#Paige Langerak
beebeesiims · 7 months
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kaylynn, i sat on starting a legacy with you for a week. i knew it would be the end of my current gameplay, but ultimately you took your second chance by the horns and made more than the most of it. just like i knew you would. you were more than a wife and mother and getting to watch you learn to love not just others but yourself was a wonderful ride. not only will your children and grandchildren miss you dearly, so will i. thank you for some of the most fun and the most love i've ever experienced in this game.
kaylynn paige langerak thibodeaux.
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someone-elsa · 4 months
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(part 5 of 5)
🔙 Chapter beginning ⬅ Part 4 • Next chapter (eventually) ➡ 📝 About the story and characters
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"Why are you like this?!" Wade started again. "Why couldn't you take the genetic test in time?! You must—"   "Wade, you aren't helping," Brook said firmly. She and Emmy had came closer to listen. "Emmy?"
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"You look like you need some air," Emmy said and touched her boyfriend's arm and lead him outside.
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"It's your life alright," Brook said to River, "but I don't get why you're throwing it away."   She didn't wait for a reply but walked back to the table.
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Paige looked River compassionately. "Let's get some fresh air."   River nodded and they went outside as well.
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"I had no idea..."   "I didn't want to think about it. You know, there was a chance I didn't have it. There is a chance. Wade and Brook don't."
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"What test did he mention?"   River sighed. "Some five years ago, a test for identifying the 'Langerak gene' was introduced. Wade and Brook took it immediately and they don't have the gene. But I… I was supposed to take it too. I don't know… I was afraid maybe. Maybe I just felt that I would have it and I wanted to pretend that I didn't. And maybe I don't have it, these symptoms could be something else."
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"But Wade seems certain."   "The symptoms are exactly the same mom had, yeah."
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"Do you want me to come to the doctor with you. Because you are going."   River gave her a tired, sad smile. "To be honest, I'm relieved that you and everyone know about this now. You would have found out at some point, after all. Now I don't have to tell you. And I don't know, my hands feel better now that I don't need to stress about telling."
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"That's good."   "But probably temporary."   Paige smiled compassionately.
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"Do you remember that fortune teller? At the Winterfest festival?"   "That was more than a year ago! But yes, I remember."
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"She said," River started and chuckled dryly, "she said that what I fear most will come haunting me. Guess what I have feared?"   "Oh, honey," Paige sighed and hugged her friend. "Everything will be alright."   "…We'll see."
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Suddenly, River groaned.   "What?"   "I realised Kody will find out, too," River sighed. "And he won't be happy!"
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Notes: I just realised that Kody and River haven't interacted after this Chapter (lol spoiler).
I don't that much to say anymore, this chapter was first published ages ago after all. But ask away if you have anything...?
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reverieinsimlish · 6 years
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Cason and Roan attended Aunt Paige’s Spooky Day costume party.
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cezzysims · 5 years
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Welcome to Lunar Lakes! We will be following the adventures of Cecelia Whitaker, an orphan who spent her childhood in the Lunar Lakes Abandoned Minor Accommodations (LLAMA). As a teen, she left the crowded orphanage to live on the streets, trying to scrape by. The Lunar Lakes government (headed by xenophobic sims who hated anyone that had even a drop of alien blood) tried to get Cecelia to leave the planet by giving her a grant of 20 thousand simoleons. While Cecelia hated Lunar Lakes, and resented her parents who abandoned her there, she decided she wanted to change the society for the better.  Having spent copious amounts of time caring for younger sims while at LLAMA, she knew that she wanted to be a parent, though she was inspired by a woman of many centuries before named Cecelia Whitaker who lived in a place called Moonlight Falls. Legend says her descendants took over the town, and then all of SimNation. For what it’s worth, the story also spoke of vampires, werewolves, and fairies, so Cecelia was unsure how much of this she could believe. Regardless, she felt that maybe pulling off a feat like this “Cecelia the Fabled” could be exactly what Lunar Lakes needs to break down the walls for sims of alien descent on the planet, or at the very least, Cecelia would make several “pure-blooded” sims’ bloodlines a little murky. She took the loan given to her by the Lunar Lakes government and bought a plot of land on the outskirts of town, built a small two-bedroom home, and set to work on building her empire... Cecelia signed up for online dating Sofia Vanderburg & Michael Tomyoy dating Christina Landgraab & Franco Wolff-Cruz dating Stefan Bayless & Anais Willheim dating Frida Tamarind & Chris Landgraab dating Martin & Lily January break up Phyllis Brandon & Franco Wolff-Cruz dating Kara & Raja Ansari break up Paige & Carlos Mosqueda expecting Noela Spector & Chris Landgraab dating Patricia & Alexander Cross expecting Theo Cardamom & Darla Kyle dating Cecelia picked flowers at a festival & harvested things from the community garden Chris Landgraab & Phyllis Brandon dating Made about 3500 simoleons selling the flowers! Planted produce I could at level 0 gardening Small reno Franco Wolff-Cruz & Christina Landgraab engaged Anais Willheim & Stefan Bayless engaged Michael Tomyoy & Sofia Vanderburg break up Chris Landgraab & Brenda Lopes dating Arthur Langerak & Gloria Goode dating Arthur (Langerak) & Gloria Goode eloped Chris Landgraab & Noela Spector dating Jenni Gomes & Torrey Roach dating Visiting Michael Tomyoy... Maybe he will be the first lucky sperm donor?
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someone-elsa · 4 months
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(part 4 of 5)
🔙 Chapter beginning ⬅ Part 3 • Part 5 ➡ 📝 About the story and characters
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"I can't listen to his blabbering sober either," Wade chuckled dryly and shuddered. "And I can drink only so much of those fancy wines and gimmicky craft beers. I need something stronger…"   River snorted with laughter.   "Pour for me whatever you take," he said.
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But River didn't pour anything.   "What's the matter?" Wade asked.   River sighed. "I can't open the bottle."
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"What? What do you mean?"   "I can't open the bottle because my hands are weak and shaky."
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Wade stared her, trying to process what he had heard.   "Do you mean…"   River shrugged. "I don't know, maybe. Or maybe my blood sugar's too low—"
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"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Wade shrieked. It wasn't very him to raise his voice but he was drunk and this topic made him emotional. Everyone turned to look, and he lowered his voice but still sounded angry. "You have been to a doctor, right?"   "Nope."   "Can you keep it down?" Harrison asked and snorted.
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"What? Well you'll have to schedule an appointment first thing tomorrow!"   "What's the point?" River muttered.   That made Wade see red. "You'll have to take this seriously or you'll end up like mom!"
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Paige had walked to them. "What's going on?" She asked.   The others tried to look like they weren't eavesdropping.   "Nothing."
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"Nothing my ass," Wade said. "Let me guess. You haven't told her either? River's being a fucking moron, that's what is happening. So some twenty years ago, our mom was diagnosed with Langerak's disease. She was around the same age as River now…"
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He told Paige about the disease and how it made the person gradually lose ability to move. Eileen Stacks had been a talented dancer and it had been her whole life, so being diagnosed with such a disease had been hard for her.
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Back then, there hadn't been much to be done, doctors could only prescribe painkillers and hope for the best. Before it had been too late, Eileen had tried to end her life on her own terms but she hadn't succeeded. However, the attempt had damaged her brain and since then she had barely communicated with other people and mostly stared into the void.
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Paige was speechless. River had told Paige that she had distant relationship with her mother and nothing else.   "There isn't a cure yet and maybe never will be, but now, there are ways to slow down the illness' progression. The earlier they are started, more effective they are. And River here is being A FUCKING IDIOT and doing nothing. Tell her, Paige, maybe she listens to you better than me."
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"River, you know he's right," Paige pleaded.   River groaned.
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beebeesiims · 1 year
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KAYLYNN: areyouforrealrightnow oh mygod *unintelligible sobbing* PJ: kaylynn paige langerak, i love you. i've had so much fun showing you off today. everywhere we went, i was so proud to have everyone there know that i have the most compassionate, the most giving, the strongest and the baddest woman in the whole world at my side. i want that for the rest of our lives. will you allow me that gift? KAYLYNN: *she's wailing but there's definitely a yes in there somewhere*
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beebeesiims · 1 year
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Kaylynn Paige Langerak. sincere, family-oriented, trust issues, romantic & creative.
dumped, fired, and branded a homewrecker, kaylynn finally found herself run out of pleasantview by the unpleasant rumor that she'd attempted to trap both don and daniel with a pregnancy.
of course the truth (and the pain it caused) received 0 consideration from the rumor mill, and kaylynn ultimately had little interest in publicizing the termination of an ectopic pregnancy. or how she hadn't been attempting to trap either man when she'd told them about it...she'd simply hoped one of them would be kind enough to pick her up from the hospital.
while both men were left unaffected (minus the money daniel sent for an uber), kaylynn was left out of work and was eventually evicted from the room she rented downtown.
her only good fortune now is an old friend of her aunt zelda mae's, and the little house in newcrest they're letting kaylynn rent.
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reverieinsimlish · 7 years
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Vera’s parents and little sisters came to town for her birthday.
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reverieinsimlish · 7 years
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Patty has trolled all the girls tonight.
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Well, tried, anyway.
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reverieinsimlish · 7 years
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Kaliri: I made a sphinx! <squealing>  Look Epsilon! Look Paige! I made a sphinx! It’s so cool! The headdress defies gravity! It’s a marvel of simgineering! 
Paige: <nom nom nom>
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reverieinsimlish · 7 years
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Keir and Vickie’s last baby, Paige, grew into a toddler. 
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reverieinsimlish · 7 years
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Vickie: KEIR! I’m going to pee laughing at you! You dork!
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Paige was born on Spooky Day, under the full moon.
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reverieinsimlish · 6 years
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Catching up with the twins, Mom, and Aunt Paige at Viola’s birthday party.
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reverieinsimlish · 6 years
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Roan: If there’s anything I learned from my parents, it’s that if you love someone, you should tell them. And I love you, Kirk.
Kirk: Hey, I love you too, kiddo.
Roan: Stay with me tonight. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for this.
Kirk: Whoa, hoss! You’re the best bro I’ve ever had. I mean, you’re my sister-in-law’s sister, which basically makes you my sister. I care about you, a lot, but not like that. I’m dating your cousin for crying out loud!
Roan: But.... I thought....
Kirk: Oh, a text...look at that... it’s time for Don’s party. I should get going. You coming? I mean, he’s your cousin too.
Roan: Go ahead. I feel like staying in.
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cezzysims · 5 years
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Chris Langraab and Crystal (5) dating Acclaimed Author and Extra Creative purchased for Cecelia Willard James and Jennie Donohue break up Noela Spector and Trenton Alto dating Michael Tomyoy died Alexandra (4) and Jax Benton break up Brenda Lopes died Athena LTW Chess Legend Frida Tamarind & Chris Landgraab dating Voltamil painting 3 Trevor Alto sleeping over ;) Doris Lucas and Arthur (Langerak) Goode dating Zunari gardening 5 Lars Royal-Vanderburg died Paige Mosqueda died Alexander (3) and Eileen Culpepper break up Caroline peg First kiss with Trevor Alto Voltamil painting 4 Christa Landgraab & Adolpho Cross break up Zunari painting 4 Zunari LTW Illustrious author Carly and Jareth (Alto) Benton expecting Amira Grace & Erik Mosqueda dating Lily January and Keven Gomes dating Irene Su and Alexander (3) are dating Try for baby with Trevor Alto CHIMES Alanna logic 5 Athena logic 5 Happy new year, everyone! I hope that 2020 gives you all that you need and it is the best year yet :)
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