#Pachamama East
andremonde · 2 years
Cloudcast #255 English
tracklist: Save It par Fatoumata Diawara Little Baby Blues par Warsaw Village Band Chibinda Ilunga par Montparnasse Musique Sudra Funk par Dhafer Youssef I Am Gran Neg par Erol Josue Farka Blues par Adama Sidibe & Clement Janinet Fulbe par Adama Sidibe & Clement Janinet Bolero A Un Sueno par Jane Bunnett & Maqueque Upper East par Loco Cello A La Une par Marcio Faraco Pachamama par LIA The Sound…
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onejamtart · 3 years
Pacamama East
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I do like a good brunch and a little bit ago, I popped in to try the brunch menu at Pachamama East in Shoreditch. 
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Prawn toast was on the menu so I couldn’t resist ordering it again.  This version came buried under a pile of bonito, spring onions and lashings of kewpie mayo.  The toast itself was crunchy, maybe with a slightly thinner layer of prawn than I’d have liked but otherwise very good!  I think I still slightly preferred the actual toast at Duck + Rice (read about that here) but I really enjoyed the toppings on this one.
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Pork belly Chicharrones.  These were lovely: crunchy nuggets covered in a slightly sticky sweet sauce!
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You can’t really see it but this was a yellowfin tuna ceviche.  The crispy bits on top were a great contrast to the ceviche underneath.  It definitely had a bit of a kick as well which was nice!
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I’m a big fan of hash browns and so was happy to see them on the menu.  It came with a fried egg on top and a salsa.  The egg had a lovely gooey yolk which was perfect to mop up with the hash browns!
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Seeing as it is brunch, it seemed appropriate to get waffles.  You get a choice of waffles between quinoa, charcoal, sweet potato and buckwheat.  We decided to go for the charcoal for something a little different.  It turned out to be a really good waffle with a nice chewiness to it.  It could’ve done with a little bit more of a crunch to it but otherwise, a great quality waffle!  The chicken on top was pretty tasty too!
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Our last dish was the char siu.  You could definitely feel the fusion in this dish as it was pretty different to the char siu I normally get.  It was made with iberico pork pluma which is a lot leaner than what I’m used to.  The flavours were still great, maybe a little less sweet but that actually worked pretty well.
This was a really nice brunch.  I find it’s actually quite hard to get a good waffle in London so this was a bit of a find!  The other smaller dishes were super tasty as well.  Definitely worth a visit for brunch!
Pachamama East, 73 Great Eastern Street, London, EC2A 3HU
Cheers, JL
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fatihuma · 4 years
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“Karşılıksız sevgi yanlızca ana ve doğa ana’dan gelir...m.f.u🌵🐞#pachamama #pachamamaday #1agust #motheearth #nature #earth #gaia #love #amor #peace #earthmedicine #feelings #see #seeds #godblessallminorities #native #tribe #east #kingfisher (Mother Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDWynPEgKckZsUHCiNj7aE-A-mPNY9tYxARQp00/?igshid=flvxuds885xa
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shiripunolodge · 4 years
During the Global Big Day, I encountered this beautiful snake. . I am very surprised to find a few more reptiles than I had expected here in the East Cloudforest of Ecuador. . I found this one basking along the trail, I hunch about who is reptile I had the quick meeting. . But I prefer to ask to @jambato and @jaime_culebras about the right species name. . I came to watch birds but nature had different plans for me. . I hope we can protect nature in the same way we look up for our smartphones. . Thank you Pachamama!!! . . #Ecuador #Herping #EcuadorHerping #Conservation #Nature #EcuadorRestoration #EcuadorWildlife #EcuadorNature #Cloudforest #Crowdfunding #Rainforest #wildlife #Biodiversity #ReGram (at Baeza, Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAEFPB8gW46/?igshid=xokhu8wsq3tj
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girlinthepark · 6 years
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Michelle Catherine | Pachamama East. 
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Vol 1.
In dedication to Marie Harrison, Hunters Point environmental activist, and all indigenous peoples lost, stolen, detained, migrating, creating, thriving, resisting, loving, and protecting Earth.
Our intention is to share the wisdom we have gained in this lifetime through popular education, decolonization, direct action, and our inherent willpower to heal ourselves, loved ones, relatives, and pachamama (Mother Earth) from all that we have been through and all that is to come.
We are living in the Anthropocene, a geological time period marked by the altering of Earth by human activity. In recent years we have seen record-setting storms, droughts, and fires around the world. The destruction of the environment and the exploitation of resources is directly linked to the rise of global fascism. It is reaching its peak and manifesting in exploitation, oppression, and the poisoning of people and the earth. Communities of color are most affected by climate change and environmental destruction from industry. Both biodiversity and cultural diversity are rapidly being homogenized. Climate change and resource wars are displacing people around the world and fueling massive waves of immigration. Our Black and Indigenous relatives are already living in this post-apocalyptic world after having been dispossessed by colonialism in the past and at this very moment. Our ancestors knew then and we know now that the end of one world means the beginning of a new one. How can we create a world worth living in? How can we ensure that it is one that the next seven generations can survive and thrive in?
This guide was made to help navigate the modern ecological crisis. When we speak of ecology, we include people, communities, and cultures along with plants, animals and the land. Human beings are animals that are part of nature; therefore, a part of ecosystems. This zine was created on stolen Ohlone land that has been colonized three times. We recognize colonialism as an on-going act of destruction of communities and the land. It is important that we let Black, Indigenous, and Queer, Trans and Two-Spirit people (BI-QTPOC) lead us in our work towards liberation. Indigenous people around the world have been at the frontlines of the war against colonialism and continue to be as we see with our relatives in the Amazonia, Africa, West Papua, Turtle Island, and First Nations tierras. Although science and technology offer some solutions to climate change, we must take the initiative to make changes in our own lives so that our children and grandchildren will inherit a livable planet. Technological fixes only perpetuate the capitalist system that has wreaked havoc on our planet. The only true solution to climate change is revolution. 
“It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.” - Assata Shakur
Indigenous Existence as Anti-Colonial, Anti-Fascist Resistance:
We’d like to acknowledge that global Indigenous communities have and continue to be the agents of cultivating and preserving “theory” and “analysis” when it comes to protecting the earth and do not see their existence as mutually exclusive from it.
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 “We are not defending nature. We are nature defending itself!”
Image from solidarity action for Amazonia, via @mundano_sp on Instagram
Theories to help us understand our current situation and how to strategize:
Ecology is the study of the relationship between different organisms in an ecosystem. A fundamental aspect of ecology is the interconnectedness of all life. 
Ecofeminism recognizes the connection between the domination of nature and the domination of humans. 
Ecowomanism builds upon black feminism, ecofeminism, and environmentalism. Ecowomanism is based upon the intersectionality of oppression, including social injustices and ecological injustices. It challenges the whitewashing of environmentalism and acknowledges the contributions of women of African descent and women of color to the environmental movement. 
“Ecowomanism is discourse, dialogue, a conversation that centers the voices, experiences, and sociological perspectives of women of African descent and women of color on the environment.” – Rev. Dr. Melanie L. Harris
Indigenous Anarchism is malleable, embraces change, and explores what survivance looks like as remnants of genocide. Because it identifies colonialism as the root cause of the daunting state of things it does not seek to include coerced and collaborative worldviews. How do we manifest our ungovernable force of nature? This definition was crowdsourced at the Indigenous Anarchist Convergence in August 2019 occupied Dine territory.
Ecosocialism blends ecological and marxist theory. Ecosocialists believe that capitalism is the root of war, poverty and environmental destruction and that dismantling capitalism will help solve these issues. 
Geocommunism is a theory that has been developed by political geographer Arun Saldanha that argues that capitalism is the root of climate change and societal inequality. Geocommunism proposes a communist revolution rooted in intersectionality and ecological consciousness.
Excerpt from the geocommunist manifesto:
The Anthropocene has to be posited as the material and theoretical ground of any concept of social justice. The combat for justice starts with four facts: 1)resources are per definition finite, 2) the earth system has been irrevocably altered by human production, 3) positive feedback loops under capital are accelerating severe perturbations to ecosystems, 4) humans are in the last instance evolutionary entities at risk of starvation, disease and brutality. Scientists predicting half of humanity will perish by 2100 are already proposing fascist responses to these four facts.
Social Ecology is the exploration of connections between people and the environment. Anarchist theorist Murray Bookchin analyzes the interdependence of social formations, institutions, and has radically inspired the emergence and sustenance of the Kurdish liberation movement.
Solidarity looks like Anti-Colonial Direct Action:
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Image description: Tuira Kayapó, has been fighting to protect the amazon in Brazil for decades from western multinational companies. She ran the blade of her machete three times over the President of Light holding Company Petrobras cheeks and in her native tongue warned, “You are a liar. We do not need electricity. Electricity is not going to give us our food. We need our rivers to flow freely: our future depends on it. We need our jungles for hunting and gathering. We do not need your dam.”
Disaster Preparedness:
As climate change worsens, natural disasters will increase in severity and frequency. The Bay Area is long over do for a big Earthquake. The East Bay is particularly vulnerable to quakes because of Hayward fault. Although we cannot prevent natural disasters, we can prepare for them. Consider organizing with your neighborhood to create a disaster plan.
Basic Emergency Supply Kit
Water (1 gallon a day per person for at least 3 days)
Food (at least 3 day supply of non-perishable goods) *if you have pets keep an extra supply of pet food and if you have a baby keep extra supply of infant formula*
Flashlight and extra batteries
First aid kit
N95 Masks
Trash bags, plastic ties, and baby wipes for sanitation
Battery-powered radio / NOAA Weather Radio 
Cash or traveler’s checks
Sleeping bag or warm blanket
Change of clothing and sturdy shoes
Matches (in waterproof container)
Personal hygiene products
Pens and paper
Important documents
Other Resources to help you prepare for disasters: 
NASA map of active fires
Environmental Trauma and Grief:
There is so much pain on Earth. Emotional responses like grief, sadness, anger, depression, anxiety, and dissociation are all normal responses to all the trauma on Earth. Give yourself space to mourn the state of Earth. Honor these feelings, but also try to transmute pain into action. These feelings may very well fuel our revolution. 
 We must fight and care for the living.
Herb & Fungi Support:
tulsi / holy basil / albahaca / Ocimum tenuiflorum
Tulsi is a sacred plant in traditional Indian and African medicine. The plant is an adaptogen which means that it can help they body respond to stress. The plant can help you restore balance in your body. It can also aid digestion. It can be made into a tea or taken as a tincture. 
ashwagandha / Withania sonifera 
Ashwagandha is a plant from India and North Africa. It is a calming adaptogen that can help with insomnia and anxiety. ¼ to a ½ teaspoon can be warmed up with milk and some honey. 
reishi / lingzhi / Ganoderma lucidum
Reishi is a mushroom traditionally used in China and Japan. It can help with anxiety, support the immune system, and has anti-inflammatory properties. You can add reishi powder to smoothies or take pills or a tincture.
lemon balm / melissa / Melissa officinalis 
Lemon balm is a plant in the mint family that is native to North Africa, West Asia and Southern Europe. The plant can be used to uplift the spirits, reduce stress and anxiety. It can also help with insomnia, nausea, menstrual cramps and headaches. It can be made into a tea, tincture, or put into a salad.
mullein / jupiter’s staff /  Verbascum
Mullein is a plant in the snapdragon family that is native to Europe and Asia. It is a powerful herb for respiratory support. It has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. It can be made into a tea or taken as a tincture.
elderberry / tapiro / Sambucus nigra / Sambucus mexicana
Elderberry trees grow from what is now called Oregon to Baja. It can be found in many parks and gardens in the east bay. It usually grows by rivers. The berries can be made into a syrup or tincture that is good for immunity and can replace cold or flu medicine. The flowers can also be made into a calming tea. 
 Elderberry syrup recipe:
3 cups water
1/2 cup black elderberries (dried, or 1 1/3 cups fresh)
2 TBSP ginger (grated)
1 tsp cinnamon
orange peel
1 cup honey
Heat water, elderberries, ginger, cinnamon, and orange peel. Simmer for 45-60 minutes. Mix in honey and then place into jars.  
Top 10 Polluting Corporations:
Coca-Cola (Dasani, Topo Chico, PowerAde)
PepsiCo (Mountain Dew, Lays, Gatorade, 7Up, Doritos, Cheetos, AquaFina, Quaker)
Nestlé (Gerber, Perrier, S. Pelligrino, Coffee Mate,  Häagen-Dazs, Fancy Feast, Purina)
Danone (Oikos, Activa, Silk, Horizon Organics, So Delicious Dairy Free)
Mondelez International (Oreo, Trident, Sour Patch Kids, Ritz, Toblerone, Chips Ahoy)
Procter & Gamble 
Unilever (Breyers, Dove, Lipton, Pure Leaf, Ben & Jerry’s, Jif, Vaseline)
Perfetti van Melle
Mars Incorporated
 The biggest Polluter on the planet is the United States Military.
The United States Military has caused many environmental and health catastrophes. All the nuclear testing and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the use of chemical weapons in Vietnam and Cuba, have poisoned the people and land all over the world. This state sponsored violence begins here at home from native reservations to sacrifice zones in low income, black and brown neighborhoods. Our indigenous relatives here on Turtle Island throw down against pipelines, tar sands, uranium and coal mining on their land for water, the right to exist, survival. Here in the bay area there are several neighborhoods that are contaminated from naval bases like Treasure Island and Hunters Point that are still toxic. It is people of color and poor people that are most likely to live in these areas, be exposed to the toxins, and develop deadly diseases as a result of this ongoing violation and genocide.  
Common Toxins
Many products contain toxic substances that can cause you harm. These toxins eventually leak into the environment which then causes ecological damage. Unfortunately, many chemicals are already in our waterways and soil. You can test your water and soil to see what toxins are in there. Look out for these common toxins and try to switch to alternatives.
Search Engine for Body Safety Database: https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/
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 DIY cleaning products 
All-purpose cleaner:
Put a mixture of one part water with one part vinegar into a spray bottle. You can also add a few drops of essential oils like lemon, rosemary, lavender, or place a sprig of lavender or rosemary in the bottle. 
 Kitchen cleaner and deodorizer:
Add 4 tablespoons of baking soda to 1 quart of water then pour mixture onto sponge or rag. 
 Glass Cleaner:
Add 2 cups of water, ½ cup of white or apple cider vinegar, ¼ cup of rubbing alcohol, and 1 or 2 drops of an essential oil for scent. Pour into a spray bottle and wet a paper towel or cloth before wiping mirror or window. 
 Houseplants that purify the air:
Snake Plant / Lengua de Suegra
Bamboo Palm
Aloe Vera 
Boston Fern
Peace Lily (toxic to cats)
Ficus / Weeping Fig
Spider Plant 
 Plants that purify soil (phytoremediation)
Mustard greens 
Willow trees
Things you can do (Sustainability Guide):
Support indigenous resistance movements and projects
Support environmental organizations led by BI-QTPOC 
Study and undermine colonialism, capitalism, and white supremacy. Without an understanding of these systems of domination as the root causes to climate Armageddon and the oppression of black, indigenous, and brown people- none of the suggestions after this will aid the wound that is generations old.
Educate yourself on local and international environmental issues
Limit driving and flying 
Eat less animal products and other high impact foods like almonds, cashews, quinoa, palm oil
Eat seasonal and local vegetables and fruits
Limit use of toxic products 
Limit use of single-use plastic products(carry reusable containers and utensils)
Buy second hand
Pick up trash and recycle 
 Suggested Reading: 
Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler
Emergent Strategy by Adrienne Maree Brown
Anarchist ecology zine
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer 
Soil Not Oil by Vandana Shiva
Radical Ecology by Carolyn Merchant
Suggested films:
Secret life of plants 
The eyes of the rainbow 
 Bay area resources and organizations:
Sogorea Te’ Land Trust
Planting Justice
Movement Generation 
Idle No More
Communities For a Better Environment
Mask Oakland
 Bay area Farms:
Gill Tract (Sogorea Te’ Land Trust)
Spiral Gardens (Berkeley)
Planting Justice (East Oakland)
Soul Flower Farm (El Sobrante)
From our radical, dreamy, anti-colonial imaginaire of a mother, Octavia Butler we leave you with an Earthseed verse from the Book of the Living…
“Kindness eases change, love quiets fear
And a sweet and powerful obsession blunts pain
Diverts rage and engages us in the greatest
The most intense of our chosen struggles”
We have a duty to ourselves, our relatives, and the earth. To abandon any of this is to abandon all those and that which makes us possible here now. Heal up, rise up, find your crew and act up..the time is up.
*If you would like to contribute to this guide, please email us at [email protected] 
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learnersband · 5 years
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GAZ MAYALL JAPAN TOUR 2019 Radical Music Network SP春 OPEN18:30/START19:00 ADV¥4,000-/DOOR¥4,500-(+1D) ACT GAZ MAYALL RANKIN TAXI LEARNERS THE TOKYO LOCALS ft. NATSUKO THE AUTOCRATICS 不良メルヘン TEX & SUN FLOWER SEED LOS TEQUILA COKES & more to be announced… DJ 藤井悟 (Caribbean Dandy) TETZ MATSUOKA (Club Ska) 家永直樹 (Dub Store) Dr.IHARA (Club Ska) TOMMY FAR EAST AMEMIYA KSK (discos Papkin) TXAKO (Japonicus) NAKANO (Drink`Em All) TOBITA (Drink`Em All) TAGOOD (Monte Bailanta) YONESUKE SYSTEM (Pachamama) MATXA (Rebel Fiesta Party) 企画・制作・招聘:Japonicus Tour Information:JAPONICUS http://www.japonicus.com http://www.facebook.com/japonicus.tokyo GAZ MAYALL (ホームページ):https://www.gazrockin.com
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adriennerosemorgan · 2 years
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#happybirthday to my ❤️ - #cheers to 3️⃣1️⃣ (at Pachamama East) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cho8CSSDSS9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gastrogezgin · 3 years
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Pachamama servers were amazing, the food was out of this world and the cocktails were insane. I only wish I had enough stomach space to eat the whole menu. One of the best restaurants I have ever been in Shoreditch, and will be returning the next time we are in London. Did I mention how gorgeous the room is and how incredibly amazing and enthusiastic the servers are? A place not to be missed. Swipe left to see more 👈 #pachamama #peru #peruvian #shoreditch (at Pachamama East) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXrAJIqq59D/?utm_medium=tumblr
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andremonde · 2 years
Cloudcast #255 Francais
tracklist: Save It par Fatoumata Diawara Little Baby Blues par Warsaw Village Band Chibinda Ilunga par Montparnasse Musique Sudra Funk par Dhafer Youssef I Am Gran Neg par Erol Josue Farka Blues par Adama Sidibe & Clement Janinet Fulbe par Adama Sidibe & Clement Janinet Bolero A Un Sueno par Jane Bunnett & Maqueque Upper East par Loco Cello A La Une par Marcio Faraco Pachamama par LIA The Sound…
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kevhawken · 6 years
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Achahui Huamani Magnolia, Sawasawa Community, Omacha Distict, South East Peru
© Kev Hawken 2017
Outtakes from my work with non-profit organisation Pachamama Raymi.
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sarabarratt · 3 years
Eco Friendly Bottles Market : Growth, Demand and Key Players to 2027
Crystal Market Research has declared a business insight concentrate on Global Eco Friendly Bottles Market 2021 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2027 that uncovers different data permitting sharp market members to comprehend the proportions of the market. The report reveals insight into market improvements, critical patterns just as serious merchant exercises and execution investigation. The report is pointed toward offering perusers ongoing information indispensable to drive future-prepared venture choices. The examination centers around the prevailing patterns, persevering difficulties, and dangers, just as maturing openings impacting development situations in the worldwide Eco Friendly Bottles market. The market report is a complete examination that shows in general utilization structure, advancement patterns, notable suppliers, and market sections.
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Crystal Market Research
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rosaschellart · 3 years
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In awe of huge tropical plants. Appreciation post for everything growing 🌱 #natureloverforlife #beachlife🌴 #soulhealing #spiritualbeings #seavibes #explorers #tropicalplantsgarden #rewilding #seychellesbeach #dametravelers #vagabond #explorecreate #dametravel #tropicalplants #plantbasedvegan #vegantraveller #naturecore #healingenergy #naturelove_world #plantaddict #fantasyland #prilaga #beachfront #pachamama #plantlovers #highervibrations (hier: Seychelles Island, East Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM2BsfYjWQe/?igshid=1pq2wvbmelk81
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Ben Ful Links - March 1/2021
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Source: benjaminfulford.net
Ben Ful Links - March 1/2021:
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) deserved to be publicly blamed for the brutal murder of Washington Post columnist Khashoggi as outlined by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence report blaming MBS for the murder. https://www.dni.gov/index.php/newsroom/reports-publications/reports-publications-2021/item/2186-assessing-the-saudi-government-s-role-in-the-killing-of-jamal-khashoggi
This was followed by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan opening the door to new possible sanctions against Saudi financial entities. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/25/joe-biden-speaks-to-saudi-arabias-king-salman-before-release-of-khashoggi-report
The Biden White House’s first steps in the Middle East already signal the breakup of the pro-American axis fashioned for the region by Trump, which hinged on a set of military and diplomatic pacts binding Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Israel.” https://www.debka.com/new-biden-policies-snub-saudi-prince-uncover-israels-reputed-nuclear-program/
Then Israel used its own warplanes painted to look like American warplanes to attack Iranian positions in Syria.  Israel followed this by bombing one of its own ships and blaming this on “Iranian retaliation.” https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/202102261082201357-iranian-revenge-owner-of-uk-ship-hit-by-blast-in-gulf-of-oman-reportedly-close-to-mossad-chief/
To further underline the point, the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh was attacked on February 27th with missiles launched by unknown (i.e. Mossad) assailants.  This prompted the U.S. Embassy in Saudi Arabia to issue this warning:
“The U.S. Embassy in Riyadh urges all U.S. citizens to take immediate precautions and stay alert in case of additional attacks.  Actions to take if you hear a loud…” https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/SaudiArabia.html#/
On the public fake perception front, we have a scene with a body double Biden boarding a plane. Central casting couldn’t find enough convincing-looking Secret Service agents so some with jeans and work boots had to do.  The vehicle looks like a rental that hasn’t been washed around the door handles in weeks.  Notice how the “Prez” starts running up the steps until he stumbles, forgetting China Joe can barely walk now. https://www.bitchute.com/video/iEQx0OzJW578/
Here’s a photo comparing Joe Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki with Mark Rockefeller Zuckerberg.  Clearly we are dealing with either close relatives, Mark in drag or clones.
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MI6 and CIA sources both told us that “Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class-action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum.” https://principia-scientific.com/lawyers-promise-nurember-trials-against-all-behind-covid-scam/
MI6 notes, “Our own independent counter analysis of the so-called public health emergency which brought our attention to the German lawyer who has a 100% chance of success in a Nuremberg type trial or civil Tort.”
Also, genuine Christian religious authorities issued this statement:
“By authority of the apostolic and prophetic office, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate urgently warns against vaccination autogenocide.  the arch-heretic Bergoglio occupying the papacy notoriously promotes genocidal “vaccination for all”, saying, “It must be done!” Today, every Christian must know that Bergoglio, who worships the Pachamama demon, does not serve God but consciously opposes Him! “  http://vkpatriarhat.org/en/?p=19869
This means the fake Pope Francis who replaced the real one last year will be exposed, Pentagon sources promise.
In Canada meanwhile, an aware citizen showed how easy it is to push past the fake Covid tyranny by blowing right past “Covid-19” border controls. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faQBnrr_Uqo&pbjreload=101&ab_channel=THEGREATREOPENING
There has also been a leak of the original plans for the “Covid-19” move towards totalitarianism.  This leak, seen below, means the plans are no longer going to be allowed to go ahead.
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These are just a few of the signs the fake pandemic is unraveling all over the world.  What the liarcracy in charge of the West failed to realize is that no matter how long or how hard you try to avoid it, reality has a way of catching up with you.  Reality is a harsh mistress.
Pentagon sources for their part told us the following statement is true:
“Pay close attention.  You are watching a movie.  A lot of what you are seeing is completely bullshit and fake.  It’s so outrageous on purpose to get your attention at this point.  It will continue until it has accomplished that goal fully.  There is no Biden presidency.  The real Biden was executed for his crimes long ago along with Clinton.  No that woman in purple the other day wasn’t Hillary Clinton.  You are seeing actors and some have masks.
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That’s why Biden keeps referring to himself as the mask president.  This means they are the good guys in this movie on the team of freedom.  This whole election was fake along with a fake inauguration.  Fake executive orders.  Fake oval office.  It’s all bullshit.  Wake up.  The military is right now controlling our country until the new elections in a couple of months.  Insurrection Act has been signed.” https://gab.com/stephenhunter9/posts/105771054961975508
If California continues to trail-blaze the future for the rest of the United States, that future is now clear: It is a high taxation society with a huge, impoverished, unemployed and unemployable destitute class where the middle class is annihilated, organized gangs and general chaotic street crime including muggings, rapes and murders metastasize in all major urban areas and gangs more numerous and heavily armed than the police operate openly with impunity. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/california-collapsing
There will also be a massive offensive to remove this fake leadership soon, sources in Western and Eastern secret societies promise.  For operational security reasons, we cannot disclose details.  However, a hint can be found in the fact that an Air Force base in Texas is getting ready to test its infrastructure against an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack. https://www.nextgov.com/emerging-tech/2021/02/air-force-base-prepping-emp-vulnerability-tests/172325/
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girlinthepark · 6 years
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Siobhan Ferguson | Pachamama East, London. 
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epfloutthere · 4 years
On the tropical icy islands of Ecuador
Squeezed between the Pacific Ocean and the Amazonian basin, the Ecuadorian Sierra hosts some of the world’s last tropical glaciers. These icy islands add on to Ecuador’s fame as THE biodiversity hotspot of planet Earth. Considering the diverse forms of life and landscapes along a 1500km traverse starting from the Galapagos Islands, extending to the Pacific coast, the Andean highlands and their glaciated volcanoes, ending up in the Amazonian jungle, we did realize that this fame is just the reality.
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The beautiful colors of this bird of the green cloud forest contrast with the rocks and ice of the volcanoes. © Matteo Tolosano
Ecuador is seven times larger than Switzerland hosting nearly double the population, 20% of which are indigenous people. The influence of the equatorial Pacific Ocean climate along with large amounts of moisture rising from the Amazonian basin make up a special tropical climate, where all sorts of life from bacteria and algae to plants and animals flourish in extraordinary diversity. This incredible mosaic of biota, colorful scenery, tropical forests and relaxed but shy people, is interrupted by a chain of icy islands that protrude into the sky. When Pachamama (Mother Earth) feels like it, these icy giants are transformed into rivers of lava, spitting ash high in the atmosphere their glaciers transforming to hot and dirty ice.
Reventador eruption just before our arrival.
During the last forty years, the ice loss of the Ecuadorian tropical glaciers have been melting faster than many other regions worldwide. Today the glaciers’ terminus is restricted to elevations of 4800m, whereas many glaciers facing the Pacific (west) side of the volcanoes are nearly extinct. This fact posed the first challenge we had not faced before; acclimatizing and working in high altitude. While this was expected, as we march into the “high altitude year” with forthcoming expeditions to Kyrgyzstan’s Tien Shan Mountains and the Nepali Himalayas, many other things were not expected, flavoring our Ecuador expedition with a strong blend of “tropical spices”.
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Chimborazo volcano. The aerial photo was taken in 2019. The green line is the glacier extend in year 2000, by GLIMS. The retreat is important in these 20 years. © Google Earth
What was not expected, yet for another time, was the endless negotiations with the Ecuadorian customs authorities in order to get clearance of our cargo, upon our arrival in the capital of Quito. During this time, we must have heard the word “mañana” coming out from the mouth of several officers more than 20 times. More striking though was the easiness of the “come back tomorrow and we’ll see…” mentality that obviously was a normality for the locals, but was testing our psyche in a relaxed but frustrating manner on a daily basis.
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During the first week we could walk around Quito to get acclimatized for the high altitude. Here the team is on Pasochoa summit, 4200m. © Martina Schön
Armed with patience, wanting to smile and to bite in the same time, we were aided by the overall relaxed attitude that was buzzing around and by the Swiss Embassy in Quito. Day after day the tough climb of getting over and over several bureaucratic steps reaching all the way to Ministry level, was finally over after 20 days. To the positive side, this uneasy situation, gave us ample time to acclimatize and do a few reconnaissance trips figuring out the access to the most remote glaciers.
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From the “Refugio Ruales Oleas Berge” on Cayambe volcano we could see our next sampling spots: Antisana volcano on the left, Cotopaxi volcano on the right and, small on the horizon, Chimborazo volcano. © Vincent De Staercke
Having left the biggest challenge behind, we were finally free to venture into the tropical icy islands of Ecuador. At that stage our mission was straight forward, as we had to safely approach the glaciers’ terminus in order to get water and sediment samples and to run our incubations in fifteen streams charging off from the tropical ice. Overall, we ventured onto five volcanoes along a 150km north - south transect. Cayambe, Antisana, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo and Carihuairazo. Each of these icy giants revealed more unexpected encounters that faded the waiting times in Quito into oblivion.
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The team in front of the stunning Hermoso glacier, Cayambe Volcano. © Vanishing glaciers project
The team expands
Along this expedition, Amy Holt from Florida State University joined our team. Amy’s postgraduate research focuses on the sources and cycling of dissolved organic carbon in mountain glacier environments. She analyses carbon dynamics through molecular scale analysis of organic carbon coming out from the mountain glaciers at the molecular scale. Besides the scientific context, a new member comprises a refreshing and diverse asset to the team and in Ecuador, this proved to be very right. Aside from Amy, we had the pleasure to closely work together with Patricio Andino, a limnologist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE), in Quito and head of Humboldt Trips, who along with Professor Veronica Crespo from PUCE, took up a humongous load of our logistical burdens and were also in charge for the safe storage of our samples. Patricio additionally took over the tedious task to educate us on many things concerning the history and cultural evolution of Ecuador, over several relaxed conversations after our long days in the field. Nevertheless, it was more his easiness of interacting with his compatriots and his Latino spiky temper and that help us get a thorough perception of the Ecuadorian culture.
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Patricio and Amy filtering water from the glacier in Antisana Volcano. © Martina Schön
Baltazar – A living legend
Upon arrival to Urbina, a small settlement to the east side of Chimborazo, the highest summit of Ecuador (6263m), we were to meet with a living legend; Baltazar – The last ice Merchant (El Ultimo Hielero - https://vimeo.com/66507747). The encounter was an inspiration to us in many ways. It is definitely touching to see how glacial recession and the lives of the people who depend on them are changing in our era. When the Last Ice Merchant could not harvest ice anymore as he was aging and the glaciers became more inaccessible, he opted to study and finish school, shining as a symbolic person with an endless lust for life. In science terms, we are now a bit more knowledgeable about the particulate and dissolved compounds and microbial life that exists in the ice cream we tasted, made from the Chimborazo ice, but this was a bit hard to explain to Baltazar and his brother. Perhaps we need more work on explaining to the locals the significance of our research, but one thing was for certain we took much inspiration from this pleasant meeting.
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Part of the team with Baltazar, “El ultimo hielero”. © Vanishing glaciers project
Muddy streams and bad weather
Because of their geographical position, the Ecuadorian glacier‐fed streams present some special hydrologic patterns and unique biodiversity when compared with similar streams of temperate and arctic glaciers. These patterns include severe diurnal variations in runoff, whereas the loose volcanic geological formations they drain result in sediment laden waters with high concentration of mud and sometimes leading to mass movements of debris. Even if the weather was on our side for the first part of our fieldwork, Cotopaxi showed us its teeth the first minute we arrived in the parking lot. Strong gusty winds, rain and snow were enough to thwart our first try up there and called for a fast retreat. Our second try was somewhat more successful, as we established ourselves in the Jose Rivas refuge at 4800m and despite the not-so-good-weather, we did manage to obtain samples from four glaciers living through some intense moments.
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A danger zone on Mars?! No, welcome to Cotopaxi Volcano and its glaciers! © Vincent de Staercke
In this hostile and high altitude environment with muddy waters there survives an important taxonomic richness. For example, the taxon richness in the glacier‐fed streams of Antisana volcano is expected to be significantly reduced following glacier shrinking[1]. In this regard, we are all waiting for the lab analyses of the samples from Ecuador that will shed new light on how the microbial diversity richness will be affected from the tropical glaciers rapid shrinking.
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According to the map and the images we were standing just above the ice tongue. This glacier resulted impossible to reach. Another victim of the climate change. © Matteo Tolosano
Deeply immersed into the “Inexplorado of Equatorial Glaciers”, we left Ecuador with a sweet taste of satisfaction having established strong bonds with Amy and Patricio. This expedition would have not succeeded its goals without the invaluable help of Professor Veronica Crespo and Patricio Andino (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, in Quito), Mrs. Rita Hämmerli-Weschke (Swiss Ambassador in Ecuador) and Mr. Jaime Naranjo (Ecuador Ministry of Commerce).
Upon arrival in Europe, we were confronted to a new reality that we all have to adjust to. The sweet taste of the Ecuador expedition still holds strong in our minds, hearts, and fuels us with plenty of patience until this new situation will be surpassed. We do hope that this is the case for all the EPFL community.
Amy, Martina, Matteo, Mike and Vincent
[1] Cauvy‐Fraunié, S., Andino, P., Espinosa, R., Calvez, R., Anthelme, F., Jacobsen, D., & Dangles, O. (2013). Glacial flood pulse effects on benthic fauna in equatorial high‐Andean streams. Hydrological Processes, 28, 3008-3017. https ://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.9866
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Sincere greetings to all the EPFL community and “bon courage” for this Covid-19 situation! A vicuña in front of the beautiful Chimborazo volcano. © Vincent de Staercke
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