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Celeste (In a pink kimono) approaches the duo.
Greetings young ones. I hope the festivities have been treating you well. What made you want to attend this festival if I may ask?
I got the letter from the floating lantern.
That's not the true reason, Pauls... Meow, to be honest, we've been interested to see the magic of floating lanterns...or something like that... And of course, make our lanterns ourselves, plus release them. And...games and food...mrow...
What Beliie said it's a bit of a truth, woof! But seriously, we came after the letter, nothing else. And...what about you?! Do ya also have a particular reason to attend this festival, woof?!
[ @kutsukispast ]
#pokelanternrite2025#Event - Lantern Rite Festival#BellaMeowscarada#PaulaUmbreon#CelesteMew#Pokemon#Pokeask#Chrono#Alt Text Needed
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I'm on a Paula mood today, so let's do her!
Surprise! I’m making memes. Blank version under the cut.
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(asktheisle) Nat approaches the pair with a wave and a smile, looking at their uniforms.
"Paldea, right? Is it wrong to guess you were both sorted into different schools? I know when I was at a trainer academy in Sinnoh, they tended to separate groups for the sake of class sizes and things like that."
Yes, we're from Paldea. And no, we're from the same academy. But in different houses...
Auf...It unfortunately was divided into two houses after some sort of conflict between Professors Sada and Turo long time ago...
Don't tell me, Pauls, where did miyu get that info?
That's the RotoNet for ya, woof! I've heard many rumors about this.
Meow! They just rumors, you don't intend to believe all of them, right?
Wait, are rumors about this are false then...?
[ @asktheisle ]
#pokelanternrite2025#Event - Lantern Rite Festival#BellaMeowscarada#PaulaUmbreon#Nat#Pokemon#Pokeask#Chrono#Alt Text Needed
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Good good. I was worried... I can see some bases for lantern... Also, the outfit idmweea is great, but I feel a bit weird 'bout it...
Don't worry, Bellie... I bet no one here would be against it. We aren't in Paldea after all, woof!
Paula goes to a nearby stand and speaks with a Cosmoem.
Ah, right... Silly me, woooh...
Anyways, there's no sign of Annalisé...
Well, about that-
Bella and Paula have arrived at Lantern Rite Festival and open for interactions.
Annalisé will arrive later.
#pokelanternrite2025#Event - Lantern Rite Festival#BellaMeowscarada#PaulaUmbreon#Pokemon#Pokeask#Chrono#Alt Text Needed
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As Paula got intimidated by Shaythulu, her tail stops wagging, and she starts to feel fear.
Once Cherry explained everything, she takes a look at Shaythulu and realized - maybe they aren't an Umbreon... Look at those creepy eye hands - she really thought they're ears with rings.
Whimper...I see I see... I'm sorry... I really hope y'all have fun tho, woof...
She unconfidentially smiles at both and leaves. She eventually calms down and back to her peppy self.
(@ask-pokecats) Paula both approach two strange Shaymins. She takes a peak at them and makes a bit worried face.
"Urf...hello hello! How are you? I-I think you're going to have fun here, yea? Anyways, is the green one is...like me...an Umbreon?" she doesn't know that Shaythulu is a Shaymin.
Shaythulu shook its head vigorously, indicating it is not an Umbreon. It also seems it does not appreciate Paula addressing Cherry with the question instead of itself.
"We will forgive your faux pas this time, but do address us with more respect in the future. We are not creatures on display, we are guests, same as you. Please, treat us as such."
Cherry turned her attention back to Paula. "To answer your question, we are doing relatively well so far. I do hope the night ends up being a wonderful time. It's our first outing in some time."
@ask-pokecats // @kutsukispast
#Reply#PaulaUmbreon#ShaythuluShaymin#CherryShaymin#pokelanternrite2025#/ you made her sad now you're going to pay for it /lh /j
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Umbreon doggo day!
#PaulaUmbreon#Pokemon#Pokeask#Randmeow Art#Umbreon Day#ブラッキーの日#/ very lazy with bg so I re-used it from the game
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Birthday gift and a lil interaction art for Acinaces/Tartifondue, featuring her character, Edward.
Paula gave him a cake!
#Pokemon#PaulaUmbreon#EdwardUmbreon#/ ik she's not on tumblr but it's a crime not to post Paula-related content here#/ also back to event void ok bye /lh
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The girls look at Annalié's outfit. Their eyes become starry and their smiles widen.
Oh, were you surprised by my new look?
That was MEOW-stic!
Oh ho ho! I really get ze pun.
Woof! You look amazing! Why you've decided to wear this?
Well, a certain fictional charactzer inspired me.
Meow meow! Tell me, tell me!
The trio sits to the table and order some fried noodles. They have a talk.
Annalisé has arrived at Lantern Rite Festival and open for interactions.
#pokelanternrite2025#Event - Lantern Rite Festival#AnnaliséMeowstic#BellaMeowscarada#PaulaUmbreon#Pokemon#Pokeask#Chrono#Alt Text Needed
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Auf, yee... As I said I'm not very familiar with those. I've read somewhere about, but not actually played. Maybe...we're gonna try, kites? It's not really a game, but the stand says so, woof!
She picks a kite and launches it. It flies high. She holds it tight.
Hmm, how about that? Pretty cool, woof?!
(@ask-pokecats) Paula approaches Lue with her tail wagging.
"Woof woof! That is beautiful look you have, buddy! You wanna play games? I'm in! To be honest, I'm still need to learn about those games myself, woof!
Although, are you with me? I want to join the fun too!"
She shows two of her paws and makes a blep out of excitement.

"Thank you! I just came here! I don't know how these games function!" She said with a bright smile standing there sort of lost as she finally a bit awkwardly chuckled

"There...weren't games in last event or at least I didn't understand them...uhm-" she paused again "I just like looking at them! It seems fun and colorful! Fun to watch!" a smile again formed onto her face
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Khione@Paula: Oh, thank Arceus. Someone else who's from a school and not just adults. I know Bijoux feels at home any and everywhere, but I feel a lot better being somewhere where I've got someone else at least CLOSE to my own age. You know, you've got interesting markings. You kinda look like a shiny, but not quite. You some sort of variant shiny? I've heard about those existing, but I haven't really met anyone who can confirm it...
Normally, Umbreons have two default colors: normal yellow and shiny blue. But there's a rarest chance of different coloring. Or even two or three, woofie! Honestly, I don't know why I'm a three-colored, but I'm SO lucky to have those colors, woof!
As Paula finished her small talk about Umbreon genetics, she takes a look at Khione.
OH WOOF! I don't think I saw anyone like you before. That is SOOO COOL! I know you're one of those "fossil" Pokémon, but you're... different from the others. I think you just like centaurs I've read from the myths...
[ @redolentgrove ]
#pokelanternrite2025#Event - Lantern Rite Festival#PaulaUmbreon#KhioneAurorus#Pokemon#Pokeask#Chrono#Alt Text Needed#/ Paula lore drop - as well as umbreon one#/ also don't mind her she doesn't saw a taur in her life
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(ShayminCafe) "Ahh, young couples in love, brings back fond memories, doesn't it, dear?" Cherry said to Shaythulu as they approached. Shaythulu nodded her head, saying something in return that comes across as a cacophony of whispers and distorted sounds, completely incomprehensible to most. "Ah, I don't know. Let me ask." Cherry turned her attention to Bella and smiled. "How long have you and Paula known each other? Have you been dating long?"
Paula is refusing to talk after seeing two Shaymins. Maybe because of the last time? Despite everything, she smiles.
Aww, purrrr! Pauls, please... Meow, don't mind her. Anyways, *ahem*. Not so long ago, about a few months or so, we've met at the Club Levicia where Trainers and Pokémon have invited to a party hosted by Iono and La Academia. Usually, felines and canines are being separated for safety reasons. However, when I dancing near the border...
And when I held her hand...
We felt love...love in first sight...together... It's still a mystery how we felt this...it's probably about our appearances or condemnation of species separation. Regardless, it's a great sign for us. Right, Pauls?
Paula nods.
Oh, it's also big J and Florian's great day too. They were also...well...let's say they're now best friends.
Bella and Paula both blush.
[ @shaymincafe ]
The sun is slowly setting.
#pokelanternrite2025#Event - Lantern Rite Festival#BellaMeowscarada#PaulaUmbreon#CherryShaymin#ShaythuluShaymin#Pokemon#Pokeask#Chrono#Alt Text Needed#/ the girls lore!#/ also don't worry about paula she's very timid towards the shaymin duo now
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(AskCinderpizza) Buffy@Bella: You know, I haven't thank you about the curry from earlier. Thanks. But I had to ask, what made you to try out the culinary arts? And from curry to sandwiches, are there any other dishes you wanted to work on?
I often saw big J making sandwiches, plus cooking curry with her Galarian classmates. So I've decided - why not to try miauself. And yea, I have plans to learn the dishes from this festival. They look VEEERY delicious. You should try them and won't regret it. Meow! OH MEOW, I haven't introduced my friends. And myself too, mya ha ha! I'm Bella, this is Paula!
I'm her girliefriend, woof!
Yeahah, just a "girlfriend"... And this is...Annalisé. Our new friend from Kalos!
'Ello, it's SO SO nice to meet you! What about yourself? Are you, perchance, also working in some sort of kitchzen too?
[ @askcinderpizza ]
#pokelanternrite2025#Event - Lantern Rite Festival#BellaMeowscarada#AnnaliséMeowstic#PaulaUmbreon#BuffyCinderace#Pokemon#Pokeask#Chrono#Alt Text Needed
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Bella blushes when Chunli touches her paw. She makes a purr meow sound.
Haha... Anyways...hmm... how I should describe.
The only things I can memorize is a heart accessory on his chest, probably it's a part of his cloak. He wears pink shirt, has a shaggy hair and green eyes.
Meow! Cause I do...somehow...
Bella smiles and scratches her head.
(@ask-pokecats) Bella approaches hosts with a smile. She takes a peak on them with a hint of curiosity.
"Meow! Heya and thanks for the invitation! Hmm...you kinda remind me of a Lucario I've met earlier. Are you, perhaps, related to them in any way?"
#Reply#BellaMeowscarada#Paulaumbreon#ChunliLucario#ShufaLucario#AriesLucario#pokelanternrite2025#/ AAAAAAA THE TOP IMAGE I LOVE I LOVE#/ LET HER AND CHUNLI BE BESTIES!#/ anyways *ahem*...#/ bella might not accurately described aries but she tried her best
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Kane @ Paula
He couldn’t help but notice the… tall, walking umbreon?
“U-um. Pardon me. You are an umbreon, right? I’ve just… never seen one like you before.”
Yea, I'm an Umbreon, but... Is because I have floppy ears? Unusual colors? Walk in two? Or...all of the above? Woof?
[ @a-shy-mimiktwo ]
#pokelanternrite2025#Event - Lantern Rite Festival#PaulaUmbreon#Kane#Pokemon#Pokeask#Chrono#Alt Text Needed#/ finally the background is no longer the same
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Shufa @ Bella & Paula
"Greetings visitors. My name is Shufa, the co-host. I want to thank you both for coming to this festival.
I want to ask, I'm not familiar with what your uniforms are. Where are you from? It's pretty humid here, best take care of yourselves."
I'm Bella, and this is my girlfriend, Paula! Meow!
Woof! So good to see you, Shufa!
Anyways, those uniforms are from La Academia. The one I'm wearing is from Uva House and hers is from Naranja House. To be honest, we're from the different ones. The thing is...mow...is a conflict between two specie races...
Woof! Bellie...
Alright, let's have somew fun instead! No hard feelings for now.
[ @lanternritefestival ]
#pokelanternrite2025#Event - Lantern Rite Festival#BellaMeowscarada#PaulaUmbreon#ShufaLucario#Pokemon#Pokeask#Chrono#Alt Text Needed
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So for an event preparation, I've updated Paula's reference!
(She'll not be in this outfit here, but I want to update it in general XD)
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