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shining-just-4-u · 3 months ago
the cast of man on the inside… chefs kiss. ted danson. stephanie beatriz. babette. pillboi.
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mochie85 · 1 year ago
So, when I was watching episode 5 yesterday with Casey...all I could think about was "The Good Place" 🤣🤣🤣
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@lokisgoodgirl @muddyorbs @joyful-enchantress @xorpsbane @give-me-a-moose @sailorholly @wheredafandomat @gigglingtiggerv2 @holdmytesseract @loopsisloops @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @liminalpebble @lokischambermaid @ladyofthestayingpower
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luthorwarriorprincess · 1 month ago
Tell me why I can't get the image of Bilbo Baggins wearing a shirt with the face of Pillboi from The Good Place on it out of my head.
Pillboi isn't a fan of the Hobbit, the Hobbit is a fan of him.
Pillboi Baggins.
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mentally-at-home · 7 months ago
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aimmyarrowshigh · 10 months ago
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MLMay 2024: 100 Slash Drabbles
002. Covetousness - Jason Mendoza/Steven "Pillboi" Peleaz (The Good Place)
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el-yon · 2 years ago
the Bleach and The Good Place common room in my brain sure comes up with the oddest of associations.
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i regret nothing, though: the fact that existence can be meta-framed in media about life and death by extremes like Pillboi and Ulquiorra makes me very happy.
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nnschneider · 10 months ago
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If you don't find yourself saying, pillBOI," you're doing it wrong.
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dukeoftheblackstar · 2 years ago
I made clone boys oc !
Commander Vitamin and the Pill boys ♥ And no, they're not medics. They're super nice. Super preppy. Super polite. Does not cuss. Very tamed. Very well-behaved boys.
They get hooked on drugs so easily.
They're the type that would walk you across the street and then snort crack. <- LOL
They get temporarily assigned to Plo Koon and in this AU, the 104th gets assigned to Pong Krell and Wolffe is just losing his goddamn mind because Plo being all doting with the Commander Vitamin and the Pillboys.
Will I make them fight? Probably. Riot. Riot.
They also gotta steer clear from medics. Cause drugs.
Plo will fix that. I believe in Plo. I also believe in Commander Vitamin and the Pill boys ♥
@saengak ♥
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dihalect · 1 year ago
[image description: a tweet by m@thew @\TweetPotato314, which reads:
“my wife: so we have to wear what we died in for eternity!?
st. peter: that’s right
me: [from the back end of our horse costume] what’d he say”
/end image description]
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pekasairroc · 1 month ago
Michael Schur can’t keep getting away with making me cry! Man on The Inside is so good very sad but this and The Good Place always have that happy ending feeling. But it also slices your heart in half with a thin knife and gorgeous bright saturated colors.
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soapdispensersalesman · 10 months ago
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hootispootis · 6 months ago
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your-local-squip-fanatic · 8 months ago
i wanna mlem mlem mlem the sexy tictac
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dr-mp3 · 1 year ago
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someone said they wanted pictures of drix so I decided I've give pillboy some attention hehe
I have a hard time drawing him so I just don't a lot of the time
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hersterical · 9 months ago
Some of my favorite fictional friendships who I think would be willing to get platonically married (some of these I ship both platonically and romantically and some of these I ship purely platonically)
(Stranger Things) Robin & Steve: Do I even need to explain this one?
(MCU) Kate & Yelena: This is doubly true if Yelena is ace and/or aro. I could also see them getting married on an assignment or something and then just not getting around to divorcing while joking about being work wives
(MCU) Clint & Natasha: I honestly only see this happening in a situation where Laura dies in a non-Thanos related incident
(Seinfeld) Jerry & George: They sincerely believe that it was just for the tax benefits. Hard to say if they ever become self-aware enough for it to become romantic
(Community) Annie & Abed: Got carried away with the bit. Abed doesn’t take marriage seriously enough to get a divorce and Annie likes the idea of being married and being able to refer to someone as her husband. They do eventually both grow to actually enjoy being platonically married to each other. Annie might eventually want a divorce when she realizes she’s a lesbian and falls in love with a woman. Abed might want a divorce if he sees how sad the marriage makes Troy
(Lotr) Legolas & Gimli: Same reasons for why they’d get married romantically but if they had no romantic feelings for each other
(X-Men Evolution) Rogue & Kitty: I could see them actually following through on an “if neither of us are married by the time we’re 40” kind of arrangement, though it’d take quite a bit of convincing on Kitty’s part and wouldn’t happen until their 50’s
(The Good Place) Jason & pretty much anyone except for Michael (and Janet): Literally canonically happened with Tahani, kind of canonically happened with Pillboi. Eleanore would definitely go for it if it got her out of a tough situation (and depending on her relationship status with Chidi). Would probably be able to guilt trip Chidi into it if it was really necessary to get Jason out of a bad situation
(SPOP) Bow and Sea Hawk: I don’t think this requires an explanation
(Willow) Kit & Elora: Only if there’s something that stops Kit from marrying Jade or if it’s on accident
Honorable Mentions
(Psych) Shawn & Gus: Shawn would no hesitation platonically marry Gus but Gus would not be up for it
(BBC Merlin) Arthur and Merlin: Would they be platonic life partners? Yes. Would they be romantically married? Yes. Would they get platonically married? No.
(X-Men Evolution) Kurt & Kitty: They would also have an ‘if neither of us are married by the time we’re 40’ kind of thing but Kurt’s too much of a romantic to go through with it
(Community) Jeff & Britta: It wouldn’t be romantic, and it wouldn’t be platonic, but a secret third thing (probably related to spite). We already almost saw it happen in the season two premiere
(Schitt’s Creek) Stevie and David: They would consider it in the pre-Patrick era, but David’s too much of a romantic to go through with it (did they have an ‘if we’re not married by the time we’re 40’ thing in canon? I can’t remember)
(New Girl) Winston and Cece: A classic Winston and Cece mess around would go too far and Cece would demand an immediate divorce (though dependings on the timing she might let it go longer than necessary just to watch Schmidt’s head explode regularly)
(BTVS) Tara and Oz: Sincerely don’t know if either of them would actually be down for this but I think it’d be tons of fun
(SPOP) Bow and Adora: I think they’d be perfectly happy to be platonically married but Glimmer would blow a gasket and Catra’s passive aggressiveness would be reaching very dangerous levels
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femmejournal · 1 month ago
Remember that scene in the good place when jason and pillboi were like "I have to go to the bathroom" bro me too!" And then they ran to the bathroom together yelling "best friends!!"
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