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horrorexperiance · 7 months ago
Please subscribe my YouTube channel for more videos of peranormal activity in real life videos
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dexare · 9 months ago
The U.F.P.D is Terrorists organization that is hellbent on forcing all governments around the world into disclosing the existence of paranormal entities.
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[ CHANNEL 99 original ]
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".. if that thing ever dares to show itself again, I hope someone burns it again. None of us regret a God Damm thing, as soon as we're out, we'll do it again... do something about it bitch..."
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".. We wanted to know what was on the other side, and back then, nothing was different, we where as hellbent as we are now." | Dark crystal - Age of resistance
[ An Absolute Message ]
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"This is a populated Area?"
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" Over the last hundred years, over 3 billion humans have been abducted by alien lifeforms, evrything from being tortured to being ####. We have seen Billions be cloned and replaced for the sake of their twisted ambitions for our planet and way of life, millions taken from us to be used as slaves and play things. We have been made into pawns meant to be used as ginny pigs that can be easily discarded after use.
The fact that any human believes that any kind of alien life form is peaceful should be considered nothing more than treason. "
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[ Payback ]
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On April 1, 2016, Seventeen different U.F.P.D compounds were visited by police because of noise complaints and possible riots.
[ Hope it hurts likes hell ]
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" Seem like we have a full wipe, sir.
Jesus crist, all of it?
Yes, Sir. The crash provoked a cascade due to the engine type making an Aberration appear.
From there, entities came poring in, everything when to hell pretty quickly.
Fuck sake any unrecoverables?
152 Sir. We couldn't find the body's, so we couldn't replace them at all. As for the rest, Future Corp is already sending us the replacements. We should be able to rebuild the place in about half an hour.
Alright, let's contact the greens, we need some debre for the cameras. Ah, and take that thing out of here already. Let's set up a proper scene."
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In 2019, the United Front for Pranornal Discovery became part of the Pangean Congregation of Worlds as a new investigation force for earth. They are tasked with hunting down Aberrations that have exited on earth for millenia.
#ChroniclesofRebellion #UFPD
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daviondavi · 3 years ago
this pug from Dead End Peranormal Park
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melovesanneeeee · 2 years ago
PERAnormal Activity
Mga hindi maipaliwanag na pangyayari sa pera mo.
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ganeshanand-555 · 3 years ago
Ramal Peranormal Astrology
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wolfninjaaron · 6 years ago
Doctor Skullen #cosplay #cosplaying #cosplayer #facepaint #skull #gothic also from #hottopic #supernatural #peranormal #detective #gif #halloweencostume #halloween #halloweenmakeup #music #jrock #japanesemusic #dadaroma https://www.instagram.com/p/BpgYq1sABhP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w5zfj9f4nvlc
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jcgenove · 8 years ago
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adiityanath1-blog · 6 years ago
Prospects of "Peranormal Activities" in our Normal life
Do u beleive in some activities which are not seemed to be happen "Normally" 😂? Do u beleive in 'Soul' ? Do u know how we emotionally connect with anyone😲 ?
These are some special questions and cases which need to be described in some special way...
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So what is "Peranormal Activity" ? These are the events which describe about Popular culture, falk, non scientific bodies which described to lie beyond the normal experience or scientific explanation.
Another question in this event is about 'soul'. Soul is nothing but fundamental unit of our body. To understand simply; soul is one kind of energy. According to "Theory of conservation of energy" - Energy cannot be created not be destroyed but can convert from one form to another". Similar to it "Soul" can transfer from one body to another, can not be created not be destroyed. "Dr MacDougal" a British Scientists conclude the weight of soul is "21 gms" 😱
These are the fundamental things which need to be adress before we enter in the main topics . Now come to the processes of Peranormal Activity 😵😜
1. Soul mixing
So how soul mixed up. To say simply one soul mixed with another soul by transferring 'cosmetic rays'. To understand this process let us take a simple example of mother son relationship.
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When a new baby born, than the "soul" of baby is 1/2 (half) of the soul of it's mother. In this case Mother transfers "cosmic rays" to her baby nd by receiving this the "Baby" can able to understand the feelings of it's mother. Hence the baby can understand his mother and also mother can understand her baby. So in African countries like "Ghana, Kenia, Nigeria, Morocco" etc, when a children does any crime than their mother got punished😢. Because mother's worst feelings toward the punishment effect her child's mentality nd get emotionally disturb even not saying anything to her child. This is the effect of soul mixing 😇
Now, How this "Soul Mixing" process effect in our relationships 💑 ? So when a relationship about to start, "cosmic ray" transferation start from both side i.e by both (boys and girls) so that their soul can able to understand each other. And later onn when this phenomenon successfully done than their soul mix up with each other. Hence one can able to understand emotions, like, dislikes of his partner. So this relationship also termed as soulmate ❤. As their 💑 soul mixed with one another nd attached. I am talking about the true relationships not for who takes relationship as a fashion or anything 😷😬. These thing doesn't happen in fake relationships.
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And hence in relationship another process starts i.e
2. Soul portail
When transferring cosmic energy from one body to another a portail of soul start to form 😀. This is known as soul portail. Here a strong "Telepathic Connection" takes place between two lovers 💑. Telepathic connection reefers to mind to mind connection, for which they can able to communicate through their mind and can talk through mind without any device 😅
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But as I mentioned already these things not happen in fake relationships. As in fake relationship "cosmic rays" transferation cannot happen. Hence one's cannot understand another's felling. And for one of them is emotionally got destroyed or disturbed. These things quite happens now a days 😤😞
Now come to the last condition of Peranormal Activity i.e
3. Shatanism 😈
This is the worst episode of Peranormal activity. This is the process for which the upper two processes i.e (Soul mixing nd Soul Portal) process get disturbed 😠
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When two positive soul about to mix than another negative soul introduced between them and effects in their soul mixing process . For which two mixing solu again becomes isolated and they can't able to beleive earlier soul. This leads to Break up and Devoted etc cases, which we usually notice in our society. And their soul needs a long period to get connection with another soul.
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Actually this process also happens in two ways :
A) Simultaneity
B) By people (such as black magic etc)
In simultanius process, when two good soul about to mix, than bad soul comes themself to disturb this processes. This happens when lots of people notice their soul mixing process. And hence their soul get separated by impact of those bad souls . In our normal words it is called "Najar lag laya"😆😂 etc . So relationships should be secret not be publish. Or it may create problem later onn.
Other process of Shatanism also created by man. But I have no any idea about this process actually. As I know in this case 'lonely or bad souls' are introduced by people to disturb another by Black Magic. These are the worst things happens in Peranormal Activities. As all sides have positive and negative side both, like also "Peranormal Activity" also have these bad effects, which effects in our soul as well as our body.
These are the simple things of peranormal activities that I describe in my blog. I would also like to thank my friend Asween K to give me these details for which I can write this blog....
Thanks for Reading. Keep Smiling 😁 and be Happy Everyday 😊.
Thank u......😁
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thewitchqueen281 · 7 years ago
Buzzfeed unsolved is really good because it has a skeptic in it. It offers new friction to the genre of peranormal, so if you believe in ghosts you finally don’t have a team that agrees with every little thing and if you don’t (i.e Me) you have someone who does actually question the shit the other person is saying. I think more shows should embrace this and get a few skeptics on pay roll. 
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redvelevet · 5 years ago
what's the weirdest peranormal activity u experience?
okay so idk if it’s the weirdest but it’s definitely one that has impacted me the most, i get freaked out by paranormal experiences but this one really hit different. (it’s actually quite a nice story in the end)
ok storytime!!
i was at a friend’s house with a group of people and his mom is a medium (and he has picked up some of it too) and i was filming random videos for fun when i captured an orb on video, i was naturally weirded out like wtf there’s an orb?? anyway we talked about it and left it and a while later the friend whose house i was at asked if we could go downstairs because he felt uneasy and he saw an old man in the corner of the room so we went downstairs. 
We talked to his mom about the situation and so she tried to communicate with the ghost and then she looks at me and asked me when my granddad had passed and up until then i had been okay, maybe a bit spooked but generally ok but once his mom asked me that question i just got so overwhelmed and started crying out of nowhere. i explained the situation and she told me that my granddad was in the room and she kept getting a name connected with my granddad which was my mother’s name and he kept saying that he loved her and that he was watching over me. so that’s my story of my guardian angel granddad.
now u can choose to believe this or not but honestly there’s no way this woman knew this or made it up given the fact it hit me differently i’ll never forget it
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dexare · 9 months ago
" 99:Holy shit dud, Cornelius Cornwall is actually part of the P.C.W. what a piece of shit.
98: Hehe, you didn't know that. The guy's a real hypocrite literally on the day that channel 99 started airing he was elected Viseroy of the oculus sect. A couple of years later, he was kicked out and nearly got himself killed for being a spy for the Masons, Dud's, a real piece of work, and that not even half of it.
99:Man, you can't trust anything, can you. Fuck sake I really loved channel 99 man, what the fuck. "
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" Look, kid, people just don't care about what you find or don't find. The only thing they care about is your reactions. You get it, kid, nothing about it really matters to them. That's why they're sitting at home watching you. They don't wanna have to change their lives or believe in anything at all they have enough to deal with. They just wanna sit back and enjoy the show, thears nothing more to it. An all.. you need to do, is give them, exactly, that..
A good show about teenagers doing dumb things.."
[ Hatred ]
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" In 2011, the hit series U.F.P.D was canceled after the members of the show beat up a group of homeless people squatting in an abandoned hospital building. They then proceeded to set fire to the building..."
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" IN 2013, THE U.F.P.D after regaining the property from Channel 99 back in early 2012 began what is today know as the UPRISING on October 13 of 2013 where several U.F.P.D members from across the nation planted themselves in front of the Capital building, the Pentagon Headquarters, and National Reserve building were they stod in silence with pointed weapons for 3 days without rest.
Then, on October 17, the Capital building was i..."
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" In 2017, the public became aware of the methods used to see the Parallelum Virus, and although the method was first discovered an -used- by the Harvard University institution, the backlash still fell solely on the U.F.P.D. "
" Where did the sample come from? There's only ever been one Cornwall!, and that one looks nothing like it! So Where in the fuck did you find it, you fucking traitor."
" *!*×;#!×^' it is place above¥~◇t○♤▪︎he£•♧\reti■"
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" Aliud-spatium fascities, the deadliest microbial lifeforms in existence. Contained within the very fabric of reality, the Parallelum Varius is the first lifeforms found in another dimension. "
"The existence of these documents whithin Havard universitys Back logs directly mentioning the method, proves without a shadow of a doubt that they new of it for decades, way before we ever found it."
I ask the people here what els do they know? What els are they hiding?"
"In 2023, the breako..."
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[ Aborrated Detonation ]
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"CF-E7777 / HELION NINE: [ A ] [ S ]"
#ChroniclesofRebellion #UFPD | Longest Solo Ever - Intruder
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ganeshanand-555 · 3 years ago
Ramal peranormal astrology
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dracula-truestory · 7 years ago
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#horror #dracula #scary #peranormal #truestoryofdracula (at Dracula's place)
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english-tibetan-dictionary · 12 years ago
mngon shes - higher perception, ['clairvoyamce', super knowledge, foresight, foreknowledge, prophesy, supersensible cognition, clairvoyant knowledge, supernatural perception, peranormal cognition, supernormal knowledge, supernormal cognitive power (Gdmk) [mngon gyur dang, yul dus thag ring po na gnas pa'i lkog gyur dang, shin tu lkog gyur gyi gnas tsul mngon sum du rtogs thub pa'i shes pa [IW]
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