#Per Jespersen
dkavisen · 2 years
Energikrise: Syddansk samarbejde klæder borgerne på til grønne energiløsninger
Energikrise: Syddansk samarbejde klæder borgerne på til grønne energiløsninger
Den tiltagende energikrise og et fokus på omstilling til grøn varmeforsyning i hele den syddanske geografi inden 2030 får nu Region Syddanmark, Nyborg, Assens, Faaborg-Midtfyn, Svendborg, Middelfart, Kolding og Sønderborg Kommune, Dansk Fjernvarme, PlanEnergi og EC Network til at gå sammen om projektet COHEAT, der skal hjælpe borgerne med at vælge de bedste energiløsninger. Skal en varmepumpe…
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ebouks · 2 years
Orbit B htx
Orbit B htx Morten Brydensholt, Tommy Gjøe, Per Holck, Lis Jespersen, Ole Keller, Jens Kraaer, Birgitte Merci Lund, Jan Møller, Jens Vaaben Categories: Physics Year: 2009 Publisher: Systime Language: danish Pages: 32 322 ISBN 10: 8761610135 ISBN 13: 9788761610133 File: 11.48 MB
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artsinaarhus · 4 years
week two - statues
My second week was all about statues. I took pictures of different types of statues throughout my daily life and made a research on them:
14.09.2020 - 'Tiden, Byen og Manden' - Bernhardt Jensen (2010), Åboulevarden 41, 8000 Aarhus
15.09.2020 - 'Sea Pink' - Marc Moser (2011), Jette Tikjøbs Pl. 13, 8000 Aarhus
16.09.2020 - 'Kone med høne' - Aage Bruun Jespersen (1984), Frederiksgade 60, 8000 Aarhus
17.09.2020 - 'Poseidon' - A Kassen (2017), Hack Kampmanns Pl., Aarhus C. Poseidon was created by a group of artists called A Kassen. The shape of this bronze sculpture was formed by the sea when 30 kilos of molten bronze were poured into the harbour basin next to Dokk1, creating thousands of unique pieces of bronze. One of these pieces was selected and enlarged to form a 2.5 by 2.5 metres bronze sculpture, using computer scanning and CNC milling.
18.09.2020 - 'Salling ROOFTOP', Søndergade 27, 8000 Aarhus C
19.09.2020 - ‘Steen Steensen Blicher’ - Just Nielsen Sondrup(), Botanisk Have ved Mønsgade, Århus Danmark
20.09.2020 - Per Kirkeby (2008), Aros Allé8000 Aarhus
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anammrc · 5 years
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Two dear friends wearing my piecies in Turin during the opening at Creativity Oggetti. 💕💕💕 Photo by Carlo Lucidi Creativity Oggetti presenta “Il gioiello si mette in posa” . Gioielli italiani ed esteri si danno appuntamento nel Concept Store torinese di Via Carlo Alberto 40/f, per essere indossati e fotografati durante lo shooting che verrà allestito, Sabato 1 Giugno dalle 16 alle 20, momento in cui i visitatori della mostra potranno provare alcuni dei gioielli in esposizione e farsi immortalare. Un modo divertente per interagire con le opere non convenzionali realizzati dai 24 autori presenti per la prima volta a Torino e selezionati tra i partecipanti di Artistarjewels.com : Aileen Gray, Ana Margarida Carvalho, Andreia Popescu, Anna Maria Pitt, Anna Zeibig, Bárbara Laso Fernández, Carlo Lucidi, Elena Franceschetti, Elizabeth Jane Campbell, Kate Lozynina, Letizia Maggio, Maria Kerrn-Jespersen, May Gañán, Michelle Lowe-Holder, Michelle Lung, Morena Fregonese, Natalia Lubienicka, Petra Mohylova, Rachel Reilly, Sara Leme, Sara Zaghetto, Sarah Christian, Sui Ling Wang, Sunset Yogurt Lo shooting fotografico sarà a cura di da Federica Cioccolonii fotografa romana specializzata in still life che da anni collabora con Creativity. Per chi vorrà un tocco in più ad occuparsi del make-up sarà “Alliysia emporio botanico” con trucco bio-organico. Le immagini dello shooting saranno regalate in formato web a tutti coloro che vorranno farsi ritrarre. Il pomeriggio sarà accompagnata da un delicato sottofondo di musica con un momento food & beverage offerto da Di cotte e di crude Tutti i gioielli saranno in esposizione e vendita fino al 27 di Luglio (em Creativity oggetti) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLDQnAAOK1/?igshid=2ztloyljbf4
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notizieoggi24-blog · 5 years
Turiste decapitate in Marocco, un uomo confessa: rischia la pena di morte
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L'omicidio di Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24 anni, danese, e Maren Ueland, 28 anni, norvegese, sembra essere arrivato ad un punto di svolta, con la confessione di un uomo, che ha ammesso di averle decapitate a dicembre. "Me ne pento", così ha dichiarato un 25enne, Abdessamad Ejjoud, venditore ambulante accusato di appartenere ad una cellula dell'Isis, insieme ad altri 23 persone originarie del Marocco. La confessione è avvenuta davanti la corte di Salé, vicino Rabat, dove ha spiegato come le due turiste siano state decapitate. Inoltre le due ragazze furono uccise dopo essere state abusate, con un video che è circolato in rete, il quale mostrava gli ultimi momenti della loro vita. Ora il ragazzo rischia la pena di morte, insieme ad altri due complici, anche loro fedeli all'Isis. Non è stato possibile rivelare quale delle due turiste sia stata uccisa da Ejjoud, per il quale permangono comunque le accuse generiche. Read the full article
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perfect (adj.)
early 15c. classical correction of Middle English parfit "flawless, ideal" (c. 1300), also "complete, full, finished, lacking in no way" (late 14c.), from Old French parfit "finished, completed, ready" (11c.), from Latin perfectus "completed, excellent, accomplished, exquisite," past participle of perficere "accomplish, finish, complete," from per "completely" (see per) + combining form of facere "to make, to do" (from PIE root *dhe- "to set, put").
Often used in English as an intensive (perfect stranger, etc.), from the notion of "complete." Grammatical sense, in reference to verb tense describing an action as completed, is from c. 1500. As a noun, late 14c. ("perfection"), from the adjective.
The difference between the Preterit and the Perfect is in English observed more strictly than in the other languages possessing corresponding tenses. The Preterit refers to some time in the past without telling anything about the connexion with the present moment, while the Perfect is a retrospective present, which connects a past occurrence with the present time, either as continued up to the present moment (inclusive time) or as having results or consequences bearing on the present moment. [Otto Jespersen, "Essentials of English Grammar," 1933]
perfect (v.)
"to bring to full development, finish or complete so as to leave nothing wanting," late 14c., parfiten, from perfect (adj.). Related: Perfected; perfecting.
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olabillgren · 4 years
Texter om författaren
Crispin Ahlström: rec. GöteborgsPosten, 18/1 1986
Adolf Anderberg: Ung autodidakt, Skånska Dagbladet, 3/5 1962.
Rolf Anderberg: Myter, illusionism och nakna mönster, GöteborgsPosten, 1/12 1973.
Stig Andersen: Svensk på Jeløya, Arbeiderbladet, 5/6 1971.
Sven-Ingmar Andersson: art., Ystads Allehanda, 21/4 1956.
Ingamaj Beck: rec. AftonbIadet, 19/4 1986.
Walde Bengtsson: Bokrec. Ystads Allehanda, 22/2 1974.
åsa Berntsson: En skarpsynt pionjär, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 10/10 1976. Bokrec, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 7/6 1978. Bokrec. Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 5/3 1980. Bokrec. Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 17/12 1981. Rec. Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 26/4 1983.
Pehr Bjurströrn: Tre decenniers svensk grafik, SAK, Stockholm 1976
Kerstin Blomquist: Två tysta bilder, tvåbetygsuppsats i estetik, Stockholms Universitet 1978.
Jean Bolinder: rec. Kvällsposten, 14/6 1983.
Marianne Nanne-Bråhammar: rec. Paletten, 4 1965. Rec. Arbetet, 10/3 1967. Rec, Arbetet, 13/1 1968.
Gunnar Bråhammar: rec. Kvällsposten, 31/1 1968. Rec. Kvällsposten, 25/11 1974. Bokrec. Kvällsposten, 6/3 1980. Rec. Ystads Allehanda, 2/7 1973. Bokrec. Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 29/7 1985.
F.J Bröder: Figuren in Halbschatten, Nürnberger Nachrichten, 14/6 1975.
Tord Bäckström: rec. Göteborgs Handels och Sjöfartstidning, februari l964.
Alfredo Castro: Om det moderna, Umeå 1989.
Britta Cederstam: Bokrec. Skånska Dagbladet, 4/11 1981. Rec. Skånska Dagbladet, 25/4 1983.
Per Drougge: Den återerövrade verkligheten, Skånska Dagbladet, januari 1968. Ola Billgren än en gång, Skånska Dagbladet, februari 1968.
Folke Edwards: rec. Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 7/10 1965. Katalogtext, Galleri östergren, Malmö 1969.
Karl-Erik Eliasson: Rec. Helsingborgs Dagblad, 23/11 1974. Rec. Helsingborgs Dagblad, 25/5 1980. Rec. Helsingborgs Dagblad, 27/2 1981. Rec. Helsingborgs Dagblad, 29/4 1983. Billgrens rika 1989, Helsingborgs Dagblad, 17/11 1989.
Sören Engblom: Bokrec. Expressen, 12/4 1982. På den dunkla vägen till en avlägsen plats, Expressen, 22/5 1982. Rec. Expressen, 19/4 1986. Längtan till minnenas land, Expressen, 29/8 1988. När minnet vaknar, Expressen, 22/11 1989. Ola Billgren, romantiker, intervju i Expressen, 19/1 1990. Katalogtext, The Contemporary Art in Sweden, Tokyo 1991.
Lars 0 Ericsson: Rec. Dagens Nyheter, 28/8 1988. Rec. Art News, december 1988.
Douglas Feuk: En bild är en bild är en bild, art. Göteborgs-Posten, 28/8 1966. Ola Billgren, i katalogen till Bildkonst och massmediabild , Lund 1967. Katalogtext, Gävle Museum, 1967. I vardagsrummet, Konstrevy, 5/6 1969. Den försåtliga psykologin, Konstrevy, 4 1970. Ett försök med rummet och tiden, Dagens Nyheter , 28/12 1974. Ny version i Bilderbok, Stockholm 1975. Förord, Neuer Realismus aus Schweden, Stockholm 1975. även i Farväl realism!, Malmö 1976. 70-talets bildkonst i Sverige, Pohjoisia Kuvia / Nordiska bilder, Helsingfors 1977. Mellan utanför och innanför, i Ola Billgren, Akvareller i urval - Litografier 1962-77, Göteborg 1978. Ola Billgren, i katalog till Helldunkelhell, Berlin 1987. Rec. SIKSI, 1 1990.
Harald Flor: En ny morgen..?, Bergens Tidende, 27/4 1971.
Lars G Fellman: Att fasthålla ögonblicket.... Göteborgstidningen, 5/1 1972.
Paul Gammelbo: Det sidste skrig, Information, 13/3 1971.
Hans Gefors: Att komma till tals med Adorno, ett samtal med Ola Billgren och Horace Engdahl, Nutida musik, 6 1987.
Olle Granath: Konst som praktik, Dagens Nyheter, 21/5 1970. Att måla motsättningar, Dagens Nyheter, 28/12 1974. Analytiker och älskare, Dagens Nyheter, 15/3 1979. I ett annat ljus, svensk konst sedan 1945, Stockholm 1982. Another light, Swedish art since 1945/Une autre lumire - L'art suédois depuis 1945/ In einem anderen Licht - Schwedische Kunst nach 1945, Stockholrn 1982.
Grethe Grathwohl: Tro og tvivl, Information, 17/6 1980.
Lars Gustafsson: Vi har fått ett nytt rnåleri, Expressen, 27/1 1970. Den nya måleriet, i Kommentar, Stockholm 1972. art. Expressen, 22.12.1972.
Øysten Hjort: Stærk svensk kunst, Politiken, 26/11 1981.
Jan Håfströrn: Ola Billgren, Stockholmstidningen, 4/6 1982.
Nils-Göran Hökby: Ett 60-tal bilder från 60-tal, lic. avhandling, Stockholm 1969. Sommar, ett svenskt alternativ, Paletten, 1 1972.
Hans Janstad: Rec. Arbetet, 29/1 1984.
Gunnar Jespersen: Den internationale diskussion, BerlingskeTidende, 11/3 1977. Den kolige precision, BerlingskeTidende, 23/11 1981.
Hans Johansson: Ola Billgren och samtiden, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 24/11 1974. Måleriet som lydigt redskap, Arbete, 16/2 1981. Maleri på en grænse, intervju i Fem svenske kunstnere, Asbæk, Köpenhamn 1981. Rec. Arbetet, 24/4 1983.
Stig Johansson: Rec. Svenska Dagbladet, 3/1 1975. Idyll och rnångtydighet, Svenska Dagbladet, 27/8 1988.
Jörgen Klinthage: Rec. Arbetet, 18/11 1989.
Frank Kusàn: Oväntade möten, Västmanlands Läns Tidning , 17/6 1980.
Stig Larsson: Ola Billgren, a Stockholm lover, intervju i 12 European Artists, Amsterdam 1989.
Urban Lasson: Intervju i Rum för fantasin, Lunds Universitet 1966. art. Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 22/9 1967.
Ingela Lind: Speglar likkylan hos det mondäna, Dagens Nyheter, 18/4 1986.
Bertil Lindström: Rec. Borås Tidning, 18/12 1979. Rec. Borås Tidning, 15/9 1983.
Tomas Löfström: Ola Billgrens måleri ett spel med realiteter, Ystads Allehanda, 16/11 1974. Bortom avbildningens teologi, Studiekamraten, 5 1986.
Sten Martinsson: Rec. Kvällsposten, 1/2 1989. Rec. Kvällsposten. 22/11 1989.
Jacques Michel: Des peintres qui peignent, Le Monde, 4/9 1976.
Thomas Millroth: Tid och illusion, Paletten, 3 1970. ögats filosofi, SIKSI, 1 1987.
H E Nørregård Nielsen: Realisme I opbrud, Information, 8/1 1976.
Bo Nilsson: Rec. Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 20/9 1986. Northern positions, Flash Art 132, feb/mars 1987. Förord, Transparencia Azul, Moderna Museet 1991.
Carin Nilsson: Subjektiva rapporter, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, januari 1968.
John Peter Nilsson: Rec. SIKSI, 2 1986. Rec. Aftonbladet, 4/2 1987. Framtiden den är nu, Aftonbladet, 27/8 1988.
Lars Nittve: Genom en hinna av imperfektum, Svenska Dagbladet, 22/5 1982. Att se landskapet, Svenska Dagbladet, 29/5 1983. Rec. Artforum, summer 1984. Ola Billgren, agent provocateur i romantikens landskap, i Ola Billgren, Arbeten från 80-talet , åhus 1985/ Ola Billgren, agent provocateur dans le paysage du romantisme, i Ola Billgren, Traveaux des années 80, CCS, Paris 1985, övers. Ingrid Orfali. Dramatisk final på BarBar, Svenska Dagbladet, 31/8 1985. Northern Poles, Köpenhamn 1986. Landskapet i nytt ljus, Riksutställningar, 1987. Art. Artforum, May 1987.
Sune Nordgren: Biennalen i Venedig, Dagens Nyheter, 10/6 1980. Nordiska språkbilder, Dagens Nyheter, juni 1980.
Birgitta Nyblom: art. Dagens Nyheter, 22/12 1974.
Leif Nylén: Ola Billgren prövar ett dubbelt tilltal, Dagens Nyheter , 3/6 1982. Bokrec. Dagens Nyheter, 15/8 1985.
Carl Fredrik Olsson: Kanske en konstnär, Ystads Allehanda, september 1953.
Bengt Olvång: Rec. Aftonbladet, 12/4 1973. Rec. Aftonbladet, 3/1 1975. Rec. Aftonbladet, 13/12 1976. Rec. Aftonbladet, 22/3 1979. Konsten att måla utan att ljuga, Aftonbladet, 6/3 1980. Våga se!, Stockholm 1981. Rec. Aftonbladet, 15.6.1982.
Lars Göran Oredson: Ola Billgren, Läderfabriken, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 27/1 1989.
Jerôme Péignot: Ola Billgren, L'Art Vivant, 17 1971.
Görel Persson: art. Dagens Nyheter, 20/8 1988.
Viola Robertson: I skärningspunkten, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 1/11 1972. Art. Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 9/3 1974. är konstpubliken offer för en stor illusion?, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 31/8 1974. Konst i Skåne 1954-1974,
Robertson/Weimarek, Malmö 1974. Bilder, Lund 1975.
Kristian Romare: Romantiker utan grund, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 2/5 1962. Länga i foajé, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 3/1 1964.
Margareta Romdahl: art. Dagens Nyheter, 17/3 1979.
Birgitta Rubin: art. Dagens Nyheter, 12/4 1986.
Gertrud Sandqvist: förord till Nordkunst, Galerie Anette Gullberg, Köln 1990.
Bente Scavenius: Hemmelighedsfuldt; Fredriksborg Amts Avis, 1/2 1984.
Staffan Schmidt: Foto(realism), svek, förförelse. intervju SIKSI , 1988. Rec. Arbetet, 14/9 1988. Fotografiet är amoraliskt, ett samtal med Ola Billgren, Arbetet, 29/1 1989. Mörker och motljus, Arbetet, 30/1 1989. Det ogarderade konstverket, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 9/11 1989.
Ulf Hård af Segerstad: Romantik utan romantiker, Svenska Dagbladet, 16/4 1985.
Thore Soneson: Samtal orn fotokonsten med Ola Billgren, Dawid och Ingrid Orfali, Fotografisk Tidskrift, 4 1989.
Cecilia Stam: Rec. Stockholmstidningen, 22/5 1983.
Mailis Stensman: Att hålla fast ögonblicket, Arbetet, 3/11 1972.
Nils-Petter Sundgren: Finns det ännu porträtt?, Expressen, 23/3 1979.
Per Svensson: Dubbelagenten Ola Billgren, Kvällsposten, 22.3.1986.
Beate Sydhoff: Rec. Svenska Dagbladet, 17/5 1970. Minnen, Svenska Dagbladet, 17/3 1979.
Rolf Söderberg: Den svenska konsten under 1900-talet, Stockholm 1970.
Thomas Tidholm: Ola Billgren, Konstrevy, 1 1967. Samt Konstrevy, L'Art en Sude en 1968.
Arne Törnquist: Rec. Dagens Nyheter, 26/5 1983.
Torsten Weimarck: Levande helheter, Arbetet, 23/4 1977. Om att använda det vita djuret, Kalejdoskop, 3 1978. "... om jag inte samtidigt hade jagats av demoner...... Kalejdoskop 3 1980. Konst i Skåne, se Robertson: "... detta friare rum, denna rörligare blick., ", SydsvenskaDagbladet 1981.
Håkan Wettre: En verklighet som syns, Göteborgs-Tidningen, 25/10 1970.
Peter Wiklund: Dawid betraktad av svenska fotokritiker, C-uppsats, Inst. för estetik, Uppsala Universitet 1988. Två punktstudier av konst med fotografi i svenskt 80-tal, uppsats i konstvetenskap, Stockholms Universitet 1990,
Eugen Wretholm: Pionjär i de gamla mästarnas spår, Veckojournalen, 6 1974. Svenskt vemod i Venedig, Svenska Dagbladet, 13/12 1980.
Torgny Wärn: Bildmakare: Ola Billgren, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 24/1 1971.
Klas östergren: Rec. Expressen, 23/3 1979.
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educationcareernews · 4 years
Interest in homeschooling has 'exploded' amid pandemic Subscribe - https://ift.tt/2BvgxbE Facebook - https://ift.tt/3hRxoWV Twitter - https://twitter.com/EducationCaree6 Pinterest - https://ift.tt/2YpDlCG Tumblr - https://ift.tt/2NmT92U Blog - https://ift.tt/2NhbzC6 #Exam #Recruitment #Result #School #College #Study #NEP #New_Education_Policy #Admission MISSION (US): As parents nationwide prepare to help their children with more distance learning, a small but quickly growing number are deciding to take matters entirely into their own hands and begin homeschooling. Some are worried their districts are unable to offer a strong virtual learning programme. For others who may have been considering homeschooling, concerns for their family's health amid the coronavirus and the on-again, off-again planning for in-person instruction are leading them to part ways with school systems. Mindy Kroesche, a freelance writer and editor from Lincoln, Nebraska, had been leaning toward homeschooling her 12-year-old son, who has autism and ADHD diagnoses that made middle school a challenge. But she always felt her 10-year-old daughter was “built for school.” Now with the pandemic raging, she is pulling them both out for the year. “We just saw that with her wearing a mask for the entire day, that would make learning more difficult for her,” she said. “It was going to be such a different environment. We didn't think it would be as beneficial for her.” Homeschooling applications are surging in states including Nebraska, where they are up 21%, and Vermont, where they are up 75%. In North Carolina, a rush of parents filing notices that they planned to homeschool overwhelmed a government website last month, leaving it temporarily unable to accept applications. There were about 2.5 million homeschool students last year in grades K-12 in the US, making up about 3% to 4% of school-age children, according to the National Home Educators Research Institute. Brian Ray, the group's president, is anticipating that their numbers will increase by at least 10%. “One day the school district says X and four days later they say Y,” Ray said. “And then the governor says another thing and then that changes what the school district can do. And parents and teachers are tired of what appear to be arbitrary and capricious decisions. They are tired of it and saying we are out of here.” Interest in homeschooling materials also has been surging, driven in part by parents who are keeping their children enrolled in schools but looking for ways to supplement distance learning. The National Home School Association received more than 3,400 requests for information on a single day last month, up from between five and 20 inquiries per day before the coronavirus. The group had to increase the size of its email inbox to keep up. “Clearly the interest we have been getting has exploded,” said J Allen Weston, the executive director of the suburban Denver-based group. “That is really the only way to describe it.” Some parents in rural parts of Nebraska are turning to homeschooling because staffing and limited access to home internet leave districts unable to offer a virtual learning option, said Kathryn Dillow, president and executive director of Nebraska Home Schools, a support and advocacy group. Homeschooling applications continue arriving in Nebraska, where the number of homeschoolers already had risen to 3,400 as of July 14, up from 2,800 at the same time a year ago, said David Jespersen, a spokesman for the Nebraska Department of Education. Jespersen said there is “a lot of confusion” and that “parents are delayed in making their decision” because so much is changing. Regardless of the final number, Jespersen doesn't expect that the increase will bust districts' budgets because homeschoolers will still remain a small fraction of about 326,000 students spread over the state's 244 school systems. Most other states don't have homeschooling numbers, either because they aren't collected at the state level or it's too early. But all indications point to increases across the country. “Now is when the reality sets in,” said John Edelson, president of Time4Learning, an online curriculum provider, which has seen business explode. “People have postponed the decision, but we are at this great inflection point. And it is hard to see what the angle is going to be, but it is definitely ..
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personal-reporter · 5 years
Tutto pronto a Viareggio per l’evento storico-velico dell’anno.
A un decennio dall’ultima navigazione e dopo tre anni di restauro il ketch aurico Tirrenia II, costruito interamente in legno in Inghilterra nel 1914, tornerà a navigare.
Sabato 8 giugno 2019 questo yacht d’epoca lungo 18 metri scenderà in mare presso lo scalo del Cantiere Francesco Del Carlo, autore del refitting.
Madrina del varo sarà la lucchese Beatrice Venezi, giovane direttore di orchestra nota a livello mondiale.
In serata gala privato al Principino di Viareggio.
Sono trascorsi 105 anni da quando il cantiere inglese H.R. Stevens di Southampton ha costruito e varato Tirrenia II, splendida imbarcazione a vela realizzata in legno di teak su disegni di Frederick Shepherd, yacht designer britannico scomparso nel 1969 all’età di 100 anni autore di oltre 80 progetti in carriera, soprattutto di scafi concepiti per la crociera.
Sabato 8 giugno 2019, a partire dalle ore 17.30, presso lo scalo a mare del cantiere viareggino Del Carlo in Darsena Italia, verrà celebrato il ritorno di una delle più belle e conosciute barche di tutto il Mediterraneo.
Madrina della cerimonia sarà la lucchese Beatrice Venezi, giovane direttore di orchestra nota a livello internazionale per avere diretto importanti orchestre in tutto il mondo.
Dopo il varo, presso il Ristorante Il Principino di Viareggio, si svolgerà una serata di gala per un selezionato numero di invitati, tra i quali armatori ed equipaggi di alcuni storici motoscafi Riva in legno associati alla Riva Historical Society, che interverranno a Viareggio in occasione dell’evento per augurare ‘buon vento’ a Tirrenia II.
La barca, lunga 18,54 metri (20 metri compreso il bompresso), ha un armo velico cosiddetto a “ketch aurico”, ovvero con due alberi, quello di maestra e quello di mezzana, e vele di forma quadrangolare per una superficie velica totale di circa 180 metri quadrati.
Come tante barche d’epoca tuttora naviganti, anche Tirrenia II ha vissuto nel corso della sua esistenza numerose avventure, che non le hanno comunque impedito di continuare a navigare e di arrivare inalterata fino ai nostri giorni.
Tra i nomi avuti in passato Sapho II, con il quale è stata varata nel 1914, e Dodoni.
A partire dal 1924 ne è stato armatore il Cav. Guido Fiorentino, presidente della sede napoletana del Regio Yacht Club Italiano, che dal 1925 l’ha rinominata Tirrenia II ed associato la Coppa Tirrenia, trofeo assegnato annualmente e fino al 1939 a quell’imbarcazione che avesse compiuto la più lunga crociera in Mediterraneo.
Nel corso degli anni Settanta la barca è appartenuta a un ex militare della Marina inglese e nel decennio successivo a uno skipper professionista, il norvegese Peter Jespersen, che tra 1981 e il 1989 l’ha fatta navigare per oltre 20.000 miglia in nord Europa, Oceano Atlantico, Caraibi e Venezuela con a bordo allievi desiderosi di apprendere l’arte della navigazione a vela.
Tra il 1991 e il 1992 il nuovo armatore Gianni Loffredo, ex presidente dell’AIVE (Associazione Italiana Vele d’Epoca), ha fatto trasferire Tirrenia II su una nave cargo dai Caraibi fino a Livorno e poi via camion a Trieste, dove sotto la direzione del grande progettista Carlo Sciarrelli, che ha sempre definito Tirrenia II una “barca con l’anima”, è stata sottoposta ad un restauro integrale presso il cantiere Pitacco, Luxich e Ferluga.
In questa occasione è stato smantellato il rivestimento in fogli di rame dello scafo, che aveva contribuito a mantenere in ottimo stato di conservazione il fasciame in legno di teak, rifatto il ponte di coperta e ripristinato l’originale armo velico a ketch aurico rispetto alla velatura bermudiana con la quale aveva navigato nel periodo precedente.
Mantenuti intatti gli interni in pannelli di radica pregiata.
Dopo il nuovo varo, avvenuto a Trieste il 4 luglio 1992, Tirrenia II ha cominciato a navigare in tutto il Mediterraneo e a partecipare ai più importanti raduni di vele d’epoca.
Nel 2009 è entrata al Cantiere Del Carlo di Viareggio e lì è rimasta finchè nel 2016 una coppia di armatori lombardo-piemontesi l’ha acquistata all’asta e sottoposta ad un nuovo restauro che potesse continuare a garantire sicurezza e galleggiabilità di Tirrenia II per i successivi anni.
I lavori, che hanno riguardato principalmente lo scafo, la propulsione e l’impiantistica, sono stati eseguiti sotto la direzione del consulente fiorentino Enrico ‘Chicco’ Zaccagni, mentre per il riarmo degli alberi e della velatura è stata coinvolta la skipper Lucia Pozzo, esperta velista e circumnavigatrice già comandante di Tirrenia II nel corso dei primi anni Novanta.
Nome / Name: Tirrenia II
Tipologia / Rig: ketch aurico (gaff ketch)
Anno / Year: 1914
Cantiere / Shipyard: H.R. Stevens (Southampton – UK)
Progetto / Naval Architect: Frederick Shepherd (UK)
Materiale di costruzione: teak
Lunghezza / LOA: 18,54 mt (escluso bompresso)
Lunghezza al galleggiamento / LWL: 13,73 mt
Larghezza / Beam: 3,85 mt
Pescaggio / Draft: 2,20 mt
Dislocamento / Displacement: 28 tonn.
Superficie velica / Sail surface: 176 mq
Viareggio in festa per il varo dell’anno Tutto pronto a Viareggio per l’evento storico-velico dell’anno. A un decennio dall’ultima navigazione e dopo tre anni di restauro il ketch aurico Tirrenia II, costruito interamente in legno in Inghilterra nel 1914, tornerà a navigare.
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purpleavenuecupcake · 6 years
Marocco, arrestato cittadino svizzero per l’uccisione di Louisa Vesterager Jespersen e Maren Ueland
L’agenzia antiterrorismo marocchina ha reso noto di aver arrestato un cittadino svizzero implicato nell’uccisione di Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24 anni, dalla Danimarca, e Maren Ueland, 28 anni, dalla Norvegia, trovate morte lo scorso 17 dicembre vicino al villaggio di Imlil nelle montagne dell'Atlante. L'uomo arrestato è anche sospettato di "coinvolgimento nel reclutamento di cittadini marocchini e sub-sahariani per effettuare complotti terroristici in Marocco contro obiettivi e forze di sicurezza straniere al fine di impossessarsi delle loro armi di servizio", l'Ufficio centrale per le indagini giudiziarie (BCIJ) disse. Diciannove altri uomini sono stati arrestati in relazione al caso, tra cui quattro principali sospettati che avevano giurato fedeltà allo Stato islamico in un video fatto tre giorni prima che i corpi dei turisti venissero rinvenuti. La settimana scorsa Boubker Sabik, portavoce della polizia e dell'intelligence nazionale, ha descritto i quattro uomini come "lupi solitari" e ha affermato che "il crimine non è stato coordinato con lo Stato islamico". Il Marocco, rispetto ad altri paesi del Nord Africa, è il paese meno colpito dagli attacchi dei militanti dello Stato islamico. L’ultimo attacco risale all’aprile del 2011, quando 17 persone sono state uccise nel bombardamento di un ristorante a Marrakech. Read the full article
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calabriawebtvcom · 6 years
Turiste uccise in Marocco dall'Isis, la straziante lettera dell'ex di Louisa Vesterager Jespersen: "Sono morto con te"
New Post has been published on https://calabriawebtv.com/turiste-uccise-in-marocco-dallisis-la-straziante-lettera-dellex-di-louisa-vesterager-jespersen-sono-morto-con-te/
Turiste uccise in Marocco dall'Isis, la straziante lettera dell'ex di Louisa Vesterager Jespersen: "Sono morto con te"
“Nelle ultime notti sono andato a letto sperando di svegliarmi da un brutto sogno. Mi spezza il cuore al pensiero che qualcuno ti abbia fatto del male, hai sempre visto il meglio delle persone e hai tirato fuori il meglio dalle persone intorno a te. Una parte di me è morta lunedì mattina, ma significa anche che una parte di me è con te ovunque tu sia ora”. Sono le parole di Glen Martin, ex compagno di Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, la 24enne turista danese barbaramente uccisa in Marocco inseme all’amica Maren Ueland, 28 anni, norvegese. Le due stavano per iniziare un trekking d’alta quota.
Per l’omicidio sono stati arrestati quattro presunti militanti dell’Isis. Un video diffuso ieri mostra i quattro sospettati dell’omicidio mentre giurano fedeltà allo Stato islamico e ad Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi.  Secondo il primo ministro danese, Lars Loekke Rasmussen, l’omicidio può essere considerato “politicamente motivato e quindi un atto di terrorismo”. “Ci sono ancora forze oscure che vogliono combattere i nostri valori” e di fronte alle quali “non dobbiamo arrenderci”.
La lettera di Glen Martin, straziante, è stata pubblicata sulla pagina Facebook del giovane. Il messaggio non vuola lasciare spazio all’odio: “L’amore ci porterà attraverso questo, non l’odio, l’odio non ci dà altro che rabbia. Amate Louisa e il suo ricordo, amate voi stessi e amate le persone intorno a voi”.
Turiste uccise in Marocco, Isis rivendica con video
La lettera pubblica dell’ex fidanzato di Louisa
Il testo completa della lettera di Glen Martin:
“Migliaia di candele possono essere accese da una singola candela. Tu eri quella singola candela, Louisa. Sono stato molto incerto se pubblicare qualcosa qui su Facebook. Perché non appena premerò il pulsante quello che ti è accaduto diventerà reale. Nelle ultime notti, sono andato a letto sperando di svegliarmi da un brutto sogno. Ma ecco la mia lettera a te, Louisa Vesterager Jespersen.
Cara Incredibile Lulù, divertente (o almeno hai fatto del tuo meglio per esserlo), piena di energia, fascio di gioia, inclusiva, premurosa. Queste erano solo alcune delle tue qualità sorprendenti. Eri anche nota per essere distratta, lenta e goffa. Eri così curiosa e tutto ti affascinava. Non riesco nemmeno a contare quante volte siamo stati in un viaggio insieme e mi sono voltato mentre tu eri alle mie spalle perché dovevi guardare più da vicino un bel fiore, ammirare un panorama o qualcosa di cui chiunque altro non si sarebbe curato. Vedevi la bellezza in ogni dettaglio.
Louisa, sono stato così fortunato ad essere stato il tuo ragazzo per due anni. Ci siamo divisi come migliori amici con le lacrime agli occhi perché ci eravamo resi conto che non ci amavamo più. Eravamo molto dispiaciuti, ma abbiamo deciso che era così. Mi spezza il cuore al pensiero che qualcuno ti abbia fatto del male, hai sempre visto il meglio delle persone e hai tirato fuori il meglio dalle persone intorno a te. (A meno che non fossimo in piedi in un corridoio o fossimo in ritardo per qualcosa di importante). La tua vita potrà anche non essere stata lunga, ma è stata ricca di esperienze. Se volevi qualcosa, era molto difficile fermarti. Hai viaggiato in tutto il mondo e non ti sei mai fatta fermare dai pericoli. Hai fatto quello che volevi ed eri tosta.
Vivrai nel cuore di tutte le persone che hai incontrato attraverso il viaggio della tua vita. Ti porterò con me per il resto della strada e ti accompagnerò sulle montagne e lungo i fiumi che non hai mai potuto vedere. Avrai sempre un posto speciale nel mio cuore, per il resto della mia vita, spero, lunga. Per farti spazio nel mio cuore, dovevo però darti una parte del mio. Quindi una parte di me è morta lunedì mattina, ma significa anche che una parte di me è con te ovunque tu sia ora. Non importa quanto tu sia sola, sarò lì con te e tu con me. Ti auguro buona fortuna nel tuo viaggio più lontano, ovunque ti porti. Non ti dico addio, sarà una riunione tra amici.
Il tuo Gleno
Voglio finire con una richiesta a noi che restiamo. L’amore ci porterà attraverso questo, non l’odio, l’odio non ci dà altro che rabbia. Amate Louisa e il suo ricordo, amate voi stessi e amate le persone intorno a voi. Voglio che tutti quelli che leggono questo post chiamino o mandino messaggi a qualcuno vicino e dicano loro quanto sono importanti.  Darei qualsiasi cosa per dire a Louisa un’ultima volta che era una bellissima persona e quanto lei valesse per me. Mi piacerebbe dunque che anche voi lasciate un commento, un video, una foto per dirglielo. Lo apprezzerei molto e sono sicuro che lo faranno anche tanti altri! “Non possiamo perdere ciò per cui siamo stati profondamente felici. Tutto ciò che amiamo profondamente diventa parte di noi”.
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Black Friday: Shop it or skip it?
A solid 70 per cent of Americans plan to shop on Black Friday this year, according to a recent NerdWallet study conducted by The Harris Poll.
But the nature of a day centred around shopping can almost inevitably lead to overspending.
Here are three ways to tell whether participating in Black Friday is really right — or actually wrong — for you.
Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, is known for long lines, big crowds and low prices.
And while the shopping holiday often does deliver unbeatable deals on things like electronics, certain items are cheaper at other times of the year.
Clothing is generally a bargain on Black Friday, but some clothing reaches its lowest price off-season, according to Charlie Graham, founder and CEO of Shop It to Me, a sale alert app.
“If you’re really penny-pinching, you can find better deals when items go on clearance outside of Black Friday and Cyber Monday,” Graham says of some apparel.
Think buying swimsuits at the end of winter or sweaters in the middle of summer.
TIP: Consider the items you want this Black Friday and write them down. Then, check Black Friday ads to see if those products will be on sale. Retailers usually release their ads ahead of time — online, by email or in the mail. If you don’t see what you want at the price you want, think about waiting to buy.
Of those who plan to shop in stores this Black Friday, 42 per cent said they plan to do so because they enjoy the in-store hype (e.g., doorbuster deals, camping outside of stores the night before), according to the NerdWallet study.
Enjoying this annual tradition is one thing, but going shopping “just because” isn’t always a good idea. Even if you’ve set a budget before putting on your comfiest sneakers and standing in the cold, you may be susceptible to making additional purchases once you’re among the merchandise.
On Black Friday, retailers compete for a share of your wallet, says Jeff Inman, a marketing professor at the University of Pittsburgh and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Consumer Research.
Traditionally, retailers draw in Black Friday shoppers with a few great deals — called “loss leaders” — and hope they’ll buy additional items as well. Imagine going for a TV and leaving with clothing and Christmas decorations, too.
While Inman says he hasn’t always seen shoppers with huge baskets on Black Friday, he does point to toys as one category where shoppers may spring for something even if they didn’t see it in a Black Friday ad.
For example, while in the store, you may come across a toy and decide to buy it for your niece for Christmas. This isn’t necessarily an impulse purchase; you already planned to buy a gift for your niece. But since you didn’t know the exact item you wanted to buy, he calls selecting this toy an “impulse allocation” of your holiday shopping budget.
This isn’t a problem if you can afford it, but be conscious of this possibility when you step foot in the store.
TIP: Think about why you want to shop on Black Friday, and whether you’re financially prepared. If you’re not sure you can resist the temptation to overshoot your budget, consider skipping.
Finally, plan your timing. With deals launching earlier each year, some Black Friday sales really happen the whole week of Thanksgiving, according to Graham from Shop It to Me.
“To compete with each other, the retailers have been pushing their sales earlier and earlier during that week,” Graham says.
Because of this, sometimes shoppers can get Black Friday-level prices before Black Friday.
TIP: Although this might not be true for every product category, monitor sales in the days leading up to Black Friday for an early shot at a good deal.
Once you decide the what, why and when of your Black Friday shopping, you’ll be able to decide whether you should join the crowds or stay on the couch.
This article was provided to The Associated Press by the personal finance website NerdWallet. Courtney Jespersen is a writer at NerdWallet. Email: courtney @courtneynerd.
NerdWallet: 2018 Holiday Shopping Report
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nevin-manimala-blog · 6 years
2018 WNBA Draft: The Prospects Whom Statistics Favor
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(Photo by G Fiume/Maryland Terrapins/Getty Images) A'Ja Wilson is considered the clear top choice in Thursday's WNBA draft. But was she the most productive prospect in college in 2017-18? (Photo by G Fiume/Maryland Terrapins/Getty Images) Sports fans are accustomed to finding just about any stat on just about any male athlete they like. Imagine you wish to know something fairly obscure, like who led the Southern Utah University men's basketball teams in steals in 2017-18. With a bit of effort — but not with any money — you can learn it was Dre Marin (one of my students last semester). You can repeat the same exercise at ESPN.com for any Division I men's basketball team. You can also easily find player statistics for any athlete in college football, Major League Baseball, the NBA, the NFL or the NHL. When it comes to men's sports, statistics are easy to find and usually free. But when we turn to women's sports, the search — as Sue Bird noted two years ago — is more difficult. ESPN does report some stats from women's college basketball, but complete stats for individual players and teams are not available. The NCAA reports complete statistics, but the site is not particularly easy to navigate. Her Hoop Stats is a great resource, but not entirely free. In sum, statistics that are easy and free to find are far more prevalent in men's sports than in women's sports. Still, if you dig hard enough, you can find data for women's basketball, and once you have data, you can do something you often see in men's sports: analyze the statistical productivity of every prospect for a draft. As with the NBA, websites (like High Post Hoops and Draft Site) have created complete mock drafts for the 2018 WNBA draft, set to be held Thursday night. Each of these mock drafts does a great job of detailing how the prospects are perceived by decision makers in the WNBA. What is lacking, though, is a complete statistical analysis of these players' performance in college. One might think that how the decision makers rank the players would be consistent with each's statistical productivity. In other words, one might think players perceived to be the best were also the most productive in college. However, Jill Harris and I published academic research that tells a different story. We found that draft position in the WNBA was primarily about scoring points, appearing in the Final Four and playing in a top conference. When it came to predicting WNBA performance, though, we found that Final Four appearances and conference choice were not important. And although scoring mattered, shooting efficiently from the field was even more important. In addition, where a player was drafted was a very poor predictor of how well a player performed on a per-minute basis in the WNBA. Consequently, it might be useful to spend a bit of time moving past how people are perceiving the performance of these prospects and actually look at their productivity their last year of college. There has been quite a bit of academic research noting that scoring totals dominate perceptions of performance in both women's and men's basketball. But a player's point production often doesn't tell us much about a player's contribution to wins. Wins in basketball are primarily about three factors. Teams win because they are able to: Take the ball away from the other team without that team scoring (i.e., grab defensive rebounds and force turnovers). Keep the ball from their opponent (i.e., avoid turnovers and grab offensive rebounds). Put the ball in the basket by getting to the free-throw line and efficiently hitting their shots from the field. Given all this, what matters in evaluating basketball players is primarily their ability to efficiently hit their shots (measured with true shooting percentage), rebound, grab steals and avoid turnovers. The other statistics do impact how one calculates a player's production of wins, but the most important statistics we want to examine in evaluating a player are those that have the biggest impact on a team's ability to win the game. When we take this approach, the ranking of the WNBA prospects looks a bit different from the aforementioned mock drafts, which are primarily about perceptions of performance. That being said, the following list doesn't tell us everything about player productivity. Specifically, it reports only one specific snapshot of a player's performance: what that player did during the 2017-18 season. How that player performed in past seasons is not considered. In addition, the list does not consider quality of competition or how college performance might translate into WNBA production. In sum, this list is not a complete picture of a player's future prospects. The list, though, does provide some basic statistics about each player: points per game (PTS), true shooting percentage (TS%), rebounds per game (REB), steals per game (STL) and turnovers per game (TOV). In addition, a summary measure — specifically, Wins Produced per 40 minutes (WP40) — is included to capture a player's impact on wins in college. The players are ranked by WP40. But the average ranking of the aforementioned mock drafts is also noted. When WP40 says a player is more productive than the general perception (as indicated by the mock draft ranking), it might lead one to ask if maybe people have underestimated that player's talent. Likewise, if WP40 is relatively low for a player, then maybe that player is not quite a good as people believe. Rank Player College POS Mock Rank PTS TS% REB STL TOV WP40 1 Gabby Williams UConn F 6 11.2 62.4% 7.4 2.4 2.4 0.390 2 Azura Stevens UConn C 3 14.7 64.3% 7.4 0.8 1.3 0.347 3 Stephanie Mavunga Ohio St. PF 12 16.6 65.2% 11.0 1.1 1.7 0.346 4 Ariel Atkins Texas SG 12 14.9 63.7% 5.5 2.5 2.0 0.342 5 A'Ja Wilson South Carolina C 1 22.6 59.5% 11.8 1.0 2.5 0.318 6 Vionise Pierre-Louis Oklahoma C 21 15.9 65.2% 8.7 0.9 2.9 0.291 7 Jordin Canada UCLA PG 5 17.0 54.1% 3.7 3.3 2.6 0.288 8 Natalie Butler George Mason C 29 19.2 57.6% 16.6 1.1 3.5 0.267 9 AJ Alix Florida St. PG 31 11.4 56.7% 2.7 1.4 2.8 0.265 10 Marie Gülich Oregon St. C 12 17.5 67.4% 9.1 0.6 2.6 0.257 11 Myisha Hines-Allen Louisville F 17 14.0 54.5% 9.6 1.3 1.9 0.252 12 Morgan William Mississippi St. PG 24 8.2 53.7% 1.6 0.8 1.2 0.248 13 Kaylee Jensen Oklahoma St. C 21 18.5 59.7% 10.7 1.0 1.8 0.244 14 Jill Barta Gonzaga PF 21 18.8 60.4% 8.3 1.8 2.3 0.242 15 Taeler Deer Texas St. G 26 17.3 50.7% 4.5 2.2 3.0 0.241 16 Lexie Brown Duke PG 7 19.4 58.5% 4.4 3.7 3.1 0.232 17 Loryn Goodwin Oklahoma St. PG 20 20.6 49.7% 6.7 3.5 2.6 0.225 18 Kia Nurse UConn PG 8 13.5 67.2% 3.5 1.3 1.3 0.216 19 Brooke McCarty Texas PG 25 13.6 53.5% 4.5 1.5 1.8 0.214 20 Victoria Vivians Mississippi St. SG 9 19.8 57.6% 6.1 1.4 1.6 0.212 21 Mercedes Russell Tennessee C 10 15.3 60.8% 9.2 1.2 1.5 0.211 22 Teana Muldrow West Virginia SF 19 18.9 58.3% 8.6 1.5 2.3 0.210 23 Camille Zimmerman Columbia G-F 36 19.5 53.1% 10.2 1.0 3.7 0.199 24 Kelsey Mitchell Ohio St. G 2 24.3 58.9% 3.2 1.5 2.2 0.193 25 Jackie Kemph Saint Louis PG 37 15.6 54.6% 2.9 0.8 3.0 0.190 26 Rebecca Greenwell Duke G-F 33 13.9 58.9% 6.4 1.8 1.9 0.177 27 Monique Billings UCLA PF 10 15.3 52.9% 9.5 1.1 2.2 0.170 28 Diamond Deshields Tennessee SG 4 17.4 51.4% 6.4 1.4 3.6 0.164 29 Jaime Nared Tennessee PF 15 16.7 50.4% 7.4 2.2 1.9 0.164 30 Maria Jespersen South Fla. PF 33 18.1 57.4% 9.7 0.7 2.9 0.164 31 Gabbi Ortiz Oklahoma SG 32 12.4 56.8% 5.0 1.8 1.3 0.160 32 Ke'Shunan James Murray St. SG 29 21.3 53.8% 8.2 1.9 5.3 0.156 33 Kolby Morgan Tulane SG 38 19.5 53.6% 5.4 1.9 3.2 0.151 34 Katelynn Flaherty Michigan PG 26 22.9 59.1% 2.8 1.2 3.9 0.146 35 Tyra Buss Indiana PG 35 20.6 53.3% 3.0 2.1 3.4 0.128 36 Shakayla Thomas Florida St. SF 18 17.8 53.5% 6.7 0.9 1.6 0.126 37 Lexi Bando Oregon SG 28 10.2 64.6% 1.7 0.6 0.5 0.121 38 Carli Wagner Minnesota SG 39 18.7 54.6% 4.6 1.4 2.3 0.088 39 Tyler Scaife Rutgers SG 16 19.4 51.0% 2.8 1.1 1.9 0.048 The above list includes every player noted by High Post Hoops and/or Draft Site who played in college (except for Diamond Deshields, who played in Turkey this season, all stats are for the 2017-18 college season). An average college player has a 49.3% true shooting percentage and a WP40 of 0.100. So virtually all of these players are above-average scorers and above average with respect to producing wins. That being said, some players do appear better than others. For example, five players — Gabby Williams, Azura Stevens, Stephanie Mavunga, Ariel Atkins and A'Ja Wilson — were three times as productive as an average college player. Although Wilson is considered the better draft prospect, perhaps both Williams and Stevens could be as productive in the WNBA. Why are these five players so productive? Relative to the positions they played, all five in 2017-18 were good at getting the ball to go in the basket and also generally good at grabbing rebounds. Again, these two factors have a big impact on a team's ability to win games. After these five, 17 players were twice as productive as an average college player in 2017-18. That list includes first-round prospects like Lexie Brown, Kia Nurse, Jordin Canada and Victoria Vivians. But it also includes players expected to be taken in the third round like Taeler Deer and Brooke McCarty. It should be emphasized again that college performance does not perfectly predict WNBA performance. But it does predict better than actual draft position. So perhaps decision-makers should take a second look at Deer and McCarty. As we move toward the bottom of the list, we see names like Kelsey Mitchell, Monique Billings and Diamond Deshields. These three were good college players, but they were not quite as productive as some other names on the list. Maybe one should think a bit about why the production of these players lagged behind some other players'. A player's statistics should not be thought of as the ending point for player analysis. A better view is to think of statistics as a starting point. Once you know the productivity of the player, you can start asking why that player is productive (or not). Perhaps what the player did in college will not translate into the WNBA, so the statistics overvalue the player's potential contribution. Perhaps what the player did poorly can be fixed; in that case, the statistics undervalue the player's contribution. In any case, player statistics should make a person think objectively about how a player might contribute to wins. Of course, one can't think objectively about the statistics when those numbers are not presented in a forum that is both easy and free to access. Hopefully we will see more and more statistics for the women's game that are easily accessible to everyone. UPDATE: The calculation of Jordin Canada's WP40 was originally incorrect. The corrected number appears above. For fans of Canada, yes, she was very productive last year at UCLA! Read the full article
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milliondollarbaby87 · 7 years
Here are the winners of the 33rd Independent Spirit Awards which always take place the night before the Oscars. These are for films with the smaller budgets and Get Out was the big winner!
“Call Me by Your Name” “The Florida Project” “Get Out” (WINNER) “Lady Bird” “The Rider” BEST FIRST FEATURE (Award given to the director and producer) “Columbus” “Ingrid Goes West” (WINNER) “Menashe” “Oh Lucy!” “Patti Cake$”
JOHN CASSAVETES AWARD – Given to the best feature made for under $500,000. (Award given to the writer, director and producer. Executive Producers are not awarded.)
“Dayveon” “A Ghost Story” “Life and Nothing More” (WINNER) “Most Beautiful Island” “The Transfiguration”
Sean Baker, “The Florida Project” Jonas Carpignano, “A Ciambra” Luca Guadagnino, “Call Me by Your Name” Jordan Peele, “Get Out” (WINNER) Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie, “Good Time” Chloé Zhao, “The Rider”
Greta Gerwig, “Lady Bird” (WINNER) Azazel Jacobs, “The Lovers” Martin McDonagh, “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” Jordan Peele, “Get Out” Mike White, “Beatriz at Dinner”
Kris Avedisian, Story By: Kyle Espeleta, Jesse Wakeman, “Donald Cried” Emily V. Gordon, Kumail Nanjiani, “The Big Sick” (WINNER) Ingrid Jungermann, “Women Who Kill” Kogonada, “Columbus” David Branson Smith, Matt Spicer, “Ingrid Goes West”
Thimios Bakatakis, “The Killing of a Sacred Deer” Elisha Christian, “Columbus” Hélène Louvart, “Beach Rats” Sayombhu Mukdeeprom, “Call Me by Your Name” (WINNER) Joshua James Richards, “The Rider”
Ronald Bronstein, Benny Safdie, “Good Time” Walter Fasano, “Call Me by Your Name” Alex O’Flinn, “The Rider” Gregory Plotkin, “Get Out” Tatiana S. Riegel, “I, Tonya” (WINNER)
Salma Hayek, “Beatriz at Dinner” Frances McDormand, “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” (WINNER) Margot Robbie, “I, Tonya” Saoirse Ronan, “Lady Bird” Shinobu Terajima, “Oh Lucy!” Regina Williams, “Life and Nothing More”
Timothée Chalamet, “Call Me by Your Name” (WINNER) Harris Dickinson, “Beach Rats” James Franco, “The Disaster Artist” Daniel Kaluuya, “Get Out” Robert Pattinson, “Good Time”
Holly Hunter, “The Big Sick” Allison Janney, “I, Tonya” (WINNER) Laurie Metcalf, “Lady Bird” Lois Smith, “Marjorie Prime” Taliah Lennice Webster, “Good Time”
Nnamdi Asomugha, “Crown Heights” Armie Hammer ,”Call Me by Your Name” Barry Keoghan, “The Killing of a Sacred Deer” Sam Rockwell, “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” (WINNER) Benny Safdie, “Good Time”
ROBERT ALTMAN AWARD – Given to one film’s director, casting director and ensemble cast
“Mudbound” Director: Dee Rees Casting Directors: Billy Hopkins, Ashley Ingram Ensemble Cast: Jonathan Banks, Mary J. Blige, Jason Clarke, Garrett Hedlund, Jason Mitchell, Rob Morgan, Carey Mulligan
BEST DOCUMENTARY (Award given to the director and producer)
‘The Departure,” Lana Wilson “Faces Places,” directed by Agnés Varda, JR, produced by Rosalie Varda (WINNER) “Last Men in Aleppo,” directed by Feras Fayyad, produced by Kareem Abeed, Søeren Steen Jespersen, Stefan Kloos “Motherland,” directed by Ramona S. Diaz, produced by Rey Cuerdo “Quest,” directed by Jonathan Olshefski, produced by Sabrina Schmidt Gordon
BEST INTERNATIONAL FILM (Award given to the director)
“BPM (Beats Per Minute),” Robin Campillo, France “A Fantastic Woman,” Sebastián Lelio, Chile (WINNER) “I Am Not a Witch,” Rungano Nyoni, Zambia “Lady Macbeth,” William Oldroyd, U.K. “Loveless,” Andrey Zvyagintsev, Russia
BONNIE AWARD – The inaugural Bonnie Award will recognize a mid-career female director with a $50,000 unrestricted grant, sponsored by American Airlines.
So Yong Kim Lynn Shelton Chloé Zhao (WINNER)
JEEP TRUER THAN FICTION AWARD – The 23rd annual Truer Than Fiction Award, funded by the Jeep brand, is presented to an emerging director of non-fiction features who has not yet received significant recognition.
Shevaun Mizrahi, Director of “Distant Constellation” Jonathan Olshefski, Director of “Quest” (WINNER) Jeff Unay, Director of “The Cage Fighter”
KIEHL’S SOMEONE TO WATCH AWARD – The 24th annual Someone to Watch Award, funded by Kiehl’s Since 1851, recognizes a talented filmmaker of singular vision who has not yet received appropriate recognition.
Amman Abbasi, Director of “Dayveon” Justin Chon, Director of “Gook” (WINNER) Kevin Phillips, Director of “Super Dark Times”
PIAGET PRODUCERS AWARD – The 21st annual Producers Award, funded by Piaget, honors emerging producers who, despite highly limited resources, demonstrate the creativity, tenacity and vision required to produce quality, independent films.
Giulia Caruso & Ki Jin Kim Ben LeClair Summer Shelton
Awards: Independent Spirit Awards 2018 Winners! Here are the winners of the 33rd Independent Spirit Awards which always take place the night before the Oscars.
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Leopard Stories.
Andy's passion for private well-being and also job lifestyle harmony has advanced over the past 20 years operating in a variety of occupations featuring movie theater, dancing, cinema production, fitness guideline, marketing, guest solutions, graphic layout, company help, and also right now well-being. As a Business Office Intern, you will acquire in person expertise from the operations from a college athletics workplace, and obtain valuable experience that will gain your job targets. But he did go coming from loved one obscurity (outdoors Baseball The U.S.A.'s Top-30 business prospects) all the way to earning his big league debut in one year. If our team dump (accessible) our hips prematurely, our company water leak each of that drive that we might have transformeded into rotational potential in the throw. She manages 23 university sports which complete at the NCAA Department III degree in addition to the intramural and also nightclub sporting activities courses as well as is only the nine DePauw director from athletics in the last 88 years. . November 14, 2016 - Basketball Lyons Tales: A Review & Examine from Mount Holyoke Sports for Nov The Department from Athletics as well as Athletics is actually devoted to readying our pupils for deliberate interaction around the world via engagement in physical activity. Presenting our brand new Balance Bites - a non-GMO snack that is actually wheat complimentary, crammed with healthy protein and also produced along with our 40-30-30 nourishment. April 27, 2016 - Lacrosse Student-Athletes Honored at 2016 Awards Occasion The Mount Holyoke University Team of Sports threw its annual awards festivity on Tuesday evening in Chapin Reception hall. Under her management the Team from Physical Education, Entertainment, and also Sports has actually grown with all regions including a grown athletics curriculum, enhanced club sporting activities offerings, and an athletic system that has actually hit brand-new elevations for success in the classroom, in competition and in the area. He acted as director of sports for 24 years as well as reconciled the men's baseball system in 1971, functioning as the chief instructor for 18 years, where he never viewed a losing period. Observing the time, GM Billy Beane was named Baseball United States's Major League Exec from the Year. Richmond Harmony Corporate Well-being Program offer a lot of advantages to companies and also their staff members. The Chargers ended up 2013 with 17 shutouts, which was actually fourth most in the country. MS Technologies and Bayer want to build upon the solid foundation given by Equilibrium GT with potential additional herbicide quality stacks, increasing the system's versatility and also efficacy. They warn that their research study doesn't verify that threat evasion creates Parkinson's or even that threat endurance avoids the condition. Out-of-line perform will be actually assessed by Director Train and Director from Sports and could lead to disciplinal activity. CMS Athletics Full week In Evaluation (10/10 - 10/16/16) Obtain all the most recent credit ratings and details in the CMS Sports Week In Evaluation, the athletic division's every week email list. If you enjoyed this post and you would such as to receive additional facts concerning stoheartz.info kindly check out the web-page. People must team up with specific individuals every day, so they hesitate dispute will certainly hurt these needed recurring connections. Use such hallmarks and also service marks in connection with any sort of product and services that is actually not a Harmony GT services or product, or that of a related third party, is restricted. Humbleness: We are actually thankful for our chances as well as cautious that our engagement in athletics is actually an opportunity and also not a title. On special staffs in 2011, North Carolina positioned 11th in the country through making it possible for only 4.63 yards per punt yield, as well as 23rd in the FBS by permitting resisting zing returners to typical merely 19.54 yards per try. The Team of Exercise & Sporting activity. Studies (ESS), Division of Social Sciences, offers certification programs in Athletics Administration, Personal Instruction, Health and wellness & Wellness, and also Team Fitness Instruction. Ivy Game institutions have an one-of-a-kind view from sports that allows its own participant institutions to provide this balance and also progression. Athletics is improved a group from go-getters, so our experts are actually promoted to view compatible pupils happened via, prepared and also curious to find out. In 2015, Koch ensured Orlin Jespersen as well as Brian Beacham to Colleague Supervisors of Athletics and named Jess Huda an Associate Supervisor from Sports. Sexual Assault: The Athletic Team are going to certainly not tolerate unwanted sexual advances, scare tactics, stalking, statutory offense, sexual violence or even various other similar violations. Also, 2 beloved members from the baseball community were actually lost over the weekend due to terrible accidents. The Sports open their 1st season in Kansas City with a draw the Tigers, 6-2, before 32,844. The Athletic Department also supplies a wide variety of health and wellness and health training courses and also life-time skill-set activities that urge trainees to establish the behavior from leading well balanced and well-balanced lifestyles. The health and fitness and durability and conditioning info as well as referrals delivered by the Volt Athletics Companies are certainly not meant alternatively for clinical tips coming from your medical carrier. A: My very most momentous instant in attribute was actually when I was on a 7 time kayak falter in Temagami Ontario. Balance Assimilation aids our company to take a while for our own selves; to redouble, lessen as well as rebalance stress and anxiety. Parking for sports celebrations at the outdoor athletics campus is actually offered south from Blackstock Arena (entry off Hanna St.) or even north of the interior tennis and also keep track of facility (access from Hillside St.). With all instances, guests should park merely in marked sports, adhere to all uploaded signs and also be well-mannered of our next-door neighbors.
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popradar · 7 years
2018 Film Independent Spirit Award Nominations Are Out
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We love the Film Independent Spirit Awards. And why not? The ceremony’s held on the beach in Santa Monica and honors those indie films and artists that might fly under Oscar’s radar. This morning at the Jeremy Hotel in West Hollywood, actors Lily Collins and Tessa Thompson presented this year’s nominations. 
The awards will be handed out on Saturday, March 3, 2018, in a ceremony in Santa Monica co-hosted by comics Nick Kroll and John Mulaney. The show will broadcast live exclusively on IFC at 2 pm PT/ 5 pm ET.
BEST FEATURE (Award given to the producer. Executive Producers are not awarded.)         
Call Me by Your Name  Producers: Peter Spears, Luca Guadagnino, Emilie Georges, Rodrigo Teixeira, Marco Morabito, James Ivory, Howard Rosenman
The Florida Project   Producers: Sean Baker, Chris Bergoch, Kevin Chinoy, Andrew Duncan, Alex Saks, Francesca Silvestri, Shih-Ching Tsou
Get Out           Producers: Jason Blum, Edward H. Hamm Jr., Sean McKittrick, Jordan Peele
Lady Bird       Producers: Eli Bush, Evelyn O’Neill, Scott Rudin
The Rider       Producers: Mollye Asher, Bert Hamelinck, Sacha Ben Harroche, Chloé Zhao
BEST FIRST FEATURE (Award given to the director and producer)
Columbus Director: Kogonada Producers: Danielle Renfrew Behrens, Aaron Boyd, Giulia Caruso, Ki Jin Kim, Andrew Miano, Chris Weitz
Ingrid Goes West     Director: Matt Spicer Producers: Jared Ian Goldman, Adam Mirels, Robert Mirels, Aubrey Plaza, Tim White, Trevor WhitE
Menashe Director/Producer: Joshua Z. Weinstein Producers: Yoni Brook, Traci Carlson, Daniel Finkelman, Alex Lipschultz
Oh Lucy! Director/Producer: Atsuko Hirayanagi Producers: Jessica Elbaum, Yukie Kito, Han West
Patti Cake$   Director: Geremy Jasper Producers: Chris Columbus, Michael Gottwald, Dan Janvey, Daniela Taplin Lundberg, Noah Stahl, Rodrigo Teixeira
JOHN CASSAVETES AWARD – Given to the best feature made for under $500,000. (Award given to the writer, director and producer. Executive Producers are not awarded.)
Dayveon       Writer/Director/Producer: Amman Abbasi Writer: Steven Reneau Producers: Lachion Buckingham, Alexander Uhlmann
A Ghost Story         Writer/Director: David Lowery Producers: Adam Donaghey, Toby Halbrooks, James M. Johnston
Life and nothing more       Writer/Director: Antonio Méndez Esparza Producers: Amadeo Hernández Bueno, Alvaro Portanet Hernández, Pedro Hernández Santos
Most Beautiful Island         Writer/Director/Producer: Ana Asensio Producers: Larry Fessenden, Noah Greenberg, Chadd Harbold, Jenn Wexler
The Transfiguration Writer/Director: Michael O'Shea Producer: Susan Leber
Sean Baker The Florida Project    
Jonas Carpignano A Ciambra      
Luca Guadagnino Call Me by Your Name          
Jordan Peele Get Out          
Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie Good Time    
Chloé Zhao The Rider      
Greta Gerwig Lady Bird        
Azazel Jacobs The Lovers    
Martin McDonagh Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri  
Jordan Peele Get Out          
Mike White Beatriz at Dinner
Kris Avedisian Story By: Kyle Espeleta, Jesse Wakeman Donald Cried  
Emily V. Gordon, Kumail Nanjiani The Big Sick  
Ingrid Jungermann Women Who Kill
Kogonada Columbus      
David Branson Smith, Matt Spicer Ingrid Goes West
Thimios Bakatakis The Killing of a Sacred Deer
Elisha Christian Columbus      
Hélène Louvart Beach Rats    
Sayombhu Mukdeeprom Call Me by Your Name          
Joshua James Richards The Rider
Ronald Bronstein, Benny Safdie Good Time
Walter Fasano Call Me by Your Name          
Alex O'Flinn The Rider
Gregory Plotkin Get Out          
Tatiana S. Riegel I, Tonya          
Salma Hayek Beatriz at Dinner        
Frances McDormand Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri
Margot Robbie I, Tonya
Saoirse Ronan Lady Bird        
Shinobu Terajima Oh Lucy!
Regina Williams Life and nothing more
Timothée Chalamet Call Me by Your Name
Harris Dickinson Beach Rats    
James Franco The Disaster Artist
Daniel Kaluuya Get Out          
Robert Pattinson Good Time    
Holly Hunter The Big Sick
Allison Janney I, Tonya          
Laurie Metcalf Lady Bird          ��         
Lois Smith Marjorie Prime
Taliah Lennice Webster Good Time
Nnamdi Asomugha Crown Heights                      
Armie Hammer Call Me by Your Name          
Barry Keoghan The Killing of a Sacred Deer
Sam Rockwell Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri  
Benny Safdie Good Time
ROBERT ALTMAN AWARD - Given to one film’s director, casting director and ensemble cast                                       
Mudbound Director: Dee Rees Casting Directors: Billy Hopkins, Ashley Ingram Ensemble Cast: Jonathan Banks, Mary J. Blige, Jason Clarke, Garrett Hedlund, Jason Mitchell, Rob Morgan, Carey Mulligan
BEST DOCUMENTARY (Award given to the director and producer)
The Departure Director/Producer: Lana Wilson
Faces Places Directors: Agnés Varda, JR Producer: Rosalie Varda
Last Men in Aleppo Director: Feras Fayyad Producers: Kareem Abeed, Søeren Steen Jespersen, Stefan Kloos
Motherland   Director/Producer: Ramona S. Diaz Producer: Rey Cuerdo
Quest Director: Jonathan Olshefski Producer: Sabrina Schmidt Gordon
BEST INTERNATIONAL FILM (Award given to the director)         
BPM (Beats Per Minute)       France Director: Robin Campillo
A Fantastic Woman Chile Director: Sebastián Lelio
I Am Not a Witch       Zambia Director: Rungano Nyoni
Lady Macbeth           U.K. Director: William Oldroyd
Loveless         Russia Director: Andrey Zvyagintsev
BONNIE AWARD – Bonnie Tiburzi Caputo joined American Airlines in 1973 at age 24, becoming the first female pilot to fly for a major U.S. airline. In her honor, the inaugural Bonnie Award will recognize a mid-career female director with a $50,000 unrestricted grant, sponsored by American Airlines.
So Yong Kim
Lynn Shelton
Chloé Zhao
JEEP TRUER THAN FICTION AWARD – The 23rd annual Truer Than Fiction Award, funded by the Jeep brand, is presented to an emerging director of non-fiction features who has not yet received significant recognition. The award includes a $25,000 unrestricted grant funded by the Jeep brand.
Shevaun Mizrahi Director of Distant Constellation        
Jonathan Olshefski Director of Quest      
Jeff Unay Director of The Cage Fighter
KIEHL’S SOMEONE TO WATCH AWARD – The 24th annual Someone to Watch Award, funded by Kiehl’s Since 1851, recognizes a talented filmmaker of singular vision who has not yet received appropriate recognition. The award includes a $25,000 unrestricted grant funded by Kiehl’s Since 1851.
Amman Abbasi Director of Dayveon
Justin Chon Director of Gook
Kevin Phillips Director of Super Dark Times
PIAGET PRODUCERS AWARD – The 21st annual Producers Award, funded by Piaget, honors emerging producers who, despite highly limited resources, demonstrate the creativity, tenacity and vision required to produce quality, independent films. The award includes a $25,000 unrestricted grant funded by Piaget.
Giulia Caruso & Ki Jin Kim
Ben LeClair
Summer Shelton
—by Christine N. Ziemba
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