#Pan Lagunero
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labrecha · 4 months ago
Festejan Día del Pan Francés, 16 de Octubre
Festejan Día del #PanFrancés en #Torreón, 16 de Octubre
Torreón, Coahuila de Zaragoza / Octubre 16 de 2024.- Celebran el primer día del Pan Francés, que fue declarado como Patrimonio Turístico, Gastronómico y Cultural de Torreón. Develaron una placa en conmemoración de este pan lagunero. El Ayuntamiento de Torreón eligió el 16 de octubre que se festeja el Día Mundial del Pan, para conmemorar el Día del Pan Francés y en la Casa Mudéjar realizaron un…
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lostinyourears · 6 years ago
Arena Mexico El Juicio Final Report! 05/31/2019
Black Panther, Blue Panther Jr. & Rey Cometa vs. Misterioso Jr., Disturbio & Kawato San
Who’s who?
Black in black, Blue in blue & Cometa in facepaint.
Misterioso in green, Disturbio with yellow hair and Kawato in blue/silver.
How’s the match?
Good, better names than we normally get in even a Friday opener. Really a sign that this is a PPV level event, when everyone on the card is pretty recognizable. Disturbio had a great night and appeared to be the 2nd to Mascara Ano 2000 in the main event. This match ended via Kawato pulling off Black Panther’s mask and unlike Misterioso doing that, it might lead to a feud. So it’ll be interesting to see how that pans out, could go down as quick as the 21st, which will be a tournament final show for the Copa Dinastias. Kawato had a great dive too.
Angel de Oro, Niebla Roja & Soberano Jr. vs. Hijos del Infierno
Who’s who?
Ojo in black, Roja in red and Soberano Jr. in black/blue.
Mephisto in red mask with Ephesto/Luciferno in name shirts.
How’s the match?
Very good, Oro/Roja/Soberano challanged for the Mexican National Trios Championships a month or two back and continue to look great as a trio. I could see them even taking on Los Guerreros Laguneros for their CMLL Trios Titles and that would be a great big match. Demons had a good showing too.
Metalico vs. Virus, retirement 1 fall match
Who’s who?
Metalico with mustache and Virus in facepaint. 
How’s the match?
Fantastic, who knew a 1 fall match with no time limit could be so great. Virus/Metalico stole the show, week and perhaps event month in CMLL with this match on the final night of May. Just really can’t heap enough praise on this match, one of these men ended their career in style and the arena was into every hold. A must watch for anyone, a true epic.
Amapola vs. Kaho Kobayashi, hair vs. hair
Who’s who?
Amapola in blue & Kaho in black.
How’s the match?
Great, surprised how sustained this crowd was for this match and the night overall. Once Virus/Metalico started they didn’t really have time for much of a break before the night was over. Amapola/Kaho gave it their all in this match and really showed how good a singles match can be. This was not a case of Sugehit/Seductora which was an obvious rebound win for Sugehit. Amapola/Kaho both looked strong going into his and who is winning isn’t obvious. Which I think is a must for a good lucha de apuestas. It’s why this and Metalico/Virus feel so dramatic compared to say... the main event. 
Diamante Azul & Valiente (c) vs. Euforia & Gran Guerrero for the CMLL Tag Titles
Who’s who?
Azul in blue/white with a sequins mask Valiente in metallic teal pants.
Euforia/Gran in blue/white with Euforia in full pants, Gran in shorts.
How’s the match?
Very good, your mileage may vary, but I love to raise the roof with my boys Los Guerreros Laguneros. I may have prefered Gran/Templario as the two Guerreros, but my hope is that next trios reign they get Templario will be in place of one of the Guerreros. This was fun, Azul did his big man spots and Valiente hit a wicked tope. Everything you’d want from this match was fit in, some of it could have looked better, but a really fun match.  
La Peste Negra vs. Volador Jr., Caristico & Mistico
Who’s who?
Negro Casas in black, Barbaro as caveman and Mr. Niebla in mask. 
Volador Jr. maskless dressed in marvel gear, Caristico in white, Mistico in white/gold.  
How’s the match?
Good, but on a night where everything seems to have meaning, this feels like a pretty normal Friday Night Match with nothing really on the line. Feels like they should have had Flyer and Felino put in here to plug the Copa Dinastias, but oh well we’ll see them in action next week... suppose it makes sense to hold back the novelty of those teams. 
Mascara Ano 2000 vs. Ultimo Guerrero hair vs. hair
Who’s who?
Mascara Ano in black and Ultimo in Blue. 
How’s the match?
Very good, I took a dig at this match earlier and it is true that the outcome of this match would see Ultimo Guerrero raise his hand with hair in it’s grasp. Ultimo Guerrero is Heavyweight and Trios Champion, leader of a faction that just won the tag titles earlier in the night and Mascara Ano 2000 is at retirement age. Still, CMLL did a good job of planting seeds here and made Disturbio look great as a lackey here. Not sure why he was used and not someone from NGD, but we did see the next generation of Dinamitas at the tail end of this match.
So... the finish left us with Ultimo Guerrero with the elder member of Dinamita’s hair. Neither Dinamitas or Guerreros are in next week’s Copa Dinastias block... so I bet they clash in the following weeks block. 
Sanson/Cuatrero vs. Gran/Ultimo could even be that block final.
Guerreros have World Tag/Trios Titles and Ultimo has the CMLL Heavyweight.
NGD have the Mexican National Trios, with Cuatrero holding the CMLL World Middleweight Championship.
So any of those titles could trade hands in what will be a long feud for certain. One that started in late 2018 with the NGD+2000 vs. Ultimo and Los Guerreros Laguneros. at the Mascara Ano 2000 Anniversary show. This feels like another chapter in that feud and not a grand send off for Mascara Ano 2000, but this realistically might be his last big hair match. Being 61, who knows if CMLL will give him a spot like this again. He had a fun brawly match worth checking out, but it may be the 3rd or 4th best match on the card. 
Highlights :
Final Juicio 2019 Highlights 05/31/2019
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jorgemomo · 3 years ago
Dice una antigua plegaria hebrea:
“Que tus despertares te despierten, y que al despertarte, el día que comienza te entusiasme.
 Y que jamás se transformen en rutinarios los rayos del sol que se filtran por tu ventana en cada nuevo amanecer.
Que tengas la lucidez de concentrarte y de rescatar lo más positivo de cada persona que se cruza en tu camino.
Que no te olvides de saborear la comida, detenidamente, aunque solo sea pan y agua.
Que encuentres algún momento en el día, aunque sea corto y breve, para elevar tu mirada hacia lo alto y agradecer por el milagro de la salud, ese misterio y fantástico equilibrio interno.
Que logres expresar el amor que sientes por tus seres queridos.
Y que tus abrazos, abracen. Y que tus besos, besen.
Que los atardeceres no dejen de sorprenderte, y que nunca dejes de maravillarte.
Que llegues cansada/o y satisfecho/a al anochecer por la tarea realizada durante el día.
 Y que tu sueño sea calmo, reparador y sin sobresaltos.
Que no confundas tu trabajo con la vida, ni tampoco el valor de las cosas con su precio.
 Y que no te creas más que nadie porque solo los ignorantes desconocen que no somos más que polvo y ceniza.
Que no te olvides, ni por un instante que cada segundo de la vida es un regalo, un obsequio, y que si fuéramos realmente valientes, bailaríamos y cantaríamos de alegría al tomar conciencia de ello.
Como un pequeñísimo homenaje al misterio de la vida que nos abraza y nos bendice “
¡¡¡Dios te bendice y te acoge!!!
“La esperanza es algo bueno, tal vez lo mejor.
Y lo bueno nunca muere.
Estaré deseando que estas palabras te encuentren, y te encuentren bien”.
 A la luz de nuestras familias, decía Jesús, “No me digas que me amas, dime como vives”.
“La familia que ora unida, permanece unida”.
 ¡¡¡INICIATIVA LAGUNA un proyecto de valor y de valores para los laguneros y el MUNDO!!!
Estoy a sus órdenes en la dirección electrónica:
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labrecha · 4 months ago
Declaran Pan Francés Patrimonio Turístico, Gastronómico y Cultural
Declaran #PanFrancés #Patrimonio Turístico, Gastronómico y Cultural de #Torreón
Torreón, Coahuila de Zaragoza / Octubre 9 de 2024.- Declaran pan francés como patrimonio turístico, patrimonio y cultural de Torreón, celebrarán su día el 16 de octubre, mismo que se conmemora el Día Mundial del Pan. Durante la Quincuagésima séptima sesión ordinaria del Cabildo de Torreón, presentaron el dictamen de la comisión de Desarrollo Económico donde la Cámara Nacional de la Industria…
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lostinyourears · 6 years ago
Arena Mexico Super Friday Report! 05/24/2019
Raziel & Cancerbero vs. Robin & Magnus
Who’s who?
Raziel/Cancerbero in black/red gear.
Robin in green and Magnus in pink.
How’s the match?
Very good, really love Raziel and thought he did a good job here. Raziel/Cancerbero are staples of this opening spot these last few years and for good reason. They really know how to kick a card off right and work well together, having plenty of chemistry.
Black Panther, Blue Panther Jr. & Fuego vs. Virus, Misterioso Jr. & Kawato San
Who’s who?
Black in black, Blue in blue & Fuego in orange/yellow.
Virus with facepaint, Misterioso in green and Kawato in blue/silver.
How’s the match?
Good, but a little uneventful. Really the big highlights of this were Virus, which makes sense as he has a retirement match vs. Metalico next week... a bit confused Metalico wasn’t here. Could have easily been in the Misterioso/Kawato spot here and might have made this stand out more. 
Kaho Kobayashi, Estrellita & Princesa Sugehit vs. Amapola, Dalys & Metalica
Who’s who?
Kaho in shorts, Estrellita in blue/flesh tone bodysuit and Princesa Sugehit in green. 
Amapola in black, Dalys in black 2 piece and Metalica in red. 
How’s the match?
Very good, think this match did the best when it came to building for the Juicio Final card which will see Amapola vs. Kaho hairs match. Lots of good luchadora action here. I may have prefered another tecnica over Estrellita, but I don’t really think she did bad here. Just like some of the other Tecnica’s more. Sugehit and  Dalys did some great work here and Metalica may just be my favorite luchadora on the CMLL roster, glad she is being used more lately.
Los Guerreros Laguneros(Gran Guerrero, Euforia & Templario) vs. Soberano Jr., Stuka Jr. & Valiente
Who’s who?
Guerreros in blue, Templario with cross on face, Euforia the biggest and Gran Guerrero in shorts.
Soberano Jr. in blue, Stuka in blue/black and Valiente in metallic very light blue.
How’s the match?
Great, most other weeks this would be my match of the night, but the steller main event outshined this match by a margin. This was still great fun and it still feels like new seeing Templario in Los Guerreros Laguneros, who seems like they had plenty of fun in this match, which was infectious. I was grinning when they did team offense and poses. Classic shit.  
Mascara Ano 2000, Cuatrero & Forastero vs. Ultimo Guerrero, Negro Casas & Felino
Who’s who?
Mascara ano maskless, Cuatrero in white black & Forastero in gold/black.
Ultimo with long hair in Blue Black, Felino in black white and Negro Casas in plain black trunks. 
How’s the match?
Good, had plenty of heat between Ultimo/2000. Some fun spots with the supporting players here brothers Felino/Negro Casas fighting the cousin duo of Forastero/Cuatrero was cool and not a fight we’ve seen that often. Still this is probably the worst match of the night for me. Still wasn’t awful and I hope that Ultimo/2000 hair match pans out.  
Mistico vs. Barbaro Cavernario
Who’s who?
Mistico masked in white and Barbaro maskless in cheetah print.
How’s the match?
Fantastic, which is what I call anything that is on another level. This is on that other level above even the great matches of CMLL’s year. Just something that has to be seen. Barbaro Cavernario is killing it this year and could probably have a top tier match with anyone on the roster. The locker room should be lining up around the block to fight Barbaro 1 on 1. He will make you look like a million bucks. This is a match that Mistico obviously excelled in as well, hope this isn’t the last we see these two lock up in 2019. A title match at this point is a must and if Juicio Final wasn’t already stacked, I’d suggest adding this match for the title on that car, but it does already have 3 singles matches, which is 2 more than most CMLL cards have, even PPV’s. 
Highlights :
Arena Mexico Highlights 05/25/2019
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