#People will look me in my dull dead eyes and then go 'yeah she's normal'
meowriddler · 2 years
A/N: Heyy y’all this is my first fanfic so be nice 😩 and this is my first time using tumblr I have zero clue how to use this thing……
Warning: maybe cringe also I didn’t proof read this ( I say this knowing damn well I reread this a million times)….. and it’s a Edward x reader so yeah
Who is she?
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Edward’s pov
Life is so unbearably cruel; my whole life is a cruel riddle that I seem to never know the answer to. I’ve been suffering and rejected my whole life. I’ve never been wanted or needed by anyone. I’m just a waste of space. I try to readjust the collar of my buttoned-up shirt; it’s getting hot and stuffy in here. Remember to breathe, Edward it’s going to be ok. I tell myself that, hoping that one day I will truly believe that lie. I look up at those dull faces of people who only care about themselves. I bet even if I dropped dead here, no one would spare me a glance. After all, this is Gotham. As the train stops, a couple walks in holding hands, almost clinging to each other. I can’t help but feel even more lonely than I already am. I look down at my phone and stare at the blank screen, seeing only my sad reflection.
It seems like everyone around me is happy; why can’t I be happy? Why can’t I be accepted? I can’t help the fact that I’m not normal. I let out a defeated sigh. I glance up for the very last time, and I can’t help but do a double take. I can feel my face heat up as I stare in awe at the being that is in front of me. She’s beautiful. I can't help but stare. She's like a pearl among a sea of rocks. I can feel my heart racing. I know I probably look like a creep now, but I can’t help it. She's ethereal. She glances up from her phone. She makes eye contact. I immediately look away, hoping she won’t think of me as a creep. I don’t even know her, but yet I’ll get on my knees and beg for her forgiveness.
She smiles at me. Wait, she actually smiled at me? I don’t remember the last time anyone has ever smiled at me, well, I don’t think anyone really did, but she didn’t look at me with disgust or fear, just kindness. She’s truly an angel; who is she?
She looks back at her phone, just minding her own business, unaware of the individual who just fell head over heels for her.
A/n : sorry for any mistakes English isn’t my first language 😔 bro tumblr is ass I had to make another account
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lilith-little-world · 2 years
The Oracle|| Concept Oneshot 2||
This is in 3rd perspective and heavily rushed. Be warned angst is coming and slight comfort, but mostly hurt.
Pillars of ice reach the dark sky. Making the land brittle and dead. However, this sight wasn't anything new. The girl saw this scene a hundred times but it was her first seeing it in person. The atmosphere was cold and heavy, as dread filled her body. She continues on the slow walk down the dead soil.
“Stay calm, this is a dream.” She says under her breath. Trying to calm her raging nerves.
“For now, at least.”
A feminine voice softly spoke. Quickly the frightened woman turned around to see a girl. Who wore a small smile.
“It’s you.”
“Indeed, we haven't been able to meet one on one since that day. Tell me, how is this world treating you so far?”
The air became thicker and colder as the small girl slowly closed the distance between the two. The woman couldn't open her mouth.
“You must have suffered so much. It's a shame that I couldn't get to you first. Being exposed to such awful hardships.”
Something within the woman didn't let her move. The world shifts from a blinding misty blue, before reverting to normal. She clutches her head in hopes to stop the nauseating pain. Ice formed around her feet, making sure she won't be able to run. The girl's smile turns malicious as she reaches toward the woman's scared face.
“That's why I need you, to purge this cursed land. Bringing peace and happiness to all of the people. No more worries, no more pain, only pure bliss.”
The Lady Bone Demon brought her lips close to the terrified woman’s ear. She softly whispers her next words.
“So stop trying to change the future, it's not your destiny to do so. Come back to me and join the others. Can't you hear them?”
Whispers fill the quiet void, chanting the same thing.
‘Join us.’
The ice slowly consumes her body, reaching her stomach.
“Let's make the perfect world, where everyone is happy. You know deep down this is your destiny, to be dead.”
The Lady Bone Demon grabs Y/n’s hair, forcing her head up. Staring right into her eyes, shifting between the familiar pale blue that shines brightly and a dull e/c.
“Oh, my~ looks like you just made the future worse for your friends.” She smirks, turning to her side. The scene changed, now standing on top of the mech.
“Do you want to see how you will die?” The Lady Bone Demon whispers softly as other spirits repeat her words.
‘Do you want to see how you will die?’
Misty blue figures slowly appear, trying to play out a scene.
“Then again, you can always see it from that damn monkey’s point of view.”
Tears were falling off her face, shaking her head trying to not see the upcoming scene. As if on cue, a golden light blinds everyone. The cold air becomes warm.
Y/n opens her eyes to see the same old white ceiling. It took her a minute to register where she was at. Sitting up on her extremely warm bed.
“What just happened?” She says softly, finally noticing the peach-colored monkey sitting up against the wall.
“Want the good or bad news first?” His eyes were staring at the floor in front of him.
“After that nightmare, might as well ask for the bad news first.” She sighs, before heading towards Wukong. Hand reaching out for him to take. He just hands her the bracelet instead.
“Well, it seems like LBD was trying to forcefully take your soul when you fell asleep. However, I just managed to get here in time. I took off your bracelet hoping that the blessing you somehow received could save you and it did. So next time, take off the bracelet when going to bed.”
He didn't look her in the eyes. Fearing what the celestial being saw. Yeah, he was scared that he nearly lost her but when taking the bracelet off, he saw his grim future. A future where you're not in…
Maybe messing with destiny wasn't such a good idea.
This resulted in someone having to pay the price for defying its rules and looks like they found someone.
A soft whine came from his side. He noticed that Y/n’s dog was rubbing her face against his pants. As if the dog senses his uneasiness. Wukong pet the animal trying to calm down.
Y/n stares at the Wukong, his behavior makes her nervous. She had never seen him so defeated. Putting the bracelet back on her right wrist. Y/n decided it was best to sit beside him. Leaning against his shoulder.
“You don't have to tell me what got you afraid.” Y/n said, resting her head. “In a bit we can head out and eat something for breakfast.”
Wukong let out a chuckle, his tail wrapping around Y/n’s waist.
“That sounds lovely, let's call it a date and we can head to Pigsy’s, my treat.”
The dog's tail wags getting excited from the happy atmosphere.
“Also how the hell did you know I was in trouble? Last time I checked, you were heading home.” Y/n asks, with a smirk.
“Okay, so I may come around at certain times at night to check up on you.”
“So you were low-key stalking me?”
“I take my new job of watching over you very seriously. Actually, I'm quite offended by your word choice!” He turns his head away from her. Y/n laughs.
“If you wanted to sleep over, I wouldn't have minded. Anyways, I guess, your guarding did pay off well. Thank you for saving me.”
Wukong's expression slightly falls from her words.
He won't be able to save her next time.
This was a short one, but I'm just coming up with ideas that come to me. Hopefully, the next oneshot will have a little bit more characters and more plot revealed. Soon the story will be more polished and you guys can finally read the whole thing!
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redisaid · 2 years
Beneath the Blue Moon - Chapter 3
Democracy has spoken yet again, so here's another chapter of your choices. You all are so mean to Jaina and gave her the worst emotional support anyone could ask for.
I love it.
Oh yeah and, NSFW.
5758 Words
Read it on Ao3!
Take me back to the night we met.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do,
Haunted by the ghost of you.
Oh, take me back to the night we met.
“Well, this is fucking depressing.”
Jaina turned to the voice that should not have been there. Well, not that she wanted anyone to be there at all, witnessing her crumpled, knees to chest on the side of her bed, crying and staring at her hand.
Nor did she expect to look up to find Valeera Sanguinar, of all people, making such a declaration as she faded back in from the shadows. The elven rogue stood with her arms crossed in front of Jaina’s open bedroom door, which had been locked previously, though was no doubt hardly a challenge for Valeera.
Valeera, who had no reason to be here in Proudmoore Keep. While she had been present at the meeting in the harbor that morning, she had declined an invitation to be housed at the keep while further Alliance meetings were moved there--citing her efforts to maintain neutrality on behalf of the Uncrowned.
Yet here she was, in Jaina’s room in the middle of the night, looking down at her as she did her best to stop the tears and get herself together. She knew Valeera hated crying.
“Are you aware that no guards are coming?” Valeera asked with a quick glance behind her to assure herself of that fact.
“I certainly hope not,” Jaina groaned as she tried to reign herself in and have a conversation she didn’t want to have in any way shape or form.
Valeera tsked, shutting the door behind her after once again confirming the hallway was empty. “It’s just that, you know, their Lord Admiral is screaming bloody murder in the middle of the night and sobbing,” she noted.
Jaina supposed that Valeera’s initial comment was on the state of her security and not on her, though maybe a little of both. Subterfuge had always been the rogue’s specialty, rather than empathy, but perhaps for that very reason, it was good that she would be the one to find Jaina like this, rather than some poor guardsman.
“We shifted them to cover our guests,” Jaina explained. “Besides, I’m an Archmage, Valeera. I don’t need a guard.”
“You look like you need a drink,” Valeera noted.
Jaina looked up to find her glowing green eyes trained on the mark that was still radiating soft blue light from the back of her hand. She knew that there would be no hiding such a detail from anyone, but especially from the trained eyes of a spy.
A spy who wasn’t supposed to be in her keep.
“Why are you here?” Jaina asked, mostly to delay the inevitable.
“Anduin,” was Valeera’s answer.
“Not going to tell me more?” Jaina prodded.
She wiped her face with the hand that hadn’t just shattered her perception of reality itself. Taking stock of the situation, she realized the pain in her shoulder had dulled back to ignorable at best. A sense of calm and serenity that most certainly did not belong to her was itching at the back of her skull. It was familiar. So familiar.
Right, she remembered. This was what it felt like when Sylvanas was sleeping.
Why the hell was she sleeping?
“You so graciously offered him a room at your keep and I needed to talk to him before I left Boralus,” Valeera explained. “I simply saw myself in, had a lovely chat with him, and was on my way towards seeing myself out.”
“You could just request audiences and allow people to know where you are, like a normal person,” Jaina told her, knowing full well Valeera would never be caught dead doing such a thing.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Valeera asked.
As they spoke, those green eyes took in the room. Jaina knew they were sketching out every detail of it to memory. Every weakness, every bit of interest. She had no doubt she could ask Valeera which of her pillows was slightly ajar a week from now and she’d still remember. Behind that facade of a devil-may-care attitude, Jaina knew one of the brightest minds in all of Azeroth whirred like a gnomish gearbox, constantly ready to process any sort of new information.
And unfortunately, the most pertinent information of the hour was glowing like a beacon on the back of Jaina’s hand.
“You were right before,” Jaina told her, patting the bed next to her. “I do need a drink.”
Valeera finally laughed and relented to the invitation when Jaina reached over and pulled out a flask from the drawer in her nightstand.
She took Jaina’s cue to sit, her armor an odd crimson against the deep Kul Tiran green of the bedspread. Valeera was small and slight, even for an elf. Jaina knew her to be young but not young enough for that smallness not to be a permanent factor in her life. And from what she knew of this woman, she could guess at its origins--a childhood spent an orphan and then being starved in the pits to toughen her up for gladiatorial combat. Valeera never got enough of anything, and thus was small for it. Small and always hungry, for information or magic or anything she didn’t really need to have or be seeking.
And while Jaina remembered the nights she spent at her bedside in Theramore, worrying at what they would do to temper and control those cravings, she also knew that sometimes, a little indulgence worked better. Controlled indulgence, that was.
Either way, it was better that Valeera hear this from her than anyone else. So Jaina popped the cap of the flask and took a swig of the mana-infused whiskey inside of it, then passed it to Valeera.
Valeera laughed her deep, throaty laugh again, sniffing the flask first before she too downed some of its contents. Jaina could still smell the fire of the whiskey on her breath when she asked, “So, when are you going to tell me why your fucking hand is glowing all of the sudden?”
“You’ll be disappointed to know that I don’t really know why,” Jaina told her as she claimed the flask back. She intended to take another draught of it to make explaining this easier, but just ended up fiddling with the cap while she thought out what the reason truly could be. “It just started as you so happened to be sneaking through my keep.”
“But that means something has changed with--”
“--Her. Yes.”
Sylvanas. Jaina had made a habit of not saying the name when she could avoid it. Some of her friends and acquaintances had picked up on it and joined her in not saying it around her. And that suited Jaina just fine. She already had a mark on her body to remind her of what she’d lost. And then the fact that the woman who bore that name still somehow walked the world despite that loss. And in the last year or so, she had managed to become the fucking Warchief of the Horde of all things, so that meant Jaina heard the name enough.
And old habits, while they served no real purpose and helped nothing and no one, died hard.
Jaina took another swig of the whiskey. It was smokey and smooth, but still whiskey. The mana bit back as a sharp, yet somewhat metallic tang, as arcane often did. Jaina winced both sensations as they mingled on her palette before adding, “But I don’t know what.”
“I mean, I have no idea how these things work besides all the lovey dovey crap that people say about it, but can’t you tell?” Valeera asked.
Valeera’s aversion to the subject of soulmates was distinctly un-elven of her. Another feature telling of her distance from her people and their culture and the love that should have come with it for her. Her own soulmark was not on display, despite how little of her body was even covered by that armor, and Jaina couldn’t recall ever having seen it in the past. To anyone else, having it be present somewhere hidden and possibly salacious would be a scandal that would haunt them through their entire life. But for Valeera, it was fitting. There was nothing about her that wasn’t hidden or salacious or somehow both.
Jaina shrugged, turning her head a little to regard Valeera as she explained, “No, I can’t. I only know that I can feel her again. She’s injured on her shoulder. And she’s sleeping right now.”
“I thought undead didn’t sleep,” Valeera said.
“So did I,” Jaina agreed.
“What the fuck was she doing?” Valeera asked, probably of herself, and reached for the flask again.
“I don’t know.”
To be perfectly honest with herself, Jaina tried not to know. She tried to stay out of it. The world often didn’t let her. She often longed for a reality in which she truly could separate herself from any kingdom or faction or the goings-on between any of them, but try as she might, she simply could not do so with good conscience. Whether it was her magic or the people she’d come to love, duty would call on them one way or another, and thus would call on Jaina to follow. And she’d tried to resist the call. She had. Even during the fight against the Legion, she’d managed it, taking out her rage at Khadgar’s casual possession of Dalaran in her own way, on her own time. For once, alone.
But it didn’t last. It never lasted. Once the surge of emotion was gone, and the sting it left behind, Jaina would feel empty. And she had long ago realized that feeling overburdened suited her far more than feeling empty.
Valeera kicked back a hearty swig of the flask--enough to make a true Kul Tiran sailor blush. She sighed out the taste of the whiskey and offered no further wisdom aside from, “This would go great in some coffee. Or even tea.”
“Too cold for you here in Boralus?” Jaina asked, welcoming the option to talk about something with any degree of certainty to it.
Valeera shook her head, passing the flask back again. “I’m leaving, so it doesn’t matter. Also I don’t have the occasion to be drinking straight whiskey like you, though I do appreciate you sharing. Both the occasion and the whiskey, that is.”
“I’d offer to bring some mixers up from the kitchen, but--”
“You were just sobbing alone for ten minutes while I debated whether or not to come in and I hate to say it, but you look like it,” Valeera finished for her. “On that thought, are you going to hide it?”
“The mark.”
Jaina hadn’t thought that far ahead. She very well could. The glow would not show through the usual leather of her gloves and especially not through the armored gauntlet she usually wore in public. Fabric would be another thing, but truth be told, no one would ever have to see her in anything less than her full battle dress. No one did, really. Not anymore.
She tried to think of what the others might say, if she were to let them see. No doubt they’d try to use her as some sort of intelligence device--to use this bond to feed their war without taking into account that whatever had changed about it might be a means to end it. She could see it now, how Greymane would snarl and ask her what the Banshee was doing, even though he would know exactly how little she could tell him. His own mark shown bright blue even when he was fully a worgen, turning the fur that sprouted from it into the same glowing blue. Such was the ferocity of his love for his wife, and no doubt the love for their son--and with it the hatred for the woman who’d slain him.
Yes, he would remind Jaina of that, definitely.
Jaina came to her answer. “For now? Probably.”
“Until when?” Valeera wondered aloud.
“Until I know why this has happened,” Jaina told her.
Jaina’s head was running wild with theories already. Truth be told, it had been from the moment Valeera revealed herself from the shadows, both out of a need to explain and a want to know.
But indeed, the problem was that her soulmate was Sylvanas Windrunner--burner of Teldrassil, murderer of Liam Greymane, Warchief of the Horde, enemy of the Alliance, and defacto enemy of the neutral state of Kul Tiras it was once again courting. Her soulmate, sleeping soundly still, was a woman who Jaina had loved so much and then had come to hate along with everyone else. It had been easy to say that the bond between them was so irrevocably broken by what had been done to her that nothing of the Sylvanas she had loved remained. It had been Jaina’s ever-present excuse--one that no one would dare to challenge. Sylvanas’ soul was gone or dead or something to the point where she wasn’t herself. It was written on Jaina’s skin.
Or at least, it had been.
Jaina finally took a moment to look at her hand fully without the veil of tears standing in her eyes. The mark was very much blue, but dimmer than it ever had been when it was ignited many years before--when it had burned so immediately bright that all of Sylvanas’ friends and family beamed at her during that week, knowing full well that meant the love between them was already so strong.
And now it was just a flicker of a candle flame, threatening to wink out. Jaina felt it might be easier if it did, and she could just call this some fluke. And then a pang of guilt followed that thought that felt so strange and wrong and overwhelming that she had to take another swig of the whiskey. Enough to make her cheeks flush.
But not enough to give her any sense of direction. “I swear to you, it just happened,” Jaina repeated. “And I don’t know why.”
“It’s not like I don’t believe you,” Valeera told her. “And I don’t know why either. You’ve had a memorial mark since I’ve known you. Those things don’t change, but you have to admit your circumstances are different than most.”
“I’m well aware,” Jaina noted. “But I don’t think anyone quite understands to what degree. Much less me.”
Valeera shrugged at that, her eyes still darting around the room. She stuck out a gloved hand, pointing one red finger at Jaina. “Well, let’s think through it. You love thinking through things. One, obviously something has changed. Probably about Syl--her. Sorry. Her.”
Valeera was one of few people who seemed to remember this need of Jaina’s to avoid the name, and never questioned it despite the fact that it didn’t make much sense. She was a good friend, though Jaina could never really tell her that to her face. She ought to talk more with her, but well, years and responsibilities had their way of getting in the way--even for someone who tried to avoid them as much as Valeera did.
Valeera counted off on another red finger, “Two, something has changed about her soul. Which, you know, I also think no one quite understands either. I know that some undead keep their bonds through their undeath, others don't. She obviously wasn’t one of them.”
“Obviously,” Jaina agreed. “And it’s been a subject of much debate and research ever since the Third War. I remember finding notes Kinndy would make about it all the time. She kept a journal. I think she meant to talk to me about what she found one day, but she never did. Wait. I bet you read that journal when you were staying with us.”
“You know I did,” Valeera replied with a smirk. “You had lots of interesting books and people in Theramore in those days. And I won’t say anything beyond that because I don’t need you bursting into tears actively while I’m here. I’m not a crying person, Jaina. I don’t know what to do about, around, or for crying.”
“I know.”
She did know. Jaina knew that Valeera didn’t even have the emotional capacity for herself, let alone someone else, so it was all the more touching, or possibly concerning, that she came into this room at all. Perhaps she felt she owed a debt for the times that Jaina had seen her in tears herself--unbidden and unwelcome all the same--and had held her through them.
In Theramore, Jaina had held so many people through so many tears. She’d been a rock--no, an anchor. An anchor can still hold fast while it sinks.
“Good,” Valeera noted, then held up a third finger. “Moving on. Three, whatever it is that happened literally just happened. So, it’s not like anyone really knows besides you and her and whoever is with her right now.”
Which was its own unsettling thought. Who even was with her? Sylvanas, even in death, really only kept select company. Her Rangers, probably, the same as ever. Only they were as dead as she was. Jaina had been dealing with reports of Nathanos Marris stalking the countryside of Kul Tiras during her week of learning to assume the Lord Admiral’s duties. Though now apparently he called himself Nathanos Blightcaller and was particularly keen on small acts of terrorism. He still clung to Sylvanas like a flea, just as he had in his living days. Jaina knew the names of others too. Anya Eversong. Vorel Daystrike. Velonara Dawnsea. Clea Goldenpath.
All names and faces she remembered, laughing and welcoming her. Faces that had changed so much since--now all ashen skin and red eyes and Horde banners. Did the elven women she remembered give themselves new names too? Did they forsake their legacies when they took on the banner for the Forsaken?
Jaina didn’t know. She didn’t know so much. Once, it had felt pertinent to avoid those details for sanity’s sake, but now she cursed herself, wishing she’d kept up. Though, to be fair, she certainly didn’t ever think that she’d be facing the problem she was now.
Jaina looked at her hand again as Valeera seemed to struggle with a fourth detail to ground them in.
“What do you think happened?” Jaina asked as she stared at the blue moon that was etched into her skin.
“I don’t know,” Valeera said with an incredulous wave of that hand before her reasonings vanished with it. “Maybe she sacrificed a baby about it? Who knows?”
It was so easy to believe something ridiculous like that. So easy to just push the divide further apart by saying that Sylvanas was on the bad side and Jaina was on the good. And while she had burned world trees and waged war and done awful things, Jaina knew, deep down, that both sides of the war were as guilty as each other. She longed for a commitment to neutrality like Valeera had created for herself, but even then, Valeera herself had just said she was on her way to do something for Anduin, and therefore something for the Alliance. No one could really escape it.
But for every Theramore, there was a purge of Dalaran. Jaina had learned to stop counting losses long ago, before she’d even begun to stop herself from saying Sylvanas’ name aloud. Trying to add up tit for tat only left one with a headache and a feeling of being owed. War didn’t owe anything to anyone. It just was.
All the same, she knew Sylvanas probably didn’t sacrifice a baby about it. No, Sylvanas Windrunner, known war criminal, was usually a great deal more shrewd and subtle than that, even when it was easy to say she was a soulless husk of undeath and misery. At least she was in the opinion of one Jaina Proudmoore, also known war criminal.
“Where were you going after this, Valeera?” Jaina thought to ask.
“I see what you’re about to do and I shouldn’t like it,” Valeera told her. “But the answer is none of your business.”
“Is it Dazar’alor?”
It was a good guess that made sense, to Jaina’s credit. Anduin was very concerned about the Horde attacking Boralus, but also respectful enough of Jaina’s choice to continue waiting to see what would happen next before offering her navy. He would be quite concerned about what they were planning. And if they were planning an assault, it would come from the port of the very neutral naval faction that they were courting, and the one who would be very happy to wipe out any remaining Kul Tiran dominance on the seas.
“And if it is?” Valeera asked.
It was. It had to be. The way she was glaring at Jaina, with a little smirk as she gestured for the flask again.
Jaina handed it to her. “I’m just saying, Anduin might want to know what’s going on with her. On her ship. If it’s still in the harbor, that is.”
“I suppose if I were to trip over the Banshee’s Wail, the very flagship of the Horde fleet, that I could let you know what was going on around her decks,” Valeera offered without really offering before she took one more big swig of the whiskey. Probably too big of one for someone about to go on an espionage mission, but Jaina wasn’t here to judge or tell her how to do her job--or who to do it for, for that matter.
“If you choose to do so, then please be careful,” Jaina requested, holding her hand out for the flask.
Valeera handed it back one last time as she pushed herself off the bed and onto her feet with an acrobatic flourish she didn’t need to add, but did anyway. “If I choose to do anything, you know that you really don’t have a choice in the matter. But, if I see her, I’ll try to figure out what’s happened.”
“Only because you’re curious yourself, of course,” Jaina offered as an excuse before taking her own sip of whiskey.
“Of course,” Valeera said with a red-lipped smirk that her shoulder and hood almost hid. Almost.
She began to walk away, and Jaina almost thought to call her back, rather than watch her fade into the shadows again. But Valeera stopped. She didn’t fade.
Instead, she asked, “Did you love her, Jaina?”
“Before?” was ever the question.
“What other time was there?”
“Not much. But yes, I loved her,” Jaina said.
Jaina had known that from the moment she first saw her--grinning and golden as she waited at the portal. Vibrant and a little cocky--her smile lopsided and her hair obnoxiously perfect. She was tall and broad-shouldered, stiff-backed but with laughter that rang first in her eyes. Soft grey eyes that were gone now, replaced by sinister crimson. Sun-kissed skin with a tiny smattering of freckles, and that too was gone--now cold and ashen.
Loved was the right tense. Jaina didn’t know this Sylvanas, this woman who stood on the other side of the battlefield--who normally wouldn’t even look at her when they were close enough to share a glance. Only once, really, did she. It had been so recent and so chilling that Jaina couldn’t yet banish the memory.
She couldn’t quite forget how she’d caught Sylvanas’ eyes in the throne room at Lordaeron, and watched for a moment as they flickered from rage and mocking and fear and then to her, and to a brief moment of something else. A softness that was not at home amidst red fury. An apology. A plea. A wail that she wouldn’t let out. A moment that only they shared.
A weakness, Jaina had told herself. A weakness for them both, she reminded herself.
“She was the best thing to ever happen to me, and then the worst,” Jaina went on. “And if you’re asking me how I feel right now, I don’t have an answer. I feel everything and nothing, and I don’t know enough to feel either.”
That was one way to put it, at least. The whiskey wasn’t the only thing turning Jaina’s stomach. She honestly had no idea what to do or what was happening. And for everything, the lack of control over the situation was probably the worst thing of all.
“And people wonder why I’m not obsessed with looking for my one true love,” Valeera said, affecting a silly voice for the last bit. “No thank you. I’d rather not ever be in your shoes. Or really ever have to care that much about anyone but me.”
“You’re a good friend, Valeera,” Jaina told her, despite the fact that being free of any attachment sounded very good and very logical right now.
“That’s it, I’m leaving,” Valeera stated as she whipped her cloak around with a bit more drama than was warranted.
“Be safe,” Jaina warned all the same.
“I’m always safe,” Valeera told her. “You’re the one who is in danger of being something else besides safe right now. Go to bed and sleep off that whiskey, Lord Admiral. Hopefully by the time you wake, some kind rogue will have left a bit of helpful information at your doorstep.”
Valeera faded into the night, melting into the shadows of Jaina’s doorway as she let herself out. The door closed on what seemed like nothing by a breeze in the darkness, rustling curtains with it as it went.
From the window, the moon still peered inside. Dim and listless as the crescent on Jaina’s hand. Waning.
Maybe it was tired of its constant vigil. Jaina knew she certainly was.
Valeera’s advice was good, and Jaina knew she should follow it. She put the flask back into the bedside drawer, nearly empty now, and made a note to top it off later. And while she did feel some of the buzz of the whiskey warming her thoughts and trying to coax them away from her worries, Jaina didn’t think she’d sleep again that night. Even as she laid back down, her mind raced with what all this could mean. What she would do. What the morning would bring.
But then at the back of it, that slow and serene warmth started to creep in. Sylvanas slept soundly and peacefully somewhere in this world. She always had back in life. Jaina had used that thread of a connection to lull herself to sleep many times. She’d even written Sylvanas a few letters thanking her for that fact. And even the night before she died, she’d slept like a rock, and Jaina had tumbled after that feeling, wanting to believe everything would be all right, even as she knew that Arthas was besieging the Elf Gates with everything he had.
So it was only natural that Jaina did find her sleep in that old comfort. In the lie and strangeness of it. Because it was a guilty pleasure only she would know of and reach for and understand. It might be her only chance to have it again tonight, after all. Or maybe this too was some cruel dream.
It was hard to say.
Just as it was hard to say where the line between dream and memory was for her. Because sleep immediately put her into one that was both. But not the same one. This was new but old. A perfectly rendered scene of a day long past. And through her shred of self-awareness, Jaina could only wonder how it would twist into wrongness again.
She watched as Sylvanas turned to grin at her, shutting the door to her room in Windrunner Spire behind her. She wore nothing but a robe that would be considered scandalously short by human standards, but Jaina certainly didn’t mind the view it gave of her long, toned legs. Definitely not at all, from where she lay on the bed, naked but for the silken sheets that only covered a very small portion of her.
“Breakfast, lunch, and dinner ordered. The cook will drop them at the door,” Sylvanas declared proudly. “I realize now that I don’t even know what you like to eat for either and probably should have asked.”
“I’m not picky,” Jaina said with a laugh. “But I also don’t know what’s common for breakfast in a noble house in Quel’thalas.”
“We still have so much to learn,” Sylvanas said, the delight at that notion plain and beautiful on her face.
“We’ll get there,” Jaina encouraged her, beckoning her grinning elf over toward the bed again.
Sylvanas was all too-happy to oblige that request, and even undid the sash of her robe as she strode over, giving Jaina a very nice view of the front of her before she laid beside her. The silk of the robe draped them both like a waterfall. It was a deep cobalt blue, edged with gold, as all of Sylvanas’ things seemed to be.
Jaina slid her hand beneath it, pulling Sylvanas close as she told her, “I like elven coffee, for one, so if breakfast has that, it’s already a win in my book.”
“Of course it does,” Sylvanas told her. “In an enchanted carafe that won’t get cold, should you be distracted from breakfast. And we like pastries here in Quel’thalas. So probably some of those. And fruit. Lots of fruit.”
“Who doesn’t like pastries, coffee, and fruit?” Jaina asked with a laugh. “But the distraction sounds like a threat.”
“Mmm, it is. Truly a monstrous threat,” Sylvanas joked even as she made good on that threat, reaching out to pull her closer as well.
She buried her face in Jaina’s neck, growling playfully as she kissed along it. Jaina could feel her smile into the skin as she no doubt felt the echo of Jaina’s own shiver of pleasure at the act. This shared sensation was new and addicting, especially when combined with sex. Jaina was quite certain that an entire day would not be enough. They would probably need months to get over this, if the night before had been any indication.
Not that she was in a hurry to. Especially as that surge of confidence radiated back to her and started a loop she knew would carry them through long after breakfast had been delivered. She only hoped the cook didn’t have very good hearing. Though he was an elf, so likely not.
And Jaina didn’t care. She stopped caring the moment Sylvanas’ lips whispered across her clavicle and into the hollow of her throat. She’d lost all sense of space and time and what could or would or should be appropriate when Sylvanas tugged her closer and closer until there was only skin touching skin touching skin and a little silk of the robe inbetween and the echoing of it through one another. This was so unlike anything Jaina had ever felt and so very much worth days being spent introducing herself to three dozen odd Rangers and officers and magisters and nobles and Windrunner cousins.
But they didn’t exist now. Not anymore. The world was only them. It was only Sylvanas’ satisfaction in her growing arousal, and Jaina’s bliss in those strong arms she already knew could do so much for her, but was about to learn would do more.
As if Sylvanas understood that without it being said, she used those strong arms to flip them, laughing as she did, until they were both sitting on the soft mattress, and the sheets had fallen away. Then Sylvanas guided Jaina into her lap, and had her kneel there.
“Let me see you in the morning sun,” Sylvanas pleaded, her voice soft and low. Her grey eyes shone with wicked promises.
Jaina could feel a twinge of importance in this request. Maybe it was something cultural, or just the desires of her new lover to watch her this way. Either way, she knew Sylvanas felt the shiver of the request run through her.
Still, she answered, “You can see all of me, whenever you like.”
Sylvanas seemed satisfied at this, though that was an understatement for what Jaina felt across the bond. A bit of surprise. A fair bit of heady attraction. And love. Certainly love.
Sylvanas placed a sweet kiss to the center of her chest, right at the apex of her sternum, then drew her closer and finally touched Jaina where she very much needed to be touched. She watched her as she rubbed slow circles over her clit, and Jaina could feel the delight in how wet she was for her reverberating on top of her own pleasure. It was exhilarating and inebriating at the same time. She was drunk on Sylvanas and the way she made her feel, and how that made her feel in turn.
This was the part of the soulmate bond no one ever talked about, and honestly, Jaina didn’t quite know how she’d even venture to explain it herself. Suffice to say, the sex was insane. And she had a lifetime of it to look forward to.
And if Sylvanas had any complaints about their using this sacred bond so that she could feel how it felt to ride her own fingers once she added them to the mix, then she certainly wasn’t complaining. Nor was Jaina at the reflection of the sensation of herself tightening around them. And not at all when Sylvanas was gasping at the echoes of Jaina’s pleasure into her ear as she came.
The dream never turned. It kept to the memory as Jaina knew it, as she never let herself experience it in her waking hours. It stayed a morning in which she became quite grateful for the enchanted carafe, as the coffee would have long been cold by the time they remembered it. It played out just the same even as Sylvanas finally poured her a steaming cup of it--her hair a mess and eyes wild and grin bigger than ever. The robe was still on her somehow, clinging only to one shoulder. Jaina watched herself, happiest that she’d ever been, debate with her lover about whether they should have a nap or a bath after they ate, like it was the only important decision they’d ever have to make.
And she envied them. She envied the lie they lived in that moment. The old, golden moment.
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 02x04
Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things
“That’s a helluva title” pink razor 
“Right off the fkn corner” “Idk how fast she was going, but I feel like there would have been more damage at that speed”
“Delicious.” “Idk who I agree with in terms of visiting Mary’s grave” “He’s going to dull the dull the shit out of that knife” “tree’s dead” Dean’s looking very slutty in this episode
“Yeah, you touch that wood, Dean” “Giorgio Tsoukolous Aliens” “Did we ever find out what day/time this is? There’s not always a groundskeeper at a cemetery in Smalltown USA” “I like how expressive Dean’s face is. Sam’s expressions often feel forced then it looks same-y a lot” “The audio is very reflective, They left the audio being more natural in a bathroom. I like it” “Why is Sam always pointing out Dean not processing John’s death the way Sam wants him to?” “I barely remember this episode” We both just realized that was the main guy from Letterkenny
“Canada must not have a lot of people in it” “She’s gonna buy that line?” “I think Dean is kinda allergic to this type of girl?” “Those fkn eye, dude” “Idk what to say about Sam almost watching porn. I guess they grew up in those kinda joints but who watches PPV porn?”
Me arguing how are they going to download porn with shitty 2000s internet and carry around a porno magazine 
“How does Dean know that a girls best friend is her diary? They try to paint Sam as emotionally mature and in-touch, but then they have Dean say this line with almost a wrist flick” “I love how Dean replied to this guy with his whole face”
“I mean, wouldn’t she be all taxidermied at this point? Doesn’t that shit help you not rot right away? They do you up and put you in a fridge for a little while.” “How do you keep her from turning all fucked up and zombified?” “I know they’re talking to the normie father, but dean is being really insensitive” “Dean gave Sam that fkn look again” “I never noticed ANY of this shit beforehand. Not a single tiny bit of it” “creepy” “just go into somebody’s house…armed…no big deal” “I love how they’re being all quiet and talking at normal volumes” “I think I would have passed out if I saw my dead best friend like that. I was just at their funeral. I’m usually calm, but I think this would have been too much. And even after stabbing them, I would definitely be passed out after that” “Dean’s clearly not using hollow-points” “Imagine being the kid who did this and it works. No one knows, and then a few days later, these dudes show up asking questions about zombies” “that’s a weird ass sentiment about killing those people” “hell yeah brother” “they never explained how she moves so quickly” “We spend a lot of time looking at Sam’s back”
Me mentioning that the CW likes Jared Padalecki
“Nobody likes the corporate girlies” “things make more sense now - you have the girlies and the corporate girlies. The girlies are the fanbase, and the corporate girlies renew the seasons” Spouse is talking about brain stems but I spaced out. I think he’s saying that zombies just need them removed.
“They buried her. Let’s say the cops exhume her for whatever reasons. They find her with stab wounds, bullet wounds, etc. What the fuck do you do that in that situation?” “That was a very odd episode” “really? He’s going to do this whole get outta the car emotional thing now?” “Such a weird man thing to do - stop the car then apologize and make the other person ask why. Like who does this shit?” “Wow. What a takeaway” “Jensen’s not good at the overly masculine traditional man emotion faces. The straight ass face”
0 notes
komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
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Imagine # 962
Pictures NOT mine.
Year posted - 2022
📝Note(s) - Text in italics is inner monolog.
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Initially when (Y/n) took notice of the extra set of footsteps, she was momentarily terrified, having already dealt with several encounters with monstrous creatures. However she froze in her tracks, having started running silently in the other direction, when she heard their voices. The creatures didn't speak, so that could only mean one thing, people! Still apprehensive she remained standing against the wall, waiting for them to round the corner, rather than going to them herself. Before long four young men waltzed into the room, their style practically screaming 80s trouble makers, though (Y/n) did note how well they pulled it off. "I told you I heard something!" The shortest of the group exclaimed excitedly, trying to rush to (Y/n) with a grin on his face. Though the man with a platinum blond mullet pulled him back by his jacket, having noticed how ready (Y/n) was to sprint off into the other direction. "Calm down Marko, she's spooked." The man stated as he pulled the shorter one, now known as Marko back. "Names David." He added before pointing to the tall blond beside Marko. "That's Paul." He then pointed to the other man at his side. "And that's Dwayne." They all waved as they were introduced, easing (Y/n)'s stressed mind. "My names (Y/n)." She introduced herself after a moment of silence. "How long have you been here?" David asked as he slowly approached (Y/n), the others following closely behind him. "I'm not sure... What about you guys?" (Y/n) subconsciously pressed her back into the wall, a tad bit nervous still. "A lot longer than you, by the looks of it." Paul cut in, his words making (Y/n) frown in confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, making the guys chuckle. "It was 1987 when we showed up here." Dwayne explained, making (Y/n)'s frown deepen. "It was 2022 when I came here." (Y/n) admitted, dread filling her heart. "I think I've only been here a few days, maybe weeks... I've not felt hunger, thirst, or even drowsiness... It's like, like..." (Y/n) struggled to find the right words. "Like a never ending day." Marko offered, smiling softly when (Y/n) agreed. "Yeah exactly." She nodded her head, her heart jumping into her throat at the sound of fast approaching foot steps. She moved to run, but David was quick to stop her, grasping her arm in a vice grip. She went to tell him to let her go, but a massive inky black creature rushed into the room, a scream instead bubbling from her throat. Dwayne Paul and Markos faces morphed shape, their eyes yellow and red. They were quick to attack the creature with inhuman strength and speed, while David remained at (Y/n)'s side. More or less forcing her to witness the carnage, as his left hand held her jaw in place, while his right hand held her arm.
Once the creature was dead, the three man re-approached (Y/n) and David, their faces morphing back to normal. "You're all monsters yourselves!" (Y/n) hissed as she tore her jaw away from David's grasp, unsuccessfully trying to pull her arm away. "We were monsters long before we got here." David hissed back as he roughly pulled her arm, effectively making her to stop struggling against him. "Are you going to kill me?" (Y/n) asked in a monotone voice, her initial fear turning to a dull numbness. "No we aren't going to kill you." David released her arm, not worried about her running off, as they all circled her. "Then what?" She frowned in distain, dreading what the answer might be. "Stick with us." Marko offered, making (Y/n)'s frown turn confused. "We'll protect you." Dwayne added with a soft smile. "And what do you want in return?" She asked with suspicion. "You know exactly what we want in return." Paul chuckled, his words rather suggestive. "Are you fucking serious!?" (Y/n) hissed, annoyed with the laughter emitting from each of them. "Oh come on, it's not that bad of a deal." David mused. "We'll keep you safe and alive, and all you gotta do is meet our needs." He added as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, (Y/n) scoffed in return, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest. "Don't worry sweetheart, you'll definitely enjoy yourself." Dwayne cut in, his words honestly making (Y/n)'s stomach do flips. "Do I have much of a choice?" (Y/n) asked, despite her growing interest in the offer. "Of course you have a choice." Paul nodded his head as he leaned against the wall beside her. 'Well they are rather handsome, and it has been some time since I've had sex, let alone with anyone so attractive.' (Y/n) thought to herself, unaware of the boys invading her thoughts. 'Plus they definitely can keep me safe, they've already proven that.' She bit her bottom lip softly, sparing them each a quick glance. "Okay... I'll stick with you guys." (Y/n) agreed, honestly content with their offer, if not a bit excited at the thought of being with each of them. "Good because you're the first person we've come across, and it would be a shame to let you slip through our fingers." David mused before burying his nose into her hair, inhaling her fragrance shamelessly. "Especially a babe like you." Marko added as he grasped her right hand, kissing the back of her hand a few times before he flipped her hand over, kissing her wrist. Both Dwayne and Paul wedging themselves against her, each of the men kissing and nipping at every inch of her exposed skin, leaving fire in their wake. And making (Y/n)'s head fuzzy with desire and pleasure, her breathing turning heavy as they began removing her clothes with swift hands. Everything was moving so fast, but not one of them seemed to mind in the slightest.
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littlelioncub43 · 3 years
A Grumpy Gymnastics Guy
Pairing: Lance Tucker x Reader
Word Count: 902
Warnings: None, tis all fluff
A/N: This is based on an ask I submitted to the lovely @slothspaghettiwrites (hey bestie!!) a while ago. I didn’t expect to write this but here we are! I’m thinking about writing a small series for Lance... but I’ll see how I feel about it.... I’m probably gonna do it. Do people read these author’s notes??? 
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Today just wasn’t his day. As soon as he lifted his head from his pillow, he could tell that today wasn’t going to be sunshine and lollipops. Lance had woken up, with a stiff neck might I add,  a whole hour later than he was supposed to. When he looked to check the time he was met with a dead phone. The charger wasn’t plugged in. 
“Fuck me,” he groaned, already annoyed at everything. 
He was quick to get back on schedule, getting dressed and out the door in less than 5 minutes. “Oh Christ,” he spat in a whisper to himself. 
It was cold and raining all day; bone-freezing gusts of wind shot bullets of sharp, cold droplets everywhere. He hadn’t grabbed his raincoat, and the water was quick to soak through the layers of his coat and track suit, but he pushed on and made it to the gym. Having arrived well over an hour late looking like a wet dog, Lance was in no mood to be made fun of, but that didn’t stop the other coaches and gymnasts from snickering as he walked by. 
He wishes he could say that training went on like normal, but no. When he was warming up, his stiff neck made it hard to tuck his chin in. Then, one of the new guys accidentally knocked over the chalk basin all over him. Then he couldn’t stick a clean landing on any of his routines. And to top it all off, on the way to the locker room he stubbed his toe. He had had it. 
He shoots you a quick text.
Lance: Are you at home?? 
A few minutes go by as he waits for your reply. 
Y/N: Yeah, it’s my day off.
Lance quickly packs his things and makes a beeline for his car, thankful that the rain had decided to take a break.
Y/N: Why??
Lance: Can I come over?
Y/N: Sure, just use your key when you get here
Lance drove almost on instinct to your apartment. The usually quick route was clogged by Sunday drivers who seemed to be scheming against him. It took him 20 minutes longer than normal to finally arrive at your apartment. Putting his car in park, he quickly makes the climb up the 3 flights of stairs to your door. 
“God, why the fuck does she have to live so high up,” he mutters, simply angry at everything at this point. 
He pulls out his key chain to find the key you had given him months ago. Finding the key with the little gold metal painted on it (you did it as a joke, you thought it was hilarious), he unlocked your door. The second the lock turned, he was met with a wall of comforting scents. You loved scented candles, your current favorite being cranberry and mandarin. There was the smell of herbal tea; of course you made tea, you always did when it was cold and rainy like this. Then there was the smell of you. A mix of your shampoo, your body wash, and the natural loveliness that was just you. 
Lance took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the calming aromas. You had heard him come in, the heavy sigh he released after kicking off his muddy shoes. Lance all but threw himself on your couch, his head resting in his hands. The dull throbbing pain in his temples pulsed in time with his heartbeat. You smiled softly from your spot in the kitchen, automatically knowing it was one of those days. 
You quietly made your way over to your grumpy boyfriend. You kneel in front of him, gently pulling his hands from his face to hold in your own, you have him look at you. His eyes are red, irritation that built up during the day evident in his baby blue eyes. The bags under his eyes show just how tired he is, how the day seemed to have kicked his ass. 
“Do you wanna sleepover? We could order some food, you can shower, maybe watch a movie or just go to bed. Does that sound nice?" you offer in a soft voice that doesn't add to his headache and a comforting gaze. He nods after a moment, offering a weak smile. “Alright,” you whisper and press a feather-light kiss to his forehead. 
Before you can get up to order the food, Lance pulls you into his lap effortlessly. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist, his head resting on your shoulder. He draws in another deep breath and shuts his eyes. You hug him back without a second thought, your own arms around him, rubbing soothingly up and down his spine. The tense muscles in his back finally start to reluctantly relax. You press a few kisses to the top of his hair and cradle him into you. 
"You ok, baby?" you ask against his hair, your free hand holding his head gently.
"Just wanted to hug you, is all," he answers in a croaky voice. 
You smile and hum, hugging him tighter. Lance holds you in his lap, relishing the way your warmth radiates through him. Running your fingers through his hair softly, you let him hold you as long as he needs. His day might have kicked his ass, but nothing beats the way you feel in his arms.
Tag list: @slothspaghettiwrites , @aquahogcodes
449 notes · View notes
laketaj24 · 4 years
Author’s Note: I finally finished something in my drafts after two months. I feel semi accomplished today! Taglist is open, as are requests!!!! Send them… I want them.
Pairing: Colson Baker x Reader
Warning: Smut, public sex, drinking, language
Inspo Song: Why are you here?
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 The eyes searing into you from across the club belonged to Meg Styer; you knew of her well, based on Colson’s Instagram, she was the new arm piece. The well-known model had a reputation of making herself known to the exes, even if that meant starting confrontations when they were not needed. She crossed her long russet brown legs; they shimmered in gold, as did her entire outfit. You felt immediately outdone, thinking of the minimal effort you’d put into the outfit or your makeup today. Tonight's outing was not supposed to be about Colson or this new woman; it was about falling out of this fucking slump you'd found yourself in for the past month.
"It’s lively here.” Eric grinned. Straight edge, Eric.
You cringed inside; if your mother could have created someone on an app, Eric would have been him. Without a doubt, he was handsome, with dark hair, delicate features, and not a tattoo or piercing in sight. The club had been his idea, but parts of you believed he’d gotten the idea from your sister, who knew that there was no way in hell you’d sit at a restaurant and eat. You liked the action; your job called for you to sit in silence and awkward conversations; you didn't want your life to be a damper as well.
“It is,” you looked around, taking everything in, including the abrasive eyes that still remained on you, but it didn’t matter once he entered the room. The black shirt revealed his entire tattoo-riddled chest, even the one of your name he’d gotten a few years back. He looked like he might be up to trying you tonight, so you had to disappear and do so quickly. “We should go to the booth you got.”
“Yeah, sounds like a good idea.”
It wasn’t a good idea; you sat uncomfortably across from the pair watching their every move while trying to suppress the need to end the date abruptly and slap the fuck out of him. Irritating you always was the one thing he did exceedingly well. Meg sat in his lap, draping her arms over his body, throwing her ass on him like she had no shame!  Did he know it was you across the room from him? Did he care? You watched as the waiter brought your third glass of tequila to the table and leaned into Eric, noticing the earthy cologne mixed with the whiskey. He smelled nice, or perhaps you were elusive to the bullshit because being near to him dulled the ache of the scene across from you.
The room to be secluded offered no privacy, so even when you felt alone, you were smothered in the thoughts of what if he saw you kiss or touch this guy- what the fuck was his name again? You uncrossed your legs, clumsily kicking the round glass table in front of you and spilling his drink but thank god not yours.
“I need some air; I’m gonna go get some.” You paused and took your glass. “I’ll be back.” The words scrambled out, and you did too, pushing up from the leather couch and not looking back to see Eric’s reaction to the awkward movements.
Too many people surrounded you, and at the moment, all you truly wanted was to hear nothing and feel nothing, even if it meant you had to get shit-faced. The stairwell didn’t have many people in it; only two women consumed in one another and Colson.
Your heart sunk once you realized it was him, from fear, dread – fucking embarrassment, maybe? He shook his head; you took notice of the three earrings in one ear while the other garnished a seat of crosses that dangled. Colson’s hair was slightly disheveled atop his head; the dark roots peeked out of the platinum blonde tapered cut. He looked great as usual. “I thought you were in for the night?” Colson’s voice carried over the music because he refused not to be heard, especially by you. He looked down at you, nursing the glass of chilled tequila. You’d acquired a taste for it over the years of being with him, Colson drinking tequila like water had rubbed off on you. “This doesn’t look like your place.”
“Did you want something?”
“Why are you here with that broke down,” He paused dramatically, raising his hand as he thought of more insults. “Tom and Jerry looking motherfucker?”
“That’s the best you can do?”
Colson drug his teeth over his lip, “Where you meet him?”
“Where’s that instamodel chick? You know the one with the plastic ass and tits? You leave her in the car just so you can go check on your other hoes, or is she in here with them?”
“Man, stop.”
“I saw her looking at me, don’t tell them about me. I’m not your concern, and I am damn sure not theirs.”
“How’d you catch her looking at you if you weren’t looking at me?” Colson’s cocky smirk sent a rush of anger coursing through your body; even when he lost, he found a sure way to find a confident victory in it.
“Bye, Colson.” Your eyes met his, remembering how blue they were. Even when he was dead drunk, they found a way to still hold onto the Colson you knew was in there somewhere. The sweet one that danced in the rain and stayed in bed with you every free night he could give -- you shook it off. Breaking eye contact with him to look anywhere but the blue crystal stare. You cut down to the ground, admiring your pumps before he turned away from you and left.
The drink was no longer cold, and the tequila didn’t even burn as you chugged down the remnants of the clear liquid. You pinched the bridge of your nose, taking a deep breath, and then leaned against the stairwell.
“Long night?” Eric cleared his throat.
“Already, I’m so sorry. Could we leave here?”
Eric shook his head yes and placed his hand on your shoulder, “Is everything okay?”
“Perfectly, fine. It’s fine.” You swallowed. The hazed state of your mind needed to be cleared, especially before you left with him. “Can I meet you upfront? I’m going to freshen.”
“It’s fine; take your time.”
 You wouldn’t take your time; the quicker you were out of this place, the better. Whenever you were in his element, your mind refused to do the right thing. You moved through the crowded dance floor, carefully avoiding familiar faces. And finally, you were at the restrooms splashing the cool water on your face. You looked yourself over, grateful you hadn’t worn makeup—the trickles of water run down your rich ochre brown skin.  Too many thoughts raced through your mind out there but not in here. It was silence, and your mind was in a stupor. For a second, everything stilled, your heart and breathing were relaxed, and everything was back to normal, that moment as everything else was short-lived.
Colson’s reflection appeared in the mirror before you. “I cannot believe you lied to me?” The door clicked behind him.
“I didn’t lie to you.” The way he casually entered the women’s bathroom to start an argument pissed you off. “And get the fuck outta here.”
“We talked earlier today, and you said you were in for the night.”
“You said you were going out by yourself, and you got a whole entourage. So, same shit, we both just single now.”
“Come here.”
“No, you don’t get to tell me to come here. You don’t get to follow me in the bathroom and talk to me about fucking lying when you-.”
Words ended when his lips met yours, he towered over you, but he didn’t mind the effort it took to get to your lips. He walked you against the wall- steadying your steps to his until he picked you up, and as if your body knew the routine, you wrapped your legs around him. Your lips eagerly kissed him back, tugging on his bottom lip before returning to take more kisses. How were you this hungry for him? You wanted nothing more than him to fuck you, rip this dress and ruin you in this unlocked bathroom. “Y/N.”
“Fuck me.” You pleaded.
He only needed the confirmation to move towards his belt buckle unsheathe his dick. There were two ways you fucked, frantic and as if you would never see one another again and then slow – ironically, they both had the same outcome. Your heartbeat matched his, strumming against your chest, and his matched yours. You loved it. There was no foreplay needed; you wanted to feel every inch of the pain he had to offer. He pushed the black dress up to your thighs, bunching the fabric enough that it revealed your pussy for him. He swiped his tongue over the pads over his fingers and swiped your lips. You were wet for him. You had been the whole night, no matter how much you wanted to deny it. He pushed the long finger into you, curling it to press the soft pad that made you squirm and throw your head back in pleasure.
He moved from the wall to the counters, not giving a fuck if someone walked in or not; he spread your legs wider for him and gripped your curls. Exposed to the world, but all you could see was him. You reveled as he slammed into your hilt deep, muted your sequel with his lips, and paused. “You missed me, didn’t you?” He whispered. “Y/N?”
“Shut up,” Your pussy answered for you, squeezing to pull him deeper as he fucked into you. He wasn’t even deep enough for you; your fingers tug on the black shirt as you thrust to meet him each time. Your skin clapped against his every time, his cock expertly hitting that spot inside of you that made you want to cum right then and there. You held it, panting as it began to build up all over your body. He knew the signals, the way your hands rapt against him, legs quivered, and your pussy throbbed.
“Up.” He said, listening to the door open behind him.
Decency had left when he started fucking you, there was no way in hell you’d stop now, and Colson possessed no fucks when it came to sex. They could watch whoever the fuck it was. He positioned you in front of the mirror, bent over for him. Colson’s heavy hand came down on your ass, and then he pushed into you arching your back before wrapping a hand around your hair and fucking into you wildly.
Your ass bounced back on him, and his moans made you wetter. Your fists clenched as you tried to steady yourself – there was no controlling the orgasm that flowed through you. Your breath quickened, your toes curled, and your eyes snapped closed as his name rolled from your tongue.
“Open them eyes.” He gave an arrogant laugh before leaning over you, pushing himself deeper and flicking his tongue over the lobe of your ear.,
Your eyes opened, and you saw yourself flushed with sweat, mouth open, and him fucking the shit out of you. The scene erotic, beautiful, and shit you wanted it again and again. “Oh shit.” You mumbled.
“You think that fucking clown ass suit gone give you this?” He laughed as he slapped your ass again. “I thought not.” He guided you back on him, taking your hips in his hands, making sure you took every inch. He was greedy himself, watching your breast bounce in the reflection of the mirror, all while hearing you echo throughout the entire bathroom. It was music to his ears. Colson slowed his stroke momentarily, peppering, kissing down your shoulder blade before increased his pace once again, and your body jolted. You ground against him, urging him to cum and the pressure built. He panted against your back for a moment and then kissed your exposed skin. “Don’t go home with him.” He whispered, retrieving your panties from his pocket. Colson lowered himself to his knees and turned you around.
“You can’t tell me that.” You whispered.
“I’m asking.”
“Are you taking her home?”
“I can drop her ass off at her place right now.” He smiled, pointing. “Shit, you can ride shotgun.”
Good memories flooded of his snarky ass sense of humor and late nights. “You’re silly.”
Colson adjusted your dress and then stood in front of you, making sure your hair and lipstick was not smudged everywhere. “Drop Chandler off and come home.”
“Fucking hell mate,” Dom’s voice did not seem shocked. “This other chick is trying to kill me out here. Y/N?”
“Dude, will you get the fuck out of here… like now.”
“Fine. I’m leaving.”
“This was-,” You step away. “Uhm, I don’t know. I’ll call you okay?”
“Tomorrow.” You clarified. “Or the next day, just give me a damn minute to breathe?”
“Bet.” He sighed. “Should I go first… so it won’t seem suspect?”
“You’re a 6’4” guy leaving the women’s restroom, you’re busted.” You chuckled.
 A/N: I through Dom (Yungblud) in there because I kinda love him just as much lol might right him too! Hope you enjoyed! Thank you! Please let me know what you think!
Taglist: @taytayize123 @supernaturalvikingwhore @jae-writes-fanfiction @bigsisbria @placeoffreedom @kyla-queen @missdforever @gottatoxicattitude @bang-kim-bap @msreshel @blowmymbackout @titty-teetee​
459 notes · View notes
kodzuvii · 4 years
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CLUB STUPID [24: yeah probably]
next [25: premarital hand holding]
GENRE - crack + fluff
warnings - spelling and grammar errors lol guys its 1am plz-
SYNOPSIS - Club Stupid, an anonymous podcast meant for the dumb and dumbest to send in unspoken and nonsensical thoughts about issues they face in their day to day lives and for Y/n to speak out and give her opinions and feelings. Normal feelings though, nothing romantic like how she thinks this lazy guy with questionable hair in the volleyball club is actually pretty cute.
a/n: as an executive member and proud representative of the suna simp club (jk lol idk) it is my duty, to keep my simps fed. you’re welcome. please listen to some cute wholesome shit. 
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“Look at this Samu, Suna really his own breed, how does he manage to look more dead compared to how he usually looks”
“Well Tsumu, he ignored the same girl twice in the same week and also got confronted by her cousin who’s also his captain. Pretty sad if ya ask me”
The twins snickered to each other as they eyed the quiet middle blocker who stood by his locker. “Did you see his blocks today Tsumu? I was afraid I was gonna break his toothpick arms with my spikes” Osamu whispered but made it loud enough for Suna to hear. Atsumu nodded, “yeah Samu, totally lame if you ask me. Thank God Yn wasn’t watching him” he teased. “Oi,” Aran called out as he packed up his things on his back that was sitting on top of the benches inside of the boy’s change room. “Lay off of him will ya” he scolded but the pair shrugged and continued to change out of their practice clothes. 
“What’s even happening?” Akagi whispered and Riseki could only turn to him and mirror the same lost look on his face and give a clueless shrug. They both just sat back and watched the scene unfold in front of them. The twins were teasing and throwing indirect jabs and insults towards their middle blocker who looked as if he was going through an existential crisis with the dull look in his eyes. 
Suna was quiet, everyone knew that. Yet somehow in some way, everyone could feel his energy hit an all-time low. He still attended practice sure, but it was like practicing with a pole lamp. He just stood there and observed whatever was happening but even then, his mind was somewhere else. Of course, this didn’t go unnoticed by the coach who gave him an earful about the proper attitude to be having during their practices. Did he listen though? Nah. Listening to a lecture required too much effort. He was just tired and done for the day and the anxious and nervous feeling bubbling up inside of him wasn't helping either.
Suna was stupid. He knew that. His attention span outside of the court was never the biggest and his lack of energy never helped increase his intelligence. He was never the brightest in his class, and honestly, it never bothered him that he wasn’t. Everything he learned came through one ear and left the other. He retained the information for a test but simply forgot everything once it was over. He wasn’t the brightest, and it didn’t bother him not one bit.
What did bother him was his terrible habit of being oblivious towards other people’s feelings. Maybe it was due to his lack of energy or lack of interest, but he simply never put much effort into acknowledging how people felt. Yeah, he got vibes when people had on and off days, his teammates were the twins, you HAD to notice their mood swings and take necessary precautions. It just never occurred to him that more people could enter his bubble. A bubble that revolved around himself.
However, instead of someone finding a way to enter his fragile bubble without popping it, Suna willingly left his bubble when you came into the picture. It was no secret that Suna was whipped the moment his eyes laid on you. He’s been getting clowned about it ever since the twins found out and they never let a day go by without calling him a simp.
He had no clue what type of person you would be when you entered the doors of the Shiratorizawa gym. You looked sweet and bubbly, the smile you came in with never left your face unless you’d whine to your friends or roll your eyes at them. When you stepped into the room, people just naturally gravitated towards your positive energy and your good vibe. He liked that about you. Then again he still didn’t know anything about you at the time. All he knew was that you managed to attract his attention without even directly giving any to him. Every time he tried to look away and focus on whatever was happening in front of him, his eyes trailed back to you.
For a while after camp, you kept popping back in and out of his mind. It was quite ridiculous actually. He’d be taking a drink by the water fountains and he’d look over to the hallway and suddenly the first thoughts would be ‘what if I saw the redhead again?’ It never lasted long, maybe for a split second or two before he snapped himself out of it. He’d never see you again, what was he talking about? He was just being delusional.
So you could imagine the way his mind stopped functioning the night at the train station. Suna had to pinch himself 8 times when he saw you walk out of the train doors. ‘No way’ he thought. You, out of the 7 billion people in the world, was Kita’s cousin. He remembers seeing your tired face and your short stature clad in a big hoodie and loose sweatpants with your hair tied up. You were supposed to look like a mess, why did he keep thinking that you looked so pretty? This must’ve been the higher power playing a trick on him for slacking off during practice. So annoying.
Suna could keep his cool around school. You weren’t in the same classes meaning he didn’t see you at all. So you could imagine the kind of panic that crossed his mind when Kita told the team that he’d have his cousin staying in the gym. He learned later on that you started watching practices because Kita didn’t feel comfortable with you walking home. You were nice to the team, incredibly nice actually. Your easy-going nature made it easy for you to have a couple of conversations with his teammates here and there. While you were nice to Aran and Akagi, you had a little feisty attitude with the twins (mainly Atsumu) and he couldn’t help but admire how outspoken you were. You were blunt, to say the least. That was something you and Kita had in common. But he liked that about you, how you were always free to speak whatever was on your mind and keep a conversation going. 
Suna noticed early on that you rarely paid attention to their practice. He figured volleyball just wasn’t your thing and he couldn’t blame you for that. During water breaks, he’d glance up and watch you tuck back your hair and sometimes he’d catch you scratching your temple in annoyance because of some question you couldn’t answer on your homework. You never looked up, simply unphased by whatever was happening in front of you. 
Even so, he still put the smallest amount of extra effort into his practices. Jumping a bit higher and running a bit faster and spiking the ball with more force. He insisted that it was about time he would break some of his bad habits, but even the team knew that it was a sorry excuse. Truth be told, a little part of him was just hoping that if you ever looked up from your phone or your work in your lap, you’d see him and think that he looked at least a little bit cool. 
One day, on the rare occasion that he’d be listening in class, he remembers his teacher having a discussion with the class about an epiphany. 
The feeling of a sudden or striking realization that hits an individual out of nowhere.
It was late at night where Suna hit an epiphany. You were off to Miyagi, spending your weekend with your best friend and the Twins continued to bug him about his little first-year crush even though he had asked them multiple times to drop the topic. 
Suna came to the conclusion that he liked the way you made him feel. He liked the way he felt at ease when you were around him. He liked how you were so different compared to him, but it never stopped you from forming a friendship with him. You never pushed him to ever open up to you, you listened to the bare minimum he had to say and never took his lazy nature and blunt attitude to heart. He liked annoying you, the way your face would scrunch up when he’d take your bento’s the first couple times during your first initial lunch hangouts or the way you’d puff your cheeks when he comments on your height. He liked the way your eyes lit up when the smallest things caught your attention. He took notes on the songs you said you were currently listening too or the ones that reminded you about happy memories. 
Suna especially liked seeing you smile. Especially towards him. Something about it gave him the same feeling that was comparable to the way he would feel when he would see those jelly sticks on sale at the grocery store. The way you’d roll your eyes in playful annoyance when he'd come up to you and ask to bandage his fingers even though you both knew that he was capable of doing it himself. You would tease him, a playful smile gracing upon your lips, telling him that his fingers would probably break off if you weren’t there to bandage them up. Suna liked thinking that having you wrap them up made his hands feel a bit stronger with his blocks. But you didn’t need to know that.
He remembers a specific memory that lives rent-free in his mind. He was walking down the hallway, casually strolling and taking his time to get back to class after using the bathroom and he happened to notice you heaving a tired sigh as you closed the doors to your class. You looked quite frustrated, probably because it was your art class and you had been complaining days earlier about how creatively drained you were.
 Suna must’ve been looking at you for a moment too long because the moment your eyes met, he felt something tug at his chest by the way your eyes sparkled at the sight of him. Despite being under a little bit of stress, the same smile he grew to enjoy seeing made its way onto your lips and you waved to him excitedly before running up and rambling off about how much your class was pissing you off.
You two eventually got in trouble for skipping the whole period after being too caught up in your conversation. Suna thought it was worth it though.
After scrolling through his phone, listening to Atsumu’s obnoxious lovey-dovey playlist, and inevitably searching “how to know if you like or like like a girl” (there's a difference, he swears) on google. 
He came to his epiphany.
 Maybe before, when he barely knew you and you never knew him, maybe he was just infatuated with the idea of you. 
But it was different now, He liked you.
And that scared him.
It scared him how vulnerable he felt. Suna’s reserved and quiet nature gave him a hard time to open to others. Not that he really cared if he was being honest. He simply had the mindset that no one needed to know everything there was to his existence. Everyone eventually leaves anyways, what was the point?
When it sank into him that he liked you, it confused him endlessly. You never wanted to get out of his head and sooner or later he found himself doing the smallest things for you. The little black silk band was always on his wrist and if it wasn’t on his wrist, it would be tucked away in his pockets. Not to mention that he kept one in his pencil case for good measure. The bandaids inside in his backpack were sealed away in a ziplock bag just in case you ever got hurt because he knew you were a bit clumsy. He found himself keeping his eyes open for little souvenirs and trinkets that looked like something that you’d like wherever he went. 
At first, he thought that he just wanted to upgrade you from friend to best friend. Maybe this was a friendship that he had just been deprived of since his world revolved around constantly meaning to improve in volleyball. Yes, he did find comfort in the friendship he grew with you, but sooner or later he realized that he wanted more. The thoughts of holding your hand slipped into his mind and sooner or later hugging you from behind and resting his head on top yours flowed in followed by taking you back by peppering your smooth and soft cheeks with kisses. That wasn’t something that best friends did.
Kita was right about how his logic of ignoring you to suppress his feelings was stupid and that the worst things that could happen were that he’d get rejected. But he didn’t want to face the chance of him getting rejected, he’d like you for so long and he learned during his time spent away from you that he didn’t want to just stop talking to you. Suna knew himself, if he got rejected then he’d distance himself away from you and never talk to you ever again because the embarrassment would eat him up. 
He didn’t wanna lose you for that. He wasn’t ready. 
What a coward. 
He just really hoped you liked the flowers and read his note, he thought anything was better than a stupid “I’m sorry” text.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
“Hurry up, I need to lock up the gym” Kita’s voice echoed throughout the walls as he stepped into the changeroom. Suna looked up from his phone, taking one last glance at your ‘see you soon :P’ text before shutting it off and shoving it into his pockets. As everyone began to leave one-by-one and bid their goodbyes to each other and their captain. The twins however didn’t leave until they both gave Suna a teasing punch on both of his shoulders. Suna only glared at them before proceeding to make his exit as well. 
Kita stopped Suna before he could exit and the look on his face seemed rather serious. With his voice low, Kita simply said “She needs to be back by 7. If she comes home hurt in any way, I’m benching you” he said sternly and that was enough for him to feel his skin crawl under his tracksuit jacket. Suna nodded, understanding that he really wasn’t kidding and that he definitely bench him. 
Kita turned around and opened the door for them both to leave the changerooms. They walked together side-by-side and from a distance, he could see your short figure walking up to both of them. You looked different today, your hair was sitting on your shoulders and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses he was yet to see was sitting on the bridge of your nose. You were clad in your uniform with an oversized pink knit cardigan overtop. Was that a new cardigan you were wearing? He’s never seen it before either. 
Kita smiled at the sight of you skipping up to them and he watched you two exchange high fives and he gave you a brief little speech about staying late. You nodded along and Suna stood by and watched Kita ruffle your hair making you whine cutely. 
He wanted to do that.
You waved goodbye to your cousin and Kita looked at Suna and gave him a firm nod before turning back and making his way towards the gym doors. You turned back and faced Suna, your hands behind your back as you made your way towards him with a warm smile. “Hey there” you greeted and stood in front of him, looking up so you could look at him clearly. Suna couldn’t help but look at you weirdly, why were you acting as nothing happened? Shouldn’t you be upset with him? “Hi, let’s go?” god, why was he so forward. 
You hummed and shook your head, making him furrow his eyebrows in confusion, “do you not wanna go anymore? I can drop you off if you want-” You rolled your eyes, “I don’t see you for a week and you’re already trying to get rid of me?” you questioned and narrowed your eyes at him. Suna felt his heart wrench as your lips pouted. 
He shook his head, “n-no” he stuttered. Your eyes perked up and you watch his cheeks heat up (potentially from embarrassment, but you're not going to assume) and look away. 
You chuckled and grabbed his wrist and pulled him to follow behind you. What made you so bold today? Probably from the unexpected pep talk you had with Goshiki that morning.
“You don’t need him Ln-senpai! If he thinks he can just look over you and all your greatness and beauty and not acknowledge how beautiful you are and how your very presence graces this dull world then send his ass to KFC! You are a woman senpai! A beautiful woman who deserves everything. Not a value menu that has a 20% off discount!”
Did his speech make sense? Sure. You’ll take it over Tendou’s “cut his dick off if he does you dirty queen” text message sent with the confetti effect on imessage followed by a bunch of knife emojis that was honestly more threatening rather than comforting.
You pulled him out of the gym and Shin gave you a look before shaking it off and locking up the gym doors. From the corner of your eyes, you could see the twins sending winks your way before snickering and walking off. You rolled your eyes and stopped when you reached the doors of the school. 
You turned around and faced Suna who looked very lost and confused. “Let’s not go to the convenience store today, let’s go somewhere else,” you say. Suna nodded slowly, “okay? Where do you wanna go?” he asked.
Just then, you lifted up your other hand and it was only then that Suna noticed you carrying a small pink lunch tote. You let go of his wrist and tucked some strands your hair behind you ear, “we haven’t had lunch together in a week and you had a meeting today again so we couldn’t do anything today either and well..” you trailed off and looked up at him and shrugged, “I figured we could make up for lost time” you muttered. 
Suna felt his chest tighten, not only because you were absolutely adorable and it was making him lose his mind, but it almost seemed like you were the one trying to apologize to him when you didn’t do anything wrong. He did.
You frowned as you looked at how subtly his face dropped. As upset as you were, you understood that he wasn’t ready to tell you whatever he was meaning to hide. He wasn’t obligated to tell you anything and you understand that. A small smile creeping up on your lips, “let’s go eat at the park near my house. The one we walk by all the time. Saves you the trouble of worrying if you’re gonna get home on time or not” you laughed slightly.
Suna couldn’t say no to you, so here were the two of you now. Eating and sitting in front of the other with the bento’s you had prepared on the table. The park was as busy as it usually would be during the afternoon. The atmosphere felt warm as the sky was slowly settling into hues of orange with peaks of pink seeping through. Suna watched you happily eat the bento you had prepared and listened attentively as you told him about everything he missed during your week and you did the same when he talked about his. 
A part of him couldn’t help but admire how pretty you looked in front of him. Suna was lying when he told the twins that you were a 7. You were beyond a 7 and beyond whatever scale they had given him. It was a rare sight to see you with your glasses and partnered with that oversized pink cardigan? You were adorable. 
You tilted looked up from your food and stopped mid-sentence when you saw him just look at you with what seemed to be a fond look in his eyes. But you could’ve just been mistaken, maybe you need to have your prescription checked again. “Rin, what’s wrong?” you asked. At the sound of his name, Suna blinked snapped back into reality and was met with your concerned look. “W-what?” You chuckled, “you zoned out Rin, everything okay?” you asked.
He liked the way his name rolled off your lips. 
He shook his head, “I’m fine, sorry. This is really good by the way, I didn’t think you could cook” he said as an attempt to change the subject. You rolled your eyes but you looked away. “As much as I want you to believe I’m some great chef, Granny helped me with most of it” you confessed sheepishly. 
He chuckled and poked the sausage that was cut up into a little octopus with his chopsticks, “Well, you did tell me that you burned rice once so maybe I thought too highly of you to make a full meal” he teased. You scoffed and grabbed his bento, “if you’re not gonna appreciate the chef then you don’t deserve the food” you huffed. Suna rolled his eyes and grabbed yours, “guess I’ll have to eat yours then” he said and shoved some rice into his mouth. Your jaw dropped at his actions, “Hey!”
As the day went on, you both began to feel at ease and comfortable once again with each other's presence. The harmony that flowed around between you two was coming back and was settling into its familiar rhythm. You two continued to chat as if nothing happened. Laughing at anything and everything you found remotely hilarious under the sun. Suna felt warm. He was here, with you, and everything felt okay. With both your bento’s empty and tucked neatly away into your lunch bag and the sun settling down and giving a wake-up call for the stars to come out, it was about time for Suna to bring you home.
The walk back to your place was comfortable. There was no tension in the air or any awkwardness in the atmosphere. It was simply peaceful. You were walking beside him and rambling on about something that had happened to you in class that day. It was slightly cooler and the winds were colder and he had noticed early on that you kept pulling at the ends of your cardigan at an attempt to get some more warmth from it. It would’ve just been rude for him to let you be cold, Kita would kill him if you got sick.
It took you by surprise to see Suna slipping off his volleyball jacket and shoving it into your hands. He was wearing a hoodie under it anyway, he didn’t mind. A part of him was just curious about how his jacket would fit you too and what kind of fool would you be to reject an oversized jacket? It was just extra points that happened to be from the boy that you liked.
Suna nodded along to what you were saying, but he couldn’t help the sudden urge to just grab your hand out of his system. You were walking so close to each other. Your shoulders kept brushing past and your hands were right there. 
But with the events that happened this past weekend, he didn’t wanna overstep any boundaries. He was still too cautious that he would mess up and make you upset all over again. With the thought of his actions, Suna suddenly felt a little ball of guilt eat him up. He never stopped feeling bad about what he did. Kita’s words rang through his head, he needed to learn how to communicate better and not deal with everything all on his own. Maybe he really was a coward for letting such a dumb fear eat him up.
In the midst of your talk about how much you despise your math class, you turned to look at Suna and saw how troubled he looked. He didn’t even look like he was listening anymore and seemed to be having some sort of internal battle with himself. 
You furrowed your eyebrows and grabbed his wrist to stop walking. “Rin, what’s wrong?” you asked, concern lacing the tone of your voice. You both never really brought up what had happened. Maybe you were just too caught up in having a good time but you were honestly content with the reasons he gave you. If he wasn’t ready then he wasn’t ready. 
Suna however felt like he owed you so much more than his apology that he already struggled to explain. 
Suna stared down at you for a moment, the unreadable expression on his face that only made you more confused. It was quiet for a moment, the only sound to be heard was the wind blowing by and the trees rustling.
Nothing would have prepared you for the way he turned around and pulled the arm that was holding his wrist and pulling you into his chest. His hands wrapped around your shoulders as he held you just a little bit tighter. He was a bit stiff, but you couldn’t put that against. He wasn’t the type of person to initiate things like this.
“I’m sorry”
Your body froze, something about his tone was different. It was vulnerable.
You stayed quiet, letting yourself relax slowly in his hold.
“F-fuck, I’m really sorry. I said I wasn’t good with words right? S-so I’m trying to explain now because you deserve it but I don’t even know why I did it. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset at all, I was just caught up with myself and I didn’t consider what I was doing to you. You didn’t deserve that. I like being around you and I’m sorry” He pulled away and one of his hands dropped to your waist and fiddled with the material of his jacket. You watched as his free hand dug deep into his pockets and you watched him pull something out. 
“It’s kind of pathetic if you ask me and it’s also kind of ugly but-” he grabbed one of your arms and dropped the object into the palms of your hands. Your eyes widened at the little paper craft,
It was an origami strawberry.
It was small, it fit perfectly inside on the palms of your hand. You could see that he struggled with making it. The leaves were slightly bent and the tip of the strawberry was ripping off. There were lots of creases all in the wrong places and even the seeds were drawn on. 
But it still melted your heart. 
“I read somewhere about 1000 paper cranes for a wish and well, cranes are kind of hard and I didn’t have enough paper to make 1000 and-god this is so embarrassing-” he muttered the last part but gained enough courage to look up at you and meet your eyes. Your eyes were soft and patient. “I wished that you wouldn’t hate me. Or that, this wouldn’t y’know...make everything all weird between us. I like you-or well uh- being around you at least and I-I know you joke about it all the time but please don't-” 
Suna paused when he felt you wrap your arms around his waist once again, hugging him back but just a little bit tighter. The small confession not even going through your mind because your attention was too focused on the way his words were making you melt. 
“You’re an idiot” you mumbled into his chest and hugged him a bit tighter. Your words made his stomach drop, but that feeling went away when you pulled back and looked at him with a smile. A smile that said you understood. 
“I’m never gonna force you to tell me anything you don’t want to tell me” You repeated but this time it felt different, it felt warmer. 
“I’m never gonna hate you. I know how you are Rin, you’re not good with your words and I get that. You could've sent me a text but you didn’t. You went out of your way with the flowers and even the little note and this adorable fucking strawberry is more than enough” you laughed but you could feel your eyes watering up slightly with the overwhelming amount of emotions you were feeling all at once. “You don’t need to keep apologizing to me okay? I understand. Thank you,” you smiled. Suna stared down at you. Nodding slowly and you chuckled and fell into his arms once again.
This time, he was the one who held you a bit tighter.
“This side of you is cute you know, but It’s kinda ruining your whole tsundere image you’re going for. Bet the twins would make fun of you for being this thoughtful” you whispered jokingly, making him roll his eyes and huff a quiet “shut up” in annoyance. If only you knew the pain he endured for putting up with those twins. 
You both stayed like that for a little while longer. Holding each other and fitting so perfectly in the arms of the other. If it wasn’t for your phone dinging from a text from Shin asking where you were, Suna swore he would have held you there for the whole night. 
You pulled away first and tugged his hand, “come on, Shin wants me home now so let’s get going ‘kay? Don’t want you getting benched the whole season now do we?” you grinned and walked in front of him and tugged him along. 
Somehow in some way, your fingers slipped perfectly into his.
Suna could only feel the warmth rising in his chest, his daze fixed at the sight of his hands interlocked with yours. 
“Oh and Rin” you called out, making him snap back into reality.
Suna hummed, looking right back at you.
“Tell me when you’re ready, okay?”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
“Text me when you get up in your room safe”
You turned around to him with a quizzical expression before letting out a chuckle, “I’m in front of my house Rin, I got here in one piece” you said and motioned your free hand towards yourself to prove that you were indeed, uninjured. Suna rolled his eyes and bit the inside of his cheek, “you’re clumsy remember, you might fall or something” he muttered and looked away.
You grinned and squeezed his hand, “Awe, look at you caring for me and my wellbeing. My ears might be deceiving me but it sounds like you’re in love with me” you teased and swung your hands together back and forth.
Suna huffed, his mind not properly functioning when the words fell out of his mouth.
“yeah probably”
Simultaneously, his eyes and yours widened and you both froze. 
Both you and Suna blinked at each other twice. Your eyes looked down at your hands that were still interlocked and looked up at his face that was fully drained of any colour. Your heart was beating rapidly against your chest and Suna began to question the very point of his existence.
“Y-you said-”
“A-ah I-”
“Oi!” you both jumped and instinctively Suna pulled you closer to him. You looked at up him briefly before turning around to see Granny waiting by the gate with an impatient but also teasing glint in her eyes. “It’s almost 7:30 Yn-chan! You almost missed bingo night! Kiss ya little friend goodnight and come in before Shin and I eat all the mochi we left for ya” she called out but you could hear the teasing tone in her voice.
“C-coming!” you yelled back. Your face was piping hot and you wanted the ground to swallow you whole from the amount of embarrassment and flusteration you were feeling at that moment. 
Granny nodded and walked back inside, and looked up at Shin who was standing with his arms crossed on the porch. Granny walked back to him with a victorious smile on her lips as she gave him a thumbs up. Granny knew what she was doing and she knew what she saw. She’s gonna call and gossip to your mother.
You gulped and took a step back and looked back at Suna. He was still frozen and his mind was racing at what just happened and he too, wanted the ground to swallow him whole. “I-I uh, I guess I gotta go?” you winced, but the tone of your voice made it sound like you were asking a question. Suna nodded, “y-yeah, goodnight I guess” he muttered as he looked away and you watched his face heat up. 
You were both so embarrassed but neither one wanted to let go of the others hand. 
Suna figured he couldn’t keep you out all night and just as he was about to let go of your hand, a sudden wave of confidence went through your veins and you just went ‘fuck it.’
You pulled his arm down towards you taking him back. His eyes widened, “what are you-” you stood slightly on your tippy-toes and kissed his cheek which made him shut up instantly. “That’s for today, thanks. goodbye.” you said frantically. 
Suna froze, too much in shock and his mind was still in the middle of trying to register what just happened and watched as you let go of his hand and covered your face furiously blushing and running off to your gate and slamming it shut.
He stared blankly at the gate door and blinked twice as an attempt to get himself back to reality. He brought his hands up to his cheeks that were on fire. His mind kept replaying the way your soft lips kissed his cheek and could feel the slightest residue of your lip gloss still on his cheek. 
Shit, you really had him wrapped around your finger. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
taglist! [CLOSED] @chocolaterumble​ @elianetsantana​ @versatilewindow​ @introvertatitsfinest​ @aristatrois​ @mizukisonoda​ @amberisnotcrazy​ @kritiiiii @iloveyouasmuchaspoohloveshoney @a-moon-fairy @akaasht​ @lotusweebs @marvelous-maxi @laughingismorefun @hhmnvm @sweetyrina @honeydrip @miracleboy420 @rachelexe @charsdummb​ @sxrcasticbacon @loser-keiji @dinablossom @ntimacy @kac-chowsballs@unhappyraspberry @sbaepsae @doebopeepeebbod @missalienqueen @ssuna @violenthead @unstableye @tycrackculture @a-applepi @lollyzen @aisawa-reo @ashybitch89 @sunflowerirl @sapphicstarss @melodiamore​ @valrubiii @urbasicaveragegirl @mint-mai @4kaashl @sugawsites @anngelllla @applekenm @bumblebeesofspace @dreamstormings @milkingkageyama @tsumu-core @luvelyxp @aquariarose
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griffintail · 4 years
One Last Time
Summary: (Y/N) goes to live with her Uncle Tubbo in the aftermath of their lose.
Pairings: Parental! Tommy x Teenage! F!Reader
Platonic! Ranboo, Tubbo x Teenage! F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of Death, Mentions of Exile, Everyone’s just sad man.
This the second part to True One
The next part is A Normal Smile
A/N: Two different people wanted this,  🐝 anon and @samistheidiot​ So, here you guys go! 
        (Y/N)…wished it was a nightmare, that Tommy would shake her awake like she’d done many times before for him when he’d have a nightmare.
        Instead, there she stood in Snowchester, staring at her Uncle Tubbo’s house. He’d grabbed her things from…Tommy’s house and brought her back to his own home. Tubbo had found her with Sam and had broken down with her this time. She tried to deny everything Sam was telling her, what she saw on her walkie. Yet, when Tubbo pulled her in and held her close, she knew it was real this time.
        He wasn’t coming back.
        It took hours to finally get (Y/N) out of the hotel and into a boat with Tubbo. When she had first exhausted herself, Tubbo had a serious conversation with Sam. Tubbo knew what Tommy always wanted for his little girl. He’d been there through many steps of their lives, so he knew what Tommy would have wanted now. (Y/N) would come with him.
        Sam wanted to argue that he could take care of her but…he didn’t have faith in himself anymore and agreed it was best.
        Tubbo stood at the door, looking back at (Y/N), who hadn’t spoken since they left the hotel room.
        “(Y/N).” He called gently, her dull gaze looking at him now, making his throat tighten. “Come inside, let’s get warm.”
        She sighed, following him. She went back to the room she had been in when…
        Tears welled in her eyes as she sat on the bed. He was supposed to come to get her; they were supposed to have been celebrating. She buried her face in her hands as Tubbo was putting down his things in the main room, still trying to process his own feelings.
        He was in full denial.
        Tommy shouldn’t have gone like that. In the prison, beaten to death…Tommy shouldn’t have gone at all. Not his best friend. Tommy just had to be alive, he just had to, just like last time! He still had a daughter to raise!
        …but Tubbo knew he was wrong deep down.
        “Tubbo!” Ranboo burst into his home, out of breath.
        Ranboo had gotten the same message as everyone else. He had gone all the way from his base at Techno’s to see Tubbo first.
        “Hey, Ranboo.” He said quietly. “I guess you saw.”
        “I-I did. It’s wrong, right? There’s no way…” Ranboo tried to deny himself.
        “…Sam said it’s real.” Tubbo gripped his hands along the edges of a chest. “That Dream and Tommy were fighting and then…they were actually fighting…”
        “No…No that can’t be right. Sam should have…Dream wouldn’t have…”
        “What do you mean Dream wouldn’t have?” (Y/N) spat as she came into the room. “Dream was a fucking psychopath! We all knew that! Yet we let my fucking father stay in the godforsaken prison cell with him! After all the shit he’s put my family through! WE LEFT TOMMY IN THERE!”
        “(Y/N).” Tubbo took a step towards her.
        “No, I don’t have time for this shit. It’s just like exile.” (Y/N) scoffed, putting her hands in her pockets as she walked back to her room, slamming the door.
        Tubbo was frozen in his spot as tears gathered in his eyes, (Y/N)’s old words screaming in his head.
        It’s your fault!
        Ranboo looked at his friend before quickly following after the girl knocking on the door.
        “Go away!” She shouted.
        “No, I won’t. That wasn’t fair. We’ve all lost someone today.”
        (Y/N) boiled in her room as she stormed to the door and threw it open, tears stuck in her eyes.
        “Yeah? Well, guess what? Life isn’t really fucking fair now is it?” Her shoulders were shaking in anger. “You know what my dad was doing at my age? He was fighting in a god damn war for a country that doesn’t even exist anymore! He lost two lives to a green fucking bastard. And now, he’s lost a third because no one listens when someone screams for help.”
        Ranboo stood there in shock as she stared at him.
        “You can’t tell me what’s fair. I watched my dad go through trial after trial. So, I mean this in the nicest way possible, fuck off.”
        She closed the door again and locked it before sliding her back down against the door as she sat on the floor, letting her tears flow again as she was in privacy. It was going to be a long day…
        Tubbo and Ranboo let her have her privacy. Ranboo had decided he’d stay for a while as he figured his friend would need all the help he could get as he was grieving and also now had a grieving teenager living with him. The two didn’t see (Y/N) the rest of the day and the next morning came.
        (Y/N) woke up from her spot on the floor trying to clear her mind and remember what happened. She wished she hadn’t as she pulled her legs up and hugged them with one arm and her other hand lightly gripped onto her bandana. Her thoughts went wild in the early morning light.
        She didn’t have anything of her father’s. His gear would all be in the prison and she refused to ever be near that place again. The more important thing was the discs; she couldn’t ever get those. They were in Tommy’s ender chest. She’d never hear them again, not that she wanted to without Tommy…
        If the adults had just listened to her, let her storm that building when she had the chance…!
        It was her fault too…
        No, none of this was her fault, it was the adults that wouldn’t listen!...
        She held her head as her thoughts were scrambled in anger at herself and anger at others. She thought she was supposed to be sad but she was just…angry. Angry at Sam, Tubbo, Ranboo, Dream.
        She remembered being angry when she thought her father was originally dead. Tubbo had been the primary target of her anger because he was Uncle Tubbo but he never listened to her anymore. He did a lot to reconcile with her over after everything was said and done, Tommy helping his best friend do so, wanting his daughter and friend to see each other as a family once again.
        She felt guilt now for what she said the day before. She shouldn’t have brought up exile, Tubbo regretted it every day and tried so hard to reconnect with the two of them.
        “(Y/N)?” Tubbo knocked on her door.
        She didn’t move.
        “(Y/N), this is my house, I have a key.”
        “So?” She muttered.
        “Please open the door.”
        “Shouldn’t you be angry?” She asked instead.
        “Why?” Tubbo questioned, confused.
        “…I brought that time up.”
        Tubbo felt his heart pound a little harder before he took a deep breath. “Can I come in please?”
        She huffed, but got up slowly and opened the door, Tubbo standing there with a plate of food and water. He came in, putting the plate and cup down on the nightstand as (Y/N) sat on the bed. Tubbo sat next to her, connecting his hands as he looked down at them.
        “I know…I messed up back then. Things might have been different if I had listened to you like I was supposed to. I was supposed to take care of you for…for Tommy.” His breath shook. “I failed…in a lot of different ways with a lot of different things. I tried to make it all better after. When he got stuck in the prison, I didn’t tell you,” Tubbo looked at her with tears in his eyes, “but I went to Sam privately demanding to know why he wouldn’t let Tommy out. I was trying to make sure I did it right this time. I wouldn’t let this be exile.”
        (Y/N)’s guilt piled on her as tears welled in her eyes. Tubbo put an arm around her shoulder before pulling her into a hug as he put his head on top of hers.
        “I don’t know what happened in there but I promise you, I will find out,” Tubbo promised with his whole heart. “For myself, you, and Tommy, I’ll figure out what happened.”
        “I’m sorry Uncle Tubbo.” She cried on him now.
        “It’s alright. I’m angry at everything too.” He muttered. “But we’ll figure it out.”
        He let her cry it all out on him as he let a few of his own tears drip before making sure she ate and drank.
        “I’m not going to force you to do anything,” Tubbo told her as he took the half-eaten plate. “I’ll be here though if you need anything.”
        “…Uncle Tubbo?”
        He stopped at the door, looking at her.
        “I want to make a memorial for dad.” She whispered.
        His whole body softens as he thought before nodding. “Ok, we can do that. Get dressed and we’ll go work on it now.”
        Tubbo went out with (Y/N), letting Ranboo know what they were doing and the hybrid let them have their moment. Tubbo built a wooden headstone as (Y/N) gathered a few flowers and paused in her work before she got a jukebox to rest next to the headstone. As the last piece of their exhausting work, they made a bench together and both hesitated.
        “I’m…I got a disc, hang on.” He muttered.
        He went back inside to get a disc as (Y/N) stood there, staring at the memorial they had built, cobblestone outlining the area. Tubbo came back, turning a disc in his hand.
        “It’s…not one of his. But I know he’ll appreciate it where ever he is.”
        He put the disc on and stepped back. He motioned to the bench as the music started to play. (Y/N) couldn’t even produce tears as she sat in the middle of the bench, Tubbo on her left. They both stared at the words Tubbo had carved into the wood before (Y/N) spoke.
        “You remember that play he loved?” (Y/N) muttered.
        “Yeah, Hamilton. He managed us all tickets because said he couldn’t live with a daughter who hadn’t seen it.” Tubbo laughed quietly at the memory.
        “There’s a few words that keep playing in my head from one of the songs.” She looked at her hands. “And then we'll teach them how to say goodbye. …Dad never taught me how to say goodbye…”
        “…Well, we’ll make this our last time with…Tommy…and we’ll learn to say goodbye together.”
        (Y/N) put her head on Tubbo’s shoulder and he hugged her close as the jukebox stopped playing.
        “And now it’s quiet uptown…” She mumbled.
        Tubbo couldn’t help a soft smile. Tommy loved that play and (Y/N) had adopted it onto herself, learning every single song just like him. She dozed off on Tubbo’s shoulder and he sat there like that for just a little longer.
        “I’ll make sure it’s not always quiet. I’ll take care of her Tommy. I promise.”
        Days dragged on.
        Tubbo and Ranboo took turns making sure (Y/N) would eat and drink. It was three days before she left her room to walk around. When she was finally walking around again and eating full plates of food, Tubbo decided to start his investigation into Tommy’s death. He promised (Y/N) he’d figure it out and he would, for his, hers, and Tommy’s sake. This shouldn’t have happened and he’ll be damned if it goes unsolved.
        Ranboo was to stay with (Y/N) in Snowchester, just to be sure she’d be alright. He was waiting with breakfast in the morning, Tubbo having gone in the early, early morning, but there was no sign of the teenager after an hour of waiting. Getting up, Ranboo knocked on her door.
        “(Y/N)?” He called softly.
        He thought it was only fair if she was upset in her room. He was still processing the fact one of his friends was gone. There were small tracks of burn marks from when he had cried originally, his tears having run out now after the past few days. He couldn’t imagine though what (Y/N) must feel every day.
        “(Y/N), can you open the door?” He reached out again.
        She still gave him no answer and he sighed.
        “I got to come in, so freak out.”
        He opened the door and looked around the room. Instead, he was the one freaking out as he saw an empty room and an open window.
        “Oh, oh god. Where is she?” He ran to the window, looking out to see slowly fading footprints from the falling snow. “Crap. Ok, I just got to find her.”
        He ran to put on his warm clothes before moving quickly to not lose the tracks. They lead on and on, all the way to the edge of the snowy biome and towards the Dream SMP land.
        “Where did she go?” Ranboo panicked as there was no way to track her from here.
        He’d just have to work his way around the land. There was one place he could think of first, the hotel. Tubbo had told Ranboo that (Y/N) would now be the owner of the hotel according to Sam Nook once she was ok again. It was Tommy’s final project and he assumed she’d be there. So, he ran down the path towards the hotel but sputtered to stop as he saw a familiar figure sitting on a bench with a disc playing in the jukebox next to the bench.
        Ranboo hesitated as they were in their own world as they stared at the rising sun, but he came over because he needed to know.
        “Hey.” He said as he stopped a few steps away.
        (Y/N) jumped as she looked over at him.
        “Oh, hey.” She gave him a weak smile. “I…didn’t really process how late it was, you came looking for me?”
        “Yeah, I did. You had me worried. Luckily, Tubbo was doing something else.” He said as he sat on her right, making her stiffen. “What’s wrong?”
        “I just…dad sat there.”
        “Oh gosh, I’m sorry.” He stood up, instead sitting on her left, making her relax. “Is that why you sit in the middle?”
        She hesitated before nodding. “Tubbo on my left and dad on my right…We’d sit here some days for hours and just…watch the sun go up then down. I couldn’t think of anywhere else better to go…”
        Ranboo nodded, not sure why she needed to go here. Then again, as he looked behind him, of course, there was her old home. A few monuments had been constructed for Tommy.
        “What did you want to do here?” He asked carefully, looking at her as she was watching the skyline again.
        “…It’s stupid.” She muttered standing up.
        “No, no, it’s ok. I won’t judge you. I won’t even write it in my memory book if you don’t want me to.” (Y/N) looked at him and he stood up, towering over her but he crouched a bit as he put his hands on her shoulders. “I would never want to hurt you.”
        (Y/N) sighed as she looked at the bench and jukebox, finished playing the song.
        “Dad…Dad told me he and Uncle Tubbo heard Wilbur, actually Wilbur. And…” She rubbed her arm, shrugging.
        “You wanted to see if Tommy would come.”
        She nodded, a few stray tears coming loose and burning his enderman hand as he wiped them away but he didn’t flinch. “I just…I never got to say goodbye you know? I’ve never lost anyone really. Sure, I lost Uncle Wilbur but then I got Uncle Ghostbur, who was everything I loved before Wilbur went crazy. So, I never lost him. I didn’t have to say goodbye. But with dad…there’s nothing and I just…”
        Ranboo stood up and pulled her close into a hug, she hugging him back as she buried her face in his chest.
        “I just wanted him back one more time so I could tell him I loved him and say goodbye.” She gripped onto his shirt.
        “He knew you loved him; I know he did and he loved you so much. When I first met Tommy, he just kept going on about you and I thought you must be the happiest girl in the world to have such a loving dad like Tommy.” Ranboo muttered as she sniffled. “I wish I could say goodbye to him too…maybe we can do it a bit differently though.” She looked up at him and he gave her a sad smile. “Let’s get some flowers.”
        Together, (Y/N) and he gathered white and red flowers close by and planted them right outside the door. They both stood side by side and (Y/N) looked up at Ranboo at what to do next. Ranboo took a deep breath before stepping forward.
        “There’s…not much I can do so this is how I’m supposed to deal with this. I got some flowers with (Y/N) for you to make this little shrine, to help move on.” Ranboo had so many words to say, some of them cruel about the response of others in the world around them but he held his tongue to repeat them for another time when (Y/N) wasn’t beside him, looking for closure herself. “There’s not really much we can do…with you gone. I know I’m forgetful, but I won’t forget you and I wanted to save this memory of your place like this. I’m sure it won’t be here forever as many things you created…were destroyed. But, the one thing that can’t be broken, that can’t be destroyed…is what you left behind…and the people you left behind.”
        Ranboo looked at (Y/N), seeing her with new tears as she lightly gripped her bandana. He looked at the allium he had in his hands before looking back at the empty house.
        “Remember this? I gave you one of these and you immediately insulted me…That was the first time we interacted.” He remembered, (Y/N) giving a sad laugh. “I gave you one of these, you insulted me, and then…I helped with the thing that led you…to your demise…” It was all quiet as the pair stood there. “So, so here Tommy.” He put the flower on the ground in front of the door. “Have a flower…” They stood silent. “There’s no one there to pick it up anymore…so that means… goodbye Tommy.”
        He stepped back, (Y/N) standing there before walking forward, looking at Ranboo.
        He nodded encouragingly and she took a deep breath.
        “I…I came to the prison after I heard what happened. I…I don’t know if you heard me…but I shouted that I loved you and that I’d make sure you get out. I promised myself that it wouldn’t be like exile. That I’d make sure someone would get you out and Sam promised he would…” She played with her hands. “I could blame a lot of people…but I can’t. All I can blame is Dream. People should have listened but it was Dream’s fault. You always told me that.
        “You did so much for so many different people and people try to prove wrong but I know what you were really like because…you were my dad. You were the best. And…I’m going to miss you so much…There’s so much you didn’t get to teach me. One of them being, you never taught me how to say goodbye. But don’t worry Mr. Hamilton.” She smiled sadly at the door, tears trailing down. “I’ll figure it all out. It may be quiet right now but hopefully, I can hear everything again and remember what it was like to be happy, just for you.”
        She played with her bandana, sighing quietly.
        “I love you so much daddy, and I miss you. I have to say goodbye though, one last time. Till we meet again.”
        She turned from the door and started walking. Ranboo put a hand on her shoulder as he walked with her, neither seeing the figure currently invisible to the human eye.
        Tommy smiled sadly as he picked up a ghost of the flower left in front of him and moved past them, kicking up wind that made (Y/N) bandana dance in the wind. He knew she’d be ok…
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whythinktoomuch · 4 years
Tentatively stepping through the doorway, Lena was greeted by the natural wintry gleam of the Fortress of Solitude. She had only been there that one time all those months ago, but the surroundings appeared familiar enough, seemingly burned into her memories as a particularly difficult flashbulb of an experience.
Cold. Dimmed lighting. Wide open spaces that gave off the illusion of emptiness despite holding some of the most important secrets to be kept in the world.
And in the middle of it all, stood Kara Danvers, still dressed in her Super regalia, staring off into the distance like little else mattered.
“Kara.” Lena rushed forward, the clack of her heels bouncing off the polished walls in an anxious rhythm that rivaled that of her heart.
Kara looked over, blank expression slipping slightly. “Lena?” she murmured, sounding surprised, though not at all startled. “How’d you get out?”
“… Out?” Lena echoed, but Kara didn’t elaborate. Maybe the disconnect was to be expected though, and there were more important things at stake for the moment, so, “Kara, you need to come back.”
“Back.” Kara chewed on the word, tasting the implications like they weren’t quite to her liking. Then she gave a single nod. “Oh. I see.” And with that, Kara turned her back on Lena and walked right off, right into the distance that gradually converged into a yawning doorway.
Lena had no choice but to chase after her. “I know why you’re doing this, Kara. And you have to know that it wasn’t your fault. None of it was.”
Kara didn’t answer. She didn’t have to. Her silence was already speaking volumes just by stretching on and on, running parallel to the seemingly never-ending hallway.
“Will you at least explain what you’re doing here?” Lena demanded, her patience eaten up by a sense of urgency that was somehow eluding Kara. Time was of the utmost importance—that much had been impressed upon her repeatedly and emphatically before she made this journey. “Look, I’m not going to leave until you talk to me.”
Mild amusement flitted over Kara’s features as she looked back at Lena. “How’d you even get here?”
“Does it matter?”
Then when Kara made no move to continue their conversation, Lena sighed in exasperation, “I have my ways, okay?”
“Of course you do,” Kara said easily. “I’m just… surprised that they’d send you, of all people.”
“I volunteered to come. Well, I insisted anyway.”
Kara glanced back at her again, expression now unreadable. “We’re not even friends anymore,” she said, matter-of-fact, no malice intended or needed. “We haven’t talked for—what—six months? I guess what I’m trying to say is that, you wouldn’t have been my first pick.”
“And I’m sure the many people who were opposed to my coming here would agree,” Lena said, but Kara didn’t take the bait, falling silent once more. “Where are we going anyway? What’s down here that’s so important that you have to see it right now?”
Kara took an abrupt left turn, and the hallway opened up just as abruptly into an endless series of shut doors, all evenly spaced out along either wall. Each door was fashioned with its own nameplate, which was of little interest to Lena until she started recognizing the names. By then—trailing behind Kara, passing by doors that read James, Winn, Kal-El, and a few with lettering that could only be Kryptonian—it became all too clear why they were there.
Lena’s sense of purpose was renewed, however, when Kara walked right past a door labeled Alex without slowing. “Wait, that’s where we have to go,” she called out in realization. “We need to get to Alex, right? Right, Ka—Kara! Hey, where are you going?”
But Kara evidently wasn’t listening, her stride only cut short upon arriving at another door altogether. The door was plain and simple enough, except in that it was one of the very few without its own handle. The name Mon-El was etched into the dull gold, just barely catching in the light at eye level.
“They disappear sometimes,” Kara said. “The doorknobs, I mean. Well, the doors too, but there’s always another to replace them so… it’s hard to keep track.”
Lena tried her best to not acknowledge the predictable twinge of nausea that twisted in her stomach. “What’s in there?”
“When I could still open it, I’d just see his spaceship disappearing into the horizon.” Kara shrugged. “I’m sure there were other things too, but it’s been years.”
“… Kara, let’s get back to Alex’s door,” Lena said, clearing her throat, ridding herself of any lingering pangs of unjustified jealousy. “It still has a doorknob, so we can still get in there, right? That’s what that means?” But Kara was ignoring her. Again. “Are you even listening to me right now?”
“You say that to me a lot in here.”
And just as Lena was about to ask what the hell Kara possibly could mean by that, she noticed yet another door, just a bit farther down the hall, literally with her name on it.
“You can go in there, I think,” Kara continued, shrugging again. “There aren’t really any hard and fast rules here, but that might be the only door you can open without me.”
Lena, inevitably, took a pause.
Her door appeared more intricate the longer she studied it. The rich, glossy oak with accents of rose gold. The plumerias carved into the wood at every corner. A touch of cursive to her name, lovingly engraved across the polished nameplate. It had a delicate padlock that looked more decorative than practical, but Lena already knew that it would fall away for her, if she wanted.
Admittedly, it took a rather lengthy moment for Lena to successfully tear her eyes away from the door. “That’s not why I’m here.”
“Well, there isn’t much else I can give you besides that,” Kara said, promptly moving on, venturing deeper into the hallway that only opened up to more and more hallway with a seemingly inexhaustible supply of doors.
“Kara, stop…” Lena abandoned her door to chase after Kara again. “I’m serious,” she pleaded, seizing Kara by the elbow, tugging insistently. “Let’s go through the Alex door. We can go together.”
Kara shook her head, shaking her arm when Lena refused to loosen her grip. “Let go,” she snapped, eyes briefly flashing red, and Lena unfortunately flinched away from her. Huffing hard, Kara then pivoted away, slipping through the closest door and Lena slipped in right after her before it could swing shut.
The whole world was on fire.
Proud buildings coming down in flames. Air condensed into a thick black smoke. Everyone dying around her…
Coughing, Lena was immediately forced to press her sleeve to her mouth and nose. The door was nowhere to be seen. After a more thorough survey of her surroundings, she finally noticed a slumped figure in the relative distance. It was hard to make out anything in the light of the fading red that made up the sky, but who else could it be? Lena made her way over.
Thankfully, Kara wasn’t too far. She was just sitting atop a darkened precipice, arms around her knees as she watched the world die before her.
“This…. is Krypton,” Lena said as she realized. “Kara. You can’t stay here. This can’t be healthy…”
“And you, of course, would be the resident expert on keeping healthy habits,” Kara said, and her sarcasm didn’t even need a bitter tone to land.
And that about settled it.
Lena grabbed a piece of smoldering debris—still warm, somewhat spongey, surely not fatal—and lobbed it as hard as she could at the back of Kara’s head.
The projectile bounced off harmlessly enough, but Kara slowly turned around, eyes widened. “Ow…?” She pressed a hand gingerly to the back of her head, no doubt still tender from the blow. “What are you doing? The sun isn’t yellow here!”
“None of this is even real!” Lena snapped, and to prove it, she lifted a much larger piece of debris that normally would have buckled her with its mass. When she sent that hunk of rock sailing through the air, Kara finally demonstrated some life and dove out of the way.
“What the hell, Lena?” Kara said, some frustration and thus vigor breaking through the monotony. “What are you doing here? Why did you even come?”
“I want to see what’s behind Alex’s door!” Lena threw back, just as frustrated and then some. “What is this, Kara? Behind one door, you see your home planet imploding. Behind another, you see the man you loved leaving you forever. So, what the hell could possibly be happening in the one for your sister? Whose life, by the way, is still hanging in the balance, in case you forgot.”
Kara huffed, whirling away. “That’s none of your business.”
“You made it my business by fucking off to wherever this is,” Lena said, fighting to maintain eye contact as Kara tried repeatedly to turn her back on her. “You made it my business by making me come after you! So, just do me one fucking favor, and just tell me—”
“I kill her.”
Lena fell silent, blinking, the soundtrack to her sudden hesitation coming alive in the sounds of the world burning up around her.
“I kill her in there. Over and over and over again.” Kara’s words were falling out like she couldn’t stop them, an outpouring of shame and relief rolled into one. “She dies by my hand, only to die all over again, and again, and—”
“Okay, I get it,” Lena hastily cut in. “Well, no. I don’t get it, get it, but… what do you mean you kill her? How…?”
Kara covered her face with a sharp exhale. “Lots of ways! Heat vision. Super strength. Sometimes I’m just throwing her off a building. Other times, I’m choking the life out of her with my bare….” She broke off, voice drying up. “I don’t want to go in there, okay? Stop asking me.”
“Kara, this… this is ridiculous,” Lena eventually sputtered. “Alex isn’t dead. She’s hurt bad, yeah, but how could you possibly give up on her when—”
“Because it doesn’t matter,” Kara said flatly. “Because if not now, it’ll be some other time. She’ll die, and it’s going to be all my fault.”
“But what happened to her isn’t your fault.”
Kara sighed, heavily and exhausted, and suddenly she looked every bit the lonely woman who’d lost everything in a way only few people have. “Lena… Everything down here’s my fault.”
Her entire body sagged then, and she was back on the ground, curled up and watching the horizon again. So, Lena just walked over and sat next to her.
Everything was steadily plunging into darkness. There were more cracks ripping apart the earth than there were buildings, people, or even life in general. The fire climbed higher and everything was smothered in smoke, but all Lena had to do was consider taking a clean breath of air, and she could.
“What happens when it’s over?” Lena asked.
“Just starts up all over again.”
“Okay then.”
After a while, when the sky was too obscured to distinguish from the ground, Kara directed her gaze to her own feet. “… You ever think about what yours would look like?”
“My mind palace, you mean?” Lena asked, and Kara nodded. “Oh, I already know. Boxes.”
Kara exhaled a dry chuckle or two. “Boxes? That’s it?”
“Maybe some filing cabinets too. Just to keep everything organized,” Lena said, and she was mostly joking, but also not. “Boxes just always worked for me.”
“… Is there a box in there with my name on it?”
Lena blew out a breath, shakily laughing at the self-evidence of it all. “Of course there is, Kara.” Maybe even more than one, though they didn’t have to get into that now, or ever.  
“Do you want to know what happens behind your door?” Kara asked haltingly, gaze still dropped.
“Not at all. I’m sure whatever it is, I’ve imagined much worse on my own terms,” Lena said, and Kara kinda laughed again, but wouldn't disagree. “… You know what happened to Alex wasn’t your fault, right?”
“Might as well have been. Should’ve been there.”
“You can’t be everywhere at once, Kara. That can’t be expected of anyone, even Supergirl.” And when Kara gave no indication that she was listening, Lena continued with a sigh, “If Alex could be here, she’d say the same exact thing. Though I’m sure she’d include some Midvale lingo and much more swearing.”
“What’s Midvale lingo?”
“If I knew, I wouldn’t be above using it right now.”
Kara didn’t laugh this time, just nodded solemnly before asking, “How long have I been in here?”
“You’d been out for almost six hours when I made my way over.”
“Did Alex improve at all while I’ve been gone?”
“That’s not really a thing you can tell just by looking,” Lena said vaguely. She didn’t want to lie, but she also didn’t want to give Kara any reason to stay behind.
But Kara looked at her like she knew exactly what Lena was trying not to say. She’d always been so good at reading Lena, or maybe Lena had always been so bad at hiding things from Kara. Either way, if only it had been vice versa, maybe they’d be on better terms now.
“I don’t want to come back just to watch her die. I’ve already done that too many times in here.”
“If she does die, you’re going to regret not being there.”
The ground underneath them started to crumble and come apart, falling in on itself, and Kara watched it happen with disinterest while Lena just watched Kara. But eventually, finally, Kara seemed to come to a real decision because she carefully took Lena’s hand in hers, and Lena let her.
“… Thank you for coming,” Kara said quietly, barely audible over the world falling apart.
“Thank you for coming back.”
They watched the last of the world collapse around them, swallowing them up in a pitch darkness.
Lena jerked awake with a gasp in her corner of the room, but everyone was by Kara, clamoring around her, greeting her with words of worry and such. And Lena just nodded to herself because everything was back to being how it should.
She disengaged the electrodes and pulled the wires off her head, and Brainy appeared by her bedside to help her remove the last of it.
“You were successful,” he said. “I knew you would be. You had the best chances of getting her out of that state, though 67% of the people in this room did think differently. But thank you for bringing her back.”
“I didn’t do a thing,” Lena said honestly. She glanced down at her watch out of habit, and the numbers blurred and made little sense to her weary brain, but it was time to leave. That much was obvious. “It’s late. I should get going.”
“You don’t want to talk to Kara?”
Lena looked over, and just past Nia’s shoulder, she saw Kara staring right at her. “I think she has better things to do tonight,” she said, stepping into her heels, neatly pulling her hair into a tidy bun. “Please give our hero my best, and… keep me apprised of Alex’s condition as well.”
Pausing on her way out, Lena threw back one last glance. Kara was still staring at her. Her mouth was moving and answering questions as they were offered up by the people around her, but her eyes would only meet Lena’s from across the room. Kara half-raised her hand in a subtle gesture, and Lena took the wave for what it was and turned on her heel to leave, refusing to entertain the persistent itch to look back the entire time.
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filterjeons · 4 years
private show | jjk
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✦ pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
✦ summary: throughout your relationship, you never thought jungkook would ask a certain type of action from you. however, you take it into consideration...without the intention of him nearly catching you
✦ rating: M, not suitable for minors
✦ genre: smut
✦ word count: 7.4k
✦ warnings: dom!jungkook, sub!reader, tsundere!reader, rough & unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it!!), dirty talk, degradation bc im a whore for that, masterbation, voyeurism, oral (f receiving), fingering, orgasm denial
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Honestly, you didn’t know what you did in your past life to earn a man like Jungkook but you weren’t complaining one bit anyways. By just one look at you, people assumed you weren’t the type to have a boyfriend and you would spend the rest of your life alone. Luckily, you managed to prove them all wrong by being with someone who loved you for the way you were instead of your money. 
It was a blessing and a curse to be born into a rich family of doctors who expected you to be the heir of the family hospital. Despite having your future already planned for you, you fell in love with playing the violin after being introduced to it when you were young. The feeling of holding the violin against your jaw as the bow ran across the strings to produce a classical melody that you’ve familiarized yourself with throughout the years. 
You would much rather be at a violin recital in a beautiful dress playing one of Bach’s sonatas than being cooped up in your room studying biology. However, your parents didn’t feel the same way. 
When you were about 6, you ranked second at a competition against tons of kids who were in their later-preteens but that wasn’t enough to prove to your parents how much you loved music. They took it as a sign of failure because “it’s not being first” and always used that argument against you to emphasize on how you have to be at the top of your class. 
“Mommy! Guess what, I got second place! Second out of a bunch of bigger kids! I didn’t expect-” you squealed, kicking the back of the limo’s glass partition. Instead of candy, you were buzzing with excitement due to how well you placed in your county’s music recital. But what you didn’t know was that even a place close to first was never enough. “Why didn’t you get first?” 
As those words ran through your ears, you felt your blood run cold and the eyes that were dancing of excitement and joy started to dull. You clutched your certificate tightly, tears starting to swell up. 
“That’s because there was a sixth grader who was better than me and she was really good, she can play the piano-” “You see, if you can’t get first then you shouldn’t pursue a career in music. It’s too hard and competitive for you anyways. How about you focus on your studies, especially since you’re going to take over the hospital when you’re older.” 
Up until last year which was your freshman year of college, you obeyed them by devoting your time to studying and only treating music as just a hobby while you hide your feelings along the way. Now that you think about it, you barely had friends during high school since every break period, you were always alone in the music room and you were too stubborn to go up to people. The only reason why you would talk to someone is to work on a group project but it ended up being that you would do all of the work while they slack off. 
Everyday felt dull and uninteresting, especially since you’re being put in a fate that you don’t even want. But like some stupid cliche, it all changed ever since you met him. 
You didn’t even intend to meet him, hell you barely knew he existed. But the night of your chemistry midterm, the apartment next to you decided to have a party which most of the school is invited to and blast loud music that could be heard from the next town over. 
It couldn’t get any worse as you were already stressed from college and your parent’s crazy expectations and you were definitely not failing otherwise you’re dead meat. Normally, you would just try to sleep it out with earplugs but since you barely ate anything but coffee and granola bars and you were tired from the 24 hour studying, that was your last straw. So you did the thing a person would do in your situation: marching over to the party in your purple star-printed nightgown to give them a piece of your mind. 
Already at the door, you could feel people’s stares burn into you, due to why you came to the party when you didn’t bother interacting with people and why you were in your pajamas. Maybe people were going to talk about you on Instagram but you didn’t care, you just wanted to ensure that you have enough sleep so you could at least pass. 
Unfortunately for you, you must’ve looked extremely stupid because you were wandering around the same area like a drunk man. Random people did offer to get you a drink but you declined; after all it was a school night. Eventually you gave up trying to even bother talking after seeing the host, local frat boy Jackson Wang, surrounded by the rest of the partygoers in a beer pong game. 
Frustrated and exhausted, you hauled yourself up to a seemingly empty room and collapsed onto the bed. Not only did you enter a college party in your pajamas but you wasted precious time studying over something idiotic like this. With all of these negative emotions inside of you, screaming inside a pillow was the first thing that came into your mind. And unfortunately, someone had to be the witness of your near mental breakdown. 
“Woah, is everything okay?” a velvety voice chuckled, patting your back slightly. Well, another reason why your night is absolute shit. You turned your face up to chew off the mysterious person but for some reason, your voice was all caught up in your throat. 
He was different, different from all of the boys that ever interacted with you. Despite you being a complete loner, the guys in your high school tried to hook up with you but you were never interested. They stunk of axe and the only reason why they’re “popular” is because they were on a sports team. Besides, you were too busy in your academics to even think about dating. 
You couldn’t really see him but the guy who’s in the room with you looks better than every single guy in your high school combined: his long dark hair in a mini-ponytail contrasting with his cute bunny-like face. 
“Wh-who are you?” “Jeon Jungkook. I’m a member of the boxing team and my family owns a records shop downtown. What about you?” 
“I-i-” “Aren’t you Y/N, the smart girl who doesn’t talk to anybody and spends her time either studying or in the music room with her violin?” Thank god the room is dark because your face was burning up badly. Barely anyone knew you and if they did, they had bad things to say about you because you were so quiet and boring. However, what he said was a fact and you shouldn’t blame him for having an impression on you due to what other people said. It hurted nonetheless though, especially since he was a part of a sports team. 
“Yeah, that’s me. What do you want? If it’s homework answers, then fine!” you snapped, immediately standing up and walking away. You were absolutely done with this night, all you wanted to do is sleep so you have some sanity tomorrow. 
“You sure are feisty. It’s cute,” he said with a cocky grin stuck on his face. Oh, how you wanted to slap it off. 
“If you’re asking me out, I’m not interested!” you fought back. Although you were one step out of the door, something about him made you want to stay. Like you wanted to talk to him. 
“I didn’t say anything about that but if you want it that way-”
“No! I-I’m sorry for acting all rude, I’m just having a really bad night and I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone,” you mumbled, turning on the light. Oh how it was a bad idea..
Now that you could really see his face clearly, your heart felt like it was about to explode. He was dressed in a simple all-black T-shirt and jeans with combat boots to match. What really captivated you were the tattoos on his hand and up to his elbow, each symbol and design etched out beautifully which must’ve taken hours. 
Although you were at least wearing clothes, you felt exposed due to the stupid pajamas you have on. He somehow sensed your embarrassment and gave you a small smirk which made it ten times worse. 
“Well, do you want to explain why you were screaming in a pillow earlier?” Normal you definitely wouldn’t spill her feelings to a hot guy she just met five minutes ago but with him, you felt safe. Like for one night, all your worries and feelings are immediately gone and it’s just you and him. 
Was this the stupid shit they call “love at first sight”? 
“My midterm is tomorrow and I can’t sleep from all of the noise so I came here to yell at the host of the party. Jackson Wang, fuck you and your decision to host a party today,” you sighed, settling yourself next to him. You would expect him to immediately laugh and make fun of you since it was something a lot of people did to you whenever you cared about your grades. Instead, he looked at you with understandment and listened to what you had to say. 
“Honestly, I don’t even know why I went to this stupid party in the first place,” he replied, making you snort out a laugh. As you were trying to collect yourself from his statement, Jungkook’s mouth turned up into a small smile. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t expect that. Anyways, I guess I should get going since I have a big day ahead of me,” you smiled, feeling a small weight being lifted off of your shoulders. As you trudge out the door, Jungkook’s arm stops yours for a second. 
“Do you think I can have your phone number? Not for dating but you sound like a really cool person to be around and no offense but you seem lonely.” “Thanks for the compliment. But here you go,” you said sarcastically, scribbling down your phone number on a random piece of stationary in the drawer next to the bed. Maybe this is all a fever dream, maybe you’re hallucinating due to how little sleep you’ve gotten during midterm week. 
“I’ll see you soon…” he waved you goodbye as you gave a final look at the door. He was interesting but now isn’t the time to be distracted! You’re pretty sure that if you pinch yourself, you’ll be back in your dorm since this is just a dream? “Also, d-don’t take it the wrong way! It’s not like I like you or anything! I just wrote down my number because you asked nicely! We’re never going to date!” Not only did you pass your midterm but your last line to Jungkook in the stuffy college party would become your famous last words. 
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It’s been years since you and Jungkook met at that party and a lot has changed then. You started to grow feelings and date him a few weeks after your midterm, eventually making the relationship official in a month. After a few months into dating, he introduced his parents to you first. They were a sweet family with amazing home cooked meals which you were dying to recreate and luckily, they accepted you with open arms. 
However, him meeting your parents wasn’t that smooth. Now that you look back on that day, not only were you permanently deciding to be with the one that you love but it also felt like you were breaking free out of the shell that your parents trapped you in because you didn’t want to go down the path they set for you. 
You shook your head to yourself, not wanting to be reminded of the painful past. Now, you were a violinist playing in recitals and companies and Jungkook was running his parent’s record shop. You were happy and you didn’t care about what your stupid parents think. They can simply ask someone else to run the hospital and it’ll still be fine. 
As soon as the practice track ended, you turned off the metronome and packed your violin away. The apartment that you and Jungkook shared was average-sized, a notable difference from the mansion you used to live in but it was better. You were with the person you love and that’s all you could ever need. It may sound corny but a simple life with him was all you ever wanted. 
After you pack away your violin, you impatiently wait alongside the door for Jungkook to get home. Right now, he has boxing practice for a match next week and he wanted to stay with his teammate Taehyung to be the best that he can but he’s stopping by for a day. You’re not into boxing but like the good girlfriend you were, you attend most of his matches (some conflicted with your performances) and cheer him on. 
Although you miss having him by your side, you’re also aware of how much boxing means to him as it was a break from the hectic life of owning a music store. Another positive in your new life was the amount of music there was, a good break from the science and math that filled your childhood. 
You heard some jiggling among the door locks and surely enough, Jungkook’s handsome face was in your view. He was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and some blue jeans, a very simple outfit after spending most of his time at the boxing gym. 
“Hey baby,” he cooed, giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead. 
“Hi. I’m so happy you’re back, I was starting to worry that you forgot about me,” you joked, carrying his boxing bag to your shared bedroom with him tagging behind. 
“You know I would never forget about you,” he muttered, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing the back of your neck. Instead of wriggling away like you normally do, you allow yourself to relish in his affection since he wasn’t a person who did it often. 
“I missed you..” you mumbled, turning around and kissing him. He returned the kiss more passionately, slipping his tongue inside your mouth. The sudden action made you forget about everything, focusing only on him. Unfortunately, with your senses locked on him, it caused you to fall onto the bed, your head nearly hanging off of the edge. Jungkook used your weakness to have more control over the kiss and you, carefully grabbing the back of your head to deepen the kiss. Even though he always controls kissing you, his lips are also full of love and longing due to him being gone for too long. 
“God I missed this,” he mumbled, breaking away to remove the buttons of your blouse and kissing the side of your neck. You whined from his touch, feeling a bit embarrassed due to how much time it’s been since the two of you were together. 
“What is it baby girl, are you nervous? Come on, we’ve known each other for years and I know you can take anything I give you.” It was true of course but for some reason, it felt like the first time you had sex with him. 
After your shirt has been taken off, you unconsciously cover your chest with your arms. You didn’t know why you’re acting so self-conscious, especially since you’ve been a challenger to him in bed. 
“Hey, are you okay? We can stop if you don’t want to-” Jungkook asked softly, reaching over to take your hand. 
What’s there to be nervous about? It’s just Jungkook and like he said, you’ve known him for too long. Besides, don’t you have too much pride to act this way? You swallowed the lump in your throat and looked back at him with a seductive smile. 
“You were taking too long to take off my shirt. How boring,” you said coyly, tapping his nose playfully. He returned your gaze, his eyes darkened with lust and desire. 
“Well then baby girl, how about you take off the rest of your clothes since you seem like you want to do it,” he muttered, sitting up with his attention completely on your chest. One thing you were infamous in your relationship for is being a brat, a mix of you being submissive but not backing down completely. Even though you liked being a good girl sometimes, the rest is just you on the receiving end. After all, you won’t back down to a challenge, nonetheless if your challenger’s your significant other. 
If a person only based off of what they saw, they would think that you were the one taking absolute control due to the aura you give off and your harsh personality. However, at least between you and him since you were one to keep your private life a secret, he is the one with the reins and you were completely fine with it. 
You unclipped your bra, throwing it at some random place in the room and revealed your exposed breasts. He ogled at your body up and down, his familiar lustful gaze running through his eyes. 
“Hey, what are you staring at?” you barked, slowly starting to feel awkward. Unlike you, Jungkook had no shame when it came to your bedroom activities and there were times when he would just stare at you while you’re completely bare. How embarrassing...but it’s no big deal. 
“Watch your mouth you little brat. Do I have to punish you on my day back?” he said darkly, his tone immediately making the back of your hairs stand up. Your face softened, heat forming in your cheeks as you twirled a random piece of your hair, a random habit that you’ve done since elementary school.
“I-I’m sorry.” “Sorry what, baby girl? You’re smarter than that.” “Sorry..sir.” After that word was uttered in your soft and obedient tone, Jungkook could feel his dick growing harder by the second. Hearing you give up all of your confidence and letting him control you never failed to turn him on. 
“Now take off the rest of your clothes, sweetie. Or are you going to continue being a dumb little girl and keep playing with me,” he growled softly, leaning back on the bed frame. You felt like acting up some more but he truly was scary when he’s upset and you didn’t want to make his visit back bad because of your behavior so you simply did what he said. Even though you wouldn’t admit it to the world, you also love obeying Jungkook. 
You quickly unzippered your jeans, pulling them off along with your panties and kicking them out of the bed. The warmth from the clothes were immediately replaced by the chilly air from the air conditioner, your nipples standing up and goosebumps filling your body. It was humiliating, especially since Jungkook can see you so clearly. 
“My precious sweetheart,” he cooed, leaning over you and you could feel his hardened member alongside the roughness of his jeans as he slowly grinded into you. 
“Ahh…” You didn’t know what to say, except you knew you wanted more. Jungkook’s mouth was latched onto your nipples, sucking them harshly while his other hand was massaging and flicking on them repeatedly. You felt your eyes roll back to your head and your pussy dampening, even though he wasn’t doing anything yet. 
“You like this baby?” he asked gruffly, tugging on your nipple teasingly as it sends sparks of pleasure inside you. You only let out a whine in response as he broke apart from your chest and slowly made his way down your body. 
All of a sudden, he inserted one of his long fingers inside of your core, sending vibrations throughout your body. You squealed from the intrusion as your body tried to familiarize itself with his finger, your walls clenching around his digit. 
“Damn, have you gotten tighter since last time?” He started to thrust his finger in and out of you at a moderate pace, trying to get you used to the feeling. As if one isn’t enough for you, he suddenly inserted a second one to stretch you out. 
Your mind was a haze, not paying attention to anything that was happening around you and focusing on the pleasure that Jungkook was giving you. His fingers attempted to reach the spongy section of your g-spot, the place that absolutely had you in hysterics. Surely enough, his fingertips grazed over it and you could nearly come undone at any second. 
While he added an additional finger and completely filled you up, you could feel his smooth tongue on your clit, flicking and sucking on it feverishly. High-pitched moans and mewls were coming out of your mouth embarrassingly as you tugged on Jungkook’s long locks in order to steady yourself of the pleasure. 
You could feel him curl his fingers and touch your g-spot, sending sparks within you. At this point, you were barely in a stable mindset due to how good he was making you feel. You felt a knot building up in your stomach, your orgasm coming close to you. 
“Are you gonna cum now baby girl? Do you want to cum for Sir? Yeah, I know you do, I could feel it coming,” he said tauntingly, his fingers and tongue abusing your cunt and the vibrations among it made the sensation feel even better. 
“Y-yeah, I’m gonna-” you whimpered pathetically but to your dismay, he completely stopped by sliding his fingers out and removing his face. With your release dismissed like it was nothing, you felt annoyance build up on you as your body shook from the denial. 
“What the hell? Why did you stop?” you groaned, your eyes shooting sharp daggers at Jungkook. If looks could kill, he would surely be dead within two seconds. But all that’s on his face were your liquids and a cocky smirk that you want to wipe off instantly. 
“Because I want you to cum on my dick first. It’s been so long since I’ve been inside you, y’know?” he said casually, pulling off his shirt like it was nothing and revealing his impressive 6-pack. One thing that you were always in awe of was his figure. Jungkook was a really athletic person, always finding time out of his day to work out and maintain his muscular body. You didn’t mind if he didn’t have abs but it neutralized his cute face that could easily kill anyone. 
“It’s been a while, yeah? You ready kitten?” Jungkook kicked off his jeans and his boxer that covers his massive bulge was immediately in your vision. You could feel your thighs rubbing together as you were craving him inside you. 
“You’re calling me kitten now?” you mumbled shyly as he sat on the edge of the bed, palming his hardened member. 
“Yeah because you’re my cute kitty, aren’t you? Do you want to take off my boxers for me?” he smirked, knowing how excited you are to see him like this again. Like there was no tomorrow, you yanked it off impatiently and his dick sprang out, hitting his abs before standing up instantly. 
“You’re excited, aren’t you? Don’t deny it,” Jungkook teased, stroking his member teasingly before setting you down on your back and hovering above you. 
“I want it,” you mumbled impatiently, getting excited with the thought of him fucking you until you can’t walk again. He chuckled at your reaction, slowly slipping himself inside you. You shrieked from the sudden movement and tried to make yourself comfortable even though this wasn’t new to you. 
“Alright baby, let’s go,” he said gruffly, slowly pulling out and slamming it back inside within the next five seconds. You let out a scream as he picked up the pace into the all-too familiar rough and fast one. 
“Damn, you’ve gotten way tighter since the last time I’ve fucked your brains out. Feels so good for Sir,” he groaned, his dick completely filling you warm and deep to the point where it could nearly reach your guts. “Does my baby like that? Like getting dicked down where I can feel her in your stomach?” “Ahh, oh my god!” You could only moan and whine in response, pathetic noises coming out of your mouth as Jungkook’s dick hit every surface of your pussy. His veins already made it even more pleasurable and you could feel the tip grazing upon your g-spot, making you even more sensitive. 
It hasn’t been long but embarrassingly, you could feel your orgasm arrive once again due to how good his dick was thrusting into you. As he continued to drill your abused cunt, you could feel your legs tremble at the sensitive feeling and the impending sensation of your orgasm starting to grow in your core. 
“S-sir, oh my god-” you mewled as Jungkook used his force to flip you on your stomach, your face covered in the pillows. You couldn’t feel him inside you for a second but suddenly, he slammed inside you with no remorse and continued fucking you at that fast pace. 
Your cunt throbs as you prepare yourself to cum all over his dick. Jungkook could sense it too by the way your walls started to tighten around him, making it even more pleasurable than the last time you two had sex due to how tight you were. You were praying that he doesn’t deny your orgasm again but there were times where he was that cruel. But you’ve behaved enough to not warrant that type of treatment. 
“Is my baby gonna cum now? Go on, come for me, I want to see you come undone on my dick,” he chanted lowly, his pace fastening due to his orgasm coming in soon. Like his words set off a reaction inside you, you screamed out his name and squirted on his dick and stomach. Using that as fuel to keep going, Jungkook thrusts even faster than before to catch his own high as you try to calm yourself down from your own orgasm. 
“Ahh, Jungkook-” you whined from the sensitivity but you kept holding on so he could cum too. The way his sweat dripped off of his forehead and complimenting with his dark locks nearly made you want to cum again. 
“Fuck, I’m cumming, oh shit,” he moaned out, his thrusts slowing down and surely enough, you could feel his dick spurt out his seed inside you. He started to pull out and stroke himself, spurts of his cum filling up your pussy to not waste a drop. 
You and him started to breathe heavily from the intense fuck as you gingerly pulled up the sheets to cover your body. It’s not like you were embarrassed of him seeing your body, it was a habit you did after you have sex with him.
“Did you miss me?” he smiled, lying down next to you and covering an arm around your waist. You nodded, snuggling up next to him on the neck of his crook. There weren't any words spoken from the both of you for a while, instead you were just enjoying the presence of him next to you because after today, he’ll be gone again. 
If you had it your way, you didn’t want him to go but he really wanted to participate in his boxing match and what kind of girlfriend were you if you didn’t support him? Still, you loved every moment with him and he was the one thing you absolutely loved in your life. 
After a moment of silence, Jungkook broke the silence by facing towards you with seriousness in his eyes. You were worried that something may have happened, so you braced yourself with the worst that could happen. But surprisingly, his words were a bigger shock than any other disaster you could think of. 
“Y/N, do you mind if I ask something of you? I hope you don’t find it uncomfortable or invasive.” “Sure, what is it?” You should’ve known from the cheeky smirk he gave you that he was going to request this type of stuff. 
“I want to see you touch yourself. I think you’ll look so hot fucking yourself with your fingers while all I’m doing is just watching you.” “What the hell?!” 
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You were lying if you said you didn’t think about it a lot, especially since Jungkook left the house today this afternoon. Now that he wasn’t there, the apartment felt lonely again and you automatically missed him. 
However, the thought of him also brings you back to the conversation you had after you two had sex after a while. 
“You’ve never touched yourself? I figured that something like that would come easy to you!” “Well- you know I have dignity right! It’s already embarrassing enough that I’m your submissive!” 
“You’re right, it’s already hot seeing you act all whiny and needy for my touch.” “Shut up! Stop making fun of me!”
You shook your head, trying to get rid of Jungkook’s words. With the intent to clean your room to take some stuff out of your mind, you walked to the shared bedroom and started to rearrange random knick-knacks that were placed in peculiar locations. 
While you were wandering around, your eye caught sight of a black duffel bag that was in a hidden corner of your bed. With curiosity, you approached it to check to see what was inside. It was heavy and filled with boxing gloves and other equipment, meaning that it was Jungkook’s. 
He must’ve forgotten it when he left today, you mused, holding the glove to your chest. A normal person would immediately contact him and give it back but it was like a living piece of him, having its name and scent. You can’t believe you already miss him that much to hold onto his boxing gloves for some comfort. How pathetic. 
The smell of him already reminded you of yesterday, when he touched you and made you feel so good. You groaned to yourself as you feel your panties dampening just from the thought of Jungkook giving you pleasure. 
“Y’know what, it wouldn’t hurt to try, right? Alright Jungkook, I’ll do it,” you muttered to yourself as you slowly grazed your fingers to your lower region. You could already feel the slick coming out of your panties, signalling how wet you were. 
You were a smart person but frankly, you were confused on how to touch yourself especially since this was your first time. Memories of the way Jungkook inserted and thrusted his fingers inside you flashed through your mind, giving you an idea on how to start. 
You slide your panties off to your ankles and slowly insert your index finger inside of your core, letting yourself get familiar to your own fingers inside of you. It sure felt different than when Jungkook did it, it wasn’t enough to completely make you feel undone. You pumped another finger inside, giving you something inside at least but it was no better than Jungkook’s touch.
“Ahh, Jungkook,” you moaned softly, flicking your own clit with your fingers which makes the pleasure at least a bit better. You would rather have him with you but it was enough to fill up a small part of his absence. Remembering every time he fucked you harshly was enough to quicken your pace with your fingers, your walls clenching around them and your orgasm closely approaching. 
Your other hand groped your breasts, flicking your nipple and massaging them while the other was thrusting in and out of your needy cunt. You were completely in your own euphoria, the world completely fading away from you. Unfortunately for you, that euphoria is only short-lived. 
An annoying sound ran throughout your room, the culprit being your cell phone. You groaned with disappointment as you attempted to pry your fingers out of your pussy and your orgasm fading away with every time the ringtone chimed. 
With your slick-covered hands, you read the text and your blood started to run cold from the words that were displayed on the screen. 
[Jungkook ♡]
- Hi babe, I’m coming home bc I forgot my boxing bag.
- Sorry that this was sudden
- Actually, I’m outside the apartment rn
You’re fucked. Absolutely fucked. But lucky, you still had a minute to spare to make it seem like you weren’t doing anything. You put his boxing glove back in the bag and wobbled downstairs to the front door. The door locks started to jingle and you immediately opened them just for him to take his bag and go. You love him with all of your heart but now’s not the time to chat with him. 
“Hey Y/N, do you have my bag?” he asked across from you, looking as good as ever. You forced a smile and shoved his bag in front of your face.
“Yeah, it’s this one right? So, here it is so you can get going now! Goodbye!” you grinned, sweat dripping down your face. 
Jungkook looked puzzled on why you were acting that way but decided to go along with it. “O-okay, thanks.” 
“Of course! Now, you should get going now! Your boxing rehearsal isn’t going to wait forever, is it?” you chuckled, trying to push him out of the door but he didn’t budge. After taking a quick glance at you (more specifically your legs and the amount of slick dripping down), he decided to stay. 
“Woah, woah, there’s something going on. Let me in,” he said stubbornly, pushing against you to get inside the apartment.  
“What are you talking about? There’s literally nothing going on! You should go back to the boxing place!” you argued but he wouldn’t listen. Jungkook grabbed your hand and pulled you upstairs into the bedroom and set you down, looking straight into your eyes. You immediately blushed as his eyes held such confusion and hunger inside. 
“Don’t lie to me, only bad girls lie. So tell me baby, what exactly is going on?”
Surely he didn’t know right? You still have some time to lie because there’s no way he knows. 
“I was taking a nap before you texted me.” 
“Without your panties on and a shit ton of slick dripping down your thighs?” he asked with confusion, pulling up your skirt and revealing your soaking pussy, throbbing due to the atmosphere. At this point, you were absolutely stuck in a corner as Jungkook stared at the way you’re completely aroused. 
“Ahh, um..” “Are you cheating on me, Y/N?” His eyes were now full of sadness and hurt and you could immediately feel your heart start to break. 
“N-no! Of course not! I would never cheat on you, you’re the one who I love! It’s just because..” you tried to get the idea out of his head, holding his hands tightly. Jungkook’s face brightened up a bit before being replaced with suspicion.
“So, what’s up? What were you doing while I left?” There was absolutely no talking yourself out of this because Jungkook would find out either way at this point. But at least it’s better than making up a stupid lie, right? “I..um..remember how you said you wanted to see me touch myself yesterday?” “Of course.” “Well...I was doing that..” you mumbled with embarrassment, avoiding his eye contact. Jungkook’s ears picked up what you said and his face lit up with excitement and desire. 
“Say that again for me?” he smirked, loving how soft and shy you were now.   
“I..was touching myself while I was thinking of you,” you said a bit loudly but it was still so embarrassing. You had no idea why he was all so happy right now but it made you happy nonetheless.
“Do you think you can show me?” he grinned, staring up into your eyes. 
“What?! N-no! It’s private right? You see, it’s private for a reason! Now you got your bag and figured out why I was acting weird so you can go now!” you snapped, heat automatically filling up your body. 
“It’s okay, I can skip practice today. This is important, why didn’t you tell me?” “It’s not something I should tell you.” “Anyways, you’ve been a bad girl today. Touching yourself while thinking of me, you’re so naughty. So your punishment is to reenact what you did before I came back and I’m not leaving until I see you touch yourself. But don’t worry, if you need help then I’m always here,” Jungkook purred, his dominant persona on. You gulped down a lump down your throat but you weren’t ready to back down to him yet. 
“No I’m not! I’m not giving up my dignity just yet!” “Come on, little girl. I know you were fucking yourself like a little whore while you were gone. Did your tiny little fingers fill you up completely, better than my cock? I know you didn’t because even though you’re a whore, you’re still such a slut for my dick.” His dirty words made you even more turned on than normal with even more slick running down your thighs. You knew it was better to obey, especially since he’s talking like this. With that being said, you scooted yourself with the back of your head hitting the bed frame. After a minute of hesitation, you lifted up your skirt which revealed your whole pussy to him. Jungkook stared intently, noticing every little twitch that it made as it’s longing for something to be inside it and how wet it has become. His lips were curled into a smirk as your fingers started to graze over your folds. 
Taking a deep breath, you inserted two of your fingers to aid the throbbing in your core. It felt  different than when you did it before, maybe due to Jungkook staring at every little movement you made.
Despite your initial refusal, having him watch over you turned you on even more and the throbbing only continued to get worse after you slowly started to move your fingers. You didn’t know how much it turned you and him on, judging from his erection in his pants. 
“Ahh, oh my god,” you moaned, adding an additional finger and groping your boobs with your other hand.
Jungkook’s mouth was in shock, shocked at how you can look so sexy touching yourself even though it was your first time. His dick was begging to be released in his now tight sweatpants but just watching you like this was more than enough.
He’s never admitted it directly to you but surprisingly, he’s such a voyeur and seeing you wrecked with only your fingers or even a toy could make him cum as hard as him actually fucking you.
“J-Jungkook, please…” you mewled, rocking your hips against your small hands in an attempt to hit your g-spot, where only your boyfriend knows. 
By now, you’ve inserted your whole hand inside of your core and it still wasn’t as satisfying as Jungkook’s long fingers inside you. You should’ve been embarrassed that his vision was at you masterbating but frankly, you didn’t care anymore.
“Shit baby girl, just like that, fucking ruin yourself,” he grunted, slightly stroking his hardened member through his sweatpants. 
“I want your mouth on me,” you cried, slowly starting to feel the same ecstatic feeling of your release. The way his eyes were set on you alone brings you closer to your high as you’re practically grinding on your hand. 
Luckily, Jungkook heard your wish and immediately brought his face down to your core, taking your fingers out and licking your clit like there was no tomorrow. His face was completely buried with the goal of eating you out and getting your cum out of you. It wasn’t a thought that ever crossed your mind but you never realized how much better Jungkook made you feel and how the throbbing seemed to go away after he was with you. His face was absolutely covered in your juices and adding to his warm mouth were his long fingers. 
“You like that don’t you, you slutty little girl?” he hummed, the vibrations of his mouth making you even more closer to the edge. You gripped onto his arm tightly, your fingernails dragging along his muscles due to how much he was giving you. 
You felt his fingers curl against you, hitting your g-spot and bringing you closer to your climax. It felt too good and you were craving to be ruined by him. Jungkook stared at the way you were shoving his hand amongst your tight little cunt, grinding on it as you try to reach your high and the squelching sounds it made. 
Within seconds, you were close to your orgasm and you were trying to chase after it feverishly. His tongue and his fingers were too much for you, even though you received them last night. They made you feel so satisfied and full, always filling you up to the edge and the way he was hitting every spot nearly made you cream all over his fingers. 
Unfortunately for you, he immediately pulled his fingers and mouth away, completely denying you of releasing. The hot feeling and intensity disappeared instantly and was replaced by the familiar throbbing as you let out a groan of disappointment. This was the second time you’ve lost your orgasm and you just wanted to release on him once more. 
“Why did you stop? I was going to-” you growled, your face heating up due to the increased temperature inside. 
“You’re not going to cum when I’m away. Is that a rule you can follow?” he said sharply, licking every remain of your juices off his face and wiping the excess with a tissue. 
“W-why?” “Instead, I want you to send me a video touching yourself but not cumming until my match. Is that an order my little girl can do?” 
You absolutely hated the fact that you won’t be releasing for a while but you didn’t want to get him mad. All you can do is just accept your fate and nod. 
“There you go, don’t worry, I’m going to make you feel so good once I win,” he grinned, kissing you passionately. You could immediately taste yourself on his lips and felt his hardened member upon you. There were more things that the two of you would’ve done but he wouldn’t allow that to happen. 
“Well then, I’ll be off. You’ll behave, right?” he parted cheerily, grabbing his bag and leaving the apartment like he didn’t just completely ate you out and denied your orgasm for the second time. As you heard the door lock, you’re left with your skirt drenched from your juices and the aching feeling between your legs. 
Oh the things that Jungkook does to you. But what would happen if you gave him a little surprise during his boxing match. Surely, you weren’t that submissive and besides, it would be fun to tease him..
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“You did great man!” Taehyung cheered, high-fiving Jungkook as soon as his match ended. He shared the same with a bunny-like smile and went inside the locker room to clean up to see you. Not only did he win but he’s going to be staying with you for a while now. 
With a bright spirit, he unlocked his locker and opened his phone to a text message from you. There was an attachment with a seemingly innocent message but once he opened the video, it only fueled his desire. 
[Y/N ♡]
- I miss you so much 
Inside of the video was you fucking yourself with your fingers, high-pitched and incoherent whimpers coming out of you and from the looks of it, it was like you’re about to reach your climax. 
Within the last few seconds, it cuts to you creaming all over the bed and licking your juices off of your fingers seductively with a cute wink at the end. All of that just to rile and tease him. 
Shit, the things that this girl does to me, Jungkook sighs, feeling his member starting to grow inside of his pants again. They were simple instructions yet you can’t obey properly. Maybe it was due to you being a brat and wanting to be put in your place again. 
Well, if there’s one thing that you and Jungkook know, is that you’ll certainly not walk the next day.
a/n: honestly, i’m not too proud of this but i hope you liked it regardless! let me know what you think and have a great day <3
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Four Seasons
Summary: Jaskier is the god of winter and he gets invited to the four seasons ball. A formal celebration held by the the gods. This is finally the moment that Geralt realises just what Jaskier the bard really is.
Rated: T
Length 1.8k
CW: Jaskier wears a dress, brief mention of gods being genderfluid
Based of this art by @little-piece-of-tamlin. Another @thewitcherbog special!
As far as Geralt was aware, Jaskier was just a normal, very human bard. Jaskier had never said as such but people made assumptions, and he was happy to let people go about their day and think whatever made them most comfortable. Most people would be uncomfortable in the presence of a god, or they'd bow down, grovel at his feet, which whilst fun for a short period of time, got horrendously dull very quickly. He was a free spirit, especially during the summer months. Winter was a busier affair but Geralt was always tucked away in Kaer Morhen so never noticed Jaskier’s more immortal side during the coldest time of the year.
Geralt was about to get the shock of his lifetime.
It wasn’t as if Jaskier had planned it but the invitation had come in from Priscilla in the spring and he couldn’t just ignore it. The Four Seasons ball only happened once a century and it had completely slipped Jaskier’s mind, but he wouldn’t just abandon Geralt. The poor witcher might have thought he was dead if he hadn’t turned up at their unofficially agreed meeting place. So Geralt would just have to join Jaskier for the ball, and after that there would be no hiding. He was a guest of honour and gods and mortals alike would bask in the magic of the changing seasons. Most mortals wouldn’t remember the ball afterwards, the magic too powerful for their tiny little brains to comprehend, but those blessed by a god’s favour could remember.
And of course, Jaskier had blessed Geralt. One could not hold a god’s heart and not be blessed.
“You’re quiet,” Geralt grumbled as they made their way up to the rooms Jaskier had secured for them.
“I received an invitation to a party. I was hoping that you might come with me,” Jaskier stammered, feeling the frost creeping through his veins as it always did when his emotions started to get the better of him. He could melt snow and ice with a simple smile, but when he got anxious, things started to get a little frosty. The air temperature outside the tavern had dropped considerably since they’d arrived, but he doubted anyone had really noticed. It was late in the day and the change could be blamed on the setting of the sun.
“Already? Whose partner did you bed this time, bard?”
“Oh haha, very funny!” Jaskier scoffed, ignoring the frost glistening on the windows of their room when they stepped inside. Deep down he knew he needed to get a grip. Pris would be pissed off if he ruined her spring thaw with his own emotions, his poor sister would have to work even harder to counteract the effects of his magic, but it was always more difficult to rein in his magic in the spring. It was still strong from the winter months, and there was an adjustment period.
Even still, the snowfall last summer after the blasted dragon hunt had all three of his siblings up in arms against him. Valdo had to trigger autumn early and the whole harvest had been a mess.
He really should just tell Geralt he loved him and deal with the consequences, but… well… it had been a long time since he had loved like this and he still nursed the heartbreak.
“Jaskier?” Geralt said, snapping him from his thoughts. “What’s wrong?”
He blinked, focussing back into the room. He meant to say “nothing” or something along those lines. Something harmless and easy.
What fell from his lips was another thing entirely.
“I love you, oh bollocks!” Jaskier blurted, clapping a hand over his mouth.
“What the fuck?”
“I’m sorry!”
“No, I mean… Jaskier,” Geralt gestured to the room, there was a snow flurry above them and the windows were completely iced over. He desperately tried to think happy thoughts, the warm golden glow of Geralt’s eyes. The soft growl of his voice whenever Jaskier did something stupid that would get any mortal killed. Even if Geralt never loved him back, the thought of his witcher was enough to soothe his panic. With one last deep breath and a flick of his wrist, the snow was gone, “What the fuck?”
“Oh fuck, Pris is going to kill me,” Jaskier whined. “I- umm…”
Geralt pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, one hand was holding his medallion and he just looked… well, done? Shit. Fucking cock balls.
“Explain, bard.”
“I love you? Quite hopelessly, I’m afraid,” Jaskier smiled sheepishly, his tongue flicking out to flick his lips, a nervous habit that he’d never quite overcome. “But!” he announced with false bravado, “that’s neither here nor there, it’ll pass. No need to worry about me, witcher.”
“And the snow?”
“Oooh yeah that.”
“Yeah, that.”
“Well, there’s a chance that I might be a god, hypothetically speaking of course. I’ve always favoured the winter months,” Jaskier admitted, flexing his fingers and pulling at his lute strap.
“You hate winter,” Geralt growled, still painfully ignoring Jaskier’s love confession but that was fine. “You always spend the winter in that cushy academy of yours.”
“Not strictly true,” Jaskier sighed, “but are you coming to my ball or not, witcher? My sister has invited us both, apparently I don’t shut up about you, probably part of the being in love thing.”
“No, you just don’t shut up.”
“Rude! Fine, be that way, Geralt. I’ll go alone,” Jaskier huffed, pouting with his whole body in a way that he knew Geralt always fell for. “It’s a shame, I had a perfect outfit planned. Gods don’t play by your rules of gender, and oh you should see me in a dress, I look absolutely divine, quite literally in fact.”
“If I come with you, will you be quiet?” Geralt sighed.
“Now, now, we both know I can’t promise that.”
Geralt groaned before slumping onto the bed, the only bed, and it took Jaskier another half an hour to get Geralt ready for the ball. It helped that he could use his magic now that Geralt knew, but the witcher still fought Jaskier on the pale blue doublet that would match Jaskier’s dress perfectly. No man, mortal or otherwise, could fight Jaskier’s eye for fashion and eventually Geralt gave in. It helped when Jaskier reminded the witcher there would be no need for armour in the presence of gods, there was no monster they couldn’t best, and so reluctantly Geralt left his worn out witcher armour on the bed, and let Jaskier dress him.
“Did you mean it?” Geralt muttered.
“Mean what?” Jaskier asked, cocking his head as his magic weaved through the fabric, subtly marking the witcher as his, no other god could claim Geralt if Jaskier already had, and he just didn’t trust his brother, not after the Countess de Stael.
“You love me?”
“With all my heart and soul, darling,” Jaskier admitted softly, his fingers freezing on the collar of Geralt’s doublet, now printed with buttercups. If one were to look closely they would see the tiny little snowflakes that made up the design, “but I- I understand if you don’t feel the same. I didn’t- I didn’t mean to tell you.”
“Is that alright, Geralt?”
“Yes. I- shit,” the witcher growled, “It’s not easy for me, witcher don’t-”
“Oh fuck off,” Jaskier snapped. “ Don’t you fucking dare, Geralt. Witchers don’t feel. Whatever whoreson told you that-”
“I know. I know, but you got hurt, because of me, and seeing you lying there in Yennefer’s bed. I thought I’d lost you,” Geralt snapped, his golden eyes burning with fire.
“And that was the day I lost you… to her,” Jaskier sighed, “I was never in real harm. The djinn magic just hurt this body, and I’m rather fond of this one, but I would have survived.”
“You didn’t lose me, Jaskier. Yennefer, she’s, she’s less fragile, and the wish, my wish,” Geralt shook his head.
“Ah yes, you bound yourself to her, my poor aunt, you call her Destiny, was not impressed with that one, but never mind, dear heart, your destiny is set now,” Jaskier pressed a kiss to Geralt’s cheek. “Of course, I could undo it. Djinn’s magic has nothing on mine, but the bond between you and Yennefer means nothing. It is a tie, not a love potion. I know you love her, Geralt.”
“I love you, Jaskier,” Geralt said all too quickly, and Jaskier froze, his heart racing in his chest and the world spinning around him in a blur. “It was easier to pretend that I didn’t.”
“Oh fuck,” Jaskier cried out, whisps of frost dancing through the air around them. “You- you love me?”
“Yes, Jaskier,” Geralt repeated, rolling his eyes and shooting Jaskier a fond smile. “I love you.”
Jaskier beamed, and with a flick of his wrist his doublet and breeches melted away into a beautiful icy blue gown. The fabric was cold against his skin, a mesh of snowflakes so thin that the pale blue fabric was sheer. He left his arms free of sleeves, and winked as he saw Geralt’s eyes go wide as he took in the muscles that Jaskier usually hid under his clothes. He thought about taking on a more traditionally female form to fill out the cleavage in the dress, but he rather liked the way Geralt was looking at him with a dark hunger in his eyes. As he stepped forwards his boots shifted into elegant high heels, a dark navy blue with thin straps around his ankles.
“Jask,” Geralt breathed, “You look…”
Jaskier winked at his witcher, cupping his cheek with his hand. “There, now we match.”
“You’re taller than me.”
With a giggle, Jaskier nodded, looking down at Geralt for the first time in their acquaintance. They’d always been similar in height, but Jaskier’s shoes gave him the edge now. “Well, you are my guest for the evening, and no mortal should rise above their immortal, it goes against court etiquette.”
The witcher scoffed, “When have you ever given a shit about etiquette?”
“Human etiquette, witcher, not the gods’. This is different. This is my home, now come on, Pris will kill me if I’m late again.” Jaskier scooped up his lute, and took Geralt’s hand in his. “Are you ready?”
“Hold on tight, darling,” Jaskier grinned.
“Wait, fuck, Jaskier! Not a portal!”
But the witcher’s protests were swallowed up in a flurry of snow as they were transported to the realm of the gods. An echo of Jaskier’s musical laugh hung in the air as the snow settled on the ground as the witcher and his bard set off on their latest adventure.
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timelesslords · 3 years
Girl’s Night
Read on AO3
In which Annabeth has a little too much wine at Girl's Night and feels very guilty about it. Thankfully, Percy doesn't mind taking her home.
Annabeth Chase was very good at holding her alcohol.
In all honesty it was mostly because she didn’t drink that much to begin with. Being drunk had never been all that appealing to her— years of being on edge for the next fight made it difficult for her to intentionally dull her senses, and she never liked how foggy it made her brain either. Living in New Rome for the past few years hadn’t completely squashed those instincts, despite its top of the line anti-monster security.
But still. Annabeth could keep it together pretty well, when she chose to indulge. She’d gone to a few wild parties earlier in college, mostly at Piper’s behest, and she didn’t mind having a few glasses of wine every once in a while.
Girl’s Night was every once in a while. Every first Friday of the month, if you wanted to be exact about it. In all honesty the practice was probably a bit dumb and middle aged for a bunch of people (and, okay, ‘a bunch of people’ was generous- it was really only Piper, Annabeth and Hazel) in their early twenties, but Annabeth didn’t care. It was hard to keep up with people these days, and Annabeth appreciated the emphasis on female camaraderie and friendship.
Plus, Piper had really stellar taste in wine.
Tonight’s had been especially good, and after a long and stupidly stressful week at school (Annabeth wished she could emulate Percy’s senioritis, but unfortunately the Architecture program only got harder as it went on, not easier) Annabeth found herself a little extra appreciative of the relaxing effects of alcohol.
It seemed like all of them had had a tough week, because they were all buzzed pretty fast. Piper was even happy to deliver the latest Hollywood gossip, courtesy of her dad, and Hazel was telling them a story about a probie getting stuck in the unicorn stables that made Annabeth laugh so hard she was practically sobbing. Piper and Hazel were not much better; Piper had completely fallen off the couch from cracking up so hard, and Hazel could barely get a word in edgewise before she completely dissolved into giggles again.
It was then that Annabeth caught a glance of the two completely empty bottles of wine in front of them, and realized that all of them— though mostly she, specifically— had made a grave mistake. She had no idea how many times her own glass had been filled and then subsequently emptied, but it was enough that she was well past tipsy and solidly in drunk territory.
It was hard to care about the bad parts of being drunk when you were currently drunk, Annabeth was finding. Everything was just so much funnier.
Apparently Jason had also sensed that they were drunk, or maybe he just had heard the deranged cackling coming from the living room, and wanted to make sure they were all still alive.
“Are you guys alright?” he asked, sticking his head through the doorway.
“I’m fantastic. I mean, I don’t know about you two, but I am—” Piper paused, letting out a small hiccup, “Feeling awesome.”
“I feel great,” Hazel agreed, barely able to stop laughing long enough to let the words out.
Annabeth wasn’t sure she remembered how to form coherent words anymore, so she just gave a thumbs up.
“You guys are really drunk,” Jason said, voice an impressive mix of concern and amusement. He walked into the room, picking up one of the empty bottles of wine they’d left on the table and examining the label.
“That’s my man. Very smart,” Piper said, apparently completely seriously, leaning against Jason’s leg.
“Pipes, you realize this wine is like, 20%, right?” Jason asked, ignoring her declaration of his intelligence.
Piper frowned. The expression seemed very exaggerated, or maybe Annabeth’s head was just messing with her. It was very funny either way, and she had to stifle a laugh.
“Shut up Annabeth. Let me see that,” Piper said, holding her hand up for the bottle. Jason very wisely did not let Piper hold the bottle herself, instead holding it at eye level in front of her. She gripped the bottom of it, pulling it towards her and squinting at the label.
“Nevermind. I can’t read anymore,” Piper said, relinquishing her grip on the bottle. That sent Hazel and Annabeth into another fit of laughter. They would probably be drunk even if the wine wasn’t that strong, but it certainly explained why Annabeth felt like she was floating right now. She hadn’t been this wasted since at least freshman year, maybe ever. Everything was a little blurry at the edges, and she was dizzy in a kind of delightful way. She let out one last giggle.
“And that means we are officially at the me-calling-your-boyfriends time of the night,” Jason said, setting the bottle back down on the table. Piper groaned.
“Party pooper,” she grumbled, though she didn’t move herself off his legs.
“Sorry babe,” he said, apologetically, “You guys are welcome to crash here, obviously. I’ll just call Frank and Percy to let them know.”
“S’fine,” Hazel said, yawning and pulling out her phone, “I’ve been texting him. I’ll just tell him now.”
“That’s against the spirit of Girls Night.” Piper said, pointing an accusing finger at Hazel, “You’re a cheater.”
“I had to tell him about your dad’s friend secretly dating his co-star! She was in his favorite movie!” Hazel protested.
Annabeth had not texted Percy tonight, in part because, as Piper had said, it was against the spirit of Girl’s Night, but also because he was probably asleep. Usually he’d stay up and wait for her to get home, even though New Rome was probably the safest city on the face of the planet, and the chances of anything happening to Annabeth on the six block walk between their respective apartments was ludicrously slim. But he’d been practically dead on his feet when she left, and had agreed pretty easily to turn in early when she suggested it.
She immediately felt bad about the prospect of waking him up. She knew she should though— he’d much rather be woken up in the middle of the night than wake up in the morning with her not there. Even though it would take about three seconds to check his phone and realize everything was fine, old habits die hard and it would unnecessarily stress him out. Especially since it was the one night he’d agreed not to stay up and wait for her.
So waking him up was inevitable. Worse, she was starting to realize that she really wanted to be home with him. As comfortable as Piper’s floor was (and given how drunk Annabeth was, it was genuinely pretty comfortable) she just really wanted to be in her own bed, preferably with Percy also in it.
“Annabeth’s gonna want to go home,” Piper predicted, drawing Annabeth out of her thoughts, “She gets boyfriend clingy when she’s drunk.”
“I do not,” Annabeth said, even though she most definitely did.
“You’re a bad liar,” Hazel said, patting Annabeth’s leg sympathetically.
“I’m an excellent liar,” Annabeth said. Under normal circumstances this would be true. Unfortunately being drunk was not normal for her.
“Uh huh.” Piper said, “Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t want Percy to come pick you up.”
Annabeth looked into Piper’s eyes, currently a very pretty green shade. Not as pretty as the shade of green Percy’s eyes were, but nice, for eyes that were not Percy’s. What was she supposed to be doing again?
“This feels like a trick,” Annabeth said, squinting.
“She wants Percy to pick her up,” Piper said, tugging at Jason’s pant leg.
“Yeah, I got that,” Jason said. Annabeth was pretty sure he was laughing at them, but in her current state it was a little hard to tell. “Let me go get my phone.”
Piper whined as Jason walked away, leaning back against the couch.
“Can you even walk, Chase?” she asked, looking dubiously at Annabeth “He’s going to have to carry you home.”
“I can walk,” Annabeth said, very offended even though she didn’t entirely know if her statement was true. Piper snorted.
“You’re lucky Percy is strong.”
“This is all your fault, McLean. Don’t think I’ve forgotten,” Annabeth said, aiming a soft kick at Piper’s leg.
“Okay, in my defense I didn’t read the label,” Piper said, pulling her leg back just in time to avoid Annabeth’s foot.
“How is that a defense?” Hazel asked, though she was giggling.
Piper did not have time to further defend and/or implicate herself, because Jason appeared in the doorway again.
“Percy’s coming, he’ll be here in ten.”
“Was he mad?” Annabeth asked anxiously. Piper rolled her eyes.
“I don’t think Percy is physically capable of being mad at you,” she said.
“He thought it was funny, actually,” Jason said, ignoring Piper.
“Told you so,” Piper said smugly.
“Shut up,” Annabeth grumbled.
The next ten minutes passed in a very drunken blur. Now that she had fully realized she was intoxicated, the feeling only seemed to compound, each uncounted drink catching up to her with a reckless abandon. She was vaguely aware of Piper crawling back on the couch to lie down, and Hazel curling up in an armchair. Annabeth just stayed on her little patch of floor. If she got too comfortable, she wasn’t going to want to get up.
She could feel something anxious starting to prickle under the surface of all her artificially happy feelings, but it was sort of difficult to dissect when she couldn’t really think straight.
“Hey, Wise Girl,” a familiar voice said.
Annabeth looked up to see Percy smiling down at her. He looked so pretty she almost started crying. Almost. Crying as a normal human function was fine and good and emotionally necessary and all that, but crying because you were drunk and your boyfriend was hot was just embarrassing.
“I’m drunk,” she told him. Might as well get right to the point.
“Yeah, I gathered,” he said, still looking at her with entirely too much affection, “You feel okay enough to walk home?”
“Yeah. I wanna walk,” Annabeth said, accepting his hand and pulling herself to his feet. If he hadn’t been holding her she probably would have fallen over.
“You sure about that?” he asked skeptically, putting his other hand around her waist, steadying her. She leaned into him, because she always leaned into him, and yeah, okay, maybe she needed his support to walk straight, but what about it.
“Very sure,” Annabeth said. Already she was adjusting to being on her feet. Percy half looked like he wanted to protest, but making it out of the living room seemed to convince him that she was okay to at least make it a few blocks home.
Sitting down on the bench in the front hall to put her shoes on was somehow worse than walking. She managed to shove her shoes into her sneakers, but getting them tied was probably not going to happen.
“I can’t remember how shoelaces work,” Annabeth admitted, looking up at him, “Does that mean I’m screwed?”
“Well, there’s good news and there’s bad news,” Percy said, leaning down to tie her shoe for her. Annabeth shut her eyes tight, then opened them again, trying very hard to focus out her vision. It didn’t work.
“What’s the bad news?” Annabeth asked, because bad news tended to ruin good news, and she’d rather just get it out of the way.
“You’re going to be very hungover tomorrow.” Percy said, straightening up. She thought he was smiling, but considering there were two of his head floating around in front of her, it was kind of hard to tell.
“Are you laughing at me?” Annabeth asked. He was definitely smiling now.
“I would never,” Percy said, wrapping an arm around her waist, “C’mon, lets go.”
Their goodbye was not as extended or elaborate as Annabeth expected, mostly because Piper and Hazel were already half-way to being passed out. Still, there were some waves, some I-love-yous and a partially incoherent apology from Piper, though who it was aimed at was something of a mystery.
Stairs were just a bit tricky, but she managed to stumble down them without seriously injuring herself. She was sure Percy helped somehow, but she could barely tell the difference between his arms supporting her and her own movement.
“What’s the good news?” Annabeth asked, once they were safely on the sidewalk, heading in the direction of her apartment. It was probably cold, but between Percy’s body heat next to her and her own drunkenness, she could barely feel it.
“You haven’t thrown up?” Percy offered, half-heartedly. Annabeth swallowed down a gag.
“Don’t say those words again,” she warned. Percy winced.
“Right. Sorry.”
“That wasn’t even good news, that was irrelevant news,”
“I think it’s excellent news, personally.” Percy said. He was laughing at her again, probably, but she also probably deserved it. Probably. She was wrapped under his shoulder because his arm was still helping hold her up, so it was kind of hard to see his face. She focused her eyes down at the sidewalk in front of her instead, focusing on not tripping.
“You would,” Annabeth said, “You didn’t have good news, did you?”
“I was sort of hoping you would forget,” Percy admitted.
“I never forget,” Annabeth reminded him. She had an excellent memory. Especially for things that had happened only 2 minutes ago. Admittedly the rest of the night was already starting to get a little blurry.
“I’m sorry for doubting you,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
Annabeth felt a small stab of guilt. He was teasing her, sure, but he was also being stupid nice even after she’d dragged him out of bed in the middle of the night to practically carry her intoxicated self back home.
And now she was remembering where that little wiggle of anxiety had been stemming from. He didn’t like being around drunk people. He never really said anything, because he was him and thus was probably allergic to the mere thought of even mildly killing anyone else’s fun for his own personal comfort or convenience. But she knew him well enough that he didn’t need to say anything. He’d never taken up Piper’s offer to go partying with them, even though he encouraged Annabeth to go when she’d wanted to, and he hardly ever drank himself. Even then it was only in social situations, and usually just one drink that he probably didn’t even feel.
So maybe he hadn’t flat out said he didn’t like people being wasted around him, but he had told her about Gabe; how he was a drunk, abusive asshole. It wasn’t too hard to put the pieces together.
“I’m sorry I got drunk,” Annabeth said. It was kind of a lame apology considering she was probably slurring her words a good amount, but she meant it anyways.
She felt something shift in his demeanor— if she was sober, she would know instantly what the slight change in pressure meant. As it was, she was kind of in the dark.
“Why are you sorry?” he asked. She thought he sounded surprised, but maybe she was mishearing, because it would be dumb for him to be surprised by that. At the very least, he should understand she felt bad about ruining his night.
“Because, I got messy and you had to wake up and take me home even though I could have just slept on Piper’s floor,” Annabeth said. Words were sort of flowing out of her without her completely approving them, in a jumbled rush. She didn’t like it, but she couldn’t quite remember how to stop it either.
“I don’t mind,” he said, just as she’d known he would. He meant it too, even drunk off her ass she could tell he wasn’t annoyed at her at all, even though he would be totally justified to be.
“But I could have just slept on the floor,” Annabeth repeated, though even the thought caused her to lean deeper into him.
Percy slowed his pace, almost stopping. Annabeth tried looking up at him to decipher what he was thinking, but she couldn’t really make out his face well enough to tell.
“This isn’t just about waking me up, isn’t it?” he asked.
Ugh. Why did she forget in her drunken stupor that he knew her just as well as she knew him? Obviously he was going to pick up on something deeper that was making her feel guilty.
“I just—” Annabeth started, then stopped. It was difficult to pick words precisely enough for the thoughts she was having.
“I know you don’t really like parties and stuff. Or drunk people. And I’m a drunk people right now, so I’m sorry.”
Great job, Annabeth, Annabeth thought to herself. Very delicately put. The lack of subject verb agreement, that was a nice touch. You didn’t sound completely fucked up even a little bit.
God, she hated being drunk.
“I didn’t want you to wake up alone, tomorrow,” Annabeth said, trying again, “But I forgot that me being drunk might be worse, so that's why I feel bad.”
Percy stopped walking. At first Annabeth thought it was in response to what she’d just said, but then she realized they were in front of their apartment building.
Then she realized he wasn’t making any moves to go inside, so it was about what she’d said after all. Instead he turned her around so she could see his face, keeping his arms around her waist in support.
She couldn’t quite read his expression, yet another reason why alcohol was the devil.
“I have a feeling we’re going to need to repeat this conversation in the morning when you’re sober,” he started, “But just for the record, you being drunk doesn’t make me uncomfortable at all.”
Annabeth studied his expression, searching his face for any signs of mistruth. She found none, but she also couldn’t entirely trust her senses at the moment.
“Are you just saying that?” Annabeth asked, suspiciously, “Because that’s the sort of thing you would lie about.”
She had sort of expected him to sigh in annoyance, but to her surprise he smiled instead.
“I’m not lying, I swear.”
“But you don’t like other drunk people,” Annabeth insisted. For some reason the two ideas could not coexist in her mind.
“I don’t like drunk strangers,” he corrected, “You’re not a stranger.”
“Well, duh,” Annabeth said, which made him laugh. She hadn’t meant to, but she liked hearing him laugh, so she would accept it anyways.
“But doesn’t it— I don’t know, bring up bad memories, for you?” she asked, cautiously, “I don’t wanna do that. I don’t even really like being drunk.”
He just shook his head.
“If it did, I would tell you. But it doesn’t, I swear.”
Annabeth frowned. It was probably just her stupid wine brain, but she couldn’t quite connect the dots between all the points he was making.
“Why?” she asked.
“Because,” he said, somehow still smiling, “You’re you.”
“That’s a lame answer.” Annabeth said.
“It’s true,” he said, in that stupid earnest honest voice of his, “I mean, maybe if you started throwing beer cans at my head when you got tipsy it’d be different, but you’re the opposite of aggressive when you’re drunk. You actually get really cuddly, it's kind of cute.”
Annabeth knew he was trying to comfort her, but she also knew that Gabe had done a lot worse than throw beer cans at him. She felt a surge of anger on his behalf, but more powerfully a wave of sadness looking at his upbeat expression. It was so supremely unfair that she wanted to cry, but she just hugged him instead. She was probably proving his point about being cuddly, but she didn’t even care.
“I’m so glad your mom made him into a statue,” she mumbled into his chest.
“Me too,” Percy said, resting his chin on the top of her head.
“I love you so much,” Annabeth said, because she really, really did. Like so much. An embarrassing amount, if she were capable of feeling embarrassed about anything having to do with Percy Jackson, which she was pretty sure was impossible.
“I love you too,” he said, kissing the top of her head to prove it.
“Piper said I get boyfriend clingy when I’m drunk,” Annabeth admitted. He laughed, his chest vibrating beneath her.
“She might be right about that.”
“She’s usually right about things,” Annabeth said, without thinking. Then—
“Don’t tell her I said that.”
He laughed again, but it was quieter. She felt it more than she heard it this time.
“Your secret is safe with me,” he promised.
“I’m sorry I woke you up,” Annabeth said, because she really did feel bad about that, even beyond all the other stuff, “I should have paid more attention to what I was doing.”
She felt him shrug underneath her.
“Stuff happens, it's not a big deal,” Percy said easily, “We’ll just sleep in tomorrow. Speaking of, we should probably go inside.”
As soon as he said ‘go inside’ Annabeth’s brain suddenly registered that she was exhausted. It was late, her head was swimming, and his chest had been very warm and very comfortable. She’d fallen half asleep without even realizing it.
“Inside sounds good,” Annabeth agreed, yawning.
“C’mon, I’ll carry you the rest of the way,” Percy said, finally pulling away, brushing a few stray curls out of her eyes.
Maybe if she had been sober she would have protested. As it was she was pretty happy to climb on his back and rest her head on his shoulder. He looped his arms under her legs and lifted her up easily. Gods, he was stupidly strong. She should appreciate that more.
“I love you,” she mumbled one last time into his shoulder. Whether he’d heard or responded was a mystery to her, because she was asleep before he finished climbing the stairs.
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mrwinterr · 4 years
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Pairing: College!Bucky Barnes AU x Female Reader
Summary: You’re not a fan of mistletoes. You think it’s an outdated Holiday tradition and an excuse for lovesick fools to steal a kiss. Unlucky for you, college parties are riddled with them this year and someone’s been trying to meet you under one all night.
Warnings: College shenanigans (no one cares in the real world). Smut 18+ (unprotected sex, vaginal penetration & fingering, oral [female receiving], handjob & attempted dirty talk/goofy sex?). Language. Mentions of drugs and alcohol. & bad Christmas pickup lines.
Title Inspiration: “Kissletoe” by 3OH!3
A/N: I’ve never been kissed under the mistletoe let alone attended a legit college party because I’ve been lame my whole life. 🔔 ‘Tis that season! 🎄 Happy Holidays, ya filthy, lovely readers! 🙋🏻‍♀️ Raise your hand if you’re on the naughty list this year! ❤️ Enjoy!
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It’s the end of the college fall semester and for the majority of students, the only way to celebrate surviving finals week is to let loose and party, especially right before you’re all forced to go back home to visit family for the Holidays.
“Where do you think you’re going dressed like that?” You hear your friend and roommate Natasha ask.
You stop stuffing your belongings in a box and pause at her question to look down at your current attire - black leggings paired off with an oversized University college-style sweatshirt. You had your hair pulled up in a messy bun, your face clear of any make-up, and lastly your feet were clad in funky, fuzzy socks. This is what you normally wore inside the dorm around her, and you certainly didn’t need to dress to impress just to go home. What was she on about?
“Uh, home? Where else would I be going at the end of the semester?” You reply, an obvious answer.
“Don’t be a smartass,” she retorts, and is quick to follow up when she sees the knowing look on your face and mouth open to retaliate with an even sassy response, “and don’t even start!”
She knew you’d say something like you were exactly that, smart. You in fact had amazing grades and excelled in every course you’d enrolled in. You were confident that you’d aced your exams, so you’re not checking the portal every chance you could get to see if the professor had uploaded your grades yet.
“You’re not supposed to be leaving until Monday,” she reminded you.
“I know, but I mean, there’s no rule saying I had to stay here until then,” you clarify, continuing to pack up more of your things, “I’d rather much get a head start.”
“You’re that eager to get away from me, huh?” She says, feigning sadness.
“You’re the only thing I’m going to miss about college,” you assure her.
College was a different experience for everyone. It was an introduction to the real world. Some used it to start anew, to buckle down and make something of themselves, others used it as an extension to repeat four more years of high school.
You took your studies very seriously, especially if you wanted to maintain your scholarship. It was a known fact college wasn’t cheap and you were fortunate to be here on one. With all that aside, you still knew when to have some fun. After all, all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy, right? You didn’t want to be that kind of person, you wanted to enjoy your college years, and luckily you had almost a polar opposite friend in Natasha to level you out.
“We just survived another week of finals,” she states, and grabbing your arms to stop you for just one second, “what better way to celebrate than partying?”  
She sees the conflicted look in your eyes, and can tell you’re weighing out the pros and cons. There were a lot of cons: you’d be surrounded by tons of people, most of which were going to be drunk as fuck or high out of their minds on whatever substance was passed around and the threat of getting taken advantage of by some stranger. The pros? You had some steam to let off and this was a chance to gather and see some of your other friends before the Holiday break. ‘Tis the season, right?
“I guess you’re right,” you start, beginning to compromise, “why not? It’ll be like a little send off,” you decide, throwing in a shrug, and that was it.
“We’re college kids, it’s our right,” Natasha shrugs, before digging into one of your boxes and pulling out one of your cute dresses. You could always count on her to help look good too.  
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When you both take the short walk to the house, where tonight’s party would be taking place, you abruptly halt at the end of the front porch steps, breaking your locked arms with Natasha.
“Jesus, what’s wrong?” She curses lightly as she almost trips backwards.
“This house…” you start, taking a step back and look up to inspect it, squinting, as if that would do you any good in the dark.
“Yeah?” She asks, a little too impatient, obviously hiding something.
“It’s familiar,” you continue, still trying to find out why it was so. Usually, that wasn’t a good thing...
“Come on. What are you talking about? It’s just a house. Don’t think too much and have fun tonight!” She says, stomping back down the steps and grabbing your arm to drag you up towards the front door.
“I guess you’re right,” you say, giving up again. What were you so worried about?  
“Aren’t I always?” She comments, and is, again, quick to shut you down when she sees you open your mouth. She presses her finger to the doorbell just as your mouth closes, and you both await the host.
You look off to the side and stare at the Greek letters tacked onto the wall. You knew you weren’t going to let it go on trying to find out why this house looked so familiar. Then, just when you’ve figured it out, your eyes widen in realization, the grip around your arm intertwined with Natasha’s tightens, feeling your attempt to slip away. The door swings open and the voice that booms out of the person, verifies your answer.
“Well, well, well...the weather outside sure is frightful, but this,” Bucky Barnes starts out singing before looking only in your direction, “oh, seeing you, is so delightful,” ending in a somewhat serious note.
“God, I hate winter,” you comment off to the side. It earns you a jab from Natasha, silently asking you to play nice.
He greets Natasha and easily lets her slip past him into the house. You call out her name, appalled that she left you alone with Bucky. Wasn’t that some rule? Never leave your friends alone at a Frat party.
“You look beautiful,” Bucky says sincerely when it’s just the two of you, to which you don’t respond, but roll your eyes. You didn’t come here to get seduced or hit on, but nonetheless shiver, and logically you could blame it on the cold weather and not the way that comment from him made you feel, then attempt to get inside the warm house.
"Excuse me,” he says, holding out his arms on either side of the door frames, blocking your entrance both ways, “where is my Christmas kiss?“ he asks, leaning in close to you.
“What the hell are you talking about?” You ask incredulously and back away. You owed him no such thing, but when you see the sly smirk on his lips, and his head signal for you to look up, you discover a traditional mistletoe hanging right above your heads.
Bringing your head back to its regular position, you look him dead in the eyes, “I’m not going to kiss you under the mistletoe, Barnes,” you scoff at his attempt to smooch you.
“Why not?” He presses, shuffling his weight from one leg onto the other, and before you can even give him an answer, you both hear your name being shouted from behind him. Bucky whips his head back and you do your best to look over his shoulder.
It came from your friend Wanda, who was excitedly waving you over to her. You smile and wave back at her, internally grateful that luck was on your side at this moment. Bucky turns back around and stares at you, wondering how to pick back up on your conversation, but when he doesn’t come up with anything, he sighs defeatedly, drops his arms and finally lets you in.
You make your way over to Wanda engulfing her with a huge hug. Natasha was close by, sipping on her drink. You’ll grill her later for leaving you alone with Bucky. She knew not to do that, but she did it at every chance she got. Now, you knew why she brought you to this specific house party.
“You weren’t planning on leaving without a proper farewell, were you?” Wanda asked worriedly. You immediately pieced together that Natasha had ratted you out on your attempt to leave campus and head back home early.
“It’s not forever, Wan,” you assure her. It was literally only for a few weeks, but while everyone would probably only be a few hours away from each other or a few states apart different, Wanda would be flying back to her home country to spend the Holidays with her family. You’ll admit, you could’ve been a little more considerate and sensitive.
“I’ll still miss you,” she says, the admission melting your heart, not even thinking about how the separation would be on others.
“She’s right, it’s not forever,” Natasha interjects, not allowing for any sad vibes on your last few hours of the semester together, “let’s make some memories tonight,” she says before handing you a drink.
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Bucky, as hard as he tried to cover it up, rejoins his group of friends, Steve and Sam, sulking. He’d gotten you alone again, but failed, and he vowed to never give up. He had a crush on you, simple as that, but you were playing hard to get, and all this time spent on playing cat and mouse when you could be doing other things.
“Man, just save yourself from any further embarrassment and give up,” Sam tells him while also handing him a drink of his own, which Bucky accepts and quickly takes a swig from.
“Never,” he said, determined and slightly winces at the burn in his throat, his body almost warming in an instant, “I’m gonna get my Holiday kiss.”
“Why do you even care? You’re usually not one behind this Holiday shit,” he asks, looking around the crowded room.
“I’m not, but it gives me a reason to get close to her,” Bucky admits pathetically, staring into the red solo cup before taking the last swig, crushing it in his hand and air balling it to the trash.
“Dude!” Steve chastises him about adding onto the mess they’d have to clean afterwards, to which Bucky shrugs at.
“You can’t expect her to just kiss anyone under the mistletoe,” Steve reminds him. He knew it wasn't an easy conquest for any guy to gain your affection.
“I’ve been a good boy this year, alright, I’m gonna get her to see what she’s been looking for has been in front of her this whole time,” Bucky says trying not to sound or look as predatory as he watched you disappear into the kitchen with your friends.
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You suppose the saying rules were meant to be broken, were taken a bit too literal by your friends, even college party rules because you’re left alone again. Wanda had abandoned the trio for some alone time with her boyfriend, who everyone dubbed Vision or Vis for short due to how outrageously innovative he was. Natasha decided to partake in a classic game of beer pong, something you incredibly sucked at, so there was no way she was going to recruit you as her partner nor were you interested in standing there awkwardly watching the game go on.
Surprisingly, the only place that seemed to be of a quiet enough spot to think was the backyard patio. You could see there was a fire lit and some other students scattered or sprawled on the grass. Quickening your pace, you manage to claim a vacant lawn chair next to the fire and hope you’d stay warm and at peace.
There you start to think that being in attendance tonight would’ve made no difference. Natasha was just good at persuading you into things. Call it peer pressure or whatever, but you put your faith and trust in her to not believe she’d ever steer you in the wrong direction, so why were you so bothered being here?
“You know, refusing to kiss someone under the mistletoe is bad luck,” you hear the voice of the reason why.
“I don’t believe in that bullshit,” you respond, watching as he plops down on the empty seat next to you.
“Really? Then why haven’t you been out on a date in so long?” he asks tauntingly.
“How would you know?” You ask a bit offended.
Why was he so concerned about your love life? You were never close with Bucky growing up and if anyone was of an impression you were, it was only because of Steve, who welcomed everyone, and that included you when you moved into the neighborhood when you were a little girl.
All throughout elementary school, until things started developing, puberty probably, it further separated you from Bucky. Steve blossomed a little later in life, so it helped solidify a good friendship with him, the same couldn’t be said for Bucky. You didn’t hate him, just got annoyed by his harmless teasing.
“I’ll have you know I have other priorities,” your attempt at an excuse was subtle, but you didn’t owe him an explanation anyways.
“Sure,” he says in a tone that suggests he didn’t believe you.
You watch as he lights up a cigarette, takes a small drag, and the cloud of smoke puffing out from his lips. He notices your stare and digs into his coat pocket, fishing out the pack before offering you one. You accept and pluck one out of the carton, he follows up with sticking out his lighter and you lean in closer to him to place the end of your stick against the flame.
You weren’t going to deny the relieving effect the nicotine had running through your body. College was stressful and while you weren’t one to abuse substances, a hit every now and then helped calm your nerves.
“So why is it you won’t kiss anyone under the mistletoe?” He asks, leaning back on the plastic chair, his head turning to the side, full attention on you.
He was enchanted by the girl, who grew up into a beautiful young woman, sitting next to him, slowly killing herself with every inhale and exhale of the cigarette between her lips, but you weren’t just attractive to Bucky, you were every bit incredible to him. You were smart, helpful, loyal to your friends and he was just misguided sometimes in life that led you to astray from him.
“It’s just an excuse for guys to steal a kiss from some poor girl...for lonely people to fake love,” you said almost bitterly.
Truth was, you had a bitter experience with a guy who’d led you on in high school after accidentally hearing that he could bet his friends he could get you to make out with him and he’d do so by using a mistletoe as a ruse.
Bucky detected some distaste in your response but decides not to interrogate you on it any further. There’d been a lot of growing up between the two of you since you’d both been estranged during your teenage years, and certain life events were missed on either party. So, where did you both stand in each other's lives now? You weren’t sure if you could call each other friends. It wasn’t easy to avoid Bucky, what with all the mutual friends and classes you shared, including the same street back home.
“I didn’t throw this party just to see everyone before they leave or to celebrate the end of finals,” he reveals, after several, somber minutes of silence, the cigarettes in your hands quickly burning out.
“Then why did you?” You ask curiously, meeting his gaze.
“To see you,” he simply admits. It was vague.
“How’d you even know I’d show up?” You quiz him.
“Because I begged Natasha to convince you,” he freely says, exposing his plan.
You were a smart person, but you couldn’t figure Bucky out. Why would he do that? Or for that matter, say something like that. What was his endgame here?
“Tis the fuckin’ season,” you comment offhand, getting up from the seat to leave. You stomp out your cigarette and prepare to head back inside and bid your farewells.
You’re just about to step through the threshold, when you feel a large hand wrap around your arm, halting you in place in the middle of the sliding screen door.
“Am I really that bad?” He inquires, and you know he’s not asking about just kissing him under the mistletoe anymore. Bucky always wore his heart on his sleeve, no matter how tough he appeared to be. It fooled a lot of people, sometimes you included, but in this moment, he seemed to genuinely be concerned about your perspective about him.
You were too grown to blame how the course of your relationship with Bucky had gone south on silly teenage phases. You knew it was much deeper than that, it was how sad it made you feel.
You’d harbored a small crush on him back then and it was cruel to see him grow into a handsome, charming guy and go out with other girls. He never showed an interest in you in the past and it was getting exhausting trying to get his attention, it was proving to be a distraction in your life, so it was then you’d vowed to focus on yourself and the life ahead of you, a life that didn’t revolve or involve Bucky.
However, a part of you, the risky and impulsive part of you, said you had less than a handful of months left before you were set to walk the stage and graduate. If you did what you were about to do, you could avoid Bucky for just one more semester, then you’d move far, far away and most likely never see him again. With a quick glance up, you give in to the idea of this side of you, lean in and plant your lips on Bucky’s soft ones.
Bucky is left dumbfounded, eyes still half closed when you pull away. He was shocked, caught off guard, and you by a totally different notion. You like him, you’ve always liked him.
It was a decent kiss if anyone would’ve caught it, at least you hoped it appeared it was, and that Bucky could convince you of it being so…
“You said kissing under the mistletoe is for lonely people to fake love...so then why do I feel so alive?” he asks you in a daze.
He doesn't succeed in convincing you.
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How you’d both managed to move past that scene at the doorway without raising suspicion was beyond you two. The fact you both found a vacant room was an even more impressive feat at the moment.
“You better have locked that door,” you say, attempting to make it sound like a threat, but with you underneath him, you were anything but.
Shoes scattered along the pathway to the bed, his thick jacket following in suit. You’d managed to pull your lips back from his, but he couldn’t keep his off of yours as they trailed from the corner of your lips, along your jawline and down your neck. You feel his tongue drag just along your pulse, causing your hips to thrust up. You let out a moan at what you felt through his jeans and how he started sucking and nibbling over the spot he’d licked.
“Why? Don’t want everyone finding out how naughty you actually are?” He questions back teasingly with a cocky grin, and as he tugs at the sleeves of his unbuttoned shirt.
You don’t have a comeback for him, but instead you lightly shove him back and try to escape from underneath, hoping to get through to him and show you’re in fact serious. The last thing you wanted was for any of your friends to walk in on you two in the act.
“Relax!” He says, also sitting up and reaching out and pulling you back to him, “I locked it,” he assures, leaning in closer, “not even Santa will know what we’re doing,” then his lips reclaim yours, his tongue delving in your mouth. You’re once more on your back, lips locked and heavy. Had you known kissing Bucky was this good, you’d have kissed him earlier.
Bucky’s hands run up your thighs, snake their way underneath, you feel his fingers ghost over your scantily clad pussy. The tingling sensation causes the feeling in the pit of your stomach to brew.
“You want me to touch you?” He asks huskily while still pecking your lips.
“Yes,” you almost immediately answer, desperate for his touch.
“How bad?” Oh, he knows how bad, but he had so much fun watching you crumble.
“Bucky,” you start to whine.
“Tell me...how bad do you want me to touch you,” he repeats slowly.
“Fuck you,” you bite back. He was really going to make you say it, “I want you to touch me so bad...please, Bucky,” you quickly give in.
Bucky rewards you with a deep kiss as you feel him hook a finger on the thin slit of your panties and pull them to the side. He runs a long finger between your folds, and he pulls his lips away to inhale sharply.
“You’re so wet,” he states the obvious, bringing that same hand up to his lips to lick the pad of his thumb so he could start rubbing circles on your clit. You bite your lip and stare at him, he’s watching you carefully, loving how hard you’re trying to hold back.
“You want to be a good girl?” He asks, and you nod, “then don’t hold back. Stop fighting me, and I’ll make you come hard with just my fingers,” he bargains. You want to call him on his bluff, but he’s the one with the upper hand - literally. “But first…,” he starts, sitting up on his knees, hands back at his sides so he could scoot down lower on the bed, “...I want to taste this pussy,” his voice deep, and almost dangerous.
He pushes the end of your dress up, bunching it at the waist, to reveal your cute underwear. He pauses for a split second, “Holiyay indeed” he says to himself, reading the embezzled design on the front of your thong. You don’t even roll your eyes in annoyance anymore, because maybe if you kept quiet and submissive enough, you’ll finally get to come.
When he rids you of the garment, Bucky uses his fingers to spread your wet lips before running his tongue flat against it, only narrowing out when it reaches your clit. He spends a little more time at your there, circling it with his tongue, lightly kissing and sucking at it. His fingers start rubbing you, tracing the rim of the opening, while his mouth was still busy at work.
You're all but writhing from the buildup, your chest heaving up and down, stomach clenching tight from his doing, not prepared for when he inserts a finger inside your wet hole. You audibly gasped and reached a hand towards him, but he swats it away. You dare pick your head up to watch, and you’re met with his eyes, full of lust, looking up at you, but his mouth still latched onto your pussy. You can feel his finger slide in and out of you slowly, your mouth open displaying how good he’s making you feel.
In fact, it’s too good you’re not in control of your legs anymore as they kick and squirm at the feeling he’s bestowing on you, so he removes his finger away from you only to maneuver into a position where he could hook his arms under legs and basically slam your back down on the bed. You unconsciously start chanting his name, like a silent prayer for him to touch you down there again.
Your head is a little fuzzy, body on fire; you want to burst. Unable to pick up your head, you cast your eyes down on him just in time to see him spit on your already soaking cunt. You watch as he uses his fingers to spread the wetness all over before slipping two fingers inside of you.
The intrusion causes you to groan and back to arch, and you can’t help but grab at any part of the arm that his hand going to work on you, just making sure it doesn't go away until it gets the job done. He chuckles lightly at your eagerness with your hips bucking up at his palm.
“I promised I’d let you come, right?” He points out, which you nod fervently, loosen your grip and attempt to keep your hips at bay, so he could fulfill his promise. You feel his finger push in about knuckle-deep and curl inside, causing you to choke out a dry sob. You begin to bite your lip, hard, when he does it again and again.  
Your hands are on autopilot, trying to heighten the pleasure your body was being coursed with, and they grab handfuls of your breasts, still confined in your dress. You squeeze and squish them together, anything to help you find that release sooner. Bucky’s gaze catches onto your moves and licks at his lips, the sight of your breasts threatening to spill out offers him a taste of what’s still yet to be unwrapped.
He speeds up his efforts, they’re proven efficient as you start clenching tight around his fingers, your arousal also coating the palm of his hand. He whispers tiny praises as you try to recover from the first orgasm. You swallow the lump in your throat and run your hands over your face, almost dazed and bewildered that Bucky was capable of pulling something like that out of you.  
Your legs fall limp on the bed, the silence broken by Bucky, “such a sweet pussy,” he compliments, and you take a peek between your fingers to see his fingers pop out of his mouth from sucking his digits clean.
“Do you want to unwrap your gift?” He asks, crawling over to you. You manage to sit up, your body supported by your propped elbows, so Bucky is slightly hovering over you. You nod at his question and he brings one hand behind your head to swoop you in for a sweet kiss. You use both hands to hold his face in place to make the kiss last just a little longer.
Bucky reluctantly pulls away though so he could grab at the bunched fabric of your dress and pull it over your head, leaving you completely bare in front of him. He swears, eyes running over every part of you before sitting upright on his knees again.
You lean in and reach with both hands to unbuckle his belt, the clinking of metal sounding loud, button popping off in haste, and dragging the zipper down. You yank down at his fitted jeans to reveal the imprint of his hard cock under his boxer briefs. Fuck, he was big, that much you could see. You couldn’t keep your grabby hands away as you palm him through the fabric, his cock twitching at the indirect contact.
“Take it out,” he instructs, and you look up perilously at him, eyes begging him to confirm, “...it’s yours, baby girl,” and it was all the assurance you needed to peel his boxers down.
You wrap your hands around his length and start pumping him languidly. He was already hard and no doubt fully erect, but you immediately found how good it felt in your hands. With every pump, his pre-cum pools at the head, and with each trip your hands make up to the tip, they travel back down with the substance, effectively lathering him up and making him slick enough for an easy entry.
“I want to fuck you so bad,” he admits when you give his member an experimental squeeze, your fingers curl around him, the tips grazing along his balls.
Leaning in to place light kisses to his pecs, you look up at him, “well, you’ve been a good boy, so do it,” you say, hands retreating as you lie back down, “...fuck me, Bucky.”
Bucky lets out a low growl, kicks his bottoms away, and climbs back on top of you. He reaches down to grab his cock and starts running it up and down the length of your sex, causing your body to shudder. You could feel the ridges and just how hard he got before he slowly slid his cock inside. There’s a tiny sting on his entrance as his thick cock stretches your walls.
“Mmm, baby, it’s cold outside,” he starts playfully singing, “...but you, you’re so warm,” kissing your cheek, getting you to relax; not realizing you had held your breath trying to bear through the initial pain, “...and so wet,” he says pulling out with a lewd noise, before thrusting all the way back in, bottoming out.  
He starts off sweet and slow, and while you liked that on some occasion, now wasn’t one of them. Bucky’s cock probed at your spot almost instantly and you found out you didn’t want to prolong the euphoric ending. His hands slip around your smaller frame, pulling your body up, closer to his, while his hips moved in waves crashing harder and harder into yours.
His face buried into the mattress next to your face, you hear his breathy moans, and you love that he doesn’t hold them back the slightest. Who didn’t like to hear how good the other person was making them feel, right? You grip and pull at his hair, while the other gabs at his buttocks, feeling it flex with each snap of his hips, and your legs tangled with his. Sweat that had built up on your bodies make the movements sloppy, muscles beginning to ache, both of you were about to peak.
“God, you feel so good,” he says, picking his head up, his hair matted and messy, he still looked sexy, “...you gonna come all over my cock now?” His words fuel you and your hips start driving into his, making him eat his own words, “fuck, baby, you’re gonna make me cum!”
“Yes, Bucky,” you coo, your hands gripping his sides, loving the feeling of his hard body, slick and warm to the touch, “...come,” you try coaxing him, but one particular thrust rips right through you and your walls start clenching him tighter than the fit.
You only finish the command when you’re riding the waves of the aftershock, “come on, Bucky, I want it...inside, please.” You definitely picked up on the fact that he liked to hear you beg and be specific with your wants.
Bucky soon stills, spurts of his hot cum splatter your walls that continue to flutter around his cock. His climax spreads warmth all over your lower body. Your limbs, both arms and legs, wrap around his exhausted body. He carefully drops his bodyweight on you, mindful of not suffocating you in the process.
When he’s regained regular breathing, using one of his hands, he reaches behind him in search of yours before interlocking your fingers and just holding it, you hold onto each other. Bucky picks up his head and stares at your hand in his, you follow his gaze and join him. They fit with one another perfectly, and even so, the light squeeze he gives it, lets you know it also felt right.
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“Well, where have you two been?” Sam says loudly, announcing you and Bucky’s arrival, rejoining your group of friends. Wanda and Vision close to each other, his arm around her frame, Natasha standing in between Sam and Steve, a refilled cup in each of their hands.
“I have been trying to escape this crazed man all night,” you playfully exaggerate.
“And yet you’ve managed to keep failing,” Bucky chimes in smugly, a cute smirk running across his features. This unearthed feeling testing your willpower to keep up with appearance and show resistance.
“Yeah, no thanks to my so-called friends,” pinning the blame on the two females in the room. Wanda turns red, guilty and slightly awful for abandoning you, but Natasha has a different reaction. She’s got that knowing smile on her face. It’s small, but very strong.
You watch as her eyes divert to the ceiling, you follow her gaze and then when you both look back at each other, the smile on her face turns into a full-blown smirk. There’s a collective sound of “oh’s” from everyone, noting the mistletoe above you and Bucky.
Turning to Bucky, who looks like he doesn’t know what to do, just stands there staring at you, not knowing what to expect. You’re supposed to act like nothing happened or reveal anything to your friends just yet, so he mentally prepares for a rebuttal to your impending rejection or insult to kiss him. Nothing could’ve prepared him for what you do instead.
You place a hand on the back of his neck and pull him down to you and smash your lips together. Bucky’s hands immediately grab a hold of your hips, he’d have to get used to the lightheaded feeling when he’s close to you.
The kiss is slow and probably not appropriate to be deemed as a simple traditional mistletoe kiss, but you both can’t help it and continue to allow your lips to slide against one another’s before there’s a rise of cheers, whistling and howls around you, shattering the bubble.
When you pull apart, you reluctantly walk away from Bucky and head to where Natasha stood, steal the cup from her hand and finish off the remainder of her drink, all while staring straight at her. She knew. Only when you’re done with the last sip, you give her the same small, sly smile. There are no words exchanged, and none needed.
“Guess, you have been a good boy this year, Barnes,” Sam jokes, but regardless is proud of his friend.
“Third time's the charm,” Bucky says casually, shrugging like it was no big deal, as if he hadn’t been desperately chasing you all night. You shake your head at his silliness, but nonetheless smile at him, your heart skipping a bit.
Who knew what you’d been looking for was hanging underneath the doorway staring at you face-to-face this whole time?
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A/N: I can confidently say, I used one of these Christmas puns as a pickup line on a guy recently and it worked in my favor! Shoot your shot but stay safe in more than one way; these are them trying times. Also, the underwear thing is a real design I saw while looking through Victoria’s Secret sales…lol. 
🎁 Gift me a like, reblog, comment - anything, please! 🥺💖
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For the BTHB... Villain with appendicitis?
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Thank you for the ask!
Warnings: appendectomy, fever, anxious character, painkillers, pills, vomit, anesthesia, surgery, IV, needles, refusal of medical care
9:01. He was a minute late.
9:05. Five minutes late.
9:15. Hero started to pace around, kicking pebbles with her foot.
9:20. She was starting to get nervous. Villain was never, ever late.
9:30. Okay, this was getting absurd.
Hero stood up, grabbed her phone, and called Villain. It rang, but never clicked.
He didn't answer.
Hero bit her lip, a nauseating pit forming in her gut.
Something was wrong. Villain was always overly stressed about time and always showed up at nine- not a second too late.
So, naturally, being the anxious, paranoid worry wort that Hero was, she went to check up on him.
Of course, Hero spent all her freetime figuring out where Villain lived if there was an instance like the current one.
Upon knocking at the beige door, that nauseous feeling overcame her again. Something was wrong.
She busted through the door and immediately the eerie silence of the home startled her. Even though Villain lived alone, there would surely be a TV playing or the dishwasher going.
Hero searched through the various rooms. It was a normal house. Quaint and small with barely any decor apart from a few spontaneously placed plants. All the walls were painted with the same, dull blue that the sky had right before a storm. It was dreary and perfectly villainous.
"Villain!" Hero called, peeking into a room she assumed to be his bedroom. Apart from a shoddily made bed, it seemed as though Villain hadn't been in there for a long time.
The next room in the hallway was a bathroom. Hero stepped in there, ignoring the horrid stench, and examined the counters. Bottles of Tylenol and Ibuprofen were scattered about. His gnawed on toothbrush was laying by the sink as water slowly dripped from the faucet.
That didn't look spectacular.
Hero stepped out of the bathroom and turned the light off before turning and walking into a large room that seemed to be the kitchen and dining room combined.
"Hey Villain! Are you home?" Hero called again, observing how badly stocked the fridge and cupboards were. Basically, the only food that Villain seemed to store was ramen and some protein powder.
"Villain!" Hero yelled, getting nervous. Based on the state of his bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen, the villain seemed to be in rough state.
Or was that just her nervous tendencies kicking in?
The next room was without doubt the living room, though with those desolate walls, one may beg to differ.
In the center of the gray room was a dark cherry wood coffee table and a small armchair. And that was it.
Except for the body strewn across the ground.
Hero bounded over to the seemingly dead corpse and rolled it over to come face to face with Villain.
"Oh my gosh!" Hero exclaimed, thrusting her fingers by his neck to check for a pulse. It was there, thump... thump... thump...
"You okay?" Hero asked, smoothing the sweaty strands of hair out of his face. Villain blearily blinked his eyes open and shook his head.
"Stomach bug," he whispered.
Hero looked down at him skeptically. No, this wasn't just a stomach bug. He was obviously in pain and was likely running a nasty fever. And he looked so incredibly tired and weak.
"How long have you been like this?" Hero asked, putting Villain's heavy head in her lap.
"M day," he groaned, gasping for breath. "Stomach hurts."
"Where?" Hero asked. Villain lightly brushed his fingers over his right side.
"Oh okay bud. I think you have a fever," Hero said, taking his temperature with her hand. It was burning and he looked so pale.
"Yeah cold," Villain agreed, nodding the tiniest nod.
"Okay buddy," Hero murmured, stroking his flushed cheek. "I think we need to go to the doctor."
She recognized the symptoms. Her sister when they were kids got sick like this and they had to take her to the hospital. Hero was too young to exactly know what was going on, only that it was serious.
But Villain shook his head, aimlessly clawing at Hero's hand.
"No doctor. No doctor," he begged, then winced, whimpered and grabbed his right side. When he looked back up at Hero, there were tears in his eyes.
"Okay we are going now," Hero stood up with Villain in a bridal carry. He protested weakly, but then stilled. Hero stopped walking to see if he was still conscious by shaking him. He groaned.
Hero loaded Villain in the back seat of her truck and buckled him in around his chest and legs so he could safetly rest.
The drive to the hospital seemed longer than what it was. Every moment she got, Hero would look behind her to peer at Villain, and everytime he was still staring at the ceiling with a dazed expression.
Finally, they arrived. Hero barely put the vehicle in park by the time she was leaping out of the door and running to Villain's side.
"Hey! Hey!" Hero called when she ran into the hospital, placing Villain on a bench. Other patients stared at her and receptionists stood up to meet her.
"Bring him into the ER," one of the receptionists said as she grabbed a stack of papers and called the doctor. Hero gathered Villain back in her arms and ran into another room.
The receptionist handed Hero the stack of papers. "Fill these in to thr best of your ability. I'm going to get the doctor."
Hero sat on the raised hospital bed with Villain resting against her shoulder. He sighed contently and nuzzled his cheek to find a perfect spot. Hero looked over at him- he was almost asleep with his whole body splayed out and limp.
Hero wrapped her arm around his shivering body and rubbed his shoulder before answering some of the paperwork.
She was able to answer most of them relatively easily, but got stumped on occupation.
She couldn't just say villainy right?
"Hero, why hello. How is your arm healing?"
Hero looked up to see the doctor sauntering into the room, his blonde hair slightly tousled with pale gray shadows under his eyes- remnants of a busy day.
"Good, good," Hero said, putting the paperwork aside.
"Is this one of your team members?" The doctor asked, running a thermometer over Villain's forehead. He frowned at the reading.
"Not exactly," Hero replied, timidly. She rubbed Villain's hair as he stirred from the cool touch of the thermometer. He near immediately fell back asleep.
The doctor's face paled. "He's a villain? Hero you know-"
"Yes, I know, but look at him Doc," she gestured her head towards Villain's sagging body.
The doctor glanced at Villain for a moment. He then said, "Yeah, he's sick. I'm thinking appendicitis, but he's a villain. The hospital is not required to treat them, unless there's an order. Order as in signed by ten, high-ranking heroes. Besides, it'll endanger our staff."
"He can't even lift his head!" Hero exclaimed. "How is he going to be a threat under anesthesia? C'mon tell me."
"He could wake up..."
"As sick as he is? Not likely."
"A MRI scan could amplify his abilities."
Suddenly Villain coughed, interrupting the conversation. He groaned before expelling his stomach's contents on the floor.
"It's okay," Hero murmured, scowling slightly at the sight, before glaring at the doctor while raising her eyebrows.
The doctor sighed. "Lay him on the bed." Hero complied, laying the villain flat on the bed, adjusting his head to rest on the pillow.
The doctor took his hand and prodded at the right side of his stomach. Villain groaned, breathing heavily.
"He's going to need emergency surgery," the doctor said, standing up and trotting to a phone. "Nurse? I need a team of anesthesiologists for an appendectomy."
Hero grabbed Villain's hand. His forehead was creased in concern as he listened and watched the doctor's erratic movements.
"Hey, it's okay. I'll be right there with you," Hero soothed him. He seemed to relax, but his muscles did not let go of their tension.
"Okay. I am going to go get ready." The doctor left.
Soon after, a couple nurses came in and hooked Villain to an IV. He flinched, watching the small needle go into his elbow.
Hero grabbed his hand and rubbed it.
A couple more people sauntered in and injected a hypodermic needle into the IV line.
"Okay Villain, count down from ten."
"Ten... nine... eight... sev...ven...si." Villain looked over at Hero with pleading eyes before they drifted shut.
A nurse put a mask over his nose and he was wheeled away.
Hero waited in the lobby, twidling her thumb and reading health magazines. Every two minutes, literally, she would look at the clock and bite her lip.
After two hours, the doctor made his appearance.
"The surgery was successful. He is waking up now, so he will be very groggy, but his vitals are good. You can take him home."
"Don't you have to monitor him."
"Come back in two weeks for a check-up."
Hero walked into the ER and to Villain's bed. His eyes were half-lidded and he barely noted Hero's presence.
"Hey buddy," Hero cooed, stroking his head. "You scared me."
Villain didn't reply, just blinked very, very slowly. Soon, his blinks became longer until he drifted off.
Nervous, Hero called for a nurse. "Why is he sleeping?" She asked.
The nurse shrugged. "The effects of anesthesia hasn't worn off yet, so he'll be in and out for a while."
Hero nodded and sat back down.
"You can take him home, you know," the nurse said. "We don't keep villains for monitoring or over-night stays."
Hero groaned and looked at the nurse. "Well you should."
"But we don't. Please take him home, he's occupying beds that could be used for more important patients."
Hero rolled her eyes, but obeyed. She picked Villain up and helped him into his jeans, but left his shirt off to not irritate the stitches. Then, she rolled him to her truck in a wheelchair.
It was nearly midnight by the time Hero got Villain to her house and changed into something comfortable. He was dozing, but every movement seemed to awake him. He was totally and completely silent, allowing Hero to tuck him on her bed before sliding in next to him.
She wrapped her arms around Villain and pulled him in tight. He drifted off to sleep instantly, and Hero was not far behind.
When Hero awoke the next morning, she was sprawled across her bed with Villain laying on her stomach. She smiled and watched the slow rise and fall of his chest before carefully removing his head to go downstairs and prepare breakfast. After a quick research, she decided to make a bowl of pudding with toast and avacado.
Villain came down the stairs stiffly, groaning with each step, just as Hero put the bread in the toaster. She looked up just in time to see him lean heavily against the wall.
"What are you doing?" Hero scolded and gently led him to the couch to sit on.
"Heard you- engh," Villain winced, holding his side. "Downstairs."
"Okay," Hero sighed. "Do you remember anything from yesterday?"
"No not really. Just you and the hospital. Everything else is just a blank."
"You had an appendectomy," Hero explained, brushing the hair out of Villain's face. He jerked back and Hero pulled away. He was so cute and vulnerable when he was out of it.
"What's that?" Villain asked, but Hero had a sense that he knew and just wanted to fill the silence up.
"Your appendix was removed." The toaster clicked, so Hero went and grabbed the food.
Villain spooned at it for awhile before putting it towards the side. His face was pale.
"Not hungry," he said.
"You gotta eat."
"No," Villain slowly laid on the couch, his body seizing with every motion. "I'm tired..."
"Yeah, you had surgery, but please eat something so I can give you some painkillers."
Villain rolled his eyes, but allowed Hero to feed him some avocado and pudding. However, by the end of it, he was too exhausted to resist Hero putting two large pills in his mouth.
Between the pain meds and fatigue, it only took a few minutes for Villain to fall sound asleep.
Hero idly ate her own pudding and stared out the window. After finishing both her's and Villain's chocolate desert, she went to do dishes.
Then she showered.
Then she playing monopoly by herself.
And then she ate lunch.
All the while waiting for Villain to regain consciousness.
He did, eventually, and very slowly.
"How are you feeling."
"Bit dizzy," Villain admitted, rubbing his eyes. "How long was I out?"
"About," Hero looked at her phone. "Five hours, give or take one."
Villain groaned and quickly murmured an apology.
"Don't be. You are still a bit feverish and just came out of surgery."
Villain closed his eyes. Hero thought he might've fallen back asleep, but then he spoke,
"Thank you for taking care of me."
Hero smiled.
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bakugohoex · 4 years
hii may i request kind of a platonic levi x reader in which reader is part of the cadets but levi has always been like their parent figure and he's glad they finally make friends and looks out for them, thanks
“i’m glad you made friends y/n”
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pairing: platonic!levi ackerman x platonic!gender neutral reader
cw: nothing 
word count: 2100+
a/n: this is different to my normal stuff, literally just a parent child relationship going on here
summary:  in which your parent figure levi sees you finally become a part of the survey corps, he can finally see people around you who will stick by and look out for you
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist
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We all know Levi grew up in terrible conditions and was taught how to kill by Kenny.
But this man just wants the best for you.
You were of course a lot younger than him, but he saw you as a sister/daughter to him.
Refuses to acknowledge that he cares about you.
This man will literally walk past you without caring but then in private will care about your wellbeing.
Erwin is definitely a father to you.
It’s already established, him and Levi started caring for you at such a young age that they’re just your two dads.
You don’t call them dad though or they’ll both glare at you.
Didn’t want you to join the scouts, Levi more, he knew the risk and he knew you; it wasn’t a good mix.
Refuses to let you leave to join the cadets corps, you sneak behind his back and Hanje definitely planned it all out for you to join.
Angry Levi couldn’t do anything.
You joined the 104th and instantly became friends with everybody.
Hard for Levi to visit you as much but in the two years he would send letters.
So cute right. No it isn’t.
Half of it is always an angry rant about how he hates you joining, and the other half is his anger at Hanje.
It gets better along the two years, even Erwin sending you letters
Parent goals.
When you graduate you see Erwin who gives you the widest smile and a big, I miss you hug. 
It had been months since you’d seen Levi and he missed you.
His short self-will hug you in front of people, he wants to be nice to you.
But he hits your head for actually joining the scouts.
Cue your confused friends.
The ceremony to decide where you and the 104th would spend the rest of your lives, as everybody had started to leave, getting there stuff to follow their new commander. You went up to Erwin a smile on his face, “Y/n.”
You smile back opening your arms for one of his hugs that you had missed, even if you saw Levi every 6 months, you hadn’t seen Erwin since you left. Now here you were under his command, “Erwin, I missed you.”
He hugged back, lifting you up like a child, your legs dangling off the ground. It was the exact same hug you had felt in your years with them, you had been taken in by the scouts after your parents death. Never expecting to have finally joined the scouts you felt accomplished of having gotten into the top ten and now fight alongside Levi and Erwin.
“I missed you too.” He let go looking at your much shorter frame, “Levi will murder you.”
“Can’t wait.” You laugh hearing your friends call your name.
“I’ll see you soon.” You nod, he ruffles your hair before you run to your friends.
You had become a lot closer to those who had joined the corps with you especially Armin, Sasha and Jean. It was relieving to know you weren’t joining the scouts alone, of course you knew Eren the suicidal manic was joining but since the titan incident. You didn’t really know what was going on and would have to pressure Levi for answers.
“What did Commander Erwin have to ask?” Armin spoke, in the two years with them, they didn’t know a lot about your life. They knew your parents were dead but had assumed you lived with other relatives and not spent your days with the scouts. Of course even the scouts had to admit that teaching a kid how to wield a knife was a recipe for creating another Levi.
Which if Levi got asked about it, he would disregard the answer. Even though he was the first person to teach you how to use a knife and even the ODM gear, which made you a natural pro on the second day at the cadet corps.
“Oh nothing really.” You quickly moved onto how you were ready for this and how you weren’t worried at all.
You had always asked to go with Levi outside the walls, but you’d get the same glare with silence. Indicating a clear no, even Erwin gave you a look of no and that’s final. You couldn’t wait to experience real titans outside the walls, of course in Trost you had seen the titans but this, this would be with Levi properly.
The arrival to where the scouts were was quick, horses and an old castle which looked unclean was in your eyeline. You knew Levi had probably made his squad clean it, feeling sympathy for them and how Hanje was probably experimenting with her own titans. Meeting the section commander that would be in charge of you and your friends and going through your positions for the 57th expedition was a lot, all you wanted to do was to see Levi.
You really did miss them, but it was worth it all to be able to fight alongside them against the titans. All stepping into where you saw some men, you smiled which they reciprocated. Nobody had really asked anything about it assuming you knew them from back home. You all heard Eren behind you smiling at the boy. You had to give it to the boy he knew what he wanted, and he was certainly going to get it.
“Y/n, I knew you’d keep your promise to join.” Eren grinned out remembering the first day you both had met. You had been as adamant as him to join but your reasons a lot more different, Jean having made fun of you both.
But the horse face stood right beside you, a shock to the titan boy, as they spoke about the death of Marco it was a lot to take in when you and Jean had told everybody. Having both found him together, and it had broken you to see a friend dead, just another body in the numbers. Being passed the capes, you put it on before a voice you had missed.
“Y/n.” It was Levi’s emotionless self, you grinned happily going towards him. Eren had told you about how he had been in Levi’s squad, so you assumed Levi hadn’t said anything.
You didn’t care if they knew about the parental relationship you had with Levi, you missed him too much to care. “Levi.” You stood in front of him, “oops sorry Captain Levi.”
“Don’t say that, brat.” You suppressed a laugh.
“How do I look?”
“Tired.” He muttered; you shoved his shoulder at his remark.
You had missed him a lot, the letters and two-minute meetings every six months had not done your relationship justice. He grabbed your arms bringing you into a hug, which you happily took, “I missed you, brat.”
“I missed you too, old man.” You hugged back, the past two years having took a toll on both of you, him more. He looked even more dull and emotionless and you knew you’d had to talk to him about it afterwards.
He let go, before grabbing your ear and dragging you down to his height. He hit the back on your head, “ow, ow, ow” You repeated multiple times, his grip on your ear getting tighter.
“This is what you get for joining.” After every word he hit the back of your head, before letting you go. “When Erwin told Hanje and I you joined, I had to kill you myself before the titans got a chance.”
“Levi, don’t be like that, I’ve been gone for two years.”
He crossed his arms glaring at you, “Hanje wants to see you.”
“You just don’t want to admit that you wanted me to join.” He scowls before leading you away from your friends, their faces confused and agape at what had happened.
“Are they related?” Connie questioned.
“They’re not, she would’ve told us, maybe they’re dating…” Sasha speaks which leads to a horrified look.
Jean pipes up quickly dismissing the thought entirely, “he’s like 30 that’s gross and Y/n isn’t like that.”
“We’ll ask her once she comes back.” Armin spoke being the only sane one around in the group.
Levi had taken you to see Hanje who looked to be holding some sort of titan skin. It looked gross and both you and Levi gave a knowing look, “you missed me.”
In an instant her eyes moved to your body in the scout cape and uniform, she dropped the material squealing as she encased you in a tight hug. You hugged her back, missing her and her craziness, she let go before quickly hitting the back of your head.
“Ow, not again.” You muttered rubbing the back of your head after the torment of Levi.
“I’m glad Levi hit you, I can’t hit you anymore all I see are those cute eyes.” She pulls at your cheeks which seems to be even more painful than the hitting before letting go. “All grown up, I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too.” The three of you had a catchup on what had occurred, being filled in on Eren’s position and the plan that Erwin had thought up off. But even then, his plan had gaps and you knew he was keeping stuff not from the new recruits but captains and section commanders alike.
Levi took you back to where the recruits were, he left with a small smile, no goodbye as he waved you off whilst walking. Like an animal being shooed away, you chuckled shaking your head as you walked to see Jean and Eren looking angry at one another. “What’d I miss now?”
You had a hop in your step and a bright grin that your friends hadn’t seen ever, “you know captain Levi.” Eren had disregarded your question and was now asking his own.
“Oh yeah I do.” Is all you said, Armin passing you a slice of bed, you had a hunch the food had gone and were glad Hanje had offered you food due to her thinking you hadn’t eaten enough whilst in the cadet corps.
You bit into it, not knowing what else to say, whilst looking down. “Care to elaborate.” Jean spoke out.
“Oh he took me in when my parents died, I’ve been around the survey corps since I was six.” You bit into the bread uninterested in wanting to speak about your background.
“And…” Connie continued on.
“And there’s nothing else about it, Levi and Erwin brought me up that’s basically it.” You stressed the and, throwing the piece of bread you had ripped off up in the air and catching it in your mouth.
“You could’ve told us Y/n.” Eren spoke up, it was what everybody had been thinking but hadn’t had the guts to say.
You look at them, bread stuff in your mouth, swallowing it with ease, “I didn’t think it was important.”
“Important, Y/n it’s who you are you, it’s how you easily beat Mikasa for top spot, how you knew exactly how to use the ODM gear and kill those titans in Trost.” Eren’s anger was either out of spite or jealousy but you didn’t know what.
“Look I worked for that spot and yeah maybe I have been around the scouts longer than you have, but consider my point of view, they raised me and they’re family to me and I thought you guys were my family as well…” you pause staring at each one of them individually, “…clearly I was wrong.”
In an instance you leave the place, trudging up the stairs and leaning against the cold grey bricks. It looked even more uncleaned in person, a habit you’d gotten off Levi. You saw some lights come up towards you, seeing your ‘friends’ with lanterns.
“I’m sorry.” Eren apologised sitting beside you.
You whispered, “it’s okay.” As they all crowded around you, giving sympathetic looks.
“So has Captain Levi always been a clean freak.” Eren questioned trying to ease the tension.
You laugh turning to the boy, “that man is practically in love with bleach and a wet cloth.”
They laugh and the tension disappearing as Eren spoke of his time with the squad and how you all spoke about Trost and the many memories that you all shared together. Levi had come outside to see what the noise was, he saw you surrounded by your friends laughing and joking about.
A quiet whisper coming from his mouth, “I’m glad you made friends Y/n.” A gratitude that you weren’t alone and that you had people around you that would become your team when outside the walls. He knew you’d be safe and that not only had you spent the two years training for the expedition but how someone would always have your back.
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