#Permit to Broadcast | Muslim Call to Prayer | New York City
xtruss · 6 months
US-based Muslim Advocacy documents in its annual report, the "Worst Wave of Anti-Muslim Hate" ever recorded in its 30-year history. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) says it received more than 8,000 complaints nationwide in 2023, nearly half of them after October 7.
"The 2023 wave of anti-Muslim incidents, a 56 Percent Jumpover the previous year, surpassed the period following the implementation of President Trump's Muslim Ban," the charity says in its report.
CAIR notes a small number of positive steps such as the Permit to Broadcast the Muslim Call to Prayer in New York City, the practice of Muslim Heritage Month in several states and the observation of Muslim holidays in the yearly calendar of a few school districts. The group now recommends to suspend the FBI's Muslim Watchlist, to respect free speech in Palestine and to pass anti-doxxing laws in Congress.
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youthkenworld · 1 year
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automatismoateo · 11 months
New York City mosques can now broadcast Friday afternoon call to prayer without obtaining a permit via /r/atheism
New York City mosques can now broadcast Friday afternoon call to prayer without obtaining a permit https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/29/us/new-york-city-mosques-broadcast-call-to-prayer-reaj I recently learned about this and wanted to share my perspective as a religious refugee who escaped Islamic oppression in Iran. The idea that Muslims need to be included in every form of "diversity" in the United States does not sit well with me. The reason being that Islam is not a minority in any way shape or form. The Muslim Arab man is the equivalent to a White Christian man in America, and soon it will supersede the White Christian man. For now, they are unequivocally the same. I am not sure how Muslims and the Islamic ideology has meddled its way into our democracy but I truly fear Islamic ideology. It's extremely unfortunate that whenever I do speak out of the atrocities my family and I endured under Islam, we are met with "You're just Islamaphobic" or "That's not the TRUE form of Islam". If I were to live in NYC, and the call to prayer comes on and I hear it in my house, I think I would have a panic attack. For decades now the Islamic Republic in Iran plays the call of prayer then proceeds to massacre people. This was my reality as a child in Iran. This religion for many Middle Easterners is truly terrifying, and unfortunately the only time I see people speak out against Islam, they tend to be insane right-wing extremists. I don't fully understand how Islam has portrayed itself to Americans as a "Liberal" or "Democratic" ideology when it is pure conservatism. I would argue that it is more extreme and more vile than its depraved daddy Christianity. Anyway, I truly fear that the very Islam that I escaped is navigating through the world disguised as peace, but those of us that have experienced the true horrors of Islam know that its a facade and understand very well that it is the king in propaganda. Submitted October 19, 2023 at 05:00AM by Sresidingm (From Reddit https://ift.tt/zQWlRAI)
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latinodawah · 1 year
The Muslim call to prayer will ring out more freely in New York City under guidelines announced Tuesday by Mayor Eric Adams, which he said should foster a spirit of inclusivity. #CallToPrayer #Athan #Azan #NYCNews
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latinomuslims · 1 year
The Muslim call to prayer will ring out more freely in New York City under guidelines announced Tuesday by Mayor Eric Adams, which he said should foster a spirit of inclusivity. #CallToPrayer #Athan #Azan #NYCNews
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pscottm · 1 year
Muslim Call to Prayer Can Be Amplified In New York City
Yesterday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced a new initiative to permit mosques to broadcast the call to public prayer on Fridays and during Ramadan. According the announcement from the Mayor's office:
 “Today, we are cutting red tape and saying clearly that mosques and houses of worship are free to amplify their call to prayer on Fridays and during Ramadan without a permit necessary....
... The NYPD’s new legal guidance clarifies for mosques and masjids that the call to prayer is allowed in New York City and not prohibited despite sound restrictions in city neighborhoods.
Under the new guidance, a mosque or masjid can broadcast the call to prayer every Friday between 12:30 PM and 1:30 PM as well as during the sunset prayers every evening during Ramadan....
The NYPD Community Affairs Bureau and Muslim faith leaders will work collaboratively in every neighborhood with mosques and masjids to communicate the new plans for Adhan to local community leaders and stakeholders. They will work to ensure that any sound device used to broadcast an Adhan is set at appropriate decibel levels and in accordance with the rules of the noise code within the city’s administrative code.
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generallemarc · 1 year
Why exactly did they ever need one in the first place? Is a few loudspeakers on top of a couple mosques really gonna be the deciding factor in whether or not the noise levels are bad in New York City of all places?
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creepingsharia · 5 years
New Jersey: Muslim-proposed ordinance will let Paterson mosques blast Muslim call to prayer across city
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A proposed ordinance before the City Council will allow mosques in Paterson to broadcast the Adhan or the Muslim call to prayer.
Under the ordinance, mosques will be allowed to use loudspeakers to announce the call to prayer during a 16-hour span. The ordinance states: “The city shall permit ‘Adhan’, call to prayer’, ‘church bells’ and other reasonable means of announcing religious meetings to be amplified between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. for duration not to exceed five minutes.”
Councilman Shahin Khalique proposed the ordinance on Tuesday night as an amendment to the existing noise control ordinance.
Council members spent three minutes discussing the measure.
Paterson has approximately 30,000 Muslims. It has a dozen mosques scattered throughout the city. Presently, mosques make the call to prayer five times a day; however, the sound is not amplified outside the buildings.
Late last year, Khalique, who is up for reelection in May, promised local leaders he planned to introduce the measure modeled on an ordinance in effect in Hamtramck, Mich. At the time, Khalique said he had been in discussions with other members of the City Council to get the measure passed.
Khalique has styled himself as a pious and devout Muslim amongst his mostly Bengali-American supporters. He suffered a blow to his image earlier in the month when it was revealed he had been arrested for intoxicated driving by New Jersey State Police in 2010.
Council members will consider the measure for preliminary approval next Tuesday.
h/t Jihad Watch who writes:
Notice the ridiculous comparison to church bells. The Adhan is not merely the sound of a bell. It is the loud shouting and declaration of Islamic supremacism over infidels. Paterson residents now have to be subject to this:
Allah is greater (Allahu akbar); intoned four times. I testify that there is no God but Allah (Ashhadu anna la ila ill Allah); intoned twice. I testify that Mohammed is Allah’s Prophet (Ashhadu anna Muhammadan rasul Allah); intoned twice. Come to prayer (Hayya alas salah); intoned twice. Come to security/salvation (Hayya alal falah); intoned twice. Allah is greater (Allahu akbar); intoned twice. There is no God but Allah (La ilah ill Allah); intoned once.
Paterson, aka Paterstine aka “Little Ramallah” , a notorious Hamas hotspot, is rapidly being Islamized.
At least 10 public district schools converted their lunch menus to Islamic, sharia-compliant only menus (aka halal).
More background on one of Chris Christie’s favorite Muslim enclaves.
Here’s what it sounds like in the Muslim-conquered sections of Brooklyn, New York:
Update: Terror-linked Hamas front group CAIR is attempting to sway the council’s decision by demanding Islamic call to prayer be permitted
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automatismoateo · 1 year
Revoke religious broadcast privilege FFRF urges Mayor Adams after he announced that the Muslim call to prayer is now exempt from permitting requirements in New York City via /r/atheism
Revoke religious broadcast privilege, FFRF urges Mayor Adams after he announced that the Muslim call to prayer is now exempt from permitting requirements in New York City https://ift.tt/GrnE1u2 Submitted September 06, 2023 at 09:49PM by FreethoughtChris (From Reddit https://ift.tt/xVFBM56)
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creepingsharia · 5 years
New Jersey: Paterson passes Muslim-proposed law allowing Islamic call to prayer (5 times a day, everyday)
Hear example of the harrowing call at end of post.
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After a lengthy and divisive public hearing, the City Council passed an ordinance allowing the broadcast of the adhan or the Islamic call to prayer.
Council members voted 5-4 to adopt the ordinance following a more than two-hour long public hearing.
Nearly 30 people spoke at the public hearing both in favor and against the measure. Before the public hearing, councilman Shahin Khalique, who sponsored the ordinance, sent out text messages and robocalls to encourage supporters of the measure to attend the meeting.
“The Christians use the bell to call people to worship. The Jews use the shofar to call people to worship. And the Muslims use the adhan to call people to worship,” said imam A. Quddoos Farra’d of Masjid Salahuddin on Broadway.
Masjid Salahuddin has been broadcasting the call to prayer for the past half-decade without complaints from neighbors, said Farra’d, who served in the Vietnam War. “I fought for the freedom of religion.”
Farra’d said the U.S. Constitution protects his right to practice his religion.
Farra’d was among a dozen people who spoke in favor of the measure. Others, more than a dozen people, spoke out against the measure.
“I pray to God you vote against this ordinance,” said resident Stephen Bauer. He has sent emails to council members to oppose the measure.
Bauer said the ordinance is an “imposition” on the non-Muslim residents of Paterson. He faced interruptions from council president Maritza Davila and law director Farrah Irving after he attempted to tie Islam to terrorism.
Some local church leaders also spoke out against the ordinance. Last week, some pastors held a meeting to discuss the ordinance at a church. Five council members attended the meeting potentially violating the New Jersey Sunshine Law.
Council members were just as divided as the speakers during the public hearing.
“What you saw today is fear mongering. Islamophobia is alive and well. I’m sad to say it’s in the city of Paterson,” said councilman Al Abdelaziz.
“This is about being fair to everyone,” said Khalique. “If churches could ring the bells, why can’t we call the adhan?”
Council members Ruby Cotton and William McKoy pointed out some mosques have been calling the adhan without facing problems.
“We’re attempting to solve a problem that does not exist,” said McKoy, longest serving member of the City Council.
Both Cotton and McKoy said there should be more discussions before the measure is adopted. Khalique pointed out there were four public meetings to discuss the measure.
“We cannot do a law that favors any religion,” added councilman Luis Velez. He cited the Establishment Clause in the U.S. Constitution.
“It is a tough decision we’re making today. As you can see there is already division,” said Davila.
Davila voted in favor of the measure. She was joined by Abdelaziz, Flavio Rivera, Michael Jackson, and Khalique.
Cotton, McKoy, Lilisa Mimms, and Velez voted against.
Cheers erupted after the council granted final approval to the measure.
Many speakers said the measure is dividing a city that’s home to more than 50 ethnic groups.
“This is not to divide the community. I’m trying to be fair and equal. This not about my re-election,” said Khalique.
Khalique is running for re-election in two months. His critics say the measure is a ploy to burnish his image ahead of the election. Khalique suffered a blow last month when it was revealed he had been arrested for intoxicated driving by New Jersey State Police in 2010.
Several speakers suggested the council place the ordinance on the ballot for a referendum.
“This is a melting pot. I want everyone to feel at home in the city,” said Rivera. “If it’s not working, we can revisit it.”
Paterson is home to approximately 30,000 Muslims.
As we noted in a prior post:
Under the ordinance, mosques will be allowed to use loudspeakers to announce the call to prayer during a 16-hour span. The ordinance states: “The city shall permit ‘Adhan’, call to prayer’, ‘church bells’ and other reasonable means of announcing religious meetings to be amplified between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. for duration not to exceed five minutes.”
Councilman Shahin Khalique proposed the ordinance on Tuesday night as an amendment to the existing noise control ordinance.
Khalique is a shady character at best:
Khalique’s deceased father recorded as having voted in 2nd Ward election
Shahin Khalique sworn into Paterson council under cloud of allegations
Paterson councilman Shahin Khalique’s properties, including his residence, were in foreclosure in 2019, court records show
More on the ordinance, via Jihad Watch who writes:
Notice the ridiculous comparison to church bells. The Adhan is not merely the sound of a bell. It is the loud shouting and declaration of Islamic supremacism over infidels. Paterson residents now have to be subject to this:
Allah is greater (Allahu akbar); intoned four times. I testify that there is no God but Allah (Ashhadu anna la ila ill Allah); intoned twice. I testify that Mohammed is Allah’s Prophet (Ashhadu anna Muhammadan rasul Allah); intoned twice. Come to prayer (Hayya alas salah); intoned twice. Come to security/salvation (Hayya alal falah); intoned twice. Allah is greater (Allahu akbar); intoned twice. There is no God but Allah (La ilah ill Allah); intoned once.
Paterson, aka Paterstine aka “Little Ramallah” , a notorious Hamas hotspot, is rapidly being Islamized.
At least 10 public district schools converted their lunch menus to Islamic, sharia-compliant only menus (aka halal).
More background on one of Chris Christie’s favorite Muslim enclaves.
Here’s what it sounds like in the Muslim-conquered sections of Brooklyn, New York:
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