musiclok · 1 year
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urbanchats · 11 months
Panchavati: An Intricate Tapestry of Devotion, History, and Culture
Welcome to the vibrant and enchanting city of Nashik, located in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. Known for its rich history, religious fervor, and cultural heritage, Nashik is a city that will captivate your senses and leave you in awe. In this blog post, we will delve into the heart of Nashik and explore one of its most sacred and revered areas, Panchavati. Brace yourself for a journey…
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mytravelindia · 1 year
Panchavati Home Stay Sringeri
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nashik-exploring · 2 years
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SYMBOL OF NASHIK ❣️ पंचवटी , नाशिक 📍 S / @chirag.sali 📸 #godawari #nashik #nashikgram #nashikdiaries #panchvatinasik #panchavati #autorikshaw #streetfoodindia #indiastreet #instagram (at Nashik नाशिक Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClGdEiKJN1C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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newsdaliy · 2 years
encroachment | Encroachment removed from Panchavati Chowk to Rahatgaon, action of Municipal Corporation continues
encroachment | Encroachment removed from Panchavati Chowk to Rahatgaon, action of Municipal Corporation continues
Amravati. Encroachment action by the municipal administration is continuing unabated. On Thursday, action was started by the encroachment department of the Municipal Corporation from Panchvati Chowk. After that the encroachment on Rahatgaon road was removed. Encroachment on both sides of Panchavati to Rahatgaon road was cleared. Where more than 13 kiosks and hand carts were seized along with…
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iskconraichur · 2 years
Vanamahotsav 2022
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Evidence of Ramayana
Everything which exists has proof and it can be found with a little digging. So is the case with the Ramayana. Our elders have been telling us the great stories from the mythological tale of the Ramayana, and the lack of sufficient evidence has left the Ramayana to be called an integral part of literature. But probably after reading this, you might want to hear the stories of the Ramayana all over again, from your elders and this time- in a different light.
1. The Mysterious Cobra Hood cave In Sigiriya, Sri Lanka there is a cave that has been tested by archaeologists to be a hundred percent natural. The mysterious part about this cave is that its shape, despite being untouched by human hands, has taken the shape of a cobra! Moreover, this cave still has cave paintings on its walls, depicting scenes of Sita being captured by the Asuras.
2. The exile locationLet’s rewind the story a bit and get to the point where Ram was sentenced to exile by his own father, Dasharatha on account of a promise that he made to his wife Kaikeyi. Being the obedient son that he was, Ram along with his beautiful wife Sita and his brother Lakshman proceeded to the forest; and the place where they built their cottage and lived for the next 14 years is stated to be ‘Panchavati ‘. Here’s where the surprising bit comes- there exists a place called Panchavati, near NasikIt’s often claimed that this Panchavati is the same place where Ram, Sita and Lakshman made as their abode once they were exiled from the royal palace. Today this place has a lot of temples and is often visited by people.
3. Jatayu’s rescue attemptWhen Sita was abducted by Ravaana, there was a demi-god called Jatayu who came to Sita’s rescue. However, Ravaana slayed the demi god’s wings and he fell to the ground. Mean while, Ram and Lakshman found the now-dying demi-God who was lying on the ground. It was Jatayu who told Ram that it was Ravana who had abducted Sita and it was Lanka where Ram would find his beautiful wife. But alas, Jatayu could not be saved, as he was now breathing his last. In order to thank Jatayu for his brave efforts and for imparting the precious bit of information about Sita’s abduction - Ram, with his divine powers uttered the words ‘Le Pakshi’ which in telugu means - ‘Rise, Bird’. The fact here is that there is an actual place in Andhra Pradesh called ‘Lepakshi’, which is reportedly the place where the Jatayu fell.Jatayu, being a crucial part of saving Sita is highly revered in the Ramayana.
4. Sita’s life in Sri lankaWhen Ravaan abducted Sita and got her to his kingdom of Lanka, he is said to have first taken her to a place which is now a tourist spot in Sri lanka called Sita Kotuwa. According to the mythological tale, from here Ravana took her to Ashok Vatika and surprise surprise- there is an actual ‘Ashokvanam’ in Sri Lanka. Don’t believe us? You don’t have to.
5. The footprints of Lord HanumanGoing by the mythological tale of The Ramayana, when Ram deployed the monkey forces to rescue his wife, Sita. He chose the strongest among them who was named Hanuman to find Sita’s exact location. Upon receiving blessings from Ram, the monkey God flew to Lanka to find the exact location of Sita. Full with power and divine blessing, Hanuman was endowed with a special ability to alter his form - i.e; he could maximize his size to that of a giant or even minimize his form to that of an average monkey! To support this- till date, there are footprints that have been said to be of Hanuman near Ashokvanam. These footprints differ in size and are a reflection of the special powers of the monkey God- Hanuman.
6. Dark soil :A part of the Ramayana narrates that after Ravana found out that Hanuman had come to free Sita, he set Hanuman’s tail on fire after attempting to keep him captive. In the process, Hanuman set Ravaana’s kingdom on fire by jumping over distances and places which were a part of Ravana’s kingdom. Even today, in some parts where Ravaana’s palace once reportedly stood, the soil is somewhat darker than that of the surrounding area.
7. Hot wells said to be built by Ravaana, the hot springs are well-like structures which still exist and form an integral part of being Sri Lanka’s supply of naturally hot water.
8. 10 headed Ravaana Whenever Ravana has to be depicted either in texts or sculptures, he is shown to be having 10 heads. While the statement that Ravaana has 10 heads might seem highly impossible, the fact that he ruled 10 kingdoms doesn’t seem far fetched. 10 kingdoms, 10 crowns. Simple. Another theory states that Ravana was a great scholar and his ten heads symbolise his mastery over 6 shastras and 4 vedas. One of the theories state that the ten heads of Ravan depict the 10 negative senses or emotions in a human being, namely- lust, anger, delusion, greed, pride, envy, the mind, intellect, will and ego.
9. Ram Setu Although they didn’t require a Sri Lankan Visa to travel there in those times, there was a huge problem in the form of the water bodies, that we now call as the Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar. In order to get to Ravaan’s kingdom, Ram had to cross these water bodies. So, he ordered his supreme army of monkeys to build a bridge between the two lands, and with his divine power the stones floated on the water. With the help of Google maps and complex technology, if you carefully watch the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait, one can actually see a link between the two countries! This link has often been dubbed as the Ram Setu or Rama’s bridge and even sometimes as the Adam’s bridge.
10. The journey from Sri Lanka to AyodhyaVijaya Dashami is the day Ravaana was defeated by Ram in an epic battle between the demons and the army of monkeys. Sita was rescued and Ram along with his trusted comrades took his wife back to his kingdom, Ayodhya. 21 days later, he returned to Ayodhya, and his return is why Diwali is celebrated with lights as it first was done by the natives of Ayodhya, to celebrate the defeat of darkness by light! Even in today’s day - The journey from these two lands takes a total of 21 days by foot, according to the much-trusted google Maps - which is pretty much the number of days from Vijaya Dashami to Diwali.
Hope this helps
Source: compiled data from various sources including personal knowledge
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nandneeeeeee · 11 days
Discover the Wonders of Baratang Island: 15 Must-Visit Places and Hidden Gems
Baratang Island, a hidden gem in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, offers natural beauty, adventure, and cultural experiences. Known for its unique geological formations and pristine beaches, Baratang is a paradise waiting to be explored. Here are the top 15 places to visit on Baratang Island and Andaman Chanting Island. In addition to this, there are a lot of places to visit in Andaman for next-level experience!
1. Limestone Caves
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One of Baratang's most famous attractions, the limestone caves, is a natural wonder. Accessible by a boat ride through dense mangroves, these caves feature impressive stalactites and stalagmites formed over centuries. The journey itself is an adventure, as you navigate through narrow waterways teeming with wildlife.
2. Mud Volcano
Baratang Island is home to the only active mud volcanoes in India. These fascinating geological formations are created by natural gases pushing up from underground. Although the eruptions are relatively small, they provide a unique and intriguing sight, especially for geology enthusiasts.
3. Parrot Island
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A visit to Parrot Island offers a magical experience as thousands of parrots return to roost at sunset. Accessible by boat, this island is a birdwatcher's paradise. The sight of these colorful birds filling the sky is nothing short of spectacular.
4. Baludera Beach
For a tranquil beach experience, Baludera Beach is a must-visit. This serene, less-crowded beach is perfect for relaxation and picnics. The calm waters are ideal for swimming, and the surrounding forest adds to its untouched beauty.
5. Rangat Village
Rangat, located nearby Baratang, offers an authentic glimpse into the local culture. This village is known for its eco-tourism initiatives and lush greenery. Visitors can explore local handicrafts, interact with friendly villagers, and enjoy the peaceful rural setting.
6. Guitar Island Beach
Named after its unique guitar-like shape, Guitar Island Beach is a secluded paradise. Accessible by boat, this pristine beach offers crystal-clear waters, soft white sand, and a perfect spot for snorkeling and swimming.
7. Mangrove Creek
A boat ride through the mangrove creeks of Baratang is a surreal experience. These creeks form a labyrinth of waterways, providing a serene and picturesque journey. The dense mangrove canopy creates a tranquil environment, ideal for nature lovers and photographers.
8. Aamkunj Beach
Aamkunj Beach is an eco-friendly beach located in Rangat. It is well-maintained and features facilities like eco-huts and changing rooms. The beach is a great spot for swimming and sunbathing, and the nearby turtle nesting grounds add to its ecological significance.
9. Merk Bay Beach
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Located on North Passage Island near Baratang, Merk Bay Beach is another hidden gem. Known for its stunning white sand and clear blue waters, it's an ideal spot for snorkeling and exploring marine life. The beach is relatively untouched, offering a peaceful retreat.
10. Nilambur Jetty
The Nilambur Jetty is the starting point for many boat rides to various attractions on Baratang Island. It’s also a great spot to observe the bustling activity of local fishermen and enjoy the scenic views of the surrounding waters.
11. Ramnagar Beach
Ramnagar Beach, located in Rangat, is known for its scenic beauty and serene environment. The beach is lined with tall coconut trees and offers a peaceful spot for relaxation. It's also a great place for watching the sunset.
12. Panchavati Hills
The Panchavati Hills near Baratang offer stunning views of the island's lush landscape. It's a great spot for hiking and nature walks, providing an opportunity to see the diverse flora and fauna of the region.
13. Lalaji Bay Beach
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Located on Long Island, near Baratang, Lalaji Bay Beach is a pristine beach known for its turquoise waters and white sandy shores. It's a perfect spot for snorkeling, swimming, and sunbathing.
14. Amkunj Beach
Amkunj Beach is another eco-friendly beach located in Rangat. It is known for its cleanliness and natural beauty. The beach features eco-friendly huts and is a great spot for picnics and family outings.
15. Yeratta Mangrove Park
The Yeratta Mangrove Park offers an educational experience about the importance of mangroves in the ecosystem. The park features a walkway through the mangroves and provides information about the various species of flora and fauna found in the region.
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Baratang Island is a treasure trove of natural beauty and adventure. From the awe-inspiring limestone caves and unique mud volcanoes to serene beaches and vibrant local villages, there is something for every traveler. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, Baratang Island offers a diverse array of experiences that will leave you enchanted. Plan your visit to this hidden gem in the Andaman Islands and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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sirfdabba · 1 year
Few days back I visited the only swimming pool situated in Sinnar at Panchavati Motels as my cousin brother used to attend the swimming camp conducted by Kuvar Sir. I was there for not more than 80 minutes but believe me those few minutes were enough to give me stark check of reality that I am no more a child. Never missed childhood more than that day, that particular hour. Actually it was the last day of the 15 days summer camp and ritualistically, on the last day our strictest Coach get inside the water, remove the floaters and make all the students swim barefloat. For 7+ children it happens on the 10th day itself but for the younger ones its the last day that has in its kitty all the dread. So, my cousin is a good swimmer thus it was not really a dreadful day for him but I spotted a didi with her daughter. She was the one with whom.I had learnt swimming when I was around four years old. That was my first swimming camp and today I met her daughter and it was her first swimming camp, to be precise first swimming camp's last day. That cutie's floater was removed, she cried intially but Sir threw her in the water, the chlorine infused water entered all her senses but she swam. First round, Second round, Third round, she cried in between but swam the Fourth and Fifth round as well. She is strong, I thought, perhaps stronger than I was, because during my first swimming camp even I was thrown in the pool for the very same reasons, I swam too but after the first round I had ran away to the changing room. Coach had to send the guard to get me. I guess, thats when Papa decided to make me Runner and not a Swimmer but nonetheless, I felt proud of her. She looked exactly like my childhood but stronger. Future is stronger, I thought. I am no more a child, I thought. I will be ok being thrown the pool, if they make me a child again, I thought. I miss childhood, I thought.
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adaminischool-blog · 14 days
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We are elated to announce the incredible success of the 11th #OpenAbacusandVedicMathsInternationalCompetition2024 This remarkable event brought together talented young minds from around the globe, showcasing their extraordinary skills in abacus.
A heartfelt congratulations to all our participants! Your dedication, hard work, and passion for these disciplines have truly shone through. Today, we proudly award you with certificates and medals, celebrating your outstanding performance and commitment.
JOIN abacus classes In amrutdham panchavati, Nashik.
Your participation in this prestigious competition is a testament to your perseverance and brilliance. Each certificate and medal awarded today is a recognition of your remarkable achievements and a milestone in your academic journey.
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r-84 · 2 months
Nashik's Premier Outdoor Advertising Solutions Amplify Your Brand Presence
If you're looking to make a significant impact with your brand in Nashik, then outdoor advertising is your golden ticket. In a bustling city brimming with potential customers, catching their attention is both an art and a science. Enter Brand Banao.AI, your ultimate destination for mastering this art with precision and creativity.
At Brand Banao.AI, we specialize in creating dynamic outdoor advertising that resonates and engages. From towering billboards to eye-catching transit ads, we harness the power of visual storytelling to put your brand on the map. Whether it's the busy streets of College Road or the bustling markets of Panchavati, our strategically placed ads ensure maximum visibility for your brand.
Why choose Brand Banao.AI? Because we're not just about placing ads. We're about creating an experience. With cutting-edge designs and strategic placements, we ensure that your advertising speaks directly to the hearts and minds of Nashik's diverse populace.
Brand Banao.AI is the best stop for those who believe in making a strong visual statement. Let us help you transform your brand's presence in Nashik with impactful and memorable outdoor advertising. Visit us today to see how we can make your brand the talk of the town!
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nashik-exploring · 2 years
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Nashik Panchavati Ramkund ♥️ PC;[email protected] . . . #nashik #nashikgram #nashikkar #nashikexploring #nashikcity #ramkund #ganga #temple #panchavati #river #godavari (at Nashik नाशिक Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ciy27DzJCal/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rentnhop · 5 months
5 Exciting Motorcycle Road Trips From Mumbai
Do you know one secret of this dream city? No, we are not talking about Bollywood here but something else. Mumbai is a city that provides easy access to some incredible riding destinations. With bike rental in Mumbai readily available, you can set out to explore lush green valleys, sea-kissed coastlines, and historic forts on two wheels. Whether you wanna see beaches or any other place, it’s all possible with the help of a bike on rent in Mumbai. 
If you have the need for speed, these 5 motorcycle road trips from Mumbai will satisfy your wanderlust:
1. Mumbai to Mahabaleshwar
Just a 6-hour ride away, Mahabaleshwar makes for the ideal weekend getaway from Mumbai. The route takes you through misty ghats, waterfalls, and strawberry fields. Begin your ride early to avoid the heat and traffic.
Get a powerful bike on rent in Mumbai like Royal Enfield or KTM bike to breeze up the slopes. Stop on the way to view majestic Wilson Point and eat juicy strawberries! In Mahabaleshwar, take in the breathtaking vistas from spots like Arthur’s Seat and Elphinstone Point. For a thrill, ride to the source of the Krishna River at Panch Ganga temple.
With its cool climate, Mahabaleshwar lets you escape big city congestion and breathe pure mountain air. Don’t miss this rejuvenating ride from Mumbai. 
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2. Mumbai to Goa
This path along the Konkan coast is every biker’s dream. Passing through lush coconut groves and fishing villages, the 10-hour ride to Goa is absolutely picturesque. It’s best to take the NH66 highway and make pitstops at places like Srivardhan Beach, Redi Ganesh Temple, and Sawantwadi along the way. While riding through coastal Maharashtra, try lip-smacking Malvani cuisine.
Once in Goa, relax on golden beaches in Anjuna, Baga, or Palolem. Rev up and ride through Goa’s palm-shaded lanes to old Portuguese churches and forts. And then you can end the days with seafood by the beach and parties under the stars.
3. Mumbai to Aurangabad
For history buffs, the ride to Aurangabad offers the chance to explore ancient cave temples and Mughal monuments. Dedicate 2 days for this 330 km trip.
After an early start from Mumbai, you can reach Aurangabad by late afternoon. Rest up and get ready for an action-packed day seeing the Ajanta and Ellora caves which house remarkable Buddhist, Jain, and Hindu carvings.
The next day, visit Bibi Ka Maqbara, known as the mini Taj Mahal of the south. End with the ruins of Daulatabad Fort and Aurangzeb’s tomb before riding back. The scenic highways and historic sites along the way make this an unforgettable motorcycle journey.
4. Mumbai to Nasik
Nasik, located 180 km northeast of Mumbai, is the wine capital of India. Get a bike on rent in Mumbai like a Harley Davidson or Triumph to ride through endless vineyards and sample full-bodied Indian wines.
Along the way, stop at Shirdi to visit the famous Sai Baba temple. Once in Nasik, take a wine tour and stay at Sula Vineyards’ beautiful property. Visit the ancient Ramkunda temple and take a boat ride on the Godavari River for more spiritual sights.
Don’t miss Panchavati, the mythical place where Lord Rama resided during his exile. The ride from Mumbai gives you a chance to experience India’s vibrant wine culture and Hindu heritage.
5. Mumbai to Daman
For a quick coastal ride from Mumbai, head 100 km north to the beach town of Daman. Twist your throttle and zip past sites like Udwada and Vapi on well-paved highways.
Daman’s Jampore and Devka beaches offer pristine blue waters for swimming and water sports. Indulge in Portuguese-Goan fusion cuisine and shop for souvenirs near the colonial Daman fort. An evening stroll on the beach with stunning sunsets is the perfect way to end the ride.
With tantalizing seafood, Portuguese ruins, and waterfront views, Daman lets you experience Goa’s charms in half the time when riding from Mumbai.
Escape the Hustle and Ride Off Into The Sunset
Mumbai provides bikers with endless asphalt to fuel their passion for riding. Whether cruising along the Konkan Coast or riding up misty mountain passes, road trips from Mumbai let you find inner peace on your motorcycle. Always wear helmets and ride defensively for safety. Get a bike on rent in Mumbai from reputed companies like Rentnhop when planning your epic journey from Mumbai. Their well-maintained bikes and riding gear ensure a smooth trip. Don’t overpack - just strap a backpack to your bike and go. 
Once the engines roar and the wheels glide, leave behind the city smog to embrace sun, salt, and spray. Let adrenaline and endorphins surge as you challenge hairpin bends and curvy coastal routes. Stop often to capture that perfect biker picture against stunning landscapes.
If you haven’t planned your day then you can read our other blogs or you can find some on Google. Biking into the great outdoors lets you soak in nature’s healing powers. You return with a rejuvenated spirit, mind, and belief in living life in the fast lane. Now get your motor running and head out on the highway to discover where the road and bike take you. 
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splash-water-park · 5 months
Things to do near to Nashik, Kopargaon, Sangamner, Ahmednagar, Jalna, Sinnar, Shirdi etc.
In Maharashtra, so many places to visit, & things to do near by Nashik area. Related to that spiritual places, entertainment areas etc.are mentioned below.
Wet N Joy Water Park: Wet N Joy Water Park is a water park located in Shirdi. You can enjoy a variety of water slides, pools, and other attractions.
Saiteerth: India’s First Devotional Theme park in Shirdi. All attractions are based on the life of Sai-Baba.
Shree Kalaram Mandir Sansthan: This grand 19th-century Hindu temple is dedicated to Lord Rama and features intricate statues and many arches. It is located in Panchavati, Nashik.
Someshwar Water Fall: This small waterfall on the Godavari River is at its strongest during monsoon and is surrounded by temples. It is located in Ambedkar Nagar, Nashik.
Kopargaon: Kopargaon is a town near Shirdi. You can visit the Sai Baba Temple, which is a major pilgrimage site for devotees of Sai Baba.
Sangamner: Sangamner is a city located in the Ahmednagar district. You can visit the Kalsubai Harishchandragad Wildlife Sanctuary, the Sai Heritage Village, or the Lendi Baug gardens.
Ahmadnagar: Ahmadnagar is a city located in the Ahmednagar district. You can visit the Bhandardara Lake, the Ghatghar Dam, or the Ahmednagar Fort.
Jalna: Jalna is a city located in the Jalna district. You can visit the Matsyodari Devi Temple, the Shri Ganesh Temple, or the Moti Bagh gardens.
Sinnar: Sinnar is a city located in the Nashik district. You can visit the Gargoti Mineral Museum, the Gondeshwar Temple, or the Cerana Meads.
Shirdi: Shirdi is a town known for being the former home of revered spiritual leader Sai Baba. You can visit the Sai Baba Temple complex, Dwarkamai, or Lendi Garden
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bp-eternal-school · 5 months
Golden Festival for Eternal Religious on 22nd January 2024
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It is the very pride moment for the eternal religious that the infusion of the idol Lord Rama with the divine life force. The Lord Rama who came in Bronze Age (Dvapar yug). The Dasharatha was the father of Lord Rama, well known epic Ramayana and Vishnu Puran, got to know the role of the same. He was the king of kosala kingdom and the capital of kosala was Ayodhya. The Lord Sita was the wife of Lord Rama and they had two sons i.e. Love and kush.
We are again celebrating this ceremony as same as Diwali when Lord Rama came to Ayodhya after 14 years of Vanvas.
Now the question is, why Lord Rama went to Vanvas?
Before come to the question we have to know little back ground of the Lord Rama. Dasharatha had three consorts: kausalya, Sumitra and kaikeyi and from these unions were born Ram, Bharata, Lakshmana and Shatrughna. Now let us come to the point, Dasharatha consort, kaikeyi wanted her son, Bharata to be the king of Ayodhya after their father's rule, Dasharatha. So, Ram had gone to Panchavati (Present day) Nashik for vanvas for 14 years with his wife Sita and younger brother, Lakshmana by force of his stepmother, kaikeyi.
After 500 year, the ceremony is going to celebrated on 22nd January 2024 in Ayodhoya that was the capital of kosala kingdom. In this ceremony, involves the infusion of idol Lord Ram with the divine life force. More than hundreds of priests involves in this ceremony. This ceremony take place just because of our Hon'ble Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi. The Ayodhya City has been renovated by the Hon'ble Prime Minister and Hon'ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath.
I would like to express my gratitude to Hon'ble Prime Minister and Hon'ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, with their efforts, our Lord Ram is coming again.
Note: The moral of this short para, we (Children) should respect what their parents say because Whatever happens in our life happens for a purpose by god.
Jai Shree Ram
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narmadanchal · 6 months
बालाजी बस्ती के मंदिरों के लिए नवग्रह दुर्गा मंदिर से वितरित हुए अक्षत कलश
इटारसी। श्री राम जन्मभूमि अयोध्या (Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Ayodhya) से आकर नवग्रह दुर्गा मंदिर (Navagraha Durga Temple) में रखे हल्दी अक्षत कलश बालाजी बस्ती के प्रमुख मंदिरों के लिये वितरित किये गये जिसमें बस्ती के गणमान्य नागरिकों एव महिलाओं एवं मोहल्ला समिति वार्ड 23 अहिल्या नगर व पंचवटी हनुमान मंदिर (Panchavati Hanuman Temple) महिला मंडल के सदस्यों की भारी संख्या में उपस्थित रही। विश्व हिन्दू…
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