#Pelna sweet overworked Pelna
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andywinter16 · 2 years ago
Hi! Not sure if you're doing requests, but if you do, maybe "Falling asleep together" from Fluff Bingo, with Libertus and Pelna and their s/o? Really like the way you write the Glaives, hope you'll have a great day/night!
Of course, I love do fluff bingo! Awwww, thank you kindly❤️ (but I still think I made them too OCC ) And I am so sorry it took me so long but my job is crazy right now, and I have less time for writing :/
And thank you for giving me ideas for writing ❤️ Just little warning Libertus kind of went out of control. (it took me quite long to get to the main point) So his story is little angsty that I anticipated.
*galadhian words used:
inalis - the sweetest /sweetie
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Libertus Ostium:
He knew it was stupid to partake in that drinking game against Crowe, Pelna and Nyx. Hell, Luche was telling them not to do that. Always a buzzkill, that one! But maybe this time was Luche right, they really over did it even for their standarts. Libertus annoyedly sighed. Whole street was spinning under his feet, and his stomach wasn't happy about it either. Yeah, the hungover will be a bitch in the morning, he could tell the others would be in a bad shape after this too. He smirked gleefully, served them right for challenging him.
Lib had to lean against the wall for support. That cavaugh whiskey kicked different, that was for sure. He steadied himself and gritted his teeth, so close to his destination. Just one more crowded street and old creaking stairs to your doorstep. Oh Ramuh, you will not be happy about his state. When you two were once on a date in one of the lovely Insomnian park, you told him about your parent being alcoholic with pretty bad temper. Lib almost went to search for your parent to give them piece of his mind and most probably punch in the face If you didn´t stopped him right there. But the point was that you weren´t very keen of drunk people. In the back of his mind, guilt creeped on the surface and swept over him like a tsunami.
Fuck, he can´t get back to you looking like a shit. A certain memory flashed through his mind so crystal clear. When he came home drunk last time. You looked so upset, and Libertus would bet his misserable paycheck that you were also dissapointed in him. Even if you didn´t said it out loud. This turmoil of thoughts accompanied him the rest of the way. Lib wasn´t even sure how he got there. It was too fast. He was mindful not to make any sound when he opened your door, which as any drunk person is not really much possible.
"Libertus?" said your sleepy voice from sofa. Busted.
"Shhh, it´s kay! I didn´t want to wake you up, sweet cheeks." he clumsily walked to you and gently grabbed your hand in his big ones. You were taken a back with this, the sleep that clouded your mind slowly dissapearing. When your eyes focused Libertus looked quite sheepish, like a little boy who got into trouble. What adorable giant of yours!
" You ... you know that I love you, right? That I would never hurt you, like they did, inalis." his hands were so warm and caloused against yours. "I - I know you don´t like when I get drunk an-..." you pecked those puffy lips to silent him . " Is that what this is all about?" shaking your head in disbelief, you said. " Lib, you´re not them! I may not be thrilled of you getting drunk, but" you grabbed his chin that he could look at you," you would never hurt me. We love and respect each other too much." Lib eyes were blown out, damn it! He start to showering you in sweet kisses. You laughted at his antic. " Baby, stop! Let´s get you in the bed." Unhappy grumble leaved his throat, but obediently complied. You helped him to your small bedroom, it was kind of struggle because Libertus holded you like his life depended on it. You let him sit and helped him to undress. Libertus then collapsed onto the mattress.
" Big boy, that´s my side of bed." you teased. He tiredly mumbled something that sounded too much like smells like you. You climbed after him on the bed. Your head instantly rested on his chest right where his heart lies, while you both hugged and entangled your legs. Even though Lib was drunk, he still smelled so alluringly. It always made your mind peacefull. A faint snore reached your ears. You have to restrain not to laugh aloud, your teddy bear went out like a light. You softly kissed his temple. "Sweet dreams, love." You said silently before his heartbeat lulled you also to land of dreaming.
Pelna Khara:
Why is he even putting up with this? Pelna briefly wondered. He was tired of the constant problems that haunted them everywhere they went. Such was the life of Kingsglaive, Barett once told him when on guard duty. Still the last mission was "disastreous" in the eyes of nobles, and the paperwork for it was even worse. That´s what they get when Furias are on demolition team. Door in to his small office went open, and inside walked wall of papers. "Soni, this isn´t even funny anymore, how much papers are we suppose to sort?" lamented Pelna. Sonitus head popped out under the papers. He had that apologetic smile. " Don´t ask that, or you will get depressed like Luche." Pelna wanted to tear his own hair out out of flustration. His energies were on the lowest, he needed sleep so badly. " Yeah, it´s that bad. Let me take your place for a moment. You look awful, man. " Soni offered. Pelna exhaled sharply. That badly he looked, eh? " I suppose, I could use a break for a minute." Pelna took his mug and went for kitchen. Coffee should help him out. But what suprise awaited him in there, was you swaying into soft music from radio. The smell of freshly grounded coffee beans hitting his nostrils. You were his sweet balm for the soul and all ills. Pelna sneakily went to hug you from behind. and cheekily pecking you on the cheek.
" Yes, darling?" you asked sweetly. Pelna didn´t miss the tiredness of your voice.
" I just wanted to see my favourite person." You were both in awful shape. " You flatterer, you definitively went for coffee first." loopside grin appeared on his face. You took his mug and poured him fresh black coffee. Then you added two sugars and one coffee creamer, just how Pelna likes it. This warmed him inside, even on the verge of collapse, you would still take care of him.
" Come on, let´s sit down on the sofa. You´re already half asleep on me." you teased lightly. But Astrals know that you could use a break. You both sat down, Pelna more likely collapsed. Luckily you had both of your mugs that you put on the small table. Pelna needily embraced you, his warm and weight enveloping you in human cocoon. Pelna tickled you with his beard on your neck.
" Just five minutes of rest, what do you say Y/N?" he huskily said in your ear. Oh, you couldn´t deny your precious husband. He was addicting like chocolate.
" Oh my, what would I do with you? I can possible let you hurt yourself now because of lack of sleep, do I?" his eyes shined joyfully. Pelna nestled his head on your stomach, using it as comfortable pillow. Your hand automaticaly went in to his soft raven hair, stroking it lovingly. "Thank you, Y/N." he whispered sleepily. Your head rested on the sofa armrest. Your eyelids started to feel so heavy, until you stopped noticing your surroundings and sleep overtook you as your husband.
Two and half hour later in a common room.
"Should´n we wake them up? "
"Don´t you even dare, Furia."
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Titus Drautos | Glauca/Cor Leonis Characters: Titus Drautos | Glauca, Nyx Ulric, Crowe Altius, Luche Lazarus, Pelna Khara, Cor Leonis, Tredd Furia Additional Tags: Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV (2016), Pre-Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV, Overworking, Coffee, Glaives are tired of this bullshit, Captain needs to take a break, Give me a break, cut me off a piece of that kit kat bar, cor wants the D, Drautos wants to give Cor the D, Glaives are sweet, Fluffy, delicious food Summary:
Drautos is exhausted from overworking. He doesn't know how to stop. The Glaives decide to take matters into their own hands to make sure he eats and takes at least one break every couple of days.
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fortheloveofeos · 7 years ago
The Vanguard - Chapter 5
That awkward moment when you’ve written something months ago and realize it was never posted...
Any who, here’s my first upload of today. @sarcastic-heroine
Despite the evening hour, the streets near the Citadel were quiet as Eirwen leaned back against the lamppost. The cool metal was comforting against her abnormally warm skin. The workout with Gladio had been rougher on her muscles than she had anticipated, and her entire body had pushed harder than it had in a while. Her legs had especially been put to the test as she had not allowed herself to use magic, other than warping, and had fought Gladio hand-to-hand. The cool shower had done her body a world of good, but her healing muscles were warmer than she was used to, and she had been forced to don a black tank top and jeans without a jacket or over shirt. As her mind went back over the training session for the millionth time while she tried very hard not to direct her focus to the memory of the shirtless Shield and his rippling muscles, she played with the small flame she managed to create and maintain at the tips of her fingers.
A rumble tore through the night, breaking her concentration and killing the magical flame. The motorcycle turned the corner, racing down the backstreet just behind the Citadel before coming to a sudden stop in front of Eirwen. “You look a little lonely,” the rider chuckled before sliding forward in his seat and pulling an extra helmet from the rack on the back. Holding out the helmet, the hulking rider pressed the button to raise the darkened screen. “It’s dangerous for a girl out her alone,” Gladio smiled.
“Dangerous for them, maybe,” Eirwen smirked and accepted the helmet before sliding it into place and fixing the chin strap. “When I said you could give me a ride, I wasn’t expecting this.”
Gladio barked out a laugh before helping her to slide onto the seat behind him, her arms instantly wrapping around his middle. “I don’t get to ride her much, considering I’m usually with Noctis or Ignis when I’m traveling around the city. Thought you could handle something a little more wild than the Regalia.”
Eirwen snorted before Gladio turned the bike on, the engine roaring to life as they sped down the street. For all his talk, he was a careful driver other than his speed and the two had arrived at the usual dive bar in no time at all. Gladio got off first before offering his hand to Eirwen and taking her helmet. He carried them both in one arm while his other slipped around her waist to guide her inside. She raised an eyebrow at him, but his only response was a wink before he opened the door and ushered her inside.
The scent of cigars, spilled beers, and the sweetness of the fruit behind the bar mingled with old leather as the two took their seats in the booth towards the back where Pelna was already seated, pouring over his tablet with a half empty beer in his hand. He didn’t seem to notice their arrival.
“Pelna?” Eirwen leaned forward and waved a hand in front of his face. “Don’t tell me you’re working right now,” she sighed and tapped the screen once for emphasis. This seemed to be enough to get his attention as his head snapped up and he pulled his tablet towards himself.
His brown eyes were wide for a moment as he looked from her to Gladio before realization dawned on him and he relaxed. “Don’t do that. And yes, I’m going back through the data I managed to get from the mainframe on the dropship before Amira was attacked. Oddly enough, there was some coding that wasn’t encoded at all. But after some digging through what I would call decoy information, I’ve found a hidden firewall of sorts. Something I don’t think is supposed to be on here.”
“So they did want us to find the information, then,” Nyx nodded as he slid in beside Pelna and taking a swig of his beer. “Have you reported this yet?”
Sighing, Pelna tucked the tablet away into his jacket and shook his head. “Nothing other than my preliminary report to Drautos. I want to be the first one on the other side of the firewall. Something important is in there. I know it.”
The squeak of leather on leather stopped Pelna from continuing as Crowe claimed her spot beside Nyx and Libertus pulled up a couple of chairs for himself and Amira. “We are not discussing work right now. We are getting drunk,” Crowe insisted and passed around the fresh round of beers she must have picked up on her way in.
“I know I need a drink,” Amira sighed as she took a long swig from her bottle. “It’s been a long few days with braids for brains over here. Who knew such a skilled warrior would have a penchant for sci-fi movies.
.” Eirwen visibly cringed as Nyx pouted and crossed his arms. The entire group burst into laughter at their “leader’s” expense.
Anytime the Vanguard gathered together for drinks and preferably cheap beer, laughter and good-natured jests were the usual. Amira seemed to be in good spirits despite having to have assistance walking and being unable to carry practically anything. The fresh air and company of her friends seemed to be doing her a world of good. Gladio seemed to easily fit into the group, making more than one joke at Eirwen’s expense during the night, always softening it with a wink or a smile.
“Guessing you’re going to be with us for now,” Libertus pointed in Gladio’s direction with his amber bottle, careful not to spill its contents on the weathered table. Though it wasn’t a question, he waited for Gladio’s responding nod before continuing. “Guess Sparky and Frostbite have been re-assigned for the time being,” he laughed to himself.
Both Amira and Eirwen cocked an eyebrow and crossed their arms over their chests. It was one of those times were if they had actually looked similar, it would’ve been impossible to tell them apart. An easy moment to understand why they were The Twins. “Last time I looked at my personnel file, Lib, you weren’t listed as Captain Obvious,” Amira fixed him with a look,  “and we all heard the orders go over the comm. Shield’s with us until we figure out this new issue with the Nifs.”
“Safety of the Crown and all,” Gladio nodded. “Speaking of, I have a few questions about dynamics and past battle strategies used by the Vanguard and the Kingsglaive.” He leaned forward in his seat, his eyes sparkling despite the alcohol in his veins.
Using that as her queue, Eirwen slipped over the back of the cracked booth and pulled a chair up beside Amira so the two could have their own conversation. Amira looked like she always did dressed in all dark colors with her dark hair braided out of her face. To know anything was wrong, a person would have to know what to look for in her eyes. A sort of fire seemed to be almost snuffed out.
Eirwen opened her mouth but was cut off when Amira gave her an odd look, sliding forward in her chair before she placed a hand to the blonde’s forehead. “You feeling okay? You’re actually a little warm, snowflake.”
Hiding her smile, Eirwen batted her hand away carefully so as not to jostle her too much. “I’m fine. I guess I am warm, but I blame that on Mister Greatsword over there. He wanted to go a couple rounds today.” Amira raised both her eyebrows in a teasing manner, a smirk pulling at her dark colored lips. “He’s faster than anyone that size should be, okay?” Shaking her head and willing the blood away from her cheeks, she pointed at her Twin. “What about you? You’ve been holed up with the damn Hero of Lucis for
. I want details.”
A heavy sigh left Amira before she could even pretend to stop it. The sound was something of disappointment and resignation. “The past day or so he hasn’t said much. Libertus and Crowe have been around some. Whenever anyone not you is around he always...withdraws?” Eirwen nodded as she already knew what Amira meant - which she probably did. “I caught him playing piano the other morning.”
Gasping, Eirwen scooted forward in her seat comically. “Do tell me more. I’ve missed everything.”
The first couple of days had been rough. Amira had been given the maximum amount of healing potions any one person could legally, and maybe not-so-legally, consume at any one time to ensure that she came out of this alive. The injury to her abdomen had been deep enough that the bloodloss alone was a major concern for the field medics the moment they had gotten to her. Consuming so much magical medicine was hard on a healthy body. Do the same to anyone with an injury and there was a price to be paid.
Though her body worked in overdrive to create new cells and knit the gash back together, pain seemed to fill her veins at first and she only seemed to notice it at night when the pain was all there was. With Eirwen on double shifts between regular training and learning new weapons, Nyx had been given a special leave to attend to Ramuh’s daughter so that no non-magic wielding nurse would be exposed to her in the event she lost control again.
After she had been allowed to return home and Nyx had refused to leave, the two had settled into a sort of routine. She had only been out around two days when the two had ordered Altissan take-out from a diner up the street. After they ate, Nyx had helped Amira to sit up, and he picked out a movie he thought she might like: a rom-com centered around a woman who was overworked and quite laughably looking for love at some kind of festival. The two ended up laughing their way through most of it before their dessert had cooled down.
As the credits has rolled, Amira couldn’t help thinking back to the ship. They had followed the plans perfectly. In fact, it was the first mission she could remember where they had actually stuck to the original plan. She should’ve died on that ship and she knew it. Judging by the way Nyx shifted during her silence, he knew it too.
He left soon after that for the couch where he would be sleeping during his stay. Eirwen had made up the guest room for him, but because it was on the other side of the apartment from Amira’s room, he had insisted the couch was better. It was from the couch that he had heard her whimpering in her sleep. When he rushed to her bedroom door he found her carefully curled up with her hands clawing at the sheet from the pain.
Healing magic was dangerous, incredibly so when administered in large amounts. He’d been on the receiving end of less than the amount of magic Amira had been given and he knew the pain he had felt then. Her soft whimpers and groans of pain had nearly shattered his heart. Without thinking, he had silently padded his way over to her bed and slipped beneath the fluffy covers so that he could lightly place his hand over her injury. Heat radiated from his palm as she burrowed into him, seeking out more of his warmth to stave off the pain. Her whimpers stopped and soon she was breathing heavily enough for a deep sleep.
Nyx stayed like that most of the night - his large hand pouring carefully restrained fire magic against her wound while she cuddled against his chest. He’d been too afraid to do anything more than sort of doze off in case he hurt her. Once the sun began to rise, he had carefully untangled himself from her and left her to rest. Although he hadn’t slept much, he felt engized from having her near him and felt more than ready for the day.
He would later blame his worry for the large pot of tea, cinnamon rolls, and large bowl of fruit he made for the two of them for breakfast. While he waited for her to join him, he had taken a seat on the bench of the old piano tucked into the corner of the apartment. He remembered Eirwen mentioning Amira’s love for music but judging by the layer of dust gathering on its surface, it hadn’t been played in some time. A light press of the keys told him that the instrument was still in fine condition and without thought he abandoned his teacup to the floor and lightly slid his fingers over the keys enough to stir up dust.
It had been ages since he’d even seen an actual piano outside of the Citadel’s galas. His mother had owned an ancient thing that she had kept in their sun room. She had liked to play as she looked out over the morning waves glittering in the sunrise. Now, Nyx looked out over the Insomnian skyline. The glass of the skyscrapers glittered like diamonds and he couldn’t help smiling at the irony of it all.
He could almost hear his mother’s playing, see her fingers ghosting over the keys and before long his fingers followed suit. The tune was an old Galahdian ballad of love. A story about a warrior and his sweet lover. It was a heartbreaking story of loss and of love and of commitment and as his fingers played out the notes, he found himself humming the words in the all but forgotten language of his homeland.
“That’s beautiful.”
Nyx jumped at the sound of her voice, his fingers missing a key. “It’s...from my homeland.” He turned to find her leaning against the wall. “You should be in bed. You’re not supposed to do much physical activity.”
“I refuse to get bed sores,” she winced as she shifted her weight. “What’re the lyrics? I heard you humming.”
“Another time,” he promised as he rose from the bench seat. “I made breakfast. Let me help you,” he sighed when she stepped away from the wall holding her side. Shaking her head, Amira opened her mouth to say she could do it when she felt her knees being knocked out from under her and the world tipping. “Don’t try to struggle, you’ll only hurt yourself.”
How exactly Nyx had managed to get her into his arms without hurting her injury she would never understand but Amira knew he told the truth when he warned her not to move. “I dislike you, Islander.”
“Lying isn’t becoming of a lady,” he laughed.
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