#Pancan Prompt
Hoarder AU
Elsa is a hoarder and one of her friend’s calls in professionals to help assist with her serious problem. Anna runs the place that helps situations like this and goes to Elsa’s to see what she’s up against. One thing she was not expecting is how young Elsa is, early 20s, a little older than Anna. 
Elsa admits she has a problem, but she doesn’t know what to do. She feels helpless. Anna discovers Elsa had lost her baby sister (whose name is very similar to Anna’s) when they were kids and knows the trauma of losing her sister is why she hoards. Most of the things Elsa hoards is toys and things that reminded her of her sister or things she knew her sister liked. 
The journey is tough and hits many roadblocks. Elsa gets upset or mad numerous times throughout the cleanup process and then finally kicks Anna and her crew out when it got to be too much for her. She tells them to leave and never come back and slams the door on them but the door swings back open from the force. The crew leaves but Anna hesitates and carefully peers inside the door.
She sees Elsa curled up in her hoard clutter in the living room, clutching a misshapen snowman and crying really hard.
“Elsa?” Hiccup sob. “Go away, Anna.” “I can’t do that. Not when you are falling apart and in so much pain. Please let me help you.” Elsa doesn’t say anything so Anna enters fully and closes the door behind her, slowly walking over to Elsa and kneeling beside her. It isn’t long before shes hugging her and comforting her. And Elsa explains the snowman was her sisters and it was something she herself had made for her. “She loved this stupid thing so much.”
“I can see why,” Anna responds and smiles. “Does he have a name?”
“Olaf. He likes warm hugs. My sister... she... was holding him when she... when she...” More tears. Anna soothes her. When her tears subside somewhat Anna asks, “Was he the most important thing to her?” 
Elsa laughs weakly. “Olaf was second to me, she said. I am— was... her most favoritest person ever.”
Anna nods and then gently asks. “Don’t you think, if your sister saw her most favoritest person ever in the position she’s in right now, surrounded by all of this clutter and being unhappy, that she would be very sad about that?”
Elsa looks at Olaf, then at her surroundings until her eyes finally land on Anna. “Tell them to come back.”
The crew returns and Elsa meets them, this time looking more confident than the scared angry and hurting woman they had faced earlier. With Olaf in her arms, it strengthened her resolve. 
“I want everything gone.”
Everyone is shocked. While Anna wasn’t expecting her to say that, she was expecting a big change. “Elsa? Are you sure? Everything?”
“I don’t need any of this junk. Because all of it is meaningless. Except Olaf.” She hugs him tightly and presses him close to her lips. “And he’s all I need.”
The cleaning ensues and over the next few days her house is cleared of unnecessary stuff. Donating what was good, tossing what was not.
On the last day, they celebrated the cleanup and the crew left. Anna hugged Elsa and Elsa thanks her profusely for all her help. The hug is super long and tight and Anna is very aware of Elsa’s breathing close to her ear. When it ends and Anna turns to leave, Elsa stops her.
“Anna? Can we see each other again?”
On one of their dates Anna confesses that she had a close family member that hoarded growing up and that was why she is in the business: to help people struggling with it. Because it was always hard seeing her loved one like that.
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canitellusmthin · 7 years
Soulmate Mark AU (PanCan Prompt)
@pankite and I were talking about soulmate AUs and I searched around and found this old one from the old elsannaheadcanons blog.
-AU where soulmates share a birthmark in the same exact place and everything but they’re really private and Elsa’s the infamous Snow Queen and somehow there are pictures leaked to the media of her birthmark, her snowflake, on her chest right above her heart and it’s this big thing with people pretending to be Elsa’s soulmate even going so far as to tattoo a snowflake and pass it off as a birthmark
The rest was under a read more and sadly lost forever, but Kite and I added on to what was available using the power of our glorious minds. (If anyone wants to write this we’d both be so happy to see what you create from it :D)
Elsa is someone with great importance. Like a celebrity or a multimillionaire CEO. She knows her snowflake birthmark like the back of her hand and is always quick to see the imposters’ lies. Maybe there is a hidden detail in hers that’s next to impossible to see unless you know it’s there.
Elsa goes to Norway for a conference or something and she just happens to pass by this little town called Arendelle. While there, she runs into a local woman named Anna. Being from different countries, Anna has no idea who Elsa is and communicates the best she can. She knows English but it’s a tad broken because she’s not the best with the language. So something happens that causes Elsa to have to look down at Anna’s chest and she catches a glimpse of her birthmark by accident. Anna quickly tries to cover it up, and sheepishly starts rambling in her broken English about how she’s had it since she was born and how she’s been looking everywhere for her soulmate with no luck.
And at first Elsa dismisses it, thinking this girl is pretending to not know her and is just a better actor than the others. They part ways. Supposedly never to see each other again.
Elsa goes to Oaken’s for the sauna experience, booking a private room. Except the room she enters is occupied by another person who just so happens to be Anna. Unlike Elsa, who immediately covers herself with a towel/robe, Anna is all natural. And while nervous and tongue tied in the presence of gorgeous blonde’s, Anna has no shame in showing off her body.
Elsa makes as if to leave, but an excited Anna waves at her to stay and the blonde doesn’t have the heart to walk out on her. She purposely tries to avoid looking directly at Anna because of her state of undress while Anna tries to engage in conversation with her. The redhead makes it very difficult for Elsa, trying to make eye contact as they talk. It gets to be too much for Elsa so she excuses herself and gets up as if to leave but Anna jumps up to follow, ends up tripping and falls on Elsa. Anna’s chest, and presumably fake birthmark ends up smack dab in her face.
Up close and personal, Elsa notices that one identifying, flawless detail she recognizes on her own birthmark and feels her heart stop.
And she knows Anna’s is the true one.
(Side note: Kite and I are considering making a prompt blog since we tend to come up with Elsanna ideas a lot. So if you’d like to see that, let us know!)
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Sacred Dragon Gem AU
Elsa’s the queen and for centuries the royal family have been given the sacred duty of protecting a gorgeous gem kept in a grand chamber in the tallest tower of the castle. The gem contains the soul of a dragon that had been captured and sealed by a previous King. Elsa doesn’t know the true purpose of the gem. She and the many rulers before her for generations were told that the jewel is sacred and must be protected and hidden at all costs but the story behind what it truly is has been lost. 
During the middle of a war, Elsa sends Anna to the chamber where the gem sleeps to keep her safe, telling her to protect it with her life if it comes down to it. Anna picks the gem up and cradles it to her chest… and it ends up fading into her body. Anna starts to panic when heat starts to envelop her and her body begins to shift. Next thing everyone fighting outside the castle knows, Anna bursts out of the tower in an explosion of stone and rubble, roaring to the sky. 
At first, Anna doesn’t remember anything about herself once she’s shifted. The dragon sealed in the jewel awakens inside its new host, its soul intertwining with Anna’s and its mind mingling with and temporarily overtaking hers. She doesn’t know who she is or where she is or why. All she feels is this all consuming rage inside of her and the sense that she was just freed after being confined for so long and she wants to destroy everything around her. Make everyone suffer as she had for so long. The fighting going on below only fuels her rage. She attacks everything and anything in sight, friend and foe. 
It’s only when she finds herself staring down her older sister, whose face is set in cold fury and determination, that her rage blinded senses come back to her. Elsa, broken hearted and grieving for the clear loss of her sister in the tower, glares at the dragon before her and is about to attack when Anna draws back, looking around in confusion and horror at the bloodied and burnt battlefield. Though the voice is deeper and more graveled than before, Anna speaks her sister’s name and Elsa is startled to hear her sister’s voice coming from the dangerous beast.
“Elsa?” Elsa’s grief is so strong that she swears she is imagining her sister’s voice coming from the great beast that had torn her courtyard apart. However, all thoughts of it being a hallucination flies out the window when the wide teal eyes, moments ago black with rage, become a stormy blue with sadness and tears. “Elsa, w-what’s happening?”
Elsa lets her guard down, uncertainty and disbelief coursing through her. On one of the dragon’s clawed tipped fingers she recognizes the bracelet she had made for Anna with her ice magic. It was special in that it could not be worn by anyone but Anna or else it would burn the wearer. So for it to be worn by the dragon… there was no doubt what that meant. But while she is stiff with shock at what she’s discovered, those fighting around her are unaware of the situation. They roar and charge at the dragon heedlessly, intent to harm, Elsa’s protests going unheard. Realizing they are getting overwhelmed, the dragon forces Anna’s mind down and gains control, flying them far away to safety.
Elsa screams Anna’s name, her heart clenching as she watches her go.
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Shapeshifter Guardians AU
Anna and Elsa as a pair of animal shapeshifters living on a nature preserve together.
Poachers tell stories of this particular nature reserve: that it’s protected by a pair of animals, one as pale as moonlight and the other as red as flames, even though no one can agree on what animal they are. These animals are too smart, too wise to be captured and they keep the rest of the preserve safe by destroying traps, tearing apart camps and chasing the poachers away.
They default to fox forms, the only two foxes on the preserve, when not protecting from poachers and live together in a well hidden den in the heart of the forest. However, Anna will also act as a human ranger who give tours to help spread awareness of nature conservation. 
They both work in taking care of the various animals living in the preserve. Elsa, with her calming presence and gentle temper, is perfect for helping soothe mother animals and calming the animals that are blind with panic. Anna, passionate and fierce, can keep up with the most unruly, angry and ill tempered beasts and put them in their place while simultaneously acting as a playful, devoted babysitter for any and all types of babies. 
Hans' family have been poaching in that area for many many years (before Elsa and Anna were even born). Their father was killed by one of Hans’ family, the mother passing from heartbreak at losing her mate. Elsa and Anna, once they were old enough, made sure to guard and keep the animals in the preserve protected, denying Hans what he considered his right to his own trophy. So he makes it his mission to get one (both if he’s lucky).
One day, Elsa almost walks into a trap that snaps shut. It misses her by inches but it startled her so she lets out a yelp...unaware of the recording device laid down close by. The trap also triggered a silenced gun that shoots out a tracker that embeds itself in her fur without her knowledge.
Elsa ends up unknowingly leading Hans to their den with that tracking device. Later, Elsa is off doing something and Anna is resting in their den. She hears a snapping trap from outside, followed by Elsa yelping, and is on her feet and outside in an instant, blind with panic for her mate/sister. Only to run headfirst into a trap herself.
Eventually Elsa does discover the tracker on her and shakes it off, inspecting it and then realizing what it is. She runs back to the den, her heart heavy in her throat, Anna's name chanting repeatedly in her head and visions of her being safe and okay and well and... Anna is not there. She searches around the entire area desperately, with no sign. Anna's scent is last scented where the trap was sprung and then just vanishes. Elsa is devastated.
Their father always told them that, with their abilities to transform into and communicate with any animal, it was their sworn duty to keep the preserve and all the animals in it safe. “Our ancestors have been doing the same for this forest and this land for generations. It’s our family who convinced humans that it would be a perfect, safe place for a nature preserve. This is our home and our extended family  and we protect it all with our lives.”
Those words run through Elsa’s head as she slumps outside their den. She raises her head as she remembers, knowing that even if it seemed like all was lost, she had to be strong and protect those in her care. Protect Anna. She had to find her. She goes around, asking any creatures who may have seen something. How had Hans managed to get in and take Anna away with no sign? She thought maybe a helicopter but that would have been noticeable. She finds out Hans had used a drone (maybe one taking the shape of an animal or something to avoid detection) had flown in and scooped Anna up. He had masked his scent by soaking his clothes and the drone in some kind of animal blood. Which is how Anna didn’t smell him when she ran outside. 
As it turns out, Hans figures out Anna and Elsa are shapeshifters after capturing Anna and gains a more sinister purpose for wanting to capture them both. He wants the shapeshifters to gain the abilities they have to gain recognition in his family. There is a false belief/ old fable passed down in his family that he’s believed since he was a child where shapeshifters need to be sacrificed and their blood drunk to gain their ability.
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Wedding Mannequin
Original concept (link in comments):
“Arendelle’s” is a wedding studio and Anna is the security guard, Elsa is a bride model (mannequin) in the wedding studio. Anna is hired to track mannequins’ movements via the studio’s security cameras, and Elsa is going to try to catch Anna, just like the animatronics in FNAF.”
Elsa is a ghost inhabiting a mechanical mannequin that is designed to walk around the store to show off the newest dress/suit of the season during open hours. Anna is a newly hired night guard who had been inexplicably drawn to the store the second she saw the help wanted listing in the newspaper.
From the start, Elsa seems to be obsessively drawn to Anna, always trying to get to her somehow. When Anna was hired she was told there were two active mannequins and was warned that Elsa was the potentially more dangerous one of the two. Elsa tended to follow women around the store matching a certain description, one that just so happened to fit Anna perfectly. Little does Anna know, Elsa is only trying to protect her from another mannequin roaming the store: Hans. Following what she was told, Anna does everything she can to keep Elsa away from herself and lowers her guard around Hans.
Backstory: Elsa and her betrothed went to that particular wedding store several years ago to look at dresses. Hans was a jealous ex who had his eyes set on Elsa's bride and in a fit of rage he attacked both women, killing Elsa as a result and himself soon after. Meanwhile, Elsa's betrothed (Anna) managed to escape with her life but the event had traumatized her so much that she ended up with a severe case of amnesia.
Ignorant to what had truly taken place in their store and having no cameras installed prior to the incident, in memory of the two people who tragically died inside their store (and to exploit the tragedy for publicity and monetary gain), the owners at the time had lifelike mannequins made of the deceased. Soon after, Elsa and Hans' restless ghosts took possession of the mannequins bearing their likeness.
Elsa just wants to be reunited with her beloved again while Hans wants to finish what he started (ruining Elsa's life basically and taking Anna for himself). So Hans starts killing the nightguards, making it look like Elsa's the one doing the killings.
Optional: What if the place is run by Hans’ family? They made the mannequins out of “sympathy for those lost” to save face and to make Hans look like an innocent party too. The only one who knew the truth doesn’t remember anything anyway, so who can call them out on it? Eventually Hans’ family sells the store and move away so the people who hire Anna for the security job won’t know who she is.
Angst Inducer: Mannequin Elsa trying to kiss Anna and getting really upset when Anna panics and pushes her away and we can have an entire chapter from Elsa’s point of view just unable to comprehend why Anna doesn’t seem to recognize her.
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Uber Prompt
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Prompt inspired by http://jumex.tumblr.com/post/168548226805
Elsa is an uber driver. She arrives at a pickup location and texts her last passenger of the night to let them know she’s arrived. When she gets an unexpected response back, she feels guilty when she has to elaborate on what she meant.
Her passenger, Anna, gets in the car all embarrassed and apologetic, and while Elsa drives her to her destination she kindly offers her ear in case she wanted to talk. Anna is grateful and accepts her offer, and she talks about whatevers troubling her and reaches a point where it becomes too much and she breaks down. Elsa has to pull over to comfort the poor girl.
To make things even worse, Anna’s on her way to a date! She was hoping it would take her mind off her troubles, but her date doesn’t show up or goes terribly wrong. Not having anyone else to turn to, Anna ends up texting Elsa, who rushes back over to pick her up and then
“You were my last pickup for the night…would you like to get some coffee?”
A sniffling Anna responds, “I- I’d like that.”
And when Elsa finally drops Anna off back home, Anna hugs her and thanks her for everything. And Elsa just hugs back, smiles and says “I’m here for you”
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canitellusmthin · 7 years
PanCan Elsanna prompt Blog!
Yay! I asked not too long ago if you guys would like to see a new prompt blog created by the great @pankite and myself and quite a few said yes! So here it is, just in time for the new year!
We look forward to sharing more beautiful Elsanna prompts with you all!
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