#Pei su withdrawals
lilianhuas · 2 years
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by 一颗阿仙仙仙 x
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bookofjin · 3 years
Rise of Sixteen States: 300
(Zhao Xin rebels)
7 February 300 – 25 January 301
(Jin's 1st Year of Yongkang)
Summer, 4thMonth, guisi [7 May], the King of Liang, Rong, and the King of Zhao, Lun, falsely decreed the demotion of Empress Jia to be a commoner. The Minister of Works, Zhang Hua, and the Supervisor of the Masters of Writing, Pei Wei, were both murdered. Palace Attendant Jia Mi and his faction with several tens of people were all executed.
On jiawu,[8 May], Lun falsely decreed a great amnesty, himself to be Chancellor of the State and Commander-in-Chief of All Armies in the Centre and Outside and like Xuan and Wen assisted in the old affairs of Wei.
(Li Te)
1stYear of Yongkang [300 AD], a decree summoned the Inspector of Yi, province, Zhao Xin, to become Great Prolonger of Autumn, and moved the Interior Clerk of Chengdu, Geng Teng, to be Inspector of Yi province and General of Smashing Charges, and follow the clothes and pendants worn by Xin. Xin was Empress Jia's relative by marriage, and when he heard the summons was very afraid.
Earlier, Xin considered Jin's government to be declining, and the Stars of Zhao's Yellow Divinations said “The one whose star is yellow will be King.” Xin thereupon secretly held close disloyal plans and had aspirations of the Liu clan for cutting away and occupying. The lands of Shu had defiles on all sides, and could be used to secure oneself. He therefore poured out the granary stores, to succour and provide for the drifting people, and so gather the heart of the multitudes. Li Te's partisans and kind were all people of Baxi, they and Xin were of the same commandery, and they led many brave and strong. Xin treated them lavishly and considered them as claws and teeth. For that reason Te and others assembled a multitude, and concentrated on robbing and thieving. The people of Shu suffered from them.
Teng several times covertly petitioned:
The drifting people are tough and simple minded, and the people of Shu are weak and timid. Guest and host being unable to regulate each other will surely be the base for chaos. [We] ought to move them back to their original lands. [If we] do not, grant them the narrow passes of the eastern three commanderies. Observe their feelings and attitudes, and do not gradually allow it to grow, otherwise [I] fear the calamities of Qin and Yong will collect in Liang# and Yi.
He also told:
The granaries and storehouses are empty and exhausted, they have nothing with which to respond to the urgencies of spear-points of and arrowheads. Certainly this will add to the sagely court's worries over western concerns.
Xin heard and detested him.
(According to HYGZ2, the “eastern three commanderies” refers to Weixing, Shangyong, and Xincheng, located east of Hanzhong.)
At the time Chengdu was seated in the lesser city, and Yi province was seated in the greater city. Xin was still in the greater city and had not yet departed. The province had received the written decree, and had already dispatched civil and military officials, more than a thousand people, to go and welcome Teng. Teng, since Xin and not yet set out from the province, was at the commandery. Xin summoned Li Xiang's partisans Luo An, Wang Li, and others to take Teng by force, and kill those who had passed on the decree. They where greatly defeated at Xuanhua precinct in Guanghan.
Teng discussed his intention to enter the provincial city. The Board of Merit [official] Chen Xun remonstrated, saying:
Now province and commandery both administer troops, the enmity and discord is deepening daily. To enter the city will surely be a great disaster, It is not as good as calmly lodging in the lesser city, to observe their alterations, and call to arms the various counties to combine villages for protection, and so prepare against the Di of Qin. Chen of the Western Yi is going to arrive, [we] should wait for him. If [we] do not, [we] can withdraw to stay in Jianwei, and go west and cross at Jiangyuan to forestall irregularities.
Teng did not follow.
Winter, 12thMonth [28 December 300 – 25 January 301], Teng led the multitudes to enter the province, and ascend the western gate. Xin dispatched a close intimate, Dai Mao, to attack Teng. Mao told him and then left. Xin again dispatched troops to chastise Teng. Teng's army was defeated, he threw himself off the lesser city and died.
A functionary, Zuo Xiong, carried Teng's son Qi, and relied on a commoner, Song Ning, to hide them. Xin offered as reward a thousand gold, but Ning did not set out. Xin soon after was defeated, and he managed to escape.
The commandery functionaries all ran away and fled, only Chen Xun bound himself and went to Xin, requesting mourning for Teng's death. Xin [found him] right-principled and did not kill him. Xun and a Board of Households official, Chang Chang, together prepared the coffin and tomb, and buried him.
Xin again dispatched troops to confront the Colonel of the Western Yi, Chen Zong. Zong arrived at Jiangyang, and heard Xin had disloyal aspirations. The Master of Accounts, Zhao Mo, advanced to say:
Now province and commandery, are not in concord, surely this will birth a great disaster. However by taking quick action, our office have troops of critical importance. Assist the compliant and chastise the disobedient, and nothing will happen.
Zong increasingly clung to the road, slowing and halting. Hence when he arrived at Yufu Ford in Nan'an, he and Xin's army met each other. Mo made clear to Zong:
Scatter wealth and goods, and recruit soldiers to resist in battle. If we overcome the provincial army, then the province can be gained. If we do not overcome, follow the currents and withdraw, there surely will be no harm.
Zong was not able to again, and said:
Zhao of Yi province was furious at Marquis Geng, and for that reason killed him. He and I have no enmity, how could it be like this?
Mo said:
Now when the province has launched an affair, they surely will establish dominance. Even if we do not fight, we will have no gains.
He talked until tears flowed down. Zong did not listen, and the multitudes slackened. Zong escaped into the grass. Mo put on Zong's clothes, and grappled and fought. Xin's troops killed Mo, and saw he was not Zong, they then searched and looked for Zong, and killed him.
(JS004: 12thMonth [28 December 300 – 25 January 301], a broom star seen in the east. The Inspector of Yi province, Zhao Xin, and Li Xiang, a drifting person of Luoyang [sic], murdered the Interior Clerk of Chengdu, Geng Sheng, the Grand Warden of Jianwei, Li Mi, the Grand Warden of Minshan, Hou Gu, and the Colonel of the Western Yi, Chen Zong. They seized Chengdu in rebellion.)
Xin declared himself Great Commander-in-Chief, Great General, and Shepherd of Yi province. He used the Prefect of Wuyang, Du Shu of Shu commandery, the Separate Carriage Zhang Can, Zhang Gui of Baxi, the Marshal of the Western Yi, Gong Ni, the Prefect of Jiangyuan, Fei Yuan of Jianwei and others as Senior Clerks of Left and Right, Marshal, and Army Advisors. He moved the Grand Warden of Jianwei, Li Xiang, to be General who Daunts the Bandits. He summoned the Prefect of Linqiong, Xu Yan of Fuling, to be Commander of the Serrated Gates. He summoned the various kingly officials, and nobody dared not to go. He also used the Grand Warden of Guanghan, Zhang Wei, the Grand Warden of Minshan, Yang Bin, and the Prefect of Chengdu, Fei Li, as Army Libationers.
At the time Xiang, his younger brothers Liu and Xiang#, his brother-in-law Li Han, Ren Hui of Tianshui, Shangguan Jing [also of Tianshui], Li Pan of Fufeng, Fei Tuo of Shiping, the Di [leaders] Fu Cheng, Wei Bo, Dong Sheng, and others were at the northern gate with 4 000 cavalry.
Xin sent Xiang to block the northern road. Xiang had long standing as Good Commander of Eastern Qiang and was aware of army deployment. He did not employ banners and flag, but raised a lance to make them move in squads. He beheaded people among his section subordinates who had not followed instructions, and the section columns became respectful. Xin detested his uniform orderliness, and wished to kill him but had not yet talked about it.
Senior Clerk Du Shu and Marshal Zhang Can talked to Xin, saying:
The Transmittals state “the Five Greats do not stay at the border”. The General raising troops has begun this way, readily dispatching Li Xiang to hold strong troops at the outside, [I] humbly venture to be puzzled by it. Moreover he is not of our kin and kind, and his heart is surely different. To turn around the halberd and hand it over to [another] person, [I] venture is not possible, and desire the General plan for it.
Xin with composed features said:
The Dignitaries' words precisely fit my thoughts, and can be spoken of as “The one who raised me up is Shang.” This is Heaven sending the Dignitaries to complete my affairs.
(Du Shu is quoting the Zuo zhuan, and Zhao Xin the Analects.)
It happened that Xiang was at the gates, and requested to see Xin. Xin was greatly pleased, and pulled in Xiang to see him. Xiang wished to observe Xin's thoughts and aims, and bowed twice, advanced and said:
Now the Central States are in great chaos, and are again without mainstays and support-ropes. The house of Jin will not be able to flourish again. Your Enlightened Excellency's Way puts together Heaven and Earth, your potency is delimiting their eaves. The affairs of Tang and Wu are truly happening in the present. [You] ought to respond to the Heaven-given time, obey the hearts of the people, help the hundred families among the mud and soot, and cause the beings' feelings to know where to revert to. Then Under Heaven can be settled, not only Yong# and Shu and that is all.
Xin angrily said:
How are these proper words for a subject!
He ordered Shu and others to debate it. Hence Shu and others sent up that Xiang was greatly disobedient and did not follow the Way. Xin therefore killed him, and his sons, nephews and clansmen, more than thirty people.
(HYGZ08: Xiang recommended he declare the great title of Han. Xiang's section subordinates were unrestrained and agitated, Xin and others were hostile to him. Thereupon at a meeting they beheaded Xiang, and his older brother's son Hong and others, more than ten people.)
Xin worried Te and others would make difficulties, and dispatched a person to explain to them saying:
Xiang had improper words, and the response to his crime reached death. It does not extend to his brothers.
He also instructed them to be supervising commanders, and to calm and comfort their multitudes, and returned to Te Xiang's body. That night, Te and Liu thoroughly dispersed the multitudes and returned to Mianzhu. Xin dispatched the former Prefect of Yinping, Zhang Heng, Sheng Qian, and Fei Shu to go and soothe and take them in. All were killed by Te.
The Commander of the Serrated Gates, Xu Yan, sought to be Army Overseer of Badong. Du Shu and Zhang Can firmly held it was not allowable. Yan was angry, and at the provincial postern gate, blade in hand, killed Shu and Can. Shu and Can's left and right then killed Yan. All were Xin's belly and heart.
Li Xiang, courtesy name Xuanxu, was Te's third younger brother. As young he gained a reputation due to his ardent spirit. He served the commandery as Supervisor of Couriers and Master of Accounts, in both cases he was commended by the officials. 4thYear of Yongkang [294 AD], he was examined as Filial and Upright, but did not go. Later, since he was good at riding and shooting, he was recommended as Good Commander, but likewise did not go.
The province considered Xiang's talents to combine both the civil and martial, and recommended him as Flowering Marvel. He firmly refused due to illness. Province and commandery did not listen, and so his name was sent up and made known. The Army Protector of the Centre urgently summoned him, he could not avoid and responded to it. He was designated Cavalry Supervisor of the Centre Army. With bow and horse he was practised and nimble, his bodily strength was beyond other people. At the time opinion compared him to Wen Yang.
Since Luoyang was soon to be in chaos, he claimed illness and left office. He by nature was dutiful and gallant, and fond of helping people with their difficulties. The province's factions strove to adhere to him.
He and the drifting people of the Six Commanderies escaped from difficulties to Liang# and Yi. On the roads and paths there were those who were straving or ill. Xiang regularly kept watch over and protected them, and grieved and cared for them. He aided and provided for the destitute and poor, and greatly gathered the hearts of the multitudes.
When he arrived in Shu, Zhao Xin deeply esteemed him. He discussed the principles of war with him, nothing he did not praise as good. Always when speaking about him to his friends, he said:
Li Xuanxu is perhaps the Guan and Zhang of these times.
When he was about to have disloyal aspirations, he entrusted him with duties of heart and spine, and therefore petitioned for Xiang to be Supervisor of Private Troops. He sent him to summoned and unite the strong and brave of the Six Commanderies, they reached more than ten thousand people.
Due to his merit in chastising rebellious Qiang, he petitioned for Qiang to be General who Daunts the Bandits, to make use of red banners and curved canopy, be ennobled Marquis of Yangquan Precinct, and be bestowed a million cash and fifty-four horses. On the day of his execution, nobody among the gentlemen and myriads of the Six Commanderies did not fell tears for him. At the time he was aged fifty-five.
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
okay tgcf book 3 time chapter 89 - 106
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goth king pei su here to steal pickle jar banyue. or maybe save her? i may have to reread that confrontation in the pit with the scorpion snakes i wasnt quite sure what exactly was going on. anyway pei ming is here now boooo hisssss actually he’s becoming funny to me now
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screaming i love this. thank you mx windmaster for this gift i withdraw all my suspicions of you. pickle the man pickle him good.
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cheers bro ill drink to that
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oh????? curious if there’s any basis for that one with feng xin. also love that this is how the immortals get their kicks
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ahh classic little frenemy shenanigans. bad liars both of you
lantern contest im guessing that xie lian is going to have something unexpected happen here in fact im willing to bet he actually wins due to interference from hua cheng and possibly relating to the merchants. if he doesnt i may delete this part out of embarrassment at being wrong but i mean its definitely not going to be completely uneventful or straightforward.
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called it what an image!!! okay now lets find out how it happened 3000 is QUITE the turnout
okay my internet dropped out for most of the little catch the fetus spirit saga but we have had the first kiss now it was kind of a disaster also we’re in ghost city now? tight
idk what warning to put on this next excerpt. its a little graphic maybe idk its a description of the fetus spirit
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im including it just to say.... eraserhead flashbacks.....
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typical man tbh when in doubt just back out. this is a joke but also ive seen friends bfs do this to get out of an argument when theyre wrong lol
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YEAH BABY GHOST CITY i love every line of the ghost city hijinks. also ME SOUP ME SOUP ME SOUP every time i take a bath this is how i feel
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light in the darkness.... i would like to see it..... also wait ghost city is red????? sexy...
the fact that there isnt an idol or cushions for kneeling in the temple bc thats not what xie lian ever wanted.... the literal devotion......
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goths are illiterate. amazing
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my 5th grade teacher trying to read my illegible chicken scratch
xie lian saying he’s never lied to hua cheng like he didnt give him an entirely bogus fortune when he was investigating him.... amazing
hua cheng’s canonical evil handwriting is great but also i cant lie i think teaching your love to read/write is... cute.... yes my favorite disney princess movie when i was a kid was beauty and the beast..... what of it....
i actually think its pretty interesting that this current wayward spirit is a mother/child issue... im intrigued
im just now realizing that its most likely going to be a plot point that xie lian’s cultivation relies on his “purity”/abstinence... how will this be resolved considering well. you know. is it just not going to count if the sex is gay? also mu qing follows the same cultivation path? interesting. ALSO jun wu just happens to have a virgin testing sword laying around? so many questions
also im still pissed at qi rong about the queen’s corpse tbh
looks like we’re taking a break from our regularly scheduling mystery for an episode of a cooking show
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this book is funny again. love this little stand off while hua cheng is just. doing dishes. also jesus christ whats in the stew?? jfaskdfjasl
windmaster using magic to make the shrine spooky for the ambiance...  dramatic legend. also this spirit is known for being a killjoy and it feeds off fear and incites self-fulfilling prophecies? only to meet its match in the god of misfortune? amazing love that
love that xie lian is 100% ready to lend the care of the children over as hua cheng’s responsibility. i really hope when they get back theres at least 2 concerningly ghostly helpers taking care of the kids
xie lian and hua cheng exchanging phone numbers private communication array passwords vs windmaster’s password being poem praising him fight. cannot WAIT to find out what hc’s password is
MORE GHOSTS??? love it cant wait for more. dinnertime now bye tgcf for now
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thebananatroll · 4 years
Chapter 1 (part 11)
十七 日后谈 . 一 Shíqī rìhòu tán. Yī Seventeen Chatting the day after. (I don’t know why there’s 1 here, so I’m just gonna ignore it since there’s no chapter named part 2 after this :v)
[???] 你还知道回来! 你还知道回来呐喵! Nǐ hái zhīdào huílái! Nǐ hái zhīdào huílái nà miāo! You still know how to come back! You still know how to come back, nya!
[???] 本座的小鱼干, 本座的枸杞茶杯, 还有本座的办事处全都被你弄没呐喵! 喵喵喵! Běn zuò de xiǎo yú gàn, běn zuò de gǒuqǐ chábēi, hái yǒu běn zuò de bànshì chù quándōu bèi nǐ nòng méi nà miāo! Miāo miāo miāo! This Lord’s dried fish, this Lord’s wolfberry tea cups, even this Lord’s the agency all without exception have been made no more by you, nya! Meow meow meow!
[Narration] 一团毛球一闪而过, 一jio蹬在我的胸口-- Yī tuán máo qiú yī shǎn érguò, yī jio dēng zài wǒ de xiōngkǒu-- A ball of fur flashes over, a foot stepping onto my stomach--
[Player] 陆..…吾.....你.....太重了! Lù..…Wú..... Nǐ..... Tài zhòngle! Lu....Wu....You....are too heavy!
[陆吾] (Lu Wu, the cat you see in the game to collect your daily login rewards) [Player]你居然还有心思嫌弃本座的体重呐喵! 你要是再不把小鱼干和办事处还回来, 本座就坐在你身上不走呐喵! [Player] nǐ jūrán hái yǒu xīnsī xiánqì běn zuò de tǐzhòng nà miāo! Nǐ yàoshi zàibu bǎ xiǎo yú gàn hé bànshì chù hái huílái, běn zuò jiùzuò zài nǐ shēnshang bù zǒu nà miāo! [Player], you surprisingly still have to mood to dislike this Lord’s body weight, nya! If you do not return this Lord’s dry fish and agency, this Lord will continue to sit on your body, nya!
[???] 空桑少主呜呜呜呜--你可终于回来啦呜呜呜-- Kōng sāng shǎo zhǔ wū wū wū wū--nǐ kě zhōngyú huílái la wū wū wū-- Kong Sang Young Miss, sob sob sob-- You finally came back, sob sob sob--
[Narration] 不详的预感从房门外传来。 果不然, 一个 “粉毛” 撞了进来, 哭得梨花带雨, 扑倒在我的床榻旁…… Bùxiáng de yùgǎn cóng fáng mén wàizhuàn lái. Guǒ bùrán, yīgè “fěn máo” zhuàngle jìnlái, kū dé líhuā dài yǔ, pū dào zài wǒ de chuángtà páng…… An ominous presentiment from outside the room’s door can be heard. As expected, a “Pink Fluff” runs in,  a tear-stained face of a crying beauty, falling onto the couch next to my bed...
[甘玲珑] (Gan Ling Long, the mentioned pink person) 我还以为你被饕餮吞进肚子里啦呜呜呜呜! 正打算去幽冥司找你-- Wǒ hái yǐwéi nǐ bèi tāotiè tūn jìn dùzi lǐ la wū wū wū wū! Zhèng dǎsuàn qù yōumíng sī zhǎo nǐ-- I had thought that you were swallowed into Tao Tie’s stomach sob sob sob! I was planning to go to the Underworld Division to find you--
[Player] 呸呸呸! 我活的好好儿的! 别说些有的没的-- Pēi pēi pēi! Wǒ huó de hǎohǎo er de! Bié shuō xiē yǒu de méi de-- Pei, pei, pei! I’m alive and in good condition! Don’t say such things--
[Narration] 房门外陆续传来一席脚步声, 看来, 他们也要登场了…… Fáng mén wài lùxù chuán lái yīxí jiǎobù shēng, kàn lái, tāmen yě yào dēngchǎngle…… Sounds of footsteps can be heard from outside the door, it seems that, they are about to debut as well...
[熙颜] (Xi Yan) 哎呀呀 ~ 我最喜欢的小少主回来了 ~ 快让姐姐抱一抱 ~ Āiyā ya ~ wǒ zuì xǐhuān de xiǎo shǎo zhǔ huíláile ~ kuài ràng jiějiě bào yī bào ~ Ai ya ya~ My most favourite Young Miss has returned~ Quickly come let older sister hug you~
[陆吾] 咳唔! 咸味使, 你的胸口上似乎有一块饼干碎片, 本座看见了, 自然不能不管, 就让本座帮你把这块可恶的饼干拍下来喵-- Hāi wú! Xián wèi shǐ, nǐ de xiōngkǒu shàng sìhū yǒu yīkuài bǐnggān suìpiàn, běn zuò kànjiànle, zìrán bùnéng bùguǎn, jiù ràng běn zuò bāng nǐ bǎ zhè kuài kěwù de bǐnggān pāi xiàlái miāo-- Ahem! Envoy of Saltiness, there seems to be some biscuit crumbs on your chest, this Lord sees it, it naturally can’t be ignored, so allow this Lord to help paw those hateful biscuit crumbs off, meow--
[Narration] 陆吾一跃而起, 一爪儿拍在咸昧使熙颜的胸口上! 众人一惊, 已知大事不妙, 登时退避三尺-- Lù wú yī yuè ér qǐ, yī zhuǎ er pāi zài xián mèi shǐ xī yán de xiōngkǒu shàng! Zhòngrén yī jīng, yǐ zhī dàshì bù miào, dēngshí tuìbì sān chǐ-- Lu Wu suddenly pounces, swatting a paw at the Envoy of Saltiness Xi Yan’s chest! Everyone is startled, and with each knowing that the situation is about a turn for the worse, all withdraw with three steps back--
[ 陆吾] 咳唔! 不必谢本座, 这是本座应该做呐喵。 “陆吾办事处, 必有过人处” , 本座-- Hāi wú! Bùbì xiè běn zuò, zhè shì běn zuò yīnggāi zuò nà miāo. “Lù wú bànshì chù, bì yǒuguò rén chù”, běn zuò-- Ahem! No need for thanks, this is something that this Lord should do, nya. “Lu Wu’s agency, where expectations are surpassed”, this Lord--
[ 陆吾] 唔喵咸味使你做……#&* (%#@! ! 本座--*&#@* (不要--**&…… ¥#%…… Wú miāo xián wèi shǐ nǐ zuò……#&* (%#@! ! Běn zuò--*&#@* (bùyào--**&…… ¥#%…… Um-mya, Envoy of Saltiness, what are you doing.... #&* (%#@! ! This Lord-- *&#@* ( No--**&…… ¥#%……
[ 陆吾] 唔喵 ----!!!!! UMYAAAAAA-!!!
[枯无] (Ku Wu) 少主, 您回来了。 这份是五味使对空桑损失进行评估后得出的统计报告, 您请确认盖章。 稍后我们会将报告递交至九重天。 Shǎo zhǔ, nín huíláile. Zhè fèn shì wǔwèi shǐ duì kōng sāng sǔnshī jìnxíng pínggū hòu dé chū de tǒngjì bàogào, nín qǐng quèrèn gài zhāng. Shāo hòu wǒmen huì jiāng bàogào dìjiāo zhì jiǔchóng tiān Young Miss, you have returned. These statistical reports are the result of the Envoys of Five Flavour’s evaluation of Kong Sang’s damages, requesting for your seal of confirmation. We will submit the reports to the Nine Layers of Heaven in a moment.
[辛懿] (Xin Yi) 看上去还挺精神? 事先提醒你报告递交以后, 免不了九重天下达的责罚令。 Kàn shàngqù hái tǐng jīngshén? Shìxiān tíxǐng nǐ bàogào dìjiāo yǐhòu, miǎnbule jiǔchóng tiānxià dá de zéfá lìng. You still seem to be quite spirited? I remind you in advance that once the report is submitted, the Nine Layers of Heaven’s penalty order will be unavoidable.
[辛懿] 不过届时我会为你求情, 让责罚方式改为 “吃十斤辣椒” 便了事吧。 Bùguò jièshí wǒ huì wèi nǐ qiúqíng, ràng zéfá fāngshì gǎi wèi “chī shí jīn làjiāo” biànliǎo shì ba. But I will plea leniency for you when the time comes, changing the punishment to settle at eating 10 catty of chillis.
[Player] .....
[Player] 苏安, 你没有台词吗? Sū ān , nǐ méiyǒu táicí ma? Su An, do you have any lines to say?
[苏安] 需要什么台词? 看戏不好吗? Xūyào shénme táicí? Kàn xì bù hǎo ma? What lines need to be said? Is it not good to watch the show?
[Narration] 这五位大人, 便是空桑五味使。 他们是爹爹的部下, 也是监督空桑运作的组织。 Zhè wǔwèi dàrén, biàn shì kōng sāng wǔ wèi shǐ. Tāmen shì diēdiē de bùxià, yěshì jiāndū kōng sāng yùnzuò de zǔzhī. These 5 elders, they are Kong Sang’s Envoys of Five flavours. They are father’s subordinates, and the organization that supervises Kong Sang’s operations.
[Player] 饕餮入侵空桑的时候, 你们都去哪里了…… Tāotiè rùqīn kōng sāng de shíhòu, nǐmen dōu qù nǎlǐle…… When Tao Tie invaded Kong Sang, where did all of you go...
[ 陆吾] 那日恰巧是五味使前往九重天向天帝汇报的日子呐喵! Nà rì qiàqiǎo shì wǔwèi shǐ qiánwǎng jiǔchóng tiān xiàng tiāndì huìbào de rìzi nà miāo! Coincidentally, that day was the day when the Envoy of Five Flavours had to depart for the Nine Layers of Heaven to report to the Celestial Emperor, nya!
[Player] 那你呢? 你不总号称自己是 “空桑守护神" 嘛? 有难题找 “陆吾办事处, 必有过人处” ? Nà nǐ ne? Nǐ bù zǒng hàochēng zìjǐ shì “kōng sāng shǒuhù shén" ma? Yǒu nántí zhǎo “lù wú bànshì chù, bì yǒuguò rén chù”? Then what about you? Don’t you always claim yourself to be the “Guardian of Kong Sang”? If there’s a difficult problem, find “Lu Wu’s agency, where expectations are surpassed”?
[ 陆吾] 那日九重天开设蟠桃宴! 本座, 本座怎么能不出席呐喵! Nà rì jiǔchóng tiān kāishè pántáo yàn! Běn zuò, běn zuò zěnme néng bù chūxí nà miāo! There was a Pan Tao feast on the ninth day! This Lord, how could this Lord not attend, nya!
(蟠桃 pán táo - the peaches of immortality kept by Xi Wang Mu 西王母)
[Player] 你还吃! 你再吃你就飞不起来了-- Nǐ hái chī! Nǐ zài chī nǐ jiù fēi bù qǐláile-- You still eat! Keep eating and you won’t be able to fly up anymore--
[甘玲珑] 哎呀? 少主居然自己一个人把佛跳墙和小笋带回来啦? 这也太厉害了吧? Āiyā? Shǎo zhǔ jūrán zìjǐ yīgè rén bǎ fútiàoqiáng hé xiǎo sǔn dài huílái la? Zhè yě tài lìhàile ba? Aiya? Young Miss actually brought back Fo Tiao Qiang and Xiao Sun all by herself!? Isn’t that quite impressive?
[甘玲珑] 小笋~ ~ ~玲珑我也好想你~ ~ ~ Xiǎo sǔn ~ ~ ~línglóng wǒ yě hǎo xiǎng nǐ ~ ~ ~  Xiao Sun~~ This Ling Long has also missed you~~~
[鸡茸金丝笋] 你、 你是谁! 不要过来! 快走开-- nǐ, nǐ shì shéi! Bùyào guòlái! Kuàizǒu kāi-- You, who are you! Do not come over! Quickly go away--
[鸡茸金丝笋] 这空桑怎么全是些怪人! 放开我! 我要回福州-- Zhè kōng sāng zěnme quán shì xiē guàirén! Fàng kāi wǒ! Wǒ yào huí fúzhōu-- Why is everyone in Kong Sang a bunch of weirdos! Release me! I want to go back to Fu Zhou--
[Narration] 一群人在我的房间里打打闹闹一团乱, 好不容易待到他们一个个塞暄完离开房间... Yīqún rén zài wǒ de fángjiān lǐ dǎ dǎ nào nào yī tuán luàn, hǎobù róngyì dài dào tāmen yīgè gè sāi xuān wán líkāi fángjiān... The crowd in my room becomes a disorder of boisterous noises, only leaving the room together after stuffing geniality into each one with great difficulty...
[鹄羹] 少主, 你还好吗? Shǎo zhǔ, nǐ hái hǎo ma? Young Miss, are you alright?
[Player] 他们真的是……太吵了…… Tāmen zhēn de shì……tài chǎole…… They are truly....too noisy...
[鹄羹] 不好吗? 这表明偌大空桑, 依旧充满生机。 Bù hǎo ma? Zhè biǎomíng ruòdà kōng sāng, yījiù chōngmǎn shēngjī. Isn’t it good? This shows that this large Kong Sang is still brimming with life.
[Player] 也是……若我从空桑醒来, 身边并无一人, 我才会觉得寂寞呢…… Yěshì……ruò wǒ cóng kōng sāng xǐng lái, shēnbiān bìng wú yīrén, wǒ cái huì juédé jìmò ne…… Still...If I wake up in Kong Sang, with no one by my side, I would still feel lonely...
[Player] 鹄羹, 你...与那易牙是旧识? 你们看上去似乎很了解彼此... Gǔ gēng, nǐ... Yǔ nà yì yá shì jiù shí? Nǐmen kàn shàngqù sìhū hěn liǎojiě bǐcǐ... Hu Geng, you..and that Yi Ya were acquaintances? It seems like you two know each other...
[Player] 他还提到鹄羹你的哥哥...原来你还有哥哥呀? Tā hái tí dào gǔ gēng nǐ dí gēgē... Yuánlái nǐ hái yǒu gēgē ya? He even mentioned your brother...It turns out that you still have a brother?
[Narration] 提及此事, 鹄羹脸色少有地沉了下来…… Tí jí cǐ shì, gǔ gēng liǎnsè shǎo yǒu de chénle xiàlái…… Mentioning this matter, Hu Geng shows a rare solemn expression...
[鹄羹] 我哥哥 …十多年前已魂飞魄散.... Wǒ gēgē…shí duō nián qián yǐ húnfēipòsàn.... My brother....had his soul flown away and scattered 10 years ago...
(Apparently, 魂飞魄散 means to be terror-strickened. But I’m not sure if if they’re trying to play some sort of double meaning here and say that the brother’s soul was literally destroyed or if the story meant that Hu Geng’s brother was driven mad by terror instead.)
[鹄羹]  每每提及, 心中沉痛, 所以... Měiměi tí jí, xīnzhōng chéntòng, suǒyǐ... Whenever this is mentioned, my heart aches, so...
[Player] 抱歉! 原来是这样……我再也不提了! 你不要难过…… Bàoqiàn! Yuánlái shì zhèyàng……wǒ zài yě bù tíle! Nǐ bùyào nánguò…… Sorry! So it’s like this... I won't mention it again! Please don’t be upset...
[Narration] 鹄羹笑了笑, 摇摇头…… Gǔ gēng xiàole xiào, yáo yáotóu…… Hu Geng smiles, shaking his head...
[鹄羹] 易牙与伊挚大人曾同是九重天的厨师。 我作为伊挚大人的助手居于九重天之时, 与易牙偶有接触。 Yì yá yǔ yī zhì dàrén céng tóng shì jiǔchóng tiān de chúshī. Wǒ zuòwéi yī zhì dàrén de zhùshǒu jūyú jiǔchóng tiān zhī shí, yǔ yì yá ǒu yǒu jiēchù. Yi Ya and Master Yi Zhi were similarly once chefs of the Nine Layers of Heaven. When I lived with Master Yi Zhi in the Nine Layers of Heaven as his assistant, I would have occasional contact with Yi Ya.
[鹄羹] 他因 “杀子飨君” 的背景失去竟选食神的资格, 或许, 因此对伊挚大人心怀怨怼。 Tā yīn “shā zi xiǎng jūn” de bèijǐng shīqù jìng xuǎn shíshén de zīgé, huòxǔ, yīncǐ duì yī zhì dàrén xīnhuái yuànduì. He lost the qualification to be chosen as the God of Food due to the background of "Killng his son to offer as food to his Lord", and perhaps, consequently bore a grudge against Master Yi Zhi.
[Player] 易牙曾提到爹爹用不正当的手段夺取食神之位, 那这自然也不能当真咯? Yì yá céng tí dào diēdiē yòng bù zhèngdàng de shǒuduàn duóqǔ shíshén zhī wèi, nà zhè zìrán yě bùnéng dàngzhēn gē? Yi Ya once mentioned that father used dishonest means to seize the God of Food position, naturally this can’t also be trusted?
[鹄羹] 伊挚大人光明磊落, 又十分重感情, 鹄羹不相信大人会做出违背良心之事。 Yī zhì dàrén guāngmínglěiluò, yòu shí fèn zhòng gǎnqíng, gǔ gēng bù xiāngxìn dàrén huì zuò chū wéibèi liángxīn zhī shì. Master Yi Zhi is open and candid, and attaches great importance to emotional sentiments, Hu Geng does not believe that Master would do anything against his conscience.
[Player] 那么易牙所说 “宴仙坛主人” 的身份你可有头绪? Nàme yì yá suǒ shuō “yàn xiān tán zhǔrén” de shēnfèn nǐ kě yǒu tóuxù? What about Yi Ya saying that you would have a clue about the identity of Yan Xian Tan’s Young Master”?
[鹄羹] 我……没有。 如果是他…… Wǒ……méiyǒu. Rúguǒ shì tā…… I...do not. If it’s him....
[Narration] 鹄羹又摇了摇头…… Gǔ gēng yòu yáole yáotóu…… Hu Geng shakes his head again...
[鹄羹] 不, 没什么, 应该不会是他…… Bù, méishénme, yīnggāi bù huì shì tā…… No, it’s nothing, it shouldn’t be him...
[鹄羹] 少主今后有什么打算? 继续穿越时空, 寻找食魂吗? Shǎo zhǔ jīnhòu yǒu shé me dǎsuàn? Jìxù chuānyuè shíkōng, xúnzhǎo shí hún ma? What are the Young Miss’ plans from now on? Continue to travel through time and space, looking for Food Souls?
[Player] 当然。 此行福州, 得知易牙也在穿越时空, 拉拢食魂加入宴仙坛。 Dāngrán. Cǐ xíng fúzhōu, dé zhī yì yá yě zài chuānyuè shíkōng, lālǒng shí hún jiārù yàn xiān tán. Of course. During this trip to Fu Zhou, I learned that Yi Ya is also traveling through time and space, attracting Food Souls to join Yan Xian Tan.
[Player] 他行事迅速, 不知道有多少食魂已经落到了他手里。 Tā xíngshì xùnsù, bù zhīdào yǒu duōshǎo shí hún yǐjīng luò dàole tā shǒu lǐ. He moves fast, it is unknown how many Food Souls have already fallen into his hands.
[Player] 太极芋泥他……唉 也不知道他怎么想的。 太极如此聪慧, 竟也辨不出个好坏来? Tàijí yù ní tā……āi yě bù zhīdào tā zěnme xiǎng de. Tàijí rúcǐ cōnghuì, jìng yě biàn bù chū gè hǎo huài lái? Tai Chi Taro, he....Haa, I don’t even know what he’s thinking. Tai Chi Taro is intelligent, yet is unable to distinguish between good and bad?
[Player] 所以我们不能停下脚步, 必须跟上易牙, 阻止他拉拢其他不明状况的食魂。 Suǒyǐ wǒmen bùnéng tíng xià jiǎobù, bìxū gēn shàng yì yá, zǔzhǐ tā lālǒng qítā bùmíng zhuàngkuàng de shí hún. So we can’t stop moving, we have to catch up with Yi Ya, stopping him from recruiting other unwitting Food Souls who are unaware of the situation.
[鹄羹] 下个目的地, 少主可想好了? Xià gè mùdì de, shǎo zhǔ kě xiǎng hǎole? For the next destination, has Young Miss already made a decision?
[Player] 我们去民国沿着津浦铁路走吧! 先把德州和阿符他们找回来! Wǒmen qù mínguó yánzhe jīnpǔ tiělù zǒu ba! Xiān bǎ dézhōu hé ā fú tāmen zhǎo huí lái! We will go to the Republic of China and follow the Jin Pu Railway! To bring back De Zhou and Ah Fu first!
(De Zhou = 德州扒鸡 , A Fu = 符离集烧鸡)
[鹄羹] 就依少主的意思, 下一站, 民国津浦铁路-- Jiù yī shǎo zhǔ de yìsi, xià yí zhàn, mínguó jīnpǔ tiělù-- As Young Miss wishes, next stop, Republic of China Jin Pu Railway--
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