#Penny Stamps
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"It takes time"
Q: You were shot in the neck, or you were shot in the back of your shoulder?
A: I was shot in the neck, then I was blown up about two months later. I was in the 25th Infantry, which was right on the Cambodian border, pretty much like in Platoon. Then I actually went back to the field in the 1st Cavalry in the north. I was in three different combat units and I saw quite a bit of that '67-68 period, which was pretty heavy.
What I saw was disturbing because of the villages in the north, especially, and the way we treated the Vietnamese. What happened was I wasn't radicalized over there. I was disgusted and turned off and numbed. [...] You get so fucking tense [in combat] and you don't have any sleep for a year and a half - fifteen months in my case - that you really want to go out and hurt somebody sometimes. It's no good. And I noticed that difference [between Black and white soldiers] and I put it into Platoon. Those [Black] guys never fucked with people in the villages. There's a bad ass element when you put a weapon into a young man's hands. It's a very dangerous thing, especially if he has no moral training. And believe me, most of these people don't have moral training, or they forget it under conditions where it is easy to forget. Because it's easy to hate the enemy because he's a different color.
Q: Did it have a mental effect on you?
A: Oh yeah.
Q: Now we talk about PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder. Was yours just a change in attitude based on the facts that you saw - or was it any kind of damage to the brain, on account of explosions or stress?
A: Oh, that I wouldn't know, because in those days most of us died in the field. Because they didn't have the [advanced medical] training. Now they save everybody. But definitely there was a lot of bombs going off. So my hearing did get impaired, you know that. And I have tinnitus. I cannot stand it, but it's been many years. I got used to it.
Anyway, the point is it took a little time to come back. The earth was very hard. It takes time for the rain to soften the earth.
-Bob Woodruff interviews Oliver Stone at the University of Michigan Penny Stamps School of Art & Design, Nov 26 2012 [x]
#oliver stone#bob woodruff#university of michigan#penny stamps#ptsd#the vietnam war#coming home#wounded#injuries#video
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the entirety of reef blower as a deviantArt stamp
#pennys art#deviantart#da#da stamp#stamps#old web#webcore#deviantart stamps#deviantArt#spongebob#gif#2000s web#2000s#2010s#da stamps#deviantart stamp#edit: since this is gaining traction yes this is f2u. with or without credit idc
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bachelorette+ portrait stamps 𓈒♡⟡₊⋆∘
#☆#sandy and robin should be dateable#especially robjn#divorce him………come to me robin sdv………#stardew valley#haley sdv#emily sdv#abigail sdv#leah sdv#maru sdv#penny sdv#robin sdv#sandy sdv#caroline sdv#stamps#deviantart stamps#graphics#f2u#upl#westernmedia#gif
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“Merry Xmas and Happy New Year from Mrs. Egland. Morse, IA, Dec. 21, 1910.” Morse, IA Postmarked 1910
#postcard#postal#collectable#antique#stamp#philatelic#lithography#mail#vacation#travel#holiday#penny#cent#christmas#Xmas#cats#snowballs#holly#Happy New Years#Iowa#embossed#lithograph
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a few kinda old rpod stamps i forgot to post ^_^
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im trying to get better at making stamps 🤯
#can we all collectively ignore how the fade times are all off 😭#Penny Arcade#tycho brahe#jonathan gabriel#brenna brahe#kara gabriel#blinkies#stamps#web graphics#ship stuff#There r like a billion mistakes but I’m trying my best 😇#also the enemy blinkies are here because I thought they were funny
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royal mail did a Riddler stamp!!! No one uses these anymore but it p neat! Look at him do his little run!
#i bought stamps recently and the lady behind the counter had to ring someone up to work out how to get the price#also they are fucking expensive#but i had to send a letter i neeeded to send someone a single penny because they gave me knives#you kno how it is#riddler
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Is this some fuckin nightmare?
Nos, hát itt a magyarázat, miért lepődtem meg magam is az előző poszt elején, hogy vannak hongkongi bélyegek, mivelhogy tele van az otthonom II.Erzsébet miniatűr másaival, mint az fent látható. Természetesen a legtöbből nem egy van, szóval így amikor elkezdtem szétszálazni, akkor tűnt fel, hogy nem mindegyik brit bélyeg. Na de most azonban ezekről lesz szó, és egyébként Erzsébet itt is debütöt hoz, mert meglepő módon angol bélyegek sem szerepeltek itt eddig.
Talán sejthető, hogy ez a tizenkét darab, közel sem egy sorozatot alkot, már csak az ismétlődő értékek miatt sem, különböző színekben. Tulajdonképpen ezt a dizájnt évtizedeken keresztül nyomták, különböző címletek és színek kombinációjában, szinte minden évben új variánsokat kiadva, úgy hogy persze mellette forgalomban maradtak a korábbiak is. A fent látható bélyegek nyolc különböző évből és sorból származnak, nyilvánvalóan nagyon nagy mennyiségben, de azért vannak köztük a semminél kicsit értékesebbek vagy érdekesebbek, illetve a tömegnyomás ellenére itt is picit látszik az Erzsébet rajongás mint jelenség létezése. Időrendben fogunk röviden végigmenni rajtuk:
1977: Hátulról a második, a világosabbik 50 pennys már közelíti az 50 évet korát tekintve is. Érdekessége a többiekhez képest, hogy magányos, nincs több tagja a sorozatnak. Talán emiatt, vagy kitudja, de van némi értéke, a csúnyán nyomottak is egy 100-asért mennek, egy ilyen mint itt fent inkább 200-300 forint.
1980: A világoszöld 12 pennys a következő, 44 évével, meg is fakult, színe már inkább az ebben az évben kiadott 17 pennysére hajaz. Ez már egy négytagú sorozat volt, köztük sajátos, nem egész pennys névértékekkel, mint a 13,5 vagy 17,5 pennys. Hát igen, akkoriban még fél pennynek is volt értéke úgy fest. Értékét tekintve nem mutat sokat, egy használatlan példány kóstálhat olyan 150 forintot. A teljes sorozat megy postatisztán egy ezresért kb.
1981: A lilás 18 pennys - szintén megfakulva - már egy hatos sor ötödik tagja, egy évvel későbbről. Hasonló értéket képvisel, mint az előző 12-es, tisztán talán inkább már 200 forint ér egy jó példány. A teljes hatos sorozat, itt is egy olyan ezrest ér.
1983: Ebből az évből ketten is valóak, a 16-os és a 17-es darab. Ezt a kollekciót még nagyobbra duzzasztották, már hét gonosz királynő van benne. Értéke is kicsit jelentősebb, a legkisebb három és fél pennystől eltekintve, mutatnak két-háromszáz forintot a bélyegek, persze postatisztán. A 31 pennys, legnagyobb bíborszínű még nyomva is hozza ezt. A teljes sorozat 1.500-2.000 forintért szerezhető meg.
1984: Az orwelli évből is két bélyeg való, a 13-as és a másik, olivazöld 18-as. Ez meg egy ötdarabos sorozat lett, a fenti kettő a két alsó tagja. Ezek nem bírnak túl jó értékkel, érdekesség, hogy viszont készültek belőlük 'szél' verziók, tehát a bélyegív két szélén található példányoknak nem volt perforált vagy a jobb, vagy a baloldaluk, attól függően melyik oldalon voltak. Az ilyen példányok érnek 200-400 forintot akár. A 13-asból láthattok egyet a lenti képen, a második. A teljes sorozat (fogasak) használtan már ilyen 400 forintért van, tisztán pedig 1.200 körül.
1988: A 14-es és 19 pennys bélyegek vannak ebből az évből, egy tekintélyes, 8-as soriból, szintén a legkisebbek. Itt is készültek nem perforált verziók minden oldalról, és a sarkok sokat is érnek, akár 3.000 forintot is (tehát aminek két oldala egyenes teteje, meg az egyik széle). A normál verziók itt sem nagyon izgalmasak, túl a 19-es vad rikító színén. Azért persze, ha a teljes nyolcas sorozatot szeretné az ember jó állapotban, az így is 2.000-2.500 forint.
1990: A másik, szétpecsételt 50 pennyssel már megérkezünk a '90-es évekbe. Ez a bélyeg két verzióban létezett, ami itt megvan az az izgalmasabb. Bár a pecséttől elég rosszul látszik, de a bélyeg 'dereka' alatt kétoldalt látható egy szünet a fogazatban, úgy tűnhet mintha hibás lenne, leszakadt volna, azonban ez egy szándékos különleges nyomási mód, amit nem igazán figyeltem meg még más országnál. Egy úgynevezett szélesebb, elliptikus perforáció van a bélyegen. Ez is egy önálló bélyeg, annyi, hogy nyomtak belőle normál módon fogazottat is, abból kevesebett, így az egy picit értékesebb, de ez is ér 150-200 forintot így összenyomkodva is, postatisztán akár 1.000-ig is elmehet.
2011: Közel negyvenéves utazásunk végére érve, a két első darabot, a kettő és tizenegy pennyst érjük el, amik már XXI.századi bélyegek. Ezeken már sokkal szebben megfigyelhető a már fent említett elliptikus perforáció, illetve a régi bélyegekhez képest, ezek már öntapadósak voltak, nem kellett őket nyalogatni, mint a régi szép időkben. A sorozat öttagú egy pennytől húszig terjedően. Mivel még elég újak, nemigen van jelentős értékük, ha megvan mind az öt újkorában, az egy 800-1.000 forintot azért képvisel.
Most egy darabig nem lesz több II.Erzsébet királynős bélyeg, ezt megígérhetem.
#bélyeg#stamp#united kingdom#nagy-britannia#great-britain#1977#1980#1981#1983#1984#1988#1990#2011#II.Erzsébet#II.Elizabeth#queen#queen elizabeth ii#királynő#2 penny#10 penny#12 penny#13 penny#14 penny#16 penny#17 penny#18 penny#19 penny#50 penny
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03x11 - Overnight Stay
There is an important gangland murder case at the court at the moment. The jury have been sequestered overnight at a hotel as they failed to make a decision and assorted members of Sun Hill from both uniform and CID are staying over to keep them safe and keep patrolling the hotel both inside and out on every level including garage and kitchens as well as the guest accessible areas.
Ted has the management move those who are not on the jury to another floor by pretending there is a problem with the power on the floor they're on. Bob accidentally knocks into a woman who is laying a table and bends to help her pick up what she's dropped - he's armed with a pistol.
Tony sits on a roof opposite and watches the jury being led in from a minibus and spots a suspect sitting in a Saab a short distance away, radioing through to Mike who is bringing up the rear. He goes to check it out whilst Roy watches the Jury arrive. Thankfully it's just a member of the press who struck it lucky on where the Jury would be moved to.
It's only now Roy tells Brownlow of a rather important problem - there aren't enough rooms on one floor for every member to have their own so some are going to have to share. You'd have thought that would be the first thing that would have been checked but where's the drama in being organised? They don't have any of their belongings with them so Roy is going to have to purchase them some overnight gear.
Reg is placed as the night cover under Brian to liaise with the hotel staff/the police at the hotel and the station. June updates Roy that a journalist has been caught watching the hotel. Elizabeth Carling plays a receptionist and she and the manager are the only hotel staff members who know what's going on. Ted finds a broken window catch in one room and doesn't have time to get maintenance in so decides to use that room as a restroom for the officers so they can rest in between keeping watch.
The usher of the court reminds the jury they must behave like they are still under oath in the hotel and to only discuss the case in official meeting rooms and not with anyone else. The police are only there to protect them from outside influences until they come to a final decision. They're told that some of the officers will be armed and a jury member is most offended and thinks that it's that that encourages the villains to do the same (!)
Yorkie has fashioned a device from a stick and a mirror to look underneath the cars in the garage, acknowledging that everything is done on the hop.
Ted claims the Wheelan Brothers. the gangland bosses on trial, have both the money and the means to be able to nobble the jury but Viv isn't so sure they'll actually go for it.
June sits in the lounge by herself. Her father passed away in the last episode, but Jim has no idea why June has been moody lately (!). Mike reminds him and suggests that it's finally beginning to sink in for her. June is smoking heavily and Bob asks her how she's managing. Her father never left a will so relations that she's never met before are descending like vultures to see what they can get hold of. A messenger leaves a message for a juror, Bob incepts it and takes it outside to open. It is a small envelope with a ripped railcard with a return ticket to where he lives. The receptionist intercepts a telephone call for another juror just after to tell her about her cat having met with an 'accident'.
Roy takes June outside and asks her what's wrong. He left her in the foyer because he trusted her but she didn't spot the courier. She says she can't have eyes and ears everywhere and he tells her to up her game because the courier and call are just the start. "You stay at your post and don't give me any reason to do something I might regret."
Reg leaves a message to tell Roy that the threatened cat has been fed by a neighbour and is absolutely fine and that the wife of the man who received the ripped ticket appears to still be at Bingo. He hasn't been able to track the courier. The court usher reassures Roy that they're very close to a decision and he doesn't think there'll be a second night. Ted has his head turned by an attractive blonde juror.
Ken and Yorkie have passed the point of being bored, unable to check all the cars as more keep arriving often and others leave before they're checked.
A man comes into the front office and reports himself for bigamy to Brian. Brian suggests returning when CID is available in the morning but he wants to get it off his chest as he hasn't slept for months.
Ted sends 2 officers on a break and helps the blonde get into her room with the standard Ted charm. He goes into the next room which has Tom trying to order makeup for the female jurors. "... How do I know what sort of make up she wants? Make up is make up! How the hell should I know?"
Brownlow and Brian discuss the bigamy report and spot Nick arriving having arrested a man with a blow-up doll! "Try and find out what that's all about please?"
The man and his doll have been arrested for making love on a national monument and outraging public decency 😂.
Viv is starting to yawn already as Roy and Bob get their dinner downstairs. SO1 knows it's iffy, Roy claims, so that's why they've passed it to Sun Hill. Bob reminds him June has been through a lot recently so to take it easy on her.
Brian establishes that the man has reported with his bigamous wife, Mary whom he married 15 years ago. They've had three children together, he has 4 from his first marriage 'that didn't work out', and there are a further 4 from a previous marriage. He's surprised to hear he has 11 children and not 10! "I'm always forgetting Madeline!"
Roy goes for a walk around with Bob with June ordering a G&T from the barman - played by Tony Slattery. Bob claims they're more likely to go after the family members rather than the jurors themselves but Roy says it's not their problem.
Viv overhears people laughing loudly in one of the rooms and investigates to find Ted with the blonde juror. He comes out and says he was just checking to see if she was alright and he went in when she (Viv) had dozed off.
Jim has a suspect on the second floor and calls through to let Roy know. The man claims he's hotel security and was checking all rooms. As Bob and Roy arrive, Mike and Jim are giving him a shake-down to see what he might be hiding. He has an ID card and keys and is legit. Roy asks why he didn't stay off the floor like he was told and he claims he needs to know what's going on. "All you need to know is this building is more secure tonight than it'll probably ever be."
A depressed June is at the bar with the Italian bartender offering to take her back to his room with a bottle of Bacardi. She asks him if he has a girl home and if he does, why does he keep chatting women up. He insists he just gets lonely and is offering company.
Nick has to fold the blow-up doll into some interesting positions to deflate her with the drunk asking him to be careful with her.
Brian berates the bigamist for making the situation even more complicated than it normally is. It gets worse - the first (or rather his second) marriage was in Kingston, Jamaica so Brian has to start the form again for the third time. He suspects he might be pulling his leg - especially after the practical joke in Skipper but he's above board.
The barman and June get closer as June gets drunker. Bob goes to find June before Roy does. The barman keeps trying to her June to her room. Drunk June calls him out for trying to take advantage of her. Bob says she needs to come with him and Tom and June introduces them to "Pancho". "...Pepé" "He wants to get his leg over!"
Roy gets a call to contact Brownlow urgently. One of the jurors has had his house set on fire. Thankfully everyone is ok but it was definitely arson.
The blow-up doll owner is upset she's been deflated as he doesn't know how he will reinflate her. "Take her to a garage!" Nick tells him.
As Viv and Ted get their break, an angry Viv considers reporting Ted for saying she was asleep. He tells her to leave it alone and she stalks out. When she tries to tell Roy he's not interested as he's enough on.
June tells Bob and Tom that she's entitled to a drink and can look after herself as they lead her off - they lock her in the sauna to keep her out of the way whilst she sobers up. "If Galloway catches you-" "I don't give a shit about Galloway!" Tom turns the sauna on as they leave to 'sweat it out of her'.
Roy hears strange noises during his patrol of the hotel and follows them. He pulls his gun out and rounds the corner... to find Ted having his shoes shined.
Ken spots a new car as he does his rounds and they look inside. The boys who relieved them when they had their break didn't spot it either. They're about to investigate further as a woman wearing a tracksuit appears and walks towards them before turning round when she spots them. A car squeals as it pulls away when she starts running away from them and a hail of bullets is fired at the officers who keep trying to chase the woman. She runs to the other side to try catch the car but it can't stop long enough to let her in so she continues running with Yorkie and Ken chasing. Yorkie meets up with Roy and Ted in the search. The woman has made a breakaway on one of the floors. Tom spots her but slumps to the floor after a kick to the testicles. He gasps like he's been shot and calls it in. Mike and Jim spot her near the dining room and follow. Thankfully all doors are locked and they manage to arrest her - in the swimming pool!
Ted goes to speak to the security officer and finds him tied up and gagged. The woman remains silent but the security guard recognises her as the woman who smacked him round the head and says she came in with a carrier bag. Viv handcuffs the woman and takes her back to the station with Jim and Mike now dressed as waiters as it was the only dry clothes in their size available.
Roy says he doesn't want to disturb the jurors if he doesn't have to. This means that the one whose house has been burnt down doesn't know about it. The bag could just be a rubbish bag and he doesn't yet know if it's anything to worry about. He's hoping the jury will have made their decision come the morning before anyone has to be told or spooked. Jim reports that they've found the carrier bag, it appears to be a gift bag outside one of the rooms. It was the floor that they were originally going to use to house the jurors but due to a last-minute change, it isn't the floor that the jurors are actually on.
Ted suggests he pick it up and carry it to the river - three miles away - and throw it in. Roy tells him that he wants an explosives officer and to evacuate the rooms either side of the one with the bag. He also wants June up there right away.
The bigamist asks Brian what the punishment is for his crime. "Two mother-in-laws and about 7 years." He tells Brian that he was born in Southern Ireland and Brian checks back and realises that he can't be punished in the UK. "Mr Watson, I wish you and your wife goodnight..... good morning!" he corrects, looking at his watch. "Get out of the station!"
Roy checks the final door he wants to evacuate to find a couple passed out with cannabis in the room. "... I'll leave this to you, mate." He says to Tom, turning and leaving.
Bob goes back to June to find her wrapped in a towel and still drunk. He tells Roy that he's left June in reception. Roy feels he could walk up to the bag and carry it straight out like Ted says but Bob tells him not to. The explosives officer arrives and asks if anyone has a pen knife or similar on them. Luckily Ted does (look at Roy🤣)
The expert goes to the parcel and crouches over it. "I think we should take a walk...." Roy says as the boys pull away just incase. He goes to look and finds that the bag contains dirty laundry and one other item... "All clear!" he shouts, throwing the bag to Ted. John Salthouse's reaction faces are amazing.
"... Your department now."
The police examine the severed hand, thankfully it's made of rubber. The blood is real enough, however. Ted bags it for forensics and stores it in the hotel chiller!
Brian admits to Alec that the bigamist really tried his patience. Alec describes him to a tee and then tells Brian that he calls in 5-6 times a year with the same story!
The next morning a hungover June is feeling rather delicate. She spots a taxi pull up and a grey-headed man gets out with three suitcases. She approaches reception as he signs in and he observes June with suspicion as she pretends to be looking at a leaflet and he then whispers something to the receptionist. The receptionist gives June his details and tells her that the man thought she was a prostitute touting for business. The reservation was made by a construction company in Huddersfield but June is suspicious because early morning is a very strange time to check in! 2 other reservations were made at the same time by the same company and they've already checked in. Their rooms are adjoining. June tells Roy who calls for Ted and Bob to join them. He tries to get hold of Mike and Jim but their radios are affected by the swimming pool water and the message isn't clear. The car that Yorkie and Ken found last night before the woman arrived is the suspect's car and when the boot is forced there are shotguns inside!
Sun Hill evacuates the floor as Roy, Ted, Bob and others gather outside the suspect's three rooms with their guns though find only one occupied by all three. Jim knocks when given the nod and tells them there's a suspect package been found and the hotel is being evacuated. The door is opened and Sun Hill forces their way inside. The three suspects are in one room and it turns out that 2 of them are members of the IRA and the other is a gunrunner. They found bundles of cash and lots of guns and a bomb!
Brian and Brownlow make their way down to the hotels as the jury are loaded back onto the bus. The court usher thanks them for looking after them and suspects that some of the jury have been nobbled as they've found the brothers not guilty. "I hope it hasn't been too boring for you." The usher smiles.
Questions this episode left me with:
1/ Who told the woman that the jurors were going to be on the floor that they were meant to be? And was she meant to be targeting a specific juror given the room she left it outside?
2/ They didn't even mention if they caught whoever shot at Ken and Yorkie in the garage.
3/ If the blood on the fake hand was real - who's blood was it? Was one of the relatives of one of the jurors supposed to be harmed and it be their blood? Or was it just random blood to make them think one of their loved ones had lost their hand? Why put it in a bag of dirty laundry rather than a gift if you want someone to look inside and dig around to find the hand?
4/ Locking someone in a Sauna when they're drunk and turning it on is a really fucking stupid idea. "I know, I'll dehydrate her more and leave her in a dangerous place where she could get burnt or pass out through dehydration and perhaps die! Tom didn't check on her once - it was Bob who returned and he didn't even know Tom had turned it on! Also - how did she get out the next morning? How did they know she wouldn't get out and go walking around the hotel? Especially when clad only in towels! (you can't be locked in surely as a safety device!)
5/ If you're targeted as a juror and have your house attacked by arson - are you covered by say criminal compensation or can you sue the criminal's estate or whatever? I mean that is providing it's proven that they were involved? I know it's what we have insurance for (something happening to the house that is) but the thought of such increased premiums for something that happened through doing your duty as a juror and something you can't get out of without a really good reason must really stick in your throat. And what about those who aren't insured?
6/ Roy says the brothers have gotten too big for their boots and have become untouchable and should never have been allowed to get so bad... so why not tell the juror whose house had been burnt down about it - and therefore the others - to show what they're capable of? Like mentioning the hand 'accidentally' too? Though I guess without an investigation and legal evidence that it was definitely the brothers behind it (cos they wouldn't have done it themselves!) they'd not have been allowed to and perhaps caused a mistrial.
I really need to stop going down rabbit holes. My brain is also bringing up the repeated shouting - particularly the 'ALL CLEAR!' of the bomb off as only 3 rooms on each side were evacuated and also the clanking of the shoe shiner that was outside someone else's room.
#the bill#overnight stay#03x11#viv martella#nula conwell#ted roach#tony scannell#jon iles#john salthouse#roy galloway#mike dashwood#june ackland#trudie goodwin#tom penny#roger leach#alec peters#larry dann#charles brownlow#peter ellis#ken melvin#mark powley#reg hollis#jeff stewart#tony stamp#graham cole#jim carver#mark wingett#yorkie smith#tony smith#robert hudson
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An assortment of Royal Mail stamp booklets from over the years
#Royal Mail#British postage#stamp booklets#monarchy#UK#half-penny stamps#Machin effigy#Queen Elizabeth#nostalgia
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5.102 Chinese Whispers
ACKLAND: Not exactly a shrinking violet, are you?
Dave’s first episode and he’s extremely unlikeable in the beginning. Trying it on with everyone in a skirt and just being plain annoying. I’m glad he matured after a while.
#the bill#dave quinnan#phil young#june ackland#viv martella#tom penny#tony stamp#george garfield#ken melvin#reg hollis#richard turnham#the bill: first episode#the bill: 1989#the bill: series 5#the bill: episode: chinese whispers
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Vintage 1939 Postcard Jolly Pleased To See You Greetings Half Penny Stamp || SWtradepost - ebay
#half penny stamp postcard#vintage postcards#vintage collectible postcards#cute puppies#cute dogs#swtradepost#ebay#ebay collectibles
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“Dear Ma, All are well. hope you are the same. Mildred is having a fine time with the kids. She is quite contented here. Will write a letter later. Your loving kids. Mildred send you 13 kisses.” Chicago, IL Postmarked c. 1900's
#postcard#postal#collectable#antique#stamp#philatelic#lithography#mail#vacation#travel#holiday#cent#penny#halloween#vegetable#gourds#chicago#Jack O Lantern#Pumpkin#JOL
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when it rains it fucking pours I'm so fucking tired
#finances are fucked#and food stamps came in at $23#why bother if you're gonna send me pennies?#like $23 bucks is nothing for even 1 person#what is the point?#i thought everything was going well#and now it's 6:30 and it's all falling apart#and i don't get paid until friday#and that's not gonna be anything because my hours got cut for February#please put me out of my misery i can't take this anymore
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what y'all know about penny arcade's on the rain-slick precipice of darkness
#blinkies#blinkie#stamps#stamp#by me#penny arcade#on the rain slick precipice of darkness#precipice of darkness#tycho brahe#gif#yeah i made stamps for my niche hyperfixation#tf are you gonna do about it?#also im gonna post some of the regular versions of them soon#also i did finish episode 1 today thank you for asking#these games are so good#go play them
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Hey frens, long time no post. Instagram stopped posting to Tumblr for me, quite rudely. ¬¬ But anyways! I have some new shizz in store that might be of interest. My l late father-in-law left us a ridiculous amount of stamps, so I started turning some of them into jewellery. If you see anything that you like, don’t leave it to chance -- there is very little chance any repeats will happen. There’s also some new earrings as well, dice-tastic. Tell your friends!
#stamps#stamp jewellery#stamp jewelry#pendants#royal mail#shop small#shopraeyn#shop raeyn#handmade#handmade uk#handmade in the uk#cats#flowers#penny black#ducks#faeries#morgan le fay#roses
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