#Physiotherapy Clinic for Kids
hopeamcae · 4 months
Best Physiotherapy Clinic for Kids in Dubai
Discover the top-rated physiotherapy clinic in Dubai, dedicated to providing specialized care for children. Our expert therapists use child-friendly techniques to ensure the best outcomes. Book an appointment today and help your child thrive!
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moonlightndaydreams · 6 months
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Pairing: au Han jisung x fem reader // friends to lovers back to friends and then lovers.
Synopsis: Jisung moves back to his small hometown to find that you’ve just moved back too. But what happens when he finds out you have a kid and he’s the father?
Word Count: 7.8k
A/n: the idea for this story came to when listening to this Taylor Swift song while I was driving the other day.
I put a lot of thought and care into this story, but i couldn’t convey it as in depth as I wanted. I would have loved to have made this a 60k word story but I just don’t have it in me. I hope you enjoy this story nonetheless, and can see where I was trying to go with it.
NSFVV // MDNI CW under the cut
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CW: unprotected p in v sex, accidental cumming inside, fingering, fantasising, emotional hurt, comfort, mention of paternity tests, mention of oral sex, happy ending.
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Jisung felt a tug in his chest whenever he came back to his hometown. The place reminded him of you. His childhood best friend. The person whom he shared all his secrets with from being scared of the dark and the nightmares it caused him when he was six, to when he had his first wet dream as a teenager.
You both were each other’s first kiss too. A sloppy, messy attempt behind the boat shed, so that you wouldn’t be the last kids in the year to not have kissed a boy or girl. He later found out most of the kids had been lying about having kissed anyone.
You were each other’s date to your graduation dinner, both of your mums fussing and taking photos, giggling about how you would grow up and get married.
Well that didn’t happen.
You did have one night of intimacy though, before Jisung moved away for work and you stayed in your small town. Well he thought you’d stayed. The first time he came back, eager to see you and catch up, you weren’t there. You’d moved to the city. It wasn’t the same without you. He’d always find himself looking out for you everywhere he went. Just in case. The grocery store. The little cafe. The fucking library even.
But you weren’t there. You were never there.
This was how it felt for Jisung for four years whenever he returned to his hometown.
And here he was again. For the fifth year in a row. But this time he wasn’t just visiting. He was moving back for good to start his own Physiotherapy clinic and to be closer to his family.
The first thing he did was drop his bags off at his parent’s house and go for a walk by the lake to stretch his legs from the long drive.
This place still reminded him of you. He missed you. As he walked along the shoreline he let his imagination take hold. In his mind you were walking beside him hand in hand. You’d throw stones into the lake and laugh about life.
He plopped down on a patch of grass and thought about what he always thought about when he was here.
That night you made love.
The softness of your body. The warmth radiating from you when he kissed your skin. The way you tasted when he went down on you. The pretty sounds you’d made as he fucked you slow and deep. He’d felt like he was drowning and he didn’t want to be saved. Fuck. He’d even said he loved you.
Jisung ran his hands through his hair. Alright Jisung. You gotta get over her. He told himself.
He walked up to the town center to grab a burger from the town’s “famous” burger shop. It was the only burger shop and Jisung was pretty sure it wasn’t famous. But the food tasted good. He placed his order, paid with his card, and was about to turn around and take a seat.
That’s when he heard it.
He knew that voice. But no. It couldn’t be. Could it?
He slowly turned around. You. Beautiful with a big beaming smile.
“Y/n?” Jisung’s heart skipped a beat. “What are doing here? Are you visiting?”
You shook your head, grinning. “No… no. I’ve moved back here.”
“Really? Me to-”
“Mummy Mummy.” A little girl about four or five years old ran up and pulled on your hand and looked up at Jisung with big round eyes.
His heart stopped beating.
You bit your lip. “So…This is my daughter, Livi.” you said, nervousness creeping into your voice.
Jisung was like he was in a trance, sitting frozen in his seat as he watched you and your daughter across the table. He’d barely touched his burger and coffee, his appetite gone. You had a kid. A million questions ran through his brain simultaneously. The loudest one being, was this his little girl? Followed quickly by, why didn’t you tell him?
“Liv, sweetheart, you’re covered in sauce.” you said as you wiped her little chin with a napkin. The girl grinned at Jisung like it was the funniest thing in the world to fluster you, then on her next bite of her mini burger, smeared sauce all over her chin again. Jisung gave a silent chuckle to himself, thinking of how full your hands must be. “Oh, Liv.” you sighed, giving up on trying to keep her face clean.
Eventually, your attention turned to Jisung, and he tore his eyes from the child to meet yours. Fuck. He wasn’t sure he was ready for whatever you were about to say. Either this little girl was his, or she was someone else’s. Jisung wasn’t even sure which option he wanted to hear either. The thought of you keeping something this big from him upset him. But the thought of you being in love with another man and having a family with him, well, that made him jealous.
“Ji,” No one could say his name the way you did. He tried hard not to show you how it still affected him, even after all this time. “I suppose you have a lot of questions?” you said softly.
Jisung remained silent. Of course he had a lot of questions, but he didn’t know where to begin and he couldn’t seem to make his voice work. He sighed heavily and nodded.
“Well,” you started nervously. “I guess I’ll start with the obvious then. So… Livi…well… you see…” you hesitated.
But Jisung knew. He knew what you were going to say just from the way you took a deep breath and looked up to the ceiling as though you were trying to gather all your courage. He knew by how you were wringing your hands together on the table, and the way you swallowed a lump in your throat. He had always known when you were scared to say something. You’d just never been scared to talk to him before.
“She’s mine isn’t she?” he said. He said it so you didn’t have to.
Your eyes darted to his “Yes, Ji.” you eventually whispered. “She is.” Tears started to well up in your eyes, but you fought them back.
Jisung nodded slowly in understanding, but said nothing, playing with the coffee cup in his hand.
“Ji, please don’t be angry.” you plead. “I have so much to exp-” 
“Holy shit! Jisung…y/n!” a loud voice bellowed across the cafe. It was Binnie, one of you mutual childhood friends. “What the flying fu-” his voice trailed off as he approached your table and saw the little girl sitting next to you.
“Wow.” he said, taking in the three of you. “Channie, look who’s here!” he called out to another childhood friend who was putting in an order at the counter. Chan turned around, his face lighting up when he saw both Jisung and you at the table. He quickly made his order and came to sit down next to Binnie at your table. “The gang's back together.” Binnie announced boisterously. 
Great. This was the last thing Jisung needed. He had just been told the most life altering news of his life and now he had to socialise? Panic brewed in his chest. He was a father. A father to a preschool kid. He needed time to process this, not have a catch up with friends.
“The whole gang, plus… a mini y/n.” Chan nodded to your daughter, waving at the little girl. “So cute. What’s your name, princess?” He asked. 
“Livi.” She replied proudly, and smiled a gummy little smile and looked back at Chan with wide brown eyes. For a second Jisung thought he saw a flicker of realisation cross his friend’s face, but it was gone in an instant.
He watched as you made small talk with your friends. He didn’t know what to do with himself. He wanted to be alone to think, and probably cry, but he didn’t want to just get up and leave. So he sat quietly, nodding when he needed to, making it look like he was listening.
Jisung’s gaze kept landing on Livi, and his mind went back to that night. The only night that you and Jisung had slept together. He remembered it vividly. He remembered pulling out and cumming all over your stomach. 
But he also remembered he might not have been quick enough. He obviously wasn’t quick enough. You’d felt so good around him he wanted it to last forever. He hadn’t told you he thought he might have spilled the smallest amount inside you. He thought it would have been okay. He was certain you would have told him if you had fallen pregnant from that night. That you’d work through it together. 
It was now evident that you hadn’t told him you’d gotten pregnant, and also, that you hadn’t wanted to work through it together either. It hurt.
“I have to go.” Jisung announced all of a sudden, standing up abruptly and bumping the table. All eyes turned to him, including Livi’s. “I said I’d help my Dad with something.” he lied, feeling like everyone could see right through him.
“Okay, man. Catch up for a beer later?” Chan asked, standing to take him in a hug. “If you wanna talk, yeah?” he whispered so only Jisung could hear. 
“Talk to you later, Ji?” you asked with hopeful eyes.
“Um, yeah. Of course.” he said quickly and hurried out of the cafe.
Jisung found himself sitting by the lake again, his thoughts racing. He’d walked around the entire town for the past two hours and ended up back here. The place he always ended up.
He’d fucking made a baby with you? Why hadn’t you told him? He couldn’t get his head around it. He felt so angry, hurt, confused. He’d never felt anger towards you and he hated it. He shook his head. He had so many questions, and no answers. Except the kid was his. He closed his eyes, wondering what on earth he was going to do..
“Thought you’d be here, buddy.” Jisung opened his eyes to find Chan approaching, and plopping down beside him on the grass. He offered a can of beer to Jisung.
“You know we’re not meant to drink in public places, right?” Jisung grumbled taking the drink.
“Since when has anyone ever cared?” Chan replied, popping his own can open and taking a sip. “Anyway, you look like you need it.” 
Jisung rolled his eyes. “You don’t say?” He took a long drink of his beer and looked out over the water.
“Wanna talk about it?” 
“About what?” Jisung snapped.
“I dunno, maybe about y/n being moving back to town, or that you have a kid?” Chan shrugged.
“She told you?” Jisung turned to Chan, bewildered.
Chan shook his head. “No, man. It was just…obvious.”
“Fuck.” Jisung grumbled and took another swig of beer.
The two friends sat in silence for a long while. Chan didn’t push for Jisung to talk about it, and Jisung was grateful. He couldn’t find his words even if he wanted to talk. He felt like he was going to explode with emotions, and at the same time his body felt completely numb. Was this what shock felt like? 
The sun was low in the sky and the air had become cooler. Jisung pulled his jacket tight around him. This was not how he’d expected his first day back to be like. 
He sighed and closed his eyes, and when he opened them he started to sob. “Why didn’t she tell me?” He cried looking to Chan. “Why would she keep this from me?” 
He completely broke down then, crying loud and uncontrollably. He leaned against Chan who wrapped his arm around him and stroked his back. 
“I know. I know.” His friend soothed. 
“I’m a fucking father! I don’t even know what that means, or what I am supposed to do… or how I’m meant to feel. It’s so sudden.” He wailed.
“Listen, Ji. I think we should get you home. It’s cold and late, and maybe in the morning when your head’s clearer you can think about all of this. It’s pretty big news, it’s probably gonna take time.”
Chan drove Jisung home in silence, and when he pulled up outside his house Jisung turned to him. “She still makes my heart race.” he whispered. “Even with this… I don’t know what you’d call it, betrayal? Lie? She still gets to me.”     
Chan looked at his friend empathetically. “Go inside, mate. Get some rest. Call me if you need me, yeah?” Chan squeezed Jisung’s shoulder reassuringly, before Jisung got out of the car and headed into his childhood home.
Jisung couldn’t sleep. Images of you and Livi at the cafe ran through his mind on repeat. Your smile when he’d first turned around. Your scared expression when you wanted to tell him she was his. The cheeky grin on the kid’s face when you tried to wipe her chin. 
He tossed and turned in his bed. The same bed you and him made her in. 
Jisung tried to avoid you at all costs while he got his thoughts in order. He knew it was cruel to avoid you, but he just couldn’t face the situation. Not yet anyway. 
He told his parents, looking for guidance. But in the course of a two hour deep and meaningful with them, their comments ranged from “I thought we taught you about protection, son” and “the pull out method doesn’t work,” to “we’d always thought you’d make a cute kid.” 
None of these remarks were particularly helpful, but they didn’t have a bad word to say about you, and they weren’t disappointed in him. They really believed the two of you could work something out, and he was pretty sure they were secretly excited about being grandparents.
Three days had passed since you’d told him about Livi, and although he still wasn’t ready to talk, he knew he had to say something to you soon otherwise he’d look like a coward. He felt like a coward. He knew where you lived. Your parents house two streets away, you used to walk to school together. But he just couldn't physically take himself over there. He didn't know what to say. He was anxious about seeing your parents. He was nervous about seeing Livi again. Most of all he was terrified of hearing what your reasons were from hiding this from him. 
He was scared.
Yep. He was a coward.
A week later, Jisung stood in front of his almost ready to be opened Physiotherapy clinic, and admired the new signage on the front window. He’d secured the lease for the premises before he moved back, and had even organised the fit out-out to be complete beforehand as well. He’d spent the past week hiding inside painting the walls and getting his equipment ready. If he was busy in there, he wouldn’t run into you.
Happy with how his sign looked, Jisung unlocked the front door and slipped inside. The front area was to be the waiting area for clients and reception desk, and a doorway led from the reception area to the main studio. The studio was a large space where he’d set up a treadmill, exercise bike and smaller equipment like hand weights and bosu balls. To the right was a private room for appointments with clients. 
He felt proud of his new set up and he couldn’t wait to officially open his doors. He’d even had some home visits this week, although they were his parent’s friends. But still, a client was a client, and that made him happy.
He settled into his chair at the reception desk to check his schedule for the next few days, and then he was going to try and set up the new accounting software he’d been avoiding almost as much as he’d been avoiding you. While he was waiting for the extra slow internet to connect his eyes wandered absentmindedly to the big window that looked out onto the main street of town. 
It was a sunny autumn day, the temperature perfect for short sleeves and pants. He enjoyed this time of year with the days warm, and the nights cool. His guilty pleasure was to snuggle in his blanket and beanie and watch anime.
There were quite a number of people going about their day, but no one was in a hurry. Not like in the city, where everyone was in a rush.
Here, people were chatting on the footpath, others were casually doing their laundry at the laundromat while they sat out the front reading a book. The old ice cream shop was busy as usual. It'd been there for as long as Jisung could remember. He and you used to take your little bag of coins down to buy your favourite ice creams after school. The row of ice cream flavours were the perfect height for kids to squish their faces against the glass and say “that one please!”, and then have to reach up so high to pay over the counter. 
The signage and colour scheme hadn’t been updated in a thousand years, and the paint was peeling and the store name faded. He wondered if the same family owned the place. 
Then he saw you coming out of the door, little Livi in tow. Jisung’s heart jumped out of his chest, and he slid lower in his chair even though you wouldn’t be able to see him through the tinted glass window. He still hadn’t spoken to you.
You were dressed in tight jeans, a plain green top with your long hair in a messy bun. You always looked beautiful even when you weren’t trying. That familiar feeling stirred inside of him. It was a feeling of yearning and heartache. Even though he’d felt it often over the years, it was a feeling he’d never got used to.
His gaze moved down to Livi. She was adorable. Her long dark hair was in two braids, and she had the cutest round cheeks. Her big Bambi-like eyes were fixed on the ice cream cone in her tiny hands. She looked so excited, going in for a bite and… splat! The entire ice cream fell off its cone onto her pink top. Her little face fell and she began to cry as though the world had ended.
Jisung didn’t think, he just acted. He was out of the clinic and across the street in a heartbeat.
“Juice-suuunnn!” Livi wailed when he approached. He was surprised she recognised him. “I lost my ice cream!” Startled, you turned to see Jisung kneeling beside you, ready to help.
“It’s okay, angel. Juice-sun’s” was that what she’d called him? “here to help.” He turned to you. “I’ve got a spare shirt over the road, if you want to change her?” He nodded his head towards his clinic.
“Thank you, but it’s fine, Ji. We can just go home and get changed. It’s no big deal. I wouldn’t want to be a bother.” You assured, trying to peel chunks of ice cream off her top.
“But you said we could go to the park!” Livi protested, and you looked at your daughter apologetically.
“It’s really okay.” Jisung said softly. “She should go to the park.”
“Yes, Mummy please! I’m okay to wear Juice-sun’s shirt! I just want to play and eat ice cream.” She blinked her eyes at you and then at Jisung. God that was cute.
He gave her a wink and you rolled your eyes. “Joining forces, I see.” She playfully patted Livi’s head.
Jisung ushered you and Livi across the road and into the clinic, and pulled out the clean tee shirt he was going to wear later for a workout. “If you just want to change her in the side room there.” He directed you to the private appointment room. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
Jisung ran back across the street, ordered a new chocolate ice cream, apparently the place was still family owned, and returned to the clinic to find you and Livi waiting in the studio. You were sitting on a chair in the corner, and Livi had found a ball and was throwing it up in the air and trying to catch it. His tee shirt fit her like a giant dress, or more accurately, a tent. 
“I hope you like chocolate flavour?” He announced with a big smile. “I know it’s my favourite.” He chuckled.
“Juice-Sun!” Her face lit up when she saw him with a fresh ice cream. She ran up to him, the ball instantly abandoned, and carefully took it from him with her tongue poking out the corner of her mouth in concentration.
“Juice-sun?” He raised an eyebrow at you. 
“Yeah, she’s insisting that’s how you pronounce your name.” you blushed, trying to hide a giggle.
“What about just Ji? That’s what you call me?” He said, sitting on a chair next to you.
“I tried, but she says she likes Juice-sun because it’s like juice and she likes apple juice. Can’t argue with a four year old.” You shrugged.
“I guess not.” He smiled. You both laughed. 
“Thank you, Ji.” you said sincerely, giving him a small smile.
“It’s the least I can do.” He shrugged. You nodded and looked at the floor. 
“So?” You both said at the same time.
This was awkward. Really fucking awkward.
“Can we go play at the park now, Mummy?” Livi asked, and Jisung was grateful for the interruption.
“Maybe eat your ice cream first. If that’s okay with you?” You turned to Jisung.
Jisung nodded. “Of course.”
Livi went and plonked herself on a foam mat on the floor, still holding her ice cream extra carefully. “Juice-sun. Come sit with meee.” She called.
Jisung was taken back by the child’s eagerness to make friends with him, especially since she’d only met him once. But he wandered over and sat himself cross legged next to her on the mat and smiled down a the kid.
“This is a really good set up you’ve got here.” you said looking around the studio. “When is the official opening? I saw on the front window it’s soon.”
“Next week. I’ve started seeing clients on home visits, so technically I’m in business already. That’s if my Mum’s friend from trivia night counts as a client?” he snorted.
“I’d take it as a client. I’m so proud of you.” You said sincerely, and Jisung felt himself blush at the compliment.
“Oh shit, Ji.. “ your hands came up to your mouth horrified. “I.. I’m not asking all this to know about your finances. You know I’m not after money, right?” 
“I know. Don’t worry.” he cut you off, and he could see by the way you were biting your lip that you were silently berating yourself. He knew you so well, yet he felt like he knew nothing.
“I’m full.” Livi held the half eaten cone in Jisung’s face.
“Livi, honey. I’m not sure Jisung wants your leftovers. God, I’m so sorry.” You coverered your face in embarrassment.
Jisung chuckled. “It’s really fine. I love chocolate ice cream.” He took it from her sticky little fingers, and bit into it. “Mmm. Yum!” he said with exaggerated enthusiasm.
“Juice-Sun?” She asked, standing up and delicately pushing his fluffy hair out of his eyes and staring at him. Her small hand lingered in his hair while she gazed at him.
Jisung was frozen in place as he looked into the eyes of his daughter. His daughter. He was starstruck, captivated by her cute little features, and the way she was so comfortable talking to him, touching him, stirred something inside of him. She was absolutely perfect. He’d made her. He’d never made anything so precious in his entire life. He made her with you, his favourite person in the world.
“Do you know what Mummy’s favourite flavour is?” She whispered like she was about to share a secret.
 “Yes I do.” He whispered back. It’s raspberry.”
Livi looked at Jisung like he was a magician. “How’d you know?” She gushed, amazed.
“Well, your Mum and I have known each other since we were as little as you.” His eyes met yours. “And we used to go to the ice cream shop a lot.” he added, keeping his gaze on you.
He could tell you were remembering it. Remembering your childhood together. The ‘inseparable pair’ as some people called you. But there was more than just nostalgia in your expression. There was sadness too. He could see it. You were hurting. He could feel it. 
It was time to talk.
The three of you walked to the park with Livi walking in the middle, holding onto both yours and Jisung’s hands. He had felt rather privileged when she grabbed onto him like she’d known him forever, and he held her tiny hand in his as they made their way down the footpath. Several people gave them curious looks as they passed. More fuel for the gossipers. But Jisung didn’t care. 
There were already rumours about you and your daughter spreading around town. Specifically, whispers about how she was the “love child” of you and Jisung. Apparently, everyone could see the resemblance. Jisung was getting odd looks when he was in the grocery store the other day, but no one actually asked him if any of the stories were true.
The park was only a minute walk from Jisung’s clinic, and it wasn’t long before Livi was running over to the play equipment and you and Jisung found a park bench to supervise her from.
“She’s a cute kid.” He said, breaking the silence.
“She is.” You replied.
Jisung sighed. “Almost five years, y/n. Why didn't you tell me? In all this time, why haven’t you said anything?” Jisung’s voice cracked and a tear slipped from his eye and rolled down his cheek. He swiped it away, hoping he could hold himself together.
“I didn’t know you were her father.” you said in a quiet voice. Jisung looked at you confused. That wasn’t the answer he was expecting. How could you not know he was the father and then all of a sudden know that he was?
“I didn’t know. I promise.” you took in a deep breath. “Look, Ji. Just before you left I got a job offer interstate. I moved away the same week as you. I…I met someone there. Like really quickly.” you sighed and continued. “It all happened so fast, and I wanted to… to try and move on from you.” you looked up at Jisung. “I found out I was pregnant not long after meeting him.” 
“Didn’t it occur to you she could’ve been mine?” Jisung asked, surprised at how much hurt was evident in his voice.
“You pulled out when we were… and he didn’t so…” you shrugged like it was an obvious conclusion.
Guilt and regret seeped through Jisung’s veins. He should have told you he hadn’t pulled out quick enough. He cleared his throat, pushing those thoughts aside. Coward, he thought to himself. 
“So why all of a sudden are you saying she’s mine. How do you know? What changed?” It wasn’t an accusation, he was genuinely perplexed, bewildered even.
“When I told him I was pregnant, he stayed by my side. We made it work, sort of. I thought he loved me but…he kept having affairs.” You hung your head and Jisung felt anger flair inside his body. How could someone hurt you like that? “Earlier this year he told me he was leaving me for someone else.” you sniffled.
Jisung cautiously moved closer to your side and put his arm around your shoulder. “I’m so sorry.” he soothed. He was absolutely livid at this guy. He wanted to punch him in the face, hurt him. Then wrap you up and look after you. He wished he could’ve been there for you.
“I said something about child support, and he scoffed and told me he wanted to do a paternity test, because ‘fucked if I’m paying for someone else’s kid’.
“I laughed in his face. I was certain she was his, but part of me hoped that somehow she wasn’t. An asshole like that doesn’t deserve to be Livi’s dad. Anyway, the paternity test came back negative, which means he isn’t her father. You’re the only other person I’d slept with, Ji.” 
You looked at him and waited. A heavy silence hung in the air as Jisung tried to figure out what to say. 
“I shot a bit of cum in you.” He blurted out. Fuck, why’d he say it like that? “I’m so fucking sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything when it happened. I thought… I hoped, I was quick enough.” he gulped and sucked his lip.
“I’m glad it happened.” you whispered. Your eyes locked. Jisung couldn’t breath. “We wouldn’t have Liv. I was so relieved to find out she’s yours.” you pulled your eyes away from him to watch Livi playing in the sandpit, while your fingers fiddled with the hem of your top. 
“I moved back here as soon as I could to be with Mum and Dad, you know, ‘cos it ‘takes a village’ and all. I didn’t know you’d be back here as well. I’d planned to get in touch with you once we’d settled in. But you were already here.” You laughed dryly.
“Don’t you hate me for not telling you?” Jisung pressed, his brain was still stuck at his admission about cumming inside you.
You looked up at him again. “What? That you’re pull-out game’s shit?” you teased, your face softening into a warm smile. Not a hint of anger laced your voice. “Look. Jisung. If you had told me, I’m not sure what I would’ve done. I’m not sure what you’d have done? You were moving away.” 
“But If I had told you. Things might’ve been different.” He said solemnly. You might have found him sooner and not have to have been with a cunt for a boyfriend for four years. He might’ve known his daughter, sooner.
You took his hand in yours. “There’s no point thinking about what if’s. The past is the past. I don’t want you to regret anything. I’m not expecting anything from you. I’m just glad she’s ‘part’ you. You’re the best person I have ever known, Jisung, and I want her to grow up as kind as you. But,” you choked. “If you ever do want to be part of her life, I think she’d like that very much. I’d like that very much.”
Jisung’s heart melted. Now that he understood the whole picture, how could he really be angry at you? Neither of you knew he was Livi’s father. But there was still hurt, and sadness. He’d missed so much of her life.
“Juice-sun! Come play on the slide.” Livi ran up to Jisung, breaking his thoughts and tugging on his arm to pull him towards the playground.
The three of you played on the equipment the rest of the afternoon. The slide was by far Livi’s favourite, followed by him holding her up on the flying fox. Jisung tried to let go of the thoughts that kept creeping into his mind. He could deal with them later. For now he wanted to simply be in the present moment and give all of his attention to you both.
Afterwards, he walked you home to your parents. It felt like old times walking you home. When he said goodbye he felt the urge to hold you in a hug, but he wasn’t sure If that was appropriate. So he didn’t. He just stood there awkwardly. 
You both looked at each other for a long minute, before Livi threw her arms around his waist and looked up at him. 
“Do you want to thank Jisung for your ice cream?” You prompted her.
“Thank you Juice-Sun!” She smiled brightly and ran inside the house.
Jisung rubbed his hands nervously on his pants. “Y/n, I’m sorry I completely ghosted you this past week. I was in shock. I needed to get my head around…everything. But I should’ve spoken to you. It was fucking rude of me.” He hung his head.
“It’s okay. I understand. It was huge news.” You said with understanding. You were always so understanding. 
“Well… um…maybe we could hang out again?” He scratched his head nervously and looked up at you sheepishly. Fuck, why was he feeling so flustered?
“I’d really like that.” You said softly.
“You would?” His head snapped up. “What about tomorrow afternoon?” He said eagerly.
The corner of your mouth lifted and then turned into a proper smile. “Tomorrow would be great.”
Over the following month or so, Jisung’s business was in full swing. It was incredible how many people needed a phsyio. His client’s were mostly teenagers and people with sporting injuries, with some people making an appointment merely to see if he’d spill the tea about his and your relationship status. It was an expensive way for them to find out that you were just friends.
Jisung found himself spending more and more time with you and Livi. Most of the time it was buying ice creams and playing at the park, but sometimes it was having dinner at either of your parent’s houses. Jisung’s parents loved getting to know their grandchild, doting on her and spoiling her. They even tried to send you and Jisung out on a date, even though you were just friends, so they can do the whole ‘minding the grandkid’ thing.
The more time Jisung spent with Livi, the more he wanted to have a role in her life. If she ever wanted to call him ‘daddy’ at some point, he’d be over the moon. The thought of her running up to him calling out “daddy, daddy!” made him feel gooey inside. But he wasn’t going to push that. He’d let her move at her own pace, plus he was quite content with ‘Juice-sun’ for now. Even that made him feel gooey inside.
He was absolutely smitten, and everyone could tell.
He’d started printing out photos he’d taken of her doing random things that four year olds did. He bought little frames to put them in and sat them on his desk at work and bedside table, alongside a few photos you’d given him of Livi when she was smaller.
Although it pained him that he missed out on her early years, he told himself that it’s what he does moving forward that counts. He promised himself he’d be the best father he could be, and that he would always be there for her.
Things were falling into a comfortable place with you again too. You’d both caught each other up on the past few years about your time living in the big city, and how country town life felt so much better. You’d pop over to each other’s houses and watch your favourite kids movies with Livi sitting between the two of you, like a little family. You’d laugh and joke and reminisce. It felt good. You’d even started hugging him goodbye at the end of the day.
But he found himself wanting more. He still wanted you. It had always been you. He thought about all those times he’d been back here hoping you'd be in town, playing out a thousand scenarios of what might’ve happened if you had been here. Most of them were of him ending up making love to you in his childhood bed. None of them were you turning up with a kid and telling him he was a father.
But for some reason he wouldn’t trade this with any of the scenarios he’d made up in his imagination. Even if it meant he couldn’t tell you how he felt about you. You’d come back into his life, hopefully permanently, and things were really good between you. He couldn’t risk fucking this up talking about love, or pressuring you into something you might not be ready for, or even want.
He’d think about you though. In his bed. Sometimes he’d imagine obscene things. Like if you were watching a movie with him in his family’s living room and you would climb on top of him in a little skirt. He’d pull your underwear to the side and you’d sink down onto his cock and ride him until you screamed his name and made a mess all over him. 
Or he’d take you against his bedroom door. Holding you up against it, your legs wrapped around his waist, his cock reaching the deepest parts of you until your legs shook.
Most of the time, though, he’d think about laying you down on his bed and kissing your neck while he slowly undressed you. He’d worship you. He’d give every inch of your body attention. He’d say your name over and over like a mantra, and then he’d squeeze inside your warmth and fuck so slowly you begged him to either stop or go faster.
No matter the scenario, it always ended with him cumming in his hand and your name on his lips.
Gradually, you and Jisung started to spend time together without Livi, and Jisung noticed you were becoming more and more comfortable with being physically close to him. The hugs were becoming more frequent, you lingered more when saying goodbye, and when Jisung sat closer to you on the couch during a ‘grown up movie night’, you leaned into him and rested your head on his shoulder. He’d grown hard in his pants and he’d hoped you hadn’t noticed. He swore he saw your eyes linger on his lips too sometimes, and when he asked you to go on a stargazing picnic and you said yes, a glimmer of hope swirled around in his stomach.
“Do you wanna know what the coolest thing about the moon is?” Jisung asked, looking up at the night sky.
You were both in the back of his Dad’s utility truck laying on a stack of exercise mats from the physio clinic. It was Spring now, and the nights were starting to be less cold, but it was still cool enough to need sweatpants, hoodies and a nest of blankets to keep snug. 
You were laying next to him, snuggled under a blanket.
“What was that, Ji?” you hummed.
“Do you know what the coolest thing about the moon is?” He repeated.
You shook your head. “No. I don’t know.”
“That you hung it.” He whispered.
“Oh Ji!” You squealed and nudged his arm. “That was-”
“The corniest shit you’ve ever heard?” Jisung laughed but inside he was dying from cringe and his cheeks burned.
“I was going to say romantic, but corny works too.” You laughed.
He turned to look at you and found you gazing at him. 
“Romantic? Huh?” He looked at you curiously.
“Yeah. In your own unique way.” You turned back to look at the sky and Jisung felt your fingers brush against his under the blanket. Bravely, Jisung threaded his fingers through yours. He was sure you could hear his heart beating. You sighed and nestled yourself against his side.
“Baby—” Fuck. “I mean, y/n. Sorry. Shit.” He hadn’t called you baby in years.
“It’s okay, Ji.” You soothed. 
“Yeah?” He choked.
“Yeah.” You whispered.
He rolled onto his side propping himself up on his forearm and gazed down at you. You didn’t move. You just looked back up at him. You really did hang the moon. 
“Say this is okay.” He whispered.
“That what’s okay, ji?” You purred. 
“This.” He cupped your cheek and leaned down and captured your lips in a kiss. He started so very slowly, and when he felt you melt into the kiss, he teased your lips with his tongue, seeking permission to deepen the kiss further. Your tongues danced together tenderly. The way your lips felt against his own, sent a rush of desire through his body. He brought his hand from your cheek to hold your waist and press his hardness against your leg. He wanted you to feel how much he burned for you. How badly he needed you.
You whimpered when you felt his erection and hooked your leg around him to bring his leg between yours, and you wrapped your arm around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to you. 
His hand snuck under your hoodie and shirt. Your skin was so soft and warm to the touch. “Is this still okay, baby.” He said with a raspy tone.
You answered with a grinding of your core against his leg, and a cute little whimper.
“You need to tell me what I’m allowed to do.”
You took his hand that was on your waist and pushed it to your waistband and hooked his fingers on it. “Absolutely anything you want.” You whispered. “I’m yours, Ji.”
“I wanna make love to you. Be inside you. But…”
“I’m on birth control.” You stated. “You know, just in case something happened… between us. So we don’t have an accident.”
Jisung pulled away and looked deep in your eyes. “I hope you know that I’ve never considered Livi to be an accident.” He said sincerely. “A Surprise? Yes.” He grinned “But never an accident.”
You beamed up at him in the way that always tugged on his heart. “I’m glad, because she’s the best thing we ever did together.”
“She is.” He agreed.
Jisung slowly peeled off your sweatpants and underwear and pulled the blanket up around you both as he began to kiss you again. His hand made its way to your inner thigh and you let out another pretty little sound. He gradually made his way up your leg and then slid a finger through your wetness. You were already so wet he could hardly believe it. His dick hardened even more than it already was, and it was absolutely throbbing to be inside you. He needed to bury himself inside your warm walls and soon, or he was going to cum untouched.
“Ji, please. I wanna feel you.” You reached for his waistband, and tugging it down enough to grasp his cock in your hand.
Jisung hissed through his teeth. “Baby, your hand… feels so good.” His eyes rolled back into his head.
“So does yours… oh—” you arched your back into him as he slid a finger inside you. “Ji…yes.” You pulled his face down to kiss him as he slowly fucked you with his fingers and you pumped his cock with your hand. 
He peppered kisses down the side of your neck, and eventually he slowly withdrew his fingers, while you let go of his cock. You parted your legs to allow him to settle in between them. 
“I love you, y/n. I’ve always loved you.” He declared. “I said it last time, do you remember?”
You nodded. “I remember.”
“I meant it then, and I still mean it now.” 
“I love you too, Jisung. I have for as long as I can remember.” You said gripping his bicep and squeezing.
Jisung took hold of his cock and ran the tip through your lips several times and then pushed inside. You both groaned in relief. 
“Is this okay, baby?” He moaned, pulling out and pushing back in. He felt like he was so deep inside you, your warm walls holding him tight while he made love to you the way he imagined so many times. 
He hooked an arm under one of your legs to get an even deeper angle. “Ji… you feel…this feels…so good.” You cried, holding onto him tighter as he picked up the pace. “Please don’t stop.”
“I’m not going anywhere, baby. I’m gonna fuck you like this every single day.” He promised.
You were soaking his cock, and as he continued to make love to you the noises coming from where you were both connected were becoming louder. You both had a sheen of sweat covering you foreheads. Jisung’s breath was becoming laboured as he neared his orgasm, but he wanted to make sure you came first. He slipped his hand between you to rub your swollen clit the way he remembered you showing him you how you liked it. You responded instantly, mumbling incoherently as you tensed up around him. 
“Ji…I’m close… I’m so…I’m gonna…”
“Please cum for me. I’m so close too, baby.” He really didn’t know if you could even last another moment. 
He felt you tense up, gripping his cock like a vice and then slowly pulsed around him. He watched your face as you came, thankful that he’ll be able to see you like this all the time from now on. He meant it. He was going to fuck you every day.
It was all too much seeing you come undone. “Fuck…I’m gonna cum, baby…where… wh—“ 
“In me, Ji…in me, please.” You cried.
That’s all Jisung needed to hear and he was filling you up, letting out a long growl as he emptied himself inside of you. Tears spilled from his eyes as he collapsed on top of you panting.
“Baby…I fucking love you so much. Please say you wanna be with me. Say you wanna give this a try? Be a family?” He looked at you hopefully.
“Yes. Yes, Ji. I want that so much.”
Jisung stopped at the lake to stretch his legs after a long day’s work.
This place always reminded him of you. As he walked along the shoreline he let his imagination take hold. In his mind you were walking beside him hand in hand, little Livi running ahead. He’d teach her to throw stones into the lake and he’d tell her all about what you and him were like as kids.
He’d bring her camping, and he’d bring you here for lunchtime picnics.
But it wasn’t just a fantasy. These were his plans.
He plopped down on a patch of grass and thought about what he always thought about when he was here.
The night he made love to you under the stars and you said you wanted to be a family.
Ask: livi calls Jisung “daddy”
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a/n: please, if you enjoyed this consider leaving a comment, reblog, or tag someone you think will like this. x. Sorsha
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@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itshannjisung @weareapackofstrays @bethanysnow @jisunglyricist @newhope8 @chansbabyg @itshannjisung
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
It's just the beggining (Oscar Piastri)
Oscar hasn't done or said anything, so you're taking matters into your own hands
Note: english is not my first language. It's my first Oscar piece and I'm nervous posting this, but hopefully you enjoy it! 🫶
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Cw: mentions reader's grandparents' health issues, mentions the situation with McLaren and Daniel, insomnia
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Hey, Y/N!", James called you once he saw you walk by his classroom, "hey", you greeted back, adjusting your books on your arms.
"There is a new kid, I'm sure you know, Oscar Piastri his name is, and apparently he's staying the long weekend too, like you", he trailed off, not knowing if he was stepping further than he should.
"Yes, I am staying, it's okay to talk about it", you gave him tight lipped smile, "well, I was hoping you'd keep him company - he's a bit shy, but he's very fun to be around and the teacher also thought it would be good since you're both staying", he reasoned as you nodded.
You had to stay back because your grandparents didn't live in England, and because of their old age and problems that naturally arose with that, your parents had to fly out and spend sometime with them, meaning you didn't have anyone back home, so you stayed. As for Oscar, you found out that he was staying back because his family was in Melbourne.
"At first, I just had online schooling, but it got trickier to manage and my dad needed to go back to work so I had to stay back", he explained when you asked him why he was there, "and I hope I can focus on racing, but you already know that", he scoffed softly.
"I don't think I do, I'm sorry", you narrowed your eyes, genuinely unaware of what he was talking about.
After he told you all about his career until that moment, as well as his hopes and dreams, he chuckled, "you really didn't know?", he wondered.
"I didn't! The girls said something about you moving here but I didn't listen much, I'm not that into gossip and my memory is like Dory's, I can never keep up with the latest who likes who and who flirted with what's his face", you earnestly replied.
For the first time since he arrived at the school, he felt like he could really trust someone and he could hope for new friendships on this side of the world.
You were there for his final race in F4, clapping at him on the podium, and even F3 and F2 despite your university deadlines, always making sure you could support him in every way you could.
"Hey, Osc", you said over the phone, setting your pen down the desk and swivelling in the chair. You wanted to get as much knowledge and experience as possible, so you applied to do a internship in a physiotherapy clinic near your apartment during the summer.
"Hey, Y/N, how are you doing?", he asked as you could notice the antsyness on his voice.
"I'm good, it's a bit of a slow day here, my supervisor said I could read up on a few articles", you mused, "is everything okay?", you asked.
"I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner tonight", he began, "you can come to my flat if that's okay, I'll order something in since I can't be trusted in the kitchen", he suggested.
"Fine by me, I'd like that, sounds really nice", you smiled, "I'll see you soon, then", you added, not wanting to dwell much on the fact that he didn't answer your question.
When you left the clinic, you walked to Oscar's place since the sun had graced you for the day and it was still nice to be out. Knocking on the door, you waited for him to open it, "I'm still in my scrubs as I didn't see the need to change", you said as you walked inside, hugging Oscar after dropping your backpack on the floor.
"Hey, you look nice, don't worry about it", he smiled as he led you to the living room, "I had to go and get the take out myself, but it's still warm", he said as you sat at the dining table.
"Now can you tell me if there's something wrong?", you wondered as you poured some of the wine he kept for you at his place on your glass.
"I have something to tell you actually", he played with his glass while he fought the smile on his lips, "this weekend I finally had some conversations with McLaren", he began.
"McLaren?", you asked as you served yourself of the food in front of you, taking some bimi brocoli and then some of the warm noodles.
"Yes, McLaren. We finally spoke about contracts and, this morning, I signed the official driver contract for next season", he stated as if he was saying that the sun had been out today.
"You did what? Since when has this been in the works?", you gasped, dropping the kitchen utensils and looking at him intently, "you're driving for McLaren next season?", he nodded, "like, driving on track? Oh my Goodness, Oscar! That's amazing!", you got up and hugged him, "why didn't you lead with that?", you pinched the nape of his neck playfully as you kept the tears from falling from your eyes. This was his dream and he was getting to live it as early as the end of the year when pre season preparations began.
"I didn't want to tell you over the phone", he shrugged his shoulders.
"But how? This is huge, Oscar!", you smiled, your teeth showing and eyes squinting with how high your cheeks rose.
"There were a lot of conversations about it, specially the last few weeks", Oscar explained, "they still want to keep it quiet", he warned.
"So you're driving alongside Lando?", you wondered. You only followed motorsport and the Formula series because of your bestfriend, so the assumption you made was based on what you had seen and read.
"Yes, hence why they want to keep it quiet, I've only told you and my family", he mentioned, "my manager knows that, obviously, but I really need you to keep quiet about it", he smiled.
"Absolutely, don't worry!", you assured, "this is so amazing Oscar! You're going to drive in Formula One! Aren't you amazed?", you beamed.
"I put in the work too, you know?", he dramatically feigned offense as you hugged him tighter, "this is your dream, Osc", you cooed, letting the tears fall freely down your cheeks as you swayed you both around, "I'm so proud of you", you hiccuped, holding his head close to your lips so you could kiss his forehead.
"Let's eat, this is getting cold", your best friend urged as the situation for more intimate and brought you closer and closer to the thing he had been avoiding for nearly a year.
The feelings he had been arbouring for you weren't just friendship. How could he keep himself from being in love with you? You had been there with him and for him when he was alone in a new country, being the other shy kid that spent the long weekend im boarding school, and since then you had been attached by the hip. You were kind, caring, intelligent, beautiful inside and outside and anyone would be a fool to not see why Oscar felt the way he did about you.
"I'm just going to a training camp, Y/N, I do these every year!", Oscar reasoned as you groaned.
"Who am I going to complain to about university? Or how noisy my neighbours are? I'm going to die of boredom", you stated, "when you come back, I will have ceased to exist because of boredom and lack of attention", you exaggeratedly threw yourself on your sofa.
"You won't, silly", he chuckled, pulling you up since his trainer was picking him up soon, "you're going to go out and enjoy yourself, okay? You'll barely notice I'm gone", he tried as you helped him with his suitcases down to the door.
"I'll miss you", you muttered as you hugged him, "enjoy your training camp!", you smiled as you pulled away, waving at him before you made your way to your place.
Getting on with the project you had to hand in at the end of the week, you got it all through to the end, leaving time to proofread later.
You clicked on the folder where you kept your photos and videos, looking through them and reliving all of the memories you had in there.
Most of them had Oscar somehow, wether it was a screen grab from one of your FaceTime calls when he was at races, picnics in the park and lazy days at your place.
You had to admit it, for your sake and Oscar's sake as your friendship was on the line. At first you thought it was just the fact that a boy seemed to want to spend time with you, so you put it to that. Recently, however, things changed perspective and you felt stronger feelings and emotions when you thought about him.
You loved spending time with him and cherished every single hour he chose to spend with you whenever he didn't have racing related duties. Every time he hugged you, you clung just a little longer to feel hia body against yours and his arms enveloping you.
Whenever someone approached you in the rare times you went out clubbing with your friends, "I have a boyfriend" became more a wish and a need rather than some made up excuse to get guys to leave you alone.
So, to sum it up, you either had an honest conversation with him or continued to dwell on feelings you couldn't keep to yourself.
"Y/N just sent me a picture of her notes, can you believe they ask them to know all of that?", he showed his trainer Kim while they had lunch after a strenuous workout.
"I had to learn most of that, too", he said nonchalantly, not necessarily diminishing your competences and intelligence but letting Oscar know that maybe his infatuation with you had a source elsewhere.
"Y/N is very smart, I'm sure she'll do really well - oh, she sent me a picture, she's all dressed up!", he said as he inspected the mirror picture. He assumed it was a requirement for your presentation, as you usually preferred comfy attire, since you had a pair of trousers and a shirt, some small heels on your feet and your bright smile that left him feeling butterflies in his stomach every single time, "she looks gorgeous", he said as he texted you the same words along with wishes of good luck.
"Something you'd like to say?", Oscar quesioned when he felt Kim's eyes on him as he put the phone back on the table, screen down.
"I'm just here wondering why you're not together", the trainer offered simply after he wiped his mouth on the napkin.
"No, we are not together, at least not yet", he mused. The thought had crossed his mind, admitting how he felt about you before the season began. If everything went belly up and you didn't feel the same and didn't see him that way, he would occupy his time and channel all of his energy into racing; if you did feel the same, he would have been worrying for nothing and would have a extra spring up his step for his first season in Formula One.
"Good to know you're working on it", Kim waved his fork at Oscar, "now we need to finish this and we'll do some recovery stretches", he announced as Oscar groaned, prolonging his meal as long as he could.
Today, Oscar was coming back from Lanzarote and you couldn't wait to speak to him. Lately, it all dawned on you.
It happened a couple of nights ago, a slight insomnia episode keeping you up when you thought about what things would be like from now on. Oscar would travel a lot more, and he would be in a much public role compared to his previous one. It would seem stupid to other people, but a lot more people would know him, and you were sure they would fall in love with him. How could they not? Hence why you wanted to quit those thoughts while you were ahead of them.
I'm on the cab to your place, it should take another 10 minutes and Can't wait to see you, Oscar texted you just as you finished tidying your living room.
You missed him dearly, so when you threw yourself into his arms, you didn't let go as he kicked his suitcases into your apartment while still holding close to him, "I kind of need to get my backpack off my back, and I can't do that if I don't set you somewhere - only for a bit at the very least", Oscar suggested after trying to balance you against his body with one arm but he didn't feel safe enough to let you go without you falling.
Reluctantly, you got back down, feet back on the floor as he discarded his backpack before he tapped your hip twice, "up again, I want a proper hug", he mumbled as you jumped back, his hands protectively holding your thighs up as he nuzzled his face on your neck, "I need you so, so much", he sighed.
"I missed you too", you replied back, "and I don't ever want to miss you like this when I don't know how to feel about you", you forwarded. Now or never, you thought as you jumped out of his hold and faced him.
"I missed you like I have never missed you before, not even when you go a visit your family or when you went away for triple headers - and I've been trying to understand why and I finally realised what it was. I like you, more than friends like eachother - for Goodness' sake, I'm in love with you", you chuckled nervously as you admitted it out loud to him, "and everyone else will love you too - I just know it -, so soon enough you won't be my Osc anymore and I couldn't not tell you. People - and these gorgeous girls all over the world - are going to like you so much and I won't be able to compete with them, so I'm just telling you how I feel. You can leave if you want or we'll just stay here in silence of that works too, but I needed to admit my feelings", you let out in one go.
Oscar smiled, a big teeth and gums showing smile as his eyes crinkled at your words, "I'm not leaving, and we are not going to be silent - at least immediately - because I want to tell you how I feel", he began, "I'm in love with you too; I have been for about two years and only realised it a year ago, and I don't want to pretend anymore. I want to be able to kiss you, to hug you, to take you with me wherever possible, to sleep next to you, to argue with you, I want all of it. With you", he said, hand cupping your cheek as his eyes asked for consent to kiss your lips.
It was as you dreamed it would be, soft, gentle and caring, lips moving in sync as you held him by his waist, pulling him closer to you.
"I thought I was loosing you to the whole F1 fandom", you chuckled, looking up at him once you pulled away.
"Of course you won't, you're my best girl", he winked, "this is just the beggining for us", he added as he pulled you to cuddle on the sofa, sharing his stories of the past days as you revelled in the feeling of being in his arms.
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keelt9 · 1 month
Chapter 12 (Final)
A/N: Finally! This is the end. I hope you enjoy this as much as me. I want to thank you for keeping reading until the end. I’m sorry for the delay, but believe me, I want to give you something I love and you could love in every single word.  
A long one but really worthy.
Thank you so much. 💜
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Like we said arrow shot, arrow forgotten or something like that.
Carol greeted me with a I-just-came-back from vacation smile. “Happy New Year!”
I giggle as I put my credentials in the optical reader. “Happy New Year Carol. Did you enjoy the vacation?” 
She nods effusively as follow me with her eyes. “The rumors about the hats are true, huh?” 
I laughed as I touched the Christmas hat that these 3 weeks we wore a different color for each one of us, to keep the spirit all the time.
“Nice touch, huh?” Carol laughs. “They are in…”
“Third field, all are already there.” She completed my phrase. 
“Thanks Carol.”
I walked but today the cold breeze started to make me shiver. 
“Morning.” Olivia greeted me as she saw me walking to the entrance. “Please tell me…”
 I pulled out containers from my bag. “Nanny send you these.” And I saw Charlotte about to complain. “For each one of you.”
Nanny woke up early and made french toast for each one of the team including the coaches, while they were melting at each bite I sent a small video to her.
“Ok, we definitely enjoyed this breakfast but, wash your hands and get back so we can start.” Robert announced after finishing all their breakfast.
I’m for sure, more precise in each one of my shots, now I rarely hit the 8, my shoulder is stronger, I'm definitely in my moment.
“That's… So damn close.” I thigh my fist after seeing my arrow was so close to the small black dot in the small yellow circle.
“Bows down little kids.” Marie Anne shouted looking at Robert's notebook.
“Come closer please.” Robert has that mischievous face, as we walk to the tent and sit. “All right, we will have a fantastic year, I know losing time with your family must be hard, however we prepare something special for you.”
Liam gave us one by one a small box or paper bag. As we opened each one of us found a full day of spa, all including and the reservation for our favorite restaurant.
“I mean I don't want to sound ungrateful but I don't have the reservation.” I turn my box upside down.
“You, girl, have a full day in physiotherapy.” Marie Anne winks at me.
“Golden girl at maintenance.” Matt jokes. “Don't worry I'll drive you there.”
Sunday morning as he said I found Matt having breakfast at my house before me.
“I thought Nanny was here.” Matt complains, taking a sip of his juice.
I muttered sitting next to Mia. “Oh, hello.” 
Mia has calmed down these weeks, I don't think she understands my decision but respect it and put things aside.
“I thought you were a morning person but this guy.” She pointed at him with her fork. “Arrive at 6 am, 6!”
Matt smiles at Mia and stands for putting more honey in her pancakes. “I love you too Mia.”
Mia saw me looking at the small table in the entrance.“Nothing yet.”
Everyday I receive a peony of different color and small note, but suddenly, it stops on New Year's Eve, it could be a sign.
“I wasn't looking for that.” Mia nodded clearly, she didn't believe me. 
After I eat my breakfast, Matt and I drive to the clinic or at least that's what I thought until he takes a different driveway.
“You take the wrong one.” I say my eyes on my phone. 
Days passed but people were gossiping about why I didn't attend the ceremony where Max got his World Wide Champion trophy. The day of the ceremony Matt posted a story where you can see us practice, turning down the rumors for I keep focus. 
We avoided talking about if we broke up or not with other people and we confused them with the mixing signs; the account of Red Bull Racing published photos of the race, in one slide, me and Max hugging each other, but also the federation published photos of us training that had Max like in each one of them, however people questioned if he’s already in postseason, why he didn't post something with me.
“Matt?” He has a smile. “Where are we going?” We drove out of the city.
He clears his throat. “You remember the camping site where we used to go as teenagers.” 
I nod. “The best 3 hours of bus of the day. Although I should be in the clinic.” Matt raises his finger. 
“No, I said I will take you but I didn't specify when. You can sleep, I'll drive us safe and sound.” 
I laugh, closing my eyes and enjoying the now 1 and half hour drive.
I woke up because of the silent notice that we were already there and Matt went ahead leaving a note in the car.
<I don’t want to wake you, I’ll meet you in the lake.>
I stretched my arms before going to the lake which was hidden between big trees, in winter just branches and big trunks hidden it. In our 15's we used to come on frequently just to enjoy the sounds and playing with rocks, keeping us far away from the stress of training.
I notice how some places didn’t change at all, like the time stops. I saw him, hands in his pockets watching the lake.
“I’m sorry I fell asleep hard as rock.” I put my right hand in his left pocket trying to warm, but immediately noticed something wrong.
“Yeah, Olivia drove Matt back like 30 minutes ago.” I try to take my hand out but he closes his around mine.
“Max.” He giggles and tingles our finger inside of his pocket. “What are you doing here?” 
“Do me a favor. See that box.” I leaned my head to our right. “Could you open it?”
I narrow my eyes but he scoffs. “Please.” I can’t with those eyes. 
“I need my hand for that.” I try to pull out useless, he walks with me, only I take out until I have to pick up the box.
Is a small one still a little bit heavier for its size. I open and he holds the lid. The first thing I found was the cap he got for the first place in Silverstone, the second is 3 sets of tapes with different colors, my favorite ones.
“For your fingers.”
I laugh, the set was composed of 3 packages of tapes. “Max I don’t use a full package in a day, one lasts me at least three months.” He shrugged his shoulders, a smile on his face.
In the bottom a small black box, my recklessness made Max take the box leaving me only with the black one, I scoff but slowly I opened the box. A gold and delicate necklace with a pendant, “1” and the initials of my name.
“I tried to protect you.” Max has that regretting expression in his face, utterly strange for me to see that. I let him speak grabbing the necklace. “I didn’t want to realize the fact I hid things from you; it was hurting you more. Isn’t an excuse, but you were going through a hard time and I don’t want to be another hard moment in your life. I put you aside, and I’m so sorry.”
He scoffed sadly. “When we begun this I told you I don’t want to keep you hide and I just did that, I hide things from you, fuck.” 
Max grips the box tight for the way his knuckles turn white, I spoke first. “I feel unpeaceful these weeks.” He instantly raised his eyes from the box. “I mean, look at me I’m shaking just having you here in front of me, in a good way.”
I raise my hand for he can see the slight tremble in my hand.
He grabs my hand and kisses my forehead. “I can’t change the past, but I really want to build a future with you. I want to be someone you lend to all the time. Could you…could…” He shutter, I can’t help it, I kiss his cheek so close to his lips.
“Could you give me a second chance? Please.” 
I bit my lip. I sincerely want to give him that second chance but I need to keep my feelings on the right path, especially this year.
“Max, I have an important qualifier this year, I need to be focused on what I’m doing and being distracted about if you would come or if you are with me, it’s the last thing I need.” Max nods but Checo was right, he didn't give up.
I grab the box of his hands. “Could you give me time to think about it?” An unexpected smile forms on his face and he nods effusively.
“All you need.” He kissed my cheek.
“Do you mind giving me a ride to my house?” Max giggles but we start to walk.
“You are dead meat!” Matt mocks my voice as he sits in the airport waiting for our call. “And I get this!” 
He has a bruise on his right cheek, already deep purple.
“Such a baby! It was with the kids' equipment.” I sat next to Olivia who was in the middle of us.
When I found him the next day in the federation I ran after him but he’s faster than me so I grabbed a bow and arrow that kids used in their first months of practice, any sharp point just a type of sticker to remain stuck to the target.
Matt scoffs and looks at me. “Am I the one who disappears on the weekend?” 
Max stayed all weekend in town, he even met my parents, in an almost lethal encounter with my dad who I swear I never looked at anyone with those eyes. As the day passed and they talked, forcefully at the beginning of mom, dad said goodbye to Max not like Mr. Verstappen, just Max.
“Enough! Please enough.” Charlotte giggles and puts a cookie in our mouths for we shut up. “We have a long flight, two weeks far from home and qualification in the way, let’s relax and let the reprimand for when we come back.” 
Olvia stands and hugs Charlotte. “Thank you.” 
We’re not mad just messing with each other, the truth is being with Max that weekend was the best still doesn't change my decision. I know it was an unusual day, that’s not our daily life.
The first days were really calm, a few interviews, training and normal talks with other teams. 
“Morning Y/N.” One of the girls in the competition greeted me with an unusual smile. 
“I’m so jealous of you!” Her friends said. “In a good way, of course.” 
I don’t have any chance to answer because they keep walking, giggling as I walk confused to the table where the team is eating.
“Why is everybody looking at me as if I had a bug or something?” I sit in front of Charlotte who rolls her eyes and puts her cellphone in front of me.
At that moment, Olvia put her hand with her phone down, unable to answer to whatever is on the screen, putting my tray with my breakfast. 
“Charlotte first things first, we’re in the middle of a competition.” Charlotte smiles at me in an apologetic way, I shake my head as I take a drink of my juice. It’s for the best to keep me focused.
The day for team qualifications arrived in calm, I stayed focused all day, my shoulder feels great, I have my mind concentrated, it's time to put it to work together. 
The match is aggressive and all the teams know that if you want to “rest” a little bit before the Olympics you must secure your place in the first competitions.
To have all the things under control we agreed I’ll go in second place, Charlotte who has the better match lately, go first and Oliva with her experience will close the sets. By the finish of the second set things we’re equal, if we have 3 last good shots this is ours. 
Charlotte hits with ease, hits the 10, puts in us as leaders.
“Good shot.” Olvia keeps cheering us up, before I stand in the shot line, Robert who is with us gives me the last indications.
“Strong, and steady.” I heard Charlotte as I take a deep breath, I don’t shutter and release in 6 seconds, <9>
“Great, great.” We bump our fist and Oliva just had to secure the qualification with all above 8.
With her experience and showing why she is the team leader, easily hitting the <10>
Charlotte and I scream and hug each other carefully without hitting with the bow, as Rober hugs Olivia before joining us. We hear the scream and shouts from the terraces where we can easily distinguish our family and the male team. 
By the end of all the matches we have a few minutes to go with our families before going back to the hotel.
“There you are!” My mom hugs me tightly, giving a kiss in my head. “Mrs. Olympic.” 
“Mom.” I whined with a side to side smile before my dad lifted me and kissed my cheek.
“So proud of you, so proud!” Mia jumps over me with a huge smile and her classic neon pink cardboard.
“I hope to jump on you next month.” Mia’s qualification will take place next month and like her coach said, <Only a hurricane could take her out.>
“Nanny will come to tomorrow's qualification, they lost the flight, huge drama.” Dad said and I nod giggled because probably they lost the flight for confusing the hours.
“I’m sorry for cutting the celebration but…” Robert appears winning hugs from my family. “We have to go, the next time you will have her for a longer time.”
Mia grips my arm. “Can you wait a little bit, just a couple of minutes?” I hug her but with a competition in the next few days makes our times tight.
“Sorry Mia, not today.” Robert smiles and grabs my bag. “Tomorrow you can have her a little bit more.”
Mia looks at our mother who shrugged her shoulders. “Please.” But her answer came with the staff calling for us.
I kiss Mia before Robert and I go, happy for the good qualification.
With an early competition trying to avoid the hot sun of the noon, I woke up early, I only answered the call from my family and left my phone with Liam, avoiding distractions. All the team came with me until the entrance of the arena where we split up.
One by one wish me and let me know I will have success, but all see with Matt, we take our time.
Matt hugs me tight and holds me there for a couple of minutes. “You got this, alright? Hey, you come pretty far in less than a year, believe it, this will be the cherry on top.”
Liam calls me and high five with Matt. 
“Take care of her coach.” Liam laughs ironically.
“Don’t even say it.”
The first set was a total domination of my opponent, the wind increased and I felt unsure to shoot the arrow every time; in the small break, I took a deep breath and heard Liam.
“Remember, your shoulder is perfectly fine, now believe in you.” He pointed to the bow. “Adjust a little, it’s ok, you already shot in the worst conditions.” 
I scoff and hear the beep for the next set. Apparently benefiting me, because my opponent starts to miss her aim, even shooting for a 6 that gives an open window to win this one.
Liam praised me and I took my time for a quick look to the terrace. The pink cardboard came out easily, even an odd one I was able to see quickly.
I shake my head and take a deep breath. “One more, one more.”
The set was tight, the first shot was almost equal but by the last one, the wind was awfully increasing. I heard the gasp before the last arrow of the other girl, and I saw the score, 7, that gives a small window, all above 9 is a win.
I take my position but at the second I low the bow, a strong wind moves it, so I put it down and Liam starts the countdown, at 10. I barely reach my position with the bow and make the release.
I close my eyes right away after I feel the arrow come out of it.
The cheer and screams of my name make me open and the score is 10, the set is mine along with the qualification. 
Tears ran down my face. I get my head down as Liam covers me with a soft hug repeating the same words over and over again. “So proud of you.” 
I sniff and wipe my tears and hugs him with my free hand after calm a little bit I congratulate my opponent and put the bow down, as I see all the people I love there, the girls jumping and waving her hands; my parents crying and Mia screaming to the top of her lungs; Matt clapping and raising his hands making the people scream more.
But I took my time and saw in detail the last cardboard, a foraging language surrendered by hearts.
The staff indicated to me that it's time to go because they set everything for the award ceremony.
I wave my hand to the people before grabbing my bow and follow Liam back. Reporters asked me a couple of questions and even mentioned how I feel with the absence of Maxx one more time but with an event of Red Bull today, he couldn’t split in two. I answered like I've been doing all the time.
“We know our times are difficult to match, Max is with me in different forms.”
I held my tears almost all the ceremony until after giving our medals, I received the golden ticket, making official my qualification to the Olympics. In that moment one more time started to cry of happiness surrounded by shouts, whistles and claps for all there.
As soon as I can I run to meet my family where everyone hugs me and congratulates me.
“What a match! One more arrow and I could faint.” Anton, who arrives just in time for my competition, hugs me. “Congratulations!”
“Who said Charles couldn’t keep his eyes open in that last arrow?” Alexa hugs me, mocking Charles. 
“Am I the one who closes the eyes of each shot of the other girl?” He won’t let her go easily. “Unbelievable. Totally deserved.”
“Are you free to go?” I never heard those words coming out from my father's mouth.
Liam scoff shaking his head. “Tomorrow morning.”
“Didn't even a single night?” I pat my father's arms, he smiles. “Sorry, excited for you, I want to celebrate you properly.” 
We know we have a special dinner at the beginning of a hard year. The next morning we are all free to go, usually we go back home in the same flight but it seems my dad won't let this happen.
I should feel tired at the end of the dinner, but I’m full of energy, so I keep walking around the garden of the hotel.
“Finding it hard to sleep?” Olivia makes me jump, she is clearly sleepy.
I nod and giggle. “Two years ago I was stuck in a hospital room praying that I could raise my shoulder, now look at me.” I raised my arms. “I'm going to the Olympic Games.”
Olivia laughs. “Go, we cover you.”
I looked from one side to the other, but no one was around. “Olivia.” 
Charlotte enters running with my cap on hands. 
“Go, go, go.” Charlotte pushed me to the main door. “I call a cab, it will take you there, and wait for you for 30 minutes.”
Years ago after every successful competition I used to go back to the field where people kindly let me shoot a couple of arrows, and came back to the hotel.
“Robert will write my name.” I whispered but Olivia opened the door.
“Robert probably is sleeping or taking the last notes in the evil notebook.” Charlotte said with a smile pushing me, putting her hand on the top of my head for I don't bump into the car, even my bag is already there.
The driver kept silent all the time, when I arrived the security guard smiled at me and opened the door.
He turned on the lights as we walked to the field. “I already knew you were coming, I changed the target I hope is correctly set.”
I shake my hands. “I don't want to give you trouble, it'll be a couple of arrows and I'll leave.” 
“Take your time.” He passes next to me as I sit on the ground and start to open my bag.
Wait, how does he know?
I was about to put out all my things when I noticed a box on the top of it, with a small note with Matt handwriting. “Special occasion.” I giggle, if it's some kind of prank…
I didn’t have time to concrete my idea because another wood box was inside, this clearly more expensive, tie in the front a small key that clearly opens the tiny lock. Inside a lot of polaroids and small red envelope.
I took as I smile forms on my face, photos of me and Max in different moments, different occasions, each one with a different meaning for us with small notes from Max at the back; but what I call for my attention are the last ones.
Photos of the open practice we had 4 days ago, the competition for teams, and photos of today, and he holding the cardboard. Impossible. 
I quickly take out the red envelope which has written. <A special bonus from Charles ft Checo.>
Again more polaroid but this time Max in each one in different parts of the paddock, in the garage, the interviews all with cellphone in his hand; Charles clarify what he’s seeing, me. Each one of my competitions and the reactions before I did a good shot, his fist tight and raising a little bit.
“That was an infiltration.” I raise my head and Max is there rubbing his hands in his tights. “I hope you heard me at that perfect shot because my throat feels pretty sore.” 
I try to control the shaking of my hands, unable to stand up, keeping the distance between us. “You've been here for…?” 
Max presses his lips together thinking in his answer. “Thursday from the past week? Oh, Wednesday.” He smiles. “I was dying to see you in your best moment, show you that I’m here, I support you in every goal, every challenge and every fall. I want to be part of your life. I don’t want to be a question in your life, I want to be next to you, just be with you.”
I clear my throat and search for the photo of him holding the cardboard. “I don’t speak Dutch, so wha…”
“I love you. Ik houd van jou.” Max stole my words. “I love you, that’s what has been on my mind every time I see you, every time I hear you and every tim..”
I stood and ran to him holding him by his neck and put my legs around his waist, Max quickly put one of his arms around my waist and the other holding my head. 
“Fuck. I missed this.”  He whispered in my ear. “I’m so sorry, I promise…”
I shake my head holding him tight. “I love you.” He takes out all the air he’s containing after he hears the same words from me. “I really do, but I was afraid, I’m sorry.” 
He didn't let me go, just split so he could see my face and smile. “I know, and have faith in this is.” He gives a peck on my lips. “I already proved to you I don’t give up.” I giggle and kiss him. 
“I love having you here but…” He whispers at my lips with our foreheads one next to the other. “I’m dying to kiss you properly.” 
I stand on my feets, pull him with my arm around his neck. I swear feeling his smile on my lips is the best sensation in the world.
Max covers both sides of my face with his hands and keeps me closer, until the lack of hair makes us split, he looks straight into my eyes and puts his arms around my waist.
“Look up.” He whispers at me, I choke my head making him giggle and raise his eyes.
The lights of paper lanterns started to appear like stars in the sky, I covered my mouth and he let me go just for hugging me at my back.
“I didn’t know about those restrictions after the competition.” That’s why the insistence of my father and Mia. “This is supposed to be seen in a special place but no one warned me about the rules.” 
I turn around to see him. “I love you.” I grab his face and kiss him. “I really really love you.” He put his arm around my neck and kissed me one more time.
“But how?” I turn around one more time seeing the last lantern keep coming; Max giggles and kisses the top of my head.
“We have good friends and family.” He takes a deep breath, I can feel a smile forming in his face.
“What?” I tingle our fingers, he sees me with my favorite smile from him.
His smile covers his eyes. “I have what? 4 months until the Olympics ” I giggle and give him a peck on his cheek. “I guess I need to study a little bit more.”
Both of us laugh as we keep kissing, when we split he finally saw the necklace. The initial of my name is remplace for the <M>
He opened his eyes and I smiled. “A small correction.” 
The silence doesn’t feel uncomfortable, he’s like being at home. We tried even though it's hard to put into words.
“I love you.” 
Still, I didn’t know who said it first, but I’m pretty sure this time, I was faster than him.
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stargazer-sims · 6 months
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The Art of Redemption
(part 15)
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A lot can change in a week.
Beth-Anne is astounded at how much progress Nikolai has made in just seven days. Considering how goal-driven he is, she probably shouldn't be astonished, but his quick transformation is more than she could've reasonably expected. His physical recovery is on track, he's gotten back his energy and focus, and he seems far less anxious. It’s a relief to her, seeing him returning to his old self.
At his checkup on Wednesday, the doctor and the sports therapist both cleared him to walk without crutches, and the sports therapist fitted him with a compression knee sleeve that he's supposed to wear when he's active. He's allowed to walk on the treadmill for up to thirty minutes a day, broken into ten-minute sessions, and he's supposed to keep up with his physiotherapy exercises. No leg weights and no stationary bicycle, the therapist said, which he frowned at but ultimately agreed to.
The thing Nikolai appeared to be most pleased about was the fact that he no longer requires weekly checkups. The sports therapist said he'd have him come back in two weeks' time to check his progress and possibly increase his exercise level.
"You'll have to come back by yourself," Beth-Anne told him. "Or get your grandfather to bring you if you don't have your car back by then, because I'll be in South Korea with Brett."
"Junior Worlds. Right. I'm sure Grandpa can bring me." He turned his attention back to the therapist. "So, in two weeks I should be able to start running again?"
The therapist bestowed him with an amused smile. "Athletes are all the same. You're all in a rush to be rid of your restrictions. But yes, if you do everything you're supposed to, in two weeks you should be able to do some light running on the treadmill. Perhaps you can do outdoor running and use your leg weights and ride your bike a couple of weeks after that."
Nikolai's next question came as no surprise to Beth-Anne. "When can I skate?"
"Let's give that some time."
"Yes, but how much time?"
"I think he's looking for a realistic timeline," Beth-Anne intervened.
"Another six to eight weeks at the very least before I'd be comfortable clearing you for that," the therapist said. "It may be longer, depending on your progress. Ideally, I'd like to see that knee fully stable and I'd like to see you regain some muscle before you get on the ice again."
Nikolai counted on his fingers. "Eight weeks would be... mid-May?"
"About then, I think," the therapist said.
"Okay. I can live with that. I'll be busy doing my coaching certification course between now and then anyway."
That was another thing. Even before his appointment with the doctor and therapist, he'd gone ahead and signed himself up for both the basic and advanced coach training courses.
He's going to need the basic certification just to be permitted to work with kids without supervision from another professionally certified coach, and the advanced level is necessary for him to work one-on-one with students who are training to compete in officially-recognized national and international events. The basic course is just four days long and the next available one is at the end of March. The next advanced level course is taking place over the last two weeks of April and the first week of May.
The timing couldn't possibly be more fortuitous, Beth-Anne thinks. He should be able to return to the ice around the same time he receives his full certification. Most group skating programs pause for the summer, so that will free up some of her time to work with him, to help him rebuild his confidence on the ice if he needs that, and to teach him everything she knows about teaching others. With any luck, by the time group classes resume at the beginning of September, he'll be ready for a small group of his own.
As soon as they got home from the sports medicine clinic, Nikolai went straight to his room. He came back to the kitchen only a couple minutes later with his skate bag, sat himself down on a kitchen chair and promptly pulled off his socks.
"What are you doing?" Beth-Anne inquired.
He glanced up at her, his expression plainly broadcasting that it should be obvious and she she shouldn't need to ask. Still, he replied, "Putting my skates on."
"Why?" she asked.
"Because I miss them," he said.
"Okay, but don't you dare stand up in them. Just because you're not on the ice, that doesn't mean it doesn't count."
"I won't, I promise. I just want them on. I miss how they feel on my feet."
Fair enough, she thought. She watched him slip his feet into the boots and meticulously lace them up. He sat there with his skates on for the next half-hour, while she made sandwiches and they ate lunch together. After lunch, he took them off again and put them away, and she didn't make any further comment about it. The way she saw it, if it made him happy and it hadn't done him any harm, who was she to question it?
Slightly amused at the memory, she wonders how many more times she'll catch him with his skates on between now and the middle of May. She doubts it was a one-off, and she has no trouble conjuring up a mental image of him contentedly wearing his skates while he reads, or eats, or writes something for the new online blog he's created to chronicle his coaching journey.
She smiles. She's watched him grow from an impulsive and sometimes silly teenager into a mature and responsible adult, but it's gratifying to know that he hasn't completely lost his adolescent whimsy. In some ways, he's still very much a kid, and she thinks those qualities of playfulness, imagination, resilience and courage will serve him well, not just as a coach and teacher but in his personal life too. He may be going through an exceptionally difficult time at the moment, but she can see the light at the end of this dark tunnel and she's sure he can as well.
He's going to be all right, she tells herself. It's still going to take time, but he sees the way forward now, and I don't believe anything's going to stop him.
She doesn't have enough words to describe how much she admires him for that.
This morning, she'd awakened with a sense of lightness she hasn't felt in a while. Her concerns are all still there, of course, but she has the feeling this is going to be a great day despite all the problems and worries crowded at the back of her mind.
That stuff can wait.
Now that Nikolai is off his crutches, she decides today is the perfect day to get him off the bench and let him come down onto the ice with her. She can introduce him to all the kids and let him interact with them. He knows Stan's grandson Marek, and she's certain he's already bonded with little Eden, but he still hasn't met the girls, Everleigh, Madison and Sienna. There's also her Saturday preschool group for him to meet, and her two Novice division students, Katie and Ruby. She hopes all the kids like him as much as Eden seems to, both for his comfort and theirs.
She climbs out of bed and does her best to hurry through her morning routine. Regardless of her efforts, however, when she makes her way downstairs, she discovers that Nikolai has gotten out of bed ahead of her. He's already showered, dressed and in the middle of making breakfast. The scent of coffee wafts across her nostrils.
"Morning, coach," he greets her. "Your makeup looks good."
"Thanks." She gestures toward the stove. "I see my cooking lessons are already paying off."
He grins. "Well, I'm not ready to host my own cooking show or anything yet, but I think I'm doing all right."
She's treated to her favourite ham and cheese omelette, fried potatoes, and cut-up red grapefruit drizzled with honey. It may not be gourmet, but it is delicious and she enjoys every bite. It's especially pleasant to sit down to a meal she didn't have to prepare for herself.
"I could get used to this," she says, as she savours the final bite of grapefruit. "You making us breakfast, I mean."
"We can make it a regular thing," he says. “Turns out I like cooking. It’s not as daunting as I thought, so I’m sure I could be in charge of making breakfast for us.”
"Oh? So I take it you've changed your mind about going home?"
He swallows the last of his coffee and sets the mug down carefully. "I've been thinking about it. I was kind of worried that me being here was too much for you, but if you're okay with me staying, maybe I will stay."
"You're not too much. I like having you here. It's nice to have company, but like I told you before, the choice is entirely up to you."
"I'll stay for a little longer, then," he says. "Anya's staying with her grandparents for some reason. I don't know if she's planning to go home soon, but if she is, I... kinda don't want to be there."
"Understandable, but you know you'll need to deal with that situation at some point."
"I know." He rotates the empty coffee mug between his hands. "I think I'm just scared."
"Of Anya?"
He nods. "Is that stupid?"
"No, I don't think so," Beth-Anne says. "I can see how she'd be scary."
"I want a divorce, but I don't want to fight about it. All I want is the house and my cat. She can have anything else she wants. Money, furniture, the car... whatever. I just want us to live separate lives from now on."
"If you want my opinion, you'd be better off living separate lives."
"It's obvious we can't have a life together any more," he says. "The problem is, I don't want to talk to her about it because I'm scared she'll cause a scene."
"In that case, maybe you shouldn't talk about it with her. Maybe you should hire a lawyer and get them to do the talking for you."
"Maybe." He runs his thumb along the rim of his mug and doesn't meet Beth-Anne's eyes. "I just don't want any drama. You know I hate that. If I got a lawyer, I'm worried the whole thing would drag on for ages, and Anya would tell everybody about everything, every chance she got. I'd rather just agree that it's over, do the court paperwork ourselves and get it out of the way as quickly as we can."
"If that's what you want, then you'll have to swallow your fear and tell her," Beth-Anne says. "I know it's hard, but you have to believe in getting what you want. That's..."
"...that's part of how you succeed," he finishes the sentence with her. All of a sudden, he's smiling again. "You know, I told Eden that."
Perplexed, she says. "About... divorce?"
"No, about winning skating competitions. Remember, you said that to me for the first time way back when I was seventeen? When I was having that big existential crisis because you were my third coach in my first three years at Senior level.”
"You thought the problem was you."
"Well, it sort of was, according to Uncle Stan."
"But it was because you were too good, not because you weren't good enough," she reminds him.
“I know that now, but it was a struggle to get my head around it at the time. The whole thing was pretty stressful.”
"I know, but you handled it like a champion, and it didn’t take you long to settle in with me.”
“Because you promised you’d stick with me no matter what, and I trusted you. I felt safe with you. That gave me a lot of confidence, and it let me relax and enjoy myself a lot more."
“I remember. One of the first things I asked you was what you wanted, and the first thing you told me wasn't that you wanted to win. You said you wanted to be happy and have fun."
"Yeah, but I still wanted to win. I wanted it really bad, and I was frustrated because I wasn't doing as well as I thought I should with Uncle Stan or my other coach before him."
"I could tell you wanted to win," she says. "I can tell you still do."
"I do," he concedes. "Winning might look different now, but I still want to. I think if I can help somebody else the way you helped me, that'll feel like winning to me just as much as it does to them."
"I think it will too," Beth-Anne says. "It did for me when I watched you win, and it's the same with Brett and Mariah and the others."
"And they'll be more likely to win if they're happy and having fun, right?"
"But, even if they don't win, the important thing is that they're still doing what they enjoy."
Beth-Anne nods. "You're going to be an excellent coach."
"I hope so," he says. "I want to make you proud."
"I'm already proud of you," she tells him. "You're the best son I never had."
He smiles. "The son you always wanted?"
"Not always, but definitely from the moment I realized my life would be a lot emptier without you in it," she says. "And I'm glad you're staying."
"Until I finish my coaching courses at least, if that's all right."
"Absolutely. Consider this your home for as long as you like."
"Thanks," he says.
They finish their breakfast and do the washing up as quickly as they can, and manage to get out the door right on schedule. Even with a stop at Tim Horton's for more coffee, they make it to the arena at 7:45 on the dot.
It's still not early enough to get there before her first students arrive, though.
She's torn between laughter and exasperation when she spots Eden Seong and Marek Zelenka peeking around the edge of the propped-open door from the corridor that leads to one of the practice rinks. When Marek sees her, he gives her a brief wave. Then, he leans down to say something quietly to Eden, which Beth-Anne can’t hear. The kids grin at each other.
The next thing Beth-Anne knows, the two little boys charge through the doorway and race across the foyer, straight toward her and Nikolai. They’re both shouting Nikolai's name at the top of their voices.
Nikolai reaches out to catch Marek, but both boys seem to misinterpret the movement as an invitation for a group hug. Somehow, Nikolai ends up sitting on the floor with Marek and Eden half on top of him and looking like they're competing to see who's more capable of squishing him. All three of them are laughing.
"Nikolai, it worked!" Eden practically yells.
"Yeah!" Marek chimes in. "I don't know what you said, but it totally worked!"
Beth-Anne isn't entirely sure what Eden and Marek are talking about, but she doesn't get a chance to ask before someone else appears in the doorway. It's Stan. He has a small skate bag in each hand, and several wisps of silver hair escaping from his stubby ponytail. If she didn't know better, she'd say he slept in the sweatpants and long sleeved t-shirt he's wearing.
Stan jogs over to them. "I see the chaos has manifested," he says, nodding at Nikolai, Marek and Eden. "I believe these are yours now."
"Thanks. I'm so excited," Beth-Anne says, deadpan, but she's fighting like hell to hold her laughter in and keep her face neutral. Stan looks as if he can't wait to make Marek and Eden someone else's responsibility, and she's dying to know the story behind why he has both of them, and why they're here so early.
Stan holds out the skate carriers. "Boys. Your responsibilities..."
Marek and Eden scramble to their feet. Eden takes the purple skate bag from Stan's left hand and Marek claims the blue and white one from his right.
Eden cradles his skates against his chest with both arms as if he's holding something incredibly precious. He beams at Nikolai. "You fixed everything."
"I'm glad it worked out," Nikolai says, as Stan steps forward to give him a hand up. "But I'm sure it wasn't all me. I'd say Beth-Anne had something to do with it, and I think you must've been fairly persuasive on your own."
It clicks for Beth-Anne at that moment. Nikolai must've talked to Eden's parents about his future as a skater. She hadn't realized he'd talked to them, and she guesses he must've done it the previous Saturday when they came to pick Eden up after class. She'd noticed them arriving and she'd been peripherally aware of Eden leading Nikolai out of the rink area to meet them, but she hadn't interacted with them herself as she'd been occupied with setting things up for her preschool group.
It hadn't been until later in the week, after what she thought would be Eden's next-to-last individual lesson, that she'd gotten the opportunity to bring up Eden's athletic career with them again. They seemed to have softened their position, but they still hadn't completely made up their minds at that point. Evidently, they'd given it significant consideration since then.
"No, it was definitely you, Nikolai," Eden insists. "Mommy said she was sorry because she didn't think about it from my point of view. She said she and Dad were too worried about something bad happening to me on the ice to see that something even worse would happen if they made me quit. And I think part of it was 'cause they really listened when you told them how sad and depressed you were when you thought you wouldn't be able to skate any more."
Beth-Anne turns toward Nikolai. "You told Mr. and Mrs. Seong that?"
"Yeah," Nikolai admits. "I don't know if that was overstepping, but I felt like I had to try to convince them. I didn't really know how to approach it, so I just... went with honesty."
"You probably should've mentioned it to me," Beth-Anne says.
"Sorry. It actually didn't occur to me."
"It's okay," she says. "Just let me know next time if you feel the need to speak to one of my students' family members."
"I will," he says. "But, it really didn't cross my mind to say anything about last Saturday. I assumed you would've seen me talking to Eden's parents. We were in the hallway, right outside the windows."
"Never assume anything," she says, and to Eden she asks, "Should I expect to have another chat with your mom and dad today?"
"Yeah!" Eden says enthusiastically. "Mommy told me yesterday after school that I can keep skating, and she said she'd discuss everything with you today."
"Then he called me, 'cause he was so excited," Marek adds. "And I was excited too, so I invited him for a sleepover, so we could celebrate."
"You invited both of you for a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's house," Stan interjects. "Don't forget that important detail, Marek."
"I see," Beth-Anne says. "That explains why you look like you can't wait to pass them off to me."
"We had to go to Grandpa's house," Marek explains. "My parents aren't really into skating, but Grandpa gets it."
"The only thing Grandpa wants to get right now is a couple more hours' sleep," Stan says.
"Don't you have a group class this morning, Stan?" Beth-Anne asks.
"Hmm... at nine, but that gives me an hour or so to nap in the car. I might've been able to keep up with these two living hurricanes when I was your age, but us old people need proper rest, you know."
"Old people," Beth-Anne scoffs. "You can still run circles around most of us. But, go on. Nikolai and I can take these two from here."
Each of the boys grabs one of Nikolai's hands, and they start to pull him in the direction of the other practice rink. Marek glances back at his grandfather. "Yeah, don't worry Grandpa. We'll take it from here."
"Hmph. 'Don't worry, Grandpa' is a phrase that should be banned," Stan grumbles.
"Everything'll be fine, Uncle Stan," says Nikolai. "I've got them."
"Another phrase that should be illegal; 'Everything'll be fine, Uncle Stan'."
Marek's only response is a mischievous giggle, and Nikolai makes an inelegant snorting noise in his effort not to laugh.
Beth-Anne stands back and watches for a few seconds as Nikolai and the boys make their way across the foyer. He's definitely won their hearts, and it's already clear that little Eden has won his. She doesn't want to get ahead of herself, but she's thrilled at the news that Eden will be allowed to keep skating, and she envisions an amazing future for him in the sport.
For him and Nikolai. If ever two people were meant to be together as coach and student...
No. Don't let your imagination run away with you. One day at a time, and one step at a time, don't forget.
But, she can't completely suppress her elation. She'd woken up with the feeling that today would be great, and so far it's turning out exactly that way. She's glad of it. After making it through the turmoil of the last several weeks, she and Nikolai deserve to have a good day.
Stan steps up beside her and drapes an arm around her shoulders. "Well, he's a natural, isn't he? Your Nikolai, I mean. He's a hit with the kids."
"It would seem so," she agrees, smiling.
"I told you it'd all work out, didn't I?" He gives her shoulder an affectionate squeeze. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine."
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kundannktech · 30 days
Best Physiotherapy Centre in Avantika Ghaziabad
The Best Physiotherapy Community in Avantika Ghaziabad: Nidaan Physiotherapy Centre
When it comes to providing high-quality physiotherapy services in Avantika, Ghaziabad, Nidaan Physiotherapy Centre quickly establishes itself as the most preferred option for patients in search of expert care and efficient treatment. Eminent for its outstanding principles of administration and patient-driven approach, Nidaan Physiotherapy Center has secured itself as a guide to well-being and health in the district.
Services for Comprehensive Physiotherapy
Nidaan Physiotherapy Centre provides a wide range of services for comprehensive physiotherapy that are designed to meet the various requirements of its patients. Whether you're recuperating from a physical issue, overseeing constant agony, or looking for restoration after a medical procedure, the middle gives particular therapies intended to advance ideal recuperation and upgrade general prosperity.
1. Customized Treatment Plans: Every patient at Nidaan Physiotherapy Center gets a customized treatment plan created after a careful evaluation. The group of talented physiotherapists considers your particular condition, clinical history, and way of life to plan an arrangement that tends to your exceptional requirements.
2. High-level Methods and Gear: The middle is outfitted with best-in-class offices and high-level remedial gear. Nidaan Physiotherapy Centre ensures that you have access to the most recent and efficient treatment options, including manual therapy, exercise rehabilitation, and cutting-edge treatments like ultrasound therapy and electrotherapy.
3. Particular Administrations: Nidaan Physiotherapy Center offers specific administrations for different circumstances, including:
Injury in sports: Custom-made restoration programs for competitors and dynamic people.
Rehabilitative Orthopedics: Recuperation plans for bone, joint, and muscle wounds.
Neurological Physiotherapy: Treatment for neurological circumstances like stroke, Parkinson's sickness, and numerous scleroses.
Pediatric Physiotherapy: Pediatric consideration for kids with formative or inherent circumstances.
Geriatric Physiotherapy: Support for older patients managing age-related issues.
Master and Caring Experts
At the core of Nidaan Physiotherapy Center's prosperity is its group of profoundly qualified and experienced physiotherapists. The middle highly esteems utilizing experts who are gifted in their art as well as committed to giving merciful consideration. Every physiotherapist at Nidaan Physiotherapy Center goes through persistent schooling and preparation to keep up to date with the most recent progressions in the field, guaranteeing that patients get the best quality of care.
Patient-Driven Approach
Nidaan Physiotherapy Center is recognized for its patient-driven approach, zeroing in on establishing a strong and compassionate climate. The group puts stock in including patients in their recuperation cycle, teaching them about their condition, and engaging them with information and apparatuses to successfully deal with their wellbeing.
Visit: https://ghaziabadbn.com/best-physiotherapy-centre-in-avantika-ghaziabad/
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pineapplee-sea · 1 year
Just accidentally found out that diagnosis about which my mom had the whole "omg the head of your femur is inflamed and you almost had a narcosis" conversation with me when I was 5 was actually... LCPD
NONE of the doctors told me that I'm supposed to not do any weight bearing activities on my affected leg for TWO YEARS. Meanwhile my doctor told me to "rest in bed for 3 months" and it will be good. Went back to being a kid (running jumping) and dancing right after the 3 months.
Luckily I turned out probably quite well. Only remembered this shit when I casually mentioned "oh when we were doing this rotation my hip really hurt" and she went all seriousness going "jeez if it's that painful maybe it's best for you to never do that again"
My mom NEVER told me anything about it (well not her fault she doesn't know I would turn out to run 20 fucking kilometers a week). The doctor probably NEVER informed my mom about long term prognosis and different treatment plans and everything.
Turns out I'll be more prone to hip problems later in my life. Turns out I may be more likely to get a hip replacement when I'm in my 60s. Turns out I should've had physiotherapy at that time and be observed about how my femur and hip socket are growing.
I am so mad. I am so fucking mad right now.
All these years I thought there was something wrong with me.
Feeling my affected leg was slightly shorter (turns out the patients' affected leg is on average 1-1.5cm shorter).
Feeling my affected leg is weaker and there's muscle imbalances between two legs (turns out it could).
Feeling that the knee of my affected leg was more prone to problems (turns out it might be affected).
I'm so mad. So mad right now. For 18 fucking years I did not know about this. I thought it was long healed. How tf was I supposed to know that the prognosis depends on how my hip was developing (which on average finishes at around 14 lol).
Having this is unfair enough. Not even being properly treated is even more horrible.
Fuck the doctors. Fuck them.
(And I'm going back to my home country where this fucking shit happened and I have NO IDEA where I can get help from. I have no idea where physio clinics are in my or my partner's city. I have no idea which hospital I should go to. Yet this. Fuck.)
I'm just hoping that my running is not affecting it and will not affect it. Fuck. This is so fucking tough. That made me cry.
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Looking for specialized physiotherapy for kids? Khalsa Physiotherapy Clinic offers expert pediatric care tailored to your child’s unique needs. Our experienced therapists provide gentle and effective treatments to support your child's growth and development. Trust Khalsa Physiotherapy Clinic for compassionate and professional physiotherapy for kids. Schedule an appointment today!
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lalanautism · 29 days
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What causes Autism Spectrum Disorders? Welcome to the Academy of Autism & Child Physiotherapy in Ranchi! 🌈 Our mission is to empower children with autism and developmental difficulties.
Autism is now known to be a consequence of genetics and of environmental factors that are not yet understood (but do not include vaccines).
Up to 20% of the genetic factors consist of what are called de novo mutations — that is, a critical gene changes in the sperm or egg, and the child is born autistic, even though there may be no other history of autism in the family. This is why older parents are more likely to have autistic kids.
In other cases, multiple genes are involved and families are typically neurodiverse, with other cases of autism as well as schizophrenia, broad autism phenotype (sub-clinical autism), bipolar disorder, depression, ADHD, and intellectual giftedness.
Join us in creating a supportive and nurturing environment where every child can reach their full potential. Contact us today and embark on a journey of progress and possibilities! 🌟Learn more: Lalan Academy of Autism & Child Physiotherapy
🌐https://lalanautism.com/ 📩 [email protected], 📲+91-9899272246
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healthcareprovider88 · 3 months
Welcome to Taskar, India's first healthcare mall. We are providing best healthcare service from pharmacies to wellness, organic products to Ayurveda, surgical supplies to no-appointment doctor clinics, and telemedicine to nutritionist consultations—Taskar offers it all. We also provide lab collection facilities, dental care, physiotherapy services, health ATMs, optical clinics, and even a department just for kids and pets.
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bravebodies01 · 4 months
How Important is Physiotherapy for Kids in Childhood Development
Every parent finds immense satisfaction in seeing their infant conquer one milestone after the other. It is gratifying to witness and partake in your child's growth process. Childhood development is one of the essential aspects of healthy adulthood and longevity. For parents, it means the world to see their child’s new movement as the child braces to explore the world around them effortlessly. 
However, not all children grow and develop the same. There may be some instances where you feel some delay in achieving some milestones by your child. At this point, parents worry about how their young lives will be. They might be experiencing developmental delays in gross motor skills, fine motor skills, language skills, cognition, or a combination of several. Your trusted physiotherapist can come to your rescue at such times. Children's physiotherapy services are popular as keen parents and physiotherapists join in cultivating healthy children. 
If a child in your family is experiencing delays in development, it is the right time to consult a children's physiotherapy professional. If the child is having a hard time keeping up with the other children their age or if your child demonstrates limitations in or inability to perform average age-appropriate motor skills, they must be referred for a physical therapy consultation.
Physiotherapy for kids plays a crucial role in physical therapy for children that properly evaluate. It provides treatment for delays in motor skills by developing the strength and range of motion that children need to grow and move in their environment efficiently and effectively. In addition, they ensure that their flexibility, strength, posture, gait, sensory processing, balance, coordination, and skill are evaluated. According to experts, physical therapy is also needed to assess motor development using standardised testing for age equivalents.
Today, paediatric physiotherapy is practised extensively, and you can find a trusted expert at hospitals, outpatient clinics, the child’s home, schools, and daycare centres.
Physiotherapy can be a powerful tool in supporting your child's development and well-being. By working with a physiotherapist, your child can develop stronger muscles, improve coordination, and increase their ability to move around independently. This not only enhances their physical abilities but also boosts their confidence and self-esteem. Physiotherapy for kids can enhance balance and coordination, and equip your child with functional skills to perform daily tasks, such as dressing, bathing, and playing, with ease and confidence.
Brave Bodies is not just a mobile physiotherapy provider, but a team of dedicated professionals serving the Southwest region of Western Australia from Busselton to Margaret River. They offer high-quality, evidence-based therapy, with a special focus on NDIS funded physiotherapy paediatric services. With their extensive experience working with children of all abilities, they are well-equipped to create individualised programs that promote mobility, function, and confidence in children. Their passion and commitment to their work instil a sense of trust and reliability in the services they provide. 
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moonlightndaydreams · 6 months
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Just a mini Jisung story. Nostalgic, small town, not really smut, just a little mention of it. Soft and hopeful story.
*** update!!! I’ve written the full story now and it can be found here***
Jisung felt a tug in his chest whenever he came back to his hometown. The place reminded him of you. His childhood best friend. The person whom he shared all his secrets with from being scared of the dark and the nightmares it caused him when he was six, to when he his had his first wet dream as a teenager.
You both were each other’s first kiss too. A sloppy, messy attempt behind the boat shed, so that you wouldn’t be the last kids in the year to not have kissed a boy or girl. He later found out most of the kids had been lying about having kissed anyone.
You were each other’s date to your graduation dinner, both of your Mothers fussing and taking photos, giggling about how you would grow up and get married.
Well that didn’t happen.
You did have one night of intimacy though, before Jisung moved away for work and you stayed in your small town. Or so he thought. The first time he came back, eager to see you and catch up, you weren’t there. You’d moved to the city, and not the one Jisung had moved to.
It wasn’t the same without you. He’d always find himself looking out for you everywhere he went. Just in case. The grocery store. The little cafe. The fucking library even.
But you weren’t there. You were never there.
This was how it felt for Jisung for four years whenever he returned to his hometown.
And here he was again. Five years later. But this time he wasn’t just visiting. He was moving back for good to start his own Physiotherapy clinic and to be closer to his ageing grandparents.
The first thing he did was drop his bags off at his parent’s house and go for a walk by the lake to stretch his legs from the long drive.
This place still reminded him of you. He missed you. As he walked along the shoreline he let his imagination take hold. In his mind you were walking beside him hand in hand. You’d throw stones into the lake and laugh about life.
He plopped down on a patch of grass and thought about what he always thought about when he was here.
That night you made love.
The softness of your body. The warmth radiating from you when he kissed your skin. The way you tasted when he went down on you. The pretty sounds you’d made as he fucked you slow and deep. He’d felt like he was drowning and he didn’t want to be saved. Fuck. He’d even said he loved you.
Jisung ran his hands through his hair. Alright Jisung. You gotta get over her. He told himself.
He walked up to the town centre to grab a burger from the town’s “famous” burger shop. It was the only burger shop and Jisung was pretty sure it wasn’t famous. But the food tasted good. He placed his order, paid with his card and was about to turn around and take a seat.
That’s when he heard it.
He knew that voice. But no. It couldn’t be. Could it?
He slowly turned around. You. Beautiful with a big beaming smile.
“Y/n?” Jisung’s heart skipped a beat. “What are doing here? Are you visiting?”
You shook your head, grinning. “No… no. I’ve moved back here.”
“Really? Me t-“
“Mummy Mummy.” A little girl about four or five years old ran up and pulled on your hand and looked up a Jisung.
You bit your lip. “So… I suppose I’d better introduce you two.”
@channieandhisgoonsquad @itshannjisung @noellllslut @weareapackofstrays @queen-in-the-shadows @queenmea604 @kangnina @newhope8
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whatsonmedia · 6 months
Best Offers: London Discounts Eat, Laugh, Play!
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Looking for affordable ways to unwind, recharge, and explore London? Look no further! These curated deals offer fantastic discounts on delicious meals, hilarious comedy shows, and exciting family activities. From indulging in Mexican fusion cuisine to conquering arcades and pampering yourself, discover the perfect way to experience London without breaking the bank! At Chayote, enjoy a three-course Mexican Fusion meal and a Margarita for just £23! Experience the essence of Mexico, Peru, and Spain at Chayote, overlooking Tower Bridge and St Katherine Docks. Indulge in high-end ingredients, including tortillas made from Mexican imported corn and certified prime cuts of meats. With vibrant flavors and a passion for rich tastes, Chayote ensures a satisfying culinary journey. Highlights: - Enjoy tacos and Mexican nibbles overlooking the Tower of London and marina boats. - Just a five-minute walk from Tower Hill Underground station. - Get a welcome Margarita to kick off your Latin American culinary experience. - courses featuring Superfood Chayote, Hake a la Veracruzana, and Iberico Pork Carnitas. Need to Know: - This voucher includes three courses and a Margarita at Chayote. - Available Tuesday to Friday (12 pm - 7 pm) and Saturday (12 pm - 6 pm). - To redeem, book online and mention being a Time Out customer in the notes. - Present your voucher upon arrival. - Voucher valid until July 30, 2024, with the menu subject to change. - Notify the restaurant of any changes/cancellations at least 48 hours prior to your booking. - Contact Chayote regarding dietary requirements before purchasing the voucher. For £4.50, enjoy some chuckles on Thursday nights at Soho Central Comedy. Elevate your Thursdays with laughter at Soho Central Comedy. Expect an extraordinary evening where no subject is off-limits, featuring TV comics and rising stars mixing dark and clean comedy. Located in Jamon Jamon's secret basement, enjoy award-winning paella and wine for £10 more. Highlights: - Enjoy hilarious sets from TV comics and rising stars of the circuit. - Enhance your experience with award-winning Paella and wine. - Tickets available from just £4.50. Need to Know: - This voucher grants access to Soho Central Comedy at Jamon Jamon. - Doors open at 8 pm (Thursday) and 8:15 pm (Friday), with shows starting shortly after. - Meal tickets include a complimentary drink; additional drinks and cocktails are available at the venue's Tiki Bar. - Attendees must be 18 years or older. - Present your booking confirmation upon arrival. - Bookings are subject to availability, and all acts are subject to change. - Location: Jamon Jamon, 3 Caxton Walk, WC2H 8PW. £15 gets you an hour of limitless fun with a Funland Funcard. Get ready for the ultimate family fun day at Funland! With over 70 games including pinball, driving simulators, and more, there's something for everyone. Kids can enjoy child-focused games, interactive motorbikes, and prize machines. Grab your 40% off one-hour pass with this offers now! Highlights: - Enjoy over 35 incredible games suitable for all ages. - Explore London's largest collection of Pinball machines. - Get 40% off your pass for unlimited fun. Need to Know: - This voucher grants access to a One-hour Unlimited Funland Funcard. - Available Monday to Thursday (10 am - 10 pm) and Friday to Sunday (10 am - 10:30 pm). - Vouchers must be purchased at least 24 hours in advance and are not valid for same-day use. - Valid from April 2nd, 2024. - Simply arrive on your chosen day with your vouchers to redeem. - Present your voucher upon arrival. - Voucher valid until March 31, 2025. - Location: Funland Arcade, Unit 25-27 Brunswick Centre, London, WC1N 1AF. At London Health Hub, two clinical procedures cost £27 Rejuvenate your physical health with two half-hour treatments of your choice at Osteopathy Physiotherapy London, now at an unbeatable price. Whether you’re seeking relief from joint and muscle blockages, treating musculoskeletal or neurological conditions, recovering from an injury, or focusing on movement improvement, London Health Hub has you covered. Take advantage of this limited-time discount and book your session today! Highlights: - Choose from acupuncture, osteopathy, physiotherapy, and sports therapy - Offered at London Health Hub - Now available for just £27! Need to Know: - Valid for two clinical treatments at London Health Hub - New customers only, aged 18 and over - Availability: Monday to Friday (8 am – 9 pm), Saturday and Sunday (10 am – 6 pm), subject to availability - Book online and enter your voucher code and security code in the comments section - Voucher valid until September 21, 2024 - Present voucher on arrival, limit one per person - 48-hour cancellation policy - Consultation and treatment last up to one hour, including post-treatment advice - Location: 1 Talbot Yard, Ground Floor, London, England, SE1 1YP Read the full article
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dalbychiropractor · 6 months
Unleash Your Body's Potential: Finding the Right Physiotherapist in Dalby
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Living an active life in Dalby is fantastic! Whether you're conquering the hiking trails, running after the kids in the park, or excelling in your favorite sport, aches and pains can sometimes sideline you. This is where a skilled physiotherapist in Dalby comes in.
Physiotherapists are movement experts who can help you restore optimal function, manage pain, and prevent future injuries. But with several practitioners in Dalby, how do you find the right fit for you?
This blog post from Dalby Chiropractic & Wellness will guide you through the process of finding the perfect physiotherapist in Dalby to get you back on track to achieving your goals.
What to Look for in a Physiotherapist in Dalby
Finding the right physiotherapist in Dalby is about more than just location. Here are some key factors to consider:
Treatment Philosophy:
Dalby Chiropractic & Wellness emphasizes a holistic approach, focusing on the root cause of your pain, not just the symptoms. Physiotherapists who share this philosophy will create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals.
Areas of Expertise:
Physiotherapists often have specific areas of expertise, such as sports physiotherapy, paediatric physiotherapy, or chronic pain management. Consider your specific needs when searching for a physiotherapist in Dalby.
Communication Style:
Feeling comfortable discussing your pain and concerns openly with your physiotherapist is crucial. Look for someone who listens attentively, explains things clearly, and answers your questions thoroughly.
Treatment Techniques:
There are various physiotherapy techniques, including manual therapy, exercise prescription, and modalities like ultrasound or electrical stimulation. Discuss the techniques your physiotherapist uses to ensure they align with your preferences.
Location, appointment availability, and clinic hours all play a role in finding a physiotherapist in Dalby that fits your lifestyle.
Benefits of Working with a Physiotherapist in Dalby
Physiotherapy offers a wide range of benefits beyond pain relief. Here are just a few:
Improved Mobility and Flexibility: Physiotherapists can help you regain full range of motion in your joints, allowing you to move more freely and confidently.
Enhanced Sports Performance: Whether you're a weekend warrior or a competitive athlete, a physiotherapist in Dalby can help you prevent injuries, improve your technique, and optimize your performance.
Faster Recovery from Injury: Physiotherapy can significantly accelerate your recovery time after an injury, getting you back to the activities you love sooner.
Pain Management: Physiotherapists are experts in pain management, utilizing various techniques to reduce pain and improve your quality of life.
Injury Prevention: Physiotherapy can identify potential movement dysfunction and muscle imbalances, preventing future injuries before they occur.
Finding the Right Physiotherapist in Dalby: We Can Help!
At Dalby Chiropractic & Wellness, our team of experienced physiotherapists is passionate about helping people in Dalby achieve their optimal health and well-being. We offer a comprehensive approach to physiotherapy, combining manual therapy, tailored exercise programs, and other techniques to address your specific needs.
Here's what sets us apart as your go-to physiotherapist in Dalby:
Experienced and Qualified Practitioners: Our physiotherapists hold the highest qualifications and stay current with the latest advancements in physiotherapy.
Individualized Treatment Plans: We take the time to understand your unique situation and create a personalized treatment plan designed to achieve your goals.
Holistic Approach: We address the root cause of your pain, not just the symptoms, promoting long-term wellness.
Variety of Techniques: We utilize a range of physiotherapy techniques to ensure a comprehensive treatment approach.
Friendly and Supportive Environment: We believe in open communication and creating a supportive environment for your recovery journey.
Ready to Find Your Perfect Physiotherapist in Dalby?
If you're looking for a skilled and experienced physiotherapist in Dalby, look no further than Dalby Chiropractic & Wellness. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards a pain-free and active life.
Additional Tips for Finding a Physiotherapist in Dalby:
Ask your doctor for a referral.
Read online reviews of physiotherapists in Dalby. However, remember that online reviews can be subjective. Consider them alongside other factors.
Contact your private health insurance provider to see if they have a network of preferred physiotherapists.
Don't hesitate to ask questions during your initial consultation with a physiotherapist.
Remember, finding the right physiotherapist in Dalby is an investment in your health and well-being. With the right support, you can overcome pain, regain mobility, and achieve your full potential.
Common Conditions Treated by Physiotherapists in Dalby
Physiotherapists in Dalby can effectively treat a wide range of conditions, including:
Back pain and neck pain: These are some of the most common reasons people seek physiotherapy. Physiotherapists can help identify the cause of your pain and develop a treatment plan to alleviate it and prevent future flare-ups.
Sports injuries: Whether you've strained a muscle, sprained an ankle, or suffered a more serious sports injury, a physiotherapist in Dalby can help you recover quickly and get back to your sport safely.
Arthritis: Physiotherapy can help manage pain and stiffness associated with arthritis, improving your mobility and overall function.
Headaches and migraines: Physiotherapy can address headaches and migraines by targeting muscle tension and postural imbalances that may be contributing factors.
Work-related injuries: If you've sustained an injury at work, a physiotherapist in Dalby can help you recover and return to work safely.
Balance problems: Physiotherapy can improve your balance and coordination, reducing your risk of falls.
Post-surgical rehabilitation: Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in recovery after surgery, helping you regain strength, mobility, and function.
Living a Pain-Free and Active Life in Dalby
Dalby offers a vibrant lifestyle with plenty of opportunities to stay active. However, pain can hold you back from enjoying the activities you love. A skilled physiotherapist in Dalby can be your partner in achieving optimal health and well-being.
At Dalby Chiropractic & Wellness, we are committed to helping you reach your full potential. Our team of dedicated physiotherapists will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and goals.
Don't let pain sideline you any longer. Contact Dalby Chiropractic & Wellness today to schedule an appointment with a physiotherapist in Dalby and take control of your health!
In Conclusion
Finding the right physiotherapist in Dalby is an essential step towards a pain-free and active life. By considering the factors mentioned above and scheduling an appointment at Dalby Chiropractic & Wellness, you can embark on a journey towards optimal health and well-being.
We look forward to helping you achieve your goals!
Follow us on our Facebook page.
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hopeamcae · 6 months
Physical Therapy Programs for Children
Hope AMC is renowned in Dubai,UAE for offering the best-in-class physiotherapy programs for children for a wide range of conditions, such as, Muscular Dystrophy, Gross Motor Delays, Developmental Delays, Cerebral Palsy and more! Contact this reputed clinic now to book an appointement for your kids.
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alagrzeskowiakcas · 8 months
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January 24'
For the January “Creativity, Activity, Service” I chose the activity and went skiing for two weeks in Italy. Last year, I completed the course for the assistant to the skiing instructor and for the winter holidays I was hired for two weeks to work in a ski club. The plan was to leave on Friday the 12th of January, head to Passo del Tonale in the Dolomites and head back to Warsaw on Friday the 26th.
Average day on the slopes:
We woke up at around 8;30 am. and ate breakfast. From 10;00 to 12;00 we skied with our groups and then ate lunch with the rest of the instructors. After the break we had another 2 hours and 3 minutes of lessons and then at 5;30pm. we had animations with the kids.
It was not a discovery that skiing is my therapy; it fulfils me and calms me down but every year I am amazed at how great it is. The sound of blades slicing freshly cut snow is my symphony. Hearing the wind flash next to my ears while speeding down the slopes is a reward after sacrificing an hour of sleep to be at the opening of the chairlifts.
But that’s not the end…
Unfortunately, after one week of skiing, I had an accident. It was a Saturday, and the whole team of instructors and assistants had a free day so we all went skiing. During the last ride down a slope I tripped, it was my first and only accident during the holidays, my knee bent and my ski did not come off, immediately after I stood up I knew; skiing was over. Somehow I got myself to the hotel, my knee had swollen up and I had limited mobility. The next day I went to a clinic where I had a roentgen and was given a knee brace, they told me I had sprained it and after a week I could go back to normal. Unfortunately, this was not the case. For the remaining week, I was a ski nanny, which meant I had to colour and build snowmen for 4 hours a day…
The ending of this story is quite unpredictable; it turns out that I had torn the anterior cruciate ligament in my right knee… Now for the next 6 weeks, I have to undergo intense physiotherapy and follow up with an operation to reconstruct the ligament. I can go back to tennis in September and to skiing in December…
Nevertheless, life is not about regrets but about memories; therefore, I won’t dull about how this situation is depressing (even though it really is) because this just made my trip forever memorable.
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