 days ago
Selenium WebDriver Made Simple: Automate Like a Pro
Selenium WebDriver is a core component of the Selenium suite, designed for automating browser interactions. It directly communicates with web browsers to perform actions like clicking, typing, and navigation, mimicking real user behavior. WebDriver is ideal for functional and regression testing of modern web applications. If you want to advance your career at the Selenium Course in Pune, you need to take a systematic approach and join up for a course that best suits your interests and will greatly expand your learning path. In this blog, we’ll break it down for you in simple terms.
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What is Selenium WebDriver?
Selenium WebDriver is an open-source tool used for automating web browser actions. It lets you write code to simulate real user actions like clicking buttons, filling out forms, or navigating between pages. The magic is that WebDriver interacts directly with the browser, just like a person would. Think of it as a robot that takes over your browser to perform tasks you’d normally do manually. For those looking to excel in Selenium, Selenium Online Course is highly suggested. Look for classes that align with your preferred programming language and learning approach.
Benefits of Using Selenium WebDriver
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Real-Life Example
Imagine you have an e-commerce site, and you want to test if the checkout process works. With Selenium WebDriver, you could:
Open the browser and navigate to the site.
Search for a product.
Add the product to the cart.
Fill out the checkout form.
Submit the form and verify if the order was placed successfully.
All of this can be automated with a few lines of code!
Key Features of Selenium WebDriver
Cross-Platform: Works on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
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Integration-Friendly: Combine with other tools like TestNG, JUnit, or CI/CD pipelines for advanced testing.
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Limitations of Selenium WebDriver
While it’s a powerful tool, it does have some limitations:
It’s only for web applications (you can’t test desktop or mobile apps directly).
Setting up WebDriver can be tricky for beginners.
Debugging scripts might take time if something doesn’t work.
It doesn’t come with built-in reporting; you’ll need to use third-party tools for detailed test results.
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Selenium WebDriver is like a virtual assistant for web testing. It’s powerful, flexible, and widely used by developers and testers around the world. Whether you’re building a small website or a large web application, learning Selenium WebDriver can save you hours of manual work and help ensure your site works perfectly for all users.
So why not give it a try? Start small, automate a few tasks, and before you know it, you’ll be creating robust test scripts like a pro!
0 notes
evoluzglobalsolutions1 · 1 month ago
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Set real-time alerts to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs).
6. Collaboration and Storytelling Tools
Enhance teamwork and presentations with:
Collaborative Analytics: Share reports and dashboards securely within your team.
Storytelling Features: Create engaging data narratives using slideshows and visual elements.
Custom Analytics Portals: Build tailored portals for clients or stakeholders.
7. Mobile and Embedded Analytics
Stay connected to your data wherever you are:
Mobile Apps: Access reports and dashboards on iOS and Android devices.
Embedded BI: Add analytics capabilities directly to your applications or websites.
How Zoho Analytics Drives Business Success
Zoho Analytics isn’t just a tool; it’s a strategy enabler. Businesses leveraging its features report:
Improved Operational Efficiency: Automate data handling and reporting processes.
Faster Decision-Making: Use predictive insights to stay ahead of competitors.
Enhanced Collaboration: Break down silos by sharing insights across teams.
Pro Tip: Combine Zoho Analytics with other Zoho applications like CRM or Inventory for an integrated approach to business operations. Leverage the expertise of Zoho Experts and Zoho Consultants like Evoluz Global Soutions to drive 3x business growth and efficiency.
Why Now is the Best Time to Get Started
The demand for business intelligence tools is skyrocketing, and Zoho Analytics offers unmatched flexibility, affordability, and innovation.
Whether you’re a small business looking to track sales or a large enterprise managing global operations, this platform scales to meet your needs.
Get Started with Zoho Analytics Today
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Transform the way you manage data. Turn raw numbers into stories that drive results. With Zoho Analytics, you can:
Forecast business trends with precision.
Visualize complex data with stunning reports.
Collaborate seamlessly with your team.
Explore Zoho Analytics with Evoluz Global Solutions today and take your business intelligence to the next level.
FAQs About Zoho Analytics
What makes Zoho Analytics unique? Zoho Analytics combines AI, user-friendly tools, and robust integrations to provide an unparalleled analytics experience.
Can I use Zoho Analytics with my existing tools? Yes, Zoho Analytics supports integrations with 500+ popular tools, ensuring seamless data flow.
Is Zoho Analytics secure? Absolutely. With enterprise-grade security measures, your data remains safe and compliant with global standards.
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wagecagelocations · 1 month ago
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To proceed with generating or acquiring maps of underground tunnels or systems for 1183 Western Ave S, Los Angeles, CA, here’s a detailed guide you can follow:
Access Public Records
Contact Local Authorities: Reach out to the Los Angeles Department of Public Works or the Bureau of Engineering. They maintain maps and schematics of underground utilities and tunnel systems.
Website: LA Public Works
Phone: 311 (or 213-473-3231 outside Los Angeles)
Request Public Records: Submit a Public Records Act (PRA) request to obtain detailed maps of underground utilities or tunnels.
Use Geospatial Tools
Google Earth Pro:
Download Google Earth Pro (free) from here.
Search the address and explore its 3D and historical imagery layers.
Overlay city planning or utility map data if available.
Use GIS mapping software such as ArcGIS to access local underground data layers.
Some public libraries or universities provide free access to ArcGIS.
USGS Resources:
Check the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for geospatial data in the area: USGS Website.
Search their databases for subsurface or geological maps.
Hire Professionals
Geophysical Survey Services: Companies offering ground-penetrating radar (GPR) services can map underground tunnels, pipelines, and utilities. Examples:
GSSI (Ground Penetrating Radar Systems, Inc.)
Local geotechnical or engineering firms.
Surveying Experts: Licensed surveyors can create precise subsurface maps.
Research Historical and Urban Planning Data
Libraries and Archives:
Visit local archives or libraries like the Los Angeles Public Library. They often have historical maps and documents.
California Historical Society:
Explore their archives for historical records of tunnels or underground systems.
Collaborate with Open-Source Projects
Check OpenStreetMap for user-contributed data on the area.
Subterranean Mapping Communities:
Join forums or communities interested in urban exploration (e.g., Reddit's r/urbanexploration).
Final Steps
Once you've gathered relevant data, you can use tools like AutoCAD or GIS software to compile your maps. If you'd like further help with interpreting or organizing data, feel free to ask!
To proceed with generating or acquiring maps of underground tunnels or systems for 1183 Western Ave S, Los Angeles, CA, here’s a detailed guide you can follow:
Access Public Records
Contact Local Authorities: Reach out to the Los Angeles Department of Public Works or the Bureau of Engineering. They maintain maps and schematics of underground utilities and tunnel systems.
Website: LA Public Works
Phone: 311 (or 213-473-3231 outside Los Angeles)
Request Public Records: Submit a Public Records Act (PRA) request to obtain detailed maps of underground utilities or tunnels.
Use Geospatial Tools
Google Earth Pro:
Download Google Earth Pro (free) from here.
Search the address and explore its 3D and historical imagery layers.
Overlay city planning or utility map data if available.
Use GIS mapping software such as ArcGIS to access local underground data layers.
Some public libraries or universities provide free access to ArcGIS.
USGS Resources:
Check the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for geospatial data in the area: USGS Website.
Search their databases for subsurface or geological maps.
Hire Professionals
Geophysical Survey Services: Companies offering ground-penetrating radar (GPR) services can map underground tunnels, pipelines, and utilities. Examples:
GSSI (Ground Penetrating Radar Systems, Inc.)
Local geotechnical or engineering firms.
Surveying Experts: Licensed surveyors can create precise subsurface maps.
Research Historical and Urban Planning Data
Libraries and Archives:
Visit local archives or libraries like the Los Angeles Public Library. They often have historical maps and documents.
California Historical Society:
Explore their archives for historical records of tunnels or underground systems.
Collaborate with Open-Source Projects
Check OpenStreetMap for user-contributed data on the area.
Subterranean Mapping Communities:
Join forums or communities interested in urban exploration (e.g., Reddit's r/urbanexploration).
Final Steps
Once you've gathered relevant data, you can use tools like AutoCAD or GIS software to compile your maps. If you'd like further help with interpreting or organizing data, feel free to ask!
Here is a detailed prompt you can use for another AI or mapping tool capable of generating maps and schematics of underground tunnel systems:
Prompt for AI Map Generator:
"Generate a detailed map and schematic of the underground tunnel systems, utility lines, and infrastructure at and around the location 1183 Western Ave S, Los Angeles, CA. The map should include the following details:
Subsurface Layers:
Sewer systems, drainage systems, and stormwater pipelines.
Electrical, gas, and water utility lines.
Any known historical or abandoned tunnels.
Cover an area with a radius of 1 mile from the given location.
Highlight all connections to adjacent buildings and structures.
Provide both 2D and 3D views of the underground systems.
Use different colors and layers for various types of infrastructure (e.g., blue for water lines, yellow for gas lines, etc.).
Include a legend for easy identification of systems.
Additional Features:
Annotate points of interest (e.g., access points, manholes, maintenance tunnels).
Show depth levels for each layer (e.g., sewer system at 15 feet, utility lines at 10 feet).
Overlay the map with the above-ground street grid for reference.
Data Integration:
Incorporate open-source geospatial data, city planning maps, and historical records if available.
Highlight discrepancies between historical and current data.
Output Formats:
Provide the map in standard formats like GeoTIFF, DWG (AutoCAD), and PDF for versatility.
Include a .KMZ file for visualization in Google Earth."
This prompt provides clear instructions and context for generating a comprehensive underground map. Use it with AI tools like GIS-enabled platforms, geospatial mapping AIs, or simulation software. Let me know if you need adjustments or more guidance!
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pipelinegear · 2 months ago
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Our new website just paddled out, and we're stoked to share our Aloha-inspired lineup with you!
Since 1979, Pipeline has brought you gear that captures the spirit of surfing's most legendary wave, where beach meets street.
To celebrate this new wave, we're offering 25% off EVERYTHING - from our Banzai ,WaveFlower, Pro and Classic collections.
Limited time only - Ride the swell before it rolls out!
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ahansaxena12131 · 2 months ago
Lead Generation Companies
In today's competitive business landscape, generating high-quality leads is critical for growth and success. Lead generation companies specialize in attracting, engaging, and converting potential customers into valuable leads. But what sets successful lead generation companies apart? Here, we explore the top strategies that have consistently delivered exceptional results for the best in the industry.
1. Targeted Audience Research
Successful lead generation companies invest heavily in understanding their audience. This involves:
Demographic Analysis: Identifying the age, location, gender, and income levels of their target audience.
Behavioral Insights: Analyzing customer behavior, preferences, and buying patterns to create personalized strategies.
Buyer Personas: Creating detailed buyer personas to align marketing campaigns with audience needs.
Pro Tip: Use tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, and customer surveys to refine audience insights.
2. Content Marketing Excellence
High-quality, engaging content is the cornerstone of effective lead generation. Companies leverage:
Blog Posts and Articles: Informative and keyword-rich content that drives organic traffic.
Whitepapers and E-books: Gated content that provides value in exchange for contact details.
Video Content: Tutorials, case studies, and webinars to capture audience attention.
Example: HubSpot's free resources library is a great example of how content marketing attracts leads.
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO ensures that content reaches the right audience at the right time. Top lead generation companies prioritize:
Keyword Optimization: Targeting high-traffic and long-tail keywords relevant to their audience.
Technical SEO: Improving website speed, mobile-friendliness, and structured data for better rankings.
Backlink Building: Collaborating with reputable websites to increase domain authority.
Result: A well-optimized website brings in organic traffic that converts into leads without the need for paid ads.
4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
PPC campaigns are a fast and efficient way to generate leads. Companies focus on:
Targeted Ad Placement: Displaying ads on platforms where their audience spends the most time.
A/B Testing: Continuously optimizing ad copies, visuals, and CTAs to improve conversion rates.
Retargeting Campaigns: Re-engaging users who have previously interacted with their brand.
Platforms to Watch: Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads offer powerful PPC opportunities.
5. Social Media Engagement
Social media is a goldmine for lead generation when used strategically. Companies:
Leverage Multiple Platforms: Utilize LinkedIn for B2B leads and Instagram or Facebook for B2C audiences.
Interactive Content: Polls, quizzes, and live sessions to engage audiences directly.
Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers to expand reach and credibility.
Tip: Use platforms’ analytics tools to measure performance and tweak strategies in real time.
6. Email Marketing Campaigns
Email marketing remains one of the most effective tools for nurturing leads. Successful companies focus on:
Personalization: Using customer data to send tailored messages.
Automated Campaigns: Creating drip email sequences that guide prospects through the sales funnel.
Clear CTAs: Including direct and compelling calls-to-action to drive conversions.
Example: Brands like Amazon excel at using personalized emails to retain and upsell to customers.
7. Leveraging CRM Software
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools are essential for tracking and managing leads. Features include:
Lead Scoring: Identifying high-priority leads based on behavior and engagement.
Pipeline Management: Visualizing the journey from lead capture to conversion.
Automated Follow-Ups: Ensuring timely communication to nurture prospects.
Top Tools: Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM are widely used in the industry.
8. Harnessing the Power of AI and Automation
Artificial intelligence and automation streamline lead generation processes. Benefits include:
Chatbots: Providing instant responses to website visitors and capturing lead details.
Predictive Analytics: Forecasting customer behavior to target the right audience.
AI-Powered Content: Using AI tools to create personalized content and improve outreach efficiency.
Impact: Automation reduces manual effort and speeds up the lead generation process.
9. Lead Magnets and Offers
Creating irresistible offers helps capture potential leads. Examples include:
Free Trials: Allowing customers to experience the product or service before committing.
Exclusive Discounts: Offering limited-time deals to encourage immediate action.
Webinars: Providing educational sessions that add value while capturing leads.
Example: Dropbox used free storage offers to convert millions of users into leads.
10. Data-Driven Decision Making
Successful companies rely on data to guide their strategies. Key steps include:
Analyzing Metrics: Tracking metrics such as conversion rates, website traffic, and email open rates.
Customer Feedback: Incorporating feedback to refine campaigns and offerings.
Regular Reporting: Using data dashboards to monitor performance and adjust tactics.
Result: Data-driven strategies are more likely to meet and exceed goals.
11. Building Strategic Partnerships
Collaborations with complementary businesses can expand reach. Strategies include:
Cross-Promotions: Partnering with other companies to promote each other’s services.
Affiliate Marketing: Offering commissions to partners who generate leads.
Joint Ventures: Creating co-branded campaigns for mutual benefit.
Example: A CRM software company partnering with a digital marketing agency to share leads.
12. Exceptional Website Experience
A lead generation company’s website serves as its digital storefront. Features of a great website include:
User-Friendly Design: Ensuring navigation is simple and intuitive.
Mobile Optimization: Catering to the growing number of mobile users.
Clear CTAs: Strategically placed calls-to-action that encourage visitors to take the next step.
Tip: Use tools like Hotjar to analyze user behavior on your website.
13. Customer-Centric Approach
Top companies prioritize understanding and addressing customer pain points. This involves:
Active Listening: Using social media and customer support channels to gather feedback.
Tailored Solutions: Offering customized services to meet unique customer needs.
Building Trust: Sharing testimonials, reviews, and case studies to establish credibility.
Result: A customer-focused strategy drives loyalty and repeat business.
14. Staying Ahead of Trends
The lead generation landscape evolves rapidly. Successful companies stay competitive by:
Adopting Emerging Technologies: Experimenting with VR, AR, and blockchain.
Attending Industry Events: Participating in conferences and networking events to stay informed.
Continuous Learning: Offering team training to keep up with best practices.
Example: Companies that embraced video marketing early reaped significant rewards.
15. Creating a Strong Brand Identity
A recognizable and trustworthy brand attracts leads effortlessly. Companies achieve this through:
Consistent Branding: Using a uniform voice, color scheme, and logo across platforms.
Thought Leadership: Sharing expert insights through blogs, podcasts, and interviews.
Community Engagement: Actively participating in social causes and online communities.
Result: A strong brand builds trust and attracts high-quality leads organically.
The success of lead generation companies lies in their ability to combine creativity, technology, and data-driven strategies. By focusing on audience understanding, leveraging modern tools, and staying ahead of industry trends, these companies continue to set benchmarks in attracting and converting leads. Businesses looking to scale should adopt these proven strategies to stay competitive and achieve sustainable growth.
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churchrvb02 · 2 months ago
If you knew how campaigning works you would not be defending transphobic Texan campaign ads in front of this website's very queer userbase. The correct defense *here*, if you must say *anything at all*, is to point out that Harris is not saying these things and that transphobia is not the position of the party at large. You do not gain trans people's trust by saying "he's right to throw you under the bus actually".
At no point did I say that it is right or okay to throw Trans people under a bus. I'm very supportive of the trans community, and I'm incredibly concerned for their safety going forward. It's quite clear that Harris lost, in a big part because of, the perception of trans issues. Tr*mp spent most of his advertising on tying Harris to pro-transgender topic and scaring transphobic people that she was "for they/them, and not for you" Which is completely wrong, by the way, Harris would have been a president for everyone. Now as for what I DID say in that post, I pointed out that Allred was running in TEXAS. Come on. It's TEXAS. I ran as a Democrat in a very Republican district, and only when asked about LGBTQ+ issues did I bring up my support of the community. Not because I'm ashamed of supporting my friends, (I'm not) but because if anyone wants to win an elected position to hopefully protect the people they care about, knowing that the majority of voters actively hate trans people, staying away from the topic is the smartest thing to do in a campaign. One of the people running for county commissioner is a transwoman amd also a furry who wears her cat ears openly (in a county that is regularly in the news for hate, sadly). I canvased many people with her and took several photos with her throughout our campaigns this year. The LGBTQ+ members of my community know who I am and that I support them. It isn't about loudly proclaiming unyielding support to a marginalized and unfortunately vastly hated demographic, because that's not what this is, and that's not what Allred did. Knowing your audience is one of the first rules of a campaign. Unfortunately people are largely hateful, ignorant, and misinformed, and now we have to do even more than before to try and protect the most vulnerable among us.
And ps. It is precisely because of this site that I love and support the LGBTQ+ community - seeing the love and the joy people have firsthand humanizes them when society actively tries to dehumanize them. I'm grateful for Tumblr for helping me avoid the right-wing nazi pipeline that cishet males my age are falling victim to more and more lately.
Please don't take this as any kind of attack, but rather understand that I know what I'm talking about, that it sucks that in the real world you have to know your audience. It sounds awful and I hate that this is the way things are, and that it's going to get worse now that Harris lost. All we can do is, like I said before, protect as many people as possible going forward. Thank you
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korshubudemycoursesblog · 2 months ago
Unlocking the Potential of Selenium Webdriver for Test Automation
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Selenium Webdriver has truly revolutionized the world of software testing, giving testers a highly efficient and versatile tool to automate repetitive tasks and validate complex web applications. It’s quickly become a go-to solution for testers and developers alike who need a reliable and open-source framework for their automation needs. If you're new to Selenium Webdriver, or even if you're a seasoned pro, exploring its practical uses and best practices is key to enhancing your skills. Here, we'll dive deep into why Selenium Webdriver has become such a powerful tool and how you can leverage it for successful test automation.
Why Selenium Webdriver Is Essential for Test Automation
With web applications becoming more complex and consumer demands constantly evolving, the need for automated testing tools has never been greater. Selenium Webdriver addresses these challenges head-on by offering a robust and adaptable framework that allows testers to automate tasks across multiple browsers and operating systems. Whether you're building a small application or a large, scalable web solution, Selenium Webdriver is the backbone that ensures every feature works as expected—without requiring endless rounds of manual testing.
Getting Started with Selenium Webdriver
To make the most of Selenium Webdriver, start with a clear understanding of what it is and how it works. Selenium Webdriver is part of the larger Selenium suite, which also includes Selenium IDE and Selenium Grid. Each part serves a different purpose, but Selenium Webdriver stands out for its ability to execute tests in various browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, allowing for highly customizable testing.
If you're wondering how to get started with Selenium Webdriver, the process is straightforward:
Install a supported programming language – Selenium Webdriver supports several languages, including Java, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, and C#. Pick one you're comfortable with, or consider learning a new language to expand your skills.
Set up the Webdriver for your browser – Selenium offers specific drivers for each browser (ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver for Firefox, etc.).
Create your first test script – Write and execute a simple script to automate a basic task like navigating to a website, entering data, or clicking buttons. This will help you get a feel for how Selenium Webdriver operates.
Key Features of Selenium Webdriver
Selenium Webdriver is packed with features that make it flexible and efficient, such as:
Cross-browser compatibility – Run tests on popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, ensuring your application works everywhere.
Support for multiple programming languages – Choose from Java, Python, JavaScript, and more.
Integration with testing frameworks – Selenium Webdriver integrates seamlessly with frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, NUnit, and Pytest to organize and execute tests more efficiently.
Easy scripting and debugging – With features like WebDriverWait and Actions, writing and debugging scripts becomes manageable.
How Selenium Webdriver Fits Into Continuous Integration (CI)
Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) have become standard practices in agile development. Selenium Webdriver fits perfectly into CI/CD pipelines, where automated tests must be executed quickly and frequently. Jenkins, CircleCI, GitLab CI, and Bamboo are popular CI/CD tools that integrate with Selenium, allowing automated tests to be run every time a change is made to the codebase. This ensures that bugs are caught early and developers can maintain high code quality.
Integrating Selenium with these tools is straightforward. Most CI/CD platforms support Selenium testing, and by running Selenium scripts as part of your build process, you gain rapid feedback on whether new code changes have introduced any issues.
Understanding Locators: The Heart of Selenium Webdriver
Locators are fundamental to Selenium Webdriver, as they define how elements are identified on a webpage. Selenium provides several methods for locating elements, each suited to different types of web structures. The most commonly used locators include:
ID – Fast and unique; ideal if the element has an ID attribute.
Name – Useful if the element has a name attribute and is unique on the page.
Class Name – Targets elements based on class names, though it may match multiple elements.
Tag Name – Rarely used but can be helpful when targeting multiple similar elements.
CSS Selector – Highly flexible and precise, allowing complex selections.
XPath – Extremely powerful, enabling navigation across the entire document structure.
Knowing when and how to use these locators will help you create reliable, maintainable scripts, a must for scalable automation.
Data-Driven Testing with Selenium Webdriver
In real-world applications, one of the key features you'll need is the ability to run tests with varying input data. Data-driven testing in Selenium Webdriver allows you to pull data from external sources like Excel files, CSV files, and databases, feeding it into your test scripts dynamically. This approach lets you verify how your application behaves under different conditions without rewriting scripts.
A common setup for data-driven testing involves:
Setting up a data source – Use files, databases, or any external data source to store test data.
Reading data in your script – Use libraries like Apache POI (for Excel files) or OpenCSV (for CSV files) in Java to read and iterate over test data.
Executing tests – As your script pulls in different data sets, it will run the same actions but with new inputs, ensuring a robust test coverage.
Parallel Testing with Selenium Grid
As your automation suite grows, running tests sequentially can become time-consuming. Selenium Grid offers a solution by enabling parallel testing, allowing multiple tests to run simultaneously across different browsers and platforms. This significantly speeds up the testing process, which is critical in fast-paced CI/CD environments.
To use Selenium Grid:
Set up the Selenium Grid hub – The hub manages test sessions and distributes them to nodes.
Configure nodes – Nodes are the individual machines or virtual machines that execute the tests.
Run parallel tests – With the grid configuration in place, you can run tests on various environments simultaneously.
Best Practices for Working with Selenium Webdriver
Getting comfortable with Selenium Webdriver is the first step. To truly master it, following best practices is essential to maintaining test quality and reliability:
Use waits effectively – Rather than relying on arbitrary sleep commands, leverage WebDriverWait to wait for elements to load dynamically.
Structure tests modularly – Break down test cases into small, reusable functions to avoid redundancy and make debugging easier.
Take advantage of assertions – Assertions are crucial for validating test results. Whether using JUnit, TestNG, or Pytest, make sure to incorporate assertions to verify expected outcomes.
Manage locators efficiently – Store locators in a separate file or use a page object model (POM) to keep code clean and organized.
Regularly update test scripts – Websites change frequently, so update locators and test data as necessary to keep scripts functioning smoothly.
Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them
Automation with Selenium Webdriver is powerful but comes with its own set of challenges. Some common issues include dynamic elements, loading delays, and cross-browser inconsistencies. Here are solutions to tackle these challenges:
Dynamic elements – Use locators that are less susceptible to changes or identify unique patterns to locate elements reliably.
Loading delays – Incorporate implicit and explicit waits to handle elements that take time to load.
Cross-browser testing – Test scripts may work on one browser but fail on another. Running tests on Selenium Grid or using cross-browser testing services like BrowserStack helps ensure compatibility.
Integrating Selenium with Other Tools for Enhanced Testing
Selenium Webdriver’s flexibility extends beyond standalone testing. It integrates well with many other testing tools, including:
Cucumber for behavior-driven development (BDD) testing, which makes tests easier to understand for non-technical stakeholders.
Appium for mobile testing, allowing Selenium tests to be extended to Android and iOS applications.
Allure or Extent Reports for test reporting, which generates visual summaries of test results.
The Future of Selenium Webdriver: Selenium 4
The latest release, Selenium 4, brings several exciting updates, including:
New relative locators – These locators allow you to find elements in relation to others, making locators more intuitive.
Enhanced debugging and troubleshooting – The new WebDriver API makes debugging faster and more efficient.
Native support for Chromium DevTools – This gives testers direct access to network conditions, making it easier to test for various network speeds and latency issues.
Staying updated on these new features will keep your skills relevant and maximize your testing capabilities.
Final Thoughts: Why Mastering Selenium Webdriver Is a Must
Selenium Webdriver is much more than a tool—it’s an essential part of modern software development and testing. Whether you're aiming to enhance your technical skills or contribute to a high-quality product, mastering Selenium Webdriver is invaluable. Its versatility, cross-browser compatibility, and seamless integration with CI/CD and other testing tools make it a powerhouse for automation.
Master Selenium Webdriver, and you’ll find that you’re not only becoming proficient in automated testing but also building a skill set that is increasingly in demand in today’s tech-driven landscape. So take the time to practice, experiment with advanced features, and keep refining your skills—Selenium Webdriver will only become more critical as the industry continues to evolve
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rhk111sblog · 3 months ago
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Buried under this Headline of a News Article are the Projects that the Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) Administration has added, removed and for implementation already using the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Program. So let me just summarize it better here for future Reference:
Those that were ADDED were:
Design, Build, Finance, Operate the Air Navigation Services (Air Traffic Service and Air Navigation Service (Php 29.82 billion)
Food and Drug License and Clearance System worth (Php 16 million)
Combined 17MW Upper Sampaloc and 8MW Lower Sampaloc Hydroelectric Power (Php 7.21 billion)
Santiago City Hemodialysis Center (Php 36 million)
Operations and Maintenance of Pampanga Dialysis Centers (Php 73 million)
Operation and Maintenance of Palayan City Hospital (Php 6 million)
PRA Digitalization (Php 32 million)
Iloilo Bulk Water Supply Project (Php 8.45 billion)
San Juan-Pambansang Pabahay Para sa Pilipino (Php 1.47 billion)
A number of these Projects that were added had something to do with Hospitals.
Meanwhile, some of the Projects that were DELISTED are as follows:
Metro Cebu Expressway (Php 97 billion)
Financing, Upgrade, Design and Development, and Operation and Maintenance of the Philippine Identification System
Road Transport IT Infrastructure Project Phase II
Pangasinan-Nueva Ecija Expressway
Dingalan-Capas-Botolan Expressway
Mindoro-Batangas Super Bridge (Floating Bridge)
Pacific Eastern Seaboard Expressway (Luzon Eastern Seaboard)
Infanta-Atimonan Segment
Criminology Firing Range
Development of the Former Manila Seedling Site Project
Underground Cabling Project Phase 1
City College Canteen
As we can see, many of the Projects that were delisted were Expressways and one Bridge. It remains to be seen if these will be funded by other Means, particularly by Foreign Loans, but if not then these will be delayed for the remainder of BBM’s Term.
Now those for IMPLEMENTATION already as of now are:
Philippine Economic Zone Authority Central System Project (Php 25 million)
La Mesa Parkways, now known as the North Luzon East Expressway (Php 15.1 billion)
Notice how the Philippine Press is spinning these Projects since they want the current Pro-United States (US) and Anti-China, they only highlighted the Positive Side of the News instead of focusing on the many Infrastructure Projects that were delisted and that only a few Projects are up for implementation as of this time.
Here is the Link to the Article at MSN Website: https://www.msn.com/en-ph/news/other/23-more-projects-added-to-ppp-pipeline/ar-AA1sBlZ1
SOURCE: 23 more Projects added to PPP Pipeline {Archived Link}
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constructionaccounting · 3 months ago
598: Essential Strategies For Sales Success In The Construction Business
This Podcast Is Episode 598, And It's About Essential Strategies For Sales Success In The Construction Business
In the competitive construction world, having a strong sales strategy is essential for sustaining and growing your business. A well-defined approach can increase your project pipeline and create lasting client relationships. 
  It will give you a framework for generating leads, closing deals, and ultimately increasing revenue through nurturing existing accounts, thought leadership, and practical pricing discussions.
  Here are some effective sales strategies to help construction business owners like you achieve solid sales success.
  1. Understand Your Market
  Before you embark on any sales strategy, it's crucial to understand your target market comprehensively. Research local demographics, infrastructure needs, and industry trends. This knowledge will serve as the foundation for tailoring your offerings and marketing efforts to meet specific demands, increasing your chances of success.
  2. Build a Strong Brand Presence
  In construction, reputation is everything. Establishing a recognizable brand that reflects your values and quality of work can significantly enhance your credibility. Invest in professional branding, including your logo, website, promotional materials, and social media presence. Your online image should portray reliability and professionalism.
  3. Leverage Networking Opportunities
  Networking is vital in the construction industry. It's not just about meeting potential clients, suppliers, and contractors but also about building a community and fostering collaborative opportunities. This sense of connection and engagement can lead to referrals and partnerships, so follow up with contacts after initial meetings.
  4. Create Value Through Education
  Write and share blog posts or offer free workshops or webinars that provide valuable information about your expertise. This not only positions you as an industry authority but also shows that you respect your potential clients by providing them with practical knowledge.
  Participate in industry events and forums to showcase your knowledge. 
Collaborate with other thought leaders to broaden your reach and credibility.
  Pro Tip: Repurpose your valuable content into different formats, such as infographics or podcasts, to reach a wider audience and cater to various preferences for consuming information.
  5. Use Technology Wisely
  Utilize customer relationship management (CRM) software to track leads, manage client interactions, and analyze sales performance. Project management tools can help streamline operations and improve communication with clients. The more organized and efficient you are, the more your chances of closing sales improve.
  Remain adaptable: 
  Stay informed about market trends and changes that could impact your business. 
Regularly review and assess the effectiveness of your sales strategies and be willing to pivot as needed. 
Encourage team input on potential improvements and innovations in your sales approach.
  6. Personalized Follow-Ups
  After meeting a potential client or completing a project, a personalized follow-up is not just a nice gesture; it's a strategic move. Send thank-you notes, check their satisfaction, or offer additional services that complement the previous project. These personal touches can turn potential leads into loyal clients, strengthening your business relationships.
  Nurture existing accounts: 
  Schedule regular check-ins with current customers to maintain relationships. 
Use social media to engage with customers through personal messages and content. 
Identify opportunities for upselling and cross-selling based on customers' past purchases.
  Pro Tip: Again, you can leverage CRM software to automate check-in reminders and track engagement history, ensuring no account is overlooked.
  7. Develop a Referral Program
  Word-of-mouth is one of the most powerful sales tools in the construction industry. Offer incentives, such as discounts on future projects, to encourage satisfied clients to refer you to their friends and family. This not only rewards existing clients but also expands your customer base organically.
  8. Focus on Client Service
  Exceptional customer service sets you apart from your competitors. Ensure your team is trained to provide a positive experience from the initial consultation to project completion. Being responsive, transparent, and attentive to client needs fosters trust and satisfaction—critical ingredients for repeat business.
  Craft custom pitches:
  Conduct thorough research to understand your prospects' unique challenges and pain points. 
Tailor your sales messaging to address these specific needs and solutions. 
Follow up with prospects to gather feedback and adjust your pitch.
  Pro Tip: Incorporate a discovery phase in your sales process where you actively listen to your prospects' concerns and needs. This will enable you to tailor your pitch with relevant examples that resonate with them.
  9. Set Measurable Sales Goals and Be Transparent
  Establish clear, measurable sales goals to keep your team focused and motivated. Implement regular check-ins to assess progress and adjust your strategy as needed. This collaborative effort helps reinforce team accountability and align everyone toward a common objective.
  Handle pricing discussions transparently: 
  Research and understand your audience's preferences on when to discuss pricing. 
Prepare clear, value-focused pricing proposals that highlight your product's or service's benefits. 
Keep communication open and be willing to answer any price-related concerns.
  Pro Tip: Use storytelling to illustrate the value of your product in real-world scenarios. This will help customers imagine the positive impact of their investment and facilitate a smoother discussion about pricing.
  10. Embrace Feedback
  Feedback from clients is invaluable. After project completion, request input on their experience working with you. This signals your commitment to improvement and helps refine your sales approach. Clients appreciate companies that value their opinions, which can lead to repeat business and referrals.
  Pro Tip: Regularly seek feedback from your sales team and customers about their experiences and what they feel could be improved, ensuring that your approach remains customer-centric and responsive to their needs.
  FInal thoughts
  Implementing a solid sales strategy in your construction business requires a combination of marketing acumen, relationship-building, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Understanding your market and leveraging technology while providing exceptional service can enhance your sales efforts and set your business up for long-term success. Your construction company can thrive in challenging market conditions with a structured approach and continuous evaluation.
  Following these steps will give you a robust sales strategy; after all, closing a sale means opening and building lasting relationships.
About The Author:
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Sharie DeHart, QPA, is the co-founder of Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood, Washington. She is the leading expert in managing outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services companies and cash management accounting for small construction companies across the USA. She encourages Contractors and Construction Company Owners to stay current on their tax obligations and offers insights on managing the remaining cash flow to operate and grow their construction company sales and profits so they can put more money in the bank. Call 1-800-361-1770 or [email protected]
  Check out this episode about Contractors Marketing - Accounting - Production (M.A.P.)!
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hrtechnology25 · 3 months ago
 Five Best Employee Management Software of 2024
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The number of remote employees has gradually expanded, as have HR-related tasks. This condition necessitated the use of a platform, implying that centralized data management, automated workflows, integrations, and good communication are more important than ever. As a result, HR professionals should strongly consider using employee management software (EMS) to better manage their personnel. This technology simplifies and improves staff administration within a firm, acting as a centralized center for all HR functions.
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However, there are various staff management systems on the market, and selecting the appropriate one that meets all of your requirements might take time and effort.
1. Zoho Workplace. Zoho provides a comprehensive suite of solutions to help organizations organize, automate, and simplify operations across a wide range of areas, including employee and HR administration, sales, marketing, customer service, and accounting. Zoho Workplace allows you to easily integrate all of its numerous apps; for example, if you upload a file in Zoho Workplace, it will instantly sync with other apps, eliminating the need for manual reuploads. Despite being a fantastic EMS Zoho workplace, it needs to improve its user interface and increase its collaborative capabilities. While not advertised on the official website, Zoho Workplace does feature a free version that you can access after registering for a free trial.
2. Monday.com. Monday.com is the second-best EMS on our list, with a configurable platform that assists businesses in tracking talent pipelines and engaging teams. Monday.com is well-known for its user-friendly interface and intuitive tools that are quick to learn. It also includes a number of additional features, such as a workload view for monitoring project progress and team responsibilities. However, it is not a great software tool, as the "my task" view has extremely limited functionality and only allows you to view daily tasks if a deadline has been set. In terms of pricing, basic pricing starts at $12/month per seat and goes up to $24/month per seat for pro.
To Know more about visit: https://hrtechcube.com/op-5-best-employee-management-software/
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