#Path of Exile Items
neona · 2 months
love to be sitting on 40d+ while wearing less than 1d in items because executive dysfunction is happening to me
0 notes
shiny-jr · 2 years
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✍︎ damnation [ the diviner ]
– Summary: When you commit a crime, you receive a punishment. This is especially true in your society. No matter the crime, your punishment is the same: banishment. But to where you will be sent in exile and how miserable will it be? No one knows, because no one has ever returned.
– Warning: Yes, this is a yandere thing. Gender-neutral reader.
– Characters: Floyd Leech, Jade Leech, Azul Ashengrotto.
– Note: I’m actually not super proud of this result. Out of the three out so far, this one is probably like my least favorite. Maybe that’s why I’ve been putting this off for a while and also rewriting Scarabia’s result a lot, just because I don’t want to feel like I did a bad job on it once I do complete it. Currently, at the time this is being posted, Scarabia’s result is like halfway done. Here’s to hoping its a good result. 
– Pages: 40
– Not satisfied? Try looking here for the quiz to take it yourself and see where you end up banished!
The Hyena Chieftain   |   The Diviner   |   The Vizier’s Vassal
Damp. It was damp, and you awoke to the sound of crashing water. The surface you found yourself on was soft, comfortable. Sitting upright, you were surprised to see multiple blankets and pillows with mismatched patterns and some stitched with completely different colors. Around you was patterned fabric curving upwards, like a tent, but when you moved, this bed you were laying on swung with every movement. It was like a hanging nest, you realized, as you curiously removed part of the fabric wall that allowed you to step out.
It was somewhat dark, but there was just enough light from a huge gaping hole in the ceiling for you to scan your surroundings. There was a waterfall right in front of you, the water falling from the space above. You were behind the waterfall, in a hidden space with that hanging bed, lit candles scattered around, with lots of other little knick knacks and doodads that made it look like the home of one of those witches that collected crystals and other items. In one corner was a mirror, where you finally caught your reflection, it startled you. Instead of chains and a prison uniform, you wore long dark robes that pooled around your feet and a long piece of darker sheer cloth over your head and shoulders that made you look like a ghost that appeared in the woods and fog. For a second, your appearance actually startled you, because you didn’t recognize yourself.
What was this…? This wasn’t a prison cell, and if it was, it was a pretty neat one. With all those books on the small wooden shelf in the corner, you’d at least have something to occupy yourself with. But there were no bars, no guards, and no shackles… What exactly was going on? The last thing you remember was being banished and forced to go through a portal and… now you were here.
When you looked back up at the waterfall, you could see more light coming from the other side. With nowhere else to go and nothing else to do, you slowly made your way towards the source behind the barrier of water. Luckily you wouldn’t have to get drenched, because there was a small path of round smooth stones around it, tucked away and neatly hidden in a dark corner. One by one, you hopped along the steps, the sheer cloth flowing behind you until you were in front of the waterfall, now in a much larger, very spacious room, a cave, actually.
There were no exits or entrances, besides the hole in the ceiling and maybe someplace under the water. Speaking of water, it was much more prominent in this area compared to the space you had woken up in. There was a small dry flat where you could sit, but it was only a few feet big, before the water encompassed the rest of the space. Except for more flat round stepping stones, leading to the center where there was a firm pedestal holding up what looked to be a glimmering glass orb. Its glow gave off a dim light, shining off the rugged dew covered walls.
Entranced by the orb, you tilted your head, watching from afar as shapes appeared on its glassy surface. Balancing on your toes, careful to not fall into the water, you got closer to it until you were right in front of it. For a moment, you just wanted to reach out and touch it, but you didn’t. It felt like one of those things you shouldn’t touch, like a museum display that should be behind red rope and inside a glass case. But just because you were hesitant to touch it, doesn’t mean you could take your eyes off of it. Lowering your face towards it to get a better look, you squinted at the moving image it displayed, like it was some sort of screen.
Inside the glass, you could see a figure. But it most certainly wasn’t human. Their lower torso was that of a fish. A mermaid, or rather, a merman. He looked so real! With bright stunning red hair that defied all logic by somehow looking soft even when underwater, realistic looking flesh judging by his bare upper torso with only a satchel strapped around his shoulders, and his entire lower half consisting of a sparkling green-scaled tail that swished back and forth quickly to propel himself forward. There was even a little yellow and blue fish swimming beside him. How cute… It almost reminded you of the tale of The Mermaid and The Sea Witch.
“Yes, hurry home, little prince. Run back to dear old daddy and join the party.”
The sudden voice caused you to jump, turning your head up and gaze away from the orb only to see a large figure that had camouflaged itself in a smooth curved nook within the dark stone walls. You hadn’t even noticed them watching you! You adjusted to the darkness again, steadily able to make out the mass, and your eyes widened in shock as you did.
Hidden in the curve in the wall that acted as a cozy spot just an inch above the water, was a huge mass. First you saw sharp gray eyes, more focused on the orb than you. Then you saw his hair, beautiful wavy gray curls that reminded you of the waves of water. Slowly you noticed his skin color, his face was an odd gray like part of his thin torso but the rest of him… was pitch black. But he had no legs, in place of where he should have appendages to walk, he had large black tentacles with purple undersides. Like an octopus, exactly like the Sea Witch you were just thinking about moments ago––
“Waking up a bit late, aren’t we, angelfish?” Those eyes seemed to glow as his gaze flickered up to your frozen form. He appeared relaxed, tucked away and seated in the little nook, with his hands folded neatly in his lap. Before you could even consider a proper response, he turned his attention back to the orb, apparently much more intrigued with it. “Nevermind. Did you know, when I used to live in the palace, we had fantastical festivities and feasts. But now look at what they’ve done to me… banished!” Banished? Dramatically he leaned out of his corner, and you could finally see the light shining on him. Until he abruptly slid out of his spot, vanishing into the water.
You felt a slight sense of dread rise upon you when you frantically looked around and couldn’t see him in the dark waters beneath you. Just before you could react to your flight or fight instincts pushing you to run back towards the bigger piece of land, you felt a tentacle wrap around your ankle and pull you down. A yelp escaped your lips as half of you became submerged in the water, but you kept afloat by clinging to the small round stone piece you had been standing on before.
The octopus man was now across the stone from you and in the water as well, but you could only wrack your brain for escape plans or a way to beat this creature if things came down to it. However, it seemed that perhaps those ideas were unnecessary, because he scratched your chin gently as he cooed, “Oh, what would I do without you and the twins, my treasure? You, so helpful and supportive.”
Twins…? As in, the twin pet eels belonging to the sea witch? So this was really like the story? This was your punishment? Then that meant the theory your friends whispered about was true. Criminals would be banished to a fairytale. It was a ridiculous theory, something you adamantly refused to believe. Especially because some people would fantasize about going on mystical adventures or having a lovely romance with heroes and royalty. But how could you continue to refuse to believe when you were literally face-to-face with an octopus man? What did that make you then? If you remembered the stories right, the only others that the sea witch were close to was her pet eels and no one else. So how did you fit into this role? Let’s see, in the end, the protagonist won, that was without a shadow of a doubt. But the antagonists… the eels were accidentally obliterated by their owner when she went mad with new power, and the human prince with the mermaid princess plunged the sharpened bow of a ship straight through the sea witch. You shuddered at the mere thought of meeting a similar fate. You needed to get out of this somehow…
As the man in the role of the sea witch continued to scratch your chin affectionately, you were soothed a bit by the touch… That is, until his smooth charming voice became a shout,
“Those flimsy fishfolk will continue to celebrate in a few days time, but we’ll give them something to really celebrate soon enough… Floyd! Jade!”
You jolted back at his sudden increase in volume as he pulled his hand away and turned his attention to the magical orb still showcasing the swimming merman. You heard a hiss of pain and some mumbling from the orb, but it wasn’t coming from the red-haired merman.
“Keep an eye on that pretty little prince. He may be the key to the king's undoing."
You heard two different responses: an of course, Azul and a sure thing, Azul, both responses happening simultaneously. So the octopus man's name was Azul…
As soon as the orb flickered out, you climbed back onto the single stone and observed as a twisted sort of expression took hold on Azul's face. The type of expression that meant someone was plotting something terrible but the mere thought of it pleased them.
For a moment, you considered, didn't you know how the story would play out? Didn't that give you an advantage? This could be your ticket out. Without a second thought, you hopped back to the larger flat stone surface as you declared, "I had a dream."
In the midst of his pondering and scheming, Azul waved you off without so much as a second glance. "That's nice. No wonder you were lazing around all morning. Now, I have work to—"
"I saw you in it. And the prince with the king." You blurted out, which instantly stopped him from descending down into the murky depths. But he didn't yet look at you quite yet.
Entertaining the conversation, he hummed, "And, pray tell, what was this dream about?"
You hesitated. How should you word this without getting caught? You knew that if this Azul was anything like the sea witch, then he would be crafty and cunning. "I think… It was about the future."
Now that caught his attention. He finally turned around, raising an eyebrow with an intrigued smile, "Tell me more, won't you?"
"I will… but on one condition." You lowered yourself to kneel on the flat surface, using the cloth hanging around you as a cushion for your knees. When he swam closer and was peering up at you, you continued, "I'd like you to let me go." Living in a cave for the rest of your life, didn't exactly sound like a dream. Besides, you had much higher standards than these rags you currently wore and the old furniture behind the waterfall.
At your words, Azul appeared surprised before he laughed, "Let you go? Have you forgotten that you're my property? Remember, you signed the contract. In exchange for a chance to save your drowning loved ones, you sold your entire being to me, mind, body, and soul. So the knowledge in your mind, even in your dreams, belongs to me."
Yikes. For a moment, you forgot he was supposed to be the bad guy because of how pretty he was. But his multiple tentacles were a slap in the face, a reminder that he was not human. But at least you know now that whomever you replaced supposedly made a deal with the octopus to save others. But that knowledge did little to help.
From out of thin air, a golden contract appeared which he took in one tentacle to skim over. "According to our deal, your servitude to me is due to expire in exactly one year. However, since I do care so much for my treasure…" Well that's the fattest lie you ever heard. "I'm willing to hear your complaints and should you be persuasive enough, I may just change the contents of the contract."
Well, starting with the obvious. "I don't want to stay here in the cave."
"I allow you to roam and give you the freedom that comes with your job of spying on the humans for me." He responded quickly, efficiently. "Besides, don't I take such good care of you?"
That didn't work… Next, "I have high standards, you know. I want to live better than this."
"And you will receive your just reward if you stay with me. You'll get to live fabulously once I've regained all the wealth that was stolen from me!"
Ugh. Damn it. It seemed like he had an answer prepared for everything. You really didn't want it to come to this but you had no choice if you wanted to leave. "I can help you get the king's triton, then everything in the ocean will belong to you."
"I already planned on doing that." He grinned. God, that stupid confident smirk was getting on your nerves.
But! You had one more ace up your sleeve. Slowly you shrugged, eyeing the relaxed and amused octopus man, "You're right. I should've known you would’ve gotten that covered. Imagine that: ruling all the oceans and being all powerful… in the water. But what about the land? Sure, you may have the power to bring tsunamis and hurricanes, but waves and storms can only get so far inland. Will the ocean be enough for you?"
Instantly responding to your words, you could see his smile flatten as the cogs turned in his head. Apparently, just the water was not enough for him.
"Let's say… a kingdom on land is a good place to start." This was risky, but you really had no choice. If you could somehow manage to trick both the merman prince and human princess, Azul could use the merman prince as a hostage in exchange for the king's triton and he could take the land kingdom from the human princess. How would you do it? You had no idea. It was a work in progress, but it had to be done. When Azul finally gazed up at you with a contemplative expression, you added, "If I help you with this, with getting the king's triton and the nearby land kingdom, I want my freedom in exchange." You already knew how the sea witch operated. There had to be a catch, in case you fail. "If I fail… you can extend my contract."
Quickly he switched from contemplative to talkative, lamenting his worries, “Ah, but you’re priceless to me! As my only eyes and ears on land, how could I let you go? Yes, your proposition sounds attractive, but let’s reconsider this, shall we?”
Damn it! He still wanted more. What a greedy bastard… You wracked your brain for an answer, deliberating on what else you could possibly give in exchange to walk free. That’s when you had it. If you might be able to take the merman prince hostage for the triton, couldn’t you also utilize the human princess in more ways than just for her kingdom? Brightening up, you began, “How about a royal human to do your bidding? How’s that sound?”
Instantly his eyes widened and he couldn’t help but laugh incredulously as he leaned his head against his hand with his elbow propped up against the stone. “A royal? Serving me? Tempting. You drive a hard bargain, my dear diviner. You have a plan in that wonderful little mind of yours, don’t you? Okay, before we change the conditions of this contract, let me hear this plan of yours. Then, I’ll decide.”
You summarized your plan without divulging any bits of the future, not too worried about Azul turning on you because a pair of legs and a trusty ally were required for this plot to work. After describing the details and events that would need to happen as vaguely as possible, you sat upright and watched as he reflected on the proposal. Steadily his contemplative expression shifted, his lips curling into a grin as either something must’ve dawned on him or he came to his conclusion. “Hah, how can I say no to you, my dear? Very well. Because you’ve served me well all these years, I’ll grant you this wish.” Call you crazy, but he actually seemed the tiniest bit sincere when he said that part… In one tentacle, he summoned a quill but of fish bones, which he used to write on the golden contract in neat cursive penmanship. “In order to gain your freedom, you will have to seduce the pretty red prince so he will enter a contract with me to be with you, which will allow me to use him to gain the king’s triton. Then, you must also earn the trust of the human princess and lure her far enough out into sea so that I can take control over her land kingdom, and then she will be the royal that will take your place.”
That sounded good to you. Once you gained your freedom, you’d find a way to get far far away from the water. You’d take enough riches and belongings from the land kingdom’s palace to support yourself and live in splendor. Then, you’d go live a fabulous life somewhere miles and miles away from the ocean. Where this greedy sea sorcerer couldn’t ever reach you, even if he wanted to try and use you as a tool again. It was an ambitious plan, but you’d make it work. Afterall, you didn’t want to try and stick around long enough afterwards to see if the villains would die anyway even after a plot change.
After making the adjustments to the golden contract, one tentacle held it up for you to read and another held up the writing utensil. Azul continued to linger in the water, the rest of his octopus appendages under the surface while his arms were casually folded over each other and resting on the flat rocky surface. When you looked down at him, he flashed a smile and hummed, “This will be a beneficial transaction for both of us, won’t it? Doesn’t it remind you of when we met? You, stuck in the middle of the ocean from a shipwreck, begging me to help. And I, the saint-like man that I am, extended a helping hand to you where you signed the contract that would bind you to me for years. But it hasn’t been a miserable type of existence, has it? The twins should be thanked as well. They’re the reason I even considered accepting your plea, since they had enjoyed your company for years.”
Well, considering how neat and well-decorated the room behind the waterfall was, perhaps this mysterious character you’ve replaced was content here. But you weren’t. You only hummed in response, acknowledging his words as your eyes went over the lines of the contract.
At the very top, read: I hereby grant unto Azul, the Sorcerer of the Sea… one soul, in exchange for… The text went on in detail, describing how in exchange for the original character’s soul, they were granted the power of enhanced breath, giving them more time under water. It must’ve been written in haste, because the signature was sloppy and only read V. Div. Wonder what that meant. It was a temporary deal. Now, there was more written, more added on, to create the current deal you were about to make. It detailed the requirements you would need to meet in order to gain your freedom or increase your sentence as property of the sea sorcerer. There was another line, empty, for you to sign. Snatching up the utensil from his outstretched tentacle, you ignored his growing smirk as you hastily signed: V. Div.
“It’s done then!” Azul cheered, smiling smugly as he snapped his fingers which caused both the writing utensil and contract to disappear.
You’d need to get to work quickly. According to the story, on the same day the sea witch is watching the mermaid princess was not only a day of celebration for the merfolk but also that very night was when she first saw and saved the human prince. Yet, a few minutes ago, Azul had said that the celebration was in a few days time. Which meant, you only had a few days to meet the sea prince and capture his attention. “I want to start work on the plan. Now. Do you think you can get the… twins to change the prince’s course? If they can drive him towards the shore, I might be able to catch his attention.”
“I see…” Imagining the scene that would play out, Azul chuckled and swam a few feet back. “I’m sure you can make an arrangement with Floyd and Jade. After all, they do adore you.”
So that was what they were called here. Floyd and Jade. You’d have to be careful not to mix them up, or they might suspect something would be wrong. What you didn’t expect to see was a flash of teal appear in the water. By the time you turned your head to it, it was already gone. Quickly you scanned the waters, growing a little nervous despite the fact that Azul seemed unbothered as he disappeared underneath the same murky depths the movement was coming from. When you carefully leaned your head closer to the water, you could barely make out the shape of more items below like a mirror, shelves of coral filled with glass bottles of mysterious substances, and openings that must’ve led to an underwater cave system. So Azul likely lived down there with the twins.
When you noticed a slow rippling water effect, you quickly looked up to see teal-colored hair with a pale, a very light shade of cyan, face. But it wasn’t a regular eel like you were expecting, it was half human. Just like Azul, but eel instead of octopus. He poked the top of his head out of the water so only his upturned eyes were visible. On his head, you noticed some strands of black had stuck to each other hung on the right side of his face. His eyes were particularly odd, the left was an olive-color and the right one was a sort of enchanting yellow. Several feet behind him, you could make out bits of what must’ve been his lengthy tail emerge from the water. His gaze focused on you intently, and he appeared to smile with his eyes. You assumed he was smiling, because you couldn’t tell since the rest of his face was hidden by the surface of the water.
Wait a minute… if he had a twin, wasn’t there supposed to be two?
When you looked down at the end of the water you were leaning over, you screamed just as that hidden second eel came swimming toward you at terrifying speed from right below you. Without so much as a warning, you were pulled into the water. Fearful of meeting your watery grave here, you fought in his grasp, which did practically nothing against his strong grip and large slippery tail that coiled around your legs to stop your squirming. You hesitantly, confusedly, stopped your flailing when this second eel let out a joyfully yet somewhat mocking laugh as he held your face above the water.
You barely had time to catch your breath from that mini heart attack, when you finally looked up at this guy. This eel did look extremely similar to the first, but there were a few key differences. This one had downturned eyes, the black strands were on the left, and his left eye was yellow while his right was olive. Yet some things they both had in common were their sharp nails on their webbed hands and their even sharper teeth.
“You let your guard down! Had it been anyone else, someone you couldn’t trust, I could’ve easily drowned you, you know? When will you learn? Humans just aren’t built for water. You got the whole legs thing going on. Look at me! I have feet! You should just let Azul turn you like us, right, Jade?” He mocked what you were guessing was his attempt at a human. It wasn’t a very good one.
You hadn’t even noticed that the first eel was already at your side as well, now both twins were right beside you and you were currently in the water. In the water you were practically at the mercy of these two. The first eel, who was called Jade, spoke more eloquently but you didn’t like his sly curved toothy grin. “It would be fascinating to see their legs twist and morph into a tail or other appendages of some sort, but that is ultimately not up for us to decide, Floyd. If our dear friend doesn’t wish to change and Azul wants to keep them human so they can continue to spy on land, then they will stay human. Although I would’ve enjoyed watching the excruciating transformation process.” You didn’t like the way he said that with a smile…
The other eel, who had been called Floyd, appeared irritated and was ready to say something when his twin pointed to something in his hand. To which immediately he attitude went from sour back to happy in a single instant. Talk about mood swings. Floyd’s deep frown quickly shifted as he held up a sizable clam. “We got you something!”
You didn’t have to worry about drowning… for now. You didn’t even have to waste energy kicking your feet continuously to keep you afloat, because the twins had positioned their tails as support for you to lean on. Now that they had actually let go of you, you didn’t think you were going to die right this second. Especially since one just offered a gift, and Azul would’ve probably interjected to save you, right? Right…? Nervously you smiled, about to accept the clam, “Thank yo––”
In the middle of your sentence, Jade placed a cold hand on your shoulder as Floyd took the clam in both hands and cracked it in half. You were stunned as he discarded one half and presented the other half to you with a proud grin. “There ya go!”
“Ha… Thanks…” You awkwardly accepted the half of the clam that was left. It didn’t fully register in your mind what this gift really was until you had it in your hands and looked down at it. In the half, were pearls. Lots of shining dark pearls that matched your robes. Beautiful pearls, the rare type, that could easily go for over a thousand for a single piece. At least, that was the common price back home. When realization dawned on you, you clutched the pearls close, eyes shining as you looked up at the twins with the brightest smile, “Thank you! Thank you! They’re beautiful!”
Both extremely pleased, Floyd giggled as Jade proceeded to reach for the pearls and spoke, “Allow me.” When you handed them over, he attached two of the orbs to small metal pieces that connected around your earlobe like earrings, and the rest he placed on a black string connected to tiny nets that held the rest of the pearls around your wrist like a bracelet. “They fit you quite nicely, if I do say so myself.”
Floyd flashed a grin, musing aloud, “Hm, what do you think they have for us in return, Jade?”
Your elated smile fell flat as you processed their words. They wanted… something in return?
“That’s a good question, Floyd. I can’t help but wonder as well.” Jade hummed as he pulled away.
Stupid! You’re so stupid! You shouldn’t have accepted those gifts! Judging by their toothy grins, they now expected a gift in return. It wasn’t fair! They gave you one gift, but you’d have to work to get them two gifts, one for each twin! What could you possibly gift something that can be appreciated by two eel-men, eels that you had next to no knowledge about? Wait… the land! They probably might be curious about land objects! Your frown shifted to a confident smug sort of smile as you gestured them closer. “I have an idea. If you guys can take me to the shore and somehow force that red-haired prince to come close enough to see me, I’ll make sure to give you both amazing gifts from the land! How does that sound? You can, well, I don’t care how you do it. You can scare that prince and chase him to your heart's content, for all I care! So, will you help me? Pretty please?”
You watched as the two eels exchanged looks. Their eyes glimmered with mirth and bubbling excitement, seemingly conveying something through their gaze. Must’ve been some weird twin telepathy or something, but you knew you had them hooked when toothy grins spread on their lips.
✧   ✧   ✧   ✧   ✧
You had been on the surface for a few hours now. Again, without warning, the two eels had dragged you under the surface, rapidly through the underwater tunnels that took a quick minute to navigate. When you reemerged on the other side, coughing out sea water, you cursed the twins. You were certain, had it been anyone else and without the gift of enhanced breath to hold in air longer thanks to the contract, you would’ve probably drowned during the short swim. And you know now for a solid fact, that Floyd and Jade enjoyed tormenting you so. You were tempted to just forget about the gifts in return entirely due to their stunt, but the thought of them being upset and doing something worse refrained you from doing so. Which is why you went a little further inland to gather random things and carry them in the satchel you brought, but when you came back what you didn’t expect to find was a merman. And not just any merman, one with bright red hair and a green tail.
You nearly dropped all your things when you saw him on a large rock out in the water, trapped within a net and seemingly unconscious. Oh my god, had they kidnapped him? The first thing that popped up in your mind is that they jumped him, but you’re really hoping that this was not the case. Leaving your stuff on the sandy beach, you quickly moved forward to wade through the water until you had climbed the rock his motionless body laid on. As swiftly as you could, you cut the net with a broken shard of glass, careful not to hurt the prince.
“Come on, come on…! You can’t stay here too long, someone will see you.” You hissed under your breath. He couldn’t die, not yet. Not when you needed him alive in order to win your freedom. A dead prince wouldn’t be much leverage against the king of the sea. You had no idea what the twins did to him. Thankfully, he didn’t appear hurt, but you hardly knew enough about sea-creature anatomy to be considered an expert, so you couldn’t be sure.
Pulling the net off of him and discarding it on the rock, you heaved it further up so he wouldn’t get trapped in it, before returning your sights to the merman. When you returned to his side, you knelt down to his level, removing the tiny cut pieces of net from him. As your gaze traveled up, you froze when you saw his eyes were open and gazing right at you.
He was frozen, but not in fear. On his handsome face was a sort of expression of wonder. His eyes were blue, as blue as the vast ocean, and they never looked away from you. Still defying the laws of logic, his captivating red hair was practically dry, soft and wavy as it curled down the side of his face and to his lower neck. You ignored the slow movement of his beautiful emerald green tail, trying really hard to not stare at the sparkling scales that shined in the sunlight. What people would pay for a real merman tail, especially one so stunning…
It was time to turn on the act. Slowly reaching forward, you placed a hand on his cheek and frowned in worry as you murmured softly, “Are you alright?”
His mouth opened, but no words came out. He gaped like a fish, slowly blinking, as if he truly didn’t believe his own eyes. When he steadily lifted his own hand to place atop yours that rested on his cheek, his tail began to move a little faster. Then, with no warning, he jumped back into the water.
You sat there, surprised, as bits of the water splashed onto you. “Um… okay. You’re welcome?”
As you stood up, gathering up the net and thinking about different ways you could use it, you felt as if you were being watched. When you looked behind you, you could see the sea prince shyly peeking at you from behind the rock. Just as you tore your gaze away from him, you heard his melodious voice,
“Thank you, for… for freeing me.” He had gained the courage to distance himself from his hiding place, having enough bravery to swim closer until his hands were against the large rock you stood on and he wasn’t hiding his face in the water anymore. The prince watched curiously as you bundled up the remains of the net. It seems he really was a curious one, because he couldn’t help but lean forward and ask, “What are you going to do with that?”
Surprised by his sudden interest, you shrugged. You had to answer, keep him intrigued. You’re hoping your theory was true: that he would fall in love with any human so long as they were interesting or good looking enough, since he must’ve never even seen one so close before. “I’ll probably use it to hold stuff, maybe as decoration.”
He looked astonished as he exclaimed, “I never thought of using nets like that! I should try that for my collection… Oh! I’m Rielle! What’s your name?”
When you hesitated to respond, he appeared nervous, as if beginning to regret telling you his name. Maybe he shouldn’t have asked? But that wasn’t the reason for your hesitance. The reason was because you were debating on whether you should use your name or not. Maybe an alias was better? You thought back to how Azul called you his diviner, and the signature under the contract was V. Div. After a moment, you finally swung the net over your shoulder and replied, “People just call me Diviner, or V. Take your pick.”
“Those are wonderful names! I think I’ll call you both of them!” Rielle responded cheerfully, floating beside you as you wade through the water. He must’ve remembered something, because his joy morphed into nervousness as he looked over his shoulder. “I, uh–– I have to go…! But… can I see you again? Please, Diviner? I’d like to get to know my savior! I know it’s a lot to ask, but I really want to see you again!”
Perfect. You had him, his cheeks painted with that pink hue was evidence enough. When you reached the shore, right at the edge where the waves brushed against your feet, you turned to him, watching as he lay at the very edge of the water, looking anxious as he awaited an answer. You smiled, nodding, “Of course, Rielle. I’d love to see you again!”
The prince broke out into the brightest grin as he threw his arms around your torso, almost dragging you into the water in the process as you had to kneel or he would topple you. The young royal was beaming. When you were on your knees and at his level, he held your arms as he explained, “I can’t wait! Let’s meet tomorrow, right here, at the same time! But you have to promise me, you won’t tell anyone about me.”
“I promise, you have my word. We’ll meet tomorrow. Here.” From your satchel on the sand, you retrieved a hairclip you had found on your scavenging adventure. It was old and rusted, but it was still pretty. When you reached forward, he didn’t move as you used it to decorate his hair. “Just to make sure, I’m giving this to you. So I’m depending on you to take care of it, and have it next time we meet.”
That always works, and it did this time too. Especially since you knew he collected and obsessed over human artifacts and objects. Rielle felt his own locks, and his cheeks turned as red as his hair. “I love it! I adore it so much! I’m never taking it off! I have to go now but… I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?!”
“Okay.” You chuckled at his energy, waving as he began to swim back into the depths of the ocean.
When he was a few feet out, he looked back at you with bright eyes and a wide smile, waving frantically as he called out, “Bye, V! I’ll see you tomorrow, I promise!” With a dive and a glimpse of his tail, he was gone, just like that.
You lowered your hand, sighing. At least that was over. You got him in your grasps now, all that was left was the princess. And if your theory was right just like last time, capturing the human royal’s attention would be even easier. Did all fairytale royals fall in love so easily, or was it just them? You never quite understood the attraction behind each of them.
“Bravo! Well done! I must say, your sweet tone and kind actions directed towards Prince Rielle nearly made me jealous! Your plan went well accordingly, I must congratulate you on a good show! Rielle really is quite… gullible and pathetic, isn’t he?” A voice from your golden shell necklace appeared to speak, like some sort of transmitter.
“Azul?” He saw that, which could only mean… You suspiciously scanned the waters, approaching slowly, until you spotted that familiar teal amidst the waves. You frowned at the two lurking about, and when you were close enough, able to feel the water but still far enough to run back to the safety of the land, you demanded, “What did you do to that poor guy? Do you know how worried I was? I thought I was gonna have to perform CPR on him and then I remembered that probably wouldn’t even work on a fish!” The two, amused by your words, laughed in response.
Floyd giggled, speaking in that shrill tone that could only mean he was in a good mood. “You’re so funny! But why’s it matter what we did? He’s alive, isn’t he? And you said to do whatever we want!”
“That’s true. You did say to do as we pleased. We merely did as we were told. Shouldn’t we be praised?” Jade hummed while eyeing the satchel at your side. “I wonder, did you carry out your half of the bargain?”
“For your information, I did. Go crazy–– Actually, I take that back. I said that last time and look what happened.” You tossed the twins the satchel of goods and treasures you collected, filled with random plants and other useless human items they might take an interest in. As the two rushed to claim their spoils, you gripped the golden shell around your neck while murmuring to the sea sorcerer, “I’m going to keep coming out here to meet with Prince Rielle, gain his trust and affection. In a few days, I’ll be going for the princess next. And I know exactly how I’m going to go about doing it.”
From the shell you heard an intrigued hum. “Oh? Do tell, my dear diviner.”
✧   ✧   ✧   ✧   ✧
“Child’s play! This is mere child’s play! Even easier than winning a game of chess! It’s too easy!” Azul sang, seemingly in a very good mood ever since you returned to the cavern after successfully seducing the youngest prince of the sea. He had such a wild look on his normally calm and composed face, acting as if he’s already won with that cocky grin and laugh. When he looked at you, he smiled, a true one. Not one of those kinds he forged to coax you into doing something for him. This one was a happy sort of grateful one. “My treasure, you truly are irreplaceable. Even a royal human couldn’t possibly do what you do. I’m beginning to have second thoughts!”
You narrowed your eyes at the octopus man just lounging right past the waterfall. “Watch it. We had a deal.” You warned.
“I jest! Of course…” Before you could notice his strained smile, he switched the subject back to the matter at hand. “Picture it, my diviner. Darling prince, son of king triton, leader of the merfolk, falls hopelessly head-over-heels for human! It would send ripples throughout the entire ocean!”
“Maybe you should’ve opened a news company or something with juicy headlines like those.” You scoffed as you rummaged and organized the belongings of this room that previously belonged to the true diviner before you. You wonder what happened to them?
At your response, Azul laughed. Surprisingly, not another fake one that he used to make clients think they were funny whenever they said a horrible joke. And it wasn’t a concerning slightly maniacal type of laugh like from moments ago. “Perhaps I should, it could be profitable.”
You reemerged from behind the waterfall, walking carefully on the stones as the sorcerer perked up at your presence. “Nice. Glad I can give you an idea with that. Focus on the news later, please. For now, remember––”
“Prince Rielle will enter a nasty spat with his father and so, in his moment of great need, Floyd and Jade will appear to offer him a suggestion. That’s when he’ll come crying to me, begging for a way to be with you! Then, I offer him a deal he cannot resist, one that grants me power over him. That’s the gist of it, isn’t it?” He recited, looking over at you for confirmation. When you nodded, he continued to smile, but he eyed you a little strangely. “I find it a little odd how you know so much. Are you certain?”
Staring right back at him, you locked eyes, attempting to keep your cool and remain confident. If he saw you crack, he’d know something was up. “I told you, it was a dream. So far my dream was right, I say we keep going with it.”
“Yes, yes, whatever, we’ll continue with our chartered course. And by the way, I don’t believe you when you say the prince fell for you just because you’re a human that saved him.”
At his offhand comment, you raised an eyebrow, sitting yourself on the ledge by the water, closer to him to better engage in conversation. Placing aside the belongings for now, you demanded, “What do you mean? Of course that’s why he fell! Why else would he care?”
Upon hearing your confident response, he chuckled, shaking his head as he continued to scribble lines upon lines on his scrolls. “I’ve watched the princes for years, Rielle just happened to be the weakest of all the young royals. Of course you being human, the object of his fascination, and saving him, a hero in his eyes, helped, but that isn’t all. I’ve learned about the prince inside and out to fool him, and he tends to think that most only want him for his voice and for his status. Yet you know nothing of his status, and said nothing of his voice, plus you didn’t frown at his interest in human objects. That must’ve been a first for him.”
Considering his words, it made sense. In a way the reasons behind the prince’s affection made you feel a tad guilty, but it wasn’t enough to deter you from the end goal. Maybe if Azul was feeling merciful, he would spare him. Whatever the case, you wanted your freedom and still aimed to live a life of luxury later on. But slowly you shook your head, “It doesn’t matter. The point is, he’s in love and I have him where I want him.”
“How cruel.” He purred. “I believe I’ve thought up a fine fate for Prince Rielle… I think the sea king’s headstrong, lovesick son will make a fine addition to my garden.”
Right, his garden. Really, it was more like a sick twisted bed of weeds and unfortunate souls. As those words left his lips, you scrunched up your nose in disgust and leaned over the edge of the water to peer at the depths below. It was dark, so you couldn’t see it, but you knew it was down there somewhere in the underwater portion of the cavern. Based on what the three sea creatures had mentioned about it, you knew it was a portion of space where Azul kept those clients that failed to fulfill their contracts, which was essentially all those that ever made a deal with him. His victims, countless merfolk turned to ugly little polyps, forced to spend eternity as miserable little creatures trapped within the garden. What a horrible fate.
Glaring at the murky waters where Azul kept his secrets and deeds hidden from your prying eyes, you scorned, “You’re terrible.”
“Oh, how you wound me!” Azul cried dramatically as he held his hands to his heart… hearts? Didn’t an octopus have multiple hearts? Did that mean Azul has more than one heart? Weird…
As you silently wondered about the heart thing, you stepped away from the water. You didn’t ever want to get on his bad side and get turned into a polyp. Yet, you couldn’t help but wonder, the whole reason you were here was because the one before you failed to uphold their end of the deal, whatever it was. “Why didn’t you put me down there? Down in your garden?”
For a moment, Azul was quiet, which unnerved you. Why didn’t he answer immediately? He lowered a scroll he was reading over, and from the corner of his eyes he glanced at you. His smile now was… different. When one of his smooth but slippery and soft tentacles extended up and curled around your arm, you couldn’t move. Despite how Azul looked, he was much more capable physically. You had watched him juggle multiple tasks with ease by using his many appendages, and he had more than enough power to defend himself from unruly clients. The purple underside of his tentacle stuck uncomfortably to your flesh, preventing you from going anywhere. “Air-breathing little flora won’t exactly last under the salty waves and away from the sunlight. Besides…” The sea sorcerer smirked at you, “I like you as you are, you’re morethan just useful to me.”
✧   ✧   ✧   ✧   ✧
A few weeks passed, and you continued with that vision of freedom within reach. You spent your hours busy, chatting with Azul and listening in as he lured in clients and trapped them, taking everything they had; entertaining the unsettling twins and listening to their reports and stories as they angered Azul by taking you out of the cavern to have fun in the hidden cove; meeting with Rielle, continuing to gain his affection and earn his love by talking about his stifling life as the son of the sea king and teaching him about the human things he adores. And finally, plotting. Plotting your meeting with the human princess.
The plan was simple enough. In the story, the human prince was saved by the mermaid princess after a storm hit his ship and caused it to sink. The mermaid returned the prince to the land, where he eventually regained consciousness. In his dazed state, he heard the mermaid singing and could just barely make out her face before she disappeared. From that moment forth, he becomes determined to find the woman who saved him, and is convinced that she’s the one meant for him.
Simple enough. All you had to do was insert yourself into the role of savior once again. Jade was tasked with making sure Prince Rielle didn’t see or approach the humans and the ship, while Floyd went with you to… speed up the process. You’ve learned that both twins were destructive, but Jade liked to appear polite and restrained at times, while Floyd was much more willing to wreak havoc with zero reservations. Besides, yes you had enhanced breathing but you couldn’t swim that far out that fast, which is why you required the presence of one of the twins because they were incredibly quick and strong swimmers.
It would actually be Floyd helping you do most of the saving, you were just the pretty face to keep the princess captivated. Which he was totally fine with, because he didn’t have the patience nor the charm to act all lovey-dovey. If it were entirely up to him, he’d toss the princess on the shore and call it a day without even checking if she was actually still alive. Luckily, it’s not up to him. It’s up to you.
You watched the explosions of light and colors, fireworks being fired into the sky off the sailing ship. It was a familiar sight to you, but for a creature of the sea like Floyd, it was not so much. Clinging to his back as he swam along, you noticed he quickened his speed as his eyes were captivated by the light show. “Wow, it’s so bright! I wanna touch it. Hey, hey, you’re human so you know human stuff. What’re those?”
You chuckled at his child-like wonder, shaking your head. “Fireworks, they’re just lights used for celebrations. I don’t think it’s possible to touch them, and even if you could, you might get burned.”
A frown formed on his lips as he complained, “Whaaat? That’s stupid! I wanna catch some fireworks in a jar and take it home to show Jade. Then whenever I shake the jar, it’ll go boom! Making more of those explosions noises and flashing colors!”
Fireworks in a jar under the sea. Huh, that would actually be sorta cool. As Floyd approached the hull of the ship, you released your grip on the eel and grabbed part of the wooden hull. Quietly, you gazed down at him in the water and replied, “Tell you what, I’ll see what Azul and I can do about that for you if this mission ends on a good note. That sound fair?”
“Yeah! Yeah! I––”
“Shh!” Quickly you shushed him, watching as he lowered the rest of his face in the water. But from the sparkle in his eyes, it was obvious he must’ve been hiding a grin. The chattering and voices of those on board with the sound of the waves were loud enough to drown out most noises, but you couldn’t risk anything. “Let’s keep it down, okay? Or they might hear us.”
Floyd continuously gazed up at you, before murmuring, “Hey, when the ship goes down and you’re lookin’ for the princess, can I take one of the drowning sailors?”
For that you had to pause and stare at him, not believing what you heard for a moment. Actually, scratch that, you believed it. That was one of the twins you were talking about. The eel continued to peer up at you with impatience, as if itching to just start the chaos already. When he lifted his head and his mouth was no longer concealed by the water, you saw you were right. Big toothy grin. You sighed, “Fine. One sailor, but do it quickly and quietly, then you find me. Okay?” Better some random sailor be drowned or torn apart by the eel instead of you.
“Okay~! Thank you! You’re the best!” He sang with the brightest beaming smile. To think such a desire for a morbid reason could make him so happy… but you were not going to divulge further into the topic. You didn’t know what kind of fun Floyd wanted to have by tormenting some poor person. But enough of that, you had bigger fish to fry.
For now, you focused on climbing until you peeked past a sizable opening in the side right by where the floor would be. As you peered in, you could hear instruments like a flute and accordion, in rhythm was dancing steps. The candles on board the ship provided plenty of lights, stretching out the shadows across the board. It looked like some nice fun, as everyone appeared to be having a grand old time. There was even a barking dog bouncing around. Right–– you remembered that one, that big dog happened to belong to the princess.
“Max! Come here!” A voice called, whistling and calling the energetic dog toward them.
Target spotted. Off to the side, a little bit away from the dancing crowd, was the very princess you had been searching for. She was pretty, with long hair as black as the night and icy blue eyes. Although, she didn’t dress exactly as you imagined, not really resembling the pictures of princesses of old in your textbooks from school. The princess dressed like a commoner or even a simple sailor, with a loose white blouse, a red sash tied around her hip, and a long but simple skirt that ended just a few inches above her ankles. Yes, she was definitely pretty, but you still didn’t quite get what should’ve originally been Rielle falling in love at first sight with her. Maybe you’d never get it, and it was probably for the best.
“Whatchu’ lookin’ at?”
You gasped at the sudden voice beside you, shocked to see Floyd was so close that he was shoulder-to-shoulder with you. He had somehow climbed the hull when you weren’t looking, and now was curiously peering inside too. When you looked back down, you could see his lengthy tail hanging down the side. When you looked back at him, he was eyeing the humans on board with a mix of confusion and boredom. “Floyd! What are you doing here? What happened to the whole sailor thing?”
“Ehhh, I’ll look for ‘em later.” He shrugged, suddenly losing interest. Maybe that was for the best too. You didn’t need possibly more blood on your hands. Floyd continued to watch the dancing people, resting his cheek flat on the edge where you were both hidden by the shadows and behind barrels and other supplies. “Which one is the princess? I can’t tell. They all look the same to me.”
Hesitantly you used your head to gesture to the woman playing a flute and dancing around with the dog. “Her.” As soon as he honed in on her, you scolded him lightly, “And don’t even think about trying to jump her like you and your brother did to Rielle.”
A fit of giggling came out of him as he lifted his head and glanced at you, “Aw, why not? Why can’t she be the sailor I choose to go after?”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Those razor sharp claws on his webbed hands appeared extra shiny today. They dug into the wooden edge where you both were peering over, carving little splinters of wood off as he hummed, “Hm, I dunno… Maybe I should dare. It would make you stay.”
There was no sign of him relenting, and it was beginning to make you nervous. If Floyd wasn’t willing to help you by the time the storm hit, then you could kiss your freedom goodbye. It almost made you lose your composure, but somehow you managed to stay cool and continue with a soft smile, “What would Azul say if he found out the plan failed because you were feeling possessive?”
Rolling his eyes, he laughed before it turned to whining, like an angry tantrum, “I don’t care what Azul says! I think the contract was stupid anyways. It’s not fair that he gets to decide your fate just because he wants some lame old artifact triton! It’s not fair! No fair at all!” Before he could bang his fists against the hull in frustration, he grabbed onto you, and you felt his weight dragging you down. He was literally trying to pull you back into the water. You couldn’t call for help because the humans would see you and everything would go astray, so you could only desperately hold onto the side until you were yanked down into the sea.
The cold water hit you, sending such a shock through your system, but you weren’t drowning. With your head above the water, you turned to Floyd who kept close. What unnerved you was that he no longer had a dopey smile on his face. “What are you doing…?! You’re going to ruin everything!”
That didn’t seem to weigh too heavily on his mind, because he only scoffed and his frown deepened. “Who cares about some stupid sailors and humans anyways?”
For a moment, you wished you had Azul’s strength so you could defend yourself here. Because you knew, Floyd was much stronger, and the only reason he wasn’t dragging you back like a ragdoll was because he respected you or liked you… somewhat. In his own weird Floyd-way. “I’m human, Floyd.”
“Yeah, maybe, but you're not stupid. Or boring.”
In the distance you could hear thunder rumbling. Oh no. The storm was coming, and if you didn’t change Floyd’s mind, he wouldn’t help you at all. In fact, he might try to get in your way. The waves were starting to become rough and wild, but the eel diligently kept you above the surface at all times no matter how savage the sea became or how the rain began to feel like needles pricking your skin or even how harsh the wind hit you. “I don’t want to live in that cave my whole life! Imagine if you had to live there, and the only way out was to ask someone else to take you or let you out. Wouldn’t you hate that?”
By now he had to shout to be heard over the howling wind, and he didn’t seem convinced. “Hmmm… yeah, but it’s not me. It’s you. Besides, I like you living right there with us.”
When lighting struck the white sails of the ship, setting the sheets ablaze, you knew time was ticking by. Yet you couldn’t snap, because that would only cause Floyd to snap too. You had to stay calm and think, quickly think of a way to convince him to help you. “Azul probably doesn’t want me to leave either, he’ll probably have some plan in mind to trick me at the last minute. Besides, I know you and Jade probably won’t let me leave anyways, even if I really wanted to. But think about it Floyd, if Azul gets that old triton and the land kingdom, he’ll have everything! Even stuff like those fireworks.”
That seemed to have a bit of an effect. You could only watch the ship, half ablaze, crash into jutted rocks, causing many on board to jump and abandon ship. Meanwhile, Floyd was still considering your words. Until what felt like an eternity later, he gazed down at you and spoke. “I wanna see more fireworks with you.”
“Is your hearing going or something?” Annoyed, he repeated it louder this time, “I want to see the fireworks with you.”
Finally he was relenting. Hurriedly you agreed, growing more desperate with every passing moment, your calm facade had already cracked long ago, “Alright, we’ll see the fireworks together! With Azul and Jade too, we’ll use enough fireworks to paint the whole sky bright! We’ll even fire some ourselves. Does that sound like a plan to you?”
You impatiently watched his irked expression shift, having to squint your eyes to see through the rain and high and low rising waves. Had it not been for him holding onto you still, you probably would’ve been swept away in the powerful currents. Then, you saw it, a smile tugging at his lips, and he began cheerfully again, “Sounds like a plan~!”
“Great! Mmph––!” With no warning, he dove under the waves, moving much quicker under the water but you could only hold your breath for so long when you didn’t even get an opportunity to prepare yourself. You felt the pressure of the water push on you, soaking you down to the bone, but you continued to hold on to the eel as he swam at an incredible speed. When you heard the muffled sound of an explosion and saw a burst of fire above the water, you knew you only had seconds left.
According to the story, moments earlier, the princess must’ve gone back on the ship to save her dog from the inferno. Her foot would become stuck in the floorboards as the dog she carried made it overboard to a rowboat. But right then, the fires would reach the stored gunpowder, triggering the explosion that would blow the ship to smithereens and knock the royal unconscious, throwing their body into the ocean below.
When you reemerged above the water with Floyd, you saw the sharp jagged rocks, the burning ship slowly sinking, the debris floating all around you, and bits of wood on fire falling down from the cloud of ash and smoke in the sky. The eel had spotted the human princess at the same time you did, and he zoomed right over to her drifting form slipping off a piece of the floorboard. As soon as you were close enough, you grabbed her, holding her tight with both arms as Floyd, not particularly interested in the princess and more intrigued by the shipwreck, held you with one arm.
“I think I want blue fireworks. Do they have blue ones?”  
You can’t believe that during all this chaos and while you were still trying to save the princess, Floyd was still on about fireworks. Exasperated, but still trying so hard not to snap at him, you exclaimed with an incredulous sort of laugh, “Yes, they have every color, even blue! Can we please, for the love of god, Floyd, just get her back to shore and go home?”
Thankfully, Floyd didn’t cause any more trouble and the shore wasn’t that far away. You had found a secluded little beach, where you left Floyd in the water and dragged the girl onto the sand, away from the now calm tides. Before it was night when everything happened, but now it was the dawn of morning. You stayed beside the unconscious princess, checking for a pulse, which she still had. In the chaos, the ends of her skirt had gotten torn, she lost her shoes, but she didn’t appear to have any major injuries save for minor scratches and bruises. Slowly she breathed, a sure sign she was alive. Frankly, it was a miracle she even survived that explosion, and it was all for a dog.
Ah–– right. This was when Rielle was supposed to start singing, and the princess would slowly regain consciousness, and would see his face. That was not happening, you were not singing. You were not like that curious merman prince that had taken to happily singing to you whenever you met up with him. Slowly you placed your hand against her cheek, she was still as you quietly hummed, and after a few minutes, as the sun began to shine, she stirred.
A soft smile made its way on her pink lips as she unconsciously pressed her cheek into the palm of your hand. That’s when you noticed her eyes slowly, groggily, opened half-way, and her hand ghosted over yours. She was looking at you tiredly, she probably couldn’t see too well at the moment, but her blue eyes continued to gaze at you with growing awe. “You’re safe now, don’t worry.”
As soon as you heard barking in the distance followed by voices that were getting closer, that was your sign to go. You sprinted back to the water, diving in once deep enough and quickly being snatched up by two eels that took you somewhere hidden to spectate. You were led off to the side, in the shadows of some large boulders, out of sight, close enough to watch but far enough not to hear.
You recognized the large energetic dog that came bounding to its master, and you could guess that the person who followed and appeared quite messy was a servant of the princess that had also survived the shipwreck. The servant helped the royal up, looking incredibly relieved to see them alive. However, the princess, now more awake but still woozy, was frantically scanning the ocean’s surface and the beach around them. An amazed smile formed on her face as she stumbled forward away from the servant, saying something you couldn’t hear, but she held her hand to her heart. Still weak, the servant supported her weight and escorted her away, out of sight, with the dog following in tow.
When the humans and their pet were finally gone, you continued to stand beside the rock, glaring down at the twins. Specifically the one that’s caused you the most trouble so far. That’s when you broke your silence. “I hate you.”
“Awwwwww, I love you too!” Floyd teased, looking so very pleased with himself.
Jade glanced at the two of you, sensing something happened enough to annoy you, which made him smile. “It appears that things went swimmingly in my absence.”
✧   ✧   ✧   ✧   ✧
More weeks passed, you finally had a moment to relax as you allowed the prince and princess to marinate with their feelings for you. Floyd was somewhere, probably with Azul. When you got back from the mission, the two had gotten into a spat over how the mission nearly failed due to the eel’s mood swings. Which was fine, as long as it didn’t involve you, you didn’t care. You were relaxing, laying on the hammock you set up away from the water but close enough to the waterfall to hear the quiet and calming sound of the running water flowing down into the cavern.
As you lay there in peace, attempting to rest your tired eyes for a few moments. You heard movement. Jade was likely lingering about, doing whatever those eels did in their underwater portion of the cavern, but lately he’s been taking to using your half of the space for his new gardening hobby. It seems he really took a liking to the foraged items you bring, specifically the mushrooms you found. You would consider taking some from his garden and using them in a meal, but Azul warned you that for some reason, Jade liked the poisonous kind, so you were no longer keen on risking anything by going ahead with that idea of yours.
“I should make you aware, the prince came for you a few days ago.”
You stopped using your weight to swing you back and forth slowly on the hammock, only when it stopped did you peek one eye open to look at Jade tending to the various different types of mushrooms growing in the darkest dampest corner of the cavern. “What?”
“Prince Rielle came earlier than you expected. It seemed that he had his dispute with his father already destroying his collection of human artifacts, and you being absent from your usual morning chats with him made him so sick with worry that it drove him to take the drastic measures you predicted.” Jade wasn’t facing you, he was using the freshwater you gave him to carefully sprinkle over his beloved shrooms. “I must commend your odd new divination abilities, they were quite accurate, but not entirely correct. The prince did indeed trade his voice for a pair of legs which he declared he would use to walk and search for you in the land kingdom. The only thing that can save him now, is a kiss from you. So do try to avoid that. I thought it strange that Azul was not entirely… content with the deal, for whatever reason. It seems something was on his mind.”
You narrowed your eyes, focusing intently on the back of his head so he must’ve felt your stare burning holes into the back of his skull. You knew that he knew you were watching, judging by his quiet chuckle, the quick rise and fall of his shoulders from his short laugh. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Isn’t it common courtesy to compliment companions? I only wish to have a nice conversation with you, my dearest friend…” For a second he paused, he continued speaking clearly and smoothly, but everything he said in that tone he always used sounded like a lie, a trick, words meant to put you at ease and lure you into a false sense of security. Yet, you didn’t know if he was telling the truth or not, you couldn’t trust him. While his twin preferred to cause turmoil with his stubbornness that caused frustrations and wreckages, Jade preferred to go with the flow, confuse and disorientate his victims. “I only wish to help you with your dream of freedom. By the way, you needn’t worry about the prince or the princess. I made sure the tides and his friends carried Prince Rielle to shore. He happened to meet Princess Erika, and last I checked, both were searching for someone and they had joined forces to search for their true love. It seems that Princess Erika has spent the last weeks searching high and low across the land for you, while Prince Rielle has been concerned for you and plans to find you as well. Of course, neither royal knows they’re in love with the same person.”
For a second, you had to refrain from sighing. Actions spoke louder than words. Yes, you were relieved that the two hadn’t fallen in love with each other and were still focused on you, but you couldn’t let them stay together for long. If only you could actually choose both of them and live off the wealth their two kingdoms acquire, but alas, you already made a deal with Azul. Well, that aside, Jade had called you his dearest friend. Part of you didn’t know if that was just sweet talk to get you to lower your guard, or if he was being sincere. Azul had once mentioned that the twins adored you, but if this was their way of adoration, then it was weird and you didn’t want it. But, you decided to test your luck and prod with a scoff, mocking his previous words. “Dearest friend, hm?”
“Of course. However, you’ve become much more interesting these past few weeks.” Jade finally turned to glance at you with a sort of smile that you weren’t sure how to describe. His fingers ghosted over his beloved plants as he recounted, “When we were children, Floyd and I had never seen a human until you. When we lured you out to sea, you didn’t cry or scream, you were calm and amused us with your words. So, we became friends. Azul didn’t meet you until later, but he didn’t hold the same high opinion of you as my brother and I did. It was only later, when you were in your hour of need and with a kind word from us, did Azul finally take an interest in you as a tool for his business ventures. And I can’t help but notice that his disinterest in you lately has changed. It’s as if… you no longer are the same friend I once knew.”
You felt yourself go still, keeping your gaze on the few stalactites on the ceiling above, because you felt him staring at you with those mismatched eyes. Ever so slightly, his tone shifted, losing its charming feel to it.
“Should anyone I trust and call my friend choose to betray me, there is a special treatment I’ve prepared just for them. In truth, I’ve prepared several options, but I’m sure I can imagine more on the spot.” The longer he spoke, the more the growing horror slipped through your calm facade, making it crack as he went on and on with a cruel toothy grin. “The prince you fooled traded his voice away just to be with you again, so one could cut off your tongue and say you match him in muteness. On the other hand, there’s the princess you saved, I could tie you to a sinking surface as you pray she finds you before it’s too late. Ah, but then there’s your ability to breathe underwater longer, as granted by Azul. Well… in that case, I could still watch you drown as you wait with your waning breath, chained to the bottom of the seas with only fear and your thoughts swirling about as you reflect on every moment you tricked me and my brother until your lungs reach their limit and implode––”
There was no other way out, you were trapped in here with this monster. The only way out was the underwater portions of the cavern which you couldn’t reach because Jade would catch you the moment your toes touched the water. You would starve in this cavern, that is if they didn’t use some other twisted magic to bring about your demise. You would die here.
Then, his smile shifted as he noticed your visible panic and fear, before he tilted his head and chuckled, “Heh, of course, this is all hypothetically speaking. You weren’t my friend to begin with, so I hold no ill-will towards you. But I must tell you, you’ve been of great company to me recently. When Azul placed a contract on my human companion, I saw them begin to wither with the lack of freedom and heavy duties. But I’m assuming that changed when you, my new friend, arrived.”
That kind smile of his unnerved you after everything he said. To think you had actually been hanging out with this guy before and having nice conversations with him a few days ago, you were blinded by the gifts he brought you… That’s when a thought came to you. You felt your heart stop as you hopped off the hammock and demanded with as much of a composure as you could gather after his freighting words, “Does Azul know…?”
“...” His silence unnerved you, you wanted to snap and just tell him to spit it out, but you knew then that if you did that, he wouldn’t tell you at all. For now, he’d only hang the answer above your head, use it to make you impatient and frustrated. That was what he wanted. After a moment of seeing you remain calm, he slowly nodded, “This is Azul we are speaking about. I’m sure even in your short time here, you realize that he isn’t a man that leaves any stone unturned or coral unsearched when it comes to important business opportunities for him. And this opportunity you’ve presented him happens to be the most bountiful of all.”
Jade was right. It would be more shocking if Azul didn’t know by now. Afterall, you could only resemble someone you didn’t even know for so long. And if he knew, he was likely plotting to keep you here. You knew how the sea sorcerer worked by learning about him with your time here and by knowing the fairytales.  
By now, the eel had swum closer, apparently deciding that this conversation was much more interesting than his mushroom garden. “I’m assuming Floyd hasn’t yet realized, or else we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”
Oh no, you did not want Floyd finding out. You had no clue how he would react. You were hoping that he was more fascinated like Jade was, but you couldn’t even be remotely certain as to how that would go. Ignore that topic, you switched it to another person to be wary of, the one you’d be tied to for an eternity if you didn’t escape his slippery clutches soon. “Are you going to tell Azul?”
For a moment he appeared to ponder on the idea, and as he lifted his head out of the water, you saw that grin that placed you on edge. Now, you were too nervous to get close to him in fear of the malicious threats spewing out of his mouth earlier. You had a feeling that he wasn’t lying about all that. His eyes seemed to glow a tiny bit as he hummed, “Contrary to what most believe, I’m not here for the money or because I’ve known Azul for years. He even instructed me not to let you out at all anymore unless he approved, especially now that he’s gone to retrieve his reward from the prince. It seems he doesn’t want you seeing others. But I serve whoever presents more interesting opportunities for me. I wonder, what more wondrous things and moments can you share with me, my friend, hm?”
Oh my god, Azul was minutes away from getting the triton, that is if he didn’t have it already. You had to get out of here. Now. “Actually…” You were beginning to concoct a plan of your own. Perhaps you could still fulfill your contract, even if the sorcerer would get in your way. If you had to guess, the twins were meant to be an obstacle. However, if you could get them on your side, then things would go much smoother. “I have something in mind, if you’re willing? But it involves me leaving the cave.”
Jade smiled, “No, I’m not willing.”
Well, that didn’t go according to plan. But you can’t say you didn’t try. Your last resort now, before Azul could return and somehow force you to remain as some eternal slave, was to escape on your own. You did your part, didn’t you? Sort of… You seduced Rielle so he entered a contract with Azul, you seduced Erika so she was always by the water now looking for you, it was the perfect set up for Azul. You did essentially everything he wanted you to do.
When the eel disappeared into the waters, that’s when you took action. You weren’t going to risk swimming and getting lost in those underwater tunnels only to get caught by Jade, oh no. If you couldn’t escape below, you’d escape above. With all the nets you had gathered from your scavenging and the time you had alone behind the waterfall, you made a fine sort of escape to climb, if you do say so yourself. It was definitely long enough to reach the very top where the water was coming from. So when Jade was nowhere to be found, you tied one end of the net to a hook and tossed it to the top. Pulling on it, testing its strength so it wouldn’t drop you down into your own personal prison, once you deemed it sturdy, you began to climb. You couldn’t manage to escape last time in your world, but now you could, and you’d get the freedom you desired.
Once at the top, you heaved a giant sigh of relief, part of you not believing it was that easy to get out. The only reason you got out with no issue was because Azul wasn’t present to open his hand and beckon you to come closer, with the magic shell necklace dragging you forward. As you picked up the pace to a run, you tried to remove the necklace, smash the shell, something–– but it never budged. The necklace was the shackles tying you to the sea sorcerer. You could only hope that it had some limit, like it wouldn’t work if you’re several miles away from this place. At this rate you don’t care where you went, you just had to get away before he became too powerful and dangerous.
Hey, on the brightside, maybe with his new power over the sea and part of the land, he’ll lose interest in you entirely! Yeah! If you were in his position and had control over the entire ocean and a whole kingdom on land, you wouldn’t care for anyone else, not even a human who had helped you get to that point. If you were Azul, you’d forget all about the human and instead focus on your newfound riches and power all at your disposal. That placed you at ease, and cleared your mind enough to allow you to focus on the most important matter at hand: your escape.
You needed to get far far away, go somewhere new and start with a fresh slate, seduce some lords or heiresses, maybe even a king or queen, and begin the life of luxury and wealth you deserved. You found your ticket out on a boat preparing to set sail. Yes, it was risky, but according to the tale, the sea witch never sunk any ships. The ships she had been impaled with and tried to use were all older vessels that were already at the bottom of the sea. So, you would be good. With ease you snuck onto the ship as the crew was nearly done loading the cargo. You blended in as one of the people onboard, only feeling better when the ship officially left the port.
The sun was setting, but you could enjoy its fading warmth on your skin and listen to the waves that rocked the ship gently like a cradle. The sky was painted a deep purple, the orange and red fading the more the sun inched down the horizon, making it darker and darker. For the first time in a while, you were at peace, you felt free already. There were no eels to torment you or no octopus to pester you, not even the merman that sang about love or the human princess––
“Excuse me?”
The sudden voice caused you to snap out of your train of thought. Slowly you removed your arms from the edge where you had been leaning, and you glanced back, prepared to smoothly slip your way out of this one should it be someone questioning who you were and why you were on this ship. However, as soon as you turned your head and quickly flashed your practiced smile, it dropped just as fast as you put it on. There, standing behind you, was the human princess, gazing at you with those beautiful icy blue eyes.
“I’m sorry, but you look so familiar…” As her eyes stared intently at your face, she visibly brightened up, a smile forming on her lips as she spoke hopefully, “We’ve met before, haven’t we? I knew it!” Taking your hand in hers, she continued to peer up at you while going on joyfully, “You’re the one! The one I’ve been looking for! What’s your name?”
It took everything not to just jump overboard right at that second. In your head, alarms were blaring, but you somehow managed to keep in your mess of emotions as you forced that smile back into place on your face. “It’s… V.”
“V… V!” She laughed, embracing you tightly, much to your surprise. “I’m so happy I found you! I wanted to thank you for saving me, but I couldn’t find you anywhere, no matter how much I searched! To think that you would end up here, on the ship I prepared to search for you on! I couldn’t find you in town or in the woods or anywhere! So I figured the only other place you could be was maybe in the water, maybe you lived in the coves or caverns! And here you are!”
You needed to get off this damned ship––
“Well, well, there you are. I was worried for a moment when you were nowhere to be found.”
At the end of the ship, near where the captain was supposed to be steering, was the very person who you were running away from, your captor and now, based on his new accessories, the new king of the sea. The five sharp white shells stringed with tiny pearls decorating his silver hair like a halo, made him look like royalty. It must’ve been a crown. In between his slim fingers, he tightly held the large golden triton. The triton glimmered like a giant knife in the fading light now blocked out by an increasing number of gray clouds heavy and pregnant with a storm. He had spoken loud and clear, causing everyone on board to notice his presence, making all onlookers gasp in horror at his inhuman appearance.
When his eyes turned to you, you felt a chill travel down your spine. There was no escape.
His black appendages curled around him in an unruly mass, taking up a considerable amount of space. Although he may have looked like a monster to everyone, including the princess standing protectively in front of you, you might’ve been in awe if you weren’t so fearful of losing your freedom. Part of him was beautiful, but his endless greed and this sort of crazed look in his eyes made him look frightening.
“You left our cozy little abode, but you led me right to the princess, so I can’t be cross with you. I couldn’t ever stay mad at you, my precious treasure. But… I was prepared to give you everything your heart could desire, my dear diviner. The world would become your oyster. I’ll lift shipwrecks off the ocean floor and empty them of all their treasures for you. I’ll summon storms and waves to drown any enemy you name. I’ll use all the magic in my disposal, all the magic in the world, just to amuse you and keep you beside me longer. Everything… Everything would have been yours…!” He stopped his growing rant, taking a deep breath, a forced sigh as he breathed, “But at least I’ve found you.”
Your necklace! He was still tracking you, he did still want you for whatever selfish reason. And now, he had the triton in hand. Which meant he must’ve already encountered Rielle again, and forced the king to give up himself in order to replace Rielle’s name in the contract. Who knew what he did to Rielle? He likely used the triton to end him swiftly, to make sure no one would get in his way.
Azul eyed the princess with disdain, “I no longer want that useless girl. No princess or even a prince could ever live up to your worth.” Without warning, he started crawling, and fast. With no legs, he couldn't run or walk like a human. So he crawled like some desperate creature, clawing his way forward with his tentacles dragging behind him, terrorizing all those on board and making them run and part ways for him to continue forward like a train at high speed. When he closed in on them, it only took one appendage to slap away Erika like she was nothing but an annoying buzzing fly in his way.
At inhuman speed, he grabbed you as you fought in his slippery grasp and screamed, “I have nothing more to give you!! Why can’t you just let me go?! You have everything!”
“Not everything, angelfish.” He chastised, wasting no time jumping into the sea until you were both under the cold water. When he tapped your chin with the sharp end of the triton, he instructed, “Breathe. Let’s make another deal, this one you will want to hear out.”
Hesitantly, unsurely, you breathed, watching bubbles emerge from your breaths, surprised to see it worked. It must’ve been the magic of the triton he touched you with. That’s when you finally spoke, snapping, “Why would I make another deal with you, you lying cheat?”
For a moment, he actually looked hurt, before he snapped back. “That’s amusing, coming from you. You were ready to run away before our deal could properly be completed!”
“I did everything you wanted, you had all the pieces! You won’t grant me the freedom you promised! I know how you work. You’re a sham! You planned to keep using me as a tool!”
Pursing his lips, Azul paused before replying, “Yes, I did. But that was before. That’s when I believed you were the V I knew before, but then I noticed you were acting strangely. Your so-called prophecy dream, your words, your actions, it was all off. You weren’t the same person.” As he spoke, his appendages let go of you, but they remained lingering behind and around you, trapping you in like a cage where your only option out was him. The sea sorcerer. “I saw it clearly. Those wretched little royals don’t deserve you! Prince Rielle is gone, and I ordered Floyd and Jade to sink Princess Erika’s ship, they get to do as they please with the humans on board. You won’t be seeing neither the princess nor the prince anymore, they won’t be pestering you. Onto more interesting topics. You’re something special, something otherworldly, am I wrong…? I read it in ancient texts once, about how sometimes there are people who mysteriously replace someone, and those people are not from anywhere known. You were banished from your world, just as I was banished from my home. They forsake us because they fear us, but we’re better now. You know what it’s like to be looked down upon, and you loathe it, don’t you?”
When he saw you were frozen, hanging to his every word with familiarity flashing in your eyes. The judges looked down at you, and the mere thought that everyone back home was watching your last moments at the trial with disdain… You must’ve been a criminal because the court said so, right? At that moment back then, you wanted to prove everyone wrong. You weren’t just some lowly nobody that should be forgotten and left to rot. You had worth, and skills, looks, personality, everything that could outweigh anyone.
He knew he was right. “I’m right, and you realize that. I said I don’t have everything. There’s one more thing that can make me the happiest man in the world. And that is… you.”
You felt his tentacles against your back, forcing you closer and closer to him until you were inches away from his face, his eyes gazing at you with a mix of greed and pleading.
But his voice, his assertive voice, was losing his confidence. The more he spoke, the more frantic and desperate he sounded, making you believe that even though he was pleading, you wouldn’t exactly be granted a choice in whatever he was about to offer up to you. “Let this be our final eternal contract. Be mine not as a tool or property, but as a partner. W-With you, we can rule not only the entire ocean but every inch of land too! I know what you want, I see it in your eyes and I know it because you’re like me…! I need you...! You need me! You don’t want freedom, you want wealth, power, and glory!" Slowly, steadily, all his appendages wrapped around you, constricting you, binding you in place. There was no real choice, no freedom, that was an illusion. The only choice he was offering was him. "Join me, sign the new contract, and you can have it all… But only if you choose me. Come on now, make your choice, we don’t have all night, my Dear Diviner!”
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sethdomain · 3 months
C!tommy headcanon bc why not
-Shit eye sight, from years of living in a condition that forced him to be around ash, explosion and fire, I think it would definitely damaged his vision greatly. Its not to say he went full-time blind, he can still see but its blurry as shit. Maybe, it can also affect from his genetics too.
It starts out tiny, I think in pogtopia arc he has neargsight but its still not that bad, if he were to get glasses he would need 0.5 minus glass. He would occasionally be seen squinting sometimes as if he has trouble seeing something in the distance.
It became worse after exile, because of c!dream constantly bombing his item in front of him some of the ash constantly attacked his eye. So after he ran away from exile he now obtain the worse fucked up eye ever, he’s now farsighted, nearsighted and need plus, minus and cilindered glass. At this point c!tommy supposed to have glass but he’s like traumatized n shit and most people doesnt really payed that much attention. So most of the time he just glares n shit.
I think he would receive glasses when he’s either hanging out with sam or tubbo, both of them are like builder n close to him i think they can give tommy glasses. But i suppose Tubbo would be more keen on making him one since Sam is busy with prison stuff and need to pay 90% of his attention towards it.
I think his ass would genuinely be fucking happy when he finally get glasses, like thank fucking god i dont have to have a huge motherfucking headache anymore from squinting my eye too hard.
-twitchy hand, i think its some sort of trauma scarring from all the battle he fought. I think the tremors would be an occasional twitch here and there, but after c!tommy got his head bashed by c!dream his hand tremors got worse where simply doing stuff like picking a spoon up became very hard for him.
I think, c!tommy would kind of need to do physical theraphy after prison arc on helping rewiring back his motor skills with his hand nerves.
-I think post-dsmp(this is in my head where they managed to kill c!drm) c!tommy would get slapped hard by his mentall illness, especially deppression. Like he just shut down and dont do anything and hid away from everyone. You know that feeling of just hollowness, yeah i think after all of that he would just feel very estranged and felt nothing.
He should be happy! He finally have peace but why doesn’t he wanna do anything? Why does his bone felt like its made of metals and he’s nothing but a sagging slump of meat. He can finally do anything without dream breathing down his necks why? Why cant i do anything?
-I think he copes by doing drugs, i mean the invis pot is deffo a not subtle way that c!tommy struggles with addiction now. I like to think he started with just drinking invis pot to inevitably trying out drinking, substances and stuff. I think c!Tubbo would try to stop him though because he can’t bear thinking his best friend would go off the same path as c!schlatt
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Order as Antagonist in TDP
So how about that trailer, eh? I was so excited I didn't notice this text up top on TDP's tweet for like. An hour.
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We haven't heard anything about this Cosmic Order before. Is it a specific group? Is it a vibe? Is it a Startouch thing? Hard to say, yet. But there are some vibes from the Starscraper shots we've gotten in the trailer and teaser that may point us in the right direction:
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This place has eight pillars, each with a recess that holds a relic staff seemingly identical to the one Viren's been toting around. It's not unique, and Aaravos didn't craft it. He stole it.
This is the Prometheus part of Aaravos' character. This is the fire that he stole for humans, from the gods. The relic staff. A relic staff, one of many.
Why did he, a godlike elf himself, feel the need to commit this act, for which he was cast down, exiled, and stripped of much of his power? Why?
Hard to say yet, but knowing all that he is capable of, I think it comes down to one thing: stealing it was the only way to get it. Nothing else he could think of would work. And he's pretty imaginative. But the system, the Cosmic Order, had him, too. He's a magic elf, bound by the same forces as everyone else up there. Breaking the rules was his only remaining option.
Aaravos chose Chaos over Order and put his money where his mouth is. He did get exiled and cast out, but humans have magic now. Somehow, that's not a thing the Order can take back from them, once it's out - rather like Pandora's Box.
But I want to look at this Order, and how pervasive it must be. How else would a powerful elf like Aaravos be reduced to petty thievery to accomplish his ends? Surely he tried other ways, other options, other persuasions. Why didn't they get him anywhere? Why did he have to take such a - for lack of a better term - human approach to the problem?
Let's back up a second and look at a seemingly random list of likes for one specific elf: Runaan. (no of course it isn't random, this is why this theory post exists. but shh, it'll make sense I promise)
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Runaan likes four things in this list. Two of them are his immediate family. One is his favorite food. And the last item on the list?
I used to think this was just a bit of a wink to him being autistic-coded and liking his patterns. And I still do think that's accurate. But my third eye got pried open by the Cosmic Order text, and I think it's more than that now.
Runaan is a tiny cog in the grand engine that is the Cosmic Order. He goes where he is told, he kills who he is told to kill, he obeys without question, no matter how heinous his acts would be - he would have killed Ezran without blinking, because that's what the Dragon Queen told him to do.
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Runaan is the most Moonshadow Moonshadow, according to the Deluxe Elf Interview. He's the epitome of what it means to be a Moonshadow elf. His devotion, sacrifice, and adherence to the rules are what makes him a good Moonshadow elf.
How convenient for the Order.
Runaan is still an individual, inside his own rules. He chose to become an assassin, and he did it to spare others from having to take lives and live with the weight of those acts. But that does imply that if he hadn't chosen this path, someone else would have, and people would still be dying.
And I think he's right. Maybe his love of order actually lets him perceive the great gears grinding over his head, up in the stars, turning the wheels of fate for everyone they control. Maybe he knows full well that he's part of a grand system - but there's nothing he can do about it except stay alive or die, because he is trapped inside it. He cannot change his fate because he is locked into it, just like everyone around him.
The Book 1 novelization tells us Runaan always expected to die on a mission, and that he meets that fate with a calm resignation on the balcony. He surrenders to his fate, because he cannot fight it.
What could lock Runaan into a fate that ends with him dying on a mission?
His own choices? Think bigger.
His society, then. Obligation, honor, guilt. Hmm, bigger than that.
It's been there the whole time - something that all the elves and dragons possess, but humans don't. Something which caused the imbalance in the first place.
Magic is the Cosmic Order.
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yes it has eight points and yes I'm back on my bullshit
Quick aside: The Cosmic Order is turning out to be the big magic version of King Harrow's Narrative of Strength, which he contrasted with the Narrative of Love - and we'll get back to that at the end of the post.
Alrighty, back to magic: The worst offenders seem to be the primal magics, which have locked the elves and dragons into very tight little boxes as far as what they can and cannot do, think, and imagine. An elf with a single arcanum can only think in terms of that primal source. It's as bad as an irl human who only knows one language, and so their brain literally cannot conceive of concepts that exist in other languages. (Learn more languages, guys, it's genuinely good for your brain, I am not kidding)
This helps explain why Aaravos was able to think a little bit outside his box and consider giving magic to humans when the Order said they didn't deserve any. He is an archmage, and he speaks many magical languages. He knows all six primal magics, as well as the ancient blood magic and dark magic. That's eight different ways of looking at a problem.
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(is this why elves only have 8 fingers, because they literally cannot grasp anything outside of magic?)
From his multifaceted viewpoint, Aaravos can see the inherent unfairness in humans being forced to abide by the Order without getting any magic for their trouble. It's basically taxation without representation.
The Americans among us can attest to how well that went over in our own history.
Aaravos: Prometheus, Lucifer... Che Guevara... Guy Fawkes?
Aaravos really does love revolution.
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Further thought: this post about Ethari's design has reminded me again about his lower-than-average magical ability and how that has manifested in his unique design and in his character. And I'm looking directly at how Ethari's lesser magic power may be the reason he's so mentally flexible. If he can challenge Runaan directly about how Rayla is not ready for that mission when everyone else is going along with it, isn't that lack of narrow-mindedness the thing that sets him apart?
What else might that freedom of thought do for him? Is this the reason he is actually able to invent at all? Because he is capable of envisioning that which does not yet exist? How rare that must be among Moonshadow elves!
tldr: Ethari is actually bad at being a Moonshadow elf, and that could very well be what saves him.
Contrast Ethari with Karim, who is a powerful Sunfire mage, and very much locked into his traditional views of elf vs human. He's willing to go to war in order to impose his views on all of the Sunfire elves if he can, because he genuinely believes he can see the Order of things better than anyone else can.
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He believes in the superiority of the elven ways, while Janai has let her heart change her mind. Janai fell in love with a human, and it broke the Order's hold on her. She makes history now - it does not make her.
Side note: Is this... is this the formula, then? Is this how enduring ships work in TDP? An elf with a normal arcanum, paired with either a human or an elf with a "flawed" connection to the Order inside them? One who can anchor, and one who can imagine?
Let me make a quick list:
Well. How bout that.
Ironically, this is a different path to what was going to be my final point in the first place: Order may be the default for elves and dragons and the way they are supposed to follow the rules of the universe, but love still exists, and they can always choose to embrace it. They can all be saved by love, in the end. It's their choice. In fact, choosing Love over Order is an act of defiance in itself.
Terry chose Claudia over fear. Janai chose Amaya over war. Rayla chose Callum over vengeance. And Runaan, my poster boy for stubbornness and suffering, chose Ethari over Order itself.
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Saved by love.
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(Fair warning, this stream DOES contain c! and cc!Dream!)
The stream opens up to a black screen, with “It’s All Over But The Crying” playing in the background.
Tommy starts in his house, items left over in a chest for Tubbo. Sadly, he mentions it’s his last hour. He meets up with Tubbo, and after about a minute of Tubbo forgetting to join the call, they have one last walk down the Prime path while talking. He talks about meeting Schlatt, the Duel, and then decides to go to the museum.
Tommy panics a little at the final control room recreations, and looks through a few for the books. Then, he and Tubbo decides to go into the Camaravan to reminisce about their past, when they were young- only sixteen.
Tommy promises after his death the server will be whole again, and after a year of sadness, Tubbo should look back on their time together with a smile. It might not be the happiest day, but they shouldn’t mourn yet. They have a duty, and it’ll be over.
Tubbo feels horrible over killing Tommy, and Tommy reassures him that it’s only pressing a button. And then Tubbo can live for a long time, taking care of Micheal and his loved ones.
Tubbo is in denial, saying that this can’t be it, but Tommy points out all the ways of saving him won’t work. He also makes a Wilby joke, and laughs about the fact that at least they’re not crying anymore. He tells Tubbo to go into his house and read a book once he, Dream and Punz are dead, and looks wistfully at the L'Manberg photo, before handing it to Tubbo, saying it’ll be like that for him once it’s over, except he'll have no wars and new friends.
Tommy asks Tubbo if he’s ready, and Tubbo says no. He asks how the world can be just after this, and Tommy says it isn’t. He asks for the photo of L'Manberg for the road, and allows Tubbo to take the bench instead, and says goodbye. They have a final fist bump.
Tommy takes a deep breath, and reassures himself that it’ll allow everyone to live happily ever after- even the ones he didn’t like- and this is what he has to do. He takes a final breath of fresh air before entering the prison, and says goodbye to the SMP.
Tommy panics about the prison, but wanders through, looking for Dream. He sings “You Spin Me Right Round” to comfort himself.
Tommy engages Dream and Punz and tries to duel him, which makes Dream laugh, and call Tommy a comedian. Tommy starts goading Dream about Spirit, and talks to Punz about exile. He admits he almost killed himself, but Punz says the world doesn’t revolve around Tommy. Punz tries to leave, but Tommy blocks it off.
Dream mentions that he could have revived Tommy anyway, and says that it’s Tommy's fault for exile. Tommy counters by asking why he took the discs, and why he’s obsessed with them (and Tommy), and asks him to explain why he did everything. Dream laughs and says Tommy must have doubts, and asks if he's trying to join.
Dream says nothing matters except for knowing what we are, and he'd sacrifice even himself for that. Tommy responds that they’re people, and asks if that’s enough. Dream says no, and asks what Tommy's going to do- just die? What if he and Tubbo could live forever?
Tommy says that life is about taking it slow and having happy moments, just enjoying it. He says Dream could have had fun with him, and Dream says Tommy destroyed that chance. He says he’s a bitch because Tommy's a pest, and that none of the pain he caused matters. He asks if Tommy would have been okay in Limbo forever if he killed himself.
Tommy takes off his armour, and apologises. He says Dream’s always been after power, and asks how he can handle it. Handle the pain of dying, like it’s nothing? Dream says it doesn’t matter, and kills Tommy.
Tommy sees the beginning of the server in limbo, confused. He begs to be brought back, saying he doesn’t want to be alone. He takes a sudden, deep breath, and is revived. Coughing and wheezing and clearly in pain, Dream calls it nothing while Tommy has a panic attack. The two of them ask Tommy what he saw, as he cries in pain.
Tommy asks Dream how he can live with that, and Dream says it sucks now but once he can live forever with everyone it’ll be worth it. The ends justify the means, right? Even if it sucks for Tommy.
Tommy tells Dream what he saw, about how he was happy before he fell into his obsession. Now, he’s excited at the thrill and adrenaline, but back then, he was just simply happy. He doesn’t even see his friends. He desperately tries to appeal to the good that must still be inside him.
Tommy surmises that Dream just wanted it to be simple, and that’s why Dream hurt him so bad, and he now understands a little, but that this isn’t right. Dream might want friends, and he gets that. Punz, offended, asks if he’s his friend. Tommy desperately tried to empathise with Dream, and tell him to stop, tell him to stop, but Dream says it’s too late.
Tommy asks him to grow old together, and if that isn’t enough? Dream says he doesn’t know, and Tommy begs him to know why not, and Dream says he doesn’t want to be alone, and why can't he let him make it simple again?
Dream asks if it’s not too late, and Tommy says it is, because of the nuke. Tommy apologises, and says it’s too late. The screen goes white, and a ringing noise plays.
Tommy wakes up somewhere else, with Tubbo and Dream, in a completely fresh server. They don’t know who each other are, and offer to work together. The camera fades to black.
c!dream “i will change my whole way of life when the kid i said i hated talks to me for fifteen minutes my philosophy is logical” was taken, everybody.
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geminialchemist · 2 months
More Shadow of the Erdtree discussion, because I seriously cannot shut up about it.
God damn, my posts must make it seem like I loathe this dlc, when it’s one of the best I’ve played in my life. Screw this just being a good DLC, this was an amazing Fromsoft GAME with the title of DLC attached to it.
With that said… I still have complaints to air, because I’m a whiner baby, and I find it easier to construct my thoughts around my criticism of things rather than my praise for them.
I’ve seen the idea floating around that some people think that some other people don’t care for the ending because they don’t like that Fromsoft made Miquella a villain. I’d like to utterly dash that idea. I don’t dislike that they made him a villain, I dislike that they made him a bad villain.
What’s Miquella’s motivation? We know his end goal. Become a god, make the world a compassionate place via brainwashing. We know how he put his plans into motion, convoluted and brow raising as the writing choices for that was. But what is his reason for doing it?
Messmer’s motivations, we know. He is, at least outwardly, a brutal tyrant. He leads a genocidal crusade against the Hornsent and any Tarnished he crosses paths with. We also know his motivation. To take the blame off of his mother for these actions. He doesn’t particularly like being so brutal, but has become the figurehead for the worst actions of his country, and has faced a willing exile with his loyal followers to shift the blame way from his mother, who he loves and cherishes, even after she has abandoned him to his fate. His villainy is his complacency in his mother’s conquests. This actually makes him a sympathetic antagonist, which is why everyone paints him as a soft boy in need of hugs. I’m simplifying this a lot, because outside of no plot for Melina, I have no major issues with Messmer’s side of the story in this DLC, it’s good stuff, great writing.
What’s Miq’s motivation? What made him wake up one day and decide he was going to be a god, and use mind control to pacify the entire world? I realized as I was theory crafting that I… don’t really know? I certainly have headcanon and ideas, I just can’t remember it ever being stated in canon. Just that he wants to do it. Did I miss something? I can’t have missed something, could I?
Was he evil all along? Is he doing this to control everyone just for laughs? Is he a broken person, who witnessed the horrors of war during the Shattering, unable and unwilling to fight due to his body and pacifism, showing up after battles to tend to the wounded but knowing that for every living person he found, a hundred more were corpses, and that for every one he did manage to save he was forced to leave a dozen others to die in agony and so decided to end the cycle of violence by any means necessary?
Did he simply want power and a complacent population? Did he want to fix all of his mommy’s mistakes(no, couldn’t be that one, fans would have woobified him to the same level as Messmer)? Or was it overpowering grief that drove him to tear his too-soft heart out and cast it aside? We don’t even know! Or at least I don’t. I’ve scoured the wiki’s for NPC dialogue, and item descriptions, but unfortunately those are still incomplete, and are missing huge chunks. I’m in the middle of my second run of the dlc, too, but haven’t come across anything yet.
Can anyone tell me what I’m missing, if I did miss something? Or is this just another example of the second half of Miquella’s questline being terribly written? If I did miss something, let me know, and make sure to shame me and call me an idiot, it’s the only way I’ll ever learn!
EDIT: Thanks so much for giving me some answers! I’ll go look more into Ymir’s dialogue, I’m curious to if reversing Marika’s Sin is his motivation, or just another endgame goal to add to the pile to ensure “World Peace(tm).” For instance, Hornsent still doesn’t trust or accept anyone in the group for what Marika did, even under Miq’s charm, so fixing that could make his charm sink in easier for the Hornsent population? I’ll go check it out in my NG+ run, I actually haven’t spoken to Ymir yet in that run.
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dileaw · 7 months
Path of Exile Currency - Buy PoE Currency From Mmogah
Mmogah is a popular Path of Exile seller that offers both items and currency at competitive prices. The company is also well-known for its top-notch customer service. It is recommended to purchase POE Currency from a trusted online seller like MmoGah instead of using in-game sellers who require your account credentials. This will prevent your account from being banned by the game developer.
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crediblebombthreat · 2 months
Obscure Reference To Japanese alternative band Found in Path of Exile Datamine
This will take a bit of explaining since only like 5 people on this website play PoE.
To make a very very very very very very long story short, The Fishing Mechanic is a long-running easter egg in the best ARPG ever made, Path of Exile. Some unique items you will commonly find are related to the easter egg (Slitherpinch, Fairgraves' Tricorne, etc). But sometimes you can drop astronomically rare items that have fishing-related stats. Like Song of the Sirens:
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It interacts with most every combat mechanic as a staff would. But it's a fishing rod. That you can't fish with since the mechanic doesn't actually exist. Great flex to have on your account, though. I know a few people who collect them.
There's a lot, lot more to this that you can read about on poe.fish. I like this easter egg a lot, it's a great way to troll new players. And, honestly, it's a great away for the developers (GGG) to troll us. Adding in an incredibly arcane easter egg (that leads to hundreds of dead ends) in a game filled with people who are so determined that they regularly design wholly functional 3rd party applications to assist in optimizing gameplay efficiency...it's fucking diabolical.
Not to get sidetracked, but a lot of statistical analysis and drop rate knowledge that the community has comes from the people who are obsessed with knowing more about the fishing easter egg. Just thought that'd be funny to add in.
Anyway, every league GGG adds in something fishing related in the data to fuck with us. Dataminers find it and post it, we have a laugh, all is well.
This time, it was a bit different. A studious redditor found these values (shown below) for an unused fishing building in the new mechanic they introduced this league (basically ARPG farmville):
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If the gold values look strange...you're right! They're RGB Hex code.
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A reference to the 35 minute composition "Long Season" by the Japanese alternative band "Fishmans".
Wikipedia link 1. Wikipedia link 2.
This is about where the story ends. The band is fucking good, I've been listening to their discography while doing this write-up. You can listen to Long Season here.
Other reddit user (and notable Path of Exile Fishing Historian/Data Analyst) did a writeup on reddit that I think should be a bit more friendly to screenreaders than this post is. But I'll admit I'm not really sure!
Cheeers! And please play Path of Exile.
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Honestly I think the Reddit Blackout is kind of incredible
because of *just how much knowledge got shut down* to the point where it just immediately interfered with my life.
For me, right now, Path of Exile is unplayable because to get general information on where to go with my build, I'd need to go to reddit. I can't google it because Google gets me a bunch of AI written articles that explicitly exist only to sell add space, and that can't tell me any more than what level I get the gems! This is also true of several other games I play. If I find an impassible bug, if I need to know how to get to an item after I've gotten to a certain point, I'm fucked, general tips on how to beat a boss even if I got his pattern down, I'm fucked And that's just video games. If I had a washing machine with a weird kink, if my car is acting up in a specific way, if I'm having trouble remembering an obscure movie from 20 years ago I'm fucked. There's so many questions I could have an answer too that's probably been answered. There's so much I don't know, that one guy on reddit will But you know what I do know? I know Reddit should keep their fucking API free
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mystybelle · 5 months
Phantom Brave is super fucking fun, but I can see why it's not as popular as Nippon Ichi's other titles. Even with Disgaea, and tactical turn based RPG's being niche enough as they are.
The actual movement around the board, the tactical part? Kinda feels bad. Trying to aim attacks without a grid, no idea what the ranges are, and in 3D space is... Annoying. Besides that, I like the games quirks a lot, like the Over Damage system.
Over Damage is a mechanic that only really affects the player. If any unit takes Damage that equals it's own HP or more, after it's already been K.O'd, they're not just a ghost, they're double dead. So rezzing them costs an item, plus the money to pay the healer.
Over Damage feels like a mechanic for a gritty dungeon crawler VRPG, or any TTRPG with crunch. Extra insult to injury, punishing you for wasting resources and for not handling your allies' bodies with care by making your quality of life harder. It's a mechanic that serves the same function across genres; grounding you in the fiction.
In Pathfinder, in Vagante, in Path of Exile, in Wakfu (goofy as it is), a death isn't just a 5minute walk back to your last spot. Your OC, your cutesy little grungy cute little cube, your tiny survivor, your goofy little doll OC just died, and in Phantom Brave it's your friend. Each failure can have consequences.
The tone of each game differs (a lot, if you've played at least two of these, I'm sorry for the tonal whiplash) but death always matters. These games want you to be more thoughtful about how you play, and actually pay attention to how your treat your new toys. Phantom Brave is a game that lets you chaperone a little orphan girl freelance adventurer, who's primary character trait is being compassionate and earnest in a world that openly hates her for breathing. While I wish Nippon Ichi would let us a little further into her head instead of othering her to us too, and making us just Marona's guardian. I'm so happy that the game mechanics support that feeling.
I wish more people talked about Phantom Brave. I can't wait to see where it goes with all of you ^w^
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dollsonmain · 8 months
That reminds me. That Guy has been whining lately about not having any games he wants to play (which has been Son's and my problem, of course) and last night he installed Path of Exile on the PS5.
We played PoE on PC when it first came out and I remember thinking PoE is what I had expected DiabloIII to be.
D3 was more like Gauntlet.
We'd played DiabloII together for almost a decade before finally moving on to other things, and D3 did not do it for me at all. I'm sure a part of that was that we were playing co-op on a shared console instead of separately on PC, though.
Playing on a shared console with That Guy is not fun. Like, I can't play our shared Minecraft world with him anymore because they changed how Netherite works, and he's so concerned about me dying and losing the gear I'm wearing that I can't even move without him hounding me about it instead of being happy that I'm doing something with him and spending time with him. Or in D3, he was always dragging me across the screen and getting mad when I'd go slow and explore or get stuck on some decorative item because he ran ahead so far that the camera moved in such a way that there was no way for me to walk around things to catch up anymore.
He was also whining yesterday about how neither Son nor I will play console games with him and it's like, he makes it so unpleasant of an activity that of course we don't...
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aetrnalis · 3 months
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▌ 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Jellal Caelian Altamura
▌ 𝐀𝐆𝐄: 13 ( When he Left Edolas ), 20 ( Edolas Arc ), 29 ( x793 )
▌ 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍: That's very complicated
▌ 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐒: Scorpio Sun / Virgo Moon / Capricorn Rising
▌ 𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 / 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒: Expert Hand to Hand Combatant, Former Magic User
▌ 𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑: Hazel - Green
▌ 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑: Cobalt Blue
▌ 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐒: Faust Altamura ( Father / Exiled ), Cecilia Altamura ( Mother / Deceased )
▌ 𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐒: Diletta ( White Hawk )
▌ 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄: Power - Hunger, Manipulation, Super sweet foods, Gossiping
▌ 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 / 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒: Bird watching was one of his favorite things to do to relax. Having a drink late at night with a book in hand. Reading books / poetry. Hawk - taming. 
▌ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐒: He tends to lean towards the more work then play type of person. Skips breakfast or lunch. Can be unapologetically honest & harsh. His complicated Dad issues.
▌ 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: Bicurious / Demi-romantic
▌ 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐆𝐄   /   𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒: His thoughts are that he’s open to the idea of marriage, but at the same time it scares him. Jellal hasn’t seen himself as an ideal partner for someone in a long long time. If anything he more so feels the pressure of having to marry due to his duty, even if he loved, quicker then he’d want to. Children are something he’d want in the future but again has some insecurities about being a father & more so feels the pressure.
▌ 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒: Rejection, Deep emotional vulnerability
▌ 𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒: He tends to wear a handkerchief, scarf or some type of item around his neck outside of when he sleeps. Cloaks, long jackets, turtle necks are clothing pieces he gravitates towards. From the years spent on Earthland, mostly hidden, Jellal has gained a habit of preferring clothes that cover him up or let him hide. 
▌ 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄: Ultear, His mother, Pantherlily + the members of Fairy Tail
▌ 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐎 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐒: When it comes to making friends, Jellal tends to be a bit awkward about it. He can make small talk with other people but building friendships is not a strong suit of his. Making friends, he’d be a bit on the quiet side at first but would attempt small talk at least. Tends to tap his fingers out of habit & awkwardness. Can’t accomplish things unless you try is his motto, sometimes. 
▌ 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊: Chai Black Tea, Apple Whiskey 
▌ 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐀𝐓: The Royal Garden & Royal Library
▌ 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄: That fiery personality. Someone who can keep up with Jellal’s personality but help steer him on the right path’s in life. Will openly stand up to him if he’s making the wrong decision or choices. Put him in his place if he steps out of line, despite his position. 
▌ 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑𝐒: Camping, he prefers to be surrounded by the wonders & expanse of nature as opposed to the closed in areas of indoors. 
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about me — people i’d like to know better.
LAST SONG. I don't remember what the last one I listened to was exactly, but while I was outside trying (unsuccessfully) to rig up a dashcam this morning, I had some music on from my iPod and this one has since lodged itself in my head:
FAVORITE COLOR. Soft peachy orange! (#FFC3A6) :D
CURRENTLY READING. I don't tend to read books too often actually! So technically nothing, but the last book I was reading was a .pdf of Gavin de Becker's The Gift of Fear on my phone as in-flight entertainment on the way to and from Perth a few months ago haha (it's one of those books you see recommended everywhere so I decided to give it a go while I had little else to do)
CURRENTLY WATCHING. At this very moment, on tv there's a medical doco called The Hospital: In The Deep End that I'm half-watching while typing this-- and back home, James and I were watching the new Spice & Wolf reboot! The series is very near and dear to his heart so it was fun hearing him explain certain bits and how they differ in the various adaptations, but we got sidetracked with work getting busy and need to get back to it sometime :')
SWEET, SAVORY, OR SPICY? Sweet!! I have a huge sweet tooth (I actually just got back from baking a mini vanilla cake to snacking on while I'm here housesitting lol, haven't baked a cake in years but "I still got it" as they say) but I also really like savoury things just as much-- but it depends what food/drink item we're talking! Like I prefer savoury veggie muffins over sweet cupcakes, but I also take my tea with 3+ spoons of sugar so it really depends from thing to thing lol and spicy is just straight-out; I have white girl spice tolerance and dislike anything that makes my mouth more than tingle haha, hate it!
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. Taken! We've been together 4 1/2 years now, he's actually my old raid leader from the Heavensward era in FFXIV! He got my sister's husband into the game while they were studying to be chefs and then they got me into it and one thing turned into another... but we only started dating in 2019 right before the pandemic after going on a group holiday to Japan with our friend Linkshell-- he was really cute in-person so I ended up crushing on him hard, and he thought I was still with my ex (also from the game, but long-distance) until I invited him out for a coffee date and he went "hm suspicious", it turned out he still liked me from back in the day so we gave it a shot and yeah! Somehow my FFXIV journey all comes back to him in the end which is always funny to me :')
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED. "cooking frozen chicken kiev in oven" = there were some kievs/kyivs in the deep freezer but no cooking instructions on them.......... put them in the oven for dinner right after getting my vanilla cake out lol (future kate: they were delicious)
CURRENT OBSESSION. I could ramble for days and days about this series but it's still My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999! It's a really cute fluffy slow-burn romance between the basically canon autistic aloof pro gamer Yamada and college-student Akane who only plays games very casually-- they're part of the same MMO guild and cross paths at a RL event, and a lot of the initial plot follows how they slowly befriend eachother and confess and aughhh//////// /// It has gorgeous art, fun and likeable characters, treats its "rival" characters with grace and empathy even when they're struggling or getting rejected... there are MANY parallels I've drawn between their relationship and my own while reading so I get even more enjoyment out of it than most lol, they have such a healthy relationship and their dynamic is really sweet and I love it so much I made a whole 44-song fanmix about it haha-- but yes I highly recommend the series!! There's an anime which came out last year which is a really faithful adaptation, and the manga has recently started getting an english tankobon release too :D
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Tagged By: my sis @arty-ffxiv!
Tagging: none bc I Am Shy™, if you wanna yoink it then be my guest! also tag me bc I wanna seeeee
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altheneum-library · 2 years
||°~ "A connection starts" ~°||
The last lamb had been caught after so many, now to be sacrificed for the prophecy to never be fulfilled as the four bishops feared it would be.
The last lamb was named "Lambert", they had watched millions of their kind die in their own eyes, so to be brought to the god of life themselves after being beheaded is a shock to them.
You were so different than the four cruel bishops that shed the blood off of Lambert, your realm giving off a warm and comforting aura to their mind and soul as they stand up and looked up at you.
You had your back turned against the little lamb, still grieving from the memory of your elder exiled brethren.  The lamb heard your soft cries, out of concern, they call out to you.
"M-My highnesty...I-I have been brought to your realm instead of the dead, m-may I ask why..?" Lambert stuttered out, though you were quite comforting to look at, you were still a god nonetheless.  This is when you took notice of the lamb's presence and turned to look at them, sapphire blue tears running down your face, the lamb senses that you must be upset. they started thinking of a response, slightly sweating as you had been staring at them with no answer to speak with.
are you as shocked as them? were you wanting to gaze upon them to warn them that they shouldn't be here? please answer, your highnesty!
The Lamb was then snapped out of their thoughts as you spoke in such a soft and gentle tone, "Lamb of mine...do you know how it feels to grieve over your broken family...? to grieve over a family that used to be alive...? still alive, yes...yet dead at the same time..." 
Lambert was shocked when you had softly uttered out your words. they feel a sting of heartbreak and loss in their heart as they now realize that you were possibly talking of the other bishops that sacrificed them. Of course you were close with them, you were their equal after all, how could you not be close to the bishops you once knew? 
they now understand why you had been weeping so silently
The lamb kneeled down on one knee, putting their hands together to offer their prayers. "I offer my prayers to you, My Highnesty....I understand how it feels to lose a family..." they spoke out to the bishop as they looked at the lamb back.
"How curious...you used to be...your kind was my creation to begin with...little flock of clouds jumping and singing and praising.." you muttered softly to the lamb as you kneeled down before them, they slowly stood up as they looked back at you with sympathy and understanding shown in their eyes.
'how awful, the god of life must feel...to see my kind be sacrificed...I must be the last of their own creation...' the lamb thought sadly as you tenderly picked up the Lamb.  Lambert was surprised for a second before understanding what you were doing, so they relaxed in your warm touch. you were so careful and tender, how could your brethren sacrifice such thing as your own creation..?
"little Lambert, you must have heard of the prophecy, yes?" you questioned, Lambert nodded, unfazed by how you knew their name.
"then I must make a deal with you, for the reversal of your death, you must help me reunite my family....I will give you a special item that will help you along the way." you requested the lamb as you summoned a staff, it glides itself over to Lambert who held it dearly and stared at the staff with amazement:
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The jade gemstone in the center gleamed brightly but not to the point the Lamb had to avert their eyes upon eye contact, much rather, it was quite the sight to see for their sight. 
the lamb kneels down, a smile upon their face. "I will do my best to fulfill your quest, my highnesty"
"Very well...if you would like to look to me for advice, please call upon my name and I shall guide you to your path..Now go, create a cult under my name and the power of the staff shall grow within you" you tell the lamb, they nodded before being sent off to the living realm once more.
Lambert woke up, those who stayed in the sacrificial chambers were alerted and shocked to see that they have been reversed of death, they saw the jade staff given to you and prepare their weapons.  Your voice is heard by the lamb, but it is not heard by the ones who are ready to attack.
"Hurry, Little Lambert! we must escape these chambers!" your voice called out, the jade shone brightly, blinding those who looked at it for a moment, the lamb takes this an opportunity to run. their legs moved, moved as fast as they can take Lambert to, out and away from the sacrificial chambers of the damned.
Once they were out and sure that they were not followed, the lamb sighed of relief and sat down nearby a tree under the shades. it was quiet for a moment before they looked around and stared at the jade gemstone, they whispered your name, wanting to hear your voice for guidance.
"I am here, Little Lambert. what is it that you need?" you answer to their call, they pondered for a moment before asking their question. "How do I start a cult?" they told their question
silence filled the air, the lamb was confused before-
"It is quite simple, really" a voice spoke beside them, Lambert yelped a bit, quite jumped before turning and seeing you, in a form much like theirs.
"Come, let me teach you how to lead a cult, I shall take role of co-leader for now" you tell them with a warm smile upon your face. they smiled back and stood up, approaching towards you as they held the staff you gifted them with a tender grip.  You can tell that the lamb is quite excited to see you and start a cult with you personally, it's new to them, so they felt a bit nervous
"I'd love to! where do we start?" 
mention: @aspen-ex
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Prestige Class Spotlight 12: Arclord of Nex
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(art by Lesly-oh on DeviantArt)
There are plenty of prestige classes that represent powerful mages that specialize in certain aspects of magic. Heck, the archmage and red wizard prestige classes from 3.5 were perfect examples of this, but the fun thing about Pathfinder is how they tie these specializations into the lore.
In today’s case, we have the Arclord of Nex prestige class, but since this is the first time we’ve really talked about the nation of Nex on the blog, some background is needed.
So several centuries ago, the wizard Nex, whom has a classic rags to riches story starting in the streets and becoming one of the most powerful mages of his generation and possibly the history of Golarion, founded a nation that shared his name.
However, his next door neighbor was a fellow powerful mage, the necromancer Geb, who got the same idea, founding a magical nation that he named after himself. For a while, the two were contemporaries, friends, even. But you can’t have two egos that big in the room without them trying to one-up each other constantly, and an unhealthy rivalry like that can only escalate to blows, except the fists were armies and landscape-devastating spells, leaving a massive tract of land between the two nations (and frankly, most of the nation of Nex) devastated, Geb was dead but risen as a ghost, and Nex the wizard was… gone. Apparently vanished into his private demiplane.
Finally, the arclords of Nex, the focus on this entry, really come into the picture. Originally the retinue and servants of Nex himself, these mages rose to power after he vanished, and promptly fucked things up royally, many getting exiled for their deeds, while the rest actually learned what it takes to rule a nation, and spend their times pouring over the journals and works of their missing master hoping to glean secrets from them.
Whether they reside in Nex or are one of those exiles, the modern arclords seek to spread their influence and improve the world with magic, not just to improve the quality of life of others by making magic accessible, but also to set their nation up as the primary source of magic in the world.
However, these mages are not just seeking political power, they also master many cultural magics of their nation, including some invented by Nex himself. If you are looking for a crafter of magical wonders and one that seeks greater understanding of wizardry, you can do a lot worse than this path.
In order to become an arclord, these mages must master the art of crafting magical objects and constructs, as well as creating the “third eye” sensor that arclords are known for. Additionally, they must be able to cast arcane sight and have a basic mastery of all schools of magic, including those that would be forbidden schools for them. Finally, they must have access to the arcane school magic, either being a universalist, or being a school specialist.
In other words, this prestige class is pretty much exclusive to the wizard and arcanist classes, and the latter only if they take the school savant archetype. Even with those limitations, there is plenty of room for variety.
Having had one of the best possible educations in wizardry, these noble mages can learn spells and build magic items with surprising ease.
Additionally, these mages learn to use their third eye more often, and can not just use it for divination enhancement and enhanced senses, but also to ground themselves and enhance the power of nearby casters as well.
By expending a bit of power reserved for their least school power, these mages can repair objects and constructs with a touch, or deal damage to the same.
They also learn a second school specialization, though they must expend the same power as their original lesser school ability at a lossy rate to use that second power.
They also learn to build constructs in half the time, and improve the duration or amount of their spells that create semi-permanent matter.
As they delve deeper into the secrets of Nex’s notes, these mages learn to funnel power from their least school power into their third eye, piercing invisibility, seeing and comprehending magical auras, or both.
They also learn some of Nex’s secrets involving other planes, doubling the duration of spells that create extradimensional spaces or demiplanes, or those that involve crossing the border to the Ethereal Plane.
Nex was also known for having many magical servants. As such, powerful arclords learn to call forth their servants, be they familiars, companions, eidolons, bound outsiders, constructs they created, or even those they have bound with enchantments. They do this by sacrificing energy meant for their spells, though the higher the spell slot they use, the further from them they can call forth their servants to aid them, up to from anywhere in the cosmos if a 9th level slot is used.
The most powerful of them fully learn how to empower their third eye, pouring even more magic into the magical construct to briefly gain truly powerful arcane sight, pierce all illusions and shapeshifting, or both.
With it’s focus on the third eye ability, this prestige class certainly has a heavy divination and information gathering focus, but it also has elements of conjuration empowerment, better crafting for constructs and items (a rarity), and so on. A nice thematic grab-bag of tricks and treats that anyone can get behind. Is this archetype always for everybody? No. But it certainly can be tempting for a wizard that wants to do a little bit of everything. The fact you can choose to still be specialized and get two schools is also nice.
This archetype is a perfect example of how mages may look like in a magical utopia when able to focus on great works and enlightenment… Only, Nex isn’t a utopia at all. It’s a flesh monster riddled wasteland with it’s major cities, which are utterly devoted to researching arcane works with dubious effects on the environment, as the only oases of wholesome life to be found, bottled up and cultivated like a bonsai tree. If you don’t know magic, you might as well not exist in their society. Will your would-be arclord succumb to the same sort of arrogance and hubris, regardless of setting?
The arcane sanctum of the wizard Elginon is an extradimensional fortress, but contrary to popular belief, he did not build it. Instead, this demiplane was created by the xiomorns, the insectile elemental vault builders. Though the wizard moved in, the site was never truly abandoned, and now, a decade after his death, the xiomorns have arrived to reclaim it… at the same time the party gained access to search for a forgotten secret.
The deep ones are not usually known for their wizardry, being devotees of the various elder gods. However, the hybrid known as Brannic Deepcastle is an exception, seeking to understand where he has come from through the science of the arcane. His desire for knowledge leads him to the realms of the Mad God of Magic, which may prove too much even for an elder mythos being like himself.
In the cosmos of Alvati, the planes are arranged as great cosmic spheres that rotate in a slow, eternal dance. One such sphere is the nation of Acumen, an artificial heavenly body where wizards rule and delve into arcane mysteries in peace. However, some tasks are beyond even them, and they occasionally open portals to planes or worlds to pillage them for their resources.
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markrosewater · 2 years
I have always been curious about Feldon of the Third Path - his effect doesn’t seem strictly Red, and many similar cards exile their tokens instead of sacrificing them. I know there has been some changes to the colour pie’s jurisdiction since the card was printed, is Feldon of the Third Path still mono-red or does his ability infringe on another colour?
We let red get items out of the graveyard for one turn which is the space Feldon is playing in.
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