#Paula Coiz
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cinemaslife · 3 months ago
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#182 Winnie-the-Pooh: Miel y sangre
Christopher Robin (Nikolai Leon) encontró en el bosque de los 100 agres a: Winnie-the-Pooh, Igor, Tigger, Piglet y Conejo se hacen amigos y el niño va a visitarlos con frecuencia y les lleva comida, haciendo que los animales se vuelvan algo perezosos.
Durante años lo hace hasta que tiene que irse a la universidad a estudiar medicina y los deja un poco tirados. Tanto que al llegar el invierno están escondidos en una cueva, muertos de hambre, y se comen a Igor.
Después de esto, sus mentes se rompen y deciden, no solo, no volver a hablar y olvidar todas sus acciones humanas, sino que odian profundamente a Christopher Robin y a todos los humanos.
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5 años después Christopher Robin vuelve al bosque con su prometida para presentarle a sus amigos, la chica no le cree mucho porque la historia es bastante inverosímil, pero cuando llegan a la casa de Pooh (Craig David Dowsett) se dan cuenta de que algo extraño pasa, aquellos adorables animales ya no son adorables, y aunque intentan esconderse son descubiertos, y Piglet (Chris Cordell) asesina a la prometida de Robin, y al chico lo secuestran.
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María (María Taylor) y sus 4 amigas alquilan una casa en el bosque para pasar tiempo juntas y son rápidamente asediadas por dos figuras terroríficas que quieren acabar con ellas. Y empiezan con su amiga Lara.
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Pooh y Piglet tienen mucha ira en su interior y son muy creativos a la hora de torturar y asesinar a la gente, y han decidido tener a Robin secuestrado haciéndole pasar mil penurias y escuchando como les hacen cosas horribles a las personas con las que se van encontrando.
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Así se ventilan a Zoe, a mazazos dentro de una piscina, por lo que solo quedan 3 amigas que se separan espantadas por el horror, María y Jess van a buscar una pistola y Alice le tiende una emboscada a Piglet.
María y Jess encuentran a Robin y lo liberan y a otra mujer que está hecha polvo. Esta mujer confiada por el arma decide salirse del grupo y buscar a los dos asesinos para plantarles cara, pero el arma falla y le comen la cara, literalmente.
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Alice caza a Piglet y lo mata a martillazos, cosa que, por lo que sea, cabrea a Pooh y la mata, aquí nos demuestran que el oso es sobrenatural y que tiene una fuerza inhumana, así como que pude lanzar enjambres de abejas en contra de sus víctimas.
María y Jess intentan huir en un coche, pero Pooh las alcanza, le corta la cabeza a Jess y se prepara para castigar a María.
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Cuando Pooh va a destrozar a María aparece Robin y lo empotra entre dos coches, los dos jóvenes intentan huir, pero son alcanzados por el oso. Cristopher Robin le suplica a Pooh que no lo haga, que se quedará con él para siempre, pero al oso se la suda y le corta el cuello a María llamando mentiroso a Robin.
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Cristopher Robin aprovecha para salir corriendo atravesando el bosque.
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therealmrpositive · 1 year ago
Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023)
In today's review I find a big surprise in the woods. As I attempt a #positive review of the 2023 slasher film Winnie The Pooh Blood and Honey #NikolaiLeon #FrederickDallaway #MariaTaylor #NatashaRoseMills #AmberDoigThorne #DanielleRonald #NatashaTosini
Isn’t the public domain wonderful? The ability to walk on the shoulders of giants and build ideas is what helped the undead that Romero made to evolve into a cultural behemoth or keep the ideas of long-gone authors cemented into the modern repertoire. In 2023, utilising the recently public domain stories of A. A. Milne, an independent filmmaker turned the loveable woodland residents of the…
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fashionmagazinewhore · 2 years ago
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Paula Coiz, source unknown
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redrusty66 · 1 year ago
Scream With Me : Winnie the Pooh : Blood and Honey (2023)
Discussing the 2023 Horror Film : Winnie the Pooh : Blood and Honey (2023)
Starring : Nikolai Leon, Maria Taylor, Natasha Rose Mills, Amber Doig-Thorne, Danielle Ronald, Natasha Tosini, Paula Coiz, May Kelly, Danielle Scott, Craig David Dowsett, Chris Cordell, Frederick Dallaway
Director : Rhys Frake-Waterfield Writer : Rhys Frake-Waterfield
My Score 7.4/10
IMDB : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt19623240/ Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud-FBr74K8o
My IMDB : https://www.imdb.com/user/ur48636572 My Letterboxed : https://letterboxd.com/Redrusty66/ My Poetry : https://allpoetry.com/Redrusty66
#horror #review #slasher #action #film #reaction #film
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tranquildr3ams · 1 year ago
Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023)
Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023) #WinnieThePoohBloodandHoney #Slasher #British #Indie #Horror #Movie #Film #Review
Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023) Director (and co-writer): Rhys Frake-Waterfield Cast: Nikolai Leon, Maria Taylor, Natasha Rose Mills, Amber Doig-Thorne, Danielle Ronald, Natasha Tosini, Paula Coiz, May Kelly, Danielle Scott, Craig David Dowsett, Chris Cordell After Christopher Robin abandons them for college, Pooh and Piglet embark on a bloody rampage as they search for a new source of…
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rookie-critic · 2 years ago
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023, dir. Rhys Frake-Waterfield) - review by Rookie-Critic
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On January 1, 2022, the classic Winnie-the-Pooh character lineup became public domain, meaning anyone and everyone could use the names and likenesses of these characters without any threat from Disney of legal action. Of course, less than half a year later, it was announced that an independent British director would be making a horror film based off the property, and thus Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey was born. I love stuff like this: I think it's hilarious, I think it's fun, and, if done right, it can be genuinely good to boot. I was excited going into the film, and was ready to see Pooh Bear and Piglet go on a Roger Corman-esque, Birdemic-y B-movie murder spree. That definitely happens, although the results were definitely mixed at best.
I'll start with the positives this time, and say the most impressive thing by far in this is the Winnie the Pooh head. From what little promotional material I'd seen prior to watching the movie, Pooh and Piglet's heads kind of just looked like rubber Halloween masks, which can provide a lot of hilarious campy fun, so I wasn't complaining, but that's not what they ended up being at all. Pooh's head reads as fully animatronic; the ears wiggle, the mouth moves, the area around the eyes moves, it helps bring so much personality to the this murderous version of the character. Piglet's is a little less impressive and doesn't have as much articulation as Pooh's does, so he definitely feels a little more mask-y, but like I said before, that provides its own level of campy charm. I'll also give the actors credit: I wouldn't call the acting in this movie good, by any means, but for something like this you're normally getting the bottom of the barrel scrapings and some truly horrible performances, but these weren't terrible. Nikolai Leon, who plays Christopher Robin, I especially took note of. Again, it wasn't "good" acting, but I was surprised by how not awful it was.
Sadly, I think the good stops there. I had a good handful of issues with Blood and Honey, and none of them have to do with the quality of the film's technical side. Yes the CG blood was bad, yes the camerawork was sloppy, blah blah blah, whatever. This is the Winnie the Pooh slasher flick, I'm not looking for Lawrence of Arabia. There are two big problems with this film. One is that, even taking into consideration an almost entirely female cast and the fact that this is a horror movie, the film seems maliciously cruel towards women. The second is that, for something with as hilarious of a concept as this and that seemingly had some decently creative ideas, the kills and the scares were kind of boring. As far as that first problem goes, this is something we've seen time and time and time again in horror, especially in slasher films. There are a lot of tired, sexist tropes that just don't seem to die, and Blood and Honey contributes to a lot of them. I actively rolled my eyes multiple times, including an incredibly uncomfortable scene in which a female character with no arc and no defining characteristics is brutally killed in a gruesome way that, to me, went on for way too long, with some incredibly unnecessary nudity thrown in for good measure. It's not as bad as THAT kill scene from the first Terrifier film, but it wasn't fun to watch, nonetheless. Our main character, who surprisingly isn't Christopher Robin (another issue I had), is given this empathetic and traumatic backstory that Frake-Waterfield had absolutely no interest in weaving into the larger narrative, which really begs the question as to why we even bothered with anyone other than Pooh, Piglet, and Christopher Robin to begin with. The central group of women really only exist as cannon fodder for our beloved children's story characters, and the setup as to why this had happened to the furry residents of the Hundred-Acre Wood was interesting enough to be able to carry a 90-ish minute film by itself. Instead, we get something that's largely a "paint-by-numbers" B-movie slasher film, which leads me into my second problem from earlier; the movie as a whole, and specifically the kills, feel really uninspired. There are moments where there seem to be sparks of creative instinct (Pooh has the absolutely wild ability to control the bees that inhabit the Hundred-Acre Wood, there's a scene in which Pooh whips Christopher Robin with the nail end of Eeyore's tail, stuff like that), but these ideas go largely unexplored. Instead, we're relegated to watching Piglet and Pooh chase after our protagonists with chains and sledgehammers for most of the film, and that's really too bad.
I don't mean to rant and make it seem like I'm taking the Winnie the Pooh horror film too seriously, because I definitely was not, but I feel like there are ways to make these really low-concept, dumb-but-fun, shtick-y horror films not suck, and it's not even that hard. Just be creative, have fun, and stay away from harmful and tired genre tropes, simple. While this film certainly had fun, and was running at maybe 20% creativity, it just couldn't accomplish what it set out to do.
Score: 4/10
Currently only in theaters.
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jmunneytumbler · 2 years ago
Oh Bother, It's Time for 'Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey'!
Oh Bother, It's Time for 'Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey'!
NOT PICTURED: Winnie the Pooh (CREDIT: Altitude Films/Screenshot) Starring: Nikolai Leon, Maria Taylor, Craig David Dowsett, Chris Cordell, Natasha Rose Mills, Amber Doig-Thorne, Danielle Ronald, Natasha Tosini, Paula Coiz, May Kelly, Danielle Scott Director: Rhys Frake-Waterfield Running Time: 84 Minutes Rating: Unrated Release Date: February 15, 2023 (Theaters) I think Christopher Robin took a…
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moviesandmania · 3 years ago
TOOTH FAIRY: QUEEN OF PAIN (2022) British horror sequel - free to watch online
TOOTH FAIRY: QUEEN OF PAIN (2022) British horror sequel – free to watch online
‘Ready for a killer smile?’ Tooth Fairy: Queen of Pain is a 2022 British horror film about an escaped lunatic who murders victims for their teeth. Directed and co-produced by Louisa Warren (Tooth Fairy 5; Legend of the Lizard Man; Conjuring the Plastic Surgeon; Tooth Fairy: The Last Extraction; The Leprechaun’s Game;  Tooth Fairy: The Root of Evil; Scarecrow’s Revenge; Virtual Death Match; Bride…
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owlstar97 · 3 years ago
Jagged Edge Productions
Natasha Tosini as Lara
Amber Doig-Thorne as Alice
Maria Taylor as Taylor
Craig David Dowsett as Pooh Bear
Danielle Ronald as Zoe
Danielle Scott as Mauled Woman
Nikolai Leon as Christopher Robin
Chris Cordell as Piglet
Richard D. Myers
Natasha Rose Mills as Jess
Paula Coiz as Mary
May Kelly as Tina
Gillian Broderick as Therapist
Bao Tieu as Caged Man
Marcus Massey as James Anderson (News Reporter)
Richard Harfst as Barn Owner
TBA 2022
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