#Panchito González
luliqwq · 3 months
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The Three Caballeros!!!
Redraw of... a lot of drawings, under the cut!!
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giddlygoat · 1 year
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three gay caballeros <3
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polisena-art · 8 months
I've always wanted to ask since it's never definite and changes based on adaption, but what's your preference for Panchito's last name? Pistoles? Romero Miguel Francisco Quintero Gonzalez III? No last name at all? Some combination like Pistoles being a stage name? If he lived with José in Rio long enough could he eventually adopt Carioca? It seems to differ for everyone which is one of the cool fandom things
HI! SO- I can safely say I don't consider Panchito's surname to be "Pistoles". To me, that's his stage name and an American stage name at that!! Getting a little meta for a bit here, the name "Pistoles" was chosen for the character simply because it was easier for the American audience to pronounce it with an "e" instead of the original "a" in the spanish word for "pistols". So, going back in universe, imagine that in the 1940s when the Three Caballeros commissioned a small series of posters with the little money they had, they all came with a typo in Panchito's name because of the language barrier/miscommunication with the print shop. But in the end Panchito kinda digged that XDDD "NO, LEAVE IT IN!!! It makes it new and exciting, guys!!!" Paco might say, upbeat and always seeing the bright side of every situation. I like to imagine that his nickname in his hometown and stage name in México was "Panchito Pistolas" and just "Panchito" for family and friends. As for his actual surname I really dig the House of Mouse version, (Panchito Romero Miguel Junípero Francisco Quintero González Tercero) even if it means he would be Francisco twice XD, tbh not the weirdest naming decision to happen in latin america by far...
AS FOR JOSÉ!!! Well, first, I don't think that either one of them would adopt any of each others' surnames (but this is my own bias because I kinda hate the whole changing names for marriage and the burocracy it entails-) Also I'm in the fence whether to consider "Carioca" to be José's real surname or not. This is very much me overanalyzing the character but we are in the "overanalyzing stupid characters website" so whatever- The thing with José is that, here in Brazil, "Zé Carioca" reads simply as a very descriptive nickname meaning "guy from Rio". Reason why I can totally see it being just a nickname that later got turned into a stage name for him. So, it also doesn't make sense to me for Panchito to have it in his name, that Bitch (affectionate) isn't carioca! But anyways, just to clarify, can "Carioca" be a surname? Yes, absolutely!! It is, in fact, a surname that exists in Brazil although it's not a very popular one. But when you consider the character's history and also Zé's cousins (the joke with them being that each has a regional name after "Zé" indicating where they are from), the idea you get is that Carioca is not a family name but a label. The comics have also shown us some of Zé's relatives that could indicate what other alternative surnames he may have but, mind you, none of this means that Zé would have inherited these particular surnames! So we're still in headcanon valley here. First, there are Zé's two grandads: Zé Paiva (or Zeca Paiva) and Josué Carioca. We don't know which one is from mother's side or father's side tho. And later there are more relatives, including two grandmas, one from the Dutch comics, Oma Carioca (aka vovó Carioca), and the other from a recent Culturama release, Isaura Araripe. Once again we don't know which one represents the mother's side and which represents the father's side. In the Culturama special story tho, José's family, including himself, identify as "Araripe" (a real surname but also a play on the word "arara" meaning "macaw" in portuguese).
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So, we coooould make Zé Carioca's registry name be any mix of these like "José Araripe Carioca" or "José Paiva Araripe" OR "José Carioca Araripe" OR "José Paiva Carioca" OOOOR if you're a fan of long names "José Carioca Araripe Paiva". The mother's family name comes first in Brazil but since we don't know which one that would be, you can pick and choose to your heart's content. I said all that BUT I'm also a big fan of the "descriptive" nature of "José Carioca" as a name for the character, because it almost grants him a kind of anonimity. There are millions of Zés in Brazil and millions of cariocas (in relation to place of birth) too. Which makes him LITERALLY JUST A GUY!!! Just a little guy commiting scams all around and nobody fucking knows his real name-- A REAL POWER MOVE in my opinion. That said, I would also find it very funny if he had the most WIDELY USED Brazilian surname and ONLY THAT, making him "José Silva" or "José da Silva", so he could maintain that "generic guy" energy in his registry name as well.
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andre-ponche · 4 months
A fact that was overlooked.
Panchito's real name should be Panchito Romero Miguel Junípero Francisco Quintero González Morales III
With the surname "Morales" too, since Latinos have two surnames, the first from the father and the second from the mother. and we know that his mother's last name is Morales. This little detail makes me a little angry.
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sunflowerdroplet · 7 months
Paging Doctor Duck Ch. 4
The soft twitters of birds outside his window slowly pulled Donald from his slumber. His eyes drifted open, snapping close when the bright, morning light sent dagger-like pains into his skull. He groaned as he buried his face into his pillow in order to hide from the well-meaning sunshine.
‘Being hungover sucks.’
Daring to take a peek at his bedside alarm clock, Donald saw that it was a little after eight in the morning. He also took notice of the bottled water, aspirin, and a small note right next it. ‘Huh?’ he thought, quickly helping himself to the medicine and water before reading the note.
Hola Donal’,
We had a lot of fun with you last night and I can’t wait until we do it again soon! Also, do not forget that the rodeo is today. Zé and I look forward to meeting your sobrinos!
See you soon,
Right, the rodeo is today. Ugh, why did he have to make such decisions when he was drunk? ‘Oh well. At least it’s not until this afternoon,’ he thought before flopping back down in his bed. ‘Wait…how did I…get back home?’
While memories from last night were a bit spotty, he clearly remembered being too hammered to drive himself back home safely. He also remembered turning down José’s offer to spend the night at the club, the parrot having a bed in his dressing room in case he was ever too partied out to make it home. Donald also recalled declining the offer because no amount of liquor was going to make him trust those bedsheets.
That meant that Panchito “good genes” González must’ve gotten him home. Pushing past the pounding in his head, he somewhat remembered the familiar neighing of Señor Martinez, a drunken farewell from José, a long and bumpy ride somewhere, and finally the gentle feeling of someone tucking him into bed and petting the top of his head.
“Dulces sueños, Donal’~~”
The doctor flushed pink. ‘Screw this. It’s much too early to be thinking about such things…’ the duck thought with a grumble, covering his head with his pillow and falling back asleep.
“Boys, stay close,” instructed Donald as he and his three nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, made their way through the crowded area. Currently, the small duck family was at the California Rodeo Salinas to watch “World Famous Panchito” perform his rodeo tricks. Donald hadn’t really been all that keen to watch such a thing, considering how often the rooster would show up at the hospital injured after his performances, but the triplets were excited to see the spectacle, so he couldn’t really complain. He even bought them cowboy outfits for the occasion.
“’Naldo! ‘Naldo, over here!”
The uncle of three turned to see José running up to them, looking unfairly more put together than Donald felt. “Afternoon, Jo---ACK!”
“Boa tarde, my friend! I have missed you so much!” the parrot greeted, wrapping up the duck in a tight hug.
‘It hasn’t even been 24-hours yet…’ the doctor thought, feeling his ribs creak due to the strength of the hug. He awkwardly patted the parrot’s back in return before introducing him to his boys. “José, I’d like you to meet my nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Boys, say hello.”
“Mr. José…”
“…It’s nice to meet you!”
“So nice to meet you boys as well! I especially like your cowboy outfits. Did your tio buy them for you?”
“He sure did…”
“…Mr. José…”
“…He’s the best Unca ever!”
The lime green parrot nodded in agreement. “Of that, I agree with you!”
“So, where are we sitting, José?” the duck asked quickly. His face was red from all praise he was receiving.
The smile on the Brazilian playbird faltered, a pout pulling at his lips. “… “José”…?” he questioned softly.
Donald blinked in surprise before more recollections from last night came to mind. His face turned an even brighter red somehow and he felt a phantom burn on his skin where Panchito and José had kissed his scarred shoulder. “…Joe…”
José brightened right back up after that before linking their arms together like they had last night. “Come, I will show you to our seats. ‘Chito is waiting for us there since his event isn’t until later. Let us go!”
“Alright, no need to pull…”
Introductions to Panchito went similarly to what it had with José, including the same back-breaking hug. He remarked positively on the children’s cowboy outfits and even gifted them with child-size lassos to go along with their color-coded clothing.
“Mr. Panchito!”
“You are most very welcome, my little niños!” the Mexican said. He then turned to Donald and José. “I have a little something for you two, as well,” he announced before somehow pulling out two sombreros from underneath his own and placing them on their heads. “There we go, amigos! Now we match!”
“Obrigado, my friend!”
Donald tottered a bit, the brim of the sombrero falling over his eyes, temporarily blinding him before he could right it. “Yeah, thanks…Panch,” the duck said, trying to ignore the way Panchito’s ruby eyes lit up at his nickname.
“Whooaaaa!!” screamed a man as he tumbled end over end through the air.
“Oof! Do you think that guy is alright, Unca Donald?” asked Huey.
Donald was already analyzing the man’s injuries in his mind. Judging by the angle the man’s arm and leg were now in, he surmised the man most likely had broken bones, bruised ribs, and maybe even a concussion. The deep, hoof imprints on the man’s derrière, courtesy of the bull, would also make it hard for him to sit down properly in the coming days. “According to my medical expertise…no.”
“I am curious as to why people enjoy pursuing such dangerous pastimes…” José wondered as the group watched the rodeo clowns load the unconscious man onto a stretcher and carry him away.
Donald huffed. “Funny, I thought you’d appreciate a “flirting with danger” lifestyle.”
José laughed sheepishly at that.
Eventually, it was time for Panchito to take the stage.  The bull he was getting ready to ride was named Raging Storm, and it seemed to be aptly named. The beast had already sent multiple people to the hospital.
“Will Mr. Panchito be okay, Unca Donald?” Dewey asked nervously.
“…He should be fine…” the uncle tried to reassure, but even he was feeling a little anxious. While never to the terrible extent like the other competitors, Panchito would often sustain many injuries because of his profession. Donald jumped when he felt something touch the back of his hand, looking down to see José’s yellow-gloved hand on his, gently squeezing it.
“‘Chito will be okay,” the parrot said with a confident smile.
Donald returned the reassuring gesture with a smile of his own, squeezing back. “Right.”
After the announcer did the countdown, Raging Storm was released from the pen. As predicted, the bull began tearing across the arena, bucking and kicking aggressively to fling his rider off. Panchito, being the skilled rider he was, easily weathered the storm, holding on with only one hand while swinging his sombrero with the other. The crowd erupted into cheers, growing louder with each passing second counting down.
‘How is it that these last few seconds feel like an eternity?’ thought Donald as he willed time to move a little faster. He worried that he was crushing José’s hand, but the parrot was holding his just as tightly.
Three seconds…
Two seconds…
One second…
The sound of the ending buzzer filled the area and Panchito effortlessly dismounted from the bull to the roaring sounds of applause. The doctor breathed out a long sigh of relief he hadn’t been aware he was holding. Huey, Dewey, and Louie were cheering like crazy in their seats along with José. Donald tried his best to clap as well but found it difficult since José still had a grip on one of his hands.
“See? I told you he would be fine!” the Brazilian exclaimed, though he looked immensely relieved as well. “C’mon, wave to him, ‘Naldo!”
Donald did as instructed and waved at his patient/friend when he looked in their direction. The rooster’s ruby eyes lit up when he spotted the duck and parrot, blowing a kiss their way. Donald tried to blame the residual adrenaline for the way his heart skipped a beat.
“Are you holding on tight, niños?” asked Panchito as he held on to Señor Martinez’s reins.
“We are!” chorused the triplets.
“Bueno! Okay, here we go!” Panchito gently pulled the horse forward, moving at an easy pace.
“Wheeee!!” cheered the children.
Señor Martinez tossed his head back and neighed happily as he proudly carried his three passengers.
Donald watched the scene unfold with a smile, happy that his nephews were enjoying going on a horseback ride. Due to his busy and hectic work schedule, it was rare for him to be able take his kids out for a day of fun. The excitement from today also meant the boys would sleep like babies tonight, saving him from their usual bedtime wars. Currently, he sitting on the porch of Panchito’s ranch, polishing off the delicious, yet incredibly spicy meal from Panchito’s mother, Maria González. José doing the same next to him.
“Would you care for seconds, boys?” asked Maria, a plump hen with similar colors to her son. A yellow apron tied around her waist.
“No, thank you ma’am,” Donald declined. His already burning mouth wouldn’t be able to take anymore punishment. “Ah, maybe a little water, please.”
“I would like to have more of your delicious food, Mamá Maria. Por favor. And might I add that your cuisine is muito delicioso!”
The mother hen let out a giggle. “My, what a charmer! I’m so pleased that my son brought home such impeccable men! And Donal’, you raised such wonderful, well-mannered boys.”
“Hehe thank you, ma’am,”  the duck replied with a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of his head. The mother took away their plates and walked back indoors with the promise of seconds and Donald’s water.
 “Of course, you’d be able to handle spicy food just fine…” Donald muttered with a little jealousy.
José chuckled. “True, but now that we have been introduced and accepted into ‘Chito’s family, you can build up your spice tolerance!”
“Yeah, I guess I…” the doctor’s words trailed off when he fully digested the Brazilian’s words. Mama Maria’s words also mixing in and created a weird jumble in his mind, his heart once again squeezing in his chest. “…Stop that…” he grumbled, both to José and his annoying heart.
“Hmm? Stop what~~?”
Donald felt his cheeks heat up as José leaned forward, a coy smile on his beak and his eyes shimmering in the sunset like the topaz his Uncle Scrooge made him polish for only a few cents an hour. “That! You know what you’re doing! Stop that!”
Before the parrot could do anything more, Donald found himself ensnared by a lasso, Panchito holding the other end with a teasing smile on his face. “And that, niños, is how you lasso someone!”
“Whoa!” exclaimed Huey.
“So cool!” cheered Dewey.
“Will you teach us how to do that one day?” asked Louie.
“Of course!”
“Will you teach me as well, ‘Chito?” questioned José as he happily took advantage of Donald’s lack of mobility, poking his stomach and pinching his reddened cheeks. “It is definitely a…useful skill~.”
“Oh, indeed I will, Zé!” a playful smile spread across Panchito’s face as he stepped closer to his two friends, his voice lowering a couple of octaves. “Es un buen aspecto para el…”
Even with his very limited Spanish, Donald understood what the rooster said. Steam was practically shooting out of his ears and his face the color of cherries. “I said to stop that!”
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westleywithatea · 1 year
Who in the qsmp fits this iconic Disney trio?
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An American duck in a sailor outfit, a Mexican rooster cowboy, and a Brazilian (Carioca) parrot magician.
For those unfamiliar: the duck is Donald Duck. the parrot is José "Zé" Carioca. and the rooster has a few different names. Including Panchito Pistolas and Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero González III. These new characters (and this scene) were featured in Disney's The Three Caballeros (1944).
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brasiguaionews · 5 months
Crime de Homicídio em Bairro Obrero : Incidente Ocorreu em um Prédio de Aluguel em PJC
Uma execução ocorreu em um prédio de aluguel localizado na interseção das ruas Charagua e Panchito López, onde aparentemente foram utilizadas armas de fogo de diversos calibres para cometer o crime. Testemunhas relataram que os assassinos chegaram de carro ao local. A vítima, supostamente identificada como Clemencio “Gringo” González, foi encontrada sem vida dentro da residência após a chegada…
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aldiafl · 2 years
¿Qué hace Mariela Castro en un congreso sobre educación en México?
¿Qué hace Mariela Castro en un congreso sobre educación en México?
Una de las organizaciones que convoca el evento tiene como coordinador a un cubano promotor del régimen residente en México. Mariela Castro. PANCHITO GONZÁLEZ PRENSA LATINA El nombre de Mariela Castro, directora del Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual en Cuba e hija de Raúl Castro, aparece entre los de varios educadores populares, profesores e investigadores de la región, que intervendrán en…
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elbanquillodealvi · 2 years
Originada en la Vega de San Mateo de Gran Canaria y fundada en 1923 por Francisco Pulido (“Panchito”) y Dolores Domínguez (“Lolita”), esta empresa familiar sigue rodando y haciendo pan de la mano de los Hermanos Rodríguez Pulido, la cuarta generación de la familia. ¿Cuál es su estructura y el gobierno?
05-10-2022. Á.M. Todo empezó fruto de la solidaridad de la época en la que se fundó, donde todos se ayudaban entre sí y el intercambio de comida era la mejor forma de hacerlo. “Panchito” y “Lolita” empezaron a hacer pan para sus vecinos con el pequeño horno de piedra que tenían en casa. A partir de ahí, sus panes cogieron fama por todo el vecindario y echó a rodar el negocio del pan de la Familia Pulido.
Más allá de todo el activo logístico en cuestión de maquinarias e infraestructuras que posee, cuenta con un rango de entre 20 y 100 trabajadores, un número bastante reducido pese a su gran actividad. Esto es debido a la filosofía familiar que mantiene la empresa.
En cuanto al gobierno de la sociedad, se trata de una iniciativa promovida de generación en generación desde aquella pareja de “Panchito” y “Lolita”. Actualmente, es la cuarta generación la que lleva el negocio, los Hermanos Rodríguez Pulido. Cuenta con un total de tres accionistas: Francisco Rodríguez Pulido, Yaiza Rodríguez González y Cristo Rodríguez González; siendo el primero el administrador único y el accionista mayoritario y apoderados los otros dos. El reparto de las acciones es de 66 '96%, 16' 52% y 16 '52%, respectivamente. El capital social que posee asciende a 302.904 €. El otro cargo vigente que hay en la empresa es el de auditor, que reside en AUDICONSULT SLP.
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enjoythepetrichor · 6 years
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I've been watching LOTTC and I LOVE it??? So here are some very self-indulgent feminine designs of my Bois 💚💙❤️🙈 (and yes that's a cosplay that's happening probably asfdjajdj)
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luliqwq · 3 months
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WOW Panchito!! Disney lets you have two boyfriends?!?! /j
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nibiru-star · 2 years
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❤✨Familia González✨❤
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lavalave · 2 years
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belarix · 4 years
What if Blu from Rio could be in Ducktales? How could it be his design? Well, I drawn the approximate result.
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In the moment that José meets to his new carioca friend and touch him, the jealousy of the rooster comes to light.
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vane-ir · 4 years
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The Face Of Happiness ✨💙✨
La Cara De La Felicidad✨💙✨
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sunflowerdroplet · 7 months
Paging Doctor Duck
(just a fic from my ao3 account)
*Paging Doctor Duck. Paging Doctor Duck*
The cup of hot coffee that had been rising to his lips halted when Doctor Donald Duck heard his name being called on the intercom. He sighed heavily and placed the paper cup back onto the breakroom table, rubbing at his throbbing temples.
“What now?” Donald asked out loud as he stared up at the ceiling. He had just sat down to take a much needed break after dealing with fifteen separate patients.
“Oh, there you are Doctor Donald!”
The duck turned to see Nurse Clarabelle walk into the breakroom, a metal clipboard in her hand. “Yes, nurse. What do you need?”
“Just wanted to give you a heads up that one of your favorite patients is here in room #224.” The cow smiled smugly at the expression on her co-worker’s face.
Donald sighed again at the news. “Favorite patients”. More like a pain in his tail feathers! “Which one is it?”
“I’ll let you see for yourself,” the nurse said with laugh before handing him the clipboard. “Best get to it.”
“Gee, thanks,” the mallard muttered. He pulled a bottle of aspirin out of his coat pocket and popped two of them before washing them down with his scalding hot coffee. It burned on the way down, but the pain helped wake him up. “Let’s get this over with.”
“Hola, Doctor Donal’!”
Donald felt his eye twitch when he walked into the room to see a familiar looking rooster laid up in one of the hospital beds. He looked a little loopy as he waved clumsily at the waterfowl, his words switching from English to Spanish that made it difficult for Donald to follow. The nurses must’ve given him morphine already. “Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero González III, what brings you in today?” he asked dryly.
The rooster smiled sheepishly and gestured clumsily to his leg. “I hurt my leg again, amigo~.”
“Of course,” Donald mumbled. He stepped towards the injured leg, gently poking and prodding while watching his patient’s reactions. “Hmm. Nothing feels broken, might just be a light sprain or…”
“Maybe we should take him to radiology to get X-rayed,” suggested Clarabelle.
“No need,” Donald replied, grabbing Panchito’s leg and yanking hard.
There was a loud pop and an even louder yowl from the rooster. “Ay caramba!”
“Doctor Donald!” cried the cow nurse, her tone scolding. “What do you think you’re…?!”
“Hey! My leg! My leg feels so much better, amigo!” Panchito exclaimed, moving his leg almost effortlessly. “Muchas gracias, Doctor Donal’!”
“If you really want to thank me, you’ll stop getting injured so much,” groused the duck. Grabbing his notepad, he scribbled a prescription for pain medication for the cowboy to take. “Keep that leg elevated and ice it properly. Also, no hard work until you’re fully recovered. Remember, you’re no spring chicken!”
“Of course I am no spring chicken. I was born in the summer!”
“You know what I meant! And would you please stop leaving your horse in the waiting room?! He keeps eating all of the refreshments!”
“But Señor Martinez is family! Where else would I leave him?”
It was lunchtime and Donald thought the worst part of his day was over once he was finished with Panchito, but he was proven wrong when Nurse Minnie came by and alerted him of his next patient.
“Hey Doctor Donald, you’ve got José Carioca waiting for you in room #230.”
“What?! He’s here, too?!” groaned Donald. He hadn’t even had the chance to eat lunch yet. “Please tell me he’s the only one in the room this time!” he begged.
“I wish I could, Doctor,” Minnie said apologetically.
Setting his lunch aside, he followed the mouse nurse to his next patient’s assigned room. Already the two medical workers could hear a commotion coming from the room and mentally braced themselves for what lay on the other side of the door.
“Aw, poor José!”
“How could something like this happen to you, José?”
“Would you like to stay at my place while you recover, José?”
“Wow. There’s even more girls than last time,” said Minnie.
“Somehow, I’m not surprised,” replied Donald.
The duo managed to push past the crowd of females to make it to the patient’s bed. There, they spotted a green parrot sitting comfortably amongst the pillows, soaking up the attention of his fangirls. He smiled brightly when he noticed his medical caretakers.
“Ah Doutor Donaldo! Enfermeira Minnie! So good to see you again!”
“It’s good to see you as well, José,” replied the mouse in her usual cheerful and polite way.
“Is it?” asked the duck dryly.
“Oh! Well…maybe not in a hospital setting…”
“So, how’d you end up with a head injury, Mr. José?” asked Donald as he looked at his patient’s chart.
“Well, you see, Doutor, there was this not-so-friendly gentleman at the club where I work at and—"
“It was all her fault!” interrupted one of the women, pointing to the blonde female. “If it hadn’t been for her and her crazy boyfriend then--!”
“My boyfriend?! Wasn’t it your boyfriend who got poor José injured last time?!”
“Why you…!”
“Uh-oh, Doctor Donald! I think we might have another fight on our hands!” shouted Minnie, worriedly remembering what happened last time the performing parrot was here.
“I haven’t taken enough aspirin to deal with a repeat of that!” the duck grumbled back. “All right, ladies, I’m gonna have to ask all of you to leave so I can deal with my patient!” announced Donald impatiently.
“But we want to stay with José!” chorused the girls.
In an instant, the room was vacated by the females, restoring peace and order to the hospital room.
“That might lose us some stars on our hospitality rating,” warned Minnie.
“Aw phooey! They should know better than to be making a ruckus at a hospital!” Donald retorted, beyond caring at the moment. He turned his attention back to the green feathered bird. “So, about your injury…”
“Hehe right. Um…so as Cindy was saying, her boyfriend wasn’t too thrilled about me flirting with her and he sort of bashed me over the head with a chair.”
“So, the same as last time?” asked Donald whilst he checked José’s reflexes.
“No, no, no. Last time, I was beaten with a trumpet!”
“Maybe it might be in your best interest if you didn’t flirt with already taken girls,” Minnie advised.
“But Enfermeira Minnie, the mulheres flirt with me first! How am I supposed to know if they already have boyfriends? Big…strong…trumpet and chair wielding boyfriends…”
“Maybe you’d have a better chance at running from them if you didn’t smoke so much,” the waterfowl said as he checked the parrot’s pupils. “Did you cut back on the cigars like I asked?”
“O sim, sim! These past few weeks I only smoked two cigars per day!”
“Only two?”
“Okay, maybe two and a half. Three at the most if I’m stressed.”
“Right,” said Donald as he scribbled something down on his notepad. “Well, it looks like you have a mild concussion. A few days rest should fix you right up.”
“A few days rest consisting of…?”
“No working, no partying, no bright lights, no loud music, no fangirls, and NO SMOKING!”
“Hi Doctor Donald.”
“I haven’t eaten lunch yet!” Donald squawked angrily before realizing who it was. “Whoops, sorry Doctor Roxanne.”
The young, redheaded doctor waved it off with a smile. “It’s okay. Great work today.”
“Thanks, you too.”
Donald took several quick bites of his sandwich, not sure if or when he would be called to deal with another patient. He had already taken two more pills for his headache after being scolded by Clarabelle, Minnie, and the hospital director for his less-than-stellar bedside manner. Taking a quick look at the clock hanging on the breakroom wall, he groaned when he saw he had two hours until the end of his shift. The longest two hours of any work shift.
“So, I heard your favorite patients came in today,” started Roxanne, taking a seat across from her colleague with a cup of tea.
“Of course, they did,” grumbled the male. “It’s almost like they have sixth sense to know when to show up here and pester me.”
Roxanne giggled at that. “I think they just like visiting their favorite doctor. They know you’ll take good care of them no matter what.”
“…If they liked me that much then they wouldn’t get hurt all the time.”
“Hey, some people can’t help how accident-prone they are. You of all people should understand that.”
“Well, you got me there.” He polished off the rest of his sandwich and washed it down with his fourth cup of coffee as he thought about the southern birds. It wasn’t as if he disliked them, but rather their antics and their propensity to tease. ‘Sometimes, I think they like seeing me mad…’
“Oh! I have an idea! What if we switch patients and I could handle José and Panchito’s next visits while you take two of mine.”
“Huh. That sounds like a great idea!” After all, the two doctors traded patients all of the time. Whenever dealing with a young child or an elderly person who required a lot of patience that he didn’t have, Donald would call on Roxanne. And when the female doctor had rougher patients that needed to be forcibly told that they had no chance with her, Roxanne called on Donald. Without a doubt, the Mexican and Brazilian birds would adore Roxanne, as did everyone else. She was smart, sweet, considerate, patient, and cute-as-a-button.
Everything Donald was not.
“Thanks, Pop-rocks.”
Roxanne giggled affectionately at the nickname. “No problem, Doctor D. I’m always worried your stress levels will land you in here as a patient instead of a doctor!”
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