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18). https://github.com/dr-diasoluka/genererAnagrammes.git
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30). https://www.academia.edu/126643407/IMC_selon_Dr_DIASOLUKA_Luyalu_ave_tableau
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222). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21LMF1t8W8I
223). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TAIv-8ukUY
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226). https://www.academia.edu/38536147/Itérations_javascript_tome_iv
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235). https://www.academia.edu/38536143/Code_Source_Programme_de_Conversion_des_Unités_des_Lunettes_III
236). https://www.academia.edu/38536144/Formule_2e_postulat_du_Dr_Diasoluka_docx
237). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K33mjKNaRrs
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239). https://www.academia.edu/38536140/mode_demploi_Programme_d_equivalences_d_une_prescription_de_lunettes_pdf
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#intelligence artificielle#système nerveux central#OCT#RETINOSCHISIS#KYSTE#DECOLLEMENT DE LA RETINE#Tomographie par Cohérence Optique#Kyste rétinien#épithélium pigmentaire rétinien (EPR)#hyporéfléchissant#imagerie#maculaire#membrane hyaloïde postérieure#décollement postérieur du vitré (DPV)#Photopsies#décollement du vitré#Synchrone#Asynchrone#Membrane Épi-Rétinienne (MER)#Réflectivité#membrane limitante interne (MLI)#membrane limitante externe (MLE)#ligne des jonctions ellipsoïde#segments internes (IS)#segments externes (OS)#ligne IS/OS#jonction IS/OS#jonction ellipsoïde#Phototransduction#Disques Membranaires
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Even rather simple eyes contain a large number of different kinds of cells. The eye of the scallop (Dakin, 1928; McReynolds and Gorman, 1970a), for example (Figure 2.11A), has a lens formed from specialized lens cells and two completely separate retinas in distinct layers, called distal and proximal. Photoreceptors in the distal retina contain sensory membrane elaborated from a cilium like vertebrate photoreceptors, whereas those in the proximal retina have microvilli (Figure 2.11B). Since the classic work of Hartline (1938), we have known that these two retinal layers produce responses of different polarity, and we now know that the distal and proximal photoreceptors use completely different mechanisms of phototransduction (see Chapter 9). In addition, there are pigment cells, a reflecting layer called a tapetum, and a variety of accessory cells that probably assist in maintaining the shape of the eye and in transporting nutrients into and out of the eye interior. A scallop has fifty to a hundred eyes of this sort, each 1 mm or so in diameter, which sit on small stalks and line the interior of the mantle of the shell.
This is fascinatingly odd. And I've definitely eaten these eyes in the past
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IJMS, Vol. 24, Pages 14306: Insulin-like Androgenic Gland Hormone Induced Sex Reversal and Molecular Pathways in Macrobrachium nipponense: Insights into Reproduction, Growth, and Sex Differentiation
This study investigated the potential to use double-stranded #RNA insulin-like androgenic gland hormone (dsIAG) to induce sex reversal in Macrobrachium nipponense and identified the molecular mechanisms underlying crustacean reproduction and sex differentiation. The study aimed to determine whether dsIAG could induce sex reversal in PL30-male M. nipponense during a critical period. The sex-related genes were selected by performing the gonadal transcriptome analysis of normal male (dsM), normal female (dsFM), neo-female sex-reversed individuals (dsRM), and unreversed males (dsNRM). After six injections, the experiment finally resulted in a 20% production of dsRM. Histologically, dsRM ovaries developed slower than dsFM, but dsNRM spermathecae developed normally. A total of 1718, 1069, and 255 differentially expressed genes were identified through transcriptome sequencing of the gonads in three comparison groups, revealing crucial genes related to reproduction and sex differentiation, such as GnRHR, VGR, SG, and LWS. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) also distinguished dsM and dsRM very well. In addition, this study predicted that the eyestalks and the “phototransduction-fly” photoperiodic pathways of M. nipponense could play an important role in sex reversal. The enrichment of related pathways and growth traits in dsNRM were combined to establish that IAG played a significant role in reproduction, growth regulation, and metabolism. Finally, complete sex reversal may depend on specific stimuli at critical periods. Overall, this study provides valuable findings for the IAG regulation of sex differentiation, reproduction, and growth of M. nipponense in establishing a monoculture. https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/24/18/14306?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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#899: the cnidocil is the organelle protruding from the cnidocyte that detects threats. it has both mechano- and chemo-receptors, so it can detect pressure and chemical imbalances. so if you see an anemone, don't poke it, because it'll waste its poison on you! a 2012 study said that phototransduction is involved in the cnidocils and i think that's a bit above my paygrade. something something photosensitivity-led diurnal feeding routines....
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MSP: explained
Micro-spectrophotometry (MSP) is a technique used to measure the spectral sensitivity of photoreceptors. Photoreceptors are specialized neurons that are responsible for converting light in the physical world into electrical signals. Photoreceptors contain proteins called opsins. These opsins absorb the energy from light, and that energy changes the conformation of the opsin proteins which leads to electric signals within cells. The transfer of light to electrical signals, referred to as phototransduction, is the mechanism animals use to see.
Visual ecologists can use these photoreceptors to determine an animals capacity to see. An opsin only absorbs certain wavelengths of light, and those wavelengths correspond to the colors that the animal sees. If you keep an opsin in the dark so that no light can reach it to change its conformation, you can then expose it to a spectrum of light (like the visual light spectrum) and measure the wavelengths that are absorbed. The light that has been absorbed is the light that would change the conformation and induce phototransduction. After the signal has been received in an animal, the conformation of the opsin reverts back to its original state so that more light can be absorbed.
MSP is a technique you can use to measure the absorption in those opsins. You can take a section of retinal tissue (10 - 14 microns thick) that contains these opsins and load them into a microscope. On the microscope, you are able to find an area rich in photoreceptors and focus a needle thin beam of light onto the opsins. This beam of light is shot from a projector, filtered through many lenses and pinholes and then redirected up into the microscope with a silver mirror. Once you have put the beam where it needs to be, you can make that beam cycle through wavelengths on a spectrum of your choosing. That light will be absorbed or it will pass through the opsins and the surrounding retinal tissue. The light that passes through is detected by a machine attached to the microscope, and that data is stored into a program.
At this point we know what light has been absorbed by the opsins AND the surrounding retinal tissue. Since the surrounding tissue is not responsible for vision, we only want to know what has been absorbed by the opsins. We can remove the input created by the retinal tissue by "destroying" the opsins in the area that we just measured and starting the process from the beginning. Exposing opsins to pure white light will ensure that they change their conformation, but will not damage surrounding tissue. Once the conformation of the opsin in a dead tissue sample changes, it cannot revert back. This means that it is no longer capable of absorbing any light. We can repeat the process of cycling through wavelengths and testing the absorbance on this now "destroyed" section of the retina. This time only the retinal tissue will be capable of absorbing any light. This absorption reading will be the same as the first one but with the opsins contributions removed. We can subtract the first reading (opsins + retinal tissue) from the second reading (retinal tissue only), and we are left with data that shows what wavelengths in the spectrum that we tested is able to be absorbed by those opsins.
With a delicate hand and the patience of a saint, you too could use an MSP to find out what colors animals are seeing!
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How can quantum mechanic processes help to explain biological processes?
#quantum mechanics#quantum#biology#quantum biology#enzymes#olfaction#vision#phototransduction#photosynthesis#magnetoreception#european robin#Life#biological processes#chemical reactions
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Special Type of DNA in Owl Eyes May Be a 'Lens' That Supercharges Night Vision
Special Type of DNA in Owl Eyes May Be a 'Lens' That Supercharges Night Vision
Owls are one of the rare avian predators that catch their prey by night, and new research suggests that there’s something special in the way the DNA molecules in their eyes are packaged, giving them a powerful visual advantage in the dark.
Through the process of natural selection, the new study proposes that the DNA in the retinal cells of owls may have been put together in such a way that it acts as a sort of lens or vision enhancer, improving eyesight during the night.
The unusual trait hasn’t been seen in birds before, which hints that owls have gone it alone on this particular evolutionary path, at least among birds. The majority of birds are diurnal, like we are – being most active in the day and sleeping it all off at night.
“In the ancestral branch of the owls, we found traces of positive selection in the evolution of genes functionally related to visual perception, especially to phototransduction, and to chromosome packaging,” write the researchers in their paper.
The team looked at the genomes of 20 different bird species, including 11 owls, identifying where positive selection had occurred – where beneficial mutations had been kept over generations. As expected, a lot of this has happened in the areas of sensory perception, which is why owls can hear and see so well.
But the team also discovered signs of accelerated evolution in 32 genes that were more of a surprise. These genes were linked to DNA packaging and chromosome condensation – as if the structure of the molecules inside the owl eyes had actually adapted themselves to be able to capture more light.
A similar change in DNA molecule arrangement in retina cells has been seen before in nocturnal primates, and computer models of their molecular structure have suggested they can channel light.
This isn’t the only evolutionary boost that owls have for peering through the gloom – they also have retinas packed with rod cells for better night vision, for example – but it would definitely help in catching prey after dark.
Although the researchers’ claims remain hypothetical, it’s an intriguing idea. The comparison of genomes also supports the idea that owls did indeed evolve from an ancestor that was diurnal – seeing as the largest changes observed in their genetics seem to be related to enhancing night-hunting abilities.
While owls kept the sharp talons they share with day-hunting birds of prey, like eagles and falcons, the researchers found genes that differed from owls’ ancestors, and one that might potentially enhance their excellent hearing, night vision, and soft feathers for silent flight. If the study’s findings are confirmed, even the DNA molecules seem to be boosting the excellent sight capabilities of owls.
The authors caution their proposed roles for the differing genes are only suggestions for the moment, particularly with regard to how photoreceptors in owl eyes actually function. Direct observations and analysis may be able to build on the findings outlined here, and could tell us even more about how owls gained their evolutionary advantages.
“Our study suggests novel candidate genes whose role in the evolution of owls can be further explored,” write the researchers.
The research has been published in Genome Biology and Evolution.
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U know that feeling when you figure out the answer to a question on an exam like 2 minutes after you turn it in? It's the literal worst
#I blanked on phototransduction and of course I just magically remember everything the minute I walk out the door#I said the Na+ channels open in transduction but they do the EXACT OPPOSITE#rip it was only 4 points tho I think we're in the B+ range
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“THE MORPHEUS DEVICE” is the World’s first CREDIBLE, PRACTICAL, and yet SIMPLE design of a COMPACT instrumentality for RECORDING Human nocturnal DREAMS in real-time. This is NO cockamamie ‘RUBE GOLDBERG DREADLOCKS MACHINE’, folks — with scores of unkempt electrodes and wires DANGLING from one’s snoozing NOGGIN! Indeed, “THE MORPHEUS DEVICE” elaborates the only FEASIBLE way our nightly dreams can be easily, accurately, and rapidly RECORDED in maximum, full-color, HD resolution, FOR ALL TIME. And then PLAYED-BACK at one’s leisure for PROFOUND emotional, psychological, intellectual, philosophical, spiritual, artistic, and even political EDIFICATION and INSPIRATION on an EPOCHAL scale! And for a mere $25,000,000 (USD), you can PURCHASE outright ALL ownership, design, reproduction, publishing, manufacturing, sales, TV, cable, screenplay, movie, Hollywood, Netflix, Disney, Amazon, Internet, pod-casting, Blockchain, and otherwise LEGAL RIGHTS to the watershed “THE MORPHEUS DEVICE” (Dream Recording Machine) Invention Proposal. (See Proposal, Pg. 37.) In the proverbial Final Analysis, “THE MORPHEUS DEVICE” — vis-à-vis exploiting our RETINAS (vs. 'GREY MATTER’) to record nightly DREAMS — is both figuratively AND literally the biggest 'NO-Brainer’ in the History of MANKIND, TECHNOLOGY, and SCIENCE to boot! Lastly, you can read the ENTIRE (37-pg.) “THE MORPHEUS DEVICE” Publication right here on TUMBLR. Or you can click the LINK/S to same on the 'PROFILE’ page herein. Thank you, and PLEASANT nightmares to all!
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#dream recording machine#dream recording device#dream recording invention#morpheus#morpheus device#the morpheus device#morpheus app#morpheus systems
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Chocogra is an oral treatment for erectile brokenness

Chocogra100mg is a strong and specific inhibitor of cGMP unequivocal phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) in the corpus cavernosum, where PDE5 is obligated for the corruption of cGMP. Chocogra has a periphery site of movement on erections. Chocogra influences isolated human corpus cavernosum anyway emphatically works on the relaxant effect of NO on this tissue. Exactly when the NO/cGMP pathway is activated, as occurs with sexual energy, the limitation of PDE5 by sildenafil achieves extended corpus cavernosum levels of cGMP. Likewise, the sexual inclination is supposed for sildenafil to make its arranged useful pharmacological outcomes.
Furthermore, besides the presence of PDE5 in the corpus cavernosum of the penis, PDE5 is in like manner present in the pneumonic vasculature. Chocogra 100mg along these lines, extends cGMP inside aspiratory vascular smooth muscle cells achieving loosening up. In patients with pneumonic
vein hypertension, this can provoke vasodilation of the pneumonic vascular bed and, to a lesser extent, vasodilatation in the center spread.
Chocogra is an oral treatment for erectile brokenness. In the typical setting, for instance, sexual fervor restores crippled erectile ability by growing the circulatory system to the pen is delicate and transient differences in assortment isolation (blue/green) were perceived in specific subjects using the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 tone test at 1 hour following a 100 mg segment, with next to no effects clear following 2 hours post-segment. The conjectured framework for this change of assortment is Chocogra100 mg Citrate is used for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction.Chocogra is moreover utilized for related treatment for these conditions: Erectile Dysfunction, NYHA Functional Class II-III Pulmonary vein hypertension, Premature Ejaculation, and Symptomatic pneumonic vein hypertension (PAH). The physiological part liable for the erection of the penis incorporates the appearance of nitric oxide (NO) in the corpus cavernosum during sexual inclination. Nitric oxidsegregation is associated with the impediment of PDE6, which is related to the phototransduction wellspring of the retina. Chocogra definitively influences visual insight or distinction mindfulness. In a little size counterfeit treatment controlled examination of patients with recorded early age-related macular degeneration (n = 9), sildenafil (single part, 100 mg) displayed no gigantic changes in visual tests coordinated (which included visual sharpness, Amsler structure, assortment isolation reenacted traffic light, and the Humphrey boundary and photograph pressure test)
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Science and Chemistry Classes
Vision scientists discover new angle on path of light through photoreceptors
- National Eye Institute
Researchers at the National Eye Institute (NEI) have discovered that power-producing organelles in the eye's photoreceptor cells, called mitochondria, function as microlenses that help channel light to these cells' outer segments where it's converted into nerve signals. The discovery in ground squirrels provides a more precise picture of the retina's optical properties and could help detect eye disease earlier. The findings, published today in Science Advances, also shed light on the evolution of vision. "We were surprised by this fascinating phenomenon that mitochondria appear to have a dual purpose: their well-established metabolic role producing energy, as well as this optical effect," said the study's lead investigator, Wei Li, Ph.D./B.M., who leads the NEI Retinal Neurophysiology Section. The findings also address a long-standing mystery about the mammalian retina. Despite evolutionary pressure for light to be translated into signals and pass instantly from the retina to the brain, the trip is hardly direct. Once light reaches the retina, it must pass through multiple neural layers before reaching the outer segment of photoreceptors, where phototransduction (the conversion of light's physical energy into cellular signals) occurs. Photoreceptors are long, tube-like structures divided into inner and outer segments. The last obstacle a photon must traverse before moving from the inner to the outer segment is an unusually dense bundle of mitochondria. Those bundles of mitochondria would seem to work against the process of vision either by scattering light or absorbing it. So, Li's team set out to investigate their purpose by studying cone photoreceptors from the 13-lined ground squirrel. Unlike other animal models used for vision research, the 13-lined ground squirrel's retina comprises mostly cones, which see color, as opposed to rods that enable night vision. Li's team studies the 13-lined ground squirrel to better understand the causes of human eye diseases that primarily affect cone photoreceptors. The researchers used a modified confocal microscope to observe the optical properties of living cone mitochondria exposed to light. Far from scattering light, the tightly packed mitochondria concentrated light along a thin, pencil-like trajectory onto the outer segment. Computational modeling using high-resolution mitochondrial reconstructions corroborated the live-imaging findings. "The lens-like function of mitochondria also may explain the phenomenon known as the Stiles Crawford effect," said first author of the paper, John Ball, Ph.D., a staff scientist in the Retinal Neurophysiology Section. Scientists measuring retinal responses to light have long observed that when light enters the eye near the center of the pupil, it appears brighter compared to light of equal intensity entering the eye near the edge of the pupil. In this study, Li found that the lens-like effect of mitochondria followed a similar directional light intensity profile. That is, depending on light source location, the mitochondria focused light into the outer segment of the cell along trajectories that mirrored those observed from the Stiles-Crawford effect. Linking mitochondria's lens-like function to the Stiles-Crawford effect has potential clinical implications. The long-observed effect may now be used as the basis for non-invasively detecting retinal diseases, many of which are thought to involve mitochondrial dysfunction at their origin. For example, patients with retinitis pigmentosa have been reported to have abnormal Stiles-Crawford effect even when they have good visual acuity. More research is needed to explore the structural and functional changes in cone mitochondria and their manifestations in detectable optic features. Finally, the findings provide new insights into how our eyes may have evolved. Like the mitochondria in Li's study, within the photoreceptors of birds and reptiles, tiny oil droplets are located in the portion of the inner segment closest to the outer segment, and they are thought to serve an optical role. Furthermore, the mitochondrial "microlens" in mammalian cone photoreceptors confers a functionality reminiscent of that achieved by the compound eye of arthropods like flies and bumblebees. "This insight conceptually bridges compound eyes in arthropods with the camera eyes of vertebrates, two independently evolved image-forming systems, demonstrating the power of convergent evolution," Li said.
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How we see photons: Phototransduction
Vision begins when a special molecule absorbs a photon, and our eyes are sensitive enough to allow us to detect changes to individual molecules in a cell. This requires amplification of a tiny signal to produce an electrical response large enough for our brain to notice through a process called phototransduction. In this video, I show how this amplification is a physical process, relying on…
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Fwd: Graduate position: AarhusU.AdaptationToEnvironmentalStress
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: AarhusU.AdaptationToEnvironmentalStress > Date: 15 October 2016 at 06:13:47 BST > To: [email protected] > > > --_000_e5839c6f0f7c41d1b9fbabf664881c54Exch01uniaudk_ > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable > > The Aarhus Insect Adaptation Lab (https://ift.tt/2YHj2Dp) seeks a strongly motivated and passionate Ph.D candidate to join the Section for Genetics, Ecology & Evolution at the Department of Bioscience, beginning early 2017. Applicants will work on Environmental stress adaptation in invertebrates and have background experience within molecular biology, genomics, ecophysiology, evolutionary biology, or entomology. Note application deadline 1st November 2016. > Research area and project description: > The successful applicant will participate in the Department's work on evolution, ecophysiology and molecular biology with emphasis on adaptation to thermal stress, responses to thermal stress (acclimation and hardening) and the molecular mechanisms underlying these adaptive responses. The work includes studies of membrane lipids, gene expression, protein expression and sequence analysis, but also whole-organism studies of performance, mainly on the Drosophila model. Detailed studies of stress responses have shown that organisms have developed sophisticated physiological adaptations to combat environmental stress. > The project aims to identify and investigate candidate systems for studying thermal adaptation and responses. For example, several investigations point to a connection between thermal adaptation and genes associated with vision and phototransduction. To achieve the aim of the project a focus on molecular investigations combined with information from population level and physiology will be applied to achieve an integrated functional understanding. The work will be done under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Jesper Givskov Sørensen (AU), supported by a grant from Aarhus University Research Foundation. > See the call and apply here: > https://ift.tt/3jSGvK2 > > FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: > Applicants seeking further information are invited to contact: > Jesper Givskov Sørensen, phone: +45 3018 3160, e-mail: [email protected], https://ift.tt/2YHj2Dp, for further information about the position. > > > --_000_e5839c6f0f7c41d1b9fbabf664881c54Exch01uniaudk_ > Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable > > >
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> The Aarhus Insect Adaptation Lab > (https://sorensenlab.wordpress.com/) > seeks a strongly motivated and passionate Ph.D candidate to join the > Section for Genetics, Ecology & Evolution at the Department of Bioscience, beginning early 2017. Applicants will work on > Environmental stress adaptation in invertebrates and > have background experience within molecular biology, genomics, ecophysiology, evolutionary biology, or entomology. Note application deadline 1st November 2016.
> Research area and project description: > The successful applicant will participate in the Department’s work on evolution, ecophysiology and molecular biology with emphasis on adaptation to thermal stress, responses to thermal stress (acclimation > and hardening) and the molecular mechanisms underlying these adaptive responses. The work includes studies of membrane lipids, gene expression, protein expression and sequence analysis, but also whole-organism studies of performance, mainly on the Drosophila > model. Detailed studies of stress responses have shown that organisms have developed sophisticated physiological adaptations to combat environmental stress. >
> The project aims to identify and investigate candidate systems for studying thermal adaptation and responses. For example, several investigations point to a connection between thermal adaptation and genes associated > with vision and phototransduction. To achieve the aim of the project a focus on molecular investigations combined with information from population level and physiology will be applied to achieve an integrated functional understanding. The work will be done > under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Jesper Givskov Sørensen (AU), supported by a grant from Aarhus University Research Foundation. >
> See the call and apply here: > https://ift.tt/3jSGvK2
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: > Applicants seeking further information are invited to contact: > > Jesper Givskov Sørensen, phone: +45 3018 3160, e-mail: [email protected], > https://sorensenlab.wordpress.com/, > for further information about the position.
> > > > --_000_e5839c6f0f7c41d1b9fbabf664881c54Exch01uniaudk_-- > via IFTTT
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The NFL does not use a fixed bracket playoff system, and there are no restrictions regarding teams from the same division matching up in any round. Sildenafil is only about 10-fold as potent for PDE5 compared to PDE6, an enzyme found in the retina which is involved in the phototransduction pathway of the retina. Please refer both to general population health surveys/sources or general alcohol/drug use surveys/sources as to working conditions or workplace specific surveys/sources. Readiness for enhanced 765 actions/interventions provide a sense of control, knowledge. Therefore with high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol as well as heart disease often take these prescription drugs.
The NFL does not use a fixed bracket playoff system, and there are no restrictions regarding teams from the same division matching up in any round. Sildenafil is only about 10-fold as potent for PDE5 compared to PDE6, an enzyme found in the retina which is involved in the phototransduction pathway of the retina. Please refer both to general population health surveys/sources or general alcohol/drug use surveys/sources as to working conditions or workplace specific surveys/sources. Readiness for enhanced 765 actions/interventions provide a sense of control, knowledge. Therefore with high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol as well as heart disease often take these prescription drugs. Im at the San Francisco Museum of Contemporary Art, taking notes for my next column.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time. Icould feel my penis get erect within 15 minutes, getting harder than usual and lasting longer too - YT, Age 45, Nigeria.
Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time. Icould feel my penis get erect within 15 minutes, getting harder than usual and lasting longer too - YT, Age 45, Nigeria.
Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time. Icould feel my penis get erect within 15 minutes, getting harder than usual and lasting longer too - YT, Age 45, Nigeria.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time. Icould feel my penis get erect within 15 minutes, getting harder than usual and lasting longer too - YT, Age 45, Nigeria.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time. Icould feel my penis get erect within 15 minutes, getting harder than usual and lasting longer too - YT, Age 45, Nigeria.
Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time. Icould feel my penis get erect within 15 minutes, getting harder than usual and lasting longer too - YT, Age 45, Nigeria.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time. Icould feel my penis get erect within 15 minutes, getting harder than usual and lasting longer too - YT, Age 45, Nigeria.
Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time. Icould feel my penis get erect within 15 minutes, getting harder than usual and lasting longer too - YT, Age 45, Nigeria.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time. Icould feel my penis get erect within 15 minutes, getting harder than usual and lasting longer too - YT, Age 45, Nigeria.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time. Icould feel my penis get erect within 15 minutes, getting harder than usual and lasting longer too - YT, Age 45, Nigeria.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time. Icould feel my penis get erect within 15 minutes, getting harder than usual and lasting longer too - YT, Age 45, Nigeria.

Itake 50 mg 15 minutes before love making, and now I can spend hours with foreplay and not worry if I'm gonna go soft or lose interest. It takes effect in 15 minutes on the average and out love-making session goes for over an hour every time.

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Yes, this does nothing for your sex drive, it only complicates it more.
Youre going to need to eat those oysters and take the Spanish Fly if thats what you want.
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Studying for anatomy/physiology midterm.
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