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These guys are calling themselves the "Fearsome Foursome" which I guess is better than calling themselves the Frightful Four... but it's mostly the same thing...
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From Phoenix #005
Art by Alessandro Miracolo, Marco Renna and David Curiel
Written by Stephanie Phillips
#phoenix#jean grey#eternity#epoch#entropy#living tribunal#infinity#one above all#oblivion#arishem the judge#nezarr the calculator#eson the searcher#ziran the tester#uatu the watcher#in-betweener#fulcrum#death#gorr the god butcher#gladiator#kallark#paibok#smasher#izzy kane#mentacle#adani#marvel#comics#marvel comics
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Klaw and Paibok are my favourite kind of villains, just a pair of shitty two faced guys who think they are somebody.
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A preview of Phoenix #4
BEWARE…THE GOD BUTCHER! His call has gone out across the universe: He will have his retribution. He will bring his awful vengeance to bear. GORR THE GOD BUTCHER is going to kill the PHOENIX. Plus: CAPTAIN MARVEL comes to call…
Written by: Stephanie Phillips Art by: Alessandro Miracolo, David Curiel Cover by: Yasmine Putri Page Count: 32 Pages Release Date: October 9, 2024
#Gladiator#Kallark#Paibok#paibok the skrull#Nymbis Sternhoof#Smasher#Izzy Kane#Phoenix#Jean Grey#marvel preview#marvel
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Priceless moment thanks to Mentallo.
I thought Frenzy only had eyes for Scott Summers. Oh my god, does Paibok shape-shift into Scott summers?
// X-Men: Red (2022) #8
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Fantastic 4 Fancast
My other Marvel fancasts
Ultimate Spider-Man
Dark Avengers
Masters Of Evil
Black Widow
Other Marvel characters
Pedro Pascal as Mr Fantastic/Reed Richards
Vanessa Kirby as The Invisible Woman/Sue Storm
Joseph Quinn as The Human Torch/Johnny Storm
Ebon Moss-Bachrach as The Thing/Ben Grimm
Charlie Clapman as Doctor Doom/Victor Von Doom
Mark Hamill as The Mole Man
Walter Scobell as Franklin Richards
Mia Talerico as Valeria Richards
Marc Maron as Willie Lumpkin
Caroline Dhavernes as Alicia Masters
Zachary Quinto as H.E.R.B.I.E.
Tenoch Huerta as Namor
Jeffrey Wright as Uatu
Riz Ahmed as Silver Surfer/Norrin Radd
James Earl Jones as Galactus
Joseph Fiennes as Annihilus
Keanu Reeves as The Beyonder
Giancarlo Esposito as Kang The Conqueror
Lena Headley as Lucia Von Bardas
Tom Felton as Kristoff Vernard
Svetlana Khodchenkova as Queen Veranke
Luke Goss as Paibok
Yulia Snigir as Lyja
Manu Bennett as Super Skrull/Kl’Rt
Sullivan Stapleton as Nazum
Ola Rapace as Chrell
Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson as Devestator
Robert Maillet as Terrax
Rinko Kikuchi as Cybermancer/Suzie Endo
Tahmoh Penikett as Firelord/Pyreus Kril
#Marvel#Fancasts#Fantastic 4#Fantastic Four#Reed Richards#Sue Storm#Johnny Storm#Ben Grimm#Mr Fantastic#The Invisible Woman#The Thing#Doctor Doom#Dr Doom#Victor Von Doom#Franklin RIchards#Valeria Richards#Namor#Silver Surfer#Galactus#Annihilus#Kang The Conqueror#The Beyonder
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En las primeras páginas, una peculiar nave espacial, rodeada de plantas y con detalles metálicos y círculos rojos, flota en el espacio mirando hacia la Tierra. Los operadores a bordo confirman que su trayectoria es clara, y le dan la bienvenida al Pico, la estación espacial central de S.W.O.R.D.
En esta página, Magneto llega a la estación espacial S.W.O.R.D., llamada El Pico. Los sistemas confirman su llegada, y él agradece la bienvenida de Nathan. Magneto nota un comentario un poco sarcástico: “Espero que sobreviva a la experiencia…”, mientras camina por la nave.
El director de seguridad se presenta a Magneto, bromeando sobre que lo despedirán si algo sale mal. Magneto le responde que intentará no envejecer mientras esté ahí. Seguidamente le preguntan a Magneto por qué ha venido, y él explica que está allí para hacer una inspección por parte del Consejo de Krakoano. También menciona que habrá una pequeña mudanza, aunque no parece algo importante.
Un personaje se sorprende al ver que Magneto mueve la estación de mil toneladas mientras la inspecciona. Magneto responde con calma, diciendo que es algo sencillo para él. Al final alguien le pide que tenga cuidado y no dañe la estación, a lo que Magneto sonríe.
La Comandante Brand llega y le dice a Magneto que puede volver a sus tareas, ya que ella se encargará del resto. Magneto viajó solo y le preguntan por qué no usó un portal más fácil. Él responde que a veces es mejor tomar el camino difícil para probar los propios límites.
Brand y Magneto visitan la sala de tecnología. Genio les cuenta que la tecnología krakoana ha mejorado la estación y se presenta de forma divertida y se da cuenta de algo inesperado que llama la atención de Magneto.
Genio, habla con Magneto a cerca de que puede controlar tecnología mutante y biotecnología. Magneto le dice que él es parte importante del futuro de Krakoa y le recuerda que no se olvide del lanzamiento que tienen pronto. Rápidamente, una mutante interrumpe para que sigan con su trabajo.
Magneto y Brand caminan mientras discuten sobre el futuro de Krakoa. Magneto cree que el trabajo de Los Seis será clave para todos. Brand dice que trabaja con el Consejo, pero no lo hace directamente para Krakoa. A pesar de eso, sigue estando ahí. Magneto le recuerda que, aunque no lo quiera, Krakoa también la ayuda a ella.
Brand le dice a Magneto que no le gusta pedir ayuda, pero que S.W.O.R.D. volvió en un buen momento porque hay una crisis en la galaxia. Ella recuerda que en Alpha Flight siempre iban atrás y los héroes no avisaban bien las cosas. Magneto le asegura que con ellos no pasará lo mismo, y Brand le dice que sabe que hacerlo sola sería más difícil, pero todavía piensa en algo más grande que Krakoa.
En esta escena, Brand y Magneto hablan sobre los peligros en el espacio, como una guerra y una criatura que devora planetas. Brand le explica a Magneto que S.W.O.R.D. debe proteger al sistema solar, no solo a Krakoa.
Magneto habla sobre cómo S.W.O.R.D. es una organización de mutantes y se pregunta quién los representa. Brand y Frenesí responden que ellas hablan por S.W.O.R.D. Frenesí demostrando su fuerza, golpea a un enemigo y se presenta como la embajadora de la Tierra, pero pide que la llamen Frenesí cuando está trabajando.
Frenesí le muestra la base a un representante de la Alianza Kree-Skrull, y él está impresionado por la tecnología de S.W.O.R.D. Luego hablan de problemas pendientes y Brand explica que la alianza Kree-Skrull ahora tiene tanto poder como el imperio Shi’ar, por lo que no es buena idea hacerles enemigos.
Magneto menciona a Wanda, llamándola una farsante. Paibok, un alienígena de piel verde, habla de ella como un miembro leal de Los Vengadores y alguien a quien el emperador respeta. Se menciona que "Los Seis" están esperando a Magneto. Finalmente, Frenesí, comenta que antes prácticamente adoraba a Magneto, pero ahora su opinión ha cambiado.
Magneto está hablando con un personaje llamado Fabian Cortez. Fabian se disculpa por sus errores del pasado y se inclina para pedir perdón, pero Magneto lo rechaza diciendo solo "No, gracias." Fabian sigue intentando hablar con él, pero Magneto no le hace mucho caso. Al final, otro personaje se pregunta por qué Magneto lo ignora, pero parece que no es importante para Magneto.
Los personajes están en un lugar llamado "La plataforma de despegue". Aquí pueden abrir portales que los llevan a cualquier ciudad. Genio explica que este viaje tiene dos partes y que, con su ayuda, los teleportadores pueden usar sus poderes para decidir a dónde ir. Magneto se ríe sorprendido y dice que no puede creer lo que está viendo.
Peeper se encuentra con Magneto y le comenta con entusiasmo cuánto tiempo ha pasado desde la última vez que se vieron. Magneto menciona que no sabía que Peeper era parte de "Los Seis", y Peeper responde que trabaja también con Marv en otra misión. Mientras discuten, Fabian Cortez observa y pregunta qué está ocurriendo, a lo que Amelia Voght le ordena que vuelva a su puesto porque esta vez es necesario.
Los personajes se preparan para una misión importante. Fabian Cortez parece molesto y critica la situación. El equipo de teletransportadores sigue el plan, creando una gran explosión de energía. En medio del caos, hablan sobre lo peligrosa que es la situación. Finalmente, Magneto mira lo que está pasando y dice que ahora todo depende de los dioses, mostrando que está preocupado por lo que sigue.
En esta página, Los Seis viajan a través del espacio protegidos por un escudo de energía. Llegan a una costa muy lejana, el lugar más remoto al que han llegado, y se preparan para ir más lejos. El viaje los lleva hacia lo desconocido, mientras el escudo los protege durante la misión.
El equipo sigue adelante, pero sienten que su trabajo no es suficiente. Se concentran en controlar una energía poderosa. Mientras avanzan, se dan cuenta de que no basta con solo mirar la energía, deben llevársela con ellos para poder cumplir su misión.
El equipo llega a su destino, una estación espacial ubicada a más de 35,405 kilómetros sobre Krakoa. Tras un largo viaje, confirman que finalmente han alcanzado el lugar al que se dirigían.
Magneto informa que S.W.O.R.D. está en órbita sobre Krakoa. Bran advierte sobre una descarga iónica y ordena a los teleportadores que se preparen para traer a los demás a casa. Genio sostiene a Distribuidor, quien dice que han roto algunas leyes cósmicas y ha visto cosas extrañas.
El equipo vuelve de su misión con un objeto misterioso. Lo revisan y confirman que es seguro y no tiene radiación. Todos se sorprenden al ver lo que han conseguido y se dan cuenta de que lo que están haciendo en S.W.O.R.D. es más grande de lo que pensaban. Un personaje le dice a Magneto que él tenía razón sobre lo importante de la misión.
El equipo se reúne tras su exitosa misión, y parece estar listo para enfrentar lo que venga después. Brand al frente del grupo menciona con confianza "Lo que viene ahora", mostrando que el equipo está preparado para nuevos desafíos. El resto del equipo están a su alrededor, observando con confianza el futuro de S.W.O.R.D..
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The Flame, This Fury
Fantastic Four #371
"This is even more entertaining than I imagined!"
Johnny is ambushed by Devos the Devastator, Paibok the Power Skrull, and Lyja the Lazerfist!
Two excellent stories here. Ben and Reed working with Sharon Ventura to rescue Alicia Masters from Aron the Rogue Watcher. The question is, can they trust her?
While this is going on, Johnny is alone in battle in a plotline that's been building for a little while. And what they heck is up with little Franklin? Or Susan for that matter. It's a comic that positively zips along, every page delivering something exciting and fun. Especially that last page...
On Sale Date: October 27, 1992.
Total Paid Circulation: 217,625 (average #371-382).
Wizard Top 100: #27.
Tom DeFalco (16 of 66).
Paul Ryan (16 of 60).
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Comic book haul for the first week of April 2023. Spider-Man photo cover, first Muir Island X-Men, first Paibok, classic Jim Lee and much more!
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"Hold it."
Eddie's hand squeezes a grip at Jayden's forearm as his Other flutters beneath his skin. Second floor. Two at the railing, beside the elevator. Do not look up. Their eyes are not upon Us.
Eddie allows his shoulders to slip downward a little. If they'd been spotted, the agents would be on their way down already. "They haven't made us yet. Bathroom hallway is at the next junction, there'll be an exit nearby."
The squad of well-dressed gentlemen had already neutralized Cannon, Marko, even Paibok, with Elektra nowhere to be found -- and likely to stay that way, at least until Jayden could get out of this mess properly. Eddie hadn't even been put on this assignment initially, so the sight of him had told her everything she needed to know in an instant: it was all FUBAR now.
As they force themselves to walk the main first-floor corridor at a leisurely pace, Eddie makes a point of keeping his body between Jayden and the eyes of the spooks upstairs. If there were a clothing store between here and their target junction, he'd nudge her inside and convince her into a quick change, because there's no way the spooks don't know what garb they're looking for and even his Other can only do so much. But in a matter of moments, they're taking the turn down the restroom corridor, and now there's only about a hundred feet separating them from the far exit--
Incoming suits! Hide her!
His Other is correct, of course -- two spooks entering through those doors, all black suits and white shirts and sunglasses in the middle of an overcast afternoon and now indoors, do they want to look like they came from the Matrix?
There is literally nowhere to go that won't make them look like they've noticed the suits... so Eddie goes for a particularly brazen trick. He clasps his hand a little tighter about Jayden's forearm and swings her around in front of him, then pushes forward so that her back collides with the wall to the right, and brings his free hand up to her cheek, hiding her lower face from the spooks with his wrist.
He murmurs the quietest of apologies... and then presses his mouth to hers.
This Meme: Accepting @tangleweave
His voice is the first thing that calms her nerves. Nearly everything that could have gone wrong did. With a spectacular amount of effort and grace, mainly getting pushed ahead by the others, she managed to remain uncaptured. How this had fallen apart was something she was going to find out. There had to be a leak in their circle since no one but her team and a select few higher ups knew about this mission.
Even still she was more rattled than she wanted to be. So knowing that she had two more on her side that she actually trusted was a selfish comfort she was going to take. Though she didn’t quite have the same feeling she had for the others. Eddie and Venom had proved themselves to her enough that She was safer with them than on her own.
“Exactly how fucked are we?” She asked falling back and tucking herself under their arm, pressed tight into their side. She lets them lead her through the very public maze. Taking the less than peaceful hints when shoved into a store. She knew what the pair were getting at; she couldn’t help but take the liberties to alter his own clothing with a few brushes of her hands. Might as well play the part and all.
She takes down her hair to be loose as opposed to the strict braided ponytail she usually kept. Making it to the corridor is the cause of the growing sliver of hope. One that she is too locked in her own mind trying to puzzle out their traitor. The rising anxiety and anger caused her to be off guard and pliant to their man handling. Stunned she didn’t move even with the breath of apology ghosting along her skin.. At least not until he follows through. The scratch of stubble is dangerously pleasant, pushing a vibrant zing along her nerve endings. Plush lips slightly chapped against her own was something she gave passing flights of fancy to in the darkest hours of her own mind. It’s only after they pull back does she come to her senses. She watches from the side of her eye as the goons leave the mouth of the hall before she is shoving them back for some space to think.
“Nice one?” She’ll kick herself that that is what she said. For now, she grabbed their hand and pulled them out of the door. They would need a new ride as her vehicle was tracked and she was sure his bike was too. Thankfully there was a plethora of bikes to choose from and this time, she wasn’t going to complain about their driving.
#Please Leave a Message | Answered Ask#tangleweave#I say Space. You say Pants | Venom#I Always Feel like Somebody's Watching Me | Eddie Brock#Danke Eddie and Venom!
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I guess Lyja needs something called a "Lacaroo" for her child, and Paibak can block her from getting access to it, though it is left completely vague for us.
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Here are the characters that aren't so essential, but I'd rather have them around than not:
Jennifer Walters AKA She-Hulk
Wyatt Wingfoot
Sharon Ventura AKA Ms. Marvel/She-Thing
Willie Lumpkin
Agatha Harkness
The Inhumans
The Mad Thinker
Nathaniel Richards AKA Kang the Conqueror, etc.
Ronan the Accuser
Paibok the Power Skrull
Kl'rt AKA The Super-Skrull
Philip Masters AKA The Puppet Master
Harvey Elder AKA Mole Man
Morris Bench AKA Hydro-Man
Ulysses Klaue AKA Klaw
Maximus Boltagan
Nicholas Scratch
The Beyonder
The Doombots
Essential Characters for a Fantastic Four Series
Here are the most essential that you should work toward including:
Reed Richards AKA Mr. Fantastic
Sue Storm AKA Invisible Woman
Johnny Storm AKA Human Torch
Ben Grimm AKA The Thing
Norrin Radd AKA Silver Surfer
Namor the Sub-Mariner
T'Challa AKA Black Panther
Franklin Storm
Alicia Masters
Franklin Richards
Victor Von Doom AKA Doctor Doom
Kristoff Vernard AKA Doctor Doom
Bentley Wittman AKA The Wizard
Peter Petruski AKA Paste-Pot Pete/Trapster
Medusalith Amaquelin AKA Medusa
Flint Marko AKA The Sandman
The Frightful Four
The Kree
The Skrulls
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X-Men: Red #8 - "Mission to the Unknown" (2022)
written by Al Ewing art by Madibek Musibekov & Federico Blee
#vulcan#gabriel summers#paibok#marvel#wednesday spoilers#spoilers#comic spoilers#wednesday spoiler#comic spoiler
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Nova (Richard Rider) appears on this week’s comics!
Here, Richard Rider is one of the representatives who was present in the meeting with Gladiator, Deathbird, Xandra, Paibok and Frenzy. Also, the chart mentions that Richard is an ally of Arakko.
- - X-Men Red #8 (2022)
#wednesday spoilers#Nova#Richard Rider#GOTG#Guardians of the Galaxy#New Warriors#Nova Corps#Xandra#Deathbird#Cal'syee Neramani#Shi'Ar#Gladiator#Kallark#Imperial Guard#shi'ar imperial guard#Paibok#Skrulls#Paibok the Skrull#Kree Skrull Alliance#Frenzy#Joanna Cargill#S.W.O.R.D.#X Men Red#X Men#XMen Red#XMen#cameos
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From X-Men Red Vol. 2 #009, “Return of the King”
Art by Stefano Caselli and Federico Blee
Written by Al Ewing
#x-men red#vulcan#elixir#egg#proteus#hope#tempus#professor x#havok#cyclops#nova#frenzy#gladiator#xandra neramani#deathbird#paibok#wiz-kid#orbis stellaris#manifold#thunderbird#weaponless zsen#cable#khora of the burning heart#sunspot#storm#marvel#comics#marvel comics
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The old saying is true—a Skrull’s mask will always slip.
#x-men red#gladiator#frenzy#power skrull#paibok#mutants#al ewing#madibek musabekov#marvel comics#comics#2020s comics#arakko
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