Unvorbereitet in den Trigger rein.. In Folge dessen heftige Flashbacks.. Und keine Möglichkeit meine Gedanken und Gefühle in Worte zu fassen.. Fuck it.....
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andreablog2 · 5 months
The wealthiest baby born in 2045 is going to grow up to be like “so yeah my mothers parents were pedohunters/part time slime manufacturers and my dads family was a vlogger family that also did professional fighting. My mom made the rest her money renting out podcast studios and my dad made his money correcting the hands on ai furry porn.”
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picothea · 8 months
I find it very disgusting how various blogs are attempting to flip the script about the Toonimal situation and claim the callout is in the wrong. That callouts are bad, that "pedohunts" don't work, and some even saying the callout writers should go to hell, in their opinion.
Why? One go-to argument is "you don't actually care about the victims, you only care about hurting the abuser" which is... a malicious accusation, I would say. Do you know how many victims have come forth and said they are grateful to see Toonimal exposed? How many former friends, mutuals, and others who knew Toonimal are relieved to see the truth is being broadcasted?
This is a community. We have a responsibility to warn eachother about child groomers. That's not hard to understand. The writers of the callout are not professionals, yet they've done everything in their power to spread the word about a harmful individual and their abusive network. They've even taken the information to the FBI, yet some shady people are trying to say this was bad, or redundant, almost like they don't want action to be taken...
Something is wrong with this flipped narrative. And let me say I've yet to see the detractors make a single post aimed at Toonimal. I find it suspect if someone makes zero posts about the dangerous abuser at hand, yet posts and reblogs endlessly to diss the callout against them with a tone suggesting there should be no callouts on manipulative abusers.
You are not slick.
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likeadog · 7 months
mamamax is that pedo hunter or some shit on YouTube right? 😭 what the hell happened
where do i even start. this dude has fucked up so severely in ways no one has ever fucked up before. remember chris hansen? hes fucked this up so bad its up chris hansens ass with how fucked it is.
now dont get me wrong i think people who are like youtube pedohunters or whatever are already fucking ridiculous and i cant stand them bc like, theres a process for a REASON and when youre playing footsie with sex crimes i dont really care for carelessness in the name of views. but mamamax took it to a whole new level, and in his ceaseless desire to clout chase, fumbled his bag in an unprecedented way. i can provide further details if you want but the situation is weird and complicated but like jeeeeezuuuuuusss can you believe this guy
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anophelei · 9 months
at best there genuinely isn't a meaningful function that this "pedohunter" callout shit serves. you know full fucking well that all forms of abuse are ignored and brushed aside, child abuse being worse, and csa being the most severely unaddressed of all. even if you think such crimes are the exception to prison abolition or death sentences, you know that law enforcement is criminally negligent in handling them, if they even fucking bother. and if they do bother in cases of csem/csam and online exploitation, they explicitly DO NOT make it a public as any form of public acknowledgement is detrimental to collecting evidence and establishing a case; if you sound the alarm you're simply giving an opportunity for people to cut and run while burning as much evidence as possible on the way out. THIS is WHY the fbi doesn't acknowledge anonymous tips, it would only end up being an easy way to confirm if you're being investigated.
at most all you can hope for in making a callout post is some small amount of community awareness, maybe helping keep people away from abusers, but there are a lot of fucking consequences in doing so holy shit. first, it signals that it's time to ditch and set back up elsewhere; if someone online is looking into it then you can be sure as shit law enforcement is at least aware of the situation, ESPECIALLY when you explicitly make note of NOTIFYING THE FBI AND LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ??? I'm sorry you didn't get a fucking medal for recording and cataloguing shit, but you most likely didn't even have to do that and doing so hinders investigations given how long that takes, you don't have the resources or jurisdiction so you've just delayed any investigation from people who do.
second, even IF you handle everything perfectly and with the delicacy something like this requires, you are further traumatising the victims and retraumatising survivors by blasting the very real abuse and exploitation they've suffered through into the public sphere, quite literally showcasing it with the goal of as many people as possible seeing it. you are not going to do that though, you're going to fuck it up in some way, and this whole situation is clear proof of that. the ways in which toonimal has been handled irresponsibly are too many to fucking count, and the sheer negligence and lack of care has resulted in victims' information being readily available. Even if no direct harm comes as a result of the spotlight you've placed on the victims and where and how to find them, being exposed as a victim before you've even come to terms with it yourself, not to mention the painful processes necessary to fully acknowledge what was done to you, and then to be ready to talk about it after, IS REALLY GOD DAMN FUCKING TRAUMATISING. you are forcing victims through years of pain and confusion and grief and loss without even the slightest consideration of what that might be like, and this isn't the type of thing where biting the bullet is necessary or at all helpful. in reality, pushing victims to reconcile with realisations that will haunt them for the rest of their lives is only likely to result in denial, you are directly hindering victims from recovery and pushing them CLOSER to their abusers, who WILL capitalise on their conflicted emotional state to isolate them further and draw them closer.
If it doesn't stop the abuse and it doesn't help victims, the only thing it could be doing is making you feel good about yourself for your catastrophically misguided attempt at sticking it to LITERAL CHILD ABUSERS, which is the most patently fucking pathetic shit you could ever hope to accomplish. what you care about is your own deluded notion of getting the bad guy, and this is only further evidenced in every single person who responds to and shares your pitiful self aggrandizement frothing at the mouth and chomping at the bit over how badly they want to kill these sick freaks, how righteous they are for that, and how far beneath them the degenerate monsters are.
yeah, child abusers are fucking bad people, you're not special for thinking so, and you're not accomplishing ANYTHING when you dehumanise them purely for the sake of posturing. you only manage to make it patently fucking obvious that you hold both yourself and the people who sexually abuse children to be more important than the victims could ever be.
you truly cannot comprehend the idea of even considering us, of acknowledging us as anything more than an abstract concept only significant in the fact that we have determined someone to be guilty. I'm an adult, I've been in mental health care for quite literally half my life, I can handle your callous disregard for what was done to me and the countless, immeasurable ways in which it affected me.
A child can't.
Maybe you should ask yourself why you've never once reacted with grief for the victims, have only ever considered crucifying sinners. Why you've never cared to – or even considered the possibility of – learning the ways to recognise when a child is being abused, the potential to help them recognise if something is being done to them, to realise it if so. It might actually help someone, and it's not like calling for heads on the fucking internet could ever hope to accomplish anything. Give up the pretentions of giving a single shit about us and maybe actually do it for once in your life.
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autolenaphilia · 1 year
Child sex abuse is a real problem, and it’s an evil action that does deserve disgust. And there are intelligent ways to address it and how it is caused by systemic issues in our society. We can talk about how patriarchy and rape culture empowers men to rape, how abuse is caused by the power structure of the patriarchal family and by how children are denied human rights and are treated as property in our society. And how “pedophilia” as some kind of disordered sexual orientation is the wrong lens to look at it, instead of looking at it as a form of rape, an expression of power.
Yet the understandable disgust reaction people have towards CSA tends to overpower all rational thinking and it is exploited by the very people and systems that cause CSA. It cheapens the word. Like it’s almost impossible to take “pedophile” seriously as an accusation, because it is habitually used as an unfounded smear. As mentioned, “pedophile” is already abstracted from the actual act of child sex abuse, so it’s meaning can be stretched.
And “groomer” is even worse, like grooming children for abuse happens, but because it’s even more abstracted from the actual act of CSA, it’s even easier to abuse in that way. Giving basic sex ed is now “grooming.” Giving a child a honest answer when they ask the perennial question “where do babies come from?” instead of some condescending bullshit about storks is seen as suspect, instead of being seen as commendably honest and respectful of the child’s curiosity. And teaching them that gay and trans people exist and should be allowed to be exist, now that’s definitely grooming.
Even the serious sounding accusations are often bullshit. The moral disgust and outrage at CSA is so easily exploited by witch hunts. The Satanic ritual abuse panic of the 80s is one of the fountainheads of the modern pedohunting panic. It included a day-care sex-abuse hysteria which included the absolutely farcical Mcmartin preschool trial where claims of “children being flushed down toilets to secret rooms where they would be abused” (actually one of the less fantastical claims) were taken seriously. And like you think that kind of nonsense would be the end of it, but this kind of thing has just continued for decades. The early 00s British animated satire show Monkey Dust had a series of sketches about a “paedofinder general” parodying the british media pedohysteria of the time, and it has barely aged.
The Monkey Dust sketch linked above touches upon the fact that the victims of pedohunts are so often queer. One of the most common anti-queer tropes is the idea of “queer recruitment”, that queer people sexually abuse children, and that the abuse turns them queer. The idea of “acquired homosexuality” or “homosexual seduction” is one of the older tropes in the homophobic arsenal. In the current cultural moment, it’s often directed at trans people, and claims that young trans people are groomed into transness by older trans people, taking the form of the grooming conspiracy theory.
This is in part projection by the right-wing, especially outright fascists. They wish to uphold and strengthen patriarchy and rape culture and the power structure of the “traditional” patriarchal family. So they are not interested in looking at the actual causes of CSA, and instead look elsewhere. They explain CSA as caused by “sexual degeneracy”, which mainly includes queerness and other forms of non-normative sexuality like kink. The reason for sexual degeneracy is often explained through anti-semitic conspiracy theories about jews wishing to weaken the white race, and spreading pornography and other “degenerate” media among white people to that effect. Fascism relies on appeals on emotion, so spreading homo- and transphobia through connecting queer people to people’s disgust reaction to CSA is useful for them.
And queer tumblrites are not immune to this. Most discourse about “pedophilia” on this site go along right-wing or fascist lines of thought. They see CSA and other forms of sexual violence as being caused by “sexual deviancy”, often induced through consuming “bad” media or porn, instead of being caused by our society being a patriarchal rape culture.
The callout posts smearing victims as pedophiles often operate on flimsy evidence and tortured logic worthy of the paedofinder general (a pic of him would be a fun reaction image on here to these callout posts, but so few people know of Monkey Dust). They are a modern variation of the satanic ritual abuse panic of old.
And of course let’s be honest about the victims of these callouts: it’s mostly transfems. Societal transmisogyny primes people to view transfems as sexual predators, and it’s so easy to exploit that to destroy trans women. This form of transmisogyny is old in general society and in queer/feminist spaces in particular, Beth Elliott was a victim of it in the early 1970s. Texts like Hot Allostatic Load, “Crazy Trans Woman” syndromeand The Abuser’s Guide to Transmisogyny describe it well. The modern pedohysteria callout culture targeting transfems so prevalent on tumblr is another iteration in a long line. And it’s a variation on an idea that has fueled the persecution of queer people and justified fascism for over a hundred years.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 2 months
"Dear WoW roleplayers. I'm beginning to think y'all are just like QAnon. You see pedophile rings everywhere. One person makes an accusation and it becomes gospel." Are you fucking stupid or something? Go to Goldshire and have a look around. Go to Warcraft on F-list and have a look around. 'QAnon' I agree with pedohunter, you're probably one he has screenies of.
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pknn18 · 2 months
scrolled twitter for a wee bit too long
what the fuck do you mean they're hiring celebrities for pedohunting
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reneleijen · 1 year
Man en vrouw veroordeeld voor smaad om "exposen" vermeende pedofiel
De rechtbank Den Haag heeft twee ‘pedohunters’ veroordeeld tot ieder tachtig uur taakstraf wegens smaad. De man (35, uit Den Haag) en de vrouw (26, uit Rijswijk) deden eind 2020 mee aan de ‘jacht’ op een vermeende pedofiel. Ze plaatsten berichten over het slachtoffer en diens familie op sociale media, deelden daarbij adres, werkgevers, foto’s en beweerden dat de man een afspraak wilde maken met…
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Yeah it seems to be a pedohunt no actual evidence.
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sjeel · 2 years
Kijk 'Heinz uit België wilt s3x met 12-jarige meisje en brengt een tas vol bondage uit Duitsland mee.' op YouTube
Dutch pedohunter catches freak who wants sex with little kid
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aaalaw · 4 years
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#muslims #treasonseason #fuckallah #maga2q2q #mohammadwasapedophile The dopest people are with us, if you know #qarmy you would get why we won’t let you #sheeple stop us, because we will help #savethebabies and #abolishabortion, We will finish, support, protect and #trustheplan, because #godwins — #lightworkers, #starseeds, and #truthers are untied under #qanonymous, most of us are soccer moms and that is the dopest shit bc it’s kinda the #cia #karens and #anons4kids catching all the flack trying to be #pedohunters and bring #truthtolight #darktolight —!while you worship #pedowood #wearelegion #wedontforget #wedontforgive #expectus #ljc4usa #ljc4iran #miga (at Tulsa, Oklahoma) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDgtv1WJ0Dc/?igshid=1lvzpc8izat09
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rhganwalt · 3 years
„Pedo-Hunters“: das Internet – der Missbrauch – die Kinder
„#PedoHunters“: das #Internet – der Missbrauch – die #Kinder #Cybercrime Eine kritische Betrachtung
Auf vice.com ist jüngst ein Artikel über „Pedo Hunters“ erschienen. Unter dem Titel „Wie selbsternannte Pädophilenjäger Schaden anrichten“ wird dargestellt, warum es problematisch sei, dass diese Gruppe, die von einem ehemaligen Bundespolizisten und UFC-Kämpfer angeführt wird, im Internet Jagd auf pädophile Menschen macht und Videos davon auf YouTube veröffentlicht. Photo by Tracy Le Blanc on…
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trust-in-jacket · 2 years
Upcoming video on the child grooming app “Spotafriend”.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 1 year
Congrats Pedohunter you've burned all your credibility with your unironic joker moment- one three day suspension is all it takes for you to go off the deep end? Better yet, now everyone that was saying this was inevitable has something to point at to discredit you. Way to go, you played yourself. Guess it was always about the fear with you, so much for 'safety'
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reneleijen · 2 years
Belgie: Slachtoffer "pedohunt" overleden aan verwondingen
Belgie: Slachtoffer “pedohunt” overleden aan verwondingen
In een ziekenhuis in Gent is een man (58) overleden die mei jl. door zeven jongeren werd afgetuigd in een bos. De man was daar vermoedelijk voor een seksafspraak. Hij werd opgewacht door zeven jongeren (17 tot 25, allemaal uit de buurt) die hem in de val lokten. Volgens Belgische kranten ging het om een ‘pedojacht’. Maar de man was homoseksueel, geen pedofiel, aldus familie en vrienden. Na de…
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