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arsacra · 9 months ago
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Czech matchbox labels warning of the dangers of alcohol dependence and drunk driving, printed at the Solo Lipnik match factory, 1962
"Luck does not add anyone's health"
"lowers morale, increases absence"
"He didn't count the beers, that's why he rests"
"If you submit, it enslaves you!"
"Drivers beware, dangerous area" (dangerous intersection?)
"Alcohol drowns wishes and desires"
"He stopped drinking, he's furninshing an apartment"
"If high blood proof, you will lose your ID"
"Alcohol reduces attention at work"
"Don't race them, they will ruin you!"
"Red [means] Injury" and "Intercountry action against traffic accidents"
"He who can't control himself does not belong behind the steering wheel"
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notaplaceofhonour · 2 months ago
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no fucking thank you!
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cantfuckbracket · 10 months ago
Welcome to the Can't Fuck Bracket, where YOU vote for the character who has the most unfuckable swag
Do you love characters that don't fuck? Characters whose dicks would make U-turns and whose pussies would clamp itselves shut if they ever came close to performing a sexual act? Characters who would try to fuck and end up leaving snot all over their poor partner? Characters who have never ever ever made their partner cum? Well, this bracket is for you!
Submit and vote for YOUR favorite unfuckable characters and let's find out who Tumblr crowns the least fuckable of them all!
Rules and clarifications:
"Can't fuck" is different from "doesn't want to fuck". This is about characters who either suck at sex or could never find a willing partner, not asexual/sex-repulsed characters
This is also not about being a virgin or inexperienced, this is for characters who could fuck a billion times and would still suck at it
You can submit both your beloved blorbos who have 0 game and characters you hate with a passion
"Can't fuck" can mean both "could never find a willing partner" and "would suck shit ass in bed". It's up to you
Last year's contestants are only eligible if they did not make it past the group stage. So check that your submission isn't featured in this post to make sure they're eligible!
Goofy from Disney will also not be accepted. I've seen things I can't unsee
No real people unless they've been dead for at least 100 years.
"Being dead" is not in itself a reason to be considered unfuckable, otherwise this would become a deadguybracket 2.0. It's fine if that's mentioned but it can't be the only reason
Propaganda is not only encouraged, I'd say it's the whole point! You can tag me in it and I'll reblog it
Be nice to each other and also to me. I'm just making a silly little poll. It's not life and death. Also I have other things going on in my life
You can diss your opponents if you want but practice common sense when doing so
And that's all... For now! You can use this form to submit your characters! Go crazy go stupid!
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bye2k · 1 year ago
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therobotmonster · 10 months ago
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When one makes a PSA poster, such as one Lloyd Harrison did in 1918, one expects it to have influence. That is, after all the whole idea.
He could not have imagined the impact of his actions at the time. He could not have known. The finger on the monkey's paw, however, curls inward no matter how hard you pull against it.
Corn would be the food of the nation.
Corn would be served some way in every meal.
And may God may have mercy upon our syrup.
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bodhrancomedy · 1 year ago
Wow, 1970s British PSAs do not fuck around.
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sunrisetune · 5 months ago
New month, new reminder to donation to abortion organizations if you can!
Mostly US-based, but some international links:
Abortion Funds site
Planned Parenthood
In Canada: Abortion is covered by the federal health plan if you have a Canadian health card. These organizations offer support (example, abortion question hotlines) and funding for costs other than the abortion itself (transportation, a place to stay, taxis, etc.).
Action Canada
National Abortion Federation (Canada)
~ It'd be seasonal to make a joke about "You know what's really scary? Losing reproductive rights!" and yeah, it is scary! It is genuinely deeply horrifying. Especially as the US comes up to its election
To any politically-left US people who see this specifically: hi! If you can, please consider donating to abortion organizations, And Please Vote.
I know this is everywhere rn but I will also say it again: - Refusing to vote, by itself, helps exactly zero people - The parties are not both ""just as bad"" as each other - Voting is (obviously) not the last thing you should do to help others, but it is a significant thing
Vote.org to find all the information you need to vote in your state!
Thank you & be safe.
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kunaigirl · 3 months ago
Random thought but does anyone else feel like TV shows don't give a shit anymore? I don't care if "Very Special Episodes" age into laughable corniness after 20+ years or whatever. They were still legitimate teachable moments especially for young viewers, even if they weren't perfect. And a lot of the time, flaws and all, they still meant well and impacted generations of kids for the better.
Was I even alive for the 1986 episode of Punky Brewster that tackled witnessing the live challenger explosion? No I wasn't. But I WAS a first grader who's teacher played a VHS copy of that episode for my class after we all watched 9/11 happen live. We talked about it and learned about the coping skills the kids in the show were taught. I still remember it all these years later.
Especially for kids, ESPECIALLY NOW, we should bring that shit back. Cringe culture be fucking DAMNED. I don't care if it's "cheesy" or imperfect. Because holy shit kids need SOMETHING. As a kid I watched TV al the time, and now-a-days it's streaming. I don't care! Bring back "very special episodes" and PSAs. We've already seen how things are when they're not around anymore, we're living it.
Will things like special episodes solve the world's problems? Obviously not. But they'd at least be trying. And if even a few kids gain something from them, isn't that good enough? It is to me and so many others.
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I turned my favourite ad on TV into a GIF because my hyperfixations are fucking absurd and I love this PSA
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novice-psasbr-hours · 1 year ago
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He looks so tired in this game. Please take a nap bro.
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I also like how he (suspiciously) doesn't act like reboot Dante in PlayStation All-Stars. They didn't know what they were doing with him in the game and I respect it I guess--
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arsacra · 2 months ago
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Czechoslovakian matchbox labels decorated with anti-pollution and littering PSAs, manufactured at Smrecina B. Bystrica match factory in 1963. more and even more matchbox labels
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sweetness-pop · 2 months ago
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Today, I made these on Charat Genesis!
It's Talwyn Apogee (ideally voiced by AmaLee) from Ratchet & Clank, Keira Hagai (ideally voiced by Erica Lindbeck) from Jak & Daxter, and Carmelita Fox (ideally voiced by Cristina Vee) from Sly Cooper as they're up on stage giving their huge audience such an extremely entertaining and colorful performance with their beautiful, graceful, sexy and empowering singing voices as PlayStationVerse's crossover pop adult lady idol trio
Which characters do you all see cheering and even waving yellow (for Talwyn), pink (for Keira) or light blue (for Carmelita) glow sticks/wands in the crowd?! Think of any characters that are either exclusive or are third-party to Sony PlayStation! Plus, what do you think Talwyn, Keira and Carmelita as VENUS♀3 are singing about?! I'll leave that up to your imagination! 💋🎤🎶💋🎤🎶💋🎤🎶
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cantfuckbracket · 2 years ago
It has come to my attention that you have joined forces and decided to go for a tie. The fuck? This isn't the We're All In This Together bracket. It is unsportsmanlike to not go for each other's throats and leave a trail of blood in your wake. I won't stand for this Care Bears shit
As a master of ceremonies, it is my sacred duty to make sure this tournament is as uncivilized as possible. Therefore, I'm stepping in. It pains me to do this, but it's for my own good
If Roshuuto and Toichiro tie, I'm declaring Serizawa the most unfuckable
FUCK union. FUCK peace. FUCK overcoming our differences. You're supposed to be psionic WARRIORS, not psionic diplomats. Bite each other's dicks off NOW
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bye2k · 1 year ago
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whocaresifwearecrazy · 7 months ago
"If you wanna know the Pavlovian Response PSAs/PIFs have had on me, I cannot listen to "Body II Body" by Samantha Mumba without internally wincing or "Wise Up" by Aimee Mann without seeing imagining someone try to button up a shirt painstakingly slow because he was involved in a speeding accident. I cannot think of Pee Wee Herman without thinking of him saying "This is crack. Rock cocaine. It isn't glamourous or cool or kids' stuff". I had a period where I HATED the song "The 12 Days of Christmas" because of an anti-drink driving PIF. I am TEMPTED to say "This is your brain on drugs" when making eggs. I can't even listen to "When Johnny Met June" without thinking of the Sandy Hook Promise PSA "Evan". All that aside, I LOVE the PSA community. Zac R, HelloImAPizza, Sweet Disaster, Antonia the Sheep, Love the PIF, Back to the Past, RE: ADS, etc. etc.
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