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aceattorneypod · 7 days ago
The Great Ace Attorney 2 - Case 5
Join us as Ben, Dessy, Tiago, and Rose wrap up their journey to play every Ace Attorney game! It's finally over, we've completed them all! Every single Ace Attorney game has been played (well, until someone finds a way to port those pachinko and VR games to PC)! Rose and Tiago discuss with Ben and Dessy their thoughts on the final case, the villain, Van Zieks' character arc, and our final big deductions. How did they land on Sholmes? Do we love the final Dance of Deduction? And what about that wacky deus ex machina Sholmes pulls out of a bunny? Well, we tackle all of it, and then some! It's a jam-packed episode that will be sure to delight, dazzle, and create discourse! Well, hopefully not too much of that last one. Thank you so much for joining us this far folks, but while Ace Attorney as a series is now completed (until Capcom makes a new one), we do have more to cover on this podcast! Stay tuned!
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aceattorneypod · 9 days ago
It's all over… it's epilogue time! Join us as we take out victory lap in the final few conversations of Great Ace Attorney 2, in our final AA let's play (for now!).
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aceattorneypod · 9 days ago
This is it! The climax of the entire story! All of Great Ace Attorney culminates in this one!! So brace yourself for drama, clapping, and… some implausible technological leaps!
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aceattorneypod · 12 days ago
More GAA2? Yup! Here's a surprise early LP to cover more of the final case! And… we'll have another one on Saturday, with the final part on Sunday! It's really almost over!!
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aceattorneypod · 12 days ago
Whoops! I totally forgot to post about the latest LP video from the other day! And it's a pretty exciting one, as we get to see my FAVORITE Dance of Deduction!
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aceattorneypod · 21 days ago
The Great Ace Attorney 2 - Case 4 Part 2
Join us as Ben, Dessy, Tiago, and Rose continue on their journey to play every Ace Attorney game! There's several revelations to talk about today, one being about Yujin Mikotoba, and then several cascading questions as a result of that! We also have two wacky witnesses again, but honestly we put them away pretty quickly to get into the real meat of things: Sholmes is an asshole! We also visit Rose's Theory Corner, but Tiago also sneaks a theory in too -- so be sure to take notes. Lastly, we talk about beans on toast, the secret recipe book of Genshin Asogi, and how we're happy Van Zieks is warming up to us slowly in a realistic way. We're so close to the end, so hold onto your butts!
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aceattorneypod · 24 days ago
We're so close… today in the LP we bring Case 4 to a close, with some monumental revelations, and possibly the most entertaining Dance of Deduction yet!
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aceattorneypod · 1 month ago
Hello friends, every day we get closer… closer to the truth, and closer to the end. Things are starting to shake loose, and breakdowns abound in the latest let's play!
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aceattorneypod · 1 month ago
It's time for a discussion of DILF energy, and can a lack of it drive you to kill?
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aceattorneypod · 1 month ago
The Great Ace Attorney 2 - Case 4 Part 1
Join us as Ben, Dessy, Tiago, and Rose continue on their journey to play every Ace Attorney game! There's turmoil in London as one of Scotland Yard's top detectives is murdered! And Van Zieks is the suspect! Between visiting patriarchs, prison wardens, and the Red-Headed League, things are topsy-turvy as we figure out what's going on in this case. Plus, you know, we're stick recovering from sickness so we're kind of wacky this episode. You wanna talk about House M.D. with us? Or maybe Bionicle? No? Ok, we'll get back to Ace Attorney… and those three wacky witnesses we have on the stand. Also discussed: DILF energy, and can it drive you to kill?
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aceattorneypod · 2 months ago
Ranking! Ace Attorney Trilogy Characters
Join us as Ben, Dessy, Tiago, and Rose continue on their journey to play every Ace Attorney game! Unfortunately, Rose is sick this week, so we asking Iro to join us and do the impossible: rank every character from the original Ace Attorney Trilogy! We do our best to figure out where each character should go, and maybe do a bit of bargaining along the way. This is ALL business folks, no fun or jokes - just serious rankings of characters. No one gets put into the C category just because their name starts with C. No sir! Definitely not! And we definitely wouldn't put someone in a higher tier just because of our own podcast jokes making them funnier to us, would we? We couldn't possibly!!
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aceattorneypod · 2 months ago
Diving further into GAA2 Case 4 before podcast next week… more wacky witnesses, and a certain prosecutor beats us at our own game!
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aceattorneypod · 2 months ago
Now that the Case 3 podcast is complete, it's time for the let's play crew to start Case 4! What tragedies await us in this one? Well… at least one big one! Spoilers ahead!
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aceattorneypod · 2 months ago
The Great Ace Attorney 2 - Case 3 Part 2
Join us as Ben, Dessy, Tiago, and Rose continue on their journey to play every Ace Attorney game! We've got a chunky podcast for you today folks, with tons of sexy witnesses, big revelations about van Zieks' past, and the complete reveal of the mysterious masked assistant… there's a ton to discuss, and we still find find for a trademark side tangent or two. How do Rose and Tiago react to the reveals? Does this change their opinion of van Zieks at all? And how about Sholmes and some of these lies he's been telling us? Great detectives are wont to lie, you say? All this and more in a nearly 2-hour podcast packed to the brim with antics, discussion, and some ill-advised turns of phrase!
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aceattorneypod · 2 months ago
Here we go, the final segment of GAA2, Case 3! Big spoilers here, if you haven't played yet! This is the final chunk before podcast comes out on Tuesday! (And let me tell you, the pod is PACKED!)
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aceattorneypod · 2 months ago
Surprise! We have an extra LP going up today, because we wanted to get you something for the holidays! …And also this is a meaty chunk of game, so we broke it up into two parts. But mainly the gift part!!
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aceattorneypod · 2 months ago
Keeping up with the game? We are too! The latest let's play is up, tackling the next investigation phase, which has one of our favorite Dances thus far! (It's really well staged!)
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