#Packing material bubble wrap
ahhvernin · 1 year
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This is a firm yet soft sponge that came from a pack of filters for the lab. I keep it at my dusty ass desk for sensory reasons.
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Squish. Squish. Squish. Squish. Squish.
You could also just call it a toy. It's a toy. I never grew out of the "packaging material is a toy" phase. I have 2 drawers that could be filled with files, filled with bubble wrap...that I just refilled because of January's mass inventory order. I also have a bag of corn packaging peanuts that I sometimes toss in the sink when the wash is engaged and watch it swirl around and melt away before the drain goes GLUB GURGBLE BLUB GLUB KUUUUURRRLP!
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storageking123 · 2 days
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fazalkhan2914 · 2 months
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Foam roll manufacturers:- If you want quality products like blanket rolls, blanket sheets, polythene sheets, etc. directly from India, China, Europe, etc. then contact us. We Krish Start Trading Company are the leading company that provides quality services and products to our customers at very affordable prices. https://www.krishstargt.com/foam-sheet-suppliers-dubai.html
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zerahpacking · 5 months
How Can Businesses Optimize Packaging Efficiency with Air Bubble Wrap?
Efficient packaging is crucial for businesses to reduce costs and protect their products during transportation. One effective solution that has gained popularity in recent years is air bubble wrap. This versatile packaging material provides cushioning and protection, minimizing the risk of damage during shipping. Additionally, air bubble wrap is lightweight, cost-effective, and easy to use. In this article, we will explore how businesses can optimize packaging efficiency by incorporating air bubble wrap into their operations.
Understanding the importance of packaging efficiency
Understanding the importance of packaging efficiency is essential for businesses seeking to optimize their operations. Efficient packaging not only reduces costs but also plays a vital role in ensuring that products arrive safely at their destinations. Air bubble wrap offers several advantages in this regard. Its cushioning properties provide excellent protection against impact and shock during transportation. By minimizing the risk of damage, businesses can avoid the costs associated with product replacement or refunds. Moreover, air bubble wrap's lightweight nature helps reduce shipping costs, making it a cost-effective solution. In the next section, we will discuss how businesses can effectively incorporate air bubble wrap into their packaging processes.
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The benefits of using air bubble wrap for packaging
Using air bubble wrap for packaging offers several benefits that businesses should consider when optimizing their packaging efficiency. Firstly, air bubble wrap provides excellent cushioning properties that protect products from impact and shock during transportation. This reduces the risk of damage, ultimately saving businesses the cost of replacing or refunding damaged items.
Secondly, air bubble wrap is lightweight, which helps reduce shipping costs. With the weight of the packaging material minimized, businesses can save on transportation expenses, making it a cost-effective solution.
Additionally, air bubble wrap is versatile and adaptable to various product shapes and sizes. Its flexible nature allows it to conform to different objects, ensuring a snug fit and maximum protection.
In the next section, we will explore specific strategies and techniques that businesses can employ to optimize their packaging efficiency with air bubble wrap. Stay tuned for valuable insights on how to make the most of this packaging solution.
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Tips for optimizing packaging efficiency with air bubble wrap
To optimize packaging efficiency with air bubble wrap, businesses can follow these tips:
1. Right-sized packaging: Choose air bubble wrap in the right size to fit the product snugly. This ensures maximum protection while minimizing excess material usage.
2. Proper wrapping technique: Use the air bubble wrap effectively by wrapping it tightly around the product, paying attention to corners and edges. This prevents shifting or movement during transportation.
3. Inner layer protection: Consider using a layer of air bubble wrap as the inner packaging material, especially for fragile items. This adds an extra layer of cushioning to protect the product from any external pressure.
4. Customized packaging solutions: For irregularly shaped items, consider using custom-sized air bubble wrap or bubble bags. This ensures a perfect fit and reduces the risk of damage due to inadequate protection.
By implementing these strategies, businesses can optimize their packaging efficiency with air bubble wrap, leading to cost savings and improved customer satisfaction.
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The environmental impact of air bubble wrap
While air bubble wrap offers numerous benefits for packaging efficiency, it is essential to consider its environmental impact. The traditional form of air bubble wrap is made from plastic materials, often non-biodegradable and difficult to recycle. This poses a challenge for businesses striving for sustainable practices.
To address this concern, many companies now offer eco-friendly alternatives, such as biodegradable or recyclable air bubble wrap. These environmentally friendly options help businesses reduce their carbon footprint and minimize waste.
Furthermore, businesses can also explore other packaging materials that are more sustainable, such as recycled paper or cardboard. By choosing packaging materials that align with their sustainability goals, companies can optimize packaging efficiency while being conscious of their environmental impact.
In the following section, we will delve deeper into the various eco-friendly alternatives available and discuss their benefits.
Investing in air bubble wrap for packaging optimization
Investing in air bubble wrap for packaging optimization is a smart move for businesses looking to improve their efficiency and sustainability.
For Packaging solutions in Dubai, Trust Zerah Packing Materials Trading LLC as your premier air bubble wrap supplier in Dubai UAE with a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, they provide reliable packaging materials to meet your needs. Experience their exceptional service and premium products for all your packaging requirements. I also purchase packing materials from them because they offer quality products and excellent service.
By replacing traditional plastic wrap with biodegradable or recyclable options, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint, attract environmentally conscious customers, and save on packaging costs. This not only helps the environment but also enhances brand image and customer loyalty.
In next blog, we will provide practical tips for businesses on how to transition to more sustainable packaging practices. These tips will include sourcing eco-friendly packaging materials, optimizing packaging design, and implementing efficient packaging processes. Stay tuned for valuable insights that can help your business make a positive impact on the planet while improving efficiency.
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cheaphousespending · 6 months
This new recycled packing material could replace bubble wrap
Sometimes, an innovation comes around that is so simple, it makes you think “why didn’t I think of that?” I just came across another such example from renowned innovation powerhouse 3M. They have found a way to use a principle of origami to create sheets of cardboard which fold themselves into packing material when stretched. Check out this video to find out how it works. Based on the Japanese…
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vlrspace · 5 months
you’re too busy focusing on the screen of your phone, blissfully unaware of the pair of violet eyes tracing your every feature. sitting next to you, geto finds himself yet again, completely and fully enamoured by you. it’s not like you are doing anything in particular, wholly invested in your own world as your body is slumped back into the couch, a hand leaning against the backrest as you often brush your manicured nails through your hair.
it really just makes his heart beat a tad faster, warmth bubbling in his chest at the sight of your choice of clothing for the relaxing night in at gojo’s, comfortably chilling in his black hoodie paired with his grey joggers. the black haired male has to admit though, you look adorable in them, the materials all baggy and engulfing your much smaller frame.
geto shouldn’t be surprised, somehow his clothes always find their way to you and you often wear them to university, grocery shopping and anywhere you see it fit. he usually pretends to not see the large bag you carry when you hang out at his flat, never questioning you as you stuff the missing clothes into his laundry basket and then exiting his front door with a few new pieces neatly folded and tucked away in your bag. geto knows it’s weird, but he can’t help himself because after you leave he picks out the clothes you left and sniffs them, the lingering smell of strawberry and peaches leaves him longing for you.
“we are back!” gojo’s voice breaks geto out of his thoughts and watches you drop your phone on the couch, seemingly unaware of geto looking at you for the past few minutes.
“finally, i’m starving” your voice is impatient as you swiftly stand up to help shoko with the pizza boxes, dips and other contents. gojo only flashes his black haired friend a look, before he heads towards the kitchen for plates and cutlery. “sugu, you want the usual?” you turn towards him once gojo is back and geto can’t help the way his heart flutters at the your soft sound calling his name.
“yeah, thanks” he mumbles lowly, a gentle smile grazing his lips as you hand him his plate first, before you join him again on the couch with your own plate. there’s a wide grin on your face as you contently eat away and lean against geto’s broad shoulder when you’re full, offering him the rest of your food as usual. he finished it off for you, just like every other time you eat together, because you can never eat all of your food, but you also don’t want it to go to waste.
after that the four of you watch a movie like usual and tonight is geto’s turn to choose. even though he wants to watch a gruesome horror movie, he’s also aware of how they affect you (he often texts shoko to choose a mild movie when it’s her turn) and as much as he loves the feeling of you curling into him and holding his hand tightly (your hand is so tiny and tender compared to his large, rough ones), he ends up choosing a comedy movie. geto thinks it’s all worth it when he hears you giggling and laughing at the jokes and funny scenes next to him (while your head finds its way back against his shoulder when you calmed down, his arm gently wrapped around you).
sometime during the second movie, a psychological one (chosen by gojo) that geto knows you’ll be thinking of for the next few days, he feels your body slowly leaning against him completely, breathing evened out and face tranquil. he feels two pairs of eyes looking at him smugly and he only rolls his eyes, but can’t help the small smile making its way to his lips.
geto can never find it in himself to wake you up when you fall asleep, so when the second movie ends, everyone quietly starts cleaning up (well, only shoko and gojo). the brown haired girl collects your stuff, while gojo packs you all the left overs. at times like this it comes handy that you and shoko are roommates, shoko puts all of your stuff into geto’s car as he carries you out of gojo’s house in his arms, slowly getting you into the passenger seat and secures the seat around you. they all bid each other good night, sharing a round of hugs and gojo playfully sends a kiss your way to which geto only shakes his head, moving to sit behind the wheel.
once you arrive to your apartment complex, shoko carries your stuff inside first and then comes back to open the doors for geto, who effortlessly carries you through the building. shoko disappears into her room as geto tenderly lays you down and tucks you in, pressing a light kiss on your forehead as he desperately tries to ignore the ache in his chest when you weakly grab at his hoodie to tug him closer to you. shit, geto thinks, it’s getting harder to leave you and not climb into bed next to you, cuddle you till he falls asleep as he softly grabs your hands to move them away from him.
shoko’s in the kitchen by the time he makes his way out of your bedroom, his feelings evident all over his face as he makes eye contact with the girl. shoko only sends him a knowing look before walking him out, exchanging a few words before geto bids farewell.
fuck, geto groans to himself once he’s in bed, all of these acts the two of you do together aren’t what best friends do.
and geto knows he wants more.
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@/vlrspace, 2024
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lvndosnorris · 2 months
the winner takes it all • l. norris smut
paring: female reader x lando norris
authors note: my first ever piece?! i mean, the special occasion definitely helped kickstart my little writing era so hopefully this is somewhat enjoyable? i loved writing it so who knows, maybe they'll be more!
warnings: entirely fictional, f! oral receiving, fingering, edging if you squint, f! forced orgasm
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lando was certainly giddy off the champagne; the bubbles making every odd sentence fall out his mouth with a hiccup, lips parted and speckled with fizz as he dwelled in the celebrations. if it wasn't for everyone's attention being on him he wouldn't have thought twice about whisking you away, desperate to be close to the only person he wanted to thank in this moment — but how would he explain his sudden disappearance?
you'd made the effort to giggle with everyone, stealing partial glances of your boyfriend every now and then. there was a part of you that was adamant you were being subtle: yet the knowing elbow to your ribs as you lost where you were in your ramblings, eyelids heavy as you peered intently at lando as he tilted his head back, tongue protruding as he lapped at the champagne that was being poured from above his head.
it was the same image that was replaying in your mind as you clambered into the back of the taxi, your palms splayed on his upper thigh as you adjusted yourself beneath the seatbelt. the air was thick, stuffy even, as you felt your chest tighten under the thin material of your dress — there was a tension that was evident, lando's thumb curling around your pinky finger as he tugged your hand towards his mouth, lips ghosting a soft kiss to your knuckles.
"you look so good tonight... that little skimpy number doing a thing or two to me..." you weren't sure if it was the bubbles taking over or if he was speaking his mind. eyes afire, blazed, as you unintentionally clamped your thighs just that little tighter together. the fact that the taxi driver could probably hear lando's confessions, crude and direct as he mumbled how all he could think about was you — even during his winner's speech that he was egged on to do, a mic thrust in his hand as he caught your eye from across the packed room.
his lips were on your neck the minute your apartment door was closed and the taxi was merrily on his way to the next customer: teeth nipping at your throat as you struggled to push him away from you, dizzy from the way your stomach lurched with desire. it was stupid really — you'd seen each other the morning of, hungrily wishing him all the luck in the world and proceeding to roll your eyes dramatically when he reminded you that he was already the luckiest.
"you've been teasing me all night," you tried to be stern, your scold coming across more as a whimper though as his fingers trailed down over your hips. the crown of your head settled on your front door as you tilted yourself backwards, trusting your boyfriend completely as your urges finally took over, "you'll be the one apologising this time if the neighbours come knocking."
your joke fell on deaf ears as lando's nails scratched gently over your exposed thighs, hiking the material of your dress further up until he got complete access to you. every time he saw you like this, all flustered and relentless, silence would fall upon him as he drank in his sight. the floor was harsh against his knees as he settled before you, slightly hazed pupils meeting yours as he flashed you that shit-eating grin that had gotten you wrapped around his little finger all those months ago.
should it have been you treating him? considering he was the winner, surely he deserved to be on the receiving end of pleasure tonight? the questions failed to come to fruition though, all thoughts incoherent as he parted your legs in a way that could only be described as hungrily.
it was your noises that made him edge closer to you, not even bothering to discard of your underwear as he nudged it to the side with the tip of his nose. there was a pause in his movements, your chest rising and falling erratically as you waited for him to do something, anything.
you had always been somewhat impatient when it came to lando — maybe it was the fact you knew how good it was going to be, or perhaps it was the burning ache that sat heavy in the pit of your stomach whenever he had worked you up to this certain point between normality and pure ecstasy. your fist knotted between his hair, tugging it a little harsher than usual as you gritted your teeth and inaudibly begged for him to give you something.
as a way to tell you he was listening he obliged; his pointer and middle finger scissored against you as he parted your cunt, tongue between his lips as he finally dragged a taste from you. lando had always been an eater, evident in the way his tongue moved against you now — circling your clit before stroking down to your hole. your wetness decorated his chin and around his mouth, glistening skin being all you could focus on as he pulled away for a few seconds to marvel at how your face was contorted in pleasure.
the intrusion of one of his fingers caught you off guard, one hand clutching his head as the other held onto the wall in a pathetic attempt to stay upright. the few chutes of champagne that you'd been sipping on all night accompanied the glee that surged through your veins, tingling every limb as you rolled your hips in a rhythm that oozed of desperation.
his name felt familiar and warm as it fell from your mouth, subconsciously ending it with mewls of fuck and right there as he dipped his finger in and out of your sopping cunt. each thrust was met with his lips wrapped delicately around your clit, starkly different to the way his finger curled inside of you, trying to rub against that sweet spot inside of you and send you into a downward spiral of pleasure.
as soon as his second finger found itself between your slick walls you felt the ball in your gut grow bigger, heavier as you could barely keep your eyes open. lando's tongue was messy against you, devouring you between muffled moans and whines. just as his fingers got harder and his tongue became wetter he stopped — everything still in the doorway to your apartment as you let out a half-strangled cry. there was no way that he could let you linger there, teetering on the edge of an orgasm as you curled your toes that still sat uncomfortably in your heels and knitted your eyebrows together in annoyance.
in that moment you felt the warmth fizzle from your body; your mind falling back into reality as you became conscious to the room around you once more. lando's grin was smug, cocky even, as he kissed your inner thigh. it was soft, a complete juxtaposition to the way he was eating you only seconds before.
"you can do it for me, can't you?" his question seemed distant from you, as if he was miles from where you were. there was an air of confusion, not able to conjure the words to ask what he meant before his hand cupped your cunt, fingers parting you. his fingertips grazed your hole once more, stroking between your clenching walls as you felt yourself turn to putty in his hands.
usually you'd need more than this; for him to strum you all over again, work you up to your orgasm once more. but this time he didn't — your boyfriends eyes trained on you, dampened lips parted as he watched the way you writhed against him. rocking your hips to meet his hand halfway, spine arched as you cursed him vehemently in between groans.
the noises that came from between your legs were nothing short of filthy; an indication that you were close to cumming whether you planned to or not. there was nothing that you could hold onto that would have kept you earthed, his scalp sore as you tugged cruelly, wrapping his locks around your fingers to try and control your orgasm. it took one, two, possibly three, more pumps of his fingers and his palm flush against your clit before you felt your body snap — heaven bubbling inside of you as you clenched. the sheer intensity of your orgasm had lando's head spinning, wrist trickling with your own juices as he studied how you shivered and sighed.
"lando, i—" your words failed. forehead slick with sweat as he skimmed his hands from your sensitive heat to the backs of your thighs, kneading your flesh in a attentive way. you wanted to thank him, to tell him that you loved him. but all that came out was a timid squeak as you tried to move, your shoulder blades sore from where they'd been pushed against your door.
he knelt back until he was sat on the floor, lets spread as he scooped up a small bead of your cum with the tip of his thumb. suckling it into his mouth he hummed, a deep, melodic noise, "seeing as i'm the winning boy do i get my reward now?"
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davenporttf · 11 months
Gaynz: Luke
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Luke was loving the results of the protein powder his best friend, Dillon, gave him. He was working hard at the gym to gain muscle but it was proving to be extremely difficult. Dillon stopped by Luke's place and gave him a new powder he never heard of before called "Gaynz." He said it was the best protein powder out on the market, and it would get him seriously shredded.
Luke prepared his protein shake and headed to the gym. He always saved his shake for after an intense workout to replenish his body with protein. After a killer workout, he slipped out of his gym clothes in the locker room. He chugged the drink and he felt the effects immediately. His veins bulged out of his skin as protein surged through him. His body began to inflate with every pump of blood. Wave after wave, his pecs ballooned with pure muscle. The fat that was giving him such a hard time melted away to reveal an 8-pack. His arms cracked and shifted as his biceps gained mass, and his arms became heavier. His legs became sturdier and his glutes inflated to fill out his boxers.
"Bro! This shit is crazy!" His boy Dillon really came through. He needed to head over to his place to show him. He got into his truck and drove out of the parklot. With his large arms on the wheel driving down the highway, he felt a contraction in his shorts. His boxers were starting to tighten around his ass. "Ughhh, the fuck?!" He felt the material of his boxers began to shift and move up his cheeks. It began to round his dick in the front, and mold into two straps around his ass in the back. With one hand on the wheel, he pulled down his shorts to reveal a hot pink jockstrap where his boxers used to be.
He was dumbfounded, and felt like he was losing grip on reality. He was starting to love the way the jock wrapped around his muscle butt, outlining his best asset when he snapped out of it. "No! This is crazy! I need to find out what Dillon put in this shake." He finally reached Dillon's and pulled into his driveway.
As he turned the car off, he felt a tingle in his dick. He pulled down his shorts to catch sight of his dick shrinking in the jock. He squirmed in his seat from the sensation of his bulge going from a mound to a thimble. He needed to talk to Dillon now. He walked up to his door, the mesh shorts sliding against his bare ass. He knocked on the door, and Dillon answered with a smile on his face.
Luke wasted no time, and pushed Dillon backwards into his house and pinned him against the wall. "The fuck did you give me, bro!!" Dillon chuckled unaffected by Luke's demeanor.
"Let me go and stand at attention." he said calmly. Luke felt himself resisting against his body as he backed away from Dillon. His arms went rigid against his sides and he stood tall in his best friend's living room.
"I see the shake has been working wonders for you, bro. I forgot to tell you that it also makes you super submissive as well."
Luke's guard started to come down as he started liking the idea of being dominated by his best bro. He snapped back again, "No, bro! Wtf! I'm not into dudes!"
The words fell on deaf ears, as Dillon moved closer to Luke. "I want you to be the little bitch I always thought you to be. Take off those shorts, and get on my bed, slut."
Luke's resistance was no match for being called what he truly was. He became filled with lust for such dominating language. He pulled down his shorts, and crawled onto his buddy's bed.
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Dillon pressed himself up against Luke's ass, and started to slap his dick against his cheeks. With every smack of his bro's dick, his thoughts became more and more aligned with that of a pure bottom bitch. His 2" dick didn't needed to be the center of attention anymore, and he only felt the need to be dominated by his best friend.
Dillon dropped a wad of spit onto Luke's revealed hole. The splash against his hole was driving Luke crazy. He leaned further back as Dillon slid his 8" cock into his perfectly round bubble butt. "Ohhhh fuckkkkkk brooo" Luke moaned as Dillon thrusted into him.
"That's right my big slut. You only serve to be my fucktoy." Dillon said in a deep sultry voice while he piledrived Luke's bussy. Luke's reality continued to shift away from his straight fuckboy life to being a perfect muscle stud for his bro to enjoy when he desired.
Luke began to diddle with his tiny cock as Dillon hammered his p-spot over and over again. "Such a good slut. Here comes your reward." Dillon said as he slammed into Luke one final time. Wads of cum shot into Luke filled him with the juices of his master. The sensation sent Luke over the edge and he came into his pink jockstrap.
Luke slowly flipped over onto his back and looked up at Dillon with a small belly bulge from all the cum in his abdomen.
"I'm ready for round 2 when you are, bro." Luke said smiling.
Two stories today for the long wait :)
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storage-king-nz · 2 years
Storage King has an extensive range of Moving Items including Handy Moving Items. Storage King are the Kings of Storage, Moving and More.
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pursuitseternal · 4 months
“The Sixth Day:” packed with literal steam in “Antics of the Newly Ascended”
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Ascended Astarion x f!Reader | E | 3.7 K of mist form issues and smut
(Sfw) 🎨 by @mouldering-casket —nsfw version, on ao3 link and their X account.
Summary: You promise him anything if he can just get his powers under control for once… only anything means you are at his loving, demanding mercy as he finally takes you in that way you have been hesitant over…
CW: a$$ play, double penetration, illicit use of Mage Hand, Wet Cat Astarion, bathing foreplay and aftercare.
Previous Ch | ao3 link | Masterlist
“Astarion, did you get those arrows of dragon slay….”
Your hand pushes the door to your rooms open. Those private rooms that have already seen nearly every hole of yours filled with his cock or fingers or tongue… and your fingers filling all of his too.
You hear mostly silence… just a sort of slow swirling sound.
“I need a moment, my consort,” he speaks to your mind, that voice trying hard to ring with power and purr. But he just sounds… caught.
“Maybe I can help, I told you to check the trunk….”
Shutting the door, you see why he’s using your connection. Why he can’t just talk to you with those sultry, smirking lips.
Why he’s taking so fucking long.
“Mist? Really? We need the Vampire Ascendant in mist form to get the arrows, now?” You laugh as it starts to form a new shape. But only… half of him materializes.
His strapping, leather-bound legs form easily, but the rest of him… does not. A small cloud of mist hovers over his legs as he sways uncomfortably.
“Fucking hells, Astarion…” you grumble, burying your face in both your hands. “All I can do is ask… why.”
“Why, what, my treasure?” His voice still purrs against your mind. “At least my best and most prominent qualities manifest—“
“No,” you hold a hand up just in case. “No, Astairon, I am not going to be railed by only your lower half, before you start insinuating anything even close to that.”
His hips cock to his left. Annoyed. “We won’t know what we’re missing, my darling…”
“For fucks sake, no,” you do smirk back at him. “Don’t make me spank you, mighty Ascendant. Not like you could fight back.”
“Oh… my love. You always know what to say…”
You roll your eyes, over the top dramatically. “We best not keep them waiting, you know. You either figure this out, or I’m getting Gale. We need those arrows if we are going to face Ansur.” And you flop down to sit on the edge of the bed.
He begins to pace, or at least half of him does. “Fine,” he growls. “But… I might need a hand.”
“As long as it’s not pumping your cock below your diapperated torso, I’m fine with that.” You can feel the shiver of desire caress your core, heating down your bond. “Tell you what, my love…”
You stand and cross to him… whatever he is. Sticking your hand into the bubble of mist, you feel it leap to brush your skin, as if he can’t get close enough to you. “You make your whole body reappear immediately, and I’ll let you try that… thing… you’ve been asking for…”
You can’t see his face, but even as he breathes the single word, “Really?” you can picture that ravenous gleam in his narrowed eyes, that cant of his left brow. That look that makes you quiver under the gaze of your predator, knowing you are his next meal.
“Oh… yes,” you purr, reaching a single finger to trace up that line of his chorded thigh, stopping before it disappeared into the mists. “But only if you can….”
A slight tingling wave of magic, and suddenly his upper half materializes, arms already wrapping tightly around you, ravenous lips beginning to tear into yours. The beading of his fine jacket presses into your sensible tunic, beads so sharp and refined. Just like him.
“Easy, my love,” you giggle as he begins that caress, that little trickle of lust that always ends with him ravaging you. “We have to get to…”
But a squeal replaces your words, his hand cupping on your mound, fingers already working through the buckskin to press between your folds. The other set of dancing lithe fingers claws hard into the curve of your backside. Friction rubs hard against both, sweeping in tandem and making you pant in an instant. You ride those hands, strong and long and warm as he fucks his fingers against your trousers.
You gasp, not expecting to enjoy the pressure on your ass, the tickle of his pressing touch brushing places yet to be explored….
But with one of his deep and rumbling laughs, he leaves your body, just the cold draft of his haste to cross the room and retrieve those godsforsaken arrows you had mentioned.
“Best not keep them waiting…” he spits your words back at you, that clever, rakish grin on his features as he watches you writhing in place. Knees buckle as you struggle to stand after… all that.
“Seriously…” you grumble again, rolling your own pair of crimson eyes at his game. “I offer you to do what you will with me… and you…” your words end with a frustrated groan as he shoves three arrows in your flapping, gesticulating hands.
“I won’t be giving them any more reason to think me a selfish bastard than I already have, darling…” he gives you that half-lidded, hungry stare that makes your innards melt. “You’ll just have to wait to give me what I want until we return, my consort. We are so close, I can almost taste it.” He lets his pink tongue linger on his last words, wetting his lips, a performative little display meant to leave you in agony.
And fucking hells, doesn’t it just.
In battle, your mind half flits through fantasy after nasty fantasy, no matter how many arrows get fired or bodies hit the ground.
Astarion didn’t fail to keep those scarlet eyes locked into yours every chance he could. His lithe hands brushing your body every time you crept in close to him. Your ass, even through armor, was decidedly his favorite to toy with. Little pats or strokes in passing… even in the midst of bloodshed and battle.
And once that armor is off, once you make it back with your weary party to the Elfsong… you are fair game. You nearly make it up the stairs, the companionship and warmth of a hot meal calling you. Until that Ascendant Lord purrs his excuses from the top of the stairs. He begs their forgiveness, hopes their stomachs enjoy their meals and that their ears don’t heed the noises he’s about to draw from his consort’s mouth.
You hold tight to the railing, shaking your head at the sound of their groans from inside the doors before your love shuts them tight.
Head tilted, eyes narrowed, and lips twisted just so… he races for you, sweeping you over his shoulder like the spoils of war you are. His treasure.
Nothing but the suede of your leathers on your legs and the damp tunic hanging loose from your frame, you feel every drag of his fingers as he grips your thighs. Your world hangs upside down, weightless. At his mercy as he kicks open your doors and carries you into the inner dark. Doors close with another kick, Astarion does not even bother to turn. The heel of his boot collides with wood, a fraction of a second before his palm does the same with your ass cheek.
You squirm on his shoulder, crying in surprise at the ripple of slight pain. “Astarion!” you chastise. But he only laughs as he sets you back on your feet. You smell it in the air, the floral oils and soaps you use for bathing wafting on the steam. Your feet settle on the floor, your body dragging down his front, but you ignore that virile smirk and ravenous gleam in his eyes. Scanning the room, you breathe the scents in the air. A steaming bath… soaps and towels and oils lining all within reach. “Seems a bit much for how I incentivized you earlier to get your head out of your ass…”
“Mmmm,” he purred, hands racing down to cup the full curves of your backside. “Yes…. Get my head out of my ass… so I can finally sink deep into yours.”
Gods, your cheeks ignite, your belly dropping to your toes as if you were falling through the air.
“But, my little love, it’s so much more to me than you finding new ways to trust me,” he whispers, those narrowed, hungry eyes softening just slightly as you turn to meet his gaze. “You have been, ahem,” he clears his throat awkwardly, that veneer of the Ascendant cracking with his sincerity, “been patient with me, keeping my… limitations secret as I learn just what these powers can do for me… for us.”
“So you’re eager to buy my continued silence… and fuck me in the ass?” you taunt in reply, slowly teasing your soiled shirt up from your belly.
“Well…” he gives that silken purr, hands freeing her body of that fabric, “you are my consort, and I’ll never leave you wanting, darling. I’ll wrap you in every luxury, bathe you in the finest oils, make every intimate moment you offer me the most… exquisite union for us both, because…” his velvety voice trails off with a deep throated chuckle. Because I love you, the words simmer in your mind, a caress from his thoughts against yours.
You smile softly, your body on fire, your heart welling with that feeling, even if he is too proud to voice it aloud. “Don’t I feel pampered and spoiled, brimming with anticipation…”
“You’re about to feel a lot more than anticipation brimming inside you, but,” he sighs and pulls off his own shirt in one fluid jerk, “let’s not get too hasty, hmm?”
Before he deigns to slip off his own trousers, his hands tear off your soiled shirt, your trousers freed from your skin in a matter of moments before he sweeps you up and deposits you in that warm and foaming water. Rose scented steam billows around you and permeates your every breath. You close your eyes and sink into the waters completely, letting it cover your head and drench your every inch.
You feel the water surge higher, two long, chorded legs fold to sit beside you. Arms pull you above the water, and you gasp, his body slipping around you, the perfect throne as he shifts you to face him. You feel that telltale prodding against your belly as he slides you closer, your legs brought to wrap firmly around his narrow hips. His eyes seem to devour you. That smirk on his lips that has always made you melt glints at you, his hands shift you just a little higher, fingers teasing around the soft swell of your ass.
You shudder, that molten touch barely sweeping you apart, a little towards that tight and puckered hole. Gasping, you flinch, making him laugh as he steals his hand back between your bodies, returning to all-too-familiar territory. That rumbling laughter in his chest rattles into your frame as his touch braces you closer, nails digging into your lower back.
Those other long, skilled digits take command of your folds, drawing heavy breaths from your mouth as he digs in deeper and toys with your clit as if it’s his favorite plaything. It’s a matter of seconds, a moment of winding tight in the hot water, the heady scent of rose petals in your nose and on your tongue as he drives you without mercy or reprieve towards orgasm. Your head rests on the hard edge of his collarbone, and you wince and shudder as that one hand throws you into the hot release that your body demands.
His name on your lips, you squirm and buck as heat finally explodes inside you, as your slick walls clutch hard in waves. Those warm lips of his suckle on the curves of your ear, rubbing their damp to the bend in your neck. “Now, let me show you my deepest gratitude, my little love, and trust me,” he breathes against your flesh in that velvet voice of his. “I promise you, I know what I’m doing…”
“A little too well at times, Astarion,” you breathlessly laugh in reply, trying hard to raise your head. But his hands rests its weight into your damp mess of hair, keeping you cradled on his shoulder.
“You’ll thank me, someday,” he rasps that deep laugh as he slides your hips to angle just right away from him. Every muscle clenches and shivers as his fingers explore that tight circle, the spoils you’ve offered.
That hand keeps you pinned in place, your ear shoved against his jugular to hear how his heart thumps harder the more he begins to circle around that untouched hole. A moan pours from your lips when he teases that soft and tight skin more, as he begins to dip inside and stretch you out.
Just a little, just playful and light, but already you groan at the new and overwhelming lightning it makes course through your nerves. “Ah!” you whimper with every teasing touch inside you.
“You’re doing so very well, my pet,” his other hand lifts your chin with the warm pads of his fingers. “You’ll take more, like the good girl you are…”
A noise leaves your throat, desperation and trembling fear whimpering in response. But that silken touch only glides another digit into you. Stretching, hot and painful, it makes you recall that first time anything stretched your cunt so full.
“Don’t worry… I’ll protect you… take good care of you… as if you were my own little virginal consort…” Silken touch and velvet voice sends shivers down your spine until your toes curl into themselves.
A third finger enters you, his mouth devours the gasping moan that slips free. His other hand returns to catch that aching clit again, and that water around you suddenly feels ice cool against your skin.
Decimated, shaking, exploding. Your walls clench around nothing and yet you feel yourself bursting full. Fangs bite your bottom lip as you gasp, unable to shut your mouth or swallow or move or…
You taste your blood on your own tongue, the warm pad of his own sweeping to lap and lips closing to suck you clean. Even as you wait for your world to stop tilting so you can recover in his arms, one more gasp rushes from your mouth as he slips from inside you.
He stands and pulls you with him from the waters. Lithe fingers grip yours to guide you safely over the edge. You watch his cock prod prominently through the gap of his towel as he tucks it around his waist, its little jolts as you stare and smile only serve to make you giggle and make you wetter.
Hastily, you dab yourself dry, and that gleam in his own crimson eyes signals the end of his patience. That towel gets ripped from your hands and flung somewhere on the floor behind you. Astarion’s eyes scan over you, so hungry and so smug. Those hips cock, his laugh flexing those ridges of his stomach as he watches you growing more agitated and flustered. Until he beckons you closer with a crook of his finger. Wet feet patter loudly as you rush him, arms wrapping around his neck, pulling that insufferable, conceited smirk into your mouth so you can kiss it off his warm lips.
You notice one of his hands is closed around a small vial, his other pulls the towel he just secured around those etched and narrow hips of his. It flutters to the bed, a heap of white that he guides you towards. He’s delicate for once, laying you with reverent touch on your stomach, putting that little glass bottle between his teeth so he can run all ten of his skilled fingers over your skin with featherlight touch.
Your breath is ragged, head turned so you can glimpse every movement from the corner of your eye. That pointed gaze is fixed where his hands trace up and down your back, sometimes warm and soft, sometimes tickling and scratching his nails up and down your sides. He gives a low, rumbling chuckle as one hand starts to massage the globes of your ass, the other reaches for that bottle of clear oil. The cork pops as he pulls it free with his teeth, its warm slickness pours over your rear. He sweeps it into that seam, suddenly pushing that oil back into that hole, easier than before but just as… nice.
He spits the cork out, you hear it bounce quietly across the floor, the light scent of the oil the same as the bath, floral and sweet. Slick noises squelch somewhere behind you, and recognition sends a bolt of desire flooding to your core. He slathers it on his cock, beating, rubbing himself in his fist, even as his other hand teases you apart on his three fingers again.
And that’s when his well-oiled hands lift you to your knees, face still panting into your pillows.
Something cool and light sweeps up your seam, dipping deep into your cunt. You lift your chest just enough to watch from under how that magical touch of a Mage Hand thrusts over and over into your folds.
Finally, you groan, something to clench around. You relish it, that magical touch at last filling you in all the familiar ways. As if your vampire's cold touch has returned. You shiver, blissful and bucking.
Until you feel something warm again prodding just behind that already-filling touch. You know it, it’s blunt and oiled and hot and fleshy. “Breathe my Consort, even if you don’t need to any longer,” he chuckles, rolling his hips to thrust that hardened length up the crease of your ass. “You’re about to need to breathe, so don’t you forget how.”
You obey, the scents of your oils and soaps making your body limp, even as you sense his anticipation. His hand grips just beyond his cock’s head, sweeping more oil to make everything so slick over him, over you. And so hot. You do breathe, that prodding returning inside your ass, pushing inside you bit by agonizing bit. He groans, pausing, giving you the time to loosen, to take him at your leisure. Thank gods that Mage Hand hasn’t lost its charms, still pressing and filling you. And now, as he slides inside just that bit more, you are busting.
That magic touch in your cunt, that pressing pressure just beside it, they rub almost against one another, paper thinness separating them. And that sensation makes you forget to breathe. Especially as he works his way more and more, slowly and carefully.
Ever so skilled, he is. Like someone who has done this dance a thousand times, but with the knowledge and tenderness of one who worships your body. Who adores you.
Slowly, he withdraws, only to slip inside you again. Over and over, he takes his time as he takes you. Over and over, you try to breathe, air hitching every time his cock brushes against that other touch that buries inside your channel.
Never… never before have you been so filled, not with a cock or pleasure or love. To be so used and worshiped, to be touched gently and fucked roughly… to be trusted and to trust, it brings a little sting of tears to your eyes and not just from the suffocating bliss he’s drawing from you now.
You keep yourself panting, face buried in the bed as he slowly buries himself into you deeper, still deliberate and slow. Sometimes, they shove into you in synch, sometimes they piston against each other, opposing forces that fuck you back and forth. A single brush of fingers over your belly to catch your clit in his all too real touch is all you need to explode. So breathtakingly good. You clench around magic, the grind of that wam and hard length pushing you harder into waves and coils of pleasure you didn’t even think your undead body could handle.
Astarion picks up his pace, grunts in his throat, his voice rough and thick with his praises. “So beautiful, my very good girl,” he rasps, that addictive feeling of his hips snapping against your rear, that sound of slapping flesh sending another bout of shivers down your spine. “You lovely, tight thing… so good to me, spoiling me, my love.”
You barely hold yourself up on your knees, that touch inside you slipping out after the last tremors of your orgasm. His breath grows ragged. His fingers claw into your hips. His cock splits you past fullness to another realm of pleasure. Until, for as slowly as he entered you, he slips away.
You groan so loudly, you hear your voice ricochet from the wall. He beats his cock, hips and thighs still braced against your backside as you hear that wet rhythm of his self-pleasure. It takes only another beat for him to push against you with all his strength, to feel ropes of hot cum drip and trail down your back.
“Exquisite…” he sighs, warm touch painting white streaks over your cool skin through the mess he’s made all across your back. “Simply exquisite…” he proclaims proudly, voice rich like velvet and panting with exhaustion.
“Mmm,” you mumble into the bed beneath you, far too boneless to stand, far too pleasantly sore to do much more than lower your aching hips to the bed. “Am I?” you purr back as you barely turn your head.
“Indeed,” he chuckles and rises from the bed, “and you’ll be exquisite forever.” One hand massages your ass cheeks, and you moan and hiss in one unabashed noise. “Now, to clean you up, filthy thing. You really were detectable, you know.”
You giggle into your hand as you raise your head and toss your tangled mess of hair from your eyes. “Just don’t go trapping yourself as a mist too often, I don’t know how frequently my ass can serve as incentive, my love.”
He just cants his brow and flashes his fangs down at you, hovering at your bedside and creeping closer. A shock of magic and a caress of mist as he shifts once…. A pop and rush of power as he shifts back.
Fully this time.
Astarion laughs deeply and pulls you by the hand to your feet. “Seems you’re safe… for now, my darling.”
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drewsbuzzcut · 19 hours
Moving On and On, So Very Bittersweet
Mat Barzal x model!fem!reader
A visceral in doses fic
Warnings: mentions miscarriage, anxiety, nerves, slight angst, and SMUT
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Today has been a bit of a haze and you’re not even close to putting your plan in motion yet. You’re finally ready to have sex again after a long, grueling 5 months. The healing process after your miscarriage has been one of the hardest things ever, and it’s still rough sometimes. However, time has healed you mentally and you feel ready to rekindle that spark between yourself and Mat. This morning you made a phone call to your best friend, Beverly, asking if she’d do you the grace of taking care of your babies for the night. Luckily she agreed. You had to run around the house to pack their bags and feed them before they were picked up. Now you’re setting up for tonight, impatiently waiting for Mat to walk through the front door.
The familiar beep of Mat’s car doors locking alerts you instantly. You feel nerves of anticipation and excitement fill you up as you trot over to the front door. You throw it open before he can even insert the key into the keyhole. You’re greeted with his shocked expression and his arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you into his chest.
“Hi, baby,” you mutter, words muffled by the material of his button up.
You practically cuddle into his body as warmth emanates from all around him.
“Hi, pretty girl. I missed you today,” he says back, looking down into your eyes.
An overwhelming swell of love pumps through your veins while you stare at the man you’re insanely in love with.
“The kids are awfully quiet today,” Mat concludes, so used to the bustling sound of his kids coming to greet him when he first gets home.
“They actually aren’t here. They’re with Beverly for the night. We’ll go pick them up tomorrow morning,” you explain.
You fiddle with the hairs at the nape of his neck to distract yourself from feeling any type of anxiety. You’re trying not to let any of your fears get to you. You know you’re ready to move forward with Mat, but you can’t help but feel jittery. It’s almost like it’s your first time all over again.
“That’s nice. What’s the occasion?” Your husband’s hands wander along your back, his fingertips pressing into any knots you may have.
“No occasion, I just want some quality time with my husband,” you murmur and press a kiss onto the side of his neck.
For a moment you feel him freeze because he’s not used to you being affectionate as of late, but then you feel him melt into you. He doesn’t know that it eases your anxiety.
“I can definitely get behind that. I missed being able to be with my wife without the babies crawling all over us. Don’t get me wrong, I love our children, but I love having some time for just you and me,” Mat grins, tugging you further into him.
“Me too, baby. How about we order some takeout?” You ask.
“That was so good,” you comment as you relax into the cushions of the couch.
“Sushi is always good,” Mat agrees, welcoming you into his arms.
You pepper kisses along his collarbones and all the way up to his jaw. Your hands press into his chest and you smirk when you feel his heartbeat start to pick up. After your soft attack is over, you pull him into a hug. You feel so thankful for your husband, and you hate that you haven’t been showing it as often.
“It’s so nice to be able to enjoy a meal with you, baby. We haven’t had a date this week, so I’m glad we were able to do this,” Mat expresses his gratitude.
“Maybe we should cap this over with a nice bath and maybe a glass of wine,” you suggest, eyes peering into his innocently.
“I like that idea very much,” he responds and leads you to your bathroom.
After setting up a warm bubble bath and grabbing some wine, you finally sink into the water. You welcome the liquid to soothe your muscles and you’re sure that Mat welcomes the same feeling. You melt into his chest, feeling the comfort of having him wrapped around you.
“Mat,” you mutter so quietly that he almost doesn’t catch it.
“Yeah, babe?” He leans up, so he’s flushed against your back and his hands wrap around your stomach.
You fight the chill that dares to roll through your spine and try to calm the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
You clear your throat and say, “these past months have been so hard on us. I’m still a little sad, but I miss feeling connected to you-“
“We're always connected, even if it's not sexually. You're my wife, my soulmate, and my everything," Mat adds in. His eyes are filled with sincerity, making you relax a bit.
“I know, baby. In this case, I mean I miss being sexually connected. Seeing you be the best daddy, picking up my slack, and just being the best husband, has made me insanely horny for you,” you finish with a giggle, feeling awfully shy. Your cheeks simmer under Mat’s smirk.
There are no words to express how grateful you are for your husband. While you’ve been dealing with your grief, Mat has been the ultimate partner. Not that he wasn’t before the miscarriage, but he’s definitely made things easier for you during your fragile state. That’s not to mention that he’s been so patient with you. He didn’t push you to get better, nor did he push you to have sex before you were ready. Mat’s the definition of the perfect husband, perfect father.
"Are you 100% sure you're ready for me?" Your husband asks, wanting to be completely certain that you're not feeling any hesitation.
“I’m sure. I want you,” you state firmly, pushing yourself as close as humanly possible to him.
His hands fall from the small of your back to your ass, grabbing handfuls of you.
You kiss up his throat, licking a line up one of his veins.
“On our bed,” you make sure that he knows he can’t have you until you’re in the comfort of your bed.
“Wait here,” Mat says, rubbing your arms and leaving you in your ensuite while he disappears into the master bedroom.
You finish off your skincare and body care routine. You feel so giddy, like you can jump and run around. You’re not sure what your husband is doing and it makes you excited. The lust has already started to pool in your core, waiting for Mat to ignite the fire within you.
You can’t wait to get your hands on him and feel his muscles flex underneath your palms. You yearn to hear his moans close to your ear and feel him hard and thick inside of you.
“You can come out now,” his words break you out of your daydream.
You slip your robe on and anxiously open the door. Your jaw drops to the floor and your heart grows three sizes upon seeing candles set up around your room. The comforter and pillows on the bed are fluffed up. Your shared bedroom has never felt so intimate and safe.
“I love you and I’m proud of you for everything. You’re the strongest person I know, and I’m glad you’re my wife as well as the mother of our children,” he whispers in your ear with his arms wrapped around you.
“I love you more,” your response is tearful, but so thankful at the same time.
When Mat lets go, he waits for you to make the first move. He doesn’t want to rush you, or make you feel like things have to progress quickly. He’d be fine with kissing you in bed if that’s all you wanted.
You let your silk robe slink down your body, the intimidating bed right in front of you. With a deep inhale and exhale of air, you settle in the plush of your blankets and pillows. The candlelight breaks through the dim lighting of the room, highlighting the intimacy of the atmosphere.
When you take a glance at your husband, his eyes are already on you, taking in the sight of you like it’s the first time he’s ever seen you. Your breath hitches in your throat and you subconsciously clutch the sheets and tightly close your legs. Mat’s eyes soften at your rigid form, not used to seeing you so timid.
You’re left in silence while you watch your husband drop the towel from around his waist. Finally kneeling on the bed and scooting closer to you, he reaches out to your legs. You unintentionally jump at the touch of his hand, but quickly will yourself to calm down.
It’s Mat, your husband, he’s in love with you and will always take care of you.
He gently pries your legs apart, eyes on your reaction as he slots himself between your legs. He takes in your naked form, one he’s seen a million times and one he’ll never get tired of. He catches sight of your tattoo on your lower abdomen. “Baby,” sits there proudly, remembering your baby that you never had the opportunity to meet. He traces the black ink, letter for letter. Tears start to form in your eyes, but you don’t let them slip. You know it’s okay to be sad, but you don’t want to dampen the moment.
“Are you doing okay?” Your husband asks. The gentle drag of his fingertips make goosebumps prickle at your skin.
“Yes, baby,” you respond and grab onto his wrist, moving his hand over your heart.
You both stay still for a minute, letting him feel the beat of your heart under his palm while you caress his jaw.
“Tell me if you don’t want to do this,” Mat makes sure you’re completely ready to get intimate again.
This time you have no hesitation.
“I want you.”
He leans down, pressing a kiss to your lips while he spreads your arousal around your waiting core. After telling him that you were ready in the bathtub, things got a little touchy and it was basically your foreplay.
He grabs his length, dragging the tip through your folds in a small tease. He nudges it against your clit, making your body already feel fluttery.
After coating himself in your wetness, he slowly starts to push into you. Your hole clenches down on his angry, leaking head and your body lurches forward.
“Wait, don’t move. I- I need some time to adjust,” you say, halting his movement with a hand on his torso.
“Take however much time you need, baby. I don’t want to hurt you,” he assures you, his hands rubbing at your long legs.
After a long pause, you start to get antsy. The feeling of pleasure lingers in the forefront of your mind and you want nothing but to feel all of him.
“I want you closer,” you demand, your arms going around his neck and pulling him closer to you.
You need the press of his body on yours, feeling his heartbeat thud against yours. It makes all your worries dissipate.
“I need you, Maty. Please make me feel good,” you whimper and it’s all he needs to hear to start his movements.
He pulls out slowly and gently pushes back in, effectively pulling soft moans from your mouth.
His pace only increases a tad bit, but each thrust is deep and punctuated with a passionate roughness that makes your insides all gooey. You hold onto him firmly, your fingers leaving imprints in his skin. Your legs wrap around his waist and the heels of your feet dig into the small of his back, keeping him sheathed inside of you.
“You’re taking me so well, baby. You’re so wet for me,” Mat moans in your ear before burying his face in the crook of your neck.
His lips tenderly peck at your pulse point, but eventually it leads to him sucking your skin into his mouth.
“Oh my god,” you shriek and your body arches off the bed.
His cock hits all the right spots and repeatedly prods into your sweet spot. The veins on his length feel so good gliding along your slick walls. Each time your greedy pussy sucks him back in, you’re met with fire surging through your veins.
It’s been so long since you’ve felt such euphoria.
“More,” you beg, pulling your husband away from your neck so you can look at him.
His forehead is lined with sweat, curls sticking around his face. His eyes shine with pleasure, and saccharine moans fall from his lips.
“More,” you repeat.
His large paws grip your thighs and spread your legs open. His hips rut into you, allowing your orgasm to bubble up. You claw your nails into the skin of his back, barreling down as you take his long strokes. His strong body moves with yours in perfect synchrony because you won’t let him do all the work. No, you rock your hips up to meet him thrust for thrust.
You smash your lips on his, letting him stick his tongue down your throat. Once your pussy starts to clamp down on Mat’s length, he knows you’re close. He pushes your spread legs closer to your chest, so you can take him deeper and so your orgasm can rip through your body.
“Yes! Just like that,” you scream, eyes shut and hands still attached to Mat.
“Cum for me, pretty girl,” he says hotly.
The knot in your stomach snaps and you throw your head back, mouth falling open in the form of a silent moan. Your body quivers as you release around him. He lets go of your limbs and returns to his softer thrusts, working you through your orgasm.
“I love you,” your husband whispers against your lips before pecking them.
“I love you,” you moan, body still tingling.
The pulsing of your walls signals his own release and soon he’s pumping you full. Usually Mat’s hips will move crazily as he works through his orgasm, but this time his movements are slow and sensual. He kisses your cheek, mumbling incoherently into your skin.
“You’re so perfect,” Mat whispers, leaning on his forearms so he can stare at you.
You’re doused in a post-coital glow and you’re sporting the most perfect smile.
Mat traces the slope of your nose and the cupid’s bow of your lips.
“You’re my everything,” you say back, giggling when he nudges his nose against yours.
“You know, I still can’t believe you’re my wife,” he hums and lays his forehead on yours.
Your eyelashes flutter against each other as you both meld together. You’ve missed everything that’s involved with being intimate with the love of your life.
“You’re so lucky,” you joke and poke at his ribs, making him drop his body on top of yours. You let out a dramatic grunt, but you welcome his weight.
Silence fills the room as you massage your husband’s scalp and softly glide your hands up and down his back. You actually thought he fell asleep until you heard his sniffles.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” You ask, voice full of concern.
Softly you nudge him off of you, so you can face him. There’s nothing clearer than having a conversation and seeing their expressions.
“I don’t know how to move past this. I keep thinking about the baby you could be pregnant with right now. I’d be able to feel them kick and we’d be able to hear their heartbeat. Instead we never got to know them,” Mat sobs and you pull him into your chest.
You kiss the top of his head and try to wrap yourself around him, hoping to help him calm down.
You know Mat has been hurting, you just didn’t know it was this bad. A big chunk of you feels terrible for not being able to be there for him the way he was there for you.
“It’s hard and it sucks. There’s not much that we can do, but try to enjoy the babies we do have. It’s okay to be sad and cry. I’m sorry that I haven’t picked up on your true feelings. You can talk to me. I don’t care what state I’m in, you can talk to me. We’re a team and we’ll have to work through it together,” you try your best to comfort him.
You know words don’t offer much, because it’s difficult to process losing something you’ve never known you had. You do hope that your love can help him the way his love has done wonders for you.
“I mean I’m fine most of the time. Then I start to think about what they’d look like and it just ruins me,” he continues.
“I think about it, too. We’re going to be okay, though. It’ll take some time, but we’ll heal. We’ve already come a long way since it happened. I love you so much, Mathew. I’m so sorry that this is happening to us,” you mutter through the lump in your throat and the tears falling from your eyes.
“I love you.” He kisses your lips desperately as if you’re his only source of air. As of right now, you’re each other’s guiding light. The miscarriage has been one of the hardest things you’ve had to experience, but it brought you and Mat closer together in ways you would’ve never expected.
a/n: This took me so long, but I hope you enjoy it. I loved writing it🫶
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storageking123 · 2 days
Packing Items
Packing Items: Tips and Tricks for Efficient Travel
Packing Items for a trip can be both exciting and daunting. Whether you're heading out for a weekend getaway or a month-long adventure, the key to a smooth journey lies in how well you pack. Here are some essential tips and tricks to help you pack efficiently and make the most of your luggage space.
1. Make a List
Before you start throwing items into your suitcase, take a few minutes to make a packing list. This helps ensure you don't forget any essentials and prevents overpacking. Divide your list into categories such as clothing, toiletries, electronics, and important documents. Checking items off as you go will give you peace of mind that you have everything you need.
2. Choose the Right Luggage
The type of luggage you choose can make a big difference. For short trips, a carry-on suitcase or a backpack might be sufficient. For longer journeys, a larger suitcase with compartments can help keep your items organized. Ensure your luggage is durable, lightweight, and easy to maneuver.
3. Roll, Don’t Fold
One of the most effective packing techniques is to roll your clothes instead of folding them. Rolling not only saves space but also minimizes wrinkles. You can roll items like t-shirts, jeans, and pajamas. For delicate items, consider using packing cubes to keep them separate and protected.
4. Pack Versatile Clothing
When selecting clothes, opt for items that can be mixed and matched easily. Neutral colors and versatile pieces like a black dress, a pair of jeans, or a white shirt can be dressed up or down. This reduces the number of items you need to pack and gives you more outfit options.
5. Use Packing Cubes
Packing cubes are a game-changer for organization. They come in various sizes and help compartmentalize your luggage. Use them to separate different types of clothing, toiletries, and accessories. This makes it easier to find what you need without rummaging through your entire suitcase.
6. Limit Shoes and Accessories
Shoes can take up a lot of space in your luggage. Try to limit yourself to two or three pairs that are comfortable and versatile. Wear your bulkiest pair during travel to save space in your suitcase. Similarly, keep accessories to a minimum. A few pieces of jewelry or a scarf can add variety to your outfits without taking up much room.
7. Pack Toiletries Wisely
Toiletries can be heavy and bulky, so pack only what you need. Use travel-sized bottles and containers to save space. Many hotels provide basic toiletries, so check in advance to see what will be available at your destination. Keep liquids in a ziplock bag to prevent leaks.
8. Keep Important Items Accessible
Ensure that Packing Items  like your passport, travel documents, medication, and a change of clothes are easily accessible. It’s a good idea to keep these in your carry-on bag. This way, you’ll have them on hand in case of any travel delays or lost luggage.
9. Use Empty Spaces
Make use of every bit of space in your luggage. Fill shoes with socks or small items. Use the gaps between larger items to tuck in smaller pieces like underwear or chargers. This helps maximize your luggage space and keeps everything snug.
10. Check Weight Restrictions
Finally, be mindful of weight restrictions, especially if you’re flying. Overweight luggage can result in additional fees. Weigh your suitcase before you leave for the airport to avoid any surprises.
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cera-writes · 23 days
Alright, since you wanna write about Kurt, how about this one?
Kurt Wagner x reader moving in together? I don't really care if it's in the mansion or an apartement, just domestic stuff.
If you want to, you maybe can include some of those dialogue prompts I can't stop thinking about that would fit this scenario?
"I just can't sleep and do... well other stuff, if it keeps staring at me while I'm in bed." "If you're going to drop anything today, take those boxes over there. I've never liked those plates anyway."
"By the way, I bought you your own controller. Now that we live together I need you in my team."
Like I said, you don't have to use any of them and if you use them, you can definetely change them, but I just thought that maybe they'd help if you had struggles coming up with ideas?
Love your work, you're doing amazing!!
Moving Buddies
A/N: Thank you so much!! Sorry this took a while to get written! I've had tons of requests. This was a cute prompt! Pairing: Kurt Wagner x gn!Reader Tags: fluff, domestic fluff, cohabitation
Cardboard castles and the faint scent of pizza filled the air. You and Kurt were finally tackling the monumental task of merging your belongings into a shared space of your cozy Brooklyn apartment. Boxes threatened to topple over like dominoes and you were slowly descending into madness at the thought of finally getting all your stuff sorted.
Exhaustion hung heavy in your shoulders. You plopped down on a precariously perched armchair, its floral pattern clashing hilariously with the sleek entertainment center Kurt had insisted on bringing.
"I just can't sleep and do... well other stuff," you sighed, gesturing at a particularly creepy porcelain doll staring accusingly from a half-unpacked box, "if it keeps staring at me while I'm in bed."
Kurt materialized beside you with a soft poof of brimstone, a mischievous glint in his yellow eyes. "Perhaps a strategic teleport to the deepest corner of the attic is in order, ja?"
You swatted him playfully. "Spoilsport. Fine, new home, new nightmares. But at least I get to share them with you."
A comfortable silence settled between you, punctuated by the rhythmic thump of bass from a stray box. Kurt's tail swished thoughtfully, knocking over a precariously balanced stack of plates.
"If you're going to drop anything today," you drawled, mock-serious, "take those boxes over there. I've never liked those plates anyway."
Kurt chuckled, a deep rumble in his chest. "Ah, the classic 'accidentally on purpose' discard method. Very subtle, mein liebchen." He winked, then with a flourish, the offending plates vanished in a puff of smoke.
"Speaking of accidents," you said, a devious glint in your eye, "I bought you your own controller. Now that we live together, I need you in my team for every video game showdown."
Kurt's grin widened. "Challenge accepted, liebling. But be warned, I have honed my skills on many a long night with Remy. You may find yourself facing a most formidable opponent."
The rest of the unpacking faded into the background. Boxes became fortresses, bubble wrap turned into packing peanuts for epic pillow fights, and the air crackled with playful competition and the thrill of building a new life together. Sure, there might be creepy dolls and furniture placement issues, but with Kurt by your side, even the chaos felt like the most exciting adventure.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 10 months
Jaune: *Popping Bubble wrap*
Penny: Why are you deflating that packing material?
Jaune: It's Fun. Wanna try?
Penny: If it is fun, I would like to try it!
Jaune: Here you go then. You just pinch the bubbles.
Penny: ... *Pop*
Penny: *Pop Pop Pop*
Penny: ...
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Penny: That was quite enjoyable, and surprisingly stimulating! Although I seem to have used all available Air pockets. My apologies.
Jaune: Don't worry about it. If you order something online you get it in various sizes.
Penny: There are larger sizes of Bubble Wrap?
Jaune: Yep, just try to be careful when doing it around others. it can get irritating to listen to really easily.
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veevz-drawz · 8 days
DoaHD | I Learned About My Grandma From Her Former Drinking Buddy
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A/N: okay so i lied again about uploading biweekly LMAO, i think with how things are going its probably going to be monthly updates, mainly because it takes me a long ass time to do the illustrations;; (I literally spent 2 days trying to nail strawberry butler's design T-T)
Taglist: @minecraftninjerkid (DM if you would like to be added!)
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“Let’s see…” Strawberry Mousse Cookie muttered, reading over the packing list once more. “Clothes, sewing machine, sewing materials…” She walked across the hallway of suitcases lined up in the foyer, tapping each fruit leather-bound case that contained their respective items. “Oh! Don’t forget that bottle of premium grade strawberry juice for Her Majesty!” She pointed towards the grenadine juice bottle that was sitting on a nearby table.
“I got all of that,” Strawberry Tea Cookie confirmed.
“Are you sure?” Her mother fretted. “Why don’t we double check.” She unlocked one of the bigger cases, rummaging through the neatly packed contents while cross-referencing her list.
“You already quadruple checked everything,” Strawberry Tea Cookie reassured, shooing her away from the suitcase and shutting it before signaling for the servants to carry them out. “You don’t need to worry so much.”
“I know, I know,” Strawberry Mousse Cookie sighed, “But you know me…” She walked up to Strawberry Tea Cookie, cupping her cheeks. “I can’t help but always worry about my little berry blossom.”
“There’s nothing you need to be concerned about,” the designer removed her mother’s hands, holding them in her own. “I’ve traveled further before.”
“It’s not that…” Strawberry Mousse Cookie paused, contemplating her words for a moment before shaking her head. “Nevermind.”
Strawberry Tea Cookie pulled her lips taut across her face, concealing the urge to demand her mother to speak her mind. The words swelled from the back of her throat, trying to pry her mouth open so they could be set free. But she restrained herself— arguing will only further damage her standing.
It’s not like she didn’t know what her mother was about to say, anyways.
“Lady Strawberry Tea Cookie, the carriage is almost ready for your departure,” Strawberry Butler Cookie announced, bowing before stepping to the side of the manor’s grand doors.
Strawberry Tea Cookie grabbed the bottle of strawberry juice and made her way to the forecourt with her mother. Her father was outside as well, overseeing the servants securing her mountain of suitcases to the proportionally— and comically— small carriage.
“Ohh, I’m going to miss you so much!” Strawberry Mousse Cookie cried, tightly wrapping her arms around Strawberry Tea Cookie. “The estate is always so empty when you’re not around…”
“But I rarely leave my room,” Strawberry Tea Cookie chuckled in disbelief. “I doubt you notice I’m even here when I’m home.”
Not to mention how Peach Jam Cookie and Strawberry Sugar Cookie seemed to make it their mission to constantly occupy her mother’s attention when possible.
“But I know you’re home,” Strawberry Mousse Cookie clarified sadly. “I know you’re safe within Strawberry Mansion.”
Strawberry Tea Cookie didn’t comment further, opting to give a small— albeit forced— smile.
“Your mother is correct,” Roasted Oolong Cookie placed a hand on his daughter’s shoulder, obscuring his face from Strawberry Tea Cookie’s gaze. “We’ll miss you.”
The designer silently wrapped her arms around her parents, pulling them closer. She felt a sense of reluctance rise within her stomach, bubbling up like the concoction of activated yeast Strawberry Butler Cookie used when baking bread. It slowly seeped into the threads of excitement that came from leaving Strawberry Manor and this kingdom— staining them pink with forlorn. “I’ll miss you both too…”
Yet Strawberry Tea Cookie wasn’t all too sure if what she was feeling was truly the hesitation of parting with her parents, or rather the thought of leaving them alone with her relatives for two months. While she doesn’t often contribute to their social gatherings, she would at least like to be present in the household to keep tabs on those peachy parasites.
She reluctantly let go of her parents upon hearing Strawberry Butler Cookie call her name, slowly walking towards the carriage with her parents trailing behind.
“I shall be back before you know it,” Strawberry Tea Cookie assured, facing them as she took a preliminary step into her ride. Yet before she could fully enter, she felt a warm hand grasping her own.
“Berry bloss—“ Strawberry Mousse Cookie cut herself off, taking a deep breath. “Strawberry Tea Cookie, please know that we still love you very much.”
—That was not what she was expecting.
The former heiress turned back to see the raw remorse painted on her mother’s face, her eyes that usually displayed nothing but kindness and unyielding patience now glossed over with absolute grief. The tears threatening to spill over made her pupils shine a vivid burgundy under the sun’s zenith, a stark contrast to the way Strawberry Tea Cookie felt all her color drain into the vivacious blue sky the more she internalized her mother’s expression.
“I… know.” Strawberry Tea Cookie sighed, battling with her own conflicting feelings. Perhaps she will miss her parents more than she thought— even after everything that has transpired. She broke eye contact, glancing away only to meet the triumphant carmine gaze of Strawberry Sugar Cookie, now standing by the mansion’s doors.
The new heir smirked when he realized her attention was on him, sticking his tongue out while pulling his frosted lower lash downwards— an immature display of victory. If it weren’t for the circumstances and their literal distance, she would’ve stitched his face shut with her magic like she did a while back.
But she digressed.
“I love you too.” The designer continued, turning her focus back on her parents. Strawberry Mousse Cookie let go of her hand and backed away with her husband, allowing Strawberry Tea Cookie to fully climb into the carriage and shut the door. She glanced out the window, giving them a small wave goodbye as her ride began to move.
And I’ll make sure to show how much I love you and House Strawberry.
Strawberry Tea Cookie was in immediate awe of the sight before her, stepping out of the carriage to face the airship towering over Hollyberry Palace.
It reminded her of those grandiose blimps broadcasting Super Fashion Week when she attended all those years back, except this one was miniature compared to the former’s size. The elliptical balloon, which had a large blue banner donning the Crème Republic’s insignia draped over it, was perched on a wide bronze ring that held up a brig ship comparable to its size. The boat was equipped with a large propeller located at its stern. Two fan-like sails flanked the rudder, obscuring the circular engine exhausts that radiated a hypnotizing blue light. It was a perfect combination of modernity and antiquity– all gilded in a sleek coat of white and gold.
Cookies wearing cream colored uniforms hurried to unload the designer’s luggage onto some nearby carts. Strawberry Butler Cookie took charge in instructing the ship’s staff on how it should be organized, pointing to where each suitcase should be placed as they were lifted— much to the handlers’ annoyance.
“Ah, I’m so glad you could join us, Young Strawberry Tea Cookie!” Hollyberry Cookie beamed, her words nearly drowned out by the engine’s incessant humming.
“Thank you once again for permitting me to join you on this trip, your Majesty.” Strawberry Tea Cookie said as she turned around, meeting Hollyberry Cookie with a bow before presenting her with the bottle of strawberry juice. “My family has prepared this for you as a show of gratitude.”
“Oh there’s no need to be so formal with me,” the former queen laughed. “But I will be taking this, thank you very much.” She swipes the bottle from Strawberry Tea Cookie’s hands, immediately popping the cork open and taking a swig of the sweet liquid.
Ah, so the rumors hold true. That bottle had twice the amount of sugar that normal strawberry juice has…
“Now c’mon, we must make haste!” She beckoned, a foot already on the boarding ramp. “The ship will be departing soon!”
Strawberry Tea Cookie turned back to check on her butler, who was now arguing with the staff about a fallen case. Thankfully there was nothing too important in that one, just some muslin and thread. Strawberry Butler Cookie’s exasperated eyes met her concerned ones, but he only let out a huff and beckoned her to board the ship with a hurried shoo-ing motion, too occupied with fixing this mess.
The cabinet inside was simple yet elegant, perfectly matching the exterior’s aesthetic motif. A U-shaped couch occupied the perimeter of the space, upholstered with smooth fruit leather that was bleached to a creamy caramel. Silk cushions topped the couch like a dollop of cream on some freshly baked scones, reflective of the ones plated on top of the small, hardwood coffee table situated in the center. Next to the plate of complimentary pastries was a simple ceramic teapot with four cups surrounding it, one of which was already turned upright and filled with a familiar red liquid.
“Did you really have to bring Her Majesty more juice,” Wildberry Cookie questioned as Strawberry Tea Cookie took her seat beside him.
“I did say I would gift her the finest juice my house could offer,” she replied with a shrug, flipping over the remaining cups and pouring out some tea. A dry, aromatic scent filled the designer’s nostrils, with subtle hints of bergamot tingling her senses—earl gray— not her favorite, but she enjoyed it more than the popular fruit teas within the Hollyberry Kingdom.
“Oh don’t be such a sour berry, let me enjoy a gift from my good friend’s granddaughter.” Hollyberry Cookie huffed, taking another sip seemingly out of spite. She let out a sigh of satisfaction, raising the bottle up in the air. “This must be your grandmother’s recipe, am I correct?”
The designer nods. “My mother told me you were quite fond of her juice recipe, so I took that into consideration when picking a bottle from our collection.” She reached over to point at the wax seal melted to the sugar glass. The seal held the shape of two ovalish berries coming together in the shape of a heart, bordered by sharp leaves. “She personally made this bottle.”
“Well I’m honored to receive such a fine gift~.” Hollyberry Cookie smiled, she settled the bottle on the table and re-corked it. “Of all the delectable juices offered in the Hollyberry Kingdom, none can truly beat the flavor of Ol’ Goji Berry Cookie’s recipe.”
The door suddenly slams open and an irritated looking Strawberry Butler Cookie stomps in. “Almighty Greenish-Red Dragon, is it so hard to put away a few luggages?” He slumped next to Strawberry Tea Cookie, running a hand through his creamy pink hair before looping downwards to massage his sore shoulder. “I swear the crew purposely did the exact opposite of what I told them to do!”
The designer gave him a sympathetic look, nudging a cup of tea towards him. “Regardless, you have my gratitude for overseeing them.”
“You have very important things in there,” Strawberry Butler Cookie replied before nudging her playfully. “I still remember the fit you threw when Lord Strawberry Sugar Cookie got paint on your dress.”
Strawberry Tea Cookie scoffed and rolled her eyes in the same lighthearted manner as her butler. “Well he shouldn’t have entered my studio without permission in the first place.”
But perhaps stringing him to the wall was too far…
Pierce the fabric, loop the—
The fashion student flinched as her studio door swung open, her mind momentarily going blank as her focus was drawn away from the thread she was attempting to control.
“Cousin, are you in here?” A shrill voice called out.
Strawberry Tea Cookie let out an audible huff of frustration before turning to glare at whoever dared to interrupt her magic practice.
There stood Strawberry Sugar Cookie—of course—in all his wide-eyed glory. Blotches of paint covered his sunrise orange hair, matting the usually wispy, cotton candy-esque consistency. The paint brush that was usually weaved into the back of his head was now tucked to the side, smearing colored frosting onto his forehead– if he even noticed. His clothes, which were far from a simple painter’s attire, were also caked with multicolored pigments.
Disheveled, disorganized, and disruptive—as expected from the son of a rotten peach.
“This better be important,” Strawberry Tea Cookie sighed. It took her nearly an hour to gain enough control of that thread, let alone begin maneuvering it like she would sewing by hand.
“I-I just want to see what you are doing…” Strawberry Sugar Cookie briefly glanced back into the hallway before facing her. “Can I come in?”
“No.” The heiress immediately answered. Yet he didn’t heed her refusal, stepping into her sacred space without a care in the world.
“C’mon, just for a little bit..?” He pleaded. “Mother…”
Strawberry Tea Cookie ignored the rest of her cousin’s words, only focusing on the way he carelessly brushed against her mannequins to get closer. Luckily the paint on his clothes seemed to be dry, as the muslin sample pieces remained pristinely clean— good, those were due in a few days.
Yet fate wanted to punish the novice designer for even conceptualizing such a thought, it seemed, because a split moment later Strawberry Sugar Cookie let out a sharp yelp before toppling over.
An explosion of paint littered the lacquer floor and its surroundings. Strawberry Tea Cookie didn’t pay attention to her cousin getting up as if he had been revived from a brutal stabbing, instead scanning the room for the damage he caused. Thankfully, only the base of her mannequins were hit, but the same couldn’t be said about her dress. She watched silently as the paint’s inky pigment seeped through each delicately woven thread, much like her growing anger.
Condensed energy flowed throughout Strawberry Tea Cookie’s jam, concentrating at her hands like dense ink settling to the bottom of a water cup. Without even registering it, her cousin was suddenly flung to the wall, the motion splattering more paint across her studio.
Rubine threads held him to the ornate silken wallpaper, his clothes seemingly fused with the wall through the border of hot red.
“What did I say about not coming in!?” The heiress hissed, tightening her fist, which pulled a fear stricken Strawberry Sugar Cookie tighter against the wall. “Mother gave me this dress and you just ruined it!”
Ah. That was quite cruel, wasn’t it.
“Hey, we all had a good laugh in the end,” Strawberry Butler Cookie chuckled, sensing Strawberry Tea Cookie’s shifting emotions. “Plus, you finally gained control of your stitchwork magic.”
“I…” Strawberry Tea Cookie withdrew a breath, thinking back to her cousin’s terrified expression. “Suppose so…”
Yes, that was beyond too far.
The ship began to rumble. The designer glanced out the window, her stomach dropping as they ascended, watching as Hollyberry Palace got smaller and smaller. The grandiose, sugar-glazed domes became nothing but small specks of bright maroon—it was hard to imagine that the same structure defended against attacks from the Pitaya Dragon up north.
Strawberry Tea Cookie felt this strange sense of pressure overcome her as her home disappeared into the endless sea of clouds, one that not even the rising altitude could alleviate. Traveling had always been a source of leisure for her, gaining inspiration was just a natural byproduct of her exploring a new area. 
But this time… She had to find inspiration.
Perhaps her aunt was—unfortunately—right. Hollyberry Fashion Week had become a competition.
“Say, Strawberry Tea Cookie, do you know how I met your grandmother?” Hollyberry Cookie asked out of the blue—or orange, considering that the sun was about to set.
The designer glanced up from her cookie-quis sketches and shook her head. Her memories of her grandmother were like wisps of delicate candy floss, dancing through her consciousness in the vague shape of a cookie. Sometimes, she could weave those bits of sugary thread into a condensed recollection, but they quickly dissolved as if a single drop of water tore through the very fabric of her mind. If she was told about how they met, she had long since forgotten.
“Well let’s just say I never met a cookie who could take as much juice as me until I met good Ol’ Goji Berry Cookie~.” She laughed, sighing fondly as she leaned into the couch cushions.
During a palace gala, Hollyberry Cookie was minding her own business when a young cookie, short in stature and with a head full of flame red curls, marched up and challenged her to a drinking contest.
Yet never once did it actually feel like a competition. They talked for hours on end by that little juice table, paying no mind as guests left and the palace staff began cleaning around them. Their conversations flowed from glass to glass, each pour of finely aged juice reaching deeper into each other’s dreams and aspirations.
“If there was one word to describe your grandmother, it was ambitious.” Hollyberry Cookie cackled. She lifted her iconic pie-lattice shield onto the table, causing a loud impact that trembled the delicate dishware. The heart-shaped gemstone emanated a brilliant pink aura, reflecting specks of rainbow light through the endless layers of condensed sugar crystals. “I lost count of the times I told her she deserved this shield more than me~.”
That night, Hollyberry Cookie learned that Goji Berry Cookie came from the Isle of Tea, coming to the Hollyberry Kingdom in hopes of building a better life for her family. While she was a very business-savvy cookie, her true passion lies in the arts. Whatever spare coin she received from trading goods were all poured into the works of her favorite Hollyberrian artists. As her worth grew, so did the guild of creators she supported, to the point where Goji Berry Cookie’s name became more synonymous with art than with business—but Strawberry Tea Cookie already knew all that.
“It was… a shame that she passed when you were so young,” Hollyberry Cookie sighed, taking a sip of juice from her cup. “She always talked so fondly of you.”
Strawberry Tea Cookie felt her heart stall momentarily. This she didn’t know. “She did..?”
“You bet my soul jam she did~,” the shield-bearer confirmed, her tone both happy and solemn—bittersweet. “She told me your drawings had this… rare liveliness to them.”
Rare liveliness..? She wouldn’t describe her old scribbles like that.
“Haha, oh! And she said the moment you drew your first line, she knew you would grow up to be a master artist.” Hollyberry Cookie recalled joyously. “And look at you now, she would have been so proud of you!”
Look at me now…
Strawberry Tea Cookie doubts her grandmother would have been proud of who she became. Sure, a master at her craft, but so selfish that she handed over the family name—destroying everything her grandmother had sacrificed to build. However, that didn’t stop a bittersweet smile of her own from lifting up to her lips, glad that her grandmother saw so much potential in her.
Truly a shame that she squandered it all.
“You have the same eyes as her, you know,” Her Majesty continued. “And even the exact same fiery spark as well,” she flashed her a brilliant smile, one filled with pride as if looking at her own granddaughter. It was infectious, and Strawberry Tea Cookie could feel the bitterness melting from her smile until nothing but confectionate sweetness remained. “Never lose it.”
“I’ll… keep that in mind.” Strawberry Tea Cookie nodded, not knowing what else to say, but she kept her doubts sealed away. That spark had long since burned out, extinguished into nothing but ashen exhaustion that she projects onto other cookies—nothing like her grandmother’s time-told generosity.
She glanced down at her sketches, which were more consistent with aimless scribbles than actual cohesive figures. Cookie models were marred with urgent marks, illegible notes pointing out design flaws, or just scratches of frustration. She couldn’t help but feel more exhausted just looking at the mess.
Yet Hollyberry Cookie’s words instilled a new sense of determination within the young designer, and she found the energy to turn to a new page. Placing her pencil to the paper, she began outlining the shape of a new cookie.
There’s about another six hours to this trip, that’s plenty of time to come up with something fresh.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 9 months
Moving with the Marauders/Valkyries/Slytherin Skittles:
James: Starts packing way too early and happily lives in a box fort for weeks. Hastily throws everything else into the back of his car the night before. Refuses to allow anyone to lift the heavy shite.
Sirius: Hates moving. Refuses to throw anything away and dumps it all in boxes last minute, then lives out of boxes rather than unpack.
Remus: Meticulously plans out the furniture placement in the new place, then promptly loses the plan. Sacrifices necessities to make room for books, mugs, and jumpers.
Peter: Carefully wraps everything in bubble wrap and prioritises his collectibles over anything else. Resorts to using his clothes as packing material and makes eleven thousand trips rather than hire a truck.
Regulus: Creates a detailed list of the items in each box and clearly labels it. Becomes stressed and overwhelmed when the boxes pile up. Abandons anything that doesn’t fit, then panics when he can’t find it.
Pandora: Forgets to buy boxes and tape. Wraps everything up in blankets and towels, then stuffs it all into shopping bags.
Lily: Creates a binder to manage every detail, schedules movers, and begins packing way too early. Gets frustrated when she’s packed something she needs. Loses her shite when a box is dropped.
Mary: Gives away half of her stuff rather than move it. Hires movers to pack and move everything else. Thrifts decor for the new place.
Dorcas: Refuses any assistance and won’t allow anyone to help until she’s exhausted, but refuses to admit defeat. Begrudgingly accepts she cannot lift a sofa up three flights of stairs.
Marlene: Labels nothing. Treats unpacking like a surprise party where every box is full of her favourite things. Refuses to clean before she leaves.
Barty: Leaves everything but his clothes behind and starts over without hesitation. Bitches about having to shop for new stuff.
Evan: Starts packing with a system, forgets the system and throws random shite together. Loses half of his possessions without explanation.
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