#Physics School Geezer Fashion
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psychicvoidtale · 8 months ago
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cerebrumrott · 4 years ago
Obey Me! Shall we Date?
Brothers x MC
Synopsis: Reaction to one of the other brothers insulting you
It had started out as a nice evening for once. Though of course that would never last with his brothers. Levi was at Mammon's throat all through dinner over some dumb figurine he was missing.
The argument quickly escalated into a full on screaming match, just as Lucifer was about to tell them both to shut up or take their pissing contest else where. You had chimed in asking them rather politely not to fight at the table.
Leviathan on his war path didn't stop to think before insults were thrown your way. "Shut up you worthless human and stay out of it for once!" Levi had snapped.
Everyone almost leapt out of their chairs in fear when Lucifer's fist loudly collided with the table silencing the room. "Leviathan you will apologize and go to your room." Lucifer said clearly a command and not a suggestion.
Levi now scared and embarrassed muttered a rushed apology to you before scampering away his tail literally tucked between his legs as he had been so startled by Lucifer's intervention that he had poofed into his demon form.
Once dinner was over Lucifer pulled you aside to ask if you were okay. With reassurance from you that you are indeed fine and didn't take anything that was said to heart he can go about his night without worry.
It had been a rather stressful day for everyone in the house. Tensions were high and it resulted in Mammon acting as the punching bag for his younger siblings. Not that he really minded in all honesty as he knew they were just letting off steam and didn't mean anything they said.
Asmodeus was currently laying into him as the two sat in the living room. Mammon admittedly antagonizing Asmodeus into saying some particularly mean things as he just played stupid further annoying his little brother.
You had been an innocent bystander, sitting on the other side of the room just watching the whole spectacle before you whilst working on a school project. Mammon had something particularly weird in response to one of Asmo's outbursts which had pulled a small laugh out of you.
Though that had been enough for Asmodeus to turn his frustration on you in that moment. "Shut up you ugly bitch!" Asmodeus snapped but as soon as the words left his mouth the regret seeped into his features.
Mammon was far past playing now as he rose from his seat glaring down at Asmodeus. "Apologize Asmodeus." Mammon nearly shouted. Asmodeus was taking far too long for Mammon's taste to apologize and it was quickly angering him to the point he could feel his teeth grinding together.
Asmodeus quickly apologized to you after seeing how serious Mammon was before excusing himself. You weren't so much as hurt by the words as you were just taken aback by the sudden turn on you.
Mammon none the less joined you were you were sitting practically draping himself over you as he pulled you into his arms. "Don't worry MC the great Mammon is here there is no need to cry." "I'm not crying-" "Shhhh, it's okay." He would loudly hush you while smiling feeling better when he hears you laugh again.
He was sitting with you in your bedroom. Excitedly explaining the plot to this new game that was coming out and how it ties into the tv show it was based off of. Though Mammon who had been pacing around the room sulking was getting rather sick of Leviathan's consumption of your attention.
Mammon short on patience snaps at his brother urging to him to just shut up and get lost. Before Leviathan could retort for himself you had leapt to his defense.
"So what you are just as big of a loser as he is now?!" Mammon scoffed though the panic in his eyes was evident when he saw how upset Leviathan was at insulting his henry.
Leviathan literally hissed in anger at his brother as his tail lashed out behind him Demon form in full swing as he positioned himself between you and the idiot now backing up with his hands raised.
"N-Now Levi lets think about thi-" "Apologize and get out!" Leviathan roared his fangs bared to his idiot of a brother.
Mammon sputtered out an apology over his shoulder as he ran out of the room slamming the door behind him as Levi turned back to you. He spends the next ten minutes making sure you are okay.
"Levi I promise I'm fine." "Are you sure?" "I'm sure." "Are you sure you're sure?" "Levi please..."
Satan had been sorting through his collection in the library when you joined him. One thing led to another and now the two of you were working on using one of the spare bookshelves to turn it into your own little reading nook where Satan could put books he wanted you to read and you could easily browse your way through them.
Things were going swimmingly if Satan had to say so himself. He was happily chattering about books he thought you would like and was even more excited when you suggested a few for him to read himself.
The two of you so engrossed in the world you had formed between the two of you had forgotten that Belphegor was attempting to nap on the couch.
Satan had handed you a book and was beaming down at you as you exclaimed excitedly starting to explain how this was one of your childhood favorites when Belphegor yelled out in frustration.
The rage in Belphegor was painfully clear to Satan as his younger brother sat up suddenly glaring at the two of you with irritation.
"MC Do you not know when to shut your damned mouth!" Belphegor snapped as he stood to leave in a fury. Though he hadn't taken more than a few steps when Satan's roar made him turn back in fear.
Satan was unable to hold himself back as he flew forward tackling his younger brother to the ground his weight driving the air from Belphegor's lungs. The two wrestled for a moment both now in their Demon forms lashing out at each other, Belphegor attempting to throw Satan off of him by kicking out and scratching him with his thorn laced tail. This did nothing more than anger Satan further as he screamed pulling back his arm to punch Belphegor right in his face.
Satan was a half a second from caving Belphegor's head in when he felt you throw yourself on him arms wrapped around his neck as you asked him to stop.
He hesitated a moment as he listened to your pleas. Belphegor used this opportunity to squirm out from under Satan bolting from the room with a speed that was unlike the avatar of sloth. Satan would have laughed had he not still been boiling inside.
Rather than chase down his brother he instead turned to you holding you against his chest as he took many, many deep breaths until finally the calm returned to him and he could look down at you without seeing red.
"Thank you for standing up for me but please don't murder the others for me." "Not even a little?"
Asmodeus had acted on instinct as he felt his arm snap out from his side his hand cracking across his brothers face. Even when his brother turned to look at him with a devastated look he couldn't help the anger seeping from him.
Asmo had spent the morning with you helping to assemble a new wardrobe for you with outfits more suited to devildom weather. Seeing as much of the clothing in majolish was designed with demon physic in mind, you had grown a bit timid in some of your choices.
Asmodeus was having none of that, wanting to show you how beautiful you are insisted on a mini fashion show in his room.
You had been loving it so far. Asmo taking special time to pull you in front of his full size mirror and point out all the best parts of you and your clothes. He was also quite enjoying the snuggling and cuddling between outfit changes.
You were trying on your last outfit, one you had been openly against initially due to its sheer fabric and open back. While in the bathroom changing, Asmo took the time to fold up your purchases slipping in a few shirts of his own for you to add to your collection that he thought you would like.
When Mammon let himself in...
The second oldest threw the door open striding in going on about something about Asmo hoarding you all to himself just as you stepped out from the bathroom shyly showing off your new shirt.
Before Asmo could throw Mammon out by the scruff he turned to look at you and snorted upon seeing what you were wearing.
"MC, How can you let Asmo do that to you? Don't you feel stupid dressed up like some old geezer?" Mammon teased not at all seeing the effect it had on you. Asmo could feel his heart clench as he saw your face fall.
"You don't like it?" "I mean MC you look like one of the pirate people from the movies you had us watching." Mammon laughed as Asmo stepped forward glaring up at him
"That's enough out of you, get out." Asmo snapped motioning towards the door as mammon gave him a confused expression
"So you can let MC walk around looking stupid? I don-" Mammon wasn't able to finish his sentence as Asmo's arm snapped out slapping Mammon across the face.
The impact sounded much worse than it truly was as Mammon stared down at his younger brother in surprise.
"Don't you dare say such things to MC when you dress like a total slob half the time! They will be taking no mind to the words of a fool like you!" Asmodeus all but growled as he grabbed Mammon by the collar of his shirt and tossed him out of his room.
Asmodeus was absolutely fuming as he walked back to you pulling you into his arms and snuggling you against him.
"Don't you listen to a single word that come out of that idiots mouth do you hear me? He wouldn't know a thing about beauty if it hit him upside the head." "You did just slap him Asmo." "My point exactly! He still couldn't see how dazzling you look!"
The two of you had been cooking dinner in the kitchen. Really it was Beel's turn to cook but he couldn't be trusted not to just eat it all before serving it so you were on babysitting duty.
Even though it wasn't your turn to do anything you still insisted on helping Beelzebub with chopping and prepping things while he took care of the more labor intensive tasks.
Whilst working Asmodeus had made his way into the kitchen to get himself something to drink. You had yet to notice him as you were too focused on kneading dough to realize the brother was walking behind you. It was only when you suddenly whipped around with a handful of dough and splattered the avatar of lust across the chest that you realized your mistake.
The shriek that came out of Asmodeus startled Beel from his own work turning back just in time to see the anger flash across his older brother's face seeing his shirt was ruined.
"MC why is it that you can never do the simplest of things right?! Are you stupid!?" Asmodeus had snapped letting his anger over take his thoughts. Too busy trying to clean his shirt he didn't notice the tears welling in your eyes, but Beelzebub did.
"Asmo, you know it was an accident so apologize for yelling at them." Beel said sternly coming over to look down on his older brother.
"I think not! Look at the state of my shirt!" Asmo huffed only now glancing up to see you wiping the tears from your eyes with the corner of your apron.
"Asmodeus, Say your sorry." Beel urged as Asmodeus pouted pulling you into his arms.
"I'm sorry MC I lost my temper and I didn't mean it." Asmo apologized and Beel beamed down at the two of you happy that you two had made up.
"Group hug!" Beelzebub announced as he was already wrapping his arms around the two of you and squeezing
Belphie had decided that today was going to be a day just for the two of you. With enough snacks and drinks hoarded up in the attic to keep even Beelzebub sated. He stole you away early in the morning content to snooze the day away with you at his side.
It was nearing mid day when Belphegor was roused from his nap. He was still curled into your side as he opened his eyes seeing you trying to have a whispered conversation with Lucifer who was looming over the bed with a sour expression.
"Seriously MC now is not the time to be wasting about when you have work to be doing. Now get up and stop being so lazy, You think you would know better than to-" Lucifer ranted his voice slowly raising in timber as he grew more heated.
Belphegor felt his own temper flare just from hearing Lucifer's voice but then knowing he was harassing you sent it over the edge. Belphegor couldn't help the growl that started in his throat his demon form appearing before he himself could register it.
Without rising from the bed he felt the thorns on his tail bristle as he wrapped it around you barricading you from his older brother.
"Go away..." Belphegor grumbled glaring up at Lucifer through his bangs. Clearly not wanting to deal with Belphegor's attitude Lucifer simply sneered and strode off making a few remarks as he left though Belphegor ignored them preferring to you you down into his arms.
"Ignore him he doesn't know anything..." Belphegor yawned tucking your head under his chin. He could feel the dwindling tension in your shoulders as he pulled you close. Rubbing his hand in circles on your back he felt the unease slowly slip from you before he himself slipped into sleep.
He admits he may be over reacting with this next part but Lucifer's already poor sleep may be just take a nose dive with the ideas he was cooking up.
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toonstarterz · 6 years ago
Ah, summer. The season of no school, bright skies, pools, barbeques, and brief teenage romance.
Okay, so it’s not quite summer vacation yet. But nonetheless, the new season gives way for all sorts of fun shenanigans. None of it ever really enters “drama” territory (as dramatic as this series can be, that is), but as Tomoko’s last year of high school nears the halfway point, we discover that there’s still quite a bit we don’t know about our cast of knuckleheads.  
Chapter 163: Because I’m Not Popular, It’s Summer
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I think it can be inferred that Tomoko is not a morning person, is she?
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I think it can also be inferred that the once-aspiring NEET Tomoko is not a fan of hot weather. Better soak up that Vitamin D, girl.
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Parasol Lady Asuka would like to battle!
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Are parasols more prominent in Eastern culture? They’re not too terribly common where I’m from, but I imagine that may be a result of Japan having more of an aversion towards anything that would result in darker skin. Though I can also see it as a sort of fashion opportunity as well.
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I believe those were umbrellas you used, Tomoko. But semantics aside, It’s pretty neat to see that Tomoko has finally reached that stage in her life where she can recognize her cringy chuunibyou phase. Long live those days of failing miserably at being a cool anime character.
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Remember when Tomoko used to slut-shame the girls in her class? I detect a hint of hypocrisy there...
Gyaru!Asuka has already exploded on the imageboards, I guarantee it.
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A part of me wonders why Tomoko grouped Kii-chan and Yuri specifically. They don’t have similar personalities or anything, but I see two possible reasons for it. One, Kii-chan and Yuri both got that mild-mannered, “exotic” look going on. But also, it may who Tomoko subconsciously believes she’ll see the most of over the summer.
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We’ll, I mean...yeah. They would. It probably doesn’t help that Tomoko, with her lion’s mane, gives the impression of someone too physically active to care much about grooming. But as much as Tomoko derides the possibility of looking like a “sweaty day laborer”, I can’t deny that it’s not a bad look on her.  
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The reason for that should be dead obvious by now.
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The thing that amuses me is that Tomoko had no basis to start insinuating that Yuri’s a pervert. She just did, and has latched on to the idea ever since. While no doubt annoying for Yuri (even if it’s true), it’s kind of sweet if you see it as Tomoko wanting to have a shared interest with her.
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I’m sure that compared to your freckled, “crazy lesbo” best friend, it isn’t. 
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It’s funny how Nemo used to give off an air of someone who’s sexually acknowledgeable (at least to me) by virtue of being semi-popular. Now that we know’s she’s relatively pure, Tomoko will never let her live it down.  
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Komiyama really is the most two-dimensional character in the series. And you know what?
It works.
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In the education industry, we call it the “Perv Curve”.
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Komiyama: Self-explanatory.
Hatsushiba: Anatomically-correct BDSM art must have originated from somewhere.
Katou: Yet even more evidence for the almost-openly perverted girl who casually says “vagina”.
Mako: ...wait, what?  
I’m so used to perfect scores being a badge of honor in Japanese media that it through me for a loop to see it suggested as anything else. Perhaps it’s an issue similar to Home Ec in that it’s not seen as educationally significant and only those really invested in the subject would master it. Either way, how lewd. 
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Going back to Mako, I am genuinely shocked. Could Yuri’s oh-so-sweet bestie actually have a dirty side? Just when you think you know a gal! Naturally, she has just enough to shame to be embarrassed when its brought up, and I’m not ready to call out Mako as a pervert just yet. At least she has Yoshida to pat her on the back (ironic given the delinquent is now officially the purest one of the Kyoto Group).  
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My Pokémon-obsessed mind can only see them as the Haramaku Elite Four, which, given the segment’s title, is highly unoriginal of me.
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I’m 97% sure that Kawagoe’s that old geezer teacher we saw during Tomoko’s suspension. We even got that “strict about textbooks” continuity from way back when Tomoko forgot hers. 
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All signs point to Minami’s-Faceless-“Friend”-#1 recognizing someone, most likely Yuri, during this little intersection. Curse you, Nico Tanigawa and your wonderful vagueness.
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Nope. It’s not gonna work. Nuh-uh. Absolutely not. You aren’t going to make me feel sympathetic for Minami.
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All that speculation has finally paid off cause we now have confirmation that Minami did(does?) in fact backbite Tomoko and Yuri. Thank goodness for Tomoko’s mental health that she never knew. But Minami’s got some nerve teasing Yuri when she’s actively Mako’s friend. Even more disturbing if Mako doesn’t realize it...
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Between that tiny smile in the last panel and her wanting to tease, it’s pretty much certain that Minami’s-Faceless-“Friend”-#1 is not a pleasant person.
Birds of the same feather truly do flock together.
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Okay, I cracked. Minami’s too adorable (and pitiful) right here.
I find it telling that even Minami’s “friends” know she’s a jerk. But if what goes around comes around, then Minami’s-Faceless-“Friend”-#1 might not realize she’s a jerk, too. Are most terrible people aware of their own terribleness? 
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I don’t want to correlate jerkiness with irresponsibility but...here we are.
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Man, that’s playing dirty. Suzuki is more than likely not that close to Minami, but any decent person wouldn’t just outright say “no” to a request like that. Of course, playing up her own supposed likeability through other’s basic kindness is Minami’s M.O.     
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In manga and anime, that sort of haughtiness from cute, snaggletoothed girls is adorable in that “sigh, there she goes again” way.
In reality, it’s just annoying as shit. 
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At first glance, Kayo’s just making an off-handed question, but my nit-picking mind says otherwise. I’m not sure how insistently heterosexual/romantic Japanese culture is towards male-female relationships, but would most teens show interest in a friend’s opposite gendered sibling? If say, Miyazaki had a little brother, would Kayo even ask Ucchi a question like that?
My theory is that Kayo is subtly trying to ascertain Ucchi’s sexuality. If the idea of Ucchi being gay for Tomoko is already planted in her head, then Kayo is using Tomoki as a “male version” for comparison. Ucchi’s already admitted to the Kuroki siblings being physically similar, so supposedly if she feels nothing towards Tomoki, then it’s Tomoko’s “femaleness” that attracts her.
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This wouldn’t even be half as funny if Ucchi didn’t have an emoji face.
If only Komiyama could see this now...
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Or, you know what? Maybe gender is irrelevant and Ucchi just has an indiscriminate gross fetish. 
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Nemo’s ultra-realistic thoughts behind her cheery demeanor are always welcome.
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For all those times that Tomoko pokes fun at Nemo for wanting to live out a slice-of-life school anime, she’s not exactly innocent either. More and more we see Tomoko trying to invoke those cliche moments, usually with little fear. It’s a rather far cry from when she’d try to pull anime tropes as a means to an end. Now she tries them out just for the sake of having fun, which is much more endearing.
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In this particular trope, however, normally you’d have a guy and girl stuck inside, where they’d ultimately become more attracted to each other through the suspension bridge effect.
Of course, that’s assuming the boy and girl aren’t already together. If they are, then storage rooms are usually used as a hiding place to make out, but that obviously would never hap–
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If memory serves, this is the same couple who were flirting(?) back in the head patting chapter. A whole lot must of went down since then, eh?
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Murphy’s Law.
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It’s been quite a long time since we’ve had one of Tomoko’s infamous freakouts. And they say this series lost its roots.
A part of me wants to think that Nemo hears Tomoko but is pretending not to just to screw with her, but I don’t think she’d be that cruel. Even if it would be hilarious.
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Just how far is your “it”, Tomoko. Making out? Groping? HANDHOLDING!?
What am I saying–she’s totally thinking sex.
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It’s interesting to note that Tomoko just assumes that Yuri and Mako have never had a boyfriend. Sure, it may be implied given we’ve never seen them have this discussion before (that we know of), but it’s still pretty presumptuous on Tomoko’s part. My only reasoning is that Tomoko is trying to ally themselves over supposed “undesirability” like many self-deprecating friends do.
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First off, I am not at all surprised given Mako’s personality.
What does surprise me is how totally betrayed Mako sounds. I can only assume that it’s a part of Mako’s past that she’d rather not reveal. While I don’t think Yuri meant any harm bringing it up, that kind of miscommunication goes to show that even though they’re best friends, Yuri and Mako don’t always see eye to eye.
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Sounds like dating to me. Or rather, sounds like dating between high schoolers. At the risk of sounding like an old-ass millennial, dating between high schoolers rarely last, despite what shoujo manga suggests. Casual dating is exactly that–casual. They’re attracted to the novelty of dating, but once that initial thrill wears off, cue the breakup. 
Side note, I just realized that Yuri loosens up her tie. I love small details like that.
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Perhaps I’m reading too much into it, but Mako seems to be suggesting that girls, on the other hand, aren’t as desperate to get boyfriends. While that isn’t necessarily true, I do see that answer as mostly a convenient excuse for Mako, who may simply just not want to be in a relationship right now.
I can see the “Mako is straight/Mako is lesbian(for Yoshida)” War right now...   
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Boy, it’s been a while since Tomoko has contemplated her own popularity, let alone try to be more popular. I guess it goes to show that even though Tomoko is more or less satisfied with her current status, she still sees herself below the bar of what constitutes “popular”. She does perpetuate feminine “purity” as an indicator of her societal value, but I’ll let it be–reality is not so kind, after all. 
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One of the more prominent questions that Yuri’s fanboys have is “How come someone as pretty as Yuri isn’t more popular with the boys?”
Well, there you go.
In terms of looks, I never thought Yuri was that unattractive in-universe. She’s in that small niche of “plain and generic, but just cute enough that fans feel they could feasibly ask out a girl like her in real life”. So while it's reasonable to think that at least one person would show interest in her, it's Yuri’s personality that ends up putting them off. She probably isn’t ready to commit to the effort of dating and being someone’s girlfriend. nor does Yuri seem that interested to begin with if her texting habits are anything to go by.
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I can’t for the life of me remember the name for it, but I believe that there’s this belief in Japan that says everybody (mostly boys) has that brief period in their life where they’re suddenly attractive and people want to date them. I imagine that Tomoko may actually reach that time in life sooner than she thinks.
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PTSD TRIGGERED!! For the readers, I mean.
For real, though. What a comeback. Who would have thought that Kosaka, that guy who was introduced in Chapter FIVE would make his grand return? Normally, making a reappearance this late in the game would feel like an asspull, but it works because he was never meant to drastically affect Tomoko’s growth. He was just the spark, the first hint to show that people could actually befriend her. And for that, we salute you, Umbrella Dude.
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It’s been, what? About two years since they last spoke, and he still remembers her? Impressive! Then again, I don’t think you're about to forget the girl who gave you a dogeza.
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Because I’m Not Popular, I’ll Tell Lies.
These moments where Tomoko is unabashedly a blushing schoolgirl are really precious because she isn’t “perfectly ditzy in that moe sort of way” about it. She gets riled up, sweaty, and unpleasant to watch. Which, ironically, is even more adorable just for how genuine it is.
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Yeah, I’m sure the original said “dogeza”, but since there isn’t really a good English equivalent for it, I think “genuflect”...is still an odd choice.
Yuri, who always has her “Tomoko’s BS” meter on high, knows that Tomoko is screwing around when she calls it her “first”. Poor Mako, a now confirmed pervert who still thinks Tomoko is so amazing, thought the girl had popped the guy’s cherry. 
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Friendly reminder that eventful summers are not necessarily pleasant summers. Though they could be with the right perspective...
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So...Yuri vs. Kii-chan Death Battle when?
The most beautiful part about this ending is that there’s no second-guessing. No “maybe I won’t be lonely” or “I wonder if I’ll be lonely”. Just a very affirmative “I won’t be lonely”. Tomoko fully expects that she’ll be spending time with her friends this summer, and that confidence is more than I ever would’ve expected from Tomoko in previous years.
With summer vacation just over the horizon (don’t want to jump the gun), a medley of both happy, unhappy and delightfully awkward moments are sure to transpire. Just about the only thing Tomoko can plan is the unplanned, and I’ll be sure to get a front-row seat to watch it all.
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claroquequiza · 7 years ago
What about when hanzo wakes up post blackout and is picked up by McCree?
In Which McCree Stares Death In the Face
“Leave the commlink open,” Genji requested as he strode forward towards the waiting cowboy. “The Yoneyama have been fairly active since the assault on the warehouse.” An excuse, thought Hanzo, to monitor them both. “Soldier and Dr. Ziegler are on standby in case any of them stumble on you two.”
Yep, that’s exactly what it is. 
“Is the safehouse secure?” asked Hanzo as he opened the door and slid into the seat, more to forestall anything the cowboy was going to say than anything else. He held back a snort to see that, while he foregone the cape and chaps, he had apparently been staking out the comm with his signature hat, belt, and cowboy boots. His one concession to stealth was the dark blue and grey plaid of his flannel shirt.
Jesse is good enough at sneaking around that blue and grey plaid counts as camouflage for him.
To his credit. he only nodded to him, his face a blank mask, before he pressed the accelerator and the car sped off. True to both his and Genji’s word, he held onto the steering wheel with a seemingly whole arm, and there did not seem to be anything wrong with his knee, either. Hanzo settled into his seat as much as his discomfort would allow, his bag at his feet and Storm Bow cradled awkwardly across his lap. He pointedly ignored the soft beeping warning that his seatbelt was not buckled. He was unwilling to sacrifice even the least bit of his mobility at that time, car safety be damned.
Hanzo has totally leapt out of speeding cars before, and he will again.
“We think so,” Genji replied after a short pause, wondering, perhaps, how much of a minefield his brother’s paranoia presented. “There hasn’t been much indication of Yoneyama activity around there besides cursory visits to their fronts, and they don’t have many in the area.”
Oh, Genji, if only you knew the depths of your brother’s paranoia. It’ll get better though.
“But they have some?”
“None within three kilometers.”
Hanzo immediately pursed his lips. “That does not exclude the harbor where I met the dinghy. They are likely to have at least a contact there, if not a front.” He felt the eyes of the cowboy flash to rest on him for a moment before concentrating once more on the road.
Genji coughed. “If they do, they haven’t–”
“Avoid the expressways,” interrupted Hanzo, staring straight ahead. “Take Route 7. It is not a toll road, and there is no traffic barrier.”
Thanks, Google Earth!
“Will do,” replied the cowboy, turning on his blinker as he made to turn onto his new route.
That was the last anyone said for the hour-long trip.
Exhaustion and hunger were beginning to war inside him, adding to the soreness of his head and muscles and the pain of the blisters, several of which had popped when he threw himself down on the roof. He distracted himself as much as possible from his physical state by keeping a sharp lookout for anyone following the car as they passed out of Niigata City proper into the suburbs of the surrounding prefecture, and the task, though mindnumbing, was mindnumbing enough to make the time pass surprisingly quickly despite his being hyperaware of the man sitting next to him.
When I was in middle school, one of my friends, a redhead, went with us to a waterpark. He forgot his ultrahigh SPF sunblock, though, so he borrowed some SPF 50 from someone else.
It Was Not Enough.
So Hanzo’s little experience with the blisters is based directly on his experience. He couldn’t wear a shirt for a full week, the poor bastard.
The cowboy was mercifully silent, though he kept glancing at Hanzo in a strange way. He had expected thinly-concealed anger, a tightly reined-in urge to mock or criticize or even simply to goad from the cowboy, but if Hanzo had to pick a word for the feeling the cowboy was emanating, it would be simply nervous , which he struggled to explain. If he was expecting Hanzo to attack him again, he was far too relaxed–he was tense, of course, but his limbs and muscles were not battle-ready taut, prepared to deflect and inflict deadly force. He was certainly mindful of his movements, keeping both hands in plain sight, firmly on the wheel, and avoiding any sudden movements as though Hanzo were a skittish bird ready to take flight at any moment, but in a way that was distinctly–abashed?
[TEXT REDACTED], so this car ride is far, FAR more uncomfortable for Jesse than for Hanzo.
Hanzo did his best to wear his usual disinterested expression even as the gears ground away sluggishly in his aching head.
“We’re approaching the safehouse,” the cowboy said at last as he exited the highway and returned to the surface streets.
“Copy that,” replied the gruff voice that had belonged to the tall, muscular, red-visored man who had seemed to be in command of the raid on the warehouse. “Surveillance shows no sign of hostiles in the area, but stay sharp.”
“That’s Soldier: 76,” the cowboy said quietly. Hanzo flicked his eye to the cowboy. “He joined about a month ago. He’s been takin’ on crime syndicates up and down North and South America, so we figured he’d be good t’lead the raid.” Hanzo did not reply. The cowboy ran his metal hand over his beard in a gesture that betrayed his nervousness before continuing, as though he suddenly found the silence intolerable. “And Angie–that’s, uh, that’s Dr. Ziegler or ‘Mercy’ durin’ missions–she showed up just a couple o’ weeks after I did. She was in the old Overwatch, too, doin’ medical research in the Medic Corps. She’s done a lot of work in nanotech and rapid healin’. She’s the one who–” the cowboy stopped himself for a brief moment before continuing, “Uh, anyway. She’ll fix you up right away.”
McCree: Sooooooooo. I guess since he’ll be staying and I’ll be going, the least I can do is tell him who his teammates are. He and Morrison should get along, they got the same size stick stuck up their asses. Poor Angie, though. She might shoot me as soon as I’m out of range of the security subsystem if Shimada doesn’t first.
Hanzo maintained his silence, wondering if the cowboy was merely rambling or would eventually come to a point of some kind. He continued after a fashion as he turned down the darkened residential streets. “Everyone there was old Overwatch, actually. The little guy with the claw arm was Torbjörn, but don’ quote me on that pronunciation. He was in the engineerin’ department, maintains all the macrotech and whatnot in our equipment and on the base, especially our defenses. The guy in the battle armor was Reinhardt. He used t’be in the front lines 24/7. They kept promotin’ him, but he would never do anythin’ but rush straight out into the nearest fight, even now, old geezer that he is. I dunno if you saw his face?” He glanced at Hanzo, but Hanzo merely stared back. The cowboy fidgeted, most uncharacteristically from everything Hanzo knew or guessed about him. “Anyway. Last person there was Tracer. She’s one of our pilots, and she–”
Oh, just you wait until Hanzo has a chance to talk with Reinhardt. Just you wait.
“If you wished to brief me about the team, you should have done so long before the raid.” Hanzo’s good eye widened slightly, surprised at his own outburst. It had suddenly occurred to him what the cowboy was doing, and he had blurted out the criticism before he could think to stop himself. He must truly be at the end of his rope; it had been years since he had slipped up in this way. Nevertheless, he fought the urge to look away, even when the cowboy turned his head to look at him squarely.
The real reason Hanzo hasn’t slipped up in that way for years is because he hasn’t had a sorta-ally for years. He knows how to talk with non-fighters, but usually conflict resolution with fellow fighters ended with someone dying, and it sure as hell wasn’t Hanzo. He has to brush up his non-lethal conflict resolution skills.
“Yeah, I should have.” The admission was, perhaps, even more surprising. The cowboy even had the grace to look a bit ashamed, even as his unwavering brown eyes held Hanzo’s. “I put you on the back burner while we rushed t’get movin’.” He turned back to the road and fell silent for the last few blocks.
McCree: Hopefully that keeps him from shooting me on my way out the door.
Thanks for the prompt!! I hope you liked it!
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stevedonnellyfaith-blog · 6 years ago
Emaciated (Post  46) 7-16-19
                        When Nicholas first got out of his hospital bed, I was shocked at just how weak and wasted his young body had become over the weeks of bedridden fasting.  I have seen his physiology most commonly among the elderly - the knees become knobs stripped of fat and muscle.  I remember being shocked by the similar physical state of my geriatric grandfather during my last visit to his New Hampshire bedside.  The experience was frightening to me as I knew that at some far off day (I was maybe twenty) I might also end up in a similar condition.  Seeing Nicholas get out of bed, on the other hand, did not bring me face-to-face with my own future.  It served as a reminder that Nick too could die.  At this point in my life, for me facing my child’s mortality is much tougher than facing my own.  I felt an overwhelming urge to get him a slice of cheese cake and a hamburger stat.
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Viscerally, I could remember seeing the same wasted look on another young man years ago but I could not recollect the exact image from my subconscious.  It bothered me.  A couple of days later my father jogged my memory in one of our daily phone calls about Natalie.  I had seen the same insect-like body structure in my older brother when I visited him the hospital at Christmas in 1970.  I believe I was five and he was six.
I don’t directly recall much about that period of my life.  We briefly lived in a different house than the one I most remember as home. The first house was directly across from the dining hall of the boarding high school at which my father taught English and coached football.  I don’t remember the night my brother left the house paralyzed with a condition that the doctors were unable to diagnose.  Maybe the illness has a name and treatment now but it did not in 1970.
I don’t really know how many weeks or months my older brother was in Akron Children’s Hospital.  I suppose I should ask my dad.  I do remember not seeing my parents much, but I don’t know who exactly watched my younger brother and me.  I vaguely remember my grandmother arriving from Boston to referee our mischief – I think I wound a spider web of my mother’s thread between the bed and dresser legs to trap her. My parent were most likely in and out trading shifts at home like Pam and I used to at times when one of the kids was hospitalized.   Abby and I share the load in similar fashion with Nick’s hospitalization.  I don’t remember all that I should.  Most of my memories beyond five years ago seem like dim scenes glimpsed at the far end of a long tunnel.
I do remember visiting Jim after Christmas.  He had his presents with him and must have been close to his release from the hospital. I remember being shocked by his condition.  Jim had always been the lanky brother while I was chunky and Dan was short – Dan experienced a rapid growth spurt in Eighth Grade.  When we visited him in the hospital, Jim was no longer lanky; he had become a bag of bones.  His listlessness was probably scarier to me than his wasted physique.  My brother had been swapped for a changeling geezer.
My dad told me the other day that the doctors were most worried about the impact of Jim’s illness on my younger brother Dan because my mother also was dealing with the November birth of our youngest brother Sean.  For that reason, Dan and I didn’t visit Jim until he was safely on the mend. Neither Dan nor I saw Jim at his worst. I think my parents made a good decision to eschew taking us to see our brother only after his recovery had begun. We knew Jim was sick and prayed for him daily, but seeing him in an oxygen mask, hooked up to all sorts of machines would have been too much at least for me.  At that age I think I had already been traumatized by seeing the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz; I was not fashioned of very strong stuff.
After the initial shock of seeing Jim’s emaciation, I remember that we helped him play with his toys.  We could see that he was getting better and that things at home would soon be normal.  I am sure that somewhere I have a picture of Jim at Christmas in Akron Children’s Hospital, but I don’t need to find it to remember the image.  Now that my father has reminded me, I can see skinny Jim again in his bathrobe and slippers.  I can also see him in Nick.
What my dad describes about Jim’s illness also fits my experienced with Nick and Pam.  He says that when Jim got sick, Richie Clewell, a senior faculty member, offered to fund whatever treatment my brother needed out of his life-savings.  My dad told me this after Ritchie passed away from Alzheimer’s disease when I was ten. Mr. Clewell had made the offer privately in confidence.  Our family remains close to his wife Peggy thirty years later.  She is the Godmother of my youngest brother Sean and my sister Amy. My older brother Jim recovered well and became an excellent student and athlete.  I rode his coattails through high school and college.  He is currently a Navy Captain and will soon have thirty years of service.
I am so proud of my brother that I often forget about my father’s crucible of Jim’s unexplained illness and miraculous healing.  Like my own trials with Pam and Nicholas, Jim’s illness fundamentally changed something inside my father for the better.  As he prayed for my brother, my father’s suffering reduced his selfishness and enhanced his capacity to love others.  I watched a similar transformation occur in my father when my younger brother, Sean, tore his ACL in a football game in West Virginia and the family returned home to discover that our house had been robbed and our station wagon was missing from the driveway.  Faced with a near simultaneous loss of material goods and injury to someone who he loved, God taught my father that love of family is much more important. (He is still pretty ticked that the guy stole his golf clubs, though.)
Amidst the current Donnelly tribulations, we repeatedly see great blessings worked by Jesus for us and for those around us.  We are continually amazed at how our every need is met by generous people willing to help just as an expression of Christian love.  Like Ritchie Clewell, some prefer to help anonymously, but we are continually humbled by how well our needs are anticipated and fulfilled.  I am equally humbled when I compare how deeply people care about us when many of them have been through trials and calamities in their lives that have far surpassed anything that I can even consider. While I don’t believe that God creates all the imperfection, illness and death which plague this broken world, I am continually amazed at how He uses tragedy to increase our Joy, Hope and Peace.
Continual thanks to all of IHM parish for the prayers for our family,
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voicesofchaos · 8 years ago
FemSlash Week - Day 2
Prompt = Romance - Formal Wear (Moonlight was another prompt which does get a small reference) ( @yu-ri-oh )
Ship = OmenShipping (Misty X Carly). There is a small mention of ScoopShipping (Jack X Carly)
AO3 Link = http://archiveofourown.org/works/9258002/chapters/21016697
Warning = There is a very slight implied rape mentioned, nothing detailed. A bit angsty.
Carly stared at her food with no real appetite. How could she when she could barely breathe. She looked up and tried to take a deep breath but it was painful. She looked over at Misty who seemed so in her element. To Misty these fancy formal dinners and events were what she lived for. Carly had been to many of them in the past few weeks and they were really wearing her down. She knew her makeup was probably coming off again. When she got all flustered like this she sweated more than normal. She wondered if all this rich fancy folk were starting to see her for who she really was. A poor uncultured girl who by some miracle ended up with a rich beautiful fashion model girlfriend. She just felt like she didn't belong there. She wasn't sure what was more uncomfortable, the stares of the people around her or these clothes she was wearing to look fancy.
She told Misty that she had to go to the bathroom. Misty nodded that she acknowledged her and then went right back to chatting up some old geezer. As she got up she remember just had painful these heels had been to walk in. Maybe getting up was a mistake and she should have just stayed sitting. Whoever made these kind of high-heels probably only expected to display them in a fancy overpriced store, not have real people actually walk in them. As she got to the bathroom she went to the mirror and tried to adjust her corset a bit. Whoever invented the corset was more evil than the King Of The Netherworld. Even Divine didn't make her suffer this much and he had killed her! Not to mention that since it was a low corset she also had on a rather uncomfortable bra. Not the worst she had ever worn like that one in high school whose under-wire would always stab her but definitely one not made for comfort.
She fumbled around in her purse to find the right makeup, she now had more than she had ever had in her whole life. She always wore very minimal makeup as a kid but ever since dating Misty she was constantly dolled up. She hardly recognized her own face most of the time.
As she slowly reapplied her makeup she couldn't help but to reminisced about how she got to this boring fancy party and trapped in this choking formal outfit. When she had first resurrected from being a Dark Signer she was the only one to have lost most of her memories of the time. But they came  slowly and each time it was a more painful memory. For a while she had a happy life with Jack Atlas. But it sadly it all started to fall apart. He was a good man but not a good boyfriend. He couldn't support her when she needed him most. He seemed like he was always worried that he would let her down again and fail her. In the end he left her, supposedly to keep her safe.
Carly needed to know more about her time as Dark Signer, she needed to vent her guilt and agony over that time. Misty was the only one that would listen to her. It was odd therapy. Misty was a great listener but she hardly ever spoke about her own time as a Dark Signer. She seemed less tormented and haunted by it. In fact not much had changed about Misty. Unlike Carly who completely gave up fortune telling. She didn't want to mess with anything occult. She had slowly been replacing her Fortune Lady deck with new cards that seemed to fit her more. But Misty still used the same Reptilianne deck, minus the Earthbound God of course. Misty even still predicted fortunes by reading faces, oh how Carly knew that well as Misty loved to touch her face.
How they even got together still seemed like a mystery to her. During Carly's confessions, Misty would often touch her face to get a read on Carly's feelings. After several sessions with Misty, one day Misty's touch became more engulfing. Misty had said she wanted Carly which shocked Carly but even more shocking was Carly's own affirmative response that came so naturally. Everything snowballed so fast after that it was like a blur. They were smothered in each others sweet passion and embrace in no time. It was incredible but at the same time it all happened so fast that afterward everything just felt messy.
Almost every day since then Carly asked herself if she really deserved to be Misty's girlfriend. She had no idea what Misty sees in her. Misty had everything and Carly literally had nothing to offer her. It made no sense to her. She had tried asking but Misty always had a way of using poetic cryptic words. None of it was clear. She definitely expressed her love in the physical sense but emotionally Carly always felt unsure.
Carly had a long hard look in the mirror. For the past few weeks they had been traveling through Europe, going to a fancy party almost every night. Misty's modeling career was taking off so well that she had landed a small role in a movie. Her manager had managed to really hype it up and make them profit from it as much as possible. So they had been going to release parties in several different countries.
Every time Carly had to dress up so formal. Misty had to show her off in front of the press. Oh the press, she never imagined she would be on the other side of the journalist lens. The paparazzi were terrible when you were the one being harassed instead of doing the harassing. She had been quite offended because for almost the entire first week nobody knew who she was and Misty's fans spread all kinds of nasty rumors about who she might me. It amazed Carly how stupid the public could be, nobody could do any of their own research. She had Goggled her own name to see how easy it was. Course the results were not so satisfying. The first result was a bare-bones bio on a reporter's wiki. The second result was an old article where someone was trashing a piece she did. The third result was spam. The fourth result was an anonymous troll saying what he wanted to do to her body which would had disgusted her more if not a few weeks earlier Misty had shown her the worst things her 'fans' had written they wanted to do to her. Someone even claimed to have a secret sex-tape of Misty but would only release it for an obscene amount of money, the most vile of scams. The rest of the Google results were not even related to her.
Carly knew she had been away far too long already. If she didn't get back soon she knew Misty would send the country's entire police force to go looking for her. She returned to the dinner table. At first she thought Misty was too busy talking to old snooty people to even care she was back but immediately Misty whipped around and moved her face in close to Carly's. Misty's fingers slid across Carly's jawline and slowly moved across her cheek. Here we go again with the excessive face touching.  Sometimes Misty got overly-obsessive with touching her face. Like she would just start smearing the palm of her hand all over her face, trying to read her feelings and see her fortune. It was cute at first but tonight Carly wasn't in the mood for 'cute'.
Carly flinched back and said more sternly than she meant to, “Can you please stop touching me?”
It felt as if silenced filled the air all around them as Misty's face was more panicked than Carly had ever seen it possibly. She didn't dare look around to see how many people were staring at her.
Carly quickly tried to clarify, “I just redid my makeup. I don't want to go back to fix it up again.”
Misty tilted her head and moved closer.
“What?” voiced a concerned Carly.
“You missed a spot.” said a stoic Misty.
Carly's mood was getting more and more sour.
After what felt like forever they finally got to the theater. Carly had seen this movie a dozen times already and by now she didn't care for anything except the scenes with Misty. At least this part was better than dinner, nobody could see her or pay attention. She loosened a notch on her corset and gently kicked off her heels. Without saying a whisper she curled up next to Misty. Misty put her arm around Carly and her hand began to move towards Carly's face but as her finger brushed against Carly's cheek, Misty's hand twitched and then pulled away. Then Misty tried to slowly move her arm off Carly but Carly's hand grabbed Misty's hand, holding it in place. Carly was pleased that Misty listened well and respected he desire to not be touched right now. But a cuddle was still fine. She still wanted that.
When they finally got back to the hotel after such a long night Carly proudly declared she was going to take shower. She stripped out of her formal clothes so fast that you would have thought they were on fire. As she got to the bathroom she furiously applied makeup remover. She took her contacts out, oh how she had wanted to rub her eyes all night. Then she took one of the longest showers of her life.
The warm water seemed to wash away all that fancy rich person grime that felt all over her. Even though she was getting clean she almost felt like she was getting dirty by peeling away all the layers of fake makeup and freeing herself form those restraining clothes. It took her back to her days of her childhood where playing in the mud was considered a fun time. Right now the thought of getting dirty sounded better to her than getting clean.
When she finally got out of the shower she wiped the fog from the mirror and put her glasses back on. She hardly recognized the ordinary-looking girl wrapped in a towel. Without her makeup and fancy clothes she felt like a totally different person. A person with no right to stand besides the beautiful fashion model Misty Lola.
Carly dropped the towel and stormed out of the bathroom. Misty was sitting by the balcony with a book by her side that she kept trying to read on the trip but could never get into it. So instead she simply sipped wine and enjoyed the view of the bright moon.
“My love!” Carly cried. “Are you embarrassed by me without makeup and the fancy clothes?”
The moonlight illuminated Carly's naked body, emphasizing every curve to her lover. Misty tilted her head and slowly licked her lips.
Misty stood and said boldly, “Of course not darling. You are the most beautiful person I have ever known. Nobody at that party can compare to you, with or without all the formality.”
Tears filled the corners of Carly's eyes as she rushed over and wrapped Carly in a tight hug.
Misty said in an anxious tone, “Does this mean that I can touch you again?”
To emphasize her request, Mistly slowly ran the palm of her hand down from Carly's forehead to her chin, her fingertips caressing Carly's skin. Instinctively Carly's face nuzzled that hand in a welcoming approval.
“Yes you can touch me,” Carly's voice became lustful, “You can touch any part of me.”
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brio-burton-blog · 8 years ago
Get To Know Me Tag
So I attempted to make a YouTube video doing this but it turns out that, as I predicted, I am much more confident behind the camera. I don’t tend to enjoy showing my face all that much. I thought that a pretty cool alternative was to write instead. So here we go I guess. 
1. What is your middle name? 
I happen to be a deprived child as I do not have a middle name. But I do get what seems to be a pretty complicated first name but I’m not sure that that’s much of a luxury. It makes things difficult in Starbuck’s haha. 
2. What is your favourite colour? 
My favourite colour is like a dark emerald/forest green. If I have fellow nerds reading this, then you will probably understand me when I say the best way for me to describe the colour is to call it ‘Slytherin green’. (FYI, I’m not a Slytherin, I just love that sort of dark green.) 
3. Who was your first best friend? 
Her name was Rachel. We went to the same childminder and when we were very very young we used to argue a lot. We grew out of that stage and we were best friends for many years. Unfortunately, I’m not in contact with her anymore.
4. How tall are you?
I literally just went to measure myself for this question. I’m exactly 5′4″. To be honest, I’m pretty proud of that as my family are all either short or average height, so to fall under average is a privilege with my genetics. 
5. Cats or dogs? 
Cats. 100%. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs. They are pretty energetic though and cats are pretty chill and therefore much more on my wavelength. Not as much as tortoises are though. Those guys are awesome. 
6. Funniest moment throughout school? 
Okay so I presume this excludes College which is a shame because I’ve got some really awesome moments from College. So if we are talking high school and primary school, I’m kind of at a loss. I didn’t have a particularly happy childhood, but that’s a whole other story. If I had to pick, I’d probably go with my maths lessons. I was in set 1 so people assumed that our classes were boring and hard work, but actually, in year 9, we had the most awesome teacher. We’d basically spend the entire lesson gossiping and the teacher would tell us some funny stories about herself. The one I remember best was about her irrational fear of rice. (I don’t even know aha.) Also, when I got diagnosed with severe depression, she was super supportive. Turns out that she struggled with it herself, so she completely understood. What a legend, I hope she’s doing well. 
7. How many countries have you visited? 
Okay so I’ll have to count. I live in England and I’ve visited Wales, Ireland, France, Spain, Ibiza, Minorca, Majorca, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Zante, Crete, Italy, Germany, Japan and Switzerland. I think that’s it, although I have visited some of these places multiple times. So I think that’s 15 altogether. 
8. Are you in/have you been to College? 
Well I’m using the English definition of College which is generally further education for 16-18 y/olds. But this can differ depending on your educational background. So I’m starting College in September. I’ve just finished school which is an odd and kind of sad thing. But I’m doing a course in TV and Film production which is very exciting! 
9. What was your favourite/worst subject in high school?
This is a fun question. My favourite(s) were always Physics, Maths, Art, Music and Drama. I hated the acting part of drama but coming up with ideas for productions was always super fun and interesting for me. My worst subject(s) were always English and P.E. Thank the lord above that I don’t have to do those subjects anymore. I love writing and I love reading but I hate being told what to write/read. And I think if someone ever asks me to analyse text again I’ll run away to the north pole and live as an eskimo. We won’t even get on to the subject of P.E. I don’t want that pain to be brought to the surface. 
10. What is your favourite drink? 
Coffee. Yes! I love it more than I love myself. Soy lattes. Honestly so amazing. But I do like the odd smoothie, tea, and sparkling water. 
11. What is your favourite animal? 
Essentially all of them. But if I had to pick I’d probably go with Pigs. But I do love Cows, Goats, Degus, Bearded Dragons, Tortoises, and Cats. Ooh also Gorillas. I really want to hug a Gorilla. Probably one of my life goals. I clearly have high expectations of my life. 
12. What is your favourite perfume? 
I do love the Strawberry scented one from The Body Shop. And Si by Giorgio Armani smells lovely and reminds me of my mum which is nice. Also Eccentric from Victoria Secret smells heavenly. 
13. Tea or Coffee? 
Coffee would be my first choice most of the time but tea never fails to cheer me up when I’m down. So I want to say both. But I think I’d find it harder to live without coffee than tea. 
14. What would you name your children? 
I haven’t really thought about it. I’d maybe say Alistar, Belle, Luna, or Tom? I’m sure I’ll find more names that I like though in the future. 
15. What sports do you/have you played? 
I’m not a massive fan of sports to be honest but I enjoy swimming, diving, biking and badminton occasionally. I went through a very sporty stage where I was in the Basketball, Football, Netball and Badminton team. Ah the days when I had energy and was productive. How far ago they feel. I also LOVE dancing but I mainly do it when I’m home alone as I’m possibly the least coordinated person on Earth. I can’t even run without it looking like I’m on some form of recreational drug. 
16. What is your favourite book? 
Reasons To Stay Alive by Matt Haig. Matt is a brilliant writer and a lovely guy. I met him a few weeks back. It was a privilege. There are very few people that I feel comfortable around from the get go, but he was one of them. In this book he talks about mental heath. It’s incredibly moving and always makes me feel incredibly lucky to be alive, even though I don’t always feel that way. If you don’t know him, check his work out, follow him on twitter etc etc. (@matthaig1) He also writes novels and I’m currently reading his latest, ‘How to Stop Time’ It’s shaping up to be extraordinary. (Have I sold him enough yet?)      
17. Who are some of your favourite YouTubers? 
I have many, many, many of those. I shall reel off a list. Amy Ordman, The Bakeey, Chris Klemens, Alexis G. Zall, Rose Ellen Dix, TheRoxetera, WiseHufflepuff, Hannah Witton, emmablackery, BriaAndChrissy, Cammie Scott, LukeIsNotSexy, UnsolicitedProject, JaackMaate, Ash Hardell, Banana Warrior Princess, James Aspey, nowthisisliving, The Vegan Activist, doddleoddle, Stef Sanjati, TheRealAlexBertie, MissFenderr, MilesChronicles, Ally Hills, Kristina Schiano, Vegan Geezer, Evan Edinger, Tessa Netting, Rob Chapman, Mayin Bialik, MyHarto, Lucy Moon, Savannah Brown, Jake Edwards and Alien in a Box. 
Note: I am also subscribed to various BuzzFeed channels, various band accounts, Watch Mojo, TheEllenShow, The Graham Norton Show, Pottermore and other YouTubers that I’m not a fan of as such, their channels and topics just interest me. 
18. What is your favourite movie? 
Ahh. How am I supposed to choose?! I am such a movie nerd. Okay. My top 5 are Girl Interrupted, Fight Club, Sweeny Todd (the one with Johnny Depp), Pitch Perfect 2 and the live action Beauty and The Beast. (I would feel mean picking one and not all of the Harry Potter Movies.) I’m going to have to choose the live action Beauty and The Beast simply because it’s fun, uplifting and so beautifully made. (Also the soundtrack is heaven.)   
19. Are you single or taken? 
20. What’s your idea of an ideal first date? 
Maybe coffee and a posh night out in London. Like a jazz bar and maybe a theatre performance. Honestly, I doubt that would ever happen, but I suppose a girl can dream. If I get to choose who the date is with could I opt for Anna Kendrick? Kind regards. 
21. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? 
Excluding my primary school boyfriend, 4. There was someone I met in hospital, someone I met at school, someone I met online through a mutual friend, someone that lives round the corner from me. 
22. Favourite memory from childhood? 
Erm... I’m sure there’s something... Well I do always miss being young and innocent and waking up early and walking to school with my parents. The birds would tweet and the sun would shine and I’d have lovely chats with the teachers and my childminder. And my dad would pick me up and we’d bike home and I would watch 64 Zoo Lane and eat Ice Cream. Ah the good old days. Ooh and Christmases and trips to Cornwall. Not gonna lie I still enjoy all of this stuff. I guess childhood wasn’t too bad. Well, for the first 7 years at least.
23. Do you speak any other languages and how well? 
I don’t. I can do the odd phrase in Spanish, Italian, Greek, French, German and Japanese at a push. I won and award for my French around 5 years back. But I’ve slept a lot since then so I don’t remember all that much. Also I had a terrible French teacher a few years back who put me off the subject for life. Let’s just say she wasn’t my biggest fan. 
24. Do you have any siblings? 
I have a step sister. But that’s all. She’s pretty amazing though so. Also she’s currently living in Japan which means I get cool stuff because it turns out that Japan are way ahead the UK in creating top notch backpacks. 
25. How would you describe your fashion sense? 
Band merch/Harry Potter tees, jeans and hoodies, pretty much. I also own the odd flannel. Doc Martens, Converse and Vans are the footwear of choice. Beanies are pretty cool too. For colder days denim jackets and ‘leather’ jackets are my jam. So basically the casual lesbian look is my style. Way to fit the stereotype, Bri. 
26. What is your favourite restaurant? 
Okay, I have three. YoSushi, Handmade Burger Company and Bella Italia. All three have amazing vegan options. Also they all hold really happy memories for me. 
27. What are some of your favourite TV shows? 
Ooh, I like quite a few. My number one would have to be The Big Bang Theory. I also love Sherlock, Orange is The New Black, Miranda, 13 Reasons Why and Stranger Things. 
28. PC or Mac? 
Mac all the way. I have nothing against PC but I recently invested in a mac and it is my life. I find it easier to use and I much prefer the layout. 
29. What phone do you have? 
I have an Iphone 6S in rose gold. (With a really cute cat case, just saying.) 
30. What is one of your bad habits? 
Biting my nails. I’ve done it for my whole life and I can’t, nor do I have any intention to stop. 
That’s all for today, thanks so much for reading! I’m definitely going to try and post much more often from now on. 
Lots of love, Briony.
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psychicvoidtale · 5 months ago
"Please,never stop Albert..."
Perla x rose reference
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psychicvoidtale · 5 months ago
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psychicvoidtale · 6 months ago
the teacher and the shoemaker...
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the Physicist and the model
❗❗❗❗LOOK THEM❗❗❗
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psychicvoidtale · 5 months ago
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psychicvoidtale · 6 months ago
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Original pic:
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psychicvoidtale · 7 months ago
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psychicvoidtale · 6 months ago
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psychicvoidtale · 7 months ago
I forgot post this
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psychicvoidtale · 6 months ago
"i miss my husband,mia"
"I literally have trees bitches you think I don't miss them?"
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