#Peirce Hawthorne
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ur-mentallyill-wench · 11 months ago
rip Jeff Winger would have loved class of o9 and therapy
rip Abed Nadir would have loved saying "its a canon event" and video essays
rip Britta Perry would have loved self diagnosing on tiktok and Taylor Swift
rip Troy Barnes would have loved mpreg and highschool musical
rip Annie Edison would have loved online school and the D.A.R.E program
rip Shirley Bennett would have loved facebook memes
rip Pierce Hawthorne, jk fuck him
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abednadirreal · 1 year ago
My biggest OPP
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azquine · 7 months ago
Randomly thinking about the prospect of an Avatar: the Last Airbender and Community crossover where everything is pretty much the same, but there is bending.
I don't think anyone would be spectacular, considering that this would be a community college, and there is not much need to weaponise bending here.
Honestly I think Jeff would absolutely have very weak bending that he never bothers to use. In fact, I think he'd prefer the idea of being a non-bender than someone with such weak bending, so that's what he pretends to be. That way he can come across as someone who has entirely gotten along without bending, who doesn't need it. I think he would have inherited the same element as his father, and his mother has a different element to him. Either way, his parents were far more proficient at bending than himself, which causes a little more insecurity to cover up. As for which element? I'm not sure, I could be swayed towards any. Maybe fire?
Abed is 100% a water bender to me, and I think he'd be pretty good. I can imagine him practicing alone here and there as something to focus on in his lonely teen years. He's well versed in using it for basic utilitarian tasks in the Falafel restaurant, and he's spent some hours moving little water figures in recreations of movie scenes. I can also see him finding a book to teach himself healing from. It's a way to be useful, needed. A way to protect himself and keep himself out of the doctors office. Bending is a pretty private thing for him though, he doesn't necessarily like to show it off. For most of the first year the group assumes him to be a non-bender as he never mentions it, up until one day when someone asks if he can fetch their water bottle from the other side of the room, and Abed casually sends it flying into his hand with no explanation. He's not really used to using his bending on others, so he doesn't really have any combative capabilities, his father always looked down on the idea of using something so spiritual to harm others. It can get pretty tricky when he's overwhelmed though, as he has a habit of accidentally freezing any water around him. The room was ice cold during the claymation episode. Troy has a habit of always making sure he has a water bottle, something to have on hand for Abed if he needs, and a literal temperature gauge for if he's okay.
Shirley is absolutely an earth bender, and while she mostly uses it for catching falling children and items in a hectic household, she also has the best fighting capability. She can and has hit a motherfucker with a rock in her less patient days. Other common uses are to quite literally put a wall between her and someone who has offended her, or to stop someone from walking away from her mind lecture by snagging their foot. It's one of the few tools of power she actually has, and so she keeps a tight fist on it.
Peirce is a Firebender from a long line of 'pure blooded' Firebenders. He boasts a lot about his skill, and he is pretty good at making flashy displays, but there is more light than heat. He also has no real control over those big flames, so it's just as well that his fire is toothless.
Britta is also a non-bender, though she tries to practice the meditative practices of each element. This is something Jeff sneers upon, as 'why would you bother doing the boring stuff for elements you can't even bend?'. I'm assuming she has at least some Airbender lineage in her family that she's pretty proud of, though probably not her parents themselves.
Troy I'm not entirely sure of, again I could be swayed by any of them. I mean, AIR conditioning, fire has to do with temperature, earth has metal bending for pipes, water is what makes air conditioning and plumbing work. It could be any. Either way, it's something that he has a rather natural grip of rather than something he has to study or meditate on. It's something that intuitively assists in whatever he's doing, like football or repair. I don't think he does bending for its own sake very often, it's more something supplemental for other activities.
Annie naturally has a lot of trouble with the more intuitive and spiritual aspects of bending. Her brain fires off thoughts too quickly to clear it and focus on the elements. But she is a quick student for the more skill based aspects of bending, of what hand placements and movement speeds she should be doing. As for which element, I'm leaning towards water, though I can see fire also working. Something changeable and emotional, though it's hard for her to lean into that.
Idk, let me know if you have any thoughts. I'd love to talk about this!
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bas1c-lup1ne-ur0logy-66 · 1 year ago
RIP p**rce H*wth*rne you would've loved YouTube shorts
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bubblegumbarbie33 · 1 year ago
Brb watching Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas and sobbing
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blue-genes · 2 years ago
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whoareuuunow · 2 months ago
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2015 🎉🥳
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polyspaceee · 1 year ago
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Repost from the Community Twitter be there or be a peirce hawthorn stan.
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batsarebetterthanpeople · 7 months ago
I entered my MCR hater era but please let it be known that I was fully neutral on the band and even skipped seeing I Prevail to see them at a music festival before and I have been pushed to this point by the constant annoying ass standom on this website (and also by Uber drivers putting on Black Parade to try to get a tip because I have raccoon bangs but that's only happened twice) but they literally don't do anything that I can't get from Hawthorne Heights, Gerard Way's voice isn't that good, and people on here talk about them like they're the second coming of Christ. Bestie they're a fine band, they're whatever, they're no Peirce The Veil.
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maggotthatching · 2 years ago
A similar thing happened when I introduced my mum to Community! After months of non-stop talking about the show, she wanted to see an episode. I immediately knew I'd show her the first paintball episode (the first episode I had watched of the show and the one that started my obsession).
Afterwards, she said she had recognised Chevy Chase. I was ecstatic that I'd finally be able to talk to an irl person about the show that had consumed my daily thoughts. I basically info-dumped everything I knew about Chevy Chase's involvement in the show. His feud with Dan Harmon. His status as the black-sheep of the crew. His comments towards Donald Glover and Megan Ganz. The controversies around season 4. (If it's not already abundantly clear, I've watched a LOT of behind the scenes interviews from the cast, so my rant was comprehensive). Anyway, once I was done talking, she said Chevy Chase had been the main apeal of the show to her and that now she knew how horrible he was, she was no longer interested in the show.
I was desperate to convince her against this. I've scoured the IMDB pages of the entire cast, and so I was teeming with examples of how extraordinarily talented everyone else was. Alison Brie, Donald Glover, Danny Pudi, Jim Rash ... not only are these actors brilliant on the show, they are also responsible for the creations of some my favourite peices of media. I mean, come on. The Russo Brothers directed for community. Ludwig Göransson composed the sountrack. Don't get me wrong, I think most of the fandom knows at least some of how horrible Ch*vy Ch*se and D*n H*rmon are, but I think it'd be depressing to let that sully the whole show. And like, how are you watching the show for PEIRCE HAWTHORNE. How is HE the standout character to you.
HELP i was talking to this girl about community and she was like “i really love chevy chase in it” and my exact words were “oh yeah, he’s really crazy.”
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braydenjl470 · 2 years ago
I love how the entire community fandom collectively agrees that season 2 is the best one
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doodlebopshibop · 5 years ago
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azquine · 1 year ago
(This is a midnight stream of thought, so I'm sorry if I got some details or quotes slightly off, but you should get the idea of what I am saying)
So Peirce's bequeathings in the hospital were all to do with torturing the recipient, right? (apart from Annie, his favourite) Each 'gift' having a front that seemed like something nice, or at the very least cathartic (Shirley's dvd)
Abed seemed to be another exception, but what if he wasn't? He wasn't as affected as the others, but that doesn't necessarily mean Peirce didn't try.
Peirce at the bare minimum knows Abed likes movies. Knows he likes recording things. So he asks Abed to record the events at the hospital. This matches the thread of his choices seeming on the surface to be nice. He's giving Abed an opportunity to do something he enjoys, placing a creative project onto his lap.
Abed thinks of himself as the outsider of the group, the observer. (he says as much after the chicken mafia ends). He also considers himself to pretty much not exist within the events in front of him once he is behind a camera ('I'm not in this scene'). Peirce, by getting Abed to point his camera at the rest of the group, ensures Abed isolates himself from them. Ensures that Abed's thoughts become true.
He cements this division from the rest by telling the camera (and therefore Abed) about his plan. Abed now cannot join the others in ignorance. He is in on it, the rest are not. Or to put it another way, they are a part of this event, and he is not.
Of course, there is nothing stopping Abed from putting down the camera and joining them as an active party. To tell the others what is going on so that everyone is in on it.
But he wouldn't. Abed wouldn't even consider breaking his personal code as a creative. He is, naturally, going to put the authenticity of the documentary over the 'right thing to do' as a friend (it isn't called friend business, it's show business'). He can only watch. If he does any more than that the entire situation is destroyed. The plot of the documentary, of the episode, vanishes.
The more chaos the situation devolves into, the more the incentive to keep quiet grows. The possibility that the others might be angry with Abed for knowing and staying silent. Of watching them rip themselves apart without a word. It helps that this gives Peirce the bonus that he might not have to face the flames completely alone. If Abed is the outsider, Peirce is the outcast. As much as he would vitriolically deny it, Peirce needs to attach himself to others far more than Abed, even if it is just to drag them down with him.
I think the reason that this isn't ever touched on in the episode is that Abed is used to his position as the lone watcher. It doesn't bother him as much, he has long become comfortable with it. He frames the world through his position as a viewer. Being able to do so from inside the room is a nice change. Being an outcast is different, I think that role would upset him, it's far closer to abandonment. Observing is far more intentional, a choice to step back.
Even in this line of thinking, I don't think Peirce would have considered his approach to Abed too far below the surface level. He is generally rather dismissive of him, so I doubt he'd care about 'teaching him a lesson' as much as he would for, say, Jeff.
He also probably doesn't know Abed's vulnerable spots like he knows the rest of the groups. He spends far more time either trying to impress them or tear them down, through which he learns more about them. Peirce may well have some sense for Abed's fear of abandonment, he was there to hear the letter about his mother's new family that made Abed shut down. (If he was REALLY trying to hurt Abed he could have used that, though that may have been more effort than he was willing to go to for Abed). Though Peirce is sometimes not the best at picking up on stuff, so he might have let the abandonment issues slip him by.
Peirce certainly doesn't know where Abed hurts the same way Troy would, or even Annie later on. Troy can rip Abed apart with a text far more effectively with a text than Peirce could with a gift.
In some way it's preferable to think that Abed was included in some twisted way to the bequeathings of Peirce Hawthorne than him just leaving Abed out of his death wishes twice.
It's funny, Peirce and Abed are a pair whose relationship with one another seems to actively get worse across the show. It starts with unintentional racism being met with nonchalance (I think that's the right word? Thinking of when Peirce asks if what he said to Abed was offensive and Abed says 'sure' and the script direction says 'with the tone of someone asked if they want water' or something like that).
Across the first few seasons they get to a point where I would almost call them friends. Little moments like a mention of Abed calling Peirce for help with a squirrel(I think? It's mentioned in the STD episode), or how Peirce defends Abed from Duncan near the end of the stop motion episode even though he has nothing to gain from it (perhaps it was solidarity, he had lost his own mother not long before), or the clip episode snippets. Those add up to them being more than acquaintances, even though there is nothing of real substance on camera. No friendship B plots. And then those little bits utterly disintegrate until they are barely acquaintances. In following seasons when Peirce calls Abed a terrorist or freak, or Abed says he hates Peirce for what he did to the US inspector spacetime, there is nothing to balance it. We can only take it at face value. And then it ends with a parting insult and an obligatory gift everyone else got, with no secondary personal gift. And then Troy's personal gift means he has to leave (Maybe Peirce did know how to properly wound Abed. He was jealous when Troy left to live with Abed, enough to give a mean housewarming gift)
But they hadn't reached that point when Peirce asked Abed to film at the hospital. It could be that Peirce still saw Abed as someone worth hurting then, as utterly fucked as that is (Peirce is NOT a good guy). Or he was trying to cause pain at both bequeathings. Or he spared no thought for Abed at all. They all seem possible. Turns out there are more ways to read all of this than I thought.
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brainrotbird · 1 year ago
changed mine after this was requested but I'll do both
old one : black-kitten-riot113
boy division- my chemical romance
louder than your love- andy black
angel or alien- born of osiris
cutting it close- rain city drive
keep the wolves away- uncle lucius
knives and pens- black veil brides
i don't care if you're contagious- peirce the veil
the maiden and the selkie- heather dale
the fall- half alive
escape route- paramore
not that kind of girl- my chemical romance
running out of time- paramore
i caught fire- the used
ohio is for lovers- hawthorne heights
take me back to eden- sleep token
12 fractures- peirce the veil
1985- bo burnham
30/90- andrew garfield
new one : brainrotbird
burial plot- dayseeker
rain- sleep token
alchemist- carly pearl
immaculate misconception- motionless in white
never been better- half alive
remember the laughter- ray toro
osaki ni shitsurei shimasu- hanabie.
the maiden and the selkie- heather dale
become what you hate- midtown
it takes time- ls dunes
romance- my chemical romance
dirty deeds- ac/dc
@jackthetoad if you want to try
alright @goonssquadd I finally did the thing 🎉
spelling out my url with songs let’s go~💫
Pas de Cheval—Panic at the disco
Osama bin laden as the crucified christ—against me!
Ocean Avenue—Yellowcard
King— Florence and the Machine
You & Me—Tally Hall
Golden—Fall out boy
His Eyes—Pseudo Echo
Original Prankster—The offspring
Understanding in a car crash—Thursday
Lady Sunshine—Anri
Your love is my drug—Kesha
gonna tag some pals to do this (if u want to/have the spoons!) @throckmortonianfluid @mirandamnit @desolationlovers @blazefire2012 @grucifix666 @blkrose96 @electrictouchfeaturingfalloutboy @ne0n-and-fucking-garbage aaaaaand @avrerrotheroach
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blue-genes · 2 years ago
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Heavily inspired by
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astral-cowboy · 3 years ago
Now, I'm not saying that the community youtube page uploading all the episodes one by one is leading up to something, I'm just saying that it's very suspicious
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