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moonlit-dreamers · 11 months ago
holy shit, me drawing and posting something? wow. so rare, i know
anyway saving the light au be upon ye
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sometimes sunshine needs comfort... and a lot of it-
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fisheadz · 3 months ago
I’ve finished revising another chunk of my WIP In Sound Mind fic, so here it is! It might change a little by the time I actually post the fic, so there’s that. Big might though. Criticism is welcome, but be warned that I am baby. Hi, Virginia!
The room with the large television was lit up, so he went in. The smaller T.V’s on the shelves around it were on, all of them showing that same eye.
Walking a little further, the big screen suddenly clicked on with a burst of static. Desmond jolted back, but froze when he saw the figure on it. Virginia, as he remembered her from his flashbacks and spontaneous visions. She was distorted, and hiding her face from view, but it was her.
Hm. The mirror in the room behind him, the monster only noticing him when he looked. Maybe if he managed to turn all the screens to the woman on the television, it’ll show up and he could run it into the mirror. The other mirrors had had important items behind the otherwise indestructible glass, so hopefully this one was the same. Besides, it could get him one step closer to defeating the ghost.
Desmond got to work turning all the eyes to the girl. Every other one had her crumpling into herself, and Desmond felt bad, even though it wasn’t truly her.
With the last eye turned to the image of Virginia, the smaller screens began to flicker. A scream echoed through the room as the image jolted, hair falling upwards as she wailed. Then, the glass exploded, and the monster rose from the sparks and smoke in all its smoky, sharp, very angry glory.
With a shill cry the thing lunged, and Desmond made a mad dash for the mirror. Her gnarled claws grazed his back, lightly grazing his skin, and he just barely made it to the mirror before it could catch him. He ducked past it, and when it got close enough the glass surface shattered, sending it back into the floor as it shrieked.
The wooden frame spun a few times from the force, and on it, where the glass was, was another note from the Man, a sketch of the monsters tearful mask under the words.
“The world is better off without the broken.
They bring pain and they inflict their pain onto others.
Are you broken as well?”
That wasn’t true. Virginia wasn’t broken. She was hurting from something that happened to her in the past. Something had made her so scared and angry, she lashed out at everyone. She was healing though, he knew that much. But, what had changed? To turn her into that thing?
While there was nothing of actual value revealed by breaking the mirror, there was a room behind the T.V, blocked off by sparking electrical wires. Luckily, taking the fuse from its box solved that.
On the other side was a dollhouse, of all things. He left the door out to the store blocked by the plank; no point in exposing himself. There was a note from the manager about a crash leading them to use the toys department as storage, and a note written in pink crayon by the dollhouse.
A puzzle it seemed. Mother in the freezer, father in the loading bay, brother in storage, and the writer in the trash. Desmond has a feeling he knew just who said writer was, especially after seeing the tiny broken mirror on an upper level, the plastic floor stained with blood.
There was a blocked door across from the glass ones, and beside it was an old claw machine. Inside was a single stuffed bear, and getting closer he could see a key hung on the claw. Obviously the key was for something, even though he couldn’t quite see what kind of key it is through the glass. If only he had a coin….
Sighing, he resigned himself to dying here, in this twisted version of a poorly managed, haunted supermarket, and decided to go get a coin from the registers in the meantime.
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n9ph · 2 months ago
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approxdailymopdog · 2 years ago
can you draw mopmaru having a blast. in a water part or something. having fun.. unbothered
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i dont rlly like drawing characters in bathing suits or wahtever so take another form of relaxation: doing fuck all
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hells-sirenqueen · 7 months ago
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"Oh he's a devoted knight still, darling. Just not to you. Don't let the loss of a brilliant angel stop you in your tracks. I look forward to the challenge ahead." A slow toothy grin forms over her lips, "I'm already one step ahead in claiming my paradise. One chain at a time.~"
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percentwheat · 6 months ago
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my sons wraith and hillbilly and their brother trapper
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heights n whatnot :pppppppppp
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twolefthands · 3 months ago
pppppppppp pp pay jay
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strawberry-selfships · 6 months ago
can’t be a good helper around the bugle if I can’t be a good helper if I can’t take dictation :p no matter who’s girlfriend walks in heheheehe
I will admit ive never seen her in person before, only in like the footage about her work they show in schools sometimes and stuff, and like I gotta say she has like . she has a really powerful presence (which i am familiar with with how much im around triple j) but when she asked me to dictate a message to you her features softened so much and it was like her whole vibe changed to like.. warm. and then she went back to being exuberant again but like i felt the air change . I think jjj did too, we both thought it was sweet
dr. octavius was busy at work today so she wanted me to relay a message to you so I will :p
she said uhhh “Take care of yourself, hun. Can’t have you dwindling if I’m not there. Love you lots, dear. Don’t forget it.”
— @strawberry-selfships
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she was. busy at the bugle proofreading an article on alchemax wasn’t she. walked into jjj’s office already working on edits just to see him w a certain rabbit RAAAGRRRRRGRAHRG
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prfm-multiverse · 3 days ago
Hi! Did you get to download the concerts from Amazon Prime? I was looking for them, but haven't found anywhere and they had subtitles for lots of languages.
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chanyouchan · 1 year ago
chany, você pode me dar exemplos das suas capinhas? tipo, dos estilos? eu ainda fico perdida nelas e só sei diferenciar as colagens ajdfshhfdfdjkvkkjks
Oi, xu, confesso que eu mesma tenho dificuldade para dizer "okay, essa capa é x estilo", mas vou tentar aushah. Eu tenho mania de misturar uns estilos ou fazer capa que eu digo que é tal estilo e a maioria dos capistas não chama daquele nome (resumindo, eu uso como fonte as vozes da minha cabeça), mas ENFIM ausbahsb, vamo lá:
Essa primeira é uma colagem com bem "cara de colagem". Confesso que não costumo fazer muitas capas assim, mas é muito legal :))):
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Essa aqui também é colagem (esse é o "tipo de capa" que eu faço que eu propriamente chamo de colagem), mas tem um pouquinho de divertida e talvez um quê de fluffy:
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Essa aqui é uma colagem também, mas puxa um pouco para o dark (tem as cores mais escuras e etc):
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Saindo agora das colagens, aqui tem uma divertida sem ser colagem (as cores são vivas e a capa é bem cheia, mas não tem fotos e sim pngs e não tem cara de colagem (?)):
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Essa capa aqui é uma dark (capas dark eu geralmente faço assim, mais focado no personagem e na iluminação do rosto):
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BUT essa aqui também é uma dark, mas uma dark texturizada (com texturas):
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Até certo ponto, essa aqui também (uahdiadh desespero) pode ser considerada dark, mas eu levo ela mais romântica mesmo porque me passa a vibe e porque tem esse holográfico aí (tem flor? Não tem, mas a gente finge (romântica geralmente tem flor :p):
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Essa aqui eu também considero romântica, mas ela pode ser considerada uma meio dark. Por quê? Não sei, mas é isso:
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Essa aqui é meu tipo de romântica. Essa em específico pode ser considerada dark pra alguns porque ela é mais escura, MAS ELA É ROMÂNTICA, EU JURO T-T:
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Agora vamos às cleans. Essa aqui é clean MAS ela tem um quê de romântica (eu sei, isso já tá ficando confuso) porque tem as flores e ela é mais delicadinha e não tão simples:
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Essa aqui é meu estilo de clean "normal". Eu sei, talvez ela não pareça, mas eu só sei fazer clean assim quando tem personagens (o choro é livre):
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Essa aqui é a mais clean que tem porque não tem nada nela audhsaidhui:
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E essa aqui é fluffy ("ah, mas ela parece a sua clean de antes", EU SEI mas essa é mais fofinha (fingindo que faz sentido)):
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Eu sinto que não ajudei em NADA porque, como eu disse, eu sigo meu kokoro ajdhiksehfw eu faço o que acho que é e é isso (meu eu que estudou os estilos de capa há uns anos chora em posição fetal neste exato momento). Se você quiser dar uma olhada a mais, basta clicar na lupinha que tem no topo do meu perfil e pesquisar lá por "capa clean", "capa dark", etc porque eu separo elas por estilos (novamente, os estilos que eu acho que são ajjhdhdsad). Eu tô rindo porque percebi agora que eu misturo tudo e no fim sai essas coisas aí que eu não tenho vergonha na cara e chamo de x estilo :DDD. Espero que tenha ajudado de alguma forma (kkkkkkk?) e perdoa minha confusão.
Obs: tô me sentindo uma farsa depois disso; eu literalmente não sei estilos de capa :pppppppppp
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pinkslenderfolk · 4 months ago
pppp pppppppppp
pppp sppppppppp
pipp slpppppppp
pinp sleppppppp
pink slenpppppp
pink slendppppp
pink slendepppp
pink slenderppp
pink slendermpp
pink slendermap
pink slenderman
Yes? That is me?
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toadboatt · 4 months ago
I dont know whats wrong with my i dontknow whats wrong why am i crying why?? I have no idea, genuinely . and mY FUCKING PHONE IS BREAKING IM SO PISSED CAN BARELY TYPE im i g i v e. U pppppppppp
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skygodtraumabond · 2 years ago
<B ZyTt-!! heeeLLO! LLO?! :> TECHIE
still nothing. feel sicckknesss.sys maybe infEEEECTED?? Something.
:> I have to think positive!! KeepTHINKING /POS ITIVE!!!!
I miss them.
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castelias-cat-queen · 1 year ago
-Buneary Hybrid Anon
We're so glad that you're enjoying our new legislation!
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wndaswife · 2 years ago
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i speak suédois :pppppppppp pee pe poo po
WAAAAT!! is this you in this image??? really is it really you???? you are just :3 you are silly
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prfm-multiverse · 2 months ago
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2022.02.28 Perfume Anniversary 10days 2015 PPPPPPPPPP LIVE [3:5:6:9] (Amazon Prime Video)
Google Drive
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