vugnasmineralblog · 10 months
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Pezzottaite | Sakavalana, Ambatovita, Mandrosonoro, Ambatofinandrahana, Amoron'i Mania, Madagascar
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pocket-gems · 4 months
How do you think a Pezzottaite may look like?
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I sketched some back when I was doing unknown gems. I need to redraw so many of them >...>
Unsure of her job. She gives me the vibes of bossy settler watching over scouts.
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smolapricot · 4 months
Oh no... that happened again.
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Pezzottaite is a patrol stone. Due to the high content of caesium in his crystal lattice, his limbs can explode during panic attacks.
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randomys-art · 2 months
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A tailor with in love with someone who doesn't love her back. She yearns ever so slightly, never noticing the strategist looking at her with so much love.
Guess who finally got to remaking some refs!
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rasp-beryl · 1 year
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My lovely self insert! Pezzottaite! Shipping them so hard with my f/o phos!! XD
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Orange: Hi Red!
Red: Orange, please step back. You know the Diamond Line is only for emergencies. Please have a good reason for calling me.
Orange: I just wanted to see how you were doing Red! It's been a while.
Red: Things are going as usual. I’m working on a project with my personal Pezzottaite.
Orange: Oh! Maybe I can accompany you on your appointment?
Red: I don’t see the harm in that.
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My friends's HNK OCs
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chocolatechipkraken · 8 months
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Gemuary 2024 Day 25: Pezzottaite
Pezzotaite, aka "raspberyl", is a very rare beryllium mineral.
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segapop115 · 11 months
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faethornart · 1 year
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redone Pezzottaite statue
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malamiteltd · 2 years
So I can just put audio up here if I wanted to? Alright then...Here's a few things I put together over the last few years. They're okay, I suppose.
The first is Pfeilgeist, the theme of an original character Mag Jones. It was originally thought up as music for a Rhythm Heaven "game" idea, but it never happened; the theme did seem very shmup-worthy, though, so Mag was blessed with this music for when she became a Red Mage...particularly one that could fly.
The second was just a tune I thought up one day and eventually arranged it into whatever it is. It certainly sounds like Some Kinda Menu Thing, like for a fighter or a racer.
The final one is actually an arrangement of the theme for Pantufa the Cat. It was made to act as the music for the game's credits, as I wasn't initially impressed with how the present music sounded. I've also referred to this music as "Otherworldly Toof," as I was imagining a different ending where the whole adventure was all the dream of Pezzottaite, essentially an alien variation of @vadapega's Pantufa, sleeping in his boat near the dock.
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During that ending, when Pezzo goes ashore he finds Copper and Broom waiting. Broom brought a small TV and a prototype console, along with a game he was planning to translate to other alien languages, which he invited Pezzo to try out. When Pezzo turns it on...it essentially starts up Pantufa the Cat (again), as though it were a weird loop.
(It's a dumb meta joke, I know.)
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werewolfdadarts · 2 years
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Ocean Pearl, Pink Pezzottaite & Selenite belong to: LottieMacchiato
Artwork: © Me
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aultsville · 2 years
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smolapricot · 9 months
You are the only perfect addition to my existence.
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Pezzottaite had another partner before. His name was Riesling. They were a typical duo of a restless interlocutor and a quiet one, they had been in it for 300 long years. They were called "beryl siblings" because they are from the same deposit and both are varieties of beryl.
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randomys-art · 2 years
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Sweet and gentle with a hint of elegance, that is the legacy of Pezzottaite. Her clothing was always sewn with a lot of detail, intricate laces and a lot of love. Together with her lovely singing voice, it was just impossible to dislike her.
Having known Brookite for some time, the two became quite close. He even let her use him as a mannequin, despite his constant bickering. But alas, she could never compete with his love for his work, keeping her own feelings close to her heart.
When training Prasiolite, they were searching for materials to make the frabrics, only for a sunspot to show up. Not wanting the young gem to be taken, she told them to run away, knowing that she would not be able to fend of the attackers long enough.
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pepsimanan · 4 months
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#11 merli
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