#Peep Aria's 'company'
krokaxe · 7 months
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Text conversations with Aria-Rosié and @koilarist's Keiton. He's right, too
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Text source if anybody would like to do the same
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casspurrjoybell-22 · 10 months
Master - Chapter 64 - Part 3
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*Warning Adult Content*
Zhoron eyes me like a predator, not moving an inch or saying a word.
I hold his gaze, not willing to back down when this was very likely my only opportunity to understand why Arias had come here in the first place.
"I have only a theory," he warns.
"That's better than nothing."
Releasing a breath, Zhoron looks me over once again.
"We should not discuss the matter here."
I frown.
"You said we were warded."
"Ariasthlyn's magic is littered throughout this castle much like peeping holes. We will go to where I can be sure we are void of them."
Before I can question it, the cold rush of magic entirely opposing Kalem's warmth wraps around me.
It's horrible and far too similar to what I'd felt when Diablos' staff had pierced me.
Deadly and horrid, the magic encases me in a violent hold before it snatches me from the castle's confines to a land I did not know.
I stagger forward, struggling to regain my bearings whilst I try to shake off the chill still clinging to my skin as if it wanted to rip the life from me.
When I manage, I register the empty acres of tall grass that surrounded us for as far as my eyes could see.
It was endless green, clear skies and sat directly under a truly ominous mountain, was a small cabin-like structure at the bottom.
"This is your home?"
I couldn't quite imagine Zhoron living somewhere so... peaceful.
Zhoron doesn't reply, only continues walking down an already etched path of black, dead grass that led directly to the cabin.
I follow him, watching closely as the grass blades that sway his way and accidentally brush his fingers withered and died within an instant.
Was that a hard way to live?
Kalem said it was the order of things, him the light and Zhoron the darkness but surely it couldn't have been easy.
I knew that Zhoron was basically the grim reaper but seeing it was an entirely different matter.
To think he shared the same blood as the boy who ran around kissing flower petals when they bloomed was almost inconceivable.
"You may sit there," Zhoron announces when we reach the cabin's base, where two oversized chairs are positioned.
I approach the chair he gestured to and my lips stretch wide when I scent the traces of honey lingering there, this was clearly Kalem's chair, which meant this is where he came whenever he snuck off to see his brother.
I settle into the seat, feeling wonderfully warm and content even without my love here but the feeling struggles to stick when I face Zhoron, who's already glowering coldly at me.
"Your theory?" I prompt.
I didn't hate Zhoron as much as he clearly hated me but I had no desire to stay within his company longer than necessary.
Zhoron eyes me again, much like he had in the hallway before he folds his arms across his chest and leans back within his seat, any inner contemplation apparently settled.
"In simple terms, I believe your species to be Elven."
I stare unblinkingly at Zhoron, the words not quite computing.
"In part," he adds as if that made all the difference.
I find myself laughing.
Laughing loudly because it had been a long time since I'd heard something so stupid and coming from such a serious man, I found myself laughing even harder.
Maybe I'd underestimated how much Zhoron didn't like me and this was his way of showing that, by completely wasting my time.
But Zhoron's expression doesn't change, remaining the same impassive structure.
"You're joking."
"I do not joke."
My laughter falters, quieting as I look at Zhoron, truly look at him.
"You can not be serious."
"I am," he replies flatly.
"I told you, it is only a theory."
"Yeah but I didn't think it would be such a foolish one."
"Foolish?" Zhoron's jaw tightens, twitching just a little as he breathes out slowly.
"You are the foolish one for denying what you do not understand. You have not heard my reasoning yet deny it so readily, like a fool."
That was fair enough but it didn't change the fact that what he'd said was ridiculous.
Vampires being Elven.
That was literally impossible but I'd listen to his little theory before I alienated myself even further from Kalem's most precious brother.
"Alright, I will listen to your reasoning," I agree with raised hands, settling for peace and backing away from the nerve I seemed to have struck.
Scowling, Zhoron takes to cursing me in his common language, maintaining eye contact to ensure I knew the spitted words were directed at me.
When he calms himself with what I was sure were violent promises, he relaxes as much as his animosity for me would allow before he finally begins.
"I am told your kind was made by three witches. That they were the strongest of their kind and that they made you first. Is that true?"
I stiffen before I nod.
Zhoron hums thoughtfully.
"From what I understand, no other has been able to replicate that magic though many have tried."
I nod again as I peer at him.
"That seems odd to me," Zhoron admits, despite the confidence in his expression.
"If it was done once, why not again? Power is not an anomaly, that in fact, is the only constant in every universe. Power can be developed, crafted, earned and raw power can appear again, so why has no other witch been able to do what those three did? It's odd."
It was, though I'd never noticed quite how strange the matter was until now.
I didn't give a damn what witches did or didn't do amongst their ranks, as long as they never bothered my kind again.
"Reasoning would say if it is not a matter of power, then perhaps the answer lies in the method," Zhoron continues.
"The question becomes... How did they do it?"
"Witches have their spells," I answer quickly.
"It's how they use their magic."
"A spell can be replicated, reformed and advanced," Zhoron dismisses quickly.
"If it were a matter of aligning the right pieces, another would have done so by now."
I fold my arms across my chest as my skin begins to crawl uncomfortably.
"So, what are you trying to say? That witches got some help from the Elves and made us?"
Zhoron's left eye twitches a little, the only hint of emotions that said that he was annoyed to be rushed but he doesn't say as much aloud.
"I can only assume that one thing was different in the case of those three. Their magic."
I shake my head.
"Witches have only three types of magic. Ancestral connections, earthly talents and dark magic."
"All of which are just different formats of channelling energy," Zhoron corrects sharply.
"That is all magic truly is, energy adapted and reformed. Witches know of those three ways of doing so but I believe those three witches who formed you and your kind discovered a new way to channel energy or rather, rediscovered."
My eyes narrow.
"Rediscovered? As in, it was firstly discovered by Elves?"
"Yes," Zhoron replies simply while he holds my gaze.
If my body functioned like any other, I was sure my heart would be galloping and my fingers would grow wet from the unfamiliar wash of nerves settling over me.
"How..." I pause, struggling to get words out for the first time in ions.
"That doesn't make sense."
Zhoron's thin brows dip slightly.
"If you were listening, it would."
"No, it simply doesn't make sense," I dismiss sharply.
"You are saying that witches discovered how to channel energy like Elves and made us. That Elven magic made me, made my species. Which would mean that vampires are..." I falter, losing sight of all possible words.
"Elven creatures," Zhoron fills in.
"Yes. As I said to begin with."
I shake my head as my eyes fall close.
This was too much.
Too much that didn't make sense by any stretch of the mind.
"I did consider the possibility of it being other magic," Zhoron continues, ignoring my mind's disintegration entirely.
"After all, channelling Elven magic is no easy feat and there are other magical creatures within this realm which all channel energy through different methodologies. But there were two undeniable pieces of evidence to support that it was, in fact, Elven magic used.
Firstly, Aiasthlyn's charge. Elves never plague themselves with issues that do not secure personal gain. Yet, Aiasthlyn spent an entire luhe, a year, in your company, aiding your plight and earning your trust with no promise of compensation or allegiance. Now, you are the leader of the only immortal supernatural species."
"Wait," I try, raising a hand, my head aching from the influx of information but Zhoron surges on.
"I can not think of what they stand to gain by that but they are the only outside species interested in your kind and as I've stated, you are immortal and that is something every creature without it yearns for."
For a man of little words, Zhoron was speaking far too quickly without pause,and I could barely keep up.
"That's a very big assumption made from a wild guess," I manage when he takes a breath.
Zhoron scowls at me.
"A theory is a combination of assumptions."
"Yes but that's..."
"Not the strongest piece of evidence. Yes. But then there's the matter of your bond with Zani."
My lips part as fear creeps forth.
"What about our bond?"
"It has long been believed that Elven creatures can only form love bonds with other Elven creatures..." Zhoron says it plainly as if it were the most simple matter in the world.
"What? Why the fuck didn't you lead with that?"
"Because..." Zhoron bites out.
"It was only a belief as we rarely left our own realm and never for the purpose of bonding. There have been no true cases to see if it were true."
"So it is another assumption," I deadpan, frustrated.
Zhoron stills, turning to stone while the ground around us quickly becomes poisoned with a black fog that seeps from his fingers and heads straight for me.
But before it can reach its target, Zhoron manages to draw it back.
"I would appreciate it greatly if you stayed quiet until I finish or unless I prompt you to speak."
This was possibly the first time someone had asked me to speak less.
"Elven creatures are particular in every aspect of their lives, it is why we are considered as rather stringent beings. That decisive trait carries the same for connections of company where they may form. A bond that deep needs to be reciprocated in every fashion and only Elven creatures can do so." Zhoron eyes me with distaste.
"It was that very reason that I believed what you and Zani shared was no more than infatuation but then Zani almost destroyed this planet and all life on it when he saw you hurt. That is not infatuation."
I could never doubt that Kalem and I loved one another.
My love for him was bone deep, in the marrow of my bones, unshakeable.
It was instantaneous, explosive and right in a way I'd never felt before.
It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. I freeze.
"What?" Zhoron questions, noticing my pause.
"Kalem..." I swallow hard.
I'd spoken the words time and time again but this time it was near impossible.
"Kalem is the only person I've ever loved."
Zhoron purses his lips but he manages a nod.
"Another substantial piece of data."
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justjessame · 3 years
Home Sweet Home Chapter 3
My alarm wasn’t loud, it didn’t need to be.  I was conditioned to wake from the deepest of sleep at the slightest hint of a beep thanks to med school, my internship, residency, and on and on.  Harvey was conditioned by his years with the Agency and  it only grew with the time he spent with me.  
“Hey,” he was pulling me back to him once I silenced the alarm mid first beep.  “How extra early did you set that for?”  His lips were pressed against my temple and I could hear the humor and the teasing knowledge that came from waking up next to my perpetually early ass for the past six years.  
“Early enough for us to shower before Aria peeps in and sees her daddy in the full flesh,” I murmured, as my hand slid along his full warm bare body.  “I’d hate to scar her for life.”  
Harvey chuckled quietly, another tell that came from experience.  Aria had better hearing than the two of us combined, and she proved it more than once.  “She’s showered with both of us more than once, Ever, I think she’s already had more than an eyeful of her daddy’s flesh.” It was still dim in our room, the blackout curtains coupled with the early hour, but I knew he was staring at where my face was, because his thumbs were teasing my cheekbones.  
I shook my head at the man I’d married.  Gorgeous, smart, and yet dense as they came.  “She’s getting older by the second, Harvey.  Pretty soon she’s going to notice that Daddy has something VERY different from Mommy and Aria, and boy I’m not ready for that chat, so get your ass up.”  He groaned, but let me go.  “I’ve got to get ready for my day, Mom’s coming over to take care of our little girl -” Now he let out a truly horrific noise of irritation.  “I didn’t know you’d be home when we made plans, and with what went on yesterday, I’d assumed you would have massive amounts of paperwork, so -”  
He’d thrown himself back against his pillow, and when I turned on the bedside lamp I saw he’d buried his face in it.  I shook my head and went to our closet to pull out my clothes for work.  I wasn’t the attending in the local ER any longer, I had my own practice, which was a hell of a lot better with a toddler and a husband who was known to end up all over God’s green earth.  Pulling an appropriate outfit free from the various spots, blouse, slacks, jacket, then to the drawer for everything that my patients wouldn’t see. I came out to find Harvey was still ass up, face down on the bed.
“Are you still bemoaning my mother’s impending visit?”  I was only just holding my mirth at bay.  A grown ass, pardon the imagery as I took in his entirely biteable buttocks, man who was having a tantrum because his mother-in-law was going to spend the day in the same house.  “Harvey, I don’t understand why this is such a terrible thing?”  I honestly didn’t, they used to get along so damn well.  “You and Mom used to get on like a house on fire, what the hell happened?”  
Harvey mumbled something I couldn’t make out into the pillow and I sighed and moved closer to the bed. Sitting down, I slapped his ass and giggled quietly when he turned his head to glare at me.  “I can’t hear you if you mutter it into the damn pillow.”  He inhaled through his nose as if he was asking God and the angels for strength, but his eyes were as soft as they always were when he looked at me.  
“I said,” he rolled over and I got to get an eyeful of another very tasty part of him that nearly made me forget the topic of conversation entirely.  “What changed was me putting Aria in your belly.”  I stared at him, waiting for the rest, because there had to be more.  “Your mama had a serious issue with the reality that you and I had carnal knowledge of one another, Everlea Grace.” 
I snorted, louder than I intended, but luckily I stopped myself quickly.  “I’m sorry, but that’s fucking ridiculous, Harvey.”  I rolled my eyes and stood up.  “My mother knew I wasn’t a virgin when we met, you silly man.”  I shook my head and moved toward our bathroom.  “Get your hot ass in here so we can go wake up Aria.  I KNOW you don’t want Mom to see you completely butt ass naked.”  
Harvey met me as the water was JUST right, like he had it timed, but more than likely he lucked out and it happened to be when he’d rustled up his outfit for a work from home day.  And he was in the mood to prove to me that he wasn’t finished with me just yet, from our night, and from our “disagreement” about my mother.
Pulling me to him, despite my soap slick body, his mouth met mine hot and hard.  I considered pulling back to remind him to be careful of his head, but then he pushed my back against the tiles and those long fingered hands of his were wrapped around my thighs and I forgot what my warning was.  Sliding inside of me, our mouths broke free as our eyes met, Harvey lost the smug look that I knew most people associated with him.  Not here, not alone with me.  Here he was stripped bare, not just without clothes, but without the need to put on a show.  
“There you are,” he whispered, leaning forward so our foreheads could touch while our bodies worked to bring one another over the edge again.  “God, Ever, if I could have this every damn second of every damn day -” 
“We’d starve,” I gasped, always the voice of reason, even when I could barely make my words work.  “And Aria would forget who we are.”  Harvey didn’t argue or stop, he was a man on a mission and thank GOD for that.  
When we were finished, when he’d taken me to the limit again, Harvey brushed my wet hair back, away from my face and stared down at me.  “Now about your mama.”   I shook my head laughing, of course he’d start that NOW.  “She started eyeing me like I was the devil himself as soon as you started showing with Aria, Ever, I swear it.”  
I tried my damndest to think back, to prove him wrong, but I couldn’t put my finger on WHEN they’d started acting so damn antagonistic toward one another.  While I ran through my memory banks, Harvey worked to help me wash up, again.  With his help, I was wrapped in a towel and we were working on getting our morning routine going as we heard the first sounds of Aria’s wake up call.  
“She’s up,” I smiled at Harvey in the reflection of my vanity, where I was seated in my bra and panties, putting on my makeup and fixing my hair while he made the bed in his sweats.  How such a tiny little thing could make that much noise coming down the hallway would forever confound me, but our bedroom door stood open and waited for her arrival.  
“DADDY!”  The dark haired dynamo launched herself at Harvey’s knees as soon as she crossed the threshold and luckily for my husband he’d turned and prepared himself for impact.  Aria Harper Russell was the perfect mix of her daddy and her mommy, at least that’s what everyone told us.  And as Harvey swung her up into his arms, her almost musical giggles made me think that they might be right.  “saw’d monee and you on tv.”  She was telling him all about her day, and she told him how sad she was when the ‘monee’ didn’t move, but - “monee move and  happy.”  She clapped and her smile grew.  
We were working on sentences.  It was uphill, but she was three.  “Grandma is coming to play with you while Daddy works,” Aria’s lower lip fluffed into a pout that would make so many actresses proud.  And it took a great deal to keep me from laughing when I saw that Harvey’s matched.  “Daddy’s not going into the office, he’ll be home,” her lip started to deflate, but I had to plump it again with a heavy dose of reality.  “But working, Aria, so let Grandma keep you company until he’s done, ok?”  
My tiny tot nodded, lip fully plumped and earning its keep.  Harvey opened his mouth, but I shook my head.  She had to learn boundaries, and he knew it.  And I knew that he would prefer playtime with Aria over the electronic piles of paperwork he would be dealing with after the mess he was handed yesterday.  “Let’s go fix breakfast while Mommy gets ready, baby girl, what do you think?”  Aria’s eyes lit up.  Alone time with Daddy?  Absolutely, especially after Mommy played bad cop.  “Kiss Mommy good morning and we’ll head down.”  It was a protest kiss, but I got one.  
“I’ll see you in a few minutes,” I promised, getting a slightly less begrudging kiss from Harvey.  They left me to get ready and I couldn’t stop my smile, even if they were teaming up for a double dose of pouting.  I loved that they were so close, I just wished that Mom and Harvey could bury the hatchet, without one of them getting actually buried with it. 
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chloca-cola · 5 years
Leon x Reader x Chris
Ok, this is a monster 😂 I got way into the fantasy and just couldn't stop myself. RIP because I'm on mobile and can't do the cut off thingie. I'm sorry
TW: Unprotected sex. Oral. Dirty talk. Breath play. Anal. Double penetration. Cursing. I think that covers it all. It's super smut 😂
It's not edited because it's a lot, so there maybe typos haha
Ok, leggo!
"Finally!" You exclaim, dropping your bags before you slide open the glass door that lead to the balcony of the cute little cabin that you had rented for a few days. It overlooked the quaint little mountain town that seemed to be forgotten by time.
     "Don't get too excited." Came Leon's cynical tone from behind you and you turn to face the taller man. "You know they always get cut short." You roll your eyes and wave your hand at him dismissively.
     "Oh, pashaw. No one even knows you're on this vacation with me." You assure him, walking back into the room and plopping onto the bed before him, grinning. "You're all mine to do with as I please." You purr to him and it earned you a now rare smile from the handsome man. 
     "Oh really? And what exactly do you have planned to do with me, (y/n)?" Leon asked, his voice low, causing a thrill to shiver its way down your spine. You've been on several jobs with Leon, and it was a progression from work associates to lovers that you hadn't anticipated. You were certain no one knew about your romance with him, just as positive as you are that no one knows he's here with you now.
     "Well, now, I can't take all the surprise out of the vacation." You tease, toeing your shoes off and wiggling your toes, smiling playfully at him. Leon bent at his waist, your noses almost touching.
     "This is the first vacation I've had since mine got cut short because of Glenn Arias." Leon reminds you and you smirk.
     "Oh...is it?" You ask, feigning ignorance to tease him and he growled lowly in his throat, which is a really beautiful sound. You wanted to push his buttons, get him a little aggravated, because rough sex with Leon is amazing.
     You wiggle back on the bed, trying to get some distance from him, and you nearly got away, but at the last second Leon grabbed you by your ankles. He crawled onto the bed with you, and you began to grapple with him.
     He knows that turns you on to wrestle around with him, which is why he didn't just flat out pin you down. Seems he wants to push a few buttons too.
     After several minutes, you finally get him on his back and straddled him, panting, your hair falling about your face. You could feel his hardened member against your core and you smirk down at him.
     "Oh...are you wanting something, Leon?" You tease, rolling your hips, causing him to suck in air through his teeth and he got a glint in his eyes. That was the look you'd been working for.
     He sat up quickly, pinning your arms to your sides, his teeth sinking into your soft flesh, causing you to moan out loudly and cast your face to the ceiling.
     "Oh...fuck me, Leon." You pant out, the bite harder than normal; he must really be needing this as badly as you. His tongue smoothed over the bite, easing the sting and you feel him smile against your flesh.
     "I'm trying to, my dear." Almost animalistically, you tear each others clothes off before Leon tossed you face down onto the mattress. Still wanting to rile him up more, you try to scurry away from him, but he grabs your legs and pull you back towards him. He pulls you up to be flush against him, his hand gripped around your throat, the other on your hip as he teasingly slides his cock between your thighs.
     "You gonna be good for me now?" He whispered softly in your ear before bending you forward and you rest in your hands. His cock was already coated in your slick as he slammed into you roughly, all the way to the hilt, causing you to scream out in pleasure. Your whole body began to tremble.
     With one hand on your shoulder and the other still gripping your hip, Leon pulled all the way out before slamming into you again. You moan, wiggling back against him, looking over your shoulder at him, begging for more. You reach out and grab onto the headboard as he began his brutal pace.
      You squeal out his name with every hard thrust, feeling him leaning forward to kiss between your shoulder blades before biting into your skin just as hard as before. You moan out, pushing back against him, causing him to moan into your flesh.
      Leon's right hand trailed down your ribcage and over your abdomen to find your sensitive nub and rubbed a few practiced circles, causing your walls to clench around him. You moaned out his name loudly as came hard. With your body convulsing, you nearly missed the finger tapping your lower abdomen, signaling he wanted you to raise up.
      "Good girl." He praised through grunts, as his right hand pinned your right arm behind your back and his left gripped your throat. He had you held at an odd angle now, his cock hitting you deeper than before. Blackness began to edge your vision as he left hand squeezed harder on your throat.
     "Harder…" Was the only word you could muster in your lust filled haze, and he obliged by both thrusting harder and choking you harder. "Mmmmmore…" You moaned out, it felt like he was trying to reach your throat with his cock from you cunt, and your vision was nearly completely black, tears stinging your eyes. He was growling and grunting in time with his thrusting.
     "You're gonna cum again, with me this time. You understand?" He commanded, and you moaned out in confirmation. "Now!" He growled and you felt his cock pulsing, his warmth filling you, and you keened out loudly as your high washed over you again. You were about to black out when Leon finally released your throat and you heaved in a lungful of air, as you both collapsed forward on the bed.
     Both breathing heavily, Leon pulled out of you unceremoniously, and flopped onto the bed like a starfish. You turn your head to look at him, still on your stomach and you smile at him.
     "I love you." You breathe out but immediately freeze after realizing you had said it aloud. He turned his head, eyes wide with surprise and you blush.
     "Do...do you mean that, (y/n)?" He asked, cautiously, never officially being a couple all these years, and it seems you let an emotional connection form for Leon S. Kennedy. You smile, shyly.
     "Yeah...I do, Leon. I love you and I have for a while actually." You confess, turning onto your side and propping your head up with your fist. "Sorry if that, you know, makes things super awkward, but...you can't unring a bell." You finally add after several moments of silence.
     "No...it's not that." Leon began, pulling you on top of him, causing you to squeak at the sudden movement. "I've...felt the same since...well, probably our third job together all those years ago." He shrugged, brushing your hair from your face tenderly, tucking it behind your ears. "I just didn't think you could love someone like me." The admission caused a fuzzy feeling in your chest and you leaned down to kiss him again, feeling round two building, you were just about to mount him when a soft knock rapted at the door.
     "No fuckin' way." You mutter in disbelief against Leon's lips.
     "(Y/n)? It's Chris!" You groan.
     "No fuckin' way!" You repeat louder, crawling off of Leon, shrugging into a robe before marching to the door. "Vacation, Redfield, do you know what it means?" You yell through the door.
     "Come on, open up! It's not business." You blink, peeping through the hole to see that in fact Chris Redfield was in civilian clothes. You look over your shoulder at Leon, who had crawled under the comforter, and had a smirk on his lips. You turn your attention back to the door, opening it a crack.
     "Ok, you have my attention, Chris." A smile spread across his face, making him look even more like the teddy bear he is deep down and he held out a bouquet of flowers. You look down at the flowers and back up to his ruggedly handsome face, completely in shock. "Um...thanks?" You say, opening the door the rest of the way to take the flowers from him.
     "I figured you might want some company, so-" His sentence trailed once he saw Leon in the bed. "Oh…" You blush, suddenly feeling bad that Chris came all this way with a romantic gesture just to find Leon in your bed.
     "Chris…" you begin, but he just smiles, waving at Leon.
     "Hey, Leon." He greeted, walking passed you and you blink, very confused now.
     "Hey, Golden Boy. See you found the place ok." Leon greeted back, casually. "We may have gotten started without you." He explained and you made an incredulous noise and you shut the door hard.
     "Excuse me?" You cross your arms over your chest, still gripping the flowers, shifting your weight to your right leg, getting ready to chew them both out.
     "Babe, you told me once before that you'd like a threesome with Chris, remember?" You blush heavily at the memory, your eyes locking on Chris', who was smirking at you. The fantasy came about when you watched them training together before. "It's a little passed your birthday, but, happy birthday!" 
     "Like what you saw, huh?" He teased, giving you a shit eating grin, and you blushed more, covering your face with your free hand.
     "Don't let that shyness fool you. She likes it rough." Leon shared, and you hear Chris make an approving noise. "If she knows what buttons to press to make you angry, she will."
     "Leon!" You growled, removing your hand so you could glare at him, but he was unaffected. 
      "She likes to wrestle a bit first too." You had to regain control of this situation, you felt like a piece of meat on display, and Leon was showing Chris all the good parts. Chris turned to face you, a mischievous grin on his lips.
     "Oh yeah?" Oh shit, your alarm bells began ringing in your head to run as he began to unbutton his pants. You weren't afraid of Chris necessarily, but he is a lot more buff than your sinewy Leon. Setting the flowers aside, you untie your robe, letting it fall daintily from your body, pooling at your feet, against your better judgement. You smirk as it stops Chris dead in his tracks.
      "What's the matter, Redfield?" You ask, cockily, stepping towards him, swishing your hips and he smiles, before looking over his shoulder at Leon.
     "You're one lucky bast-" You take advantage of his guard being down and you pounced and you heard Leon chuckle under his breath.
      "She's also like a predator...don't ever turn your back on her." Chris spun, tossing you like a clay disc and you fell onto the couch, spread eagle on your back. The display caused Chris to hesitate again, and another smirk played on your lips as you reached between your legs to finger yourself sensually, never breaking eye contact with him.
     "Fuck…" He whispered, a sheen of sweat glistened on his forehead and you moaned out his name.
     "You want me? Come and get me." You challenged him, giving him your own mischievous smile and a wink before climbing off the couch. You begin to circle each other like predators.
     "Get him, babe." Leon encouraged from the bed, one arm tucked under his head as he watched you two size each other up. "Show him who's boss." You giggled at Leon, which turned out to be a mistake, that slight distraction gave Chris his opening.
     To say he tackled you, would be an understatement. The wind was knocked out of your lungs as you landed on your back.
     "Oof!" Was the noise you made, and you stare blankly at the ceiling above you, doing your best imitation of a fish out of water.
     "Shit, Chris. Don't kill her!"  Leon scolded, his beautiful face coming into your vision as he bent over you to check on you.
      "Dude, put some pants on…" Chris groaned before getting close to your face. "You ok, beautiful?"
     "Too...rough." You wheezed out, finally able to take a breath.
     "Sorry…" He apologized, almost shyly. "Guess I got a little too into it." You huffed out a laugh.
      "Well...you're wearing too many clothes for this party, Redfield." You purr, pulling at the hem of his shirt. "You know, I don't get to see you outta your gear very often." You observe as he sat up on his knees to remove his shirt, revealing his overly muscled chest. "Oh...my God." You say, breathlessly, as you reach out to trace along his abdomen with your fingertips.
     "Good thing I'm not the jealous type…" Leon almost pouted as he watched you drooling over Chris' muscles, which rippled under your touch. 
      "Leon, you know I love you, right?" You ask, almost absently.
     "Yeah, I do."
     "Good." You sit up, running your tongue along Chris' eight pack. Leon's muscles are very toned, and taut, and were gorgeous on him. Chris however was buff and beefy, something you aren't used too. You look up and lock eyes with Chris who was watching you intensely. You finished unzipping his jeans, tugging them down to his knees, palming his bulge as you did. His eyes fluttered closed and he groaned lowly.
     You hook your fingers in his boxers next, pulling them down, his erection bobbed against your lips, and you teasingly kissed the tip of his cock, pulling another low groan from Chris.
     Chris' cock has way more girth to it then Leon's, his being perfect in length and girth, in your opinion. Chris' is heavy in your hand, and you become nervous, your fingers not able to make a full circle around his shaft, unsure if you could fit him into your mouth, but mama didn't raise a quitter. You take a deep calming breath. 
     "Think you can handle thissss?" His words turned into a hiss as you began working on him. "Ah…" He breathed out as his hips bucked involuntarily, and you grabbed his hips to hold him in place. With each bob, you relax your throat muscles to take more of him in until you gag, tears stinging your eyes. You pull back, drool running down your chin, and he reached out and swiped it off with his thumb, smirking at you.
      "She's beautiful like that, huh?" Leon boasted, but Chris didn't answer him, instead he leaned down and kissed you. It was softer than you'd imagine it would be from such a bear of a man, gently cupping your chin with his hand. "Hey, hey, hey! Ok, maybe I'm a little more of the jealous type than I thought." The statement caused you to laugh against Chris' mouth before looking up at Leon, whose mouth was twisted into a small scowl.
     "Oh, Scottie." You teased him, and he rolled his eyes at the nickname, as you maneuvered over to him, taking his cock in your hand, giving him a few slow pumps, before taking him into your mouth. Knowing exactly what he likes, you had his legs trembling quickly.
     You could hear Chris as he finished undressing and soon you felt his hand cupping your breast from behind, pinching your nipple, causing you to moan on Leon's cock. A sinful pop sounded as you removed his cock from your mouth, looking up at him, winking. 
      "Care to move this to the bed?" You ask, breathlessly, but quickly squeaked as Chris hefted you up with ease, carrying you to the bed. On the mattress, you look up to see both men naked and glorious before you and you bite you lower lip. 
     "So, how's this fantasy go, exactly?" Leon asks you, and you prop yourself up on your forearms.
     "Well, one is being spit roasted and the other is double penetration." You answer cavalierly as if you're asking for a glass of water. "So either is fine." You shrug.
     "Why not both?" Chris offers and you give him a devilish grin.
     "Well, I can't do this alone." You remark coquettishly, patting the bed before sitting up on your knees.
     "I wanna experience that mouth more, (y/n)." Chris admits, as you assume the position between the men as they joined you on the bed.
     "My pleasure." You say, taking him into your mouth again, as Leon positioned himself at your entrance again, thrusting in slower this time and you moaned on Chris.
    Chris’ hands tangled in you hair as you sucked him off, moaning and mewling as Leon picked up his pace, and Chris thrust into your mouth, causing you to gag on him again, which you beginning to realize he likes hearing. Your walls fluttered around Leon’s cock causing him to abruptly pull out, causing a whimper to pull from you.
    “Not yet, babe.” He teased, kissing your lower back, smoothing his hand up your spine, Chris grunted but forced himself to leave the warmth of your mouth. While he still had you in this position, Leon dipped down to swipe his tongue along your slick folds, inhaling deeply as he did. “God, you smell so good.” He growled lowly and your cunt clenched at the praise.
    Leon crawled off the bed, motioning for you to follow him, which you followed quickly. “Bend over.” He commanded, and you placed your hands on the edge of the bed as he retrieved a bottle of lube from his suitcase. You feel the slick liquid hit your asscrack, and he used his finger to prep your hole. You two have partaken in this particular activity before, but it had been awhile. Sliding in a second finger, you groaned and willed your muscle to relax. “That’s it, babe.” He praised again before removing his fingers, replacing them with his cock gingerly.
    You lock eyes with Chris again to see him studying you like a piece of fine art, pumping himself slowly and you moaned at the scene, and after Leon was buried to the hilt, you let out a shuddering breath, and hang you head.
    Chris then moved off the bed, unsure of what Leon was really doing at first, until he moved to sit on the edge of the bed, still buried in you. You moan at all the movement, your muscles clenching him and he groaned out.
    “No cumming in her, got it, Redfield?” Chris rolled his eyes, but nodded, positioning himself in between your legs, teasingly running his cock over your slit, coating himself in your silk, before grabbing your legs and gripping your ankles together, placing them on his shoulder, while easing himself into your entrance. You moan unabashedly, your head falling back on Leon’s shoulder, and he kissed your temple.
    “You’re doing great, (y/n).” He whispered to you as your walls twitched, acclimating to the feeling of having both men inside you. Once you relaxed, they set their pace, pistoning in and out of you in time, and all you could do was moan and enjoy the feeling. Your form was shaking in between them, and it seemed like they were fighting for dominance, seeing which could make you cum first.
    Both men were growling, thrusting harder, Chris pressing into you more, kissing and nipping you calf as he did, Leon was kissing your neck and massaging your breasts, and you decided that if you were to die like this from over stimulation, that you would at least die happy.
    Tears ran down your face, whimpers the only noise you could make as they both continued to rail you, when finally your coil snapped and you cried out loudly. Your walls milked Chris, causing him to curse and nearly cum inside you. He pulled out quickly, just as his ropey seed shot out, coating the back of your thighs and lips.
    You stared at the ceiling in a daze. “Your turn, Leon…” You say, absently and he hummed in response, still kissing your neck.
    “I came when you did.” He informed you, and only then did you feel his cum leaking from you, you were so caught in your sensations, you had missed it, and him subsequently pulling out. He wrapped his arms around you and laid back on the bed, both still panting heavily.
    “That was amazing.” You pant as Chris sat down on the bed beside the two of you.
    “Yeah, wouldn’t mind this becoming a normal thing.” Chris admits, looking over his shoulder at you, smiling. You roll off of Leon, to lay in between them, and Chris then laid back as well. 
    “I think I agree with you. It should become a normal thing. If you don't have anywhere to go, why don’t you stay here? We can do it all again after we get cleaned up and have some dinner.” You suggest and he smiles.
    “Sounds like a plan.” He agrees just as Leon’s light snoring came from your other side and you both laugh. “Guess he’ll miss the shower, huh?” Chris teased you, ticking his chin towards the bathroom, and you chew your lower lip, debating on if Leon would even be ok with it, but really, after what just happened, what difference would it make? You shrug and follow Chris to the shower.
    Inside the walk in shower, the warm water ran over both your bodies as Chris’ mouth was on yours, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth, as you moaned into the caverns of his.
    “Shouldn’t we be showering?” You tease, as he kissed down your jaw to you neck, you were actually surprised he was hard again so soon, as he backed you up against the slick tile wall.
    “We are.” He answered you jovially, as he grabbed your bottle of shower gel and squirted some on you chest, massaging it into your skin, lathering it up. “Happy now?” You laughed at him, as he placed the bottle back on the stand, and your pulled him in for another kiss. He hoisted you up on the wall, wrapping your legs around his waist, his cock prodding your entrance once more before he gently slid into you.
    His pace was slow and gentle compared to what just happened in the other room, and you moaned softly, locking your arms around his neck. His hands were holding your thighs firmily as he thrust deep and slowly, sending you hurtling to another orgasm. Your lower back was hitting the tile over and over with his movement, as he ended the kiss, burying his face in your neck, moaning into your flesh. 
    Your toes curled as another orgasm claimed you, shaking against him and moaning loudly, and Chris, still following the rules, pulled out, shooting his cum onto your abdomen.
    Chris kissed you again, lowering your legs, and you both finally cleaned up, before joining Leon on the bed, who was still sleeping away, and you decided dinner could wait.
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growhunter407 · 3 years
Alcina Handel
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French soprano Patricia Petibon sings one of the biggest handelian arias. Her voice in this recording is just amazing, and she adds a lot of dramatism. Handel’s Alcina Handel’s Alcina ● by Chris Lynch This February, Indiana University Opera will present Handel’s fantasy opera Alcina in a new production designed by Robert Perdziola, directed by Chas Rader-Shieber, and conducted by Arthur Fagen. On musical grounds, this is a more-than-competent reading of Handel's classic opera, with some fine singing throughout. Naglestad is a lovely Alcina, and other principles are strong (notable standout is Mahnke's Oberto). Conductor Hacker coaxes a good reading out of the Stuttgart forces. Handel: Alcina / Curtis, DiDonato, Rensburg, Beaumont Release Date: Label: Archiv Produktion (Dg) Catalog #: 4777374 Spars Code: n/a Composer: George Frideric Handel Performer: Kobie van Rensburg, Vito Priante, Joyce DiDonato, Sonia Prina.
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Mio Bel Tesoro Handel Pdf
Quite possibly Handel's most magnificent opera, Alcina is filled with extraordinary musical riches & a lot of magnificent magic. Two exceptional women lie at the heart of the story: Alcina is a potent sorceress, which Bradamante counters with her self-confidence and determination on her quest to rescue her lover Ruggiero from Alcina's spells. If she succeeds, they will escape and no doubt live happily ever after. However, if not, Ruggiero will be transformed into the newest trophy in Alcina's enormous gallery of former lovers. Which will it be? Can he resist her magic?
Now in his fourth season as music director of Orchestra Seattle and the Seattle Chamber Singers, Clinton Smith also maintains a position on the music staff of Santa Fe Opera, where he most recently served as cover conductor for Leonard Slatkin on a production of Samuel Barber’s Vanessa. During the 2017–2018 season, he will make three company debuts, conducting Il barbieri de Siviglia at Dayton Opera, Le nozze di Figaro at Tacoma Opera and Alcina at Fargo-Moorhead Opera. He will also return to Pacific Northwest Opera to conduct Turandot, and to Atlanta Opera to prepare The Seven Deadly Sins. Clinton’s recent conducting credits include The Mikado for Kentucky Opera, Hansel und Gretel and Norma for Pacfic Northwest Opera, Il barbieri di Sivigliafor the University of Michigan Opera Theater, and La finta giardiniera for Baldwin Wallace University.
He has served on the music staff of Santa Fe Opera, Juilliard Opera, Minnesota Opera, Atltanta Opera, Portland Opera, Kentucky Opera and Ash Lawn Opera. Other recent posts include four seasons as artistic director and principal conductor of the St. Cloud Symphony, assistant conductor and chorus master for San Francisco Opera’s Merola Opera Program, assistant conductor for Glimmerglass Opera’s productions of Tolomeo and The Tender Land, music director of Western Ontario University’s Canadian Operatic Arts Academy, and guest coach at the National University of Taiwan.
For four seasons, Minnesota Opera engaged Clinton as cover conductor and chorus master, where he led mainstage performances of La traviata and Madama Butterfly and covered the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra and Minnesota Opera Orchestra in over 20 productions. During 2011, Clinton conducted a workshop and prepared the world premiere of Kevin Puts’ opera Silent Night, which subsequently won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize in Music. For Minnesota Opera’s New Works Initiative, and as an avid fan of new music, Clinton prepared workshops of Douglas J. Cuomo’s Doubt, Ricky Ian Gordon’s The Garden of the Finzi-Continis and the North American premiere of Jonathan Dove’s The Adventures of Pinocchio, as well as Dominick Argento’s Casanova’s Homecoming and Bernard Herrmann’s Wuthering Heights.
Patrick Hansen continues his unique career throughout North American as an operatic stage director, conductor, and vocal coach. His stagings have garnered praise in both Canada and the United States. Opera Canada wrote, ' Patrick Hansen captured the opera's bohemian vitality - the city of Paris itself was the characterful backdrop to the action. When he ran out of space in Act II, the crowd simply spilled down into the auditorium . . the comic business was well handled . . . The acting, indeed, was a strong point throughout.'
Mr. Hansen has been on the musical staffs of the Lyric Opera of Chicago, Pittsburgh Opera, Tulsa Opera, Opera Memphis, Des Moines Metro Opera, Ash Lawn Opera, The Juilliard Opera Center, Fargo-Moorhead Opera, and Glimmerglass Opera as well as being the Director of Artistic Administration for Florida Grand Opera during the opening of the Miami Arts Centre.
At ease in opera and musical theatre, his stage directing credits encompass the entire spectrum of repertoire now being presented in opera companies; Alcina, Orfeo ed Eudridice, Cosi fan tutte, Die Zauberflute, L'elisier d'amore, La traviata, Dialogue des Carmelites, Albert Herring, Hansel and Gretel, La Boheme as well as the musicals Camelot and Trouble in Tahiti.
Alcina Handel Opera
Currently the director of Opera McGill in Montreal at McGill University, Mr. Hansen is the former director of the Young American Artist Program at Glimmerglass Opera, and has presented masterclasses and coachings with the Young Artists of Virginia Opera and for many years served as the stage director at the Kennedy Center with the Washington Chorus' Essential Verdi. Mr. Hansen returns to Fargo-Moorhead after successful stagings of Fille du Regiment, Suor Angelica/Gianni Schicchi, and The Magic Flute in previous seasons.
Miriam Khalil is an acclaimed Lebanese-Canadian soprano specializing in opera and concert performance. She has been lauded as a 'skilled, versatile artist' with a “signature warm lyrical voice” by Musical Toronto and described as 'dark, dangerous and alluring” by Opera Going Toronto. Miriam is a graduate of the prestigious Canadian Opera Company Ensemble Studio, the Steans Institute for Young Artists (Ravinia) and the Britten-Bears Young Artist Programme in England. While in her last year of the COC Ensemble Studio, she advanced to the semi-finals of the Metropolitan Opera Council auditions and represented the Great Lakes Region on the Met stage, during which she was featured in the documentary film The Audition.
Miriam has appeared on numerous opera stages across Canada and Europe, including a stint at the renowned Glyndebourne Festival Opera in the United Kingdom. Notable roles include Mimi in La bohème (Minnesota Opera, Opera Hamilton & Against the Grain Theatre); Musetta in La bohème (Edmonton Opera); Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni (Opera Tampa & Against the Grain Theatre/The Banff Centre/Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival); Mélisande in Pelléas et Mélisande (Against the Grain Theatre); the Governess in The Turn of the Screw (Against the Grain Theatre); Cleopatra in Giulio Cesare (Glyndebourne Festival Opera, U.K.); Almirena in Rinaldo (Glyndebourne Festival Opera, U.K.); and Susanna in Le Nozze di Figaro (Pacific Opera Victoria, Opera Lyra Ottawa & Against the Grain Theatre).
Holly Flack is a coloratura soprano praised for “wielding an impressive range, effortlessly reaching higher than high notes” with her unique vocal extension beyond an octave above high C.
Ms. Flack has performed with the Bel Canto Opera Festival, Astoria Opera Festival, and Operafestival di Roma. She made her debut at the Trentino Music Festival in Mezzano, Italy singing the role of the Vixen in Leos Janacek’s The Cunning Little Vixen. She was most recently seen on the FM Opera stage last season as the Queen of the Night in The Magic Flute.
Additional roles include Serpetta (La Finta Giardiniera), Frasquita (Carmen), Despina (Cosi fan Tutte), and Peep-Bo in The Mikado. In 2015, Holly was part of the Gate City Bank Young Artist program where she covered the role of Marie in Daughter of the Regiment with FM Opera.
Originally from Portland, Oregon, Ms. Flack holds a Bachelors degree in Vocal Performance from St. Olaf College, and a Masters degree in Vocal Performance from The University of Kentucky, where she studied with soprano Cynthia Lawrence.
Lyric mezzo-soprano Holly Janz is a versatile singing actress with a voice that is evenly blended with clarity, richness and warmth. She has performed with opera companies across the country including Skylark Opera, Fargo-Moorhead Opera, Wichita Grand Opera, and Union Avenue Opera Theatre (St. Louis). Past credits comprise a variety of characters from the trouser roles of Cherubino, Hansel and Prince Orlofsky, to the ingénue roles of Nancy (Albert Herring) and Valencienne (The Merry Widow), to the more dramatic roles of Carmen and The Secretary (The Consul).
In addition to her operatic stage credits, Ms. Janz is a compelling concert artist in both oratorio and recital. Orchestral credits include the Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra, the Indianapolis Philharmonic Orchestra, the Greater Grand Forks Symphony, the Fargo-Moorhead Symphony as well as the Central Wisconsin Symphony Orchestra.
Ms. Janz, a native of Marshfield, WI, is an alumna of the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point (BM). She has also received degrees from the University of Colorado (MM) and the University of Kansas (DMA, with honors), and is an associate professor of voice at Concordia College in Moorhead, MN.
Called “winningly wily and dauntless” by Boston Classical Review, American Mezzo-soprano, Kate Jackman, is multifaceted musician and actress who excels in a variety of musical expression. As a2017 Gate City Bank Young Artist, Kate was seen as the Waitress in “Speed Dating Tonight!” as well as the Sergeant of Police in FM Opera’s recent production of “The Pirates of Penzance”. She also sang the role of Giovanna this summer in Ash Lawn Opera’s production of “Rigoletto”. Other roles that Kate has performed include the lead role in Oliver Knussen’s “Higglety Pigglety Pop” at the Tanglewood Festival of Contemporary Music, Hansel in “Hansel and Gretel”, the title role in “Carmen”, Dorabella in “Cosi fan tutte”, Bloody Mary in “South Pacific”, and Dinah in Bernstein’s “Trouble in Tahiti”.
An avid performer of new works, Kate has premiered roles in “Piecing It Apart” by Paul Matthews and “Lux et Tenebrae” by Douglas Buchanan for The Figaro Project’s Contemporary Opera Trio. She also premiered the role of Megan 2 in Robert Patterson’s “The Whole Truth” with Urban Arias, and Patricia Hutton in Joshua Bornfield’s“Camelot Requiem”, in which she “expressed emotional intensity with the weight of her soothing mezzo-soprano voice” (Maureen L. Mitchell, Opera Today)
Ms. Jackman holds a Master of Music Degree from the Peabody Institute and a Bachelor of Music Degree from the University of North Texas.
Alcina Opera
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Tenor Jianghai Ho has appeared most recently as tenor soloist in the DePaul Symphonic Choir’s presentation of Rossini’s Stabat Mater, Rinuccio in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi, Nerone in Monteverdi’s L'incoronazione di Poppea, Orfeo in Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo, Abraham Kaplan in Kurt Weill’s Street Scene, and Dr. Blind in Johann Strauss Jr’s Die Fledermaus with DePaul Opera Theater. He has also performed with the Duke Vespers Ensemble in Dietrich Buxtehude’s rarely-performed Membra Jesu Nostri at the Boston Early Music Festival, as well as the Chicago Symphony Chorus.
Born in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Jianghai first discovered his passion for opera under the tutelage of Professor Susan Dunn at Duke University, where he graduated with a B.S. in music and biology. He graduated in vocal performance from DePaul University, where he studied with David Alt and Michael Sylvester.
Mark Billy is a lyric baritone and Native American (Choctaw tribe) from Finley, Oklahoma. Mark’s undergraduate studies in voice at the University of Oklahoma were under the mentorship of baritone Richard Anderson. Mark has also had additional study with the legendary mezzo-soprano Marilyn Horne.
Mark made his operatic debut as IlCommendatore in 2012 with OU Opera Theatre's production of Mozart’s “Don Giovanni”. The following season he appeared as Thoas in Gluck's “Iphigénieen Tauride”. In 2014 Mark appeared as Simon in OU’s choreographed production of Haydn’s oratorio “Die Jahreszeiten” and in 2016 Mark was featured as Moralès in “Carmen” with Indiana University.His graduate studies at Indiana were with soprano Carol Vaness.
Handel Operas Youtube
Mark most recently concluded a traveling production at OU opera theatre of John Davies mash-up children’s opera: “The Billy Goats Gruff” where he played the role of Osmin, the bully billy goat; this brought opera to Norman, OK area schools and carried the important message against bullying. In the Spring of 2017 Mark placed first in the Oklahoma NATS competition graduate level division. This past summer Mark sang Melisso in Handel’s “Alcina” as well as covering the role of Marcello in “La bohème” for the Red River Lyric Opera Festival. As a 2018 Gate City Bank Young Artist with the Fargo Moorhead Opera Mark will be reprising the role of Melisso in Handel’s “Alcina”as well as the role of the bartender in Michael Ching’s comic one act opera “Speed Dating Tonight!”
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orbemnews · 3 years
A New Crop in Pennsylvania: Warehouses OREFIELD, Pa. — From his office in an old barn on a turkey farm, David Jaindl watches a towering flat-screen TV with video feeds from the hatchery to the processing room, where the birds are butchered. Mr. Jaindl is a third-generation farmer in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley. His turkeys are sold at Whole Foods and served at the White House on Thanksgiving. But there is more to Mr. Jaindl’s business than turkeys. For decades, he has been involved in developing land into offices, medical facilities and subdivisions, as the area in and around the Lehigh Valley has evolved from its agricultural and manufacturing roots to also become a health care and higher education hub. Now Mr. Jaindl is taking part in a new shift. Huge warehouses are sprouting up like mushrooms along local highways, on country roads and in farm fields. The boom is being driven, in large part, by the astonishing growth of Amazon and other e-commerce retailers and the area’s proximity to New York City, the nation’s largest concentration of online shoppers, roughly 80 miles away. “They are certainly good for our area,” said Mr. Jaindl, who is developing land for several new warehouses. “They add a nice tax base and good employment.” But the warehouses are being built at such a dizzying pace that many residents worry the area’s landscape, quality of life and long-term economic well-being are at risk. E-commerce is fueling job growth, but the work is physically taxing, does not pay as well as manufacturing and could eventually be phased out by automation. Yet the warehouses are leaving a permanent mark. There are proposals to widen local roads to accommodate the thousands of additional trucks ferrying goods from the hulking structures. In the township of Maxatawny, Pa., just west of the Lehigh Valley, a giant warehouse is slated to be built at the site of a 259-year-old cemetery that holds the remains of a Revolutionary War captain and what is believed to be the unmarked grave of a woman he had enslaved. Not far away, near a group of Mennonite farms, a tractor-trailer hit a horse-drawn buggy in late March, flipping it and sending one passenger to the hospital and the horse on the loose. Closer to Allentown, the area’s largest city, FedEx has built a new “ground hub,” one of its largest such facilities in the United States. A billboard down the road advertises legal representation for people injured in truck accidents. “They are coming here and putting up shiny new warehouses and erasing pieces of history,” said Juli Winkler, whose ancestors are buried in the Maxatawny cemetery. “Who knows if these big buildings will even be useful in 50 years.” Developers are very confident in the industry’s growth, however, particularly after the pandemic. Big warehouse companies like Prologis and Duke Realty are investing billions in local properties. Many of the warehouses are being built before tenants have signed up, making some wonder whether there is a bubble and if some of these giant buildings will ever be filled. “People are calling it warehouse fatigue,” said Dr. Christopher R. Amato, a member of the regional planning commission. “It feels like we are just being inundated.” There are now almost as many warehouse and transportation jobs in the region as manufacturing positions. But that’s not a milestone all celebrate — not in an area that hopes to keep alive its higher-paying manufacturing sector, even though some of its biggest employers like Bethlehem Steel closed long ago. Manufacturing jobs in the Lehigh Valley pay, on average, $71,400 a year, compared with $46,700 working in a warehouse or driving a truck. The region is still home to large manufacturing plants that produce Crayola crayons and marshmallow Peeps candies. Don Cunningham, the chief executive of the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation, says the warehouse jobs are lifting employment and wages, particularly for unskilled workers. “If you were to turn away this economic opportunity for a whole sector of workers, where do they go?” Mr. Cunningham said. “They could end up on some sort of government assistance or end up caught up in the criminal justice system.” Mr. Cunningham, whose father worked in the local steel industry, said he recognized that distribution jobs were not ideal. “But to be able to make $16 an hour with a high school diploma, there aren’t a lot of places in the U.S. where you can do that,” he said. “This is a really nice sector for low-skilled workers. It at least gives them a fighting chance to carve out a livable wage.” A depot on the global supply chain To Kirk R. Johnson, the Lehigh Valley is a dreamscape. There is available land, but not too much, which helps keep values high. Two major interstates pass through the area ferrying goods through the Northeast. About 30 percent of American consumers are within a day’s truck drive. Looking for an opportunity to invest, Mr. Johnson, the chief investment officer of the Watson Land Company, a giant owner of warehouses in Southern California, teamed up with Mr. Jaindl. Together, they are developing three new warehouse projects around the Lehigh Valley, totaling more than three million square feet, or about 60 football fields. They are being built speculatively, meaning no tenants are lined up. “There are tons of risk in development,” Mr. Johnson said, “And building speculatively is one of them.” Mr. Jaindl said many concerns in the area about warehouses were unwarranted. He said that the Lehigh Valley still had a large manufacturing base and that his land company was also seeing demand for houses and hotels, reflecting the economy’s strength beyond warehouses. As an active farmer whose grandfather started the business with just a handful of turkeys, Mr. Jaindl took his stewardship of the land seriously, he said. His family is regarded as one of the most generous philanthropists in the area. “Farming is our foundation,” he said. He said the warehouse critics didn’t often acknowledge how vital the industry had become during the pandemic. Many of the warehouses are being used to distribute food across the Northeast. “The truck drivers played a very important role getting necessities and food to people during Covid,” he said. Today in Business Updated  May 25, 2021, 5:16 p.m. ET With much of the land nearest to the interstates already built out, developers are pushing farther into the countryside. One of Mr. Jaindl’s warehouse projects is slated for a farm field just over the state line in White Township, N.J. Mr. Jaindl said he had decided to build on only half of the 600-acre site and to preserve the rest as farmland even though he was entitled to develop the entire parcel. The complex could add hundreds of truck trips a day to rural roads that wind through picturesque towns near the Delaware River. The nearest highway is about 12 miles from the proposed warehouse. Tom Bodolsky moved to nearby Hope Township more than 40 years ago because it was a place where “he could see the stars at night.” Back then, manufacturing plants were not far away, but no one foresaw that the area could become a depot on the global supply chain. “These towns got caught with their pants down,” he said. ‘I was completely beat up’ In a promotional video posted on the economic development agency’s website, there are images of welders, builders and aerial footage of the former Bethlehem Steel plant, which closed in the 1990s. The narrator touts the Lehigh Valley’s ethos as the home of “makers” and “dreamers.” “We know the value of an honest day’s work,” the narrator intones. “We practically wrote the book on it.” Jason Arias found an honest day’s work in the Lehigh Valley’s warehouses, but he also found the physical strain too difficult to bear. Mr. Arias moved to the area from Puerto Rico 20 years ago to take a job in a manufacturing plant. After being laid off in 2010, Mr. Arias found a job packing and scanning boxes at an Amazon warehouse. The job soon started to take a toll — the constant lifting of boxes, the bending and walking. “Manufacturing is easy,” he said. “Everything was brought to you on pallets pushed by machines. The heaviest thing you lift is a box of screws.” One day, walking down stairs in the warehouse, Mr. Arias, 44, missed a step and felt something pop in his hip as he landed awkwardly. It was torn cartilage. At the time, Mr. Arias was making $13 an hour. (Today, Amazon pays an hourly minimum of $15.) In 2012, Mr. Arias left Amazon and went to a warehouse operated by a food distributor. After a few years, he injured his shoulder on the job and needed surgery. “Every time I went home I was completely beat up,” said Mr. Arias, who now drives a truck for UPS, a unionized job which he likes. Dr. Amato, the regional planning official, is a chiropractor whose patients include distribution workers. Manufacturing work is difficult, but the repetitive nature of working in a warehouse is unsustainable, he said. “If you take a coat hanger and bend it back and forth 50 times, it will break,” he said. “If you are lifting 25-pound boxes multiple times per hour, eventually things start to break down.” Dennis Hower, the president of the local Teamsters union, which represents drivers for UPS and other companies in the Lehigh Valley, said he was happy that the e-commerce boom was resulting in new jobs. At the same time, he’s reminded by the empty storefronts everywhere that other jobs are being destroyed. “Every day you open up the newspaper and see another retail store going out of business,” he said. Not everyone can handle the physicality of warehouse work or has the temperament to drive a truck for 10 hours a day. In fact, many distribution companies are having a hard time finding enough local workers to fill their openings and have had to bus employees in from out of state, Mr. Hower said. “You can always find someone somewhere who is willing to work for whatever you are going to pay them,” he said. A slave’s final resting place Two years ago, there were no warehouses near Lara Thomas’s home in Shoemakersville, Pa., a town of 1,400 people west of the Lehigh Valley. Today, five of them are within walking distance. “It hurts my heart,” said Ms. Thomas. “This is a small community.” A local history buff, Ms. Thomas is a member of a group of volunteers who regularly clean up old, dilapidated cemeteries in the area, including one in Maxatawny that is about two miles from her church. The cemetery, under a grove of trees next to a wide-open field, is the final resting place of George L. Kemp, a farmer and a captain in the Revolutionary War. Last summer, the warehouse developer Duke Realty, which is based in Indianapolis, argued in county court that it could find no living relatives of Mr. Kemp and proposed moving the graves to another location. A “logistics park” is planned on the property. Meredith Goldey, who is a Kemp descendant, was not impressed with Duke’s due diligence. “They didn’t look very hard.” Ms. Goldey, other descendants and Ms. Thomas pored through old property and probate records and found Mr. Kemp’s will. The documents stipulated that a woman enslaved by Mr. Kemp, identified only as Hannah, would receive a proper burial. While there is no visible marker for Hannah in the cemetery, the captain’s will strongly suggests she is buried alongside the rest of the family. “This is not the Deep South,” Ms. Thomas said. “It is almost unheard-of for a family to own a slave in eastern Pennsylvania in the early 19th century and then to have her buried with them.” Several descendants of Mr. Kemp filed a lawsuit against Duke Realty seeking to protect the cemetery. A judge has ordered the two sides to come up with a solution by next month. A spokesman for Duke Realty said in an email that the company “is optimistic that the parties will reach an amicable settlement in the near future.” Ms. Thomas worries that if the bodies are exhumed and interred in another location, they will not be able to locate Hannah’s remains and they will be buried under the warehouse. “She will be lost,” she said. Source link Orbem News #Crop #Pennsylvania #warehouses
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In case you didn't know, because I'm also a sucker for true crime, I started a true crime series on my channel. Today I chatted about the Jodi Arias case. Do any of my fellow #antimlm peeps know that Jodi and Travis met through a network marketing company? . . . . . #truecrime #truecrimecommunity #truecrimeaddict #jodiarias #thecasesthathauntus #blogger #lifestyleblogger #jerseygirltexanheart #fwis #fromwhereistand #discoverunder10k https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ijaURAT7m/?igshid=1cubgce56npr9
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grabtee · 5 years
Nobody Cares Work Harder Shirt
New Post has been published on https://lazadashirt.com/trending/nobody-cares-work-harder-shirt/
Nobody Cares Work Harder Shirt
This makes the but the center of London is closed for a protest march by thousands of ex-soldiers who do not get a word. The previous one with 35,000 ex-soldiers protesting over our betrayal by the Government over, no a peep from the. Protest by a dozen supporters gets the Nobody Cares Work Harder Shirt usual bias and time to end its monopoly. Why has Boeing forgotten to build planes properly Simply put Boeing has an mgmt culture that places profits over its products.
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Corporate creed has come home to roost for Boeing. Nobody Cares Work Harder Shirt, it will cost them dearly in wrongful death suits, loss of customers, and loss of reputation. In years passed I would never think twice about flying on a properly maintained Boeing aircraft. After all the troubling news about the 737 Max and issues at nonunion 787 plants, I have pause to consider whether I book a flight on a Boeing aircraft. The Boeing 737 is a very fragile plane.
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If the cracks are not fixed soon enough the Nobody Cares Work Harder Shirt would crash again and if too many crashes happen with the same plane then Boeing would one day lose to Airbus in a fierce competition on which company gets more orders than the other. Should the had subjected Boeing to regular checks, the disaster involving the 737 Max 8 would have been diagnosed and prevented. But instead, it allowed the company to self assay and hastily roll out the killer planes.
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sewgeekmama · 5 years
I have a pretty impressive number of Facebook likes on my page. Over 140,000 at the moment. And a verified account with a fancy blue checkmark. But unfortunately it has nothing to do with blogging and everything to do with making and wearing the infamous Princess Leia gold bikini costume, also known as the “Slave Leia” because she happens to make her first appearance wearing it while chained to Jabba the Hutt as his captive.
The Original Slave Leia
It all started in 2001 with an idea to make Princess Leia’s iconic gold metal bikini from Return of the Jedi. This was before I attended conventions, so every year I tried to make an amazing Halloween costume and then win as many contests as possible. I would go from bar to bar, sometimes three in one night, planning out my evening according to when they had their contests. A couple of my other big contest winners were Aeon Flux  (the MTV Liquid Television version, not the movie) and LeeLoo from the Fifth Element.
Aeon Flux
I had never seen anyone wear the Leia costume before and this was WAY before you could buy one. It would be a few years before there would be hoards of them at conventions, traveling in groups and swarming Jabba statues for group photos. It was even before Amazon and before it was easy to get cosplay materials. I made the whole thing out of suede, cardboard, welting cord, wire and an old belt. I made up how to make it as I went along.
I loved the way making the costume challenged me to think outside the box on the materials. I used a lot of random pieces that I had around the house. The gold plates were old USPS Flat Rate envelopes. The domes on the plates were the aluminum bottoms from tea light candles. I used a spoon and carpeted floor to squash them into a dome shape. The details were done with dimensional fabric paint. The base for the top was a bra and the skirt was built on a wide belt that I cut oval shapes into the sides. It took me four months to make that costume the first time. I would later get it down to three days.
I wore my finished masterpiece for the first time on Halloween 2001. It was chilly in San Diego so I also made a matching velvet cloak to keep me warm. I still remember the way the crowd erupted when I walked on stage still wrapped in the cloak, then dropped it to the floor and did a little spin to show the whole outfit. The place went crazy and the DJ announced “Well I think we know who won this contest!”
Fast forward a few years to when I started attending DragonCon. By then I had actually started a business making and selling Slave Leia costumes on eBay. The very first one I made, the same one I wore for that contest, sold for $501. It was that sale that sparked an idea to start making costumes for other people, and soon I built an entire business around that one costume. Business was booming for a while until one day FedEx showed up with a very scary cease and desist letter from Lucas Films. I was no longer allowed to make “Slave Leia” costumes. Soon after that another costume company released the first officially licensed Slave Leia costume, and it was awful. The demand for a decent costume was high so I changed my design a bit and started making “Sci-fi Slave Princess Costumes” and never heard another peep from Lucas.
That letter changed things for me though. I realized if I wanted to really have a business, I needed to make more than just one costume, and I needed to be careful about copyrights. That was the start of the Three Muses Clothing website, which I grew into a full retail site and later into a boutique. I ran that business for 11 years, and could still be doing it now, but honestly I was ready for a break from it when my son came along and changed my world considerably.
But when I started, I was passionate about making Three Muses a success. I wore various styles of the Slave Leia costumes to tons of events and got a LOT of pictures taken in it to promote the business. I jumped at every opportunity, every photoshoot and interview. The first time one of my costume pics was published was in 2005, in a German book about Star Wars fans.
Die Macht Mit Uns
Check the top right, middle pic!
When I wore the costume to San Diego Comic Con, there were so many people taking photos that the fire marshal kept warning people to clear the aisles. I did a group photo with a life size Jabba the Hutt statue and was interviewed by Spike TV and G4 while in costume.
The crowd at San Diego Comic Con
I also did the group photoshops at DragonCon, and it was a few photos from that gathering that put me on E! Entertainment in their Top 25 Most memorable Swimsuit Moments. The gold bikini was #16 and they showed several clips of me in my costume. This was on TV every summer for several years and every time they put it back in rotation, I would start getting calls and e-mails from friends asking if it was me, and did I know I was on TV?
One of the pics that was on E!
Group Leia shoot at DragonCon
It was also around this time that production started on a movie called Fanboys. A few images from the movie were released early, showing actress Kristen Bell wearing a Slave Leia costume. As soon as I saw the photos, I recognized it as one of mine. They had bought one off eBay to use in the movie and I had no idea! Unfortunately I could tell from the photos that it was one from the first round, when I was still making them with cardboard pieces, and I could see certain parts were crushed. I contacted the director through his MySpace page asking if they would like a new costume, but filming had already wrapped.
Fanboys the Movie
Kristen Bell as Slave Leia
There was also a documentary in the works, all about Star Wars fans. They were going to be filming at DragonCon and wanted to know if they could interview me. Of course I said yes, and that’s what eventually brought me and my costume into the mainstream. After the interview they asked if I could send a few photos for promotional purposes and I sent a few recent pics. I had no idea one was going to end up on the cover, forever cementing my geek covergirl cred.
Jedi Junkies DVD Cover
Jedi Junkies was released in 2010 and was available on Netflix and Hulu for a while. You can actually still rent the movie on Amazon. This is when my Facebook page and Twitter blew up. (Remember I was actually writing about that?) While the film was on Netflix, my inbox was filled every day with people contacting me to tell me they saw me on their TV. My Facebook page grew to over 200,000 likes at one point, and my Twitter to over 100,000. I ended up with an IMDB page with a movie credit, and Facebook awarded me with a little blue check mark designating my page a verified Public Person.
I started getting a lot of international likes too. And with the bigger numbers came a lot of foreign spam accounts trying to find pages they could leave comments on, so I had to start blocking certain countries. This still continues daily! It’s either targeting by spam bots, or I’m crazy popular in Turkey. The likes have slowed down over the years, but I still get days with 20 likes in a row, all from far away places.
After the DVD, I also ended up in several magazines, books and the Morgan Spurlock Comic Con documentary and book, ComicCon Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope. I appear as Wonder Woman in the book and as Slave Leia in the movie.
The book
Me as Wonder Woman
The Movie
So that’s where the big flood of fans came from- years of dressing up as Slave Leia culminating in a DVD cover seen on millions of TVs. And that’s why I’m struggling to get better engagement on those accounts now. Most of them weren’t fans of Geek Mama Candy Keane, they were fans of a skimpy Star Wars cosplay costume.
I’m happy to say at least half of my audience stuck with me through the transition of sexy cosplay girl to (sometimes still sexy, I hope) Geek Mom. I do find when I post “mom stuff” on Facebook, I will see a drop in fans as more fanboys discover I’m not just posting hot cosplay pics anymore. There are plenty of younger cosplay girls out there right now posting their naked or nearly nude “lewds” for money on Patreon. I’m glad I moved past that scene when I did, before it became less about the costume and more about how much of it was missing.
I haven’t worn the costume for years, but my Princess Leia past will always be a part of my life. It was the costume that changed my career path from budding journalist to costume designer. It was a great ride, but I’m happy to be finding my way back to my writing roots, while still being able to enjoy cosplay as a hobby.
And while I may not wear Slave Leia anymore, I do still dress as the famous intergalactic princess. Just now my costume is a little more family-friendly and straight out of Sesame Street! For the last Star Wars Celebration, we did a Star Smores group and I was Princess Parfaita, complete with Oreo cookie hair buns.
So now you know the whole story of how I became “geek famous” and why Star Wars will always be such a big deal to me. And the reason I have a heck of a lot of “fans” for a mom blog. I jumped into this with a pretty good following already! The trick is trying to keep the old crowd interested while I navigate this new territory. So a big THANK YOU to everyone who has stuck with me from sexy cosplay girl to cosplay mom. And a Hello and Thank You too, to the new crowd that has joined me on this journey. 
My Slave Leia Story – Or The Real Reason I Have 100k Facebook Page Likes and a Blue Check Mark I have a pretty impressive number of Facebook likes on my page. Over 140,000 at the moment.
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nirmalrohit-blog · 6 years
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Rajeev Pal
Urban Monkey India
1 star
18 hrs
They have never returned my money back.....they dont pick calls ....they dont give reply to any of my messeges......order was delivered on 9th march and i requested the return order may be in 2 or 3 days after....that they picked the return on 21st if march....untill now i haven't got my money back.....now from the last 3 days they are not picking up the calls .....
Urban Monkey India
19,776 Likes233 talking about this
Nandan Joshi reviewed
Urban Monkey India
5 star
8 October 2017
Sleek designs. Great customer service. The new collection is quite great too. It would be great if they come up with new collections, more often. How about some tees guys?
Urban Monkey India
19,776 Likes233 talking about this
Urban Monkey India
Hey Nandan, Thank you for the dope review. We've launched a new collection this month itself and it's selling like wild fire! Head over to our website and have a look
Urban Monkey - India's first Premium Snapback Cap and Headgear brand - 100% Vegan
Indrajit Chowdhury
Urban Monkey India
5 star
9 October 2017
Urban Monkey is the coolest brand. The TREND SETTER. This company has various kinds of coolest caps. Amazing products and really good instant customer service. The communication system with these guys are awesome. Verry much pleased with their services. Thank You Urban Monkey India.
Urban Monkey India
19,776 Likes233 talking about this
Urban Monkey India
likes this.Comments
Urban Monkey India
Hey Indrajit, Thank you for the amazing review and the dope rating. It's feedback like this that makes our day
Aman Singh Do you guys have t-shirt and hoodies
Urban Monkey India replied · 1 Reply
Sushant Kumar
Urban Monkey India
5 star
4 September 2017
I ordered a skateboard deck and for some reason it took really long time to deliver so the best thing they did was gave it for free ��
Urban Monkey India
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SaiVarsha Koneru and Rahul Hansda like this.Comments
Kanchi Chokshi
Urban Monkey India
5 star
18 November 2017
I ordered the fearless kids cap for my nephew. He looks like a boss in it. Love this brand!
Urban Monkey India
19,776 Likes233 talking about this
Urban Monkey India
Hey Kanchi, thank you for the amazing rating and the dope review! We'll be soon launching couple of new caps, so don't forget to like and follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
Urban Monkey India
Cho Leyn Rangdol
Urban Monkey India
4 star
9 October 2017
Amazing .... Unqie collection... Bt little bit of delay in delivry othr den its good... No complain on products... Keep it up......
See more
Urban Monkey India
19,776 Likes233 talking about this
Urban Monkey India
Hey Cho Leyn Rangdol, Thank you for the amazing review man and sorry for the delay! You should definitely head over to
and check out our new collection. It's da #BOMB
Urban Monkey - India's first Premium Snapback Cap and Headgear brand - 100% Vegan
Dikshit Sarma
Urban Monkey India
5 star
8 October 2017
Really cool collection with good quality. You'd find some rare designs as well.
Urban Monkey India
19,776 Likes233 talking about this
Urban Monkey India
likes this.Comments
Urban Monkey India
Thanks for the dope rating man! We've added a couple more new designs, you can have a look at them on our website
Urban Monkey - India's first Premium Snapback Cap and Headgear brand - 100% Vegan
Aria D'souza
Urban Monkey India
5 star
22 September 2017
Amazing products and really good instant customer service.
Urban Monkey India
19,776 Likes233 talking about this
Govind ViRk
Urban Monkey India
5 star
29 October 2017
Its awesome. Great stuff with super colour combinations
Urban Monkey India
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Eddie Gond
Urban Monkey India
5 star
16 October 2017
Urban monkey live forever � #urbanmonkeyindia #team8e
Urban Monkey India
19,776 Likes233 talking about this
Eddie Gond likes this.Comments
Urban Monkey India
Thanks for the love Eddie Gond !
Ankit Das
Urban Monkey India
5 star
12 April 2017
Yo gt my peep man! Nd damn its dope!! Shout out to #UrbanMonkeyIND my bros... keep up th swag boyzz!! #dope #BRGTN #UrbanMonkeyIND #shoutout
Urban Monkey India
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androidtvboxreview · 7 years
Vorke Z1 TV Box Review By Android TV Box Review
The Vorke Z1 TV Box comes powered by an octa-core Amlogi c S912 processor combining with 3GB of DDR 4 memory and there is 32GB of storage on the device. The TV Box adopts the commonly used square shape design and comes with its own remote control and several other accessories. There are two USB ports on the TV box.
Vorke has got just three products under its kitty this year but the company has always ensured that its products are top of the pack. Its latest gadget is the Vorke Z1 TV Box which comes with a spectacular DDR4 memory allowing for higher bandwidth than the typical DDR3(L) memory.
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Vorke Z1 TV Box
Vorke Z1 TV Box process
Vorke Z1 TV Box Package Content
Vorke Z1 TV Box Specification
The Vorke Z1 and R-Box Pro feature the Amlogic S912 chipset Box packs a Cortex-A53 CPU. However, all three are capable of streaming 4K videos. The trio runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow but the Vorke Z1 trumps them both on the storage space, boasting of a 32GB storage space whereas the R-Box has 16GB and smaller 8GB storage. The R-Box Pro doesn’t come with a remote control, though, but the two others do.
A word on the remote control just like the box is solid, the control buttons do not go in all directions when pressed, it holds well, I would even say it clicks well. Otherwise, as usual, there are buttons that serve as a slab as the set “TV control” which works when it wants and the numeric keypad, also capricious in its operation
Vorke Z1 features a comparatively compact design with a polished surface, matte black frame and bottom cover squeezed by anti-slipper pads. For the sake of heat dissipation, multiple vents neatly arrayed in rhombic lattices. Peeping into the vents, get a glimpse of the main board.
Where to buy CSA96 TV Box
You can buy the CSA96 TV Box from GearBest, Amazon or Ebay
Amazon UK
  Buy from ebay.co.uk
Buy from EBay.com
  Buy from GearBest
Brand: VORKE Model: Z1 Type: TV Box Operating System: Android 7.1 CPU: Amlogic S912 Octa-core ARM Cortex-A53 GPU: ARM Mali-T820MP3 GPU RAM: 3GB DDR4 ROM: 32GB eMMC5.0 Extended Storage: TF CARD Support 1~32GB Wifi Connectivity: Built-in 2.4G/5G Support IEEE 802.11 ab/g/n/ac Ethernet: 10/100M/1000M RGMII Bluetooth: 4.0
Media Supported
Video Output: Built-in HDMI 2.0a transmitter including both controller and PHY with HDR, CEC and HDCP 2,2, 4Kx2K@60fps max resolution output Video codecs: VP9-10/ and H.265 up to 4Kx2K@60fps, H.264, WMV, MPEG-1/2/4, VC-1, AVS, and RealVideo up to1080p@60fps Audio Decoder: supports MP3 / AAC / WMA / RM / FLAC / OGG and programmable with 5.1 down-mixing Audio Output: HDMI/SPDIF Data Output Picture Supported: HD JPEG/BMP/GIF/PNG/TIFF Resolution: 4K2K@60FPS KODI: 17.0 Dimensions: 130*109*24mm Weight: 214 g
1* HDMI 2.0 output with CEC 2.0 4K*2K @ 60Hz 2* High-speed USB 2.0, support U DISK and USB HDD 1* TF CARD Support 1~32GB 1* 3.5 Phone out CVBS&L/R output 1* SPDIF output 1* RJ45 LAN Ethernet 10M/100M/1000M
Other Features
Support DLNA, Google TV Remote, LAN, 3D Movie, Email, Office suit etc
Power Supported
5V/2A Power ON: blue; Standby: Red
Package Contents
1 x TV box 1 x IR remote 1 x HDMI cable 1 x Power adapter (A right AC Adapter will be sent as your shipping country) 1 x User manual
  Vorke Z1 TV Box Review, Reviewed by Android TV Box Review Vorke Z1 TV Box Review By Android TV Box Review The Vorke Z1 TV Box comes powered by an octa-core Amlogi c S912 processor combining with 3GB of DDR 4 memory and there is 32GB of storage on the device.
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