#Phone Hacking
madhattersez · 2 years
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Hell yeah! Had an awesome find at a thrift shop today - A 1929 Southwestern Bell Telephone technical manual and installation guide for phones of the era.
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Maybe you're asking why I think this is awesome? Haha. That makes sense - Well, first of all, I -live- vintage stuff. Antiques, old books, weird ephemera of the past. This definitely fits in with all of that, and has a gorgeous, punched leather cover with the gold stamping. Such a slick piece of history.
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Second, I'm an old computer nerd cat. Back in the early '90s, I was a phone phreak - a phone hacker back before mobile phones and even alphanumeric pagers were a thing. It was in these days that "Ma Bell" (Southwestern Bell) was a big Queen on the scene, in her prime.
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What were common phreaker practices back in the day? Well, it was all about exploration and curiosity. We would wardial (using our home landline connections and modems to dial a huge list of numbers in a row to try and find systems on the other end rather than regular phones - I'd leave it on all day and come back with a shorter list of various systems to dial in and play around on), we would build blue (and other color) boxes from RadioShack parts to use payphones to make free calls and do all sorts of rad tricks, we would prank folks that deserved it or use said tricks to disrupt schools and business, we would navigate voicemail systems and change automatic messages, and we would generate credit card numbers (which was incredibly easy back in the day) to make free calls to our first girlfriends in Canada. Well, that last one was mostly a me thing, haha.
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Basically, payphones and early phone systems were a wonderful, incredible playground for me and I have SO many fond memories of these times. To have a book like this in my hands feels like I just looked inside the Ark of the Covenant and instead of melting my face off, it just glowed real bright and whistled a 2600hz tone sweetly into my ears.
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This has so many cool photos like the ones above, and lots of radical technical diagrams, too.
As a bonus, there are hand-typed notes from a division head telephone engineer that wrote about systems they were building in Galveston, TX in the '60s:
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Anyways, this is such a cool relic and I'll probably not be able to bring myself to sell it.
Did you know I wrote a verse about being a phreaker for a song with Nerdcore legend YTCracker wayyyyyy back in 2010? Well, now you do. You can hear that here (I'm the second dude, of course):
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harryandmeghansussex · 11 months
💥 The Duke of Sussex, Sir Elton John and Baroness Doreen Lawrence can continue their unlawful information gathering claims against the publisher of the Daily Mail, after it lost a bid to have the cases thrown out at the High Court 💥
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Prince Harry's uncle, Charles Spencer, shows his support for Harry's case. Charles Spencer, brother of Princess Diana, shared former Labour adviser Alistair Campbell's tweets about the case via Twitter & Instagram. 
One of the tweets was about the dangers of reading about Harry's case via UK media sources, which clearly have an agenda against Prince Harry.
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rosesandmoonstones · 1 year
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ingek73 · 2 months
Prince Harry: decision to take on tabloids contributed to family ‘rift’
Duke of Sussex tells ITV documentary that legal battles against newspapers ‘central’ to deterioration in relations
Caroline Davies
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Wed 24 Jul 2024 16.46 BST
The Duke of Sussex believes his determination to take on tabloid newspapers in the courts was a “central piece” in the deterioration of relations between him and his family in the UK.
Speaking about his legal battles against newspapers over privacy, Prince Harry told an ITV documentary Tabloids on Trial that his decision to fight contributed to the “rift” with the royal family.
Asked if his decision destroyed the relationship, Harry says: “Yeah, that’s certainly a central piece to it. But, you know, that’s a hard question to answer because anything I say about my family results in a torrent of abuse from the press.”
He continues: “I’ve made it very clear that this is something that needs to be done. It would be nice if we, you know, did it as a family. I believe that, again, from a service standpoint and when you are in a public role, that these are the things that we should be doing for the greater good. But, you know, I’m doing this for my reasons.”
Asked what he thought of the royal family’s decision not to fight in the way he has done, he replies: “I think everything that has played out has shown people what the truth of the matter is. For me, the mission continues, but it has, it has, yes. It’s caused, yeah, as you say, part of a rift.”
Harry has long despaired of the royal family’s failure to take on the press, and has previously revealed that his father, King Charles, told him it would be a “suicide mission”.
In his memoir, Spare, he wrote of what he saw as the royal family’s connivance with the media through alleged leaking, believing himself to be collateral damage. In the book Harry was withering about his father’s failure to take on the media, writing that “the same shoddy bastards who’d portrayed [Charles] as a clown” were now “tormenting and bullying” him and his wife, Meghan.
In December 2023, after he won damages in his hacking case against Mirror Group Newspapers, Harry made clear he felt vindication for his long-running legal battles against sections of the British media. He said in the statement at the time that he had “been told that slaying dragons will get you burned”, adding a defiant: “The mission continues.”
Speaking for the first time about the case, he told the documentary: “To go in there and come out and have the judge rule in our favour was obviously huge … a monumental victory.”
He also spoke about fears that his mother, the late Diana, Princess of Wales, may have been an early victim of phone hacking.
The duke, who is one of several celebrities appearing in the documentary which airs on ITV1 and ITVX at 9pm on Thursday, is also involved in continuing legal actions over privacy against News Group Newspapers and Associated Newspapers.
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angelholme · 10 months
Fuck a doodle do.
In a statement, Prince Harry said the ruling was "vindicating and affirming" and took aim at senior executives and editors including Piers Morgan - who was in charge at the Daily Mirror from 1995 to 2004.
Judge Mr Justice Fancourt found Morgan knew about phone hacking at the paper.
He said the Duke's phone was probably only hacked to a modest extent and was "carefully controlled by certain people" from the end of 2003 to April 2009.
Jesus -- this is.... unbelievable.
When asked what he thought the way forward was, he said to scrap the current press regulator, the Independent Press Standards Organisation, which he likened to a "poodle".
"You have to get independent regulation as Leveson called for, which we haven't got because, there's a self regulator poodle, not a watchdog," he said. 
"You also need to have the Leveson Inquiry restarted or completed... which the government cancelled at the request of those being investigated."
The Tory government should hang its head in shame. I mean -- it won't, but seriously -- this is appalling.
The government has failed to find the courage to hold the press accountable, a media lawyer has said.
Jonathan Coad said that despite Prince Harry's victory, only politicians can bring about real change.
However, it has never ensured the press regulated itself according to the principles set out in the Leveson Inquiry, he said.
"If you're going to be accountable, someone has got to have the courage to hold you accountable," he told Sky News. 
"Harry has fought the battle and said it needs to change, but it is only going to change if politicians have the courage to take on Fleet Street.
"At the moment, they have shown a complete lack of intention of doing so.
What was the Leveson Inquiry and why is it relevant?
In 2011, Judge Sir Brian Leveson led a public inquiry after it was revealed News Of The World journalists had hacked the phone of murdered school girl Milly Dowler.
Initially intended to be carried out in two sections, the first part of the inquiry looked at the culture, practices and ethics of the press. It involved celebrities including Hugh Grant, Sienna Miller, Steve Coogan and Charlotte Church.
Part two of the Leveson Inquiry was meant to investigate the relationship between journalists and the police, but never took place. There have since been calls to re-open it.
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pumpumdemsugah · 9 months
Mirror Group in-house lawyer knew about phone hacking, rules court in Prince Harry judgment | Law Gazette
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If these people don't go to jail. Hacking someone's phone at least 13 times feels jailable but we'll have to see. I hope Piers Morgan goes to prison. He's such a creature
I hope the payout he gets breaks them. He's taking other newspapers to court for hacking his phone and I think other people are a part of those cases as well. British newspapers are so corrupt and have ruined people's lives. It's wishful thinking but maybe this will be the crack that breaks Murdoch's grip on the media.
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tweetingukpolitics · 10 months
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“Two of Fleet Street’s biggest news organisations carried on using unlawful methods—including the hacking of voicemail—for at least five years after they claimed to have stopped, according to evidence disclosed in court.”
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eunicemiddleton421 · 1 year
Can Someone Hack Your Phone and Listen to Your Calls?
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In today's digital era, where smartphones are essential for communication, concerns about phone security and privacy are more relevant than ever. The question often arises: can someone hack your phone and listen to your calls? In this article, we'll delve into the intricacies of phone hacking, explore the possibilities of call interception, and provide practical steps to safeguard your private conversations.
Understanding Phone Hacking
Phone hacking encompasses unauthorized access to a mobile device's data and functionalities. While hacking methods vary, the potential risk of call interception is a significant concern. Hackers who gain access to your device could potentially eavesdrop on your conversations, breaching your privacy and security.
Methods of Phone Hacking
Hackers employ an array of techniques to infiltrate devices, including exploiting vulnerabilities in operating systems and using malicious apps. The unsettling prospect of call hacking involves intercepting and listening to phone conversations, often without the victim's knowledge or consent.
VoIP Vulnerabilities
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology, which allows voice calls over the internet, has become commonplace. However, this technology isn't immune to vulnerabilities. If hackers exploit weaknesses in VoIP, they might gain unauthorized access to calls, bypassing traditional cellular networks.
Eavesdropping on Calls
One alarming facet of phone hacking is call eavesdropping. By exploiting security gaps, hackers can gain access to live phone conversations, potentially compromising sensitive information. Instances of call interception highlight the urgency of taking protective measures.
Security Flaws in Mobile Networks
Mobile networks, while advanced, can still harbor security flaws. Hackers with the right skills can exploit these vulnerabilities to intercept calls. This underscores the need for robust security protocols to prevent unauthorized access.
Operating System Vulnerabilities
Outdated operating systems pose a considerable risk. When users fail to update their OS, they leave their devices susceptible to attacks. Security patches play a crucial role in preventing hacking attempts that could compromise calls.
Risks of Third-Party Apps
Third-party apps, particularly those without proper security measures, can serve as gateways for hackers. Malicious apps might infiltrate your device, granting unauthorized access to your calls and conversations.
Securing Your Phone
Protecting your phone is paramount in the digital age. Creating strong, unique passwords, regularly updating your device's software, and reviewing app permissions can significantly enhance your phone's security.
End-to-End Encryption
End-to-end encryption is a robust security measure that ensures the content of your calls remains confidential. This encryption method prevents unauthorized parties, including hackers, from deciphering your conversations.
Using Encrypted Communication Apps
Consider using encrypted messaging and calling apps to fortify your communication. Apps like Signal, WhatsApp, and Telegram offer end-to-end encryption, providing an extra layer of protection for your calls.
Network Security Measures
Secure network connections are essential. Utilizing Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) can add a layer of encryption to your internet traffic, safeguarding your calls from potential eavesdropping.
Recognizing Suspicious Activity
Being vigilant about unusual activity on your device is crucial. If you notice unexpected behavior, such as rapid battery drain or unfamiliar apps, it might indicate a breach. Promptly address such issues to protect your calls and data.
Expert Insights
According to cybersecurity experts, the risk of call hacking underscores the importance of proactive measures. Dr. Sarah Miller, a renowned cybersecurity analyst, emphasizes, "Users must prioritize device security, keep software up to date, and employ encryption technologies."
Balancing Convenience and Security
Striking a balance between convenience and security is essential. While security measures might seem inconvenient at times, safeguarding your privacy and protecting your calls from potential interception is worth the effort.
In a world where connectivity is integral to our lives, the possibility of someone hacking your phone and listening to your calls is a legitimate concern. By understanding the methods hackers use, employing robust security practices, and embracing encryption technologies, you can significantly reduce the risk of call interception. Remember, safeguarding your privacy requires ongoing vigilance and proactive action.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can hackers really listen to my phone calls? While it's possible for skilled hackers to intercept calls, taking security measures like encryption and using secure apps can greatly mitigate this risk.
How do hackers intercept phone calls? Hackers exploit vulnerabilities in mobile networks, operating systems, or apps to gain unauthorized access to calls.
What is end-to-end encryption, and how does it protect calls? End-to-end encryption ensures that only the sender and recipient can access the call content, preventing interception by hackers.
Are encrypted communication apps safe for calls? Yes, encrypted apps like Signal and WhatsApp offer strong security measures, making them safe choices for private calls.
What should I do if I suspect my calls are being intercepted? If you suspect call interception, immediately review your device for unusual activity, update your security settings, and consider seeking professional assistance to secure your phone.
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changa-husky · 2 years
Phreakers Part 3: VMB Drop Box, Various short drops (Plus some sid music)
Back in the late 80s and early 90s people were using stolen voice mail boxes at various companies as drops for various hacking/phreaking info. I remember looking for access to the old X25 network and trading in network access on said X25 network was very much on peoples desires back then. This was before widespread email so people communicated as they could. Since most phone calls cost money outside of a few miles people would take over voice mail boxes at companies with toll free numbers to trade in accounts, long distance calling cards various interesting phone system oddities like bridge lines and other voice mail boxes you would hop to. That is how you stayed in the scene by calling these numbers a lot to keep in this underground voice phone network.
Here is an example of some of these voice mail drops from around early 1990.
The screen visuals are a video recording from a sysop side of a C64 BBS running a VERY modified version of CNet.
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harryandmeghansussex · 10 months
Judge rules 15 of the 33 articles were obtained by Unlawful Information Gathering by Mirror Group Newspapers from 2006 to 2011. He’s awarded £140,600 in damages.
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Charles Spencer calling out Amanda Platell was not on my bingo card today
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Coming home after the BAFTAs, Mandip, Bradley and Tosin make the alarming discovery that their phones have been hacked by the Daily Mail.
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ingek73 · 5 months
Go Harry!
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phoneclone · 6 days
The Best Phone Spy Apps to Control Your Wife’s Phone #1
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In this digital era, communication is mostly done through smartphones. It is essential to keep an eye on your family members. Because now, it is easier than ever to do so. Due to the increase of infidelity and dishonesty in relationships. A lot of people are now looking for phone spy apps as a method to get their dishonest spouses caught red-handed. These potent devices enable you to keep track. It can be easy to track each and every activity on your partner's phone. Even the texts, call records, and his or her social media transactions.
Understanding the Need for a Spying
If you feel like your spouse is cheating on you. Then a phone spy app can give you the real evidence you need to call them out on it. It depends on the rumors or intuition. These apps let you directly get into your partner's phone activity. You can see for yourself if they are engaging in inappropriate behaviors. For more information you can see world population review about infidelity.
How Does a Phone Spy App Work?
Phone spy apps are normally installed on the target phone. You can installed it without the user's knowledge. After installing the application, it runs in the background. Then it works to gather all the incoming and outgoing data. This data is thus transferred to a secure online portal, which you can log in to and view at any time. Most spy phone apps are not detectable, hence your spouse will not know that he is being monitored.
Top Features of the Best Phone Spy Apps
The most popular phone hack apps provide a large list of features to help you to catch your cheating spouse. Some of the top features include: Some of the top features include:
Call monitoring
Text message tracking
GPS location tracking
Social media monitoring
Email tracking
🔎 Choosing the Right  App for Android and IOS
It is necessary to select a well-known supplier of the phone spy app for Android. It has a history of success. As you are choosing your phone spy app for Android. Try to find those apps which are not so expensive but at the same time are very useful. Also, read reviews of other users to know whether they are really useful or not. Click here for best service
Benefits of Using the Technology
The phone spy app is a tool that has many advantages. A spouse can use it to catch a cheating partner. Besides, it gives you the factual proof of the offense and at the same time. It also gives you the peace of mind and closure in a hard situation. Moreover, Cell phone spying apps can assist you. It keeps your relationship away from more troubles by tackling the problem directly. Get more update to catch a cheating spouse.
Free Phone Spy Apps vs. Paid Phone Spy Apps
Although there are free phone spy apps that are available free of charge. Those usually has limited features and may not be as dependable as the paid ones. The paid apps give more sophisticated features and better customer assistance. Thus, they have a good investment for those who want to catch a cheating spouse.
Remote Cell Phone Spy Review: Is It Worth It?
The remote cell phone clone apps you can use to monitor your spouse's phone activity from every corner of the world. On the one hand, these apps are very useful, but on the other hand, they can be expensive and carry security risks. Think twice before you use a remote cell phone clone app, because of the possible disadvantages, and be sure you are ready to accept the degree of surveillance.
Empowering Yourself with Phone Spy Technology
Through the use of phone hacking technology, you can take your relationship in your own hands. Then make your own choices about your future. Even though you will eventually make up your mind. A phone spy app gives you the evidence with clarity. Or it's important to confront and counsel your cheating spouse.
In a nutshell, the process of catching a cheating spouse can be very difficult. it's an emotional and exhausting process. Phone spy apps come with a great tool to collect evidence and to face your partner. Thus you will be in a position to make the best decisions for yourself and your relationship. You should not be scared of using the technology. If you think that your partner is cheating, as it might be the solution to your questions about what to do next.
Recall, in the issue of the heart, honesty is the best policy. You should trust your instincts, but also check with an app for the guarantee of your mind and the relationship.
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