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Motilal Nehru Public School Celebrates Annual Prize Night
Students Honored for Exceptional Academic and Co-Curricular Achievements Motilal Nehru Public School (MNPS) held its Annual Prize Night for the high school on July 6th, with Parul, a diversity consultant, ADHD advocate, and public speaker, as the Chief Guest, and Anil Kumar Singh Harshana, a Tata Steel Graduate Trainee, as the Guest of Honour. JAMSHEDPUR – Motilal Nehru Public School celebrated…
#Academic Awards#Anil Kumar Singh Harshana#शिक्षा#co-curricular achievements#education#ICSE toppers#Jamshedpur education#MNPS Annual Prize Night#Motilal Nehru Public School#Parul#scholarships#Unity in Diversity
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Backflip in a saree by FITTR PT Coach Parul Arora https://newsinfitness.com/backflip-in-a-saree-by-fittr-pt-coach-parul-arora/
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ABCDarul femeilor!
Adolescenta, fetita de ieri, dupa ce si-a lasat jocurile cu papusa, incepe sa se studieze in oglinda, vrand sa fie cat mai frumoasa, cu o tinuta desavarsita. A fi tanar este minunat, dar frumusetea in plina evolutie trebuie cultivata si ingrijita, pregatind-o pe cea de mai tirziu. Este firesc, desigur, ca o tinara fata sa vrea sa-si mentina sau chiar sa-si mareasca frumusetea, fara a fi vanitoasa ori cocheta. Se stie ca timpul nu iarta si ca pielea nu va ramine toata viata intinsa, mata, catifelata. Cu cit ne vom neglija mai mult in tinerete, cu atit va fi mai greu mai tirziu cind cele mai bune metode ramin fara rezultat. Apare astfel necesitatea ca aceste ingrijiri sa constituie o preocupare si o deprindere inca din anii tineretii. In cele ce urmeaza va recomandam cateva mijloace de mentinere a sanatatii si frumusetii.
Gimnastica si sportul. Acordati cel putin 10 minute dimineata, pentru mladierea corpului.Gimnastica trebuie sa accentueze gratia, sa dea energie si vigoare. Exercitiile musculare influenteaza in bine si starea psihica, increderea in sine creste. Gimnastica zilnica trebuie sa constituie si o adevarata placere, nu numai o necesitate. I.Practicarea unor sporturi contribuie la calirea organismului, la mentinerea siluetei, la dezvoltarea armonioasa a corpului. 1) inotul: miscarea bratelor dezvolta musculatura pieptului, ajuta la calirea organismului si la tonifierea pielii datorita apei reci. Apa rece si in cantitate mare este unul dintre cele mai eficiente produse ^cosmetice, iar in combinatie cu inotul are efecte miraculoase. 2) Ciclismul: sport popular si accesibil este un excelent mijloc de miscare si deconectare. 3) Yoga este astazi foarte la moda. Pentru practicarea ei se vor consulta lucrarile de specialitate.
4) Executarea treburilor gospodaresti implica o serie de miscari care constituie pe un anumit plan si exercitii de gimnastica. Astfel, spalatul geamului este un exercitiu bun pentru muschii trunchiului si ai bratelor. Spalind alternativ cu mina stinga si dreapta, efectuam miscari in diferite directii. Maturatul antreneaza de asemenea musculatura trunchiului. Toate aceste exercitii casnice, vor da tinerei fete prilejul de a-si exersa in mod sistematic intregul organism.Daca vreti sa ramineti supla, cautati sa mentineti un echilibru al soldurilor, bustului, spatelui, gatului etc. 5)Mersul. Un mers frumos da totdeauna farmec si nu rareori se poate auzi exclamatia: „ce mers frumos sau „ce usurinta in miscari" etc. Evitati deci mersul cu capul aplecat, cu picioarele prea departate, cu corpul usor rasucit, cu miscarea prea energica a soldurilor si pasii mult prea mari. 6) Miscarea in aer liber este un prilej de aerisire a plaminilor, un antrenament usor pentru inima. De aceea se recomanda „iesirea de dimineata" pentru serviciu, facultate, scoala cu 20 de minute inainte pentru a parcurge o parte de drum pe jos.Pasul trebuie sa fie usor, elastic si destul de rapid nici prea mare, nici prea mic, adaptat la inaltimea corpului. Capul sus, umerii drepti, bratele libere, usor leganate. Nu folositi un singur brat pentru transportul pachetelor mai grele sau al cumparaturilor, caci vi se deformeaza silueta, intrucit unul din umeri va ramine mai ridicat, iar coloana vertebrala se va curba in directia celuilalt. Solicitati egal ambele brate. II.Sa nu uitam ingrijirea sanilor care reprezinta una din partile cele mai fragile ale corpului si care trebuie corijat, ameliorat, intarit, in scopul de a indeparta cauzele unei dezvoltari imperfecte. III.Mainile Dupa maini se poate recunoaste de la prima intilnire, daca tinara fata este cu adevarat ingrijita. Mainile o vor trada imediat, deci nu neglijati ingrijirea lor. IV.Picioarele sunt un factor important in frumusetea unei tinere fete.Dormiti punind o perna sub saltea, astfel ca picioarele sa fie usor ridicate.Piciorul plat care reprezinta o boltire necorespunzatoare a talpilor, poate fi remediat prin practicarea anumitor exercitii si prin incaltamintea adecvata.
Ingrijirea parului constituie un element important pentru mentinerea sanatatii acestuia. Tapatul zilnic al parului, fixativele, permanentele prea dese, au mai tir- ziu consecinte negative. Nu trebuie sa ne fie indiferent modul cum ne coafam. Alegerea coafurii sa fie facuta in raport cu forma obrazului si mai putin in functie de moda. Nu trebuie neglijata seboreea pielii capului, matreata sau o cadere anormala a parului. Vitalitatea firului de par se hotaraste in aceasta perioada. Medicul specialist va avea de apreciat ce masuri trebuie luate pentru a nu ajunge intr-o faza cind tratamentele nu mai au efec
Imbracamintea trebuie adaptata la imprejurari, anotimp, scop si momentul zilei. Simplitatea, curatenia si nu numai moda, trebuie sa fie deviza tineretii. Diferitele excentricitati trebuie excluse, iar adaptarea cerintelor modei sa fie facuta tinand seama de caracteristicile fiecarei persoane in parte. Toate articolele care constituie imbracamintea noastra se impune sa fie in concordanta cu fizicul nostru. Read the full article
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Some questions are more complicated than their answers could be.
Parul Wadhwa, The Masquerade
#quotes#Parul Wadhwa#The Masquerade#thepersonalwords#literature#life quotes#prose#lit#spilled ink#campus#delhi-life#life-quotes-and-sayings#quotes-about-life#quotes-to-live-by#the-masquerade#thought-provoking#thoughtfulness#thoughts-on-life
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god, Parul’s review of the newest Jenny Odell is so good (even though I wanted the Odell to be so good) (x)
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The Rise of Couture Designers in the USA
The world of fashion has always been about creativity, artistry, and innovation. In recent years the rise of couture designers in the USA has marked a significant shift in the world of fashion. These designers, skilled with vision and passion, are changing the meaning of luxury, setting new standards for craftsmanship and exclusivity.
It is not wrong if we say it is more than a trend; it is a movement reflecting the changing tastes and demands of today's market. Couture is no longer exclusive to Parisian ateliers. Today, American designers are making their mark by combining ancient techniques with contemporary flair to create masterpieces.
There is a rise in commitment to quality and individuality. Every couture designer (USA) approaches their craft with a dedication that goes beyond the ordinary. They understand that in a world flooded with fast fashion and changing trends there is a growing need for something unique and personal. This is where the luxury clothes designer steps in providing their styles that are painstakingly designed to represent the wearer's personality and style.
The Rise of Couture Designers in the USA has also been fueled by the diverse cultural influences that shape the country. American couture designers draw inspiration from the vibrant melting pot of cultures that define the USA. From the busy streets of New York to the peaceful beaches of California each locale provides a bundle of ideas for these designers to include in their designs. This diversity is not just appreciated; it is encouraged, resulting in collections that are as diverse and vibrant as the country itself.
In the world of luxury clothing designer, exclusivity is key. Each style is exclusive, created with the highest quality materials and exceptional craftsmanship. This attention to detail and devotion to excellence is what distinguishes American couture designers on the international stage. They create experiences, tales, and legacies rather than just garments.
One name that stands out in the Rise of Couture Designers in the USA is Parul Shah, the visionary behind aangan by Parul. Her brand is a perfect example of how traditional craftsmanship styles can be infused with modern art and trends to create designs that is truly extraordinary. Through her work, Parul Shah continues to redefine what it means to be a luxury clothing designer leaving a lasting impact on the world of couture. aanganbyparul is a celebration of creativity, culture, and uniqueness rather than just a brand. It provides an unmatched experience for individuals looking for true luxury and comfortable style.
Upgrade your style and experience couture like never before—shop the collection today.
If you have any query then you can contact our designer expert on [email protected]
#wedding dress#couture designers in USA#top couture designer in usa#luxury cloth designer#top luxury designer usa#parul shah usa#parul shah designer#parul shah boutique#aangan by Parul#parul shah designer usa
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Karlotta Freier’s illustration for Parul Sehgal’s piece on Lorrie Moore’s I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home in this week’s New Yorker magazine.
#Karlotta Freier#Great Illustration#Parul Sehgal#Lorrie Moore#I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home#The New Yorker
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Manto established his distinctive form in the book “Black Margins” (1948): thirty-two sketches of compressed power, some no more than a few sentences long, which brought to life the obscene logic of the new world. In “The Advantage of Ignorance,” a sniper takes aim at a child. His companion objects, but not for the expected reason. “You are out of bullets,” he exclaims. In “Double Cross,” a character complains about being sold bad petrol—it won’t set fire to any shops. The stories are not just expressions of shock; they are modes of refusal—a response to facts that will not, ought not, be easily assimilated into a narrative. The ink feels fresh, wet. Manto remains our eternal contemporary, his capacity to unnerve undiminished.
Manto’s fiction routinely blurs the line between life and death, sanity and madness. Characters merge with their weapons. (In “The Last Salute,” a platoon leader “felt as though he had turned into a rifle, but one whose trigger was jammed.”) Weapons act as agents in their own right. (From “Mishtake”: “Ripping the belly cleanly, the knife moved in a straight line down the midriff, in the process slashing the cord which held the man’s pajamas in place.”) These transformations occur beyond the characters’ awareness. You will cross the threshold without knowing, Manto seems to say. You will not be able to see what you have become. There is no self-knowledge or remorse, no greater sense of justice than there was in 1947. Nor does the author permit himself the reprieve of moralizing. There are only loops of retribution.
#what I'm reading#partition#saadat hasan manto#parul sehgal#describing manto as 'our eternal contemporary' is such a good way of putting it parul sehgal is so talented#this time in 2021 I was reading manto's mottled dawn and right now I'm reading tomb of sand
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I just finished reading THE MESSAGE yesterday, and Sehgal's critique is honestly pretty on-target.
Coates' (eventual) commentary on Palestine — and on his finally connecting the dots between Israeli apartheid, Israel's support (military and ideological) for the apartheid government of South Africa, and the U.S. legacy of colonialism and slavery to which many of the 20th century's worst people pointed as their explicit inspiration — is timely and pointed, if none too well organized. However, to even get to it, you first have to wade through the first half of the book, which is a deeply indulgent personal essay in which Palestine is mentioned precisely once, and in which Coates frequently disappears up his own ass. (He finds time for an autobiographical sketch, a side note on how he doesn't believe in content warnings, and some back-patting about how popular his books are around the world.) Throughout, Coates describes himself wandering around Senegal and Israel in a series of dissociative reveries, so caught up in his internal preoccupation with competing cultural myths that he admits he often felt disconnected from the actual living people around him, something with which he never entirely comes to grips even rhetorically.
Generously, THE MESSAGE feels like a monograph of maybe 60 pages that's been padded out to (still-thin) book length for commercial reasons. For Coates to come around on Palestine is certainly a good thing, and probably important, insofar as these things are, but so far as the book goes, the lede is not merely buried, but plowed under.
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5 Best Shows Featuring Parul Gulati
#shorts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xIoTA9FZc8
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Grand Hartalika Teej Milan Event Held in Bistupur by INTUC Women's Wing
Women showcased talents at the cultural celebration organized by Devika Singh, INTUC Chairperson. A grand Hartalika Teej Milan event was held in Bistupur, organized by Mrs. Devika Singh, Chairperson of the Central Women Workers Committee INTUC, providing a platform for women to display their talents and foster community spirit. JAMSHEDPUR – A grand Hartalika Milan Teej event was celebrated in…
#आयोजन#Bistupur event#community gathering#cultural heritage#Devika Singh#Event#Hartalika Teej#INTUC Women&039;s Wing#Jamshedpur Culture#Parul Singh#SDO Jamshedpur#women&039;s empowerment
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I have a distinct air of myself standing amidst such a crowd of people. My eyes set above, looking at the tall building if it bespeaks a promising note. I don’t know how fair is life, All I know is I have a plan to alter the face of it, the way I choose. A purpose, a driving motive, and an obsession.
Parul Wadhwa, The Masquerade
#Parul Wadhwa#The Masquerade#quotelr#quotes#literature#lit#ambition#campus-life#competition-and-attitude#delhi#delhi-university#delhite#drive#girl#life-in-a-metro#passion#the-masquerade
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I was never fond of this boyfriend-girlfriend game. Outsmart me, make me feel challenged and I can walk with you forever but to act like love smitten puppies in love is not my thing.
Parul Wadhwa, The Masquerade
#quotes#Parul Wadhwa#The Masquerade#thepersonalwords#literature#life quotes#prose#lit#spilled ink#boyfriend-quotes#delhiites#girl-power#girlfriend-quotes#in-love-experience#love-quotes-and-sayings#quotes-about-life#quotes-to-live-by#the-masquerade
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