rausule · 1 year
LENG, ABOMINABLE PLATEAU OF (KG): Astraliter in Media Asia sita. Roerich et Lovecraft tanquam secretorum suorum conscii.
LLOIGOR (HPL): turpitudo Ij cum Zhar. Cthulhu venit ab astris. Vivum defodisse dicitur sub Plateau Sung.
LOROO (CJM): vagator, velum, caligo obscuritatis. Naugerius Naugerius , Spatium inter Stellas , Perpetuumque locum medius.
LUMASHI (SAB): Sphaera Zodiaci seu stellarum fixarum.
LUVEH-KERAPHF: Bast sacerdos. Nomen Roberti Bloch pro Lovecraft qui feles adoravit.
MAGAN (Nec): Loco mortis. Occidens.
MARDUK KURIOS (SAB): Sphaera Iovis, Dominus magorum. Interfector Tiamet cum sagitta Enki. Sexta porta Zonei. Dominus quinquaginta nominum (in ordine);
Marduk Dominus Marukka-
Marutukku - Magister Artium Protectionis
Barashakushu - opifex miraculorum Luggaldimmerankia - magister Ordinis de Chaos
Nariluggaldimmerankia - Custos
Asaruludu - vibrans gladium flammeum
Namtillaku- scientia Mortuorum
Namru - Sapientia et scientia. Scientia metallorum Asaru - Scientia omnium herbarum et arborum
Asarualim - Secreta sapientiae et lux in tenebris loca Asarualimnunna- scientia et potestas pugnae
Tutu - Joy
Ziukkinna - scientia stellarum
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elettralightwood · 9 months
Lilith is a Greater Demon who is credited as the "mother of all warlocks" and the "first of all demons". Lilith is known by many names, including Lady of Edom, Ita, Kali, Batna, Talto, Satrina, Abito, Amizo, Izorpo, Kokos, Odam, Podo, Eilo, Patrota, Abeko, Kea, and Partash.
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🦉The Church of Talto houses a cult that worships Lilith and murders infants for her.
🦉Asmodeus referred to her as their princess.
🦉Her main enemies are the angels Sanvi, Sansanvi, and Semangelaf who were specifically sent to punish her for her creation of demons and warlocks. Because of this, these angels' names are used in the protection ritual performed on Shadowhunter babies.
🦉Her realm, Edom, is considered "a wasteland of night creatures and screech owls" which is presumable why owls are considered a symbol for her.
🦉When changing her appearance into other people, she apparently will be adorned, in one way or another—be it earrings, a necklace, or ring—with a specific blue stone.
🦉The color of her magic is bronze.
[art by Cassandra Jean]
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primordialchoice · 6 months
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Name: Lilith
Nickname(s): First Adversary, Lady of the Beasts, Night Demon, Female Leviathan, Adamah, Woman of Harlotry, Evil Sinful Lilith, First Eve, Monster, Ghost, Nightjar, Screech Owl, Traitor, Vampire, Witch, Goddess, The Scarlet Whore, Strangler of Children, Alien Woman, The Maiden, The Destroyer, The Princess of Screeching, Harsh Husk, The End of All Flesh, Lamashtu, Lilake, Lamia, Leah, Abitar/Abito, Abikar/Abiko, Amorpho, Hakaš, Odam, Kephido, Ailo, Matrota, Abnukta, Šatriha, Kali, Batzeh, Talui, Kitša, Batna, Patrota, Podo, Satrina, Talto, Gelou, Zariel, Zephonith etc etc etc
Age: As old as the first civilization
Birthdate: n/a
Species: primordial human / primordial living demon
Gender: CIS Female, non-binary (adopted womanhood & reinterpreted the gender identity)
Preferred Pronoun(s): she/her
Romantic Orientation: grey-aromantic
Sexual Orientation: pansexual
Parents: N/A, made from Earth by a higher being
Siblings: N/A, considers the wild animals her family
Significant Other(s): Adam (separated/divorced)
Eye Color(s): As pale as the moon
Hair Color(s): Red as a Lily
Body Build: Lean, strong, curvaceous, voluptuous (wider hips than usual for the purpose of carrying the beginning of the human species - pear shaped body), thick & strong legs
Height: 1.66,6m/5'4 on Earth, 1.89m / 6'6.6 when in Hell
Tagged: @crowliar
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Los patrotas
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creepy-crowleys · 4 years
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There is something familiar in the cadence of the electron flow… SCANNING…
The Orochi Group. Decades ahead of other corporations in several lines of technology. At those sprinting speeds, they often trip and tumble and crash. They are trying to harness something that is both new and impossibly old. They are trying to harness something that does not fully belong here. Well…this here. It belonged in THAT here. Are we making sense, sweetling?
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We call upon her seventeen names. We do not know the secret eighteenth. Only the Nephilim can conjure that. We call upon her names! Abeko. Abito. Amizo. Batna. Eilo. Ita. Izorpo. Kea. Kali. Odam. Kokos. Partasah. Patrota. Podo. Satrina. Talto. Lilith. 
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The Mother of Monsters. The Queen of Demons. Some names she gave herself, others were given by her enemies. PR is important in every age. She would rather be remembered for her contributions to science. But she will proudly wear infamy as a garland and recline in furs atop a throne of those who have wronged her.
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thehungrydream · 7 years
Here is a story, and the story goes…
Up, little baby, stand up clear; Mother will hold you, do not fear;
This world is bloated with so many horrors; So many stories. Like a trillion maggots in the corpse of innocence. I’ve told you many stories, Kiddo. But what about the one that came before? Each tale leads umbilically back between two legs.
S̴͆̿͏Hͪ̊͑̒ͧ̈̋̂ͫ͜Ė́̐ͣ͏͞ ̐ͤW͗̂҉̴Ǎ̵ͧͪ͛̄̒̋̀͢L̾̓͒K̈́́͢͝S̃ͣ̄͒ͫ̒́̽ ͛̚͝L̎͂̒̅̑͊͊͂̀͢I̔̑ͨͬ͂́Kͭ̇͑̅҉́͡Eͧͨ̎̓͒̎̉҉͏ ͒̽ͨ̈̃ͫ̓A͊̍͛̇ ̷̑̌̽̈́͝C̶̊͒̈́͜Ȇ̑͆͊̋͢N̵̡̉͛̐̀Tͪ̚҉͡Ī̐̋̓̾͊̚͞P͒͊͞E̷̷ͨͮͦ͛̇̂͐Dͯͣͨ̈́͊È̶ͦ͞ ̶̌̏́͠Ǫ̶̡ͧͩ̏N͐ ̛ͩͣ͆̏͗͐̅Sͧ͟͞Ẻ͆̆ͭ̃̾V̸̏ͥ̋̑͜E̡̨͒̓ͥ͌͏Nͫ̂̓ͤ̏̈́̾͢͠Ţ̐̂͝E̸̎E̛ͥ̌̋̾̔͋ͥͭ̈́N̴ͨͮ ͆̓̾̈̍ͫ͜͟N̨ͣ̈͑ͫ͊̒̋̚͠A̴ͨ̆̕͜M̌͗̽ͯ̓ͤE̢̨̍S̨ͮ̈́ͯ̊̌̉͟͢!̀ͪ͢!̡͐̍̋̒̃̓!̽̊ͪ̈́͗̉̅ͮ ̆҉
Every child knows their mother. As Beowulf held the dead thing’s claw overhead, how was he to know that mother was so much worse?
Dimple and smile, and chuckle and crow! There, little baby, now you know!
Listen to them, Kiddo, L҉͕̯͘I͈͚͍̳̹͓̦S̝̤ͅT̨͏̤͕̳E͙͘͢Ņ͍̲͉̝͎̙̰.͈͓͟͡
Two boys in an alley, kissing with teeth. As one grows cold and still, the other licks the red lust from his thirsty lips and whispers into the darkness.
“Satrina… Batna… Talto...”
A town overrun with plague, murder and madness. A figure in a dark cloak walks down the too-quiet street before shredding its rags and filling a dead tree with black feather foliage. The crows scatter into the moonlit night as they scream from their bloody beaks.
Un nene watches the shadows on his ceiling as the thing under the bed gnashes and reaches its hairy fingers. The shadowy shapes form a passing pattern and for a moment, the boy remembers his mother- but not h̷̩i̥͖͝s̺̺̭̹̖̺̹ mother. The spider-fingers snap back to the darkness and a gnashing voice rasps.
“Podo... Patrota... Partasah...”
A beast- not human, not wolf, but something alike to each- stands in a white room, surrounded by jagged glass and jagged bones and red-white lab coats and sweet, red meats. Ey̧es black͟ ̸and͏ ́b͝ig pa͡w͜s͞, and ͏it̶’͞s͜ ̡po͢i͝son,̴ ͏an͘d͏ i͜t’̷ş bl̷o̧od̸. Her razor fingers rend everything she can reach, no thought left in her squishy canine-simian brains. She tosses her head back and calls to the mother; The names she remembers only under the pregnant moon.
“Itaaaa! Eilooooo! Izorpooooo! Odaaaaaamm!”
A mother and father weep in the hallway as the police take photographs of the bathroom. Five little black bags are wheeled out of the room on gurneys. They place little cards with numbers around the room. One is for the broken doorknob- now only opening from the outside. Two is for the burned out candle by the sink. Three is for the bloody footprints that tread through the gore only to disappear at the edge of the mirror. Four is for the mirror… Th҉e͠ m͞ir̕ro̸r̡...͝  And the girl that chased the rabbit drank the wine and took the pill… Has locked herself in limbo to see how it truly feels... Three names are etched into the surface of the mirror, but they will never lead the police to the children’s killer.
“Abito   Amizo   Abeko.”
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.
She comes.
SH͘͠E͜ ͡C̵OM̨̕ȨS҉̷
Oh, didn’t you know, Kiddo? Names have power. They have sway. When you say the name… when you think the name of a being with power, they take notice… You’ve thought them all now, save one. Have you noticed her noticing you, Kiddo?  You’ve come this far… I’ll do the honors…
Th͡e creep͏ing͝ ţe͏xt́ flo̡ws in̢ ͢th͏e̛ ́l̨ifél̡e̷ss͡ ̀gl̵i͢m͟m̶e͡r̛ o̧f̸ ͡the͠ ͝s͟çréén; It͝ ͟c͞re̴ép͟s ̡a̸nd̶ cr҉awl͏s ̴a̴nd̸ ͞itchés a̧nd̨ sćratc̷hes̶.͜ Sick̸e̡ņing̡ ͏şynt̕ax́ g̛iv̨e̶s ẁa҉y to͢ t͢he bra͡in͝ path҉o͜gen ͠ǵra̛mm̷a͢r ąnd̴ fìlls͠ t͘h̢e ̢Kiddo’͡s͜ ̶head͘ ͠m̸eat͜ ͘wi͏th͘ a n͝a̵me.͜ ̧Here ̀i̡s͡ ̧a͏ na͜m͟e, ̶and t̴he ́na͏me ͜is…̕  
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monumenttisland · 7 years
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“I promised you my name. There are so many names. Once upon a time, a prophet forced me to admit the seventeen names I used to sow mischief. Say my name; Abeko. Abito. Amizo. Say my name; Batna. Eilo. Ita. Izorpo. Kea! Kali! Say my name; Odam! Kokos! Partasah! Patrota! Podo! Satrina! Talto!”
“Can you guess my final name? Lilith.”
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larigioli · 9 years
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creepy-crowleys · 5 years
She came to with a splitting migraine and fireworks going off behind her eyes. Crowley reached up to massage her aching temples and-
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She couldn’t move.
Crowley froze, felt like the ground had opened up beneath her, trapped in that split second before freefall.
She couldn’t move.
She tried to sit up, to get some perspective on what had happened, to do something, anything, jerked, panicked, against the reinforced restraints pinning her to the table and the bloodstained metal plate holding her down.
“I promised you my name.”
Crowley’s eyes jerked to the source of the voice, her own lodged in her throat.  
“There are so many names,” the woman continued, silhouetted against a wall of monitors.  “Once upon a time, a prophet forced me to admit the seventeen names I used to sow mischief. Say my name. Abeko. Abito. Amizo. Say my name. Batna. Eilo. Ita. Izorpo. Kea! Kali! Say my name! Odam! Kokos! Partasah! Patrota! Podo! Satrina! Talto!” The woman stalked closer, loomed over Crowley as her voice built in volume and fervor and resonated with something deep and dark and primal.  She stared Crowley down, expression twisted into something inhuman.
And then she steadied herself, forced herself back into the thin human skin she occupied.  “I did tell you lies, but I am a mother. You've faced the descendants of some of my children,” she explained, malice dripping from her lips. “Every monstrous silhouette that haunts every legend, every myth, every night terror - they all trail umbilically back to between these legs, and I dissolved entire civilizations in the sizzling afterbirth!” She leaned in close over Crowley’s face, near enough to feel her breath against her skin, near enough to kiss. “My body is a temple that outlasted all temples. Gods have worshipped here in blood and semen.  Through me, you enter the population of loss. No things were before me not eternal; eternal I remain.”  The woman stared deeply into Crowley’s eyes, mouth curled into a cruel smile.  The cat that caught the canary. “Can you guess my final name?”
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