#Pat celebi
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liviavanrouge · 5 months ago
Ease pt 3 of Missing
Drayton: *Sits in the polar biome, holding Dynasty's Axew in his lap*
Axew: Xew...
Drayton: I can't believe she's-
???: Bi....
Celebi: *Stares at Drayton, hovering in place*
Drayton: *Gasps and jumps up, Axew in his arms* Where's my sister!? Where did you take her!
Celebi: *Flies close and places it's hand on his shoulder*
Drayton: *Stares with wide eyes, looning directly at Dynasty*
Dynasty: *Narrows her eyes, standing confidently with her fists clenched. Her hair cut reaching just past her chin*
Snivy: *Throws himself onto his head, spinning rapidly as leaves surrounded his tail, swinging the tornado around and bringing it down on the Pyroar*
Snivy: *Launches himself up, vines appearing and wrapping around Pyroar, sending the fire type flying*
Dynasty: *Trembles then falls to her knees, letting out a relieved sigh*
Snivy: *Gently pats her arm, giving her an encouraging smile* Vi!
Dynasty: *Giggles, beaming* Yeah, we did it, Snivy!
Drayton: *Stares with wide eyes, Axew looking up at him*
Celebi: *Moves it's hand away, looking at him* Bi..
Drayton: ....did you take her...because of me..
Celebi: *Nods*
Drayton: *Looks down at Axew* I was too overbearing, wasn't I? I've been too caught up in what I think would make her happy, I never thought much about her thoughts...
Celebi: *Nods again*
Drayton: ....can you take Axew to her, so..I can feel more at ease
Celebi: *Nods, floating Axew up to it*
Drayton: Will I see Dynasty ever again?
Celebi: *Nods, giving Drayton a promising smile*
Drayton: Alright...
Celebi: *Turns and flies away with Axew*
Drayton: *Watches Celebi go, then looks down*
???: I came too late I see..
Amethio: *Comes up beside Drayton* She's not coming home for awhile...
Drayton: Surprised that you're here...
Amethio: *Nods then turns and walks away* I hope she comes home quickly
Drayton: Agreed..
Alisa: Hey Drayton!!
Kieran: The police might've-
Drayton: We can call off the search....
Carmine: Wait what!? Don't tell me you've given up-
Drayton: She's been taken somewhere else, where I won't hinder her growth..
Drayton: She has a very reliable Snivy with her and Axew is being taken to her by Celebi...
Drayton: All I can do now...is wait..
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aurasoulhikari · 2 years ago
PMD Hero and Partner Week Day 2: Flowers
Day 2 of Hero and Partner Week! So today the topics were homes, flowers, and favorite scenes. Now this one I had a hard time picking which one to do cause I had a lot of ideas. But then I remembered Sky Peak from Explorers of Sky and it hit me! So today this will be of my Explorers of Sky OC team, Team Truth that consists of Hero Aura the Riolu, partner Blazer the Chimchar, and their third member and friend Amu the Skitty. But this will only have Aura with a few familiar faces.
“Come on guys, we're almost there!”
“That's what you said last time!”
“Well this time I mean it!” Aura was grinning standing on Sky Peak Summit Path behind her were.
“Oh come on Luna it's not that bad.” Celebi smiled.
“Celebi you and Dusknoir can't talk, you can fly and he can float!” Luna the shiny Umbreon pouted.
“You never complained when we did this kind of climbing back in the future.” Grovyle smirked.
“We never climbed these big mountains, Grovyle!” Luna countered. Aura snickered at the usual teasing bickering before looking to Dusknoir.
“I still can't believe you never came here even though you've been here as long as me.” She remarked.
“At the time the mountain and even Shaymin Village was closed off from outsiders. I had only heard stories about it.” Dusknoir admitted.
“Ah well you’ll be in luck to see the top.” Aura grinned. “It just has to be my most favorite spot ever.”
“All the more reason to see it ourselves.” Grovyle remarked, patting his friend’s back. Aura smiled; she had been eternally grateful her old friends were here with her and grateful her teammates gave her this time to spend some time with her friends and getting to know Dusknoir. Soon though they finally reached the summit Luna flopped on the ground with a groan.
“Finally!” She gasped.
“Wasn't so bad.” Celebi smiled, giggling at the glare she got from Luna. Grovyle chuckled but then took notice of the pink flowers that were in bloom around them.
“These are…” He began.
“Gracidea Flowers.” Aura answered with a smile. “Special flowers that only bloom up here on Sky Peak. Shaymins like Shay use them to change to their sky form but you also give a bouquet of these to those you are grateful to as thanks since it looks like Shaymin the Gratitude pokemon.”
“Oh how lovely.” Celebi smiled.
“It is a wonderful custom.” Dusknoir agreed.
“Heh glad you think so but that isn't the only thing I wanted to show you.” Aura grinned. “Come on and you'll see the true treasure of Sky Peak.”
Curious, the future pokemon followed Aura until standing at the summit lookout as she smiled.
“Now start forward and look up.” She told them. They did so and they gasped awed and breathless by the enchanted and beautiful view of Sky Peak from the pure blue sky to be even able to see the bright and colorful stars from above.
“Oh my….” Luna breathed.
“Amazing…” Grovyle whispered.
“Beautiful…” Celebi gasped softly.
“No doubt if we had been in that future we would never be able to witness this.” Aura replied with a serene smile. “That's why after your return this was the very first place I wanted to show you guys.”
Aura then heard choked sounds and glanced to see Dusknoir staring at the view with tears in his one eye holding in sobs. But as the emanating pokemon Aura could sense all the emotions he was feeling. Awe, wonder, joy, pain, and so much guilt. Guilt that he had been part of a tragedy that would've taken something like this away. Grovyle had told Aura what had happened after he and Luna took Dusknoir back to the future with them and what Dusknoir was going through. In ways Aura understood Dusknoir’s reasonings and fears despite not having anything, to just disappear would frighten anyone. Survival was a natural instinct hence why she never truly held any grudges from the wild pokemon of the future and that included Dusknoir as well.
She chose not to say anything and only patted Dusknoir’s back for he wasn't alone anymore now. And now he didn’t need to feel ashamed for wanting to be alive. A feeling she knew all too well after once thinking she had been the only survivor of that dark future. Then Aura felt a tap on her shoulder making her look to see Celebi smiling, holding out a Gracidea flower to her much to the human- turned Riolu’s surprise. Then she saw Grovyle do the same, then Luna, and even Dusknoir. Surprised for a moment Aura smiled, taking each flower from them she held her own small bouquet of Gracidea flowers while they all stood silently with smiles watching the treasured view of Sky Peak.
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delightfuldevin · 11 months ago
Pokemon Battle Frontier: The Green Guardian
(Except Ash and his friends don’t exist and are replaced by my self insert)
The origin story for my Pokemon self insert and his partner Fairy the Celebi. Basically that episode of the anime, but rewritten so that I take the place of Ash and his friends.
Author’s Note: I go by they/he pronouns, but since this takes place before I transition, I use she/her pronouns for my s/i. Also her name is shown as [—]. Shoutouts to @kakusu-shipping this one’s for you bestie <3
The portal closes behind her and her eyes adjust to her new surroundings. All around her are trees and giant spiky vines. It's certainly the strangest forest she's ever seen. She reaches out to touch one of the vines. It's nearly as hard as a rock, and it's thicker than her entire body.
Well, she can't stay here, so she starts walking, weaving around the giant vines as best as she can and avoiding their spikes. They seem to go on forever, as does the forest itself. Surely there must be other people somewhere.
After walking for a few minutes, she realizes that the vines are getting closer and closer together, making it harder to weave around them. They all seem to be coming from a common source, and this is it. The closer she gets, the thicker the vines get. She gets down on her belly and scoots under one last vine, and behind it, she finds an odd little creature lying on its belly on the ground.
The creature is green with wings and antennae. It's about the size of a baby, and at first, it freaks her out and she stumbles back. But then, she realizes the creature is hurt, covered in scratches and breathing really slow. Cautiously, she crawls up to it and gently puts her hand out to touch its large bulb-shaped head.
"H-hey... Are you okay...?" she asks, though she doesn't expect the creature to be able to answer. It flinches at her touch, one of its eyes opening slightly.
"Bi...?" it replies, then immediately passes out again. Retracting her hand to her chest, she ponders for a moment. She doesn't know what to do or how to help it, but she doesn't want to just leave it here.
She looks around in the immediate area and finds some berry bushes nearby. She collects a few and brings them back, offering them to the creature. "Hey, it's me again," she whispers to it, gently patting it to wake it up. "You should eat. Do you like these?"
It opens its eye again and tries to reach for one of the berries, but its arm falls back to the ground. Hesitating just for a moment, she picks the creature up and cradles it in her arms, then tries to offer it a berry again. Both of its eyes open and it takes the berry, putting it into its mouth and chewing slowly.
After eating the berry, the creature already seems to get better, a few of its cuts healing. Even its breathing gets better. "That sure helped, didn't it?" It looks up at her and smiles, then curls up on her and closes its eyes again. "You're still pretty weak, though. I should get you out of here. Maybe I can find a vet who can help you."
Still cradling the creature in her arms, she stands up and starts weaving through the vines again. She had only wanted to find a way out of this weird forest, but now she has another reason to get out as quickly as possible. She doesn't get very far, though, before a blue-haired woman suddenly appears, slashing through vines with the help of a group of hairy creatures with long claws.
"Oh, hey, you found it!" the woman exclaims excitedly. Another small creature runs up from beside the woman, calling out "Plus! Plus!" Startled, the girl takes a few steps back, hugging the green creature closer against her chest. "Don't be scared, I won't hurt it. I'm here to help."
"Wh-who are you?" she asks in the most demanding tone she can muster.
"My name is Solana." The woman gestures to the small creature beside her. "And this is my partner, Plusle. I'm a Pokemon Ranger." Solana speaks gently, giving the girl a soft smile. "Can you tell me your name?" The girl pauses and thinks to herself.
"What's... a Pokemon Ranger...?" she finally asks. Solana is patient with her, still smiling and trying her best not to make her uncomfortable.
"I protect Pokemon, like that one you're holding." The girl looks at the hairy clawed creatures behind Solana, Plusle who stands beside them, and then down at the creature in her arms. Pokemon... "That one is a Celebi. Have you heard of it?" Solana continues.
"N-no..." She doesn't bother telling the ranger that she hadn't even heard the word "Pokemon" until just now.
"Celebi is a very rare and special Pokemon, and bad people could come after it while it's weak like this. You have to come with me so we can help it get better and keep it safe. Can you do that?" Her eyes are still on the cre—the Celebi—in her arms. Then, she looks up at Solana. She wants to help it, and the ranger definitely knows more about this than she does.
"Okay. My name is [—]."
"Great! Let's go, then! There's a city nearby with a Pokemon Center. I can administer some first aid care to it now, but we'll need to go there to treat it fully." As she follows Solana, she asks her a few questions about Pokemon. The ranger doesn't seem surprised with how little she knows, maybe because she's a kid. Pokemon are creatures with incredible powers that live all over the world in unison with humans. Celebi and Plusle are just two of hundreds of different kinds.
"Celebi is a time traveler, protecting forests of the past, present, and future. It might've gotten into some kind of trouble in a different time period and used the last of its power to travel here to save itself," Solana continues. As they finally reach the edge of the forest, some tall buildings come into view. "Ah, there we go! Fuchsia City!"
As they exit the forest, the girl turns around and notices the giant vines start to disappear one by one. "The vines..." she whispers in awe. Now she understands. Celebi must've created those vines to protect itself while it was weak, but now that it's left the forest, there's no reason for the vines to remain. Celebi truly is an incredible Pokemon.
She resumes following Solana to Fuchsia City, but they both stop in their tracks as a giant robot appears coming toward them. "What is that?!" the girl cries out in surprise.
"Remember the 'bad people' I mentioned?" Solana groans back as an answer. "Plusle, get ready!" she calls, and her partner replies with a "Plu!"
"Oh great, a Pokemon Ranger..." one of the grunts mumble, and it's then that the girl realizes that there are two people inside the robot, both wearing uniforms with a big red R on the front. "You know what we came for, so hand it over!"
"I don't know how you found out Celebi was here, but you're not getting it!" Solana yells back. As she and Plusle engage in battle with the robot, the girl starts running.
"It's okay," she whispers to the Celebi as it slowly opens its eyes. "I'll keep you safe."
"Cele..." it mumbles back, worry in its big blue eyes.
"You're not going anywhere!" the other grunt calls from inside the robot. He pushes a button and a long claw shoots out from the robot's hand, pursuing the girl. She throws Celebi just as the claw grabs her. Floating in the air with its little bit of strength, Celebi calls out to her. "Damn it, I got the kid instead of the Celebi."
"It's alright," the first grunt says. "We'll use her as a bargaining chip. You hear that, Ranger?! Give us Celebi, or the kid's getting crushed!" To show they aren't bluffing, the robot grabs the girl in both hands and closes its claws around her. She whimpers, but doesn't cry out, trying to keep a brave face.
"Damn! Plusle, hold off your attack! We don't wanna hurt [—]," Solana calls. Plusle looks up at the girl with worry, then angrily stares at the robot, waiting for the chance to attack again.
"Clock's ticking, Ranger. We don't have all day," the grunt taunts, making the robot squeeze tighter.
Finally, the girl can't take it any longer, her fear taking over her as tears prick her eyes. "Help! Get me out of here!"
When Celebi hears her scream, a sudden burst of power returns to it. It summons a telekinetic wave that attacks the robot, severing its arms. The claws fall to the ground and Solana rushes to pry them open. Once the girl is out, Celebi sighs with relief, then passes out again, falling from the air. She runs over to catch it, holding it close to her like before.
"You were still so weak, but you used the little power you had to save me... Thank you." Solana looks over at the two of them, then back at what's left of the robot.
"Thanks, Celebi. Plusle and I can take it from here. Right, Plusle?" She looks down at her partner. Plusle charges up electricity in its cheeks, smiling deviously.
"What just happened...?" one of the grunts mutters as the two of them recover from the shock of Celebi's attack.
"Oh crap!" the other yells as Solana and Plusle rush in to attack. It doesn't take long at all for Solana to send them running. After all the commotion, she's finally able to call in backup for the disposal of the robot parts.
Walking up to the girl, Solana puts a hand on her shoulder. "You were so brave today. Thank you for helping me defend Celebi."
"I should be thanking you," she replies with a smile. "You and Plusle did all the heavy lifting."
"You should take it to the Pokemon Center in Fuchsia City now. The other Rangers and I can handle the clean up." She nods and starts heading to the city.
"Bye, Solana! Thank you for everything!" Waving back to Solana behind her back, she quickly travels the last bit of the route to get into Fuchsia City.
Though she finally arrived in a human city, she doesn't let herself get distracted, hurrying to the building labeled Pokemon Center. She rushes inside and finds a lady behind a counter.
"Hi! Welcome to the Pokemon Center. Here, we can heal your injured Pokemon to full health. Would you like to heal your Pokemon?"
"Yes, please! This Celebi needs to be healed quickly!" the girl exclaims, holding the Pokemon out to the nurse.
"A Celebi! How rare! May I?" The nurse takes the Celebi and turns around. The girl starts to panic when she notices the machine the nurse puts Celebi on.
"W-wait! What's that thing?! What does it do?!"
"It's alright. Watch." The machine blinks a few times, letting out a little chime. Then, quite suddenly, Celebi rises from the machine looking completely healed. All of its injuries are gone and it seems to be full of energy. Happily, it flies over to the girl, latching to her neck. She giggles as she pats its head. "See? Your partner's as good as new!"
She pauses when the nurse says that. Partners? Solana and her Plusle are partners. Best friends who work together and take care of each other. Sure, she helped save Celebi, and Celebi saved her, too. But, they don't have that kind of bond... Celebi is a wild Pokemon... "O-oh, no, Celebi isn't my partner. I just found it and came to get it healed..."
"Oh, well then, now you can release it back into the wild! It's completely healed now, so you don't have to worry!" the nurse replies.
"Yeah, thank you..." The girl sighs as she leaves the Pokemon Center. She should be happy, and she is, but she can't help her sudden feeling of loneliness. Even after learning from Solana about humans having Pokemon companions, she never expected Celebi to become her partner. After all, she just wanted to help it get better. That's it. Now that that's done, there's no reason for Celebi to stay with her.
She stops at the edge of Fuchsia City and Celebi, who was flying beside her, comes to float in front of her so that they're face to face. "So... I guess this is it, huh? Stay out of trouble okay? I might not be there to help you next time..." She would be if she could.
Celebi doesn't say anything in response. It floats closer to her, pressing its forehead against hers. She smiles and pats its head again, stroking the soft tip. "You should get going now. I'm sure you have somewhere, or I guess some when, you need to be."
Still, Celebi lingers, and it gets harder and harder for her to say goodbye. She turns away from it, and finally, Celebi rises higher into the sky, emanating a bright green glow. In seconds, it's gone, probably in some other time already. She sighs, blinking away the sharp sting in her eyes. Maybe she doesn't need a Pokemon partner anyway...
She doesn't know where she'll go next. Maybe she'll just explore the area around here. She is still new to all this Pokemon stuff, so it could be nice to learn some more about them. But, before she can even take a single step, she hears a woosh! and a bright light flashes behind her, the sound of a tranquil bell filling the air.
"Bi!" She gasps and turns around when she hears that familiar little chirp, a bright smile on her face.
"Celebi?! You're back! B-but, why... what're you..." She trails off when she notices the little green and white sphere in its hands. The only ones she's seen so far have been red and white, but still she recognizes the object immediately. "A Pokeball...?"
From what she learned from Solana, Pokemon who partner with humans are captured in Pokeballs. Pokemon who don't have Pokeballs are wild and can be captured by other people. So...
"You want to be my partner...?" Celebi smiles and puts the ball in her hands. She presses the little button in the center, and the ball activates, getting about twice as big as it was. Still smiling, Celebi touches the activated Pokeball and is absorbed inside. She gasps as the ball wiggles a few times, then locks. Immediately, she lets it back out and Celebi is back floating in front of her again.
Giggling, it latches onto her neck again and she wraps her arms around it, spinning happily. "So, you're really my partner now aren't you? Can I give you a name? How about... Fairy?"
"Hehe, I'll take that as a yes! Fairy it is then!" She hugs her new partner tightly. "I promise I'll always take care of you." And unbeknownst to her, Fairy makes the same promise back.
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pinkhairandpokemon · 1 year ago
Lotus stared into the image of her family reflected in the pool of time, her brother pacing around a few feet away as he tried to think of a different way out. Relying on Celebi seemed to be a bust- and night would set on the forest again soon enough. He would’ve really liked to get home before then.
After a few more long seconds of staring, Lotus stepped away from the pool with a heavy sigh. She looked down at the red Rotom-phone in her hand, turning it over to see the eyes glitching to life on the back.
She’d put the pieces together pretty quickly. This wasn’t her baba’s phone. Well, it was- just a version of it from the past. She’d had her suspicions ever since her brother retrieved it from that ditch a few days prior, what with the date on it being wrong, the photos being over a decade old, and the Rotom inside acting weirdly. But, after discovering Celebi, her belief that the forest had warped the device through time had been pretty cemented.
She stared into the eyes of the dazed Electric-type. She’d wondered why it hadn’t been all that responsive, her baba’s phone Rotom was normally very chatty. Maybe getting sent through time had messed with it’s mind somehow.
“You’re not…” she hesitated for a moment, bringing the phone closer to her face. “You’re not from this… part of time, are you.”
“U-U-User… Blake…?” The Rotom muttered in a static-y voice, eyes flickering like broken car lights. “When- when did you… Wheeeen did you grow your hair- hair- hair back out? And wa-wash out it’s- color- color- color?”
“I’m not ba-” Lotus sighed before correcting herself. It sounded so much like her baba’s Rotom, it was weird to think this one had no idea who she was. “…I’m not Blake.”
“Oh-!” The Rotom’s pupils flicked from side to side. “My- my- my- my apologiezzzzz…! I-I seem to be experiencing- experiencing some malfUnCtIoNs!” Lotus had to stifle a giggle at the funny way its robotic voice warped as it spoke. “Can youuuuuuu please return me to my owner so they- they- they can repair me?”
“We’ll get you back to your right owner, don’t worry,” she said, giving the Rotom phone’s case a comforting pat. “And then we’ll find out where our baba’s phone went.”
“If Celebi will learn to cooperate, that is…” she grumbled, gaze falling to her feet, like she felt as though the chances of that were slim.
Unbeknownst to her or her brother, the little mythical Pokémon had been watching, hidden in the canopy the whole time. It had seen the way the girl had peered longingly into the time pool- watching the replayed memories of her family with a heavy sadness. Seeing that… had caused a change in the little Dragon-type’s heart.
It, too, once had a family long ago- its own swarm of its past, future, and alternate timeline selves- it once had a place and a sense of belonging amongst them, until the tragic day it was forcibly separated from them. When an injury from a storm caused irreversible damage to its powers of manipulating time’s flow, and it lost control of those abilities, making it unwillingly warp and corrupt time wherever it roamed. Even if it could find its swarm, it’d never be welcomed back in this state…
It had found a sense of family with the ancient Pokémon it’d summoned to its domain over the years, though, and had hoped its new mortal friends would become a part of it- it’d been many years since humans had entered the little god’s forest with benevolent intentions, after all. Most either feared it or wanted to capture it.
But… these kids had a home already waiting for them. Who am I to keep them from returning to their family, the Celebi realized. It’s a pain I know all too well, so why would subject them to it?
“Bwii…” The tiny god let out a remorseful chirp as it fluttered down from the canopy. Royce and Lotus turned in unison, eyes widening when they saw Celebi appear to them once more.
“Celebi!” Royce exclaimed, rushing over to Lotus’ side when it flitted down to greet her. “Um… are you feeling better? You’re not still upset with us, are you?”
“Bwibwi bwiiii,” the Pokémon chittered, nodding to Royce before turning back to Lotus with a look that said “I’m sorry”.
It extended its tiny, clawed paw out to the girl, giving her a reassuring chirp. Lotus’ gaze fell from its eyes to its hand, frowning contemplatively as she slowly raised her own.
Hesitantly, her finger brushed against Celebi’s palm- and she let out a small gasp when she felt something wash over her. A strange, indescribable connection to the little god before her formed, like a tether connecting their hearts. Her eyes flashed a bright yellow, and when she met Celebi’s, something inside her felt like she was staring into her reflection.
“Bwibwibwi!!!” Celebi cheered, doing a twirl of excitement.
“Celebi…!” Lotus marveled, a smile of awe lighting up her face. “I can understand you!”
“What?!” Royce exclaimed, staring at his younger sister with his mouth agape. “Seriously?!”
“Y-yeah!” She chuckled in reply, as if she could hardly believe it herself. “It says it’ll help us get back home…!”
“Bwiii!” Celebi spun back up into the air, making a gesture for the siblings to follow before darting off towards the trees.
“Come on, this way!” Lotus said as she grabbed her brother’s wrist, pulling him along without another word as she tailed after the mythical.
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prayers-to-hyliarceus · 11 months ago
The ground warps and opens beneath Zelda's feet, and there is nothing but oblivion for a fleeting moment before she wakes up again.
For a moment, she thinks she is back in one of the endless nightmares inside that dark and bloody cocoon again, and she cries out and covers her aching, pounding head with her arms. She doesn't want to wake up.
Then something shuffles in front of her and kicks a bit of sand on her hands. Zelda twitches, startled, and decides to peek through her shield of darkness. Sniffing her curiously appears to be some kind of... orange weasel?
She bolts upright, scaring the weasel that also notably has a forked tail away into the sea nearby. It's a beach. She is on a beach. And there is sand all over her body.
She blinks and dizzily hauls herself up, checking her hands to make sure there's no blood. And then, something flits in the corner of her eye and rustles the shrubbery.
Instinctively, Zelda grips her secret stone as she approaches the bush. She parts the leaves to reveal... what can best be described as a green fairy with an onion-like head, lying unconscious. Her secret stone suddenly flickers, and the fairy stirs. "Brriiii...?"
When it catches sight of her, it jumps into the air, startling both of them. But it notices the golden shine of the stone, and swoops down to poke curiously at it.
"Ah--" Zelda flinches back. "Don't you dare touch it."
The fairy tilts its head. It turns and casts a blue glow in the air in front of a rock, and a small portal suddenly appears. Zelda rushes over to inspect it, and her eyes widen before the sight in the little window-- a sea of waves crashing into a jutting boulder. "Is this...?"
"Bri," the fairy beckons towards Zelda's secret stone. After a beat of hesitation, she decides to demonstrate her amplified powers by tossing a pebble into the water and Recalling it to her hand. The fairy's eyes light up, and it flutters excitedly around Zelda. "Briri! Bii!"
"Hey-- Hey-- slow down," she laughs. "What... are you?"
The fairy stops and points to itself, slowly making a repeated noise. "Se le bi."
The fairy shakes its head with a giggle. "Ce. Le. Bi!"
Celebi nods. "Celebiiii!"
"It's nice to meet you, Celebi." Celebi beams and pats Zelda on the head, before tugging at her sleeve and pointing to the distant city. "What is it? Hold on-- hold on, where exactly am I? Do you know? Is this still Hyrule? It doesn't look like it--"
Celebi frowns. It shakes its head and brings a claw to Zelda's lips in a hushing motion, which somehow quiets her immediately. "Brriii," it trills lowly, slow-blinking, and Zelda's breathing calms.
"Okay. I have to take this a step at a time. Will... Will you help me, Celebi?"
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cyber-streak-2 · 2 years ago
Title: Reunion
{Based off of the Swap AU that @jsab-fujii and I have created together.}
Duskull stared. Hadn’t... hadn’t he just been-...? Hadn’t he and Treecko-...? How was he back...?
The two of them had disappeared—the two of them had died. It had been horrible—it had been frightening—but at least Treecko had been there with him during it all.
He could remember everything clearly that had happened, and where it had happened. This wasn’t where it had all taken place.
Duskull found himself on the beach. The beach where he and Treecko first appeared—the beach where the two of them liked to visit a lot—it was always nice and peaceful.
While this was great—not being dead was great—he wasn’t disappearing again—Duskull still had several questions.
Why was he back? How did he manage to come back—wasn’t what happened supposed to be forever? And...
...Where was Treecko?...
As Duskull looked around his surroundings a little further, he didn’t see anybody else around on the beach. It was just him. Where.. where was his friend...? Was it only himself who managed to return? Why? For what reason?
That... that wasn’t fair! If Duskull was allowed to return, he wanted Treecko to be able to return, too! Treecko was his best friend, and, if he wasn’t here... it wouldn’t be the same. He’d miss him.
He already did.
With or without his friend, Duskull didn’t know what he’d do. He could... maybe go to the Guild? Say hello to everybody that was there?
Maybe he could go say hello to Dialga or Celebi, or Prism and Styx? Although, he didn’t really know where any of them would be right now. Were any of them even here?
Styx had been from the future, too... she must’ve disappeared aswell. Was he going to stay like that? Would Styx and Treecko stay disappeared, while only Duskull had returned?
Still unsure on what he should do now, but not wanting to stay on the beach any longer, Duskull decided to leave.
...He didn’t get that far, though, before he noticed something from the corner of his eyes.
A golden light. He remembered that clearly. It had surrounded him and Treecko when the two were originally disappearing. Including when Duskull had returned a few moments ago.
What was happening...?
Curiously, Duskull stopped in his tracks, and turned around to look and see what exactly was happening.
He immediately gasped, and his eyes widened. A few feet away from him... as the light was disappearing, was a familiar grass type.
“T-Treecko...? TREECKO!” Duskull exclaimed—he could feel his eyes beginning to get watery. But, unlike last time, it wasn’t out of fear or sadness.
This time, it was from relief and and happiness. So much. He wasn’t the only one to have come back.
Treecko, who had started to check himself over and look at his surroundings, turned around just in time as Duskull got to his side, hugging him tightly.
The two of them almost fell over onto the sand, but Treecko managed to keep them both up.
He smiled, staring down at his friend, quickly returning the hug. “Hey, Duskull,” The Treecko pat his friend’s back, “I promised you everything would be alright.”
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krishgupt · 8 months ago
Ash Betrayed (Part - 16)
Daughter of Late Sir Aaron of the Adamite Clan and Queen Rin Irving I was Crown Princess Jehna, born after her father demised. At the tendering age of 5, she started showing her abilities. She was extremely smart and resourceful. She also started showing early signs of Aura Powers, much to the delight of Queen Rin. At a mere age of 6, various Noble Families, not only in the Eastern Regions, but also in western regions like in Kalos and Galar (Even the many business families of Unova) started sending gifts to her, all with the desire of gaining her hand in marriage. Her Looks, her abilities, her smartness, were even influencing Gods.
(All our in their Pokemon Forms)
“What are you looking at Palkia?” Dialga asked as she entered his regime, wanting to talk to her brother regarding something.
“Oh I was just looking Princess Jehna,” Palkia said with a creepy smile.
“She is 6 for mom’s sake brother, at least spare her!” Dialga said with a disgusted look.
“I am not going to anything right now……………………. But I was thinking! It hasn’t been a long time since we have taken birth as human right?” Palkia said with a smirk.
“I don’t like where you are taking this,” Dialga said with an angry look.
“You don’t get it, regardless, I am soon going to take birth in Javidite Clan Household, so I can win her hand in marriage and then,” Palkia said as he look at Princess Rin playing with her mother.
“You can’t just do that! We are suppose to take birth as Humans only when necessary! Not whenever we want!” Dialga tried to reasoned with her brother.
“Ok Fine Miss Perfect, what do you want from me?” Palkia said with a smirk.
In the Hall of Origin, everyone were waiting for Palkia so they can begin a meeting on some crucial God-Related Issues.
“Where is he!!!!!” Dialga shouted as she walked in circles.
“I am sure Dad will show up soon Aunt,” Solgaleo said.
“Yeah sure,” Celebi said.
“He is your Uncle Dear,” Dialga said to Celebi.
“Understood Mom,” Celebi said with an angry Nod. Suddenly, A Cosmog came in the Hall holding something.
“What are you doing here little guy?” Lunala said as came near the Cosmog, who gave her a piece of paper.
“What is this?” Lunala said as she read the thing.
“Dad is taking birth in a Javidite Clan Household to marry Princess Rin,” Lunala said in a nonchalant voice.
“WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!” Dialga shouted while Arceus just sighed.
“Well this can’t stop, let’s have this meeting afterwards,” Arceus said as she dismissed her court. Everyone left the court upset about wasted time.
“Mom! This is unacceptable!!!!!!” Dialga shouted,
“Dialga, you know your brother, and he always remains in stress, let him have a break,” Arceus said.
“Mom! He can’t just reincarnate on Earth! It will cause imbalance! I am already angry with him regarding Tauros Shit Horniness!!!! You know how many Human females he fu-” Dialga said before getting interrupted.
“Language,” Arceus said.
“Ahh! Mom! Call him back right now! If something happened, the Arks will be angry with us and you don’t want that, do you?” Dialga said.
“That is why he reincarnated to Earth to properly marry her, if he merely desired her body, he would have waited a few years,” Arceus said as Dialga lower head in defeat.
“Mom, I want permission to take birth on Earth,” Dialga said as Arceus Eyes widen in confusion.
“Now why you?” Arceus asked.
“Now that brother of mine has taken birth on Earth, I might as well go there too to ensure that at least he does something useful there to benefit humanity,” Dialga said.
“Very well dear,” Arceus said as Dialga turned to Celebi.
“Take Care of my work and other Celebis while I am gone, ok Princess?” Dialga said as she patted her eldest child, her eldest daughter’s head.
“Understood Mom,” Celebi said as Dialga disappeared to take birth in a Servile Household of the Rotan Royal Family.
“I was a playmate and study partner of Princess Jehna. My parents have gifted me the name ‘Akiko.’ Palkia took birth as the third born of Javidite Prince. Because of my divine abilities, gifted to me my mother, I was born extremely intelligence, while my brother, who was gifted the name Zeus, was born extremely strong. Obviously, we both were awaken and knew of our true existence. Whenever Princess Jehna left us alone, I would try to plan with him what is supposed to the be the goal of this birth, but he was busy flirting with Jehna who, much to my dismay, Enjoyed it,” Dialga said with a sighed as Ash and Ilene sat in front of her. Ilene had called Dialga to tell Ash the story.
“So Palkia, in the form of Zeus, married Princess Jehna and that blood runs in mine and Ilene’s veins?” Ash asked, still unable to believe Arceus blood flows in his veins.
“Well no, Palkia was the father of King Henry, but not of Queen Jessica and Prince Karl, who are your ancestors,” Dialga said with a sighed, knowing what is to come.
“Wait, so who is the father of Grandpa Karl and Grand Aunt Jessica?”” Ash asked.
“Well………………………………… That person is standing in front of You,” Dialga said as Ilene covered her ears, knowing what is to come.
“Oh ok,” Ash said as Ilene uncovered her ears, unable to believe Ash was able to take it so well.
“Ilene you might-” Dialga said as she was interrupted by Ash, whose mind just completed processing the new information.
“WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Ash shouted as he processed the new information but still didn’t comprehend it.
Me: Let Ash have his break down. Till then! Let’s see Which Political Party is ruling which region………………………. I am sucker for World Building don’t blame me
Kanto: Coalition of Big Centre Left, Environmentalist and Multiple Moderate Right, Liberal, Fiscally conservative Political Parties. President is Minori Olaf of the Yellow Alliance of Unionists (Big Centre Left Environmentalist and Pan Eastern Nationalist) (Kanot 3rd Female President)
Johto: Broad Right Wing Coalition with outside Support of Some Centralists and Far Right Radical, including one Freedom and Justice Party. The PM is Charles Alph of the People’s Unity Party (Big Centre Right, Fiscally and Socially Conservative, Pro Kantonian Party)
Hoenn: Anti-Establishment Rainbow Coalition between Moderate Right and Left Parties. There are around 10 members, 6 Moderate Right Parties and 4 Moderate Left Parties. The PM is Ark Yenagang of the Liberal Unionist Party (Liberal, Centre Right, Fiscally Conservative, Pro-Eastern Unionism)
Sinnoh: Grand Alliance of the Big Centre Left and Big Centre Right Parties. There is no PM or President since Head of State and/or Govt is not an elected Position. The Head of Govt and State is Pope Ark XX
Kitakami: Unholy Alliance of Far Right Cultural Chauvinist and Centre Left Authoritarians. The President (Also Prime Minister) is Ivan Peron  
Unova: The People’s Democrats are the ruling Party. They are Liberalist and Progressive. The President is Joseph Harris, who is also the Oldest Head of Govt in the World
Kalos: Currently in Middle of an Election
Alola: Hui Waiwai Kanaka (Meaning People’s Value Party) is the ruling party. They are Ultra Nationalist, Coservative and Xenophobic. The President is Aloha ‘ole Wau
Galar: Currently In middle of An Election
Paldea: Minority Coalition Govt of Mostly Leftist and Regionalist Parties. The Prime Minister is Pierre Sanzio of the Paldean Socialist Front (Big Centre Left Catch All Party)
Me: Now that Ash has calmed down, we can come back.
“So……………………. you are our Great Grand Father…………………… right?” Ash was extremely confused about the new development.
“Basically? Yes,” Dialga said.
“But were Biologically female in Akiko form?” Ash asked.
“Technically yes,” Dialga answered.
“So how did you and Prince Jehna……………………….. Like I don’t know the exact process but as much as I know Homosexual Couples can’t make babies…………………. Mom never told me why though,” Ash said.
“Well………………………. Ash you need to understand that I am a goddess……………… made my Arceus for that matter……………….. so I am, for lack of a better term, complete,” Dialga said.
“What do you mean by that?” Ash asked confused.
“I mean…………………. You and Ilene are incomplete, but I am complete,” Dialga tried to explain as Ilene tried to hold her laughter.
“I am sorry what way you are complete?” Ash asked, still confuse.
“*Sigh* Ilene I need you to give him ‘The Talk’ afterwards,” Dialga said.
“I am not corrupting my Innocent Ashy!” Ilene said as she hugged her brother.
“*Sighed* That is why I told Anne separating these two age this age will be a bad idea! Anyways! You have to! My order! Regardless! Coming back to my story, as We three grew up, our capabilities grew, Palkia in Apollo form became the Commander-In-Chief of Rotan Royal Army and I became the Prime Minister, first female PM to brag,” Dialga said with head held high.
“So how did you and Princess Jehna?” Ash asked.
“Well, as Time passed, mine and Jehna’s relationship grew and………………………… Well I am not proud of myself for that but I did find myself falling for Dear Jehna………………… She brilliant, turns out Princess Jehna also liked me,” Dialga said with a smile.
“So how did Princess Jehna and Apollo?” Ash asked.
“Well, you can say Jehna’s talents were not limited to the battlefield and the Court, she was more than capable of handling both me and Apollo and we both really liked her so……………………. I became her left hand and Palkia was her right,” Dialga explained.
“I don’t think I understood anything other than both of you were married to Princess Jehna,” Ash said.
“Yeah Basically,” Dialga said.
“Now I love to tell you stories about Jehna but I don’t have time for that, so I will have my leave, have a good day,” Dialga said as she disappeared.
“And that is why we have the title of ‘Descendent of Arceus’ *Sighed* Only if that title saved us from the Curse,” Ilene said as she looked down. Ash put a hand on her shoulder.
“Ilene, I know you deeply care about me, but we have to understand and face the facts! Ilene, without your support, I will not become a good Aura User! Thus, I want you to forget about the curse and focus complete on the relevant matters of today and future,” Ash said as Ilene eyes flooded and she hugged her brother.
“When did you became so big,” Ilene asked as Ash hugged her back.
One more chapter and then we will take the traditional betrayed formula…………………. Kind of
Previous: Ash Betrayed (Part - 15) – @krishgupt on Tumblr
Next: Ash Betrayed (Part - 17) – @krishgupt on Tumblr
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resonatingradiance · 11 months ago
[A video is posted, a caption edited by the current blog takeover-er.]
My work was done here but it was nice to talk to you, GOLD.
[The video is being taken from the bushes. A Zigzagoon paw in the frame, but more importantly is the voices of Elio and Gold and their mostly leafy covered faces too, but their voices are more clear. Hamburger being a good little Zigzagoon observer and as still as it can be.
“Oh, it’s you. Hello.” There’s a pleasant never changing smile on his face, you can note.
“Y-you! Gimme back my blog! That’s mean!”
“You can still post on it.”
“But- But it’s weird! I can tell you’re the same as me!”
“I’m really not.” Elio laughs like he’s heard a joke from a best friend, “You’re chronologically so much older than me. We work completely differently.”
“You know that’s not what I mean.” Gold shifts uncomfortably, hugging himself and pouting.
“No, no, I mean it that way too, GOLD. We’re from the same source- But you are fundamentally different.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Your mind.” Elio suddenly turns his head towards the camera, walking towards the bushes. You can see Gold in the background actually jump when his secret recording’s been spotted. Elio doesn’t seem angry, coaxing out Hamburger gently.
(That smile hasn’t faltered for a second. Like it’s permanently glued on. Yellow eyes make eye contact with the camera.)
“Hello, you’re their little friend, aren’t you? I knew you were here. Come on.” Elio scoops up the Zigzagoon in his arms. The camera feed glitches and resembles static for a moment, when it comes back it’s fixated on Gold’s face. A sweat drop rolling down his cheek.
“How’d you know he was hiding?”
“Oh, you. He was already kind of anomalous, reasons I can’t understand yet. I’d have to study it. But don’t worry. He’s been cloned—”
“Please let me finish. It isn’t scary. I didn’t replace your friend. I haven’t been able to save the ones here… It’s odd. But I don’t have a lot of research time. It was simply you that allowed me to do so.”
“N-no! What do you mean cloned?! What do you mean ‘I did?!’ You’re just saying things expecting me to understand!” Gold grits his teeth after yelling, visibly somewhat shaking.
Elio hands over the Zigzagoon, the perspective now shifting to his face. He covers that never ending polite smile with his fist as he tilts his head.
“…Strange. You don’t know?”
“…I don’t know what you’re talking about, that’s my entire problem with you!”
“Do you know why we have our thoughts and senses?”
“NO!!” Gold yells, nearly dropping Hamburger, which it doesn’t appreciate, yipping, “Because you’re not actually explaining anything!”
“…Do not say anything rhetorical. I got it. We were loved. That’s the only explanation, I’ve found. Sometimes that brings out… bad things. But you’re different. Your mind’s more different than usual. Your body is too. You’ve been active longer than me. But I’m guessing something happened to you when you were really new, and combined with the love we were given…” Elio trails off, his expression going sad, despite his smile’s still there, but his eyes look down at the ground and his eyebrows actually manage to knit together.
It lingers on awkwardly, like the silence between them.
“I cannot say what, but I do know- from a code perspective, I should say, you’re starting not to be. I can’t tell if it’s this world or it’s just naturally supernatural like you are. It’s not like you will be one hundred percent, that’s impossible given your origin, plus your palette is still glitched. But influence you have is starting to wane. I could barely reach the save where you did have Celebi. I had to get it from you!”
“I. Don’t. Know. What. You. Mean! Just tell me! You’re hurting my head!” Gold’s frustration continues, starting to trail off itself, “I don’t- I don’t-”
“Oh. I guess you’re protecting yourself. I’m sorry.” Elio pats Gold’s head as he starts to stare off to space, mumbling the incomprehensible. The camera moves to his face as the Zigzagoon’s head looks at him, having the camera in its mouth.
“You’re turning human.” Elio says, then giving a pet to Hamburger before turning his heel, “I should be on my way before my connection closes. I do want to see more of Johto though, maybe Kanto, so I’ll see you around, you three.”
The rest of the video is just a dissociation spell, before another part turns off the camera, but you don’t watch.]
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i-never-forgot · 9 months ago
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Eliana definitely does forget to eat. It's a side effect of her college days, being so busy studying and working at the same time. She never had a whole lot of time to stop to graduate, but even then she had the bad habit of delving so deeply into her work that she'd nearly pass out in the greenhouse/indoor arboretum before she remembered that a protein bar for breakfast wouldn't last her past noon as active as she stayed. This carried over into the dark future, too, especially since she prioritized Treecko eating first (it made more sense since he was already malnourished and still growing; he had to convince her sometimes to eat even they were running short, so sometimes they would take turns between meals). It's not until she joins the Guild that she gets into a schedule; having dinner at the same time every night provided helped significantly. This helps her fill out her lankier frame, since she's taller than the average Eevee. Lu worries about her when they're traveling a lot, especially after they graduate since they work a lot harder on their own jobs, so he often encourages her to take snack breaks. By the time of TPR she's had to adapt once again since Leafeons don't have to eat as much since they photosynthesize...but even then she's forgetful and wonders why she starts feeling funny and her leaves turn color (think fertilizer deficiencies like yellowing leaves/etc). Grovyle and Dusknoir hover enough to make up for it though. (Dusknoir...your wife is literally a walking, self-destructive house plant, my guy. Hope you have a green thumb.)
Lu would absolutely be oblivious. A couple of the apprentices have harmless crushes on him but he doesn't even notice. He's just so friendly with everyone and expects the same in return to a certain degree that the thought of someone flirting with him just flies right over his head. (I want to ship him with someone so bad but I have no idea who...maybe I need to start brainstorming a new OC...hmm...ideas are welcome. Maybe he ends up needing an assistant at the Guild...)
Honestly? I think Grovyle would be a pretty good artist, although I think he'd be more into sculpting like wood whittling or carpentry or smth, like @sincerely-sofie headcanons (if you don't mind me borrowing that idea, of course). I bet he'd make the most intricate little figurines and the prettiest tabletops/cutting boards/signs. I can maybe see him doing some sort of water color/paint pour-adjacent art style, too, sort of like tie-dying fabrics for various purposes. (He would never admit it but he sometimes bases the color schemes on his team. He doesn't have to though bc they can tell, they just respect his pride enough not to point it out lol)
Definitely canon! While Celebi can and will recall long-term things with relative ease, part of the reason she has to think about it a while is because...well, her long-term memory is very long. Sometimes it gives her a headache to concentrate on things too far back or forward in the timeline, even if it was something she personally experienced, so most of the time she lets her mind go. This gives her a sort of ditsy demeanor, but you'd best believe that she's got dirt on you from your childhood that you were sure no one else knows about. She's just nice enough most of the time not to pull it out of the hat (unless for good reason, of course).
This one...I'm not so sure. (I rerolled a few times bc they were irl-themed, and I stopped here bc it was smth I thought would be interesting to hypothesize). Like I've discussed before, I feel like Dusknoir would be very cautious and self-conscious about his touches after everything. But on the other hand, given enough time to heal and work through his problems, I can see him being a bit more casual in his affection (i.e. pats on the back, brief hugs, laying a hand on shoulders, etc). But full-on wrestling/tackling? That's reserved for Eliana only. He trusts her enough to tell him if he's being too rough, as well as how strong she is to hold her own. Not to the credit of the others, of course, since they're all very strong in their own right (and Celebi is more powerful than Eliana in the scope of abilities obviously, being a Legend), but he just feels more comfortable allowing himself to let the throttle loose more with her (sort of like their habit of playing cat and mouse). Eventually he'd start to pick on her for being so much smaller than him out of affection, like picking her up and tossing her around a bit. He'll scoop her up and start petting her like one would a cat and she'll try to wriggle out of his arms and he'll just keep catching her before she manages to jump back down. He thinks it's hilarious to rub her fur the wrong way, too, but by that point she's tired and has simply given up trying to escape him. The glares she gives anyone else with the audacity to laugh are hot enough to combust.
I found this site that generates you a random headcanon.... How about we do that: you enter the name of a character (or your OC!), post what you got, and then comment on how true do you think it is for them!
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Not true. That was very easy.
Who's next!!! @judejazza @mcwentfandomtraveling @sh0jun @lorei-writes @groovylita @queengiuliettafirstlady @scummy-writes @ludivineikewolf @yarnnerdally @yanderepuck @vioisgoinginsane @venulus @fang-and-feather @leonscape @writingwhimsey @foreverxdaydreaming @keithsandwich @verynormaluser
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pinkhairandpokemon · 1 year ago
[Attached: A video. The Rotom phone is floating while filming, following the kids as they walk down a narrow forest path, hand in hand and Laerosan Celebi flying beside them. The two chat, rambling excitedly about their recent adventure, but also how ready they are to go back home and see their parents again.
Celebi comes to a halt, stretching its arm out and motioning for them to wait. The little mythical chitters, before fluttering towards a bright light beaming up ahead and peering at something from behind a tree trunk.
“Bwi!” It exclaims joyfully, then looks back and beckons the siblings over. “Bwii bwibwibwi!”
“It says our house is right up ahead!” Lotus exclaims, smiling brightly at her brother before breaking into a sprint down the trail.
“Wait for me!” Royce laughs as he dashes after his sister, the Rotom phone following close behind.
They both arrive at the tree with Celebi, and up ahead, you can see a quaint little house sat on a hilltop, with an expansive yard stretching out behind it. Lotus places her hand on the trunk, staring up at the house for a few seconds before looking to Royce.
Her brother smiles widely when he sees the front door open, and you catch a glimpse of two adults walking out. The camera is angled to where you can’t see their faces, but you can hear a pair of voices talking in the distance. They sound worried, upset. One is a soft masculine voice, and the other… almost sounds like Blake…?
“BABA! DAD!” Royce cries out, running towards his parents without a beat of hesitation.
“R-Royce?!” The father’s voice calls out, and you hear the sound of the adults running down the hill towards him as Lotus grabs the Rotom phone out of the air.
The camera catches a view of Celebi as she hands it the phone. “You gotta go back in time and give this back to baba in the past,” she tells it, as the mythical carefully takes the device from her. “And if you can, do you think you can find where their actual phone is and bring it back to us?”
“Bwiiii!” Celebi chirps giving her a firm nod followed by a fanged smile. Lotus chuckles, and you see her hand pat the mythical on the head before you hear her run off to reunite with her family at last
Celebi glances at the camera one last time, trilling at it curiously. It sticks its tongue out cheekily, before turning off the video with a tap of its tiny claw.]
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prayers-to-hyliarceus · 11 months ago
[A video is attached. Rotom can be heard giggling as it types out some text on the video for Celebi to see:
["Your thoughts on this new development, O (Minor) God of Time?"]
Celebi huffs and crosses her arms, before patting a startled Zelda on the top of the head. Rotom helpfully translates, ["This one's mine, I adopted her first. You guys can't have her, Azelf."]
Rotom cackles at Celebi's uncharacteristic show of jealousy and ends the video.]
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gildead · 2 years ago
@thebananwithaplan asked:
"Imma let you finish with whatever is going on between you and the other guy you're threatening to turn into a banana in a bit, but can you.... NOT do that? Sounds like you think bad people deserve to be turned into bananas, and I, also a banana, don't know how to feel about that notion."
...Oh. Huh. You know, Mr. Bananana had a point here. Maybe Gold should explore other options before he made this situation more uncomfortable than it already was.
"Please, do not take what he says to heart." Celebi flies forward, patting the Banana on the shoulder with its single arm. "Most mortals cannot help but be shortsighted when it comes to others who are not like them. Besides, if it provides you any comfort, he cannot actually turn Proton into-"
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"...What about a tree-? Trees share h-half of our DNA too. Or a slug, or a fruit fly-"
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"You can't do that either."
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hostile-heros · 2 years ago
(Askcelebifamily) Pat@Connor: "I wonder though, don't you feel scared for the upcoming check up? I heard doctors or medic workers have scaryass medic tools. Eesh..."
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CONNOR: "The only thing that really sucks is getting blood tests. Something about getting the blood taken from me just spikes my anxiety sky high. That and dentists. Fuck going to the dentists I hate them being in my mouth."
( @askcelebifamily ft. @asksavel 's Antono and Notra )
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moddy-art · 3 years ago
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More onionshipping art (Characters are from @askcelebifamily)
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askcelebifamily · 3 years ago
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awellboiledicicle · 3 years ago
Going to, based on the tea time outfits in Masters, headcanon that Laventon returns to Galar at some point and meets a time travelling Emmet.
And promptly pulls him onto the first ship going back to Hisui.
Did he time travel normally? A wormhole? Dynamax bullshit?
Rn I'm imagining he was initially in Galar on a forced vacation, courtesy of Elesa-- aka a tournament with her that only the combined power of battle + trains sold him on. And mostly because people were less willing to challenge the train when he could jump between expertly beating them with no interest to beating them with extreme prejudice to feel something. Not that he wasnt working on it, being alone, it just hit him sometimes. Loss doesnt get easier, just easier to handle. Like playing a guitar without a pick hurts until you get callouses.
Anyway, galar. Emmet in the fancy hotel and listening to Elesa talk to trainers he would normally jump into convo with. But right then hes just not that interested.
And then he got... bored. Sometime before the tournament so he just kinda rode the trains a while before ending up wandering further. Ends up in the Slumbering Weld because he vaguely recalled Elesa mentioning that's where the current champion encountered the legendaries in the latest pokemon world danger.
And he basically had a good long cry at the shrine to the legendary dogs, because by then Sonia had gotten a plaque made telling the story and siblings got to him, ok.
If theres one dangerous thing to do in pokemon, its cry about wanting to go somewhere, before something happened, in a forest. Because canonically there are multiple celebi and they all operate on some level of fae rules because of course they do.
It, like most pokemon that can wander wherever and to whenever they choose though, is shit at aiming when it doesn't have directions. So it got the time right, patted itself on the back and took off.
He basically became the one jackass that would roll through the wildlands clearing the way for the railroad because the like three people on the crew-- which he joined bc rail people tend to only care if you can do shit-- that had pokemon used them to clear paths... of trees. Or as furnaces or to dig tunnels.
This headcanon also let's me imagine him getting a rolycoly and happily helping trouble shoot problems with the engines because he is, after all, an enthusiast. His realm may have been electric subway cars, but damn if he isnt yelling all aboard and pulling the whistle when the first trip gets made.
Also so the bois can go globe trotting in the past, together, and look at historical trains while they're new.
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