#Palazzo Strozzi
dinonfissatoaffetto · 3 months
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Anselm Kiefer, Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze
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sombrefulgurante · 3 months
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Anselm Kiefer - Engelssturz (2023)
ph. Ela Bialkowska/OKNO Studio
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mynameis-gloria · 1 year
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Ombre e luci rosse
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particellare · 5 months
Anish Kapoor. Untrue Unreal - Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze 20-01-2024
Scheda Mostra
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artwithjej · 8 months
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📎 some details of this Anish Kapoor’s work, “Svayambhu” (2007)
📸 shots by me
🔖 Anish Kapoor. Untrue Unreal
📍 Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze (IT)
🗓️ until February 24th
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willytherat · 9 months
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dantoncov · 1 year
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Sarah Lucas
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playlovethink · 2 years
Olafur Eliasson: arte come partecipazione e trasformazione
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(Image: Veduta della mostra 'Olafur Eliasson - Nel tuo tempo', Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze, 2022 © photo Ela Bialkowska - OKNO studio)
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leparolecreanomondi · 19 days
Le rovine non sono la fine, ma l'inizio
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sheltiechicago · 23 days
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“Svayambhu” (2007), wax and oil-based paint. All images © Anish Kapoor, courtesy of Palazzo Strozzi
Anish Kapoor’s ‘Untrue Unreal’ Dissolves Dichotomies Through Sculptural Interventions at Palazzo Strozzi
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“Newborn” (2019), stainless steel, 300 x 300 x 300 centimeters
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“Angel” (1990), slate and pigment
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“To Reflect an Intimate Part of the Red” (1981), mixed media and pigment
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“Endless Column” (1992), mixed media
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manuelamordhorst · 3 months
Tipp: Anselm Kiefer in Florenz
“Philosophie ist keine Substanz, sondern eine Intensität, die plötzlich jeden Bereich beleben kann: Kunst, Religion, Wirtschaft, Poesie, Begehren, Liebe, sogar Langeweile. Es ähnelt eher so etwas wie Wind oder Wolken oder einem Sturm: Wie diese produziert es plötzlich den Ort, an dem es sich selbst hervorgebracht hat, erschüttert, verwandelt und zerstört es sogar, aber ebenso unvorhersehbar…
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pikasus-artenews · 4 months
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ANSELM KIEFER. Angeli caduti
Anselm Kiefer, uno dei grandi maestri dell’arte tra XX e XXI secolo, in mostra a Firenze
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mynameis-gloria · 1 year
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Qui ed ora, Firenze 2023
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simonarinaldi · 6 months
“Anish Kapoor. Untrue Unreal” Firenze 2024
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taylov89 · 8 months
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Untrue Unreal - Anish Kapoor
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s-memorando · 9 months
Anish Kapoor - untrue unreal
Ieri sono andata all’apertura della mostra di Anish Kapoor a Palazzo Strozzi. La mostra apre oggi, ma sono riuscita a vederla prima dell’apertura con un’amica. A me piace l’arte moderna e per questo cerco di non mancare agli avvenimenti artistici che propone Palazzo Strozzi, ma questa volta, proprio non ho capito… Non ho provato nessun emozione, non ho sentito nessuna vibrazione, mi aggiravo fra…
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