#Pause the thoughts of derek staying in his wolf form so Stiles can ride him through the bare lands trying to find the last survivors
renmackree · 11 months
Am I craving to write a pirate AU?
Am I wanting to write a regency era AU?
Am I pining to write an apocalypse AU ?
The answer is yes.
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @will-noble-owns-my-ass!
Merry Sterekmas and a Happy New Year!!
Read on AO3
The Mate Fairy
When a young werewolf turns 18, a person dubbed “the Mate Fairy” appears to give the birthday wolf a letter containing the name of their eternal love, their mate.
This “fairy” is usually the emissary of the pack. A letter appears in the emissary’s mailbox, and they are tasked to immediately deliver the letter to the intended werewolf.
Talia Hale received her letter from her mother’s emissary May Deaton at 11.30 am on a Saturday morning. Talia was painting her toenails on the front porch of the Hale House when May approached with the letter containing her mate’s name, Samuel Cahill. The gold script gleamed in the sunlight, shining into Talia’s eyes. Recapping the nail polish, she yells out to her mother that she’s going out to catch her mate, and to set another place at the lunch table.
When Talia’s firstborn turned 18, they were in the cereal aisle of the local grocery store arguing over Cheerios when Laura was handed her letter from Alan Deaton. The name Jordan Parrish in beautiful gold script shining in stark contrast to the pure white paper. Dropping a box of Fruit Loops in her mother’s trolley, she high-tailed it out of the grocery store whooping and hollering while other shoppers laughed.
Scott McCall was in the shower getting ready for his 18th birthday party when Deaton knocked on the front door. His mom Melissa let Alan in, offering him a cup of herbal tea while they waited for her son. Strolling down the stairs Scott almost tripped on the final two steps upon seeing the “Mate Fairy” waiting with his envelope. After frantically ripping the envelope, he pulls out the paper and gasps upon seeing Isaac Lahey in the infamous gold script. Folding it gently and placing it in his pocket, Scott races off to his party to sweep Isaac off his feet.
The night before his 18th birthday, Derek Hale sits staring into the fireplace. Tomorrow he finds out who his mate is. He’s both excited and terrified. What if his mate isn’t who he wants it to be? What if he rips open the envelope and sees the name Mabel Earnest, the 90-year-old lady who lives on the corner of Thompson and Third, that likes to give embroidered dishtowels at Halloween? What if he opens the envelope and sees Marcus Winbourne, the owner of the town florist who smells like moss and feet?
Derek looks forlornly at the flames and tries not to panic. What if Alan shows up at school? Maybe Derek can beg his mom to stay home tomorrow. What if Alan shows up at the school and Derek has successfully convinced his mom to stay home and he misses him? What if Alan doesn’t show up?
“We can hear your brain whirling from the kitchen, pup”, Uncle Peter says as he slides into one of the high-back chairs. “Don’t overthink this. It’s an exciting time for you. Only you would think of all the what-ifs. There is no need to be over-emotional about this.”
Derek turns to face his uncle, eyes narrowing in contempt. “I distinctly remember mom telling us the story of your 18th birthday where you were found sobbing in the bathtub because you didn’t think there was anyone worthy of you. She said and I quote, ‘Peter was blubbering because he was worried his lofty standards of a mate weren’t going to be met, and he was worried his greatness wouldn’t be fully realised.’”
Peter scoffs. “That’s a highly dramatic retelling of what actually happened.”
Samuel Hale comes in laughing. “No Peter, that’s almost word for word what you said. Nice try though.”
Samuel sits down on the sofa. “Bun, if anyone deserves an amazing mate it’s you. You have a heart of gold, you are kind, thoughtful, and gracious. Everyone can count on you. It’s why you’re slated to be Laura’s second. Your mate will balance you out. They’ll support you in your role. They’ll build you up. And they’ll give you all the love you deserve. Please don’t fret my son, you will be blessed tomorrow, I promise you.”
Tala glides into the room. “Your father is right Derek. Tomorrow is a day for celebration! Not just you turning 18, but you finding your other half. Our ancestors aren’t going to give you someone that isn’t 100% your match. That’s not how it works.”  
“I know mom. I’m just nervous.”
Peter leans forward and runs his hand down Derek’s shoulder, pausing to give it a squeeze.
“Pup, I know you’ve been waiting for your mate for a long time but your mom is right. Our ancestors guide us to the one who completes us in every way. Just like Sam completes Talia, and Aunt Lisa completes me. We each have our foibles, but our mate smooths them out. This is a time for pure joy and celebration. You have nothing to worry about.”
Peter gets up from the chair ruffling Derek’s hair before leaving the room.
Derek sighs as Talia and Samuel come to sit on either side of their son.
Turning to his mom Derek asks softly, “What if they don’t want to be my mate?”
“Oh, honey that doesn’t happen. You know this. I understand you are worried, I really do, but werewolf mates are a certainty.”
“Any chance I can stay home tomorrow?”
“Nope. Sorry bun. It will be ok, I promise.” Talia leans forward and kisses Derek on the forehead.
“Your mom’s right. Everything will be ok. And we’ll set a place at the table for your mate tomorrow night, just like grandma did for me. Ok?”
“Ok, dad. Thanks, mom.” Derek smiles as his parents get up from the floor. The smile stays as they walk away, the nerves blossoming into hope.
Stiles Stilinski sits at the breakfast table, right leg fidgeting under the table. One particularly strong jerk knocks the table sending orange juice cascading over the side of his glass. Stiles gets up quickly to grab paper towel, while his dad John holds up the morning paper away from the spill, stopping it from being soaked with juice.
Mopping up the liquid as best he can, Stiles grabs a damp cloth to wipe away the stickiness of the juice, while his dad watches him. His mom Claudia places down their plates, piled high with breakfasty goodness. Eyeing her son speculatively, she smiles. “What has you in a tizzy this morning Mischief?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about mom.”
The Sheriff sighs. “Really Stiles? You’re twitchier than normal. Do you forget your adderall this morning?”
Stiles shakes his head. “No, I remembered.”
John puts his paper down. “So what’s up?”
Stiles slumps in his chair. “It’s Derek’s birthday today.”
Claudia reaches forward and takes one of her son’s hands in hers. “Oh Mischief. There’s no need to worry. Derek will have the perfect outcome. You know that.”
Tears begin to form in Stiles’ eyes as he looks at his mother. “But what if his mate isn’t me?”
John places his hand on top of his wife’s. “Stiles, there’s always a chance that you aren’t his mate, but honestly? Everyone sees the way you two look at each other. Everyone knows how close you are. You are mates in every way except officially. Now I’m not as knowledgeable with werewolf culture as your mother is, but Stiles, the Hale ancestors know what they are doing. They see all. They would see how well you two fit together before the official mating. They would see how it is after.”
“That still doesn’t mean it’s me, dad.”
“What if it isn’t you? Are you going to stop being friends with Derek? Are you going to stop associating with the Hales? Are you going to tell Laura that you aren’t going to be her emissary?”
“No, dad! Of course not. But …”
“No buts Stiles. You go to school today, and you support Derek in any way you can. You know he’s a sensitive soul, so you go and stand by him and you make sure he knows that you have his back 100%.”
“Yes, dad.”
“Good. Now eat your bacon before I do.”
In the carpark of the school, Claudia pulls up in the kiss and ride to drop off Stiles.
“Remember that today is about Derek, Mischief. Be supportive no matter what, and remember that no matter what your father and I are here for you.”
“I will mom, I promise.”
Giving his mom a quick kiss on the cheek Stiles exits the Jeep, patting his bag to make sure his two gifts for Derek are still in there. Confirming that they are still there after checking 5 minutes earlier, he shoulders his backpack and makes his way into the school.
As Stiles approaches his locker he sees Derek standing nearby surrounded by all their friends. He can hear the happy birthdays and the claps on the back as he gets closer, his nerves beginning to rise.
He opens his locker and puts the books in he doesn’t need yet, and pulls out the first gift for Derek. The crowd around the birthday wolf has lessened, leaving plenty of room for Stiles.
As Derek turns to Stiles, Stiles jumps on Derek with a laugh and a loud, “Happy birthday big guy!” wrapping his arms around the wolf in a massive hug.
Derek turns his nose into Stiles’ neck and hugs his friend back, letting the scent of Stiles fill him with warmth. When they part, Stiles gives Derek his gift. “Open it! Open it!”
Derek tilts his head in confusion. “My party is on Saturday Stiles, didn’t you want me to open it then?”
“Nope! This is for your ACTUAL birthday. I have another gift for your party too”.
“You didn’t have to do that Stiles.”
“Uh, yeah I did. Anyways, open it!”
Derek rolls his eyes and carefully peels back the wrapping paper making sure not to rip it. The paper reveals an old book titled, “An Alpha and Their Second: a Guide to Leading the Pack”.
“Holy shit Stiles where did you find this?”
“You like it? It’s ok?”
Derek nods quickly. “YES. Oh my god, Stiles. Mom and Peter had this book when mom became Alpha, but it went missing. They both swore by this book. I’ve wanted to read this for years!! Where did you find it?”
Stiles blushes. “I asked my babcia if she knew where to find a copy. A pack in Poland had a few spare copies and owed babcia a favor, and voila! Happy birthday, Der.”
“Thank you so much, Stiles! This is amazing!” Derek sweeps Stiles into another hug just as the bell goes for the first period.
Stiles pulls away first. “Sorry Der I have Harris and I don’t want detention. I’ll see you at lunch?”
“Yep! See you then!!”
Derek watches as Stiles races down the hallway and disappears around the corner. He runs a hand down the front of the book and takes a deep breath, trying to keep his emotions in check. This book is one that’s handed down through the family over generations. The loss of the Hales book was one that brought frustration and sorrow, and to have one back is going to mean the world of difference to the Hale family, and to Laura as the future Hale Alpha.
As Derek gently puts the book into his bag, he wonders if Stiles knows how big of a deal gifting this book is.
The Hale Betas and friends are sitting around the lunch table. Scott and Isaac and hunched together talking quietly, hands entwined under the table.
Jackson and Lydia and discussing the party on Saturday, arguing over what Jackson will be wearing while Allison and Cora are laughing at them. Erica is sitting on Boyd’s lap laughing along with Allison and Cora, while Boyd rests his head on Erica’s shoulder.
Derek and Stiles are arguing about whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie when the cafeteria goes deathly quiet. Derek’s eyes snap up immediately to Stiles’ so he sees when the color drains from Stiles’ face.
Derek manages a whispered “Stiles …” before footfalls can be heard getting closer to their table. Pulling his eyes away from Stiles’ Derek turns to see Alan Deaton holding an envelope.
Deaton stops at the table. “Mr Hale.”
Derek stands. “Hello, Mr Deaton.”
“It is my honor as the emissary of Talia Hale, protector of the Hale pack, to give to you the name of your beloved mate. The one who will cherish you above all. The one who will support you until the end. Derek Hale, Happy Birthday, and congratulations.”
Deaton hands over the envelope to Derek who takes it with shaky hands. His heart is beating so loud it drowns out the sound of Deaton walking away. The cafeteria remains silent.
Sliding a finger into the side of the envelope, Derek slowly separates the top flap from the rest of the envelope.
He pulls the paper from the envelope and looks in shock at the gold script.
The tears that had begun to pool in his eyes start to escape, and he takes a shuddering breath. Derek looks at Stiles whose face is pale and filled with worry.
Derek hands over the page to Stiles.
Mieczyslaw Stilinski
Stiles bursts into tears and throws himself at Derek who once again catches him. The cafeteria erupts in cheers as Stiles holds up the letter and yells, “I FUCKING KNEW IT WAS ME!!”
Derek laughs through his tears at Stiles and leans forward to kiss his mate gently on the lips.
“I’m so glad it’s you, Stiles.”
“I’m so glad it’s me too. Let me down I have another gift for you.”
As Derek lets Stiles down, he throws his confused puppy look. “I thought you said you were giving me the gift on Saturday?”
“I am but that’s a different gift. This gift is from your mate.”
Derek’s smile lights up his face as he hears Stiles call himself Derek’s mate. He takes the gift but this time rips the paper off, sending gift wrap fluttering to the ground.
Inside is a photo frame with a picture of 5-year-old Derek, and 4-year-old Stiles. They stand by the pool at the Hale house with their arms around each other, smiles as bright as the sun. Stiles is looking directly at the camera and Derek? Derek is looking directly at Stiles.
The photo is framed with the words “This is when I knew, that it was you.”
Derek sighs in happiness. “This is when I knew too. That summer was when I had realised that I just couldn’t be without you. I didn’t know what it meant then, but I realized only a few years back what it could mean. I wanted to say something but I was scared I was wrong.”
Stiles cups Derek’s cheek. “I know Derek, I understand. Every time I looked at you I knew you were the one. My spark reacts to you more than it does my future Alpha. My heart soars when you smile my way. I’m going to woo the fuck out of you, and make you so damn proud.”
“You already do Stiles. But you don’t need to woo me. I’m a sure thing.”
Stiles laughs loudly. “But I WANT to woo you Der. You deserve to be wooed.”
Stiles Phone
Text sent 1.30 pm - Mama and Daddio
Hey Mom, Dad, won’t be home tonight because I have to have dinner with my MATE!!! It was me! I’m Derek’s mate! I’m so happy I’m still crying but it’s ok because Derek’s still crying, and I’m so happy right now. I freaking LOVE the Mate Fairy! Even if it’s Deaton. Ew.
Text sent 1.32 pm
Text received 1.45 pm - Mama
This is the best news Mischief! Please ask Derek to come to dinner on Sunday night.
Text received 2.37 pm - Daddio
I’m proud of you kid. Derek couldn’t ask for a better mate, and neither could you.
Derek’s Phone
Text sent 1.31 pm - Mom and Dad
Text received 1.35 pm - Mom
Oh Bun I’m so happy for you! Uncle Peter and I will be making yours and Stiles’ favorite meal in celebration. This is the best news honey!
Text received 1.36 pm - Dad
A great match! Almost as great as your mother and I :) <3
Text received 2.22 pm - Laura Stink Butt
I freaking told you brat!! I knew it would be him! But noooooo don’t believe your future Alpha.
Text received 2.24 pm - Laura Stink Butt
All jokes aside, this is the best news and I’m really stoked he’s yours Bunny.
Later that evening after a meal that consisted of lasagne, schnitzels, and curly fries, plus and entire table dedicated to dessert, Derek and Stiles are lounging on the outdoor swing sofa. Stiles is nestled against Derek’s chest, while Derek has his arms wrapped around his mate. Stiles runs the tips of his fingers up and down Derek’s arms, swirling around the palm of his hands.
While Derek has his nose buried in Stiles’ hair, Stiles sighs. “I’m so happy Der. I’m just so stupidly, blissfully happy.”
Derek rumbles in agreement. Stiles turns around to look at his wolf. “Gone non verbal on me?”
Derek shakes his head. “I’m just enjoying the moment. Our scents together is really calming for me.”
“Are you happy?”
Derek smiles. “Stiles. I’m blown away. I was so worried it wasn’t going to be you. I’m relieved more than everything. But yes, I’m happy.”
Stiles leans forward and kisses Derek. They lose themselves in the kiss, the swinging sofa swaying gently. They break apart slowly, Derek quickly kissing Stiles on the nose.
“Is it too early to say I love you?”
Stiles smiles gently. “I love you too Der.”
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1989dreamer · 7 years
Brave (Teen Wolf (TV)) Ficlet
Summary: Stiles gets the call at 3:45 p.m. and doesn’t speed home. Not at all.
Crossposted on AO3
Tags: Mentioned PTSD, Mentioned Therapy, Kate Argent is her own warning, Stalker Kate, Married Sterek, Full-Shift Derek, Deputy Stiles
Stiles gets the call at 3:45 p.m. and doesn’t speed home.
Not at all. He always takes that corner on two wheels. And he pulls in the driveway at 3:55 p.m. even though he lives a half hour away from the station.
He pauses, half out of his patrol car, staring at the wide-open front door.
Stiles’ heart misses a beat and then misses another when he sees the little side table Derek insists they put their keys on when they get home tipped over, one leg broken, the other three knocked crooked.
He jerks his service weapon free, thumb on the safety, tiptoeing up to his own front door. His heart keeps missing beats, pounding erratically.
Steady. Steady. Avoid the third step because it creaks even though Derek keeps trying to fix it. Steady. There. Inside.
Inside is even worse.
The whole house is messed up, turned upside down, damaged or broken things scattered everywhere.
But no Derek.
Stiles isn’t sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
On one hand, he’s not here which means he might have gotten out. On the other hand, he’s not here which means he might have been taken.
Stiles’ heart blips, another painful, irregular beat.
Downstairs is clear, as is the upstairs. All their belongings strewn about. Stiles’ clothes shredded and his laptop broken beyond repair.
Derek’s things are missing. His favorite sneakers and sweaters. His stack of books by the bedside. The lamp from his grandmother.
Everything gone.
Derek gone.
Stiles sits on the edge of the bed, blinking away a sudden onslaught of tears.
He wasn’t fast enough. He didn’t get here soon enough. Derek is gone and Stiles has no idea how to find him.
He can’t breathe. Without Derek, his air, everything is too big and too small all at once. He can feel his heart tap-tap-tapping against his ribs, trying to beat in a broken rhythm. And he can’t breathe.
A sudden mournful howl breaks through his heaving, useless gasps, and Stiles snaps his head up to stare at the open window.
He cocks his head. A howl?
The window isn’t actually open, he discovers as he leans out into the cool afternoon air. It’s been broken out, like something, or someone, was thrown through it.
There’s no blood though. And there’s nothing out of place in the backyard.
Nothing except the giant pile of leaves Derek wouldn’t let Stiles burn because he wanted to use it as compost starter.
Stiles could have sworn it wasn’t that big yesterday.
And then the pile of leaves rustles at the same time the howl sounds again.
Stiles trips over his own feet in his haste to race down the stairs and through kitchen, slamming out onto the back porch.
The leaves quiver and shake before a large black wolf rises from the depth of the pile. He tosses his head, foliage spraying off, and he pads over to Stiles, nosing at his palm.
Times passes while Stiles stares down at Derek, fully shifted, and Derek licks at whatever part of Stiles he can reach.
“You scared me,” Stiles finally whispers, when it’s obvious Derek isn’t going to shift back to human any time soon. He rarely does when he’s been terrified into his full shift. “I thought you were gone, taken, stolen away.”
Derek licks his palm, an apology.
“No, no. I’m glad you’re oaky, but we’re going to have to file a report with my dad. Who was it? Did you see?”
Derek doesn’t answer. Being a wolf means he can’t talk, and often doesn’t want to, even after he has shifted back, which sometimes takes a day or two.
“Come on, let’s go to my dad’s. Our place is destroyed.” Stiles has to wonder though, who hates him enough to ruin his house and to frighten his mate so badly that he refuses to shift back?
The answer, in the form of Mrs. Henderson, their nosiest neighbor, comes when Stiles is trying to get Derek to jump into the back of his patrol car.
“I already called it in, Stiles. She won’t get away with it.”
“Who?” Stiles says, pausing with a hand fisted in Derek’s ruff. “The person who destroyed my home?”
“That Katherine Argent always sneaking around and hurting people.”
Kate’s back? And she went after Derek again. Stiles sighs, running a hand down Derek’s side. No wonder he won’t shift back. In fact, Stiles thinks he’ll be lucky if Derek shifts at all this week.
Kate Argent has been stalking Derek since he was in high school. It’s only recently that the local law enforcement, no thanks in small part to Stiles, has been able to have warrants for her arrest issued.
Of course, if Kate could stay in jail when she’s put there, Stiles’ life would be fantastic. Instead, he has to deal with a panicked husband who jumps at every shadow that lurks like a psychotic bitch. The therapist Derek sees twice a month is working on helping him control his PTSD.
“Thank you,” Stiles says to Mrs. Henderson.
“Where’s your husband?” Nosy neighbor.
Stiles sighs. “He’s safe for now. Again, thank you for your help, but you should probably head down to the station to give your statement.”
Mrs. Henderson eyes Derek worriedly. “Is that where you’re taking that beast?”
“Uh, yeah. Sort of? I have to talk to my dad, get someone down here to secure the scene, so I might have him with me?”
“Oh.” Mrs. Henderson walks away to go sit on her front porch. Stiles thinks she wanted to ride with him but Derek in his wolf-form might have scared her. He sighs and calls for backup. Then, he gives Derek a good pat and shuts him in the backseat before heading to the station, on the phone with his dad to let him know about Kate.
Dad and the deputies take care of everything. Stiles gets sent home (well, to his dad’s home anyway) with the instructions to get Derek shifted back ASAP.
Which surprisingly takes less time than Stiles was expecting.
All he did was turn on the shower, let the water warm, and go pick out a towel and some clothes his dad never wears anyway. When he gets back to the bathroom, Human-Derek is crouched in the spray, water running over his head while he stares blankly at the wall.
“Hey, hey,” Stiles coos softly, setting the pile of clothing on the edge of the sink so it won’t get wet when he strips and crawls into the shower with Derek.
Derek startles, clamping a hand onto Stiles’ arm and pulling him forward and turning him so that they are chest to back.
“It’s okay,” Stiles soothes, patting at the hand curled around his waist. They’ve been married almost five years now, Derek’s hand more than fits—it feels right.
Stiles laces their fingers together and just holds on.
“It was Kate,” Derek murmurs, unnecessarily. “She—she came back for me. She wanted to kill you, so I agreed to go with her.”
“And then you shifted?”
Stiles feels Derek’s nod against his back. “She was so busy destroying your things that she didn’t notice.”
The destruction, the things she broke or stole, they’re just that. Things. Stiles knows he and Derek can replace them. He grips Derek’s hand a little tighter.
“I’m glad you got away from her,” he says. He twists so that they are facing each other. Derek’s eyes are blue and he’s running his tongue over his fangs, but the hand Stiles still holds is completely human. “I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but we need to speak to my dad. They’re already looking for Kate, but the information you can provide may help them.”
“I know,” Derek admits. “That’s why I shifted back. So I could talk to your dad sooner.” He drops his intense stare to somewhere around Stiles’ left nipple. “I don’t want her to come back and hurt you.”
“I love you too,” Stiles says. “Up, up. Let’s go.” Derek moves willingly. Dresses in the clothes Stiles picked out and somehow doesn’t look as ridiculous as he could. Instead, Stiles thinks he looks soft, huggable.
They hold hands the entire way to the Sheriff’s Station, Derek rubbing his thumb over Stiles’, taking a comfort he no doubt needs.
Stiles is surprised to see quite a few patrol cars out in front of the building. He’d have thought they’d still be scouring the town for signs of Kate.
When they head inside, he sees why they’re all here.
Kate is handcuffed to the bench in front of the Sheriff’s office. As soon as she sees him, she starts spitting curses and accusations.
Stiles can feel the shift coming in the way Derek presses close to his back, nose pressed cold against Stiles’ neck.
“Shut up, Argent,” one of the deputies spits, and she turns her vitriol on her.
“Enough!” the Sheriff bellows, and even Kate shrinks back, subdued. “Graeme, Parrish, get her out of my sight.” He waits until the deputies get Kate to her feet and hustled back toward the cells before he turns to Stiles and Derek.
“Sons, I know this is difficult, but I really need a statement. Something that I can put into charges so we can keep her locked up.”
“Of course,” Stiles says, squeezing Derek’s hand.
“Of course,” Derek echoes, brave.
Never in this moment has Stiles’ loved his husband more. He tugs Derek into a quick kiss. “We’re okay,” he tells him, and Derek nods against his lips.
“We are,” he agrees. “Let’s get this over with.”
Kate gets released on bail but is killed in an “accident” when her vehicle drives off a cliff—no, the Sheriff’s Department nor Stiles and Derek had anything to do with it. People always wondered about the tires and oddly shaped holes in the body of her vehicle. Almost like someone shot out her tires with arrows…
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ladiekatie · 7 years
So like, I’m rewatching Avatar: The Last Airbender right? And I’m also obsessed with (certain aspects) of teen wolf yeah? So obviously, I need to do a crossover. And of course it’s going to be tragic and amazing. This will be undeniably Derek centric. This got long, so more under the cut.
omg wow you’re here! great! Let’s begin!
So, Derek is a firebender, HEAR ME OUT. Derek is a firebender, who used to practice all the time with his brother’s and sisters. The Hale’s are a prosperous  family in a large city just inside the fire nation’s rule. Their family didn’t agree with what the fire lord had done to the world, but they kept their opinions on the down low should they be taken to prison. 
Derek starts to date, Kate, the daughter of the royal guard and the last person who should know who is an enemy of the fire nation. But Derek trusted her, and Kate told her dad. Down the Hale’s estate goes up in flames.The whole Hale family is lost except Derek and he doesn’t escape unscathed. Derek gets scared as a reminder of his treason to the fire lord, (ZUKO??) and after that, he makes an oath to never use his bending again, and retreats into a little village in the earth kingdom. 
He gets a job at a tea shop (IROH??) and the owner lets him rent a room above it. He doesn’t have any friends. He’s afraid that if he gets close enough to someone else the fire nation will track him down and kill everyone he loves all over again. So, he hides in the earth kingdom, under a new name. 
The town he lives in now, is a bit of a refugee village. People from all over the world live there, brought together by the need to escape fire nation rule. Many people from the fire nation, a few water tribe members, and of course earth benders come together to form a diverse little village. 
Derek is there for a couple of years, and it’s been a peaceful existence. Until a water bender and his non bender friend start coming to the shop everyday trying to talk to him. Over the course of months that they keep bothering him, Derek learns that Scott hails from the northern water tribe, his mother was asked to be the village healer. Stiles’ family comes from the Oma Shu. He’s a non bender for the most part, but he thinks that he has to have some ability, because at night the rocks in his room float. (Even though there is no records in his family of any benders).
They’re annoying, but on the few times they invite him out, Derek can’t help but go. Something about them makes Derek… happy? No, they’re infuriating and annoying and he only goes because they promised to stop bothering him. 
That is until Stiles kisses him. And Derek kisses him back. 
Suddenly, Stiles and Derek are a thing. Derek finally starts feeling like he could have a normal life, like this isn’t so bad. Stiles tells Derek about the fire nation army killing his mother, thus making him and his dad move to the village. Derek tells Stiles as much as he can about who he is, though he knows he’s lying. Derek can’t help but fall in love. It’s been years, the fire nation can’t be after him anymore. Derek even gets to see the small little amount of bending Stiles can do when they ummm… spend the night ;). Derek can’t tell Stiles who he really is though, he hasn’t used his bending since he got here. 
And it seems just as he thought he was safe, the fire nation attacks his village, and find Stiles and Scott. Scott manages to get himself out using his bending, but Stiles can’t fight off the fire nation army men that are ganging up on him. For dramatic effect they’re in an alley, and Stiles backed up against the wall. The soldiers are nearing him, with their fire ready to strike. Derek is looking down from a balcony and sees Stiles try his hardest to do something. 
They throw the fireballs at Stiles and Derek can’t help it. He jumps down into the alley and deflects the fire using his bending and fights the soldiers off. Once they’re gone, Stiles is hiding from Derek just as much as he was from the soldiers. Stiles cowers more when Derek tries to help him up, lashing out instead of taking his hand, calling Derek some name and yelling about how he lied. 
Derek is hurt by this, and realizes that his bending has never been anything but bad for him. He runs off, leaving Stiles alone in the alley. The village is still under attack, but he can’t stay here any longer. He runs to the tea shop, gathers his things, and flees west. Watching the village smoke as he goes over the hill. 
Derek finds another village, and another job, a cook. Settles another life, but it’s just not good. He misses Stiles, quite a bit actually. There’s a girl in the new village that tries to get him to open but, but Derek has learned his lesson, and keeps away. The only thing that is different in this town is that it’s so much more lonely. Even his boss doesn’t say more than two words to him, and besides payday, there is no interaction on a personal basis. At least at the old place he could say he would be missed if he left, not here. He hopes someone misses him. He hopes Stiles misses him. 
It’s not more than a few months before he leaves that town. Nothing bad happens, he just can’t stand to be there anymore. The next place he wants to move is east, past the old village. He plans to walk through the woods so that he doesn’t risk running into Stiles or Scott. They prefer to perch on rooftops, not tree tops. 
He’s walking through the woods and sees a sign hammered to a tree. It’s a missing sign. For him. It has Stiles address asking for information. Detailing his disappearance after the fire nation attack all those months ago. There is no mention of his bending. 
If Stiles was looking for him, he should go say hi right? No, he can’t. Not after how Stiles looked at him like the monster he is. Out of frustration, sadness, and fear, he throws a ball of fire at the sign and keeps walking to his new life in the next village. 
Derek starts another new life. Another new job, this time a fruit merchant, another new apartment, under a noisy old couple who argue. This town seems too friendly, and it doesn’t take long before another girl comes up and tries to flirt with him, again, he denies all her requests. There are a couple times he thinks he sees familiar faces in the busy crowds of saturday mornings, but he decides it’s just paranoia and continues to sell fruit. 
Then one day, a familiar voice asks him if he has any specials on Cumquats. Derek hates to look up to see Stiles standing there, holding an apple in his hand and listening to it. It makes Derek’s heart swell, but also sends fear through his back. 
“What are you doing here Stiles?” Derek asks. 
“I’ve been looking for my boyfriend. I’m trying to get him to come home,”Stiles replies, biting into the apple. 
“You need to pay for that, and you don’t want me anywhere near you. You made that pretty clear in the alley,” Derek swipes the apple from Stiles hand and throws it in the trash. 
“That was rude,” Stiles reaches for another apple. “Can you really blame me for freaking out that my boyfriend is a,” he quiets his voice, “firebender?”
“I’m a monster, you shouldn’t be around that.” Derek’s boss comes up from behind him and tells him that he can leave if he’s not going to work. 
“Monster, shmonster. I love you, you idiot. I wish you had been honest with me, but there has to be a good reason for you to keep that sort of thing hidden. For so long too?” Stiles is chasing after Derek down the streets. 
“Go home Stiles.” Derek commands before he turns down the alley that will lead to his apartment. 
“I love you. The fact that you’ve been gone for almost a year hasn’t changed that. The fact that you hid a huge part of who you are from me, my dad, and Scott hasn’t changed that. You being able to shoot fire from your fucking hands hasn’t changed that,” Stiles yells down the alley. Derek looks around to see if anyone else is listening, thankfully the hustle and bustle of the streets drowns out Stiles words.
Derek keeps trying to convince Stiles that he’s trouble, and that his bending has caused nothing but pain and strife. Somehow they end up in Derek’s apartment, Derek still claiming he’s no good for Stiles and Stiles combating every argument. 
Until finally, Stiles just stops caring and lurches forward to kiss Derek. Derek breaks the kiss and turns to walk away.
“I need you to come home. I miss you, and I can’t stay in town forever if I want to find a decent earthbending master to teach me,” he raises his eyebrow and looks at the back of Derek’s head. 
“Earthbending?” Derek turns to look at Stiles, who is making this dumb face. “Your bending actually came in?”
“Don’t sound so surprised,” the smirk on his face says it all. “We’re moving to Ba Sing Se at the end of the week. You’re welcome to come with us, if you want to start over one more time,” he pauses for a second, “with me.”
With that, Stiles leaves. Not another word passes between them. 
Derek thinks about what he should do. The week passes and he can’t stop thinking about what he should do. If he lets Stiles go, the odds of finding him again, are slim to none, especially in a city like Ba Sing Se. 
Stiles doesn’t know why he thinks Derek is going to come. He’s been running his entire life, that wouldn’t change that now. His dad, Melissa, Scott and he have packed up the house into the cart. The ostrich horse is ready to go, and his dad is ready to ride off. With no sign of Derek, Stiles resigns and gets into the cart. 
They’re just outside the city, when they all hear someone calling after Stiles. The whole party looks to see Derek, on his own ostrich horse, running up to meet them. 
and then they go to ba sing se, and Stiles learns earthbending, Derek tells Stiles who he really is (maybe he even starts using his bending for household tasks but never anything bigger than boiling tea or starting a fire during winter), Scott finds a girlfriend, Melissa and John get married, and they all live happily ever after. The End. 
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