#Mark Haldor
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moviesandmania · 8 months ago
CROC! Creature feature - reviews and free on Freevee, Tubi, Vudu and YouTube
‘It’s not safe to swim anywhere’ Croc! is a 2022 horror film about a crocodile that turns up uninvited to a wedding at a mansion in the English countryside. Written and directed by Paul W. Franklin (short: Viola; writer of Haunted Hotel; Beneath the Surface), making his feature directorial debut. Co-produced by Scott Jeffrey (Spider in the Attic; The Mutation; Bats; Bad Nun: Deadly…
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therealmrpositive · 1 year ago
Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey (2023)
In today's review I find a big surprise in the woods. As I attempt a #positive review of the 2023 slasher film Winnie The Pooh Blood and Honey #NikolaiLeon #FrederickDallaway #MariaTaylor #NatashaRoseMills #AmberDoigThorne #DanielleRonald #NatashaTosini
Isn’t the public domain wonderful? The ability to walk on the shoulders of giants and build ideas is what helped the undead that Romero made to evolve into a cultural behemoth or keep the ideas of long-gone authors cemented into the modern repertoire. In 2023, utilising the recently public domain stories of A. A. Milne, an independent filmmaker turned the loveable woodland residents of the…
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ephemeriis · 29 days ago
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( CIS  MAN  /  HE/HIM )  A  GIORGIO  BELLI  lookalike  has  arrived  in  Myrkvjord,  standing  among  the  warriors  of  THE  WOLFBORN  CLAN,  their  presence  impossible  to  ignore.  TORSTEN  HALDORSSON  recently  marked  their  THIRTY-THIRD  name  day,  and  already,  whispers  of  their  deeds  (or  misdeeds)  are  spreading.  Some  claim  they  are  RECKLESS,  while  others  insist  they  are  RESOURCEFUL—either  way,  they  are  bound  to  leave  their  mark. With  a  reputation  growing,  they  are  poised  to  shape  the  fate  of  their  people.  You  might  recognize  them  as  a  BEAST  TAMER,  but  soon,  they  will  be  known  for  far  more.
NAME.  torsten  haldorsson.
GENDER.  cisgender  man.
PRONOUNS.  he/him.
AGE.  thirty-three.
SEXUALITY.  biseuxal.
AFFILIATION.  the  wolfborn  clan.
OCCUPATION.  beast  tamer.
POSITIVE  TRAITS.  protective,  courageous,  devoted.
NEGATIVE  TRAITS.  stubborn,  overconfident,  brash.
QUIRKS  +  HABITS.  mimicking  animal  sounds,  going  for  long  walks  in  nature,  investing  loyalty  to  a  fault.
FEARS  +  WORRIES.  being  truly  alone:  cut  off  from  animals,  the  clan,  and  his  faith.
FACE  CLAIM.  giorgio  belli.
HAIR  COLOR. black.
EYE  COLOR.  brown.
HEIGHT.  6  ft.,  1  in.
SCARS.  many,  all  over.
DISTINGUISHING  FEATURES.  messy  dark  curls,  mischievous  grin,  tendency  to  make  himself  the  loudest  in  any  room.
MOTHER.  solveig arnvidsdottir.
FATHER.  haldor ulfsson.
SIBLINGS.  none.
PETS.  considers  all  creatures  in  the  village  his  companions,  and  cares  for  many,  but  the  ones  ‘belonging’  to  him  are  a  horse  named  idun  and  a  snow  hawk  named  freyja.
HISTORY ! trigger  warning  :  death
from  a  young  age,  torsten  was  introduced  to  the  ways  of  survival  and  prophecy.  his  mother  was  a  devout  and  kind  woman,  a  healer  and  astronomer  who  used  her  gentle  teachings  about  the  gods’  will  to  encourage  torsten’s  faith  and  respect  for  nature.  his  father,  however,  was  a  seasoned  warrior  known  for  his  ruthlessness  in  battle.  though  his  relationship  with  his  father  was  strained,  torsten  greatly  admired  the  man’s  strength,  secretly  hoping  to  live  up  to  the  legacy  of  someone  who  seemed  larger  than  life.
as  a  child,  torsten  was  raised  by  both  the  fierce  love  of  his  mother  and  the  cold  discipline  of  his  father.  he  seemed  to  take  more  after  the  former,  however—despite  inheriting  his  father’s  stubborn  and  prideful  nature,  he  softened  around  animals,  connecting  with  the  creatures  of  the  forest  more  easily  than  his  clanmates.
at  the  age  of  nineteen,  torsten  joined  the  wolf  hunt  to  impress  his  father.  he  knew  making  a  name  for  himself  through  the  sacred  ritual  would  make  him  proud,  and  so  he  did  just  that.  instead  of  killing  during  the  hunt,  he  saved  an  injured,  juvenile  wolf  and  brought  it  back  to  the  clan,  nursing  it  back  to  health  and  earning  its  trust  enough  to  earn  the  title  of  beast  tamer.
about  ten  years  later,  tragedy  struck  when  his  father  was  killed  by  a  bear  during  a  hunt.  it  was  a  moment  that  tormented  him  for  years.  even  with  the  bitterness  and  unspoken  upset  he  held  towards  his  father  at  times,  torsten  could  not  help  but  feel  more  dedicated  to  the  clan  and  his  goal  to  become  more  like  him.
he’s  thirty-three  now  and  his  reputation  as  the  beast  tamer  of  the  wolfborn  clan  is  well  established.  his  bond  with  the  creatures  of  the  wild  has  only  deepened  over  the  years,  and  while  some  view  him  as  a  gifted  protector,  others  are  skeptical  of  the  need  for  a  man  who  prefers  creatures  to  people.  torsten  is  fighting  a  never-ending  battle  to  prove  himself.
PLOT  HOOKS:  coming  soon !
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loremastering · 1 year ago
Relationships (Daerhovan)
Note: Some names belong to another person on tumblr or lord of the rings online. Any who are so will be marked with a * beside their url, but not mentioned so this doesn’t appear in their feed.
Updated 2/27/2024
Main bio 
Losdirith: Father. Named Halordin by. Deceased. Perished in a rock fall caused by goblins while patrolling the outskirts of Lothlorien. Doesn’t remember too much, only faint glimpses here and there. Daerhovan was only five when he died. Wishes he could have gotten to know him more, as he was greatly loved by his father.
Gaelwen: Mother. Named Telphindor by. Unconditionally loves, but can’t let go of the time she shut him in as a child, for extreme fear of losing him as she lost her eldest son and husband. Gaelwen wouldn’t let Daerhovan go no farther than twenty yards from the tree their flet was in. Insisted on supervising him at all times. Thought he would go mad. Although this lasted for several years, the restrictions placed upon him by Gaelwen eventually grew less and less, with help from the coaxing of his elder twin sisters. Now in his adult hood he still visits her occasionally. 
Feels confused with his feelings towards his Naneth. Wants to be angry with for the extreme measures, despite her good intentions, to keep him safe. But his forgiving nature tells him other’s have had it harsher and that he shouldn’t be mad. Complicated. 
Haldor: Elder brother. Deceased. Also perished in that rock fall that killed his Ada. Wishes he could have gotten to know more. 
*Lossenduin: Elder sister. Twin to Losseneth. A march warden of The Golden Wood. Leads her own patrol to oversee the road to the Great River. Occasionally visits Thinglad to hear reports on the activities nearby. Stern and proud, but she loves her little brother and cannot be parted from her twin for too long. Daerhovan envied her often when he was younger, as she was allowed to roam beyond the borders. (@sewer-princess)
*Losseneth: Elder sister. Twin to Lossenduin. Brings messages to the march wardens from home. Loves reading about old tales and meditating within the circles of remembrance scattered across Lothlorien. He won’t admit it, but she is Daerhovan’s favorite. In his younger days Losseneth would take pity on her little brother and try to comfort him without being overbearing. Fondest memories of her are cuddling in hammocks under the stars while she read to him.
Lerdil: Brother-in-law. Husband of Lossenduin. A lore-master of herbs and healing, and quite proficient in it too. Likes a lot. Often went to him for tips and study. 
Amdirvar: Son of Lossenduin and Arasdil. Nephew. Quick to anger and quite proud, but fiercely loyal to his family and Galadriel and Celeborn. A march warden and soldier. Was the elven equivalent of a teenager when Daerhovan was a kid, and often found Gaelwen’s son annoying. As Daerhovan grew, was less annoyed with, but finds his uncle weird. Loves him none the less, and Daer loves him back. The two often take walks with one another, trying to teach the other about beast or weapon lore. (Daerhovan only later realized that having a nephew who’s older than you is super weird among the mortal races.) 
*Ilost: An enigmatic ellon whom he’s met various times in Eriador, and traveled with for a time. Thought of him as a good friend that he grew to love platonically, though a kiss made him confused, especially as he was still with another in a romantic way. Distanced himself from Ilost after, but thought of him from time to time. Reunited with in the Dale Lands while traveling with Nimardril. Greatly pleased to see an old friend, though he didn’t recognize him at first in Ilost’s disguise. Getting to know him better as they travel once again. The old fluttering of the heart from before awakening that grew larger the more they traveled together again. Has joined with Ilost since then. Doesn’t quite know his feelings for him save attraction in general, but is willing to let true love grow, if it can. (@sewer-princess)
*Mallovorel: A best friend. But also like a sister to him. He see’s in the Malladhrim elf a lot of himself, and often seeks her out. Loves. A lore-master like himself too, and often takes walks with, talking about life or the things and experiences they’ve had, or about their philosophies of life.   @theoldsongsandtales
*Amruchil: Mallvorel and Maeglir’s son. Considers him a nephew. God-father of. (?) In the child’s early years he would teach Amru about the natural world and it’s wonders (and dangers of course). Would take him out on trips, much to the father’s chagrin. Backed off as he grew when Maeglir thought he was influencing Amru negatively. After his parents sailed west, Daerhovan grew even closer to his god-son who like him, desired to stay in Middle Earth @theoldsongsandtales
Verya: Out of all the numerous animal companions he would have in his life, Verya will forever have a special place in his heart.A mountain lynx he found orphaned in the White Mountains. Her mother had been killed by a rival lynx, and her siblings had died of starvation. She was hours away from death herself, but was found in time by Daerhovan and nursed back to health. (he debated about letting nature take it’s course, as he’s always believed should happen, but sometimes he breaks his own rules). While she grew and recovered to full strength, would wander away for so long that Daerhovan was convinced she left forever, but would always come back. One day it was his task to take down the new Great Goblin of Goblin-Town. During the tail end of the fight, was disarmed and incapacitated, unable to defend himself, Daerhovan braced for the death blow, until Verya unexpectedly leapt from the shadows and sank her teeth into the goblin’s throat. Their relationship has been a strong mutualism bond from then on. Heartbroken when she died of old aged eventually. 
Rinion: A little white lynx cub found abandoned by his mother in the Ered Luin. Again, Daerhovan resisted the urge to let nature take it’s course, and adopted the little cub. Loves almost as much as Verya, and the elder lynx seems to consider the cub her own. 
Valadhiel: A grey charger horse acquired from Rohan. Was lended to him while he passed through the region during the War of the Ring, with a payment to return the horse to Harwick once Sauron was defeated. Daerhovan however bonded with the animal, as he does. Vala has been with him through thick and thin, and he would not be parted from the mare. He pleaded his case to the newly crowned Eomer-King, who, despite some hesitation, paid the original owner a hefty sum of money to compensate for the loss of his horse. And was gifted a new one. The owner didn't mind one bit at least. 
Nimardril: A sweet but tenacious elleth he met in Bree. Helped to distract her from her divorce by traveling with her. Felt he had an instant connection to her that not even a severely awkward encounter with her uncle couldn’t break. Greatly enjoys her company. Got to know her better during their travels through the vales. Saddened to see her go a little bit after they met with Ilost. 
Cwenthryd: A stern, proud woman of Rohan. Confides in her a lot, as she seems to have the answers to every problem, and takes everything in stride. They often joke that they’re secretly related somehow, as she tends to act like his mom sometimes. Trusts completely. 
*Crea: A ranger of the north who Daerhovan likes a lot as a friend. Enjoys roaming Evendim with her and talking about the history of the Dunedain. Worries for her when she’s out and about, even though he knows she’s more than capable. @dunadaan 
Orthir: The chief Scholar of the Tree’s in Lothlorien. Daerhovan learned much about nature, flora, and botany from him. Holds the elf in high respect. Will always pay a visit whenever he stops by Lothlorien. (lotro npc)
*Namadith: A dwarrowdam whom Daerhovan considers a great friend nowdays. Fond of teasing her, but at the end of the day loves nothing more than to bask in her company.  @asgardian--angels
*Maironendil: A rather strange elf. Senses an air of darkness about the ellon, but ignores his better intuition most of the time and thinks of as a best friend nonetheless. Has had some, uh, interesting encounters with. @asgardian--angels
*Vaharion: Another long time friend. Trusts completely and seeks him out. Often goes on far ranging and high stakes adventures with. @landrovaling 
*Eolcin: A woman Daerhovan has gone on adventures with on occasion.Most of the time their relationship seems to be fueled by teasing and pretending to be exasperated at one another. Feels protective of, even though he knows Eolcin can take care of  herself just fine. @theoldsongsandtales
*Meneladir: Got to know Nimardril’s cousin and Celebithil’s son through a mission to Angmar together. Experienced a lot of trials and tribulation with him, and found himself drawn to the ellon for his cheerfulness despite a grim situation. Considers him a good friend and brother in arms. Harbored a tiny crush on, but quickly quashed it after the mission. @elgaladwen
*Elgaladwen: Doesn’t know much about, but he’s happy that she and her husband seem to like his books on the flora of Middle-Earth. Most of the time. Would like to get to know more. @elgaladwen
*Gallorith: Husband to Elgaladwen. Finds him easy going and a calming presence to be around in. Would like to get to know more. @sewer-princess
*Eruingil: A ranger he met sometime ago, but is beginning to grow fond of. Would like to get to know more. @simbilmyne
*Elirianen: A trusted elven friend. Has helped her out in multiple skirmishes. Likes. @pursuer-of-hope
Gelirn, Leodain, Elentauriel, Ellathos, Ayarmeniel, Aipiolohte, 
- Missed -
Badari, Rubeniel, The Olk clan.
Maeglir: Husband to Mallovorel. A high noldorin elf of Valinor. Was very intimidated by at first, but with his adopted sister’s help, managed to warm up to the noldo, and they had a warm, easy relationship most of the time. Their friendship became more rocky as Maeglir thought Daerhovan was influencing his son in a bad way. And even after they made their peace, something changed.
Badari: A dwarrowdam and Daerhovan’s former partner. Their relationship was forged in war and tribulation. With the end of the world as they knew it seemingly nigh, they experienced a whirlwind romance that Daerhovan was perhaps selfishly eager to experience before he lost the chance, thanks to Sauron’s probable reign. Then Sauron fell, and while they stayed together for a time, they eventually went their separate ways thanks to differing tasks and family matters. While Daerhovan wandered, began to realize he perhaps didn’t love Badari as he thought he should. Tried to make it work again, but the spark was gone. The two eventually and to his relief, amicably, went their separate ways for good. He wishes her nothing but happiness and a partner who is not so different and more compatible for her.
Ogborg, Celebithiel.
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starwrittenfates · 1 year ago
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Being orphaned as a baby. Granted, she was later adopted by Heimdall's family, with him becoming her adoptive big brother, but it's the fact she didn't get to know her biological parents which hurts.
Because of that, Sif struggles to find her sense of purpose, self and belonging in the world. Heimdall is blessed with sensory capabilities letting him see nearly all things in the Nine Realms, becoming the Gatekeeper of Asgard, but what can Sif do?
Hence, why she turns towards her interests in the Valkyries, wanting to become a female warrior for Asgard and make her mark in the world. By learning to fight and become a warrior, Sif feels like she can be in control and has a purpose. She wants to be brave, strong, and protect/fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. She also wants to honor her deceased parents.
However, the road to proving herself as capable warrior despite being female is not an easy task. It is difficult. Especially when, after opening up to Loki one drunken night, she wakes up to find he has cut off her hair as a prank, only adding salt to the wound. She feels used and abused and beyond hurt, becoming furious. He had not only insulted her as a warrior, but as a female. No one in Asgard would take her seriously now. From that point on, Sif has lost all trust in Loki and remains cautious over him.
Lorelei enthralling Sif's former lover, Haldor. So enchanted, he forsook his family, friends, and the woman he loved. This led to a deep-seated hatred between Sif and Lorelei and an unlucky battle with love for Sif. Add Thor falling in love with Jane to that list, and her incident with Loki...and ouch.
The loss of Queen Frigga. Not only was she her Queen, but like a mother figure to Sif who grew up raised alongside Thor, Loki and the Warrior Three's. Add Odin to the list too.
The Warrior Threes deaths as I covered HERE
Asgard's Destruction...nuff said. She lost her home and everything she knew one right after the other...but it isn't done yet.
Thanos attacking the Statesman and killing half of the passengers, Heimdall, Loki and almost Thor....
Being snapped/blipped out of existence for five years, only to return back and worry if Thor and her people are still alive or killed by Thanos and then to learn how to process all the grief she went through before getting snapped as she tries to acclimate to life in New Asgard without her family and friends....
I'll cover that last one in detail some other time, but yeah, Sif has a lot to go through when Ragnarok hits. And it isn't easy for her.
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doomedandstoned · 2 years ago
Denmark Psychedelic Doom Titans SONIC MOON Reveal Striking Debut LP
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
By Billy Goate
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Artwork by Mirkow Gastow
I knew from the moment I heard the opening track from 'Return Without Any Memory' (2023) that I wanted SONIC MOON to be featured in these pages, for the Aarhus 5-piece are a special band.
The colors are all right for their album cover, as opening track "The Waters" really does conjure those unearthly yellows, blues, and reds. It's a song that meets somewhere at the junction of Soundgarden, Greenleaf, and Mars Red Sky. The drums mark a desert rock pace and the song rolls steady, with jaded roadhouse vocals and dark Pentagramesque riffing.
There's something lonely, but comforting about the songs on the album. These are dark, otherworldly tracks with downtuned grunge tone and warmly bittersweet vocals, gliding calmly along in a vessel of fuzz down the shuddering waters of Styx. I took it all in while the moon was shining bright in my backyard and it was an ultra-cool experience, particularly during "Head Under The River."
Reached for comment, the band had this to say about the new LP:
It took us some years and a few EPs to reach a point where we were satisfied enough with our material to put it on a full-length album. It’s something we looked towards from the very beginning, it just took a while to get there!
Almost every song starts with one of us bringing a riff or a loosely based idea to rehearsal, and from there we work the rest out as a group. So it's a very collaborative process.
The new album was self-recorded at our rehearsal space in February 2022. We recorded everything live, except the vocals. We had very limited time to record, so we actually ended up recording the instrumental parts in a single day.
Sonic Moon's debut album Return Without Any Memory is one of the clear standouts of 2023, a record I'll be revisiting often. Get it Friday, August 4th, through the band and Olde Magick Records (pre-order vinyl here). Stick it on a playlist with Witchcraft, King Buffalo, Dunbarrow, and Magmakammer.
Give ear...
Return Without Any Memory by Sonic Moon
Sonic Moon is the sound of Kevin Starrs meeting Josh Homme on an acid trip in the dark Scandinavian winter. It is heavy guitar-riffs, drowned in fuzz and delay, carried through by a swaying drum- and bass-section, complimented by a raw and melodic vocal. The lyrics consume the remaining light, and touches subjects like nihilism, sorrow and anger.
After spending the better part of two years unfolding their contrasting and riff-based take on psychedelic stoner rock, Sonic Moon release their 7-track self-recorded debut album Return Without Any Memory on August 4th, 2023 on Olde Magick Records.
The first single Give It Time was released on May 12 and premiered by the stoner rock blog the Sleeping Shaman. Additionally, the music video was released on the 666MrDoom’s Youtube channel focusing on doom, stoner and psychedelic rock and metal.
Return Without Any Memory’s dark and heavy groove introduces the band's shared feeling of encapsulated loneliness, anger and frustration, all contained within the refined sound produced by the intensive care, effort and soul that the band fueled the album with.
Return Without Any Memory will be available on vinyl in two editions: ‘Blue Moon’ and ‘Cloudy Splatter’ on Bandcamp. The album is recorded by Sonic Moon, mixed and mastered by Haldor Grunberg at Satanic Audio, and the artwork is designed by Mirkow Gastow.
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cultfaction · 2 years ago
Croc trailer released
Uncork’d Entertainment will release Paul W.F Franklin’s furiously-fun creature feature CROC! The film, starring Mark Haldor, Sian Altman, and Chrissie Wunna, tells of a group of killer crocodiles that crash a wedding! Lisa and her family unite at a wedding venue, excited for the big day. However, unknown to the family, a nest of hungry crocodiles has been living in the nearby lake. As the…
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ask-rune-priest-ulfric · 5 years ago
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Haldor Icepelt is coming along pretty nicely. Im particularly proud of my ice effect. Also the pelt came out well. The eyes are improving i think but still need some refinement. Just need to finish up the pack markings and base the mini. So close to completion. C+C is always appreciated
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stabbedbymercer · 6 years ago
OC : Haldor Tiger-Claw
Haldor Tiger-Claw
Age: 23 years old
Date of Birth: 17th Sun’s Dusk 4E178
Gender: Non-binary man
Pronouns : she/her
Race: Nord
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Religion: Nordic Pantheon. She worships mainly Shor
Sign: The Atronach
Birth place: Riften
Current residence: College of Winterhold
Occupation: Mage apprentice, artist, reluctant Last Dragonborn
Title/Rank: Ysmir, Alduin’s Bane, The Last Dragonborn
Hobbies/Pastimes: painting, charcoal drawing, reading
Talents/Skills/Powers: Illusion, Restoration, Conjuration, The Thu’um, Alchemy, archery
Height: 190cm
Weight: I have no fucking idea how this works. She has the weight of a healthy man of her age and height
Build: Muscular, chunky, broad-shouldered
Facial features : Crooked nose, strong jaw, full lips and cute dimples when she smiles. If you make fun of her nose she will slip laxatives in your food
Tattoos/Scars: She doesn’t have any notable scars, just a few small ones from hunting/battle, as well as a few burn marks from before before she learnt Restoration spells
Usual attire: Plate armor, later on dragonbone armor
Weapons:  Elven bow, enchanted orcish dagger, her spells and Voice
Mental illnesses/disabilities: ADHD and social anxiety
Personality: Smart, resourceful, cunning, naïve, determined, withdrawn, obnoxious, cowardly, attention-seeking, kind
Long-term goals in life: Become a researcher in Restoration and Alchemy
Short-term goals in life: Not fucking die
Likes:  helping people, reading books, men, magic
Dislikes: being criticized, killing people, Maven Black-Briar (she scared her okay), Stormcloaks, Legion, Thalmor, Everyone Trying to Make Her Participate in the Civil War She Just Wants to Pick Flowers Dammit
Parents : Ragnar Tiger-Claw (father), Skulan Tiger-Claw (father)
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paperdoe · 6 years ago
Relationships [Daerhovan]
Note: Some names belong to another person on tumblr or lord of the rings online. Any who are so will be marked with a * beside their url, but not mentioned so this doesn’t appear in their feed.
Updated 9/26/2022
Main bio 
Losdirith: Father. Named Halordin by. Deceased. Perished in a rock fall caused by goblins while patrolling the outskirts of Lothlorien. Doesn’t remember too much, only faint glimpses here and there. Daerhovan was only five when he died. Wishes he could have gotten to know him more, as he was greatly loved by his father.
Gaelwen: Mother. Named Telphindor by. Unconditionally loves, but can’t let go of the time she shut him in as a child, for extreme fear of losing him as she lost her eldest son and husband. Gaelwen wouldn’t let Daerhovan go no farther than twenty yards from the tree their flet was in. Insisted on supervising him at all times. Thought he would go mad. Although this lasted for several years, the restrictions placed upon him by Gaelwen eventually grew less and less, with help from the coaxing of his elder twin sisters. Now in his adult hood he still visits her occasionally. 
Feels confused with his feelings towards his Naneth. Wants to be angry with for the extreme measures, despite her good intentions, to keep him safe. But his forgiving nature tells him other’s have had it harsher and that he shouldn’t be mad. Complicated. 
Haldor: Elder brother. Deceased. Also perished in that rock fall that killed his Ada. Wishes he could have gotten to know more. 
Lossenduin: Elder sister. Twin to Losseneth. A march warden of The Golden Wood. Leads her own patrol to oversee the road to the Great River. Occasionally visits Thinglad to hear reports on the activities nearby. Stern and proud, but she loves her little brother and cannot be parted from her twin for too long. Daerhovan envied her often when he was younger, as she was allowed to roam beyond the borders. 
Losseneth: Elder sister. Twin to Lossenduin. Brings messages to the march wardens from home. Loves reading about old tales and meditating within the circles of remembrance scattered across Lothlorien. He won’t admit it, but she is Daerhovan’s favorite. In his younger days Losseneth would take pity on her little brother and try to comfort him without being overbearing. Fondest memories of her are cuddling in hammocks under the stars while she read to him.
Lerdil: Brother-in-law. Husband of Lossenduin. A lore-master of herbs and healing, and quite proficient in it too. Likes a lot. Often went to him for tips and study. 
Amdirvar: Son of Lossenduin and Arasdil. Nephew. Quick to anger and quite proud, but fiercely loyal to his family and Galadriel and Celeborn. A march warden and soldier. Was the elven equivalent of a teenager when Daerhovan was a kid, and often found Gaelwen’s son annoying. As Daerhovan grew, was less annoyed with, but finds his uncle weird. Loves him none the less, and Daer loves him back. The two often take walks with one another, trying to teach the other about beast or weapon lore. (Daerhovan only later realized that having a nephew who’s older than you is super weird among the mortal races.) 
Ilost: An enigmatic ellon whom he’s met various times in Eriador, and traveled with for a time. Thought of him as a good friend that he grew to love platonically, though a kiss made him confused, especially as he was still with another in a romantic way. Distanced himself from Ilost after, but thought of him from time to time. Reunited with in the Dale Lands while traveling with Nimardril. Greatly pleased to see an old friend, though he didn’t recognize him at first in Ilost’s disguise. Getting to know him better as they travel once again. The old fluttering of the heart from before awakening that grew larger the more they traveled together again. Has joined with Ilost since then. Doesn’t quite know his feelings for him save attraction in general, but is willing to let true love grow, if it can.
*Mallovorel: A best friend. But also like a sister to him. He see’s in the Malladhrim elf a lot of himself, and often seeks her out. Loves. A lore-master like himself too, and often takes walks with, talking about life or the things and experiences they’ve had, or about their philosophies of life.   @theoldsongsandtales
*Amruchil: Mallvorel and Maeglir’s son. Considers him a nephew. God-father of. (?) In the child’s early years he would teach Amru about the natural world and it’s wonders (and dangers of course). Would take him out on trips, much to the father’s chagrin. Backed off as he grew when Maeglir thought he was influencing Amru negatively. After his parents sailed west, Daerhovan grew even closer to his god-son who like him, desired to stay in Middle Earth @theoldsongsandtales
Verya: Out of all the numerous animal companions he would have in his life, Verya will forever have a special place in his heart. A mountain lynx he found orphaned in the White Mountains. Her mother had been killed by a rival lynx, and her siblings had died of starvation. She was hours away from death herself, but was found in time by Daerhovan and nursed back to health. (he debated about letting nature take it’s course, as he’s always believed should happen, but sometimes he breaks his own rules). While she grew and recovered to full strength, would wander away for so long that Daerhovan was convinced she left forever, but would always come back. One day it was his task to take down the new Great Goblin of Goblin-Town. During the tail end of the fight, was disarmed and incapacitated, unable to defend himself, Daerhovan braced for the death blow, until Verya unexpectedly leapt from the shadows and sank her teeth into the goblin’s throat. Their relationship has been a strong mutualism bond from then on. Heartbroken when she died of old aged eventually. 
Rinion: A little white lynx cub found abandoned by his mother in the Ered Luin. Again, Daerhovan resisted the urge to let nature take it’s course, and adopted the little cub. Loves almost as much as Verya, and the elder lynx seems to consider the cub her own. 
Valadhiel: A grey charger horse acquired from Rohan. Was lended to him while he passed through the region during the War of the Ring, with a payment to return the horse to Harwick once Sauron was defeated. Daerhovan however bonded with the animal, as he does. Vala has been with him through thick and thin, and he would not be parted from the mare. He pleaded his case to the newly crowned Eomer-King, who, despite some hesitation, paid the original owner a hefty sum of money to compensate for the loss of his horse. And was gifted a new one. The owner didn't mind one bit at least. 
Nimardril: A sweet but tenacious elleth he met in Bree. Helped to distract her from her divorce by traveling with her. Felt he had an instant connection to her that not even a severely awkward encounter with her uncle couldn’t break. Greatly enjoys her company. Got to know her better during their travels through the vales. Saddened to see her go a little bit after they met with Ilost. 
Cwenthryd: A stern, proud woman of Rohan. Confides in her a lot, as she seems to have the answers to every problem, and takes everything in stride. They often joke that they’re secretly related somehow, as she tends to act like his mom sometimes. Trusts completely. 
*Crea: A ranger of the north who Daerhovan likes a lot as a friend. Enjoys roaming Evendim with her and talking about the history of the Dunedain. Worries for her when she’s out and about, even though he knows she’s more than capable. @dunadaan 
Orthir: The chief Scholar of the Tree’s in Lothlorien. Daerhovan learned much about nature, flora, and botany from him. Holds the elf in high respect. Will always pay a visit whenever he stops by Lothlorien. (lotro npc)
*Namadith: A dwarrowdam whom Daerhovan considers a great friend nowdays. Fond of teasing her, but at the end of the day loves nothing more than to bask in her company.  @asgardian--angels
*Maironendil: A rather strange elf. Senses an air of darkness about the ellon, but ignores his better intuition most of the time and thinks of as a best friend nonetheless. Has had some, uh, interesting encounters with. @asgardian--angels
*Vaharion: Another long time friend. Trusts completely and seeks him out. Often goes on far ranging and high stakes adventures with. @landrovaling 
*Eolcin: A woman Daerhovan has gone on adventures with on occasion. Most of the time their relationship seems to be fueled by teasing and pretending to be exasperated at one another. Feels protective of, even though he knows Eolcin can take care of  herself just fine. @theoldsongsandtales
*Meneladir: Got to know Nimardril’s cousin and Celebithil’s son through a mission to Angmar together. Experienced a lot of trials and tribulation with him, and found himself drawn to the ellon for his cheerfulness despite a grim situation. Considers him a good friend and brother in arms. Harbored a tiny crush on, but quickly quashed it after the mission. @elgaladwen
*Elgaladwen: Doesn’t know much about, but he’s happy that she and her husband seem to like his books on the flora of Middle-Earth. Most of the time. Would like to get to know more. @elgaladwen
*Gallorith: Husband to Elgaladwen. Finds him easy going and a calming presence to be around in. Would like to get to know more. @sewer-princess
*Eruingil: A ranger he met sometime ago, but is beginning to grow fond of. Would like to get to know more. @simbilmyne
*Elirianen: A trusted elven friend. Has helped her out in multiple skirmishes. Likes. @pursuer-of-hope
Gelirn, Leodain, Elentauriel, Ellathos, Ayarmeniel, Aipiolohte, 
- Missed -
Badari, Rubeniel, The Olk clan.
Maeglir: Husband to Mallovorel. A high noldorin elf of Valinor. Was very intimidated by at first, but with his adopted sister’s help, managed to warm up to the noldo, and they had a warm, easy relationship most of the time. Their friendship became more rocky as Maeglir thought Daerhovan was influencing his son in a bad way. And even after they made their peace, something changed.
Badari: A dwarrowdam and Daerhovan’s former partner. Their relationship was forged in war and tribulation. With the end of the world as they knew it seemingly nigh, they experienced a whirlwind romance that Daerhovan was perhaps selfishly eager to experience before he lost the chance, thanks to Sauron’s probable reign. Then Sauron fell, and while they stayed together for a time, they eventually went their separate ways thanks to differing tasks and family matters. While Daerhovan wandered, began to realize he perhaps didn’t love Badari as he thought he should. Tried to make it work again, but the spark was gone. The two eventually and to his relief, amicably, went their separate ways for good. He wishes her nothing but happiness and a partner who is not so different and more compatible for her.
Ogborg, Celebithiel.
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gbhbl · 2 years ago
Horror Movie Review: Croc! (2022)
Unchain your brain and just enjoy it, right? Well, that’s pretty hard to do when it’s bland, features a poor CGI-ed crocodile, is filled with cliches (no wi-fi or a landline? – come on) and stumbles from one predictable note to another.
Croc! AKA Crocodile Vengeance comes from writer/director Paul W. Franklin and stars Sian Altman, Mark Haldor and George Nettleton. A generic and sluggish horror with an odd amount of focus on people having sex. A crocodile loose in the countryside of Hampshire, England? Sure, why the hell not. We’re all here for a silly, fun and nonsensical time, after all. So why is it that Croc! is none of…
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moviesandmania · 1 year ago
CROC! (2022) 12 reviews of creature feature - including our own - plus trailer
‘It’s not safe to swim anywhere’ Croc! is a 2022 British horror film about a crocodile that turns up uninvited to a wedding at a Tudor mansion in the English countryside. Written and directed by Paul W. Franklin (short: Viola; writer of Haunted Hotel; Beneath the Surface), making his feature directorial debut. Co-produced by Scott Jeffrey (Spider in the Attic; The Mutation; Bats; Bad Nun: Deadly…
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researchvishal · 2 years ago
Surgical Instruments Tracking System Market Demand, Scope and Future Estimation until 2032
The global Surgical Instrument Tracking System Market size is expected to grow with a wholesome growth rate of more than 15% over the forecast period 2022-2032, finds Future Market Insights (FMI) in a recent market analysis. With the need to reduce costs and increase productivity, tracking systems are becoming more popular among healthcare providers. 
Diversification of Portfolio to Be the Key to Market Dominance
Some of the major participants in the surgical tool tracking systems market include:
Fortive Corporation (US)
Material Management Microsystems (US)
Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) (US)
Haldor Advanced Technologies (US)
Getinge AB (Sweden)
STANLEY Healthcare (US)
Surgical Safety Scanner (US)
The US FDA’s (Food and Drug Administration) proposed UDI (Unique Device Identification) requirements are expected to promote growth in the surgical instrument tracking systems market. According to the UDI rules, labelers (manufacturers, processors, specification formulators, re-packagers, and re-labelers) of surgical instruments are anticipated to administer immediate marking at the individual instrument degree.
The high system costs, long investment cycles, affordable restraints, and technological boundaries are expected to inhibit market growth to some extent. Also, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was seen a little drop in growth in the first quarter of 2021.
With elective and non-elective surgeries held up, delayed, or abandoned worldwide, there was a noticeable drop in the application of surgical instrument tracking systems and consumables.
Surgical instrument tracking systems additionally lead to greater monitoring by responsible parties, while limiting medical errors, resulting in increased demand. Other major drivers for market expansion include usability of such solutions in inventory management and during the work cycle, which includes surgeries, storage, sterilization protocols, and post-surgery. As a result of this, total market sales will reach US$ 900 Mn by the ending of 2032.
Emerging economies like India and China, as well as countries in the Middle East, Latin America, and Southeast Asia, are likely to provide major growth possibilities for surgical instrument tracking systems manufacturers.
Rising healthcare costs and improving healthcare infrastructure are likely to provide growth opportunities for market players in all of these economies. The surgical instrument tracking systems market will prosper significantly as a result of this.
Key Takeaways
In 2022, the North America surgical instruments tracking systems market is expected to account for about 38.5% of the total market.
The surgical instruments tracking systems market in Asia Pacific is expected to register a CAGR of 19% over the projected period, owing to the region’s unexplored potential opportunities.
The RFID surgical instruments tracking is expected to gain a lot of traction, with a CAGR of 18.4% by 2032, according to surgical instruments tracking system market forecast.
Hospital is the dominant sector of surgical instrument tracking systems market, which is estimated to account for more than 33% of revenue by 2026.
To get a stronger foothold in the surgical instruments tracking system market, leading companies are focusing on surgical instrument management, and employing innovative marketing strategies, technological advancements, mergers, and acquisitions.
Steris, a seller of infection control, surgical equipment, and other hospital supplies, purchased Key Surgical for US$ 850 Mn in October 2020, expanding its geographic reach and adding complementing product lines.
T-DOC 2000 surgical tool traceability system was created by Getinge AB and Intelligent InSites, Inc. from reprocessing to inventory and logistics to use, the solution supports the sterile supply workflow of instruments, consumables, and implants.
Flexible 6012 and Flexible 6027 RFID tags, which enable mounting flexibility, are durable, and are IP67-rated, were released in July 2020 by Vizinex RFID(US), making them perfect for tracking a variety of assets in indoor situations.
In May 2020, STANLEY Healthcare and CISCO linked up. STANLEY’s AeroScout Real-time Location System (RTLS) platform has been completely integrated and certified with CISCO DNA Spaces, the next-generation indoor position services platform, to give healthcare organizations enterprise-wide transparency into the location and condition of equipment and individuals.
For more Information @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/surgical-instruments-tracking-system-market 
Key Segments By Component:
By Technology:
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
By End User:
Public Hospital
Private Hospital
Other End Users
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Asia-Pacific excluding Japan
Middle East & Africa
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horrorpatch · 2 years ago
It's Not Safe To Swim Anymore in New Horror Film, CROC!
It’s Not Safe To Swim Anymore in New Horror Film, CROC!
Uncork’d Entertainment has released the official trailer and poster for their new creature feature – CROC! The film gets released on DVD and Digital platforms beginning on October 4th, 2022. Watch the trailer and get more details on the film below. From The Press Release Uncork’d Entertainment will release Paul W.F Franklin’s furiously-fun creature feature CROC! The film, starring Mark Haldor,…
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tspoe-pods · 3 years ago
What you get when you order your “Jurassic Park” off of Wish.
The effects aren’t too bad, but the story is atrocious, and the entire cast is filled with people that you either don’t care if they get eaten or you’re actively hoping that they do.
On VOD September 6th.
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shysweet-hellhound · 6 years ago
🎰 (You might want to leave out Hawke and Aedan though, unless you have male muses, since they are homosexual, unless we're talkin' platonic ships too)
Ship Roulette! || Accepting || @quiprava​
Firstly in the order they came up with no consideration to anything
Tristan and Siraj
Ruby and Garret
Ella and Seraphim
Kara and Pierre
Polly and Haldor
Now rearranged to something that seems to make sense. All of these can also be platonic, and the emotional intimacy does not have to suddenly be romantic for these plots to work.
Tristan and Garret
Boys, lol. Tristan is a poet and a playwright, and a romantic at heart. He’s more or less closeted in that he’s never explicitly denied his sexuality but he hasn’t told anyone either. He falls easily, though suppresses most of his feelings and channels them into works, and he absolutely read Varric’s books so he’d have an idea of Hawke before meeting him. However, meeting him in person is a whole different ordeal -- handsome, charming, witty -- and while I don’t have tons of muse for Tristan at this very moment, I can see something cute and fluffy in store for these two.
Ruby ( my muse at @intoxicatiing,) and Seraphim
Their emotional distance does not make them fast companions, but Ruby is fascinated by Sominaris and the fade, having never spent enough time with her clan to get the chance to study fade walking. I can see this turning into something of a quiet friendship where they spend time talking and bonding over a mutual hatred of the cold. I don’t have a full plot in mind just yet but I like the idea of them together.
I also like the idea of Ruby and Pierre tbh.
Polly and Siraj
I’m gonna be honest, Polly is incredibly easy to ship with, you want a ship with Polly, you got it, (One specific plot in mind is any of your inquisitors meeting Polly in her home outside the human village before its destroyed and she becomes an agent of the Inquisition and a companion.) I adore Iskra and Siraj and if you ship it honestly I ship it, but if you want someone else, Polly is a caretaker by nature and she’s so unabashedly genuine about how she feels about most things. She’ll care about his wants and needs, make sure he feels important and, as they grow closer, start seeking him out with a pot of fresh-brewed tea when she needs company or thinks he might. She might not cause the same mischief as Iskra, and she may have a Lot of grief to work through as she ends up in the Conclave / Skyhold after her mother is killed and her home destroyed, but she cares about people deeply and he needs someone to take care of him.
I’m going to be honest I like the idea of Polly and Seraphim too but it’s because she gravitates towards people who tend to be more closed off and shy at first in the hopes that she can sort of help them come out of their shells and find at least one person they can be comfortable with.
Kara and Pierre
As a companion to her Inquisitor, I think. Kara remains in Thedas only because she can’t in good conscience leave it to suffer the rift, and she cannot return to her homeland with the mark on her hand. While she is cold and distant to begin with, having someone loyal and brilliant at her side will make things easier, and she feels more comfortable around warriors than most people. 
Chryseis and Haldor
Honestly I put her in here as a gag she isn’t a ship. We’re replacing her with Iskra and Haldor. I think Iskra might be my muse who works best with Haldor, I understand Iskra wasn’t part of the Roulette so this is kind of cheating but! She’s a loyal companion and they’d get on well at first, striking up a snarky sort of dynamic that slowly turns into actual emotional connections.
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