mudgazing · 7 months
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eightwholebreads · 2 days
I need to complain about that jumper
Okay so I saw that jumper and thought oh that looks fun. Not paying whatever price it is obviously because the fun is obviously in making it yourself
So i go on the shop's site to take a closer look. (Bonus game: you have until the end of this post to guess how much this thing costs. (Hint: it is made of cashmere))
First off, they've only got it in beige. Whatever I can pick my own colours plus that helps me see all the stitches more closely.
Then I see it. The shoulders are the first thing you really see. Nice chunky yarn that looks nice and thick.
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Makes you think it should be a quicker knit since larger yarn = fewer stitches right?
WRONG! Tiny little details at the bottom of the jumper
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Looking closely at the jumper there's at least 3 different thicknesses of yarn here.
The jumper clearly starts from the bottom and is kitted bottom to top. The width is maintained by decreasing the number of stitches while increasing the yarn weight
And since I was looking closely at the images I started noticing. This...
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Ohhh my god you're using this one? as your example one? The one with holes?
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Who fucked up placing those little yellow stitches???? Hello?????? It's not like you don't know where they should go because the orange zip zags are already there
Anyway yeah this should be a fun challenge. After my next 2 projects. (I'm stalled on project 1 but when i start project 2 I expect to fly through it. Although it is huge (of course)) And if I can get the money for the various yarns... (Not going cashmere because at an estimate that's in the range of £150-£300 but something a little nicer than the acrylic I use usually maybe)
(Last chance to guess... If you haven't already worked out it is hand knitted.... £2,600. Who the fuck is this even for)
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jenni42085 · 4 years
Nervous <Three>
Chapter 3
Lena looks at herself in the mirror, the dress was a little too loose but knew Edna would fix it to fit her like a glove, but otherwise felt beautiful.  “What do you think?” Edna asks from outside the dressing room curtain.
Edna adjusts her glasses and looks at the shy girl who is slowly getting her confidence back.  “This is the dress you should be wearing.  I adore this on you!”  
“You really think so?”
“I made it didn’t I?  I figured this would be better for you.”  Edna replies as she puts a few pins in Lena’s dress to have it fit her like a glove.  She wants Lena to look amazing not only for her image but to know she helped Chris and Lena fall in love.  
Lena does a quick twirl and looks at herself at the three mirrors.  Ok so maybe Edna was right.  She felt like a princess in Edna’s black A-Line short strapless beaded sweetheart cocktail dress.  “Whoa.”  The two women stopped when Chris came in.  “You look wow.  Edna, this dress looks awesome on her.”
“Oh I know darling.  I do great work.  Anyways, Lena take it off so I can have it ready for you by tomorrow ok?”
“Sure thing.”  Lena said happily as she goes back into the dressing room to change into the clothes she wore in.
“So you like what you see?”  Edna asks.
Hearing Edna’s voice snaps Chris out of staring at Lena as she disappears behind the curtain.  “Ohhh, just admiring the beautiful work that you do.”
“Right.  Keep pretending.”  Edna replies as she goes to the clothes rack.  “So is she going with you to your movie premiere?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure she is unless otherwise.  Why?”
“SPLENDID!!  I have the perfect dress for her to wear.  I’ll bring that by the night of the event.  I’ll have a team to get her ready for both events.”
“You don’t have to do that for me or her.”
“Ohh I know, but I want too.  I like her and I think she will be good for you and vice versa.”
Chris nodded his head and made a mental note.
The ride back to Marylea’s place was relatively quiet, but not in a bad way, both were in their own little world.  At one point Chris places his hand of Lena’s leg and she doesn’t tense she just places her hand on his and gives him a reassuring squeeze and a small smile.  Maybe I could get use to this, Lena thought.  Chris went on to tell her about the event they would be attending tomorrow evening.  It might not be so bad but, she wonders how life will be once Eevee is here.  She wonders if her daughter will adjust ok this next month or so in a strange new place.  Granted she and Marylea would be there she is slightly nervous about introducing her to a new guy.  
Again she jumped out the car before Chris could open the door for her.  She does as she did the day before and gave him a hug and quick peek on the cheek.
Heading home, Chris realizes that he has some homework on his hands.  He knows more about Lena than he did the day before but he realizes that Marylea is right, he needs to know more.  So he figures he would add her on everything possible on line and then just read.  
Her Instagram and Twitter were the easiest to get access to since no approval was needed.  He has come to learn that she is a nerdy girl with a love of politics, cooking, and her family.  She has a huge love for French Bulldogs, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Dr Who, and of course The Avengers to name a few.  After further inspection he now knows she has total of nineteen tattoos but are skillfully hidden.  Can’t wait to see them in person.
Eevee is an adorable little girl who has the admiration of her mother by all the things she posts, he could not deny how much she looks like Lena.  The thing that stuck in his mind wasn’t the sadness of her post after Ezra’s death because that was a given, but how absolutely beautiful she was pregnant.  With his sister being pregnant a few times she never had the glow that Lena had.  
She has something about her that he just can’t describe, but he likes her … a lot.  He honestly can’t wait to see her tomorrow at the charity dinner.  The dress Edna picked for her was absolutely stunning.  He wondered if he should send someone to pamper her before Edna and her team go over.
After getting inside, Lena Face-timed her parents and made a few funny faces at Eevee and got her daily update.  She isn’t old enough to talk but she has managed ‘mum’ and ‘bye’.  Only a few more days then I will have her with me.  As much as she has enjoyed her ‘alone time’, she miss her little girl terribly.  
She lays back in the tub full of bubbles and just unwinds.  Her mind drifts to Ezra for a bit and how much she misses him but then her mind then drifts to her few days here and Chris.  Part of her tries to redirect her thoughts but they go back to his beautiful blue eyes and his adorable and contagious laugh.  She realizes that in the last year she hasn’t laughed as much since her few days with him in her life.  The only thought that really bothers her is what will everyone think, even though they aren’t official on any level but, she worries what will her in-laws and family think.  She pushes the thoughts to the back burner and goes back to thoughts of Chris.  I’ll worry about it when I see them.
“So are you excited for tomorrow night?”  Marylea asks as she hands Lena a plate for dinner.  
“Slightly excited but nervous.”
“Why nervous?”
“Why not nervous?  This isn’t my scene.”
“Maybe not but I think he likes you so stop worrying about others, worry about you and Eevee and happiness.”  Marylea says as she puts food on Lena’s plate.  The two sat across from each other in the dinning room.  
“Yes I know.  I’m working on it.  It is harder than it looks trust me.  So when is your room mate coming back?”
“Not for another few months.  She is off traveling Europe with her new boyfriend.  Thank God, I like her but sometimes she is a HUGE diva.  But she is traveling so maybe that will get her attitude right.”
“Must be nice to travel with someone you love.”
“I know right BUT, I already know it won’t last very long.”  Lena looks at her with a curious expression.  “None of her relationships last long.  Generally it might be 2 to 4 months then suddenly they are done with her or vice versa.”
Lena takes a bite of her meatball and shakes her head.  “Can’t imagine going through men that quickly.  Even before Ezra I was never like that.  But I guess it is nice to be desired.”
“Everything comes with a price.”
“That it does.  So what’s on the agenda for tonight?”
“I was thinking we could hit up a dance class like we use to do before I moved.”
Lena looks at her and a huge smile spreads across her face.  “OMG yesss!!  I haven’t done a class in like two years.  I wonder if we still have it?”
“Ma’am we will never lose it.  If you don’t have any clothes to dance in you can borrow mine.”
After the two hour long dance that was tiring but refreshing the two came home and got into the baby pool Marylea had put in her back patio. Yes, she had a pool on site but sometimes a girl just wants to drink and soak with out people bothering her. 
“I told you, you still got it. You were really working it during ‘Buttons’.”
Lena chuckles as she pulls out her phone and scrolls through pictures of Eevee. I miss that little face. “Look, I can’t help it if some of the moves were from that class back home. It felt good to feel sexy again. And I still can’t believe Scarlett was in class with us and I did better than her!”
Marylea nods her head in agreement and sinks down further in the water. “Yeah, sorry that I forgot to mention she would be there. But she is hella down to earth right?”
“You would be correct.  Kind of shocking. I guess a thing I wasn’t expecting was that she didn’t look too shocked when you mentioned me and Chris. Maybe I am his type.  Do you ever miss home?”
“More than you realize some days. I like knowing that I’ll have the opportunity to do my dream but some days I miss coming over and doing girl’s night.” Marylea replies as she considers asking Lena why anyone would be shocked about her and Chris, they mesh well.
Lena looks at her phone only half hearing her, “Oh geez!”
“Well, I’m sorry for being honest.”
“No, it’s not you. It’s the fact that Mr. Evans is pretty much following me on all of my social media forums.”
“Is that a bad?” Marylea questions drinking her frozen margarita. 
“No, not really but . . .”
“But what?” Marylea takes a gulp then stretches all the way out in the pool. “He likes you and is trying to know everything he can about you. Go with the flow and enjoy.”
“Yes yes. He even added me on Snap.”
“Good.  Let him see sexy Lena. Think about how you felt dancing tonight.”
“Marylea. . .”
She takes her phone from Lena. “We aren’t going to be shy all the time.”  Marylea waited until Lena turned her back towards her grabbing her drink and showed off her booty and Marylea quickly took a pretty picture of it.
“Did you just take a picture of my butt?”  Lena questions drunkly while flipping over in the pool. 
“Ok good. Let’s turn so music on so I can relearn how to be sexy for tomorrow night.”  Lena says with a giggle as she strikes a pose with out realizing that Marylea is using her Snapchat app to take pictures and send a few to Chris.
Chris was awoken by a few snaps on his phone. Lenagirl42085. Lena was snapping him at eleven at night. Normally he would have waited until the morning but something told him to look at them real time.  And he wasn’t upset that her pictures woke him up. It was pictures of her and Marylea in an inflatable pool. From the looks of things Marylea was taking all the pictures. 
They had on one piece outfits but Lena’s swimsuit caught his attention. The neon pink really brought out her brown skin. The words ‘Happy Camper’ were across her chest. She seemed carefree, happy, relaxed, and sexy. 
The first few pictures were cute, but the last one really caught his attention, her back was towards the camera. He knew she had a cute butt but wow it was perfectly round and he could see her Hello Kitty lower back tattoo showing. While he is always a gentleman seeing that shot made him want her in other ways.  As much as he knew that he shouldn’t but he went ahead and saved the pictures for his personal album. 
He noticed a text from Scarlett, which wasn’t odd but the message is what threw him off was the message and the video attached:
I met your new girl Lena and she is amazingly awesome and a wonderful dancer!  I totally approve!  
Attached was a video of Scarlett, Marylea, and Lena dancing to ‘Buttons’ by the Pussycat Dolls. Lena was in the center in some short short black shorts. She started out with a sports bra and flannel shirt on but then throws it mid dance. While the five girls dancing together looked great his eyes were glued to Lena.  She was absolute captivating.
Lena so far has never displayed that level of confidence or sex appeal with him. So far it has been shy and sweet. Good to know she knows how to get down and dirty.  He wants more time with her but not sure how to get her to spend more time.  He doesn’t want to take her away from Marylea but at the same time he just needs to know her more.  Before he went back to bed he lets Dodger out and shoots Lena a text to see if she wants to do before the charity dinner. 
“Oh. My. God!!! Why is there someone else stuff in my bedroom?”  Someone yelled from the back room at Marylea’s apartment. 
The screaming made Marylea and Lena jump out of their sleep. “Shit.” Marylea says as she quickly gets up. “It seems like my room mate Julie is back from Europe a lot sooner than expected.”
Julie stomps into the room with her sunglasses in hand looking frustrated. “Who is this?  Did you rent out my room?”
“No, I didn’t rent out your room. My best friend Lena is here. Remember I asked you if she could use your room a few weeks ago.”  Marylea sighs and pulls out her phone and scrolls through a few messages on her phone then hands the phone to let Julie see. 
Julie looks at the message and shakes her head. “I still don’t remember. I just need my room back. And her not to be here when I wake up from my nap.  Please and thank you.” She states is a rude tone. 
“Fine I’ll get my stuff. Sorry for the inconvenience.” Lena replies while stretching and starts gathering her things from Julie’s room. Now what....
After she gets the last few things out of the room Julie looks her up and down and tosses her bleached blonde hair back. “I hope nothing is missing and everything is in the same spot where I left it.”
Lena rolls her eyes and tries to think of where she is going to stay next.  The idea of a hotel sounds so pricey same goes for AirB&B.  Her whole reason for coming out there was because she would be saving money by staying with Marylea.  Something will have to open up for her..  
After her shower she is still in a fog of where not only she but Eevee will stay when she comes into town.  Unnecessary stress.  As she was heading out of the bathroom she heard a familiar voice.  “Chris?”  He turns around and gives her a big smile as she is standing there in a towel.  “What are you doing here?”
“Well I figured we would do lunch or maybe a spa before the dinner tonight.”
Lena pulls the towel tighter and gives him a half smile, “As much as I would love to, I have to find another place to stay.”
“Marylea’s room mate came back and has conveniently ‘forgotten’ that I was going to be here for a month.”
Marylea chimes in as she sees her friend’s face fall.  “Yeah, I’m livid because she was cool with it one moment and now she suddenly wants her gone.   I get wanting to have your room back but asking her to leave really goes through me.”
Chris looks concerned as Lena wipes a single tear from her face.  “Well….”
“Do you TWO not understand that I’m tired from my trip and ….”  Julie shouts coming out of her bedroom until she notices that everyone including Chris are giving her a dirty look.  “OH MY!  Chris Evans.  Marylea why didn’t you tell me we had company or I would have made myself more presentable.”  Julie saunters over to Chris does a hair toss and her best pouty girl look.  
Lena looks tense at the idea that someone else may try to get his attention but knows if they weren’t meant to be then they weren’t meant to be.  Chris looks extremely disgusted as she offers his hand to her to kiss but he just shakes it and then shifts is attention back to Lena who was heading back to Marylea’s bedroom to change.  She does her usual routine and comes out in black capri leggings and a cold shoulder teal shirt with a high ponytail and bare feet.
Chris and Marylea were still sitting on the couch where she left them, while Julie was still talking about her trip to Europe on the loveseat.  Neither looked thrilled or excited but what Julie had to say but both perked up when Lena came out dressed with the same melancholy expression.  
“So, while you were getting dressed, I was doing some thinking.”  Chris started.
Lena sits on the coffee table in front of him since there was no where else to sit.  “Ok….should I be worried?”
“Nah, I was thinking since you can't stay here with Marylea, you can stay with me at my house.  It's a 3 bedrooms, 4 baths, a pool, spa, big backyard, and a pool with a huge gate.  You wouldn't have to see me if you don't want to with no worries of then paparazzi like you would have here and you can use one my cars."
Hearing this makes Lena relax, she bites her lip and looks at the shocked expression of Marylea and Julie.  “Ummmm.”  She knows she has no other choice and this isn’t exactly a bad one, it just means a little less time with Marylea granted she knows given the circumstances she would understand.  “Yeah, I think that would be ok.  Are you sure I won’t cramp your style?”
“Absolutely not, it’s generally Dodger and I at night which can be very lonely and boring.”
“What about Eevee, she sometimes doesn’t sleep all night, I wouldn’t want her to bother you.”
“Lena, I’ve got nieces AND nephews, I’m sure your daughter will be no trouble.  Plus I already have some baby things there so if you don’t have it I more than likely have it.”
“But Chris….”  Lena began to say trying to think quick of what other option she really has.
Julie once again interrupts the conversation, “I don’t think you should offering a place to her, there are plenty of hotels in the area.  You don’t her kid to bug you.”
Everyone in the room gives her a dirty look.  Chris grabs Lena’s hands and gives her a sincere look, “Just stay with me, if you or Eevee don’t like it then you guys can try something else.  Ok?’
Lena sighs heavily mentally weighing her options.  “Fine, I’ll try living with you a few days to see how it goes.”
Chris claps his hands together, smiles, and stands up.  “Wonderful!  Since that is settled lets get your stuff to my place then we can head to the spa.  Marylea, I think Jeff said it was your day off, feel free to join us at the spa.  My treat.”
“What about me?  Can I come?”  Julie says tossing her hair one more time.
“No, we will let you catch up on your precious trip.  I’ll get my stuff out quietly so you can get your beauty rest.”  Lena says with a small smirk.  Chris and Marylea snickered while Julie quickly turned around and stomped to her room and slams the door.  Lena looks at them and smiles, “That has never felt so good.  I think I’m ready to be pampered.”
Marylea and Chris both smile at Lena's take charge attitude.  Maybe setting her up with him wasn't a bad idea after all.  Marylea thinks to herself as she ties up her shoes before grabbing Lena's things to put in Chris' car.  
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Apologizes P5
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I smiled getting my dress to sit nicely as I held my books and folder's looking at the college everywhere people free to do as they wished all wearing there own clothes and having there own style and confidence about themselves, I finally felt content that I could just do my work and blend into the background as I went to the classes I had today most of them just intros to the subjects I would actually be starting next week I sat in the common area with my papers organizing my schedule and such like "I figured I'd find you here" a voice smiled I looked up and saw... Thomas, stood with his usual messy blonde hair styled in that usually 50's flick, he had a shirt for some videogame and a leather jacket over it, his black skinny jeans tight to his legs, his red and white converses with neon orange and green laces his bag over his shoulder "hey y/n" "Hey Thomas" I smiled offering him the other chair at my table and he happily sat "So... How'd it go?" "Fine" I shrug "How did it go?" "Alright, I've somehow already got oil up my fingernails" "Your on intro day" I laughed "It's fine, I'll clean them when I get home" he shrugs "How was your holiday?" I asked as I honestly had seen him maybe four or five times since prom night his family went on holiday for the summer so I hadn't seen him much "Not bad, I got you a present" he says "You did?" "Of course I did, it's at home I'll bring it next I see you" he smiled "let me see" he asks looking at my now filled in schedule I let him see and he has a good read "great this will work" "For what?" "Your in same days as me so... I can pop and see you" he smiled "how did you do while I was gone anyway?" "I just read, that's all" "Your such a sweet little thing y/n" he smiled giving my head a kiss "You have got to be kidding me!" A voice laughed we both turned and I saw a familiar face... Daniel will his friends and Lindsey not Fram behind them "Thomas come on man tell me your not plowing the fucking manatee!  Come on, even your little three inch cock can do better then that, maybe after all this time Thomass a gay boy and just likes doing something that looks like a bloke" I felt awful, like it was my fault they where making fun of him "three inch Thomas's plowing y/n the manatee" he laughs But before I could even think straight Daniel was up against the stone pillar, his feet of the floor and Thomas holding him up by his shirt to be almost nose to nose with him "You think that's fucking funny!? Firstly Who I am or am not plowing is none of your fucking business, secondly how dare you call someone gay boy you homophobic price of shit, and lastly if you put a finger on  y/n I will personally see to it that your cock is rather suddenly separate from your body." Thomas told him sternly "and you call her manatee again, I'll break your fucking legs" he said as he dropped him back on the floor "come on y/n" he says sweetly to me helping me with my books "come on I'll take you home" "How?" "In my car" he laughs as we headed out to the student car park I was unsure but followed him anyway as we arrived at a little blue Corsa it was cute I kinda liked it, we both threw our stuff in the back seats and I sat in the passenger seat as he carefully drove off "they call you it again I want to know y/n, you tell me right away okay?" "You won't really break his legs will you?" "That depends" he shrugs as he drove "Don't break his legs Thomas" I laughed "Can I give him a black eye?' "Okay" "Can I break his jaw?" "No" "Can I break his teeth?" "Yes... But no more then four" "Can I cut his cock off?" "Maybe" I smiled "Yes! I am going to run with that maybe you know that right?" He laughs "I know" Eventually we arrived at my house the sky starting to get dark "thanks for taking me home" "Your welcome" "Thanks for giving Daniel a warning shot" "He had it coming" he shrugs "See you next week" I smiled "See ya," he smiled and I went to open the door "Uhhh before you go" he says "I was wondering if maybe you uhh pay a little gas since I took you home and all?' he smirked "Sorry Thomas my purse is inside I can if you'll wait a-" "I didn't mean actually money y/n' he laughs "Then what?" I asked very confused "I was thinking as I took you home maybe I'd get a... Kiss out of it?" "You can just ask Thomas" I smiled giving him a little kiss he happily kissed me back what I had planned to be an innocent peck became slowly but surely a teenage snog so much one hand left his wheel to hold my waist till I felt his hand slipp up and I pushed his hand away and moved as far from him as I could "Oh shit I'm sorry y/n!" He said realizing what he had done "it's just kinda a natural reaction when you make out with someone" "It's okay Thomas... I'm just, a little fragile with all that stuff" "Then I just have to be very careful" he smiled giving my hand a kiss I sat sorting out my handbag for today, I heard the rev of a car and soon enough.
It made me laugh, throwing my bag over my shoulder and going down locking the house behind me as I saw Thomas stood by his car
"Hey, sugar" He smirked
"Why did you drive? it's down the road" I laugh "I can literally see your house if I look down the road" I laughed "why Did you drive?"
"I like getting an excuse to drive" He shrugs holding my hand and pulling me close to him "Plus if I come to pick you up we can go for Mcdonalds?"
"Umm that might be nice" I shrug
"what about KFC sugar?"
"Deal" I smiled kissing him and getting in the car
"Thats My girl" He smirked as he got in the car with me "Come on let's go"
"Where's dan?" I asked as we pulled off in the car
"Our with mark till Six O'clock" he smirked "so... We have my bedroom to ourselves" He smirked, "Well Except Maggie and Oli..."
"Maggie and Oli?" I asked
"Ohh Me and dans Hamsters," he says
"Awww thats sweet" I smiled as we drove off to the Restaurant and got ourselves some food and I sat eating the yummy chicken as he drove home
"Pass me a chip" He begs
"No your driving" I laughed "You have to focus"
"Please y/n, Come on just one chip?"
"No Thomas, you have to drive"
"Come on y/n I'm not asking you for a Chicken leg just a chip" He complained "PPPllleeeeaaassseeeeee y/n"
"You can have one Popcorn chicken" I smiled pretty much feeding him it
"Ummm thank you" He smiled as he drove, it took a while to get to his house and once we got there he opened the door for me and lead me inside "Okay now be very quiet we don't want-"
"Thomas is that you!" a voice asks
"Yes" he answered as the little door by the staircase opened
"Ohhh Thomas who's this pretty girl?" the old woman asks
"My uhh My ummm My freind," he says
"freind? Well, she's a very beautiful Girl" she smiled "What's your name sweetie?"
"Her Names y/n Gran" He answered "were' going to my room, we don't want anything just leave us alone," He told me holding my hand and dragging me upstairs "I'm sorry y/n she likes getting involved," He says as he opened the door to the large room, with a huge bay window, there were two little single beds, a Tv with a bunch of game consoles and such under it and a hamster cage in the corner, we sat down on his bed and finished our chicken before he spoke up "So..." He smirked his fingers walking up to my thigh from my knee towards my -
"Don't!" I snapped pushing his hand away
"What's the matter y/n?" he asked
"Just uhhh just no," she says
"Are you okay? with... me?" he asked
"well... Mostly" I nodded
"Mostly?" he asked "Look if your not comfortable with doing anything I'm fine with that" he shrugs
"No, No its uhhh Maybe we can talk a little while more.."
"Sure, what uhh what about?"
"Can I uh ask you how far you went with Lindsey?"
"with Lindsey?" He asked "Well... We made out, she uhh let me feel her boob once"
"boob?" I asked "Just the one?"
"Yeah" He shrugs "her left one"
"Thats it?" I asked
"Well... she uhhh kinda gave me uhh I don't really know what to call it where she uhh you know" He blushed generally indicating down
"A Blowjob?" I asked
"Not really... I didn't Uhhh," He blushed "Finish?"
"Right" I nodded
"It was my birthday present" he smiled "Can I ask about you?" He asked, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to!"
"It's okay," I smiled holding his hand tightly "I'm not a virgin obviously and thats it"
"so you've just had ... in your?" He asked carefully "Nothing else?"
"Yeah, so"
"So... Would you let me?" he suggested
"if you wanted to" I shrugged
"You mean it?" he asked excitedly "But... given everything your fine with me doing that to you?"
"I guess so"
"But you're not okay with me touching your... place?"
"Not really"
"Then I'm not doing anything till your okay with me touching it" he smiled giving me a kiss "That goes for everything y/n"
"What about you?" I asked,
"what about me?"
"You'll want to do stuff?"
"But I'll wait till your okay with it," he says "Besides... I can always just, Take care of myself once you're gone"
"We could always do other stuff"
"Exactly" he smiled kissing me as we cuddled up in his bed "Can I uhhh... Maybe, Could I maybe Feel your boobs?"
"Okay" I smiled
"You mean it?" he asked "Both of them?"
"Yeah" I laughed
"Your sure?"
"Yes Thomas" I laughed and he smirked sitting up a little and looking at my chest
"Your sure?"
"Yes Thomas, it's fine" I laughed
"Okay" He blushed and before I could even blink both his hands were on my boobs one hand on each his face red with blush "whoa...
"Having fun there?" I laughed
"Your Boobs are a lot bigger than Lindsey's" he smirked, "Ohh my god they feel good..."
"Thomas! have you seen-" A voice asked as his bedroom door opened so Thomas quickly moved his hands away and throwing a blanket over his legs "Who's this?" the man asks as he stood in a suit
"This is y/n Dad. Can you please get out?" Thomas whines
"wheres your brother?"
"with mark"
"Leave your door open Thomas"
"Come on dad..."
"You're not having your bedroom door closes with your brother out and a girl in your room," his dad said before he went downstairs
"It's okay I need to get home anyway" I smiled
"Aww Really, Please y/n can't you stay a little longer?"
"I need to get home" I laughed giving him a kiss
"Alright, do you want me to pick you up on Monday for college?" he asks as we went down to his door
"that would be nice" I smiled
"Okay see you Monday" He smiled
"See you" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss and going off home. I stood outside the college hiding under the porch while I looked at my phone
"Hey! manatee!" A voice yelled I looked up and saw daniel just getting out his car "Come here" He smirked
"Fuck off daniel" I sighed
"What's your problem? Come on your ass is so fat your not gonna notice if I'm having a grope of it?" He smirked slapping my arse
"Hey! Leave me alone!" I yelled pushing him away
"Oh shut the fuck up manatee! just give me some sugar!" He smirked pulling me close to him
"Daniel Get off me!" I complained trying to push him away
"HEY!" A voice yelled "What the fuck is wrong with you!" as Daniel was pulled away from me "What the fuck did I tell you!" Thomas screamed
"What's it to you!" Daniel yelled
"Because that's my Girlfriend You fucker!" Thomas screamed punching Thomas in the face several times and throwing him back to his car "Now If I See you touch her again I'll send you through the windshield of your shit car!" He yelled a daniel got in his car and drove off "Come on y/n" he says holding my hand and taking me to his car we sat quietly the rain slowly starting on the windshield as hs drove the radio playing a gentle soft tune
"Thank you for protecting me Thomas" I smiled
"Awww, Your welcome y/n" he smiled at me "Hey? Your Birthday's coming up right?"
"Yeah" I shrug
"Any idea what kinda thing you might want for your birthday?" He asks
"You don't have to get me a present" I laughed
"No, come on it's your birthday I'm going to get you a present y/n"
"Thomas, Really you don't have to"
"Well I want to" He laughs "So?"
"Hadn't really thought about it" I shrug
"well, what did you ask your family for?"
"Money" I shrug
"Okay..." He said as we stopped at a traffic light "New dress? New shoes? Uhhhh makeup of some sort?" he suggested
"No thanks Thomas" I laughed
"See this is the problem when you have brothers you have no idea what girls like....uhhhh some sort of hair product? some fancy looking soap? Ooh those bath bombs with the weird names in the shop in the centre that has stuff that looks like food but isnt food?"
"You mean lush?" I asked
"Yeah the extremely overwhelming bath product shop that makes you feel like you walked into a farmers market and got punched by flowers" He explained "That they somehow decided to put next to a gregs in a shopping centre"
"Yeah always did seem like poor planning, your bath soap is gonna smell like sausage rolls and your pies are gonna taste like bath bombs" I laughed
"I have had so many sausage rolls that tasted like bath bombs from there" he laughed "Hey... How about we take a trip to that big shopping place? for your birthday. Then you can pick out something you want for your birthday?"
"Okay" I nodded
"Great, so... My place tonight? as dan's out.... but My dad is home"
"How about mine? my parents are out tonight?"
"Your place it is" He winked
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gaamagirl565 · 5 years
Matters of the heart ep 12
Matters of the heart Episode 12 A day to remember {OPENING CREDITS} {We open to old Corona orchard and people are setting up the orchard for the wedding} Isaiah: Okay good…. lanterns check…. wedding arch check... father being nervous and being teased by the king and mr. Lance…. double check…. {Draki slithers on his shoulder} Isaiah: Oh! Hi Draki! Check it out! {he holds up a clipboard} Isaiah: Grandpa gave me the job of going around and checking off things that are supposed to be on the list... Yep I'm quite the big shot around here… Akina: LOOK OUT! {Akina runs into him and knocks him over} Isaiah: owwwww... Akina: S-Sorry Isaiah! Isaiah: Akina? ...why are you...wearing heels? Akina:....I wanna look pretty...don’t tell mama… {Lily enters frame in a lovely green dress} Isaiah: Lily!...I...uhh...you...Your looking….uh...green!... Lily: what? Isaiah:....one moment… {Isaiah goes behind a tree and screams before coming back out} Isaiah: I’m good… Lily: ummm...okay...I came to get you to tell you apparently there's something going down. Zapada’s freaking out. Isaiah:  is she okay? Lily: donno… Isaiah:  well then this looks like a job for the master of wedding planning! {he holds up clipboard heroically} Lily: I hope you realize your grandfather gave you that job just so you would get out of the way… Isaiah: …. why you gotta do that to me? {Cut to Isaiah’s house and Rapunzel is doing Zapada’s hair} Rapunzel: Calm down Zapada...it’s going to be alright… Zapada: How can I calm it? The wedding is today! And the cake has not arrived, the flowers have not yet been acquired,  and Varian knows nothing of it....but I had mothers necklace cleaned and it is not yet ready! Adira: This is why earrings and I never got married… Zapada: But... you have child? Adira: and? {silence} Zapada: never mind… {Isaiah, akina, and lily walk in} Isaiah: what’s going on? Rapunzel: It's alright kids just a bit of pre-wedding jitters... Adira:....Small one are you wearing heels? Akina: eep! Zapada: Wait! My wedding does not start until sundown... Isaiah... could you find it possible to head to town and acquire a few items? Isaiah: I don't see why I can't! Zapada: Ah! Blessed boy! Mulțumesc! {she hands him a list} Zapada: Take the wagon and horse! Go! Isaiah: You can count on the master of wedding planning! Akina: mama? May I go? Adira:...I suppose...But stay out of trouble, small one! Lily: I’ll go too! Keep these two out of trouble! Rapunzel: Alright you all can go but back here before sundown! Isaiah: Yes, Your majesty! Lily: Yes mom! Rapunzel: go! Go! Quickly! {They all run out; Cut to the main road and the wagon zips past the camera with Isaiah at the drivers seat and Lily and Akina in the back hanging on for dear life} Lily: Isaiah! Have you ever driven before!? Isaiah: Nope! Dad never lets me drive! Woo-hoo! Akina: I can see why! {They go over a bump and gallop through the main gate to the town; People dodge out of the way} Lily: Isaiah! Slow down! We want to get there but we want to get there alive and without homicide charges! Isaiah: ugh...okay, alright relax you kill joys...we’re here anyway… {He slows the horse to a stop} Isaiah: Well that was fun! {He looks in the back to see Akina holding onto Lily with messy hair and Lly glaring at him; cut to the three standing in town; Isaiah tears the list into 3 pieces} Isaiah:  we’ll get done faster if we each have our own individual jobs...Akina you go get the cake... Lily...heh... you go get the flowers… Lily: Very funny… Isaiah:  I'll get the necklace from the Jewelers.. once we're finished let's meet back here. Ready? Break! {They all run in different directions; cut to Atilla’s bakery}
Atilla: one cupcake! Two cupcakes! Three cup- {The door jingles and Atilla looks but no one is there; he goes back to baking} Atilla: four cupcakes! Akina: Ahem! Excuse me! Atilla: huh? {he walks over to the counter and looks down and sees Akina} Atilla: ….awwww! Hi there! Want a cupcake? Akina: um...actually… Atilla: I just made a fresh batch of croissants! with chocolate frosting in the middle! Akina:...sir.. Atilla:  or perhaps you're more of a fruit person!  I made some apple fritters! Akina:  actually I'm here for a wedding cake that was supposed to be delivered today! Atilla: oh...sorry!  you seem a little young to be getting married... or maybe you're just one of those really short people I'm sorry! Akina: N-NO! Not me!!! For miss Zapada! Atilla: OHHH! right! I have it all baked but I still have to decorate it... I suddenly got a huge order of cupcakes for a child's birthday party. Akina:... you still need to decorate it?.... maybe I can help... I used to help Papa with all the baking when I was little... maybe I can help you? Atilla:.. depends... can you hold icing in your hand and not eat it… akina: I can try… Atilla: You're hired! {he puts a chef hat on her and she giggles; Cut to the jewelers Isaiah walks in and the jeweler turns around ready to help} Jeweler: AH!...it’s you!... Isaiah: hello to you too? Jeweler: You...You blew up the marketplace! I lost a month's worth of revenue from that! Isaiah: oh for God’s sa-that was months ago! Jeweler: yes...but...still...what can I help you with? Isaiah: I’m here to pick up a Necklace? Was brought here by Zapada? Jeweler: oh...that one...ugh...yes I have it...but it’ll be ten gold pieces.. Isaiah: *Chokes* TEN GOLD PIECES!? The sign says cleaning is 5! Jeweler: Call it payment for all the suffering you've caused me after that horrible incident… Isaiah: So you're racking up the price for an event that happened months ago which you surely gained the money back for!?   let's not forget I also suffered! do you not see my face!? Jeweler: I could always rack it up to 15… Isaiah: why you stingy little…. {He throws ten gold pieces on the counter} Isaiah: well?...take it or leave it! {The jeweler takes the money and hands over the polished necklace} Jeweler: pleasure doing business with you... Isaiah: Yeah Whatever… {He goes to walk out} Jeweler: Traitor’s son… {Isaiah flinches but walks out with his head high; cut to the flower shop and Lily is looking at the various flowers as the old florist makes the wedding bouquet} Old florist: Something wrong my princess? Lily:  just... I keep wondering if... I don't know... if I'm pretty enough to be considered a princess. Old florist:  it's a boy isn't it? Lily: huh!? Old florist: I've lived a long time dearie…. I know that look in your eyes as well as I know the flowers in this shop.  you're looking for someone to notice you. Lily:  well... there is one boy... I chose the prettiest dress I could for this wedding hoping maybe... just maybe... he would see me as more than just a princess…. Old florist: I see... and what happened? Lily:  he said I looked green…. {The old lady chuckles} Old florist:  men can be a funny thing.  sometimes when they see something so lovely they become tongue-tied and don't know what to say.  another time they don't notice at all.  let me tell you something my princess.  if there's one thing I've learned from all these years on this Earth it's that people don't pay attention to what you look like. if you truly want a person to respect you for who you are rather than what you are show them through action not appearances. Lily: how do I do that? Old florist:  just be yourself...Be Lily... don't be princess Lily… {The old florist walks over and fixes her hair with flowers in it} Lily:. i...I look lovely… {The old florist hands her the bouquet} Old florist: Remember you may be lovely on the outside but what really matters is what's on the inside.  without beauty within we are nothing. Now go shine yourself bright. {Lily hugs her} Lily: Thank you! {She runs out of the store; Isaiah runs up to the wagon} Isaiah: Where is everyone-WHOA! {Akina is behind him covered in frosting with Atilla next to her holding a beautiful white cake decorated with flowers and pink sugar crystals to look like quartz} Isaiah: holy mackerel… Atilla: she did a good job right? Isaiah: Akina YOU  did that!? Akina: y-yes? Isaiah: It’s amazing!! Akina: Really! I did my best! R-really I did! Lily: What’s going on? Isaiah: Aki-wow …. Lily: Isaiah? Akina: Lily you look soooo pretty! Isaiah: yeah...beautiful…… {Lily smiles and blushes} Isaiah: Bwag! Uhh! We need to get back! Got everything!? Akina: right-o captain! {Isaiah goes to hop in the drivers seat but Lily is already there} Isaiah: huh!? Lily: oh no you don’t! I’m driving now! Isaiah: mmmnnn fine!!! Lily: alright everyone in? Then off we go! Hyah! {She tells the horse to canter; they pass by a shop} Isaiah: Wait! {Lily stops the horse; Isaiah takes out a small round object and tosses it into the store; a boom is heard followed by a girlish scream} Jeweler: MY GEMS!!! {Lily glares at him} Isaiah: what?...Oh relax it was one of my dads Bath bombs! Keep going! {she canters the horse; cut to the orchard and Varian getting ready to stand by the arch} Quirin: how do you feel? Varian: nervous...but excited… Quirin: just like I was...you’ve done everything for your family and now it’s getting bigger...I proud of you son. Varian: Thanks dad… {Cut to Zapada outside the orchard} Zapada: where are they!? Rapunzel: Zapada: they’ll be here soon! But the wedding is starting very soon! Zapada: mmnn...alright….lets how you say...do this… {Lily has the horse at a gallop} Isaiah: and MY driving was bad? Lily: oh hush up! We’re going to be late! Akina: Lily We’re almost there slow down! We’re gonna-! {The wagon breaks a wheel on a rock sending everything in the back including Akina  flying} Isaiah: NOO! Lily: ...my bad. Zapada: here we go..sigh...hmm? {Suddenly she catches the bouquet and her necklace} Zapada: Oh!? {The cake lands upright on a table} Varian: ummmm Quirin:...did I just see what I think I saw or am I finally losing it with age? {Distant screaming slowly becomes louder} Lance: MY GIRL! {He catches Akina} Akina: Papa! Lance: why are you covered in frosting? {Isaiah runs up by his dad and Lily runs to her chair} Rapunzel: Well..everything seems to be...in order now...you ready? Zapada:...Da...yes..I am… {The wedding march starts and Zapada walks down the aisle in a white off the shoulder dress with long sleeves, a braid and a flower crown; Varians eyes widen upon seeing her and he feels tears well up} Eugene: he cried pay up… Lance: d’ohhh… {He hands him a few coins and Zapada gets to the arch; Varian kisses her} Isaiah: Dad!...PSST!...Dad! Not yet! Varian: oops!..hehe sorry.. Preacher: Ladies and gentlemen we gather here under the sight of God to join in union this man and this woman in holy matrimony. {As he speaks the camera pans to different people in the crowd looking happy, loving on their significant other, or smiling} Preacher: Varian do you promise to love and cherish this woman, honor her, and be there for her in sickness and in health till death do you part? Varian:...I do… Preacher: Zapada do you promise to love and cherish this man, honor him, and be there for him in sickness and in health till death do you part? Zapada: I do… Peacher: may we have the rings… {Eugene gives the rings} Preacher: repeat after me. With this ring I thee wed… Varian: Zapada... With this ring I thee wed. Zapada: Varian... With this ring I thee wed… Preacher: With the power vested in me...I now declare you Husband and wife...you may k-!? {Zapada jumps and kisses Varian; the crowd cheers and Isaiah smiles Isaiah runs up and hugs them; begin montage of the celebration} {flash one} Zapada: *puts cake on Varians nose* Varian: *laughs* {flash two} Zapada: *throws bouquet* Adira: *accidentally catches it* Lance: *high fives Eugene* {flash three} {everyone is slow dancing} Lily: so uh...Isaiah...you wanna...dance? Isaiah:...o-okay… {Isaiah leads her out to the dance floor and they dance awkwardly at first but ease into it} Isaiah: so umm..you really do look nice tonight lily...and uh..you look...um.. You got flowers...and...ummm {Lily rolls her eyes and gives him a peck on the lips} Lily: hehe shut up… Isaiah:....okay… {pan to Varian and Zapada} Varian: Everything you ever dreamed? Zapada: even more… {They kiss} {END CREDITS}
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caroline18mars · 5 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 62
By the time she got to the huge brownstone, the snow had covered the city with a fluffy white blanket, she paid the cabdriver and pushed open the door, oh good those beautiful high heels will be ruined by the time I'm inside, but then she noticed a guy with an umbrella walking up to her and the red carpet that was rolled out over the piece of pavement leading up to the door, life was amazing when you were rich, right?. “Hello Miss, my name is Derek” he held out his hand to her so she could get out of the cab elegantly, making sure no snowflake were to bother her or her couture, “thank you Derek” she gave him a big smile as she gratefully accepted his hand. He walked her to the entrance where the warmth and the noise greeted her, “can I take your coat? I just need to check your name on the list” another man walked up to her, “of course yes” she shrugged off her coat and walked with him to his little desk “Harper De Robiano d'Arcy” she softly said her name while his pen looked for her name. “Ah, Miss De Robiano d'Arcy” he ticked the box next to her name “dinner is served in an hour, so you can go get yourself a glass of champagne right here in the hall, enjoy” he invited her to join the others. When she turned to go she caught a glimpse of herself in one of the many mirrors, her red dress hugging her upperbody where it wavered out from the waist down into a huge, million layered skirt, her long hair dancing on her back, she looked so much better than she felt, ok Harper, come on, go in and mingle, you can always go home if you don't like it but give it a try. Clutching her purse, she straightened her back and took the plunge, stop staring at me, oh my god, how awkward is this when animated conversations stop as you walk into a crowded room. “Ahhh, Miss De Robiano” there he was, the art pope of New York himself walking up to her with open arms and eyes that lit up like the many christmas trees around the room, he took her hand and kissed it “Mr. McVey, how lovely to meet you, it's an honour to be invited to your christmas party, thank you for the invitation” this was one of the times a certain diplomates upbringing paid off, “I'm so glad you are here, the honour and the pleasure is all mine, I'm a huge fan of your work, Miss De Robiano” he shook hers with both hands. “Please call me Harper” the noise around her died down a bit when she spoke, “Harper” her name dripped like honey from his lips “care to join me, I want to introduce you to some people” as he handed her a glass of champagne.
”Mr. Leto, welcome” the guy at the entrance welcomed Jared “always a pleasure to have you with us”, Jared handed him his coat and gave him a friendly nod back, “have a lovely time and I'm right here if you need anything” he walked a few steps to the hall with him. “Thank you David, merry Christmas” he quickly pushed a few dollar bills in his hand before he turned and stepped inside the huge and beautifully decorated hallway “Jared you're here” he was instantly greeted by a few people but Charles was nowhere to be seen. “The demand is really high at the moment, so if you would allow us to expose your work, I'm sure we can sell 85-90% of it, you have the monopoly to decide on the price, exceptionally I'm willing to drop our percentage to as low as 10%, I'm gonna be honest with you and I know it's really bad negotiating from my side but I just want to be the first gallery to ever expose your work”, Harper couldn't believe what she was hearing, this was not talking business, this was the biggest art gallery offering it to her on a silver platter. “Charles..it's..I don't know what to say” Harper stammered, her heart racing, this was her big break, “just say yes and make my Christmas the best I've had in years” he smiled that huge, warm smile of his. Harper swallowed hard and nodded “yes, I'll do it”, Charles made a small victory pump with his arm before he pulled her in for a hug, “fantastic, let's talk numbers over dinner in a few days, do you think you can have about 20 items ready by January?”. Still overthrown by the offer she nodded “of course” while she did a little count in her head, yeah she had 20 but were they all up to scratch?, “we need to celebrate” Charles danced away from her and told the waiter to open his biggest and most expensive bottle of champagne, five minutes later he raised his glass to her “here's to you Harper, thank you for making one of my dreams come true”.
Nag nag, blah blah, I'm actually done with all this small talk, maybe I should go back to the hotel, these kind of parties is not who I am anymore..Jared excused himself from the group he had been standing with for a while and made his way to the bathroom. I can't do this anymore, when will this pain stop? Will it ever? Where was she and what was she doing? It was the only question that had been dancing around his mind for over a month now. He let the warm water cascade over his hands while the phone in his pocket bleeped, everyone constantly wanted something from him, yes it was his birthday the day after tomorrow and no he didn't want to do anything special, why couldn't they just get that through their thick skulls?. He dried his hands, straightened his jacket and walked out again but on his way to the bar he stopped in his tracks as he watched Charles walk down the stairs with a woman in a stunning red dress on his arm. Charles gestured at him to come over before he was swallowed by the crowd again, ok well at least it's someone who actually has something to say so he made his way to the stairs “there you are!” Charles walked up to him and gave him a man hug “I've got a surprise for you” he stepped back to take the woman's hand and gently pulled her forward. Too shocked to say anything, Harper pulled back and started walking away, no this was not happening, Jared gasped..it was..OMG..and went in immediate pursuit after her, don't walk away from me, have you any idea how long I've been hoping to see you again?. Rushing into the empty entrance hall the calling of her name made her stop in her tracks, “HARPER!” and he caught up with her, it felt like she was struck by lightning “no Jared” she heaved “NO”. Before she could walk out the door, the guy from the cloackroom came rushing up to her “Miss De Robiano d'Arcy, it's snowing really hard outside, at least take your coat to protect your beautiful dress” he handed her coat to her. “Harper, don't leave, please” Jared was as dumbstruck as she was but he realized this was his window but then she narrowed it again by walking out, putting on her coat she nearly lost her footing in the snow and his hand instinctively folded around her elbow. “I said LET GO” she hissed as she yanked herself free, her hand instantly fishing around her purse for a cigarette, she couldn't go anywhere with this snow and she needed to calm down, so she lit up and inhaled the smoke deeply with her eyes closed. Jared didn't say anything, he just stared at her, completely shocked but over the moon that she was standing here next to him, just to be in her presence again was all that mattered, “It's..so good to see you..” he stammered while Derek handed him an umbrella.
She just smoked her cigarette, ignoring him completely but he could see the storm brewing in her head, “when I saw it was you, I..” he whispered, “just shut it, ok Jared? Once a liar always a liar, you planned this whole thing didn't you? You just can't respect my wishes can you?” she spat at him. “Harper..I..I know you don't believe me but I didn't know you were here, honestly..” he was interrupted by Derek stepping out again “I'm sorry to interrupt but dinner is about to be served..” he gestured at them to come back in again, shit what was she to do? There was nothing else she could do then follow him back inside, they were snowed in anyway. The minute she stepped inside, Charles came walking up to them “there you are, I wondered where you went, is everything ok?” she could see Jared stare at his shoes while she was helped out of her coat, “Ohhh..but I thought you two are a couple..was I mistaken?” Fuck, so Jared actually told the truth. “It looks like you two need to talk..you'll both be sitting at my table so you can talk things, whatever they are, through in all privacy, you two belong together, even a blind man can see that” he gave them both an awkard smile and gestured at them to follow him to his table. Jared went into 'gentleman' mode by pulling her chair back but she could care less right now and didn't even look at him as she sat down, this was gonna be a long night. He sat down next to her, Charles was right, the round table gave them privacy enough, the other guests only had eyes for their host anyway, god her scent was intoxicating, girl if you only knew how much I missed you and how you're making me feel right now even if you won't talk to me or give me the light of day. “How you been?” oh for fuck's sakes Jared, can you really think of nothing else to say? Then again was there anything anyone could say to defuse the tense situation between them right now?. “Ladies and gentlemen, friends..” Charles stood up and adressed the room for his speech while Harper just stared blankly ahead lost in her thoughts.
The first course was served and in the process of picking up their knife and fork, the back of their hands touched and it felt like a bolt of pure electricity coursed through their bodies, Harper acted like nothing happened and nervously started cutting her salad. “I missed you Harper” he tried his luck against all odds, he had to, “How you been? I missed you? Is that all you can say? How I've been is none of your business, it stopped being your business when you decided to fuck that girl..she not with you, what happened, you cheated on her too? Or has she been replaced already as well?” the first blow was dealt. “No..I'm not with anyone and I don't know where she is and I don't care, it was a mistake I told you, and that's no excuse..” he put his fork down and looked at her but she refused to look at him and kept staring at her food. “I was a bloody mess when you left..I still am, there's no day that goes by that you're not on my mind, morning, noon and night..I know you won't forgive me and there's nothing I say that will change your mind..but my heart, every little piece of my body screams your name, Harper..I will do whatever it takes to make you see that I really mean this..I can deal with your anger, it's your silence that is tearing me apart” he knew he wasn't making any sense but it was right there on the tip of his tongue, everything from the past month or more just came rolling out. The tear that plopped down on her napkin destroyed him “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry..” he wanted to put his hand on her back but he decided not to when she whispered “what's done is done, Jared..” she quickly wiped her eyes, her tears were nobody's business but her's. “Ok, so you want me to put my cards on the table? Fine! I've been feeling like you punched my lights out, I cried for weeks on end, so when I stopped crying I found my solace in my painting, I'm functioning, nothing more nothing less..” she still refused to look at him, if she did then she would break down completely. Just the fact that she was actually talking to him had him gasping for air “I'm glad..I'm glad you're functioning, it's more than I can say..I probably shouldn't be saying this but you look..breathtaking..and it makes me realize all the more what I've lost..you look absolutely and breathtakingly beautiful” he breathed. Harper took a deep breath, she couldn't deny that his words touched her, whether they were meant ironically or not “Thank you” she gave a small nod and pushed a fork loaded with salad in her mouth so she wouldn't have to talk, or cry for that matter.
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lisinfleur · 5 years
This shit will contain A LOT OF SPOILERS. So, if you didn't see episodes 5, 6 and the trailers for 7, then... WTF are you doing in this fandom uh? GO - WATCH - IT!
Ok, later rants! I took some time away - that I'll explain soon! - but today I finally found a way to watch episode 5 and episode 6 of Vikings and now, the trailers with the goodbyes we just saw in my timeline. So, time to speak! I'll try to resume it because fuck! Things got huge too fast! So, let's start small...
Dear Torvi Poor woman... She's passing through so much loss. Björn's betrayal, her first son, her second child, now Lagertha... Man, for the gods' sake! Someone please let me hug this woman! She needs it! And yet, she was wise enough to spit some truth on Ingrid's face... Torvi matured a lot from that child we used to think was so fluffy when trying to convince us she was Viking. She grew into a strong woman, able to endure things that many others wouldn't have with a whole mind. I have to clap my hands and admit that Torvi evolved into a whole new character and if there is someone to """replace""" Lagertha in this show, it will be her.
Ingrid Speaking of replacements... Am I too cruel to say I laughed out loud of this woman at the docks waiting for Björn like that? The honey-dick attacked again and the girl is melting for him. Poor sucker... To be honest, from all the women Björn cheated on, fucked and let go like trash in this series, Ingrid is the only one who I won't feel a single drop of pity for. She searched scab to scratch herself and now I'll sit and watch as she realizes her stupidity. Know your crime, pay your price. That's what I have for her.
Harald Or should I say King Harald? Man, I have to say: Harald was low. It was pretty low to manipulate things the way he did to win that election over Björn's favoritism and he stroke pretty lower by going there to provoke inviting Björn to be his counselor that drunken way of his. Even more to order the killing of someone who risked its life to save his ass when he was locked by Olaf, trusting the word of a man that he barely knows (Flatnose will be pointed here too... that bastard!). But once again... Am I too cruel to say I laughed OUT LOUD the whole process of election?? Man, it was HILARIOUS to watch Björn's teeth clenching to every single vote Harald had over him! It was ORGASMIC to see all that arrogance of someone who carries nothing but his father's fame in his shoulders being dissolved by noticing daddy's fame won't hold his back anymore! Ragnar's name is fading - despite he'll always be a legend - and whether Björn starts walking for himself or his papa's actions won't hold his butt up forever! And Harald did me the beautiful favor of kicking that white blonde ass to see if Björn will wake up and become the man he should have become since the first episode of this series (To the ones who don't remember, Rites of Passage was the mark of HIS DAY TO BECOME A MAN and receive his armring). However, I think Harald screwed up and got tangled up with a bunch of bad promises he will somehow have to honor. The thirsty man is drinking seawater and will end up dehydrated. It is better for Harald to find a way to manage the whole Norway, or else, the King of All Norway will end up in a pole, impaled, like a beautiful flag for everyone to see...
Gunnhild She looks miserable in the next episode, but her acting was beautiful during the battles. I just wanted we had seen more of the huge Gunnhild we were habituated to see. I felt they kinda lowered her light to put the spotlights on Lagertha for the scenes and I can understand the need for it to happen, but Gunnhild was really pale in these episodes and I hope Hirst doesn't follow this thread to wipe her off slowly until there is nothing of our precious Gunnhild to be seen. She's too huge to be forgotten or changed this way. I hope it changes in the next episodes.
Amma I hope someone takes care of the bruise in her face cause fuck... Things didn't go well for this girl. She was delegated "two" Ragnarssons to protect. Magnus is dead. Hvitserk is doing shit. Poor girl is in bad sheets here... But more than that, I really would like to see her slapping Ubbe's face or stopping him from treating her as a slave. It's only me, or did someone else noticed how the bastard is ordering her around as if she was his fucking maid? She would be, imo, the perfect person to throw some truth in this man's face cause man... He's needing a slap. OHHH HE IS...
Kjetil Flatnose You freaking fucking asshole motherfucker bastard son of a bitch! There are no words in the human language to define how big of a bastard you are! Man, I HATE THIS GUY and I hope Ubbe does one single fucking shitty thing right in his pitiful and dismissable life and KILL THIS ASSHOLE! PAINFULLY! There is not too much to be said about this asshole. I just want him to die. Slowly.
Now... let's start with the big ones, right?
Ivar x Igor Once again, I cannot tell you guys the size of the love I feel for these two and their relationship. Everything they do together, no matter how dangerous is it, seems to be a big huge game and Ivar seems to be having so much fun beside this boy that I can only pray the gods it lasts forever. Igor brought back a side of Ivar that we weren't able to see in years! A good side that I was missing so hard! I hope this boy doesn't stab him behind his back, cause if he does, then it will be the end of the Ivar we know and maybe that serpent Hvitserk fears so bad will come out for good...
Ivar x Oleg (plus Katya?) Is it my impression or the bromance is over? I saw lots of sadness in Ivar's eyes (a point for Alex! Fuck, the boy is good!!) but something tells me that Oleg is messing with fire and will end up veeeery burned... He's playing with a recent wound, making it bleed again with that brunette bitchy version of Freydis and something tells me that Ivar will bury Freydis' memory along with Oleg's and Katya's bodies. And this will happen pretty soon... If I was him? I would destroy that mausoleum in front of Oleg's eyes and say things like "It's good for you to watch it" while breaking his ex-wife's statue in tiny little pieces (using Katya's face like a hammer, of course). But I'll wait and see. Ivar's plans will surely be better than mine!
Alex Yes, Alex, not Ivar. The boy deserves a whole topic only for him. It is not that I'm surprised, I'm not. Alex has been proving himself an amazing actor since he first dragged himself on screen as Ivar the Boneless for me. With Adrian and Jacup and Viktor and even that crazy-ass Liam, he already had proven himself a multitalented artist and a phenomenal actor able to conquer our hearts with any kind of character. But I have to point out that his expressions as Ivar are absolutely incredible! He can pass complete feelings and whole threads of thoughts without a single word! I can only congratulate him for such a beautiful job! The same goes for the actor who plays Igor. Boy... you rock!
Björn More momma's boy than never, boy is being forced by the gods to raise his butt up from other people's backs and walk by himself. BEAUTIFUL! I cannot say how happy I am by seeing Björn finally being slapped by reality: papa and momma's fame won't hold your butt up forever, bitch! Grow fucking up, grow some fucking balls and go fucking make your own shit! And I'm not here saying he didn't shit in the whole series. He did, but all he did since this series started was under the weight of his father's name. Björn Ironside, SON OF RAGNAR. It was always something heavier than anything else in his life and now, whether he raises his own name before his blood history or he'll end up fading quicker than his shadow. Yes... shadow. Cause that's what Ubbe has become... I just really wanted him to stop this drama and to remember that mommy was murdered by one of his brothers who had THEIR MOTHER murdered by his mommy, so it was a fair death, a fair kill. No one should be allowed to punish Hvitserk for this especially because the woman would die anyway! Hvitserk shouldn't even be guilty of her death since Whitehair had warranted she wouldn't see a new sunrise before Hvitserk's hallucinations would end up getting his hands dirty.
Ubbe Who the fuck are you and where the fuck is my daddy? I cannot say he was brainwashed. Who paid attention to the details will remember pretty well the scene when Ubbe, Hvitserk, and Sigurd were speaking right after Hvitserk arrived from the trip to the Mediterranean Sea. They discussed about Ivar's need for avenging their mother and Ubbe was clear saying they would have to kill Björn to reach Lagertha and that's was something he didn't want to do. Ubbe gave up avenging their mother as soon as Björn arrived in Kattegat. But there were better ways for him to show his will to avoid fighting his brother without adopting his stepmother and forgetting all the shit she did like that! He could have accepted fighting beside her with caveats, leaving clear he was there to go against Ivar not to support her. He could have left clear that he was there because of Torvi and Björn, not because of her. He could have rejected Lagertha without creating any problems within him and Torvi as long as he was able to put his own mind out through those beautiful lips saying clearly that he was giving up on the fair revenge because he loved Torvi and didn't want to fight his older brother. But no. He just forgot everything, started treating Lagertha as if she was his mother and now he'll bid her the farewell we didn't see him bidding to his own mother! What kind of an asshole does this shit? And for the ones who want to come here ranting about how shit of a mother Aslaug was, I would like to remember that she starting being a shitty mother AFTER IVAR WAS BORN! This means Ubbe lived THE BEST of her motherhood longer than ANY OTHER OF HER SONS! He had a fucking perfect mother and he didn't have the respect to keep himself away from her murderer once he chose to respect his loyalty to his brother and avoid killing her. I lost all my respect for Ubbe in this season and I cannot say I'll ever be able to really respect him again. Not only he left Margrethe to die (she was ambitious? yes. She was crazy? Yes, but she was HIS WIFE and HE SWORE THE GODS he would protect her!) but he abandoned Hvitserk when he most needed his older brother making himself unable to forgive a simple bad action when worse things were forgiven in his heart, he mistreated the woman that is beside him and declared to go wherever he goes for love by using her loving words against her to keep her from looking after her children's safety, he's mistreating and disrespecting Amma who's a free woman by treating her as if she was his personal maid and his brother's babysitter throwing on her the responsibility of taking care of Hvitserk that should be his own... Ubbe disappointed me so many times in so many ways that he must thank the gods he's played by Jordan and I love Jordan, otherwise, I would have no reason not to spit on his face at all!
Hvitserk Speaking of pain, there is a picture of Hvitserk beside this word on the dictionary. Shit, he's so hurt, so pulled down, so ragged, so disposed. Poor him is walking around like a ghost himself! I wish so much Amma wasn't so afraid of taking pulse in this situation, but I cannot blame her. She fears she would fail and Ubbe would be harsh on her so she doesn't go further than calling Hvitserk's attention or his name to wake him up. But the truth is that someone should put this boy in its lap, hug him tight, and never let him go. The gods are being harsh on him breaking him in tiny pieces and offering him to Fenrir's jaw to be chewed. I really hope now that he fulfilled his "purpose", he can find a way out of this endless well of self-destruction or, at least, he can start walking for himself once again. It pains my heart to see my beautiful puppy like this. I hope he gets better from now on...
Marco Once again, a topic for another actor that fully showed his talent here! I've seen other works with Marco, like Kriger and Fasandræberne, and his talent is undeniable, but the interpretation of a man in pieces he's offering us is really perfect! He plays with the scenes of Hvitserk's addiction amazingly not only showing the eagerness for more drugs but the perfect portrait of how this doesn't really change his fear or pain and even more the way Hvitserk keeps longing for more, searching for relief and numbness while hiding all those traumas behind his bloodshot eyes. Marco is a complete show all by himself and I can barely wait to see more of his amazing work around the world.
And to finish... Lagertha I didn't like her. Everyone here knows I started disliking Lagertha when she cowardly killed Aslaug in a murder that shouldn't exist. There was no need for her to back shot Aslaug like that especially because that battle was won. Some understood that she gave Aslaug "safe passage" to find her son in Valhalla since Aslaug thought Ivar was dead along with Ragnar. But for me, there was no reason for Lagertha to go further and kill Aslaug like that especially when she could have used many other ways to get what she wanted. Yet, I always admitted and will admit until the end that Lagertha was a hell of a character: a shieldmaiden and a strong woman who could have a better ending after all. Despite the fact that I'm still here trying to figure out how did Björn reached the adult life with her TERRIBLE pieces of advice for children, she was a huge character and I think she deserved to die better than being murdered in the middle of nowhere like a homeless woman by a drugged rag of a man. She was a shieldmaiden. She was the most famous shieldmaiden of her age. She deserved to have died by that wound Whitehair made and her death should be more than just an emotional moment. Now her beautiful and epic fight with Whitehair will fade face to the anger Björn will drive towards Hvitserk. He won't learn from his mistake because, in his head, Hvitserk killed his mother and not Whitehair - who was her actual murderer. Lagertha was fated since she left that battle and Hvitserk was nothing but an accelerator of a destiny that was already sealed. She would die. He just made it quicker. We can even say if we look straight that it was almost a mercy kill. I didn't like her end but I have to say that battle against Whitehair was phenomenal so I'll close my eyes to the rest and believe she died strong and majestically after that fight, as the hero who saved that village from the bandits. And not like a homeless old woman, thrown like trash in the middle of the square, under the rain, murdered by a drugged rag of a man, forgotten in the middle of the mud. She was pretty more than just Ragnar's wife - so I wasn't touched by the words towards this. She was pretty more than just a woman... And I was expecting a better ending for her - and also, something better than hallucinations for Hvitserk to fulfill his destiny.
Let's see... Episode 7 is coming and I can't be more excited!!! The series is doing some shit, but it regained my excitation for good and I cannot wait for next week's episode!
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fridgewheatfield · 5 years
Fridgewheatfield 2019 GOTY Awards
Normally I would go through the TGA nominations and give my thoughts on who the winner of each was for me. But 2019 kinda sucked for games imo, and I didn’t play very many. So instead, I want to highlight 5 games I really loved this year and give them each their own award. So here they are:
Best AAA Game: God of War (2018)
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This game really took me by surprise. I got it in the Summer for 50% off and hoped it would scratch an itch that I knew a 3rd BOTW playthrough wouldn’t quite scratch. I didn’t expect much from it except for maybe some fun gameplay, since I had never played another game in the series, but it won a lot of GOTY awards in 2018, so I figured it was worth a try for the discount.
This game floored me. I was enamored from start to finish. The environments, the story, the characters, and especially the gameplay had me glued to this game for 10 hours a day for almost a week. I have never felt such guilt from shafting irl responsibilities in order to play a game. The graphics are among the best of this generation. The world building and main quest line kept me interested and actually listening the entire time. The relationship between Kratos and Atreus was strangely relatable, but never had me siding with one character over the other for too long. And the combat is probably the most immersive, diverse, and fast-paced of any game I’ve played. I fought thousands of enemies and I wouldn’t be surprised if there were only a few enemies that I actually killed in the exact same ways. This game was a huge pleasant surprise for me, and the ending pushed its hypothetical sequel near the top of my list of most anticipated games. 10/10
Most Satisfying: A Hat in Time
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A Hat in Time finally came to Switch this year after what felt like an eternity. I was waiting for this game to come to Nintendo since the Kickstarter was announced. Before we knew about Mario Odyssey or Yooka-Laylee, it was refreshing to see that anybody still had interest in reviving the genre of game I loved most as a kid.
This game is EXACTLY what I wanted it to be: A love letter to every Gamecube game I played ad nauseum. A Hat in Time masterfully blends the freeform movement of Mario Sunshine, an art style inspired by Wind Waker, and the charming dialogue of Thousand Year Door to create a game that starts at a 10 and never lets you down. There must have been 20 times during this game where I said to myself, “I hope this game [does this],” and the game followed through with shocking consistency. With customization, easter eggs, references, and humor stuffed into every mission, this game reminded me of everything I loved about the games I grew up with. But this game isn’t just bells and whistles, it also features some of the most engaging level design of any 3D platformer I’ve played. A train murder mystery, a free-roam around a cruise ship paradise run by uwu-speaking seals, and genuinely one of the scariest segments in any game I’ve played were some of the highlights. But none of this game’s 30+ main missions ever disappointed. While the graphical quality and technical performance were less than stellar, everything that the game WANTED to be more than made this game an easy 9/10.
Funniest Game: Untitled Goose Game
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I never understood all the buzz about this game leading up to its release. You’re just a goose? What do you even do?
I was skeptical, but this game did not let me down. There was something strangely hilarious about stealing everyone’s stuff and annoying them for no reason other than to cross off a to-do list. Maybe it was imagining the humans’ perspective. Maybe it was the spastic piano score that only played when you did anything. But whatever it was, this game had me cracking up for its entire 2 hour duration. You can’t deny that the price is a bit steep for such a small game, but the amount of enjoyment I got from an afternoon with this game left me satisfied with my purchase. And with fun secret challenges to discover along the way and to struggle with after the credits, leaving me saying “Ohhh I didn’t think to do that!”, Goose Game is just enough of a game to justify everything that it has going on. 9/10
Most Fun Bad Game: Animal Crossing Pocket Camp
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The OG followers will remember when this was a New Leaf blog, and you best believe it will be a New Horizons blog when the time comes. I hated this game when it came out in 2017. I thought it was a boring, empty waste of time that did nothing for fans of the series. But after numerous updates and quality of life changes that I totally missed the boat on, Pocket Camp actually became worth spending time on. I jumped back into this game following the post-E3 hype for New Horizons, and I’ve logged in every day since.
I won’t mince words, this game is bad. It’s nefarious, predatory mobile game practices at its most kawaii. But damn if I don’t love these new furniture sets they introduce every few weeks. I love piecing together the new items I get from each set or event to make a camp that I’d enjoy spending time in. I’ve spent more money than I care to admit on Pocket Camp’s take on loot boxes (not bank-breaking, but more than I’m proud of). But I honestly can’t say I regret any microtransaction I’ve made. I’ve had a lot of fun with this game in the past few months, and getting everyone I know back into it alongside me made it even better, just like previous Animal Crossing games. The crux of the enjoyment is still sharing your designs and collections with your friends, just like always. And that was Animal Crossing enough for me. Not giving this one a score because its still a scummy mobile game, but if you haven’t played this game since launch, redownload it and give it a look-through.
Best Game I Played in 2019: Banjo-Kazooie
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Everyone knows how good this game is. I played it as a kid, and I’ve known my entire life that this game is great. I’ve reminisced with friends about this game, I’ve watched countless Let’s Plays, and I’ve sung its praises as the best 3D platformer there is.
But I hadn’t ever actually beaten it until this past Summer.
And it turns out that I didn’t even know how right I was all these years. Banjo-Kazooie is a perfect game. Every level is meticulously crafted to be unique, interesting, and just big enough to where they’re fun to explore, but small enough to where there is no empty space. Banjo (and especially Kazooie) control like a dream. The dialogue is the textbook example of charming video game dialogue. And the game is just long enough to feel full, but it never overstays its welcome by retreading old ground for the sake of making the game longer. And don’t even get me started on the soundtrack. There’s a reason Grant Kirkhope left the 2000s as the only household name that came out of Rare. This game could not be improved, and its stood the test of time against the other greats of the genre like Mario 64, A Hat in Time (imo), and Mario Odyssey, to maintain its spot as the game that every 3D platformer wants to be. It’s the best game of the genre, the best game I played this year, and it’s now among my top 5 favorite games of all time. An obvious 10/10.
Thanks for reading this. Feel free to respond, send a message, or send an ask with any of your thoughts on these games, or even some of your games of the year. I’d love to read them. I’ll see you next year for my 10 page review on New Horizons, which will surely double as my GOTY post.
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aardvark-123 · 6 years
Gensokyo Festival day 2: Games
“Games” can mean many things, so here’s a little biting satire. Enjoy.
~Reimu Isn’t So Great at Boxing~
"Phantom Sign: Sword of Nightmares!"
"Heaven Sign: Starburst!"
Sanae and Youmu spun slowly through the air as they sent waves of bullets in all directions. A hundred flashing swords whirled past fiery blue stars, leaving the moon rabbits scrambling for cover.
Ringo yelped as a star bounced off her soft, round tummy. "Seiran, they're crushing us! Do something!"
"Like what?!" snapped Seiran, weaving desperately through a dozen swords.
"That new spell-card you got! Try it!"
"But I don't even know if-"
Seiran saw Sanae screaming towards her and dove out of the way. Sanae gave her a stinging smack on the foot, but Seiran's other foot found its mark and sent Sanae spiralling into the sky.
Youmu charged at Seiran with swords drawn. Ringo ploughed into her, forcing the air out of her lungs. Youmu grabbed Ringo's ears and swung her around.
"Aiyeeee! Stop! Stop it!" wailed Ringo, flailing helplessly.
"Well, since you asked!" Youmu flung Ringo up into the air.
As soon as she got her bearings, Ringo grabbed a handful of dango from her pocket and threw the chewy treats at Youmu. One, two, three balls of rice flour she slashed in half, but the fourth splatted right in her face. Youmu screamed as the berry sauce stung her eyes.
"YES!" Ringo punched the air. "Now, Seiran, finish them! I know you can do it!" Seiran whirled past a frog throw by Sanae and gripped her new spell-card. "Here goes... Legendary Arcanum: Danmaku Barrier!"
Thousands upon thousands of bullets exploded outwards. Youmu and Sanae had just a second to react before they were bowled off their feet by a wall of burning light. They plummeted helplessly and flopped down in a battered heap on the grass.
Seiran was screaming as the energy coursed through her body, sparking across her skin and almost setting her clothes on fire. None of her spell-cards had taken even a tenth as much power before.
Just as Seiran was reaching the end of her strength the spell-card stopped. All the bullets disappeared in a shower of blue and purple sparks. Seiran sank down in exhaustion.
"Oh, wow, that was amazing!" Ringo rushed over to hug the exhausted Seiran. "What kind of spell-card was that?! It was so...! So much!"
"Apparently it's one of the rarest spell-cards you can find," said Seiran, with a weary smile. "I had no idea it was going to be so intense!"
"Nor did we," Youmu and Sanae groaned in unison.
Seiran laughed guiltily.
"Where'd you get that spell, anyway? Did you make it yourself?" asked Sanae, propping herself up on her elbows.
"No, I bought it. From Reimu."
"From Reimu?!" repeated Youmu.
"Yeah! She's selling lots of cool stuff now!" declared Ringo.
"Cool... stuff?" repeated Youmu.
"Like spell-cards and things!" Ringo elaborated. "The prices aren't bad."
"Aren't bad?" repeated Youmu.
"Metal Gear?!" cried Sanae, doing a deep, gravelly voice.
An awkward silence followed.
"...And then it turned out the whole thing was just a simulation. Now, the next game chronologically was Metal Gear Solid 4, but Metal Gear Solid 3 came out before that. It was about Solid Snake's dad."
"You mean Solidus Snake?"
"Wh-?! No! It was Naked Snake!" Sanae's brow furrowed. "Or was it Venom Snake? Anyway, some people sent Snakey-boy the Elder into Russia to destroy another Metal Gear, which was actually the first one ever built. He met this woman who was actually two people, neither of which was his mentor who wasn't actually his mother-"
"I'm going to have to stop you there, Sanae."
"Huh? Why?!"
"Self-preservation," said Youmu, drawing an angry pout from Sanae.
They hiked the rest of the way in silence. They could see flags and bunting waving in the breeze as they neared the shrine, and a small crowd of visitors had gathered inside the torii.
"What's going on here?" Sanae elbowed her way to the front of the crowd, an anxious Youmu in tow. Reimu was standing proudly on the decking with a pile of wooden boxes. "Reimu, are you... Are you having a box sale?"
"Hm?" Reimu flinched guiltily. "Oh, Sanae! Hi! These are, um... I promise I haven't sunk to Kanako's level. Just- just hear me out, all right? These boxes are special, all right."
"Wh... What do you mean, 'sunk'?" Sanae glowered at Reimu.
"Oh, nothing... Anyway, these are no ordinary boxes!" said Reimu firmly. "These boxes, ladies and addition ladies, are LOOT-boxes!"
"Loot...?" said Sanae dumbfoundedly.
"Boxes...?" agreed Youmu.
"That's right! In each of these boxes is a super-special random prize!" Reimu launched into her marketing spiel. "It could be a powerful new spell-card, it could be a bomb, it could be a dozen power-up tablets or point biscuits! It could be a new mob-cap or a pair of thermal socks! It could even be a new one-liner for you to say when you win a duel! And what's more, for every ten loot-boxes you purchase, you'll get a free packet of instant noodles!"
"I'll buy one! I'll buy one!" squeaked Chen, running to the front of the shrine.
"All right! Two hundred mon, please," said Reimu.
Chen eagerly passed over a handful of coins. Reimu pocketed them and gave Chen a box.
"Yay!" squeaked Chen, tearing the ribbon off and opening up the box. Her face fell as she pulled out a single red amulet. "Awww... It's just a spell-tag."
Reimu began to sweat. "L-look, everyone! She's thrilled with her purchase!"
"No I'm not! It's a total ripmmmff-?!"
"Another happy customer!" laughed Reimu, her hand clamped over Chen's mouth. "These loot-boxes are selling like hot cakes, ladies and additional ladies, so don't delay! Buy yours today!"
A worried hubbub descended over the crowd.
"Excuse me," said Sakuya, "what are the odds of receiving a single spell-tag?"
Reimu laughed the laugh of a woman who knew the world was falling to pieces around her. "Um, a- a fair and, and sensible amount? Of odds?"
"Are there any other dummy prizes?" asked Narumi.
"No, of course not!" wailed Reimu.
Yuuka grabbed a loot-box off the decking and tore it open. She plucked a small scrap of paper from within and shook it angrily under Reimu's nose. "What's this?" she asked, her voice as sweet as honey laced with plastic explosives.
"That's... That wasn't supposed to be in there." Reimu ducked behind her donation box. "D-do you want a free packet of instant noodles as compensation? There's got to be some back here-"
Yuuka pounced on the box with a furious snarl and stomped it into splintered wreckage. She grabbed Reimu by the throat and hoisted her upright. "What have you got to say for yourself, thief?!"
Gasps of horror rose from the crowd. A few of the weaker youkai bolted into the trees.
Youmu grabbed Sanae's sleeve. Her heart was pounding. "Sanae, we have to do something!"
"Er... Um..." panicked Sanae. "What do you fancy? Fighting Yuuka or fighting Reimu? Or a whole angry crowd?"
Youmu gulped loudly. "Neither would be good!"
"Let me go! I- I'm warning you!" choked Reimu, reaching for her orbs.
"Not a chance. Reimu, you bad girl, I'm going to enjoy punishing you...!" hissed Yuuka.
"I'll buy two thousand," said a voice.
The newcomer's dulcet tones cut through the noise. The throng fell silent in a matter of seconds.
"Two thousand of your finest loot-boxes, please!" All eyes turned to Jo'on, who was weaving her way towards the shrine with bulging wallet in hand.
"H... Huh?" Reimu peered at her through bleary eyes. "Oh, right. Of course. Yuuka, could you put me down?"
"Needle... Common spell-card... One boot... Stockings... Point biscuit..." Jo'on scoffed down the square biscuit and sighed. There were still a hundred boxes to go. "Mob cap... Another common spell-card... Ooh, yay, Divine Virtues of Wind God!" She smooched the rare card, getting glitter and wet purple ink on her face.
"Right, what's next? Amulet... Paint brush... Common spell-card... Mob cap... Mob cap..."
"Um, Jo'on? Hello?"
Youmu and Sanae were clambering over the pile of empty boxes in the front garden. Jo'on barely glanced at them. "If you want some tea, ask Shion. Common spell-card... Piece of coal... Hair ribbon..."
Sanae cleared her throat and stepped forwards. "We've dealt with the Incident, if you were wondering."
"Wasn't wondering. Don't care. Needle... Frilly dress... Power tablet... Hm, the other boot. Point biscuit... Common spell-card..."
Youmu gave Sanae a hopeful look.
"The thing is," said Sanae, "Reimu didn't really want to start selling those box thingies. She was being blackmailed by an evil goddess from the Outside World who wanted to corrupt our spirits."
"One sandal... A pencil... Two nice-looking shells... Common spell-card... Handful of sand... Foldable katana..."
"She wanted to spread greed and cynicism to make herself stronger, but it turned out she was being manipulated by this businessman- a normal human businessman who'd seen Gensokyo in a dream and wanted to turn the place into a theme park," Sanae doggedly pressed on.
"Common spell-card... Common spell-card... Life piece... Hair ribbon... Tiny hat... Lump of copper..."
"Jo'on, we've had a really trying day!" Youmu piped up, flushing red with annoyance. "First we had to fight a squid, then we fought a chimera, then we had tea with a kitsune who tried to poison us, then the goddess showed up and tried to turn our hearts, then we fought all our worst fears inside our own heads-!" she took a deep breath.
"Point biscuit... Piece of coal... Amulet... Straw hat... Common spell-card..."
"Then we spent hours trying to book a train in this huge city called Nagoya, then we broke into a rectangular tower where everything was all white and shiny, then we fought dozens of evil cyborg youkai, then we had to wade through a bunch of tar pits, then Yuuka punched a giant robot in the face, then the businessman tried to drown us in molten titanium...! It ruined my shoes! Jo'on, doesn't that mean anything to you?!"
"Enchanted cape... Safety scissors... One grain of rice... Common spell-card... Needle... Common spell-card..."
Youmu groaned and slumped down on the pile of boxes. "Ohhh, forget it! Just forget it..."
"Common spell-card... Power tablet... Bomb piece... Bread roll... Shell... Little rag-doll..." Jo'on abruptly turned angry as she pulled out another sparkly purple spell-card. "What in the name of-?! Divine Virtues of Wind God AGAIN?! I don't believe this!" She tore the spell-card apart and scattered it on the wind. The scraps burned up as they fell, leaving trails of acrid purple smoke.
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el-dibidibidorado1 · 6 years
Untamed pt.5
A/n: sorry about the late update. I had a busy week.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Y/n plus size
Warnings: none
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Today is the day I go on the small date with Bucky. Well it wasn't a date, he was accompanying me to the mall. Usually I would go the way I woke up because it was always packed and I just didn't have a reason. But NOW, I feel the need to look a bit decent. I mean it's Bucky! As i finished putting on some light mascara I heard the knock echo throughout the house. Quickly I put on some chapstick and run downstairs missing the last step falling straight to my side making a huge sound.
"Y/n?" He called from the other side of the door.
"Come in" I groan and slowly start to get up when a warm hand helps me.
"You okay?" I nod and give him a sheepish embarrassed smile.
"I'm a klutz" I laughed quickly fixed myself feeling my cheeks get red.
"You okay?" He again asked worried.
"Yep yep yep" I try to avoid his gaze as feel my shoulder bruise up. I grabbed my small backpack and beanie walking out closing the front door.
"Ready?" He nodded.
"You wanna drive or?"
"Your car" it was my mom's car, but who cares. Slipping into the driver's seat putting my backpack in the back. Silence filled the car and my hands began to get clammy due to the anxious air.
"Y-you can put on music if you want?" I looked at him and gave him my phone.
"Um you can go to YouTube or my playlist" my eyes went back to the road.
How the fuck do you use this?! All I have is a phone that opens that Steve gave me, but this is is like a glass box.
"You okay?" She asked and gave me a worry look.
"I don't-" I handed her the phone and she took it while paying attention to the road.
"Sorry. I forgot about the lock" she said and gave it back. I began experimenting with it. This must be it? It has a music note. As soon as I open the note the screen filled with stuff. Music?
"So I just pick one or?"
"Whatever you want or just shuffle" shuffle? Just pick one you are embarrassing yourself. Anxiety rose and I choose one, she looked at me with a small smile and began humming along.
She quietly sang and my attention went straight to her. She smiled brighter and continued. She looked beautiful as always, it made me want to make her into a small size and keep her on my shoulder so no one would touch her. I feel like if I need to protect her.
"What?" She caught me looking at her.
"Nothing" I sat up and looked out the window avoiding her. Her music wasn't that bad, I understood the words that's what matters.
"Here we are" she turns off the engine and puts on her hat. Neither of us moved. Just complete silence.
"Bucky" she broke the ice.
"Have you...um..have you been following me?" Oh no.
"Do you follow me home?" Oh shit no.
"Or everywhere I go?" Holy shit No! This is it, isn't it, our newly forming friendship is over. Was there a friendship at all?
"I...." scratching my head I couldn't look at her in the eyes.
"You what?"
"Y-y-yes I followed you" she let out a huge sigh and hold my left hand. The metal hand. I forgot to put on my glove. The feeling of her small fingers was warm against mine. The warmth brought me peace until she pulled back and took the glove and put it on me. She wasn't afraid of it, and it brought me joy to know that someone liked my arm. Even when I fucking hated it.
"I was just curious, that's all." I let out a shaky laugh and we both got out of the car.
Where do I start? Where do I start? My Christmas list was all folded and messy. Oh great, it's Tom's turn. Should I even buy him something? A warm breath shivered down my spine. I look to my right and see Bucky face right next to me.
"Yes?" I asked playfully. Bucky lookes at me, that's when I notice how close we are. I feel the warmth of his breath on my cheeks and his ocean eyes on mine.
"Tom" I point at my list and remove my gaze from his to look at the paper. He takes a step back, but inside I wish he didn't.
"Tom. Tom would like new clothes, no?"
"Yeah. Sounds about right." I nod my head and open the door to a jam packed mall. In the corner of my eye I see Bucky tense up.
"You alright?"
"Just a lot of people" he anxiously said.
"Here, hold on to my back pack so we don't get separated" he nodded and let out a small laugh.
"What?" I turn to look at him.
"Its adorable" oh god that smile. If he smiled more it can get him whatever he wants in this world.
"What is?" My face warmed up.
"The backpack. It's an elephant" he stopped laughing and touched the elephants ears.
Tumblr media
"His name is Dumbo"
"Dumbo?" No way. No fucking way?! He doesn't know who Dumbo is?! He closed my mouth and chuckled. I didn't even know that my mouth was open.
"A bug is going to fly in"
"You don't know who Dumbo is?"
"No" I lost my shit. My hands where up in the air doing some weird shit.
"Am I supposed to know?" He laughs a bit harder that it melted my heart.
"Yea-" a lady bumps into me making me stumble.
"Jesus! What a bitch" I angrily mumble and I straighten my bag.
"Come on, let's go to get this over...." I walk in but turn around and face Bucky who is freaking enormous.
"Then I will show you Who Dumbo is, deal?" I stick out my hand and he gently holds it.
"Deal" that's when I hear his mechanical arm.
"Sorry it wines by itself" I let out a laugh and start walking to the nearest cheap clothing store. I feel a slight tug on my back pack and slow down for him to catch up.
The store was excellent for Tom. That picky motherfuckin egg (rich person), all he wants is designer clothing but my cheap self don't want to give it to him. What I plan is to get some shirt or jacket and sew the tag on it so he can feel proud of him self, also maybe he can give me more days off or something worth it.
"What are you going to buy him?"
"Hmmmmmm" I began looking at the shirts until I found one and checked out the price. Hmmmm Orange? Is that his color?
"Buck is Orange his color?" I cock my head to the side and look at him.
"No. It's purple? Blue? I have no idea Y/n" I take out my phone and call Rosie. Couple rings in she answers.
"Woah, somebody is up?"
"What ?!" She's angry.
"Babe, I was wondering what Tom wanted for Christmas?" I hold my phone against my ear and shoulder while in the corner of my eye I see Bucky looking at some sunglasses and trying them on. Looking smo-
"How the fuck am I supposed to know?" She distracted me.
"Well you know him better than anyone else in the damn diner"
"He kept on complaining about a damn scarf from one of them designer's clothing"
"Ahhh great" I put the shirt back on its rack and began walking towards the front desk to ask for scarfs.
"Bye bitch" i hang up my phone and try to look for the person who works here. Looking over the desk I see a group of girls sitting and gossiping.
"Excuse me" they didn't respond. I tied calling them once more but the bitches ignore me and I began to lose it. Bucky stands next to me putting a hand on my arm and slightly nods. I gave him a annoyed sigh and he pulls me to the side.
"Excuse me" his alluring voice catches their attention.
"What do you need, sweets?" A girl almost his height with a nicely portioned body (plastic) and red hair comes from behind the desk, and her two friends follow behind who look the same.
"Y/n" Bucky robs me away from them.
"Hmm" he motions me to say what I needed to say and pushes me gently to the front.
"What?" She urges.
"Hi. Um do you have any scarfs? For men?" I asked.
"I don't know? Did you look for them?" She rudely replied and checked Bucky out. Ohhh she's pushing them. She is fucking pushing my buttons.
"Do you have any or not?" I asked once more calmly.
"Are you deaf?" That's it! I'm going to jump over this desk and punch her shit te-
"Do you have them or not?" He interrupted me and the tone of his voice was a bit stern.
"Yes, sweets. They are in the back against the wall" she sweet talked to him. That cunt. Plastic cunt! I felt like jumping over but Bucky grabbed my arm and pulled me away. As he pulled me away I heard them mumble something about me, about how my body was and how i managed to get him. My anger and confidence disappeared, I felt embarrassed and disgusting. I might embarrassed him too, with my behaviour and just......me.
"There they are" he pointed and I moved from his grasp and looked for a bright colored one. What color did he like again? As I was about to ask Bucky I see the girls talk to him. It feels like high school all over. Hot guys talking to pristine girls. Then making fun of me, because of my body shape or just me being myself. After five minutes, I wanted the world to swallow me hole, but i didn't know that his eyes where concentrated on me and he smiled. And it took away a little piece of what I felt like at the moment.
"Ready?" He interrupted them. I nod and he takes the scarf approving.
"Ready to pay" as she got close to him, but he moved away to put the scarf around me and walked us to the desk. I take off the scarf and beanie to put my hair in a bun.
"Hold on" I quickly run and get the sunglasses that he was looking at and run back.
"Woah" she said about the marks and I pull my hair out of the bun. As Miss plastic was scanning the idems the girls continued mumbling about Bucky. A pang of jealousy hit my chest.
"Thank you" I sarcastically said and walked out with Bucky behind. He took hold of my arm and made me look at him.
"You look upset" he asked worried. My eyes slowly watered and my cheeks turned hot with emotion.
"Bucky...can we leave?" He nodded and I tried to bring the heat of my cheeks down. We got out of there and he got a phone call. I tried not to listen but it was a bit difficult.
"Can Dumbo wait?" He hung up the phone.
"Yep. Dumbo can wait" he smiled and it brought a small smile out of me. We arrived at his house and we bid each other goodbye.
Tag : @tnupsweetpie
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plutoniumcybernetic · 7 years
Beyond Death
The sound of boots thumping down against concrete and broken tile, the musty smell of a place abandoned and long forgotten, the settled dust that kicks up with every step... Yeah, it’s been a while. Ever since her lusus brought her to this strange facility located deep underground and highly expansive, Erisal couldn’t ever shake the feeling that there was something incredibly important to find down here... Sure, she found some very interesting things, even her ancestor’s own weapons, but there was always that pull towards something much... More.
This was a new part of the lab that she called her hive, there always seemed to be new parts to explore no matter how much she already found, deeper down and close to the geothermal reactors that keep her place running and heated in such a remote location. So much of the stuff here seems built to last for hundreds of sweeps at the least, or at least the critical bits do. Sadly they didn’t really see elevators high up on that priority list... The scars from that little tumble have healed completely, and after getting her scales? It’s hard to even find a trace of the injuries.
Pushing aside some fallen ventilation shaft, making sure the wires and pipes nearby were still functional, clearing away some random debris from the walls and ceiling, Erisal managed to get a large double door cleared and exposed. She clicked on her flashlight and took a peek through the small windows in the doors themselves, seeing what looked to be some kind of huge computer bank or control center or something, with a couple more doors and tables scattered around... If this was the main computer system she’s been looking for all these sweeps, Eri is about to be one happy dragon!
Quickly getting to work cracking the doors open after the electronic locks sealed things shut however the hell long ago this place was abandoned, Eri pops the doors open in a matter of minutes, a small cloud of dust being kicked up from the movement. Waving it away, Erisal points the flashlight inside as she takes a couple steps in to start looking around, noting the massive banks of monitors and interfaces and setup... This HAD to be an information goldmine, and was sure to get some good prices on the black market if she comes across the right data... First thing’s first of course, getting power back to this place. Most areas had some minor backup power solution in place, usually a small nuclear reactor for vital systems to keep running at low power draw once cut off from the main grid. This place couldn’t be much different.
A couple of the doors were locked tight, more deadbolted than anything, and those are way more hassle to get through than they’re worth most of the time, but one had a simple key lock, and the others led nowhere interesting, just some tables and miscellaneous equipment. It takes less than a minute to pop the lock on that door, leading into a maintenance closet, just what she was looking for! Granted it smelled about as good as you could expect from hundred sweep old cleaning supplies and spare parts all stacked up semi-neatly, but Eri could hold her breath for as long as she needed to find those breakers... Always behind a shelf, annoying and hard to reach... God these scientists had some fucked up priorities about building code. Reaching towards the back of the closet and shoving some boxes out of the way, Eri manages a handhold on the main breaker for the room, yanking and grunting as she tries to pull it down in spite of the awful angle and the sweeps of rust and gunk holding it up... Suddenly there’s a shift, Eri cranking it down in an instant and slamming her own head into the shelves, causing a box of something to hit the ground and scatter!
“Owww...” She says aloud to herself as she hears things turning back on, lights and fans and general computer noises, not to mention the area’s ventilation system. A couple of the ceiling lights just plain don’t work anymore, but the ones that do are bright enough to light the room as much as she needs! She rubs her head and looks down, a bunch of spilled bolts and angle brackets littering the floor, something she is NOT cleaning up today, or probably ever. But with the main computer bank turning on, her attention is all on that now! Quickly she steps over to see the main screen going through the boot-up process, making lots of the normal calls for a mainframe starting up, only taking a few seconds to get through it all... But after the normal ones, things get decidedly stranger, making calls to things implying something to do with a brain, and computer intelligence... Nothing she’s ever even heard of before. A few more clicks, and on the main screen it goes black, with some kind of stylized firefly right in the middle of it... Then, a feminine voice from the speakers all around the room.
[“Aahhhh... Someone’s got some explaining to do.”]
That voice is definitely speaking in east Alternian, which is incredibly strange considering what area of the world Eri’s hive is in, is this a broadcast or something? She replies back, in her native tongue as well.
[”Err, I don’t think I’m the one you’re looking for-”] She’s immediately cut off by the voice again.
[”Wha-, hey who in the hell... Uh.”] The voice stops for a moment, both it and Eri in a sort of stunned silence, before it continues. [”Ah, y-yes! Greetings fellow Sedrah, all glory to the Sedeerian Empire!”]
Eri blinks. [”...The hell are you talking about? Who? Sedsomething?”] She grabs a hold of the table and eyes the doors, ready to run if need be.
[”...Wait a sec, you’re not...?”] The voice just breathes a sigh of relief by the sound of it, and starts... Laughing? [”Ahaha, ohhh okay you’re just a troll mutant or something? Or slave? Either way you’re speaking Alternian, east Alternian too, which is weird for this area!”]
[”Oh, I mean, technically? I’m a troll? I think? I was born a troll and can kinda turn back into that form but... Anyways, who the hell are you and where are you broadcasting from, exactly?”]
[”HAH, broadcast, funny. No no, I’m just here. Everywhere. All around you. I am this lab.”] She says, definitely some malice behind the voice this time around, though nothing happens as Eri was expecting.
[”...Well, uh, sorry for waking you up, ma’am! You can call me Erisal, Erisal Torell if you will-”] Eri is cut off again.
[”WOAH woah back up a second... Torell...”] The voice goes silent for a second, then a few more moments, seeming to be almost... Contemplating something. [”...Open up that jacket. Let me see your symbol. I don’t...”]
Erisal just nods, pulling off her jacket and showing her shirt, symbol emblazoned right up on the front of it, in a bright glowing green. [”I mean, is that fine? Did you know something about me or my ancestor or...”]
[”...Hun.”] The screen flickers for a moment, Erisal’s own symbol, the Torell symbol, bright and green comes proudly displayed. [”Thespian Flamefly, at your service!~”]
Eri doesn’t even realize she’s gripping onto the table so tightly, just standing there, not really believing her eyes and ears and kinda lost in her own head... There’s almost a feeling inside of her that it’s true, this is the Flamefly, while the logical part of her is saying ‘shut the fuck up she’s dead as hell’. Maybe this is some kind of weird personal assistant AI or something?
[”...ellooooo? Erisal, you still with us in the land of the... Liviiiiing...?”] She questions herself, seeming pretty unsure about that last part. [”Oh shit, you’ve got a blog! Geeze that’s cute, don’t mind meeee just looking at your activi-”]
[”HEY HEY HEY, YOU STOP, YOU DON’T NEED TO BE GOING THROUGH THAT.”] She says out loud, pointing at the monitor, actually a little flushed with embarrassment. How was she supposed to know that her computer was gonna be wired up to this place?
[”Oh! You’re back, don’t worry I just made a little post, you looked like you were having a moment. Hey, someone replied!”]
[”STOP, DON’T ANSWER IT, I SWEAR TO GOD.”] ...Yeah, this had to be her ancestor.
[”Fiiine, you’re right, I’m a little more interested in you, anyways! Like, you seem a bit up your own ass to be my descendant...”]
[”Oh hush, you’d be a bit uptight if you were in a weird part of a deep underground lab and some fuckin AI of your ancestor started talking to you and being a little bit vaguely threatening and...”] She takes a moment to catch her breath.
[”Okay, point. But I’m not an AI, actually. I am very much real and a living person who’s cheated death, and my body is...”] She stops for a long moment, a couple of disconcerted sounds coming from the speakers. [”...Mmmm I’m gonna need a new one of those.”]
[”Soooo, you’re alive, but you don’t have a body.”]
[”Brain in a jar?”]
[”Oh you’re familiar with the term? Well, it’s not wrong for the situation...”]
[”Ugh, okay, we have way too much to talk about, catch up on, stuff like that, but...”] Eri stands herself back up, looks up a the monitor with her symbol on it, and has to hold back a tear or two. [”I am so, so glad I found you.”]
[”Hey, I’m glad you found me too hun~ But uh, before we get TOO emotional? Can we work on getting me a new body first? Oh, and by the way?”]
Eri just brushes the tears from her eyes and shakes her head, knowing how silly she must look. [”Right right, I have some Ideas. And shoot.”]
[”You can call me Sengsi. Much less formal~”]
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matcha-chocolate · 8 years
I’m combining prompts again! These are from @samwichwilson​ Sam + cooking   and samsteve + vodka
“It’ll be good for our spirits,” Steve had said.  “I read that it’s good for forming closer bonds,” Steve had mentioned not-at-all-casually over breakfast. “Don’t you want some fresh air?” Steve had called loudly on one of their runs, as he lapped Sam.  “We both have some time off coming up, don’t we?” Steve mused as he did chin-ups, barely sweating. Sam, breathing hard through his 64th pushup, finally snapped.  “I’m not going camping, Steve. Shut. Up. About it.” Steve just grinned sheepishly. Sam groaned, because he knew a ‘I’ll drop it... for about 2 days’ look when he saw it. 
“The mountains must be beautiful this time of year,” Steve had murmured against Sam’s neck late at night, his arm pulling the other man close to his chest.  “This again,” Sam muttered sleepily. “Steve, why are you so obsessed with this?” “I never went as a kid,” Steve said mournfully. Sam made an unimpressed snort.  “Me neither. Try again.” “It ...looks like fun?” “Paying good money to buy a tent and camping supplies, leaving my warm apartment-- which already HAS sleeping and cooking and showering amenities, might I add-- to get my ass bitten by mosquitoes and bears?” When Steve spoke, his voice shook a little from repressed mirth. “Are the bears and mosquitoes in cahoots, or--” “I’m leaving you.” “C’mon, Sam,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to his lover’s skin. “Please. I promise it’ll be fun.” “... don’t make me regret this, Rogers.”
Sam sincerely regretted meeting Steve Rogers sometimes. The object of his annoyance was currently trying without success to tie a tarp over their tent. Because it was raining (of course.) And their tent was leaking (fantastic.) And it was leaking because Steve Rogers was still a cheapass despite having a pretty sizable bank account (Sam understood why, but shut up.) “Okay, I think I got it!” Steve called, sticking his head into the tent and positively beaming. Nothing -- not the bad weather, not the shitty tent, not even the absolute swarm of mosquitoes that adored him-- nothing was dampening his spirits. He clambered ungracefully into the tent, dripping water, and then shook his head to get the water out, spattering cold drops of rain all over Sam and his sleeping bag. Sam shot him a poisonous glare that Steve totally missed. And what was the point of glaring at someone if they didn’t notice, really?  “How you holding up, Sammy?” “Don’t call me ‘Sammy,’ Rogers.” “Aw, geeze. You’re grumpy, huh?” “Die.” “Great! Okay, let’s get some dinner going...” Sam tried to hold on to his bad mood, he really did. He was damp, he was cold, and he could only think that right at that moment, he could be home with ESPN and some good whiskey, but noooo. But Steve was... he was so damn happy to be out here with Sam, fussing over him and setting up their little heat stove, rubbing his arms to warm him up, making him hot cocoa... Sam softened a little.  (Steve’s wet t-shirt being plastered to his ridiculous torso helped to cheer him up, too.) “What’ve we got to eat?” Sam asked, his voice slightly muffled from the sleeping bag being pulled up near his mouth. Steve rifled through their supply pack, pulling out a somewhat baffling assortment of food.  “We’ve got... Spam, beef jerky, raisins, I think this is a potato, and... Skittles? You like Skittles, right? Oh hey-- a carrot!” “Rogers, did you just close your eyes and grab random shit off the shelves at the supermarket?” “Uh...” “Rogers, did you not go to the supermarket?” “I spent a lot of time looking for a reasonably-priced tent! I ran out of time!” “Oh my god, you just took whatever was left in our pantry.” “I was ... being resourceful?” “You were in the war, man, how do you not know how to pack supplies?!” “I wasn’t in charge of the supplies, I was in charge of punching holes in Nazi tanks!” “Ohhh. My god.” Sam shuffled out of his sleeping bag and made his way over to Steve, who was looking decidedly sulky (but only because he really had fucked up on the food.) Sam sat on his haunches near him and placed his hands on either side of Steve’s face.  “I love you, but you’re an idiot.” “....you love me?”  Sam blinked. He hadn’t meant to...  “Well, yeah. Guess so.”  Steve positively glowed, leaning forward to kiss Sam soundly on the lips. “Me too. The love thing, I mean. But about you.” “You’re a disaster,” Sam muttered, unable to keep the fondness out of his voice. Steve shrugged, still smiling like a dope as he watched Sam unzip a small section of their pack.  “Lucky for you, some of us thought to go to the corner store yesterday.” “I read somewhere that raisins can go in stew,” Steve offered, trying to be helpful. Sam considered for a second.  “Why not? Chuck ‘em in.” The beef(jerky), carrot, potato, and now raisin stew ... smelled surprisingly good. Sam had come through with a few ready-to-heat pouches of soup, and they’d decided to combine the things that seemed least troublesome into some kind of soup-stew-meal-thing.  “I bet I can find some wild onions!” Steve said suddenly. Sam looked up, frowning.  “It’s pitch black and storming out. Onions aren’t worth all that--” “I can see fine. I’ll be right back, okay?” “You don’t know how to pack for a camping trip, but you can spot onions at night during a storm?” “Yup. Not the first time I’ve done it.” Sam shook his head and went back to stirring the stew.  Picking onions shouldn’t take two hours. Sam was damn sure of that. He chewed fretfully at his lip, glancing at his phone again. He’d called and texted Steve several times; the storm wasn’t letting up, and Sam was slowly becoming more and more worried. Rogers could take care of himself, but he was also a magnet for trouble.  Sam heaved a huge sigh and squared his shoulders, coming to a decision. Turning off the heat of their little camping stove, Sam put on his jacket and shrugged into the heavy pack. Would he ever get a break from saving Rogers’ dumb ass? Sam was immediately soaked to the bone upon exiting the tent, the cold water trickling down the back of his neck. Camping was the worst.  Sam used his hand to shield his eyes from the rain, squinting to see if he could pick out where Steve had wandered off. Using the flashlight in his pack, he swept the ground in front of him, looking for a familiar boot print-- and behind him, he heard the sound of tearing fabric. Whirling on the spot, Sam aimed the beam of the flashlight at the tent, and nearly had a heart attack when the cold flash of an animal’s eyes caught the light. Bears.  Seriously. Bears. Sam was a brave man, but knowing that if he’d stayed another 5 minutes in the tent, he’d be a dead brave man made him feel a little faint. One of the massive animals gave an inquisitive huff and moved towards him, and Sam bolted the other way. Usain Bolt who?
“Sam? You okay?” “It’s raining, you went missing and aged me 5 years, our tent got attacked by bears, and I just fell off a cliff.” “Yeah, that hill up there’s a doozy. Wait, bears?” “A doozy. I accepted my death on the way down, Steve. This is how I was gonna die. Running from bears, in the rain, falling off a cliff.” “The fall wasn’t that long.” “Let me be dramatic. Please. It’s been a shitty night.” “I-- you’re right. I’m sorry, Sam.” “Thank you. Also, fuck you for dragging me camping.” “Noted. I’ve got some good news, though!” “What could possibly be good news at this point?” “I see lights over that way,” Steve said, pointing. Sam noticed even in the dim beam of the flashlight (which had somehow survived the fall) that he was covered head to toe in scratches. Steve never got the hang of falling with grace, which was something Sam had had to learn fast during the trial runs of the Falcon wings.  “If that’s not a decent hotel, I’m going to murder you,” Sam said matter-of-factly, offering his hand to Steve to pull him up.  “Fair,” Steve nodded, leading the way towards the lights. 
The front desk attendant looked terrified as the sopping, bloodied and limping men stumbled into the elegant lobby of the hotel. Steve’s patented Captain America Smile, Sam’s charming witty banter, and a Stark black credit card got them a pretty nice room.  “Ooowww!” “Holy shit, Steve, you’ve been thrown off of buildings. You’ve been thrown through buildings. You’ve been shot more times than I can count. Quit whining, they’re just scratches.” “I gotta act stoic in front of the troops. I mean, the team. The serum made me stronger, not immune to pain. And there are a lot of damn scratches and you’re pouring vodka all over them.” “Gotta disinfect them,” Sam said cheerfully. He’d already tended to his own surprisingly few cuts (see? learning to fall properly paid off), but since his field kit had been lost in the bear attack (seriously. bears.) he had to make do with the overpriced tiny bottles of vodka in the minibar and the boxes of band-aids that the woman at the front desk had worriedly pressed into his hands upon them checking in.  “I’ll heal up in a few hours, Sam, geeze.” “Sorry, did the serum make you immune to infection? Because I seem to remember someone getting a pretty nasty infection from a splinter because oh, the serum.” “Point.” “Damn right,” Sam muttered. He dabbed at the last (and worst) of Steve’s scrapes, gentle with his hands even as he grumbled about how foolish his boyfriend was.  “Sam,” Steve said quietly sometime later, halfway through tucking into a hamburger mercifully provided by room service.  “Hmm?” “I uhm, when I fell off the cliff...” “Yeah?” “I just. I thought of you. I was worried about you and-- and I thought, ‘What if I never see him again?’ It made me feel sick.” Sam looked at him for a long moment before putting aside his mostly empty plate and scooting closer to him. He took Steve’s hand in his, threading their fingers together.  “Yeah, Steve. Welcome to being in love.” They passed the tiny vodka bottles back and forth as they told each other about their camping mishaps while apart. It turned out to be a lot funnier on the retelling than when it had actually happened. That, and vodka made everything hilarious. 
“You still cold?” Steve asked into the darkness. Sam mumbled sleepily and Steve took that to mean ‘yes,’ because he was soon shuffling closer behind Sam, holding him and letting his body heat warm Sam. “I hate you slightly less,” Sam sighed, finally content. “Music to my ears,” Steve yawned. They would both wake up with the warm afterglow of love. And pretty nasty hangovers.
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megamanxfanfics · 7 years
S.IV - Ep. 2: A Feud Amongst Friends
Written by Metal Man X
Caption: June 1, 21XX.  – The night of the Erasure Incident.  5 months ago.
Rainy Turtloid stands in quarantine behind a glass chamber.  His armor is in the process of being decontaminated from dangerously high levels of toxins as Gate and his new colleague, DR. LAYE study him.
DR. LAYE: Well.  Your reploid looks much better than he did when he first got here.  What was his name again?
GATE: (Proud) This is Rainy Turtloid.  He is a member of our Water Quality Research Team.
She studies him and takes note of his ominous presence.
DR. LAYE: I see… He’s huge!! Why is he.. armed with all of those weapons?
GATE: (excited) He was designed to explore areas with high levels of pollution too great for humans and other reploids to investigate. As such, his defense systems were greatly heightened!
DR. LAYE: Hmm… Perhaps they’ve been heightened a little too much.  I’m a little concerned about his defense systems.  …Just look at all this.
She points to Rainy Turtloid’s huge frame.
DR. LAYE: …It’s unnecessary.
GATE: (offended) Well in my opinion, I think he’s perfect.
DR. LAYE: Listen to me, Gate.  I’ve done you a huge favor, granting your branch a fresh start here.  With Berkana and Isoc both out of the picture, you are the new Department Head, which means that we need to work together.
Gate politely nods, but his guard is up.
GATE: Right…
DR. LAYE: I am your new supervisor now. And as such, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to limit this reploid’s abilities. 
GATE: …and what if I don’t?
DR. LAYE: …I know about your track record, Gate. I’ve read your file. …you’re a very liberal scientist with a keen interest in illegal DNA experiments… If you cross me, you will be out of here so fast.. that no other Research Branch would even bother to look at your file.   …I demand that he be weakened, as soon as possible.
Gate looks down at the ground in silence.
She walks away as the heels of her reploid boots seem to echo throughout the chamber. ‘clack’ ‘clack’ ‘clack’ ‘clack’.  When the heavy door closes behind her, Gate stares at the floor with a lowered head.
GATE: (muttering, sad) …I can’t…  I won’t!
He turns to a table and pounds his fist on it as hard as he can.
He throws equipment and beakers on the ground in a fit of rage.
From his Quarantine Chamber, Rainy Turtloid makes a miserable frown as he watches his creator thrash about the room.
RAINY TURTLOID: Master…  Please forgive me… for bearing this burden…
As Gate carries on in a worried fit of despondency, Rainy Turtloid can only grimace and feel a deeper sense of guilt.  His Master is upset because of him.  Gate's career was on the line, simply because of his existence. Feeling no other sense of recourse, Rainy Turtloid knows what he must do.
Slowly he activates sharp blades from his shell.  They break off the latches from a cleansing device, which held him in place.  As sparks fly, Gate looks at him from the other side of the glass.
He runs over to the Decontamination Chamber and presses his hands against the glass.
RAINY TURTLOID: I will not allow you to ruin your livelihood on my account. Sometimes, sacrifices need to be made, in order to achieve our goals.  Goodbye, my Master…
Without hesitation, Rainy Turtloid aims his heavy missiles directly at the ground and explodes within the Quarantined Room.
Alarms blare as Gate stares at the contained explosion.  For the third time, another of his prized creations have died, before him.  
-       Fade to white –
INT. LAYE LABS – Main Work Area – NIGHT
-       Fade in to Dr. Laye's Small Practice-
 Gate's scream transitions into a cry from their new supervisor.
ALIA: Oh my God!
GATE: Oh man…
His creations and supportive staff all cover their mouths distraught at the sight on TV.
 Caption: November 15, 21XX – The night of the Sky Lagoon Incident.  Now.
ANCHOR: (filtered) The Sky Lagoon has fallen and completely levelled the lower half of Virginia, below.  There are no known survivors at this time.  Immediate responders to this tragic incident were various members of the Maverick Hunters and Repliforce, but they were too late.  It is currently unknown as to why the Sky Lagoon has crashed, but some sources say that it may have been due to a malfunction from the City's Power Reactor.
GATE: (annoyed) A Malfunction??
DR. LAYE: Are you kidding me!?
ALIA: (sad, upset) All that work..! Just like that.  Its gone.  All of our dreams are gone!!
Gate holds Alia by the shoulder and consoles her.
GATE: (determined) Not all of them.
He glares defiantly at the TV as we zoom into the screen, which displays the burning, fallen city.
[Insert Title Card – A Feud Amongst Friends]
 X teleports in to Dr. Cain's old lab to find a frustrated Zero throwing his helmet at the Mother Computer console.
 ZERO: God /DAMN it!!!!
X: (reacting) Zero!
His red helmet /knocks against the console and falls to the ground.
ZERO: Colonel is gonna start a War with us over NOTHING!!!
X: Nooo. We've got to stop him.  We'll talk some sense into him.
ZERO: We can't!
X: We have to…
Zero looks away, annoyed as he pulls out the tight band holding his pony tail up and lets his long hair drop to his shoulders.
He looks back at X with a serious face.
ZERO: What happened up there man??
X: I don’t know. It all happened so fast..  I… investigated the distress signal and saw a bunch of new mechaniloids damaging the Sky Lagoon along with that huge Dragon.  A small group of Repliforce soldiers were also occupying the area, but when they saw me, they just started firing at me!!
ZERO: What? For no reason!?
X: Yeah!!  Intel said that Repliforce were responsible for the attack.  At first I didn’t want to believe it, but… they attacked me!  Unprovoked.
Zero looks at X with wider eyes.
ZERO: I can’t believe it.
X: Dragoon was there too.
ZERO: That makes sense.  It figures that he’d be the first to show up after all of his digging.
X: Yeah, but it was all too late.  That Giant Dragon took out the Power Generator by the time he got there.
Zero's eyes twitch for a moment.
ZERO: Huh..  And that was when the rest of the base was alerted.
X frowns.
X: Yeah…
ZERO: But why, Colonel.. I don’t get it!  Why couldn’t he just come back and debrief with us? Just like we're doing.
X: He seemed to be under the impression that it would've been more of an interrogation.
ZERO: He's an idiot. And we're all going to pay the price for it…
X: Well…  That doesn’t have to be…  We can still turn this around.
ZERO: Hmph…
Zero pulls up Dr. Cain's last report. Now 5 months outdated at this point.
ZERO: Doctor Cain saw something coming all the way back in June.
He points at his directive on the screen to remind X.
DR. CAIN: (written) REPLIFORCE v3 proven ineffective and potentially dangerous.  Devise alternative to REPLIFORCE program. Establish MAVERICK HUNTER v4 with combo v3 units #0 and #17.  Respond to Maverick riot without delay.
X frowns. 
X: I… still don’t understand why he wrote that.
ZERO: Regardless, it is painfully clear now that he was right.  The Repliforce attacked you and Colonel has been nothing but defensive about it when we tried to question him.  That tells me that he's guilty!
X: Noo! We can’t be so quick to judge!!
ZERO: Hah!
He redoes his hair in a pony tail and grabs his helmet.
ZERO: You can think what you want, bud.  But like it or not, we're already at War…   You said it yourself. They struck first…
X sighs at the truth.
He puts his helmet back on and looks down at his friend.
ZERO: It's been a strange night. I'm going back to bed.  Lets sleep on it and figure this out tomorrow.
He pats X on the shoulder.
X returns the gesture with a pat on Zero's arm and a quiet nod.  Then he turns back to the monitor with a frown as Zero leaves.
-       Cut to –
SIGMA & ISOC: Muahahahah!!!!
SPLIT MUSHROOM: Baaahahahah!!
CYBER PEACOCK: Hehehehehh.
A screech from the newly designed DARK NECROBAT is heard.
Sigma, Isoc, Split Mushroom,  Cyber Peacock and Dark Necrobat all share a good gloat as they celebrate their first major victory in Sigma's Grand Plan.
SIGMA: Yeees, this is excellent. I couldn’t have planned it better if I tried.
ISOC: Hahaha. The Colonel is so incensed from the Hunters' accusations that he is willing to go to War over it.
SPLIT MUSHROOM: Ohhh, this is too Good!
CYBER PEACOCK: (filtered) Master, what shall I do next?  Once I am in their framework, I can bring their Headquarters down at any time.
SIGMA: Heeheehee.  Lets wait a little longer. I want to enjoy this and see how everything unfolds.
Dark Necrobat looks at his new master curiously as he learns of their grand plans.
ISOC: How about we create plans for our next design?
SIGMA: Actually.. I think this is the perfect time to take my leave. 
ISOC: Hmmm?
SIGMA: I'm back and my feet and it’s time to move on.
ISOC: But.. There’s so much more to be done.
SIGMA: Now that the Repliforce and Maverick Hunters are going to War, I have an opportunity to plan on a much grander scale while they tear each other apart.  I have… bigger plans!
ISOC: I see.. But, why leave?
SIGMA: I grow tired of this dank and damaged Lab…  It rightfully belongs to Split Mushroom and therefore, we should leave it to him. 
Split Mushroom grins through his mask.
SPLIT MUSHROOM: Hehehehe. Thank you!!
SIGMA: …I have far greater plans that need to be developed in comfort.  And with our enemies after each other, time is no longer an issue.
ISOC: And what are these plans, if I may…?
SIGMA: (mysterious) The Earth, my friend.  It is filled with Mavericks.  They just don’t know it yet.
Dark Necrobat looks at his creator blankly.
SIGMA: I am a Virus.  And yet, I haven’t even begun to infect this planet after all these years. …What I need to do, is devise a way to unleash my fullest potential upon all of the people..  In order to truly create a World of Mavericks.
They all Look at their master with wide eyes.
SIGMA: But in the meantime, I want to enjoy this War, while I figure that out.
ISOC: Hm.. That’s understandable…  I suppose.  Perhaps I am due for a relocation as well.
CYBER PEACOCK: (filtered) Well I'm stuck in here. So it doesn’t matter where you guys end up.  So long as there’s a computer, I'm there…
SPLIT MUSHROOM: Hmph.  Well, if you're all planning on leaving, then I wish you would do it soon, so I can get back to my work!!
Sigma grins impishly.
SIGMA: Hahahahaha!!  Very well!  Do what you will, my Mavericks. The World is ours now!!!
He flies out of a nearby crack through the broken down Lab. 
Dark Necrobat looks up at Sigma, then he looks at Split Mushroom and Isoc.  He abruptly screeches at the patchy ceiling and blasts a heavy wave of sonar at the holes in the roof.  The sonar wave breaks the ceiling open as he flies out into the night sky.
SPLIT MUSHROOM: Heeey! Watch it!!
ISOC: Auugh what’s with this one?
The ceiling rubble caves in around them. The tops of the supporting walls crumple and reveal a large view of the moon, which shines down on them from the pitch black sky. 
SPLIT MUSHROOM: Gaaaahd Damn!!
From above, Dark Necrobat turns around and flies away in the opposite direction of Sigma.
ISOC: (muttering) …Sigma..  I hope you know what you’re doing.  I think it is a mistake to put all of your faith in this Repliforce War…
-       Fade out -
EXT. MEMORIAL HALL – Repliforce Press Statement – DAY
-       Fade in -
Caption: November 16
 On a grand, golden stage, General stands by a large podium and addresses a mass of troops from his Repliforce.  His Press Statement is being broadcast around the World.
 GENERAL:  Brave soldiers of Repliforce, we have all been wrongfully judged as Mavericks by the humans. We cannot suffer this indignity and live in disgrace. We will build our own nation of Reploids. But remember, this is neither about insurrection, or rebellion against our human creators. This is about our liberty and security. We must battle for our own individual rights, and our own survival. Together we will build our own nation, a sanctuary for all Reploids, our own Utopia. Let us forge onward towards a new golden era for the Repliforce.
 The crowd cheers at the General's enlightened viewpoint as Colonel steps forward.
 COLONEL:  I, too, share the General's sentiment. Take heed, we have no other choice. Let us fight valiantly, with courage and pride, without fear—for we are the Repliforce. The most powerful army in history!
 The whole crowd cheers again as we zoom out from the audience.
 -        Cut to –
 Watching from a dark room in a nearby abandoned apartment building, Sigma watches the Press Statement from a Halogen Device.
 SIGMA:  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! The General has finally taken action! And now, my Maverick Hunters, what will you do? I'll be watching closely from here on out. Ha ha ha ha!
 -       Fade to -
INT. REPLIFORCE HQ – Recruitment Office - DAY
From his desk, Red looks at the TV monitor suspended from the wall at the corner of the room completely awestruck.
RED: What the-?
His eyes blink as he processes this new information.
RED: We’ve been labeled as.. Mavericks…?
-cut to-
EXT.  Jungle - DAY
Web Spider walks with his Guerilla Unit in a Jungle towards a large cannon.  They all nod their head in approval at the weapon they’ve been tasked to guard.
RED: (v.o, narrating) But… if the humans think we’re the Mavericks… 
-cut to-
RED: (v.o, narrating) What are the actual Mavericks up to?
Cyber Peacock stands before a protected firewall with the Maverick Hunter logo on it with his fists clenched.
-cut to-
EXT. Repliforce Air Base - DAY
Storm Owl runs with Spiral Pegasus and his Air Force Unit.
STORM OWL: Okay men!  Man your stations.  This is not a drill.
Spiral Pegasus follows his Commander onboard their heavily fortified Space Fortress.
SPIRAL PEGASUS: Where to, sir?
STORM OWL: We shall conquer the air, Skiver.  In this time of War, we must be prepared for anything, anywhere.
Spiral Pegasus gulps.
RED: (v.o, narrating) …and if we begin to retaliate…
-cut to-
EXT. Repliforce Supply Train - DAY
Slash Beast swiftly runs and hops onto a long train stocked with crates of ammunition.
He looks at the sky behind him as he stands by his Unit and growls, while the train takes off.
-cut to-
Frost Walrus stands in his Command Center as he analyzes a monitor displaying the World Map.  Before him is a set of cables and series of mechanical parts, in which he will use to change the world over once he creates his machine.
FROST WALRUS: (grinning) Heh heh…  Just you wait. Pesky Humans.  Once I build the World Freezer and get the General’s okay…  None of you will know what hit ya.   Hehehe.  It’ll be a new Ice Age!!!
-cut to-
RED: (v.o, narrating) …How will the Hunters know the difference?
 An irritated Jet Stingray flies above the coast of Sydney, Australia.  What once was a routine scan for Mavericks had now become an oppressive insult to his every being.
Unable to contain his rage any more, he acts out as he creates a barrier of wind energy all around his body.
He flies straight into the heart of the city and unleashes his powerful Ground Hunter missiles as he completely crashes through the iconic Syndey Opera House, unfazed.
-cut to-
INT. REPLIFORCE HQ – Recruitment Office – DAY
Red stares at the latest news report from his TV in fear.  Footage of Jet Stingray attacking Sydney chills him right to the core.
With wide eyes, Red shakes his head.
RED: Oh no..  I didn’t sign up for this…  This is all wrong.
He promptly gets up from his desk.
RED: (v.o, thinking) I can’t stand idly by and represent this “R” when I know we’re in the wrong.  …But, the Hunters were also wrong to label us as Mavericks in the first place…
He begins to walk towards the door.
RED: (aloud) So I’m just going to leave this all behind me.  From here on out, I stand for no one.  But myself.
With that, he closes the door behind him, never to set foot in a Repliforce Office again.
-cut to-
The door to the Control Room opens as X and Zero run towards Captain at his central console.  The sight of Iris and a strange, portly, yellow Reploid standing by his side throws them both off, however. 
 ZERO:  (surprised, reacting) Iris! ... What are you doing here?
X tilts his head as he studies the unknown, pudgy reploid.
X:  ... Who are you? 
DOUBLE:  Call me Double, the Rookie Hunter. My liege, the Repliforce has begun its coup! 
IRIS:  My brother Colonel started the coup!
ZERO:  I know...
X:  ...Wait! ...Colonel, you're jumping to conclusions here!
DOUBLE:  Sir, you've been given the order to scramble!
X:  Right!
IRIS:  Please don't fight against him! This must be some kind of mistake!
ZERO:  They've occupied several cities already. As a Hunter, I must stop them.
IRIS:  Zero...
ZERO:  We must go now!
He clenches a fist that scares Iris.
CAPTAIN: I’m afraid he’s right.
Captain sits back with a frown as he displays their latest mission prompts one by one:
The first is a mugshot of Web Spider.
COMPUTER: Infiltrate enemy-occupied jungle and destroy the weapon under construction.
 X narrows his eyes at the familiar reploid on the screen.
X: Web Spider…
 Then, a mugshot of an unfamiliar Peacock reploid is displayed.
COMPUTER: A bug has corrupted the network. Dive into cyberspace and exterminate it.
ZERO: The Network is down again??
CAPTAIN: Strangely enough, our firewalls have not been tampered with as of yet, but they could be easily!  And we all remember how horribly that went last time…
X: (frustrated) Ahhh, I don’t have time for this!  Double!  Do you think you can handle it?
DOUBLE: (surprised, but diligent) Uh.. Huh?  err.. -Roger!  You can count on me.
ZERO: Uhhh. Do you think that’s such a good idea to send in a Rookie?  …No offense.
Double closes his eyes and nervously laughs.
DOUBLE: A-ha ha..  None taken.
He blushes, which makes X sigh and shake his head.
X: (annoyed, dismissive) Ahhh..  Just monitor the situation and keep us informed. Alright?
DOUBLE: (sighing, relieved) /Yes sir!!!
At the dash he sighs and makes a /grand salute at his potential Commander.
ZERO: Hmph.  (v.o, thinking) This kid picked a Hell of a time to join us.  Poor guy..
 Captain clicks on the next mission prompt.
A mugshot of Storm Owl is displayed.
COMPUTER: The Repliforce ship has taken off. Pursue and blast it out of the air.
IRIS: (horrified) NO!!!
X: (scared) That can wait.  We don’t want to start an all out war with them yet.
Zero gives X the side eye, completely in disagreement.
ZERO: Still think this is all gonna smooth over, huh?
X is taken aback and twitches at the retort.
IRIS: I hope so!!
Zero’s entire demeanor softens at the sound of her voice and he lets out a sigh.
ZERO: (muttering) Damn it…
 Without warning, Captain displays the next prompt which blows everyone in the room away.
COMPUTER: Dragoon of the 14th Unit is a traitor.  Locate and bring him back to Hunter H.Q.
X makes wide eyes as he stares at the mugshot of Magma Dragoon on the screen.
X: (whispering, disbelief) No…
ZERO: Shit.
He quickly looks away and closes his eyes.
CAPTAIN: I’m afraid it’s so…  The 14th Unit is currently investigating the situation as we speak.
Having already received the memo, the dispatchers in the room do not react as deeply, however they still frown and shake their heads with dejection.
X: Oh man!
CAPTAIN: …There’s more…
He displays the next prompt.
An image of Jet Stingray is pulled up.
COMPUTER: Repliforce decimated the city and left. Pursue them aboard a Land Chaser.
IRIS: (shocked) Oh my God!
ZERO: They’ll PAY for this!!!
X: (worried, pressured) ..Let’s leave that.. to the Maritime Unit.  (v.o, thinking)  This has to be some sort of mistake… …r-right?
 The next prompt is displayed.  This time, featuring an unknown Mushroom-based Reploid, which X or Zero have never seen before.
COMPUTER: An abandoned lab is now operational.  An influx of Mechaniloids have been produced there.  Investigate and destroy the lab.
X’s heart skips a beat and he adjusts his posture upright, feeling somewhat relieved by the familiarity of the threat.
X: (curious) Hm…
 Captain clicks on the next mission prompt.  A mug shot of Slash Beast is displayed.
COMPUTER: A military train is moving supplies.  Cut off Repliforce’s supply route.
ZERO: Gladly.
He clenches his fist with a determined grin.
Iris grows worried at the sight of Zero’s eagerness.
 CAPTAIN: And last but not least…
 He displays the final prompt.  It is a mug shot of Frost Walrus.
 COMPUTER: We’ve discovered a hidden snow base.  Halt production of their new weapon.
 X: Wow.
 The new recruit stares at all of their mission prompts with wide eyes, completely overwhelmed.
DOUBLE: This is... too much!
X shares his new recruits disposition, but must set the example.  He immediately shakes off his own fears and looks down at the young aspiring Hunter.
X: Double…  You don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.  You’re just a recruit.
He puts a comforting hand on his shoulder, but Double only frowns at the gesture.
Meanwhile, Zero grows anxious with anticipation.
ZERO: Ah man.  Decisions, decisions!  Where should we go first?
X looks over to his partner without as much enthusiasm, and looks up at their mission directives.
X: We’ve got a lot on our plate.
CAPTAIN: Yes.  You do…
ZERO: I say we cut off their supply route first.  Weaken their defenses.  Then we check out the action in Sydney.
X frowns.
CAPTAIN: What about the weapons currently in production?  Or this bird in Cyberspace…?  They could prove to be even worse threats.
ZERO: No way.  We’ll take out the brunt of their forces with all that we’ve got while we’re fresh.  Then we can handle the potential threats.
X: No.  He’s right.  We need to take this slowly.
ZERO: Are you kidding me-?
Iris looks at the two iconic Maverick Hunters disagreeing through their proposed strategies and begins to panic.
IRIS: PLEASE don’t fight the Repliforce!!!
ZERO: They’re giving us no choice!!  Just /Look at all of that out there!!!
He vehemently /points to the screen.
X frowns and looks at Iris.
X: Believe me.  I’m going to do everything that I can to stop this before it can get any worse.
She nods and wipes away a tear from her eyes.  Outside of X, she is the only reploid who seems to be capable of emoting to such a degree.
IRIS: O-okay…
She calms down as Captain addresses both of them.
CAPTAIN: Iris is standing with the Maverick Hunters as a sign of Unity.  She hopes that her presence among us will serve as a reminder to them that we are both on the same side.
X and Double share an impressed look, while Zero shakes his head only further annoyed at the idea.
ZERO: Only.. we’re absolutely Not on the same side.   Her stupid, brother had to be stubborn and draw a line in the sand when he refused to answer a few questions about the Sky Lagoon.
IRIS: (defensive, offended) He shouldn’t have to!  He was responding to the incident just like you two.
ZERO: All the more reason for him to cooperate!!!
X: Guys.
IRIS: (bickering) Oh yeah.  And you’re SO easy to talk to!
ZERO: Excuse me?
X: Enough!  …This kind of thinking is exactly what got us in this mess in the first place.
They both look at X and take a moment to cool off.
Zero slowly walks up to her and gives her a close hug. 
ZERO: I’m sorry…
He lightly presses his forehead against hers as they embrace.
IRIS: Me too…
She wraps her arms around him and buries her head into his chest, worried.
 X takes a deep breath as he focuses his attention on the Mission Screen.
 X: I think.. Captain is right.  We should take preventative measures and focus on the minor activity first before they can become a major problem later.
ZERO: And what about the city that Jet Stingray just demolished?
X: Did you not hear me suggest that the Maritime Unit should handle it?
ZERO: Hmph.  And what about Storm Owl taking to the sky enforce?
X: (firm, strong) That doesn’t concern us, yet.  If it becomes a problem, we can have the 7th & 8th Armored Air Cavalry investigate.
ZERO: Hmph.  You have an answer for everything, don’t you?
X: Look…  Web Spider is stationed in a jungle guarding a weapon of mass destruction.  The least we could do is question him.  He’s an Ex-Maverick Hunter.  Maybe he’ll cooperate…
ZERO: Hah.  Fat chance.  He’ll want to fight us the moment he sees us and you know it.
X frowns, knowing that Zero is right. 
X: Hmm…
Captain pulls up more information on Web Spider’s Repliforce Unit.
CAPTAIN: There are actually a lot of Ex-Maverick Hunters in his new Guerilla Unit.
CAPTAIN: Yes.  You should have the 9th Unit accompany you.  A lot of these guys are formerly Special Ops and Armored Hunters.
ZERO: Heh.  Wow.  How about that?  It’s all the Hunters that left the second I came back.
X frowns.
X: They thought that you were a Maverick…  Even though you explained yourself to them.
ZERO: Shya. ..fools.  Serves them right!
X’s eyes glint in fear and pain as he stares at his one-track minded comrade.
X: (v.o, thinking) And now you’re doing the same thing to them. How do you not see that??  …We have to give them a chance to explain themselves.  It is the only way out of this foolish War.
-       Freeze Frame. Grainy Effect -
NARRATOR: (v.o) The Maverick Hunters and The Repliforce have made up their minds. The time to determine the Future of Reploid Independence has arrived.  Falsely accused, the Repliforce Navy has begun to strike. Now, the Maverick Hunters must act as a sign of retaliation.  As both sides make their initial preparations for War, X wonders if there could possibly be something more to all of this.  At present, the only definitive answer is the fact that this Repliforce War will prove the test of time and be talked about for years to come.
-       Fade to black -
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