#Pim pimling x Charlie dompler headcanons
oinkinpigprince · 5 months
Angel!Pim x Demon!Charlie + they’re kinda like starcrossed lovers
Ik im like, a narrator for Romeo and juilet and all but I don’t actually know what star crossed lovers are. Okay now I know! :o))
Angel Pim x Demon Charlie
Angst w/ happy(?) ending
Pim and Charlie had been working together for years to help humans. Bettering people’s lives. It was almost fate the two met
Pim was a heaven born angel and Charlie was a mortal who got very lucky in the lottery. The two work together, Charlie to help pay his Sin tax and Pim just loves seeing people happy
Charlie was the one who caught feelings first, it snuck up on him. Quietly softly, Pim was one of the most gentle touch people he’s met. Every time Pim told Charlie it would be okay, he wanted to believe the angel
Pim helped Charlie in the after life, he may not be able to travel to hell that didn’t mean he didn’t help Charlie on missions. Charlie learnt every trick from Pim, including how to use his rather fumpy wings
No one ever helped Charlie and he had to learn everything on his own. He got so use to being alone Charlie forgot what it was like to hold someone’s hand through something new. Pim didn’t mind, he just didn’t understand.
It was comforting to know even though he was a literal demon, Pim would still lend a helping hand. His reality sometimes bordered on pessimism and Pim reminds him that some times things will be fine, and he’s doing fine. Even if he fucked up in life he can be saved
It took a while but when Charlie realized it, it hit him like a fucking train. It was soul crushing, to Charlie. It was after a job that the feelings hit him finally and it hurt just like it.
Unwavering optimism gets grounded in reality. Although Pim knows humans suffer, like duh that’s why he’s helping them. He has no idea what it actually feels like and what it does to people
He has a naive sense of justice, you should NEVER steal, you NEVER break the law, and if you do good things you’ll be rewarded. But Charlie teaches Pim that isn’t how it works, the world isn’t black and white and what people say is right is sometimes horribly wrong
That’s how Pim learned what human pain was, what suffering and death really meant. Charlie explained the feeling of grief, shame, and rejection and Pim could almost feel it. It was right within the grasp which is more than any angel could feel
Pim naturally loved Charlie, he loved everyone. Giving all of the other angels and demons he came across kisses and hugs Pim never noticed how Charlie panicked when Pim gave him a peck on the cheek
He’d come to him with any questions about the human world, what certain emotions felt like. What made sadness special? Charlie wasn’t the best at describing some emotions but it never mattered to Pim, he just loved hearing Charlie talk
Pim realized fast that he loved Charlie, it was so matter of fact too. Like it was only natural he’d feel this way, he wasn’t use to human love and never one for a demon. He was excited to ask Charlie about it but, he never got the chance
It wasn’t like Pim to feel, scared. Nervous, he barely knew the word. It hurt seeing Charlie sometimes, it frightened Pim. He’d swallow spit and bite his tongue, he was too nervous to ask Charlie
Demon and angel relationship were the hardest thing to maintain, satan had ban demons from entering relationships with angels out of jealousy and anger. Pim knew it and now he understood what Charlie meant by, star crossed. It, hurt
Pim could finally understand the feeling of rejection from someone you loved and by his god it fucking hurt. He felt his throat sting choking down salty tears watching Charlie flutter around with his beautiful orange wings, it made him light headed.
Seeing something he wanted just within reach, and yet it wasn’t like Charlie left him. He was right there but that was the problem. He wanted to experience the beauty of human love but god dammit before he could have it, it was taken from him
He didn’t know how to deal with these intense emotions, he couldn’t ask Charlie anymore cause how could he explain himself and he didn’t know any other human made. Pim felt, alone.
When Charlie asked Pim about relationships in heaven and hell and, maybe if a an angel could have relationships with demons, Pim froze. Trying to explain it the best he could, and then the two went silent. Try to figure out if the other one fully knew, they stared into the other’s eyes.
Charlie felt silly for asking, of course it would never work. He felt like a fool but Pim made it simple enough. He tried hard to snuff out the feelings.
Pim was scared and yet there was light, unwavering optimism, with hope and yearning he tried to think of a way around it. Maybe they could talk to the devil, make him reconsider the ban. Reality hit him hard when Charlie sighed
“Maybe in another life, dude.” Charlie began to decent to hell when Pim grabbed his sweater “C-Charlie wait,” he paused nervous and unsure of himself all of a sudden “I, I’ll wait for you to make it into heaven. I promise.” Pim muttered out, hopeful. Charlie grabbed pims hand, curiously “don’t wait up”
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pinecipitation · 3 months
Pine,,,, smiling friends headcanons, how do you think each of the boys would react to their crush saying they feel safe with them :> if not all of them, your boy Alan and Charlie and Pim (asking for us both im shaking)
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second of all YESSS SMILING FRIENDS CONTENT WE R SO BACKKK let me get to work ‼️
word count: around 1.2k
authors note: oh my god this was in the works for like a month, I be procrastinating really hard i’m sorry gang 😔🤞 also I’m so sorry alans is so short despite him being my favorite one I’m fighting for my life in here man
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CHARLIE: (s1e6)
charlie… is almost relieved to hear it, honestly would immediately flip a switch and do the very most to KEEP you as safe as you can be- but hide it in a playful manner. would carry you for the rest of your life if you asked, just because you inflated his ego.
The two of you are almost halfway in the enchanted forest, you walking in front of Charlie as you hold a little makeshift map in front of the two of you. The whole time Charlie is pointing out little shortcuts, you erasing and drawing paths over and over on the paper until a particularly strong gust of wind blow it away from the two of you, his shocked mouth open and yours would’ve opened if the pencil wasn’t still in your mouth. You didn’t want to say it, but you felt a little aggravated at him for losing your focus like that.
You stop to let him speed up in front of you, the two of you continuing onwards in silence before he speaks.
“Listen… I-“
“It’s fine, you go and I follow. I trust you.”
The minute those words left your mouth, Charlie immediately stops and turns to look at you, the clinks and clanks of his armor making it almost comedic.
“…I said you could lead the way?-“
“No,” he shakes his head, the helmet shifting with him, “After that.”
You look at him quizzically, your arms awkward by your side as you look to the side then to him again.
“I trust you?”
What you couldn’t see was Charlie internally squealing like a little girl, happy that someone like you can allow themselves to be so carefree around him. Except you weren’t just someone; he’s unknowingly had a thing for you long enough to where it’s embarrassing that he hasn’t made a move. But, somehow, you telling him that made him understand why he got so nervous around you. Why he always felt let down whenever you had a different mission that day and couldn’t hang with him and Pim. Why he always slightly pulled aside the seat next to him in the office just so you’d sit next to him instead of across.
He finally realized he liked you.
But of course, he’d never say that out loud.
What he did do, however, was immediately grin and flex, his armor audibly showing him move as if he were showing off in a gym mirror.
“Well of course you do, I’d be concerned if you didn’t think a hero like me could protect you. I mean, look at me,” he plays along, successfully earning a chuckle from you before you roll your eyes and shift the bag on your shoulder before you keep moving ahead.
“Alright, hero- hey-!” Your joking manner was cut short as Charlie picks you up, flinging you over his shoulder as his laugh rockets off the trees around the two of you.
Your giggles and pleas to be let down drowned out as he thought about that sentence once more, thinking about what to do to hopefully hearing it again another time.
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PIM: (s1e4)
pim….. he’d be so happy, would internally have a little panicked spongebob brain moment but on the outside he’s a stuttering blushing mess. as if he isn’t pink enough.
“Don’t worry, i’ll use this rock to mark the trees- we can find our way back easy!”
Pims words seemed like an echo, his happy go easy personality twenty minutes ago almost feeling like a warning now that the two of you crossed that bridge. The two of you just barely escaped the rain, logs and sticks discarded as the rickety cabin door you called shelter slammed shut.
You were both dripping, Pims cowboy outfit making wet stretching noises every time he stretched his leg or raised his arm. Your outfit was also drenched, a small rip or two from the thorns you pulled away from on the run here.
You were still kneeled over catching your breath as the thunder pursued outside, Pim shakingly clearing his throat before looking up at you with disappointed eyes.
“Listen,… I’m really sorry, I didn’t think it would rain or anything but even then I shouldn’t have taken us across the bridge, and now it’s my fault we’re here-,” he begins, his wet hat now in his hands as he stares down at his cowboy spurs. He only really looked up once he hears you interrupted him with a laugh, a sound he immediately feels his cheeks redden to.
“Don’t worry, it’s just a little rain. We’ll be okay- plus, I feel safe with you. I know we’ll make it back fine.”
You were facing down trying to wring the water out of your hair and costume, thinking nothing of it, but to Pim?
To Pim, it meant everything.
He immediately stopped, his eyes widening as he stares at you with his mouth slightly ajar, the redness in his cheeks instantly spreading to his nose and ears. It took two or three tries for him to get his words out, the clothes on him somehow feeling tighter the more he tried to express himself.
“You… you trust me??” The way his meek voice instantly made you straighten up and look at him, the barely there water in his eye almost making you feel guilty for saying it.
Immediately you went to go hold him, your hands wrapping around his back as he listens to you giggle out a ‘Of course! Pim, are you okay?’ and he nods in return. His hands interlock together behind your back, his cheek on your shoulder as he thanks you.
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ALAN: (s2e3)
alan… my wife.. would definitely think about asking if you’re SURE. in that case, he’s taken it upon himself to keep his eyes on you like a HAWK, unfortunately intimidating everyone around the two of you.
You seem to feel oddly safe perusing the streets of CrimeVille, thinking back on everyone’s warnings of how dangerous the place was. This is too easy, you think, feeling like everyone was just exaggerating the state of where you two were. What you didn’t realize, however, was Alan shooting everyone the stink eye of the century as he walks behind you.
It wasn’t too long ago when you two left the OfficeCrap, the following conversation unexpected as you both walked out.
“I can do it myself, I don’t want you going to that part of town…” Alan mumbles, the soft mechanic noise of the sliding door behind you helping end his sentence. You only shake your head, shushing him before pronouncing how you’ll be fine, and you trust him to protecting you if anything.
Unbeknownst to you, that’s the only thing Alan’s been thinking about since you left. Fortunately for Alan, being tall and having a somewhat stoic resting facial expression, he was very easy to intimidate anyone looking at you.
He almost walked like your shadow, hands in his pocket as he walks over you like a protective red totem, his blue tie occasionally brushing the top of your head as he looms over everything.
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toysrguts · 15 days
smiling friends headcanons!! :D
i have smiling friends brainrot
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•wine is his de-stresser. after a long shift he likes to go home and sip on a glass of wine while watching shit TV like some kind of cool guy
•doesn't smoke cigarettes often but will bum one off of charlie sometimes during their breaks
•bites people he loves :)
•perhaps his dr. monsters appointment with dr. monster was an appointment to assess him for OCD
•very very particular about the way he likes things and hates unexpected change in his routine
•also a math god he's like a walking calculator
•always helping other people reach things that they cant
•he has to be like 6’3 or something probably
•autism be damned my boy can work a grill (he can cook really well)
•in fact hes often the one cooking meals for the other smiling friends
•he also lovessss to garden its one of his favorite hobbies
•he grows his own vegetables to cook with and flowers to decorate his home :)
•i feel like this man would get down to some queen or duran duran
•he’ll listen to pretty much anything but i feel like he would gravitate towards 80s classics
•used to own a car that he loved but it broke down and he never bought another one
•went to school for engineering and started volunteering at smiling friends after graduating as kind of a placeholder job, but loved it so much it became his full time job
•cheese is his safe food
•had to wear glasses when he was younger but felt like they deterred the ladies so he switched to wearing contacts
•probably drinks black coffee like a fucking freak
•either that or he adds oat milk
•hes pretty anxious and freaks out a lot and will also snap if he has sensory overload
•wears noise canceling headphones a lot cause too much noise drives him insane
•HATES fabric touching his skin but will still wear a tie cause “it’s classy” and will wear clothes if hes out in public
•once took a trip to france and almost didnt come back cuz it was like cheese heaven
•goes clubbing during some of his nights off and is a karaoke GOD
•also goated at chess and gets heated during a game of scrabble
•definitely sneaks a cart into work every day
•if allan didn’t cook this dude would go into debt from ordering takeout every day
•was raised mostly by his uncle cause his parents werent always around, and they're more like really good friends now that hes older
•grew up poor and had a pretty hard childhood overall but he doesn't dwell on it too much
•relieves his stress and frustration by terrorizing people in fortnite lobbies
•the smiling friends hq is air conditioned 24/7 per his request, he's heat sensitive and sweats EXCESSIVELY
•uses axe body spray to mask the stench
•his living conditions are depressing to look at, the only furniture in his apartment is a mattress and an old camping chair he borrowed from his uncle years ago
•also probably owns a shelf dedicated to lego builds
•he spends like 90% of his time in his bed if not working
•his morning routine consists of waking up disoriented asf, throwing on some clothes laying on the floor, forgetting to brush his teeth and walking out the door
•was exposed to shock sites wayyy too young
•acted out and got in trouble a lot in his adolescence but now just likes to keep to himself for the most part
•believe it or not he was baptized as a baby
•started caring about life a little more ever since experiencing hell
•feel like he likes music his uncle showed him as a kid, maybe judas priest and whitesnake type shit
•doesn’t even have to say anything when he goes to salty’s cause hes a regular and they know his exact order
•thats a bisexual man if ive ever seen one
•the hat hides his receding hairline lul
•has a fat ass surgical scar on his nose from when james ripped it off
•wears the same beat up white adidas shoes and got in highschool
•owns one of those “dubstep, weed and jacking off” shirts
•hes an only child but pim is like a brother to him
•had a family dog growing up and is a dog person overall
•begs to play roblox when anyone else is playing video games in the office
•curls up into a ball when he sleeps
•also will freak out without a night light
•his room is definitely littered with stuffed animals
•grew up watching mlp (g1) and probably still owns some pony figures
•and says “hello everypony!!” when entering a room
•played a LOT of browser and flash games as a youngster like club penguin and moviestar planet
•genuinely finds beauty in everything i wish i was on his level of joy and whimsey
•would totally listen to vocaloid and would totally go on a super long tangent about how its so cool and holograms are so cool
•also has a collection of light sticks and miku plushies and definitely kisses his miku poster goodnight
•i feel like he ate paint chips as a child
•craves social interaction cuz his parents had a rocky marriage and were neglectful and his sister treated him like shit when they were kids
•his sister would tug on his nerve ending when she got annoyed
•having a rough upbringing and dysfunctional family is what pushed him to start working for smiling friends, hes genuinely passionate about making people smile and just wants to help people who are in bad situations like he was
•prone to panic attacks :(
•sings little songs to calm himself down
•flails his arms or jumps around when hes excited
•still uses pool floaties when swimming lmao
•also still loves to dress up and play pretend as an adult
•mmmmm loves sweets what is a nutritious meal?????
•wore glasses growing up but just kind of stopped for some reason probably cuz his eyes are fucking massive
•chronic cyberbully-er
•tells people to kts in his gibberish language when they annoy him
•has most likely caused several wars across the globe
•puts whatever he wants on the tv and then hides the remote and watches everyone fight over who took it
•small but lets out the most diabolical burps imaginable
•is fluent in every single language on earth and probably space too
•absolutely brainrotted from that ipad he wont stop watching skibidi toilet
•unties peoples shoes when theyre not paying attention
•little guy has never known sobriety in his life
•has so many random ass pictures and videos saved on his tablet
•hes like a little vlogger
•if someone says or does something he doesnt like he’ll probably hire a hitman on them
•definitely has access to the deep web
•hates gardening but will help allan out with it once in a while for something in return (like a grilled cheese or some weed or something)
•also will sit next to allan while hes cooking so he can eat all the scraps
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vncannyvalleygrrl · 2 months
Pim and charlie (seperate headcanons) x janitor gn reader who works at smiling friends is shy until you get to know them pretty pls? I love ur workk
yes ofc!! tysm i cant believe how much attention my stuff is getting recently, im glad people are liking it! hope you like this one too :3
Pim/Charlie x Janitor Reader
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includes: general and dating hcs
He was really excited that he has a new co worker! He even made a little goody-bag full of snacks and cute cat stickers to give you on your first day. Pim really wants you to feel welcome at Smiling Friends.
He knows it's not his job to do this, but on slower days he tends to help you clean around the office, especially after rough misadventures (or bliblie infestations)
He doesn't mind you being shy around him, he's a patient little critter. Willing to listen to your problems with an open heart; only gives advice when you ask.
Do you like coffee? He'll make you some! Prefer energy drinks? He'll get you some from the store! After awhile, maybe a few months or so, he'll ask if you can get lunch with him sometime. Perchance hang out after work? At a cafe maybe?
Whoops he's in love with you.
If you two end up together, he obviously helps you with your job when needed. If you have any sort of pain that day, God forbid being sick, don't even think about getting out of bed that day. He's making you some chicken noodle soup (or some vegetable and pasta soup if you're vegan), he's turning on the TV, and he's making you some tea.
He gets super flustered every time he's reminded that you aren't shy near him, only with others. He sometimes forgets you trust him, and his heart skips several beats when he remembers. Maybe a little nauseous but it's a good nauseous.
He will gladly take you on missions with him if you ask! Doesn't realize until it's too late that most of his missions are either super deadly or super boring. Probably won't take you on adventures after that for your own safety.
Charlie didn't even know that you were hired as a janitor until he saw you (about a week after you were hired) mopping up some spilled water around the office. He asked if you were a client, but he was quickly shot with confusion as you told him that you worked there.
You two shared some laughs, introduced yourself, and went on with your day.
After that, you wouldn't talk much with him, mostly small conversations about the weather or recent news. He was your coworker, yes, but felt more like background noise. Charlie thought that you were a little reclusive, but he didn't mind the quiet between you two.
He always makes sure to clean up after himself though, just out of courtesy. He's worked one of these kinds of jobs before, he knows they suck.
One night you stayed long after to help clean up the aftermath of a very hectic mission, the office being partially destroyed by a pissed off client. You clocked out and stepped out of what remained of the building, finding Charlie sat down on the sidewalk, lighting a cigarette.
You two talked for a little bit, maybe smoked with him if you're a smoker. Charlie talked about how a lot of the time, he regrets working here because of how much of a nightmare people can be. You couldn't blame him for that. He brought up how he especially feels bad for you, because you have to clean up his messes. Now that surprised you.
When midnight struck, he offered to drive you back to your house/apartment, and you accepted. After that, you both grew close to one another. Too close to be considered a friendship anymore.
Officially dating and closer than ever, he would hang out with you after work, mostly at either his or your place. Talk about drama in each others lives or online, eat junk food, play video games, watch movies, all until the break of dawn. Maybe a few beers get involved during the weekends.
Overall, he's just glad you have someone to confide in now, someone you can trust and be yourself around, not hide behind any walls. Every time he sees you he just wants to run up and hug you, and he does (unless you're in public, he just holds your hand).
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myt0urniquet · 1 month
I love women Charlie!!! I LOVE WOMEEEEEEEEEEENN!!!!!!!!!
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cheesecakeingfriends · 3 months
Charlie stumbles upon a gay bar + doesn’t recognize Drag Queen!Pim at first
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Charlie x Drag Queen Pim
Charlie started to go to gay bars when he was dating Zoey, actually. She enjoyed drag performers and though he was reluctant at first (a bit of internalized homophobia there) she insisted on the fact they were both bisexual so why not? (Charlie had never used that word, he just told her "I mean, everyone's kinda into guys" and she did the math for him)
After they break up (a mutual thing, kind of "hey, this isn't working, is it?" while cuddling on the couch and they're cool), Charlie keeps going to gay bars just to get drunk. At least that's what he tells himself.
Gays are cooler to be around when you drink, you see. It's... It's a science thing. Google it. No, he's not looking for a hookup, he's just here to drink. Really.
(Not that a lot of men approach him, anyway)
One night he walks into the bar and it's absolutely packed. A drag night, apparently. He even runs into Zoey who is already with a girl??? It's only been like two years, but go off, I guess. Good to know she could replace him so quickly. They're still cool, though. Just... Yeah, that's cool.
Anyway, the club is blasting Dolly Parton??? Curious. That isn't usually the type of music they'd play, even for a drag show.
He can barely see the performer but everyone is going crazy for her. She's small to the point she almost gets lost in the crowd and wearing a big blonde wig and a sparkly country outfit. It's adorable.
He kind of stares mesmerized for a while. And like, it's a normal reaction isn't it? He's never seen an audience go this insane over 9 to 5, so she's got to be pretty exceptional.
"Hey, isn't that Pim?" Zoey suddenly says.
At first Charlie laughs it off. Like, yeah, right, Pim doing drag at a gay bar. But then he looks closer... holy shit, that really is Pim. And Pim has seen him too, losing sense of the stage and falling off it.
Charlie thinks of getting to him, but he doesn't feel like doing the whole "what were you doing at a gay bar?" convo and some of the staff is already helping him, so it's probably alright.
That Monday at the office, he finds out Pim in fact broke his arm, oops
Both are awkward af, completely aware that the other recognized them and also what was that??? But Charlie feels the urge to apologize because yeah, that was probably his fault, he didn't mean to invade or anything.
Pim sits him down and explains that he's been doing drag for about three years? Apparently, he heard Charlie and Zoey gush (I mean, not gush, alpha males don't gush, but you get the point) over a really amazing performer, which made him curious. And next thing he knew he was doing it.
Charlie tells him he's very good and also can't help but comment that he thought he was straight.
Pim reassures him he's straight; he just loves the artform. Charlie says the same.
(Spoiler: they were not straight)
Charlie becomes Pim's biggest fan, he goes to all his performances and insists that he'll kick any dude who makes him uncomfortable's ass (he will most-likely not succeed, but he'll try). Pim finds it super endearing.
Then along comes Pim's gay awakening and he actually starts seeing a guy after his shows.
Charlie is so normal about it.
Of course they end up having a screaming "weren't you straight?"/"weren't *you* straight, Charlie? why do you care so much?" match at the break room.
(Allan hates gay people now.)
Let's just say Pim won't be seeing guys who aren't Charlie for much longer.
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greypeachz · 2 months
do you have any charpim headcanons? :)
I have a few!!!
1. When Pim and Charlie sit down to watch a horror movie, Pim snuggles up to Charlie for comfort before the movie even begins-
2. When the two of them cuddle, Pim likes to be the big spoon. (Charlie hates being little spoon, but doesn't wanna make Pim sad :sob)
3. Charlie enjoys playfully teasing Pim, but he often doesn't pick up on the jokes and takes them seriously. (And Charlie has to explain them after :sob:)
4. Charlie enjoys cooking for Pim, but unfortunately has a tough time with cooking. Everything he prepares turns into a burnt mess! (He'll learn to boil water someday...)
5. Pim has a tendency to play the role of a mom :sob: Like if there's a spot on Charlies face, he'll do the mom thing by licking his thumb and smearing it off.
6. Pim LOVES wearing charlies clothes bc they're so big! (Like a giant blanket!)
7. When Pim and Charlie play video games, Charlie goes easy on Pim bc he doesn't want him to feel bad when/if he loses. (Charlie had convinced Pim to play. Pim isn't really into thay kind of stuff, while charlie plays videogames all the time and is readygood at them.)
Are these good? :sob: I don't usually do headcannon stuff, so I hope these are ok-
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This is an old drawing I did the the first headcannon in the list-
I might edit this and doodle a few headcannon because this *is* an art account-
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tiredcatboysinc · 3 months
💌 Allan/Charlie/Pim headcanons
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Haaai ٩(ˊᗜˋ*) و
Uhhh, I know it's been a bit since I've posted... Sorgy (´∇`'')I'm here to make it up though!!... With a whole new hyperfixation!!!... That I want to write for!!! Uh... yeah!! ( 〃● ₃● ) ~
Okay, here are my silly little head canons for Allan/Charlie/Pim polycule ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
💌General head canons; not relationship centered
Charlie is the only one that has piercings
Following that, Pim went with Charlie when he got his ears pierced
Pim was going to get his pierced as well, but freaked the fuck out upon seeing needle
Charlie had to calm him down and he didn't get his ears pierced
Allan doesn't have any piercing because he had them in high school
They got infected within the week
He thinks they're too much work
Though, later on I think he'd think about getting his ears or maybe tongue pierced for giggles
Charlie and Pim often forget to bring lunches, Allan picked up on this quickly and started to bring them something
It was never much, but he didn't want them to starve
Even before they were together Allan was attentive
He never noticed how differently he acted around Pim and Charlie until Glep mentioned it once
💌Romantic head canons; PDA
Allan doesn't like PDA, he's not uncomfortable with it but prefers to keep affection more private
Charlie is okay with PDA, but he leans more towards private affection
He'll give the boys a kiss or hold their hands, but that's about it
Pim doesn't care who's around, he'll hold their hands, them both kisses, hug them, whatever they're comfortable with
Of course they all have set boundaries about PDA, and Pim does his best to follow all of them
Out of all three of them, Allan cooks the best
Pim is the best at housework
And Charlie is the best at running errands
Though, most of the "errands" Charlie gets sent on is just a way for Allan and Pim to get him out of the house while they clean
Charlie has a small habit of getting in the way
In a loving way of course
He does it playfully
Doing things like poking Allan in the side, holding him from behind as he cooks to distract him
Or following Pim around to tease him, picking him up and taking him somewhere else to disturb his routine
He means it all in good fun, and Allan and Pim both find it funny in the end
Even if it pisses them off to no end during the process
Charlies clothing gets stolen 24/7, 25/8
Allan steals his T-shirts the most, Pim taking his sweat shirts or hoodies
Honestly, Charlie doesn't mind all that much
He thinks it's pretty cute
Pim also likes to take Allans clothes on occasion
They're not as big as Charlie's but the material is more soft
Charlie's clothes are more comfortable and warm while Allan's are more silky and soft
They all sleep either curled together or sprawled out with at least one limb touching
If they're spooning then Pim is normally in the middle
Sometimes Allan will take the middle, but it's very rare
He'll normally have to be persuaded because he's too nervous to ask
Charlie is always on the outside, almost always with his face to the closest exit
He wants to make sure that his boys are okay
💌Gifts/love languages
Pim loves to make gifts, almost 99% always crafting something or setting up some fun crafting activity for all 3 of them
Allan likes to take the 3 of them out for, at least decent, dinners or lunches
He likes to treat his boys when he can
Charlie sits up movie or indoor dates, normally making the place comfortable and getting lots of snacks for them all
All of their ways of showing affection are different, but they all enjoy the dates nonetheless
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Uhhh, yea (ᵕ—ᗜ—) I really hope you liked these, maybe I'll do more of them...
Let me know you think, I shall be off ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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pim-p1mling · 3 months
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haunted-plush · 8 months
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I made a button
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Original drawing
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oinkinpigprince · 4 months
Charlie and/or Pim x ticklish!reader? Or ticklish Charlie/Pim x reader? (Or both? :))) )
I am severely ticklish, but I also get very very aggressive. Like legit violent
Tickling head canons for Charlie and Pim
Charlie dompler
Charlie does it to be a dick ngl, you two are sitting down and he just reaches over and wiggles his fingers on your side and you jump and gravel on the floor like a fish
He laughs every time, it’s his favorite thing. Watching you freak your shit after he just brushed your neck never fails to put a evil smile on his face
It is a rare thing though, which makes it worse. You forget and feel completely safe, just walking down the street with him and then he brushes your ribs and you are totaled
Ya know, Charlie just doesn’t strike ya as a person who would be ticklish ngl. Like his sides, feet, neck, nothing. Try as you might nothing. You’ve tried to get him back, trying anything to take revenge, nothing 😔😔
That was until one day you accidentally brushed his knee cap and he jumps. You two just stare at each other, bewildered and amused.
Oh my god, you made him regret ever even meeting you. At any given moment you’ll tickle his knees like a silly little critter, you abuse this fact. Sometimes when you go to reach he’ll jerk his knees away from you
It becomes an all out war at home, you two wrestling on the floor trying to get the other, it’s a lot of screaming and giggling. Your neighbors think you two are, interesting to say the least
When you two play competitive videogames like smash bros or racing games, he’s low key a sore looser. So he’ll tickle your neck to distract you
Pim pimling
He loves being cutely playful with you. Pim will tickle your sides just to hear you giggle, he thinks it’s precious.
Does it very lightly, like brushing his fingers on your side and watching you try and wiggle away from him, stifling laughter makes him feel giddy.
Pim does it frequently at home, maybe when you two are with friends and he’s bored. Sitting on the couch watching a movie and he’ll blow on your neck and giggle as you jump around
When you two are cuddling though he accidentally brushes his hands against your side which makes you just. He feels so bad but it’s also really funny
Pims very ticklish, like, embarrassingly so. He’ll flail his arms every time you even graze his sides and if you have him in your grasp, Pim will wheeze laugh and start crying
He’s screaming uncle, uncle but he’s tickled you one too many times. Revenge must be had. Pim has tiny arms so he can’t exactly get you back as easily, it’s fun for him to try!
Very wiggly, when you get him. He’ll fall to the floor like a fish, it’s really cute. You feel a little evil looking at his poor face as you mercilessly tickle him, but it’s quickly forgotten when you remember all the times he’s gotten you
Pim will also blow raspberries on your tummy, not rlly tickling it’s just rlly cute. You giggle and poke his head, it’s really cute couple moments that he enjoys with you.
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oinkinpigprince · 4 months
Could I request pim and charlie x reader who's nonverbal sometimes?
I wanna make a witty grammar joke but idk anything about grammar
Non verbal reader
He doesn’t mind, he’s very comfortable w/ hanging out with you and just not talking. It doesn’t even matter if it’s a date, as long as you can tell him yes or no he’s fine
You two can sit for hours together w/ out saying a word just playing videogames or watching YouTube. Laying on his chest just dozing away
Very good at reading your non verbal ques, better than you’d think at least. Sometimes if he’s tired he’d rather you just text him anything, finds it rlly handy
Doesn’t realize sometimes that you’ve gone non verbal and he’s confused on why you haven’t said anything. He catches on after a bit so it’s fine
He’ll answer stuff for you, but he just doesn’t like to. Just worried people will think he’s controlling you or something, when it’s not the case and you’re just fine
Charlie doesn’t mind, not one bit. No matter what he’ll help you out the best he can,
Pim pimling
He’s very confused the first time that it happened, Pim’s very worried he had upset you and that you weren’t speaking to him. After a quick conversation about it after though he understands
Very understanding he doesn’t mind one bit! He can chat enough for the both of you, you can just nod your head as he’ll continue talking about whatever he’s on
Quick to pick up on your wants when you’re non verbal, it’s almost like he’s telepathic
Pim sometimes worries he’s the reason you went non-verbal in the moment. He knows he’s not the reason but a part of him still worries. Just cuddle up to him when you see him a little down and he’ll feel right better :33
Also likes the quiet sometimes, he just likes to be able to lay there with you in the moment as you two watch the scenery go by. It’s really soothing
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oinkinpigprince · 5 months
Charlie and Pim x pregnanthuman!reader!!?? nf/ ofc
Idk if you mean like, polyamory or separate but I’ll go w/ separate just in case. I think it’s so funny how the internet forms its language. Using x to mean shipping and ! As a form of tagging a specific thing, so silly :33c
Pregnant!Human!reader headcanons
So excited!! He’s ALWAYS wanted to be a father, he plans everything for the kid. Kinda over plans shit and you have to step in lest you have no say in the baby stuff
Loves all the maternity things like gender reveal, baby shower, ultrasound pics. He’s so ecstatic for everything. Pim will gladly help with anything you need too!
Pim will help you with anything you need, he is on your beck and call. Need a hot bottle? got one in the micro wave, want peanut butter and onions? Disgusting! Right away. He doesn’t questions anything
Pregnancy hormones are a bitch but he’s willing to soothe you about anything. He can’t understand how hard it is, but wants to help you.
When the first kick happens he’s so excited! Asks what it feels like and is, kinda horrified, it actually feels like being punched in the stomach? That’s bananas
Shows everyone in the office the ultrasound photos, he has a picture in his wallet, he has it as his phone screen. He doesn’t care who they are they WILL see his baby.
Will gently rub your tummy when you two cuddle. He just finds it soothing. Knowing his baby is in there, and you’re right here.
Pim is truly delighted to be having a baby and he couldn’t be happier to have it with you, the love of his life. No matter what he’ll try and be a great father.
When you first told him you were pregnant he literally said “oh, for how long” “uhh, nine months probably.” “Oh, that’s cool that’s cool.” Reality didn’t hit him yet
BUUUT when it did he freaked the fucked out, in a good way. He couldn’t believe it! You were pregnant! With his kid! That’s bonkers! He picks you up and spins you around
Charlie isn’t as on hands with the baby shit but still eager to help with planning, just tell him to do shit and he will. He also tries to make it to every doctor appointment just to be with you
When they found the first signs of a heart beat he started to tear up, it was so real for him. He never felt more happy than that moment just to be with you and his child
Loves putting his hand on your stomach, kinda a like a way to say “that’s MY baby, and MY partner.” It’s a subconscious thing to him tbh, just does it out of instinct
He likes to talk to your belly, especially during the later stages of pregnancy. He pretends he’s talking to the baby to make you laugh.
He keeps joking that you two should set off a missile for your gender reveal. Maybe go higher than California and destroy the moon. For funsies :33c
He never realized how excited he’d be to be a father and is really happy to be there for you, when ever you need him
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myt0urniquet · 3 months
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hello smiling friends nation
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myt0urniquet · 3 months
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added some polaroids i wonder who that is
edit: i made it better
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oinkinpigprince · 3 months
Can I request Pim or Charlie x Gyaru reader?!
Sure thing! I don’t know much about Gyaru but my friend rlly likes the style so
Pim and Charlie x gyaru reader
He thinks your style is sooo cool!! He canonically watches anime(enough to have that iconic anime drawing style) so I’m actually 90% sure he knows what gyaru is, although not a lot he’s still able to recognize it
That being said, gyaru isn’t really represented good in anime(they’re usually bullies I think) so he might be a little scared to talk to you at first due to stereotypes
But he’s NEVER met a person he can’t befriend so he kinda sucked up his nerves and found out you were actually really nice!!
Pim dresses like a Mormon so even though you two are both kinda dressy it’s two VERY different styles. You’re both dressed for two very different occasions
He thinks it’s really pretty!! He finds more feminine looks really attractive so he thinks you’re really pretty, even if it isn’t traditional femininity he still likes it because it’s you :33
The more out there looks he has to admire, with the fancy eye makeup and heavy accessories. It’s def one of those ‘on the occasion’ looks but he still finds them really special
Learning about the history of it is really fun, he loves learning about people and cultures so Pim will read up on it on his own time just to impress you
Absolutely loves it when you take selfies with him, it makes him feel really special! He does some cute little poses and smiles really wide
He has literally never heard about Gyaru in his life. When he saw your outfit he had to do a double take, it’s just something he’s never really seen so it was a little shocking
That doesnt mean he thinks it’s ugly or sum, he doesn’t really mind it after a bit and even comes to enjoy it! Thinks its really unique and kinda cool
When you explain to him it’s actually more of a counter culture thing is when he really starts to dig it. Really respects you for wanting to go against beauty standards in a way he’s never seen
Even though he wants to pretend he’s this confrontational macho guy he usually freezes especially when the other party is bigger. But if something happens he’ll always be there to defend you
But you usually are able to speak up for yourself well enough Charlie just admires you from afar. Always there to back you up though
You are the underdressed boyfriend and over dressed partner duo. People don’t even think you two would even be associated with each other w/ how Charlie dresses and acts
Kinda forgets after a while how wild you dress up until someone asks to take pictures with you. He gets it but it always surprises him because you’re just his partner to him
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