#Phastos: do you really not see how this sounds?
softquietsteadylove · 9 months
Second round for the Thenamesh Cook and Critic AU.
This time Gil nails the next meal. Thena reacts like the food critic from ratatouille!
Thena sighs as another plate is taken away from in front of her. She looks at her notepad. She has tried twelve dishes thus far, and every single one of them was lacklustre. Her notes are mostly things like spoke at the floor during presentation, or not enough onion in ONION galette.
She only agreed to critique this farce because she wants the extra credit. That was the reason she gave her supervising teacher, that is. On a more personal level, she saw the list of students entering and volunteered to critique and write the review for the competition.
It's extracurricular, essentially a competition for a review in a very prestigious publication. It's still a review, so she has to be impartial, if critical, but the winner can get their name out into the real world of fine dining.
She doesn't think anyone on this list besides Gilgamesh stands a chance. But again, she has to be impartial, so she can't risk voicing that opinion. She has to try his dish for herself.
Thanks to her position as a third year critique student, she's graded several classes this year, three of which Gilgamesh attended. His dishes are always warm and comforting, but he doesn't lack refinement, and he's no slouch when it comes to plating. She rather thinks he has more promise than anyone else in the school.
"Just one more," Ajak smiles over her shoulder. Thena just nods, long bored of having to endure all the other entries when Gilgamesh's is the only one she actually wanted to try.
She could have just asked. He has offered several times now to make her something, or present the adjustments to a recipe that she suggested. But she can't take him up on that offer...for some reason. She'll think about it, and then lose her nerve.
The door to the examination room opens and in walks Gilgamesh, tall and broad shouldered and confident. He has a huge grin on his face, which is a stark contrast to the contestants who walked in with tears in their eyes. He shifts his dish on his palm so he can wave at her.
Thena almost waves back, but it turns to a flinch as his tray starts to tilt. "Gil-!"
"Whoa!" he startles, catching the silver cloche and adjusting the platter loudly. "Sorry, that was close!"
Ajak presses her palm over her eyes.
Thena sinks back into her chair (she didn't even realise she had risen in reflex to the scare). She clears her throat, tugging at her skirt. "What are you presenting, Gilgamesh?"
"Well, the name of the dish officially is Liquid Gold," he grins as he sets the platter down on her white tablecloth. He pulls the cloche away, "but I did think about calling it Breakfast of Champions."
The room is silent in reaction to the dish. Sitting in front of her for judging in a fine dining setting is...an egg--a singular egg in an egg holder in the middle of the plate.
Thena leans forward examining it closer. Her brows knit and she looks up at him. He's still beaming, though, and it's a little too infectious to ignore. She feels the corners of her lips tug, "what have you done?"
Gilgamesh leans in too, eager to watch her cut into the dish. "I took a chance--I hope you like onigiri."
Thena pokes at the outside of the 'egg'. The rice is perfect and fluffy, but shaped into an egg, which is renowned for being a deceptively difficult shape to construct. She pulls it away and indeed, inside, is liquid gold. She inhales.
Gilgamesh hangs on her every reaction, practically wagging his tail in his eagerness.
Ajak steps towards them, "Gilgamesh, do you want to...?"
He shakes his head though, "after she's had her bite."
Her bite--her one bite, for which she has become infamous. Because she has to taste so much in a day she has come to dislike so many foods. Because she can never just sit down and enjoy a meal. Because she's the most frightening critique student to come out of this school.
Thena pulls her bite to her lips and gasps. Her eyes go wide and she feels as if she's sinking into a warm chicken broth. The dish oozes, just like a soft boiled egg, but the grains of rice fall to the plate below and instead of egg yolk, there is a silken chicken broth dripping out, thickened like a creamy soup.
It makes her feel like a little girl digging into a soft boiled egg in her grandfather's garden. It tastes like a comforting chicken dumpling and a risotto and a breakfast dish all at once. She chews the rice and feels like when she would eat plov (pilaf) after a cold day outside.
She takes another bite, and then another. The dish is small anyway, and she wishes it weren't. She even moves her fork in the bottom of the egg holder to get every last grain of rice within. She licks her lips and sighs, leaning on the table. "It's perfect."
Ajak's jaw is hanging open.
But Gil is looking at her with pure joy on his face, "you think so?"
She nods, feeling as if she's tipsy (she doesn't drink). She taps her finger against the gold rim of the plate. "Tell me about the dish."
"So, I thought, well, what's the most important meal of the day?" he begins rhetorically, and maybe it's because she's in such a good mood that she finds it so charming. Or maybe it's just Gilgamesh. But he gesticulates as he speaks, and she wonders if anyone will mind if she licks the inside of the egg cup. "And then I think, what's my favourite thing to have for breakfast?"
She raises her brows at him, and this is no longer her interviewing him for the competition. It might never have been that. "You have onigiri for breakfast?"
"I do a lot of cooking in the day, I really value a quick meal I don't have to do anything for myself," he shrugs shamelessly. She thinks he's funny. "Anyway, I was thinking of what fillings of onigiri there are, and then I thought about dumplings and their fillings, and then I thought about how chicken dumplings are totally underrated. Then-"
"Gilgamesh," Ajak interrupts him, and Thena has never felt annoyed with Ajak before now. "More concisely, please."
"Right, sorry," he offers a more sheepish smile and holds the silver cloche of the platter against his chest. "Liquid Gold is inspired by eastern and western traditions of a self contained meal. It's all the warmth of a perfect egg with the complexity of a xiaolongbao. The 'egg' is composed of rice I seasoned with just a little sesame oil and rice vinegar, and the 'yolk' is actually a homemade chicken stock concentrated down with a little traditional seasoning, as well as some curry and all-spice, to be gentle on the stomach, then made into a gelatin so it can melt out of the egg when you cut into it."
Thena wishes she could stand up and clap for him.
"I know it's a simple concept, and maybe I'm taking a bit of a risk," he admits, some shyness coming over him. "But I thought...what would someone want to eat? What's something that would be comforting, but also nice to eat, whether it's first thing in the morning or...after a bunch of other dishes."
Thena blinks. He took into account that he was last on the roster for judging. Had he really taken into consideration how she would feel after tasting all the other entries?
"I just wanna make food that makes people happy," he concludes softly, shrugging his shoulders as if he hasn't created a truly unique and inspired dish.
She could cry with joy, she liked it so much.
"Thank you for having me," he concludes, as did the rest of the contestants. He bows to her and Ajak, then to the other supervising teachers present.
Thena wishes she could ask him to make this for her again, but just sits there as he walks out. When he closes the door, she dabs at her eyes. She has truly been moved to tears by his cooking, and she didn't even get to tell him.
She publishes her review the next day in the school newsletter.
The very idea that culinary practice requires its own form of criticism is, in itself, arrogant. Who are we to declare that the simple act of eating and enjoying food is subject to validation given by a privileged few? The purpose of food is to be eaten, and I believe that any cook worthy of being called Chef would say that they want to make food which people will enjoy.
Liquid Gold is, in every sense, food to be enjoyed. It is the perfect dish, small but rich, comforting but exciting, engaging but familiar. The promise of a liquid centre of chicken bouillon is enough to make Midas a jealous man, encased in rice capable of transporting anyone back to the kitchen of their most beloved memories.
Brought to life by a chef named Gilgamesh, I am no match for it. It does not require a perfect palette to enjoy this dish. Nor does anyone need to have refined tastes to love eating it. This charming little 'egg' exists only to evoke complete infatuation with its simple charms.
Once upon a time, many of us were told that love is a secret ingredient to any meal. With Chef Gilgamesh, this may well prove true. Love is palatable in this dish, and within all dishes of his making. And I expect the world over to fall in love with this dish as I have, created by the best chef ever to be taught within the halls of the Celestial Institute of Culinary Studies.
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redheadspark · 10 months
Hi hi! I love your writing!! For the December prompts can I do Druig with 8 & 13 ?
A/N - I love this for Druig! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Summary - Druig thinks of himself as a coward. His wife thinks otherwise
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Warnings - angst with fluff at the end
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The otherwise of the bed was cold, which made you worry as you woke up from your slumber.
Usually, you would have a warm body next to you, more than warm since he would run hot when he would sleep out there in your little shack.  It didn’t help when it was humid, even in the winter season the air would be sticky in the dead of night.  But his side of the bed was in fact cold, you could only feel the bunched sheets.
He was also a clinger when he slept, always wanting you within arms ready with either tangled legs or his arms around your waist.  You never minded it, not really since you two were an item for the last 600 years or so, long before you both came to the Amazon 50 years ago.  Leaving your Eternal family and only having each other to lean on for support.  Although you missed them all and their company after being together for centuries on Earth, you would never trade your choice in walking away with Druig.  
You two were building a life together.
You blinked slowly to rub your eyes, seeing the otherwise of your bed empty and abandoned.  It wasn’t like Druig to leave your bed in the middle of the night unless he would wake to tell you.  But your heard the front door crack, making you look and see that it was opened slightly and the moonlight was shining in.  The cooler breeze was filling in the room, along with the softer sounds of the nocturnal animals echoing from the high trees.  You slipped out of bed, threw on your robe that was a gift to you from one of the elders in the tiny village, and tip-toed along the wooden floor.
Poking your head out of the cracked open door, you saw the very person you were looking over, leaning against the pillar of the shack and looking up at the moon with a haunted look on his face.  You quickly grabbed his blue robe that was hanging up on a singular nail on the wall, sliding out onto the porch where he was to silently sit next to him. 
“Put this on before you catch a cold,” You hummed to him, placing the robe along his shoulders to watch him carefully slip his arms through.  You grinned slightly, though you leaned your shoulder against his.  Passing a kiss on his shoulder, you spoke again, “What’s on your mind, honey,”
He said nothing for a moment or two, you knowing well to not press him when he was in deep thought.  Druig was never one to hide things from you that haunted his mind, he was very open with you and never wished to withdraw anything from you.  But you could see it in his eyes and how he seemed….lost.
“Did I make the right choice?” 
You looked at him with a hot of worry as he asked that, his voice sounding a bit raw and uneasy as his eyes were still trained on the moon.  You rubbed his arm with your fingers, feeling him lean back against you a bit more. This was the last thing you thought he would ask, since up until this point he was more than fine with being out in the village.  
“What do you mean?” You asked him gently.
“Coming out here, leaving the family,” he replied, you hearing him call the others “family” for the first time.  You knew he admired them and never wished any ill wishes towards them.  He would be aloof with them of course, but nothing negative.  He missed them every once in a while when you two went off on your own, joking around with Kingo or talking about her inventions with Phastos.  Even with Ajak, the leader who would always have to answer to Arishem, Druig missed her pearls of wisdom and warmth.  
“You did what you had to do,” you reminded him with a calm tone, “That was the worst night of your life, Druig.  You had to watch what happened to those humans and you made a new path because of it—“
“Because I couldn’t simply stop them,” Druig muttered.
“Druig..” You said his name as he huffed and blinked a few times, you finally noticed that he was silent crying.
“I had a nightmare,” He explained, his voice now sounding a bit raw, “That night out there and seeing those humans kill each other.  I could hear them crying out for help…..but I just stood there and did nothing…..like a coward.”
“Hey!” You huffed, reaching over to frame his face in your hands to get his attention.  His blue eyes were brightened in tears, and his cheeks and skin were flushed, this was now the same Druig knew that was filled with life and hope.  You saw him thrive there in that village building new homes for the growing families and new crops on the small farm.  He loved what he was doing, he looked so happy and filled with joy in helping the small cluster of humans thrive and survive.
To hear himself call himself a coward though…
“Don’t talk about yourself like that,” You scolded him, seeing him blink at you as you stared at him hard, “You are not a coward, not even close! Don’t ever call yourself that ever again, you hear me?”
He said nothing, but you knew he was drinking it all in as he laced your spare hand in his own and you gave him a small smile.
“Druig, you are one of the bravest beings I know. You’re brave for knowing what is right and saying it, not holding it in.  If anything, that is uncowardly.  I have always loved how brave you were and wishing to do the right thing and never holding back with your words, it was one of the reasons I fell in love with you,”  
Druig smiled, small but softly as you traced some of the tears away with your fingers.
“You should have told me you were feeling this way,” You advised him, but he shrugged and bit his lower lip.
“I thought I could handle it on my own,” he tried to explain, but you huffed.
“Why do you always think you have to do everything on your own?  You stubborn ass,” you said, Druig snorted and finally chuckled for the first time that night as you giggled.  You were glad to break off that mood he was in, Druig wrapping you in his arms to hug you as you let him.  Druig would never be one to ask for him in any way, which bothered you since you knew it would be too much for him at the time.  Something like this though, worried you that he was having these nightmares over time and keeping it to himself just to protect you.  Then again, you knew deep down old ghosts and demons would haunt anyone.  
Even the mind controller himself.
“All is well, Druig,” You said against his head as you kissed his ear, “Don’t think you can do this alone, not with me.  Lean on me when it gets heavy, please,”
“Anything for you, my love,” he replied as he pecked your lips.  
“Good, now come to bed with me.  I miss you in my arms,” you replied, getting up and taking Druig by the hand.  He laughed, following you willingly as you two finally left the porch to go back into the little home that you made together.  Nightmares will come and go, but they won’t last forever.
Not like the love you had for Druig. 
The End
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 7.4
Happy Sunday fellow Drukkari stans, or whatever day it is for you! Took me a bit longer because I was considering splitting this up into two mini-chapters, but instead, you get a slightly longer installment this week! If you need to catch up, all previous installments can be found on my Table of Contents, here. I'm also on AO3, though you'll need an account to read there. The other Eternals--I mean, competitors are starting to take note of Druig and Makkari's friendship, but what does this mean for them? Find out now in the next mini-installment of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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After the technical, it was Druig’s turn to be stunned into a trance-like state. He’d never expected it, especially since he’d never even made profiteroles before. In fact, given how the previous weeks had gone, he never expected to win any technical challenge. Yet somehow, he had. Seeing how shocked he was, Darcy had wasted no time and immediately asked Makkari to conduct his interview. While the surprise had worn off by dinnertime, he was still very much in a state of disbelief.
“Is he always like this after a technical?” Phastos whispered.
“Well, he’s usually moping because he did poorly, so this is new,” Sersi explained.
“Y’know I’m right here,” Druig deadpanned.
“Congratulations, Druig,” Gil said with a smile, prompting the rest of the group to chime in with assenting statements.
“Thanks, I really don’t know how it happened,” Druig replied.
Well, anything’s possible in the tent, Makkari said.
“You’re one to talk, Ms. Handshake,” Sprite interjected.
I don’t know how that happened either! she responded, still in disbelief herself.
“Well, since we’re all together, maybe your good luck will rub off on the rest of us,” Sersi teased.
“Guess I came on a good night,” Phastos joked.
“Guess I’ll be going, then,” Druig retorted, starting to rise from his chair. Amidst the protests and some laughter, Makkari raised her eyebrows at him, and he immediately sat back down. Her smile returned as he signed just to her, Just kidding.
You two are gross, Sprite signed at them. Makkari stuck her tongue out at the sour teen as Sersi interpreted for Gil and Phastos.
“That’s not very nice, Sprite,” Gil scolded, though his tone was still light.
“Well, I’m not a particularly nice person, Gil,” Sprite quipped.
“On that, we agree,” Phastos muttered, earning a glare from the redhead and a chuckle from Druig. “Nothing personal. I think most teenagers are unpleasant.”
“Aren’t you so excited for Jack to become one? He’s only a few years away, you know.”
“Oh, don’t remind me,” Phastos said with a sigh. “I scored a few points with Jack by getting into Bake Off, but as soon as he turns thirteen, it’ll all be worthless.”
So, you joined a televised baking competition because you wanted to impress your ten-year-old son? Makkari asked, an amused glint in her eyes.
“No, I also joined for me,” he replied, sounding very noncommittal before he added, “and I bake for my son and my husband all the time anyway, so this is really just practice for them.”
“I’m sure Arishem would be thrilled to hear that he’s a taste tester for your family,” Druig interjected with a smirk.
“Does he even know about these dinners?” Phastos asked.
“I don’t think so,” Sersi answered. “Pretty sure the only person on the crew who knows is Kingo. I don’t know if he told anyone else.”
If he knows what’s good for him, he won’t, Makkari signed emphatically, though a smile was tugging at her lips.
“So, what else do you usually talk about at these dinners?” Phastos asked.
“We usually weigh in on each other’s love lives,” Gil explained, “but you’re already spoken for, so…”
I still want to know about Phastos’ love life! Makkari declared enthusiastically. How’d you two meet?
Everyone listened intently (except for Sprite) as Phastos reminisced about meeting Ben through a mutual friend, how Phastos had taken a while to open up to him, how they’d gotten married, and how they eventually decided to adopt Jack. He was understandably terse at first, as he wasn’t used to being the center of attention in their group, but he loosened up the longer he talked. Makkari, in particular, hung on every word as Druig interpreted for her, reacting in real time to every little detail and spurring Phastos on with more questions. Before they knew it, it was quite late.
As the group said goodnight and departed Sersi’s room, Druig looked back to see Makkari had stayed inside. He raised his eyebrows in a silent question. In response, she simply shrugged and looked at Sersi.
Update tomorrow? he asked. He caught a glimpse of the mischievous glint in her eye as she nodded and smiled. Sersi had caught the tail end of this exchange, but she merely smiled slyly at him as she bid him goodnight and shut the door. Druig was left standing in the empty hallway. At least, he thought it was empty.
“Well, I heard Kingo freaking out about you two being psychically linked, but I didn’t actually believe him until now,” Sprite said. Druig didn’t physically jump, but he was pretty sure his stomach had done a flip. He calmly turned to face the teen to respond, but she spoke again first. “I’ve heard of couples melding into the same person over time, but six weeks must be some sort of record.”
“We’re hardly the same person. And besides, Makkari and I are just friends,” he said. His voice was steady, but his heart was pounding. Sprite scoffed before he’d even finished his sentence.
“I don’t buy that for a second, and neither does anyone else in this competition.”
And with that, Sprite walked briskly back to her room, leaving Druig in a state of mild panic.
Considering the state he was in, Druig had done pretty well in the showstopper. He’d tossed and turned quite a bit the night before, causing him to oversleep and nearly miss the shuttle. Luckily, he’d made it just in time. Makkari had teased him for being even later than Sersi, but when he asked her about the events of the previous evening, she suddenly became rather tight-lipped.
I think Sersi wants to tell you herself, was all she would say. It’d been a while since Makkari had held anything back from him. Druig found he didn’t enjoy the sensation.
When competition time rolled around, he pushed all of these feelings to the back of his mind. It was more of a necessity than a conscious decision. He threw himself into his mixed berry tarts, which turned out quite nice. He didn’t think he’d be in line for Star Baker (Sersi’s tarts were immaculate), but he was proud of his work that week. As soon as they were finished and awaiting the results, however, the feelings all came rushing back. Makkari seemed to have forgotten about filling him in, having plopped herself next to Sprite. The writing was on the wall for the teen, and she knew it, but Makkari managed to get a small smile out of the girl. Then, to Druig’s surprise, someone else dropped into the seat next to him.
“I assume Makkari’s already told you and me and Dane,” Sersi said.
“She has,” he replied slowly, trying to suss out what the brunette was going to say.
“And I suppose I have you to thank for that,” she continued, a gentle smile settling on her face. Druig felt his brow furrow in confusion.
“How’s that?” he asked. “Makkari was the one to reach out to him, not me.”
“Yes, but she said you convinced her to do it, so I owe both of you a drink,” Sersi explained. Druig looked at her for a moment, still trying to figure out if he was missing something. There was something sly about her expression, like the look she gave him when she closed the door on him the night before. It almost reminded him of the glint in Makkari’s eyes, but more subdued.
“Well, if you insist,” he finally answered. “So, is that what you two were talking about last night?”
“It was. Sorry for leaving you out, but I didn’t know you’d helped.”
“It’s fine,” he uttered with a shrug.
“Thank you. I mean it,” she said, growing earnest. “The three of us can figure out a time to go out for drinks later.”
And with that, Sersi went to join the other two women.
As he suspected, Sersi was named Star Baker for the week. Sprite had baked her last in the tent, but she put on her usual face and made plenty of quips about no longer having to hang out with a bunch of old people. She didn’t crack, even when Gil gave her a big bear hug, which turned into another group hug when the rest of them joined in.
On the train ride back, Druig couldn’t keep it in any longer.
Sersi’s up to something, he blurted out.
What makes you say that? Makkari asked. Because of the drinks thing?
Yeah, something feels off about it.
Like what? Inviting someone for a drink as a thank you seems pretty normal to me.
Druig thought for a moment. I can’t put my finger on it. It’s not so much what she said but the way she said it. Like she knew something I didn’t.
Well, if she’s hiding something, maybe we’ll find out what it is when we get drinks with her.
Good point. I can’t go this week, though. Doing inventory at the shop.
Damn. Guess drinks will have to wait an extra week.
Druig nodded. Whatever it is, we’ll get to the bottom of it.
That we will, Dr. Watson.
Next time, Detective Druig is on the case! 😂 Anyway, hope you enjoyed this mini-chapter!
Part 26
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themculibrary · 1 day
Gilgamesh Masterlist
25 days of thena and gilgamesh (ao3) - Bright_Boisterous_Bananas gilgamesh/thena M, 5k
Summary: A collection of Drabbles for Thena and Gilgamesh!
Countdown to Christmas with 25 little snippets of pure love, pure fluff, pure pining and more!
academy babylon (ao3) - wiigs gilgamesh/thena N/R, 42k
Summary: welcome to academy babylon where everything is very alternate universe, but essentially ajak is headmaster, all the eternals are professors/teachers, and thena has ptsd but gilgamesh is there for her.
even when it all becomes too much (ao3) - funnefatale gilgamesh/thena G, 7k
Summary: “Are you a Valkyrie?” the child – Thor, she recalls someone saying – asks. He doesn’t wait for her response before he proudly informs her, “When I grow up I’m going to be a Valkyrie.”
alternatively: Thena and Gilgamesh accidentally pseudo-adopt a little god child.
five times everyone assumed thena and gilgamesh were a couple (ao3) - INMH gilgamesh/thena T, 2k
Summary: And one time they definitely were.
Gilgamesh and Makkari's no good, very bad week (ao3) - IIIIFANDOMiii druig/makkari G, 13k
Summary: "Please don't drop me" Gil hadn't really put two and two together when he asked Makkari to take him to the Bazaar. Yes, she's the fastest being in the universe, yes she can definitely carry him no problem but no, he's not sure if he can survive being carried around while she casually breaks the sound barrier.
or A three day shopping trip turned into a race against time for Gilgamesh, after a Deviant attack left Makkari deathly injured miles away from home.
A quick fic I wrote for my own needs since I wanted to write a relationship between Gilgamesh and Makkari since they barely interacted during the movie :')
i’ll spend forever wonderin’ if you knew (i was enchanted to meet you) (ao3) - notquitegucci (AllieKitaguchi) druig/makkari, gilgamesh/thena, ikaris/sersi N/R, 7k
Summary: How the Eternals discovered that Druig and Makkari were in love.
Some of them were a little slower than others.
i remember (ao3) - nitrogenoxygen T, 9k
Summary: She will remember to keep calm and stay put when the Mahd Wy'ry claims her, yes, but she will also remember him. Gilgamesh, her Gilgamesh, who was strong and fierce in battle but a gentle giant outside of it, who wielded his golden-armoured fist like a batting ram but held her hand like she was something precious, who was loud in his booming laughter and cheerful exclamations but spoke quiet words of worship to her in the dead of night when no one else was there to hear them.
Gilgamesh, who had loved her on every planet, in every life.
life in the margins (ao3) - Jupiter77 druig/makkari, gilgamesh/thena, ikaris/sersi T, 98k
Summary: In one of the reviews of Eternals, the film critic commented that Makkari and Druig had a romance in the margins of the movie. This story explores the margins.
on a wednesday, in a cafe (ao3) - TaraLy gilgamesh/thena T, 111k
Summary: Thenamesh Coffee Shop AU. No angst, no plot, only love (and food).
shattered (ao3) - dramaticfangirl1881 gilgamesh/thena G, 2k
Summary: “I’m sorry,” she whispers, the words thick in her throat.
“I hurt you.”
~in which thena and gilgamesh both feel guilty for hurting each other and they just have a lot of feelings about it
Soulmates across time and space (ao3) - jcmilys gilgamesh/thena T, 5k
Summary: A study on the life of Thena and Gilgamesh: who they were, who they are, and what made them them.
teach me to love (ao3) - iamjustabird gilgamesh/thena, phastos/ben G, 49k
Summary: Thena has just moved next door to her old friend Phastos with her young son Druig in tow. She’s worried about how he’s going to adjust to the move and to his new school, but Phastos assures her that his friend and neighbour Gilgamesh is the best teacher a kid could ask for. She’ll see about that.
the blues and then purple pink skies (ao3) - TaraLy gilgamesh/thena G, 4k
Summary: It’s been a month since their first conversation on the bus, how are Thena and Gilgamesh doing?
Visiting Rites (ao3) - qodarkness gilgamesh/thena, ikaris/sersi, druig/makkari T, 4k
Summary: How Druig knows all the gossip about what's going on with the Eternals despite living in the Peruvian Amazon with no phone reception for five hundred years.
when i come home (i'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you) (ao3) - dornish_sphinx gilgamesh/thena G, 3k
Summary: When Thena sends Gilgamesh traveling around the world for a year, it is supposed to be a gift to express her gratitude towards him. Learning more about herself and their bond is not part of the deal.
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saintlike78 · 3 years
How could they not know? [Druig]
Pairings: Druig x fem!eternal!reader
Words: 1.1k
Summary: Your relationship with Druig has been a long one, spanning over thousands of centuries… yet it takes your fellow Eternals 7000 years to piece it all together.
Warnings: nothing but fluff really, dialog heavy.
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“I think that’s them,” you signed happily to Makkari, bouncing giddily in place as the sounds of your fellow Eternals echoed through the halls of the Domo.
Makkari leaned back in her throne-like chair, smiling as they all filed into the room.
You stood from your seat, happily greeting your unusual family.
“How was your trip? Not too bad, I hope,” you asked, eyeing Thena worriedly over Kingo’s shoulder, noting how both Ajak and Gilgamesh were missing.
Kingo let out a throaty chuckle pulling you into his characteristically warm embrace, “it was… well… eventful, but we’ll talk about that later.”
You nodded, noting the solemn message behind his words.
“The most challenging part was recruiting leather jacket over there,” Ikaris interjected, pointing at the man you had missed the most.
His eyes were already on you when you looked over, a smug-looking smile hiding behind his stone-cold exterior.
“Bet you used your movie star charm to win him over, eh Kingo?” you laughed, elbowing him slightly. Kingo only looked at you, raising a surprised brow, but laughed lightly.
“Yeah yeah, you’re almost as funny as him,” he dismissed with a hint of sarcasm.
You shook your head, leaving them to converse on their own, enjoying how the chatter of everyone faded to the background as you made your way toward the smiling mind controller.
“My beautiful, beautiful angel,” he grinned, pulling you into a tight embrace.
Even after all this time, countless centuries, he still brought a small giggle out of your mouth and butterflies to your stomach.
His arms were tight around you, rubbing his hand up the expanse of your back through the t-shirt you’d stolen from him.
“Did you miss me?” he whispered as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
A small huff of a laugh escaped you, “I’ve only been gone a week.”
“And that means you can’t miss me?” Druig questioned, feigning hurt.
His hand gently landed on the back of your neck, pulling you from your hiding spot. Druig’s forehead rested against yours.
“I certainly missed you, my dove,” he whispered, leaning in to connect your lips in a loving kiss.
As soon as your lips met, a silence washed over the room, drowning you like a tidal wave.
“What are you doing?!” Kingo gasped; his jaw was on the floor. The rest of the group slowly looked over to see what the source of Kingo’s surprise was.
You turned your body, removing yourself from Druig’s embrace.
Druig raised a questioning brow, crossing his arms over his chest, his body touching yours from behind. “Kissing my girl..?” he questioned, giving the team an odd look as they all stared back completely dumbfounded.
Silence filled the room along with an awkward tension that puzzled you.
“Your girl?” Sprite broke the silence, looking back and forth between yourself and Druig, an unreadable expression on her face.
You let out a small awkward laugh, “yeah? Why are you all being so weird?”
“We’re the ones being weird?…- I actually can’t tell if you’re joking or not,” Phastos waved his hands wildly around as he spoke.
You gazed behind at Druig, inviting him inside the complicated world of your mind.
“Do they actually not know?” you thought, blinking at Druig with a raised brow.
“I think not, my dove,” his voice echoed in your mind, his hand finding a comforting spot on your shoulder.
“I don’t understand… we’ve never hidden our relationship… we’re wearing wedding bands,” your thoughts flowed across the invisible bridge into Druig’s mind, a small smile cracking on his face.
“Sometimes they just need it spelt out,” Druig’s face was smug with a smirk. You giggled lightly at the dig directed at your fellow Eternals - you loved them, but sometimes they really were dense.
Your telepathic conversation ended at the sound of a throat clearing.
“You do realise we can see you even when you do that,” Ikaris groaned, crossing his arms over his chest as they all kept observing you and the man behind you.
“Sorry… we’re just surprised you didn’t know,” you laughed lightly.
“How long has this been going on,” Kingo asked, pointing between the two of you.
Your mind travelled back and forth between the countless memories of yourself and the love of your eternal life: his gentle words, the soft kisses and touches. You had never doubted his affection; he was so open and fully devoted to you; it surprised you that throughout your 7000 years on the planet, it had gone unnoticed.
“Hmm, I think around 100 years after we arrived… and then we got married sometime during the 16th century.”
“1534, my love,” Druig reminded softly.
“Right, sorry,” you gave him a gentle smile, placing a hand on top of his, apologising for your forgetfulness.
“Wait, wait, wait! You’re married?” Phastos almost shouted.
You shrugged your shoulders, “why did you think we always travelled together?”
It was quite an amusing scene, watching the wheels turn in each of their heads. Kingo, Phastos and Sprite were obviously the most vocal because of the shock, whilst the rest of them silently worked through the information - with the exception of one.
“It’s not like it was a secret…- Makkari and Ajak came to the wedding,” you explained with a slight scoff.
“YOU KNEW? And you never told?!” Kingo signed, pointing accusingly at an amused looking Makkari.
She shrugged, smiling innocently, “I thought you all knew,” she signed back, giving you a small wink, knowing how much you all loved watching Kingo get all worked up.
“It was never a secret; we’re sorry it felt that way,” you said gently, trying to dissolve the weird conversation regarding your relationship.
“We’re very happy for you,” Sersi butted in, coming over to hug you. She squeezed your body before disconnecting and taking your hand in hers to examine the gold ring that decorated your ring finger.
Thena made her way to you as well, giving your cheek a soft stroke, “we should have known… with the way you look at each other, it couldn’t have been anything else.”
As the girls fawned over your wedding ring, begging for the story of the day, Druig slowly backed away, leaning against the wall; he enjoyed watching you converse with others, the way you smiled and the subtle expressions that ran over your face, painting a clear picture of the direction of the conversation.
After the initial shock wore off, the conversation dispersed. Your point of interest automatically shifted to Druig, who had moved to the small ledge seat, munching on a chocolate bar.
“My dove,” he smiled as you sat down next to him, pulling another bar from his jacket pocket and handing it to you.
You thanked him quietly, trying to unwrap the sweet snack he’d kept for you.
“That was something,” you grinned, taking a bite of the chocolate.
Druig laughed lightly, “it’s obvious why it had to be us… you’re the only one who tolerates me, and you’re the only one I’ll tolerate.”
“I think I more than tolerate you,” you whispered softly, placing your hand in his.
“That you do, my love.”
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A/N: to be notified of future work follow @saintlike78slibrary and turn on notifications
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fireinmoonshot · 3 years
I like the idea of Druig’s partner calling him ‘my dearest’ or just ‘dearest’ as like a cute loving nickname 🥰
Everyone knew that Druig wasn’t a hugger. The other Eternals, they didn’t mind hugs when they weren’t completely out of the blue. They thought they were a sweet way of showing love and care for another person. But it just wasn’t Druig’s thing.
Or so they thought.
The fact that you and Druig were seeing each other was a secret. Not one you’d both purposefully chosen to keep, but one that you’d just figured no one else needed to know about. What was wrong with keeping something so personal to yourselves?
The thing was… Druig wanted to hold your hand in front of everybody, especially when you’d get anxious and fiddle with your fingers. He wanted to walk up behind you and hug you. Kiss you on the cheek. Flirt with you and gross everyone else out. He wanted to do all of those things with you. And it wasn’t that he was afraid – because he wasn’t – it was just the worry of your relationship being out in the open. Of the change that could occur.
But the longer Druig held himself back, the more he wanted it.
It all culminated on a rainy Tuesday afternoon.
The Eternals were all sat just inside the Domo, watching the rain falling on the city around them. The sand, which was usually a vibrant brown, was now a dark red from the water. It was still outside. Calm. It was a nice change from the constant fighting, and you all found comfort in these quieter moments because they were so rare.
You were leant up against the wall on the left, arms crossed over your chest and head resting against the wall, too, as you looked out at the view with the others. Druig, Thena, Phastos and Sprite were all still inside, but the others were with you.
Makkari had picked up on the vibrations and saw that the others were finally coming to join you all, but you were so focused on the sound of the rain and the way it pattered down on the leaves of the trees that you didn’t notice until Druig snuck up behind you, wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you from behind.
You startled, flinching at the sudden movement. Druig’s soft laughter gave himself away.
“Oh, it’s you,” you smiled a little. “It was so peaceful before you arrived.”
Druig rolled his eyes. “D’you want me to stop hugging you?”
You rested your hands on his arms, holding him in place. “Don’t you dare.”
The eyes of the other Eternals were on you all. Phastos had stopped mid step. Sprite’s mouth had dropped open into a gasp. Ajak was smiling widely. Every single one of them reacted differently. Even Ikaris had a look of mild surprise on his face.
“I should not have come to see the rain,” Phastos started. “I’m gonna be sick.”
Kingo pointed a finger at Phastos. “No dissing love in this household, Phastos.”
“This is not a household, it’s a spaceship.”
“Oh, let him,” Druig said nonchalantly. He was leant up against you, now, his resting cheek on your shoulder as he looked at the rest of them. “It won’t stop us.”
Sersi looked between the two of you. “How long has this been going on, then?”
“Hmm,” you thought about it for a moment. Did they really have to know how long? Couldn’t that specific detail just remain solely yours? You thought so. “A while.”
“How long is ‘a while’? Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand?” Sprite pressed.
“Hey,” Druig spoke up. “You heard them. A while is all you busybodies need t’ know.”
He gently squeezed your torso, his way of showing more affection in the most public moment of your relationship so far. It was comforting, having his arms around you this way. It was a thing you’d only ever enjoyed in private, so to have it in public now was nice.
“Dearest,” you turned, your words only for him even though everyone else was close enough and quiet enough to hear you. “Do you want to go for a walk in the rain?”
Druig smiled at you. This was your way at escaping an already awkward situation that was only going to get more awkward the longer you stayed. It hadn’t been his intention – to make things awkward – but he was a little amused that the fact that his public display of affection essentially made every other Eternal feel slightly ill at the sight of it.
He detached himself from you only to reach down and take your hand in his, still wanting to hold you in some way even if it wasn’t a hug, and tugged you from the cover of the Domo and out into the rain.
You walked out into it together without any plan on where you were walking, but it didn’t matter because you were together. The rain didn’t bother either of you nearly as much as it bothered Sersi back in the Domo, muttering ‘They’ll get soaking wet in this weather.’
“So, what was that?” You turned to Druig as soon as you were far enough away.
“What was what?” He looked over at you.
“The hug. I thought we didn’t do public displays of affection. I mean – I didn’t mind it, I actually rather enjoyed it. And I enjoy this,” you raised your entwined hands. “I’m just confused.”
Druig shrugged a shoulder. “Not much to it, really. I was just getting sick of not holding your hand or hugging you in front of everyone. Every time I’d see you fiddling with your hands like you do, I’d want to go up and hold them. But I worried what would change once everything was out there in the open.”
“What made you change your mind?”
“You,” he admitted with a small smile. “Nothing’s gonna change as long as we’re us. And I intend on us staying this way for a long, long time.”
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beakeoghan · 3 years
Summary: Druig comes to visit you and reveals the true fate you might have, if it’s not too late.
Warnings: Mentions of death.
Pairing: Druig x eternal!reader
A/N: Hello lovely people! I've always loved the music Linger by The Cranberries, and I got some inspiration to write this little story. Also, I was feeling a bit down lately and pictured how Druig would deal with this -- by taking you to a safe space where you could feel protected. Comments are appreciated <3 I really hope it brings comfort to you!
Word Count: 2.5K
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The red glow in the street shifted to green as soon as you stopped by the traffic lights, coming back from a quick trip to the supermarket. You thought to yourself that sometimes they would predict your mood and do as you pleased, but then again, that wasn’t your power.
At times, the modern world was too much for you, and you wished for uncomplicated routines. Like back in the days when all you had to do was fight against Deviants alongside your family. And yet again, you were longing for something that also wasn’t your decision to make.
Some of them you haven’t seen for centuries, others hid in plain sight. Phastos was the only one close enough for you to visit periodically, and now and then, Druig stopped by to see you for a whole day — once a month, never more than that. You understood his reasons because he had a village to take care of. He would never warn you, he’d just show up.
However, you weren’t sure what those visits meant, especially now that he had come to see you four times in a role. You saw the brooding man sitting by your door, eyes shut down, his breathing very peaceful. With a couple of groceries on your hands, you tried your best not to make any noise, but the little crunch sound made by a couple of biscuits falling over alerted him of your presence.
“Always caring more than you can, my love.” He said, standing up very slowly. “Let me help you.” His arms reached you with ease and instead of picking the paper bags, he squeezed you, leaving them pressed against the two of you. You were juggling with the packets, trying not to let them fall.
“I want to hug you, D., but I think it would be best to take those bags first.” You chuckle. “Like, seriously.”
After putting the groceries on the kitchen cabinets with no wasted food left to pick up from the floor, he came to you with tender eyes, offering his chest for you to hug.
“What has been bothering you so much that you came to visit me every week this month?” You whispered as if it was a secret only two of you could hear. “I counted.”
He laughed, aware that you were projecting reassurance emotions through your touch. That was your power as a thinker-type of Eternal. You could sense people’s sentiments and feelings and project sensations on them. Unlike Druig, you couldn’t control people’s minds and read them, but you could feel them and make them feel things. That is one of the reasons why you kept yourself alone most of the time. You needed to prevent yourself from feeling too much from others.
Ajak used to say that you completed each other — he could control minds, you could control their souls. Together you were the perfect match for disaster or heaven.
"The three other times were because I wanted to see you." He smiled at you, looking over your eyes, gently stroking your cheek as you gazed at him. "This time I'm on a mission, darling."
"On a mission? You raised one eyebrow in concern. "Is everything ok with our family?" Your touch got a little cold, Druig could feel it and almost backed off — you could sense his emotions shifting as well.
"No." Was all that he limited himself to tell you, at first. "Let's sit down and talk, please?"
Druig knew you better than any other member of your little family, even better than Ajak ever did. He knew how much your emotions could get the best out of you, even though you had time to perfect your powers, you could still get overwhelmed and lose control — and on these occasions, his abilities entered into play. He was the only person who could calm you by creating this safe space in your mind only both of you could reach.
He took his time to tell you about Ajak's death and the return of the Deviants. Sersi's conversation with Arishem, the true purpose of your whole existence is to secure the birth of a celestial on Earth. All those years trapped in your hell of emotions, only to find out that everything you’ve done for humans was a lie.
But he saved the worst news for last because he didn’t want to give it to you. If he could spare you from it all, he would. You could already drown in the pool of the mournful feeling he was exhaling.
As he predicted, you were already beyond devastated, and Gilgamesh's death was ultimately what made your knees bend to the ground, your heart crack open, and your mind fracture. Your hands were glowing with a golden shimmer going through your veins while you held Druig’s frame — you didn’t mean to make him feel your sorrow, but you did and it was too much to stop it. His muscles contracted, it was like pressing a bloody wound or a burning piece of metal against his chest.
“I’m so sorry.” He kept saying, almost like a prayer. He didn’t want you to lengthen this pain.
He excused himself with his raspy voice under your head, entering the depths of your consciousness. Whenever he did, you would feel this soft mist invading your mind. Confused, you turned around you, only to see nothing. The only light in your mind was a familiar golden pair of eyes, glowing.
He said your name four times before you opened your eyes, finding yourself on a meadow filled with wild sunflowers and the sound of the calm sea reaching the shore. It was the safe space he created for you, in your mind, for you to visit every time you needed to take a break.
“Hey, I’m here.” Druig’s voice echoed. “You were breaking, love. I had to bring you here.”
“Did I hurt you?” You asked promptly as you squeezed his arms, looking for stability. He was physically present. “Please don’t tell me that…”
“I’m okay, don’t worry. You just needed a safe space.” He assured you, placing a kiss on your forehead. “I’ll be here with you for as long as you wish to.”
His gaze pierced you from inside out, like by creating this connection with you, the pain you felt was affecting his mind control.
“Ajak and Gil, both dead… and I couldn’t do anything to stop it.” Your voice was cracking up, hands gripping onto Druig with brute force. “Why is this happening?”
“The Emergence, it seems like the deviants are back due to a side effect from it.” His words were gentle and velvety. “The others are waiting for us on Kingo’s jet to take us to the Domo and figure out what to do.”
“What can we do? We can’t just stop the birth of a celestial.”
Druig’s face was less pressured. It seems that the “outside you” was able to manage your feelings, therefore stopping the exchange of emotions with “outside Druig”.
“We can try to delay it and figure out what to do next, according to Sersi.” He paused for a bit, stroking your hands. “To do that, we need you too.”
Like with a snap of fingers you woke up from that hazy dream you were having. You never knew if it had been a dream or Druig’s powers taking over you.
When you realized you were back in your living room, your eyes flicked open, Druig was sitting beside you, his ocean blue eyes staring at you like some sort of vase falling from the table. Relishing the beauty of something on the verge of breaking. “Can you hear me now?”
“I can.” You nodded lightly. “I’m sorry, D. I didn’t mean to make you feel it.” You opened your hands, watching closely how the gold rush was retrieving, leaving no traces of the power behind it. He was able to stop it through your mind.
“That’s okay. I knew you would calm down eventually.” His side smile was delicate. He let out a discrete sigh as if relieved from tremendous pain. “The others sent me here because I’m the only one who could reach you there.” His left index finger touched your temple, two gentle taps. “And you’re the only one who can reach me in here.” You saw that his other hand was now placed on his chest, close to where his heart would be.
You smiled a bit and became aware that your face was damped with the tears that flowed a couple of minutes before. You thought about Gilgamesh again, and your heart ached once more.
“How is Thena? Is she okay?” You asked, wiping away the wetness down your eyes.
“She is vengeful, I believe,” Druig’s touch felt soft on your thigh, comforting you. You were both sitting on your carpet, only the dim yellow lights above your heads. “I would too if it were you in Gil’s place.”
“I’m right here and I won’t go anywhere.” You assured him with your hand covering his own. His sad gaze was still on you like he was calculating what to say next.
Like a gentle breeze spreading the smell of recently cut grass, your powers captured that moment with a certain fondness. It was love, beyond anguish and pain, love was what kept Druig there, even when you hurt him with your suffering. After all this time you thought you could distinguish friendship love from romantic love, but with Druig, you were never so sure. Sometimes, the uncertainty brought you your doubts and made you question every single feeling you felt — were they your own, or emotions you collected from someone else?
Before you could properly control your powers, you used to test the limits to understand how far you could go. How much could you make someone feel? Druig was obnoxiously intrigued by your dedication, but more than that, he wanted to test for himself the extent to which your powers could go — and he didn’t mind being your little experiment.
After so much teasing on his part, almost pleading for you to take control over him, you ended up letting him be your target this time. It was very late at night, you were on the outskirts of the town. The fire was burning still, with flames very much melting away. He asked you to make him feel wanted, like a burning desire to have him, and you weren’t expecting it — you’ve never done this before. And that’s how he made you his for the first time. You knew the effect had passed, it didn’t last that long unless you concentrated - but he was still in front of you, longing for your touch.
His soft lips left little marks on your neck, his tongue pressed against your own, intertwining like a perfect match. You were still confused about if it was the effect of your power over him, or rather just a burning desire you both had that finally broke free. Either way, you never spoke to him about it again, afraid he was taken over by the flood of your projection. Afraid that your love was in vain.
He grinned at you, his dimples filling up his smile. You gulped, feeling the heat spreading on your cheeks before you looked down to yourself.
“You love me?” Druig teased you with a boyish smile across his face. You weren’t aware that he was still inside your mind, but deep down you should’ve known. His traces on the back of your head were like a cozy cup of tea hugging your soul. He kept looking at you with hints of mischief filling up his lips.
“You were hearing me all this time?” You chuckled a bit, shrugging the nervousness away. “Why the sudden change of topic?”
“Well, I’m not the one thinking about your soft lips.” His face approached you with decisiveness. “You were the one who changed the topic, love.” This last part was him inside your head.
“You can keep doing that or you can tell me exactly what you heard.” You stood up out of a sudden and offered your hand for him to stand up as well. “You said you wouldn’t snoop on my thoughts. But yet, you are doing it right now.”
“You promised you wouldn’t feel my emotions, but yet, you did.” His cheeky voice was now more apparent as he was standing tall in front of you. The mood was completely different from seconds ago. His fingers reached for your cheeks, lingering his touch, cradling to your lips. “You think so loud, I don’t even have to try to read you”.
“I wasn’t reminiscing it because of you, I was just… confused by you.” You stood your ground. “You come to my house every month or so, all the way from Amazon, spend a whole day with me. You were just being so lovely to me and I got all flustered, and you kind of threw me off balance. That is all.” You weren’t even sure you made sense with all the words falling out of your mouth. His head tilted a bit, amused by the sincerity.
“Thank you for your honesty, it’s much easier when I don’t have to filter all your thoughts,” He said, picking up your hands, swaying you away as some silent imaginary music played in the background. “Do you want to know my thoughts? You know, since you can’t quite decipher me.”
You nodded quietly as he chuckled.
“I think that I’m running out of time with my love on Earth. And that it would suck to have the world ending before I could, you know, tell her that I care for her.” His eyes were tender as he looked into yours. “More than a friend.”
“Like a lover?” As much as you wanted, you couldn’t look away from him. His gaze had such a power over you, it almost burned.
“Exactly like a lover,” Druig lead you closer to himself, closing the gap between you both. “That’s why you have to come with me and try to stop this thing. Because I was foolish enough to believe that we had all the time in the world, and now that it seems like we don’t, I just can’t let this be the end.”
The scene in your living room was as simple as that: Druig with his black leather jacket holding you in his arms, asking you to not let this world vanish. Asking you to go on this last risky mission with him and your family, simply because he couldn’t let these memories of you go away. He didn’t want to be erased, he didn’t want you to be erased, he didn’t want you to forget him.
If he could shelter you away from this destruction, he would. But well, if he couldn’t stop it nor delay it, he would much rather perish with you. Better with you than without you at all.
After that quiet moment of realization, you finally saw things how they were, crystal clear. What the little things he did for you throughout all these years meant.
“You got me wrapped around your finger, don’t you?” You said, letting out a weak smile because you knew that this would end in only two possible ways.
“No, darling, you got me wrapped around your finger.” He placed his forehead onto yours. His scent infatuates you. “And I let it linger since the day I met you.”
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peterbarnes · 3 years
Hey! Saw you are taking requests and was thinking about "How long have you had this planned?" "Since the moment I fell in love with you." & "You owe me." "I owe you $20 not a day of pretending to be your boy/girlfriend to get your parents off you're back." with Druig and eternal!reader? (Maybe mortal friends instead of parents)
A/N: okay this might be my favorite blurb I've written so far. I LOVE IT
Druig's eyes flickered back and forth between you and the knife he was sharpening. Your eyes, however, were trained on the clench of his muscles that were on full display.
Thank God for the heat of the Amazon. White tank top all the way.
Slowly, though, you noticed his anxious eyes. Like he wanted to say something but was unsure how to approach it.
"You need to get something off your chest?" You chuckled, sending him a friendly smile from where you were reading on his bed.
He raised his eyebrows before dropping the knife onto his desk and making his way over to you. He dropped down on the bed and licked his lips subconsciously.
"So, uh," he started, obviously uncomfortable. "My family's coming, I can sense it. Their minds are very loud- obnoxiously so. They'll be here in a few hours."
"That's great!" You told him. "I'd love to meet them when they arrive... Why are you nervous?"
Your eyes softened at his obvious discomfort.
"I have to ask you a favor," he started, slowly, cautiously. "Ikaris and Sersi have this centuries-long love affair, Phastos has a husband, Thena and Gilgamesh...well, I don't know if they're together, but they sure as hell act like it. I- will you pretend to be my partner? Just while they're here."
Your eyebrows furrowed, perplexed.
"Wait, why?" You asked him. "You don't need to be dating someone."
"You don't understand, darling, they're relentless. It's a win for both of us- I get them off my back, you get to have a devilishly handsome man on your arm."
He smirked at you, tilting his head in such a way that left you nearly breathless.
"What's really in it for me?" You managed to let out, still flustered by the attractiveness he exuded.
"You owe me."
His voice lightened to a teasing tone as he leaned toward you.
He has to know what he's doing to me.
"Yeah, I owe you 20 dollars, not a day of pretending to date you to get your family off of your back," you shot back with an equally teasing smile.
"Please, darling?" He begged, taking your hand in his and interlacing your fingers. He pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles. "I promise I will be an astonishing fake boyfriend."
Your breath hitched at the contact and, before you even realized what you were doing, you nodded almost too eagerly. Druig smirked at your response.
You were having lunch outside, surrounded by the evergreen of the Amazon forest. The table stretched what seemed like forever, with Druig's massive family seated all around it.
Druig sat next to you, your hands locked on top of the wooden table for his family to see.
"So," Ajak started, shooting you the most motherly smile you've ever seen. "How long have you been dating?"
"Uh," you stuttered, panicking internally.
I cannot believe we forgot some sort of backstory.
"They traveled to the forest about a year ago. I remember it like it was yesterday- their light blue pants and flowy white shirt. I remember how my heart stopped as they came into my sight for the first time. How their voice sounded like silk when they first spoke to me. I've been far gone ever since."
Even Thena's tough exterior melted at his sweet words. You couldn't help but turn to him in awe.
How does he remember what I wore?
It was so specific and detailed for a lie he'd come up with on the spot. A flicker of something flared in your chest, but you couldn't tell what it was. Embarrassment? Fear? Love? Druig didn't look back at you, but you felt the soft squeeze of his hand as he rubbed his thumb over the skin of your palm.
"I'll go get some more drinks," you announced, slipping your hand out of Druig's and heading back into your cabin. As soon as you closed the door behind you, you leaned your head against the wood and breathed out.
It wasn't until you collected yourself that you noticed the room was lit with candles. Floating candles.
"That's odd," you mumbled to yourself.
"I had Phastos make them," a voice behind you said.
You whipped around to see Druig standing there, leaning on the doorway. You'd never seen a man look so good in a leather jacket.
"What? Why?" You asked, trying to make sense of the scene around you.
He stepped toward you, taking your hands in his once again. He never broke eye contact with you, his brown eyes staring into the depth of yours.
And just like that, you understood.
"How long have you had this planned?" You asked him, voice fragile and laced with disbelief. You might have even had tears in your eyes, you weren't sure.
"Since the moment I fell in love with you."
Now there were definitely tears in your eyes.
"Druig..." you started before your voice cracked.
"It's okay," he told you, hands only leaving yours to wipe your tears. "Let me do this...I love you, my beautiful, beautiful [Y/N]. Everything I said out there was true, I just didn't know how to say the words until now. I wanted my family to meet you, I wanted them to see the person I couldn't stop raving to them about whenever I sent the occasional letter. And I wanted, most importantly, to work up the courage to confess my feelings to you. Which is not something I've ever been particularly good at, ask anyone outside. But I want to be good for you. I want to be it for you like you are for me. I know you're only supposed to be in the Amazon for a finite amount of time but stay. Stay with me, my darling. Let me love you."
You stayed silent for a few moments, letting his words fully wash over you.
He loves me.
He loves me.
He loves me.
"I love you," you whispered frantically. "I love you. I do. I really do."
Druig's unsure expression at your silence now beamed. He pressed his forehead into yours and you tilted just enough to touch the tip of your noses together. For a man with such rough hands, the skin of his nose was soft, smooth, and oh so kissable.
"Stay with me," he whispered back.
"Forever. I'll stay with you forever."
800 Follower Celebration
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request: can i request a one shot of druig using his powers on you to fall in love with him? but the powers not working and he’s not aware but reader pretends?
gif is not mine. credit to owner. 
warnings: none. doesn't really spoil the film. 
The Domo was unusually quiet. 
Normally, it was filled with noises from the other Eternals or sounds of Phastos’ inventions, but it was peaceful.
It was nice to have a little time to yourself.
You didn’t know that how much longer it was going to be that way so you decided to catch up on some reading. At the moment, there weren’t any pressing matters to attend to so the other Eternals were out doing who knows what. 
While you were in the middle of your book, you heard footsteps. 
Looks like your little peace was over. 
“What are you doing in here all alone?” 
You didn’t have to look up from the page to figure out who that was. The voice was very distinct. You could probably recognize it in your sleep. 
“I’m reading, Druig. It’s very educational. You should try it sometime.” 
Druig chuckled, moving over to the chair you were sitting on. He lifted your book to see what the title was. “Everyone is out doing some exploring. I came to see if you were okay.” 
You finally looked up from your book because what he said surprised you, “You wanted to check if I was okay?” 
“Yeah, is that strange?” He questioned. 
“A little. I didn’t know if you cared about me like that.” You mumbled. The relationship that you had with Druig was….different? There were times that you thought that Druig could’ve seen you in a different light than he did the others. You did. 
Then there were times where he was so closed off. You hated those times so much. They didn’t stop you from feeling the way that you did about him. 
“Of course I do.” He said it so softly that he wasn’t sure if you heard him. 
You did and it sent your heart sputtering. 
Gosh. The effect that this blue-eyed vision had on you was off the charts. 
“What were you up to? Did you see any women in the town to give your time to?” You joked trying to change the subject. 
“If I did would you be jealous?” 
“Do you want me to be jealous?” 
The little tit for tat game that you both played would’ve driven anyone else crazy. You both tried to see if the other would reveal how they felt without actually confessing yourself. 
Druig seemed like he was done playing games. He moved in front of your chair, placing his hands on the arm of it, blocking you in. 
“What are you-“ 
His eyes went gold and you instantly knew what he was trying to do. 
Little did he know, that shit wasn’t going to work on you. 
“I want you to fall madly in love with me.” Druig said softly. 
Being an Eternal, you were blessed with an ability of being a shield. Force fields in battle helped save the others countless times. As the centuries went on, you perfected your powers and now it was effortless. You didn’t have to try so hard anymore and it’s a skill that you got over time. 
You always wanted to learn more about the powers that you had. You learned recently with the help of Ajak and Thena that you could shield your mind from attacks. It wasn’t visible as your force shields were. It was also something that you were keeping somewhat a secret so that meant Druig didn’t know. 
This could be a little fun. 
You acted as if his mind control was working on you. Your eyes dazed over and you swayed a little in your seat, “I’m madly in love with you.” You even got your voice to sound breathy. 
Druig smirked a little, “Now, kiss me.” 
You leaned closer to him, breathing in his scent, “Now I’ll kiss you.” 
Druig’s eyes went back to their clear blue. He leaned down and just before his lips grazed yours, you began to laugh. 
Druig took a step back completely surprised. 
“Did you think that you could use your tricks on me?” 
“They work on everyone.” He said stubbornly. 
“I hate to break it to you, but I’m not everyone.” You stood from your seat and set your book down, “Is that how you wanted our first kiss to be?” 
“You think about what our first kiss would be like?” Druig answered your question with his own yet again. 
“You want me to fall madly in love with you?” 
Druig looked away, “Who wouldn’t want you to love them?” 
You took a step closer to him, “I’m tired of all of the questions, aren’t you?” 
“It’s easier to ask than to actually answer any of them. I’m a little scared of what you might say.” 
“Big, bad Druig is scared of me.” You giggled. 
Druig reached over and touched your cheek softly, “Of course I am. You’re the only person that I’m scared to lose.” 
You leaned into his touch, “You know you didn’t have to try and use mind control to make me fall for you. I already have.” 
Druig smiled and it made you do so as well. His smile was practically contagious. It warmed your heart every time you saw it. 
“When did you know?” Druig asked. He was standing so close now that it was intoxicating you. 
“Would it be too cheesy if I said from the moment I saw you?” 
Druig shook his head, “No, because that would be my answer as well.” 
“Will you put me out of my misery and kiss me already?” 
Druig didn’t need to be told twice. 
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eternalowl · 2 years
Eternals incorrect quotes part 2
Kingo: That was a joke. Say “ha”
Sprite: Ha.
Kingo: Now say it again.
Sprite: Ha.
Kingo: Congratulations, you’re officially the life of the party.
Kingo: What goes up but doesn’t go down?
Phastos: The amount of stress you bring this family.
Gilgamesh: …Should I ask why you’re covered in blood?
Thena: No, and the better question would be “Who’s blood is this-”
Gilgamesh: What are you in the mood for?
Thena: World domination.
Gilgamesh: That’s a bit ambitious.
Thena: You are my world.
Gilgamesh: Aww…
Thena: …
Gilgamesh: …
Thena: …
Gilgamesh: OH-
Kingo: I have an idea.
Ikaris: A good idea?
Kingo: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Kingo: Thena you can’t move in with Gilgamesh.
Thena: Why not?
Kingo: Well, um, how are you going to feel when he sees you without any makeup?
Thena: I’m not wearing makeup right now.
Kingo: Holy crap, you’re beautiful.
Everyone: You're alive.
Ikaris: There's no need to sound so disappointed.
Kingo: So what, now I’m just supposed to do everything that Thena does? What if she jumps off a cliff?
Druig: If Thena were to jump off a cliff, she would have done her due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry. So yes, if you see Thena jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff.
Kingo: You jump off a cliff.
Druig: Gladly, provided Thena did first.
Kingo: Now, if I may speak for good-looking people everywhere...
Sprite: Only as their rodeo clown.
Sersi: What makes you all smile?
Gilgamesh: Friends and Family.
Druig: Snacks.
Ikaris: Victory and success.
Thena: Face muscles.
Ajak: Damn, the power went out.
Kingo: Don’t worry, I got this.
Kingo: *shakes rapidly and starts to light up*
Ajak: What-?
Kingo: I swallowed a glow stick!
Ajak, on the verge of tears: WHY WOULD YOU-
Phastos, texting: O
Kingo: What?
Phastos: Don’t read into that.
Kingo: But I will read into that.
Phastos: HOW?! IT’S A LETTER!
Kingo: Why is there a space after it, hmmmmm?
Phastos: Dude, really?
Phastos: It’s a fucking letter.
Kingo: It could stand for something!
Kingo: Like Oppression! Or worse…
Phastos: Dude, I just typed the letter O, that means nothing. :/
Kingo: Optometrist.
Phastos: Oh my God…
Ikaris: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy.
Sersi: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep.
Ikaris: I said within reason, Sersi. How about I murder that guy?
Sersi: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't?
Ikaris: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
*playing twister*
Kingo: Right hand red.
Makkari: *ends up on top of Druig*
Druig: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
Kingo: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
Sersi: What do you have?
Sprite: A KNIFE!
Sersi: NO!
Kingo: So... who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
Makkari: We're chopsticks!
Kingo: Well... that's cute!
Kingo: Does that mean you two snuggle together perfectly?
Druig: No, it means that if you take the other away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing.
Sersi: Why aren't there friend pick up lines? Pick up lines to make friends like-
Sersi, to Ajak: Hey, that's a cute outfit. You know where it would look better? On nobody else, because you're a beautiful individual.
Makkari, to Druig: Be my friend or I'll set your entire family on fire.
Gilgamesh: There are two types of people.
Sprite: *fast-forwards all the way through the movie*
Kingo: You can't just skip to the happy ending!
Sprite: I don't have time for their problems.
Teacher: Your child was in a fight.
Gilgamesh: Again?
Thena: Did they win?
Teacher: Your child was in a fight.
Makkari: I need to talk to them about that…
Druig: Did they win?
Sersi: What situation is not instantly improved by the addition of fishnets, I ask you.
Druig: Being a fish.
Sersi: Well, shit.
Phastos: How long do you think it'll take?
Druig: I don’t know, three or four.
Phastos: Three or four what? Days? Weeks? Months?
Makkari, agreeing with Druig: Yeah, maybe five.
Phastos: Five what?!
Druig: Makkari, get that hidious thing out of the living room, would you?
Makkari: Ikaris, Druig wants you to get out of the house.
Thena: Kingo, we tried things your way.
Kingo: No, we didn't.
Thena: I did it in my head and it didn't work.
Ajak: Uptown Funk would've made it into the Shrek Soundtrack.
Kingo: That's the truest statement I've ever heard.
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redheadspark · 1 year
Hey hey! Happy weekend! Has anyone requested a 30 for Druig yet?
A/N - AWWWW, this is ideal for Druig! I love this, thank you for requesting this, anon!
Summary - You and your husband find each other again after the near Emergence
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Warnings - Just some fluff for our mind controller
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He found you first, which always happened when it came to Druig.
After the near end of the world and almost seeing Tiamut come out from the surface, you were still drinking in that happened. It all happened so fast and quickly: one minute you were trying to figure out how to stop Tiamut and end the Emergence that could destroy the plenty, then Ikaris's betrayal against you all shocked you to your core. Then you all had to fight against him and Sprite to stop the Earth from being ripped apart.
Then there was silence, a surreal silence as you were back at Ajak's farmhouse in South Dakota.
Calmness was back again with your family, and the need to find other Eternals out in the vast open space was dire. Sire, a human Sprite, Kingo, and Phastos would stay on the plane. It left you, Druig, Makkari, and Thena to take the Domo on a search party for other Eternals that could be out there. There may not be any, but from what you've encountered with Arishem and Tiamut, you all couldn't leave it to chance.
You and Druig chose to go since there was nothing to return to when it came to the village in the Amazon. After having the village to yourselves for 500 years, you both knew deep down the people there could survive without either of you. There was no need to be there since they were never under mind control. Druig always let them make their own choices and decisions, and although some left throughout their time there, the rest stayed and flourished.
You stood outside of the farmhouse amongst the wildflowers, watching the massive plains of South Dakota and the Domo parked not too far away. The cooler air seemed to be nipping at your skin as you heard heavy boots coming up behind you. Although you didn't need to turn around, you knew who it was and a soft smile was on your lips. Calloused hands were on your arms, slowly wrapping around your waist to gently pull you against a hard but soothing chest along your backside.
"You okay?" You heard behind you, the low tremble of his voice was a calming balm for you as you nodded your head, "You seem lost,"
"Not lost, Druig," you replied, taking in a long breath as you heard his head pressed against yours while your eyes were scanning the plains in front of you, "Just....rethinking all that happened. How did we let get that bad?"
"It wasn't us," Druig reminded you as you felt him lace your fingers together against your belly, "We did what we had to do and we saved the world. The rest of it just....happened,"
You hummed, knowing that he was telling you the truth. There were things out of your control and out of your reach, even as an Eternal. When you and Druig walked away from the others after the disaster of Tenochtitlan 500 years ago, you both placed the rest of the world behind you and only focused on the village. You didn't mind it since you were with Druig, the one being that meant more to you than anything. It was as if the rest of the world melted away, and inwardly you craved that feeling again after dealing with so much these past few days.
"I really missed this," Druig confessed to you as he snuck a kiss against your cheek, "Just the pair of us and nothin' else to worry about,"
"Me too," You replied without a second thought, "I miss the jungle and being under the trees with you, waking up in your arms in the morning sun. But I'm just glad we're alive and here,"
You didn't mean to make it sound filled with remorse and sadness, but you were grateful that he was alive and breathing. Druig was so close to dying and leaving you on this planet alone, and to think of not having him there with you as he was for the past centuries would have killed you from the inside out.
Druig turned you in his arms, you going with him as he instantly kissed you soundly and deeply. You leaned into him, feeling him cradle you in his arms and push his love into his kiss. Druig loved you with all of him: through his words and through his actions. He would love you when he was gentle and he knew you needed the softer touch, and he would love you with passion and grit when he was swept at the moment.
In all the shades of his love, you drank it all in and felt it in your bones.
Druig pulled away and pressed his forehead to yours, you finding your breath again from one insane and intimate kiss he shared with you.
"I'm not goin' anywhere away from ya, and we're back together again as we should be, okay?" He said to you, sounding out of breath himself as you nodded against his head, "It's you and me until the end of our lives, I promise."
"I know, I know," you replied as you hugged him. The overwhelming feeling of love and relief that you were physically holding him in your arms and kissing him with your lips. You never wanted to think of the possibility of him not being in your life. Druig would never leave you behind, even before you two professed your love to one another and became lovers and later on a married couple.
You two would find each other again and again, it was fate and meant to be.
The End
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Spring Prompt Session
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Best Friend’s Brother
Ikaris x Male Reader
A/N: Song fic. I’ve never done a song fic before so. This is about the reader being in love with his best friend’s brother. Young Bucky and Ikaris. A Victorious song.
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I call you up when I know he's at home
I jump out of my skin when he picks up the phone
Y/N gripped his phone nervously as he dialed Bucky’s number. Why is he so nervous? He’s called Bucky plenty of times before. After all, they were best friends, but there was one person who made Y/N feel queasy to his stomach. The phone rang a couple of times as Y/N put it to his ear. When Bucky finally did pick up, Y/N was expecting to hear his voice, not the voice that made him shiver with excitement and nervousness.
“Hello? Bucky’s phone,” Ikaris’s smooth, deep Scottish sounding voice rang in Y/N’s ears. “Y/N, are you there?” The younger boy blushed hard as he hung up the phone.
Why can't I tell if he's looking at me?
Should I give him a smile?
Should I get up and leave?
Y/N tried not to think about the embarrassing phone conversation he had with Ikaris as he, Bucky, Steve, and Sam were chatting at the food court in the mall as Y/N glanced over at Ikaris and his table of friends. There were Sersi, Kingo, Thena, Sprite, Ajak, Phastos, Druig, Makkari, and Gilgamesh. Ikaris laughed at something Sersi said and gave her a winning smile as Y/N’s face burned with jealousy. Why wouldn't Ikaris look at him the way he looks at Sersi? Oh, that's right, Sersi was a girl and Ikaris was straight, unlike his twin brother, who was bisexual and in love with Steve Rogers.
As if sensing his thoughts, Ikaris turned to look at Y/N from across the room and smiled at him. It was a charming and teasing one. Y/N blushed hard. Should he smile back at him or should he just save himself the embarrassment and get up and leave?
I know it's strange
I don't know what I'm thinking
But is it wrong if I see him this weekend?
Was it strange for Y/N to invite Ikaris to the movies with him this weekend? He called him up and asked him if he’d like to go see the new (insert new movie of your choice) with him and Ikaris surprisingly agreed. Y/N couldn't believe his good luck, but was this wrong of him to do? It's not like they were going out on a date or anything, but the young Maximoff boy was still worried. Especially about one person in particular.
I really hope I can get him alone
I just don't, don't want him to know
Y/N really wanted to be alone with Ikaris. Just the two of them. But at the same time, he didn't want Bucky to find out about this. He didn't want his best friend to hate him for having a crush on his twin brother, so he prayed he didn't find out about them. Sersi too.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N couldn't deny it anymore. He was completely smitten with his best friend's brother. Of all the guys Y/N had to fall for, it was Ikaris Madden Barnes. He was the one for Y/N. Damn it!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
A punk rock drummer and he's six-foot-three
Ikaris wasn't six-foot-three. He was five-foot-ten with dancing blue eyes and soft dark brown hair with a gray streak in it. He was smoking hot and if that wasn’t enough. He was in a band with his friends. They called themselves: The Eternals. He was the punk rock drummer in the band, and he looked so amazing on stage when Bucky took Y/N to see them play. That’s probably when Y/N’s crush started. Seeing him on stage. Sweat glistening down his face underneath the hot lights as he had no sleeves on his shirt as they showed off his bare muscled arms.
I don't want to, but I want to
'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind, and
Y/N didn’t want to fall for Ikaris, but it was very hard not to. He was charming, handsome, funny, and kind. Yeah, Y/N had it bad for Ikaris. Every waking moment, he thought about Ikaris. He couldn't get him out of his mind, no matter how much he tried.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Why did Y/N have to fall for his best friend’s brother? Pietro and Wanda warned him to be careful, but Y/N couldn't help the feelings Ikaris stirred inside of him.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
It echoed inside Y/N’s head like a pop song. Over and over again, nonstop, as his conscience reprimanded him for his impure thoughts about Ikaris. Ikaris was taken and Bucky’s brother. Y/N’s best friend!
I kinda think that I might be his type
'Cause when you're not around, he's not acting too shy
Y/N thinks he could be the type of guy Ikaris could fall for. They had similar interests and tastes, but they were almost very different as well. What did Sersi have that Y/N didn’t? When Ikaris and Bucky are in the same room together, Ikaris is calmer in an almost shy fashion, compared to when he's with Y/N alone. He’s like the most confident and cocky guy there is. Almost like Tony and Loki.
Sometimes I feel like he might make a move
Is this all in my head?
I don't know what to do
They were at the movies together watching the new film, as Ikaris clutched onto Y/N’s arm. Much to the younger boy’s embarrassment and excitement. After that they went for ice cream and just talked and laughed as Ikaris leaned forward towards Y/N as the shorter boy blushed. Was Ikaris making a move on him? Was he going to kiss him? Should Y/N kiss him back if he did? Was he just imagining all this in his head? He didn’t know what to do. Ikaris wiped the whipped cream off Y/N’s nose and giggled at the poor boy’s flustered state.
I know it's strange
I don't know what he's thinking
But is it wrong if I see him this weekend?
Apparently, Ikaris enjoyed their weekend together so much that he invited Y/N to his band play next weekend. Front row too. Y/N accepted immediately, but was a little bit confused. Why was Ikaris so eager to invite Y/N everywhere? What could he be thinking?
I really hope I can get him alone
I just don't, don't want him to know
Maybe this was Y/N’s chance to tell Ikaris how he really feels about him. To get him alone before or after the gig and confess that he’s had a crush on him for a while now. He just hopes Ikaris isn't disgusted by his confession and outs him to Bucky. It could ruin both his friendships with the Barnes twins, but Y/N has to risk it. These feelings are driving him insane.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N smiled as Ikaris waved to him at school. He was leaning against his locker talking to Kingo and Gilgamesh when he caught Y/N’s eyes and flashed him a smile as he waved to him. Y/N waved back shyly as Wanda chuckled beside him and Pietro bumped his shoulders teasingly.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
A punk rock drummer and he's six-foot-three
Y/N was walking down the hallway when he heard the sound of music being played. He walked toward the sound of rock music as he stopped in the doorway of the music room and saw Ikaris with headphones in, playing his drums to the beat of the rock song. Following the song note for note. He looked amazing. Just like on stage. Y/N bit his bottom lip as he looked at Ikaris practicing as Steve came up behind Y/N and tapped him on the shoulders. “Who are you drooling over? Ikaris again?”
Y/N blushed. “Shut up, Rogers!”
Steve chuckled.
I don't want to, but I want to
'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind, and
Y/N laid in bed thinking about his decision. He didn't want to tell Ikaris that he had a crush on him and that he liked him, but at the same time, he did. Ikaris wouldn't stop plaguing his thoughts. So, he was going to do something about it and end this once and for all.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N snuggled into his pillow with a smile as he imagined it was his best friend’s twin brother that he was holding and cuddling against. Ikaris was the one and only one that Y/N wanted. No one else. Not even Ikaris and Bucky’s hunky cousin, Eros.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
Y/N smiled as he wrote Ikaris’s name in his journal as Bucky drove them to the concert. He and Steve were in the front of the car and Y/N and Peggy Carter were sitting in the back as Peggy glanced at Y/N’s drawing of Ikaris’s name circled with hearts all round as she chuckled.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
“I’m in love with my best friend’s brother,” Y/N thought giddy as Bucky parked the car and they all got out as they headed towards the building where Ikaris and the other members of Eternals would be playing.
'Cause he's such a dream, yeah
And you'd know what I mean
If you weren't related
Ikaris was probably everyone’s dream, including Y/N’s. The way he looked onstage as he walked towards his drums to begin playing. He looks at Y/N in the crowd and winks at him as the people go crazy as the Eternals rock out and jam. If only Bucky understood how Y/N felt. It might make things easier for him if they weren’t related. If Ikaris and Bucky weren’t brothers, then Y/N might not be so nervous about doing this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N danced with Peggy as Steve and Bucky danced together to the beat of the music. Sersi and Thena were up front singing as Kingo played the guitar as Ikaris slammed on the drums as he glanced at Y/N, who looked so peaceful and happy as he and the others enjoyed their music. Y/N looked from Peggy to Ikaris and smiled as he winked at the older boy, who blushed.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
A punk rock drummer and he's six-foot-three
The crowd enjoyed every minute of their music as Y/N watched with amusement and amazement out how much joy the Eternals brought to different people. It was so cool.
I don't want to, but I want to
'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind, and
After the concert was over, Ikaris pulled Y/N to the side in private and smiled at him. His blue eyes were shining. “So, what did you think of the band, Y/N?” Y/N smiled back as he looked up at the taller male. “You guys were amazing. Absolutely, perfect.”
“You’re perfect, Duckling…” Ikaris cupped Y/N’s cheek and stroked it gently as the other male blushed hard at the new nickname.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Ikaris leaned close towards Y/N as he gave him the choice to close the gap between them or just leave things as they were. Y/N closed the space between them as he and Ikaris kissed. It was like fireworks went off as Ikaris grabbed the back of Y/N’s head to deepen their kisses as the younger boy whined against his lips as Ikaris smirked and kissed him sweet and slow.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
They separated as Y/N looked up at Ikaris. “Ikaris, listen. I like you a lot and I’ve had a very big crush on you for a good while, but you're my best friend’s brother and I don’t want things to be weird between us because of that. Also, aren’t you with Sersi?”
Ikaris looked shocked for a moment before he smiled. He kissed Y/N again before pulling back and looking him in the eyes. “I really like you too, Y/N. I alway have, but I was just too scared to admit it. Sersi and I are just friends. Best friends. And I get that you don’t want to ruin your friendship with my brother, but he will understand if you want to do this with me. Be more than friends.”
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
Y/N looks at him. “Really? Bucky will be okay with this?” He gestures to both of them.
Y/N turns to see Bucky smiling at him. Steve, Peggy, and the others are behind him. They all look at Y/N and Ikaris with encouraging looks of endearment. “Bucky…. I… I…”
Bucky smiles gently. “I still love you, little shit. Even if you’re dating my ugly and gross twin brother. Nothing about you two liking each other will ever change our friendship. I promise.”
“Hey, I’m not ugly! You are.” Ikaris protests as Y/N chuckles. “Thanks, Buck. I really needed to hear you say that.”
“No problem. But my best friend is in love with my brother? Who would have guessed it?”
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 6.3
Good evening fellow Drukkari stans, or whatever time it is for you! I come bearing the next mini-chapter! If you missed any previous installments and need to catch up, you can find them on my handy dandy Table of Contents here. The competition is heating up as everyone grows closer. How will the others fit into the group dynamic? Find out now in the next mini-chapter of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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By the time dinner rolled around, Druig was pretty beat. Technicals were never fun, but this one had been particularly distressing: gluten free bread. Both he and Makkari were in the bottom half, which wouldn’t have been too terrible a few weeks ago, but now, it could spell disaster. Poor Phastos had come in last, leading him to retire early as usual rather than joining the rest of the group. Results had varied widely for the rest of them, leading to their current discussion.
“People think being vegan is hard, but going gluten free is the real challenge,” Sprite remarked.
“I concur,” Sersi added.
Says the one who came in first, Makkari interjected, a playful smirk on her lips.
“And it was very difficult!” she responded.
“Congrats, by the way!” Gil said, raising his bottle of water in a toast. The rest of them joined in, raising their assorted drinks to Sersi, which made her smile.
“Awww, thanks everyone,” she said as she clinked glasses with the group. While she seemed genuinely happy, Druig thought he spotted a hint of sadness in her eyes. It seemed Makkari had noticed, too.
Hey, you okay? she signed subtly, so as not to alert everyone, though most of them still noticed.
“Yeah, just thinking about our friends who’ve been sent home. Dane actually predicted I’d do well this week. I just wish he was still here to see it,” Sersi explained wistfully.
“You could just call him, right?” Sprite interrupted, sounding more like a statement than a question.
“I think she could, but it might be against the rules to give him too many details about the competition,” Ajak explained.
“And if I call him, I don’t know if I’d be able to hide it for long,” Sersi added.
“Ugh, couples are so gross,” Sprite lamented.
“Oh, we’re not together. Dane and I are just friends,” Sersi said a little too quickly, a blush starting to settle on her cheeks.
You mean he still hasn’t asked you out!? Makkari asked, eyes widening in shock and disbelief.
“What? He’s done no such thing!”
“Really? I asked Thena out the day she got eliminated,” Gil piped up.
Everyone seemed to turn in unison toward Gilgamesh, not exactly surprised at the idea but surprised to hear it confirmed out loud. After a split second of silence, their reactions came all at once.
I KNEW IT! Makkari exploded, nearly shaking with excitement, which made Druig chuckle.
“Well, at least I don’t have to watch you pining after each other anymore,” Sprite said, her voice sounding annoyed, but a small smile on her face.
“That’s great, Gil!” Ajak added.
“She said yes, right?” Druig asked teasingly.
“She did,” Gil confirmed with a grin.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so happy for you two!” Sersi said.
“Thanks, everybody,” Gil replied, a bit surprised but still appreciative of the warm response. “To get back to the point, though, I didn’t wait long. So what’s holding Dane up?”
“I told you already. We’re just friends,” Sersi insisted, her face getting redder by the minute.
“Sersi, he spent most of his time talking to you and the rest of it staring at you when you weren’t looking. I think he might want more than friendship,” Sprite declared.
“That’s not even counting your interactions during dinner,” Druig chimed in, prompting Sersi to shoot him a look.
Maybe he just needs a push in the right direction, Makkari suggested, like advice from someone who knows you both.
“Hey now, we shouldn’t get too involved,” Ajak interjected. “I’m sure Dane is quite capable of asking Sersi out on his own, if that’s what she wants.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure,” Gilgamesh said pensively. “Asking someone out is a lot of pressure. It’s easy to just keep making up excuses for why you shouldn’t do it.”
What was your excuse with Thena? Makkari asked.
“I don’t know how much she’s told you, but we sort of knew each other a long time ago,” he began. “In fact, we were supposed to get coffee together, but she ended up moving away before we got the chance. When we ran into each other again all these years later, I wasn’t sure she’d still want to go out with me.”
“But she did,” Sersi said, smiling gently.
“She did,” Gil confirmed, smiling back. “But I didn’t realize that until the day she got eliminated, and she asked me how much longer I was going to make her wait for that coffee.”
“It was pretty obvious to the rest of us,” Sprite muttered.
“It never seems obvious when it’s happening to you!” he asserted. “You’re still young, Sprite. You’ll see what I mean when it happens to you. Anyway, Makkari might be onto something. If you want Dane to ask you out, Sersi, he might need a push in the right direction.”
“I still think it’s better not to interfere,” Ajak interrupted. She gave a pointed look at Makkari, who feigned innocence at the gesture. Ajak then turned her stern gaze toward Druig, who didn’t need to pretend to be surprised.
“Why are you looking at me?” he asked.
“You know why.”
“I don’t think he does,” Gil said, chuckling.
“For fully grown adults, you’re all pretty clueless, huh?” Sprite teased, sparking a chorus of “Heys” from everyone else. After a moment, she added, “Except for Ajak.”
“Thank you, Sprite,” she replied smugly.
As they left Ajak’s room, Druig hung back from the group a bit. Right on cue, Makkari turned to look at him, noticed his growing distance from the rest of them, and accepted his silent invitation to talk. She let the group get a bit further away before asking him, What’s up?
What was Ajak trying to get at earlier?
I think she just knows you’re my usual partner in crime, she replied, a sly smile playing at her lips. And she doesn’t even know the half of it.
Druig couldn’t help but smile, remembering their clandestine baking session earlier that week.
Do you think she’s right, though? Makkari continued.
About what?
About not interfering.
Druig thought about it for a moment, then he turned to her and said, No. I think I’m with Gil on this one. Sometimes guys need a push. Makkari’s small smile turned into a full-blown grin. I’d ask Sersi first, though. Just in case.
I will, but I think she’ll accept my help, she said. You saw her at dinner. She really misses Dane!
Yeah, I don’t envy their situation, he added. Although, if I can’t turn things around tomorrow, that might be us next week.
Hey, she said, as she stopped and turned him to face her. Stay strong. We’re both going to get through this week. You know why?
Because I won’t allow you to give up, she insisted. There was a soft smile on her face, but a steadiness in her gaze that told Druig that she meant it. It stirred something in his chest.
Thank you. I needed that, he said.
Anytime. With that, she wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back and noted, not for the first time, that they seemed to fit together perfectly.
Honestly, so many cute ships came out of this movie. Hope you enjoyed this installment!
Part 21
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kimhargreeves · 3 years
A Small Touch-Druig x Reader
Summary:You're one of the Eternals. After Thanos has been defeated you and you're family have to reunite after so many years, that also means seeing Druig again. But things won't be so easy for you since you both left things behind centuries ago when you harmed him.
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(A/N: I actually wrote this before Eternals came out in theaters, so I'm not too fond of how I wrote now that I read it but oh well. I had to made a few adjustments since I just arrived from watching the movie and sorta based on Druig at first from the comics. Druig is definitely best boy and the most adorable of the team. I'm glad to see Barry Keoghan getting the recognition he deserves. There's minor spoilers! Nothing too major and certain people are alive.)
"We should grab something to eat! Catch up with everything you've missed out!"
"I really missed seeing you."
"Was this store here when I was around?"
I sat on top of a building and stared down at the crowds of people passing by minding their own business and looking around in wonder at being back. I smiled and stared down at them fascinated.
A recent disaster happened not long ago, there was a snap. Thanos won and wiped out half of humanity on Earth, The Avengers defeated the mad Titan but lost three brave heroes. I wanted to badly to join them, but we were forbidden to interfere.
We are The Eternals. We've lived for centuries, watching humanity first rise and staying back hidden from them. Our only job has been to keep a close eye on them and make sure nothing happens, everything must stay in line.
The reason why we couldn't join the Avengers has been a mystery to me. I don't have much contact with half of our team, the only ones I've spoken to are Ajak and Thena. They had to keep me still from going out and joining the Avengers.
There's quite a few of us around Earth. Thena and Ajak as I mentioned. Sersi, Ikaris, Gilgamesh, Sprite, Kingo, Phastos, Makkari and Druig.
We were all rather close but went on our separate ways. I of course blended in with the humans like the rest and had many careers in my life. From a teacher, to a comicbook writer, producer and so on. I decided to live mostly by myself for these last few centuries.
But these past few days I've felt something, like we're in danger. I got on my feet and carefully started walking above the roof and jumped down to the ground when no one was looking and began walking down the streets.
I adjusted my clothes and gloves and held onto my backpack and was off to find Ajak again. She'll know what it is that's happening. I do hope I am not mistaken.
After many long hours on bus, I finally made it to Ajak's home. She was waiting for me outside. "You're the first to come." Is the first thing she says after looking at my tired face.
"It's been a long time since I've used my powers. Flight would've been nice to have." I say feeling jealous of Ikaris's powers.
Ajak looked over at me and smiled. "It's good to see you again. Come."
I followed into her home and tossed my backpack aside and stuffed my hands into my pockets. "Something's coming, (Y/N). I knew you could sense it."
I stayed quiet and stared at her when she came over and offered me a drink. "It's the Deviants."
I look at her surprised, hoping she's joking.
"The Deviants? You're kidding right?" I look at Ajak and see her giving me a serious look. "I am sure, (Y/N). It's time for a family reunion."
"I guess you're right. The Avengers are out for now, they are no match for the Deviants. Guess we need to kick some ass then."
Ajak gives me a smirk. "You what this means right?"
I shrug my shoulders, "That I need to start my training again."
Ajak shakes her head to the side. "We don't have much time left, I already contacted half of us. We'll go and search for the others. You are assigned to bring, Druig."
I frown and began to complain, "Seriously? Why him? We've never gotten along." I was starting to sound like a teenager.
There's no way I'm heading out to find him. He's the one who lives far away and he's an asshole. "You'll leave in an hour to bring him back." Was all that Ajak said and gave me a meal before I'd leave.
We made it to the Amazon. We walked through the many trees and arrived at a village, everyone here is being mind controlled. "Dime dónde está Druig." I spoke clearly to one of the villagers.
"(Y/N). Didn't expect to see you or the rest." I looked back and saw Druig coming out of his small home. I took in a breath I didn't know I was holding and put on a fake smile.
"Druig.. It's so nice to see you again." I could see that he's holding himself from saying something.
It's been so long since I've last seen him. How's it going and taller? More handsome? Quit it! I'm just here to save our planet and then I'm gone. "I see you are still controlling them like puppets." Once again I open my big mouth said something I would later regret.
"And this is why I left." I hear him say to himself but he no longer gets angry about it like he did at first many centuries ago.
For some reason seeing him again made me feel horrible. he was the first one of the Eternals to leave because of the humans starting up fights and him not being able to control them. We didn't always agree on things.
I can see why he left and I don't blame him, but without imperfections then what are we? I long for peace as much as he does but we can't control them.
"Ajak sent you all didn't she?"
"You aren't wrong..You look good." I struggled say those words but I knew I had to be strong and put my past feelings aside.
Druig stayed silent and continued having his hands behind his back. "You do too." He muttered lowly and gave me a small smirk.
The rest of the Eternals and I were finally gathered. Everyone began to joke and talk about what heck they have done for the last couple of years, I continued to stay silent and continued glaring at Druig who was having a drink and smiling at Makkari who was sitting by his side.
"Hey, why the pouty face?"
I crossed my arms over chest and tried to ignore one of my siblings who began to tease me. "Leave me alone."
I bitterly tried to tell Kingo but knew he'd continue to tease me. "It's been so long since I last saw you and you still have that grouchy attitude."
"I'm not grouchy!" I hissed and saw him laughing and trying to grab me so he'd continue making fun of me.
"Leave them alone." Ajak smiled sincerely. I looked to my right and saw Druig making hand signs to Makkari explaining to her what was happening.
"Don't tell me you're still jealous." Kingo whispered to me. I tried swattinh him away and glared again.
"I think (Y/N) still is." Gilgamesh agreed drinking a glass of beer.
"I thought you were outside. When did you get back?" I ask since I swear he wasn't with us a minute ago.
"We were talking outside. Aren't you going to touch your dinner?" Phastos asked since he saw I had only eaten half of what was on my plate.
I grab the plate and push it away from me. "I've lost my appetite, I'll be outside." Without waiting to be questioned I decided to hurry and leave. I took a deep breath and felt at peace, it's too much for me.
Everyone is suddenly back and I no longer know how to act. It's one of the few reasons I distanced myself from them, I've never been good with words of opening up to myself. The first one who was open to me and showed their kindness was Druig.
I sat down on the wooden floor and looked outside at the dark sky, it's was dark yet very beautiful with tints of dark blue mixed with purple and the stars were brighter than usual. I hugged myself when I felt the cold breeze.
The door behind me opened so I glanced back and frowned to myself when I saw Druig standing by the door with his hands inside his pockets.
He said nothing until he reached to where I was and quickly sat down but remained a few inches away from me. "How've you been?"
Druig finally spoke to me since we had been avoiding each other, or more like I was the one avoiding him.
I glanced at him and our eyes met for a short moment. "Fine I guess."
He sighed and also looked up at the sky. "It's beautiful isn't it?" I hummed to myself and looked back up. It sure is.
I remained hugging myself and took another look at him and realized he had been looking at me. I felt my chest tighten. "There's no need to hide from me how you are feeling. Didn't take you for the jealous type either."
Now this made me blush. He chuckled when he saw my unexpected reaction which I poorly tried to hide. "W-Who would I be jealous, huh? You're just saying stupid things."
I tried to defend myself but unfortunately Druig knew too much about me, even after centuries of being apart, he still reads me like a book and knows me so well.
"Makkari. I've seen the way you look at her." He smirked just a little bit decided not to joke too much on it.
"You two are awfully close, huh? Congrats then." I shrug trying to play things off like I don't care. He does seem happy with her, they always look at one another and share smiles and hugs.
Hmm I don't remember the two of us being like that, honestly, it's been so long that I really don't remember much on the time we spent together. "It just feels weird, being with all of you."
"I know the feeling.. It's why we all took our own paths. Here." Druig began to move. I held my hands up ready to hit him if he were to do anything, instead he reached the jacket he had on and placed it on me.
It was warm. "You're shivering you might catch a cold." I held onto the fabric and felt my cheeks burning.
Druig smiles when he sees me holding onto his jacket, "Do you remember our first date?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "Not to be meaner than I already am, but I don't remember much."
"I figured." Druig spoke and frowned a bit. He smiled again and his blue eyes met mine. "Want to know what was the first thought I had when I first saw you?"
What was it? It never occurred to me that.
"How could a person be created to be so beautiful." That did it for me. My heart began to beat faster and I was thankful it was nighttime because I felt my entire face turning red.
"You haven't always been this mean, (Y/N). It only happened because of when you harmed me."
There's no need to remind me of it. I feel horrible. I looked at my glove covered hands. I don't remember for how long I've been covering my hands, whenever I touch someone they get hurt because of me.
"Hey, (Y/N). You can trust me I know that you can't harm me." I gasped when I realized how close he had gotten to me.
Druig held his hand out for me grab. "You won't harm me." He whispered. My hand began to shake, Druig pulled away quick before we could touch hands.
"The glove has to come off."
"But what if I-" I was about to complain some more but sighed. He's right. I got to trust him. I harmed him back in the day but I won't anymore. Depending on how I feel is how powerful I can get.
I took my glove off and very slowly and carefully tried to place my hand on Druig's. His pale hand reached to grab mine and nothing happened, my hands can have extreme electricity and I was surprised that nothing happened.
My eyes began to get a bit blurry, I couldn't stop smiling. It's been so long since I've touched someone without harming them
"See? You were just worked up back in the day. I do wish you would smile some more, I loved seeing you like this everyday."
Druig's words were only making me blush even more. I kept calm because I didn't want my powers to suddenly activate and hurt him again. I was still unsure on doing this, Druig instead kept on holding my hand.
"I did miss you living with me." He reminds me. I wasn't fond of him leaving and controlling humans to not fight or make war, but I did leave with him back then.
We lived so happy together despite our arguments every now and then. "I missed you ya know?" I spotted him smiling again.
"Quit saying those things." I teased back. He was after all the most romantic one back then. "Wouldn't you like for things to be the way they were?"
I smile and reached over and placed my other hand on top of his and looked into his eyes. "I would love that very much." This time instead of holding his hands I wrapped my arms around him and felt him hugging me back tightly.
"Just don't ever be afraid of using your powers, okay?" Druig pulled away and wiped my tears. I nodded my head and smiled again. I'll do my best to make him proud of me again.
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beananacake · 3 years
Dear Diary
A Savior one-shot
Ikaris x fem!guardian angel!reader
Summary: Ikaris has felt a him for millennia and he's never questioned it, until he found the source.
One-shot Summary: While you expected some of your past to come back and haunt you, you just didn't realize that it was not only a one-time thing.
Word Count: 2.2k words
Warnings: I don't know how these occupations work so I'm so sorry if I make mistakes of archaeologists and anthropologists and historians, attempt at trying to read cuneiform and construct sentences in Sumerian style, the word 'ass', angel being a pest, written really quickly so it might not even make sense, fLUFF!
A/N: Hey, everyone! I miss writing about Ikaris and Angel so here you guys go! This was a concept I talked about with @mentallyscreamingsincebirth and it was too good to ignore so, on a whim, I just wrote it. It ends abruptly and awkwardly so I'm really sorry about that. As uzhe, not betad. Reviews, comments, suggestions, requests (and reblogs) are super welcome! Enjoy Dear Diary!
Catch Ikaris and Angel's origin story here! (SAVIOR)
Main Masterlist
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There were advantages to being alive for over seven-thousand years. You got to live throughout civilizations, saw them rise and fall. Saw the dawn of the invention of a lot of things—thank you, Phastos—and be one of the first to see it all happen. Live out the history and have every right to call out people who say the wrong things about them. And because you had lived such a long life, you had your pick of whichever occupation you want—other than being Ikaris’s guardian angel, of course.
Sersi worked as a history professor. Makkari considered the museum curator job since she liked collecting things. Phastos worked in an engineering laboratory. Ikaris, an archaeologist, and you became an anthropologist.
You were fine with your job. You liked it, actually. You loved history and people and people all throughout history (except for the nasty ones, of course). Plus, your extensive life gave you an edge over your colleagues since most of the events you were studying had happened to you personally. Case in point: The Weeping Goddess. You were The Weeping Goddess (before your wings got sliced off during the Emergence) and all the records of that account, you had taken and personally annotated. Of course, you added a few pizzazz to jazz things up but you stayed true to what had happened.
And while you expected some of your past to come back and haunt you in your line of work, you just didn’t know that that was not the only time it would happen.
Because when Sersi sent a photo on your family group chat, you did not expect it would be one of your pieces of history. Or at least, something that was made by you.
Your phone pinged and you reached over Ikaris’s bare chest, to his side table, to grab your phone. Your husband was still sound asleep and you placed a gentle kiss on his chest as you took your mobile device.
“Angel, what are you doing?” he asked, voice still raspy from sleep. He tightened his arms around you.
“Just grabbing my phone, my love.” You brought your phone to you and checked the notification.
“It’s too early for you to be on your phone,” he complained, turning on his side and taking you with him.
You chuckled as you let yourself go along with him. “Sersi sent a photo on the family chat. I just want to see if it’s a baby announcement.”
He nuzzled your neck, breathing against your skin. You shivered. “Us Eternals can’t have babies, Y/N.”
“I know but doesn’t hurt to hope, right?” You kissed his head and opened the notification. “And besides, it could be their wedding invite.”
But it wasn’t. What it was was a photo of a stone slab with etchings from a dead language. Dead to the world, anyway. But to you, a seven-thousand-year-old guardian angel, it was as recent as yesterday.
Beneath the photo was your tagged name and the message: Is this you?
You enlarged the photo and read the stone slab after finding the right orientation, gasping when you decoded the message. Then, you laughed. You made a mental note to tell Sersi to turn it 180 degrees so it would be readable.
“Angel,” Ikaris said again. He planted his chin on your shoulder to have a look at you. He rubbed his nose against yours. “What’s so funny?”
You looked at your bed partner and kissed his nose. “You are.”
You nodded, grinning.
“What’s so funny about me?”
You closed your phone and returned it to your nightstand. You wrapped your arms around Ikaris once more and sighed contentedly.
“I love you,” you murmured.
“Hmm.” He laid his lips against yours, kissing you, as he pulled your naked body closer to his bare form.
But you still couldn’t shake off the image and you giggled when you felt him pressing against you. Your husband took offense in this and he pulled back, watching you with a frown.
“You weren’t laughing last night when we did more than just kiss,” he complained.
“I’m sorry. I promise it’s not you.” You said then retracted your statement. “Well, it is you but not you now.”
He raised a brow and even when you had spent the whole of your life looking at—at, after. Po-tay-to, po-tah-to—him, he could still take your breath away.
���Y/N, I love you, I really do, but even you should know it’s too early for your sense of humor.”
You faked offense at that. “Excuse me, you told me you loved my humor. You said as much on our wedding.”
He only gave you a flat look. You chuckled and pecked him on the lips.
“Fine. Go have a look at your phone if you want to know what made me laugh.” You said, pulling from him.
He did as he was told, taking his phone to open the family chat. You snuggled closer to him, wrapped an arm around his waist and rested your cheek against his arm as you read the message with him.
“Is this… Sumerian?” he asked after he turned his phone this way and that until he found the perfect angle for the slab.
“Technically, the writing style is cuneiform but the language is Sumerian.” You told him, pointing at the etchings.
“Okay. I don’t see what’s funny here.” He said.
You rolled your eyes even though he couldn’t see it. “I thought you knew how to read texts. How far back does your vocabulary go?”
“Far enough.”
You snorted. “And you call yourself a verified archaeologist, Dr. Ike Harris.” You teased, using his human name that wasn’t far off his real one.
He chuckled at you. “It’s a front. And I only did it in case someone excavated something Phastos made that would be too modern for that time.”
You kissed his arm. “Of course you did and I love you for that, but your vocabulary needs work. I need to teach you Sumerian.”
You plucked the phone from his hands and sat up. You heard him groan.
“What? Now?” he grumbled.
“Yes, now.”
“It’s still too early, Y/N.”
You pouted prettily at him and gave him a look you knew he wouldn’t resist. “Do you want to laugh with me or not?”
“You said the writing is about me. Why would I laugh at myself?”
It was your turn to grumble. “Fine. It’s on you when we go to Sersi’s and we share an inside joke about you.” You turned back from him and plopped down in bed.
His arms snaked on your waist and pulled you flush against his chest. “Am I going to regret decoding the slab?”
He sighed. You felt his lips against the patch of skin that once connected you to your wings.
“But at least you’ll learn a new language. You can add it to your resume. I know there are some people who would die just to learn a dead language.” You said with a grin, holding the hands on your waist.
“There’s that sense of humor again,” he chuckled. “Okay. Let’s go learn Sumerian.”
You spent the better part of the morning in your home library, pulling out all of the books you wrote about the Sumerians and the Akkadians and anything about Mesopotamia. Ikaris was a still grumbly while he studied but the chocolate chip pancakes you made for him lifted his mood. You never realized how difficult a student your husband was until you started to teach him about cuneiforms. He was impatient and he complained a lot, especially when he couldn’t immediately read and write perfectly.
Always a perfectionist, this stubborn Eternal. It was a thing of wonder you still loved him, even if he was a pain in your ass.
Your phone pinged again after a few hours. It was well into the day now. You and Ikaris had no jobs scheduled for that day so it was just perfectly okay to waste it learning a dead language.
You pressed on the notification, seeing that Sprite had chatted in the family group chat.
Sprite: Please tell me he’s read this
Sprite: @Y/N Send a video of his reaction!
You chuckled, replying in the affirmative. You weren’t selfish. Ikaris was more open around you and you shared that teensy-tiny side of him to everyone. Much to his chagrin, of course.
“Are you ready?” you asked, watching him.
He was still hunched on a paper where you had written in cuneiform. “No.”
“You don’t have to be perfect at it.” You took the pencil from his hand. “Because if you are, you wouldn’t take me to your excavations anymore.”
You said out loud the simple sentence you wrote. “Ikaris is my husband,” you said as you pointed at the symbols on the paper. You put emphasis on his name and wrote a new sentence for him to decode.
“Ikaris… is… an ass…?” He read slowly then looked at you sharply with a mockingly offended frown.
You laughed. You bent down and kissed him. “Am I wrong, though?”
He only smiled. You taught him more words, especially ones that were on the stone slab. When he looked like he could read through it without difficulty, you drew up the photo on his phone. On yours, you put it on video to capture the look on his face.
“What’s the video for, Angel?” he asked.
“Oh, you know,” you said with a dismissive wave of your hand. “Records. As an archaeologist, you should know how important it is to do record-keeping. At least, that’s what we anthropologists do.”
He rolled his eyes at you. “Yes, Dr. Y/N Harris, anthropologist extraordinaire.”
You grinned at the mention of your name. “Now, go. Read through it. It’s just about two sentences.”
“Two really long sentences,” he grumbled again. “Today… I saw Ikaris… fly… into a… tree… because he was… looking… and—No, that’s an at… at… Sersi.” He frowned at the sentence and reread it, with more conviction this time. “Today, I saw Ikaris fly into a tree because he was looking at Sersi—Angel—”
All the while he was reading, you were laughing behind the camera. Ikaris read it so seriously the first time that you doubted he even realized what he had just said out loud.
“I did not—”
“Read the next,” you said between guffaws.
He huffed and resumed position, squinting at his phone as he read slowly and out loud again. “It… was funny… to see… What’s this? Is this supposed to be ‘big man?’… Big man… Poke Ikaris… with a… stick… to get… him… down—What?”
You laughed louder at his embarrassed expression. Your belly started to ache at how much you cackled.
“Read it straight, my love,” you urged.
“If you’re not going to read it, I’m just going to say it out loud.”
He made a face and turned to his phone again. He cleared his throat. “Let me just explain—”
“No. Read it.” You grinned.
Ikaris sighed and nodded. “It was funny to see ‘big man’ poke Ikaris with a stick to get him down—Okay, in my defense—”
“My love, everyone else who’s seen you get stuck in a tree has been dead for over seven thousand years. You don’t need to explain yourself.” You said once you got your composure back, then broke down again. “You got stuck on a tree!”
You laughed harder at the exasperated look on his face. God, how you loved being the pain in his ass now.
“Did you write this?” he asked once you stopped laughing.
You had just sent the video and the chat had been blowing up with comments and reactions of it.
“Yes,” you said with a sly grin. “My handwriting is still the same. See?” You pointed at his name on both the paper and the photo.
“How many people know?” he asked as he looked.
You turned to your phone, at the notifications that were piling up by the second. “Sprite does. So do Kingo and Druig and Gil—everyone, I think.”
He groaned.
“Don’t worry. No one reads Sumerian anymore. It’s just us.” You assured him with an impish smile. And anthropologists and archaeologist and possibly historians, you refused to add.
“Us and the people who have the same job as us,” he said as he pulled you closer. “What’s that one word I can’t read? Big man? Giant man?”
You howled in laughter again, remembering that day vividly. “It was Gilgamesh. He had to poke you with a stick to dislodge you from the branches!”
“He did not—”
You kissed him deeply. When you pulled back, you grinned widely at the adoring expression he had on his face. It was the same expression he wore when he flew into a tree because he was watching Sersi. And now, he had the same look on his face while looking at you and it had been Sersi who sent you a slab of that time.
Not entirely a full-circle moment but it was as close as having one for you.
“Ikaris, my love, I’m your guardian angel. Deny it all you want; I still know what I saw. Proof is in the pudding, or at least, in my six-thousand-year-old diary entry. Let's just hope no one else digs up the rest of that slab.”
He just groaned.
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mendessi · 3 years
III. The Temporary Fracture II
Pairing: Druig x Eleni (female oc)
Summary: Druig enters Eleni’s mind as Ajak and Phastos work to heal her after she is impaled by a Deviant
Accepting requests(:
“Wake up, my love.” Eleni’s eyes opened and she took in her surroundings quickly. She was sitting in a field of flowers next to Druig. She recognized this field almost immediately as her favorite place they had been since they arrived on Earth. She would come to this field in her free time and just sit and be one with nature.
“What are we doing here?” She asked looking over at him. “Why aren’t we in Athens? Where is everyone?”
“Calm down.” Druig sensed her panic and stared into her eyes, helping her calm down. “We’re in Athens.”
“This isn’t..” She looked around again, ensuring that her eyes weren’t deceiving her.
“I’m in your head.” Druig waited to see if she would piece it together. “I’m stimulating your neuro waves to keep you alive. Something happened and now you’re on the brink of death.”
“The Deviant... God I’m so stupid.” Eleni sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Ajak is working to heal you, but it’s taking time. More than usual. I’m just here to make you comfortable.” Druig placed his hand on her shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile.
“Why here?” She asked him.
“I know how much you loved this place. You always looked so happy here.” He replied. He paused for a moment before his eyes met hers again. “Did you mean it?”  
It took her a moment to realize what he was talking about but she eventually did. “Did I mean it?”
“I can read your thoughts, Eleni, you know what I’m talking about.” He said. The wind blew through her hair, and Druig noticed the moment perfectly captured Eleni’s natural beauty.
“Yes, Druig, I meant it.” Eleni replied, avoiding eye contact.
“Look at me.” He tilted her chin up so she would look at him. They looked at each other and Druig was working up the courage to do what he’s wanted for centuries. He decided he to not wait another moment and he leaned in, kissing her like it the first and last time because for all they knew it could be just that. He pulled her closer as the wind blew around them, almost embracing them.
When they pulled away, Druig rested his forehead against hers and they sat still for a moment, the breeze around them calming. “I love you.” He said to her.
Eleni was about to respond when Druig’s eyes glowed momentarily. When he looked back at her, there was blood on her lips. “What is it?” She asked, noticing that something was wrong.
“Something is happening out there. I have to go.” He kissed her quickly before he disappeared leaving her in the field by herself. She stood up looking around frantically.
She coughed, blood falling into her hand. Eleni looked up when she heard a rustle in the distance. She gasped when she saw a Deviant sprinting at her full speed. Where did Druig leave? And if this was her head, why was a Deviant coming at her. She stood still, holding her ground. If this was inside her head, the Deviant could not hurt her.
The Deviant threw her on her back, knocking the air out of her lungs. She pushed her hands into its face as it continuously bit at her face. Eleni tried kicking the Deviant off of her, but had no luck. She wasn’t prepared for two more Deviants to join in attacking her. It took a lot for Eleni to fear a Deviant, and this was definitely one of those times.
Eleni inhaled and used every ounce of strength to scream at the top of her lungs. The sound waves from her screams threw the Deviants off of her and when she sat up to look around, she noticed she was back in the Domo. Ajak, Kingo, Makkari and Druig were all around the room, on the ground. They must have been standing over her as she screamed. It would have sent them flying into the walls.
“Glad to see you’re back.” Ajak said from the floor.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” Eleni stood up and rushed to her side, helping her up. “Did I do this?”
“Yes. But you’re healed. That’s all that matters.” Ajak moved to help Makkari and Kingo up off the floor as well.
“Why did that happen?” She asked as she crossed the room to help Druig up.
“We are going to Phastos to see if he can explain. We will report back to you soon.” Ajak nodded, glancing between her and Druig before turning on her heel and walking out with Kingo and Makkari.
Eleni turned to Druig, wiping the blood from the side of his face, “Why would you send Deviants?”
“I didn’t. But you’re here and you’re okay. That’s what matters.” Druig placed his hands on her arms, pulling her into his chest.
“Your ears are bleeding.” She sighed as she looked up at him, cupping the sides of his face.
“I don’t care.” He said under his breath before leaning down to kiss her. She easily leaned into his touch where she felt the safest in the world.
She didn’t want to pull away from what felt like the perfect kiss. Their first real kiss. The first one that was not inside her head while she was on the brink of death.
“So you love me, huh?” Druig displayed a smug smile as he looked down at Eleni who was now blushing.
“Oh, shut up.” She hit his shoulder, pushing him away from her but he pulled her right back in and kissed her once more.
Druig Masterlist by Mendessi
tag list: @alularae3 @willowpains 
QUESTION: Who should Eleni be cast as?
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