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diogxnxs · 1 year ago
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A parody of A Stolen Kiss by Jean-Honoré Fragonard and Marguerite Gérard. I wanted to create something more cartoon and less like the usual redraws I've done in the past of paintings.
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This redraw was initially an inside joke regarding how Mickey and Donald are usually not seen together in American Comics, and it just simply got out of hand.
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skyward-floored · 2 months ago
Yesterday I was writing a whole ton and today I can’t get myself to write anything. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. what is this.
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theflagscene · 1 month ago
I really need YWPB to drop the international streaming date for the J&J special episode, it��s only four days until it airs in theatres. I will legit cry if there’s not a stream of it soon after, a day or two even, it doesn’t have to be on the same day as the theatre airing. I just need to see Jack and Joke get married and legally adopt Toi Ting! Please 🙏
🕯️ Manifesting 🕯️
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🕯️ International Streaming Dates 🕯️
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vinylv1 · 5 days ago
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That'll Hold Him Alright, Hehehehehe
(brings a dead meme ref to you)
*inflates* That'll hold him alright, EHEHEHHEHEHEHEHE
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beaft · 1 year ago
>>click "open in app"
>>get taken to the app store where it gives me the option to download the app (which i already have)
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airandangels · 8 months ago
Had an utterly mediocre chai latte today. There was barely even any flavour of cinnamon, let alone cloves or nutmeg or ginger, and it was basically just very milky, slightly sweet tea. It was perfectly drinkable but simply boring. As I'd bought it in an attempt to cheer myself up after a waste of time, I felt doubly ripped off.
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skuntank · 5 months ago
Sees the word "Diantha" in a post and freaks out for a second before I realize it's just one of my own posts
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lilmcttens · 5 months ago
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queen-scribbles · 1 year ago
aw, crap, didn't read the details on an animal companion tome, gave it to Hal when I should've done Ziin. :\
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skyward-floored · 10 months ago
Writing fics with characters who have families is all fine and dandy until you realize you have someone having a baby at a certain point in time so they actually can’t be out punching bad guys :/
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theflagscene · 1 year ago
Wait, are they not showing 23.5 Degrees on YouTube for international fans? It’s only going to be on Netflix? Because I don’t have Netflix anymore, they’re changed their policies again about sharing accounts with family which means I am le screwed,
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prrtnrr · 1 year ago
Also oooh we getting any p5 ships? PEGORYU MAYBE
((im too excited to keep this to myself lol, i love the smt persona series if anyone was curious, but i wanna explore yosuke meeting all these persona users who came before his group and after his group. i think thats neat :) i been trying to think of a way to have them all meet without it seeming like im just throwing characters together, least i hope it comes off that way, im not super confident in my writing but goddamn if im not having a great time doing this. idk if anyone was as invested in the p5 flower child au as i was, but i was suuuper into it, tatsujun parenting means the world to me. cant wait to draw dilf tatsuya for p5 ships, i might! theres a couple p5 ones i think are cute like makoto/haru or pegoryu bc i have taste- now more insane ramblings under the cut bc i cant shut up
i do wanna say some ships i wont be doing so yall can see inside my twisted mind- * i dont ship futaba with anyone, shes so baby sister coded to me, i cant it feels illegal * im not a big fan of akechi lol and with the way im loosely following the plots of the persona games, akechis not gonna show up unless he was mentioned/flashback, bc... yk... he kinda... well thats spoilers but ykyk. also theres only room for one detective prince in my heart (naoto)
to round it off some fun plot points i wanna explore (feel free to add any thru asks too i think its fun to have this be collaborative) * Souji and Akira get velvet room time together, souji gets to chill in a nice limo, akiras always in jail, its goofy * ryuji, futaba, and ann bumping into rise and naoto walking around the central shopping district, ryuji goes nuts bc thats rissette, ann goes nuts bc thats rissette and the original detective prince, futaba makes a joke that theyre dating bc naoto and rise are walking closely and have matching necklaces, kanji shows up, kanji also has a matching necklace. ryuji falls to his knees and yells YOU CAN DO THAT????????? * i have a cute idea for Rise and Ann talking about their inspirations for how they both got into their lines of work, i think they have a lot of overlap * Haru and Yukiko talking about having to take over their family businesses, the stress of it, being grateful for having the opportunity but also resenting said opportunity * Kanji, Ryuji, and Chie training together, talking about why they train, how they become stronger to be able to protect ppl they care about (kanji with biker gangs for his mom) (chie fighting off bullys who pick on kids, and her exp with Takeshi from her slink) (Ryuji training to continue to protect the track team hes no longer part of) * Futaba and Yosuke talking about video games, yosuke becoming overwhelmed by just how much futaba knows about video games, new baby sister unlocked * ryuji and teddie almost get arrested, they hype each other up too much, dangerous combo * Makoto and Naoto have a law and order moment * Nanako and Futaba talking about dads :) an opportunity for Futaba to feel like someones elder while Nanako makes Futaba feel like shes the younger one. why is nanako so responsible. * hey yall ever remember that ken amada p3 is the same age as the p5 cast, they were all born in 1998, isnt that-))
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featuringrandy · 7 months ago
That neck and chin thing at the end. Virtuoso.
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Robin Williams and Shelley Duvall - Popeye (1980)
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madharemuses · 9 months ago
[I kept my word~! Now if only I could do my laundry too.]
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jhsharman · 1 year ago
hearts and foulers
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They decided they needed to spell out on the splash panel what is otherwise not stated until the first panel of the second page, or this:
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Baloney becomes fooey becomes phooey.
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Jughead's latest first love walks in and out of her two panels. Hair color varies.
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It is interesting the model for Jughead's mom remained constant while Pop Tate was given more hair.
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Move in some must and then color it, one added detail for emotional resonance and then another.
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Taking stock of suave Jughead, the fashion of 1951 versus 1959. "Beating time with" fall out of favor?
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The comics code, or accompanying editorial philosophy, pulls up the neckline for Veronica's gown. Regarding ideas on syzygy, I stopped at Carl Jung and never got around to Klaubenhoffer -- sorry.
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A changeover which does not match the premises for the story. The premise for the detail would have Betty dressing in flannel as opposed to the cashmere earlier in the original when she was in love with love and so affectionate toward Archie, a signal of her new disinterest in romantic pursuits, heartbroken by Jughead's break-up.
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cow-stealin-gal · 1 year ago
it hasn’t even been five minutes
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pumpkin spice latte iced
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