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asfaltics · 1 month ago
a sudden rush, which words could never speak
  a sudden rush, a something of sound behind me     ₁ as though a something of the past     ₂   a something of some few dimensions, a span-long     ₃ literature or something of that kind     ₄   a something of familiar sound     ₅ a something of which running water     ₆   as fluidity resides in water; a something of nothing     ₇ a something of that restlessness, which     ₈   curative agency is resolvable into a something of change     ₉ a something of life, a speck only; this somewhat about     ₁₀   still a something of the day     ₁₁ a something of light heart     ₁₂   A something of the heaven’s own light,       Which words could never speak.     ₁₃  
sources (their respective details at the more’s)
1 conclusion of Gordon Young his four-part story “Sourcery and Everhard,” in Adventure (First August, 1921) / more 2 J. St. Clement [Eliza Cook?], “My Walk to ‘The Office’” (No. vi. and last), in Eliza Cook’s Journal No. 100 (Saturday, March 29, 1851) / more 3 ex The Royall Passing-Bell : Or Davids Summons to the Grave. A Sermon preached (lately) in the Parish-Church of Orchard-Portman in Sommerset. At the Funerall of the most hopefull, and truly-noble, Sr. Hugh Portman, Baronet; the great losse and sorrow both of his name and countrie. By Humphrey Sydenham... (London, 1630) / more 4 Anthony Hope, The Dolly Dialogues (Chicago; ca 1894?; 1890) / more 5 Jane Austen, Persuasion (1818) / more 6 chapter 4, on “Roads,” in The rural economy of the Midland counties; including the management of livestock, in Leicestershire and its environs: together with minutes on agriculture and planting in the district of the Midland Station. By Mr. Marshall. v. 1 (of 2) (London, 1796) / more 7 from Chapter 55 “The Spiritual Sense of the World,” in The Yoga-vásishtha-mahárámáyana of Válmiki, translated from the original Sanskrit by Vihári-lála Mitra; Containing The Nirvána-Prakarana, Uttarádha (Calcutta, 1899) / more 8 “Passages from the Life of Mary Stuart,” The American Monthly Magazine (August 1, 1834) / more 9 David Uwins, A Treatise on those Diseases which Are Either Directly or Indirectly Connected with Indigestion : Comprising a Commentary on the Principal Ailments of Children (London, 1827) / more 10 a ( fortuitous ? ) OCR misread across columns two and three (near top) of page, at “Inaugural Address of the President, Thomas R. Huxley, LL.D., F.R.S., etc., before the British Association for the Advancement of Science,” in Scientific American> (October 8, 1870) / more 11 ex Canto IV, 102-103 of “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” in The Works of the Right Hon. Lord Byron, vol. 2 (of 2); (London, 1815) / more 12 ex “The Foundling of Liverpool,” by the author [likely Felix M’Donogh (1768?-1836)] of the Hermit in London, in The Ladies’ Museum “New and improved series” (London; January 1831) / more 13 ex stanza 2 (of 15) in the poem “The Ruin” by “Linus,” in The American Monthly Magazine (August 1, 1834) / more  
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scotianostra · 1 month ago
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On February 3rd 1700, a fire broke out on the north side of Cowgate in Edinburgh's Old Town.
From there the flames spread and burnt down the close and its close surroundings, including the merchant’s Exchange building, where the Three Sister bar now is.
The fire extended rapidly up hill to involve the tall tenements on the south and east sides of Parliament Square. One, fifteen storeys high, the tallest building in Edinburgh, was reduced to a heap of ashes and ‘made a prodigious blaze"
The buildings were densely occupied and about three or four hundred families lost their homes, including many notables such as the President of Parliament, the President of the Court of Session and other Lords, lawyers, clerks and poorer families. Several lives were lost and a great number seriously injured.
Offices of businesses were destroyed including the recently opened Bank of Scotland – the only bank in Scotland at that time. Mercifully the Parliament Hall and St Giles escaped major damage. The Advocates, who lost their library in the fire, were given space in the Laigh Hall below Parliament House.
Although it escaped major damage the fire allowed the council to rebuild the Parliament “in a uniform style of architecture” regulating the buildings appearance to prevent fire. The rest of the close was given a grand entry and the courtyard was rebuilt uniformly with a continuous arcade along the front.
Cassells Old & New wrote this short account bout the Parliament building:
This magnificent hall and the buildings connected with it had a narrow escape in the “Great Fire” of 1700. It broke out in Lord Crossrig’s lodging, at Mr. John Buchan’s, near the meal-market, on a night in February; and Duncan Forbes of Culloden asserts in a letter to his brother the colonel, that he never beheld a more vehement fire; that 400 families were burned out, and that from the Cowgate upwards to the High Street scarcely one stone was left upon another.
A broadsheet entitled Fire! Fire! stated that the fire had been started by someone throwing a bottle of whisky into an open hearth.. The fire engines were of little or no use, water being scarce and the old closes so narrow that they could not gain access. As mentoned in Cassells. Duncan Forbes wrote to his brother that it was the greatest fire he ever saw ‘notwithstanding I saw London burne’, It reads;
All the pryde of Edenr. is sunk; from the Cowgate to the High Street all is burnt, and hardly one stone left upon another…the Parliament House very hardly escapt; all Registers confounded; Clerks Chambers, and processes, in such confusion, that the Lords and Officers of State are just now mett at Rosse’s Taverne, in order to adjourneing the Sessione by reason of the disorder…twenty thousand hands flitting ther trash they know not wher…These babells, of ten and fourteen story high, are down to the Ground, and their fall’s very terrible….This Epitome of dissolution I send you, without saying any more, but that the Lord is angry with us, and I see no intercessor.
Of course the clergy couldn't let this go without blaming someone, preaching sermons in which they attributed the fire to God’s punishment for the wickedness of the populace. The Town Council also took to preaching and on 4th December 1702 introduced an ‘Act anent suppressing Immoralities,’ which contained the following:-
…considering the great growth of immoralities within the City and Suburbs, and the fearful rebukes of God, by a dreadful Fire in Parliament Close….which happened about midnight upon 3rd February 1700….also, remembering the terrible Fire….on the north side of the Lawn market….28 October 1701 with several lives lost. Likewise reflecting upon other Tokens of God’s wrath lately come upon us… We…being moved with the zeal of God….do in the Lord’s strength resolve to be more watchful over our hearts and ways than formerly; And each of us in our several capacities, to reprove vice with due zeal and prudence as we shall have occasion…. under penalty of Twenty Merks Scots.
The height of the new tenements was restricted to eleven storeys rather than the fifteen storeys of their predecessors but even so Tobias Smollett writing in 1770 observed that ‘I cannot view it without horror; that is, the dreadful situation of all the families above, in case the common stair-case should be rendered impassable by a fire in the lower stories’.
The council's supposed "fireproofing" of the Parliament meant little as 124 years later a large section of the High Street went up in flames in "The Great Fire"
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noeggets · 11 months ago
Noeggets has a lot of deep thoughts about Shadow's characterization
it's so sad that Shadow was only a project to gerald, like we all joke /think that Shadow was "part of the family" but he was only a cure to Maria, that man was not as good a person as we think he was IM NOt SAYING HE WAS BAD but i usually see him depicted as super super kind to Shadow but i was reading the lore of SA2 and watching an analysis video and if the president never asked him to make whatever he asked him to make Shadow very well would not have been created.
It's so dark and so sad, like he manipulated Shadow when he went insane how do you think it feels to Shadow to know the person who made him didn't truly love him? like neither of the things that created/help create Shadow really truly loved him, he's only a cure, he's just a thing to reach immortality, he very well could be immortal himself, Shadow i don't think he can die cause he was created to not be able to catch any disease and be immortality it's self.
How do you think that feels? to just be a thing? Biolizard is just a failed attempt at making Shadow based on Chaos, those Chaos things in the ARK are failed attempts at Shadow also based on Chaos, i never knew this until i read the wiki 2 days ago SA2 has such a dark story i feel so bad for Shadow
re-thinking what i used to think about IDW Shadow lemme explain
And now that i know all this about Shadow the way he acts in IDW makes a little more sense to me, we all thought he was stupid when Sonic said "don't touch those zobot guys you'll turn into one" and Shadow was all "yeah, i dont care this wont effect me" HE WAS LIKE THIS FOR TWO REASONS
he was mad at Sonic cause his whole thing i want to achieve world peace i already talked about how IDW Shadow doesn't have as much compassion as the Shadow we all know from any other game but this is Eggman we're talking about, with everything Eggman's done up to this point do you think Shadow believes there is any good in him when he rarely does anything good Shadow has seen? Time eater, Sonic unleashed, Shadow is not ignorant to Eggman waking up a monster inside the planet everybody whether we seen them or not knows sonic unleashed happen, Sonic brings up sonic unleashed in IDW so it canonly happened. i remember reading that Knuckles and Shadow were gonna be in Sonic unleashed and if that's true SHADOW IS AWARE OF THIS
Eggman is a threat to the world to Shadow but he allowed the doctor to be cause Sonic keeps him check, Sonic is starting to be "unable" to keep him in check from Shadow's view, Shadow was there in forces, he witness what Eggman did to greenhill, he fought infinite who is a merc hired by Eggman mercs off people, Shadow is trying to save people that's his whole thing. After what happen to Shadow in Episode Shadow in forces do you think Shadow would hold any sympathy for Eggman the next time he physically see's him? After what he did to the world, after what he did to Omega? right in front of his eyes? Using Infinite to corrupt Omega and scare him Shadow cares about Omega that's his friend i had a point but i forgot it dang it anyway Shadow was in the war,
i remembered it a little bit i think i think i was gonna say something about when GUN sent Shadow to rescue Omega idk i haven't touched forces in sometime, and Shadow didn't come back as well as Omega. Eggman immobilized Shadow Shadow does not think the world is safe with Eggman around i think that was my point i don't remember...
ANYWAY that's why when Shadow came to see mr tinker he was pissed that Sonic allowed Eggman to be, this is dangerous to Shadow. when Shadow was getting mad at Sonic cause Sonic was preaching let Mr. Tinker live Shadow was thinking about the bigger picture: This man is terrorizing people and the only way to keep everyone safe is getting rid of him, this may be the only chance we get, but he let him live because Sonic explained that Shadow did bad things in the past as well so does that mean Shadow gets to go down with Eggman?
Shadow was mad at Sonic and the mess he made, Shadow was being compassionate i just didn't see it or understand it until now, it shocked him greatly when he was consumed by metal virus because he truly believed he could not catch a disease, this is a disease, so he wasn't being stupid i will admit he should have been more cautious not to put it to the test if it would work on him but Shadow was so sure he couldn't catch it, cause he believed he can't catch any KNOWN diseases this was a new disease his body wasn't created to understand therefore it works on him.
We thought SEGA didn't know what they were doing when they were writing IDW Shadow BUT THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING people probably don't even care or remember about when that issue came out and everyone got so mad that Shadow was written "wrong" and being "stupid" but now that i have a understanding i think understand what he was doing and his thought process.
Shadow is moving up on my favorite list for this i feel so bad for Shadow F in the chat for Shadow his story is so sad like really. also heres an old thing i did that's really valid now
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the-liberal-arts · 2 months ago
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Bishop Mariann E. Budde delivering a sermon at a prayer service on Tuesday January 21 2025 at Washington National Cathedral / Doug Mills/The New York Times
Standing in the storied Canterbury Pulpit above the president on Tuesday, Bishop Mariann E. Budde was a little afraid.
GThe leader of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, she had planned for months to preach on three elements of unity — dignity, honesty and humility. But just 24 hours earlier, she had watched President Trump proclaim his agenda from the inauguration stage, as conservative Christians anointed him with prayer.
He was no longer just campaigning — he was governing, she thought. His nascent presidency and flurry of executive orders had so far encountered little resistance. She felt called to add a fourth element to her sermon: A plea for mercy, on behalf of everyone who is scared by the ways he has threatened to wield his power.
“I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now,” said Bishop Budde, the leader of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington. “There are gay, lesbian and transgender children in Democratic, Republican and independent families, some who fear for their lives.”
“The vast majority of immigrants are not criminals,” Bishop Budde said. “I ask you to have mercy, Mr. President, on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away, and that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here.” / NYT
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aimeedaisies · 2 years ago
Court Circular | 2nd September 2023
Balmoral Castle
The King and Queen (& The Princess Royal accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence) this afternoon attended the Braemar Gathering at the Princess Royal and Duke of Fife Memorial Park, Broombank Terrace, Braemar, and were received by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Aberdeenshire (Mr Alexander Manson) and the President of Braemar Royal Highland Society (Mr Peter Fraser)
Court Circular | 3rd September 2023
Balmoral Castle
Divine Service was held in Crathie Parish Church this morning.
The Right Reverend Sally Foster-Fulton (Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland) preached the Sermon.
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years ago
Mrs. Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, the daughter of General Philip J. Schuyler, and widow of Alexander Hamilton, 1st., took him [Reverend Alexander Hamilton] then a little boy in his seventh year to St. Paul's Chapel. New York, and said to him: “If anyone ever tells you that George Washington was not a communicant of the Church, you say that your great grandmother told you to say that she ‘had knelt at this chancel rail at his side and received with him the Holy Communion.’”
Source — Mrs. Alexander Hamilton, Witness That George Washington Was a Communicant of the Church
This book was an interesting quick read! Apparently many were questioning George Washington's “lack of orthodoxy”, and it talks a lot about the later generation of the Hamiltons' and their accounts in regards to the inquiries. It mainly revolves around Reverend Alexander Hamilton's accounts, who was the son of John Church Hamilton. But it includes interesting tidbits about the family, like a trip JCH and his family took to Washington D.C. in the spring of 1854. They were likely visiting Eliza because she was already living there with her daughter, Holly, since 1848;
IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL MORNING IN MAY, 1854, that the family coach drew up in front of the family home, 17 w. 20th. Street, New York City. There Mrs. General Hamilton (who had come on from Washington, D. C., with her son), her daughter-in-law, Mrs. John Church Hamilton, and A. Hamilton (the writer of this letter and present Rev. Alexander Hamilton) entered and rode to Wall Street, corner of Broad, New York City. THEN MRS. GENERAL HAMILTON, her daughter-in-law and great-grandson, Alexander, entered the former house of Alexander Hamilton. Going to the front window, Mrs. Hamilton said, “I, with Mrs. Knox and other ladies, looked from this window over to Federal Hall and saw George Washington inaugurated first President of the United States. Then we all walked up Broadway to St. Paul's Chapel, Fulton Street. Washington, Chancellor Livingston, General Knox and your great-grandfather (meaning General Hamilton), went into the chapel and occupied the pew on the north side. We ladies sat just back of them, but Mrs. Washington was not present, being yet at Mount Vernon. A festal celebration was held, sermon preached by the rector, and the Holy Communion was also celebrated, at which Washington, members of his party and many others partook.” Mrs. Hamilton then said to me, ‘My son, I have taken you to Wall Street and there depicted the inauguration; then to St. Paul's Chapel, where Washington attended divine service, and received the Holy Communion. I want you to transmit these facts to future generations, as some have asked, “Was Washington a communicant of the Church, did he ever partake of the Holy Communion?”’
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The above photo was included in the book and writes at the bottom; “Courtesy of the Rev. Joseph P. McComas, D.D. The Washington Pew in St. Paul's Chapel, where, according to the testimony of Mrs. Alexander Hamilton, George Washington received the Holy Communion on the day of his Inauguration as first President of the United States.”
An additional anecdote may be referring to Washington's prayer at Valley Forge that is often speculated, included with various art pieces of it. [x] It has always been doubted due to the lack of confidential source material, but Rev. Hamilton claims his grandmother and great-grandfather saw something similar;
Mr. Hamilton further related that when his great-grand-mother was a young girl, before her marriage to Alexander Hamilton, she was with her father, General Philip Schuyler, one of Washington's aides, at Valley Forge, and saw the terrible sufferings of our men, and heard at that time Washington's fervent prayer that all might be well.
Henry Morford referenced in his book, in 1876, a prayer Washington had once made that one of his troops had recorded;
Tis Pride with these old men To tell what they have seen. 'Twill be Pride, when we are old, To say that in our youth We heard the tales they told And looked on them in their truth.
Source — The Spur of Monmouth, Or, Washington in Arms: A Historical and Centennial Romance of the Revolution, from Personal Relations and Documents Never Before Made Public, by Henry Morford · 1876
I'm not sure why continuously throughout the book they add an additional generation to the titles, for example Eliza was only Reverend Hamilton's grandmother, not his great-grandmother. And the same is used again when Reverend Hamilton recalls stories he heard from his uncle Alexander Hamilton, Jr., (Second son of Hamilton and Eliza's, generational namesakes do become annoying) about Washington and his attendance to church. It's interesting on it's own, but intriguing to think why Alexander remembered this. The Hamilton family and Washington family did spend a lot of time together when they were neighbors in Philadelphia during Washington's presidency, and the children were playmates together—So it can be speculated that they may have attended church together or Hamilton's kids may have attended with the Washington's;
MY GREAT-UNCLE ALEXANDER, son of General Hamilton, also told me how Washington after his return to Mount Vernon was a regular attendant of the services of the parish church. And on one occasion, when many prominent men were calling on him, Washington said to them, ‘The church bell is ringing in yonder church, to which I go, and I hope you will all do so.’
Anyway, it was a splendid find on Internet Archive.
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camillasgirl · 2 years ago
A German-English speech by His Majesty The King at the State Banquet at Schloss Bellevue, Berlin, 29.03.2023
Sehr geehrter Herr Bundespräsident,
Ich weiß nicht, wie ich Ihnen für Ihre überaus freundlichen Worte und für Ihre unvergessliche Gastfreundschaft in diesem festlichen Rahmen danken soll.
 Es ist wunderbar, heute Abend in so großer Gesellschaft zu sein. Und es ist schön von Ihnen, dass Sie gekommen sind und mich nicht mit einem „Dinner for One“ alleine lassen!      
Meine Frau und ich sind tief gerührt, wie herzlich wir in Deutschland empfangen wurden - genau wie bei jedem unserer früheren Besuche in diesem ganz besonderen Land.
Ich habe festgestellt, dass ich tatsächlich mehr als vierzigmal in Deutschland gewesen bin – darin zeigt sich natürlich, wie wichtig mir unsere Beziehungen sind, aber auch, so fürchte ich, wie lange es mich schon gibt!
An jeden dieser Besuche habe ich Erinnerungen, an die ich sehr gerne zurückdenke.  
I think, Mr President, of the particular kindness and friendship which you and Frau Büdenbender showed to both my wife and myself on our last visits to Berlin in 2019 and 2020.
I also think fondly of the time my wife and I sampled Bavarian sausages at a farmers’ market in Munich, and found ourselves drinking beer and waltzing around at the Hofbräuhaus!  I think I can understand why St Boniface, an English monk, who is famous for having preached in Germany, is also a patron saint of brewers!
I recall, in particular, how much I have learnt from my visits over the years about organic and agro-ecological farming, and I credit German expertise with greatly improving my own farms and soil.  Indeed, I think we all have something to learn from Germany’s enduring respect for what Goethe called ‘die erhabene Sprache der Natur’ [the sublime language of nature].  
Over all these years, and in so many ways, I have been struck by the warmth of the friendship between our nations and by the vitality of our partnership in countless areas.  
It was, Mr President, a friendship which mattered greatly to my mother, The late Queen, who cared deeply about the bond between our two countries.  I did want to thank you all, once again, for the profoundly touching messages of support and affection we received from so many people in Germany following the sadness of her death last year. Ladies and Gentlemen, your kindness meant more to my family and myself than I can possibly express.  
The relationship between Germany and the United Kingdom matters greatly to me, too, Mr President, and I am more convinced than ever of its enduring value to us all. It means so much to us that my wife and I could come to Germany for this very first overseas tour of my reign. I can only assure you, that throughout the time that is granted to me as King, I will do all I can to strengthen the connections between us.  
In this, I know that I will be supporting the extraordinary efforts of countless people who contribute so much to the relationship between the United Kingdom and Germany.
As I look around the room this evening, I see such talented and dedicated individuals who embody the breadth of our partnership in so many fields - engineering, technology, science, the environment, the arts, education and so much more.  
Our countries are working together to promote global health, to help developing countries overcome their challenges and prosper, and to advance the urgent and vital journey towards net zero.
And, of course, we stand side-by-side in protecting and advancing our shared democratic values. This is epitomised so clearly today as we stand together with Ukraine in defence of freedom and sovereignty in the face of unprovoked aggression.  In this regard, I did want to pay a particular tribute to Germany’s extraordinary hospitality in hosting over one million Ukrainian refugees. This, it seems to me, so powerfully demonstrates the generosity of spirit of the German people.  
Herr Bundespräsident, Deutschland und das Vereinigte Königreich haben ein grosses Interesse an der Zukunft des jeweils anderen Landes. Unsere Beziehungen werden noch stärker werden, davon bin ich fest überzeugt, wenn wir gemeinsam auf eine nachhaltigere Zukunft in Wohlstand und Sicherheit hinarbeiten. Möge die Esche, die ich heute Nachmittag in Ihrem schönen Garten gepflanzt habe, ein kleines Symbol für das Wachsen und Erblühen unserer Partnerschaft sein.
Ich hoffe von ganzem Herzen, dass meine Frau und ich lange genug leben werden, damit wir in diese wunderbare Stadt zurückkommen und sehen können, wie unser Baum gewachsen ist, und damit wir weiter unseren Teil zu dieser kostbaren Freundschaft zwischen unseren beiden Ländern beitragen können.  Erheben Sie bitte mit mir das Glas: Auf Sie, Herr Bundespräsident, und Frau Büdenbender. Und auf eine Freundschaft, die nicht nur herzlich ist, sondern auch  — im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes — nachhaltig. Zum Wohl!
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sanctamater · 2 years ago
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in which our lady can never really wash away the blood she's stained her hands with, even fifty years later.
this is also going to be a long one. i will try and divide it up as best i can, but regardless, it will be long.
THE BASICS. NAME: Amelia Comstock; formerly Van Nostrand TITLES AND STYLES: Mrs. [A.] Comstock, Militech's Heart, Militech's Voice of Reason, The Good Lady, Our Lady, Gilded Lady, COO, Boss. OCCUPATION: Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Militech, philanthropist. CLASS: Corpo exec; full Corpo Immunity. Combat Medic. NC ID #: 67-0431-1997 AGE: 80 as of 2077; looks to be in her late 30s thanks to Nanobots and what Amelia will call an excellent night cream. DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: April 31st, 1997, New York City, New York; NUSA (formerly known as the United States of America) MARITAL STATUS: Married to Senator Zachary Hale Comstock; Senator of New York State and leader of the Founder Religion (read: cult) CHILDREN: Elizabeth Comstock (born 2016); whereabouts currently unknown to general public. Her disappearance in 2023 has been the subject of much speculation.
EXTRAS. NOTABLE FEATURES: Notably, a gilded cybernetic neck that has been engraved with art deco lines. It is her largest piece of cyberware that she has installed - having done so after surviving the attempt on her life in 2018, rendering her neck invulnerable to organic damage. It contains an AI replica of her voice; and occasionally will glitch and warp into a robotic voice - think Siri or Alexa. In addition, she has 5 gold tears implanted under her eyes; 2 on her left cheekbone, and 3 on her right. These serve no purpose other than aesthetics; but reference the sorrows of Mary and hold personal meeting as Amelia counts her own sorrows. She has yet to reach 7. Gold cybernetics run up her legs as well - and her left ring finger has been replaced with a golden cybernetic one in place of a wedding band; a 'request' from Zachary. Amelia dresses in severe, black Militech garb - a knee length, long sleeved, high collared black dress that displays a clerical collar. Her uniform usually has gold edging and she wears a ballistic vest outfitted with a glowing, red Militech insignia that doubles as a tracking device, and another insignia next to it of a white cross on a red background, signalling her status as medical personnel.
ON THE CULT. Senator Zachary Hale Comstock (representative of New York state) is the head of an ever growing cult known as ‘The Founder’s Faith’; focusing on colonial America and an attempt to return to ‘true democracy’ and a ‘true America’. The cult decries all forms of cyberware and Media infiltration, and despite the Senator’s ties to Militech that enabled him to become a Senator, the cult is against Militech run government and corp meddling in general. It values a ‘traditional’ lifestyle, and Senator Comstock preaches a return to those values; and promises that should he ever be placed in charge by the grace of God, he will return the NUSA to its glory days no matter the cost. In reality, the cult is a death cult that seeks to destroy the NUSA in its entirety and rebuild anew, with Zachary climbing the ladder higher in a bid to eventually become President - with their daughter Elizabeth following in his footsteps. Zachary embezzles funds and tech from Militech to further this outcome through his wife; and when Amelia realised what she had given entry to after marrying him, she attempted to whistleblow and expose him in front of the board. The Senator attempted to strangle his wife to death, and failed. Now, she lives quietly - and bides her time. 
ON ELIZABETH. Elizabeth would have been, for all intents and purposes, a normal girl had she not been subjected to the experiments of Rosalind and Zachary. As an infant, they attempted to do the impossible: bridge Elizabeth's mind between the here and The Net. Given her age and how malleable she was, the splitting was a success - a first time achievement in history - allowing Elizabeth to exist across two planes at once. Elizabeth can enter the Net without any assistance; ICE poses no issue to her - she can walk through firewalls with ease and encounter rogue AI and daemons without problems; even building and accessing formerly dark and abandoned areas in the Net. This is something that is kept secret - every corpo, gov and gang would attempt to get their hands on on Elizabeth if this were common knowledge - even Amelia does not know; and Elizabeth is guarded by Sentient AI called 'SONGBIRD' from her 'TOWER'; where she has been learning for 50 years, isolated from the world.
ON ROSALIND AND ROBERT. Rosalind Lutece was a premiere scientist and Netrunner in the USA; known for creating excellent AI and advancements in Net infrastructure. She was contracted by Zachary to look in to using and harnessing the Net as a weapon; and what would happen if the Net fell. Assisting her in this was the AI 'ROBERT'; an AI she created based on herself - a brother of sorts. Robert assisted with the experiment upon Elizabeth; but later became sentient, and regretted his involvement. Robert successfully convinced Rosalind to attempt to free Elizabeth in 2035; only to have Rosalind killed by Zachary. Distraught, Robert created a copy of Rosalind as AI - the two are now rogue beings in the net.
TIMELINE: 2013 - 2023
Amelia's father, one of the original board members of Militech, passes suddenly; leaving Amelia both his seat in the board of directors and the family weapons and munitions factory.
Amelia takes to the position with zeal despite her youth; having grown up with Militech executives and been involved in its business since birth - though young, she is well liked and easy to get along with, and quickly becomes a voice of reason. To placate Lundee, who Amelia quickly finds herself in opposition with, she enters Yale early, enrolling into a BA for Political Science, which she aims to complete in 2 years at the age of 18.
Amelia completes her BA. An internal coup is staged and Amelia is taken out of her place in the board by supporters and placed as the COO of Militech; with many hoping to use her as a buffer to Lundee. That's the official memo - but most of the faction know she is young and impressionable, and wish to use Amelia as a puppet COO to advance their own agenda.
Amelia decides to get an MA in Business Studies to complete her education at Yale. She meets Zachary Hale Comstock there; who is preaching his doctrine and dogma around the USA. There, he preached against corpowars and the power of technology; claiming it was a corrupting force, and warned of more and more corpowars in the future. Amelia, wishing for Militech to become more than just a weapons and arms dealer, envisioning them as peacekeeping, non-partisan corporation is enthralled by this, and continues to attend his sermons.
Amelia and Zachary are married in May of 2015; he uses Amelia's influence to jumpstart his political career and increase the range of the cult.
Militech assigns ex-soldier turned bodyguard, Booker DeWitt, to Amelia in the face of unrest. Amelia quickly finds that married life is not what she expected; Zachary is prone to bouts of explosive anger, belittles her, and demands a child from her - claiming that his prophecy to save America involves a child being born of their union. Amelia is under intense pressure to conceive, and confides often in Booker. The two begin an affair.
Elizabeth Comstock is born in early winter, 2016. The labour is a traumatic one for Amelia, who is only 19. There are rumours that Zachary Hale Comstock is not the father; and that Booker DeWitt is.
Zachary Hale Comstock begins to embezzle funds from Militech using Amelia's clearances to fund research with Rosalind Lutece.
The Third Corpo War begins and ends; proving Earth-shattering. Zachary uses this as an opportunity to claim he had prophesied this. The cult continues to grow.
Amelia is moved from New York City to Night City. She takes Elizabeth with her as Zachary has no interest in child-rearing, believing it to be Amelia's sole duty and purpose.
Amelia begins to notice someone is using her credentials and clearance and that her spending accounts do not match up with her own personal records.
Amelia confronts Zachary about his embezzlement after rooting through his office desk on a return trip to New York City. The argument escalates and becomes physical. Zachary attempts to strangle Amelia to death when she threatens to reveal his research to Militech and his embezzlement of their funds. Amelia escapes by gouging out his organic eyes with her nails, and promises to stay quiet. Zachary ensures this by threatening her with Elizabeth being taken from her.
The attack is passed off as an assassination attempt, blaming Lazarus for the hit. Lazarus denies these claims.
Militech releases Booker DeWitt from service after failing to protect Amelia. He becomes a solo in Night City.
Amelia replaces her neck with her now iconic gilded one; and implants two tears on her cheek. One for her attempted murder, and one for her silence.
Elizabeth begins to manifest strange abilities connected to the Net. Rosalind Lutece implies Elizabeth would be an excellent Netrunner should she be allowed to train her. Amelia rebukes this.
Booker and Amelia get back together.
The Fourth Corpo war begins.
Militech and Arasaka become involved in the corpo war after OTEK and CINO come to a standstill; Donald Lundee pushes for more and more covert tactics and strikes against Arasaka in an attempt to push them out from the USA. Amelia and her faction disagree; and the two begin to clash.
Arasaka strikes at Militech's Night City HQ; killing dozens - Amelia escapes, and is later seen providing medical attention to both Militech and Arasaka forces with a dedicated medical team. The image of her doing so endears her to the public.
Zachary Hale Comstock is elected Senator of New York City; there are rumours that Militech interfered with the election to ensure the husband of their COO gained office.
The war continues with cities and countries being reduced to ash. Lundee continues to order strike upon strike; tensions begin to mount as Lundee and Amelia's factions gather strength - only to have both corps nationalised, effectively ending the war.
President Elizabeth Kress reactivates Militech with the goal of ridding Arasaka from the USA's borders. Lundee and Amelia are brought back on board and the war resumes.
Booker and Amelia make plans to leave Night City and flee to a different state, taking Elizabeth with them and starting life anew.
A scream sheet reveals that Booker and Amelia have been having an affair. The fallout is astronomical.
Citing moral failure on Amelia's part, Zachary seizes Elizabeth from Amelia's custody, and places her in 'The Tower' within Night City to be observed by Rosalind Lutece.
Amelia is brought before the Militech board and put on trial for her ties to an anarchist; only saved by her own powerful faction. Lundee gives her one last chance.
Eager to make good on his commission, Lundee devises a plan to end the war once and for all: a bomb to the heart of Arasaka, forever crippling its roots in the USA.
Amelia, eager to regain status in Militech, signs off on the strike against Arasaka with Lundee's blessing. The funds are given to Johnny Silverhand.
On August 23rd, 2023, Johnny Silverhand and Morgan Blackhand lead a strike team into Arasaka tower. The nuclear blast kills 12,000 and killed over 750,000 more. Johnny Silverhand dies in combat.
Amelia, in the aftermath, leads another medical team to provide aid to injured citizens and take the spotlight off of militch.
Amelia gets three tears implanted upon her cheek: one for Elizabeth, one for Night City, and one for Booker. The guilt eats at her - but the corpo war has ended, and Militech and the USA are now one in the same.
THE JIST: Amelia has been working from Washington, DC since 2023. For the past 50 years, she has stood as a voice of reason within Militech, and has a devoted faction within the corp in addition to the cult. With tensions mounting between Arasaka and Militech again, she has been sent back to Night City to facilitate peace talks.
MISSIONS: In the main narrative of CP77, Amelia is only hinted at returning to the city at first, and does not appear in the narrative until after Alt is contacted in Pacifica.
MY WRATH MAY NOT GO FORTH LIKE FIRE! On a routine cyberpyscho job from Regina, V will have the choice to kill or spare a solo (Booker DeWitt) that has gone off the deep end. Upon sparing him, V will exit to see Militech vans coming to collect the solo from the scene. No agents will answer any questions; but if the player looks, they will see the gleam of a gilded neck from behind one of the tinted windows. 
REPAY NO ONE EVIL FOR EVIL: Amelia will contact V through a Militech fixer offering a small job - stealing back Militech information from an Arasaka counter intel agent. She will pay a bonus for stealth, and deduct pay if caught or if V zeroes any agents, regardless of them being Arasaka or not.
YOU SHALL NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS: Amelia's fixer will contact V again, offering them another job rescuing a Militech officer from Arasaka interrogation. She will reward stealth, and will deduct again if the officer or any Arasaka personnel are killed.
BRING ME THE HEAD OF HOLOFERNES! Amelia will then contact V anonymously about 7 in game days after this third mission has passed, offhandedly saying that she has heard of V’s name in Night City and their reputation precedes them; that she has a job for them that pays well, if they’d like to hear it. Amelia will then invite V to her apartment, and introduce herself fully there - away from prying eyes. It is there that Amelia requests a hit on her husband - and NUSA Presidential Candidate; who is in Night City for a debate - Senator Zachary Hale Comstock; saying that this is a job that needs V’s strength, cunning - and, most importantly, V’s kindness.  Note: If V chooses to kill the solo, Amelia will still offer this mission; but she��ll be noticeably distant and instead mention that this hit requires someone who’s a cold blooded killer who doesn’t think, just acts.
There are some catches to this job, however. Security is tight, and stealth is a must: detection would risk the cult martyring Zachary, and it cannot seem anything other than an accident or a suicide - something V will have to choose what to do. On completing this mission successfully, V will be wired 55,000 eddies. Failure to stealth nullifies the job entirely.
HER CHILDREN ARRIVE AND CALL HER BLESSED: Amelia will then contact V and request for V to release Elizabeth to her before Zachary's inner circle gets their hands on Elizabeth; V will have to stealth going through 3 floors of a penthouse in a mega tower in order to get to Elizabeth, and disable the AI Songbird in order to retrieve her and bring her to Amelia. Once Songbird is disabled, Elizabeth will assist V with enemy takedown and quick hacking. Stealth is mandatory - failure to stealth will result in mission failure. Upon driving Elizabeth to Amelia, V is wired 90,000 eddies and is profusely thanked by Amelia.
THE END: At the end of the game, a successful mission will show the cult dissolving without a head; a failure will show the cult instead securing Elizabeth and using them to forge their path. Turning down the mission will show that President Myers has been assassinated, and Zachary Hale Comstock has won the ‘election’. 
If V took Hanako’s deal: Tensions between Arasaka and Militech will continue to rise now that Saburo is effectively immortal.  If V put carried out a strike on Arasaka with Rogue: With Arasaka in tatters, Amelia is able to discuss terms with the rival corp and alleviate the tension somewhat - for now. She becomes the next CEO of Militech and announces a new, brighter future ahead. If V solo'd with Johnny or put a strike with the Aldecaldos: Amelia, Booker, and Elizabeth leave Night City to continue Booker's therapy.
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year ago
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They Are Coming For Your Coffee Now
KAREN TOWNSEND 6:40 PM on January 22, 2024
Swiss banker and World Economic Forum “agenda contributor”, Hubert Keller, is coming for your coffee. You know why. The climate agenda.
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It will never be enough with these people. Do you put milk in your coffee? That’s a whole different battle. Cows, you know, produce methane when they fart and that’s not good for the climate. Carbon dioxide is necessary for life. Green plants feed on carbon dioxide and produce oxygen as a by-product. Yet, climate activists want to take as much carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere as possible, thinking that atmospheric carbon dioxide traps heat. That causes man-made global warning, their reasoning goes. They want to limit emissions of carbon dioxide.
One way of limiting emissions is to go after agricultural production and practices. In this case, it is the production of coffee. Keller spoke out about coffee production as a culprit in climate warming. He should pick on something else. Farmers are responsible people who conserve the land and keep it healthy to produce crops. Coffee producers are the same. I was once in Hawaii and toured a coffee plantation in Kona. That was back in the 1990s and even then a big part of the message was that it was an environmentally-friendly operation.
This guy’s tweet leads me to think about Keller speaking to the arrogant elites who wish to rule the world. There is a lot of hypocrisy among them. One example is that they preach about the use of fossil fuels, yet many of them arrive in private jets for the annual gathering in Davos. Look no further than John Kerry for extreme hypocrisy. Biden’s climate envoy lives one way while expecting regular people to live a drastically different way. Eat bugs and live without electricity, peasants.
House Republicans introduced legislation to suspend funding for the World Economic Forum.
“No funds available to the Department of State, the United States Agency for International Development, or any other department or agency may be used to provide funding for the World Economic Forum,” the bill simply reads. The legislation was introduced by Rep. Scott Perry, R-Penn., along with others, including Tom Tiffany, R-Wis., and Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Az. “The World Economic Forum doesn’t deserve one cent of American funding, and it’s past time we defund Davos,” Perry said in a press release. “The Defund Davos Act would ensure that U.S. tax dollars are not funding the World Economic Forum and their reset on our way of life. I thank Congressman Perry for leading this important effort,” Tiffany said.
Sounds good to me. The annual event is a bunch of reporters among the elites who get out whatever stories the rich and powerful want to get out. The virtue-signaling is off the charts. What does it all accomplish? Nothing as far as regular Americans can see. It sounds like a luxury vacation in Switzerland. Why are American taxpayers paying the way for John Kerry and many others to go?
The Heritage Foundation president accepted an invitation to speak in a panel discussion. I don’t think those in attendance enjoyed hearing what he had to say.
Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts was offered a spot to participate in a panel discussing what to expect from a possible Republican presidency. He took the opportunity to criticize the WEF for supporting globalism and socialism and said that members of the next conservative presidential administration should reject all of the ideas being proposed at the WEF.
The world elites are dreading the thoughts of another Trump presidency. Maybe Mr. Keller is one of those people.
You aren’t getting my coffee, Hubert. Let’s talk about the champagne, ok?
The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, brought together 3,000 participants from around the globe. That included 1,600 business leaders, 350 heads of state and government ministers, and hundreds of academics, civil society leaders, and entrepreneurs. It was an elite affair as always, with sky-high lodging fees, champagne nightcaps, and chances to see and be seen by people holding some of the most influential jobs on the planet. A speech by Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy was a reminder of the world’s precariousness When we asked Paul Knopp, the CEO of KPMG US, what he came to Davos feeling most worried about, he echoed a common refrain heard in Davos this week. “Last year, for me, it would have been the economy. I’m a little more concerned right now about the number of geopolitical concerns around the world that could create shocks,” he said.
Surely the production of champagne must stop. Those grapes must help the coffee beans destroy the ozone, right? On a more serious note, the world is on fire and the elites have noticed. Too bad there isn’t a strong leader in the White House. There is concern about democracy, especially with so many regions holding elections oversea.
With elections this year in countries that are home to a combined 4.2 billion people, democratic leaders are worried about the threats of fascism, nationalism, disinformation, and other number of other risks for free societies. “We are now reaching a watershed moment: 2024 will be the year when European countries and the EU will be in a position to decide if we want to be sovereign or not,” French president Emmanuel Macron said, addressing just one region where elections are coming up soon.
When Trump primarily focuses on the United States, he is criticized for being an isolationist. You can bet that European leaders are nervous that Trump may be moving back into the White House. They are afraid of him and he intimidates them into such moves as paying their pledges to NATO and removing the U.S. from worthless international agreements like the Paris Climate Agreement.
The House Republicans may not be successful with their legislation, especially since many lawmakers make the trip to Davos, but it’s a good idea.
Progressives will not rest until they have removed every shred of joy from our lives.
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wutbju · 2 years ago
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And Bob Jones III announced the BJU honorary for 2023 at ~35:00:
Mr. President, our honoree was born in Arizona, grew up on a Navajo Indian Reservation where his mother served as missionary. After graduating from BJU, where he was greatly influenced by Doctor Richard Rupp and Dr. Earl Nutz of the Bible Faculty and Cecil Tune, his aviation instructor, under whom he earned his pilot's license, which has been valuable in his ministry to those who live on reservations. His summers while a BJU student were spent at Camp Ironwood in California and the Roloff Homes in Texas with men who struggled with addiction.
After getting a Bachelors of Arts in Practical Christian Training from this institution in 1984, he returned to Arizona to the ministry he has never left. He serves as a missionary to Native Americans at Regeneration Reservation in southeastern Arizona. He founded and continues to pasture Regeneration Baptist Church while serving as president of the Regeneration Mission Board. Our honoree and his wife Kathy, along with several other missionaries, all Bob Jones University grads and including their son Nathan, minister in a variety of ways including a home and Christian education for Apache children at the reservation to build redemptive relationships within the local community. He has served as volunteer with the fire department and the county Search and Rescue.
His family earned Black Belts in martial arts, which have opened numerous doors for ministry. Their summer camps, comprised of horsemanship, martial arts and rock climbing, have opened other doors to the hearts of young people. For four decades, he and his team continued to make evangelistic visits to preach to those in tribal jails. They use biblically based recovery materials, which they have written especially for the Native American community. Our honoree serves on the Apache Bible Committee, tasked with translating God's Word into the heart language of Apache people. Currently, he and his team are working at recording the entire New Testament in Western Apache. At the request of tribal leadership, our honoree hosts a weekly radio program that reaches over 30,000 people onto Apache reservations. He established and coordinates a partnership of Native American leaders called Today's Native, which are committed to developing evangelistic and discipleship resources. This platform of reaching Native Americans and indigenous people groups with the Gospel consists of audio, video and print resources. They have reached each of the Nation’s 574 tribes and have placed the Gospel in more than 125,000 native homes. Additionally, he is Vice President of the Roloff Evangelistic Enterprises, where he has been a board member for over 30 years, and since 2016, he has overseen the Family Altar radio program emanating from that ministry and is heard daily nationwide and in many foreign countries. Scott and his wife Kathy, a 1984 graduate from BJU with a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Missions, have four children and one granddaughter.
I might add that as an example of his persevering commitment to God's calling, I remember visiting Scott in the mid 1980s, near the inception of his ministry. [He said that] they would consider their ministry to have been a success if they had seen only four Navajo families get saved, become disciples and remain on the reservation to live transformed, biblically sanctified lives without spiritual or moral failure among their people. Today, for Scott's unrelenting efforts to bring the Gospel of Christ to an often overlooked group of people through a lifetime of dedicated ministry, Dr. Pettit, it is my purpose to present to you, my friend Scott Murphy, as recipient of Doctor of Humanities.
Where do we begin? Bob Jones University has supported Lester Roloff in all his iterations from the beginning. WMUU carried his radio show. Bob Jr. spoke at his funeral. Bob III made affirming statements at the time:
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And the proof of Lester Roloff's abuse is everywhere:
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And the abuse of indigenous children is rampant and still coming to light.
Why, why, why is Bob Jones University endorsing these kinds of practices still in 2023?
This is Bob Jones University. This. Right here. On Steve Pettit's watch, btw.
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third-new · 1 month ago
What you need to know about Trump family deals in the Middle East
President Trump has pushed a new plan to seize control of Gaza and once a region that once cleansed an area of ​​the house, which is in the house, preaching the family that grows in the house – and the interests of the business. When the world is a portfolio of the Middle East, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Israel, as well as a portfolio of Mr. Trumman, including Jared Kushner's…
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scotianostra · 1 year ago
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On February 3rd 1700, a fire broke out on the north side of Cowgate in Edinburgh's Old Town.
From there the flames spread and burnt down the close and its close surroundings, including the merchant’s Exchange building, where the Three Sister bar now is.
The fire extended rapidly up hill to involve the tall tenements on the south and east sides of Parliament Square. One, fifteen storeys high, the tallest building in Edinburgh, was reduced to a heap of ashes and ‘made a prodigious blaze"
The buildings were densely occupied and about three or four hundred families lost their homes, including many notables such as the President of Parliament, the President of the Court of Session and other Lords, lawyers, clerks and poorer families. Several lives were lost and a great number seriously injured.
Offices of businesses were destroyed including the recently opened Bank of Scotland – the only bank in Scotland at that time. Mercifully the Parliament Hall and St Giles escaped major damage. The Advocates, who lost their library in the fire, were given space in the Laigh Hall below Parliament House.
Although it escaped major damage the fire allowed the council to rebuild the Parliament “in a uniform style of architecture” regulating the buildings appearance to prevent fire. The rest of the close was given a grand entry and the courtyard was rebuilt uniformly with a continuous arcade along the front.
Cassells Old & New wrote this short account bout the Parliament building:
This magnificent hall and the buildings connected with it had a narrow escape in the “Great Fire” of 1700. It broke out in Lord Crossrig’s lodging, at Mr. John Buchan’s, near the meal-market, on a night in February; and Duncan Forbes of Culloden asserts in a letter to his brother the colonel, that he never beheld a more vehement fire; that 400 families were burned out, and that from the Cowgate upwards to the High Street scarcely one stone was left upon another.
A broadsheet entitled Fire! Fire! stated that the fire had been started by someone throwing a bottle of whisky into an open hearth.. The fire engines were of little or no use, water being scarce and the old closes so narrow that they could not gain access. As mentoned in Cassells. Duncan Forbes wrote to his brother that it was the greatest fire he ever saw ‘notwithstanding I saw London burne’, It reads;
All the pryde of Edenr. is sunk; from the Cowgate to the High Street all is burnt, and hardly one stone left upon another…the Parliament House very hardly escapt; all Registers confounded; Clerks Chambers, and processes, in such confusion, that the Lords and Officers of State are just now mett at Rosse’s Taverne, in order to adjourneing the Sessione by reason of the disorder…twenty thousand hands flitting ther trash they know not wher…These babells, of ten and fourteen story high, are down to the Ground, and their fall’s very terrible….This Epitome of dissolution I send you, without saying any more, but that the Lord is angry with us, and I see no intercessor.
Of course the clergy couldn't let this go without blaming someone, preaching sermons in which they attributed the fire to God’s punishment for the wickedness of the populace. The Town Council also took to preaching and on 4th December 1702 introduced an ‘Act anent suppressing Immoralities,’ which contained the following:-
…considering the great growth of immoralities within the City and Suburbs, and the fearful rebukes of God, by a dreadful Fire in Parliament Close….which happened about midnight upon 3rd February 1700….also, remembering the terrible Fire….on the north side of the Lawn market….28 October 1701 with several lives lost. Likewise reflecting upon other Tokens of God’s wrath lately come upon us… We…being moved with the zeal of God….do in the Lord’s strength resolve to be more watchful over our hearts and ways than formerly; And each of us in our several capacities, to reprove vice with due zeal and prudence as we shall have occasion…. under penalty of Twenty Merks Scots.
The height of the new tenements was restricted to eleven storeys rather than the fifteen storeys of their predecessors but even so Tobias Smollett writing in 1770 observed that ‘I cannot view it without horror; that is, the dreadful situation of all the families above, in case the common stair-case should be rendered impassable by a fire in the lower stories’.
The council's supposed "fireproofing" of the Parliament meant little as 124 years later a large section of the High Street went up in flames in "The Great Fire"
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newtras · 1 month ago
What you need to know about Trump family deals in the Middle East
President Trump has pushed a new plan to seize control of Gaza and once a region that once cleansed an area of ​​the house, which is in the house, preaching the family that grows in the house – and the interests of the business. When the world is a portfolio of the Middle East, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Israel, as well as a portfolio of Mr. Trumman, including Jared Kushner's…
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satrthere · 1 month ago
What you need to know about Trump family deals in the Middle East
President Trump has pushed a new plan to seize control of Gaza and once a region that once cleansed an area of ​​the house, which is in the house, preaching the family that grows in the house – and the interests of the business. When the world is a portfolio of the Middle East, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Israel, as well as a portfolio of Mr. Trumman, including Jared Kushner's…
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newagesispage · 1 month ago
                                                               FEBRUARY    2025 
 Jimmy Carter was given a wonderful proper send off. The catafalque that Carter’s casket was put upon, also held Lincoln’s coffin. The day was like a 9 or10 hour odyssey for those of us watching all the way thru. The family was probably physically and emotionally exhausted by the end of the day. Nearly every speech and remembrance made mention of the current Scary Clown 45 situation. 2 men could not be more different than Trump and Carter. Carter is all love and strength and character and Trump is all about fear and power. It was refreshing to hear about a genuine good man who restored faith in government with ethics reform. It is especially poignant as we watch Trump tear things down. It was wonderful to hear about the more than 4,400 homes in 14 countries that the Carters helped to build. The Deacon (his secret service name) made the cross, the collection plates and tables and chairs at his hometown Maranatha Baptist church. The image of all the living Presidents always gets me. The words from Josh Carter and Jack Ford truly affected me. Andrew Young sent such a heartfelt message. Jason Carter is such a natural and we might want to see him run for office. The Carter’s are such a closeknit and real and wonderful family. Let’s hope they have the next political dynasty in America. An honest, caring, truly charitable dynasty would be a nice change. Trump and Melania seemed very bored. Trisha and Garth performing ‘Imagine’ sent me into sobs. We miss U already Mr. President. Rest in Peace. ** Also, special shout out to Karen Pence and the Navy.  
We all giggled as we were told about the Carter’s and their land line and the way they hang up baggies to recycle. I know this behavior.  I have always been surrounded by it. I am sure Trump could not relate at all. Did he feel like a lesser man when he heard of all carter’s accomplishments? ** It does seem a bit apocalyptic with the fires in the west and record snow in the south. It is so cold that the inauguration was moved into the Capitol. How is that for irony? Reagan was the last to move indoors in 1985. He is quite elderly so it probably wasn’t safe for him out there. Obama had freezing weather and he had big crowds outside. Word is that attendance was not going to be as huge as Trump expected but we will never know. In the end, it was the smallest inauguration crowd ever. That will be associated with him forever. Why couldn’t he touch the Bible? Did he think it would burn his hand?* * The most disrespectful thing of all is interrupting mourning so the flags will be high on the pole for inauguration day. Half the country will show the 47th the same respect. ** Was Billy Ray and the Village people at the inaugural just about the saddest thing you ever saw? At least I have never given any of the artists from the parties a penny of my money. It will stay that way, they don’t need my $ anyway, I am sure Trump is taking good care of them. 
Help! Our country is being held hostage by a fanatical criminal and half of us want it that way. What? 
Literally nothing is as MAGA as watching a bunch of self-righteous frauds who pretend to give a damn about Christianity, viciously attacking a minister who preached about caring for the vulnerable while their rapist- felon Messiah scoffed at her. - John Pavlovitz 
The fire Marshall wouldn’t allow his hand on the Bible. - Stephen Colbert 
At least 3 states already have roads named after Trump and more are on the way. 
With live sports on deck, Netflix will just keep going up. ** Netflix is bringing us a new Little House on the Prairie. The right is already bitching. 
Anthony Fauci’s security detail was pulled. He will now hire private security. 
Can’t wait to see Sly Lives! from Questlove!!!!!!!! Questlove did a great job on the 50 year SNL music special!!! I know there were lots to cover but no Scissor Sisters, Rickie Lee or Leon Redbone?? What? 
Sara Haines said that her father was hot and everybody freaked. Why? Some people have hot parents and nobody ever lets them forget. 
Re: The Capitol.. Good thing his followers already know how to get inside. - Dan’s Cafe ** The funny thing was they couldn’t get in because Trump knows how easy it was to breach so he made sure HE was safe. Most of the fans who were interviewed outside did not look elite enough to actually get close to the man. All he wanted was their votes. Even the screens were taken down. It is reported that he did meet with a group of supporters after the initial event.** Say what you will about the racists, they sure do know how to organize. 
Why didn’t Trump have to pay for all the property damage to the capitol? We make a man President and he does not have to pay for his crimes. Half the country wants there to be 2 sets of rules. The mental illness in this country is out of control. 
The real heroes from this month are AOC, Rev. Mariann Budde and Pamela Hemphill. AOC said she would not go to the inauguration because she does not celebrate rapists. Pamela told Trump to keep his pardon because she committed the crime and was glad she paid her dues. Meteorologist Sam Kuffel called out Musk as a Nazi in a private place and was fired from WDJT in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Rehire that brave girl. Oh right.. The call letters are D(onald)J(ohn)T(rump). I guess she is out of luck. Rev. Budde of the Washington National Cathedral asked the President to have mercy for those that are scared right now. The Vice President rolled his eyes and Trump has been bitching ever since. That poor woman will probably never have a moments peace again. It is women who are showing back bone and fighting back. Unity is not partisan. When compassion is a bad thing, it is proof that so many don’t understand the love of God. 
The course of human events, even the greatest historical events, is determined ultimately not by the leaders, but by the common, ordinary people. Their hopes and dreams, their doubts and fears, their courage and tenacity, their quiet commitments determine the destiny of the world. - Jimmy Carter 
Our nation now has no understandable national purpose. We move from one crisis to the next as if they were fads, even though the previous one hasn’t been solved. - Jimmy Carter 
Shouldn’t we have schoolchildren read Jimmy carter (ex: Why not the best?) to see how Government should be run. He called for honesty, integrity, fairness, liberty, courage, patriotism, compassion and love. I am so sick of fighting the same fights. Equality should be a given. It is so simple. Ignorance and arrogance and greed keep rising to the top over and over.  
Word is that The Stones will tour Europe soon. 
People thought eggs were high before but with the Trump administration in, they are up over 35%. 
Trevor Noah will host the Grammy’s again! 
The Black Eyed Peas have cancelled their Vegas residency before it even began. 
Can we give David Alan Grier some love this year at the Emmy’s?? ** Episode 9 of St. Denis was a perfect show. They have found their groove. 
Conan will receive the Mark Twain prize for American humor. 
Vivek Ramaswami is thinking about running for Gov. Of Ohio. He will not be serving in the DOGE. I guess they are going to try and take over everywhere so they never lose again. The criminals are everywhere! 
Vince McMahan has to pay $400,000 to settle SEC charges. 
The reboot of Frasier was cancelled. 
Roy Wood Jr. has brought us Lonely Flowers. ** Also look for Roy in ‘Outcome’ with Keanu Reeves, Jonah Hill, Cameron Diaz, David Spade, Laverne Cox, Susan Lucci and Matt Bomer. 
The National Society of film critics have given some awards to Nickel Boys, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Colman Domingo, Michele Austin and Kieran Culkin, just to name a few. 
The public domain is now open for Hitchcock’s first sound film, Blackmail as well as The Wild Party, The Karnival Kid, the song, Singing in the Rain, the poem, an American in Paris, John Ford’s first sound film, The Black Watch, Buster Keaton’s last silent film, Spite Marriage, the first sound film to win the best pic Oscar, The Broadway Melody, the first Marx Brothers feature, The Cocoanuts, the books A farewell to Arms, Red Harvest, the Maltese Falcon, the play Rope, the animated Skeleton Dance, Popeye, Bolero, Ain’t Misbehavin’, Rhapsody in Blue, Shreveport Stomp, It had to be you and California, here we come. 
Days alert: It was nice to see a party full of secrets at the DiMera mansion. It was like old times but with young major players. ** It was hilarious and shocking when Bonnie fell down the elevator shaft. I like how they are getting ridic and crossing the soap lines with fake soap lines. Just when I was ready to give up on Heart and Soul, things got interesting. ** I heard that Thaao is coming back!!!! Yes!!!! ** More Rachel with Rachel. I have always wanted to get into Kristen’s birth family more. Love it!!!!! ** How did Marlena and Leo become such buddies? Funny. ** So glad to see Patrika Darbo in her latest interviews.** On my.. Rita Leslie is back for a minute! Just when you think you have seen the last of her, there she is. Gotta love a soap! 
Costco may go on strike on Feb. 1. ** And hooray for Costco standing up for their DEI program with no help from Kentucky. Now we are hearing about raises. 
Warwick Davis will receive the BAFTA fellowship on Feb. 16. 
The Oscar noms are here and they include Kieran Culkin, Jeremy Strong, Conclave, A Complete Unknown, Wicked, Emilia Perez, The Substance, Colman Domingo, Wallace and Gromit: Vengeance most foul, Timothee Chalamet, Adrien Brody, Cynthia Erivo, Sebastian Stan, Demi Moore, Fernanda Torres, The Brutalist, Nickel Boys, Nosferatu, Isabella Rossellini and Ed Norton. Honorary awards will go to Quincy Jones and Juliet Taylor. The Jean Hersholt humanitarian award goes to Richard Curtis and the Irving Thalberg award will go to Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson. Watch on March 2 with host Conan!!! ** Old tweets are haunting Emilia Perez. Hate will get you nowhere. 
Insurance companies are getting no love right now with the CEO shooting and the disregard apparently being shown to victims of the wildfires.  
CBS is bringing us Beyond the Gates with Clifton Davis and Tamara Tunie. I am in!!!!! 
A rare yellow cardinal was spotted in St. Louis. 
Joe Biden gave out some Presidential citizens medals to Liz Cheney, Chris Dodd, Ted Kaufman, Nancy Kassebaum, Bill Bradley, Carolyn McCarthy, Mary Bonauto, Frank Baker Jr., Bobb Sager, Eleanor Smeal, Tom Vallely, Frances Visco, Paula Wallace, Evan Wolfson, Mitsuye Endo Tsutsumi, Joseph Galloway, Louis Lorenzo Redding and Judge Collins J. Seitz ** Medals of freedom went to Denzel Washington, Michael J. Fox, Bono, Anna Wintour, Ralph Lauren, Magic Johnson, Jose’ Andres, Hillary Clinton, Jane Goodall, Bill Nye and George Romney. ** Biden also dedicated 2 new National monuments, Chuckwalla and Sattitla, protecting Tribal lands in California. Trump, previously rolled back National monument protection reducing acreage in Utah. Biden restored those boundaries. ** Biden claims he probably would have won. Time to be quiet. 
It seemed to take some doing but Mike Johnson was voted back into leading the house for the 119th congress but he does have a weak hold on the hammer. 
Stop making stupid people famous. * Hate never made any nation great. - Banksy ** Have you seen all the artwork? GO BANKSY!! 
There is now The Weekend View. ** John Fetterman sure used a lot of ‘Aw shucks’ attitude on his View appearance. I think it is time for him to move on. Enough with his double talk. He never sounded more like a true politician. With every line, he got less applause. Nobody is buying his schtick. 
Wendy’s is bringing us a thin mint frosty. 
No hot dogs in North Korea?? 
Just one more thing about the election. I couldn’t help but think of Carter’s malaise speech when Harris was telling us we aren’t afraid of hard work. I loved hearing her say we had to roll up our sleeves and work hard. How did I not realize that half the country does not want to hear that? They didn’t want to take responsibility for their shit in the 70’s and they don’t want to now. I guess they only want a barrage of lies so they can live in denial. 
The 41st Sundance Film Fest will go on from Jan 23 to Feb 2 with 90 features. 
I am always thinking social media is good and bad as it goes with most things. When I see Tik Tok in court and the damage on X and FB, it is hard to see the good right now. Online scams are out of control. It is a plus to look up information that may save a life or save $. It is a good thing for the criminals addicted to their phones to get caught because law enforcement can track them. Every huge innovation needs time to sort it out. It does seem that the Republicans want to make us as stupid as possible. Throw away the department of education and keep Tik Tok. Really? Take food out of the mouths of the hungry and keep the rich tax breaks coming. Really? 
I was glad that Kimmell pointed out Tom Brady and his preference for studs. I was a bit distracted by that. 
Tucker Carlson’s son, Buckley is joining Vance’s team.  
The Golden Globes were a hit. I admit, I am not really a Nikki Glaser fan but she knocked it out of the park. She was very funny with minimal hurt to the egos. Winners included Kieran Culkin, Zoe Saldana, Ali Wong, Emilia Perez, Jodie Foster, Demi Moore, Jean Smart, Hacks, Shogun, Wicked and Adrian Brody. My best dressed were Mary Steenburgen, Kate Winslet, Kieran and Jazz, Cynthia Erivo, Andrew Garfield, Angelina and Zahara, Michelle Yeow, Tilda Swinton, Anya Taylor-Joy, Kathy Bates, Erin Foster, Paul W. Downs, Jackie Sandler, Jeff Goldblum, Maren Morris and Dakota Fanning. I think Seth Rogan and Catherine O’Hara should be tapped to host something. They were great together. ** I lost half a nipple. - Catherine O’Hara 
Macy’s, Jo Ann Fabrics and Kohls are closing stores. Walgreens are closing about 450 stores. 
Trump continues to disappoint. - Sebastian Stan 
New Years Day left us trying to figure out the New Orleans attacks. Many blamed an illegal immigrant. WRONG! ** I wish the coasts would keep in mind that the extremes are in power now but most of us are somewhere in the middle. 
Will the Hollywood squares go on forever?  
The Songwriters Hall of Fame is bringing in The Doobie Brothers, George Clinton, Ashley Gorley, Rodney Jerkins, Mike Love and Tony Macaulay. 
Jack Smith resigned for the DOJ. 
The L.A. fires are a tragedy and we send love to them all. We will never know the names of so many of those that lost homes or family members. But many famous people also lost homes like Paris Hilton, Billy Crystal, Jeff Bridges, Cary Elwes, Ricki Lake and Melissa Rivers. The Hollywood sign survived. Quit blaming others when you seem to have no idea what you are talking about. My own ears heard a bar patron tell others bogus info about fire trucks from other states. This was a story lifted directly from Fox news. He also stated that people in California deserve what they get because of the people they elected to run their state. I hope he keeps this in mind when the Trump administration wreaks its havoc. Did half the country forget how to think for themselves? ** And while I am at it, why are there still Trump flags everywhere? The election is over. Do they think they will forget his name? Give it a rest. Are these the same folks that leave up the X-mas decorations til Valentines day? ** UPDATE: A few days after I wrote this, I happened to drive by a town that is known for its racism and sure enough there was a yard full with Trump and Christmas paraphernalia at the end of January. These are the same folks. ** Some are saying that trump is cool to many people. What? The man is a joke. Yes, a joke that could leave us with serious consequences but still a joke. It is like Jethro was given the White House except at least Jethro had a heart and he wasn’t a Nazi. 
You can become the President of the US as a felon! - Joe Exotic 
The ratings for Late Night with Seth are up.  
Zendaya is engaged to Tom Holland. ** Caitlin Hale wed Angelo Massagali. 
The Pope called nuns, “vinegar faces” and told them not to gossip. 
Beyond SNL should be a series. They have enough material. 
Chuck Todd is out at NBC. 
We seem to have a cease fire in Gaza. Some say it is thanks to both administrations. 
If you want religion in schools, I want the IRS in churches- Comrade Sisko 
A$AP Rocky is on trial for 2 felony assault charges from 2021. He is also hosting the Met Gala in May along with Anna Wintour, Lewis Hamilton, Pharrell Williams and LeBron James. 
A judge ordered My Pillow to pay $778,000 to delivery service, DHL. ** Rudy Giuliani was held in contempt again. Was he just waiting for Scary Clown to take office and all of his $ issues would just disappear? Do any of these people pay their bills? In the end, Rudy agreed to stop defaming Ruby Freeman and Wadrea Moss. He gets to keep his property and the next trial is dismissed. Done? 
Trudeau resigned. ** Will President Musk leave the other countries alone? He is apparently at every meeting at Mar A Lago. Does he think he runs the world now that he has Trump in his pocket? Probably so. ** Isn’t it ridic that they are creating different departments when they said they would be downsizing? The ERS? What? That is customs, we already have that. Just more money spent. Is Musk going to pay for all this if we can get him away from microdosing for a minute? And these are not real departments, they are made up. Congress creates Government departments. ** The confirmation hearings are pretty disgusting. More Tammy Duckworth please!! An affidavit was sent to the Senate alleging violence from Pete Hegseth. It was sent from his former sis in law, Danielle. It didn’t matter. He was confirmed. Kristi Noem is in and already making no sense. Each pick is more rancid than the last! ** Doctors are urging the Senate to reject RFK Jr. 
Gavin Newsom met with Trump and seemed to kiss ass. That does seem to be the new normal. Trump says terrible things about you and then you have to smile and take it so you can help your people. Why is the President still wearing a MAGA hat? Isn’t America better yet? 
Re: Trump and veterans: They’re just trying to make money off the backs of veterans. - Tammy Duckworth 
After the plane disaster, Trump couldn’t wait to blame everyone else. Gee, when you fire all the safety folks, like head of the FAA, things could happen. ** META has to pay $25 mil to the President. ** The new FCC Chief is investigating NPR and PBS. Saw that coming. 
President Musk wants to bring smart, talented people from other countries to have our jobs. Why not give proper funding to the gifted programs in this country so our own can have those great jobs? ** Perhaps he should be worried about his failed rocket and exploding vehicles and leave the rest of us alone. ** The congressional budget office says that the tax cuts alone will cost about $5trillion. Is Musk gonna cover that cost? ** It seems that the Presidents are already trying to work out a 3rd term. ** The U.S. has paused most foreign aid. 
Donald Trump has let ignorance flourish. It’s time to fight back. - Rex Huppke ** Melania is so uncomfortable. - Isaac Mizrahe ** Scary Clown was given an unconditional discharge on all charges for the hush money trial. I’ll bet those jurors feel like fools. What a waste of their time. The same goes for all the Jan. 6ers. All the time and money it took to punish the offenders is just wasted. The lesson is that if you want to kill law enforcement be sure that you put on a MAGA hat first. I guess that Trump hates police. ** I suppose it will be an interesting experiment to see who they kill next. Should Pence go into hiding? **Let’s not forget that he also gave full pardons to Andrew Zabavsky and Terence Sutton. They were involved in the death of Hylton Brown and then covered it up. It is a good thing that Manson and Gacy are passed or we’d probably have them on the loose again. ** Just the release of all these criminals should be enough for impeachment. It is a public safety concern to have him in office. ** Funny how Trump said he would instantly fix everything. Now he complains that he was left a mess and he can’t just fix it. The coffers should be empty by the time he leaves, the way he is spending, if he leaves. He is freezing and unfreezing stuff funds and rules. Anything for the chaos! ** About 17 Inspectors General were pushed out. 
Over 100 years later, it seems like Trump is our Titanic (or Lusitania). It has taken less than 100 years for the NAZI’s to take back power. The spirit of Hitler is back with Musk’s Nazi salute and Stuart Rhodes in for muscle. The Oath Keeper abused his own family. What might he do to us?  Since half of the country is fine with it, why don’t they just admit what they are? Why so afraid? ** It was so sad to see 30 miles of black fence around Washington for the inauguration. Violence makes the world a little less beautiful every day in so many ways. Tik Tok dude was there next to Tulsi Gabbard. Bezos, Zuckerberg and Nazi leader, Musk, the Unholy Trinity were on full display on Jan. 20. I guess this proves what a regular guy Scary Clown is. Hooray to the women who refused to come like Karen Pence, AOC, Pelosi and Michelle. Was it a thorn in his side that the Clintons showed up? Hope so. It seems like those folks that played at inaugural events and participated in celebrations make it clear that they don’t care what the rest of us think. They seem to have the same narcissistic bone as their Presidential friend. Where was that stupid garbage truck?   In only a few days, the rich are already a lot richer. ** I don’t understand why Trump never wants anything released since he makes it clear that he does no wrong. The most unhappy man in the world is back to bitching about water pressure and wind turbines. Why is he the only one with water pressure issues? I suppose it is a priority because it only affects him. ** Did anyone see the pic of all the MAGA hats in Greenland? It turns out that Don Jr. gave them to homeless people and told them to wear them for a photo op and they would get a free meal.  
Re: RFK Jr.: He is a predator. - Caroline Kennedy ** Of course, the Republicans seem to like that sort of thing, he is probably a shoe in now. It makes me a bit sick to see Cheryl Hines standing by her dickhead of a man. 
Turn the valve back towards Los Angeles/ When you’re a rich person, you like to take a shower. - Scary Clown 45&47 
The hundreds of executive orders being signed will turn our country over to litigation for the next 4 years and nothing will get accomplished. The Nazi dictators will stop at nothing to take the country backwards. Is it that they can’t feel like real men unless they take everybody else’s rights away? They do not seem strong enough to actually participate in life unless the deck is stacked against the rest of us. Weak! This mixed- up obsession they seem to have with fear and respect is textbook. We need to tell the man every day that he is not a king until he believes it. ** Kicking out career diplomats, allowing only 2 genders, release of the JFK, RFK and MLK files and bringing down FEMA are just the beginning. It will take months to even figure out all the damage since they are so shady. And we are not safe with all the violent criminals he is letting out. Many of the Republican office staff suggest that they are afraid for themselves and their families if they speak out. He wants to dismantle everything good that his predecessors have done. The lawsuits are already started. The President signed a ‘memo’ to bring down inflation. He is also a fan of the private prison since his friends can make big $ on that. ** Dr. Phil and actual bounty hunters seem to be in the chase for illegal immigrants. 
I was his biggest defender the entire election season and now his billionaire administration official, Musk is trying to strip me of thousands of dollars of subscriber revenue that I use to fund my independent journalism. It’s outrageous. I worked my ass off to help Trump and now I’m being retaliated against, censored and deliberately financially attacked. - Laura Loomer 
Mexico and Colombia are turning planes of possible immigrants away but then there are threats and now a continuing expensive mess. 
Tik Tok is a national security risk- Rep. MIke Turner 
How funny is it that Susan Markowski is surprised that trump let the criminals out of prison. Other republicans are playing stupid too. Are they deaf or have some mental issues?  It is clear that they don’t mind looking stupid as long as they have power. It is like the Klan does not work quite as well in small factions but put them all together and we are fucked. ** Menthol cigarettes will not be banned. There is no more Denali or Gulf of Mexico for the Republicans. Everybody else will still call them their real names. There are firings and withholding of funds and it will keep going. It is like Jefferson Davis Pickett is a real person. He even gives that same smirk of disapproval, always sour. Trump takes Andrew Jackson’s quote very seriously: To the victor belongs the spoils. The man does not understand that one looks stronger and smarter when they hire competent people.  
The Washington Post claims an aide working for Mike Johnson persuaded Republicans not to issue a subpoena for former WH aide Cassidy Hutchinson at the Jan. 6 committee. It is said that they feared it could expose the sexual texts many of them had sent her. 
New Press Secretary, Karoline Leavitt is just another delusional Trumper. He does seem to love to put young women out there and watch them say wonderful things about him as  they squirm. Why are his press secretaries so mean? 
I need to get out of this Hell hole. - Harvey Weinstein 
A student fell off a pole and died celebrating the Eagles win.  
Sen Bob Menendez was sentenced to 11 years in prison for corruption and bribery.  
It has been said that 89% of Trump’s total wealth came in the last couple of weeks with help from the shit coin. Most of the sales are from overseas. It seems a safe and easy way to funnel $ to him with no questions asked. ** I think my biggest concern with all this mess is the new team getting a hold of facts and changing official records because they can. Will Nazi’s be looked on as a bad thing by the time they are thru? 
Many Federal DEI employees are on paid leave. How does that save the country money? ** ***** 
White House.gov has taken down founding documents, the constitution, the Bill of Rights, tourism, internships and info about former Presidents. They claim it will be back. The Nazi’s are here. 
And just in time, Duck Dynasty is back. 
Bill Burr seems miffed at Howie Mandel for blindsiding him on a podcast. Give ‘em Hell, Bill!!! 
Officer Brian Sicknick would still be alive if it weren’t for Donald Trump. - Occupy Democrats ** Perhaps the Capitol security or police should refuse to watch over Republicans since they can’t be counted on to defend them. 
Have you seen the back and forth t shirts with Mac Culkin and Ryan Gosling? Cute! We need a silly sweet story right now.  
Sexual assault news: Sexual harassment suspect Brett Ratner has been pegged to direct a doc about Melania Trump. That sounds about right. ** Cartoonist Darrin Bell was arrested on child porn charges. ** It looks like Visa and MasterCard willingly let people charge illegal child sex abuse content according to a whistleblower. ** Marilyn Manson won’t be charged with any sexual abuse after a 4 -year investigation. 
R.I.P. John Capodice, Tesla truck victim, Wayne Osmont, Tomiko Itooka, Jeff Baena, Britt Allcroft, Mike Milligan, Brenton Wood, Peter Yarrow, Richard Cohen, Jet blue landing gear victims, Jack Waddell, Bill Byrge, Mike Rinder, DJ Unk, Antioch high victims, Turkish ski resort victims, Sam Moore, Christian Juttner, Claude Jarman Jr., Phyllis Dalton, Francisco San Martin, Harvey Laidman, Reagan National Airport crash victims, Medevac jet victims, Lynne Taylor- Corbett, Leslie Charleson, sea turtles, Jules Feiffer, John Sykes, Bob Uecker, Joan Plowright, David Lynch, Garth Hudson and Marianne Faithfull. 
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gcldfanged · 2 months ago
Angeal: I was going to suggest we roleplay an office romance, but I’d get way too into it. Jae-hyo: What- HOW??? Angeal: You’d be like “Come to bed, Mr. President~” and I’d be like, “We need to increase the amount of SOLDIER presence in Wutai by a factor of 18.”
Angeal: Who hurt you? Jae-hyo: *snorting* What, you want a list? Angeal: ...Yes, actually.
Angeal: Jae-hyo is playing a little hard to get. Angeal: Little does he know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Angeal: We should get you to a doctor for a check up immediately. What if it happens again, and there isn’t anyone around to help you? What if it’s congenital? Oh my God- Was it me? Did I hurt you?! Jae-hyo: …You realize any other person that made their partner pass out in bed would simply feel really proud of themselves, right?
Jae-hyo: *delirious due to a killer migraine* Advil me up, Daddy- Angeal: I will have R&D surgically remove the language part of your brain if you say anything like that ever again.
Jae-hyo: I’d kill someone if you asked me to. Angeal: I’m pretty sure you’d kill someone even if I didn’t ask you to.
Jae-hyo: Why do you think I don’t like you? I do... I would kill for you. Jae-hyo: Ask me to kill for you- Angeal: Uhm, first of all- Please calm down.
Jae-hyo: *trying to flirt with Angeal* I think both our families suck.
Angeal: Jae, when is your birthday? Jae-hyo: Why? So you can look up my dossier? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me? Angeal: … So I know when to wish you a happy birthday?
Angeal: *pointing his camera at Jae* There he is, my cute boyfriend! Jae-hyo: *covered in blood and smoking a cigarette while glaring at a random passerby* WHAT'RE YOU FUCKIN' STARIN' AT, HUH?!
Jae-hyo: Don’t preach to me about romance, Angeal. I had a threeway in one of those revolving luxury nightclubs on Midgar's Topside.
Angeal: *raising his sword at Zack* Face me! Jae-hyo: *standing behind Angeal while holding a knife and silently mouthing out the words 'DO NOT.'*
Jae-hyo: Hey, about that love letter you sent me- Angeal: *blushing* So... what are your thoughts? Jae-hyo: Yeah, the fourth sentence... Angeal: Yeah, that’s where I got really emotional and I- Jae-hyo: It’s 'you’re' not 'your'.
Jae-hyo: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy. Angeal: I would be happy if you ate regularly, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep. Jae-hyo: I said 'within reason', Angeal... Hey, how 'bout I murder that guy? Angeal: So murder is within reason but proper self care isn't? Jae-hyo: Well, duh- What the fuck kinda question is that?
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