#Phoenix Comic Fest
gerec · 2 years
X-Men Rare Pairs Fest 2023
Happy Sunday! We're opening up things up little early so you can now visit the X-Men Rare Pairs 2023  homepage and start leaving prompts!
The slightly revised schedule is as follows: Sign Ups Open: Mar 5 (NOW!!!) Start Posting Works: Mar 15 Works Revealed: Mar 31 Authors/Artists Revealed: April 15
Fest Highlights for those who missed the previous post: - Rare Pairs Fest is a prompt fest (vs a gift exchange) for the X-Men fandom - Prompting remains open for the duration of the fest - *NEW* You may begin filling prompts on March 15 and continue through the end of the fest - Fills may be fic or art - All X-Men ‘verses are welcome (comics too!) - All X-Men pairings are allowed except Charles/Erik, though poly ships that include one or both these characters are permitted - Pairings can be romantic or platonic - Crossovers with other Marvel characters permitted as long as one of the pairing is in the X-Men verse (i.e. Storm/Black Panther) - You can request up to 10 prompts (min. one is required) - There is no minimum word count but fills (and art) must be complete when posted - Each prompt can be filled an unlimited number of times by an unlimited number of people - You do not have to write/draw to leave prompts - You do not have to prompt to write/draw a fill
If you have any questions about Rare Pairs Fest, please visit the Collection home page for details or feel free to send me an ask!
Please signal boost thanks!
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seeds-and-sins · 8 months
Light My Fire - Part Seven
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Pairing: Ben "Soldier Boy" x F!Reader
Rating: M (Crude Language, Curse Words, Sexism, descriptions of explicit sexual content)
Description: Phoenix faces a ghost.
Tagged: @tonixe @chernayawidow, @deans-spinster-witchs-favorites, @ophennie @virgoelf-blog, @my-obsession-spn, @capricxnt
Part Six
Your father died in the war.
1945. The Battle of Okinawa.
You were fifteen years old.
You don't remember much about him, but he was a good man. He promised to come home. When the soldiers came marching in, he wasn't with them. Your mother wasn't the same after that, but she didn't show it on the surface. She cried in the bathroom and whimpered into her pillow, but she never let anyone see her like that. You had admired her when you were younger.
But now?
You couldn't even recall what her face looked like. When you thought about her, which wasn't often, all you could think about were words: strong, independent, fierce, and hard-working. Your mother was a no nonsense kind of gal and that was how she raised you. She was a secretary for some big shot in St. Louis, a working woman that earned her own and fended for her own. If not for her, you wouldn't be here. You can imagine yourself aging, having married and had children ages ago. Maybe you'd be in a nursing home right now. Maybe you'd be in a grave.
But no.
Your mother refused to marry you off like all the other mothers of your time. She didn't believe that a woman belonged in the kitchen and she refused to allow you to think otherwise. She instilled in you a fury that remained even to today.
You both lost touch with one another when you were entered into the program. You were twenty-two years old, your mother had made the arrangements herself. You don't remember why she did, but frankly, it was so long ago you can't bring yourself to care. You never went out to find her. You were certain that she was dead by now. And of the things she left you with, 'I love you' wasn't one of them.
Don't trust anyone, she said.
And don't you dare fall in love. You'll just get yourself hurt. No one cares about you and no one ever will. Remember that.
You should have listened to her, but over time her words just became less and less valuable. You didn't take them seriously anymore. Not like you used to. You doubt she told you them under the assumption that you would live to be almost a hundred years old and look not a day over twenty-two. She couldn't possibly understand what it was like to be in your boots.
It was lonely.
Surely, that would be the exception. If you trusted someone along the way, that was okay. If you fell in love...
But no.
None of this was okay.
And you don't think your mother would approve of you attending the seventieth anniversary of the biggest hero fuck fest in history.
You were scowling in disgust as you made your way through the halls of the mansion. Tommy, Tessa, and the Deep had disappeared, but you weren't so concerned about it. If Tommy and Tessa were still alive, that meant that Ben wasn't here yet. But Ben was on his way and you needed to prepare yourself for the worst. The moaning, the exotic smells that permeated in the air, the sounds of skin slapping against skin, it wasn't making your situation any better.
You couldn't believe that the twins were still doing this. It was obvious by the look on your face that you had never been a big fan of Ben's annual Herogasm. He started it with some other heroes a long ways back and from that point forward he made it a habit to host the orgy in his penthouse every once a year. You had been invited on numerous occasions before Payback had even been formed. Back then, heroes were few and far between. You didn't have hundreds of them like there was now. The invites were little pamphlets with splashes of vibrant colors stamped down by a printing press, some poorly drawn pornographic comic scribbled on the front. They were sent out by whoever was Soldier Boy's assistant at the time. Knowing how Soldier Boy was after he met you in person, if the invites had been sent by him personally, he probably would have come and fetched you himself.
That was much like what happened after he met you. Being a member of his team didn't deter him from you in the slightest. Ben would invite you to Herogasm himself every year after Payback had been created. And every year that Ben approached you about the event, you gave a very firm and strong 'no'. Ben was so determined that he would try everything he could think of to get you to change your mind. As if him barreling through your penthouse door in the early morning wasn't already bad enough. He sent you sex toys, gave you intimate details on who was going to be there, attempted to bribe you with food and drinks and drugs.
It wasn't like you were a prude.
In your younger days, you would do anything to have a good time. You were reasonable and rule-abiding, but it was a known fact that you liked to party. And you were wild and fun and carefree. The world was your playground and you were so excited to learn and try new things. Heck, you weren't even that young then. But within the era arose a lot of great changes and great changes meant new things. Everyone was living life to the fullest and everyone was rocking and rolling, swinging, mixing drugs and drinks, learning about themselves. It was a new age. Gone were the ways of the old.
So, you weren't going to lie to yourself, part of you really did want to go to Herogasm. You couldn't count how many times you had nearly walked yourself all the way to Soldier Boy's penthouse. Be damned the reality of giving him the satisfaction, you just wanted to have fun. The rational and reasonable side of yourself would stop you. You would have to do a regroup on the top of a tower somewhere, pace back and forth as you thought up reasons as to why you shouldn't go.
Orgies were great and all, but there was nothing that beat the physical and carnal intimacy of being with someone in private.
Ben had tried to persuade you that way too: It'll just be you and I, how 'bout that? But there still was the problem of him being in a relationship. Take away the public aspect of it and there still was the fact that he was with Crimson. No matter how many passes Crimson gave him, you wouldn't be just some other girl, you wouldn't allow that. And you couldn't do that to Countess.
The idea of facing him in the workplace after that, you'd never be able to do that. You weren't sure how your teammates managed. Payback had fucked with each other in every which way, even outside of Heorgasm. Herogasm was supposed to be the fuck for free card: once a year, fuck whoever you want, however you want, no consequences. What happens in Herogasm stays in Herogasm, kind of bullshit. You would never be able to do that.
Your best bet was to stay away. And you did.
It was almost ironic that you would confront Ben, after all these years, at an event like this. You weaved through the corridors of the mansion, peeking into rooms and steering clear of naked bodies. You found a surprisingly secluded part of the home and took up a space there. You were fiddling with the edge of your cape, pacing back and forth as you waited.
"Okay. Deep Breathes." You told yourself, muttering reassurances that fell empty in your gut. "Everything will be fine. Everything will work out."
What would you even say to Ben? It wasn't his fault that he had been trapped by the Soviets all these years. If anything, it was yours. You blamed yourself for not saving him when you should have. Why did you wait to confront the team? Why didn't you just go get Ben? None of this would be happening if you did. Maybe you'd finally be retired.
Or maybe you just liked this too much...
You don't know how much time had passed, too lost in your thoughts. A sickeningly sweet smell filtered in, a cloud of smoke floating in the air. You inhaled deeply through your nose, nostrils flaring.
"Halothane?" The smell brought a sense of nostalgia. Criminals tried to use it on you a few times back in the day, assuming it would knock you out cold. Either some super kinky shit was going on or something was about to go down.
You followed the cloud of smoke, turning a corner to find it unfurling from a container that rested at your feet. Some sort of smoke grenade, you deduced. You stepped forward, trotting down a set of steps before coming upon two familiar faces. The two men were in conflict with one another, Butcher easily holding back the larger man with one hand.
"Well, if it isn't Billy fuckin' Butcher." They both paused, eyes landing on you. Butcher faced you, a small smirk lifting his lips.
"Phoenix, the fiery cunt, funny seeing you 'ere."
Billy had tried to kill you a few years ago. His team and him had been tasked with obliterating your entire career and even trying to find a way to obliterate you. They failed, of course. There was no doubt that they would. And you didn't blame them for trying to kill you, you were a loose cannon. Still were. You returned his smirk as you came down those last few steps.
"I wouldn't be smiling if I were you. Don't think ya'know what's about to happen." You paused, cocked your head to the side, your irises glowed red. All too fast, a gust of air slashed at your sides as you moved with a startling quickness. Your hand encompassed Butcher's throat and you pinned him to the wall. The wall crackled around the force of your combined strength and his weight. His colleague threw a fist at a nearby display case, the glass shattered onto the carpet floor, he withdrew a wooden baseball bat. The wooden bat splintered as it hit your back, falling into a mess of pieces. Butcher fought back with a grin, making a good effort, something you didn't miss. That grin of his faded when he realized he wasn't strong enough to pry your fingers away from his exposed throat.
"What have you been up to, you piece of shit? You've gotten abnormally strong since I last saw you." You showed your teeth, your hand as hot as a furnace, holding Butcher in place as if he were a mouse. "You couldn't have taken V, I don't take you to be that kind of guy." Your gaze wandered up and down with a sick curiosity as he continued to struggle, clawing at your hand with an iron grip. "Nooo..." You ponder with a pop of your lips. "You took something else. Ya'know you can't trust that shit, right?"
"Let him go!" His colleague stood back now, withdrawing a pistol. He fired six shots at you, the bullets hit your side and dropped to the floor in little dented beads. You plainly looked between the bullets and him.
"Really?" You spat, "Don't you guys know anything by now? For fucks sake, it's always the same shit with you people."
The explosion surprised you and you relinquished your grip on Butcher. The wall at your back exploded into a mess of rubble, a burst of heavy wind pushing back at you. Billy and his friend collapsed to the ground from the blast, while you stayed perfectly still against it. Your eyes narrowed in its direction. As the structure of the mansion around you wheezed and crumbled from the attack, you heard screams and cries for help follow. You made no move to save anyone. Butcher groaned as he shoved a wall off of him with ease. He smirked up at you.
"You're fucked." He laughed.
The walls were black with soot, plots of fire spanned out across the once pristine white. Your eyes vigorously looked around, you searched for the source. An explosion? Much like the one in Manhatten. John had told you that Soldier Boy had caused that. Stumbling from the sheet of smoke in the air, a figure appeared, down the same set of steps that you had come from, down the same corridor. They grew closer, Butcher stood to his full height, brushing off the layer of dust that had settled on him.
The figure halted when they came into view. His bright blue eyes squinted in your direction before a heated glare contorted his handsome features. Your heart stuttered in your chest, fists clenching at your sides. What were you going to say?
God-He looked just like the last time you saw him. Shiny and bright, a little rough around the edges, but just as strong. As if nothing had happened all those years ago, as if he was just coming back from a simple vacation, he was the spitting image of the man you remembered: the same suit, shield poised at his side, hair grown slightly thicker, no mask.
"Ben." He was going to kill you, wasn't he? You could see it in his eyes. His eyes lacked the fondness that haunted your dreams. When you wished you could be back at the beginning, before all this. Before Vought betrayed him, before Vought betrayed you. "Don't do this." You breathed, your eyes softened, the red in them was replaced by your natural eye color. You extended a hand. "Please."
"You haven't seen me for years and the first thing you do is beg." His voice. Even when he sounded threatening, you missed the deep, transatlantic accent that used to make you feel warm inside. You wished you had never rejected it. Fuck Countess. Fuck morals. You should have kissed him. You should have fucked him. You should have loved him. Seeing him here, none of that mattered anymore. Ben was alive. You were right. He was here. You wanted to run and hug him with all the strength you could muster. You wanted him to hug you back.
I'm better now. You would tell him.
You weren't sick anymore. Last time you saw him, he made you swear that you would be better by the time he got back.
Or maybe you were still sick.
Damaged. Deranged.
People could be sick in different ways.
Why would he want you?
Stop being dillusional.
You weren't the same person you were when you made that promise. When Ben promised to come back to you, he was Ben. Just Ben.
Your rational side returned: Ben wanted you dead now. He wasn't Ben anymore. He was the enemy.
More importantly, he wanted John dead. Who cares if Ben succeeded in killing you? You didn't care if you died. You welcomed it. But John? Fuck anyone who would dare hurt that man. You would fucking burn the world for John. He was like a son. He was your son. No one would fucking hurt him.
"I'm disappointed." Ben added, Butcher slowly walked to stand at his side. Butcher must have felt like he owned the world now. Butcher must have felt indestructible. With whatever substance was running through his veins, with Soldier Boy at his side, all of his dreams would come true: you would be killed and Homelander would be next. You wouldn't allow it.
"I don't know what else to say."
"I waited for you." Ben growled through clenched teeth. "Of all the people, I thought you would come for me."
"I tried." You replied quickly, almost pleading.
"You didn't try hard enough." His voice cracked with emotion as he spoke those last words, before his eyes flitted to something behind you. Someone. You looked over your shoulder: It was John, descending a staircase.
"William Butcher and Soldier Boy." He announced, halting beside you, shoulder to shoulder. "You were behind this. This whole thing. It really is all about me." Soldier Boy glanced back at Butcher, you saw a distant doubt at the edge of his gaze. "William, we made a deal. To fight to the death, you and me." Butcher's expression hardened, he was glaring at Homelander with a deep and sacred hatred in his bones. Heat rose in your fingertips, you were preparing yourself for a brutal battle. Homelander shot a beam of red in Butcher's direction and Butcher was thrown, hitting the wall behind him with a booming thud. Soldier Boy faced Homelander, a coolness washed over him and he stood at the ready. "You were my hero growing up." Homelander took a step toward Ben, "I watched all of your movies hundreds of times." Your breath caught as your gaze flicked between them, an intensity clung to the air. The corridor felt more tight and narrow than before. Fumes of smoke flowing from cracks in the walls, lingering after the explosion. "You were the only one that was nearly as strong as me." Those words came out soft, muttered off the tip of John's tongue. Homelander was wide eyed, someone seeing their childhood idol for the first time and maybe John was a bit disappointed.
"Buddy," Soldier Boy replied. "You think you're strong? You're wearing a cape." You grabbed Homelander's bicep. You could feel the tension vibrating in the muscle. You had a duty to stop this, right? You didn't want this. "You're just a cheap fuckin' knockoff."
"Shut up, Ben." You shot out through clenched teeth.
"And you?" Ben turned on you. "The Phoenix. Fire in the sky. You're the biggest fake of them all. The biggest fuckin' whore." Homelander's bicep slipped from your grasp and he flew at Soldier Boy with a roar. Soldier Boy collided with the wall, but he recouped fast and swung a fist across Homelander's cheek. You flew in to intervene, trying to rip the two apart. Soldier Boy shoved you and you stumbled back, Homelander's laser vision beamed at him. You were about to tear them apart again when a hand grabbed at your shoulder and ripped you backward.
It was Butcher. You blinked at him in shock, his fist collided with your cheek. It did nothing more than snap your head to the side, but you were still surprised. His eyes turned yellow and a beam was shot in Homelander's direction, shoving him back. John was momentarily stunned as his blue eyes lifted to Butcher.
"What did you do?" He snarled.
"Scorched Earth." Butcher replied, you returned by grabbing Butcher by his jacket and you yanked him away. Homelander directed his rage toward him, fists were flying, both of them dodging before making a hit. You turned your attention to Soldier Boy, he was rolling on the floor. You stomped to him, grabbed him by the collar of his chest plate and hauled him to his feet. He punched you. The hit drew blood, the boiling hot liquid ran from your nostril. Before you could collect yourself, Soldier Boy's hand was at your throat and he was choking you.
"I would have given you the fuckin' world." He hissed.
"They-" You choked out, "Got me-" Both of your hands wrapped around his wrist and you fought with all your strength. "Too." His grip loosened just a touch and his eyebrows furrowed at you in confusion. An arm looped around his neck and Homelander was drawing him into a chokehold. Butcher tackled Homelander from behind.
You held your throat, gasping for breath. You stumbled toward the three, reaching out for Butcher when you were shoved from behind. The shove wasn't enough to send you off balance, but you spun on your heel.
It was a naked man.
Starlight's boyfriend? He stared wide eyed at you, you stared wide eyed at him.
Upon recognition of his place in all this, you wasted no time, fire balled in your fist and you threw a wave of heat at him. He squealed, patting himself down, left intact by your attack. Your attentions went back to the trio. You punched Soldier Boy in the gut. Butcher climbed off Homelander to grapple you by the shoulder and throw you.
Soon. In a mess of limbs and fire, it was Homelander and you versus Starlight's boyfriend, Butcher, and Soldier Boy. Soldier Boy and Butcher were far more trained in specific combos of attack, while Homelander just aimlessly tossed his brute strength in where he could hit them. All of them had one goal. It was like you didn't even exist. Any move against you was one to keep you away. The three of them held Homelander down to the ground, Ben's chest began to glow yellow.
What was that?! What was he doing?! You had never seen that before.
"No! Stop!" You screamed, steam rose from the corners of your eyes. You grabbed Ben by the shoulders and pulled with all your might. "PLEASE!"
Your efforts were just enough to give Homelander an opening and he escaped their hold, flying into the sky and through the roof. You fell back, hitting the wall.
It was still.
You licked your lips, eyes focused ahead on Soldier Boy's hunched form. Butcher flipped on his side and Starlight's boyfriend stood with a limp and a grunt. Soldier Boy stood, one leg at a time, he slowly faced you. His chest rose and fell with every ragged breath. You held against the wall as he closed in on you.
"I'm going to kill him..." He began, pulling loose tufts of his hair back with his fingers. "And I'm going to make you watch." You tilted your head away. "And then I'm going to kill you." Your vision just so happened to land on Butcher. He was grinning now, blood staining his teeth.
"This is not fair, Ben." You said weakly.
"Aww, are you gonna' cry?" He taunted, lacking any jest, all cold and callous. "Gosh, I don't remember you being such a pussy."
"I don't remember you being so cold."
"Well, that's what happens when the only person you ever fuckin' cared about leaves you to the wolves for four decades!" He shouted, spital ran off his sharp teeth.
"Fuck you, Ben. You don't even know anything. You don't know." You whimpered back, defeated. You couldn't even believe that was you talking. You lifted into the air and flew through the hole in the ceiling.
Ben's eyed followed you, head tilting back. His fists clenched at his sides.
"What did she mean?" He asked out loud, "They Got Me too. What does that mean?"
"Who fuckin' knows, mate. You can't trust a word she says." Butcher replied, eyes narrowing on Soldier Boy in question. Soldier Boy needed to think Phoenix was the enemy. Otherwise, they would never kill Homelander. "She's just tryin' to get into your head."
"That flying fuck and her, are they..."
"What do you think?" And that was the only seed Butcher needed to plant because Soldier Boy's answering grimace was enough. He was hurt and he was fuming and that was how Butcher needed him to stay. He needed Soldier Boy on his side.
"Guys, we gotta' go. Like, now." Hughie stated anxiously, Butcher nodded in agreement.
"Come on." Soldier Boy stood below the hole in the ceiling, his fists clenched at his sides, he gritted his teeth.
You were right there. Right in front of him. As beautiful as the first day he had met you...
And he should have killed you.
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hp-bodiceripper · 1 year
Bodice Ripper 2023: masterlist revealed
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Reveals are here!
Thank you to all our wonderful participants for your skill and creativity. It's been a joy to host this fest for you again.
Thank you dear commenters, rebloggers, kudos givers, and enthusiastic supporters. We hope you feel properly romanced.
See you next year!
🖋 collarbones like a bow, skin an arrow to the heart by @lqtraintracks (Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley, E, 4k)
Gin’s adjusting the lighting for their next shoot when in walks the new model Luna was so enthusiastic about, and that’s when they know they’re in deep shit.
🖋 Cool About It by @oflights (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, M, 16k)
Harry is so excited for his first date with Draco. But what follows isn't so much a date as it is an all-night odyssey including a malevolent lift, a Gringotts heist, a Sleeping Curse, a trip to the kebab shop, a lack of dancing, a Muggle drug, a rooftop pool party, a black eye and, eventually, a sunrise over a Quidditch stadium.
🖋 Love Me Meow by apricitydays (Arabella Fig/Minerva McGonagall, E, 2.5k)
After the students leave for the summer, Headmaster McGonagall and the new Muggle Studies professor have a chance and sensuous encounter at the beach.
🖋 Nature pricks them on to ramp and rage by @goblinmatriarch (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, E, 21k)
Lord Draco Malfoy may be a young man spending time in Dumbledore’s summer court, but that does not mean he needs to succumb to its licentious frivolity. He carries the burden of his lineage, the shadow of rumours, and the dignity of his betrothal to a good match. He is certainly not fool enough to be distracted by the dark curls and ready grin of the court’s stableboy, who seems to have taken up with every courtier who looks his way.
🖋 The Real Thing by @skeptiquewrites (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, M, 5k)
Harry only means to cheer Draco up after a terrible breakup. He doesn't mean to fall in love.
🖋 this is how we become timeless by @evadwrites (Narcissa Malfoy/Lily Evans, T, 10k)
Narcissa is in eternal servitude to the Dark Lord, bound by the tears of a burned-down phoenix. Lily belongs to the Order, bound by the tears of the same creature. They’re the only two people in the world in the position of time turners, tasked with teetering the outcome of the ongoing war into their respective side’s favor. They are light years away, yet they’ve never been closer.
🖋 Wild Horses (couldn't drag me away) by @purplehotmess (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, E, 36k)
Koi no Yokan (Japanese) - The feeling of excitement you get when you first meet someone and know that you will eventually fall in love with them. A more realistic version of ‘love at first sight’, it roughly translates to ‘premonition of love’. A story of magic, horses, magical horses, and two men who fight all odds to find their way to each other.
🖋 Yesterday by suhtmuikkis (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, T, 10k)
Harry doesn’t intentionally kidnap Draco Malfoy. Really it’s debatable if you can even call it kidnapping but the git surely seems to think so.
🎨 Harry And Draco Wearing Kilts by @ladderofyears (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, G, digital art)
Our favourite wizards, dressed in traditional Scottish attire.
🎨 I Bloom Pink For You by @crazybutgood (Narcissa Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson, M, craft)
Pansy has been starved for love her whole life. All she needs is someone who will give her the approval she craves. An origami comic inspired by Schmem_14's fic.
🎨 Joy Exposed by @getawayfox (Fleur Delacour/Ginny Weasley, G, Digital art)
Ginny and Fleur give an interview for Daily Prophet’s new Weekend Magazine and spend hours doing an accompanying photoshoot. When it comes to approving the selection of photos for print, they unanimously choose the candid one taken on their break, rather than all the styled and posed images.
🎨 Monday Murder Club by @vitaminpops (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Lavender Brown/Padma Patil, T, Digital art)
The members of a crime-solving club find love and friendship amidst the blood.
🎨 The Professor's Passion by @digthewriter (Narcissa Black Malfoy/Hermione Granger, G, Digital art)
Hermione is a professor and Gryffindor head of house. She loves her job... until Narcissa Malfoy is hired on the school's faculty, and is now head of Slytherin. God, that woman is insufferable. Hermione despises her so much she can hardly think about anything else. (She must hate her... that's why she always feels so hot and bothered when she's around, right? And does she have to be so damn beautiful?)
🎨 You Pierce My Soul by @reliand (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, M, digital art)
Harry's eyes were on him almost as soon as Draco entered the ballroom. It was as if he'd been watching the door, and now Harry's eyes were wide and his mouth open.
🎵 Masks Off by @roseszain (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Teen, 3h 15 min)
Draco had followed his parents to this Caribbean island as a matter of course, even though no one had told him what they were doing here or why his father’s ships were frequently attacked by masked pirates. And, honestly, Draco’d had no intention of actually finding out either.
🎵 wasps and honey by swoons by cailynwrites (Hermione Granger/Narcissa Malfoy, M, 1 - 1,5 hours)
After ten years on parole in the Muggle world, newly widowed Narcissa Black is finally allowed to do magic again — as long as she can complete all the spells on the Ministry course list. Her Ministry of Magic representative? Hermione Granger.
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hd-fan-fair · 2 years
Title: Melting for You Creator: Anonymous Prompt: #9 Food Theme: Modelling with Food, Food Photographer Harry Potter Travel Theme: India Rating: Teen Warnings/Content Notes: Sectumsempra Scars (Harry Potter), Draco Malfoy Flirts, Smitten Harry Potter, Comic Summary: Model Draco Malfoy lands a risqué dessert shoot with famous photographer Harry Potter and uses his props to shamelessly flirt with Harry in front of the whole crew. Art Medium: Digital Creator’s Notes: Thank you to the mods for organizing the fest! And Phoenix for helping me decide on a prompt! (They were ALL so good) I've tried a more manga-ish style in this comic, I hope it's clear and easy to follow! Enjoy BOLD AF model Draco Malfoy :) ( Melting for You )
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Masterlist and creator reveals!
We had truly great works in this fest. We're thrilled everyone was so excited to explore the First Wizarding War with us!! Your mods, @yletylyf and @maraudersaffair, want to thank everyone for making it such a success.
If you haven't had a chance to catch up on all the works yet, you can browse the collection here.
Below is the final fest masterlist with creator reveals!
We'll Make the Best of It by @patriceavril (James Potter/Lily Evans Potter) [Fic]:
“I’m going stir crazy. I’m sick of this stupid house and this stupid garden and…” “My stupid face?” Lily grinned. “Your face is alright. Could be worse.” The highs and lows of the Potters’ time in hiding.
Sincerely, Your Favourite Cousin by LimeOfMagicLimo (Gen) [Fic]:
When her favourite baby cousin is down in the aftermath of his House Elf's death, big cousin Bellatrix heads up to Hogsmead to cheer him up. It changes the course of war like you wouldn't believe.
a learning experience by Laeveteinn (Tom Riddle/Hepzibah Smith; Various Platonic Relationships) [Fic]:
Voldemort spends ten years in customer service. In retrospect, this may explain certain things.
Cruel Bravery by @trinitydaydabbles (Sirius Black/Bellatrix Black Lestrange) [Fic]:
He's on a mission for the Order of the Phoenix. She's on a mission for the Death Eaters. Only one of them can succeed, but neither are getting out of this unscathed.
The Depths of the Abyss by @thecryptidlady (Regulus Black/Barty Crouch Jr.) [Fic]:
Regulus, increasingly disillusioned and buckling under his guilt, seeks comfort in Barty's arms.
two coffins for sleep by knowinglook (Severus Snape/Regulus Black) [Fic]:
Regulus’s body was ice-cold and his skin was so sickeningly blue, that it almost looked translucent. Severus pressed his fingertips, shaking he noticed, against Regulus’s wrist, searching for a pulse. There, a faint pulse. He’s still alive. He’s still alive. Or: Severus helps Regulus survive the Horcrux poison.
Choices by @mystcwritings (Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Rodolphus Lestrange, Andromeda Black Tonks/Ted Tonks) [Fic]:
The Black Sisters made their choices. All for love. Bellatrix love of the Dark Lord; Andromeda and Narcissa the love of their husbands. But War has its consequences.
The Recruitment by @silenceinwinter2019 (James Potter/Lily Evans Potter) [Fic]:
Prompt 32 by Chelonie: In canon, Voldemort tried to recruit Lily Evans. I would LOVE to read that story!
Sectum Princeps (Dolorissimum) by SerenaEW (Gen) [Fic]:
The first cut hurts the most. A canon-compliant-ish fic about how Sectumsempra came to be.
No Mercy for Beasts by @maraudersaffair (Remus Lupin/Severus Snape) [Fic]:
It's sixth year and Severus is desperate to become a Death Eater. He's also desperate for Remus Lupin to fuck him.
Stronger by @digthewriter (Dorcas/Marlene) [Art]:
Some couples are driven apart by the war, twisted by fear and suspicion, but it only brings Dorcas and Marlene closer together.
Auror Potter and the Vices of Men by @camelot-dragonlord (Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort) [Fic]:
The Ministry sends Auror Harry back in time to defeat Voldemort before the prophecy. During his mission, Harry falls in love with someone unexpected.
A Way Out by @shiaya21 (Peter/Regulus, Peter & Regulus) [Digital Comic]:
Peter Pettigrew and Regulus Black hanging out in a random park. They have a nice little chat about the future and question their life decisions. (Spoiler: They're not very good at it.)
Damage Control by @sniperjade (Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy; Gen) [Fic]:
Realising that he was now very much on his own in this life Draco Malfoy goes back in time to try and fix the past. He thinks can change things. Set everything back on the right path. He didn't expect to meet someone so important that the future would not exist without her. He never expected to be battling in a warzone whilst trying to protect someone completely unable to protect themselves.
Here to Honour You by DeanDangerous (Regulus Black/Barty Crouch Jr.) [Fic]:
Before walking into his death, Regulus says goodbye to an unsuspecting Barty.
love like the blood in my teeth by anonymous (marlene mckinnon/dorcas meadows) [Fic]:
Some couples are driven apart by the war, twisted by fear and suspicion, but it only brings Dorcas and Marlene closer together.
leave a message in the dirt Fic by @yletylyf and Art by @digthewriter (Remus Lupin/Fenrir Greyback) [Art & Fic]:
Remus is reeling after the Order sends Sirius Black on a suicide mission. Remus doesn't want to be human anymore. Fortunately—or unfortunately—he has a built-in solution for that.
Nyctophobia by @soloorganaas (Bella/Lily) [Fic]:
The time for playing by their rules is over.
In a Mirror, Darkly by @inmyownlittlecorner5 (Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter) [Fic]:
Lily Evans Potter would do anything to protect her family from Voldemort. Even seduce her ex-best friend Severus Snape.
cauldron smoke and fresh paper by Laeveteinn (Barty Crouch Jr./Voldemort) [Fic]:
If Barty Crouch Sr. spent time at his manor, he might have noticed how often Voldemort did the same.
The Sisters of House Black by @adastraarts (Bellatrix Black Lestrange & Narcissa Black Malfoy & Andromeda Black Tonks, Bellatrix Black Lestrange & Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Andromeda Black Tonks/Ted Tonks) [Art]:
The three Black sisters - Bellatrix, Andromeda, Narcissa - and the different paths each of them walk during the First Wizarding War.
Scream, aim, fire (god has spoken) by @bluesundaycake (Gen) [Fic]:
After graduation, Barty's life spins and spins — into the war, into the Department of Mysteries, into the Dark Lord's inner circle. War always exacts a price, and everyone must pay it.
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faeraynedeer · 4 years
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Phoenix Comicon was supposed to be in one week and I’m seriously so depressed about it not happening lmao
BUT cheers to my Sophie cosplay from 2018 in which I didn’t get any super good photos of just me because I was having too good of a time 🙃
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vaulttouched · 5 years
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Not the best shot, but Skags are done!! Not exactly as intended but they came out cute.
They'll be on the Etsy after con, but right now I have ONE for sale at Phoenix Fan Fusion. The other will remain a pre-order example till last day.
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amandasgeekblog · 5 years
Any OXENFREE Cosplayers going to Phoenix Fan Fusion?
I haven’t decided when I’m going as Alex yet but I will one of the days! @dogsnarls will be dressed up everyday as Alex. So you should message either one of us!
EDIT: I’m gonna be Alex on Friday! I’ll be the short one 
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mollythemad · 5 years
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The pool at my hotel for comicon
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spidypool · 5 years
Catherine improved the charity sketch with Tennant line "you take the high road I'll take the low road" and with the intention of making him break character and burst out laughing but he just went with instead much to her disappointment.
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hp-bodiceripper · 1 year
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This week brought you sweeping world building, thrilling winged horse races, origami dresses, cottage core softness, topsy-turvy first dates, kilts, glittering robes, steamy photoshoots and only one bed.
We hope you are as delighted with the wonderful creations as we are. On behalf of the fest creators, thank you for all the kudos and comments and screaming in the tags. Keep 'em coming.
Posting will commence on Monday.
Here are all works from week one.
🎨 Art
Harry And Draco Wearing Kilts
(Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, G, digital art) Our favourite wizards, dressed in traditional Scottish attire.
reliand says about this: oh they're so handsome! Slowly_learning says about this: I really like the vibe in here! This makes my mind wander and think about how they ended up in kilts.
I Bloom Pink For You
(Narcissa Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson, M, craft) Pansy has been starved for love her whole life. All she needs is someone who will give her the approval she craves. An origami comic inspired by Schmem_14's fic.
lq_traintracks says about this: This is absolutely incredible! The origami is such a beautiful way to make the dresses! Schmem_14 says about this: Oh, you’ve outdone yourself this is beautiful. I am flabbergasted and so in love with this 😍
You Pierce My Soul
(Harry/Draco, M, digital art) Harry's eyes were on him almost as soon as Draco entered the ballroom. It was as if he'd been watching the door, and now Harry's eyes were wide and his mouth open.
Krethes says about this: This is so STUNNING! The richness of the textures and colors are just everything! RaenyDay says about this: The way you captured the materials and layers of Draco’s outfit?? Fantastic. Like he’s wrapped in a nebula. Harry’s tattoo and shirt pattern. chef’s kiss
🎵 Podfic
wasps and honey by swoons
(Hermione Granger/Narcissa Malfoy, M, 1 - 1,5 hours) After ten years on parole in the Muggle world, newly widowed Narcissa Black is finally allowed to do magic again — as long as she can complete all the spells on the Ministry course list. Her Ministry of Magic representative? Hermione Granger.
swoons says about this: Oh my god!!!! Your voice is so lovely in this askdjdhsjakdj you’ve given this story so much additional magic and care!!! I am incoherent!!!! !!!!!!! ChaoticSapphicWitch says about this: This is so good!!!! MY HEART!!!
🖋 Fic
collarbones like a bow, skin an arrow to the heart
(Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley, E, 4k) Gin’s adjusting the lighting for their next shoot when in walks the new model Luna was so enthusiastic about, and that’s when they know they’re in deep shit.
TheGoblinMatriarch says about this: Oh my goodness goodness gracious this is very sultry and I love the absolute inevitability of the seduction even as Gin spends the whole time low-key resisting it! lagerlout says about this: This was SCORCHING! Obsessed with Gin in this. Would be absolutely powerless to resist them.
Cool About It
(Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, M, 16k) Harry is so excited for his first date with Draco. But what follows isn't so much a date as it is an all-night odyssey including a malevolent lift, a Gringotts heist, a Sleeping Curse, a trip to the kebab shop, a lack of dancing, a Muggle drug, a rooftop pool party, a black eye and, eventually, a sunrise over a Quidditch stadium.
stardanced says about this: What a roller-coaster of a night - hilarious and heart stopping in equal measure, I love everything about it! Thank you, such a brilliant read. getawayfox says about this: What a DELIGHT of a fic! First few lines in and I started grinning like a loon and I didn’t stop the whole time
this is how we become timeless
(Narcissa Malfoy/Lily Evans, T, 10k) Narcissa is in eternal servitude to the Dark Lord, bound by the tears of a burned-down phoenix. Lily belongs to the Order, bound by the tears of the same creature. They’re the only two people in the world in the position of time turners, tasked with teetering the outcome of the ongoing war into their respective side’s favor. They are light years away, yet they’ve never been closer.
nocturn says about this: I DEVOURED this. How incredibly beautifully you have woven their stories together!!! This feels just like the book, so stunningly written and intense and dreamy all at once! anon says about this: Such an interesting world you've created.
Wild Horses (couldn't drag me away)
(Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, E, 36k) Koi no Yokan (Japanese) - The feeling of excitement you get when you first meet someone and know that you will eventually fall in love with them. A more realistic version of ‘love at first sight’, it roughly translates to ‘premonition of love’. A story of magic, horses, magical horses, and two men who fight all odds to find their way to each other.
Angeeeelica says about this: Bro this is just * chef kiss * oflights says about this: The world-building was so simply and easily established and you made it look easy. And I absolutely adore the culture you built around magical horses; the historical setting worked so well.
(Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, T, 10k) Harry doesn’t intentionally kidnap Draco Malfoy. Really it’s debatable if you can even call it kidnapping but the git surely seems to think so.
QueeenieJinny says about this: I love the way this was structured, the back and forth kept it really engaging and interesting. Slowly_learning says about this: Loved the matchmaking house trope in here!
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redroses100 · 5 years
I'm gonna be wandering around Phoenix Fan Fusion 2019 today and tomorrow as Aizawa from BNHA, if anyone wants to say hi to me!
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I’ve wanted to have Starscream saying this for ages XD
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little-ms-chaos · 5 years
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Fire emblem Cosplayers
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rainbow-brite13 · 6 years
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Despite practicing poses, I still got so excited that I went full-on derp for my photo (I'll post the digital copy when it comes thru), but Wil laughed out loud & Elliot said I looked really pretty so it works for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 @wilwheaton @taylorswift
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operaticsheep · 6 years
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☀️ soleil is here! ☀️ making soleil’s costume was honestly so fun! it was definitely a challenge taking on a fire emblem character for cosplay, but it paid off!! 📸: modeviacphotography on instagram
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