#Park Jinyoung imagine
kmazine · 11 months
I Can't Have You
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bestfriend!jinyoung x female reader
genre : angst
For some reason, the walk back home feel so long and painful.
"Why it can't it be me?"
"I love you, Jinyoung"
You silently mutter under your breath. The words that you couldn't even say to him. The tears you don't bother to wipe, streaming down your face.
"Jinyoung, you okay?" You ask your best friend over the phone when your best friend called you an hour ago. It was late at night so you wonder why he call.
It was silent for a few seconds until you heard sniffles taking over the background noise that you register was from some television show. You didn't think much more. You immediately jump out from your bed and run towards your door.
"I'm coming" You heard Jinyoung replied with a sad hum and probably a nod, and that makes you fasten you steps. Luckily his apartment is not that far so you already in his apartment within minutes.
"Hey, you okay? How many days you've been drinking like this?" Closing the door behind you and took off your shoes, you can see few empty bottles of soju on the floor next to him. You immediately sit beside him on the floor. Your heart sank at the way his shoulder slouch, arms hugging his knees. He looks up to you when he hears your presence. And you look at him. Eyes swollen and he looks gaunt too. You scoot next to him and wrap your arms around his shoulder, hoping that you'd bring him comfort.
"We- we broke up" His tears starts to roll down his cheeks again as he said that. You let out a pain sigh, slowly wiping his tears with your fingers and pat his head softly.
"It's okay, Jinyoung. You will get through this. You will be fine okay?" You still stroking his hair, like an adult trying to persuade a child to not cry over candies.
"But I really love her, Y/n. It's been a few days and it hurts me that I can't see her face and listen to her voice. I can't do this Y/n. I miss her so much I feel like -- my heart..." He sniffled between words and voice quavering at the last part as he tapping his chest harder each sentences as if that will ever chase the pain away. You take his hands away and give him a tight grip, as to tell him, you're there for him. Your heart clenched to see him like this.
You know falling in love with your best friend was never a good idea. You've been liking him even before you became friend. Stealing glance at him during the class or sometimes exchanging smiles and nods when you saw each others is your definition of happiness back then. Then one semester, you and Jinyoung were assigned together for university projects and both of you clicked right away and the next thing you know, you two are inseparable as best friends. When you thought it's going to be easy for you and your feelings, but it was far from that.
Because from then on, Jinyoung see you as his best friend and best friend only.
Then start the cycle of your crumbling love story. You listen to his sobbing stories after the break ups like a best friend do. He try to match you with his other good friends because as a best friend, he want to see you happy with a good guy. Once, you ended up help him with the girl he likes because he just can't stop begging you.
Even after graduating and working on different companies, the cycle never end. And that's why it's hard. It's harder now to confess and tell him you love him. After everything, after all these years.
Especially this time, the relationship didn't seems like the others. He wasn't just smitten, and she didn't seem like the other girls she dated in the past. As much as you hate to admit it, he's definitely in love. You never thought they'll break up if you're being honest. She's a perfect woman any man can ever wish. It was perfect, as if they're actually made for each others.
You know asking him what happened now wont help him so you decided to make him a meal and tea to calm himself down. It was hard forcing the man to eat but you do every way you can and he finally give in.
"I don't know what will I do without you. Thank you Y/n" He give you a sad smile as he lays down on the couch. Deep sighs never left his mouth. You put the empty bottles in a plastic and put them aside and clean his messy living room.
"Glad I could help. You look too miserable for me not to to do that. I know it's hard but please, do not skip meals." You grabbing the blanket to cover his full body.
"Y/n?" He called for you so you lower yourself so your eyes meet on his level.
"Is it always this hard after the break up? It hurts so much. How can love be this painful huh? "He chuckles - probably knows how pathetic and sad he sound right now. You didn't say anything, just let him rambles more and give him another sympathetic smiles.
You make sure he was sleeping when you decided to leave. You're about to close the door when you heard his phone rings. You can hear Jinyoung shuffles to get up and the last thing you heard his voice saying her name. You closed the door shut, hoping that your heart closed the same for him.
There is a person that you can’t have even when you love them,
Just look at me, I’m next to you but I can’t have you,
I can’t have you.
a.n : this one have been sitting in my draft for months now. This is based from Bank's I Can't Have You (korean old song) and the lyrics are just heart breaking so here we go. Again, please do not mind the grammatical mistakes and typos. I will fix it later from time to time. Because the more I re-read, the more I want to delete this so I'll just post first.
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stay-mon-army · 8 months
5 Ways to Win a Prince
Word Count: 6,283 words (wtf the longest fic I've written so far)
Warning(s): pining, kissing, light touching, secret romance, fear of rejection/being separated by parental figures, creepy suitor/bad vibes from unnamed side character
Pairing: Prince!Park Jinyoung (GOT7) x Knight!gn!reader
Requested by: @crzy-devil (sorry this took so long!)
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1- Sneak in to Visit
The sun began its slow descent, painting the distant horizon in fire and gold, as though the trees on the mountains had erupted with flames. You watched the colors shift and change as you rested your back against the rough rocks that make up the walls of the castle you’ve sworn to protect.
The metal armor adorning your body kept you warm from the chilling breeze that stirs the trees, making them dance alone within the field below you. The grounds of the castle roll gently downhill into a field and garden away from the balcony you currently rest under. You were always envious of his view, despite the fact you sneak in and are able to enjoy it yourself very often. Thinking of your secret path, you glance one last time at the horizon, deciding that the lowering sun had dimmed enough to allow you to steal away up the side of the wall.
You stand, double-checking that all of your armor and weapons are properly secured to your body before turning to face the wall. The bricks were firmly secured together, but certain bricks were not properly flush or were beginning to chip, giving you perfect foot and handholds to support your travels up its edge. Months of practice had made this climb easier and easier, so now it was no time at all before you were lifting yourself over the balcony railing, slipping down gently onto the marble outcropping that led to the glass doors into the Prince’s room.
Through the doors, you could see a fire gently crackling and flickering within the giant hearth that Jinyoung loved so much. Unsurprisingly, settled deep into one of the chairs encircling the fire, was your prince, his nose pressed into a book, his legs tucked up beneath him as though he could make himself small enough to actually enter the world in which he was engrossed. Just the sight of him brought a bright smile to your face, releasing the tensions of the day full of training and drilling for the protection of the kingdom. Nothing could make all of that pain and stress worth it as much as seeing the man before you.
Slowly, so as not to disturb him, you inch to the door, sliding open the glass doors, and slipping into the room to make your way closer to his gorgeous red and gold armchair that he so favored. Finally, when you placed your hand down on the arm of the chair as though you were making him aware of your presence, he turns his warm brown eyes up to meet your face, a gentle look of surprise parting his pink lips and flushing his detailed cheeks in a way that set your heart aflutter.
“Hello, my prince.” You whisper, leaning down to press a brushing kiss against one rose-tainted cheek. Jinyoung reaches up, fingers snagging behind your head to pull you down for a proper kiss, his lips grazing yours like snow drifting against the wind during the first snow, as though he was teasing you with his presence more than allowing either of you to enjoy it fully.
That was a change that had grown over time; in the beginning, you were both so afraid of not getting time together, not being able to be together, that you would waste no time, pressing together your lips and bodies as close as you could manage, sure you would run out of chances to hold each other that way. However, as time went on, you began to see the ways in which the small, subtle, simple touches and intimacies brought forth sweeter emotions than rushing through and feeling all at once. You were glad now to be able to spend moments like this; barely touching and yet feeling more than anyone else could make you feel, seeing everything the world had to offer and knowing you could take it whenever you wanted, but being secure enough to let it come to you.
You pull away from the man, who tilts his head up as though he’s chasing after you, before he settles back into his chair, lifting the book that he had rested on his lap. He reaches to a nearby table to grab a small bookmark, sliding it between two pages carefully, before setting the book down on the table.
You grab his hands, lifting him from his seat to spin the two of you around and pull him into your lap back into the cushioned chair. He chuckles at your actions, resting a hand against your collarbone as he shifts to find a comfortable position on your armored lap.
“I know these are for keeping you safe and all, but they really could have spent a little extra into making these more comfortable, couldn’t they?” He jokes, flicking the breastplate that separated your bodies from each other.
You laugh along, taking his hand and rubbing your thumb across his knuckles, raising them to press your lips against them as well.
“Well, once you’re king, you have all the power in the world to make that change to our uniform. For now, we must suffer in silence, lest we be found out and whisked apart.” You lean in to whisper the last sentence, letting your breath feather across his ear and neck, sending a shiver down his spine that has him pressing harder against your body.
“I would never let them keep me from you. Come hell or high water, I would never be separated from you – let them try.” This wasn’t the first time he had said similar sentiments, and it brought joy to you hearing it every time. You felt the same way, but to know that your prince would do anything to keep you together – your heart beats wildly at the thought.
You pull Jinyoung down closer to you, though you doubt it’s very possible to do that, and lean your face close to him, your nose brushing his intimately as you look down into his eyes.
“I share your sentiments, Prince. I promise to you, that my oath to you and your family is not only one as a soldier, as a knight, as a guard, but as a lover, as a human, as a simple servant under an idol. My devotion to you will never waver and I will not let anything but death pull me from your side. No matter what else I must give up, no matter who I may have to become or kill, I will be by your side, protecting you and yours, until Lady Death comes to bring me across to the otherworld.”
Jinyoung’s eyes shimmer with tears as he presses his forehead against yours, his hands coming to cup your cheeks.
“And I you, my love.” He whispers, finally press your lips together properly, pulling your bodies as close as possible. He holds you close and you let yourself sink into the sensation of holding the one you swear your life to, letting life carry you where it will.
2- Save Him from Unworthy Suitors
The worst part about being in love with the Prince was that he was destined to be put on dates with others constantly in the hopes of making relations with other kingdoms to keep the country safe from the neighboring lands. Most of the lands got along well enough, so there wasn’t a lot of fighting anyway, but Jinyoung’s parents were always trying to set up the next power couple of the continent.
Many times, you were sent out as a guard for the dates, if they were off castle grounds, which meant that you had to sit and watch while someone tried to woo Jinyoung, only to be met with polite refusal and friendship. Most of those who were on these dates felt the same way and had their own lovers back home in their kingdoms. They played along well as though they enjoyed the date, but it was only out of friendship and political acceptance.
However, on occasion, a date was set up between the young prince and someone who truly wished to catch his fancy. Most were amicable and, while often pushy and intense in trying to prove their worth to Jinyoung, were quick to accept Jinyoung’s refusal at the end of the date.
One day, however, there was a young male suitor who refused to take no for an answer. After one date had gone over without any hassle, Jinyoung had gone to his chambers that night with you and told you that he felt alright about the date, and that nothing would come of it, as per usual. Unfortunately for you both, the young man was infatuated with Jinyoung and had not accepted the refusal after only one shot. He had gone to the Queen after the date and explained in detail how he was sure another date would be enough to win over her son, and the Queen had quickly agreed, growing worried that Jinyoung would end up alone until he became King, which the Queen didn’t want to happen. The Queen wanted only for her son to be happy with a person to cherish him; unaware was she of the person warming her sons bed that very night.
Another date was scheduled and prepared for the two men, and for once, you were not scheduled to chaperon the excursion. That, however, was not going to stop you from riding along with them.
The men were scheduled to ride down a ways through the woods just outside of the castle, to a small lake area to have a picnic. Jinyoung told you about the trip, knowing there was no way he could stop you (not that he wanted to) and it would be easier to hide your spying if you didn’t have to track them too closely.
So on the morning of the day, you waiting until just after the other guards had followed after the prince and his suitor before slipping onto a horse of your own and tracing their path. You knew the way to the lake, as it was a common spot for you and the prince to also run off for little getaways together, making you all the more annoyed that the Queen had planned such a personal trip for the prince, despite his assertion that he had no interest in suitors.
Not long down the pathway through the rustling leaves, wandering along the sunlight dappled trail, you spot the edge of the clearing surrounding the lake, so you pull your horse off the path and hobble it to a tree. You sneak up to the edge of the treeline to look out onto the group setting up a picnic beside the water – blanket and food spread out in the attempt at fashion simply seeing cheesy to your untrained eye. You had spent years in the castle, but you didn’t understand the need to always seem to fancy and rich. It was something Jinyoung claimed to love about you; you didn’t let the glitz, glam, and politics of the castle change who you really were at your core.
You decided to rest yourself on a fallen log, knowing that you would likely be here for a while watching.
However, not long after the picnic had been set out and the food had been eaten, the man had waved off the guards, asking them for privacy between the two. The guards had looked at each other, unsure what to do, but eventually shrugged and wandered off into the treeline, barely missing your seated figure.
You watched closely, eyebrows furrowed at the odd behavior of the young man now reaching his hand out to place it against Jinyoung’s arm. You lean forward in your seat, feeling your body heat as you realize that Jinyoung is fidgeting, looking quite uncomfortable at the situation at hand. Nothing had happened yet, but you knew Jinyoung’s moods better than anyone, and could read the emotions on his face even from yards away. Jinyoung was not happy.
Thinking quickly on your feet, you sneaked back to your horse, untying it from the tree, leading it back onto the road. You slip into the saddle, quickly kicking the horse into a canter to round the final bend and reach the lake on which the men were sitting.
The men both startled, turning to face you as they hear you call out for the Prince, reining your horse in just in time to spray sand against the young man who finally pulls away from Jinyoung to wipe his shirt and face.
“I’m sorry to disturb you, Your Highness, but I must request that you come with me at once. There is an urgent matter back at the castle that requires your immediate attention, and I was instructed to come collect you quickly without any delay. If I might entreat you to climb upon my horse, I can get us back to the castle quickly.” You reach a hand down, doing your best to keep your face straight and serious as Jinyoung looks up at you with bewilderment, which fades quickly into barely hidden amusement.
“Of course, my Champion.” He raises to his feet, moving to take your hand, when he’s grabbed by the man still seated directly behind him, looking at him with confusion and annoyance.
“Why don’t you wait, Your Highness? I will come back with you as soon as we collect the guards and our things.” The young suitor gives a harsh look at you over Jinyoungs shoulder, before tugging on Jinyoung’s arm.
Jinyoung tugs his arm away, a feigned smile resting upon his lips as he steps ever closer to your patiently waiting horse. “No, I’m afraid this sounds much too urgent to wait even an extra moment. I shall see you back within the castle.” He turns without a second of hesitation, taking your arm and using the momentum of your assistance to pull himself onto the horse behind you, as he has done a million times.
He wraps his arms around your waist, burying his face into your back as you canter back the way you came, heading for the castle as though your errand was real. About halfway back to the castle, Jinyoung whispers out a soft “thank you” that you can barely make out against the wind and you relax, letting a hand rest against his fists balled against your stomach.
“Any time, my love.”
3- Flex your Strengths
The only time that you find joy other than being beside Jinyoung is when you’re in the training field. The guards all spent at least a handful of hours a day working in the field, ensuring that they keep their skills sharp and their muscles hard. You worked as a guide to the youth whenever possible; young pupils hoping to be guards and warriors were always trying to prove themselves in the field, but they always need a mentor to help them learn the tricks of the blade.
On warm summer days when there is nothing exciting happening in the castle, you often toil away your hours with a new pupil, a practice sword, and a sparing partner. Today was no exception.
You wiped away a layer of sweat threatening to drip into your eyes and blind you, as you roll out your sword arm. You had just bested yet another guard in a sparing match – you weren’t the most skilled warrior, but you had enough knowledge and skill to make you one of the top guards, tasked with protecting the royal family.
A new challenger steps up to the ring, groups of young and experienced fighters watching excitedly as the new man makes a show of stretching and swinging his sword, as though he could intimidate you into backing down or losing. Instead of bothering to “worry” about his theatrics, you continue shaking and stretching out your body, glancing over the crowd as you do so. You stutter in your stance for only a second as you spot a familiar face a few paces back from the edge of the crowd, a guard you’ve met several times standing beside them with a hand on their sword.
Jinyoung had come to see you practice. He didn’t often do this – he was the anxious one in whatever this was, always afraid of being spotted and questioned by someone who has no business in his. However, you were completely the opposite, ready to speak up about your love the moment he opens himself up to the idea. But here he was, standing with his arms crossed, a beautiful blue top tucked into tight dark trousers, his hair lightly ruffled by the soft wind blowing through the training field. He smiles softly, ducking his head slightly, almost impossible to see, if you weren’t in tune with every small movement of his body.
You smiled back, quickly turning back to your opponent as you both get into a fighting stance, preparing to spar. Both of you were wearing the standard armor and carrying wooden practice swords, but you could tell simply from the way he held himself that your opponent thought he had already won, simply from looking at you.
Obviously a newbie, then.
Someone to the side of the ring calls out the beginning of the match and the two of you begin circling each other, watching the way the other moves.
Seemingly on a whim, the man lunges forward, striking out with his sword. You step back, dodging the attack and sliding to the side, trying to pull the man off balance. He simply backs up, eyeing you and smirking, like he knows something that you don’t. You doubt it, most men who give you that look simply think that you’re afraid and running. No, you’re only bidding your time, looking for your chance to strike.
You circle the man again, watching for that telltale flinch of muscles before he lunges that you noticed last time. Finally you see it, only a millisecond before the man lunches again, this time attempting to rain down strike after strike. Instead, you block and dodge to barrage of blows, twisting and sliding your blade along his, redirecting him away from you every time. You see the beginnings of anger rising in the man; his face twisting slowly into a snarl, his hands tightening around the wooden hilt of the practice sword, his arms trembling from withheld rage. As his anger wells to a final explosion of aggression, he pulled his sword back, feinting a withdrawal before swinging his sword as hard as he could, aiming for your head.
You see this coming, however, and step to the side calmly, raising your sword with both hands to slash it across the mans side, effectively landing a “killing blow” that has the man grasping his side, dropping his sword in the process. You place your blade against the back of his neck, pulling it across it to simulate effecting a definitely killing blow to ensure your “win” in the fight.
The man growls up at you, moving to stand but you have already stepped away, being swept up by the crowd, who pats you on the back, calling out praise to you.
Another guard approaches, handing you a small letter folded up. You open it, seeing a familiar script dancing across the page with only two words written on it.
Visit later.
You glanced up to look around for the man responsible for your short letter, but he had disappeared.
You smiled and tucked the letter into the chestplate of your armor, beside your heart.
Who were you to say no to his request?
4- Show your Love
When you got off of practice that day, you went down to the market to get a small bouquet of flowers. You got his favorite, pink dahlias, which you thought fit him very well. In your kingdom, dahlia’s represented kindness and grace, something that you felt perfectly encapsulated the prince. He was equal parts of princely charm and empathetic sweetness, caring about all that he comes into contact with.
You take the flowers with you up to his room, sneaking through the corridors of the castle, since climbing the wall would surely crush the sweet petals of the fragrant plant you hold close to your body.
Finally making it to the doorway to his chambers, you look both ways before quickly opening the door and ducking inside. Last thing you needed was some random royal to see you slipping into the prince’s room with a bouquet of flowers and a childish grin on your face. Jinyoung wasn’t ready to go public, so you would keep it quiet for now. As long as you still got to be with him.
As you close the door quietly, you turn to find the prince shirtless, his pants being buttoned up by his chambermaid. You smile at the sudden look of surprise on the woman’s face – Jinyoung hadn’t seen you yet because his back was turned, but the woman could see you clearly.
You lift a finger to your lips, signaling her to keep quiet, and she quickly ducks her head back to securing the princes clothes for the afternoon. As she rises to grab the shirt for Jinyoung, you creep forward, wrapping your arms around his middle as you reach him, twirling him into the air.
He yelps, hands coming down to grab your arms, attempting to twist his body to face you. He knows instantly who it is that’s holding him, due to the flowers, the armor, and your familiar scent that has begun to wrap around him, sending his brain into a frenzy.
You can see he’s blushing, from the way his ears are blazing red under his hair and he’s trying to duck his face away from your gaze.
You drop him back onto the ground, letting your hands graze across his bare skin as you pull away, relishing in the way he shivers at your touch before he’s whipping around to face you.
“You scared the living daylights out of me.” He’s pouting, his eyebrows furrowed and nose scrunched up, but you could see the slight twitch in his lips fighting to smile.
“You really should be more on your toes. I could have been anyone coming in here. You should never let your guard down, my prince. It could put you in danger.” You lean in as you talk, ghosting your nose over his, causing him to tilt his head up, searching your lips. You pull back before he can make contact and now he’s pouting for real.
“If you weren’t such a menace, my chambermaid here would have at least given a scream of warning if it were anyone of danger. Unfortunately, she seems to like you a little more than she likes me.” He rolls his eyes, sending a playful wink back at the chambermaid who has her face half hidden behind her hand, holding the shirt in the other.
“Nonsense, no one could ever be immune to your boyish charms.” You press a kiss to the mans temple before holding out the flowers for him to see. “Even my measly pay gets wasted away on flowers for you, who needs for nothing, simply so that I can see that beautiful smile you grant me.” Said smile is already splitting his face into pure joy at seeing the circular globes of pink sprouting from your fist. He bends down to give the flowers a deep scent, pulling back with eyes closed and face softened with joy.
“No one knows exactly what I need quite like you, my dearest protector.” He jokes, turning back to the chambermaid so she can slip his shirt on, hiding his golden skin and gentle curves with a linen top of off-white cloth that looks insanely soft and comfortable.
After she secures the fabric to his body, she bows, grabs his day-clothes that need washing, and scampers from the room. She wasn’t likely to say anything – she’s the only one in the castle who knows about your relationship and has been aware of it for two years now. She had walked in on you two cuddling after you had accidentally fallen asleep one late night; she had been sworn to secrecy and had proven tight-lipped since.
You hand the flowers over to your lover before grabbing his hands, pulling him lightly over towards his bed, curtains pulled back to allow in the failing light of the evening through the windows to shine across the silken sheets you two had spent many nights entangled in together.
“What has gotten into you today, my love?” Jinyoung asks, following along pliantly, always willing to follow your lead and whims. He so rarely was able to let go, trust another, and go with the flow – only when he was with you was he able to let down his guard and truly feel.
“Nothing in particular, my prince, only my love for you.” You settle onto the edge of the bed, pulling him to stand between your legs, wrapping your arms around his waist to hold him close. He drapes his arms over your shoulders, looking down at where you sit before him with a look like sheer reverence across his features.
“I should continue to fan that fire if it leads to moments like this.” He whispers, leaning forward to press a kiss against your lips. You hold him close, relishing in the feeling of his lips pressed to yours, his tongue flicking against your own, his hands running up and down your shoulders and back, as though he couldn’t get enough of touching you.
“I would not complain.” You whisper back when he finally pulls away, a look of thought and concentration passing behind his eyes. “What is on your mind, my prince? I can see that something is troubling you.”
Jinyoung only shakes his head, smiling down at you with love and care.
“Nothing is troubling me, my love. It is only that, I have recently been thinking about how we keep our love a secret. I know that I have said that I do not wish for them to take you from me, while I still only have the power of a prince. However, the many times in which my mother tries to push me into new courtships is growing, and she has expressed fear that I will not be wed before taking the throne. I know that day is many moons off, but I begin to wonder whether it isn’t time that we finally tell the world about our love.” His face begins to glow with the idea, his voice rising with each word as though breathing life into the idea has sparked a flame that will not flicker, fed a stream that will not stop raging.
You reach a hand up, cradling his cheek as you grin back up at the prince. You had voiced several times your undying love for him, and him back to you, but you had resolved to spend many more days hidden away, sneaking your love, until he was king and no one could stop the two of you.
You had believed that his mother would be understanding – she had tried so many times to find a suitor for her son that you were sure she would be happy with nearly anyone that her son had picked to carry his heart. Jinyoung, on the other hand, was skeptical and afraid, after hearing the many mean things that other royals had said about other royals who had married or paired up “below their rank”.
To finally hear Jinyoung say that he was ready to tell the world, haters be damned, had your heart soaring out of your chest, feeling as though you couldn’t breathe with the happiness coursing through your veins.
You pull Jinyoung down on top of you, peppering his face with kisses, almost definitely crushing the beautiful flowers that you had bought earlier in the day. Nothing else mattered than being close to the prince now, showing him exactly how much his words and feelings meant to you. You knew that some part of him was already aware of your passion for him – you had shared it plenty of times in a number of ways, but you needed to reaffirm it now, in the light of the future of your relationship.
Nothing could stop you two now.
5- Tell the World
Days later, you followed Jinyoung into the throne room where his parents are seated on their respective thrones. You had interacted with both the King and Queen in the past, but not in this capacity and not when you were about to convince them into letting you have their sons hand in marriage.
Jinyoung stops before the dais on which they’re sitting and you stop beside him, kneeling and bowing to them before standing straight. You would show deference, but not weakness.
Jinyoung smiled up at his parents, who both smiled back down at their son. They truly loved him; there wasn’t anything they wouldn’t do for him. You had no doubt that they would grant his wish, if he truly meant what he said.
He takes a deep breath before reaching his hand out to grasp yours. You freeze, waiting for him to explain to his parents why you were both standing before them today.
“Mom, Dad, I know that you’ve both been working very hard to find me a suitor from one of the four kingdoms who is worthy of my heart. I don’t doubt that you have worked tirelessly and did your best work to find people who are really suitable for me and who would make amazing additions to our kingdom, as they would rule beside me. However, unfortunately, the person who won and deserves my heart was in our kingdom this entire time.” He tilts his head to smile at you, his hand gripping yours tightly as if to say he would never let go. “I know that a prince and a guard sounds impossible, and I know many other Kings and Queens would never let their son marry a guard, who many deem as below us. Unlike those men and women, I know that our kingdom values all life, all people, regardless of status and blood. As long as a person is good and kind, is loving and caring, shows strength and courage, defends what they believe in and does not waver in the face of adversity or temptation, that they are worthy of the best that life has to offer. I have met no other who fits those tenants in the way that (y/n) does. They have proven loyal and kind, shown mercy and strength, done all they can to protect their loved ones while never giving up on their own beliefs. They are the only person fit to rule beside me over this kingdom when I one day ascent the throne.”
Your eyes mist over at the heavy praise you’re receiving from the love of your life. Jinyoung was always ready to share with you how much you meant to him, but you had never heard him share such sentiments to anyone else – it was nice to hear when you were alone, but something else entirely when he was telling his parents and the court guards all about his feelings. You could see his mother dab at her eyes, tearing up just as you expected her to; she truly loved and wanted the best for her son.
The one you couldn’t read was the King. He was sitting, looking over the two of you with a neutral face, as though he hadn’t heard anything that the Prince had just said. He leans forward in his seat, resting his elbows against his knees and entwining his fingers together. He hums softly, a low rumble in the otherwise quiet room, as though he’s thinking or warming up his voice for whatever he’s about to say.
The Queen is looking over at the King now, a smile on her face, as though she knows something you don’t which relaxes your shoulders just the slightest bit. If the Queen wasn’t worried, why should you be?
As though your thought sparked something in the King, he looks over at you, reaching a hand out to gesture in your direction as he finally speaks. “So, what do you have to say to all this, my knight?”
You take a deep breath, glancing over at Jinyoung, who is looking at you with those eyes that you had fallen in love with many moons again, and which always seemed to bring you to your knees before him, time and again.
“I have been raised within the walls of this kingdom, under the rule of you both, and under that philosophy and expectations that comes from this society. I have raised through the ranks to prove my worth as a guard to the royal family, to protecting those values and the people of this kingdom with my life. I have spent countless hours training to be the best person I can be, for myself, for my kingdom, for my King, but most importantly, for my Prince, who I have sworn my life to – both out loud and in my heart a million times over. I cannot swear that I have reached the point to claim those same things about myself that Jinyoung sees within me. However, I continue to try everyday to prove him right and to be worthy of him by my side. I don’t presume to be in a place to tell you how to react to our love for each other. I don’t wish to sway you by telling you lies or pressuring you with threats, or any of the things that would instantly lose me the right to stand here before you asking for Jinyoung’s hand. However, I know that you are a fair king. You look to your people to hear their stories and learn their worries, and you care about what will bring true joy back into the kingdom. I stand here today to tell you that nothing would make us happier than to be together, to have each other truly and completely, in the way that we love each other.”
You bow down after finishing your speech, showing that despite all of the things you said, you would respect whatever he ruled in this matter. It would break you to have to turn away from your Prince, but if the King truly believed it would be in his better interest not to wed you, to keep your love a secret, you would continue to spend your days hiding away, stealing glances and touches whenever the chance arose. You would not, however, let him truly be pulled from your grasp.
As you waited to hear the answer of the king, you could feel your heart beating within your chest, pounding against your rib cage as though it wished to fly back to Jinyoung, its true owner. The blood rushed in your ears and you could feel every fiber of your body thrumming with adrenaline and anticipation, knowing your whole world could crash down around you any moment.
Finally the king cleared his throat and you raised your eyes back to the graying man before you, who has a smile creasing his face which has your knees nearly dropping out from under you.
“If my son truly wishes to wed you and he has brought forth the courage to proclaim it before the courts, I see no reason to deny him the joys of love on the basis of something as trivial as status. You have proven strong in mind and body as a royal guard for many years, and the ways in which my son speaks about you shows that you continue to practice these tenets outside of the guard uniform and has me believing that you may be more worthy of the title of the Princes partner than any of the others we have brought here to woo him. I will give you my permission to court each other. Preparations can begin being made to plan the wedding to bind you two together.”
The Queen squeals with joy, leaping from her throne on the dais to raise down to her son, sweeping him into a hug. She presses kisses against his temple, stroking his hair, almost as though he was still a child that she found adorable, rather than a grown man who had just been sworn to wed. She turns to you next, pulling you into an equally strong hug, patting your back and whispering how truly happy she was and how thankful she was to have someone who could show her son the respect and love she knew he deserved.
Tears were shedding down her face, and matching ones traced down the Prince’s as he looked at you over his mother’s shoulder. He mouthed three words to you which had your throat closing up as well, your hands fisting into the queen’s dress as you try to hold back your own emotions.
You had finally won over the Prince, convinced the King and Queen to let you two be together, as you were meant to be. You had been so sure that fate would play out this way, two soulmates finding each other amongst perceived turmoil, but you still couldn’t believe that life had gone so well. You were in love with Prince Jinyoung and you swore to yourself that everyday from this day forward you would do anything to be the guard who deserved to marry the Prince.
And you never broke an oath.
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nyoominmin · 2 years
Park Jinyoung fic recs
@jae-bummer - Paradise (Soulmate au) // here
@jjpmoans - First Love (Established relationship au) // here
》 Fic rec masterlist
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dyaz-stories · 10 months
in a world of boys, he's a gentleman || Park Chan-Young x f!Reader
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summary: Yeong-Su breaks a window at the stadium, and Chan-Young takes the blame for it, resulting in severe consequences. Fortunately, you're here to pick up the pieces afterwards.
word count: 3.1k
warnings & tags: spoilers for season 2 of sweet home, violence, injuries, soldiers being assholes, coarse language, making out, the pronoun "she" is used in reference to the reader
A/N: couldn't find gifs for chan-young so I made this one, but I'm by no means a gif maker, so, yeah. Also, I don't know anything about baseball, so please pretend this makes sense if you know better. I'm not sure which team Chan-Young was supposed to be on, so I picked the Doosan Bears because Sweet Home takes place in Seoul. Finally, it's my first time writing for him, so I hope you'll enjoy my take on this character!
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It’s another day at the stadium, which means it’s another day of boredom.
Oh, there are things to do around here, sure. If you don’t mind being ordered around by soldiers who stand behind you with a scowl on their face and remind you that the only reason you’re even there is because of their good will, you’ll find a job to do. Cleaning a corner of the stadium, probably, in hopes that someone will be able to live there — as if there were enough mattresses — or doing the inventory, again, while looking the other way when rations mysteriously go missing and everyone knows who’s doing the taking.
Thing is, you’ve never been one to grovel. In fact, back in the Before days, you were the one giving the orders. Youngest assistant coach for the Doosan bears, the Seoul baseball team, you were in line to become the youngest coach in the history of the country. And, yeah, you weren’t completely in charge, but you were trusted. You had responsibilities. People knew to take you seriously.
You’ve had ideas for how to run this place more efficiently, to avoid making the civilians feel like they’re second-rate citizens, but it’s been made clear to you that you weren’t welcome to make suggestions. So you haven’t bothered, lately, but you also won’t play in that stupid game, where people get to change the rules without telling you.
It means that you do a lot of aimless walking around in the stadium. Chief Ji implicitly lets you roam around, a testament to the fact that you knew each other well back in the days, when you used to bring her coffee before big games, but you mostly try to make yourself useful in the way soldiers haven’t bothered accounting for.
A lot of that means keeping an eye on kids that are left to themselves otherwise. Their parents are busy, and it’s not like there’s much to do for them, here, so you try to keep them entertained. Unfortunately, you’re no teacher, meaning that it’s a lot of physical activities, wherever you find enough place. Other days, people who are teachers take over for you. That is the case today, meaning you’d have the day ‘off’, if it weren’t for Yeong-Su not showing up for class.
You don’t personally think he should have to attend class. You know how mean the other kids can be to him, and though the teachers don’t do much in the name of keeping the peace, you don’t let that fly when you’re in charge. Which is probably why the kid never misses your classes, a small pride that you keep well tucked in your heart.
Still, the teachers insist that you make sure he’s okay, so you agree to go try and find him. He knows the stadium well, meaning it will be no easy task.
You end up finding him throwing a ball against a wall. It looks like he’s practicing his aim, you think when you notice that he’s drawn a square on it. You’re about to approach him, maybe give him a few pointers, when a particularly hard throw has the ball bouncing too high and it crashes through a window, finishing outside of the stadium.
You freeze. Monsters don’t approach the stadium much — it’s been months since there’s been a case of that happening.
But the mere thought of there being something open here still has your heart pounding with fear. It’s only a few seconds before you compose yourself, but that’s long enough for someone to come running. You rush towards Yeong-Su, prepared to fiercely defend him if you need to.
It’s Chan-Young, and you relax, even if your heart is now pounding for a whole other reason.
“What happened here?” he asks.
He may have been running with his whole equipment, but he shows no sign of being out of breath.
“I’m sorry,” Yeong-Su mumbles. He’s hard to handle, especially these days, but he clearly respects Chan-Young a lot. “I didn’t mean to— I was just practicing and—"
Oh gosh, you realize, kid was practicing pitching, and it’s not lost on you that that’s the position Chan-Young mainly played as.
“…and now I’ve lost my ball,” Yeong-Su sniffs.
He’s trying to hold back tears, and it tears a little piece of your heart away. You know that Yeong-Su had found a ball autographed by Chan-Young, know that it’s one of his most prized possessions. It’s no surprise that Yeong-Su can’t stand the thought of losing anything more than what he already has.
Chan-Young glances at you, still standing a few steps behind Yeong-Su.
“He didn’t mean to,” you say. “I’ll help you fix the window.” Eun-Yu probably won’t mind giving you a hand, too.
Chan-Young nods, and you watch as he puts a knee to the floor, so he’s at eye-level with Yeong-Su. If he was any other soldier, you’d be more cautious, but you know him. Worked with him, when he was on your team, lost him when he enlisted, and now you’re in this strange limbo, where he doesn’t seem to know how to interact with you, even though there is this obvious familiarity between the two of you, every time you do speak.
“You need to be more careful,” he tells Yeong-Su, putting on his Serious voice. “If a monster heard that and came in, it could be very dangerous for everyone. And if you’re in front of the window when it happens, it would attack you first. So don’t let that happen again, okay?”
Then he gives Yeong-Su a small, comforting smile.
“If you want to practice again, come ask me next time, okay?” He glances up at you, and there’s such softness in his eyes when he does. “Or ask the coach. She knows her stuff.”
You’d never become coach, not officially, but his use of the word makes your heart swell.
“Okay,” Yeong-Su mumbles, staring down at his feet.
For a moment, it looks like everything will resolve itself just like that, and you’re already putting a hand on Yeong-Su’s shoulders to pull him away with you, when you hear the familiar stomping of military boots coming towards you.
Chan-Young’s expression changes immediately.
“Go,” he orders.
He spins around to grab your shoulders, lowering himself to look straight into your eyes.
“Go,” he repeats. “Please.”
There’s such urgency in his voice that you can’t deny him, even if you’re not sure what is going on exactly. You grab Yeong-Su’s hand and pull him with you until you’re both behind a corner, just in time. You keep an eye on the scene, confused. The soldiers behave like assholes, you know that, but surely—
“What happened here?” the Sergeant bellows in Chan-Young’s face. “You’re lucky it was us, who were standing outside the window, and not something else! You better have an explanation, soldier.”
“I’m sorry, sir,” Chan-Young says, shoulders straight, from what you can see. “I was just practicing and—”
Before you can wonder why he’d lie, the punch catches him in the stomach, and he doubles over in pain. You catch yourself before you can gasp out loud, and instinctively cover Yeong-Su’s mouth, which is probably a smart move, because he starts thrashing to run towards Chan-Young. You don’t blame him, but you also absolutely cannot let him do that, not right now.
“Yeong-Su,” you whisper, mimicking Chan-Young’s attitude with you just a minute ago. “You need to go back to Ms. Cha. Okay?”
“But they’re…”
You wince, because they’re still berating Chan-Young, and one of them has just given him a hard kick to the ribs. All the more reason for you to intervene.
“I’ll take care of it, I promise, but I can’t do that if you’re here. So go back to her, and I’ll come see you when everything is okay again, alright?”
He sniffs, rubs his eyes to hide the tears, then turns around and runs. At least he’s got a good survival instinct, you think, even if it hurts to remember where it comes from. The second you’re sure he’s not coming back, it’s your turn to run, but towards the soldiers this time, with a confidence that you now worry is wholly unwarranted.
“Hey, don’t you think that’s enough?” you interject, maneuvering so you can get between them and Chan-Young.
There’s a scoff and they roll their eyes. One of them puts his hand on your shoulder and pushes, but you barely take a step back. You’re used to men trying to intimidate you.
“I thought we’d made it clear that your opinions weren’t welcome,” Seo-Jin snaps at you, getting too close to your face for comfort — like that would make you budge.
“Doesn’t mean I’m going to let you beat up someone because he broke a fucking window, when if you’d gotten to work, that hole would be closed by now,” you reply on the same tone.
He opens his mouth to yell at you once more, a vein bulging on his forehead, when Chan-Young comes to stand in front of you. He’s barely just gotten on his feet, has one hand pressed against his rib cage, and still, he’s already coming to stop you from taking any risk. You want to scream at him and hug him all at the same time.
“Please, sir, she doesn’t have anything to do with this.”
Neither does he!
“That’s enough, Seo-Jin,” sergeant Kim finally intervenes, and the man immediately takes a step back. “Don’t let it happen again,” he tells Chan-Young. “And fix the hole,” he tells you, as an afterthought, before leaving and taking his team with him.
Your blood is boiling. He might try to be the voice of reason now, but you saw him doing nothing while his men got blood on their hands so he wouldn’t have to.
You don’t have time to think about it, though, because next to you, Chan-Young has slowly let himself slide to the floor.
“Are you okay?” you ask, panicked, while he grimaces and leans against the wall.
“I’m fine,” he says, an obvious lie. “You shouldn’t have said anything.”
“You took responsibility for something you had nothing to do with, but I’m the one who shouldn’t have said anything?”
He sighs, shakes his head.
“I just don’t want anything to happen to you,” he says. He looks at you with warm eyes, and you feel your breath catching in your throat.
There’s something about Chan-Young, there always has been. You always have to remind yourself that he’s nice to everyone, because he’s such a kind person. Even that didn’t stop you from falling for him — and it’s the second time that it happens, damn him.
“I’ll go get medical supplies,” you say, pushing yourself to your feet. “Stay here.”
“There’s no need to—”
“Please, do you want to die from an infection after surviving all these monsters? Stay. Here.”
You ignore any further protests as you rush to get the supplies.
It doesn’t take you long. Chief Ji provides you with what you need without questions, and apologizes for not being able to give you painkillers — they’re reserved for emergencies, she explains. You know the other supplies are, too, but you understand her reasoning, and just thank her with a quick nod and a promise to help out for the next few shifts outside the stadium, if she needs it.
When you come back, Chan-Young’s moved to sit on one of the boxes that are always laying around in here, and you grab another one to sit across from him.
“Open your jacket,” you say as you take the disinfectant.
“I— I don’t think that’s necessary—”
“C’mon, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before,” you say with an eyeroll, because the guys on the team weren’t exactly shy about taking their shirt off in front of you and he should remember that.
He clears his throat and glances away, and you notice his ears turning red.
“Um, right. Yeah. Just a second.”
Under the jacket, he’s wearing a simple white t-shirt, and he lifts it up so you can see for yourself.
And it’s not looking good. The area is red and swollen already, and you worry it will be worse soon. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about that, so you disinfect the scratches caused by the boots, and gesture for him to put it back down. You’d normally advise to put something cold on it, to calm the swelling, but that’s not really an option here, not when the little electricity you have is mostly used to keep the lights on.
“Try not to move around too much, okay?”
“I’ll try my best,” he says with a brief laugh. It’s a silly recommendation, and you both know it, but you still felt the need to say something.
“Now give me your hand, I’ll see what I can do.”
He does, and you carefully turn it to check the palm. You’re not sure if he hurt himself when he fell earlier, or if it’s just that there’s constantly manual work to be done and it’s hard not to injure your hand. Either way, you start cleaning it and disinfecting it as well.
“Do you think they would have been as hard on a kid?” you ask.
“No!” he protests immediately, maybe a tad too strongly. “They’re humans. I’m sure they wouldn’t have—” He interrupts himself, and you suspect that he knows they still could have hit him, a thought that makes your stomach turn. “But… Yeong-Su’s had a hard enough life as it is. People here are not… kind to him.”
“I’m not blaming you, especially after that,” you sigh, “I just— You do realize that it’s not your responsibility, right? I’d have helped the kid, and it could have ended better than…”
You gesture vaguely at him, and he closes his eyes for a second. He closes his fingers over yours where you’re holding his hand, rubs his thumb over your skin, which sends a wave of heat through your body. It only lasts a moment, though, before he catches himself and lets go.
“I’m— I was in charge, when his sister— I was supposed to be helping them. And I failed him.”
“What?” Ms. Cha told you that story, in hushed whispers, to explain why Yeong-Su was such a complicated child these days. It had been clear that there was nothing Chan-Young could have done. “You can’t blame yourself for someone turning into a monster and going on a rampage.”
“It happened on my watch,” he insists. “If I’d been more careful— If I hadn’t left the bus—”
You stop yourself to look at him straight in the eye. He’s close, but you don’t feel uncomfortable, not with him.
“That could have happened to anyone. You couldn’t have planned for it.” He exhales, long and slow.
“Thank you for saying that,” he says, but you can tell that your words haven’t sunk in. It breaks your heart, and yet you have no idea what more you can say. After all, you weren’t there. It makes sense that he wouldn’t believe you.
“You still shouldn’t put yourself in the line of danger to—” to what, anyway? Expiate his sins? What does he have to prove? Does he have a death wish or something? “You shouldn’t put yourself in danger when you don’t have to.”
“Better me than Yeong-Su,” he insists. “He’s just a kid, and he has his mom — well, Ms. Cha. And he has you.” You set the disinfectant back down, hands almost trembling as you realize where he’s going with this. “Better me than him,” he just concludes sadly.
“Park Chan-Young,” you say, “you don’t seriously think that, right?”
He doesn’t meet your eyes when he replies.
“He has a family here. I— don’t really have anyone—”
You’re not sure what goes through your head when you put your hand on his cheek and kiss him. If you had to rationalize it — which you’re not really in any position to do when it happens — you’d say that you just wanted to prove him how wrong he was. Truth is, though, that you also couldn’t bear the idea that you were letting him believe that when it was so entirely untrue.
His lips are warm against yours, and you think you feel him leaning into you, but you pull away too soon to know.
“There,” you say as you gather your things. “Now you know you do have someone, so don’t put yourself in danger unnecessarily, alright?”
Then you’re on your feet, hell-bent on fleeing the scene.
Of course, Chan-Young catches up with you in an instant. He grabs your wrist, and pulls you back against him. His eyes are wide as he searches yours.
“Did you mean that?” he asks, his voice catching in his throat.
“Mean what?” Your heart is pounding in your chest. You’re… not sure where he is going with this.
“It wasn’t pity, right? You— I have you?”
The words almost send a shiver down your spine.
“Of course you do. I don’t exactly go around kissing people—”
Next thing you know, his hands are cupping your face and his mouth is on yours. He kisses you feverishly, like he desperately needs you to prove your words to him. You kiss back without hesitation, wrapping your arms around his neck. It isn’t long before your back hits the wall and you let out a brief groan.
“Sorry,” he says, pulling away from you to check on you. “Are you—”
You don’t let him finish, pulling him back down against you. His hands move down to your waist, one of them slipping under your t-shirt to feel your bare skin. He’s kissing you slower now, more sensual, and he abandons your mouth to kiss down your jaw, then your neck, before he comes back to your lips.
“I shouldn’t—” he mumbles against you. “I’m not supposed to—”
“Everyone’s doing it,” you reply, but it doesn’t surprise you when he tears himself away from you. He’s a sight to behold, flushed and out of breath — and is it odd that you enjoy seeing him panting from kissing you when you know he can run for hours without struggling? He’s always been one to stick to the rules closely. It says a lot that he broke one right now, but you won’t push him any further, not until he’s ready.
You take a step back towards him, take his hand in yours, and press your lips to his cheek for one last, soft kiss.
“Don’t forget now,” you say. “You have me. Don’t risk your life without thinking.”
He doesn’t kiss you again, but he leans in to press his forehead against yours, squeezing your hand in his.
“I have you,” he repeats, as if to convince himself. “I have you.”
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I hope you liked it! as always, if you did, consider reblogging and letting me know what you thought! feedback is really motivating and is what keep us authors going, so leaving a comment or sending an ask or anything really helps to keep me writing!
more writing for sweet home
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koiiiji · 2 months
cheon taejin : what kind of music do you associate me with?
reader : have no idea, i don't listen to that kind of shit.
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
reader : listen, i'm not the one you need…
gun park : and who do i need?
reader : a psychotherapist.
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
baek gyeol : i'm hungry, let's order some food. what do you want?
reader : drop dead, lil weasel.
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
reader : what are you doing there standing by open window?
park jinyoung : thinking, should i jump or close…
reader : jump, i will close.
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
daniel park : you are the best that ever happened in my life!!!
reader : you know your life kinda fucked up…
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
goo kim : by the way, i dreamed about you yesterday
reader : and?
goo kim : i fucked you hard in that dream.
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neomujinjja · 7 months
Come Back Safe
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Pairing: Park Chanyoung x reader
Length: 885 words Genre: imagine, reunion, fluff(?)
Warnings: not edited, pre sweet home events, reference to enlistment, vague mention of celebrity treatment during enlistment, mentions of guns, cursing, crying
Synopsis: You and your boyfriend were only supposed to part for a little while for his enlistment. But with the outbreak, you're not even sure of his status. And yet, the world works in mysterious ways.
Note: Because it felt too soon/too close to home to write this for woodz. But hey! sweet home 💃; also jinyoung is insane in the left picture 😵‍💫. I don't know when Chanyoung is said to be enlisted but I assumed it would be some months before the events of Sweet Home S1 happen.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"Are you sure you're okay with waiting for me?" Chanyoung asked as he set his bags down. The two of you had just became exclusive; you had been on dates with one another but only decided on your relationship recently.
"Yes, you just focus on getting back to me safely" you told him with a nod and smile. You were scared for him, that he'd be treated badly due to his celebrity status or become hurt at some point during his enlistment. Chanyoung hummed before pulling you into a hug.
"I will be. Promise me that you'll keep yourself safe as well" he said before pecking whatever he could reach. You hit him on the shoulder and laughed.
"What the worse that could happen to me in the civilian world?"
"Just promise me. It'll make me feel at ease."
"Okay. I promise~" You pulled away to place your pinky finger between you. The baseball star snickered as he interlocked his into yours. He pressed a kiss onto your lips with a smile.
"Seal it with a kiss" Chanyoung whispered before pulling entirely away from you. You stood in a slight stupor at his actions, that was insanely smooth. You complained at him, explaining he shouldn't tease you before leaving for roughly two years. The enlisted male only laughed, playfully grabbing your hands to fight you off. The two of you struggling against the other whilst your stomaches began to ache from the fits of laughter. Chanyoung relaxed his arms, allowing you to lean in close to his chest, the two of you successfully out of breath. "Okay, I've really got to get going" he panted as he released your arms and sat to put his boots on properly. You watched as he did so, continuing until he had all of his bags gathered up and was opening the door.
"Be safe, I mean it" you told him, leaning onto the door frame. You knew that it was just bad timing and there was nothing you could do, but you wished you didn't have to be separated from your boyfriend so early on. Chanyoung saluted with a smile before blowing a kiss and heading down your apartment complex hallway. The two of you decided that it'd be best for you not to send him off at the gate to avoid dealing with the news tabloids; meaning this would be the last time you'd see him until his break or a visit.
'Shit!' you cursed in your mind. You had thought that moving early in the morning would prevent you from meeting others. You were especially trying to avoid soldiers, the civilians were bad enough, you didn't need to deal with people with gun access. Hiding behind a pillar, you thought about what your next move would be. The sound of voices caught your attention, you whipped your head in the direction it came from. Listening in to their conversation, you let out a sigh of relief at the their addressing. Watching the two males on the balcony, you decided to head inside the building anyway; any medicine you could get your hands on would do some good in the long run making it worth the risk.
'Fuck' you cursed in your head once again. You hadn't seen the tray behind you; and of course, your elbow bumped it causing it to crash to the floor. You turned your head in the door's direction, praying silently that no one would come to check it out. Though it would be a death sentence to not a noise out in recent events.
"I thought the building was empty?" a female voice asked.
"I'm not sure. Stay here, I'll check" a male voice responded. You heard the female scoff at his words but she didn't make anymore verbal protest. The room you managed to sneak and ransack was barren of any hiding spots. Running a hand through your hair, you closed your eyes with no choice but to accept whatever fate that came. "Who are you?" the male asked.
"Human" was the only thing you said as you opened your eyes again. You were left shocked by the person standing in the doorway. Standing there was Chanyoung pointing a weapon in your face. Your boyfriend was alive, seemingly safe and sound, with a gun trained on you.
The two of you spoke at the same time. The former baseball player lowered his weapon, staring at your figure in similar shock.
"Where have you been this whole time?" Chanyoung exclaimed as he practically threw the gun to the side. You said nothing as he strides closer to you. "Are you okay? Have you been safe?" the male asked. Chanyoung grabbed you, checking over what he could see for any visible injuries. He pulled you into a hug when he didn't find any, his right hand caressing your hair. You brought your hands up, lightly setting them onto the male's lower back. You began shaking as you released tears, one's of relief and frustration. "What's wrong?" Chanyoung panicked as he tried to pull away but you held onto his clothing.
"You're safe. You came back safe, you kept our promise" you whispered in between your sniffles. You ignored your boyfriend's coos as you buried yourself deeper into his arms.
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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girlfriend hugging them in their sleep
deserted island au
high school au
gf is a demon
s.o is shy with skinship
s.o is self conscious
thank you
bf! jackson
trying again
single dad au
it’s not too late
get over here
not now (*M*)
bf! jaebum
christmas special
i want to do these things with you
christmas special
bf! yugyeom
let’s go out
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kpopimaginings · 1 year
"It's not worth it" - Jinyoung
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You knew this would happen. You and Jinyoung had recently announced your relationship to the GOT7 boys. Part of the reason you had kept it quiet early on was because you knew there would be teasing. You could have also predicted that BamBam and Jackson were going to be the main perpetrators.
You were out for a group dinner for the first time since they found out and the teasing started immediately. You honestly weren't too bothered by it, but you noticed Jinyoung's clenched jaw as he glared at the members who were talking. You took his hand under the table and gave it a little squeeze, trying to silently tell him to let it go.
Once the food came out, things quietened down for a moment.
"Don't let them get to you," you whispered to Jinyoung.
He just nodded in acknowledgment, but you knew he hadn't really taken your comment to heart.
As you finished eating, you took Jinyoung's hand again and shot him a little smile.
"Ah, look at you two all loved up," BamBam started again.
"Cut back on the PDA though," Jackson added.
You rolled your eyes at the comment, but once again Jinyoung couldn't let it slide.
"We looked at each other. How is that PDA?"
"Relax, Jinyoung-ie," Jackson told him, before turning to you. "Are you sure about him? He's a bit uptight!"
You bit your lip to keep yourself from chuckling and further annoying your boyfriend.
Then, you jumped slightly as Jinyoung brought his hand down on the table.
"Jinyoung!" you scolded.
"What was the one thing I asked of you, Jackson?" he snapped, ignoring your interjection.
Jackson stared blankly at Jinyoung.
"All I said was don't tease Y/n," he continued. "You can wind me up all you like but when she's around, you knock it off."
"But she's our friend too," Jackson pointed out.
"Yeah, she's used to us, she knows what we're like," BamBam added.
You were about to agree with them, when Jinyoung  spoke again.
"I'm crazy about Y/n, ok? The last thing I want is you idiots scaring her off."
"Jinyoung-ie, that's so sweet," you said, your voice now softer, "And I'm very pleased you want me to stick around, but the boys are right, I've known them for long enough that I expected this. A little teasing among friends isn't going to make me leave."
"Ok, but-"
"No, it's not worth it. I want to be with you, and Jackson and BamBam being littles shits isn't going to change that."
Jinyoung couldn't help but smile and chuckle as the troublemakers complained at your choice of words. Smiling back, you leant in and pecked a soft kiss to his lips.
It surprised you somewhat when the resulting 'Ew' came from Yugyeom.
"Don't you start," you told him with a smile, before resting your head on Jinyoung's shoulder while you waited for desert.
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mykoreanlove · 1 year
Things that made him run to you
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[part 1]
[part 2]
“Jinyoung, for fuck’s sake, can you concentrate please?”
No, he couldn’t. Ever since he saw you a couple nights ago, you were living in his head rent-free. He didn’t tell the others – didn’t want to – as he wanted to keep you private for now. Only his to enjoy.
He bumped into you at a local bar, after downing a couple of beers with his acquaintances. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw you. You were still as beautiful as ever but something about you was different. Something about you changed and he couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was.
You casually chatted for a while, hitting it off as if nothing had ever happened between the two of you. As you updated him on the recent events in your life he mustered you with hawk-eyes. You were radiant, almost beaming. Your pretty eyes sparkled like diamonds. You smiled whole-heartedly, the smile even reaching your eyes. You spoke your mind confidently, not caring about the opinions of others. He finally figured it out – your whole demeanor had changed. You were on another vibe, another energy that he was drawn to like a moth to the flame.
He stopped listening altogether and only thought about getting you back. He had to have you; he was desperate for you. Seeing you like that – confident, bossy, savage – was beyond attractive.
And you knew. You noticed his pupils dilating, him taking sharper breaths, his dark eyes being glued to your lips – you noticed and loved every second of it.
This man right here broke your heart when he abandoned you back then.
Or so you thought. It took you some time to see the truth of it all, but eventually you did and from that moment on you had nothing but appreciation for him. Because of Jinyoung you were able to be real with yourself. You took his words to heart and worked on yourself. You started loving yourself like you deserve to be loved. Did you imagine it was him in the beginning? Most definitely. But after a while you understood that you were good on your own. You made it into a project, you started loving yourself as a means to get him back but surprisingly you fell in love with yourself for real.
Now you looked into the mirror and loved what you saw. Now you felt happy and content, even if no man was around. Now, you felt like the baddest bitch on this planet. And other people? They thought so, too. They saw the changes in you, sensed the new energy you were embodying and acted accordingly.
Jinyoung wasn’t the only lover you bumped into. Old flames, new flames, they were all lining up the street to be with you. Oh, how your life had changed. Now, they all wanted to be with you. Courting you, spoiling you, making you their #1 priority. And for the first time in your life, you understood why.
“You seem different, y/n.” You looked up into his eyes, almost smitten by his enticing looks. You smiled at him, warmly, before taking his hands into yours.
“I feel different, Jinyoung. And you are the one I have to thank!” He couldn’t follow; his questioning eyes giving him away. “You wanna thank me? If anything, I thought you’d wanna punch me for breaking up with you.”
You laughed out loud, realizing how much you had missed him. “Well, I wanted to… in the beginning. But I realized that you were right. I was a total wreck back then. I relied on you to make me happy and loved and important and stuff but being your emotional slave was no way to live. So, I took your words to heart, and I started to work on myself.” You squeezed his hands, relieved to finally say that out loud. “Thank you, Jinyoung. Thank you for opening my eyes. That heartbreak changed me for the better and I can now say that I love myself. All of me – the good, the bad, the ugly. I made peace with myself, and I feel like I’m ready for love. True love!”
Jinyoung replayed that scene over and over. Back then he wished for this outcome, but he never would have anticipated it coming true. You had changed and he could tell. It irked him that every other man could also tell – they were eyeing you like prey.
He couldn’t blame them though. You were the sexiest woman in this bar, capturing every man’s attention without even trying. Why would you try though? You were so full of love and admiration for yourself, every other pair of eyes was simply a luxury. A preference, not a necessity. Now it was Jinyoung squeezing your hands: “Ready for love, huh? Should we give it another try then?”
“Everybody, let’s take a break. And Jinyoung, you better get your act together!” His manager was pissed, but he couldn’t care less.
He grabbed his phone hastily and sighed in dismay as he noticed that you hadn’t text him back. “Why won’t she answer?”, he mumbled silently. And then you did. He almost dropped his phone from excitement as he saw your name pop up. Heart beating faster he beamed with joy as you agreed to see him.
“I’m gonna make you mine again y/n, just wait and see.”
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doyouknowbtsswag · 8 months
Surprise Sign |Jinyoung|
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I smiled looking at myself in the mirror at the concert venue. The stadium was already loud from the group of people fan girling about their biases or plans to do after the concert. I finally walked out of the bathroom and slowly walked to my seat. I'm supposed to be surprising my boyfriend of many years Park Jinyoung. We haven't seen each other in months because of his touring. He begged me to go with him but as much as I wanted to I couldn't. Here I was now standing in my seat close to the stage. Only Jackson knew I was coming to the concert to make sure I was able to get front-seat tickets. I smiled thinking of his reaction along with the rest of the group. I looked around and saw everyone go to their seats as the concert started. I proudly held up my sign that said 'I Don't Have To Go To Heaven To Find A Angel Park Jinyoung Is In Front Of Me' which people around me complimented my sign while laughing. I watched the lights go on and shine on the members as they went on stage. I watched in amazement at the boys' performance. Each step was calculated and they were all in sync with each other. Their voices were steady even though they were dancing. I lifted the sign up as Jackson looked over at me during lullaby winking which made the girls around me scream.
During the concert Jackson looked my way trying to get his fellow members to catch the memo eventually Jaebeom looked over and spotted me. I grinned waving the sign at him which made him smile holding back from laughing which confused Youngjae who looked at him confused as Jaebeom whispered in his ear. Youngjae looked at me laughing lightly which made Mark confused. Let's just say each member one by one noticed my presence and the sign I held up. It was Bambam who laughed the loudest after they finished singing Call My Name that caught Jinyoung's attention. He looked around confused until he finally ended up seeing me. He walked closer thinking he was hallucinating. He had been more nervous once he started the tour since you usually were there to hug him and give him little kisses before he had to leave for award shows. The girls around me started jumping around and screaming his name. But his eyes were trained on me he seemed like he wanted to cry but instead, he made a comment as if I was just a normal fan.
"Who here thinks I'm an angel?" He said through the mic as everyone screamed.
"Hey! He dressed up like a killer doll how is that angelic?!" Jackson said pointing his finger at Jinyoung to interact with the crowd. "I think I'm more of an angel"
"You dressed like the devil that one time" Jaebeom pointed out.
"The only person here would be me in my opinion," Yugyeom said. "If we're talking about Halloween costumes"
"You were an invisible cloak," Youngjae said. "I think I'm the winner don't you think" Yongjae said pointing his mic at the crowd who screamed yes.
"I feel offended," Jackson said dramatically.
I laughed at the whole thing and saw Jinyoung stealing some glances my way. After the concert was over I lingered around waiting for Jackson to come get me from the stands. Once the coast was clear Jackson ran out quickly and grabbed my hand as we ran backstage. The boys all gave me a hug and told me how shocked they were to see me since it was all the way across the world.
"He's here," Youngjae said as Jinyoung ran up to hug me. He wasn't that much of a PDA guy but he didn't care all he cared about was seeing you in the flesh.
"You're supposed to tell me this stuff, not Jackson," He said hiding his face in my neck which made me laugh a little.
"I couldn't tell you since it was a surprise" I smiled.
He pulled me closer and rocked back and forth. He nuzzled his face in my neck and ran his fingers through my hair. I smiled feeling him relax with every minute ticking by.
"You don't know how much I missed you" He mumbled giving a light kiss on my neck.
"I missed you too," I said his grip on me still tight.
"How did you manage to get here?" He asked pulling away from the hug.
"I'm on break so I decided to come see you perform"
"Are you staying around for long?" He asked.
"Hopefully I'll have enough money"
"I'll pay for it you can stay backstage and everything"
"I'd feel bad though" I sighed.
"Love, you and I both know I can afford you being here, hell it might be free if I ask the managers" At this point, Jinyoung was pleading with me to stay and it started working.
"I-" I sighed. "Are you sure?"
"Fine" I smiled and as soon as that word left my mouth I was picked up and spun in the air. "Jinyoung put me down" I laughed.
"Thank god your staying" He smiled. "I don't think I'd last another month"
"Well I'm here now"
"And your not leaving my side ever" He wrapped one of his arms around my waist and he placed his hand on my cheek with the other.
"Wouldn't dream of it" I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I love you," He said gently kissing me on the lips. I smiled into the kiss returning the gesture.
"I love you too" I pulled away resting my head on his chest as gently rubbed my back.
There was a knock on the door and we both looked over. The door creaked open and Youngjae popped in.
"Hey love birds, sorry to interrupt but Jinyoung has to come with me" Jinyoung looked at him confused. "Team meaning"
"Alright, I'm coming" Jinyoung turned to me. "Don't leave okay?"
"Alright" I smiled and watched him leave he winked and closed the door behind him.
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sscarletvenus · 2 years
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my weird and off-putting babygirls
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stay-mon-army · 1 year
Love After Lock-Up
Warnings: reader went to prison, family disappointment/not accepting, implied violence
Word Count: 2,356 words
Pairing: Jinyoung (Got7) x gn!reader
Requested?: yes, by @crzy-devil​ - I hope this isn’t horrible, I’m so sorry it took me so long to complete. I’m also sorry I went off the grid for like months 😭
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Dear Jinyoung,
Life in prison is surprisingly dull! I have so much spare time to just think. I spend most of my time thinking about you and all our times together before I got into this stupid mess. I can’t tell you how sorry I am that I can’t be with you now. I hope things are going good for you at home and you aren’t missing me too much. I’m going to be released soon, and I can’t wait to be home with you. Do you think you could pick me up? I want your face to be the first I see when I’m finally free to be with you again. Maybe we can go to a cafe and just talk. You can tell me all about what I missed while I was away. I miss hearing your voice and holding your hand. I mostly just miss being near you. I’ll see you soon, my love! Wait for me, I swear it’ll all be worth it soon.
On the day of your release from prison, you couldn’t wait to see Jinyoung. He had written you back and promised that he would be there to pick you up. You collected your belongings from the guard at the front desk and make your way to the exit before you.
It’s an overcast day; the sun is hidden behind rolling clouds, but thankfully it isn’t raining. As you step out into the crisp fall day, you spot a black car, and leaning against it, the love of your life. You face breaks into a smile and you see his face mirror yours as he pushes away from the hood of his car. For a second, you can’t move. It had been months since you had seen him, and it felt like a dream to finally see him here, in person, smiling at you and waiting for you like some prince. You hardly deserved him.
You broke out of your frozen state as he steps closer to you. You throw yourself into his arms, holding onto him as he buries his head into your neck. He squeezes you close to him, and you feel him breathe deeply against your neck, trying not to cry. You both had missed each other so much, it was hard not to tear up as you’re finally able to hold each other again and feel each others love like this.
After a moment, you pull away, moving your hands from around his waist up to cup his face. You take a moment just looking over his face as he gazes down at you, his eyes wet and shining but full of love. Finally, you pull him down to place your lips against his gently, slowly, enjoying the feeling of his skin against yours again after so long. His lips are gentle against yours as well, not pushing or pressuring but slowly exploring yours, matching your pace. It feels new and fresh, but also so comforting and safe, like coming home after a long, uncomfortable work day.
Finally, you let go of each other and he steps back to open the car door for you. You slide into the seat, placing your small bag of personal items between your feet as he closes the door and rounds the car to get into the drivers seat. He slides into his seat, clicking his seatbelt into place and starting the car smoothly. You missed the gentle ease he had with all his movements, like everything came naturally to him. His smooth movements, his gentle air, his ability to simultaneously fill a room and quiet the edges of a growing tension— all of him was so unlike everything that you were. Everything was so effortless to him and your love for him was only made sharper as he seemed to cleanly sweep away all your dirty secrets, round out your abrasive edges, dulled any growing fires of rage — he truly made you a better person by simply loving you.
He turns to flash you a smile, one hand gripping the wheel as he drives, the other reaching over to rest upon your thigh. You didn’t even realize he had started driving but you look out the window now and see the scenery change as he takes you away from that horrible place.
“What are you thinking about?” God, you had missed his voice. You nearly melt in your seat, those months of fear and stress and discomfort washing away with just the timbre of his voice.
“How much I missed you.” You answer honestly, letting your hand drift to run gentle circles and twirls around the skin of his hand and arm that’s reaching across the center console to touch you. You glance over at his side profile as he drives; his sharp jawline, the line of his nose, the prominence of his lips. Now that you’ve got him back, you’ve decided to commit him to memory. You had no intentions of ever leaving him again, but today, you would drink in as much of him as you could to make up for all that lost time. “Where are we going?”
“You said we should go to a cafe and catch up, so I’m taking you to Belle Fleur.” He smiles, his eyes crinkling up as he hears your soft gasp.
“Where we had our first date. Jinyoung, you’re too sweet.” You tear up again, which you’re sure you’ll do a million times throughout the day. No doubt being with him again was going to have you emotional. Lord knows you had cried plenty while you were in jail because of how much you missed him.
He doesn’t respond, just flipping his hand over to hold yours as he smiles out the windshield as he drives. He never had to say much of anything for you to feel the love he had for you.
You drive in relative silence for a while, the only sound being the gentle music floating from the radio. You enjoy the silence; you didn’t get a lot of quiet time in prison, with so many other people crammed into such a small place with little privacy.
Finally, Jinyoung pulls into the parking lot of the sweet little cafe and he lets you go just long enough for you both to hop out of the car. He opens the door to the cafe for you and guides you up to the counter with a hand resting on the small of your back, protective and possessive, just what you loved about him. He wasn’t overly possessive by any means, but the small signs to show off that you belonged with each other made your stomach erupt into butterflies.
He ordered for you at the counter, memorizing your favorite order even after so long not hearing it. You try to hide your smile, a feeling of exaltation you’ve never felt before spreading through you.
He takes both of your orders and you lead the way over to a small table in the corner by the windows. You like getting to people watch— you used to spend hours with a good drink and some snacks, just watching people going about their normal days through the windows of a cafe, feeling small and yet complete.
Jinyoung sits before you, a smile on his face as he pushes your drink your way, takes his own, and settles the baked goods you had picked out between you on the table. You watch his movements quietly, just drinking in his existence for another moment. Finally he stops, turning his eyes back to you as he cups his hands around his coffee.
“So,” you say, settling back into your seat and bringing your drink up to your lips for a sip. “Tell me everything I missed.”
You spent hours at that table with Jinyoung, catching up on all the little things you both experienced over the last few months. You were surprised by how normal life continued to be for you both— that despite the weird place you had found yourself in, both of you were still alive and healthy and back together, and nothing bad had happened to either of you.
Finally, the store began to close and it was time for you both to leave. You didn’t have a place of your own anymore, so you had to find someplace to stay. However, before you could panic, Jinyoung offered to let you stay with him and his family for a little while, until you found a job and your own place. You had been talking about moving in together before everything had gone wrong anyway, so you didn’t think it would be weird or difficult. You loved each other; it was only natural that you would want to spend your time together.
You hadn’t taken into account, however, that Jinyoung lived with his family, who might have different thoughts on everything than you two.
When you finally got back to Jinyoung’s house, you were ready to collapse into bed and rest for hours. The rush of getting ready to see Jinyoung again and the adrenaline of finally being out in the real world again had worn off and you could feel your body growing sluggish and lazy.
However, as you entered the house, you could tell instantly it wasn’t going to be that easy.
You could hear the TV running in the living room as you and Jinyoung took off your shoes and slid into the slippers in the hallway. He places a hand on your back as you both enter the house, as though he also senses the way the air feels charged as you both pass into view of his family. His mother reaches for the remote, slowly raising it to mute the tv before them before sinking back into the couch, her face blank of any emotions.
Jinyoung leads you into the living room, his hand both a comfort and a guiding hand into the lions den.
“Mom, dad, you remember (Y/N). They’re going to be staying with us for a little while, until they can get back on their feet.” His tone is kind yet firm, meant to show respect to his parents but that he wouldn’t be taking criticism about the situation. You swallow, folding your hands before you in the hopes to look respectful as well. The last thing you need is to look like some heathen come to impose and make a mess of their lives. You just wanted to fix everything.
His father stands, back straight as a rod as he looks first over you, then his son.
“I will not let some miscreant live in my house. I can excuse your absolutely idiotic feelings for this felon, but I refuse to allow them to live under my roof.” His voice is void of emotions, nearly calm. And yet you don’t miss the slight shake in his hands, like he’s trying so hard not to throw something.
“No.” His mother cuts in now, also standing. “You will listen to your father. If you wish to waste your life chasing after someone who wishes to ruin both of your lives, that is your right, but you will not bring some heathen into our household without our permission. If your father says they cannot stay, then they cannot stay. That is final.”
“Then I will be leaving.” Jinyoung doesn’t bat an eye, but you do. You turn to him quickly, placing a hand to his chest, whispering his name quietly. He doesn’t look at you, however. He simply stands there, staring into his fathers eyes. “If you refuse to allow me to help (Y/N) in this household, then I’m moving out. I’ll get us an apartment somewhere. But know that I will not be leaving (Y/N) alone. They went to jail for me.”
“Jinyoung, stop.”
You don’t glance between him and his parents, seeing the way his mother straightens behind his father, whose eyes have darkened. You push gently on his chest, hoping to back him away from the situation. You will leave, you can figure something else out, he doesn’t have to ruin his relationship with his family.
“No, (Y/N), it’s time that they learn the truth. (Y/N) was arrested because they were defending me. The people they supposedly assaulted? They were harassing me, and when (Y/N) stepped in to get them to leave us alone, things escalated and (Y/N) did what they needed to keep us safe. The courts wouldn’t listen, but that doesn’t make them any worse of a person. They did what I couldn’t do.” He looks down at you, meeting your eyes for the first time since entering the house. “They saved me.”
You throw your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. Neither of you had talked about what went down that day. Neither of you wanted to think about the horrible things that happened, and the even worse things that could’ve happened if you hadn’t reacted so quickly.
His parents don’t move, don’t make a sound as you begin to cry into Jinyoung’s shoulder. That he would defend you now, after all this time defending him, broke your heart to pieces. He pulls you back to look into your eyes once again.
“I love you, (Y/N), and I won’t let anyone keep me away from you for another moment.” And with that he kissed you, in front of his parents, as though he wasn’t baring his very soul to you and them. As though this didn’t mean the world to you. As though he didn’t risk throwing away his relationship with his family for you.
“They can stay.” You almost don’t believe your ears, and by the time you turn around to face them, both of his parents have turned and are heading back towards their room.
You turn back to Jinyoung, your face softening as you see the grin splitting his face as though you had agreed to marry him.
“The truth will set you free. And now, you’re all mine.” He whispers, leaning in for one more kiss.
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bambikisss · 2 years
Suits: 2
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-> Being a CEO of a big company has its perks, except for meeting the one. After you sign up for a dating app for the elite 1 percent, you match with someone who is just as rich as you. Is love truly in the cards for you both?
Smut warnings: Spit, bitting, slight bondage, slight breeding kink, marking, etc. Rough to Passionate.
"You joined a dating site to not match with anyone?" He asked, taking a sip of his champagne as he listened to you try to explain why you joined, cutting you off as he leaned closer to you, his mint breath gracing your cheek as he made his way to your ear. "So, you don't want me then, Y/N?"
A/N: She's a long one.
You always found the saying "Cat and Mouse game" to be so confusing.
Who was the cat and who was the mouse? Why didn't the cat just move on?
"Ah, nice to see you again, Ms. L/N." You gripped the doorknob as you turned to face Jaebeom, who was leaning against your desk with some wine you had on your desk now in his hand, a smirk on his lips.
"Do you have a moment?"
Now you understood why.
"I do have a moment, Mr. Lim. What can I do for you?" You felt his eyes melt into your body as you made your way to the alcohol table that you had placed next to the window. He said no words as the dark red wine filled the glass that soon met your lips. His mind flashed back to the dinner that had happened a few days prior; how your lips molded around moaning, how your lips felt in the kiss, how your perfect lipstick smudged all over his neck and your face.
You were the mouse that he so desperately wanted to catch.
"I just wanted to talk some more. I tried to get your number from Mrs. Kim, but she said it was better to come and ask you myself, and judging by how hard it was to get an appointment with you, I assume you're a very busy girl, Ms. L/N." You noted how his voice had dropped and had gotten slightly louder, turning around to now face Jaebeom, who was leaning against your couch, his hand out to take the second wine glass that you were pouring. You handed it to him, letting your fingers glaze his before reaching back for your own to sit at your desk. You both kept your gazes locked onto one another as you both drank the wine, a soft glimmer coming from an eyebrow piercing that Jae had, which gathered your attention.
"So, the CEO of a popular fashion, music, and art brand has a piercing?''
"Ah, so you did some research on me," Jaebeom placed the wine glass down, licking his lips as he made his way over to your desk. You also noticed now that he had a tongue piercing and a nose stud, both looking new. "What's 'next, grills?" You held back a smile as he nodded, mentioning how he was actually going to get some on Friday.
He made you feel comfortable, the lust that was in the air during your first meeting was not there as it was now comfortable and friendly. Jaebeom picked up your nameplate, humming as he read your name. "Beautiful name, Ms. L/N." you thanked him for his compliment before leaning back in your chair, downing the rest of the wine as you had. "So, did you make an appointment to just flirt with me and get my number or do you want to talk business?"
"Do you not want to mix business with pleasure, Ms. L/N?" Jae asked, sitting down before swirling the wine that was left in his glass. "Your company is thinking about dipping into fashion soon, right? I noticed that one of your competitors was complaining about it during a dinner party we had."
"So you all meet up to talk shit about me and my complaining expanding our horizons?" You asked, Jae, chuckling as he leaned back in his chair. "I do not participate in the complaining about you and your team's goal of manifesting destiny. I, however, want to talk about you partnering with me."
You raised an eyebrow as he stood up, sliding over an invitation. "I am hosting a party on Thursday to discuss the future of the company. You should come: you can get a raw, inside look at what my company can offer, along with connecting with many other people as my partners from oversees are also coming."
He let his hand move from the invite to gently hold your chin, moving you to look up at him. He seemed so much farther than your face when he was describing the event to you, it almost shocked you when you noticed how close you two were. He leaned down so that his lips were next to your ear, his thumb now moving to play with your bottom lip. "If you aren't satisfied by the end of the night by the event, I can surely be of service." Your eyes moved up to his, biting your bottom lip as he moved away from you, his lingering cologne around you as he left.
You were trying to figure out what cologne he used when your secretary knocked on the door, making you jump from your daydream.
"Ms. L/N, your next appointment is here." You nodded, getting up to follow her, stopping her when you reached the meeting room. "Clear out my schedule past 4pm on Thursday. I have a party with Jaebeom and his associates to attend." R/N nodded, hiding their smile as you entered the room. They had "passed by" a few times when you and Jaebeom were in the room, giggling at your dreamy expression when he leaned close to you. They walked away as the meeting began, holding in their excited giggle.
You arrived at the large gala hall around 8pm, an hour after the party began. You didn't know the traffic would be so bad that night and to be honest, it rattled you a bit and made you nervous.
It made you wonder if he would still be happy to see you. In the back of your mind, you of course thought he did this to every woman he tried to work with, but a part of you held onto the idea that he didn't do it to anyone else.
You sighed as you made your way inside, being greeted by a large ballroom decorated in gold and red, the table covers being black. There was an open bar along with Jaebeom's company name being projected onto the center of the tables and also on the stage. It was beautiful to you. You checked your dress once more before deciding to look for Jaebeom, your heels clicking as you made your way to join the many other people who were conversing with each other. You recognized a few, talking to them as the lights dimmed and you were told to direct your attention to the stage, Jae in a white suit soon coming on. His piercings and rings glimmered under the stage lights as he spoke to everyone, thanking everyone for coming and for being part of his growing company.
You wouldn't admit it, but you spent more time admiring him than listening to what he was saying. You caught a glimpse of his chain necklace, biting your lip as you wondered how it would feel to tug on it. Your mind wandered deeper and deeper until he met your eyes as he scanned the crowd, a small smirk coming to his face as he noticed how dark your eyes had gotten. "I'm so glad that everyone came. I hope we can make new relationships and support the ones we already have. Thank you." You clapped with everyone as the jazz music picked back up as he left the stage. You smiled as your colleagues turned back to you to pick up where the conversation left off, the conversation halting once more when Jaebeom approached you all.
You watched as he conversed with them, waving goodbye as they walked away to give you too some space. "I'm glad you came, Y/N. Not gonna lie, at first I thought you weren't." He smiled, his hand coming to rest on the bottom of your back. You apologized, mentioning how bad traffic was coming from your penthouse to here. Jae frowned, mentioning how he would keep that in mind. "What did you think of the company and what I said?" He asked, smirking when you tensed up from being caught. "Don't tell me you didn't pay attention. I did that whole thing so that you knew what our company was capable if we end up working together."
"Well, you spoke well and got your points across." you countered, Jae, chuckling as he raised his pierced eyebrow, waiting for you to continue on and to pinpoint something he had said, your conversation being halted when a man came up, a younger woman in tow. Jae moved his hand from your back to shake the man's hands, the old man motioning to the woman he had. "This is my daughter, Heejin. She has been a fan of your company for a while and I thought bringing her tonight to meet with one of my partners was a great opportunity, I hope you don't mind."
You hoped your jealousy wasn't radiating off of you as he gave the woman attention, your eyes not missing her hands moving up his arms to grip his biceps and touch his chest. It was as if you weren't there, you deciding to head to the bar while he entertained the two.
As you sat at the bar, you were joined by one of the colleagues you were talking to earlier. He rested his head on his hand, making small talk with you, which didn't go unnoticed by Jaebeom, who could slowly feel his own jealousy bubble. He watched as your colleague touched your shoulder, his fingers moving to touch your back which was the last straw for him.
He cut the conversation short with his partner and his daughter, letting him know that he would catch them later before making his way over to you, leaning against the bar to the left of you to order a drink. He made eye contact with the other man over your head, smiling as he introduced himself to him. You turned to face Jae, noticing how he winked at you as he held his hand out, his lips forming a smirk as he asked you to talk with him in private to discuss some things. You held back your own smirk, placing your hand gently into his as he grabbed his drink, leading you away from your now confused colleague. He led you to a separate room from the main ballroom, leading you outside to the terrance, still holding your hand. "Do you always whisk away women that you try to partner with from talking with their friends to talk on a random Terrance during their own company party?" you asked, Jae humming as he took a sip of his whisky. "Only the ones I wanna talk to in private without other people interrupting."
You raised an eyebrow at him as he smiled at you, his hand returning to rest on the bottom of your back, pulling you against his chest. "This doesn't seem very professional to me, Mr. Lim." Jae smirked at the tone of your voice, putting his glass down so he can wrap both of his arms around you so you were chest to chest. "I have many female staff; are you going to do this to them as well?" Your eyes were trained on his lip as he leaned down closer to you, his fingers dipping below the opening in your back. "I'll only do this to you, Y/N."
Right before your lips could touch, the doors swung open to show a staff member, you and Jae quickly moving away from one another. Jae cleared his throat as his ears began to heat up, asking what was wrong. His secretary hid his smirk as he mentioned how the party was now dwindling and everyone was making their way home and his car was on the way to take him home. Jae thanked him, shooing him away as he looked at you, hiding his embarrassment. His secretary chuckled, leaving you two alone on the terrace.
You two spoke no words as the cold wind hit you, reminding you that you were outside and had no coat on. You were so wrapped up in Jae and in his arms that you didn't get to feel it. Jae noticed you shiver, moving to remove his coat only to remember he had no shirt on underneath and still had to walk by the many guests to get to his car. He cleared his throat before running a hand through his hair, chuckling awkwardly. "I remembered you mentioning how long it took you to get here from your penthouse." you turned to face him, wrapping your arms around yourself as he stepped closer to you, wrapping his arms back around you. "I can, of course, take you home, but my place is closer. You seem so cold, Y/N." He whispered, his hand moving to cup your face, his thumb rubbing your cheek.
You mulled over the options, thinking about it as he stared at you. He wasn't forcing you to stay over at his place, but it would take longer to get home than just going to his. A part of you also wasn't keen on leaving him yet.
"As long as you can keep me warm, I'll come back with you." He nodded, a small smile on his lips, as he hurried to lead you down back to the ballroom where everyone was slowly filing out, everyone still keen on talking with Jae before leaving. You peeled yourself from Jae's side, talking to some staff and colleagues as he talked to some people, occasionally looking back at you to make sure you didn't leave or that anyone wasn't bothering you. You left with him as he made his way outside, helping you get into the backseat of his car before being stopped by the old man with his daughter from earlier. "Tonight was amazing, Mr.Lim, even though at some points you were hard to find." You looked up as the man spoke, making eye contact as his voice hid his annoyance with you taking Jae's attention from him and the daughter he was trying to pin Jae with. Jae noticed the man's tone and his gaze, telling him that he can meet with him later, not saying anything to the daughter as he got in next to you, slamming the door shut.
As you both left the two behind, you felt your noticed how blown up your phone was. You scrolled through and answered emails, Jae raising an eyebrow as he watched you before scoffing. "It's damn near midnight and you're still working?" You raised an eyebrow at his words, showing him the many emails, to which he takes your phone from you. "You can get this back tomorrow. You need a night to just relax"
"Relax? What do you have planned for tonight, Mr. Lim?" you asked, Jae chuckling as he put your phone into his pocket before leaning over, his lips pressed against your ear as his hand rested on your thigh. "I don't think you were satisfied at the party. So, it's my job to satisfy you tonight" You raised an eyebrow at his words, deciding to play along and make him work for it.
You placed your hand over his, moving up your leg to go under the dress to rest on your bare upper thigh, Jae's breath hitching when his fingers touched your underwear, his finger looping underneath the band as he moaned softly. "I still have the pair of panties you left in my jacket from last time, baby. Am I going to start a collection with all the panties you're offering?" he played with the band as he began to kiss your neck and jaw. The drive felt like it was going on forever, Jae removing himself from you when he felt the car slow down.
He pulled back from you, biting his lip as he reached over your lap as he opened the door for you, his hands slowly moving back across your lap as he moved back to open his own door. He helped you out, walking with you up to the elevators, holding your hand as you both went up to the top floor, which was where his penthouse was. It was very minimalistic, the simple colors shocking you. There were pops of color coming from the paintings that were on the walls, along with the cat towers that held four cats. He looked like an everyday man, who just really liked simple art and cats. You laughed softly as a cat tried to jump to a different tower and almost fell, Jae looking up from pouring you water, chuckling. "Enjoying my cats?" He asked, clearly amused as he watched you play with one of them. You nodded, Jae, handing you a glass of water as you both watched the cats. It was a calm moment, despite the teasing in the car just a few moments before.
After a bit, Jae ushered you to the bathroom, letting you know that you could do and use anything you needed. You nodded, turning on the bathtub, putting some bubble solution in and a bath bomb that had some sparkles in it. It was obviously a brand deal gift basket that you had taken the bath items from, laughing internally at the face he probably made when he was given it.
Jae came back in with a towel and a change of clothes for it, noticing you struggling to unite your dress. He softly said "allow me", his fingers moving your hands away as he effortlessly untied the back, his hand moving to touch the open back area, his other hand gently pushing down the dress from your shoulder.
It felt like his fingers were fire; every touch he left on your skin made you feel so alive. You didn't realize you were holding your breath until the dress hit the floor, Jae asking you to step out of it so he could hang it up for you. You nodded, moving out of the dress so he could pick it up, watching as he walked out with the dress, leaving you hot in the bathroom. You sighed, removing your underwear before getting into the bathtub, enjoying the feeling of the warm water soothing your muscles that had become tense from work.
As you laid your head back against the tub, closing your eyes, Jae came back as he leaned against the doorway. He admired how you looked: the bubbles covering your breasts, your eyes closed- you look so relaxed.
"Enjoying the bathtub?" he asked, your eyes opening to meet his before sitting up. "Wanna join me?" Jae smiled at the playfulness in your voice, stripping down before getting into the bathtub so he was right next to you. He sighed as his own muscles relaxed, your hands moving to touch his chest, making him chuckle darkly. "Feeling touchy, baby?"
You didn't bother to say anything, kissing him softly as your hand moved all over his chest. He pulled you closer, pulling you so you were now straddling him, the kiss becoming more intense. Jae chuckled as you ground down onto him, biting your bottom lip as his hips moved to meet yours. You pulled him back into a messy and now needy kiss, Jae now moaning into the kiss as his own hips moved to meet yours.
In a way, it reminded you of two people who were desperate for one another. Like they were at a club and dancing with one another and ended up grinding against one another as they craved the touch of one another but didn't want to leave the loud club. In reality, you were now grinding against Jaebeom in the bathtub, moaning and whining for him like crazy.
Jae listened to you whine and beg for him for a bit longer before he halted your hips, his hands coming down to roughly grip your ass as he pressed himself against you. He looked up at you, his lips hovering over yours as he tried to calm down. He had been thinking of how he wanted to have sex with you since the first time at the restaurant. He wanted to do it a specific way and yet, he was blanking. He let you kiss down his cheek to his jaw and neck, leaving behind many bite marks that he knew he was going to have to get hide tomorrow. He whispered your name until you moved back so he could see your face, Jae now rolling his own hips to meet yours. "Get your ass up here and ride this dick because I can't fucking take it anymore."
You nodded, not hesitating to sink down onto him as he quickly reconnected your lips, moving his hips fast to meet yours as he kept you in the kiss, Jae moaning loudly as his hands gripped your ass to help you move, the water around you splashing around and some spilling over the edge. You whined as he moved down your neck to mark it, your moans now echoing around the bathroom as the water around you both began to spill over and cover you two. "Jaebeom, fuck, goddam you're so big"
"Yeah, can you handle this big cock?" Jae grunted, tossing his head back as you clenched around him before he kisses you again, moaning once more when you tug on his hair. "Gotta stretch you out so you can handle my goddam cock."
You dug your nails into his shoulder, trying to bounce back against his own movements, halting when his rolled to the back of his head. His nails dug into your hips, his chest rising and falling as his head rested on the side of the tub.
He looked so beautiful to you. His wet and now messy hair covered his eyes, his pierced tongue licking his lips as his face showed how in bliss he was. His neck was marked with hickies left by you, adorning his neck and upper chest, along with crescents from your nails digging into his shoulders.
You loved how he said your name as he sat up, his tongue moving to lick your jaw, his hips moving once more as he now went deeper and harder. You wanted to know more about him, you wanted to know him more than just the CEO who was obsessed with you.
"What are your cats names?" You moaned out, Jae pausing momentarily before he chuckled, looking at you as he moved faster, biting and kissing along your collarbone. "My cats? Cake, Pudding, Nora, Pringle, and Kimchi"
Jae was slightly amused by your sudden question about his cats, finding it cute. He picked up the pace as he felt you tighten around him, Jae looking at you as you leaned back. "Are you gonna cum, baby? Are you going to make a mess on me?" He asked, moaning louder as you nodded, his fingers moving down to play with your clit before watching you cum, holding you down onto him as he came with you. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, resting his head on your chest as you both tried to calm down.
You ran your hands through his hair as you kissed his forehead, your skin tingling as you both hold one another. It felt oddly romantic.
As your tried to move away so you could sit next to him, his grip on you tightened, making you look down at him. He looked up at you, his cheeks dusted with a slight blush as he kissed your skin. "Stay with me..like this. Let me hold you baby." You felt your heart skip a beat as Jae kissed around your body, the now lukewarm water not bothering you both as you both held each other in the bathtub.
After a while, Jae let you escape his grasp to dry off and put on the T-shirt Jae had brought for you, Jae putting on boxers before kissing your shoulder, rubbing your back. He seemed so loving at that moment, which made you smile and blush softly. "Do you want something to eat, baby?"
"It depends on what you have. And why do you call me baby so often?'' Jae paused looking through his fridge, turning to look back at you. "Do you want me to stop?"
The atmosphere of the whole place shifted at his question. The once lust-filled atmosphere is now comfortable. It felt like how your own home felt: like you had gotten home after a long hard day and you fell back against your plush sheets.
It felt like home.
Jae felt like home.
You stared more at the man who was holding ramen and some mandu in the other hand. The man with a simple black t-shirt on and plaid pants. The man who wanted to hold you after sex.
The man you wanted.
"No, you can keep calling me baby."
Sleeping in other places has always been a struggle for you.
When you traveled for events, you always stayed in the same hotel because of the familiarity. You barely ever slept in other people's homes because you could never sleep well.
This was time was, of course, not an exception.
You stayed on your side facing the large window that showed the city all lit up by the moon, Jaebeom's chest against your back as his arm was draped over your waist. While you thought it was cute he wanted to hold you and keep you close, he ran hot.
You tried to move away from him, but Jaebeom either moved closer to you or pulled you back against him. You couldn't move any farther away because you both were now near the edge of the bed. You sighed, trying to carefully remove his arm from you, listening to Jaebeom's soft snores to make sure you didn't wake him.
"Am I smothering you?" You paused mid-holding his arm over your waist, turning back to face Jaebeom who was now slowly opening his eyes. You put his hand down, Jae wrapping it back around you before pulling you close, his breath now hitting your ear as his fingers gently drummed against your stomach. "Can't sleep?'' You nodded, noticing his tired voice as he spoke. He hummed, thinking before saying "Want some water? You feel hot."
"I'm hot because you run hot" you murmured, Jae, chuckling deeply before getting up, going to get you wanted from the kitchen, leaving you in the suddenly cold sheets. You sat up slightly, running your hand threw your hair as he returned with a glass for you. You thanked him, Jaebeom crawling in behind you to rest his hands on your thighs as you drank, his thumbs rubbing your skin gently as he waited for you to finish. When you were done, he took the glass from you, placing it on his nightstand before kissing your cheek. "Better?" you nodded, laying your head back on his shoulder as Jaebeom slowly pulled his hands up your body, slowly massaging your body as he kissed your neck. You glanced at the time, the numbers making you sigh. Jae sighed as well, mumbling softly "it's late, and we both have work tomorrow." He continued kissing your neck though, despite his words.
You sighed dreamily, your hands resting over his as you slowly moved with him so your shirt was slowly pulled up, Jae looking down at the newly exposed skin. He leaned down to kiss your waist and your lower back, fully tossing off your shirt to rest on the floor before kissing up your spine. "For someone who was just complaining about being too hot, you seem eager to get all hot and sweaty," Jae kissed your bare shoulder before tossing off his own shirt, turning your head to now face him, kissing you softly as his hand slowly made his way down into your pants, rubbing you over your underwear. Jae smiled as you moaned into the kiss, Jae pulling back to see your face as he slipped his hand into your underwear, his finger drawing shaped on your clit as he cupped your breast, squeezing it as he moved his fingers faster. You looked so beautiful in the moonlight to him, so pretty like a picture. He rolled his hips into your ass, kissing you again as his fingers moved faster before slipping a finger in.
"So warm, so wet." He murmured, your own hand slipping into his own pants to stroke him slowly, making it his turn to moan into the kiss, his hips moving to meet your hand. He whined as your thumb went over the tip, Jae inserting another finger into you as his thumb played with your clip. He took his time driving you crazy, whispering how beautiful you looked and how good you felt on his fingers before slowly driving you to the edge, kissing you as you both came, sighing into the kiss. Jae slowly removed his fingers from you, licking them clean as you did the same on your hand, staring at one another. Jae took a minute to watch you before kissing you passionately, moving so you were on your back as he continued to kiss you, tearing off his pants along with yours before wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around him.
"Ready for round 2?" he asked through his heavy breaths, you nodding as he slowly pushed in before smirking at you. When you asked him what he was smiling at, he shrugged. "You said you were having trouble sleeping. So, I'm going to fuck you to sleep." He placed a quick kiss on your lips before picking you up, kissing you again.
The next morning, you woke up to Jaebeom kissing your shoulder, the shower on, and a sweet smell filling your senses.
"The shower is ready for you and I'm making breakfast." he murmured, helping you sit up before returning to the kitchen to finish cooking, leaving you to go shower and get ready for the day. You took a quick shower, noticing a pair of belted pants and a simple white shirt sitting on the bathroom counter. You put them on before going to join Jaebeom, who was wearing an outfit similar to you (a black t-shirt and white pants).
"Ah, I know you have to go to the office so I made you some breakfast and some lunch to go with it," Jae didn't look at you as he slid over the packaged containers, his ears heating up as he bit cleared his throat. You found it cute how he was acting, thanking him before you noticed your phone charged on the counter, filled with messages from your staff asking where you were and if they needed to send a car to come and get you. You assured them that you were ok and were on your way, clearing your throat as Jae grabbed his own work items and car keys. "I'll drop you off at work if you want. I have to go to that side of town for a meeting anyways." You thanked him, following him to his car before getting into the passenger seat, Jae reaching over to put your seatbelt on for you before heading off to your office.
He rested his hand on your thigh, drumming along to the music on the radio as he drove. You noticed the marks from last night were covered, asking him about it, which made him chuckle. "I got some concealer delivered this morning and figured out how to cover it. Did I do a good job?"
You jokingly said no, Jae chuckling as he squeezed your thigh. You smiled at his laugh, your mind going back to last night. He seemed so gentle with you and so loving with you.
It wasn't hard for you to realize that you had caught some feelings for the man who was driving right now, which made you wonder if he felt the same way.
When he pulled into the office, you both didn't move at first. The drive had felt so fast compared to the drive to his apartment. You cleared your throat before reaching down to pick up the food, Jae turning off the car before picking up the food before you could.
When you asked him what he was doing, he shrugged as he exited the car. "I'm going to be a gentleman and help you take these into your office as you already have to carry your purse."
He said it in a way that let you know that if you told him not to, he would listen. You didn't want to let go of him though, agreeing before closing the car door behind him. He walked with you to your office, ignoring the looks of your many staff members at seeing you two together. You were happy to reach the seclusion of your office, Jae placing the containers down onto the desk before checking his watch. "Alright, I gotta go. I have a meeting with a stylist." You thanked him, hugging him before walking him to the door, only for Jae to stop you from opening the door, leaning over to poke his cheek. When you raised an eyebrow, he chuckled. "Cheek kiss?" You chuckled at his roundabout way of asking for a goodbye kiss, kissing his cheek softly before telling him to hurry to his meet, Jae nodding before leaving. You bit your bottom lip before going back to your desk, opening one of the breakfast containers to see rice, eggs, and sausage. You smiled, sitting down to eat as your secretary came in, an obvious smile on their face.
"You have a meeting at 11 with our skin care team. I'll leave you alone to enjoy your breakfast from Mr. Lim." You didn't say anything as they walked out, only smiling at the taste of the food, before glancing at a text from your phone.
CEO Lim Jaebeom: Enjoy the food, beautiful. If you want, I can cook dinner for you too.
CEO Lim Jaebeom: Swing by my place tonight. You know where it is ;)
Y/N: You do know that I'll be expecting something delicious for taking me from going straight home, right?
CEO Lim Jaebeom: I'm a pretty good chef if I do say so, myself.
CEO Lim Jaebeom: I'll let you judge that tonight over steaks and wine. If it's not up to par, you know I'll go the distance to satisfy you.
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janghyungf · 1 year
HE CALLS HIS HOSTAGES BABIES PLSS, they're his babygirls fr no doubt
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144 notes · View notes
Nothing More(M) - Two
~5k words - please, enjoy!
I see you as a stranger but it’s different… I have those marks of love, my soul is hurt. Can’t you stay closer when the lights turn down, so that you’ll feel you don’t have me?
“Then what? You just casually claimed you’re fine to be her fuck buddy?”
“And you’ll have sex, at the expense of her telling you more about herself?”
“You’re stupid.”
Jinyoung grabbed at the bridge of his nose before dropping down on the leather chair of the practice studio.
“I’m not?” Mark said with some sort of reinforced conviction, like that was his brightest accomplishment. “It’s pretty fair, if you ask me.”
“Fair?” Jinyoung repeated, leaning forward on top of his knees. “You know absolutely nothing about this girl, for which you are developing an unrequited affection.”
“I know things.”
Mark opened his mouth to answer but the words ceased to exist. With Jinyoung cocking his eyebrow and a half-mockery half-pitiful expression plastered on his face, Mark realized he really did not know much.
“She’s, uhm, a manager at Seoul Medical Private practice.”
Jinyoung nodded, as if prompting Mark to continue talking.
“And a part-time bartender.”
“Mhm. I suppose that’s it.”
 “That’s it.”
A sigh escaped through Mark’s lips. “But isn’t this the whole point of casual sex? You don’t ask questions and you don’t seek answers.”
“Except you are doing both, one-sidedly.” Jinyoung rose from his seat to place a hand on Mark’s shoulder, not trying to mask the evident worry in his eyes. “You’re not that guy.”
Mark looked at the other, and ultimately away. The silence of his reflection in the studio mirror was interrupted by the other 5 members, crowding the room with their usual infectious cheerfulness. Before breaking away from Mark, Jinyoung patted him on the shoulder and pursed his lips into a small smile. “You’re not that guy”.
“Knock-knock,” Jonathan’s voice chirped before leaning his tall body against the doorframe of Samantha’s new office. “I like this room. It’s much more spacious and you finally have big windows. Think you can grow a plant in here?”
Samantha put her pen away after having signed a document. She smiled up at Jonathan. “What can I help you with, Doctor Williams?”
Jonathan took the liberty to look around the office, searching for something specific. It still was there, Samantha’s doctor coat, dropping from the hanger. “I have an interesting case, which I’ll probably definitely operate on.”
She knew where that was going. “And?”
Jonathan stopped by the hanger, tracing his fingers over the white ironed material. “And I want Doctor Stoss to scrub in with me.”
“I am not a neurosurgeon, last time I checked.”
“But you agree that you’re still a surgeon.”
Samantha looked back at the wooden surface of the desk, trying to busy herself with anything other than that discussion Jonathan knowingly started. “Then again, I was not a neurosurgeon”.
The man came over to the desk, prompting his hands on either side of it. He leaned closer to Samantha, forcing her to look up at him. “I have a 7-month-old pregnant woman with a tumor on her brain. I want the best OB-GYN resident in this hospital to scrub in with me and deliver the baby or keep the baby in safely.”
She looked away. Jonathan peeled a hand off from the desk to bring up to her chin, on a tender touch. “I will repeat that if you think you didn’t hear it clearly enough”.
“Jonathan, I’m not ready.” Samantha breathed shakily and had to close and squeeze her eyes in an attempt to keep that past incident away from surfacing violently. “I’m not ready.”
Jonathan let his hand slide further to caress the fragile skin of her cheek. “Let us help you. Let me help you. We all know that wasn’t on you.”
“What’s it to you?” Samantha opened her eyes to pierce into the other’s emerald ones. Jonathan jerked his head back in surprise, the contact between them breaking in response. The tip of his tongue wet the bottom lip and exhaled an exasperated sigh.
“It is that you chose that bastard over me. It also is that I loved you and I am beating myself up everyday you are not picking up the damn scalpel. I should have beat him much more than I did.”
He pushed forward. “And now that you finally threw him out of your life, and a good part of your life for that matter, you keep away from me. I am still here.”
Samantha’s eyes were pacing back and forth between his features, his eyes, and his lips, as if trying to grasp the words he was speaking and put them together in such a manner that made sense. She looked at him with a look that was stuck somewhere between past and present, a look that let him know everything was a mistake. A look that also let him know there was no way to rewrite the past. And he wished he hadn’t seen that look.
“You don’t love me, Jonathan. I can’t have you trying to love two women at the same time. Not when one of them is just a ghost in your memory.”
He scoffed. Samantha did not let him speak. “You stopped loving me the moment I made my choice. And it’s okay. Because I don’t hold any grudge against you. Because you love Leena.”
Jonathan straightened his body and Samantha could not read his expression. “Let me go.”
“He killed that woman, Sam. He did. He was desperate to show off to the Chief.”
“Jonathan, I am not having this discussion—”
“You trusted him against your better judgement. You couldn’t have saved neither of them—”
“Jonathan, get out.”
The man lifted both his hands to signal he was giving up. “I can’t let you go, Sam. I just can’t. You’re losing yourself and you’re not picking up my hand. You used to take us by the hand.”
Samantha turned her chair away from Jonathan and fixated her eyes on a void point outside the window. Her brain triggered the moments she tried shoving away like skeletons in a closet. She wanted to desperately believe skeletons do not always come back.
“I assume we’re still meeting to go out tonight. We’re supposed to celebrate the new manager.”
The last thing she heard was the sound of the door slamming violently behind. Before a tear dropped loosely, Samantha thought about Mark.
In the fervent ruckus of practicing and perfecting their next concert, which was set to start in 6 days, the guys, drenched in sweat, with their ankles hurting after more than 5 continuous hours, decided to take a water break. Mark dropped to the ground, crossing his legs, and holding his body up with his arms. Before Jackson threw him a towel, Mark thought about Samantha. It had been a couple of days since they’d heard from one another.
“Hey, Mark,” Bambam chirped, a cheeky tone blatantly carrying his words “girlfriend’s calling.”
Mark’s head perked up almost instantly.
“She’s not his girlfriend.” Jinyoung breathed, pouring what was left of the water in the bottle on his head.
“I don’t think she’s not his girlfriend” Jackson joined in, throwing the shirt over his head.
“Could you stop making assumptions?” Mark jolted from his place, eager to try and put an early end to the teasing he was just about to receive. “I swear to God, if I am picking up this phone and you’ll be hovering over my shoulders, I’ll kick you in the nuts.”
Youngjae placed his hands protectively over the threatened jewels. “Don’t hit hard?”
At that point, he gave up.
“Hey stranger.”
“Hey,” she answered on the other end of the line, with a slight delay. “I’m sorry I didn’t text you earlier.”
“Yeah, no, that’s fine. It’s quite actually none of my business.” Mark saw in the mirror the displeased expressions of Jackson and Jaebom, while Yugyeom and Bambam covered their mouths dramatically. ‘That’s bad’, Jackson mouthed to Jinyoung.
Against his expectations, Mark was met with silence on the other line. Suddenly, he felt awkward for the first time since meeting her. Mark never meant to sound accusative. If anything, he might have waited for her to text. “I mean, part of the deal, right?”
 “Listen, I didn’t mean that. It’s just been a very long day.” A small pause, in tune with all the other members who seemed to have drawn in their breaths for what Mark would have said next. “I can use some good company. If you want to meet up?”
“Yeah, sure, sounds good to me.”
Mark was not convinced it sounded good to her. He cleared his throat. “So, uh, do you want to meet tonight?"
Another pause. “I cannot really meet tonight, I have surgery.” She heard his sharp gasp. “Not surgery on me, surgery on someone else. I’m, uh, a resident.”
“A resident? A surgical resident?” There was a collective gasp from all of the boys, accompanied by shocked faces staring at Mark in the mirror.
“You didn’t take me as the smart type, huh? I guess smart people don’t have fuck buddies after all.”
“No, that’s—”
“Listen, I have to go. For the record, I didn’t call to get you to bend me over the table. I… I wanted to see how you were doing. Bye.”
Mark did not have any chance to protest before the dial tone echoed in his ear. The phone slid away from his ear, intrigued initially, then a furrow between his eyebrows made him wonder what he did wrong for her to dismiss him like that.
“A surgical resident,” Jaebum repeated, gesturing with his hands like an orchestra conductor to calm down the overly excited group. “That’s cool.”
“Cool? That’s fucking insane. Do you think I could find an arrangement like yours?” Bambam blurted out and earned a smack on the head from the leader. Jinyoung followed Mark with his eyes. He sensed the uncertainty and the sliver of self-doubt oozing from the other. Just when he was about to say something, Jackson went over to start the music set, to rescue Mark from the dozens of questions he was about to receive, to which he held no answers. Jinyoung thanked him with a head dip.
Jonathan was cleaning his hands when the OR doors slid open. He couldn’t hide the evident shock on his face, not that it mattered. For all he knew, he wanted her to see the shock imprinted on his face.
“Don’t tell me.”
The shock deepened when he noticed she was dressed in surgical scrubs. Then a sly smirk on his face. “You look so hot dressed like this.”
Samantha kicked the water tank with her foot, choosing not to add any comment.
“I missed you.”
She gasped at the other’s confession. Her head tilted for her to look over her shoulder in the depth of his eyes. Coming to the OR was impulsive, an impulsive decision after Mark reiterated their arrangement. Samantha knew it sounded frivolous. Only then did she truly register the words Jonathan said to her. The memories, the hope, the dream. With all the disappointments they carried. Before she knew, she found herself in the OR.
“If you keep staring at me like that, I might push you against the wall and you’d lose the bet.”
“Doesn’t that make you the loser?” she retorted, a smirk stretching the corners of her lips. “I’m just observing, that’s it. There is already a GYN resident in there.”
Jonathan shook his hands lightly to dispose of the surplus of dripping water. He turned to her as he kicked the OR door open, and if Samantha did not know any better, she would say he was relieved of her presence. “Not if you kissed me first.”
Pacing was not Mark’s way of coping with things in general. For what sentiment he paced that evening, in the lobby hall of the hospital, he could not tell. No one likes hospitals in particular, but it wasn’t the hospital’s fervid smell of chlorine that provoked Mark’s pacing. It was Samantha’s sharp dismissal that stained his thoughts. And he didn’t care, or that’s what he kept trying to convince himself of. Jinyoung’s words popped in his mind yet again.
You’re not that guy.
When he braced himself to stop pacing, he approached the nurse’s station. “Hi, good evening. I am looking for Samantha…”
The awkward pause sneaked in. A woman whose last name he had no idea about, who was supposed to be his casual sex call.
“She’s a manager here at this hospital.”
“Oh, Doctor Stoss you meant. Yes, the surgery in OR 4 has just ended, she should be here any minute with Doctor Williams.”
Mark did not get enough time to thank the nurse when he got distracted by an electrifying sound he himself had caused before. His attention turned magnetically toward the source of the joyful laughter, only to be met by Doctor Jonathan Williams, with his hands in his jeans pockets. He was making Samantha laugh.
“Mark?” she turned to him in a blink, same way Jonathan turned to her.
“So you’re the Mark,” Jonathan said, faking one of his best smiles. Samantha was too taken aback to realize Jonathan was, in fact, a tad bothered by the other’s presence.
Mark quirked an eyebrow involuntarily at the other man. He was exactly as Samantha described him, tall, handsome, cocky. Trustful. And he knew about them two, which could have changed the situation. Complicate it.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you here is all, Mark. I told you I had surgery.”
“Yeah, no, I heard, I wanted to make sure you were fine.” If it weren’t for his fingers numbing from his tightened grip around the Lindt chocolate box, he would have forgotten about them entirely. Mark extended his arm towards Samantha in a successful but unforeseen attempt to leave her speechless. It was Jonathan’s turn to cock an eyebrow.
“You shouldn’t have…” Samantha looked up at Jonathan. She was growing annoyed with his displeased antics. Not that Mark would know. “I am busy tonight, we’ll gather with Leena to celebrate, you know. Me.”
“Totally.” Mark nodded with a serene expression. “I will go. If we don’t see each other again before I go, it was nice enough seeing you like this, Doctor.”
There was something about his serene smile that tied a knot in Samantha’s stomach. In her imagination, Mark was not supposed to be that. He was not supposed to come looking for her, to bring her chocolate and call her endearingly on her title. He was not supposed to sketch a hue of pink across her face. Mark was supposed to sleep with her and forget about her.
“Go where? I wouldn’t say you are leaving,” Leena chimed in, allowing her curly hair to bounce freely against her short-sleeved shirt, “though we won’t force you to join us for drinks.”
“Ah, as much as I’d love to,” Mark replied, his eyes searching for Samantha once again, “I wasn’t invited. I’m not barging.”
“We’re inviting you now.” Jonathan cleared his throat and painted a puzzled expression on Samantha’s face. “You said so yourself, you would love to, would you not?”
Mark hesitated. He suddenly pondered over the fact that a fuck buddy would not meet the other’s friends.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to feel pressured by these two anyway.”
“No, I… I think I’d love to.”
Saturday night in a popular high-profile club in Seoul city could rival all levels of imagination. Stories that would go unknown for all eternity, on people who’d enter the club to enjoy, to fool around, to forget, on a busy dancefloor, with extravagant lights and liquor. Samantha’s cousin had one of the most sought-after clubs of the capital and on good merit. It hit Samantha that she never did face the other side of the bar counter. It had always been easier to be the one serving the poison than the one to drink it.
The reservation for Samantha’s group was made on a booth better shielded from the crowded center of the club. She waved a hand at the security guys outside and guided the four of them to their spot.
“Wow, I can’t believe I never came to this club,” said Jonathan with a newly discovered admiration for the place.
“Maybe your relationships would have been more successful.” Leena stuck his tongue out at him and the other rolled his eyes at her remark. Albeit hiding a smile behind the façade.
Mark guided Samantha to take her seat first and the latter offered a smile. She refused instead.
“I’ll go get the drinks because I am that cool and that fast. What would you like to have?”
Not long after Samantha disappeared in the nightly crowd, Mark took a seat somewhat cornered by the curious eyes of Samantha’s friends. One would say that, with all the public attention and the fame, he would get used to the squinting.
“So, you and Sam,” Jonathan begun, rolling the sleeves of his shirt as if preparing himself for some sort of a confrontation with the other man. “How’s it going?”
“Fine? I think.” He replied much less inconsistently than he would have hoped. Truth be told, he did not really know how to reply to such a question. The answer would have been straightforward for someone who sleeps with another person for fun but one does not consider verbalizing how such a relationship would ‘be’. When it is not even a relationship. “She’s amazing.”
“I bet she is.”
“Jonathan!” Leena smacked his shoulder. “Please forgive him, we have been friends since college, and he gets over-protective over her sometimes…”
Mark pondered over the girl’s words. If he would not want to be involved with Samantha, he wouldn’t mind about their arrangement. “It’s totally fine. I am a stranger who sleeps with your friend. Nothing more.”
The conversation was cut short by Samantha returning with the tray of drinks. After serving everyone, more out of habit than anything else, she seated herself beside Mark. “So, what did you two press Mark about?”
Jonathan raised both his eyebrows and his glass in a swift motion, to grab a solid gulp of his whiskey on the rocks. “Nothing in particular.”
“So, a surgeon, huh?” Mark took a hold of his dark beer to mimic Jonathan’s earlier gesture. “Can you do both? Management and save lives?”
Samantha looked down at her glass to swirl the straw around. Mark was not ill intended, and she also was not prepared to reveal too much about herself. She never planned to do so anyhow.
I want you to tell me about you in exchange.
“I took a step back from surgery for a while. It became a bit overwhelming. But I did not want to leave the hospital and the community, so I applied for a more ‘business’ like job. Now I am manager.”
“Today was just her first step coming back to surgery full time.” Jonathan smiled and shot a wink to Samantha’s direction.
Leena immediately became confused. “Surgery? You went into surgery today?”
Samantha looked over at Jonathan with a piercing look. Mark figured she had not revealed that to the other woman. “Jonathan told me he had a 7-month-old pregnant woman with a brain tumor. He came to me to ask me to scrub in. I just watched the fetal monitor, that’s all. Luckily, there was no need to step in.”
“Interesting,” concluded Leena to take a sip of her Margarita. “Samantha, can we have a word?”
Samantha looked over at Mark with an apologetic look. Guilt started building up that she purposely dragged him into her personal life. Mark raised his bottle once again, with his lips pursed into a silent surrender. It was flattering, in a way, that she honored her half of their agreement. With each word sent out into the world by the three of them, Mark’s curiosity blossomed. Perhaps more eager and too easily.
“So, how’s the sex?”
Mark choked on the beer. “I’m sorry?”
“Nah, I am just curious how a stranger in a bar got in her bed.”
Ah, thought Mark. Jonathan did not know.
“I am not entitled to tell you that.”
“You actually went into surgery? And you did not think to tell me, as well?”
Samantha looked at Leena. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen that mixture of hurt and betrayal on the other’s face. “It was impulsive. Johnny came to my office to tell me about his case, and then we sort of fought—”
“Why did you fight about?”
The moment Samantha put her hands on her hips, Leena knew. “Fought about you.”
“It’s not what you think—”
“He still hasn’t let go of you. Did you tell him that Mark is your fuck buddy?”
Silence. “I see. It’s not like you’re trying too hard to push him either.”
“Leena I don’t want him, I don’t love him. And he loves you. It’s quite visible with the naked eye.”
“It’s not when the moment you fuck another guy, he becomes all protective over a woman who is not even his to begin with!”
Leena stopped in her tracks, almost in disbelief that she let something out which she did not consider she would. Samantha grabbed her by the wrist to tug her through the crowd.
“What are you doing?” screamed Leena over the booming music.
“I am tired of being the middleman between you two fools. He is crushing so hard over you and as cocky and almighty you say he is, he is a coward. So, you’ll speak to him while I have sex in the back room. 30 minutes enough?”
By the time the girls returned to their booth, Leena had not been given the choice to ingest the newly divulged pieces of information. The two arrived in the evasive silence of the two men who could have prayed for a disaster to occur so that they’d escape the involuntary cage they’d been placed under.
“Leena has something to talk to you about Jonathan. So, while you two resolve your lover’s quarrel, I am going to steal Mark from this table.”
Mark extended his body upwards faster than he would have liked to and put his hands together in a silent apology. He threw one last look over his shoulder at the two surgeons and then had to concentrate on his feet to follow an apparently flustered Samantha. The woman guided the two into a room to the far back of the club.
A small room, still neatly decorated with a tall mirror, half a dozen lockers, and all the necessities an employee starting their shift would need. Samantha slammed the door behind them and locked it in an agile movement of the wrist. She prompted her body against the door to relieve a sigh.
“You know, against all odds, I like your friends.” Mark chuckled and took a couple of steps to seat himself on the closest chair. “A bit intense but they seem like genuine people.”
“You don’t say.”
The day had been full and heavy of unsettled emotions for Samantha. Rarely do plans turn out to be exactly how you imagine them. Samantha’s plan was to enjoy a managerial Saturday, having drinks and getting drunk in her favorite club, not reminiscent of the cold past but optimistic of the unexplored future. She could not find a plausible explanation of why she joined the surgery in the evening, of why she allowed Mark to enter a significant piece of her life in meeting her friends.
Only, she did know the explanation for all of the events. She joined in surgery because Jonathan was right. She allowed Mark to enter her life because he exceeded all her expectations of him, because, in a split of a moment, she acknowledged she wanted him to get to know her. To know the great OB-GYN resident that she was.
And this shattered the reality from under her feet.
He was supposed to be a tight hug that turned into sex. Nothing more.
“Hey, are you alright?”
Samantha did not realize when Mark stood up to enter her proximity. His hand found her cheek in a motion that was so natural he surprised himself of it.
She was supposed to be a tight hug that turned into sex. Nothing more.
“Yeah. I am tired of all these unrequited feelings and of all these unspoken memories and I just hope Jonathan lets me go already so he can be with Leena.”
Samantha smiled tiredly and leaned into Mark’s touch. He had a hunch that her confession held much more power than being about just her two friends. And he wanted to ask, the more he wanted to ask the more his heart picked up a beat in his chest.
“Huh, I think the only people who did not know they love each other are Jonathan and Leena.” He declared instead, locking his eyes with hers. Unbeknownst to him, his other hand gained a free will to intertwine with Samantha’s fingers. Mark wanted to stop. He wanted to stop his body from gravitating towards hers.
“Thanks for the chat,” Samantha laughed and ignored the burning in her chest and the buzzing in her head altogether. If she were drunk, she would have blamed it all on the alcohol, and she would have justified herself for the reason it was so scorching to look into Mark’s orbits.
Mark brought his head to rest against her shoulder and the sudden contact set her skin on fire. The devil on her shoulder wanted Mark to rip her shirt so he could touch her better.
“So, I promised Leena I’d get her 30 minutes to freely talk to Jonathan,” Samantha dismissed the dangerous thought to make space for dirty ones. Dirty ones that wouldn’t leave her longing in the morning. “Do you think we could give them that?”
“I…” Mark murmured and pushed himself away, his hand still protecting her cheek. “I want to kiss you, so, so bad.”
“What are you waiting for?”
I want to. And I can’t.
If I kiss you now, I am afraid I’ll fall in love with you.
Samantha untangled their fingers to reach up to his face. Tips of her fingers set ablaze.
Mark sighed and glued their foreheads together.  Their noses were brushing against one another, and Samantha could feel each inspiration Mark took into his chest. “I cannot make love to you and leave the next day like I am the worst scum to have ever walked this Earth. I am not that guy.”
Samantha was not sure she understood the breathy words gliding out of Mark’s mouth. She was dazzled by the wording he chose.
“You aren’t making love to me Mark. We are having sex, it is just sex.”
A modest scoff carried Mark’s silhouette to wrap his arms around her frame. He felt Samantha’s body rigid in his embrace. Mark couldn’t let her see the disappointment nesting in his eyes. He couldn’t allow himself to believe in the disappointment nesting in his eyes. He went ahead and assumed a miscalculation. He had to set himself straight.
I guess it is just sex.
“Jonathan asked me how’s sex with you.”
Samantha’s chest deflated helplessly. The sudden hug and the hasty words made her afraid and nervous Mark would want to go on with his life, that he would put a stop to them. She did not want him to put a stop to them. “So? What’d you tell him?”
She furrowed her brows.
“But I am going to tell you how sex with you is.”
Mark pulled away from the hug to face her, resting his left hand against the door, the other prepared to do a demonstration on her body. Samantha could not tell how he was feeling, what he was thinking. He looked stoic.
“If I kiss you right here, behind the lobe of your ear,” Mark traced his index along her skin and Samantha felt like he could ignite it “you’ll gasp. Grab my hair and pull me into you.”
Mark’s words were even, collected. His eyes were glued to each piece of her body he was busy with. Reading her like an open book. “If I cup your breasts,” Mark ran the back of his finger over her clothed breast, a moan eluding from her lips “you’ll moan. Like you did just now.”
His hand travelled to her hip, tips of his fingers digging into the fabric of her trousers. She was unlucky it had such a thin texture. “If I grab you by your hips, this is the part where I usually slide myself inside you and you nip your fingers into my back. “
Mark brought his free hand to cusp her cheek and prompt her to look at him. By all means, Samantha was expecting to recognize anything comparable to lust, carnality. What she found instead was a stubborn tenderness that was a stranger to simply having sex.
I want to make love to you.
“Mark?” she whispered when he didn’t move.
“Will you be mad at me if we don’t have sex tonight, princess?” he stated, loosening his clasp on her hip, but caressing her cheek with his other thumb. “I am tired and I left Milo alone too much.”
Against her will, Samantha let out a whimper. Mark took her entire essence and played with it in his hands, reassembling it at his will in mere minutes. In such a short period, Mark took his time to memorize her characteristics, her reactions, and her feelings. Mark took his time to make an effort on how to please her. He never did what Mark did.  
I don’t want you to go, Mark.
“Sure, absolutely. I understand.” She nodded, placing her hand above his. “When are you, uhm… when are you flying out?”
“Day after tomorrow.”
“When will you be back?”
Why would I want to know?
Mark chuckled and admired her for a moment. He was aware he was leaving her hot and bothered. He did not assume for a moment that she was inquiring for any other reason.
God are you beautiful.
“It’s going to be three long weeks, give or take. You’re going to have to find a replacement for me.”
I hope you don’t find a replacement for me.
Samantha giggled. “I wouldn’t worry too much about it.”
The phone in Mark’s pocket buzzed up with messages. He wanted to pull away, but Samantha kept his hand in place. “Kiss me goodbye at least?”
The night highway was chasing pointlessly after the black van, transporting Mark and his group to the airport. Mark’s eyes were aimed at the blurry lights, the hues of orange and red cutting through the depth of the sky. He pulled over the hood of his sweatshirt and checked his phone. Still devoid of any messages.
Jinyoung was chatting with the others when he noticed abruptly Mark did not join the lively discussion. He stealthily excused himself from the group, with a little help from Jackson to keep the others at bay from questioning too much.
“Hey,” Jinyoung plopped himself into the seat next to Mark. The latter snapped from the whirlwind of his thoughts.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“I think you should tell me what’s up, Mark.”
Mark laughed and turned his body towards the other. “That obvious?”
“A bit.” Jinyoung agreed. “Have you heard from her yet?”
The other shrugged his shoulders. “Nope. We didn’t, you know, do anything. We just went out with her friends. Intense guys, lucky me I have a bit of training from y’all.”
“But?” Jinyoung questioned, still leaving Mark to his own pace. “She must’ve been a bit disappointed you never did anything.”
Mark tilted his head to look out the window. He wished his thoughts would blurry like the reality on the highway. “Yeah, she must’ve been.”
“And you? Were you expecting anything to happen? Did you kiss her, I don’t know, goodbye?”
Mark was a bit shocked by her request. Still, against his better judgement, he drew in closer, to seal the distance between their lips. “You are irresistible, you know that?”
Jinyoung just knew something was bothering Mark. Maybe regret, or maybe repentance.
“No, I didn’t kiss her.” Previous chapter Next chapter
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hwangyeonjun · 2 years
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prompt: “only i can make you feel this good”
pairing: park jinyoung x fem!reader
warnings: smut (+18), language
word count: 243
2k followers celebration masterlist
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jinyoung knew you way to well to not react when you purposely hung out around yugyeom the whole night. after all, he is your best friend.
that kind of best friend that knows your whole body by memory. knows the spots that makes your back arch and the sounds you make when he hits them.
he really had to hold in his laughter when you became way to obvious, your hands wandering all over yugyeom while holding an eye contact with jinyoung.
if he didn’t know better, he’d be jealous. but at the end of the day, he knows that you are going to scream his name while writhing underneath him.
and that’s exactly what you are doing right now, thinking that you’ve won this little game that you’ve been playing. jinyoung has your hands pinned above your head, his lips leaving soft kisses on your neck.
“jinyoung” you breathed out, biting your bottom lip harshly while he kept hitting your sweet spot.
“mm?” he lifted his head and smirked when he noticed the tears prickling in the corners of your eyes.
“feels…so good” you managed to choke out the words.
he chuckled and completely halted his movements. you looked at him with wide eyes, confused by his sudden behaviour.
“what are you-“
“i want you to remember something” he whispered, leaning in closer to your face.
you nodded carefully, waiting for him to continue.
“only i can make you feel this good”
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